Animation Revelation Forum

It's Revelation Time! => Disney / Pixar => Topic started by: hobbyfan on September 20, 2013, 08:24:32 AM

Title: Hulk & the Agents of SMASH: Biggest waste of time in Marvel or Disney history!
Post by: hobbyfan on September 20, 2013, 08:24:32 AM
So I finally got around to screening an episode of Hulk & the Agents of SMASH the other day On Demand. Let me put it in simplest terms. It's probably the biggest blatant infomercial for toys since the 80's, and even then, the writing for GI Joe or He-Man or Transformers was better than this.

It's also an excuse for Jeph "Ear" Loeb to put his mutating of Rick Jones & Thunderbolt Ross (A-Bomb & Red Hulk, respectively) on the air, but in truth, it's a waste of space. The power he's gotten from Marvel & Disney has gone right to his head. Doesn't help that he shares executive producer chores with that other power-tripping idiot, Joe Quesada.

Like, shoot, the Super Friends, during their first season 40 years ago, was better than this.

I reviewed it for my blog and gave it a D. What say you guys?
Title: Re: Hulk & the Agents of SMASH: Biggest waste of time in Marvel or Disney history!
Post by: The Shadow Gentleman on September 20, 2013, 10:47:43 AM
I'm not even going to bother anymore.
Title: Re: Hulk & the Agents of SMASH: Biggest waste of time in Marvel or Disney history!
Post by: gunswordfist on September 20, 2013, 08:50:22 PM
Read Planet Hulk instead.
Title: Re: Hulk & the Agents of SMASH: Biggest waste of time in Marvel or Disney history!
Post by: Silverstar on September 24, 2013, 07:59:56 AM
A team of Hulks is just boring. Teams are only interesting when each individual member brings something different to the table. Here, everybody has punchy-smashy powers, so it's just repetitive and unimaginative.

Furthermore, it bugs me how much of a Gary Stu green Hulk is on this show. He's never wrong, he's virtuous to the point of blandness,  he always does the right thing and whenever someone (usually Red) opposes him, they screw up and look stupid, proving Green was right all along. I actually prefer Hulk on Avengers Assemble. There he's simplistic and violent, but at least there he's kind of fun and fallible.

Also, the acronym S.M.A.S.H. doesn't stand for anything. At all. Even in-universe, it's just a 'clever' name that A-Bomb though up on the spot and everyone just went along with it. I could accept that if this were a comedy, but on an action show, that's just stupid.
Title: Re: Hulk & the Agents of SMASH: Biggest waste of time in Marvel or Disney history!
Post by: Lord Il on September 24, 2013, 06:37:03 PM
I can't even take the title of the show seriously. :il_hahaha:
It has cheese written all over it.
Title: Re: Hulk & the Agents of SMASH: Biggest waste of time in Marvel or Disney history!
Post by: Avaitor on September 24, 2013, 08:15:56 PM
I don't think cheese is inherently bad, actually. at least not in a sharp, TB&TB way.

This doesn't seem to be that kind of cheese, however.
Title: Re: Hulk & the Agents of SMASH: Biggest waste of time in Marvel or Disney history!
Post by: Spark Of Spirit on September 24, 2013, 08:18:16 PM
TB&TB is the best kind of cheese. Well written cheese.

Which makes it one of the best.  8)