What Are You Currently Playing? 6.65: Neighbor of the Beast

Started by Foggle, February 28, 2014, 02:18:41 AM

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Anyone messing with AC: New Leaf's update? Sold my town to start a better one, imported my HHD info, using some of my AC Amiibo finally.


Finally got fatigued off of Xenoverse 2. I can only handle fetching Dragon Balls so many times only to get nothing for the effort. There are way too many "retrieve the Dragon Balls" missions this time around not to mention that is all you're going to be doing in one of the time rifts.

A lot's changed since my last post and majority of it is for the worse. The customizing is good, but the options are limited. You can't change colors on any of the story line outfits (isn't that why most people want to customize in the first place). Maybe it's just me but I want to change Vegito's outfit to white and red or something, but Dimps missed out on that.

I'm very iffy on the controls because the buttons tend to be unresponsive at bad moments. Snap vanishing to be exact. To counter snap vanishing you do back attacks (and to counter that you do like a little dash/shimmy). The CPU don't use shimmy but I do and when I go for a back attack at times it don't come out or it takes too long to come out. Tedious stuff.

Expert missions is BS.

I don't know, it's a good game to watch, and while it's decent enough to play it can get tedious because of what feels like clunky controls. It might be just me and I don't know the control scheme to well. I'd give it a C+/B-.


Street Fighter 5
Right now I'm going through a character crisis, but I think Necalli is good enough at the moment for me to consider him as my main for the time being. He's definitely a fun character and for quite some time I avoided using him because of his one charge move, but turned out it didn't hamper me at all. He simple enough for me to understand, and deals out damage fairly quickly. I just wish his character wasn't that of something like a wild animal.

I also tried using Urien and while he feels strong, without a fight stick I cannot play as him. He's a true charge character and I tried some of his combos and I cannot get the timing down for nothing. It's cool though because I'm still gonna use Karin and probably try out Ibuki.
3S - Ken, Yang, Makoto
USF4 - Yun, Ibuki, Decapre, Poison
SF5CE - Ken, Karin, Chun Li, Laura, Poison
SF6 - Ken, Juri, Jamie, Chun Li


Ended up getting a PS4 on Black Friday. Got Uncharted 4 & Ratchet & Clank, along with Uncharted Collection, God of War III Remastered, Shovel Knight & Dragon Quest Heroes. Only played Ratchet & Clank so far and it plays just as well as it always has. I always find it funny that it says that recording has been suspended whenever it reaches movie's cutscenes.


"Ryu is like the Hank Hill of Street Fighter." -BB_Hoody


I have Final Fantasy 15 but I've yet to start it. Not sure if I'm ever gonna get to it because of the amount of time I've been putting into Street Fighter 5. Speaking of which.

Street Fighter 5
Despite the crappy launch and how bare the game is, the game, and some of the cast is growing onto me. Chun Li for instance, the only time I've ever played as her was in Street Fighter 2 to get past Guile. Never bothered with her in 3rd Strike or USF4 because I didn't find her interesting. And while I don't even find her character to be that great here, but I'm an aesthetics kind of guy and when it comes to the females in this game, good God, Capcom outdid themselves with the design.

Anyway, so far, I've tried out Chun Li, Ken, Karin, Necalli, Urien, Ryu and Nash.

Chun Li (BAE 2) - I'm currently going through her trials as we speak. Her last trial is getting me, but I'm confident that I can pull it off. I heard people say she's boring to watch, and for the most part I do agree with this, but with her, I'd say she's like baseball. Boring to watch on tv, but better when you go to an actual game. She's boring to watch but fun to play (that can be said for the game itself)

Ken - I actually find him to be more difficult to play than Chun Li and this is because of his "Run". It's like a FADC, but the way he starts his combos is mostly <MP, HP (his typical target combo in all the games) and right now it's taking quite a bit of time to "FADC", < instead of > since in USF4 I always dash forward (giving a little bit away lol). Other than that he's fun and flashy.

Karin (BAE) - Something about this rich uppity girl gets in my head, and again aesthetic appeal, yeah.... (I would try Laura in this regard but it almost seems as if Capcom made her to be slutty). Aesthetics set aside, she is hard to use. I thought because of her tenko (dash uppercut) she'd be the female version of Dudley (she actually is considering her frame trap and reset potential), but man, one of her trial combos goes from tenko to shoulder which is quarter circle forward + K~P, quarter cirlce forward K, v(down)P and as simple as that look to do it is frickin hard, but despite all that she's also fun as hell to play and I hear she's one of the more rewarding characters in the game once you get your execution and fundamentals down. Current main even though my execution is trash as her.

Necalli - The only character whose trials I've actually completed. The guy is a "beast". Damage galore. Not sure if I want to main him, although, he is a pocket character in case my brother-in-law pisses me off with his Ryu.

Urien - Aesthetically appealing to the T. That stylish suit is so good. It kind of irked me when people were asking for naked Urien. Grown ass men asking for a naked man... This kind of stuff is what sets me off about the FGC (this childish mentality they have). Anyway, I cannot play this guy at all. Too much of a charge character for me which is a shame because the impact of his blows reminds me of Dudley.

Ryu and Nash - Now here are the characters that I find boring. The only thing that got me excited about Ryu is his halloween costume. I'm a sucker for anything samurai and when Capcom gave him that outfit I had to try him out. In terms of gameplay, I cannot shoryuken from a crouching position to save my life. Nash is a dashy guy, but he just too boring for me to even put time in.

I'm getting ready to try Juri and Ibuki out. I'm finally having fun despite all the negative talk (And Capcom digging their own grave). Also, I guess one could call me a Capcom shill because I'd put there games above the rest (at least in terms of Street Fighter), but that's mainly because the games are relatively simple but difficult at the same time. When it comes to other times like BB, GG, while I'll buy the games (to support the devs) and try them out I don't stick with them because it's too much on my brain (too many mechanics for me to grasp but the freedom is so good though)

tl;dr: Street Fighter 5 is actually fun lol.
3S - Ken, Yang, Makoto
USF4 - Yun, Ibuki, Decapre, Poison
SF5CE - Ken, Karin, Chun Li, Laura, Poison
SF6 - Ken, Juri, Jamie, Chun Li


I'm really enjoying Final Fantasy 15 so far. It's a nice, easy-going game with a fun cast of characters, beautiful soundtrack, and cheesy sense of humor. The story is enjoyable and easy to follow, even without watching the godawful prequel film (ignore anyone who tells you it's necessary; it's not, and is dreadfully boring). The open world isn't a slog to explore and there are little details, hidden dungeons, and easter eggs everywhere. Basically, imagine Final Fantasy 13... now imagine the exact opposite of that. It feels like a game from ten years ago, but I mean that in a good way (mostly), and probably represents the direction fans of 6, 7, 9, and 12 assumed the series would go in during the PS3 era.

As a side note, the pre-order bonus, A King's Tale, was a simple but fun 16-bit brawler with surprisingly great music. If it ever gets released on PSN/XBL for $5 or so, I highly recommend it.


Got God of War collection for $10 last week, popped the disc in, and played through the entire first game.

Long story short; it hasn't aged all that well. Between the unpolished combat and tedious puzzles, I really can't remember having any fun with the game at all. Ignoring all that, the final stretch of the game is just one long string of bullshit, starting with a blatant filler level that allegedly wasn't even play tested, and then a final boss filled with gimmicky bullshit, including a section where you have to face a horde of enemies while protecting an NPC with almost no way to heal yourself, and then a final final section where you lose all your weapons and are forced to use a weapon you literally just got that has way too much startup delay between its moves all against a boss that's both hyper aggressive and has attacks that come out instantly.

With all these flaws, I'm amazed that the series got off the ground to begin with. I wouldn't recommend it even as a casual game. Fortunately the sequel is already an enormous improvement, you're better off just starting with II and skipping the first game entirely.


Quote from: Rynnec on December 04, 2016, 02:01:40 AM
Got God of War collection for $10 last week, popped the disc in, and played through the entire first game.

Long story short; it hasn't aged all that well. Between the unpolished combat and tedious puzzles, I really can't remember having any fun with the game at all. Ignoring all that, the final stretch of the game is just one long string of bullshit, starting with a blatant filler level that allegedly wasn't even play tested, and then a final boss filled with gimmicky bullshit, including a section where you have to face a horde of enemies while protecting an NPC with almost no way to heal yourself, and then a final final section where you lose all your weapons and are forced to use a weapon you literally just got that has way too much startup delay between its moves all against a boss that's both hyper aggressive and has attacks that come out instantly.

With all these flaws, I'm amazed that the series got off the ground to begin with. I wouldn't recommend it even as a casual game. Fortunately the sequel is already an enormous improvement, you're better off just starting with II and skipping the first game entirely.

Sorry. I know and feel your pain with that one long stretch. I could've literally tossed that game out my window if I were the one that bought it. I think what got that game off the ground was the "story" if you're into the greek mythology. I called it a knockoff version of DMC, but even then the only thing I can remember liking about the series is that you didn't have to worry about the camera angles (and how visceral it was)
3S - Ken, Yang, Makoto
USF4 - Yun, Ibuki, Decapre, Poison
SF5CE - Ken, Karin, Chun Li, Laura, Poison
SF6 - Ken, Juri, Jamie, Chun Li


Been playing Let It Die over the past few days, and wow, this is probably Grasshopper's best work since No More Heroes. It succeeds as a free-to-play game without ever truly pushing the microtransactions, though I will probably be purchasing the VIP Pass because I love the game and want to support the developers as much as possible. It's basically a Japanese console-style action RPG interpretation of a roguelike with an amazing Akira Yamaoka soundtrack (plus licensed songs from 100+ underground bands!), classic Suda51 charm, cartoon graphics, and an asynchronous multiplayer mode similar to MGS5's. Anyone with a PS4 should definitely try it out; it's free, after all!


Quote from: Mustang on December 04, 2016, 03:36:05 PM
Sorry. I know and feel your pain with that one long stretch. I could've literally tossed that game out my window if I were the one that bought it. I think what got that game off the ground was the "story" if you're into the greek mythology. I called it a knockoff version of DMC, but even then the only thing I can remember liking about the series is that you didn't have to worry about the camera angles (and how visceral it was)

The story was surprisingly decent for what it is. It felt close to the Greek Myths in terms of tone and scale, and even Kratos' assholishness had a reason behind it, it's the sequels where they start to go overboard and turn it into a typical adolescent power fantasy in the form of a bad fanfic. If there's anything else I can give GoW credit for, it's the visceral brutality of its combat, something I'm sad the reboot seems to be lacking (but I'll get to that later).

Finished Megaman Zero 1 to get the bad taste of GoW out of my mouth. It was challenging, but nowhere near as hard as people make it out to me. The only real problem I had was the level grinding system for the weapons and cyber elves..

Putting God of War II aside for now since my (rental) copy of Central Fiction came in. No dub aside it feels great to be playing BB again, all the new characters feel really fun to play and I'm willing to go through the challenge modes for a change. Trying to learn Nine and Azrael right now, and if all goes well, I may finally play at a decent level with a character other than Ragna for once. Might not be tackling online though, since I'm pretty bad at competitive play. :sweat:

Spark Of Spirit

The MMZ series was overrated in difficulty complaints. The problem was that the game doesn't give you a margin for error on higher difficulties, and getting 100% takes way too much time. 2 and 3 are better balanced difficulty-wise, but they're still not anything as nightmare inducing as, say, X6.

The only exception is MMZ4 which has some outright cheap difficulty. Especially Craft.
"The world will never starve for want of wonders, but for want of wonder." - G.K. Chesterton


Alright people. For the most part I don't particularly care much for Nintendo, with all the attention everyone is spending with my niece, I'm seeing how my nephew is responding to it, and I know for a fact that he is bored being cooped in the house all day (It goes much deeper than that, but that's more personal) so I'm gonna spend more time with him playing games. The only Nintendo console here currently is the Wii. I may get a WiiU just to spend time with him, but at the moment I'm gonna get games for the Wii. What games would you recommend for a 3 year old?
3S - Ken, Yang, Makoto
USF4 - Yun, Ibuki, Decapre, Poison
SF5CE - Ken, Karin, Chun Li, Laura, Poison
SF6 - Ken, Juri, Jamie, Chun Li


"Ryu is like the Hank Hill of Street Fighter." -BB_Hoody


Quote from: Mustang on December 17, 2016, 09:09:11 AM
Alright people. For the most part I don't particularly care much for Nintendo, with all the attention everyone is spending with my niece, I'm seeing how my nephew is responding to it, and I know for a fact that he is bored being cooped in the house all day (It goes much deeper than that, but that's more personal) so I'm gonna spend more time with him playing games. The only Nintendo console here currently is the Wii. I may get a WiiU just to spend time with him, but at the moment I'm gonna get games for the Wii. What games would you recommend for a 3 year old?
A 3-year-old? Kirby's Epic Yarn would be a great choice - it's very relaxing, simple, and cute. New Super Mario Bros. Wii and Donkey Kong Country Returns might also be good choices, provided you play them co-op with him, as they can get pretty tough in single-player. I would like to suggest Sonic Colors or either of the Super Mario Galaxy games, but they might be a little too complicated for someone that young.


Quote from: gunswordfist on December 17, 2016, 10:14:07 AM
A PS4.

No seriously, Rayman Legends.

If it were my choice I'd teach him how to play Street Fighter 3, but his parents don't want him playing fighting games yet. Will check out Rayman though.

Foggle, I've been told he's smarter than I thought so I'll try him out on Galaxy and Sonic as well. This looks like a good start, thanks fellas. I will be playing these with him as well (Perhaps I'll get over my dislike for Nintendo in the process... I am interested in the Switch)
3S - Ken, Yang, Makoto
USF4 - Yun, Ibuki, Decapre, Poison
SF5CE - Ken, Karin, Chun Li, Laura, Poison
SF6 - Ken, Juri, Jamie, Chun Li