Kill la Kill

Started by Foggle, October 03, 2013, 03:07:11 PM

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Yeah, I thought those moments were satirical in nature as well, so I wasn't bothered by them (although needless fanservice in general is a big turnoff for me when it comes to lots of anime).

Great article, Foggle!  :thumbup: I look forward to seeing more as Kill la Kill goes along.  :)


Thanks man! Future articles will probably be more of what you'd expect from episode blogging. I just really felt like someone had to address these issues, especially since some of the negativity I've seen in regards to them was, IMO, unfair. I mean, I get that some people might not like Ryuuko's outfit (I'm not the biggest fan of it either), but to say it "undermines her character" as some people have is missing the point and downright insulting to one of my favorite anime protagonists in years.


Plus there's the fact Ryuuko was obviously embarrassed/annoyed to be wearing the outfit in the first place, which is why she was wearing that cloak over it to cover it off before the Boxing captain's attack ripped it off. Also, her personality wasn't the slightest bit different after wearing that outfit, and it's her actions/personality that define her character, not her clothes. I don't understand the people who see it as "undermining" her character; it's like saying Yoko's outfit in Gurren Lagann undermines hers, when it really plays zero part in defining her personality/actions/relationships, y'know, the stuff that makes up a character in the first place. That said, I'm hoping the outfit reverts to how it looks in the posters in future episodes, because seeing her fight in the version shown in the first episode frequently would be a little annoying to watch, personally.


QuoteI don't understand the people who see it as "undermining" her character; it's like saying Yoko's outfit in Gurren Lagann undermines hers, when it really plays zero part in defining her personality/actions/relationships, y'know, the stuff that makes up a character in the first place.

Agreed. I understand that a lot of people are tired of female characters with skimpy outfits, but to me, ignoring the good qualities of characters like Ryuko and Yoko is even more of a problem as it creates a perception that a female has to be judged by the outfit she wears and whatnot, which is just insulting.

As far as the satire goes; there are those that will argue that because Ryuko still wears a skimpy outfit, it still presents some sort of problem, which completely misses the point of satire.


Quote from: Rynnec on October 06, 2013, 09:33:04 PM
I understand that a lot of people are tired of female characters with skimpy outfits, but to me, ignoring the good qualities of characters like Ryuko and Yoko is even more of a problem as it creates a perception that a female has to be judged by the outfit she wears and whatnot, which is just insulting.
THIS. I think anyone who says shit like that should be forced to watch all of The Woman Called Fujiko Mine on repeat until they understand the point it was trying to make.



Nice write up, really makes me want to watch the episode again.

I agree with you about the opening. It's not bad, but it did feel really underwhelming. I was hoping for something a bit more S-CRY-Ed-ish than what we got. I did think Fate/Zero's first OP was at least lyrically fitting.

I think episode 3 is getting a special screening, so it'll probably be a really good one.


Thanks! Lyrically, the Fate/Zero OP was fine, but everything else really clashed with the series' tone and content IMO.

It's getting a special screening? Oh, if only I could go...

I think the ideal Kill la Kill OP would probably resemble the one from Panty & Stocking. Just 30 seconds of the title being yelled over and over with some rock music in the background. :lol:

Dr. Ensatsu-ken

If they did the same thing as they did with the ending theme and made it a generic song over generic slice-of-life themed animation, then I would've fond the opening to be a good parody in how it contrasts the design of the rest of the show.

I do like that Senketsu is not some perverted rape icon like everyone was suggesting in the first episode. I also like that it's actually a character and can communicate with Ryuko, as there are a lot of interesting things that could be done with that.

One thing that really bugs me though is the hyperactive nature of having some characters talk incredibly fast in this show. I know that's part of the style and done for humorous effect, but just talking fast and loud in and of itself isn't really funny. It just gets grating after a while. I guess they are trying to parody the over-the-top villains that you see in most shounen series, but I just find that there are better ways to parody that kind of thing, and even if it does work the way that they are initially doing it, I can see it getting kind of grating for anyone if that keeps up long enough.

Still, overall the series has held my interest so far, so I'll keep watching it.


I dunno, the fast-talking doesn't bother me like it would in most shows. Here, I think they're just trying to fit as much content as they can into one episode, so the voice actors need to be on overdrive. It's actually done really well IMO; comes across as natural in the context of this series. Plus the voices actually sound nice... unlike in, say, Fairly Odd Parents.

Quote from: Ensatsu-ken on October 12, 2013, 11:35:12 AM
I do like that Senketsu is not some perverted rape icon like everyone was suggesting in the first episode.
I always knew it wasn't. The people who thought so were just overreacting and had probably never seen an Imaishi show before.

Dr. Ensatsu-ken

It's not exactly a good thing if you force fast-talking on characters just to cram a lot of stuff into an episode, as in, you shouldn't be purposefully rushing things if you are behind writing a show, even if it's a comedy. That said, I don't actually think that's why they do it in the first place. I still think it's just for comedic effect, and like I said, I just don't find it that funny, but I can see why other people would.

To be clear, the over-the-top voices are all great, so I'm not criticizing that aspect of the show as it perfectly fits in with its tone. I just find the fast-talking to be an overused gimmick in many comedic anime series that just doesn't do anything for me in the best situations (like with this series), and in the worst situations downright annoys the fuck out of me, which thankfully this series hasn't gotten to doing (or at least not yet).


I definitely agree that simply talking in over the top voices isn't funny. I find myself laughing a lot at this series, but it's always because of the slapstick or the dialogue itself, never the voices. I do really love the acting though; I think the VAs are doing an excellent job so far.

Quote from: Ensatsu-ken on October 12, 2013, 11:45:34 AM
It's not exactly a good thing if you force fast-talking on characters just to cram a lot of stuff into an episode, as in, you shouldn't be purposefully rushing things if you are behind writing a show, even if it's a comedy. That said, I don't actually think that's why they do it in the first place. I still think it's just for comedic effect, and like I said, I just don't find it that funny, but I can see why other people would.
You're probably right, since it's really only the battle dialogue that's fast and loud.


It's still not working? That's terrible.


Apparently episode 3 has already had its special screening. I did not know this and may have accidentally stumbled upon some spoilers. Now, this isn't confirmed, but from what I hear

Click at your own risk
Seriously, don't read this
Are you sure you want to continue?
Don't say I didn't warn you
Mako dies.


I hope to god that spoiler's fake. :shit: