I think the port I currently want to see most is Chrono Trigger on the Wii U. Currently, the DS port is the definitive version of the game. The streamlined controls that were added just make it so much nicer to play, and the updated script is really for the better. And the additional content, while very hit or miss, is better to have than to not. All that stuff is great, but I would really love to play Chrono Trigger on a home console with those additions, and a Wii U port is clearly the best candidate for this idea. Think about it. The touch screen controls could be perfectly emulated and translated with the Wii U tablet. And the sound quality wouldn't have to suffer at all like it seemed to do on the DS port. Handhelds are good and they have their advantages. But in the end, I will always prefer home console gaming. However, the SNES and PS1 versions of Chrono Trigger lack the advantages of DS port. A Wii U port that can fully utilize the DS port's additions could truly bring the best of both worlds.
That's all I'll say for now. I have other ideas but I will talk about them later, when I'm not restricted to typing on an iPhone. What ports do you guys want? What remakes do you think should happen?
I just want the Wii-U Virtual Console to get all the old games back up plus new systems like the Saturn and Dreamcast.
But really, I want to see Rocket Knight Adventures re-released somehow.
I want every game ever on PC, with well-done ports.
I want to see Bomberman 64 The Second Attack one the Wii U Virtual Console, Panzer Dragoon Orta on current consoles and PC's, a Melty Blood collection on the PS3, and Garou Mark of the Wolves on PSN. And I second the Wii U getting Dreamcast and Saturn games for its VC. Custom Robo and Kirby Air Ride should also get digital re-releases with online play added.
For remakes, I believe I've said my thoughts on Devil May Cry 1 and 2 getting remakes. A re-release of Illusiion of Gaia should also be a thing.
I'd wish for the PS3 version of Tales Of Vesperia and updated remakes of Tales Of The Tempest, Tales Of Innocence and Tales Of Hearts.
And move all the shit that was on the Wii's Virtual Console to the Wii U's.
Sweet Home - Its graphics have aged very well imo so all it needs is an official translation.
TMNT arcade - It needs to be back on XBLA.
Jet Force Gemini - I want this on XBLA so I can finally beat it.
TimeSplitters 2, Capcom vs SNK 2, The Warriors, Metal Slug Collection, Oddworld Stranger - Because they arent bc.
Mega Man X Collection - Because it never was on Xbox.
Golden Axe arcade
Saturn Bomberman
Jurassic Park Lost World
Battletoads arcade - It needs a few more levels and online co-op.
TMNT IV - Put all the best SNES and arcade features in one game with online co-op.
I want Konami to release a Suikoden HD Collection featuring III, IV, and V.
Quote from: GaryPotter on August 01, 2013, 01:47:51 AM
I want Konami to release a Suikoden HD Collection featuring III, IV, and V.
They should also include Suikoden 2 that collection, since it's almost impossible to get these days. Or at least post it on PSN.
I have a Vita, and while Jet Set Radio on it was cool, I want JSRF as well.
Oh, and the Scott Pilgrim game as well, that'd be great.
I'd like for some company to remake/revive Konami's SunsetRiders. I've always thought that was a cool game.
Shenmue HD collection is all I really want/need at the moment.
They should re-release Conker's Bad Fur Day. The original version, not the edited 360 version. And put it on Steam or something. I know it's owned by Microsoft now, but don't they also do PC games?
I would love to see King of the Monsters II, Super Battletoads, the AvP beat 'em up, and the Final Fight series on PSN. Super Battletoads and AvP never got console ports for some reason. Anyone here know why?
My two top port choices are the same as usual.
Metal Gear Solid: The Legacy Collection on Steam. With 5 also being released on Steam, that'll mean every main MG game can be playable on PC.
Chrono Trigger on Wii U. With the touch controls (using the tablet in place of the touch screen), revised script, and new content of the DS version, the sound and FMV of the PS1 version, and the loading screens of the SNES version. Basically, an all-time definitive way to play this game. I can't see Nintendo releasing this on a disk, though. And I can't imagine them releasing it on Wii U eShop. If they were going to release it digitally, it would probably just be a Virtual Console direct port of the SNES version.
Quote from: talonmalon333 on January 14, 2015, 04:46:52 PM
They should re-release Conker's Bad Fur Day. The original version, not the edited 360 version. And put it on Steam or something. I know it's owned by Microsoft now, but don't they also do PC games?
I'd be good with those three for now... until I come up with another choice.
Quote from: talonmalon333 on January 14, 2015, 04:46:52 PMThey should re-release Conker's Bad Fur Day. The original version, not the edited 360 version. And put it on Steam or something. I know it's owned by Microsoft now, but don't they also do PC games?
Totally agreed. Even though Microsoft owns the character, does Nintendo still have some rights over the original game? The N64 logo is shown at the very beginning.
I just kind of figured they put it on Steam or something, since Microsoft does PC as well as XBox.
Hey Foggle, I've got a Silent Hill question for you. How are the PC ports of Silent Hill 2 and 3? I ask because, as I recently mentioned, my PS2 is slowly dying. When that time comes, I'll want to be able to still play most of my favorite games from the console on other consoles. I feel like I remember you saying the ports of SH 2 and 3 are solid, but I can't be sure.
Also, I figure this topic can undergo a chance in title, so it can be more based on general discussion on ports and remakes.
Quote from: talonmalon333 on January 17, 2015, 06:24:17 PM
Hey Foggle, I've got a Silent Hill question for you. How are the PC ports of Silent Hill 2 and 3? I ask because, as I recently mentioned, my PS2 is slowly dying. When that time comes, I'll want to be able to still play most of my favorite games from the console on other consoles. I feel like I remember you saying the ports of SH 2 and 3 are solid, but I can't be sure.
The PC ports are easily the best way to play SH2 and 3 if you have a controller and are willing to mess around a little to get them working correctly. I can help if you have any problems getting either of them to run properly.
i want to see battletoads get ported as well.
Quote from: Foggle on January 17, 2015, 08:21:15 PM
Quote from: talonmalon333 on January 17, 2015, 06:24:17 PM
Hey Foggle, I've got a Silent Hill question for you. How are the PC ports of Silent Hill 2 and 3? I ask because, as I recently mentioned, my PS2 is slowly dying. When that time comes, I'll want to be able to still play most of my favorite games from the console on other consoles. I feel like I remember you saying the ports of SH 2 and 3 are solid, but I can't be sure.
The PC ports are easily the best way to play SH2 and 3 if you have a controller and are willing to mess around a little to get them working correctly. I can help if you have any problems getting either of them to run properly.
Thanks! I'm probably not going to get them for a while. My PS2 is still mostly functional, and those ports seem kind of expensive. However, I definitely hope to get them eventually! I hear they have better visuals than the PS3 version.
The HD collection? Don't get that. This is one of those sad cases where the HD rerelease actually completely fucks up the tone of the game.
Quote from: Nel_Annette on January 17, 2015, 10:01:45 PM
The HD collection? Don't get that. This is one of those sad cases where the HD rerelease actually completely fucks up the tone of the game.
We were talking about the PC versions, released about ten years prior and yet supposedly are somehow graphically superior.
Which is absolutely correct. :D
Quote from: talonmalon333 on January 17, 2015, 08:52:26 PM
Thanks! I'm probably not going to get them for a while. My PS2 is still mostly functional, and those ports seem kind of expensive. However, I definitely hope to get them eventually! I hear they have better visuals than the PS3 version.
Meant to add this to my response...
Other than visuals, in what ways are the PC versions the best?
Just graphics and frame rate, really.
5 Games Made Better By Their Remakes (http://www.gonintendo.com/s/245632-eurogamer-5-games-improved-by-their-remakes)
Personally, I'd put in Double Dragon Advance and Metroid: Zero Mission, but otherwise think it's a pretty good list.
I still think OoT3D messed up the aesthetic of the original by having inferior lighting, and that REmake made a few rushed and questionable changes. But that's just me. :light:
I do think Super Mario Bros. 3 for the SNES might be better than the NES version, or at least equal.
I'm always going to prefer the 3DS version to the N64 version. I'm sure Majora's Mask will be the same way, too.
SMB3 doesn't make any difference to me. I've beaten both versions countless times that I hardly notice any difference between them anymore.
The only real difference between versions of SMB3 is the addition of the save state. There's something about trying to finish the NES version in one sitting without saving that I'll always find fun. I can't play the All Stars version of SMB1 though, the remake of the game completely changed the physics of the game.
SMB3 also improved the graphics and sound quality. It's not as drastic as SMB1 and 2, but it's still a noticeable leap.
How come they won't port Castlevania: Bloodlines and Rocket Knight Adventures?
Quote from: talonmalon333 on January 25, 2015, 04:58:57 PMHow come they won't port Castlevania: Bloodlines and Rocket Knight Adventures?
Because Konami.
It's especially weird for Bloodlines. Most other Castlevania games have been ported at least once. But for some reason, they just aren't porting this one.
Quote from: Dr. Ensatsu-ken on January 25, 2015, 06:53:20 PM
Quote from: talonmalon333 on January 25, 2015, 04:58:57 PMHow come they won't port Castlevania: Bloodlines and Rocket Knight Adventures?
Because Konami.
Throw in Contra: Hard Corps. as well.
why'd you have to hurt my feelings?
Is Konami just weird about porting their Genesis games?
i was just thinking that. apparently so.
Konami is exceptionally bad about porting their old games.
Metroid Prime Trilogy is now up on the Wii U eshop for ten bones. If you don't have it, well, now you've got your chance!
Do you have them, Spark?
Quote from: talonmalon333 on January 29, 2015, 06:04:51 PM
Do you have them, Spark?
I do. Haven't really sat down to play them in a while, though.
Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on January 29, 2015, 06:34:39 PM
Quote from: talonmalon333 on January 29, 2015, 06:04:51 PM
Do you have them, Spark?
I do. Haven't really sat down to play them in a while, though.
Have you played through them? You've been kind of quiet about these games. :P
Quote from: talonmalon333 on January 29, 2015, 06:36:19 PM
Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on January 29, 2015, 06:34:39 PM
Quote from: talonmalon333 on January 29, 2015, 06:04:51 PM
Do you have them, Spark?
I do. Haven't really sat down to play them in a while, though.
Have you played through them? You've been kind of quiet about these games. :P
Never beat them. I'll probably set aside some time and go through them eventually. They're pretty good games.
Since it doesn't look like Nintendo is going to release GameCube games on the Wii U VC, I'd like to see them port Thousand-Year Door. Maybe even release it in a set alongside Paper and Super Paper Mario.
Of course, there are other GameCube games that also should be ported. I just felt like mentioning this one.
I just remembered another GBA port. Kirby: Nightmare in Dream Land, a port of Kirby's Adventure. What did you guys think of that one?
Haven't played it yet, but I believe it's actually a full-on remake rather than a port. Will hopefully be buying it from the Wii U VC soon, though!
Did you play Kirby's Adventure?
Yeah. It's pretty fun. Not a favorite or anything, but I enjoyed it.
It's actually one of my favorite NES games. I feel like time and Kirby are good friends, because Kirby games tend to age very well.
Also, here is a question I've been meaning to ask you, Foggle. At this point in time, do you think they should do a remake of RE2?
No. I no longer trust Capcom to deliver a competent Resident Evil title.
They really should have done it years ago, when there was a bigger demand for it and when Capcom was more competent. It would have made so much sense to release REmake 2 for the Wii around or shortly before the time that RE5 was released.
Since we were talking about the Super Mario Advance games recently...
Apparently, Nintendo released those on the Wii U Virtual Console. For most of them, I honestly don't see the point. I mean, the original games were already released on Virtual Console. Except for Yoshi's Island. That one makes sense, though at the same time it just makes me wonder why they aren't re-releasing the SNES version of that game. I suppose Super Mario Advance 4 would also make sense if they re-released it with the E-Reader content all there, but that's the only one that's not up on Virtual Console yet. Super Mario World in particular doesn't make much sense, as it was already almost identical to the SNES version. It would have been better to just release Super Mario All-Stars Anniversary Edition onto the eShop.
If they feel the need to release two versions of a game on VC. They should just go with DKC3. At least that game has two completely different soundtracks, allowing us to play through it with both soundtracks on the same console. But of course, they need to get the original DKC trilogy up onto Wii U Virtual Console in the first place.
Quote from: talonmalon333 on February 07, 2015, 04:20:47 PM
I just remembered another GBA port. Kirby: Nightmare in Dream Land, a port of Kirby's Adventure. What did you guys think of that one?
It's okay, like Kirby's Adventure. Never quite understood why some diehards hated it, though.
You're not a big Kirby's Adventure fan?
Quote from: talonmalon333 on February 09, 2015, 02:03:07 PM
You're not a big Kirby's Adventure fan?
My previous rankings of the Kirby games:
1. Kirby's Return to Dreamland
2. Kirby Super Star
3. Kirby Triple Deluxe
4. Kirby's Dream Land
5. Kirby's Epic Yarn
6. Kirby's Adventure / Nightmare in Dreamland7. Kirby Squeak Squad
8. Kirby's Dream Land 2
9. Kirby 64: The Crystal Shards
10. Kirby's Dream Land 3
11. Sakurai himself for not making that awesome looking canceled Gamecube game
12. Kirby & The Amazing Mirror
So it's smack-dab in the middle. Personally I just think it's a fine game. Nothing amazing.
i would love a metal slug x port.
Quote from: gunswordfist on February 09, 2015, 05:43:44 PM
i would love a metal slug x port.
It's playable on PS2, Wii, and PC. :)
pc is my best chance...
is the vigilante 8 remake good?
I actually didn't know it got a remake.
On a side note. What did you think of the original Vigilante 8 and how it compared to Twisted Metal?
i don't think i have ever played the first tm. based off of what little i have played of twisted metal, i like the vigilante 8 series much more. it has always been my favorite car arena combat series.
apparently, the v8 remake has some content from the 2nd game. that sounds cool.
Day one. (http://www.gonintendo.com/s/247081-acb-rating-3d-streets-of-rage-2)
Nintendo should re-release Clock Tower onto PC with proper mouse support. Or the Wii U eShop with Wiimote support. Or just the 3DS with touch controls support. Basically, the game should be re-released, and in a method that works better than the SNES controller. Any of the three methods I listed above should work.
I wish game developers would, when porting games, release more "'best of' definitive versions". Basically, after developers re-release a game enough times, each time with new features, enough to get it out of their system, I feel like the developers should eventually just take all the good features from every port and compile it all into a single complete version. I've already commented on Chrono Trigger here, and I think I also did with Super Mario All-Stars. But another one I could add is Resident Evil 2. They should re-release RE2 and take these features from each version:
PlayStation (Dual Shock Re-Release) Version
- Extreme Battle Mini-Game
- Easy and Rookie Difficulty Modes
- Ranking Systems
Windows Version
- Gallery Mode
- Hard Difficulty Mode
Nintendo 64 Version
- New Files
- Item Randomizer Mode
- New Costumes
GameCube Version
- Skippable Cutscenes
- Higher Quality Visuals
Take all those additions that were made with each re-release, throw them all into one port, and release it as the RE2 complete package. And then they can just stick with that version of it anytime they want to release the game again at a later date.
You can take that idea and apply it to nearly any game that has seen various different ports.
Has anyone ever played The Secret of Monkey Island: Special Edition? It's a remake of the original, with updated graphics and voice acting. However, it allows you to toggle back and forth whenever you want, between the original graphics and the new, and turn the voice acting on and off. That's something I wish more video game remakes would do.
Take Super Mario Bros. 3 for example. When you start up the game, it would start the SNES 16-bit graphics from All-Stars.
However, with the push of a button, that would turn to this...
The same could be done with the music, switching between the NES soundtrack and the SNES soundtrack. You could also potentially play with 16-bit visuals and 8-bit music, or 8-bit visuals and 16-bit music. Same could be applied to SMB1 and 2.
Is this idea anything necessary? Not at all. However, it's just something that I find to be a charming addition. Of course, it couldn't be done with remakes that are massive overhauls with not only different graphics and sound, but also brand new level design (REmake, etc.). However, with remakes like SMB3 that are the exact same game but with technical upgrades, I fully welcome it. It's a level of charm that we could use in this medium.
Halo Anniversary does that too I think.
I like hearing that. Like I said, it's not necessary. But it's a level of charm that most developers don't even bother with. Sometimes, it's nice for games to have things like this just for the sake of it.
Come to think of it, this would fit very well for the "definitive versions of games" discussion.
Yes it would.
Also, whoa at the improvement in graphics between the two. I didn't even know the SNES version had updated graphics until y'all recent discussion.
What I especially love about SNES SMB3 is that it's basically the same graphics, only given more detail and color. You can tell that the sprites and environment designs are basically the same, but the SNES version looks so much nicer. I've especially begun to notice that the original SMB3 is sort of lacking in color. It's kind of a black and white looking game.
I thought SMB3 was super beautiful until I saw that. Thanks for ruining my childhood. :blush:
Final Fantasy IV (PSP Version)
Aside from the PSP port, there is not a single good version of FFIV playable in America. The SNES version is a mindboggling parody of the Super Famicon version that lowered the difficulty so much that the whole adventure is a tutorial, the GBA version has glitches that can potentially break battles, and the PS1 version has 10-20 loading times when starting and saving the game. I would also throw the PSP version of FFI and FFII in here. They should get re-released too, though FFI PSP is getting a 3DS eShop port in Japan so it might be on its way over here next, and II might be following that. However, FFI and FII already have great ports in America, so IV is far more important especially considering it's also a much better game than those.
So yeah, I would like to see Square port the PSP version of FFIV. Now, considering the fact that they released the PSP version of FFI onto 3DS eShop, I imagine that's also where they would release IV. Ideally, I would prefer a release on PSN or Steam, but I would definitely take either. Just get it available on a console beyond the PSP.
Also, keep in mind that, when I say the PSP version is the only good one, I was excluding the remake that was released onto the DS and PC. I haven't played that one yet, but from what I hear, it's very good. However, when I was talking about the versions of FFIV earlier, I was keeping the discussion to the 2D versions. The remake is entirely 3D with more modern elements. It's the same game deep down but it's also different. And from what I hear, despite being a great remake, it's not necessarily the best representation of Final Fantasy IV.
I don't like the 3D remakes of classic Final Fantasy games. The old graphics have a special nostalgic charm to them, and I find the chibi representations kind of ugly.
Quote from: Foggle on March 29, 2015, 03:11:13 PM
I don't like the 3D remakes of classic Final Fantasy games. The old graphics have a special nostalgic charm to them, and I find the chibi representations kind of ugly.
From what I've seen, the IV remake looks better than III. I still think the characters look like pears in III. :P
That gives me another idea for this thread. Square should remake FFIII in updated 2D on par with the PSP version of IV.
Oh, definitely. The only way I can bring myself to play FF3 is the NES version with an English patch. A proper 16-bit-style remake would be splendid. :)
And they should put a god damn save point in the final dungeon. There's a challenge and then there's stupid levels of difficulty.
...Or did they do that for the Steam version?
I'm just afraid the NES FFIII has many of the flaws that typical 8-bit RPGs tend to have. Can't confirm if it does or doesn't, though.
It does.
They lost the source code, though. That's why the only re-release it's ever had has been a total overhaul remake for the DS and it wasn't in any of the PS1 collections like the other games.
Quote from: talonmalon333 on March 30, 2015, 03:39:39 PM
I'm just afraid the NES FFIII has many of the flaws that typical 8-bit RPGs tend to have. Can't confirm if it does or doesn't, though.
It does, but I still prefer it to the remake.
Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on March 30, 2015, 03:43:05 PM
They lost the source code, though. That's why the only re-release it's ever had has been a total overhaul remake for the DS and it wasn't in any of the PS1 collections like the other games.
That's really interesting! I have to wonder how people manage to just lose source code like that. Kind of bizarre.
Did they check under the bed?
Ask Sega. They lost the source code for Panzer Dragoon Saga and House of the Dead 1.
It's quite silly, honestly.
I think Square Enix also lost some of the Kingdom Hearts 1 source code, meaning the HD port is a literal remake. An exact remake.