Devil May Cry Series

Started by Dr. Ensatsu-ken, January 06, 2013, 09:21:27 PM

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Dr. Ensatsu-ken

Yeah, I can agree with that, myself.

One particular example stands out to me, and that's the warped night club level. While the design of that stage itself looks interesting enough, the over-saturation of bring neon colors can be really straining on the eyes, and that's just how I felt watching a Youtube video of someone playing through the level. I could only imagine how much more grating it would be for me to look at if I were to actually play the game on a proper HDTV and be exposed to these extremely bright colors all at once in all of their way too over-saturated glory.

I might actually end up having to adjust the brightness or color level on my TV if I ever get the game and play through that level.



Playthrough from folks who are fans of the series, but willing to try this out. This is what I needed. An opinion from folks who're fans of the original series, but not bias enough to keep them from playing the game. While I'm still on the fence about the game, it's about other stuff that tend to keep me away from certain games, rather than Dante and Vergil, but judging from what I've seen of their playthrough the combat looks fun and the platforming looks pretty good. They haven't gotten to the club scene yet, though...


It's not a complete playthrough, but they got through half of the game (I think)

Dr. Ensatsu-ken

So, I've been playing through more of DMC3 on Hard mode. At this point I've managed to get almost all of the upgrades for my Devil Arms. All I have left to buy is Air Raid for Nevan (which I held off on until now being that its a DT only move) and Air Hike for Beowulf. I still think its stupid that you have to buy Air Hike for 3 separate weapons just to use it when you have those weapons equipped. In that regard, I believe that DMC4 got it right by just having the Air Hike ability treated as a base upgrade rather than a weapon-specific one.

As always, I have Rebellion equipped with me at all times, so I only ever alternate with one weapon of choice, but I've been switching them out with each new mission this time around. While Agni & Rudra is still my favorite secondary weapon to use, I have been having a lot of fun with Cerberus and Nevan as well (Beowulf feels kind of "meh" to be, honestly, but to be fair I haven't practiced with it enough yet). In particular I love the whole concept of Nevan being guitar/scythe that can double by functioning as a melee weapon as well as somewhat of a ranged weapon as well (as a majority of its attacks deal out electric projectiles). That said, while I've been practicing with it, I've been having a noticeably hard time pulling off the move "Jam Session" (Crazy Nevan Combo II) where Dante slides down on his knees and produces an AOE electrical charge that damages all surrounding enemies that are next to you. Its a damn cool attack, gives you a ton of style points, and feels really satisfying to pull off, but for whatever reason I have trouble inputting it in consistently. It says in the move list that I need to "tap" the left stick (it doesn't indicate any particular direction) and simultaneously press "Y" repeatedly, which makes it seem like the same input for Rebellion's "Stinger. However, I've tried inputting in the command and about half of the time Dante just ends up doing Nevan Combo II (regular). Well, at any rate I'll still keep practicing with it, but I hope I can get down how to input the command flawlessly as I really want to use the weapon to help boost my style score, as that particular attack really raises up my style meter by a lot.


Maximilian's review of DmC.

While I don't agree with him at all about the characters being likable, I do think this is the best positive review of the game so far. Mainly because he doesn't slam fans of the old series.


I was quite shocked to see that RPS liked DmC. They're usually very hard on games and are definitely not paid off by anyone. Then again, pure PC gamers like them pretty much only have DMC 4 to compare it with.

Dr. Ensatsu-ken

I'm actually really interested in the PC version of DMC4, as according to what I've heard its a damn good port, which is surprising considering that its a Capcom game, and they've had a pretty shaky history when it comes to PC ports of their other classic games. Its apparently the version with the best visuals by far (which is no surprise), and also improves on the console versions of the game in a number of ways, in terms of having exclusive features to it that are not possible on the console versions of the game. That said, I'm plenty satisfied with my XBOX360 edition of the game, but it sure would be nice to have a good PC to play it on.


DMC 4 was their first good PC release as far as I know. And yeah, it's excellent. Runs like butter, looks beautiful, and has extra modes that improve the game vastly (Legendary Dark Knight, Turbo) IMO.

You're not exactly missing out by not having the PC port, but it's definitely the definitive version.



Angry Joe Shows review
He slams both sides while still giving an honest review.


Quote from: Grave on January 20, 2013, 09:19:18 PM

Its writers are some of the best around, but beware of rampant PC elitism and a general "no fun allowed" attitude in the comments sections.

Dr. Ensatsu-ken

Max said he would score the games like this:

Devil May Cry- 10/10
Devil May Cry 2- 5 or 6/10
Devil May Cry 3- 8/10
Devil May Cry 4- 8/10
DmC: Devil May Cry- 9/10

While I'm not really a fan of scoring things, I figured that I'd give you all my take on the games in comparison:

Devil May Cry- 8/10
Devil May Cry 2- 4/10
Devil May Cry 3- 9/10
Devil May Cry 4- 8/10

I gave DMC 1 and 4 the same score but I really like them close to the same in quality for very different reasons. The original DMC has the best level design and most memorable boss fights in the series by far, IMO. However, DMC4 has the best combat in the series by far. Its no wonder then that DMC3 is my favorite, because it feels like the perfect compromise between the 2 (at least IMO).

Quote from: Grave on January 20, 2013, 09:19:18 PM
Angry Joe Shows review
He slams both sides while still giving an honest review.

I'm not a fan of Angry Joe (though I'd easily take any of his reviews over Sage's, as I personally can't stand that guy's views on gaming), but he does at least make some pretty honest and thorough reviews. This one was pretty solid, and strangely enough feels like the most trustworthy review that I've seen yet. His line of thought seems to fall in line with what I'd think about the game if I played it. As a game on its own, I think it'd be pretty good, and well above average. The story is probably "presented" better than in previous DMC games, but any good that could come out of that story would immediately be dragged down for me by horrendous writing in terms of the characters and their dialogue. I just can't get behind a story that doesn't have likable characters, and the problem is that these characters aren't unlikable to me because they differ so much from what their classic DMC counterparts represented, but instead because they are just a bunch of ass-holes. I can say that honestly while judging the game based on its own merits rather than comparing it to the previous DMC games. At any rate, I do eventually plan to play this game, as I love hack n' slash games, and for what it is it looks like a decent one, though nowhere close to the level of tight and responsive combat of the 3rd and 4th DMC titles. That said, this seems like a great buy for when the game comes down in price and I can get it used for about $20, so I'll just wait until then.

Dr. Ensatsu-ken

Costume pack WITH classic Dante look confirmed.

Eh, it doesn't look exactly like classic Dante, but I'd still probably bite for it, if I were to be honest. It seems that the design for that costume skin is based off of DMC3's Dante, which aside from the weird ass nipple-belt he had (which thankfully isn't featured in this costume version of Dante), is my favorite look for Dante. I'm not a fan of the italian-design coat and cowboy boots look of Dante in DMC4, to be honest, and his look in DMC1 and 2 comes off as kind of "meh" to me, honestly.

I just went to an old NG board which I hardly visit anymore to see what people there thought of the game, as a lot of the NG fans on that board are also genuine DMC fans as well (and also Bayonetta and God Hand fans, for that matter). Surprisingly, despite most of them hating on the game before it came out, a lot of them have apparently bought and played it and say that judged solely as an action game in its own right, its pretty good and overall above average, aside from the boss fights which they all seem to hate.


I love DMC 4 Dante's look. ;D

Quote from: Ensatsu-ken on January 21, 2013, 03:53:01 PM
I just went to an old NG board which I hardly visit anymore to see what people there thought of the game, as a lot of the NG fans on that board are also genuine DMC fans as well (and also Bayonetta and God Hand fans, for that matter). Surprisingly, despite most of them hating on the game before it came out, a lot of them have apparently bought and played it and say that judged solely as an action game in its own right, its pretty good and overall above average, aside from the boss fights which they all seem to hate.
This is EXACTLY what I thought about the demo. It's nowhere near as bad as NG 3 or DMC 2... it's actually a fairly good game. Haters gonna' hate.

Dr. Ensatsu-ken

I still find the decision to scrap the targeting system to be baffling. I mean, DMC works on a juggle-based combat system which pretty much demands a lock-on feature for precise control in terms of making sure Dante actually hits and aims at the enemy that you want him to. Ironically, the only DMC game that really didn't require a lock-on feature was probably the first game, if only because the combat was more about just taking down the enemies that being stylish in fighting them (and for the record, I hardly  ever targeted enemies in that game unless I had to shoot them). If anything, you could argue that some of the gameplay gimmicks almost demand being able to properly lock-onto enemies, such as using the grapple mechanic to pull small enemies towards you or to pull yourself towards big enemies, as well as that other whole gameplay gimmick in which you can only attack certain enemies with certain types of weapons and you encounter a variety of these enemy types in the same fight. In that situation, you pretty much want precise targeting to make sure that you don't accidentally hit the wrong enemy with the wrong weapon, and then leave yourself open for some punishment which wasn't really your fault.

At any rate, it doesn't seem to be as huge as an issue as it could have been based on the feedback of people who have played the game, but they have all still complained about it and noted down that its a gameplay flaw.

Other than that, though, the game looks fun. The lack of Dante being able to have different styles to switch between does ensure that the game will never reach the crazy level of combat depth that DMC3 and 4 were able to (ESPECIALLY DMC4).