Most Anticipated Video Games

Started by Spark Of Spirit, December 27, 2010, 06:00:40 PM

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Dr. Ensatsu-ken

Best of luck getting used to console TPS controls! :>


Surprisingly, I've actually gotten pretty good at TPS on consoles. For some reason, twin stick aiming works really well for me when I can actually see my character.

Dr. Ensatsu-ken

That just proves that it's all in the head, then, because for all intents and purposes aiming controls are the same for both FPS and TPS games, the only difference is the perspective. You still get crosshairs in both, after all.

Dr. Ensatsu-ken


Best of luck getting used to console RTS controls! :>


Quote from: Dr. Ensatsu-ken on September 28, 2014, 08:41:26 PM
That just proves that it's all in the head, then, because for all intents and purposes aiming controls are the same for both FPS and TPS games, the only difference is the perspective. You still get crosshairs in both, after all.
Might be. But TPS aiming just feels more smooth to me than FPS aiming for some reason, in general. I don't know if it's acceleration or frame rate or FOV or whatever, but FPS on consoles have always felt really jerky to me. Unless they were made specifically for them, like Halo, which controls perfectly on a gamepad.

Quote from: Dr. Ensatsu-ken on September 28, 2014, 08:42:20 PM

Best of luck getting used to RTS controls! :>
Good thing I only play StarCraft and Age of Empires. :P


Dr. Ensatsu-ken

Christ! This game looks tough as balls!

It's very telling when they had to get one of the actual devs to beat the demo for them. :D


Nice! Will watch it in a minute.

Apparently The Evil Within is also really difficult. Normal mode is supposed to be comparable to most games' Hard mode. That isn't really abnormal for a good horror game, though; it's not scary if you don't feel like you're in danger!

Dr. Ensatsu-ken

Yeah, while I enjoyed RE4, I never found it scary because, quite frankly, the game is pretty damn easy, at least on Normal difficulty. Something like F.E.A.R. could actually be quite tough, but only from normal enemy encounters, whereas most scares were kept psychological, with the one ones causing you any harm coming much later in the game.

Watching that Alien: Isolation demo, though, I really love how damn well they managed to capture the feeling of tension from the original film. Everything fits, from the motion tracker to the flame thrower, they included every iconic thing about the first movie and seem to have nailed it. I especially love the atmosphere and sound effects.

By far the best thing about this game is that literally NONE of the gameplay I've seen so far has been scripted. All of the Xenomorph spawns are random (you can clearly see this in the demo), and it's completely controlled by the AI. I just loved it when one of the speed runners tried to outrun it, and seemingly succeeded, only for it to ambush and kill him from an open vent in the ceiling when he ran without caution for too long. It was something that felt cinematic, like you would actually see in a movie, but it was all the result of pure gameplay mechanics which lead to that death. I also love that death where the one guy made it into the room upstairs and opened up his motion tracker, only to realize that the Xenomorph was right behind him by having its tail pierce straight through him in that awesome death animation.

The game is clearly really fucking difficult, from all reports and gameplay that I've seen so far, but in a good way. I just hope that the critics don't give it a hard time just because it's tough.


I actually thought RE4 was pretty challenging on my first playthrough... :(

To be fair, though, apparently Capcom kept lowering the difficulty with each successive port. Like, the GameCube version is supposed to be fairly tough, the PS2 version somewhat less so (though Separate Ways was brutal at times), the Wii version even less so, and the 360/PS3/Steam version even less so. My first time playing the game was on the PS2.

Isolation and TEW will probably get bad reviews because of their high difficulty level, honestly. They don't have Souls in the title, after all.


I first played RE4 on the GameCube shortly after its release (How did later ports decrease the difficulty?). I died a few times. Also, I think the Iron Maidens were scary. Then there was that strange white bag in the dumpster on the island that starts wriggling up and down when you check it, that we otherwise know absolutely nothing about. That thing really freaked me out and still does.


They made ammo and health items a lot more plentiful across later versions. I actually compared the PS2 version to the Wii version myself and found this to be true. Though apparently I was wrong about the HD ports; people are saying they raised the difficulty back up to the level of the PS2 version.

Maybe I'm just bad at the game. :??: I've never seen anyone say it was easy before, though.


Everyone seems to say 4 was harder than 5, though I had more trouble with 5, honestly. I wouldn't say 4 was necessarily easy, though.


RE5 was definitely a lot harder in single-player, but that was due more to balancing issues rather than "real" difficulty IMO. Co-op was way easier than RE4, though.

Neither game is *hard*, but they're challenging enough to be fun (and in 4's case, scary), I'd say.


Wait, you just called RE5 "fun". :o