Friends, associates, buddies, and pals, the time has come for the a truly ultimate competition.
Yes, for the first time since AR's Top 65 cartoon list, members of the Animation Revelation forum will vote on which animated series, out of 100 worthy competitors, shall earn the crown and title of the Greatest Animated Series EVER created (give or take the 64 anime who were ineligible for this particular competition, of course :il_hahaha:).
There will be one thing that's a bit different from previous contests, though. For each series represented in a match, I will try to provide an episode for people unfamiliar or inexperienced with it to watch and get better acquainted with it, in order to help them make a more constructive and fair vote. This won't work all the time, I know, because some shows are hard to find good-quality episodes for, and in those circumstances clips will be used for the comparisons instead. The purpose of doing this is to not let a series be left in the dust simply because some people haven't watched it, and to get some of us to try out some shows we haven't seen paid much attention to before as well. ;)
The rules are the same as always. Rank your votes from best to least, entries ranked first will receive 4 points, second will receive three points, etc. As always, it is encouraged for everyone to write-up why you have ranked a series the way you have. The most important thing, of course, is to have a blast seeing how far our favorite animated series will go matched up against other great cartoons, and to see which cartoon among these 100 is the most popular between all the members of the Animation Revelation forums. So, without further ado, let us begin this competition with....
Round 1, The 100 Toon Kumite: Match 1
Dr. Katz, Professional Therapist (
Gargoyles (
The Boondocks (
Daria (
My Picks:
The Boondocks - [adult swim]'s greatest satirical comedy, and easily one of the best currently-running animated series in general. There is not a single bad episode in it's current 45 episode run; in fact, the show seems to get better and better every season! I eagerly await season 4, and see what Aaron McGruder and his team have got in store for Huey, Riley, Robert, and of course, everyone's self-hating racist black man, Uncle Ruckus. O0
Gargoyles - Easily one of the greatest action-cartoons ever created. This series met the quality and standards set before by Batman: The Animated Series and raised the bar to a new level in excellent storytelling and character developments. Maybe that's an exaggeration, but few series are as well-written and constructed as Gargoyles throughout it's entire run, and if Batman: The Animated Series was the first western action-animated series to tell mature, intelligent story lines, then it certainly was Gargoyles that kept the momentum going and set the standard of quality from our action cartoons that we expect today.
Daria - One of the most relatable cartoons in existence. I didn't go to High School in the 90's, but that doesn't hurt Daria's portrayal of High School life and the daily struggles of the average american teenager in any way, and it speaks to the near-timelessness of the series. I'm sure everyone has met people like Brittany, Kevin, the Fashion Club, and so many of the other character types featured in this series in their real-life high school experiences, and moreover, I'm sure we've all wanted to be like Daria and Jane during that time; smart, witty, and making fun of all the madness. It's a shame I have to rank it third, but it's up against too great competition for me I'm afraid. :sweat:
Dr. Katz, Professional Therapist - I've loved, LOVED, what I've watched of this show - which is about a season's worth of episodes here and there. It's the proto-Home Movies in it's style of humor and squiggle vision animation, and every episode I've seen of it is just what you'd expect from the guys behind that series. It's sad that I have to put this last, because it's a great show, but it's the luck of the draw I'm afraid. However, I definately recommend Home Movies fans from checking this series out whenever you can. You'll enjoy it.
Alright guys, let's start the voting! If you have suggestions of episodes for some of the contenders in the competition you would recommend for other people to check out, please feel free to PM-me, and I'll make sure to link to them in future match-ups and rounds.
Gargoyles - Arguably the best American action cartoon ever made
The Boondocks - Adult animated satire done right
Daria - Admittedly, I have only seen bits and pieces of this, but it looks like it mostly deserves the praise
Dr. Katz - I remember watching reruns of this a while back.
Good stuff including episodes for each one. Rock on. :thumbup:
Same as Cartoon X for this round.
I'm probably not going to vote every match, but this one I wanna do.
Daria- Still one of the shining examples of how to do an animated series for older viewers. The show's varied cast and consistently sharp sense of humor made it a cult favorite almost from the get go, and I can't help but feel like it has even began to surpass its sister show in terms of appreciation in the years since. Just like it should.
Gargoyles- Personal tastes had me rank this second, but it really is one of the best of its kind. Proof that kids were able to watch a series with a flair for continuity, which is something that executives are becoming afraid of today, even with advances in ways to watch their shows. Not to mention the fact that it's bloody brilliant.
The Boondocks- Hilariously subversive, but not without its weak points, like most of season 2, as well as the long-ass time it takes for a season to be made. I'm not as in love with the show as I used to be, but I still admire it greatly.
Dr. Katz- Honestly, I LOVE what I've seen of the show. Special credit goes to its introduction of H. Jon Benjamin to the world. Sadly, I'm just not as familiar with it as I am the others on here, while I also have to say that I prefer later shows in its style, like Home Movies and Archer. In another ranking, this would likely be higher, however.
Same as ShadowGentleman, but I'll still explain my choices.
Gargoyles- I have never seen another cartoon with such a rich lore and such a complex and well-balanced cast of characters. One of my favorite aspects of this series is that, despite the whole theme of the barrier that keeps Gargoyles and humans from completely trusting each other (with the exception of Goliath and his clan), the Gargoyles are the perfect characters to really represent the various different aspects of humanity. One of the great ironies about Demona's character is that, despite her hatred of humans, she is in and of herself a very human character in nature.
The Boondocks- Admittedly I haven't watched enough of this show past season 1, but I absolutely love what I've seen of it. You could argue that it does a better job of highlighting modern day issues and peoples' general stupidity on certain matters than South Park, and you probably wouldn't be wrong (though, for the record, I still find South Park to be a much funnier show, personally). As it stands, this is easily the best thing that I've ever seen come out of Adult Swim.
Daria- I've really only seen 2 episodes of this show before, but I did like them both. :)
Dr. Katz, Professional Therapist- Unfortunately, I haven't seen this one yet.
Oh yeah, BTW, why the hell was everyone holding out on explaining their choices in the greatest video game thread, where I actually stressed for people to explain their reasoning? Over here everyone is open to sharing their thoughts, but I guess you were all too lazy to write anything in the other thread. Either that, or you all knew that I was factually right about everything, and didn't bother offering up any explanations as they could conflict with my own and you were all scared of looking stupid by disagreeing with my awesome opinions. Yeah, that sounds like a more reasonable explanation for it! :awesome:
The Boondocks - Easily one of my favorite shows.
Daria- I've watched about half of the episodes, and I've found it to be really funny.
Gargoyles- I like it but I haven't seen that many episodes of the show.
Dr. Katz, Professional Therapist- I haven't seen that much of it
Great turnout for the first match, guys! :thumbup:
Before we get on with the results and the next round, I want to elaborate more on the purpose of having the suggested episodes. I feel oftentimes in these tournaments there are matches where people can't really vote on because they are unfamiliar with two-three of the choices. While you can only get so much of an impression of a show from a single episode, the episodes I'm highlighting for each series in this competition serve to showcase some of the best those series have to offer. With that in mind, I would encourage you guys, when there comes a match where you are unfamiliar with two-three of the entries, that you watch the highlight episodes, make a judgement based on those impressions, and then vote. I think it's better than ranking more than one show you don't know that well in an arbitrary order, and besides, these are all good shows here anyway, so you should check them out if you haven't seen them yet regardless. I mean, if they weren't good shows, nobody would have nominated them, would they now? ;)
With that said, let us see the results of the first match of this competition, shall we?...
Dr. Katz, Professional Therapist - 6
Gargoyles - 19
The Boondocks - 20
Daria - 15
The Boondocks and Gargoyles both proceed to the next round. I have to say, that was a damn tough match to vote on, and it's a crying shame to lose Daria so early on in this competition. This next match will be a lot easier for most people here in comparison, but for me, it's another mean one...
Round 1, The 100 Toon Kumite: Match 2
Invader Zim (
Ranma ( 1/2 (
Avengers: Earth's Mightiest Heroes (
Batman: The Animated Series (
I love all these series dearly, and it saddens me that two (and I can already guess which two :-\) will have to be eliminated. But that's how the die rolled, so here are my picks for the round:
Ranma 1/2 - Like most people when they start getting into anime, I heard about and saw images of this series well-before I ever watched an episode. I sorta dismissed it as a junk show for a couple years because of the basic premise, and it wasn't until I started watching Toonami Aftermath that I decided to check out Ranma 1/2 once and for all, if only because TA streamed it between a double dose of Red Jacket Lupin and classic Thundercats. And that was probably one of the best decisions I ever made when it comes to anime, because from the very first episode I saw I was already hooked. And there were several reasons for that. Funny, likable, yet oft despicable characters, wacky martial arts parodies, an excellent dub script (this is easily Viz's second best dub after Maison Ikkoku), character expressions, the overall relaxed, but still addictive mood...I could go on. I found Ranma 1/2 to be an anime comedy that could be absolutely ridiculous, but never tirelessly or obnoxiously so, a feat very few other anime comedies, even ones I really like, can so easily accomplish. What's more, it's one of the few long-running anime comedies where I could honestly say stays consistently entertaining beginning to end, and it says a lot that some of my favorites in the series come after the 100 episode mark. Heck, the suggested episode I've highlighted for it is episode 111, and it's not only my favorite episode in the show, but easily one of my top favorite individual anime episodes of all time as well! It's thanks to the Ranma 1/2 anime that I was able to discover the other works of Rumiko Takahashi. Maison Ikkoku and Urusei Yatsura are two of my favorite anime/manga franchises, as you all know, and InuYasha is actually a pretty great manga, even if it was made into an obnoxious chore of an anime that has sullied it's, and unfortunately, Rumiko Takahashi's, reputation forever. Ranma 1/2 is not really better than the other shows in this match, but it's the show that I have the most attachment to and love most, and it will always be one of my favorite animes. It's too bad it's probably going to be eliminated, but then again, it is up against...
Batman: The Animated Series - It took me over ten years for me to finally say, with conviction, that I love this series. Oh, I watched it as a kid and liked it, but it didn't endear me. It's only been recently, within the last year and a half, that I've come to really appreciate and see the greatness of this series. It tells brilliant character-driven story lines, with villains who really truly feel like people rather than purely villainous antagonists. It's tone is mature, it's art style and use of colors to portray the dark, bleak world of Gotham city is and it has an ambiance and style to it that, frankly, hasn't been rivaled in any other series in it's vain, even the other DCAU shows. It's not my favorite Batman show,'s amazing, and so damn good at it's best that it's easy to see why most people consider it one of the top three best animated series of all time.
Avengers: Earth's Mightiest Heroes - Let me level with you guys - before I watched this show, I didn't really care for anything Marvel besides X-men. I don't really like mainstream Superhero Comics, and as kid I didn't even really like the concept and idea of superheroes in general, so I never got acquainted with these characters in a good interpretation of them before I watched EMH. To say that I was blown away by how good the series was is very much an understatement, as I found myself caring for all these characters very early on, and the storylines throughout this series intrigued and hooked me so tightly that I marathoned the entire thing in only a week. It's definitely one of my favorite superhero shows, and I might go so far as to say I like it better than Justice League, crazy as that may sound. Overall, it's an awesome show, and I only hope that Marvel Animation comes to their senses soon and starts produces more series like it and Spectacular Spiderman not too far in the future, as doubtful that may seem... :imnothappy:
Invader Zim - Fuck this match for making me put Invader Zim last. It is, in my opinion, the only Nicktoon that has a flawless run of episodes. Yes, at their best I like Rocko and Spongebob more, but I can't think of a single meh episode of Invader Zim. In tone, it sort of feels like what the average [adult swim] show should be, and it's execution of weird, horror and gross-out based humor is always a blast. It's one of the smartest written Nicktoons, in my opinion, and the one I would call the least "kiddy" in it's mood and execution. In a way, this series was 10 years before it's time. If it had come out now, no doubt it would have been a better hit in ratings and enjoyed great success. But being before it's time, and having a perfect run of episodes, and a loyal cult fanbase to this day, ain't that bad either. ;)
No matter how this match goes down - the way I expect it will or the way of a surprise upset - it's a guarantee that two of my favorite cartoons are going to be cut from this competition. Surely, there won't be can't be any tougher matches than these first two later this round, right? :humhumhum:
Did Samurai Champloo or Case Closed make it in?
Yes, GSF. Samurai Champloo and Case Closed are both participants in this competition. :)
Batman - Currently still my favorite Batman and superhero show.
Invader Zim - In the top 5 for Best Nick show.
Ranma 1/2 - Seen none.
Never seen Zim nor Ranma
Same as Grave.
I've read the entirety of the Ranma 1/2 manga, but I've never seen the anime and I've only watched a few episodes of Zim.
Same as Pharass
Batman - If I had to pick one animated series to be my favorite tied with Trigun it would have to be this. The design, acting, and writing all hold up amazingly well today, even in the more mediocre episodes. While Gargoyles may surpass it overall, something about this shows really sticks with me. And, you know, Batman.
Avengers - Now this is what really got me interested in the Avengers. Sure, the movies is great, but there's only so much you can do in 2 hours. EMH was able to introduce a ton of different characters and plots I've never even heard of, and some of them my personal favorites.
Invader Zim - I vaguely remember catching some of this back when it aired. A good show, though sometimes it feels like it's going out of its way to tell you it's not like the other Nicktoons.
Ranma 1/2 - Doesn't really interest me. Sorry. :(
Batman- Yeah, I can't put this any lower, for obvious reason.
Zim- The further we get away from the Hot Topic culture which overrated the hell out of this show, the more its qualities tend to chime. Incredibly dark wit, (often) good random humor, and a unique art design which made it seem like the ugly duckling on Nick, when they really needed one in between the Klasky-Csupo and other lame alternatives. GIR isn't that funny, but I still think it's one of the best Nicktoons of all.
Avengers- Sadly, this never got to become the perfect Avengers show. A so-so start and a toned-down ending, thanks to fucking Man of Action, almost ruined the legacy of an incredible middle run. But compared to the shows we've had before and after, this is a freaking masterpiece.
Ranma- I used to watch some tapes an older friend had of the show when I was in middle school, Honestly, all I can really remember from it are boobs. I do remember reading some of the manga though, and from what I can tell, it's at least better than Inuyasha. Maybe I'll give it more of a chance.
Avengers: Earth's Mightiest Heroes- It gets off to a slow start, but once it gets going, you're in for some awesome story-lines
Batman: The Animated Series- Normally I'd rank this first, but I decided that it would get enough support as it is
Ranma 1/2- I'm sure it's good, but I haven't read/watched that much of it, yet
Invader Zim- I used to like it, but now it appeals a lot less to me, personally
Quote from: Ensatsu-ken on October 13, 2013, 12:53:15 PM
Invader Zim- I used to like it, but now it appeals a lot less to me, personally
You have joined me at the dark side, I see... :sly:
Quote from: Foggle on October 13, 2013, 01:37:18 PM
Quote from: Ensatsu-ken on October 13, 2013, 12:53:15 PM
Invader Zim- I used to like it, but now it appeals a lot less to me, personally
You have joined me at the dark side, I see... :sly:
The side that has bad opinions.
Quote from: gunswordfist on October 13, 2013, 01:53:02 PMThe side that has bad opinions.
No, no, no, GSF. That's YOUR side. I know it's easy for you to get confused given your stupidity and all, but at least try and beat that particular detail down into your head. I'm tired of having to remind you all of the time. :sly:
Batman: TAS
Avengers: Earth's Mightiest Heroes
Ranma 1/2
Invader Zim
Two-Face part 1 is still my favorite BTAS episode. It shows why that is the best version of Two-Face.
Alright, it's a brand new day (technically), and we've got more than enough votes, so let's wrap things up here shall we?...
The Results of Match 2:
Invader Zim - 16
Ranma 1/2 - 17
Avengers: Earth's Mightiest Heroes - 23
Batman: The Animated Series - 34
As I predicted, The Avengers and the Dark Knight both rise to the challenge of round 2.
Round 1, The 100 Toon Kumite: Match 3
Heroman (
Harvey Birdman, Attorney At Law (
Courage, the Cowardly Dog (
The Brak Show (
My Picks:
Harvey Birdman, Attorney at Law - Hilarious stuff beginning to end. It's amazing how many jokes they cracked into each 11 minute episode, and it's satire/parodies of Hanna Barbara characters was always just pure bliss to me.
The Brak Show - Not as strong as Birdman, but still really, really funny. Man...classic [adult swim] shows like this and Birdman were incredibly well-written, and I appreciate how masterfully they used the bizarre to get some great laughs, unlike a lot of [adult swim] series of recent, which...are just kinda lame in how they try to be "edgy" by being super offensive and obscene. :oo: Anyways, I love pretty much every episode in The Brak Show, and several of them are honestly some of my favorite episodes in any animated show ever. That's ditto for Birdman too, by the way. Oh, and Brak is easily one of the best characters ever and that is an indisputable fact. Yeaaahhh Buddy! O0
Courage, the Cowardly Dog - Courage is awesome because it actually attempted to scare you when you were a kid, and managed to be dark and frightening while still being just a great kids show. I have a lot of favorites from the show that I still remember vividly today, and it really is one of the best cartoon cartoons. Normally I would have put this above The Brak Show, but I figured that it would get enough support as it is, and Brak's more underrated anyway. :D
Heroman - ShadowGentleman, I liked the episode you suggested for this show, although I'm not sure if I'll check out more of it in the future. Besides, all three of the other cartoons in this match are some of my favorites, and I've only seen one episode of Heroman, whereas I've seen the full runs of Harvey Birdman, Brak, and Courage about a dozen times by now, so...yeah. :sweat:
Harvey - Second funniest cartoon comedy of all time IMO
Courage - One of the smartest kids' shows ever, holds up well no matter how old I get
Brak - Really fun
Heroman - It's not bad, but I don't care for it too much
Courage, the Cowardly Dog - My second favorite Cartoon Cartoon. Staying both consistently hilarious and creepy is something to admire.
Harvey Birdman, Attorney At Law - The best Adult Swim original series. I love the satire of classic cartoons combined with original humor.
Heroman - I was reaching for something to nominate, and there weren't many anime left, so I went with this one. It's not spectacular, but the action is strong, and I just love how "American" this show is.
The Brak Show - Not as funny as other good Adult Swim show, but it's miles above most stuff that airs these days.
Same as ShadowGentleman.
Same as ek. Whats Heroman?
Same as gunswordfist.
Quote from: gunswordfist on October 14, 2013, 02:51:15 PM
Whats Heroman?
An anime about Peter Parker getting a giant robot. Made by Stan Lee.
The Brak Show- Always been my favorite [as] original, personally.
Harvey Birdman- My second favorite
Courage- For whatever reason, I could never get behind Courage as much as a lot of the other Cartoon Cartoons, but I do appreciate its existence.
Heroman- Haven't seen, sadly.
Same as Cartoon X.
Welp, I think everyone who was gonna vote has voted by now, so let's move on, shall we?
Heroman - 12
Harvey Birdman, Attorney At Law - 27
Courage, the Cowardly Dog - 25
The Brak Show - 16
Both the Attorney at Law and the Cowardly Dog take their cases to round 2.
Round 1, The 100 Toon Kumite: Match 4
Spongebob Squarepants (
Johnny Bravo (
Rocko's Modern Life (
Hey Arnold! (
My Picks:
Spongebob Squarepants - Because the show has been so over saturated in pop culture and hasn't been good for a few years a lot of people automatically dismiss the entire thing, these days. While I can't stand the newer seasons, I have to say that the first 5 seasons of Spongebob are absolutely hilarious, so good, in fact, that this series is easily my favorite kids comedy cartoon. It's a shame that the show has suffered the same fate of The Simpsons, but like it, I think it's great parts far outweigh the bad, and those first 5 seasons are by far my most favorite thing Nickelodeon has ever produced.
Rocko's Modern Life - This is my second most favorite thing to come out of Nickelodeon. It's smart, smarter than a lot of actual adult comedies, and seeing all the stuff this show got away with is mind-boggling and awesome. I think season 4 is kinda "eh," but overall-quality wise, it's probably the most consistently good show Nickelodeon has ever produced, with only Invader Zim having a more "perfect" run of episodes (and that's mostly because that series is only 27 episodes).
Johnny Bravo - Who doesn't love Johnny, Carl, and Pops? They are great characters, and this series was very good for the most part as well. Except for season 4. Season 4 is one of the worst seasons of any Cartoon Network original. Still, I love lots of episodes from season 1-3, and "Bravo Dooby Doo" and "Johnny Bravo meets Adam West," among other brilliant episodes, more than makes me still attached to it after all these years, even if I don't consider it too highly on my personal favorites list, anymore.
Hey Arnold! - "Helga on the Couch" held up as I hoped it would, but that doesn't change the fact I haven't watched many episodes of this show for a few years now. In any case, Hey Arnold's run was rather inconsistent if I recall. There were several brilliant episodes (including two absolutely phenomenal emotional tear-jearkers of episodes that I still remember vividly to this day), but there were also several really boring, plain, or mediocre episodes as well. I haven't seen it in along time ("Helga on the Couch" aside), so I don't know what holds up best and what doesn't, but I do think it was a good show that deserves being remembered.
Rocko's Modern Life
Johnny Bravo
Hey Arnold!
Spongebob Squarepants
Rocko's Modern Life
Johnny Bravo
Spongebob Squarepants
Hey Arnold!
Opposite of spark.
Opposite of GSF.
Same as Spark
Same as Spar=rk.
Wow, no love for the Sponge, huh? :sweat:
Quote from: gunswordfist on October 14, 2013, 09:47:28 PM
Quote from: ShadowGentleman on October 14, 2013, 03:49:07 PM
Quote from: gunswordfist on October 14, 2013, 02:51:15 PM
Whats Heroman?
An anime about Peter Parker getting a giant robot. Made by Stan Lee.
What? Really?
Well, not literally, but that's the best way I've heard to summarize it. It's a collaboration between Stan Lee and Bones.
Quote from: Cartoon X on October 15, 2013, 10:07:39 AM
Wow, no love for the Sponge, huh? :sweat:
To be fair, I can see why some people don't like it.
Same as Cartoon X anyway. :awesome:
Quote from: ShadowGentleman on October 15, 2013, 11:44:30 AM
It's a collaboration between Stan Lee and Bones.
Makes me wonder why no one ever licensed it. You'd think Stan Lee's name would have enough of a draw to convince a western studio to release it overseas.
Quote from: Foggle on October 15, 2013, 12:23:24 PM
Quote from: ShadowGentleman on October 15, 2013, 11:44:30 AM
It's a collaboration between Stan Lee and Bones.
Makes me wonder why no one ever licensed it. You'd think Stan Lee's name would have enough of a draw to convince a western studio to release it overseas.
On top of that, it's pretty tame as far as anime goes, so it would require basically no censorship to air on something like Cartoon Network.
Seriously, if shit like Diabolik Lovers can come out in the States, I have no idea why a family-friendly kids' show created by a famous American can't. Just doesn't make any sense.
I'm actually surprised it wasn't already brought over. I thought for sure it would be- it's such an obvious pick up.
I know it hasn't been 24 hours, but I think everyone who was going to vote has voted by now, so I'd say we can move on.
Spongebob Squarepants - 20
Johnny Bravo - 24
Rocko's Modern Life - 31
Hey Arnold! - 15
Rocko's Modern Life and Johnny Bravo move on to round 2.
Round 1, The 100 Toon Kumite: Match 5
Zoids: Chaotic Century/Guardian Force (
Black Dynamite (
The Venture Bros. (
Samurai 7 (,p10,d0)
My Picks:
The Venture Bros. - A hilarious blend of satire on super-heroes, nerdy things, and character development and ongoing storylines. Easily the second best current [adult swim] show after The Boondocks.
Black Dynamite - So over the top and ridiculous it turns around and becomes absolutely hilarious. The Michael Jackson and Elvis Presley episodes are especially brilliant, and if you don't love this series takes on 70's pop-culture and blaxploitation series and films, you have no soul. The original movie is currently still my favorite movie ever, and this series definitely didn't disappoint in making me laugh as well. Also, I absolutely love the look of the show. It's gorgeous and expressive, even if the animation isn't always fluid, and it's definitely the best looking cartoon on the air today. Just an awesome show, through and through.
Samurai 7 - I thought this show was well-crafted and paced, even if there were a few dull moments in the beginning and a couple of animation flubs. Overall I was glad Toonami aired it so I could give it a chance, because it's a pretty good anime at the end of the day overall.
Zoids: Chaotic Century/Guardian Force - Since E-K didn't suggest an episode for this show (in fact, only ShadowGentlemen suggested episodes for the shows he nominated...), I just watched the first episode of it. I thought it was pretty good for the first episode of this kind of show, although if I ever watch more of the show I'll go subbed since the dub sounds pretty lackluster from the first episode. But obviously, I've watched all of the other three series already in full, and I didn't get enough out of the first episode to make me like it more than any other show in this match, so I have to put it last by default.
Oh, for Panty & Stocking, please use episode 6. Thanks~
I was planning to! ;D
Quote from: Cartoon X on October 15, 2013, 09:33:57 PM
I was planning to! ;D
Even people who hate the show can't possibly dislike that episode. It's so fucking good. :joy:
Same as Cartoon X.
The dub for Zoids isn't great, but it improves as it goes along, IMO. If you want to know what a real lackluster dub sounds like, then that's where Zoids Fuzors comes in.
Anyways, for me, it's:
Quote from: ShadowGentleman on October 15, 2013, 11:44:30 AM
Quote from: gunswordfist on October 14, 2013, 09:47:28 PM
Quote from: ShadowGentleman on October 14, 2013, 03:49:07 PM
Quote from: gunswordfist on October 14, 2013, 02:51:15 PM
Whats Heroman?
An anime about Peter Parker getting a giant robot. Made by Stan Lee.
What? Really?
Well, not literally, but that's the best way I've heard to summarize it. It's a collaboration between Stan Lee and Bones.
I know, it just sounds awesome.
CX, do you mean the '70s Black Dynamite movie or the MJW remake?
Zoids - Better all of those shitty Gundam series.
Quote from: Foggle on October 15, 2013, 09:35:32 PM
Quote from: Cartoon X on October 15, 2013, 09:33:57 PM
I was planning to! ;D
Even people who hate the show can't possibly dislike that episode. It's so fucking good. :joy:
....just noticed he was linking to episodes...
Quote from: gunswordfist on October 15, 2013, 10:32:06 PM
CX, do you mean the '70s Black Dynamite movie or the MJW remake?
The 2009 film written by Michael Jai White.
Quote from: gunswordfist on October 15, 2013, 10:32:06 PM....just noticed he was linking to episodes...
Yep. The point of them is for people who haven't seen/watched 2 or more shows in a match to watch the episodes and judge them fairly based on first impressions of those series at some of their best. From what I can tell, nobody seems to be doing this, yet. However, I can guarantee that there will be a match-up or few later this round that should require some people to watch those sample eps if they want to make a constructive vote... :humhumhum:
Same as Cartoon X
I didn't know he wrote it. "I threw that shit before I came into the room!"
Venture Bros: My favorite animated comedy series.
Black Dynamite
Samurai 7
Hulu won't let me watch their stuff.
Quote from: Pharass on October 16, 2013, 11:38:42 AM
Hulu won't let me watch their stuff.
May I ask why? In any case, I'm glad someone has at least tried to watch the sample episodes of the shows they aren't familiar with, at the very least. :)
Alright, I think we can move on.
Zoids: Chaotic Century/Guardian Force - 16
Black Dynamite - 18
The Venture Bros. - 24
Samurai 7 - 12
Brock Samson and Black Dynamite both continue to kick some ass in round 2:
Round 1, The 100 Toon Kumite: Match 6
Super ( ( The ( Animated ( Series (
Pinky and the Brain (
The Slayers NEXT (
Legion of Superheroes (
My Picks:
The Slayers NEXT - Typically considered the best of the Slayers franchise, and it'd be hard to disagree. It's a perfect season combining everything that makes The Slayers the fun action-adventure series that it is, with a perfect blend of serious and hilarious episodes that never overwhelm each other and the overall tone of the show. While I love the original series a little more because of personal reasons, NEXT is an excellent entry of the series, and is probably even better than the first series overall.
Superman: The Animated Series - Not as strong as Batman or Justice League, but featured several great episodes and had the most consistent run of any of the DCAU shows. It's the only animated incarnation of Superman that does the character justice, and that alone makes me appreciate and love the series, but it's got several strong episodes under it's belt, such as pretty much all the Darkseid storylines, and that makes it all the better. Just another great entry in the DCAU.
Pinky and the Brain - I have a feeling that, unlike Animaniacs or Tiny Toon Adventures, I'd still like this series if I gave it a proper re-watch. It's been a while since I've seen the show, the suggested episode I've put for it aside, but even so I doubt I'd like it more than The Slayers NEXT and Superman. From what I can recall, and from the episode I just watched, it's more likeable and enjoyable to me than the average (not the above average, mind you) Animaniacs and Tiny Toon's are for me, so that gives me some hope that I'd still like it if I rewatched it, at least.
Legion of Superheroes - This show is still alright from the episode I just rewatched, but I never really was all that into it. It's definitely not a bad show, but as far as DC superhero cartoons went, I never really could get all that into it. However, I do think it's worthwhile to watch this show if you haven't seen it before, since it's a pretty good show at the end of the day, even if it never was anything spectacular.
Same as E-K
Legion -My favorite superhero team show.
Pinky & The Brain - Tiny Toons sucks. Animaniacs suck. PB does not suck.
Same as Cartoon X.
Same as Cartoon X
Same as Ensatsu-ken.
I'm going to end this round somewhat earlier than I usually would, but I think everyone who was going to vote this round has voted by now anyway.
Superman: The Animated Series - 22
Pinky and the Brain - 18
The Slayers NEXT - 20
Legion of Superheroes - 10
Superman celebrates 75 years and the Slayers gives a reason for life by moving on to round 2 of this competition. I'm pleasantly surprised that The Slayers NEXT is advancing and not Pinky and the Brain as I predicted. :) I think the results for the next match should be interesting to see as well...
Round 1, The 100 Toon Kumite: Match 7
The Simpsons (
Total Drama World Tour (
Dexter's Laboratory (
The Powerpuff Girls (
My Picks:
The Simpsons - At it's best, The Simpsons was brilliant, hilarious, and by far one of the smartest animated series to ever have been written, and those classic seasons still are to this day. Even though the bad seasons now outnumber the good 2:1, the good stuff is really good, and still hilarious for me after all these years, which is why seasons 1-10 still make the show one of my favorite animated series of all time to this day.
The Powerpuff Girls - It's easily one of the best cartoon cartoons, probably second best after Ed, Edd, n' Eddy if I looked at them objectively. So many episodes are still hilarious to this day, and honestly, even seasons 5-6 have some winners in them and there really is only at most 4 or five really awful episodes from them that I outright don't like, which is more than I can say for...
Dexter's Laboratory - At it's best, Dexter was absolutely brilliant. "Beard to be Feared," "Gooey Aliens," "Mock 5," "Unfortunate Cookie," "Labels," "Snowdown" and "Muffin King," among other awesome episodes, still remain enjoyable to me to this day and some of my favorite episodes of any animated series of all time. That being said...the last two seasons. They are godawful. Irredeemably godawful, worse than shit, but a putrid, vile glop of terrible vomit-inducing mediocrity only rivaled by Johnny Bravo season 4 as some of the absolute worst things Cartoon Network has made. Seasons 5-6 of The Powerpuff Girls are weak seasons, but there are at least a couple of great episodes in them too, and only a few episodes of them are outright unwatchable. Dexter's Labratory's last two seasons...I mean, I guess there's "Dexter's Wacky Races," but that's about the only decent episode of the bunch. I really love this show at it's best, I really do, but it's wasn't as great as The Simpsons at it's best to allow me to ignore it's worst for a competition like this, so compared to The Powerpuff Girls, I have to give it a rank lower.
Total Drama World Tour - I think this is easily the best Total Drama series to date, and a very fun show beginning to end. I love what they did with Cody and Heather in this season, and Alejandro was an excellent antagonist (the only really good one besides Heather in this franchise, in my opinion), and of course, I love musical numbers in animated tv shows, so that was a plus as well. However, I only like the show, whereas I love the other three series featured in this match, and I'd certainly say it's the weakest of the contenders this round, so putting it last was a no-brainer for me. Still, like I said, this is actually a pretty good show, much better than any Total Drama series before and after, and I'd say it's worth watching if you haven't seen it before and you have the time.
This one I'm going to think on since I have to factor in a lot of good and bad material.
Same as Cartoon X.
I actually kind of like Total Drama, but it's the weak link here IMO.
The Powerpuff Girls- Yeah, the post-movie material isn't too hot (but I also don't downright hate it, as its not nearly as bad as either DL or JBVO got), but everything before that was great, IMO, and I don't agree with anyone who says that this show hasn't aged well, because out of all of the cartoon cartoons save for maybe Ed, Edd, n' Eddy, this show has humor that has aged the best of all of them, IMO. Its incredibly witty stuff and also a great parody of superheroes in general.
Dexter's Laboratory- The revival episodes are complete trash, and kind of hurt this show. That said, the first 52 episodes are gold (well, mostly), and Last But Not Beast alone makes this one of the best cartoon shows ever, as far as I'm concerned.
The Simpsons- I respect it for its importance in animation history, but even going by the seasons in the show's peak, I find the show to be really entertaining with some great episodes, but being that I didn't grow up with it, I guess it just never left as much of an impression on me as it did everyone else.
Total Drama World Tour- Haven't seen it.
Same as Avaitor.
That reminds me...I have to finish watching the good Simpsons seasons. :sweat:
I have to finish watching the good The Simpsons episodes as well. In fact, I'll start over again.
Dexter's Lab - The very best Cartoon Cartoon.
The Simpsons - Greatest animated sitcom ever.
Yeah, I'll just pass.
Same as Cartoon X
The Simpsons - 21
Total Drama World Tour - 7
Dexter's Laboratory - 15
The Powerpuff Girls - 17
The Simpsons and The Powerpuff Girls both move on to round 2.
Round 1, The 100 Toon Kumite: Match 8
Home Movies (
Samurai Jack (
King of the Hill (
Tiny ( Toon ( Adventures (
My Picks:
King of the Hill - My favorite animated sitcom of all time. It's good to bad episode quality ratio is extraordinary, and there is really only episode I absolutely dislike, which is saying a lot when you consider it's 250+ episodes long and none of it's former peers from FOX's sunday night animation block can boast the same thing. It sucks it's no longer on Netflix and the dvds only go up to season 6, but I'm glad [adult swim] is committed to airing two hours of this show every night, at the very least.
Home Movies - I've always really loved Home Movies and it's brand of spontaneous humor that sounds natural because of how the actors improvised the lines during recording. It's definitely one of the best shows [adult swim] ever put up on air, and I'm hard-pressed to think of many episodes I dislike.
Samurai Jack - This show had lots of brilliant episodes that I still love to this day...but also a lot of slow, and kinda boring, episodes as well. It's got pacing and time issues in a lot of episodes, and it's a chore to watch it when it wastes time or has "filler-y" moments (pretty much the last half of the final episode featuring the Scotsman epitomizes my misgivings on that). Still, there's no denying it's artistic and storytelling brilliance, but I just wish the whole thing was more consistently excellent, not sometimes amazing and occasionally dull.
Tiny Toon Adventures - The animation for this show, much like the other silver age WB cartoons, is gorgeously fluid and almost makes me really enjoy the show...but, the writing hasn't aged all that well, and it's type of zany/reference humor no longer comes off as well to me as in other (less well-animated, even) shows I've seen, and while there's lots of episodes that I still enjoy and really like, I only like this show now. I can't deny it's well-written and smart, but it doesn't entertain me much any more, and I'm more distracted by how fluid the animation is than paying attention and laughing at the jokes, which I find quite saddening, honestly. :-\
King of the Hill
Home Movies
Tiny Toon Adventures
Samurai Jack
Good round.
King of the Hill
Tiny Toon Adventures
Home Movies
Samurai Jack
The Fool on the Hill
Rurouni Jack
America's Funniest Home Videos
No Relation
Same as Cartoon X
Samurai Jack - Greatest cartoon of all time.
Okay, now that GSF has finally voted (I waited because I knew how much he loves Samurai Jack ;) ), we can move on.
Home Movies - 14
Samurai Jack - 12
King of the Hill - 22
Tiny Toon Adventures - 12
King of the Hill and Home Movies move on to round 2.
Round 1, The 100 Man Kumite: Match 9
DuckTales (
Ed, Edd, n' Eddy (
Johnny Quest (
Beast Wars: Transformers (
My Picks:
Ed, Edd, n' Eddy - The best cartoon cartoon, at least objectively, because it's the one with the most consistent run of episodes. It's pretty much timeless and hasn't dated a bit, which is probably why Cartoon Network still repeats it regularly today wheras they don't do the same with their arguably more popular series Dexter's Laboratory and The Powerpuff Girls. It's easily tied with The Grim Adventures of Billy and Mandy as my favorite cartoon network original series ever.
Johnny Quest - A classic. The first animated action-adventure television serial, and really, nothing quite like it has ever been made. There's not a single boring episode in the bunch, and it's by far the best Hanna-Barbera show bar none.
DuckTales - Woo-hoo! A really fun show and easily the second best Disney Afternoon series after Gargoyles. I love Scrooge McDuck, and the fact every episode is an exciting action-adventure with energetic animation and heaps of fun makes it irresistible and awesome to watch to this day. I really need to finish collecting the dvds for it, one of these days...
Beast Wars: Transformers - I've only ever watched the sample episode I've put up for this show, which I watched just now, but it certainly seems like an interesting series. Since it's on Netflix and Transformers Animated isn't (should have re-watched that show when I still had access to the Hub...) and having finished Transformers: Prime, I should indulge myself on this franchise more with what is, from what I've heard, the best Transformers series ever. I don't know if that is actually true or not, but I'm sure it's good anyway. That said, because I have only watched the one episode right now, and I really, really enjoy and have watched all the other three series, I have to put this last by default.
Ed, Edd, n' Eddy
Johnny Quest
Beast Wars
I only ranked BW last because I haven't seen enough of it.
Pass. Eds will make it through and I've seen little to none of the other 3 over the years and they've never been favorites.
Beast Wars
Johnny Quest
Ed, Edd n' Eddy
Same as Cartoon X.
Same as Pharass
Same as Grave
Quote from: Avaitor on October 20, 2013, 10:15:08 AMSame as Grave
You're putting Ed, Edd, n' Eddy last? :-\
Same as Foggle
Quote from: gunswordfist on October 20, 2013, 01:20:27 PM
Quote from: Avaitor on October 20, 2013, 12:58:45 PM
Quote from: Ensatsu-ken on October 20, 2013, 12:16:55 PM
Quote from: Avaitor on October 20, 2013, 10:15:08 AMSame as Grave
You're putting Ed, Edd, n' Eddy last? :-\
I meant ShadowGentleman. :sweat:
It's ok, guys. Avaitor just had an Ed moment.
Hug me!
Quote from: Avaitor on October 20, 2013, 01:22:28 PM
Quote from: gunswordfist on October 20, 2013, 01:20:27 PM
Quote from: Avaitor on October 20, 2013, 12:58:45 PM
Quote from: Ensatsu-ken on October 20, 2013, 12:16:55 PM
Quote from: Avaitor on October 20, 2013, 10:15:08 AMSame as Grave
You're putting Ed, Edd, n' Eddy last? :-\
I meant ShadowGentleman. :sweat:
It's ok, guys. Avaitor just had an Ed moment.
Hug me!
Buttered toast then! (which reminds me, this is from my favorite episode)
DuckTales - 21
Ed, Edd, n' Eddy - 25
Johnny Quest - 20
Beast Wars: Transformers - 14
The Ed Boys and Scrooge McDuck continue to chase after elusive riches in round 2. That was a close one, I gotta say, but I can't argue with the outcome :). This next match is a mean one for me, since I like/love all the following shows pretty equally...but also need to rewatch 3/4ths of them properly sometime to see how well they hold up (not if they do hold up, cause I know they do, but how strongly they do). I'm sure Foggle is going to like the odds on this one, though, since one of his favorite anime is up against some good, but manageable competition, so it's got a great chance to move on. So without further ado, let's hit the double digits for the matches of this competition with...
Round 1, The 100 Toon Kumite: Match 10
My Life As A Teenage Robot (
Panty and Stocking with Garterbelt (
The Angry Beavers (
Batman Beyond (
My Picks:
Panty and Stocking with Garterbelt - A hilarious middle finger to otaku culture and overall just a funny show with good satire and an uproarious english dub. Oh, and for the record, I can guarantee that I liked this show waaaaay before any of the rest of you guys, too... :>
Batman Beyond - The weakest of the major DCAU shows in my opinion, but still an excellent, excellent series with a great protagonist in Terry McGinnis and overall just a lot of really well-written and memorable episodes. Plus, Return of the Joker is awesome, and that movie and this show was the first step to me actually liking superhero/action cartoons as a kid, so I'm grateful for that. I'd probably put this and The Angry Beavers above Panty and Stocking normally, but I haven't given either of them a proper run through in a long ass time while I've rewatched Panty and Stocking pretty recently, but I definitely plan to give it a proper rewatch when I have the time.
The Angry Beavers - While not as consistenly good as Rocko, I still get a kick out of the series and it's mixture of absurdist and nonsensical humor. I should give the complete series set I bought of it a good run-through sometime.
My Life as a Teenage Robot - This series, alongside El Tigre: The Adventures of Manny Rivera, is one of the most criminally underrated Nicktoons in existence and I love the shit out of it. Jenny is easily my favorite character from any Nicktoon, and all the episodes are solidly entertaining, although admittedly they don't reach the heights of the most popular Nicktoons like Rocko or Spongebob, which is probably why this series only has a cult following today (at least it's a pretty big one, though). I have to put this last because, even though I really do love this show, I don't really like it better than the rest of these series, or I at least haven't rewatched it properly to compare it to the other series in this match, and I'm pretty sure it has little chance of moving onto the next round, anyways. That said, I really do think this show was great and it's a shame it's one of the more overlooked Nicktoons next to El Tigre, and I'm glad Nicktoons still reruns the series occasionally, although I'd much rather shell out the money for a complete series set (hopefully someday!).
Angry Beavers
Batman Beyond
My Life As A Teenage Robot
Panty and Stocking with Garterbelt
At least watch episode 6 of Panty & Stocking before you write it off.
Same as Cartoon X.
Batman Beyond
Angry Beavers
Panty and Stocking with Garterbelt
My Life As A Teenage Robot
Quote from: Foggle on October 21, 2013, 12:21:54 AM
At least watch episode 6 of Panty & Stocking before you write it off.
also give Teenage Robot another chance and re-watch it. I think it's underrated, blah blah...
Same as Spark
Same as Cartoon X
My Life As A Teenage Robot - 10
Panty and Stocking with Garterbelt - 17
The Angry Beavers - 20
Batman Beyond - 23
Batman Beyond and The Angry Beavers move on to round 2. And to think I thought PSG had a chance... :imnothappy:
Round 1, The 100 Toon Kumite: Match 11
American Dad! (,p115,d0)
The Secret Saturdays (
Fist of the North Star (,p0,d0)
Scooby Doo! Mystery Incorporated (
My Picks:
American Dad! - One of my top 10 favorite animated series of all time. It's just a hilarious show with hilarious characters (The Smiths > The Simpsons >>>>>>>>>>>>The Griffins, IMO), and so, so much funnier than the other Seth McFarlane shows that it shouldn't even be lumped in with them. The first 6 seasons were golden, and it's easily still the best thing on FOX right now, even if the recent seasons have become a tad weaker.
The Secret Saturdays - An excellent action cartoon that managed to tell a tightly-paced and well-contructed plot and have an actual ending to boot, unlike Symbionic Titan. It was a very consistent, very enjoyable series and it's a shame that it ended so early, although at least it has an ending, unlike a lot of other action cartoons that ended prematurely.
Scooby Doo! Mystery Incorporated - I nominated this as one of the final 10 entries because I knew Pharass liked this show, and since he didn't nominate anything I decided to do it for him. This is easily the best Scooby series, however, and manages to combine the gangs traditional mystery escapades with an intriguing overarching plot and, gasp, character development. A highly enjoyable show, and a quality one that future Scooby series will no doubt struggle to match.
Fist of the North Star - I watched the first episode, and it was a pretty good adaption of the manga all things said and done. That said, I've only watched the one episode and have only read a few chapters of the manga, so I don't feel that strongly about the series yet to rank it above any of the other shows in this match.
Quote from: Cartoon X on October 22, 2013, 12:59:44 PM
And to think I thought PSG had a chance... :imnothappy:
Not on this forum.
Same as Cartoon X
Mystery Incorporated
Secret Saturdays
Fist of the North Star
American Dad
Mostly voting to give Mystery Incorporated my support, truly an excellent show. Thanks for nominating Cartoon X, I would've done so but somehow I managed to miss the nomination thread.
Same as Pharass.
Same as the Spirit.
Fist Of The Northstar (greatest pre-90s anime)
American Dad (so awful)
American Dad! - 13
The Secret Saturdays - 18
Fist of the North Star - 12
Scooby Doo! Mystery Incorporated - 17
Scooby Dooby Doo and the Secret Saturdays continue to pursue supernatural mysteries in round 2.
Round 1, The 100 Toon Kumite: Match 12
Jojo's Bizarre Adventure (2012) (
Duck ( Dodgers (
Space Ghost: Coast to Coast (
Top Cat (
My Picks:
Space Ghost: Coast to Coast - The series that pretty much is responsible for the creation of [adult swim], and damn is it funny. It's so good, that when people think of Space Ghost now, they think of George Lowe's Space Ghost, not Gary Owens', and they think of him as a talk show host instead of the superhero he originally was. Not that that's a bad thing. ;)
Duck Dodgers - The best Looney Tunes tv spinoff, in my opinion. I love pretty much every episode of the 39 episode run, and I'm glad the series is available on dvd now.
Jojo's Bizarre Adventure (2012) - This show is pretty damn awesome, although I've only watched the first arc of it, so far. I love it's style, both story and artistic, though, and goddamn does it have two of the best anime openings ever made. I need to finish the Battle Tendency portion of the series before Stardust Crusaders comes in 2014...
Top Cat - My second favorite Hanna Barbera show after Johnny Quest. Top Cat is easily my favorite Hanna Barbera character as well. That said, I'm putting this last simply because I like the other three series in this match better, although it certainly is one of my favorite classic television animated series.
Duck Dodgers
Top Cat
Space Ghost
DUCK DODGERS...*swings laser nunchucks*...IN THE 24TH...AND ONE HALF........CENTURY!!!!!!!!!!!!
Top Cat
Space Ghost - The hardest I've laughed at this show is when SG spit blood on the screen)
Opposite of Grave.
Space Ghost
Duck Dodgers
Top Cat
Same as Insommy.
Same as Foggle and Insomniac
Top Cat
Space Ghost
Duck Dodgers
Jojo's (still haven't seen, sorry)
Get Back
Daffy Duck, Warlord of Mars
I haven't really watched a lot of Space Ghost and thus can't really think of anything to say.
The East Side Kids
Quote from: ShadowGentleman on October 23, 2013, 08:56:57 PM
The other one with Brak
Brak barely appears in
Coast to Coast, though. Like, I can only remember him being in ten or so episodes in that series, and most of time when he did show up he only had a minor role. What I'm saying is, a better nickname for
Coast to Coast would be "The other one with Zorak." :sly:
Or better yet, "The only one with Moltar!" :il_hahaha:
Jojo's Bizarre Adventure (2012) - 26
Duck Dodgers - 23
Space Ghost: Coast to Coast - 24
Top Cat - 17
Jojo's Bizarre Adventure and Space Ghost: Coast to Coast move on to round 2. I have to say though, that was a really close match, and one more vote the right way could have completely changed the results. But 'tis what it is, and we can move on to...
Round 1, The 100 Toon Kumite: Match 13
Animaniacs! (
Case Closed (,p0,d0)
The Flintstones (
The Marvelous Misadventures of Flapjack (
My Picks:
Case Closed - One of my first animes, and still one of my favorites. It's a very consistent crime-solving/detective/murder mystery series, and never really gets tiring to watch even 600+ episodes. It's such a shame that FUNimation stopped dubbing the series, especially since they never even got to dub any episodes past the introduction of Ai Haibara/Anita Hailey, who is easily my favorite character in the whole series, but I'm glad there's even 130 episodes dubbed anyway. Overall, it's just a show I can't ever really get tired of, and although I am itching to see how the Black Organization storyline will ultimately resolve itself, I imagine I can keep reading/watching for many more years to come (and besides, in 600+ episodes, you can bet your ass there's a whole lot of great episodes that never get old to re-watch, regardless).
The Marvelous Misadventures of Flapjack - I love this show, and it's creative uses of the medium of animation in a way that exploits style and comic exaggeration in a way that I've seen few modern cartoons (and even the classics) even attempt. This is a show that mixes the weird and the bizarre in a way that's charming, and the characters are strong from the get go, unlike in Adventure Time or even Regular Show. Overall, I think it was one of Cartoon Network's best original series ever, and I miss the heck out of it.
The Flintstones - My third favorite show Hanna Barbera has ever created, and a true classic. While not laugh out loud funny or as endearing to me as some other classic cartoons series, at least not anymore, it's still a solid, smartly-written show with a lot to love. There is a charm to the series that will get you through every episode even if they aren't always the most interesting or the funniest, and that gives this show a bit of timeless magic to it, in my opinion. Overall, I think it's a true classic, and one I still enjoy to this day.
Animaniacs! - This show is just too hit and miss for me, nowadays. I watched it all again recently, mind you, thanks to the Hub, so I can confirm that while I really do love it at it's best, I am bored witless by it at it's average, and annoyed by it at it's worst. For a series with such a large cast of characters, it's a shame that I only enjoy the cartoons featuring the Warners, Slappy, and Pinky and the Brain, and even then they have their hits and misses. I certainly don't think it's a mediocre show, no, it's a good show alright. I fuckign love how fluidly animated it is, and how clever it's writing can be. But it's just not likable enough in a way for me to enjoy it consistently, so I don't get that much enjoyment out of watching just an average episode of the show, and that's why I don't really feel anything towards it, anymore. So...yeah, I just like it the least out the four series in this match.
AAAAHHHDAYUM!!! How'd y'all let Duck Dodgers lose?
Case Closed - One of two (well 3 if Trigun isn't shonen) non-shonen anime I like. My best friend, brother and me thought this show would be boring but soon after we used to get together to watch the show and try and figure out the mysteries.
Flintstones - As an adult I like it more. Anyone who thinks this show is showing its age can go stone themselves.
Flapjack - At least Ani has Pinky and the Brainbrainbrain. I hate this headache of a show.
Actually, GSF, Case Closed IS shonen. :D
Granted, it's not a generic battle or comedy shonen, and it's arguably more "mature" than, say, Oishinibo and Shin Chan (both of which are seinin), and it's been running so long it probably has a huge fanbase with both kids and adults (like the Lupin the Third franchise, which is supposed to be seinin, but is popular among general audiences in like a Simpsons kind of way), so you might as well not consider it one anyway. ;)
Detective Conan
The Flintstones
Case Closed
Quote from: Cartoon X on October 24, 2013, 08:22:15 PM
Actually, GSF, Case Closed IS shonen. :D
Granted, it's not a generic battle or comedy shonen, and it's arguably more "mature" than, say, Oishinibo and Shin Chan (both of which are seinin), and it's been running so long it probably has a huge fanbase with both kids and adults (like the Lupin the Third franchise, which is supposed to be seinin, but is popular among general audiences in like a Simpsons kind of way), so you might as well not consider it one anyway. ;)
I blame ek for making me think that.
Ahh, I missed the old school anime block with Lupin and Case Closed. I think there was a time when FMA, Big O, Bebop and Inuyasha also were shown on the same night and that might have been my favorite [as] lineup.Not all of them are my absolute favs {especially Inuyasha) but the variety is what made it great.
Case Closed
Same as Cartoon X
Animaniacs! - 16
Case Closed - 23
The Flintstones - 23
The Marvelous Misadventures of Flapjack - 18
Detective Conan and Fred Fintstone move on to round 2. We're half-way done with the first round! Yippee! We're getting closer to certain matches I've been itching/dreading to get to. This match ain't one of them, but it's a bit of a toughie in it's own right :
Round 1, The 100 Toon Kumite: Match 14
American Dragon: Jake Long (
The Tex Avery Show (
Disney's Adventures of the Gummi Bears (
The ( Spectacular ( Spider-Man (
My Picks:
The Tex Avery Show - Classic cartoons from one of the greatest directors of animation. Avery never let you forget you were watching a cartoon, and he took full advantage of the medium in order to do so. Few cartoons possess the raw energy of his shorts, and most of them overall the stand up as some of the finest pieces of animation ever produced.
Disney's Adventures of the Gummi Bears - The show that was responsible for the Disney Afternoon, and damn was it a good one. A great series mixing adventure and comedy, well-written and well-animated, a real treat and one of the finer animated series produced in the 80's. I actually like this series more than DuckTales, in some ways, and it's kind of a shame it's overlooked in favor of the former. It's an excellent show that holds up over nearly 20+ years and is consistently enjoyable, and really, you can't get much better than that.
The Spectacular Spider-Man - I love, LOVE what I've watched of this show...which is honestly very little, which is why I'm ranking this third. However, I am keen to finish this series as soon as I can get around to it, and I think it'll easily be one of my top favorites when I'm done with it.
American Dragon: Jake Long - A fine show, easily the best show Disney Channel was airing in the late 00's, and one that considerably improved as it went on. I have a fondness for it to this day, myself. Compared to the other series here, though, I don't like it enough to rank it higher than the rest.
Poor Avaitor. American Dragon is up against stiff competition.
The Spectacular Spider-Man
Disney's Adventures of the Gummi Bears
The Tex Avery Show
American Dragon
The Spectacular Spiderman
The Tex Avery Show
American Dragon: Jake Long
Disney's Adventures of the Gummi Bears
Tex Avery- If I had a gun pointed to my head, I'd say Tex's work from the MGM department were responsible for my favorite cartoons ever made. Definite first choice for me.
Spectacular Spider-Man- Probably the best super hero cartoon ever made. If only it lasted longer.
American Dragon- Flipped a coin. The show's far from perfect, but its playing with mythology, varied sense of humor, and strong cast of characters entertained me a hell of a lot more than most of what else Disney's TV department has come up with in the past 10 or so years. In another match, I might give the show a higher pick, but not today.
Gummi Bears- And this one has just as strong of a continuity and likable characters, as well as having the distinction of being the show that made Disney's rise into televised animation become possible. But it lost the toss here.
Same as Avaitor.
Same as ShadowGentleman.
The Spectacular Spider-Man- It's my 3rd favorite cartoon series that I've ever seen. It may only be 26 episodes long, but it does more interesting things with its characters and story-lines in that short amount of time than what most shows can accomplish with more than double that length in episode-count.
The Tex Avery Show- Classic stuff. It's not quite on par with Looney Tunes, on the whole, IMO, but the best Tex Avery shorts can stand toe-to-toe with any of the best Looney Tunes shorts, IMO.
American Dragon: Jake Long- I do like this show, but I honestly haven't seen it in years, so I have no idea how well it does or doesn't hold up. I do think that a fair amount of it may come off as dated to me, but I do still remember that beneath some of the cheesiness, this show actually had some pretty smart characters and some solid serious story-lines backed by legitimately good writing.
Disney's Adventures of the Gummi Bears- I've seen bits and pieces of this show. It looks to be pretty entertaining, but since I've seen more of the others, I obviously have a stronger opinion on those shows than I do this one.
American Dragon: Jake Long - 12
The Tex Avery Show - 24
Disney's Adventures of the Gummi Bears - 11
The Spectacular Spider-Man - 23
The spectacular, spectacular Spider-Man and the cartoons made by the man who could make cartoons like no one can move on to round 2.
Round 1, The 100 Toon Kumite: Match 15
Ugly Americans (
Tron: Uprising (
Megas XLR (
Darkwing Duck (
My Picks:
Ugly Americans - A hillarious show that was the perfect complement to South Park back when they aired back to back. I really do miss it, since the second season was even better than the first and I could easily imagine the show having an even more stellar third season, but sadly, it was not to be.
Megas XLR - Really funny parody of Giant Robot anime and in general a great satire of pop culture. The episode with R.E.G.I.S. mark 5 and the two part finale still remain some of my favorite episodes of any animated series ever.
Darkwing Duck - Another solid, well-made show from the Disney Afternoon, even if it could be rather corny at times.
Tron: Uprising - Re-watching the first episode makes me wish I watched more of this show back when it was on Disney Channel. It's a cool action series and I love it's visual style, and it definitely feels different than what you'd expect from a Disney show as well. That said, I've only watched a few episodes, whereas I've watched all of the other three series in this match, so I kinda had to put this last, but it's definitely something I going to try and check out more in the future.
I Dig Giant Robots - My favorite giant robot show
TRON LIVES - Needs more love
He Who Integrates Monsters - The only other thing besides South Park I'd watch on Comedy Central
Bat-Duck - Only seen bits of it. Looks great though.
Megas XLR- One of the funniest and most entertaining Cartoon Network originals.
Tron: Uprising- I still haven't finished it yet, but I did really enjoy what I saw of it, so far.
Darkwing Duck- I liked it as a kid, but I have no idea how well it holds up now.
Ugly Americans- I haven't seen it, yet.
WHO-WAH!!!! Both Case Closed and The Flintstones made it through.
Quote from: ShadowGentleman on October 26, 2013, 06:28:16 PM
He Who Integrates Monsters - The only other thing besides South Park I'd watch on Comedy Central
Not a fan of
The Daily Show and
The Colbert Report?
Quote from: Ensatsu-ken on October 26, 2013, 06:29:22 PM
Megas XLR- One of the funniest and most entertaining Cartoon Network originals.
Tron: Uprising- I still haven't finished it yet, but I did really enjoy what I saw of it, so far.
Darkwing Duck- I liked it as a kid, but I have no idea how well it holds up now.
Ugly Americans- I haven't seen it, yet.
Same as Ensatsu-ken.
Quote from: Cartoon X on October 26, 2013, 11:06:50 PM
Quote from: ShadowGentleman on October 26, 2013, 06:28:16 PM
He Who Integrates Monsters - The only other thing besides South Park I'd watch on Comedy Central
Not a fan of The Daily Show and The Colbert Report?
Whoops! I meant animated. :sweat:
Same as Cartoon X
Ugly Americans - 14
Tron: Uprising - 12
Megas XLR - 22
Darkwing Duck - 12
Giant Robots and Ugly Americans will move on to round 2:
Round 1, The 100 Toon Kumite: Match 16
One Piece (,p10,s2,d0)
Sgt. Frog (,p0,d0)
Teen Titans (
The Adventures of Jimmy Neutron: Boy Genius (
My Picks:
One Piece - While I prefer the manga, the anime is honestly quite a great adaption for the most part until Water 7, where it starts to become a little more inconsistent. The anime also has my favorite soundtrack for any show ever, so that's a plus in it's favor for me as well. Thanks to the combination of that soundtrack, excellent vocal performances, and great directing where it counts, I'm able to look past some of the poorer animated and paced parts, and I enjoy the show strongly enough to consider it one of my top 20 favorite animated shows to this day.
The Adventures of Jimmy Neutron: Boy Genius - One of my favorite Nicktoons. I think it had a very consistent, and very funny run, and I still get a kick out of most of the episodes when I see 'em today. Definitely my favorite CGI television cartoon, at the very least.
Sgt. Frog - A really funny anime that's even funnier dubbed. Dammit FUNi, license a season 4 and give me the Keroro Platoon vs. Gaururu Platoon battle dubbed already!
Teen Titans - I used to really love this show, but after re-watching it on and off in the past year or so, I don't think it really holds up all that well. There are only a few episodes I would consider bad, but generally, none of the story arcs in the show were very good, and despite there still being a lot of episodes I still really like (most of them being the most comedic episodes), too much of the show is just feels average or mediocre. I still have a fondness for the show, but it doesn't hold up well on the whole, and as comedy-action series Batman: The Brave and the Bold trumps it in every way possible, so I have no qualms putting it last.
Hm. I only actually like one of these shows, and it's not a favorite by any means. Still...
Sgt. Frog
One Piece
Teen Titans
Jimmy Neutron
Teen Titans
One Piece
Jimmy Neutron
Sgt Frog
Never seen Sgt Frog, but for the most part outside of TT I don't particularly care for any of these shows.
Like Foggle, I only particularly like one of these shows, but my order's a bit different
Jimmy Neutron
Sgt. Frog
One Piece
Teen Ttians
Same as Foggle.
I've only seen the dub for Sgt. Frog, but it's immature brand of humor is undeniably right up my alley.
As for One Piece, while the anime has its moments and isn't quite as bad as DBZ, and even though it has an awesome OST, I just can't really tolerate the terrible pacing and ridiculously cheap animation (in most episodes). My interest in One Piece has fluctuated over the years, but what I can say for sure is that I'd personally rather read the manga than watch the anime, myself.
I'm not a fan of Teen Titans, but I can respect that it's a show with a strong fan-base that actually has effort put into its writing.
I'm not one of those people who thinks of Jimmy Neutron as a crappy Dexter's Laboratory clone, but my problem with the show is that I just don't find it that funny or entertaining. I don't hate it, I just don't care for it. That's really all that I can say about it.
One Piece
Sgt Frog
Teen Titans
Jimmy Neutron
Not really a fan of any of these.
This round is bbbbboooooorrrrrrrrriiiiiiiinnnnnnnnnnnggggggggg...And how the hell did Ugly Americans make it out of that round :wth: :whuh:
This match should be dubbed "the match where people only really particularly sorta kinda maybe care about one of the shows but don't really particularly sorta kinda maybe care about the rest," lol. :sweat:
Quote from: gunswordfist on October 27, 2013, 07:59:22 PM
And how the hell did Ugly Americans make it out of that round :wth: :whuh:
I dunno, GSF, as much as I like the show I didn't think it had any chance of moving on, but the math doesn't lie. If Avaitor or Spark had voted that match, I'm sure either Darkwing or Tron would have moved on instead.
Ugly Americans is a funny show, and it's perfectly worthy of having moved on to round 2, so :bleh:
Quote from: Cartoon X on October 27, 2013, 08:05:00 PM
Quote from: gunswordfist on October 27, 2013, 07:59:22 PM
And how the hell did Ugly Americans make it out of that round :wth: :whuh:
I dunno, GSF, as much as I like the show I didn't think it had any chance of moving on, but the math doesn't lie. If Avaitor or Spark had voted that match, I'm sure either Darkwing or Tron would have moved on instead.
Or if I had put Tron in first like I originally wanted to. :awesome:
That would have given Tron only 13 pts, though. Ugly Americans moved on with 14. You would've had to put Ugly Americans last to tie them, and then someone could have possibly broken the tie in favor of Tron. Otherwise, someone else would have had to put Tron higher or Ugly Americans lower than they did. :sweat:
For what it's worth, I'm not as harsh on Shounen as most other people on this board, so I do actually like One Piece and Sgt. Frog. I even enjoy the earlier parts of the One Piece anime to an extent, but I'd still just prefer the manga to it. I also haven't seen enough of Sgt. Frog to hold a strong enough opinion on it.
Quote from: Ensatsu-ken on October 27, 2013, 09:37:20 PM
For what it's worth, I'm not as harsh on Shounen as most other people on this board, so I do actually like One Piece and Sgt. Frog.
I don't want to get too off-topic, but I don't think that a series just being shounen automatically determines and standardizes the appeal/quality of series like
One Piece and
Sgt. Frog. What I mean is, the fact that they are shounen shouldn't play much role in how much you like them so much so as the content and execution of the shows themselves. There's good and bad shounen out there, just like there's good and bad seinin out there, and some of the best shounen stuff is on par with the best seinin stuff out there, imo. Also, some shounen series may actually appeal more to adults than kids just like how some children's american cartoons can (Rumiko Takahashi has frequently lamented that
Urusei Yatsura was always more popular with college students and young adults than with kids, for instance), so it's not like there's an inherently limited cross-demographic appeal. All I'm saying is, it kinda annoys me when people judge an anime just for being a shounen instead of the quality of the show itself, especially since few cartoon fans judge children's cartoons here in the states like that. :sweat:
Anyway, both
One Piece and
Sgt. Frog are in the lead right now for this match, so whatever anti-shounen bias there is on this board, it certainly isn't showing much. :humhumhum:
I don't really have any negative biases when it comes to anime anymore.
Same as Avaitor.
Yeah, I didn't vote in that round because the only show I was personally a fan of was Darkwing.
Although the only show here that I am partial to is Jimmy Neutron, and I'm surprised that some people here really hate it.
Quote from: Avaitor on October 28, 2013, 04:48:54 PM
Yeah, I didn't vote in that round because the only show I was personally a fan of was Darkwing.
Watch the sample episodes for the other shows. Match 19. That's all I'm going to say for now. :humhumhum:
But yeah, I quite like Jimmy Neutron myself and am surprised to see it's relatively unpopular on this board. I rewatched a few episodes recently and they held up about as well as I could expect, and I still think it's a pretty entertaining show more than it is not. I was expecting it to be the most favored pick in this match, honestly.
I don't dislike it. But like the other shows this round, I don't really like it either.
Quote from: Avaitor on October 28, 2013, 04:48:54 PM
Yeah, I didn't vote in that round because the only show I was personally a fan of was Darkwing.
Although the only show here that I am partial to is Jimmy Neutron, and I'm surprised that some people here really hate it.
That show is so fucking boring.
Well, it's been almost a day now anyway, and I want to make this my 700th post just cause, so I'm just going to go ahead and put up the next match:
One Piece - 21
Sgt. Frog - 20
Teen Titans - 13
The Adventures of Jimmy Neutron: Boy Genius - 16
Wan Pisu and Keroro Gunso move on to round 2.
Round 1, The 100 Toon Kumite: Match 17
Star Wars: Clone Wars (
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2003) (
South Park (
Avatar: The Last Airbender (
My Picks:
South Park - My favorite television show ever, so it's obvious I'd rank it first here.
Avatar: The Last Airbender - While not perfect, it's a damn great action show, and one of the finest animated series of the last decade.
Star Wars: Clone Wars - First Star Wars thing I ever liked, and great direction from Tartakvosky makes it a highly enjoyable experience for me to watch to this day.
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2003) - Always wanted to watch this show more often than I did, and that sample episode I just watched only furthers my regret for not doing so. I'm not really familiar with the Turtles franchise in any of it's incarnations, but I've liked what I've seen of this series, at the very least, and sometime down the line I'll try to check out more of it.
Same as Cartoon X
Clone Wars (the only Star Wars series I've liked)
South Park
South Park - Even if it's not a personal favorite of mine, I can't deny it's greatness.
Avatar - Like CX said, it's not perfect, and it occasionally gets over hyped as hell, but it remains a good show none the less.
TMNT2K3 - How the hell did they make ninja turtles so awesome? (Wait, I answered my own question...)
Tartakvosky's Clone Wars - The Star Wars fan in me wants to put it higher, but I find it lacking in most areas outside of art direction.
Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on October 28, 2013, 06:24:55 PM
Clone Wars (the only Star Wars series I've liked)
South Park
Quote from: ShadowGentleman on October 28, 2013, 06:36:31 PMSouth Park - Even if it's not a personal favorite of mine, I can't deny it's greatness.
Avatar - Like CX said, it's not perfect, and it occasionally gets over hyped as hell, but it remains a good show none the less.
TMNT2K3 - How the hell did they make ninja turtles so awesome? (Wait, I answered my own question...)
Tartakvosky's Clone Wars - The Star Wars fan in me wants to put it higher, but I find it lacking in most areas outside of art direction.
Clone Wars - One of the best action cartoons ever. The clip CX posted is the show at its best.
Avatar - One of the top 3 best action toons from the last decade.
SP - Filth.
TMNT - A little too dry. I'd probably like the original more.
Star Wars: Clone Wars - 14
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2003) - 15
South Park - 20
Avatar: The Last Airbender - 21
The Blue Spirit and the Coon move on to round 2.
Round 1, The 100 Toon Kumite: Match 18:
Justice League/Unlimited (
Aqua Teen Hunger Force (
Dan Vs. (
Sheep in the Big City (
My Picks:
Justice League/Unlimited - A solid action series. There are quite a few weak episodes, imo, but season 2 of both series more than make up for them.
Dan Vs. - Fuck the ponies, this is the best and most consistently hilarious show on the Hub. I can't think of a single mediocre episode, and that's a real compliment since even the greatest of series usually have some. Hopefully we get a season 4 sometime soon.
Sheep in the Big City - Haven't seen it in a long time, but watching the pilot again, good lord does it hold up! I can't in good conscience put it above JL and Dan VS. in this match, but I could easily see it becoming a top favorite of mine whenever I get a chance to rewatch the series in full.
Aqua Teen Hunger Force - I'm very fond of this series, especially the first three seasons, but compared to the other series here, I'd call it the weakest link, unfortunately.
Fun match today. Of course, this also means match 19 is tomorrow, the one match that I've been anticipating/dreading for some time now. Let's just say it's a match few people can actually vote on (in good conscience and not arbitrarily, at leas), but most would probably really want to considering one of the shows involved, and I both win and lose either way. :humhumhum:
Same as Cartoon X.
Same as Spark of Spirit.
Same as ShadowGentleman.
I am just glad TMNT didnt make it. Its last season sucks.
Justice League - Will try to actually complete a marathon of the entire series.
Dan Vs. - My baby brother and I LOVE the ending of The Dentist. We love this show.
ATHF - Fun to watch back in middle/high school with oldest bro and friend.
Sheep - I only remember seeing a promo.
Justice League/Unlimited
Dan VS
Aqua Teen Hunger Force
Sheep in the Big City
Quote from: VLordGTZ on October 30, 2013, 05:57:41 PM
Justice League/Unlimited
Dan VS
Aqua Teen Hunger Force
Sheep in the Big City
You could have said, "Same as gunswordfist." :humhumhum:
Quote from: Ensatsu-ken on October 30, 2013, 05:27:48 PM
For the sake of just voting, this. Other than JLU I don't know any other show, although I have seen a bit of ATHF, and well, yeah, not my kind of comedy.
Quote from: Grave on October 30, 2013, 06:33:58 PM
For the sake of just voting, this. Other than JLU I don't know any other show
Next time when there's a match where you don't know 3 or any of the shows, try to watch the sample episodes linked with the shows before you vote first. It's why they are there in the first place. :sweat:
Quote from: Cartoon X on October 30, 2013, 07:35:16 PM
Quote from: Grave on October 30, 2013, 06:33:58 PM
For the sake of just voting, this. Other than JLU I don't know any other show
Next time when there's a match where you don't know 3 or any of the shows, try to watch the sample episodes linked with the shows before you vote first. It's why they are there in the first place. :sweat:
Usually I can look at a picture and tell you if I'll like it or not :). In this case, yeah, I'm a pretty harsh critic, but I gotcha.
Quote from: Grave on October 30, 2013, 07:41:38 PM
Quote from: Cartoon X on October 30, 2013, 07:35:16 PM
Quote from: Grave on October 30, 2013, 06:33:58 PM
For the sake of just voting, this. Other than JLU I don't know any other show
Next time when there's a match where you don't know 3 or any of the shows, try to watch the sample episodes linked with the shows before you vote first. It's why they are there in the first place. :sweat:
Usually I can look at a picture and tell you if I'll like it or not :). In this case, yeah, I'm a pretty harsh critic, but I gotcha.
Dan Vs. The Dentist is worth your time ;D
Dan Vs. is surprisingly good. Give it a shot, seriously. 8)
Yep, I nominated it for a reason. ;)
Sheep in the Big City
Justice League
Dan Vs.
Aqua Teen
Justice League/Unlimited - 35
Aqua Teen Hunger Force - 15
Dan Vs. - 22
Sheep in the Big City - 18
Justice League/Unlimited and Dan Vs. move on to round 2.
And now, we finally match I have been waiting to get to since this competition began two weeks ago. Yes, it's...
Round 1: The 100 Toon Kumite: Match 19
Bobobo-bo Bo-bobo (
Urusei Yatsura (
Archer (
Maison Ikkoku (
Yeeaaaaahhh, so who besides me can say that they've seen all of these shows? As you all know, all four of these series are personal favorites of mine. Archer is the only show this match I know most people here have seen, and I am 100% certain that everyone besides me and Vlord will put it at number 1, rightfully so since it's easily the most well-written and gushy-orgasimiest hilarious animated show that's currently airing, in my opinion. Aside from it, though, I know Vlord and Spark have seen Maison Ikkoku, but that's about it. And since all three anime in this match are some of my all-time favorites, I would really, REALLY appreciate it if you guys watched the sample episodes I put for these shows before you vote, especially those of you who have only seen Archer or haven't even seen that. These shows might not be everyone's cup of tea (although personally, I never want to meet a person on the face of this planet who doesn't like Maison Ikkoku and Archer), but I don't think it's right to just vote on one of these matches having only seen one of these shows, and even those of you who have seen two should check out the rest (basically, Vlord, watch Archer already!). So in short, take advantage of the sample episodes and make an informed vote! By the way, I will know that anybody who votes on this match in the next hour and a half has not done as I suggested, so...:humhumhum:
As for myself, I am going to wait a bit before I make my vote, since I don't want to influence anyone else's opinions this match. Selfish, yes, but considering these 4 are all some my all time favorite animated shows ever, and uniquely so among the members of this board, I can't but help it. :sweat:
Looks like I've got some watching to do!
Quote from: Avaitor on October 31, 2013, 11:36:57 PM
Looks like I've got some watching to do!
Same. I've seen some of Bobobo and Urusei Yatsura, but it's been at least four years since. I'll get back to you soon.
Quote from: Cartoon X on October 31, 2013, 11:32:15 PM
basically, Vlord, watch Archer already!
Fine then...... :thinkin:
Quote from: VLordGTZ on November 01, 2013, 12:04:34 AM
Quote from: Cartoon X on October 31, 2013, 11:32:15 PM
basically, Vlord, watch Archer already!
Fine then...... :thinkin:
Like with
Case Closed,
The Slayers,
Yu Yu Hakusho,
King of the Hill,
The Boondocks,
The Office,
30 Rock,
Maison Ikkoku and the various other shows I've dragged you to the couch kicking and screaming to watch over the years, I promise you'll thank me later. ;)
Yawn, next round.
Quote from: gunswordfist on November 01, 2013, 12:36:35 AM
Yawn, next round.
Here we go:
Maison Ikkoku - Easily the best romantic comedy I've ever seen.
Bobobo-bo Bo-bobo - It's hilarious.
Archer - It was really good. I'll definitely watch some more episodes later.
Urusei Yatsura - It was good............but Archer was better. :sweat:
Quote from: gunswordfist on November 01, 2013, 12:36:35 AM
Yawn, next round.
You and EK really need to watch Archer already.
After watching the linked episodes:
Bobobo-bo Bo-bobo (
Urusei Yatsura
Maison Ikkoku
And yes, I am now legitimately interested in watching more Bobobo. 8)
Meh, not until my backlog is clear of shows I actually want to watch.
Quote from: gunswordfist on November 01, 2013, 01:17:00 PM
Meh, not until my backlog is clear of shows I actually want to watch.
Quote from: ShadowGentleman on November 01, 2013, 01:07:28 PM
And yes, I am now legitimately interested in watching more Bobobo. 8)
Please also watch more of
Maison Ikkoku. It really is the best romance anime ever made. Maybe I should have chosen a more plot/drama-oriented episode. Blame Vlord if you didn't like the one I put up, since he's the one who suggested it... :>
I'm going to skip this round, not because I haven't seen any of them (I've seen them all, actually) but because there is no real way for me to choose a proper ranking for them. It definitely doesn't help that those two are Takahashi's best.
Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on November 01, 2013, 03:46:08 PM
I'm going to skip this round, not because I haven't seen any of them (I've seen them all, actually) but because there is no real way for me to choose a proper ranking for them. It definitely doesn't help that those two are Takahashi's best.
Though, I must say that I found that the
Urusei Yatsura anime was actually quite different from Takahashi's manga in several aspects. The anime's version of the stories tone down the wackiness of the manga, but replace it with wittier dialogue and character based jokes that still makes it just as funny, but in different ways. The anime also has 4 extra recurring characters, known as Lum's Stormtroopers, the most prominent of which, Megane, is actually used just as much as Mendou is and is one of the funniest characters in the series. The most interesting difference, though, is that the anime has...very strange, experimental episodes.
These ( two ( in particular are some of the best of these types of episodes, so if you have only read the manga, I'd encourage you to check them out since they are very different from the manga in tone and very interesting to watch. I still prefer the manga overall, though, for various reasons the most important of which is that some of the anime's episodes suffer from omitting Takahashi's style of humor or from the story changes, and because Ten's episodes are less interesting in the anime as well, but when the anime does it's own thing well, it does it
really well, which is why it's still one of my favorites.
That said, I actually
slightly (emphasis on the slightly) prefer the
Maison Ikkoku anime to the manga, solely because I felt the anime made an already wonderful story even better in the way they executed it. Though I still don't know why they decided to skip the parts they did and completely write out Nozomu Nikaido. :sweat:
Quote from: Cartoon X on November 01, 2013, 03:15:45 PM
Blame Vlord if you didn't like the one I put up, since he's the one who suggested it... :>
Quote from: Avaitor on November 01, 2013, 12:55:57 PMYou and EK really need to watch Archer already.
I already have watched some of Archer (only a few episode, but I've still seen at least something of it).
Well, I checked out my missing gaps here. If I get into more of an anime mood at some point, I'll have to consider trying some more of these out! For now, here are my rankings
Maison Ikkoku
Urusei Yatsura
Bobobo has some good random humor, but I wasn't really in the right mood for it. The other two feel more up my alley right now.
Quote from: Avaitor on November 01, 2013, 09:44:03 PM
Bobobo has some good random humor, but I wasn't really in the right mood for it. The other two feel more up my alley right now.
Bobobo isn't a show that appeals to everyone, even though I'll always love it myself. I do recommend you watch
Maison Ikkoku, though, since it really is an excellent anime series and the best of it's kind, and
Urusei Yatsura as well, though with that series I might recommend reading the manga first since I personally find it more consistent (though, again, the anime has some pretty great episodes that are not in the manga, such as those two other episodes I've linked in reply #203).
After watching all those episodes, I think I'm gonna have to go with the same rankings as ShadowGentleman for this one.
Well, all that's left is for me to vote so we can proceed with the next round...
Bobobo-bo Bo-bobo - My favorite anime, second favorite animated series, and third favorite show of all time. While it's got some problems, mostly in the second season, it still makes me laugh hard all these years later, and probably has the greatest dub any anime comedy has ever been graced with to boot.
Maison Ikkoku - My third favorite anime, and the best romance anime ever made. I should have put up a more plot/drama oriented episode, since it seems the episode Vlord suggested I put up wasn't all that appealing to most people here. Whatever your first impression was of it, please do give it another shot sometime, because it really is a story worth experiencing and checking out. I was considering putting this first so that it could go on, since I actually think it's more worthy of being called one of the greatest animated series ever more than Bobobo, but it seems you guys like the latter more, so it might have a better chance to make it farther in this competition.
Urusei Yatsura - It can be inconsistent at parts, but the range of it's stories is surprisingly wide, and it's incredible where and when it counts (hell, it even has better animation and directing than a lot of anime have today), and you can easily see how it inspired the kind of humor you see in most anime comedies today, both good and bad.
Archer - This was going to move on no matter where I put it, so I put it last to give the others more of a boost. Anyway, it's by far the most consistently hilarious animated series currently running, and I fully expect it to make it to at least the semifinals.
And with my votes, the results are...
Bobobo-bo Bo-bobo - 14
Urusei Yatsura - 9
Archer - 15
Maison Ikkoku - 12
Sterling Archer and the Bo-tector head into the hair-raising danger zone that is round 2:
Round 1, The 100 Toon Kumite: Match 20
School Rumble (,p5,d0)
Samurai Champloo (,p0,d0)
Gravity Falls (
TaleSpin (
My Picks:
School Rumble - One of my favorite anime comedies. Funny characters that actually get good development, and it manages to get even better as it goes on, a real rarity when it comes to comedy anime, especially romantic and school-based comedy anime, which makes it probably one of the best I've ever seen.
Samurai Champloo - Not quite on the same level as Cowboy Bebop, but it's still great stuff and has some serious style. Plus, it's ending theme is amazing.
TaleSpin - Another great entry from the Disney Afternoon and an old favorite of mine, though I do need to give it a good rewatch in full one of these days.
Gravity Falls - Unlike other people...I just think Gravity Falls is a good show, but not a great one yet. It's had some pretty great episodes so far, but it's also had quite a few duds too. I'm hoping the second season will be much better, but right now, I don't really like it enough to rank it over the other shows in this match.
Samurai Champloo
School Rumble
Gravity Falls
Reverse VLordGTZ.
Twin Peaks
Oh-ee-yeah, Tale Spin Oh-ee-yoh, Tale Spin...
Michael Buffer
Grandmaster Blum
Same as Vlord.
Quote from: gunswordfist on November 03, 2013, 02:18:58 PM
Same as Vlord.
But I thought you liked TaleSpin and haven't seen Gravity Falls?
School Rumble - 14
Samurai Champloo - 13
Gravity Falls - 12
TaleSpin - 11
Wow, that was easily the closest match we've had yet! But the results are clear; School Rumble and Samurai Champloo move on to round 2.
Round 1, The 100 Toon Kumite: Match 21
The Weekenders (
Green Lantern: The Animated Series (
The Slayers (,p5,d0)
Yu Yu Hakusho (
My Picks:
Yu Yu Hakusho - The best anime adaption of any shonen manga ever. It takes the good story of the manga and makes it an even better and more enjoyable experience, and has stellar pacing, animation, an music to boot. It and Hunter X Hunter has the smartest fights and most refreshing fights in any action cartoon, no small feat. It's just a flat out awesome show, and still a top tener for me after all these years.
The Slayers - My personal favorite installment of the Slayers franchise, and overall a great start to one of the finest adventure anime franchises ever created.
The Weekenders - One of the best disney animated series as far as it's wit goes. I have fond memories of watching the show weekdays when I was younger, and was pleasantly surprised to see that it holds up phenomenally well throughout when i gave it a rewatch earlier this year.
Green Lantern: The Animated Series - This show was always so much fun to watch, and I enjoyed it more than Young Justice, actually. I'm saddened it ended with only 26 episodes, but at least it had two great storylines it got done under that amount of them, some great episodes, and a fantastic character arc in Razer's, which is easily my favorite among any DC animated series'. Unfortunately, I don't love it more than these other series, so I have to put it last. In a different match, though, I'd probably put it a lot higher.
Yu Yu Hakusho
Green Lantern
The Slayers
The Weekenders
*Insert cheap shot at Ensatsu-ken here*
The Weekenders
The Emerald Knights
The Slayers
Quote from: ShadowGentleman on November 03, 2013, 07:37:34 PM
*Fuck you, Ensatsu-ken, Desen and Spark*
The Weekenders
The Emerald Knights
The Slayers
This is the only reason I am voting.
And YAH-TAH at Samurai Champloo advsncing!
BTW, nice episode choice for YYH. It's my favorite Kurama episode by far.
Thanks. It's actually probably my second favorite episode in the entire series. My favorite episode, and by extension, my favorite Kurama episode, is still "The Power of Taboo." I wish more action cartoons had untraditional battles of wit like that one.
Yu Yu Hakusho
The Slayers
Green Lantern: The Animated Series
The Weekenders
Same as ShadowGentleman.
Man does gunswordfist hate Desen.
Same as Spark.
Same as Ensatsu-ken.
Alright, Green Lantern and The Weekenders are currently tied at 17 pts. Someone needs to either vote or change their rankings in order for us to proceed onto the next round.
What if I swap YYH for Weekenders?
That'll work! :thumbup:
The Weekenders - 18
Green Lantern: The Animated Series - 17
The Slayers - 14
Yu Yu Hakusho - 31
Homework never ends but Yu Yu Hakusho and The Weekenders will keep living for the weekend and move on to round 2.
Round 1, The 100 Toon Kumite: Match 22
China, IL (
Hajime no Ippo: ( The Fighting! (
Futurama (
Cow and Chicken (
My Picks:
Futurama - One of the smartest-written animated comedies ever made, and although the later seasons were not as good, the series at it's best was and is still highly enjoyable and rewatchable for me after all these years.
Hajime no Ippo: The Fighting! - FINALLY started watching this series today. Yeah, this is totally my kind of series, though it helps a lot that Ippo is a very relatable character for me. The first episode got me hooked off the bat, and the second and third continued not to disappoint. It's definitely looking to be a good series so far, and from what I've heard, I should expect it to get even better, and I might even end up getting a new favorite anime by the end of it. It may seem premature, but I'm ranking this second because I got a greater enjoyment watching the few episodes I've seen of this than I manage to get from the other two, and I have confidence it gets even better as I continue through it.
Cow and Chicken - A old favorite Cartoon Cartoon of mine, though I don't think it particularly holds up quite as well as others. Still, I do get a kick out of my favorite episodes whenever I rewatch 'em.
China, IL - This is actually a really good series and one of the better [adult swim] originals currently airing. I like it enough to keep up with it, in fact. I don't like it more than the others in this match, though, so I'm putting it last, but I do think it's worth most of your guys' time to check out.
Futurama - The show with infinite potential. It can be funny and tug your heartstrings.
HNI - Seems like something I'd watch.
Cow - Fuck this show. It only has one good episode - the giant cigarette pilot.
Hajime No Ippo
Cow & Chicken (I also hate Desen)
China, IL
Hajime no Ippo: The Fighting!
China, IL
Cow and Chicken
Same as Cartoon X.
Cow and Chicken
China, IL
Hajime No Ippo (never seen it)
Hajime no Ippo
Cow and Chicken
Glad to see thatvyou started watching HnI, CX. ;D
Hajime no Ippo
Cow and Chicken
China, IL
China, IL - 12
Hajime no Ippo: The Fighting! - 23
Futurama - 28
Cow and Chicken - 17
Futurama and Hajime no Ippo: The Fighting! move on to round 2.
Round 1, the 100 Toon Kumite: Match 23
Silly Symphonies (Classic Disney Theatrical Animated Shorts Umbrella) (
Regular Show (
Batman: The Brave and the Bold (
Freakazoid! (
My Picks:
Silly Symphonies - Please note that I'm using the Silly Symphonies name as an umbrella term for all classic Disney theatrical animation, much in the same way the Merrie Melodies are always grouped under the Looney Tunes. This means that all Mickey Mouse, Donald Duck, and what have you cartoons are to grouped with the 75 shorts produced under the Silly Symphonies name. It's just as matter of convenience since Disney shorts are so rarely run on television under a consistent name. But anyway, classic Disney cartoons. I love them, they are as much of an influence on me as Looney Tunes, somehow less talked about and favored nowadays. For me, though, it's an obvious first for this match.
Batman: The Brave and the Bold - My favorite Batman and superhero cartoon. Spark's articles are doing more than enough justice showing what makes this show so great. Speaking up which, I should have put up "Game Over for Owlman!" as it's sample episode to coincide with the newest one, but it just was much easier/safer to use an episode on youtube instead, sorry. :sweat:
Freakazoid! - Probably the only WB Silver age television cartoon I can say holds up consistently for me whenever I watch it. While it lacks the highs of the others, it also has pretty much no lows either, so I think it really has the most consistent run of all of them. Either way, it's a funny, high-quality series that I still enjoy, and one of these days I really do need to get around to buying the dvds.
Regular Show - Probably the best thing on Cartoon Network right now and definitely the funniest thing, but it's up against too tough competition for me to rank it any higher. :-\
Thanks for the comments! I quite enjoy writing the articles and re-watching the show once more for it. Knights of Tomorrow is kind of a strange choice, but its a good episode so I won't complain.
So here comes my obvious choices.
Batman: The Brave & The Bold - See my articles
Silly Symphonies - Too much here
Freakzoid! - Too short, but great
Regular Show - Meh, it's fine
Brave & the Bold
Regular Show
Silly Symphonies- I'll get to why I put these last at a later point.
Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on November 05, 2013, 08:17:25 PM
Thanks for the comments! I quite enjoy writing the articles and re-watching the show once more for it. Knights of Tomorrow is kind of a strange choice, but its a good episode so I won't complain.
You're welcome! :)
As for why I put "Knights of Tomorrow" up, one reason is that I've always really liked the episode myself, but also because the only other two episodes I could find on youtube were "Battle of the Superheroes" and "Mitefall." I'm taking a gamble and assuming Brave and the Bold will make it to round two, so I wanted to save those episodes for later. I may possibly upload an ep or two onto youtube myself for next time, though, or try to find a good site that has more of the episodes and isn't going to give my computer a virus. :sweat:
Also that I wanted to add that "Dance Of Doom" is such a great pilot. Freakazoid really deserved a longer run.
Also, as cute as "The Three Little Pigs" is, may I suggest this ( as an alternative short to view?
Batman: The Brave and the Bold
Regular Show
Silly Symphonies
Quote from: Avaitor on November 05, 2013, 08:27:45 PM
Also, as cute as "The Three Little Pigs" is, may I suggest this ( as an alternative short to view?
Sure. I'll replace it for that one if you like. Though, I don't see what's so bad about "The Three Little Pigs" myself. :P
Same as Desensitized.
Quote from: Cartoon X on November 05, 2013, 08:34:52 PM
Quote from: Avaitor on November 05, 2013, 08:27:45 PM
Also, as cute as "The Three Little Pigs" is, may I suggest this ( as an alternative short to view?
Sure. I'll replace it for that one if you like. Though, I don't see what's so bad about "The Three Little Pigs" myself. :P
Nothing at all! It's just that this has gotta be Disney's best cartoon. :p
Nothing beats a good Goofy short when it comes to Disney stuff.
Regular Show - Slam Dunk is my absolute favorite episode and favorite NBA Jam-inspired anything. It's exciting and one of the funniest episodes. It's only like 8 minutes so please check it out.
Batman TBATB - Currently my 3rd favorite DCUA cartoon.
Batman: The Brave & The Bold
Regular Show
Silly Symphonies
Silly Symphonies - 16
Regular Show - 15
Batman: The Brave and the Bold - 27
Freakazoid! - 22
The Campy Crusader and the Crazy Loonatic move on to clean the streets and brush some teeth in round 2. I must say that I'm surprised that the Silly Symphonies has been eliminated, but at least one of the Silver Age WB comedy cartoons (and the one I like the most, to boot) gets to move on to round 2, so I can't complain. ;)
One thing I probably should have mentioned last time was the interesting fact that these final three matches all have a classic cartoon series, all of them the first to be listed as well. We had Silly Symphonies yesterday, so it's fitting that today we'd have...
Round 1, The 100 Toon Kumite: Match 24
Looney Tunes (
Bob's Burgers (,p0,d0)
Casshern Sins (,p5,d0)
The Grim Adventures of Billy and Mandy (
My Picks:
Looney Tunes - Classics. Some of the best cartoons of all time, and the most influential cartoons of all time as well. These characters have stuck around for reasons more than strategic marketing; they are legitimately hilarious and entertaining personalities, and seeing the exploits of Bugs, Daffy, Porky or who have you is still a blast for audiences of all ages even today. They've had an enormous influence on me, creatively, and still remain the apex of animation quality that any animator will be humbled and inspired by their legacy.
The Grim Adventures of Billy and Mandy - Tied with the Ed Boys as my favorite cartoon cartoon, Billy and Mandy's bizarre and often dark and morbid adventures never fail to entertain me even today. It's a fantastic show and I must say it's quality is the second most consistent of the cartoon cartoons next to Ed, Edd, n' Eddy as well. And, c'mon, a Grim reaper with a Jamaican accent. Tell me that's not hilarious, I dare you.
Casshern Sins - While it's bleakness is often depressing and off-putting, it is overall quite an excellent anime that I enjoyed watching and thanked Toonami for introducing to me. It's got some fantastic episodes under it's belt, and richly developed characters too; a quality series that could've been much better, but still was great to watch nonetheless.
Bob's Burgers - It's...alright. It's funny, I was one of the biggest defenders of this show back when it first started up and everyone was dismissing it. Now, though, even though it's definitely gotten better, and way more popular, I've lost a lot of interest in it. It's a good show, possibly a great one, but for some reason I'm not enjoying it consistently anymore, and I don't know why. Maybe a rewatch of it from the beginning to it's current point will re-ignite my appreciation for the series, but right now I'm just...indifferent. :-\
Evil Con Carne
Lucy, Daughter of the Devil
Gatchaman Crowds
Looney Tunes
Casshern Sins
The Grim Adventures of Billy and Mandy
Bob's Burgers
Billy & Mandy
Bob's Burgers
Casshern Sins
Looney Tunes
Quote from: Avaitor on November 06, 2013, 10:09:09 PM
Billy & Mandy
Bob's Burgers
Casshern Sins
Looney Tunes
I feel like a hypocrite now for ranking Tex Avery's stuff at the top earlier, but I've recently come to the conclusion that theatrical shorts shouldn't qualify here, and that this game should go for the best televised animated series.
I don't expect everyone else to side with me, but this is my own personal choice.
Oh, is that all? Phew, I thought hell was freezing over for a second there. :sweat:
I nominated most of the theatrical classic cartoons in this competition (Tex Avery was the only one I didn't nominate, actually), mostly because this is just a fun competition so I was like "Why Not?" I definitely see where your coming from, though, and in an actual objective decision-making process for deciding the best tv cartoons ever I would have left out theatrical cartoons as well. In any case, your decision will work in my favor for the final match this round, so I'm certainly not gonna complain. :humhumhum:
I'd never vote for Regular Show over Disney's classic stuff in any other situation. ;)
Well now that I know where you're coming from that makes sense. I'll keep that mind for future rounds.
Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on November 06, 2013, 09:59:12 PM
Evil Con Carne
Lucy, Daughter of the Devil
Gatchaman Crowds
What this guy said.
Looney Tunes
Billy - I forgot that this crap counted as a Cartoon Cartoon. It's probably the most overrated one and not too much better than Cow & Chicken. BAM only has 3 good episodes, the pilot, the DBZ one and my favorite, the clown episode.
Looney Tunes - 21
Bob's Burgers - 12
Casshern Sins - 11
The Grim Adventures of Billy and Mandy - 16
The Looney Tunes and The Grim Adventures of Billy and Mandy move on to round 2.
And so, after nearly a month now, we FINALLY have reached the final match of round 1! Are you excited? You should be, especially since we're ending this round on a high note with...
Round 1, The 100 Toon Kumite: Match 25
Tom ( and ( Jerry (
Lupin the Third: The Woman Called Fujiko Mine (,p3,d0)
Slayers Try (,p0,d0)
Sym-Bionic Titan (
My Picks:
Lupin the Third: The Woman Called Fujiko Mine - The best Lupin anime bar none. Full of style, with a unique look, and a tone the closest to a darker Monkey Punch Lupin story than any previous installment of the franchise has ever managed, it's a show full of brilliant and fun episodes, and some great commentary on female characters as depicted in anime to boot. As Foggle said, it was easily the best anime of 2012, though Jojo is indeed a close second.
Slayers Try - Yet another fantastic installment of the Slayers saga. I need to give it (and the whole franchise, really) a good re-watch one of these days.
Tom and Jerry - Putting this third to give the other two a boost, but these are brilliant cartoons and possibly the apex of quality-slapstick cartoons in general. Truly worthy of being remembered as classics.
Sym-Bionic Titan - I enjoy this show a lot, but sadly, I felt it squandered it's run with too many filler episodes, which were well-made mind you, but meant the plot barely went anywhere. I must say though that Octus and his story arc was absolutely fantastic and the real draw of this series, and episodes like "I Am Octus" and "Escape from Galaluna" are more than enough to make me consider this a great series. Speaking of which, I have to apologize to GSF for not putting the later episode up as it's sample ep. [adult swim] video didn't have it up, and it wasn't on Youtube either, so I had to go with a different ep, sorry. :sweat:
Same as Cartoon X.
Slayers Try
Lupin the Third: The Woman Called Fujiko Mine- I really need to find some time to finish this.
Sym-Bionic Titan
Tom and Jerry
Cat and Mouse
Attack on Titan
Tom and Jerry
Shitbionic Titan
Tom and Jerry
Symbionic Titan
Tom and Jerry - 20
Lupin the Third: The Woman Called Fujiko Mine - 21
Slayers Try - 16
Sym-Bionic Titan - 13
Tom and Jerry and Lupin the Third: The Woman Called Fujiko Mine move on to round 2.
And with that, we're done with round 1! From 100 different animated series, 50 were cut, and now only the cream of the crop remain. Well, maybe not all the top, as some of the matches this round were indeed quite difficult so a lot of great shows did get left in the dust. Among them, my special condolences goes out to Daria, who unfortunately was in too tough a match this round to move on, but no doubt if it was in any other match it would have done so.
Anyway, prepare yourselves for even tougher matches as this competition continues in Round 2, The 50 Shades of Toon, which is coming up sometime soon!
While it seems "I can't count for shit," ( :P) what I CAN do is start round 2 of this competition.
Round 2, The Fifty Free-For All: Match 1
The Boondocks (
Tom and Jerry (
The Simpsons (
Johnny Bravo (
My Picks:
The Simpsons - The classic episodes are still some of the greatest television ever produced and the show is still a top tener for me.
Tom and Jerry - Cartoon slapstick at it's finest, and there isn't much more reason needed besides that to put it second this match.
The Boondocks - I eagerly await season 4 in January. T'was a coin flip between this and T&J for second, btw.
Johnny Bravo - I'll always be fond of it's first three seasons, but it's the weakest link here, imo.
Quite a hard match today. Should be interesting to see which of these moves on to round 3. ;)
Tom and Jerry
The Boondocks
Johnny Bravo
The Simpsons
The Boondocks
The Simpsons
Tom and Jerry
Johnny Bravo
Reverse EK
Animal Slapstick
Sitcom Family
Elvis Impersonator
Social Commentary
Quote from: Ensatsu-ken on November 09, 2013, 05:13:31 PM
Quote from: Avaitor on November 09, 2013, 01:39:08 PM
Reverse EK
I thought you liked The Boondocks.
I do, but at the end of the day, I do like the Simpsons better. I can't really decide if I like JB better than the Boondocks though, but I can put JB ahead easily.
Same as CX.
Same as VLord.
Tom and Jerry
Johnny Bravo
Alright, The Boondocks and Tom and Jerry are tied at 22 points each. You know the drill. Someone will either need to vote or change their rankings in order for us to break the tie and move forward
Changed my vote to:
Tom and Jerry
Johnny Bravo
The Boondocks
The Simpsons
Thanks E-K.
The Boondocks - 21
Tom and Jerry - 22
The Simpsons - 23
Johnny Bravo - 14
The Sitcom family and the Cat and the Mouse move on to round 3.
Match 2 will be up shortly.
Round 2, The Fifty Free-For-All: Match 2
Space Ghost: Coast to Coast (
Looney Tunes (
Freakazoid! (
The Flintstones (
My Picks:
Looney Tunes - The obvious first, of course.
Space Ghost: Coast to Coast - I find Williams Street's interpretation of the classic Hanna Barbera character more enjoyable than the majority of their shows, honestly. 8)
Freakazoid! - Insanely funny stuff.
The Flintstones - A classic, but funnier than Freakazoid or Space Ghost? Personally, not really. :sweat:
...and that fool ek still gave me the result I desired.
The Flintstones
Looney Tunes
Space Ghost: Coast to Coast
The Flintstones
The Flintstones
Space Ghost
Looney Tunes
Looney Tunes
Space Ghost
Space Ghost
Looney Tunes
Looney Tunes
Space Ghost
The Flintstones
La Freak
Looney Tunes
Space Ghost
The Flintstones
Same as Foggle.
Same as Pharass.
Space Ghost: Coast to Coast - 23
Looney Tunes - 34
Freakazoid! - 25
The Flintstones - 18
Looney Tunes and Freakazoid! move on to round 3.
Round 2, The Fifty Free-For-All: Match 3
Case Closed (,p5,d0)
Avatar: The Last Airbender (
Courage, the Cowardly Dog (
School Rumble (,p29,d0)
My Picks:
School Rumble - One of my favorite anime comedies.
Case Closed - Really fun mystery/detective series.
Courage, the Cowardly Dog - One of the best Cartoon Cartoons.
Avatar: The Last Airbender - Don't love it as much as others here, but it's a great action show and one of the best toons of the last decade, and it's probably going to move on anyways so I don't feel too bad putting it last.
Opposite of cx.
Same as Cartoon X.
Stupid Dog
Case Closed
School Rumble
Same as ShadowGentleman.
800th post!
All right, Case Closed and Avatar: The Last Airbender are currently tied at 12 pts. As always, someone is either going to have to vote or change their rankings for us to move on.
I just realized that I forgot to vote.
Case Closed
School Rumble
Thank you, Vlord.
Case Closed - 16
Avatar: The Last Airbender - 14
Courage, the Cowardly Dog - 16
School Rumble - 14
Phantom Thief 1412 and Freaky Fred move on to round 3.
Round 2, The 50 Free-For-All: Match 4
Harvey Birdman, Attorney at Law (
Superman: The Animated Series (
Sgt. Frog (,p40,d0)
Ugly Americans (
My Picks:
Harvey Birdman, Attorney At Law - No need to defend this one.
Superman: The Animated Series - A super action cartoon.
Ugly Americans - Far from an ugly show.
Sgt. Frog - Funny frogs.
Harvey Birdman
Sgt. Frog
Ugly Americans
Same as Cartoon X.
Same as Foggle.
Same as Cartoon X
Harvey Birdman: Attorney At Law - 24
Superman: The Animated Series - 18
Sgt. Frog - 9
Ugly Americans - 9
Birdman and Superman move on to round 3.
Round 2, The 50 Free-For-All: Match 5
Scooby Doo! Mystery Incorporated (
Samurai Champloo (,p10,d0)
Megas XLR (
The Spectacular Spider-Man (
My Picks:
The Spectacular Spider-Man - Spectacular.
Samurai Champloo - Stylish.
Megas XLR - Nice.
Scooby Doo! Mystery Incorporated - It's not mysterious how entertaining it is, but I like it less than others here, so fourth it is.
Samurai Champloo - 3rd best anime of all time.
SS - Overrated trash.
The Spectacular Spider-Man- Best superhero cartoon ever
Megas XLR- Best giant robot cartoon ever (that's not FMP: TSR)
Mystery Inc.- A fun show from the few episodes that I've watched of it
Samurai Champloo- Substanceless trash
Oh wow, tough round.
Samurai Champloo
Spectacular Spider-man
Scooby Doo
Megas XLR
Samurai Champloo
Megas XLR
Spectacular Spiderman
Scooby Doo
Same as EK.
Spectacular Spider-Man (GSF sucks)
Samurai Champloo (E-K sucks)
Mystery Inc.
Megas XLR
Megas XLR
Spectacular Spider-Man
Mystery Inc.
Samurai Champloo
Spectacular Spider-Man
Mystery Inc.
Megas XLR
Samurai Champloo: Haven't seen it, I've heard some good things though.
Quote from: Foggle on November 13, 2013, 06:55:39 PMSpectacular Spider-Man (GSF sucks)
Samurai Champloo (E-K sucks)
Mystery Inc.
Megas XLR
Foggle sucks.
Samurai Champloo and Megas XLR are both tied at 22 points. As always, someone either has to vote or change their rankings for us to move on. But man, what's with all the ties we've been getting lately. :sweat:
I'll shoot.
Samurai Champloo
Spectacular Spider-man
Scooby Doo
You...did realize voting that way meant Champloo wouldn't move on right? Too late to change it now, though. :blush:
Scooby Doo! Mystery Incorporated - 15
Samurai Champloo - 22
Megas XLR - 24
The Spectacular Spider-Man - 29
Web-Slingers and Giant Robot Cars move on to round 3.
Round 2, The Fifty-For-All: Match 6
Ed, Edd, n' Eddy (
The Powerpuff Girls (
Lupin the Third: The Woman Called Fujiko Mine (,p3,d0)
Batman: The Brave and the Bold (
My Picks:
Batman: The Brave and the Bold - Best superhero series ever.
Lupin the Third: The Woman Called Fujiko Mine - Best Lupin series ever.
Ed, Edd, n' Eddy - Best Cartoon Cartoon Ever.
The Powerpuff Girls - Casualty of a tough round.
Fuck. This one is rough.
Power Puffs
Lupin (please don't think I hate this)
Quote from: Cartoon X on November 14, 2013, 06:08:30 PM
You...did realize voting that way meant Champloo wouldn't move on right? Too late to change it now, though. :blush:
Scooby Doo! Mystery Incorporated - 15
Samurai Champloo - 22
Megas XLR - 24
The Spectacular Spider-Man - 29
Web-Slingers and Giant Robot Cars move on to round 3.
Only to get to the next round. Just know in my heart/mind, Champloo is the winner of that round :)
Quote from: Foggle on November 14, 2013, 06:12:25 PM
Fuck. This one is rough.
Oh you are just going to LOVE match 13. :sly:
Batman: The Brave and the Bold
Lupin the Third: The Woman Called Fujiko Mine
Ed, Edd, n' Eddy
The Powerpuff Girls
Easy round. Same as Avaitor.
Same as Cartoon X.
Ed, Edd, n' Eddy - 24
The Powerpuff Girls - 11
Lupin the Third: The Woman Called Fujiko Mine - 17
Batman: The Brave and the Bold - 28
Bat-Mite and Plank move on to round 3.
Round 2, The Fifty Free-For-All: Match 7
The Tex Avery Show (
The Secret Saturdays (
One Piece (,p30,s2,d0)
Batman: The Animated Series (
My Picks:
The Tex Avery Show - Classics, arguably some of the most..."animated" animation ever directed.
One Piece - Bias. :awesome:
Batman: The Animated Series - Brilliant and revolutionary.
The Secret Saturdays - Underrated, but at least it told a great story at the end of it's 36 episode run, even though it never truly did get to reach it's potential.
Tex Avery
One Piece
Secret Saturdays
Secret Saturdays
One Piece
Tex Avery
Same as Avaitor.
Same as Grave.
The Tex Avery Show - 18
The Secret Saturdays - 11
One Piece - 12
Batman: The Animated Series - 19
Batman and Droopy move on to round 3.
Round 2, The Fifty Free-For-All: Match 8
Avengers: Earth's Mightiest Heroes (
Bobobo-bo Bo-bobo (
The Venture Bros. (
Home Movies (
My Picks:
Bobobo-bo Bo-bobo - Favorite anime, second favorite cartoon, third favorite show.
Home Movies - Never gets tiring to rewatch.
The Venture Bros. - I wish new episodes got made faster, but I can wait for a quality show like this.
Avengers: Earth's Mightiest Heroes - I love this show, but in this match, it's last by default for me.
Opposite of Cartoon X.
Home Movies
Same as Cartoon X
Home Movies
The Avengers
The Rusty Venture Show
BoBo's Bizzare Adventures
Home Movies
No wacky name for Home Movies?
I would have gone for "Starboy and the Captain of Outer Space" for Home Movies, SG.
Or cow head tattoo.
I haven't watched much of it, sorry. :??:
Well, you should check out more of it at some point, since the style of humor is sort of similar to Archer and it's got Jon Benjamin in it. [adult swim] rotates all the episodes on it's video site, and last I checked it was still on Netflix, and of course the whole show is easy to find on dvd, so there should be nothing stopping you. ;)
hmm? The Archer and Home Movies guys aren't really related at all. I'm sure both shows have some of the same people working on it, but Brendon Small and Loren Bouchard don't have anything to do with Archer.
Oh, I thought they were involved for some reason. Guess I don't know shit. :>
Avengers: Earth's Mightiest Heroes - 15
Bobobo-bo Bo-bobo - 13
The Venture Bros. - 16
Home Movies - 16
Close, but H. Jon Benjamin and Patrick Warburton move on to round 3.
And speaking of Archer...
Round 2, The Fifty-Free-For-All: Match 9
DuckTales (
Archer (
Yu Yu Hakusho (
Hajime no Ippo: ( Fighting! (
My Picks:
Yu Yu Hakusho - Best anime adaption of a shonen manga ever.
Archer - I feel stupid for thinking Small and Bouchard were involved with this show. :rtard:
Hajime no Ippo: The Fighting! - 12 episodes in, and it's already become my favorite sports anime/manga that I've seen. Must get back to it after I finish catching up on Magi, Samurai Flamenco, and Gundam Build Fighters.
DuckTales - Watching Treasure of the Lost Lamp yesterday made me want to give this show a full rewatch. However, I don't like it to the degree I do these others, so I'm afraid it's last for me in this match.
Same as the guy with the Vash avatar.
Yu Yu Hakusho
Hajime no Ippo: The Fighting!
Same as Cartoon X
DuckTales (only cause it might need the love)
Yu Yu Hakusho
Hajime no Ippo
Hajime no Ippo
YuYu Hakusho
Yu Yu Hakusho
Hajime no Ippo
Same as Foggle.
Ducktales (Same reason as Avaitor! Ah-woo-ooh!)
YYH (Favorite 20th century anime)
Quote from: gunswordfist on November 18, 2013, 11:02:10 AM
YYH (Favorite 20th century anime)
What's your favorite 21st century anime?
Yu Yu Hakusho
Hajime no Ippo
DuckTales - 21
Archer - 25
Yu Yu Hakusho - 33
Hajime no Ippo: The Fighting! - 21
The Spirit Detective and Duchess move on to round 3.
Round 2, The Fifty Free-For-All: Match 10
JoJo's Bizarre Adventure (2012) (
Justice League/Unlimited (
Dan Vs. (
Rocko's Modern Life (
My Picks:
Justice League/Unlimited - A solid action series.
Rocko's Modern Life - The smartest Nicktoon.
Dan Vs. - The best show on the HUB. Coin toss between this and Rocko, btw.
JoJo's Bizarre Adventure (2012) - I really need to finish Battle Tendency...
Rocko's Modern Life
Justice League/Unlimited
Dan Vs.
JoJo's Bizarre Adventure (2012)
Dan Vs.
Jojo's Bizarre Adventure
Justice League
Dan Vs
Rocko's Modern Life
Dan Vs. (The fight between Chris and Dan made my family bust into laughter)
JLU (Loved watching this with my baby brother too)
Jojo (I want it to lose)
Dan Vs
There is no answer to that question.
Cause it's the only one he isn't a fan of?
Quote from: Avaitor on November 19, 2013, 01:22:41 PM
Cause it's the only one he isn't a fan of?
I'm not a fan of some of the shows that have been in this competition either. Didn't mean I actively wanted them to lose. :P
Quote from: Cartoon X on November 19, 2013, 01:45:31 PM
Quote from: Avaitor on November 19, 2013, 01:22:41 PM
Cause it's the only one he isn't a fan of?
I'm not a fan of some of the shows that have been in this competition either. Didn't mean I actively wanted them to lose. :P
It also seems like the kind of thing GSF would greatly enjoy.
I might give the show a try.
But for now, it dies. :>
That almost rhymed!
Do check JoJo out sometime GSF. I have a feeling you'll love it. ;)
JoJo's Bizarre Adventure (2012) - 18
Justice League/Unlimited - 24
Dan Vs. - 14
Rocko's Modern Life - 24
I feel bad for Dan Vs., since it losing this match feels like insult to injury considering some recent news about it, but...the Justice League and Really Really Big Man team up and move on to round three.
Round 2, the Fifty Free-For-All: Match 11
South Park (
The Grim Adventures of Billy and Mandy (
The Slayers NEXT (,p0,d0)
Gargoyles (
My Picks:
South Park - My favorite show, so it's a no-brainer for me to put it first.
Gargoyles - My favorite non-anime action cartoon.
The Slayers NEXT - The most critically acclaimed and highly regarded installment of The Slayers anime franchise.
The Grim Adventures of Billy and Mandy - My second favorite cartoon cartoon. As much as I enjoy it, the other three series in this match are in my top 20 all time favorite cartoons, so it ends up being last by default for me in this match, unfortunately.
South Park
Slayers Next
South Park
What Ensatsu-ken said.
South Park - 16
The Grim Adventures of Billy and Mandy - 11
The Slayers NEXT - 13
Gargoyles - 18
Avalon and Imaginationland move on to round 3.
Round 2, The Fifty Free-For-All: Match 12
The Angry Beavers (
Batman Beyond (
King of the Hill (
The Weekenders (
My Picks:
King of the Hill - My favorite animated sitcom and 4th favorite animated series in general.
The Weekenders - Underrated, but I think it really holds up. One of these days I'll get a DMC membership and buy the dvd sets.
Batman Beyond - A really good action series that I should rewatch in it's entirety sometime.
The Angry Beavers - Nostalgia aside, it only holds up to a certain extent. It's not on the level of Rocko, and while I'll always have a place in my heart for the show, I don't find myself all that entertained by it revisiting any old episode, at least not to a degree of consistency I desire. I still like it enough to have bought to whole show on dvd (though, $20 bucks for 62 episodes wasn't exactly a difficult deal to take), but compared to the other shows in this match, it's the weakest link, imo.
King of the Hill
Batman Beyond
The Angry Beavers
The Weekenders
Batman Beyond
The Angry Beavers
The Weekenders
King of the Hill
King of the Hill
The Weekenders
Batman Beyond
Angry Beavers
Quote from: Avaitor on November 20, 2013, 11:05:35 PM
King of the Hill
The Weekenders
Batman Beyond
Angry Beavers
The Angry Beavers - 8
Batman Beyond - 13
King of the Hill - 17
The Weekenders - 12
King of the Hill and Batman Beyond move on to round 3.
And with that, it is time for the final match of round 2. As you would guess, there are only two contenders left this match, but only one gets to move on to the quarter-finals. So without further ado...
Round 2, The Fifty Free-For-All: Match 13
Black Dynamite (
Futurama (
I'll have to go with Futurama for this one, since it's one of my top ten favorite animated series of all time.
I've still only seen the pilot for Black Dynamite, so I'll also have to go with Futurama.
I'll go with Futurama as well
Sadly, Black Dynamite must go.
It hasn't been a full day yet, but....I honestly don't think the result would be different if I let it continue for the remaining 6 hours, especially since I can only think of one person who's been voting regularly in this competition that might vote for Black Dynamite, anyway.
Futurama moves on. Round 3 will be up shortly.
Okay, so from now on there will be five series per match, with only the top two moving on to the next round.
So without further ado...
Round 3, The 25 Toon All Star Melee: Match 1
The Venture Bros. (
Harvey Birdman: Attorney At Law (
Futurama (
King of the Hill (
Looney Tunes (
My Picks:
King of the Hill - Anybody who puts this lower than second in this match ain't right.
Futurama - Don't like the fact I'm putting this above the Looney Tunes? Well, sir, you can bite my shiny metal ass!
Looney Tunes - As much as I love them, I love Futurama and King of the Hill more. That's all there is to it, folks.
The Venture Bros. - It's a great show, but I don't think I can put it above any other show in this match besides Birdman.
Harvey Birdman: Attorney At Law - This show was excellent all the way through, but somethings got to give here.
King of the Hill
Harvey Birdman: Attorney At Law
Looney Tunes
The Venture Bros.
King of the Hill
Harvey Birdman
Venture Brothers
Looney Tunes
King of the Hill
Venture Bros
Harvey Birdman
Looney Tunes
Harvey Birdman
King of the Hill
Venture Bros
Looney Tunes
Planet Express
Strickland Propane
Sebben & Sebben
Venture Industries
Looney Tunes
The Venture Bros.
Harvey Birdman: Attorney At Law
King of the Hill
Quote from: Ensatsu-ken on November 22, 2013, 09:19:22 PM
Looney Tunes
The Venture Bros.
Harvey Birdman: Attorney At Law
King of the Hill
I've seen my fair share of King of the Hill. I like it, but not anywhere near as much as everyone else on this board. It's a well-made show, but it honestly doesn't leave much of an impression on me, personally. I'm also ticked off at everyone ranking Looney Tunes low just because of some technicality. Sorry, but fuck that shit. I'm just calling it like it is. I think LT is way better than most of the shows it's been pitted up against thus far.
E-K, did you miss this?
Quote from: Cartoon X on November 22, 2013, 07:10:43 PM
King of the Hill - Anybody who puts this lower than second in this match ain't right.
In other words, it was just a joke man. :lol: I'm not the kind of guy who really cares about people not liking something I like so long as they don't bash it without basis.
Quote from: Ensatsu-ken on November 22, 2013, 11:06:40 PM
I'm also ticked off at everyone ranking Looney Tunes low just because of some technicality. Sorry, but fuck that shit. I'm just calling it like it is. I think LT is waybetter than most of the shows it's been pitted up against thus far.
I put
Looney Tunes third because I personally enjoy watching and love
Futurama and
King of the Hill more than
Looney Tunes, and believe me brother, I LOVE, RESPECT, and ADMIRE the
Looney Tunes as a consumer of television, aspiring animator, and proponent of smartly written comedy and characters. I wrote my fucking IB History internal essay on the cultural and historical significance on war-related WW2
Looney Tunes for crying got loud (and I got an A on it)! And need I remind you I nominated the
Looney Tunes,
Silly Symphonies, and
Tom and Jerry in this competition in the first place? Think about that for a second. :sly:
It more bothers me when people put the classics too high up on a pedestal. Like nothing after them can be enjoyed by people to a greater extent, and that they can never be surpassed. I strongly disagree with that sentiment. Objectively, I'd probably call
Looney Tunes the better series, mostly because it's scripts are sharp as heck and still are to this day plus the animation, acting, and direction quality is fantastic, better than most contemporary cartoons. However, while KOTH and
Futurama might not rival the
Looney Tunes in technical brilliance or animation quality, but I personally find the scripts more humorous, the tones more pleasing, the characters more rounded and enjoyable, and I get out of the shows more overall than I do the
Looney Tunes, and there's nothing wrong with that. That's just how I feel, it's my subjective opinion. You feel differently, and that's cool, but everyone is voting and raking the shows in this competition based how much they like them, and why bother arguing with someone's genuine preferences?
As for everyone else, I can only speak for is Vlord, who I know likes
Looney Tunes as much as every other person here, but likes the other shows in this match more.
I really think Harvey Birdman is that good. As I've said before, I'm not one for sexual humor usually- but Harvey Birdman is quite ingenious about it -usually throwing it in unexpected places and in joke upon joke to add to the comedy of the story. I could probably rank Looney Tunes over it objectively, but of all the Adult Swim originals it's still the one I find of the best quality.
King of the Hill is just excellent. I don't think I have to explain that one. ;)
Yeah, I'm still sticking by my personal belief when it comes to the Looneys here here.
I'm just surprised that other people put Disney's stuff in last place during its round, however. I don't understand how someone could seriously enjoy Regular Show more than a classic Goofy or Donald short.
I'm surprised I was the only one who put Disney's stuff in first place that match (though Brave and the Bold is awesome so I could dig it). The fact so many people put it last shocked me. I was disappointed it lost, especially since I nominated them because they always seem so overlooked among casual animation fans in contrast to the Looney Tunes and even MGM's stuff. :-\
But at least Regular Show didn't beat Silly Symphonies and move on. That would have been depressing to me as a Disney fan. :sweat:
Quote from: Ensatsu-ken on November 22, 2013, 11:06:40 PM
I'm also ticked off at everyone ranking Looney Tunes low just because of some technicality.
I'm not.
Did you put it last following Avaitor's principles, or because you genuinely liked it less among the five shows, Foggle? That makes a world of a difference, I'd say. ;)
Quote from: Cartoon X on November 23, 2013, 12:03:38 AM
Did you put it last following Avaitor's principles, or because you genuinely liked it less among the five shows, Foggle? That makes a world of a difference, I'd say. ;)
Honestly, I
want to put it above last place, because I
love Looney Tunes, but the other four honestly make me laugh more than LT. I'm not rating it low because it's not technically a TV cartoon.
Quote from: Foggle on November 23, 2013, 12:08:24 AM
Honestly, I want to put it above last place, because I love Looney Tunes, but the other four honestly make me laugh more than LT. I'm not rating it low because it's not technically a TV cartoon.
And that's exactly how I feel about putting it third myself. :thumbup:
The Venture Bros
Looney Tunes
Harvey Birdman
King of the Hill
Honestly, Looney Tunes is kind of hard to rank in any spot that's not first. Nowadays, KOTH and Futurama just make me laugh a bit more.
I probably wouldn't have this problem if this round wasn't so hard. And it's only going to get harder.
I don't find KOTH that funny, honestly. I don't get what's so laugh-inducing about it. But, then again, I'm the guy who still likes South Park, which is apparently abysmal now according to most people on this board, so fuck it, I'm just going to say that I have a different sense of humor than the rest of you.
I also find LT to be really "entertaining" compared to most of the other shows. It's not just about laughs, or historical importance, and I hate how some of you guys just assume that's the only reason that I ranked it so high (if that were the case, I would have put it above Futurama as well). I really like LT. Apparently that makes me the weird one, here.
I thought you were getting into KOTH when you were watching some of it a year or two ago.
And I said that I liked it. The characters are likable enough and the episodes are usually interesting enough to hold my interest. That doesn't necessarily mean that I found it's jokes to be that funny. I kind of liked it more as a sitcom for the situations and character moments rather than the actual comedy side of that, if that makes any sense. At any rate, I think that it's a good show from what I've seen of it. I just wasn't able to get myself to feel as strongly about it as the rest of you guys do.
Quote from: Ensatsu-ken on November 23, 2013, 11:52:57 AM
I don't find KOTH that funny, honestly. I don't get what's so laugh-inducing about it. But, then again, I'm the guy who still likes South Park, which is apparently abysmal now according to most people on this board, so fuck it, I'm just going to say that I have a different sense of humor than the rest of you.
Well, you know how
South Park is my favorite show and everything, and how I still like the majority of the new episodes and all, so that's not
entirely true. I mean, I've really enjoyed season 17 outside of the first episode, even though a lot of people have been negative about it until the Black Friday episodes started. A lot of people hated the Goth kids episode, and I personally found it hilarious, so I also don't seem to share the same consensus as other people on the recent episodes of the show. All the same, though, I also LOVE
King of the Hill, and I find most of the episodes hilarious. Yes, a good chunk of enjoyment of the show comes from the characters, plots, situations than the jokes, but that's how it is for most of the shows I watch, even
South Park. For me it comes down to entertainment value, which I gauge in laughs, how much I love the characters, how much I enjoy an average episode and how many am I willing to watch in one sitting, etc. In this match,
King of the Hill is the show I a most entertained by, so I put it first, just like how you put it last because it was the show you were least entertained by, and that's all there is to that.
Quote from: Ensatsu-ken on November 23, 2013, 11:52:57 AMI also find LT to be really "entertaining" compared to most of the other shows. It's not just about laughs, or historical importance, and I hate how some of you guys just assume that's the only reason that I ranked it so high (if that were the case, I would have put it above Futurama as well). I really like LT. Apparently that makes me the weird one, here.
I don't think anybody here thinks that. Most people ranked
Looney Tunes the way they did because of how much it entertains them relative to the other shows, just like you did. There's nothing weird with not liking it as much as some other shows, and you yourself put
Futurama a rank above it. There really is no issue here for you to be so upset about. :sweat:
Quote from: ShadowGentleman on November 23, 2013, 07:21:45 AM
Honestly, Looney Tunes is kind of hard to rank in any spot that's not first. Nowadays, KOTH and Futurama just make me laugh a bit more.
I probably wouldn't have this problem if this round wasn't so hard. And it's only going to get harder.
So you can imagine where I stand where I can only put LT's first, but can't vote for anything else since I don't care for the other shows... (Kinda why I haven't been participating for the last few rounds)
Quote from: Ensatsu-ken on November 23, 2013, 11:52:57 AM
But, then again, I'm the guy who still likes South Park, which is apparently abysmal now according to most people on this board
There is maybe one person on AR who doesn't like modern SP.
Quote from: Cartoon X on November 23, 2013, 12:15:08 PM
I don't think anybody here thinks that. Most people ranked Looney Tunes the way they did because of how much it entertains them relative to the other shows, just like you did. There's nothing weird with not liking it as much as some other shows, and you yourself put Futurama a rank above it. There really is no issue here for you to be so upset about. :sweat:
King Of The Hill
The Venture Bros. - 20
Harvey Birdman: Attorney At Law - 24
Futurama - 34
King of the Hill - 33
Looney Tunes - 24
"Bite My Shiny Metal Ass" and "That Boy Ain't Right" move on to the semi-finals.
Round 3, The 25 Toon All Star Melee: Match 2
Superman: ( Animated Series (
Case ( Closed (
Megas ( XLR (
Batman: ( The Brave and the Bold (
The Spectacular ( Spider-Man (
My Picks:
Batman: The Brave and the Bold - My favorite superhero cartoon.
Case Closed - A long-time favorite of mine.
The Spectacular Spider-Man - I love every episode I've seen of it. Would probably challenge or rival Brave and the Bold as my favorite superhero cartoon if I saw all of it.
Megas XLR - Best mecha parody show ever made.
Superman: The Animated Series - Something had to give. I love ol' Supes and all, but I can't help but admit the other shows here entertain me more. Still great, though.
The Spectacular Spider-Man > Batman: The Brave and the Bold > Megas XLR > Superman: The Animated Series > Detective Conan
That sounds like a cool name for a show, actually. Someone, get on that!
Sorry Spider-Man (Spider-Man And His Amazing Friends is better)
Only if Conan is voiced by Arnold himself.
Detective Conan
Megas XLR
Quote from: Ensatsu-ken on November 23, 2013, 10:24:59 PM
Only if Conan is voiced by Arnold himself.
I'd be down.
But seriously, am I the only one excited for that Conan sequel that's supposed to happen with Arnold? Old King Conan had a lot of cool stories, so I don't see why it can't turn out well.
Batman: The Brave & The Bold
The Spectacular Spider-Man
Superman: The Animated Series
Cased Closed
Megas XLR
Good round.
Doc Ock
Gorillas riding pterodactyls with harpoon guns stealing a boat
Batman: The Brave & The Bold
Cased Closed
Megas XLR
Superman: The Animated Series
The Spectacular Spider-Man
Not a SSM fan, VLord?
We could ask you if you ain't a Case Closed fan. There's nothing wrong with putting the show last. :humhumhum:
But I am curious, Vlord. I thought you watched all of season 1? Have you? I know you had access to the dvd set...
It's a good round, all the shows are great in my opinion.
Quote from: Cartoon X on November 25, 2013, 05:20:32 PM
We could ask you if you ain't a Case Closed fan.
Well I've seen very little of the show, so not really. :P
Quote from: Cartoon X on November 25, 2013, 05:20:32 PM
I thought you watched all of season 1?
I have season 1 but I've only watched the first 4 episodes.
Well, I let this match slide into overtime by a good 18 or so hours. Time to move on...
Superman: The Animated Series - 24
Case Closed - 20
Megas XLR - 21
Batman: The Brave and the Bold - 37
The Spectacular Spider-Man - 33
The Joker and the Green Goblin move on to the semi-finals.
Round 3, The 25 Toon All Star Melee: Match 3
Batman: The Animated Series (
Courage, the Cowardly Dog (
Home Movies (
Justice League/Unlimited (
Yu Yu Hakusho (
My Picks:
Yu Yu Hakusho - In my Top 10.
Home Movies - In my Top 20.
Batman: The Animated Series - In my Top 30.
Justice League/Unlimited - In my Top 40.
Courage, the Cowardly Dog - In my Top 60.
Lazy with my explanations this time, I know, but I'm not sure what I can say about these shows at this point that I haven't already. :P
Yu Yu Hakusho
Courage, the Cowardly Dog
Batman: The Animated Series
Justice League/Unlimited
Home Movies
Same as Cartoon X
Oh man.
Yu Yu Hakusho
Home Movies
Justice League
World's Greatest Detective
Spirit Detective
Super Friends
I really need to watch more Home Movies
Quote from: ShadowGentleman on November 25, 2013, 10:39:13 PM
I really need to watch more Home Movies
Yes. You should. ;)
I'm surprised that this match is so hard for everyone, but I suppose it is the one match this round that features shows EVERYONE likes to similar degrees. It'll be interesting to see what makes it to the final round, at any rate, though I have my guesses. :D
Justice League
Yu Yu Hakusho
Home Movies
Home Movies
Yu Yu Hakusho
Justice League
Batman: The Animated Series - 34
Courage, the Cowardly Dog - 22
Home Movies - 21
Justice League/Unlimited - 21
Yu Yu Hakusho - 37
The Spirit Detective and the World's Greatest Detective move on to the semi-finals.
Round 3, The 25 Toon All Star Melee: Match 4
Gargoyles (
South Park (
Rocko's Modern Life (
Tom and Jerry (
Batman Beyond (
My Picks:
Cartoon Wars
City of Stone
The Cat Concerto
Wacky Delly
The Call
Rocko's Modern Life
Tom & Jerry
Batman Beyond
South Park
South Park
Batman Beyond
Rocko's Modern Life
Tom and Jerry
1. Batman Beyond
2. Gargoyles
3. Tom and Jerry
4. Rocko's Modern Life
5. South Park
South Park
Batman Beyond
Tom and Jerry
Rocko's Modern Life
Rocko's Modern Life
Batman Beyond
South Park
Tom & Jerry
South Park and Rocko's Modern Life are both tied at 20 points. Same old song and dance. Someone either needs to vote, or change their rankings.
Quote from: Ensatsu-ken on November 26, 2013, 08:29:54 PM
South Park
Batman Beyond
Tom and Jerry
Rocko's Modern Life
South Park
Batman Beyond
Tom and Jerry
Rocko's Modern Life
Thanks, E-K.
Gargoyles - 29
South Park - 21
Rocko's Modern Life - 20
Tom and Jerry - 16
Batman Beyond - 19
Gargoyles and South Park move on to the semi-finals. The final match of round 3 will be up shortly.
The final match of the Quarter-Finals has arrived! Which of these will be the last of the ten series to move on to the Semis?
Round 3, The 25 Toon Melee: Match 5
Ed, Edd, n' Eddy (
Freakazoid! (
Archer (
The Simpsons (
The Tex Avery Show (
My Picks:
The Simpsons
The Tex Avery Show
Ed, Edd, n' Eddy
Ho boy
Ed, Edd n' Eddy
The Simpsons
Tex Avery
The Simpsons
Archer- I'm almost done with season 3.
Ed, Edd, n' Eddy
The Tex Avery Show
Ed Edd n Eddy
Tex Avery
Same as Avaitor.
Ed, Edd n' Eddy
The Simpsons
Tex Avery
Ed, Edd, n' Eddy - 29
Freakazoid! - 21
Archer - 31
The Simpsons - 22
The Tex Avery Show - 17
Archer and Ed, Edd, n' Eddy move on to the semi-finals.
Well, well, well. Out of 100 different animated series, only ten remain. 4 of these ten will have the honor of moving on to the final round, where we will once and for all determine which is truly THE greatest animated series EVER. First, however, six must fall? Which six? That is to be seen. The question is...
Are you ready?
Stupid Silent Internet.
The Semi-Finals! The Top Ten Toons Throw-down: First Act
Batman: The Brave and the Bold (
Ed, Edd, n'Eddy (
Archer (
Batman: ( The Animated Series (
Futurama (
My Picks:
Futurama - One of the best animated sitcoms of all time.
Batman: The Brave and the Bold - My favorite super hero cartoon.
Archer - The most consistently excellent cartoon currently on the air.
Batman: The Animated Series - The revolutionary series that redefined american action animation
Ed, Edd, n' Eddy - The greatest of the Cartoon Cartoons.
This should be a fun round. ;)
Mother of god.
Batman: The Animated Series
Batman: The Brave and the Bold
Ed, Edd, n' Eddy
Buttered Toast
Laughing Fish
Jellybeans and some Scotch
Batman: The Brave and the Bold
Batman: The Animated Series
Ed, Edd, n' Eddy
Reverse of CartoonX
Batman: The Brave and the Bold
Batman: The Animated Series
Ed, Edd, n' Eddy
Wow, this one is crazy.
Batman: The Brave and the Bold
Batman: The Animated Series
Ed, Edd, n' Eddy
Batman: The Brave and the Bold - 26
Ed, Edd, n' Eddy - 23
Archer - 21
Batman: The Animated Series - 27
Futurama - 23
The Batman show that re-defined the dark side of the hero and the Batman show that celebrated the campy side of the hero both move on the the final round.
The next match will be up sometime later today.
Oh, fuck it. I'll just put it up now.
The Semi-Finals! The Top Ten Toons Throw-Down: Final Act
The Spectacular Spider-Man (
King of the Hill (
South Park (
Gargoyles (
Yu Yu Hakusho (
My Picks:
South Park - My favorite show. After all these years, new episodes still bring a smile to my face and laughs from my belly. The show I run through the most times by far.
King of the Hill - My 4th favorite animated series and the best animated sitcom of all time in my opinion.
Yu Yu Hakusho - My 5th favorite anime and 10th favorite cartoon.
Gargoyles - In my top 20, and my favorite non-anime action cartoon, and possibly my favorite thing Disney has ever made in general barring Donald Duck and Goofy cartoons.
The Spectacular Spider-Man - I need to watch all of this show, but I love what I've already watched of it, but the other four here are some of my all time favorites.
King of the Hill
Yu Yu
South Park
Spectacular Spider-Man
Yu Yu Hakusho
South Park
King of the Hill
Yu Yu Hakusho
South Park
King of the Hill
Spectacular Spider-Man
Wow, my top 3 favorite shows in one match, including another that's in my top 10.
Yu Yu Hakusho
The Specacular Spider-Man
South Park
King of the Hill
Fitty men
Pay a man enough, and he'll walk barefoot into hell.
Don't you dare apologize. I never do.
...and this one's from me, just for pissing me off!
Yu Yu Hakusho
Spectacular Spider-man
King of the Hill
South Park
Sucky Spider-Man
The Spectacular Spider-Man - 19
King of the Hill - 25
South Park - 18
Gargoyles - 28
Yu Yu Hakusho - 30
Yu Yu Hakusho and Gargoyles move on to the final round.
After nearly two months, we have reached the end of this competition! Out of 100 animated series, only 4 remain. One of these 4 will be crowned the undisputed Greatest Animated Series EVER, while the rest...will have to settle for being runner-ups. Which series will come out on top? Everyone who has voted in this competition thus far will decide!
Before we get to the final match-up, though, I would like to list some shows that didn't get nominated for this competition this time (because I forgot/no one else remembered), but should definitely be contenders the next time this competition is done:
Garfield and Friends
Baby Blues
The Oblongs
Clerks, the Animated Series
The Amazing World of Gumball
Pepper Ann
The Jetsons
Wacky Races
Scooby Doo, Where Are You?
Magi: The Labyrinth of Magic
Kill la Kill
And now, without further ado...
Yu ( Yu ( Haku ( (
Gar ( ( ( (
Batman: ( The Brave and the Bold (
Batman: ( The Animated Series (
I'm going to hold off on my vote for now, since I want to do length explanations for my choices for this final round but don't have the time at the moment. That said, I'd also encourage people to really give some good explanations for their choices this round as well, and I'm as curious as the rest of you to see which of these four excellent series will AR declare the greatest animated series. ;)
Wow, might be the toughest decision in these type of things I've had yet.
Batman: TAS
Yu Yu Hakusho
Batman: Brave and the Bold
Yu Yu Hakusho- It's my favorite animated series, plain and simple. It's not perfect by any stretch, but it contains some of the most finely crafted stories and characters that I have ever personally seen from the medium. It takes the guise of a typical shounen action series, and just executes it so well that it puts 90% of the rest of the genre to shame. I think it has the advantage of being based off of great source material, but the writers of this show went above and beyond and actually even managed to improve on the source material to make a great series into a phenomenal one. No, it's not nearly the best animated series out there. You could very well argue that the rest of the series in this match are more deserving of that title, and I wouldn't disagree with you. That said, it's my favorite cartoon of all time because it just flat-out appeals to me the most.
Gargoyles- This is my 2nd favorite cartoon of all time, and it's a close call between this and YYH. Both series have their weak points. With YYH it's the Saint Beasts arc and the admittedly weak final few episodes (with the exception of the very last episode, which was a great epilogue), and with this series it's the world-tour stuff which I feel drags it down just a bit. Even so, I can't knock it down too much for all of the excellent story-telling and characters that it has brought us. City of Stone is enough of a reason for this show to have made it this far, alone.
Batman: The Brave and the Bold- Quite simply, the advantage that this series has is that there really isn't a single other show like it. For once we get an intentionally campy superhero show backed by writers who clearly do have a love for the silver-age of comics, and know how to both celebrate it and parody it at the same time. Siege of Starro and the Equinox story-lines are some of the best arcs that I have seen from a DC animated show, and just about every single vignette in this series is a home. This is hands down the best Batman-related thing that I have seen aside from Return of the Joker and Mask of the Phantasm (yes, I like it even more than The Dark Knight if I were to be honest).
Batman: The Animated Series- Believe me when I say that there is absolutely no shame in being placed last in this round. It's just that the competition is really that brutal. And, on a level of importance and significance, there's no doubt that this series trumps the other three. That said, I do feel that when looking at it on an even playing field with the other three shows, it does feel the most inconsistent to me (the fourth season was all over the place in terms of quality, and it also took the writers a while to find their footing in season one). That said I can't deny that it has some of the most tightly written and timeless vignettes in animation history, so for what it is, it's still an amazing series, and still one of my top 10 favorite shows of all time. I just have to be honest hear and say that I do still like the other shows better, but as it stands any one of these shows could win this competition and I wouldn't be disappointed with the results one bit.
Batman: TAS
Yu Yu Hakusho
Batman: TB&TB
This is tough, since these are all incredible. All of the shows in the last 2 matches have been, though.
Yu yu Hakusho- Yusuke is my favorite anime character. Homework Never Ends.
Batman TAS - Probably my favorite superhero cartoon. I have some sorting to do.
Batman TBATB- I still have some episodes to watch. So far I Jonah Hex, Plastic Man and Booster Gold are my favorite secondary characters.
Gargoyles - I like this show and still need to finish it. Maybe I'll do a restart soon.
I did not need to remember that booty poking. At least you didn't post Yusuke slapping her.
Yu Yu Hakusho- My favorite show of all time
Batman: The Brave and the Bold - My favorite Batman series
Batman TAS - My 2nd favorite Batman series
Gargoyles - I really like what I have seen of it, but the other 3 shows are 3 of my favorite animated series.
Same as Avaitor.
This is the worst round by FAR.
Batman: The Brave & The Bold
Yu Yu Hakusho
Batman: TAS
Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on December 01, 2013, 06:18:40 PM
This is the worst round by FAR.
Well, it IS the final round, after all. :humhumhum:
Better explanations:
Batman: The Brave & The Bold - I'm doing a series for this for a reason. The fact that this is in the final round with BTAS, YYH, and Gargoyles should be telling enough, but I don't think it gets nearly the same notice as the other three do (YYH gets more discussion outside of anime circles, though) but that I feel this is what all superhero shows should aspire to, I obviously would rank it first. Though I have many more entries to do, and some surprises coming up, rewatching it just further cemented my feelings that as far as action shows go (and action-comedy shows as this does both and does them both so well) there is no better. If you haven't watched the episodes Cartoon X linked to before voting- go do that now.
Yu Yu Hakusho - It's still the best shonen anime out there. High action, original ideas, unpredictable characters, and some good themes, it remains the best of the genre in my opinion and on a storyline basis is probably the best the genre has aspired to. About the only fault would be the Saint Beast arc being a bit predictable and the final arc not as great as the ones before it, but as a whole it stands up remarkably well. I think encounters like Yusuke Vs. The Doctor is probably the one thing that puts it above other similar shows, and gives a hint at what they could be capable of other than massive power level battles.
Gargoyles - This show always has and always will surprise me. Tightly crafted, tightly written, and tightly produced, it is probably the best adventure show ever made or at least one of them. It's quite disappointing how few shows have come out in its genre to challenge it since it came out. Sure, the World Tour goes on too long (though there are classic episodes in there), but on a consistency level, few are higher than Gargoyles.
Batman: The Animated Series - I put this last only because on a pure quality and quantity basis it is not as high as the other three, but in importance and pure classic storytelling- it matches them handily. The best episodes of this show are equal and sometimes better than the other shows, but the weak stuff just push it out of the other three for me. Still, this deserved to be in the final round, and I doubt anyone here would argue with that. It's a fantastic show when all is said and done.
Yeah, it's a brutal round, but at least the shows are all AAA.
I'm just a little sadden that the top 4 are all action, but these are completely fantastic shows regardless.
There's nothing wrong with action, you peasant.
TB&TB has both. I suggest watching Four Star Spectacular! for a good time.
Same as ShadowGentleman.
So, after all of the times that you've pestered me to wrap up around, I get to do the same to you for a change. :>
Pretty much everyone on this board who would ever vote in a competition of this sort, aside from yourself, has already voted, so all you need to do is list your rankings and we can finally decide a winner.
At least you didn't insult him this time you rude trolling jackass.
Quote from: Ensatsu-ken on December 04, 2013, 05:30:25 PM
So, after all of the times that you've pestered me to wrap up around, I get to do the same to you for a change. :>
Pretty much everyone on this board who would ever vote in a competition of this sort, aside from yourself, has already voted, so all you need to do is list your rankings and we can finally decide a winner.
I was waiting for Pharass to finally finish the Greatest Manga Tournament. :humhumhum:
...But yeah, sorry guys. We should probably wrap this up now, huh? Welp, it's true I'm the only one left that has to vote (the only other regular participant in this competition, at least). I wanted to do lengthy explanations for my choices, but I was busy the last few days, and wasn't in the mood , and still am not in the mood right now. I'll have to keep it short. Of course, voting last means I have the benefit of being I'm also in the position where I'm able to break ties and actually influence which series gets which place, and since I think ties are cop-outs you'll have to forgive me for slightly altering my rankings for effect to prevent any. ;)
So how do I feel about these series you may ask?....
Gargoyles - My first time watching
Gargoyles was in the summer of 2005, when I was in India for two months and spent most of my time watching Toon Disney. Still resistant to watching action cartoons, I initially avoided the series, and I ended up watching it all by total accident. The right episode came on at the right time for me. That episode was "A Lighthouse in the Sea of Time," which I liked for a variety of reasons. I enjoyed seeing a blind character who didn't let his disability stop him from doing what he loved, even helping a main character (Hudson) learn to read (also as a kid I always wanted to see more inclusivity, be it people of different ethnicities, disabled, more female characters, what have you), I enjoyed the Shakespeare references, I enjoyed a non-purely malicious and competent villain in Macbeth, and I especially appreciated that the episode was trying to interest kids in reading without being obnoxious of talking down to it's audience. That impressed me, so I watched more of the series, eventually watching "City of Stone," which captivated me especially because it was 1) the Macbeth-Demona stuff was a tragic, well-crafted story and 2) all the "villains" involved were shown having layers to their characters and not just being "evil," which I enjoyed because as a kid I thought the idea of good and evil was stupid and I believed in
people and
choices. That's when I really though of
Gargoyles as a great show. Then the next episodes I watched after that were from
The Goliath Chronicles. Yeah. Needless to say, I didn't care for 'em. Now, if I had seen the rest of the canon series before, then I probably still would have been into the show enough for me to pursue watching it. But my vacation in India didn't last forever, and I didn't have Toon Disney at home, and with other shows on my mind (aka the
Dragonball franchise), I forgot about it for a loooooooooonggggg time.
That is, until, earlier this year, when I realized that Disney has the entire series legally available on Youtube. I spent two weeks marathoning the entire 65 episode run of the series, watching up to 15 episodes one night. I couldn't help it, I was amazed. The series was better than even my memories of led me to believe. It more than just held up, it was phenomenally written, acted, animated, and the stories were all quite brilliant from the get-go. I was shocked that they could make an episode like "Deadly Force," not just because of what they got away with, but because it's still relevant and teaches a great message about responsibility that makes me wish all kid should be forced to watch this episode. But of course, I'm a character guy, so what really captivated me were how well-characterized everyone was. They felt like actual people, and there was more to them besides being "heroes" or "villains." But I can't say the story doesn't wow either. I mean, obviously "City of Stone" was amazing because of how it balanced two plots, one taking place 1000 years in the past and one taking place in the present, wove them together into a coherent narrative, developed two characters, had enemies Goliath and Xanatos work together and find newfound respect for each other (and avoided having Xanatos betray Golaith like lesser shows would do), introduced a new set of important antagonists...really a lot of great stuff that went down in only 4 episodes when some shows can't manage to be as good in their whole run. And "City of Stone" was far from the peak of the show's greatness, because the mind-blowing "Avalon" arc came after it which was equally brilliant. I really admire how well-crafted the shows world and mythology is, managing to create scale and open up all sorts of possibilities irresistible for the viewer to ponder. The World Tour may have had some weak episodes in the bunch, but it was great world-building all the same.
Gargoyles really is an adventure and action series unlike any other I've seen, and I was kicking myself for not have re-visited the show any sooner. It's easily my favorite non-anime action-cartoon, though I have to wonder if I'd have loved it even more if I watched it fully was a kid. Nonetheless, it's an action cartoon that hasn't been rivaled by anything else I've seen (and I've seen every major action series at this point), and it really is in a league of it's own, though admittedly not my actual favorite of this match...
Yu Yu Hakusho - I didn't watch
Yu Yu Hakusho on Toonami. I didn't watch Toonami regularly until January 2005. I ignored it as the show between
Megas and
GT, and watched something else during it. Well, I did get interested in checking it out after watching the 4th episode when the block re-started the series in February, but not too long after they took it off completely for
Zatch Bell!, and although I was a bit disappointed in not getting to check out more of the show, I got into
Zatch pretty quickly and I forgot about it.
Fast forward to September 2006, when, in a mood to watch more anime than what Toonami was offering, I discovered that Colors TV had a FUNimation Channel block, airing two shows I had heard of before:
Case Closed and, you guessed it,
Yu Yu Hakusho. The first episode I watched was the 15th, "Genbu, the Stone Beast." Though the Saint Beasts arc is the weakest part of YYH, for me as a kid that was a pretty great episode. Starting off it's intense with Yusuke trusting Hiei to save them from being crushed, and then Hiei's moment of badass when he cuts the eye demon in half and proceeds to tell him and Saint Beasts to fuck off. I though that was pretty badass. But the really interesting stuff, for me, was Kurama's fight with Genbu. First off I just though Genbu's stone ability was pretty cool and inventive, and I thought Kurama using a "rose whip" was awesome. I was into untraditional stuff like that as a kid. But mainly I just liked Kurama's smarts as he outwitted Genbu and stole his heart, humiliated him, then mercilessly killed him. That got me sold on the show, and obviously there was better stuff in store after that. Though, it didn't hurt that the entire FUNimation Channel block was three hours of awesome. You guys who didn't watch it missed out big time.
What appeals to me about
Yu Yu Hakusho, first off, is it's characters. Yusuke was my kind of protagonist. He's kinda a jerk and a bit arrogant, but he's got a slick sense of humor and wit, is willing to help, and has a good heart. Kuwabara has an even better one, and although he's kinda goofy, he is really capable of some of the best serious moments in the entire show. "Kuwabara: A Promise Between Men" is one of my favorite episodes in the entire show because of how genuine Kuwabara is in trying to help save his friend's job, and how dedicated he was. Kurama, though, is hands down the best character in the show. Smart, capable of being as cruel and he is kind, devoted to his human mother but struggling to reconcile his past self, he's easily the most consistently interesting character in the entire series and obviously made a big impression on me considering the first episode of the show I watched. As for Hiei, he's just kinda badass, but his development from generic villain to likable hero is fascinating, and his backstory was incredible and a highlight of the Three Kings arc. And of course, the villains, most of them anyways, were all interesting and, best of all, had understandable motivations and history backing up their actions, especially in the case of Toguro and Sensui.
The fights in
Yu Yu Hakusho were all pretty clever and enjoyable to boot. Action scenes were never really interesting to me, but
Yu Yu Hakusho's were. Mostly because it used all sorts of variations (the battles in the dark and then the swamplands in the Genkai Tournament), interesting gimmicks (Riku's yo-yo powers), and subverted some expectations (Dragon of the Darkness flame's first usage). The fights never felt the same, or generic punches or energy blasts, but very diverse, very smart, often strategic, and capable of tension beyond "oh shit this guy is so strong oh noes" that most action cartoons feature. To be honest my favorite fight in the entire series isn't a fight at all. Kurama and Kaito's taboo word battle is my favorite "fight," moment, and episode in the entire series because I have seen nothing like it in any other action cartoon ever. Here we have a character who is just a normal human, nowhere nearly as strong physically as even the earliest villains in the series. Yet, he quickly holds Hiei, Botan, and Kuwabara's life in the palm of his hands, and there is no way to beat him into submission. Kurama has to outsmart him and beat him at his own word game, and the tension comes from their equally matched wit and looming countdown of the time-limit. And Kurama only narrowly manages to get Kaito to screw up a the end of it. And he does it hilariously. That episode floored me when I first watched it and is still one of my all time favorite anime episode to date.
Of course, the whole beginning section of the Chapter Black was conceptually brilliant. No fists to cross or skulls to break. The villains were humans, not demons, and they weren't stronger than Gouki much less Toguro. Battle of wits are my kind of battles, so obviously, I loved the whole of Chapter Black (admittedly the beginning of the fight with Sensui disappointed me in how straight-forward it was, but still). The whole story of
Yu Yu Hakusho is just exceptional. Characters grow and fully develop, everything happens sensibly and logically, the villains are well-written, things don't drag needlessly long, and it all comes together in the end. And I mean the end. I know the Three Kings arc isn't perfect, but I can't imagine the anime without it. It feels essential to Yusuke, Kurama, and Hiei's character arcs and resolves them perfectly. The last three episodes comprise one of the most emotionally satisfying and well-done anime ending I've ever seen. Overall the anime made the story of it's manga even better than it was, so much so that I consider YYH an anime first and manga second. It's easily the best adaption of a shonen manga ever made.
Normally, I would put this first in a match like this.
Yu Yu Hakusho is my 5th favorite anime, and my 10th favorite cartoon in general, which is above where I have
Gargoyles. Basically, I just put it second here for tie-breaking purposes. :P Still, I do love this series, though obviously not as much as Vlord or E-K. I'm actually surprised it made the top 4, but you know what? It totally deserves it. 8)
Batman: The Brave and the Bold - I have never been more excited for a super hero cartoon than I was for this show. The premise sounded great. A more light-hearted Batman series with minor heroes and villains as co-stars. Not yet a fan of
Batman: The Animated Series, and thoroughly dissapointed in
The Batman, yet interested in Batman-things in general after
The Dark Knight, I was anxious to see this series, and hoped it was good. And boy was it ever. The show hit the ground running. It was exhilarating. No episode was even remotely the same. There were new characters, all well-developed, in each episode. And as a whole the show was, frankly, fun. Yet, it was perfectly capable of serious moments. The Tornado Tyrant episode was the first example I saw of the show's range in this regard, and it had me stunned. And it just never let up. Bat-mite, The Music Meister, the Equinox arc, all golden. And over the years, the show just didn't disappoint. Admittedly, when Blue Beetle and Aquaman became recurring characters I was worried that team ups with other obscure characters would lessen, but that turned out to be a mute issue, and Blue Beetle and Aquaman are awesome characters so I that worry was forgotten. The show felt so big in scale, and had the perfect balance of comedy and seriousness, not to mention a variety of plots and situations. That kept the show fresh, and fun, for it's entire 65 episode run, and I can't think of a single weak episode in the bunch. And that's what sets it apart from any other superhero cartoon for me. No other superhero cartoon, heck even most action cartoons, can be as diverse as
Brave and the Bold but still be the same show start to finish. And few shows in general are good for their entire runs. No other superhero cartoon comes close for satisfying me as consistently and entertainingly as this series. Admittedly, I'm now 8/13ths of the way done with
The Spectacular Spider-Man, and I feel that I may very well soon have to eat those words. But for three years
The Brave and the Bold provided me with an action cartoon to look forward to every friday. And when the final episode aired, I was a little sad. At least it went out with a great run.
Batman: The Animated Series - How many years did I spend trying to get into this series? I tried when it was on Toonami, soon lost interest. I tried when it was on Toon Disney, really loved the HARDAC two-parter, but soon go distracted from it. And then on and off I tried watching episodes here and there, liking it more and more, but never wining me over. Then it went on the HUB, and I finally saw the Two-Face two parter. And that's when I started to love the show. Through the Hub I have now managed to see every episode. By god was this an astonishing series. This aired on saturday morning? Afternoons? Rubbish, it should've aired prime-time. It's too good for kids, but that's what's admirable about it. The first action cartoon to push boundaries in it's story telling for children's programming. Serious stories taking it's audience seriously. Superbly written villains who are people first, a tortured Batman, and an excellent cast of characters in general. Plus it's got an awesome noir-vibe and style going on, which is cool. At it's best the series is amazing and has some of the finest episodes I've ever seen. But...there lies some of the problem. It's very inconsistent. For as many great episodes there are there are as many mediocre ones, and a lot of episodes I find just "good." I basically watched this entire series last year, as an adult, and I enjoyed it a ton, but I can't say I like it as much as the other shows here. The quality issue is the biggest thing, but I can't deny my emotional connection to the other three shows is stronger as well. It's the most important show in this match, in terms of impact and influence, and without it
Gargoyles and even
Batman: The Brave and the Bold may never have been made. But being last in the final round, out of 100 other animated series, isn't exactly an affront, and it is a top-twentier for me anyways. I just like the other shows here more.
Now that I've finally voted, I will be able to put up the final results very shortly. Like, within the hour. Stay tooned. 8)
You have horrible taste in cartoons.
Quote from: gunswordfist on December 04, 2013, 07:47:57 PM
You have horrible taste in cartoons.
Why? Because I put BTAS last? :thinkin:
Quote from: gunswordfist on December 04, 2013, 07:47:57 PM
You have horrible taste in cartoons.
You've never even seen an episode of SSM or Archer.
100 were chosen
50 survived
25 lived
10 prospered
4 thrived
But only one can stand as the peak
Only one can be the best that no one ever was
A Toon among Toons
A television series of indisputable animated mastery
only one can be....the Greatest
4th place (
Total Points: 18
3rd place (
Total Points: 26
2nd ( ( (
Total Points: 27
Total Points: 29
And that's that. The final rankings based on the collective opinion's of everyone who voted. Thanks for your participation, guys! ;D
I have to admit I was not expecting these results, but such surprises are what makes these competitions interesting in my opinion. I can certainly say the top four are very well deserved and a unique assortment of shows that would probably never be the final four in a Greatest Animated Series competition on any other board. 8)
But wait! I have a little something fun to share. ShadowGentleman once pm'd people asking them what they thought AR's top cartoon list would look like if it was revised. I remembered that as this competition went along, and I got an idea. I decided to see how a Top 65 cartoon list would look like combining the results of this competition and the Greatest Anime Series. The results are interesting, to say the least...
65 The Angry Beavers - Round 2, 8 pts
64 Sgt. Frog - Round 2, 9 pts
63 Ugly Americans - Round 2, 9 pts
62 The Secret Saturdays - Round 2, 11 pts
61 The Grim Adventures of Billy and Mandy - Round 2, 11 pts
60 The Powerpuff Girls - Round 2, 11 pts
59 One Piece - Round 2, 12 pts
58 The Weekenders - Round 2, 12 pts
57 Bobobo-bo Bo-bobo - Round 2, 13 pts
56 The Slayers NEXT - Round 2, 13 pts
55 School Rumble - Round 2, 14 pts
54 Johnny Bravo - Round 2, 14 pts
53 Dan VS. - Round 2, 14 pts
52 Avatar: The Last Airbender - Round 2, 14 pts
51 Scooby Doo! Mystery Incorporated - Round 2, 15 pts
50 Avengers: Earth's Mightiest Heroes - Round 2, 15 pts
49 Puella Magi Madoka Magica - GAS Round 3, 17 pts
48 Lupin the Third: The Woman Called Fujiko Mine - Round 2, 17 pts
47 Hyouge Mono - GAS Round 3, 18 pts
46 Fate/Zero - GAS Round 3, 18 pts
45 JoJo's Bizarre Adventure - Round 2, 18 pts
44 The Flintstones - Round 2, 18 pts
43 The Big O - GAS Round 3, 19 pts
42 Death Note - GAS Round 3, 21 pts
41 Hajime no Ippo: The Fighting! - Round 2, 21 pts
40 The Boondocks - Round 2, 21 pts
39 DuckTales - Round 2, 21 pts
38 Super Dimension Fortress Macross - GAS Round 3, 22 pts
37 Samurai Champloo - Round 2, 22 pts
36 Mobile Suit Gundam 0080: War in the Pocket - GAS Round 3, 22 pts
35 Great Teacher Onizuka - GAS Round 3, 23 pts
34 Space Ghost: Coast to Coast - Round 2, 23 pts
33 Paranoia Agent - GAS Round 4, 10 pts
32 Baccano! - GAS Round 4, 12 pts
31 Black Lagoon - GAS Round 4,13 pts
30 Tom and Jerry - Round 3, 16 pts
29 The Tex Avery Show - Round 3, 17 pts
28 Neon Genesis Evangelion - GAS Round 4, 17 pts
27 Batman Beyond - Round 3, 19 pts
26 Case Closed - Round 3, 20 pts
25 The Venture Bros. - Round 3, 20 pts
24 Rocko's Modern Life - Round 3, 20 pts
23 Megas XLR - Round 3, 21 pts
22 Freakazoid! - Round 3, 21 pts
21 Home Movies - Round 3, 21 pts
20 Justice League/Unlimited - Round 3, 21 pts
19 Courage, the Cowardly Dog - Round 3, 22 pts
18 The Simpsons - Round 3, 22 pts
17 Superman: The Animated Series - Round 3, 24 pts
16 Harvey Birdman: Attorney At Law - Round 3, 24 pts
15 Looney Tunes - Round 3, 24 pts
14 South Park - Round 4, 18 pts
13 The Legend of the Galactic Heroes - GAS Round 5, 19 pts
12 The Spectacular Spider-Man - Round 4, 19 pts
11 Archer - Round 4, 21 pts
10 Trigun - GAS Round 5, 22 pts
9 Futurama - Round 4, 23 pts
8 Ed, Edd, n' Eddy - Round 4, 23 pts
7 Monster - GAS Round 5, 23 pts
6 King of the Hill - Round 4, 25 pts
5 Cowboy Bebop - GAS Round 5, 26 pts
4 Batman: The Brave and the Bold - Round 5, 18 pts
3 Batman: The Animated Series - Round 5, 26 pts
2 Gargoyles - Round 5, 27 pts
1 Yu Yu Hakusho - Round 5, 29 pts
Obviously this doesn't work as an objective list or anything, especially since there are a whole slew a reasons some shows didn't move on and others didn't. I also don't think it's quite accurate as a gauge of how members generally like certain shows either (JB over PPG? Right...). Still, I find the results interesting nonetheless and it definitely makes for a unique little list. And, personally, I really dig that top 10. ;)
And with that, this competition is officially over! Thanks again to everyone who participated, and I hope to see you again in another competition very, very soon. ;)
Interesting list to say the least!
My biggest surprise is that TB&TB made it so far. Even on here, I thought old favorites would overtake it, but making it to the final round is well deserved. That was good one. Great job on the list, Cartoon X!
Ha! Yu Yu Hakusho triumphs again. That makes it a two-time champion in my book. You see, that's why it was excluded from the greatest anime series competition in the first place, because it would just be redundant for it to win what we all know it was going to inevitably win in the first place. You see. My favorite series are always the best ones! :>
No, but in all seriousness, I love this board. It's the only place where we'd ever come down to a top 4 in which all of the finalists are among my top 10 favorite animated shows ever made. :thumbup:
Quote from: Avaitor on December 04, 2013, 08:47:57 PM
Quote from: gunswordfist on December 04, 2013, 07:47:57 PM
You have horrible taste in cartoons.
You've never even seen an episode of SSM or Archer.
I have. EK can vouch for me seeing an episode of Spectacular Spider-Man. :bleh:
That was probably the most intense tournament I've witnessed on this board. For me anyway. Great job! :thumbup:
The only thing that would be more fun would be a tournament that contained all the competitors from both the cartoon and anime tournaments... :humhumhum:
Quote from: Ensatsu-ken on December 04, 2013, 09:18:42 PM
No, but in all seriousness, I love this board. It's the only place where we'd ever come down to a top 4 in which all of the finalists are among my top 10 favorite animated shows ever made. :thumbup:
Indeed. In some rounds I could see the voting going the complete opposite way on other boards.
My only letdown was learning that apparently Ensatsu-ken doesn't see what's so great about KOTH. :-\
Seriously man, watch more of it!
Quote from: gunswordfist on December 04, 2013, 09:21:06 PM
Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on December 04, 2013, 08:49:01 PM
Quote from: Avaitor on December 04, 2013, 08:47:57 PM
Quote from: gunswordfist on December 04, 2013, 07:47:57 PM
You have horrible taste in cartoons.
You've never even seen an episode of SSM or Archer.
And he never will. :D
And you look stupid now as well. ;D
That doesn't take much.
Quote from: ShadowGentleman on December 04, 2013, 09:53:57 PM
The only thing that would be more fun would be a tournament that contained all the competitors from both the cartoon and anime tournaments... :humhumhum:
Yeah. In another few years, we should do a tournament with all of them. In the meantime, what do you think of that composite top 65 list I posted?
Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on December 04, 2013, 10:03:34 PM
My only letdown was learning that apparently Ensatsu-ken doesn't see what's so great about KOTH. :-\
Mine was that not a lot of people seemed to like
Maison Ikkoku from the sample ep I put up (I blame Vlord for that :humhumhum:). Admittedly, against
Archer, I was going to lose one of my favorite anime in that match no matter what, so I can't complain that #3 had to give way to #1 when all was said and done. :sweat:
Looking back, I would have put
Spectacular Spider-Man and
JoJo's Bizarre Adventure higher up in my rankings if I had watched as much as I have of them now. It might have actually made the difference in them moving on even farther in fact. Still can't complain with how far they went in the end, though.
Well, it was a hard match overall. There were too many good shows to choose from and in the end it just got too difficult.
Quote from: Cartoon X on December 04, 2013, 10:20:38 PM
Mine was that not a lot of people seemed to like Maison Ikkoku from the sample ep I put up (I blame Vlord for that :humhumhum:).
I thought it was a good episode. :thinkin:
Don't get me wrong, I like that episode too. It probably wasn't the best one to put up as an example episode, though. :-\
Quote from: Cartoon X on December 04, 2013, 10:09:22 PM
Quote from: ShadowGentleman on December 04, 2013, 09:53:57 PM
The only thing that would be more fun would be a tournament that contained all the competitors from both the cartoon and anime tournaments... :humhumhum:
Yeah. In another few years, we should do a tournament with all of them. In the meantime, what do you think of that composite top 65 list I posted?
Surprisingly close how I'd do it, at least in regards to the top 30.
So YYH is the best anime AND animated series in general after all. I can't really argue with that, tbh.
Quote from: Avaitor on December 04, 2013, 11:35:56 PM
So YYH is the best anime AND animated series in general after all. I can't really argue with that, tbh.