Remedy Entertainment

Started by Dr. Ensatsu-ken, December 31, 2010, 03:32:14 PM

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Dr. Ensatsu-ken

I've just started playing Control and I'm really digging it so far. Admittedly, I wasn't too impressed with previews of the game, and while I hadn't played Quantum Break since I don't own an XBOX ONE, the mixed reception from Remedy fans kind of confirmed my fears for that game and why it wasn't the direction I wanted to see this developer go in.

I'm a massive fan of the first two Max Payne games and Alan Wake, so seeing a game like Control take after Remedy's previous successes makes me very happy. For one thing, the story is absurdly weird and abstract in all of the ways that I like, but it has yet to be intrusive to the gameplay. There hasn't been a single forced walking section yet, and the majority of the story is stuff you discover on your own if you want to.

The gameplay is also highly unique from other shooters in the genre. It's clear that Remedy does NOT want to make a Gears of War clone, and I'm grateful for that. They made the clear choice to not include any cover mechanics or auto-regenerating health, with instead a clear focus on mobility during firefights. In fact, enemies drop health when you kill them, encouraging you to kill them from relatively close and strategically move through where you just killed them when you need some health back. From what I've seen of the gameplay in previews, there will be even more mobility options unlocked as I progress through the game.

Anyways, I'm really happy to be playing a new, good Remedy game for the first time in a decade. This is also really making me want to go back and replay Alan Wake in particular.


I've only played an hour of Control but I can already tell it's incredible. Remedy once again proving that they're some of the best in the business! I'm gonna need to replay the Max Payne and Alan Wake games, and finally play Quantum Break, once I finish it. The teaser image for the last DLC pack seems to contain key art from Alan Wake, and considering the implications of the story on what appears to be an overarching Remedy mythology of sorts, I have to say this is the most hyped I've ever been for a piece of downloadable content...

Dr. Ensatsu-ken

I love how the game gets continually more absurd (in a good way!) both in how trippy the story gets as well as in your abilities. You can upgrade your telekinesis to be able to hurl an entire forklift at enemies, and even levitate yourself. It feels more akin to Vanquish mixed with a bit of Dark Souls than a traditional TPS.

My only gripe with the game so far is the lack of harder difficulty settings. I loved replaying MP and AW on the more challenging settings, but you don't really have any such option in this game, which is a disappointment.


I'm in chapter 4 now and the gameplay is getting extremely fun! The powers are awesome and remind me a lot of Saints Row 4. The Alan Wake teasing easter eggs are getting to be too much for me to handle; Remedy bought the IP rights in July and there's no way you can convince me they aren't gonna finally continue that series somehow, either with a sequel or as part of DLC for this game. It's so hype.

The lack of difficulty settings is a bummer, but thankfully I do find it to be balanced really well for a first playthrough so at least it's got that going for it. My main gripes so far are the load times and the obviously shoehorned in "daily mission" type things, especially the timed ones - they just don't add anything to the game outside of some cheap trend following that will heavily date it in a decade. I'm also not entirely sure how the barrier power is supposed to work, as I almost died in the tutorial despite using it properly and then I got one-shotted by the enemies that spawned after I finished it. And I'm unsure why you can only have two weapons equipped at once when the left and right D-pad buttons aren't even used, seems like a strange design decision to me. Still, these complaints are all relatively minor, and I think it might be my favorite Remedy game since Max Payne 2 already. :joy:


Awesome! Control was my favorite game of last year and the first DLC was excellent too. I can't wait for the Alan Wake crossover DLC at the end of the month! :im_nabeshin:

