Dragon Ball (All Series)

Started by Spark Of Spirit, March 14, 2011, 07:58:17 PM

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Dr. Insomniac

I guess Laura Bailey's sick of having to fly to Texas to play Kid Trunks every year.


Here are two previews of the dub.

Yeah, it pretty much sounds how you expect it would.  I'm assuming this is going to air either on Toonami or Disney XD (since they have Pokemon and Yokai Watch).

Dr. Ensatsu-ken

In this year's DB-Cember, TFS is tackling the top 24 Dragonball villains....which in all honesty, even as a hardcore fan myself, is a huge stretch since there are only a handful of villains from the franchise that are truly that memorable. Personally, I think that making a list for the top 24 characters in general would have made much more sense.

Since we are going for that many villains, though, I really hope that some of the Red Ribbon Army commanders receive some much needed love and respect here. That saga has some of the most underrated and entertaining baddies in all of Dragonball, and at the very least both General Blue and Tao Pai Pai deserve to make it somewhere on the list.


You'd think there'd be plenty enough choices out there that Hiredegarn of all things wouldn't make the cut.

I do hope to see some love for some OG DB villains. Too bad they aren't including Super, since I'd be curious to see where they'd have ranked Zamasu/Black.

Dr. Ensatsu-ken

I just bought the Dragonball 4-movie collection. I always had a soft spot for the original three movies, myself, and while none are great on their own, I personally find them more appealing and true to the spirit of the series than most of the DBZ movies.

On a side note, I've noticed that the DBGT complete series set has been sitting at that Walmart for months. Literally just that one single copy has gone untouched forever. It's also ridiculously cheap at just $25 for a 64-episode anime series. And yet, it still contimues to go unpurchased. That really says it all, doesn't it? :sly:

Dr. Ensatsu-ken

I want another Dr. Slump anime. I want it now. Make it happen, Toriyama and Toei!

No, but seriously, the fourth-wall breaking, the countless references and in-jokes, Vegeta internally monologuing about how battle manga characters are disadvantaged against gag manga characters....this is the most Toriyama thing that I've ever seen since his prime in the 80's. In fact, if you were to tell me that Toriyama himself wrote this episode, then I would believe you. If not, then kudos to whoever wrote these gags for being the biggest Dr. Slump and Dragonball fan ever.

I read through all of Dr. Slump just last year, and I already want to re-read it again.

Dr. Insomniac


Man, I can't wait to watch the new DB/Dr. Slump crossover. I'm holding off on it right now because I want to revisit the original crossover from the anime (and maybe the one from the 1997 Dr. Slump series) first, but it really sounds like everything great about Slump and Toriyama's sense of humor rolled into one big love letter of an episode.

Dr. Ensatsu-ken

Get ready to enjoy a whole month of DBD: http://youtu.be/pL-HXdtQbK4

I'm really glad that he covered how legitimately clever Vegeta is in the first half of this arc. For a series that gets criticized for just being about power fantasy and energy blasts, this does a lot to disprove those notions and show just how good Toriyama can be at actually moving his plot along while avoiding cliche fights.

I also like how he goes into detail about the little art inconsistencies in Toriyama's drawings. Even with my attention to detail as a huge fan, I must admit that I never caught some of these. Like, I knew that the Kanji on Goku's gi changed when he put on a new one at this part, but I never realized the addition to his boots until MF pointed it out in this video.


"Ryu is like the Hank Hill of Street Fighter." -BB_Hoody


Quote from: Dr. Insomniac on June 21, 2016, 04:18:00 AM
The Trunks arc sounds neat, but I'm still waiting for the eventual dub. No offense to Masako Nozawa since I admire her dedication to the role after so long, but hearing her voice coming out of Black Goku would feel off. Like when she played Bardock.
Funny enough, she was great as Black Goku. Much better than her normal Goku even. I hear that Schemmel's Black Goku is bad to mediocre, ironically.
"Ryu is like the Hank Hill of Street Fighter." -BB_Hoody

Dr. Ensatsu-ken

He has only been able to do some lines for Goku Black in the video game Xenoverse 2, which contains no real dramatic context for him to get a proper feel for the character, and not much in the way of worthwhile material to work with. I believe it's a bit unfair and presumptuous to call his portrayal poor until we actually see it in the dub for Super itself.

Dr. Ensatsu-ken

Man, this year's DB-cember is pretty disappointing so far. They really should have done a top 24 characters list in general rather than trying to force one out solely for the villains. Quite frankly there just aren't enough to make a proper and meaningful top 24 list. We're already up to the 15th spot and not only are all of the villains present still fodder, but they aren't even decent fodder. Garlic Jr. is a garbage villain and always has been. In this case I really will be pissed if General Blue and Tao Pai Pai are omitted from this list when the likes of Broly and Hirudegarn made it on here.

I suppose that next year will be the top 24 heroes, and that has more potential to be interesting, but I've really been wanting to see a top 24 fights list since they first started these annual celebrations.


Yeah, a top 24 villains list really doesn't work for Dragon Ball.  So far, it's felt like they've just arbitrarily ranked a bunch of middling to downright awful villains so that they can fill up space.  I know that they didn't want to include Super because it's still ongoing, but they might as well have since Black and Zamasu's qualities as villains aren't even comparable to the trash on the list so far.

Dr. Ensatsu-ken

And hell, as questionable as it is whether he really qualifies as a villain or not, Hit would be a good inclusion on this list. He's at least more compelling of a character than anyone else on the list so far.

The only ones who I've agreed with so far are Zarbon and Dodoria, since their ranking makes sense and they are at least somewhat memorable.