Animation Revelation Shoutbox

Started by Neomysterion X. Prime, December 28, 2010, 04:20:30 AM

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I wonder what old Tony Morello is up to?

Dr. Insomniac


Wow, Tony sure has lost weight.


Okay Silverstar, you seriously need to stop responding to that retard dth1971.


Quote from: J!!! "I still can't get over it" JKun
As my senior year begins I would like to thank you for the time back in 9th grade where you could have saved my soul but instead threw me further into the darkness and made my temporary depression a permanent one by showing people who said I didn't deserve to exist things that would get me in trouble (even though it wasn't even that bad compared to what they've said and the fact that literally a day later I got over it and you know it because you were following my posts like a evil hawk) and make me really not want to exist.

You really are a terrible person.
So this is still ongoing apparently.
It doesn't matter what you say, soon you'll be dead anyway.

Dr. Insomniac

Yeah, didn't you apologize to him a few years ago?


That boy can sure hold a grudge.


Quote from: Daxdiv on August 09, 2013, 01:41:22 AM
That boy can sure hold a grudge.

And here I thought I knew how to hold'em.


Quote from: Dr. Insomniac on August 09, 2013, 01:36:36 AM
Yeah, didn't you apologize to him a few years ago?
Yeah, I did.  Several times in fact.  I don't know though, I'm so weirdly apathetic about it now.

Here's more:

Yeah I'm over it, soo....

Good luck to you though.

-Of course you'd get over something that had no affect on you

Meanwhile I'm in therapy n stuff. But hey take care of yourself.

Yeah? That's cool.

And will do.

-Alrighty then. I hoping Karma doesn't bite you back too bad either. Bye person I thought I could trust.

*I hope Karma

Alright that's it


Karma's gonna bite me?  Well, as long as she's hot...
It doesn't matter what you say, soon you'll be dead anyway.

Dr. Insomniac

God, if a kid kept bugging me about stuff like that, I would've yelled at him. You have a cooler temperament than I could ever have.


I hate that type of passive aggressiveness, be frank or keep it to yourself, geez... :wth:
A true genius does not need boundaries such as 'common sense'


Quote from: Micki! on August 09, 2013, 04:43:52 AM
I hate that type of passive aggressiveness, be frank or keep it to yourself, geez... :wth:

J is far too good-natured to ever be really mean. Even saying what he says now is probably very difficult for him.

This whole thing reminds me way too much of the crap that went down on the DBZOA's last days.

I really hate J'onn J'onnz for what he did. And Vekou for laughing like a jackass over the whole thing. And Cloud for being far too much of a brainless moron to put two thoughts together and realize what he was getting himself involved into.

Fuck them all with a cattle-prod.


Daft was technically as much to blame about the whole thing as Jonn was, but at least he caught on quickly that the whole thing was reprehensible.

Still, it's amazing to see how some people just aren't able to get over things, Be it an ordeal that was more your fault then you're willing to admit or a website no one cares about anymore.
Life is not about the second chances. It's about a little mouse and his voyage to an exciting new land. That, my friend, is what life is.

Sir, do you have any Warrants?
I got their first CD, but you can't have it, motherfucker!

New blog!


Quote from: Dr. Insomniac on August 09, 2013, 03:34:01 AM
God, if a kid kept bugging me about stuff like that, I would've yelled at him. You have a cooler temperament than I could ever have.
Yeah, it might've a year or more ago, but like I said I don't care anymore.  Whatever he is going through right now is his fault, not mine.  If he'd man up a little he could look past what happen and just continue living life.

I mean, look at this shit:

You're a real funny guy for someone who will ruin someone's life without a second thought

I mean crossdressing seriously? You told them to put that I crossdressed?

I've never even done that in my life

I'd say the military gave you these values but they teach you to save lives not harm them.

I remember one time you told a story of how you and your friend knocked some trading cards out someone's hands for some lulz

You're the kind of the person that makes people cut themselves, that makes them kill themselves and wish death on others

I don't know how you can get such sick depraved joy from hurting others but it's honestly disturbing

Bet you joined the military for a legal means to kill someone as well hm?

(I replied with this)You have a weird outlook on life if you think everyone joins the military just to kill people.

And yeah, I did tell a story about kicking some kid's yugioh cards, when I was a stupid teenager, more than ten years ago. But I've grown up. You should probably do the same. Grow up move on, get the fuck over it. What happened happened, why continue to bitch about it? Why are you letting this get to you so much, so long after it fucking happened.

I don't know what else you want from me, but I'm not gonna apologize. I'm done with this, I don't care about it, and if I don't care if you still want to drag it out. Apathy is a bitch huh?

btw, never said anything to anyone about you crossdressing(?) don't think I even knew about it until now. All I did was cut and paste two screenshots in which you talked about Colombine.

(And then his reply)

I've never crossdressed no but the letter they sent said I did it and I'm sure you read and reviewed the message before they sent it. I didn't want an apology either I just wanted to "reminisce" with you about how you got me in trouble in 9th grade and basically ruined my life to the point where what happened still follows me today as my parents don't trust me at all and I lost a lot of friends. I mean come on they called me a "N-gger" and "Coon" and said I didn't deserve to exist yet you felt inclined to share with them things that would ruin my life? What kind of person are you?

If you read the screencaps you'd have read that the same day I was talking about how much I loved going to the mall with girls and post on never losing your imagination because that's the most important thing of all. It didn't occur to you that maybe just maybe I was venting and while it was extreme it wasn't serious? No one I know in real life thought I was serious and in fact the reason they think I got in trouble (which because I know the kind of man you are I won't tell you) was much worse in a lot of ways because it made me look like a freak. But hey you (and just you) are the kind of person who would want to join the Military just to kill people so I know you don't have any apathy for what you did. Besides you'd need a human heart for it.

I didn't want an apology I just had to get this out of my system because while you don't care the fact that I got in trouble and had to transfer schools because of you bothers me especially when I see people saying and doing worst stuff everyday and they don't have people they trust betray them to the level you did and I just had to also "reminiscence" with you on the fact that I learned there were people in this world that would actually turn on people that trust them without a second thought. It's a lesson that did me well in learning not to trust almost anyone and it proved another post in that screencap of yours "Everyone you know and trust will betray you in the end. Be prepared" thanks for that.

You knew the kinds of dreams I had and you still did it. I mean it surprises me someone would actually do that to someone. Make such a dark record on someone's life just to gain the favor of a bunch of racists.

I guess another reason I did all this was because I had to verify that you were an actual person and not just a nightmare I created. But it seems you are and the whole thing is actually more disturbing now because of that.

I think that's all I have to say. Bye.

wtf?  Whatever, I'm done.  Like I said, I'm not apologizing, there's no need to, it's over.  I'm done with it, and even though he wasn't my friend on FB he still continued to message me and drag it on.  I finally got tired and just blocked him, and I don't know about any of you other mods/admins, but on the off chance he comes here and stirs shit up I'm banning him on site.  Time to stop playing games.
It doesn't matter what you say, soon you'll be dead anyway.


Joining the military to kill people, hah.  Doesn't he know that I'm in the Navy?  It's a very small percentage of us that'll ever have the remote chance of killing anyone.  If I was in the Marines or the Army he might have a point.

Shit, the only thing I'm good at killing being in the Navy is a six pack and some shots.
It doesn't matter what you say, soon you'll be dead anyway.