For those of us that pine for whatever the future brings. :thumbup:
edit: fixed the title, finally.
Has that Necromachina game been released yet? If not, that's probably somwhere near the top of my list. It looked kick-ass from what I last saw of it.
I'm also eagerly anticipating just to learn more about Devil's Third, and even though I won't be getting it on release, I'm generally looking foward to Bullet Storm.
I wish I could say that Ninja Gaiden 3 is my most anticipated game, but with Hayashi working on it, and knowing his tendencies, it may end up being my most dreaded game of anticipation. Currently, I'd just be happy if it doesn't end up killing the series as I know and love it, personally.
Mortal Kombat, Mortal Kombat oh and Mortal Kombat.
Nope, it's not out yet. But I'm dying to hear more about it. Four player Strider seems like a great idea to me.
This is it's year! 2011! ;D
Necromachina is now called Moon Diver and will be out this spring! (
I can't wait to see more of this one.
Quote from: talonmalon333 on January 01, 2011, 01:23:14 PM
This is it's year! 2011! ;D
Ooooh. :swoon:
Although hmm, Wii Motion Plus? Is that necessary or just enhancement?
Quote from: Angus on January 06, 2011, 07:09:54 PM
Quote from: talonmalon333 on January 01, 2011, 01:23:14 PM
This is it's year! 2011! ;D
Ooooh. :swoon:
Although hmm, Wii Motion Plus? Is that necessary or just enhancement?
It's necessary and will be a big part of the game. In fact, with it you're in absolute, 100% control of the sword.
Looks like I won't be picking up the new Zelda for full price, then, unless it comes bundled with Wii Motion Plus.
Quote from: Foggle on January 07, 2011, 09:08:45 AM
Looks like I won't be picking up the new Zelda for full price, then, unless it comes bundled with Wii Motion Plus.
Can't you get Motion Plus first?
I fully expect Skyward Sword to have a MotionPlus bundle with it, or most likely that new Wii Remote that has MotionPlus integrated into it.
As for me, I'm going to be very handheld focused this year. Aside from the 3DS that is quickly becoming my most anticipated item, I'm going to get some heavy playtime on my PSP with Valkyria Chronicles 3, The 3rd Birthday, and I'm going finally delve into Persona with the port of the 2nd game. I'm also going to enjoy my DS Lite for possibly the final time with Pokemon Black and White, which should give it a longer life span if the 3DS doesn't support original DS Wi-Fi. also hoping that Fire Emblem makes it over here, looks much better than the last trainwreck.
Lots of fighting games as well. Going to get that Mortal Kombat reboot because it looks fun as shit and worthy of competitive play. Marvel vs Capcom 3 is inevitable, but I might hold off until they announce some of my more wanted characters. If Street Fighter x Tekken makes it out this year, I shall finally live my dream of making Team Ojou-sama (Karin and Lili).
I really am the only one here who got Red Steel 2, aren't I? Drag.
You haven't played Persona 3 Portable, Bison? I thought you might like the game, but I can fully understand waiting for 2 instead. They are pretty different style games.
I have never played a Persona game actually, but I've heard a lot of great things about the 2nd game and it seems to be highly anticipated by the fans.
If I like it, I'll go back and find the other PSP ports and that PS2 entry.
I was going to get Red Steel 2, but the first one was so shitty that I decided against it. It's still on my list of games I need to play, though.
Persona 2 is by far the best one. It's also the only one that outwardly appeals to people who are neither hardcore dungeon crawler fans nor anime fans.
Deus Ex 3 is 25-40 hours long and comes out in April. Still super pumped. ( ( (
February can't come fast enough.
Greatest fucking game trailer I have EVER seen. (
Watch it.
Quote from: SSJ Jake on December 27, 2010, 06:23:12 PM
Mortal Kombat, Mortal Kombat oh and Mortal Kombat.
Here's a smart man.
Quote from: Foggle on January 18, 2011, 10:20:02 PM
Deus Ex 3 is 25-40 hours long and comes out in April. Still super pumped.
I can't wait. I think Brink and Killzone 3 are the only either two games I'm anticipating. I've been out of the loop.
God damn the PSP2 is going to be expensive as shit. Has Sony learned nothing?
HD, color MadWorld sequel with online multiplayer that plays more like God Hand than the first game did (or so I've heard)? ( Sign me the fuck up.
Kirby GC is back!
Two Kirby games in two years! (
Color me impressed! (We also need more info on the Kirby DS game)
That's pretty awesome. Nintendo is really stepping up their A-game now, aren't they?
They also announced a new IP called "Pandora's Tower"
Nintendo has released more software this gen then they have since like the NES. And the weird part is that the majority of it is top tier stuff.
Looks kind of like a cross between God Hand and Ninja Gaiden from the, say, 5 seconds of gameplay shown in the trailer. Fucking noice.
Anyone else highly anticipating You Don't Know Jack? I used to love that game back in the day, so I'm happy to see a new one finally get released.
I've never played it
Quote from: Desensitized on January 27, 2011, 01:33:53 PM
God damn the PSP2 is going to be expensive as shit. Has Sony learned nothing?
Well I learned the hard way that five year olds shouldn't have a Nintendo DS. :cry:
2011: The year FPS games get their fucking balls back. With Bulletstorm, Duke Nukem Forever, and Serious Sam 3 all being released within a 5 month period, the massive amount of machismo being put on display is bound to shatter game consoles and melt video cards.
My body is ready.
Duke Nukem Forever is looking too good to be true. In the mean time, I have to get Duke Nukem 3D. The demo reminded me hat most FPSs should have, little dialogue and some exploration. Fuck cutscenes.
This game is so beautiful: ( (
Looks like a much, MUCH better Mugen.
You mean it looks better than any other Mugen game?
Holy shit, Galactic is doing the OST for Infamous 2! I'm not interested in the game at all, but I might have to buy the soundtrack...
How can you not be excited about Infamous 2?
I'm more excited about Ys I & II, Trails In The Sky, Monster Tale, and Steel Diver. Right now I'm mostly playing Mario & Luigi 3 and 999.
Just love handheld games. :thumbup:
I'm not saying it should be on top of anyone's list but t completely overlook it :whuh:
Well, I never played the first one or Prototype (which people tell me is pretty much the exact same game without lightning powers) and have never watched a single gameplay video for this upcoming one, so that's probably why...
If Yakuza 4 does well, we might eventually get Kenzan over here (
Might is good enough for me. I have absolutely no interest in The End, though, so I hope that won't be a barometer of whether or not it can succeed here.
As much as I love Kenzan, the chances of it getting released in the west are very, very small... no matter how well 4 sells. This is due to a few things:
1) It's from 2008
2) It's the most niche game in the entire series, seeing as it's a game about Edo period samurai within a series about modern-day gangsters
3) If they named it Samurai Yakuza, people would assume it was some shitty joke game like Samurai Western
4) If they named it Yakuza Kenzan, people would scratch their heads at the Japanese title and then be disappointed when it's not actually about the yakuza at all
5) If they named it Yakuza Arrives (Kenzan = Arrives), people would expect a prequel (yes, it technically is. don't get cheeky) to the other games in the series and then be disappointed when it's not actually about the main character from the other games (yes, it technically is. stop that)
6) The combat is the series' worst after the original, so it won't sell to action-only fans
7) The graphics are dated, and even looked as such when it was released in Japan, so graphics whores won't buy it
It wouldn't be profitable to SEGA. Hell, it might not even break even. And if a single Yakuza title doesn't break even -- even if it's a spin-off -- it's very likely that SEGA would drop the franchise entirely in English-speaking territories. The sales of the first two games on the PS2 almost stopped 3 from getting localized, after all.
We'd be more likely to see Kurohyou (the PSP one) or Of The End come out over here, either of which I am completely okay with, since importing a new copy of Kenzan is as cheap as buying a used PS3 game at GameStop (if not cheaper), there's a complete FAQ available on GameFAQs so you won't get lost, and you can watch every cutscene translated on YouTube which effectively enables non-Japanese speakers to get most of the story.
If rumors are true, you can also play Of The End as a beat 'em up, they just haven't been showing off the fisticuffs in the trailers since the shooty-shooty-bang-bang is all-new. If that's the case, then it'll be a day-one purchase for me.
Well, the guy I quoted is actually from Sega, so who knows? Hell, it might get a PSN-only release. Who knows? It's a possibility at least, and not an outright denial, which is nice.
Do you like the way the remake of your second ( favorite game is shaping up, EK?
Its Ocarina of Time, how could I not love it? In fact, even if they just slapped the original deformed polygons from the original version without any digital cleanups, I'd still want to get a 3DS just to play OoT on a portable console. Yes, call me a fanboy if you wish. :blush:
Now I just need to plan my grand heist of an electronics store for a Wii and a 3DS. :sly:
As much as I love all the remakes of classics, this alone will justify my 3DS:
It looks like Super Mario Bros. 3 meets Super Mario Galaxy 2. Just orgasmic.
Looks good. Really good.
I'm too cheap to afford a 3DS, so I'll have to join EK's robbery when it comes out.
Should I get Beyond Good & Evil HD?
IMO the original was dull, so if you haven't already played it, I wouldn't recommend it.
Shadows Of The Damned ( on June 7th?
That was faster than I thought.
Oh yeah, and here's the GDC trailer (!
Suda, Mikami, and Yamaoka. Wow, this still looks cool.
Saw that trailer earlier today. Looks damn cool, but the pedigree behind it sold me before any info on it had even been released.
Sort of OT, but there's no real thread to post this in.
Gaming predictions form the future! (
Surely this "Final Fantasy XIII" shall not come to pass!?
If this isn't Timesplitters, I'm going to murder everyone at Crytek. (
Bitches. :sly:
Hope it's on PC as well this time... I am so terrible at dual analog aiming (I'll still get it even if it's console-only, though!).
Pre-ordered Shadows of the Damned today. The guy at GameStop got really excited and told me that I was the first person other than him he'd seen show interest in it (and apparently he loves all of Suda51's games).
Timesplitters is a solid series, but I can't be the only one who didn't like its aiming mechanic at all. I understand that it was designed that way intentionally, but personally I feel that even when Timesplitters 2 was out that was a pretty dated mechanic. I mean, its not like it adds to the challenge or anything, but it feels like more of a nuisance.
Well, they'll probably change the base mechanics, but I hope the singleplayer is more like TS3 than the other games.
Also, Rocket Slime 3DS was announced. I am giddy. :shakeshakeshake:
I'm not sure how reliable this information is, but apparently RE4 and Code Veronica are getting ported to the PS3 and XBOX360 (
I know that CV is one of talon's favorite RE games, and that RE4 used to be one of his favorites, so if this news is true then I may finally get the chance to try both of them out.
I did play half-way through Resident Evil 5 with my older brother on co-op, and it was certainly fun....on co-op (don't get me started by how frustrating it was to play on single-player with the AI for your partner in that game, though), so I may really enjoy playing RE4 that plays basically the same as RE5 for the most part except this time its actually designed for single-player. Also, Code Veronica seems to be a fan favorite, so I would like to check that game out as well.
Saw that on Destructoid last night, actually. I'll just copy/paste my comment from there:
I love RE4, but it's been re-released so many times that this just seems redundant, and I would have greatly preferred a REmake-style update of 2 or 3 rather than Code Veronica.
That said, this will still probably be a day 1 purchase for me.
Code Veronica is a fan favorite in that only hardcore fans of the series tend to like it. It's the most plodding and tedious Resident Evil game aside from 0. That said, I actually enjoy it quite a bit... it's just not for everyone.
I was very disappointed with 5, but I loved 4. It's a whole lot better. I definitely think you'd like it.
A friend of mine says that 2 is a classic that he personally likes just as much as the GC remake of the 1st game, but he says 3 is garbage (IDK, it may have something to do with him not like Nemesis or some crap like that), and claims that he never bothered to play through it more than one time.
As for Code Veronica, it was given props by Onizuka in GTO, and the fact that the best anime character ever created likes it alone is enough to get me to want to play it....BTW, this comes from a character who plays with a controller using his feet just to show off to some nerds. :>
2 is amazing. If they remade it like they did the first one, it would definitely be in my top 10. I liked 3, but I can definitely understand why your friend didn't. It's definitely worth playing, but it's almost as divisive of the fanbase as 4 and 5.
If Onizuka likes it, it must be good! :lol: I actually got interested in the Fatal Frame series because of all the references to it Rikdo put in Excel Saga. :)
Code Veronica was originally 3, but rumor has it Sony paid Capcom to give the 3 to Nemesis... Even though Nemesis is apparently a side story. (Don't know, haven't played it)
Jesus, I write more about RE than I've ever actually played.
Quote from: Desensitized on March 23, 2011, 06:48:07 PM
Code Veronica was originally 3, but rumor has it Sony paid Capcom to give the 3 to Nemesis... Even though Nemesis is apparently a side story.
Yeah, this is true. You can easily tell when playing them, too.
I gotta get the RE4 and Code Veronica port. Fuck...yes!!!!!
Quote from: Foggle on March 23, 2011, 06:50:44 PM
Quote from: Desensitized on March 23, 2011, 06:48:07 PM
Code Veronica was originally 3, but rumor has it Sony paid Capcom to give the 3 to Nemesis... Even though Nemesis is apparently a side story.
Yeah, this is true. You can easily tell when playing them, too.
Interesting. I had no clue. We need a video game facts thread here.
... Wasn't expecting this from Nintendo! (
That looks pretty cool.
Guardian Heroes HD for XBLA (
Words can't even begin to state how awesome this news is.
Treasure = Genius
Actually made me laugh. :joy:
Guardian Heroes footage (
My number one most wanted ported game of all time is finally getting a port. I still can't believe it.
Quote from: Desensitized on May 05, 2011, 07:50:50 PM
Guardian Heroes HD for XBLA (
Words can't even begin to state how awesome this news is.
Treasure = Genius
Never got to play Guardian Heroes (or almost any Saturn game) Treasure is God, of course
So they're re-releasing Zelda Ocarnia of Time first and then the Skyward one? Is the old one worth getting for Wii? How will it compare to Twilight Princess?
Quote from: Angus on May 16, 2011, 12:46:22 PM
So they're re-releasing Zelda Ocarnia of Time first and then the Skyward one? Is the old one worth getting for Wii? How will it compare to Twilight Princess?
OOT is being rereleased for the 3DS.
ah ok thanks for clarifying the platforms. guess it'll be a while for Skyward then.
Persona 2: Innocent Sin is coming to NA in the Fall (
Awesome. Now just give us Eternal Punishment and we can call it a day for the Persona remakes.
Quote from: Angus on May 16, 2011, 12:46:22 PM
So they're re-releasing Zelda Ocarnia of Time first and then the Skyward one? Is the old one worth getting for Wii? How will it compare to Twilight Princess?
Late response coming! :P
Ocarina of Time 3D? Well if you never played it before, then this will be an excellent purchase. It's an amazing game, really.
As for how it compares, I like Twilight Princess better. It's kind of similar, but better in my opinion. Both are awesome, though.
Shinobi 3DS gameplay footage! (
Ha! They even acknowledged the 3D Shinobi game from 2002, even though this one is made to be more like the classic 2D side-scrolling games, but still, take that you fuck-tard haters! :>
Anyways, the gameplay footage looks pretty good from the little that's shown in this trailer. Too bad that I'll never get the chance to actually play it for myself.
Shinobi's back. Though it's still weird that there doesn't seem to be a HD version coming. You'd figure Sega would get Platinum on that, ASAP.
I would be hoping for Strider's return too, but after being left out of MvC3 despite being a fan favorite and Capcom sinking into a pit recently, I don't think it's very likely.
Oh fuck yeah. Good to see 2D Shinobi with a sword. I was wanting that when I played Shinobi III again two days ago.
This is looking like it'll be all kinds of awesome. (
Quote from: Foggle on May 28, 2011, 04:52:45 PM
This is looking like it'll be all kinds of awesome. (
If this bombs then fuck gamers.
Quote from: Desensitized on May 29, 2011, 09:43:19 AM
Quote from: Foggle on May 28, 2011, 04:52:45 PM
This is looking like it'll be all kinds of awesome. (
If this bombs then fuck gamers.
I'm glad there are still people like Suda and Mikami making games. And Yamaoka's music has never disappointed.
Quote from: Foggle on May 29, 2011, 09:53:55 AM
Quote from: Desensitized on May 29, 2011, 09:43:19 AM
Quote from: Foggle on May 28, 2011, 04:52:45 PM
This is looking like it'll be all kinds of awesome. (
If this bombs then fuck gamers.
I'm glad there are still people like Suda and Mikami making games. And Yamaoka's music has never disappointed.
I'm just worried since NMH2 and Vanquish did not do very well, and EA is still playing around with Mirror's Edge fans despite that game selling well over a million.
The game should be great, though. With Suda's weird ideas and Mikami's level of polish, this could be the GOTY... And people will pass it by for a movie shooter again.
Everybody here who owns a 360: BUY GUARDIAN HEROES WHEN IT COMES OUT ON XBLA (
Do it for Desen! :shit:
Don't really know if I should talk about this here, but the beta for Deus Ex 3 is A-M-A-Z-I-N-G. Game of the year by far, and it's not even the finished version. It's a throwback to the glory days of PC RPG/FPS games that has tons of improvements which make it seem thoroughly modern. It's extremely accessible without being dumbed-down, the story and voice acting are wonderful, and everything about it is generally brilliant. Basically, it's as fun and memorable as BioShock while being as deep and engrossing as System Shock 2. Blows almost any game made in the past five years out of the water, IMO; true art, unlike Heavy Rain. Can't wait for August. This shit is worth the full retail price.
Not that anybody but me really cares, but I just thought that I would mention that Itagaki confirmed that he won't be showcasing Devil's Third at E3 but instead will have it ready to present at TGS instead, which is only a couple of months later, anyways. I guess that makes sense, though, since they probably don't have the budget right now to fly all of the way to America to display their game at E3, plus he doesn't really need to showcase the game at 2 shows, and since VGS is headquartered in Tokyo, it makes sense to just wait for the TGS to come around to display it instead. Still, I'm looking forward to see how far the game has progressed in development over the past year.
But isn't he going to be at E3 with Valhalla? I thought that was mentioned somewhere.
Oh well.
Quote from: Ensatsu-ken on June 02, 2011, 05:51:11 PM
Not that anybody but me really cares
Describes nearly every post in this thread. Only the poster seems to care about the game they mentioned. ;)
But, personally, I'm really excited for Devil's Third. That trailer last year was super cool and the NG games are a good enough pedigree for me to anticipate it without seeing gameplay. Shame it won't be at E3. :(
Well, its not that I don't care about any of the games that anyone else mentions, but its more that I'm usually just feeling too lazy to post my thoughts about any games unless I'm in the mood to discuss stuff, and when I am there's usually no posts to respond to by that point so I just post something that I'm interested in. :P
But, I am interested in Guardian Heroes thanks to Desensitized's post a while back, and while I've never played a single Deus-Ex game in my life and may not ever get the opportunity to play the upcoming one since I don't own a PC that can play such high-end games, I still think that it looks cool as shit.
As for DT at E3, the only time I remember Itagaki announcing that was last year, and they did show up at E3 back then, but I don't really remember him or anyone saying that they were planning to show up to this year's E3. Still, as long as I can see some real actual gameplay footage (I don't count last year's teaser since all it did was show-case random clips of the game when it was REALLY early in development; as in not even in its beta stage) at some point this year, then I'll be a happy camper.
Quote from: Ensatsu-ken on June 02, 2011, 06:44:18 PM
I've never played a single Deus-Ex game in my life and may not ever get the opportunity to play the upcoming one since I don't own a PC that can play such high-end games
Actually, Human Revolution will also be on the Xbox 360 (and PS3)! The beta leak was only the PC version, though. Pretty much any computer these days can play the first Deus Ex, though it can take some getting used to, since that one is much more RPG than it is shooter (aiming is sketchy and relies on a skill system and dice rolls). Meanwhile, Invisible War isn't even worth playing.
Is it a FPS/RPG hybrid still? That was always a big part of its appeal to me.
I always wanted to play the original, but that awful PS2 port put me off for a long time.
Quote from: Desensitized on June 02, 2011, 08:34:59 PM
Is it a FPS/RPG hybrid still? That was always a big part of its appeal to me.
Yep. It's a FPS/RPG with heavy stealth elements, just like the original. The only real differences are that in this one the gun-play is a lot tighter (aiming and such is more like an action game than a RPG) and there's a third person cover system (which actually works pretty well -- it never feels like Gears of War). Oh, and the voice acting is actually really good this time. There's still character progression (TONS of different builds are possible, including cool shit like being able to pick up gun turrets and vending machines or shooting large, circular sprays of bullets out of your torso), many different ways to complete each objective (including conversational options), rewarding exploration, and side-quests aplenty (none of which seem tacked on; no lame fetch quests here!).
It doesn't get off to the best start, though. The prologue pretty much amounts to a ten minute unskippable cutscene followed by a five minute corridor shooter level. It doesn't really bother me because it's so short, and because I was too busy creaming myself to all the little references to the original it contained to care. It helps that the game becomes amazing directly afterward.
Duke Nukem Forever demo: Very short, but very fucking awesome. Level design is reminiscent of the best levels from Half-Life 2 and Halo 1. Tons of fun!
Quote from: Foggle on June 03, 2011, 12:46:50 AM
Duke Nukem Forever demo: Very short, but very fucking awesome. Level design is reminiscent of the best levels from Half-Life 2 and Halo 1. Tons of fun!
Quote from: Desensitized on June 03, 2011, 01:05:02 AM
Quote from: Foggle on June 03, 2011, 12:46:50 AM
Duke Nukem Forever demo: Very short, but very fucking awesome. Level design is reminiscent of the best levels from Half-Life 2 and Halo 1. Tons of fun!
If you like Duke Nukem 3D, any Half-Life, Halo 1, or Jedi Knight/Outcast, you will love DNF. :joy: Game is very funny and the shotgun is the best since the first F.E.A.R.
Quote from: Foggle on June 02, 2011, 05:15:41 PM
Don't really know if I should talk about this here, but the beta for Deus Ex 3 is A-M-A-Z-I-N-G. Game of the year by far, and it's not even the finished version. It's a throwback to the glory days of PC RPG/FPS games that has tons of improvements which make it seem thoroughly modern. It's extremely accessible without being dumbed-down, the story and voice acting are wonderful, and everything about it is generally brilliant. Basically, it's as fun and memorable as BioShock while being as deep and engrossing as System Shock 2. Blows almost any game made in the past five years out of the water, IMO; true art, unlike Heavy Rain. Can't wait for August. This shit is worth the full retail price.
I am so fucking glad to here this!
Super Smash Bros 4 just shot up to my list.
I don't look forward to the inevitable flood of rumors, and the meltdown from people who didn't get their favorite character in, but there has yet to be a Smash game that disappoints, and considering how there hasn't been too many consistent IPs this generation, the chance of seeing obscure or older characters again has probably increased tremendously for this game.
Also, fuck Geno.
Quote from: Rosalinas Spare Wand on June 08, 2011, 08:05:55 PM
Super Smash Bros 4 just shot up to my list.
I don't look forward to the inevitable flood of rumors, and the meltdown from people who didn't get their favorite character in, but there has yet to be a Smash game that disappoints, and considering how there hasn't been too many consistent IPs this generation, the chance of seeing obscure or older characters again has probably increased tremendously for this game.
Also, fuck Geno.
Fuck Bowser Jr and Waluigi.
Fawful or bust.
And that's the only character whining I'll contribute. :>
I think they should put Ryu Hayabusa as a playable fighter in the next Super Smash Bros. game....Just say'n....I mean, he was a Nintendo character at one point in time....
Quote from: Ensatsu-ken on June 08, 2011, 09:05:07 PM
I think they should put Ryu Hayabusa as a playable fighter in the next Super Smash Bros. game....Just say'n....I mean, he was a Nintendo character at one point in time....
Normally I'd say it's a long shot, but since Team Ninja seem buddy-buddy with Nintendo and Ninja Gaiden 3 is coming to the WU...
Well, it's actually pretty possible. :)
Yeah, that's what I was actually thinking. Plus, if they could manage to work Snake of all characters in the last SSB game, I don't think that Ryu is a stretch at all. Hell, aside from the NES games, there was also an NG game on the DS just a few years ago, and NG3 is coming to the WiiU, so it'd make sense to see him in the next SSB game.
To be honest, though, I'd prefer if they went with the classic Ryu character design from the NES games as opposed to the new ones, mostly just because I've been wanting to see the classic version of Ryu appear in a game for a REALLY long time now.
lol 2013. Sucks to be EK these days
After having NG2 come out on time and turning out to be an unfinished, rushed (though still fucking awesome) game, Itagaki can take as long as he wants to finish this game. I just want a game that's actually finished when it comes out. As long as I get that, it can come out in 2015 for all I care.
Though, I do hope he has a good amount to show us at TGS this year.
Also, Jim Sterling's last comment is pretty ignorant. Itagaki has a fairly small team to work with right now, so it makes sense that its taking a long time to get the game out. Most development teams are made up of 100+ guys, whereas Itagaki has just barely more than 50 right now. Also, NG1 on the XBOX took 5 years to make, and the effort showed. I want an experience like that again, so I'll be willing to wait as long as I have to as long as it delivers.
BTW, I can't say I'm surprised by this announcement. I was expecting it, as a matter of fact. Anyone who knows Itagaki knows that he ALWAYS delays his games until he feels that they are perfect. The only exception to this is NG2 which even he admits was rushed.
Ugh, Jim Sterling.
It's a shame that game is over two years away, but here's hoping it doesn't come out smack dab in the middle of next gen.
Well, I'm not too worried about that. I can't imagine any new consoles will release until the Holiday season of 2013 (at earliest the WiiU would release during the fall of next year, though even that seems too soon), and even if they did that wouldn't kill DT's sales very much at all since when new consoles come out they're usually incredibly expensive and most people will stick with the last-gen consoles for at least another year or 2 before making the switch to the next-gen.
While I'm not a fan of the series, God of War 2 is a good example of a game that released on a previous-gen console during the current generation and still sold extremely well, though in that case that game had the advantage of being a sequel to a highly-acclaimed and already popular title, but even so I'd say DT has the advantage of being attached to a relatively popular developer (granted that, Itagaki has a crap-ton of haters, but he has a noticeable fan-base as well), so I don't think that the next-gen consoles will effect it that much. I can guarantee you that at least I certainly won't own any next-gen consoles by 2013, so I'm definitely still going to be focused on the current-gen at that point.
QuoteItagaki told Impress that he and THQ are actively looking into making Wii U into a compatible platform. He added that he's personally very excited about the possibility. Incidentally, Itagaki's first impression upon seeing Wii U at Nintendo's press conference (he'd yet to try the system out himself at the time of the Impress Watch interview) was that it was designed with consideration of Japan. Japanese homes are small and thus can't have multiple televisions. This is why Japan has gone the way of the portable, Itagaki feels. He believes that Wii U's concept of letting you move the game over to the controller when the television is taken is Nintendo's attempt at combatting the trend of lower console sales in the Japanese market. "I believe it is a good idea," he said.
QuoteWhile leaving Wii U open as a possible platform, Itagaki ruled out Kinect, saying that the hands-free control device was made for families and casual experiences. Devil's Third will probably be a Z or M rating, and it would probably wear you out because you'd be moving constantly.
Itagaki and Team Ninja seem in sync, even now.
QuoteItagaki confirmed in an E3 interview with Impress Watch that Devil's Third won't be released until early 2013. In terms of the mechanical areas of the game, it's at 100%. However, a game needs replay value, volume, and so-forth, so in that sense of it being a complete product, it's around 20 to 30%. Asked how many players can take part in the multiplayer action, he responded that he believes they will have done a good job if they can make it support 32 players.
From andriasang (
Itagaki showing interest in the WiiU doesn't surprise me. He has always admired Nintendo's hardware and has often said that he would like to design games for Nintendo consoles in the future, so it won't be unlikely to see DT come over to the WiiU as well. For me, its yet another reason to make a jump over to Nintendo, but I've learned my lesson from this generation and I'll wait and see how the next-gen consoles develop and which gets the seemingly best offering of games in their library before I make the decision as to the next one that I get.
That last quote just proves that Itagaki knows where his priorities lie. That's one thing I love about his games; granted that I'm not really a fan of the DOA games, and I only really care about his NG games, but whichever games he makes he always makes sure to give it as much content and replay value as possible. This only further gives me hopes that he's really fine-tuning the game and adding in diverse new difficulty modes for the single-player and probably also focusing on making the multiplayer as balanced and varied as possible. He could probably easily release the game in 2012 as originally scheduled if he wanted to, but he has clearly learned his lesson from fan reception to NG2, and wants to make the game as long-lasting of an experience as possible.
And just to put things in perspective, even though I haven't had NGB a little more than 2 years now, before I lost it I had clocked in about 300+ hours of game time on it (and just for the record, the single-player mode takes an average of 20 hours to complete on the first run, though it can be finished within 4 hours or possibly even less for skilled speed-runners), so that just goes to show how much I played the shit out of that game. I'm really hoping that DT is something that can last me that long. Hell, if it can even last me a quarter as long in replay value I'll consider it a huge success. So yeah, like I said, 2013 is no big wait for me. ;)
So, Apparently Crytek is developing a new TimeSplitters game for the next-gen consoles. If this is old news then I must be really out of the loop because I only just found out about this today....:shakeshakeshake:
They've been teasing it since they bought Free Radical.
Timesplitters 4 was teased since this gen began, so it only makes sense that it should launch on the next gen systems. Here's hoping they don't "modern" this up.
Quote from: Desensitized on June 03, 2011, 01:05:02 AM
Quote from: Foggle on June 03, 2011, 12:46:50 AM
Duke Nukem Forever demo: Very short, but very fucking awesome. Level design is reminiscent of the best levels from Half-Life 2 and Halo 1. Tons of fun!
Too good to be true!
TimeSplitters 2 was last gen's best FPS. Hopefully 4 will live up to its hype
Quote from: gunswordfist on June 17, 2011, 10:39:39 AM
TimeSplitters 2 was last gen's best FPS. Hopefully 4 will live up to its hype
Correction: F.E.A.R. was last gen's best FPS. TimeSplitters 2 would be somewhere in the top 10, though.
Quote from: Ensatsu-ken on June 17, 2011, 11:43:06 AM
Correction: F.E.A.R. was last gen's best FPS.
+100 rep! :joy: :joy:
Quote from Game Informer's interview with Itagaki on Devil's Third:
QuoteQ: Will it be as action-heavy as your work on Ninja Gaiden, or will there be more puzzles and other activities to break up the action?
A: Do you think shooters are lacking any action elements?
Q: No, I don't think they're lacking. Call of Duty and others keep up that kind of constant "action, action, action" pacing.
A: But those are all preset actions, right?
Q: Yes, they usually feature a lot of scripted actions.
A: The action that you're talking about, these are all passive kinds of actions. Preset, scripted actions. But what I'm talking about is the kind of action that you can create voluntarily. You can actually create the action.
So, basically what he's saying is he's not creating a movie shooter like CoD, but an actual game with user input and (knowing him, I would assume) fairly intelligent and aggressive AI. FUCK YES! I am fully confident that this game is headed in the right direction already. :thumbup:
....Of course if you read the rest of that interview, he also still says that he likes the CoD series and plans to buy Modern Warfare 3 when it comes out....but as long as his game isn't like CoD, then he can play whatever the fuck he wants to in his spare time. ;)
Quote from: Ensatsu-ken on June 17, 2011, 12:23:22 PM
A: The action that you're talking about, these are all passive kinds of actions. Preset, scripted actions. But what I'm talking about is the kind of action that you can create voluntarily. You can actually create the action.
Fucking awesome. I love Itagaki even more now.
Which Game Informer was this in? I have the one with DarkSiders 2 on the cover, but I didn't see this interview anywhere. :( Is that not the latest edition?
Its actually from their website. You can view the full interview here (
He also gives his brief thoughts on Ninja Gaiden 3 and where that series is headed.
Hilarious interview! My favorite parts:
"I want to show you something.
Itagaki calls on a co-worker to stand
In a current shooter, you can shoot him, right? Like this. [Mocks aiming a gun] Or you can shoot him like that, right? [Mocks aiming a gun while ducking] Well of course you can do that in Devil's Third. You can do this too, right? [Mocks shooting the man in the rear] Or you can use the knife to cut him too, right? [Mocks slicing] But that's all you can do so far. In Devil's Third, you can do this. [Mocks a variety of slicing and striking motions] You can use knives...really, really powerful. You can use that to chop off their head. [Mocks a decapitation, followed by a fountain of blood] You can do close-quarters combat. The way you fight is different than if you're far away. Did I really make sense to you?"
"This isn't lip service, OK? But I really liked Saints Row by THQ. It really looks cool. The silliness of it all looks crazy, and I love it. I loved the trailer, too. There's a guy in the elevator who's smoking a cigarette. He's walking with two girls, and he hands off his cigarette and kills the guy. Then he gets his cigarette back. I love that guy. I love the way he is. I think I'm gonna try to be like him someday."
I'm glad there are some people out there that know the difference between shooters.
If you think that's funny, you should see some of Itagaki's old interviews when they caught him drunk (yeah, that's happened more than once before). :D
That Saint's Row trailer is badass. I am about to go watch it again
The El Shaddai demo is up on XBL right now.
It's pretty good as of now. It has potential that I hope the full game can unleash. There's hack and slash with one button gameplay, but you can steal other enemy's weapons (there's only two in the demo, but one is a sword and the other some kind of projectile) during the fight, which adds a fun layer to the simplicity. Oddly enough, there is a lot of platforming in the third dimension so far, I have no idea how much more complex the game will get with it.
The weird part is that it shifts to pure 2D at segments focusing on 2D platforming, though you can attack here there were no enemies here so I couldn't see if combat works well in 2D.
So far, it's an interesting game with a lot of fun ideas. What will make or break the game is if the full game expands upon the concepts the demo has. If it does, then this could be quite the great game. Full 3D and 2D combat and platforming around a simple system that could either get monotonous or engaging depending on how well they are utilized.
I will be keeping my eye on this one.
Never heard of it
It's a niche game from a niche company. If you have access to XBL, you should give it a go.
Definitely going to try El Shaddai soon. Looks fucking slick.
First five minutes of single-player gameplay from F.E.A.R. 3. ( Looks excellent, IMO, nice mixture of styles from both earlier games. First person cover system is surprisingly cool, as well.
Quote from: Desensitized on June 17, 2011, 06:45:26 PM
It's a niche game from a niche company. If you have access to XBL, you should give it a go.
I remembered I saw it there and put it on my download queue
I like that the AI still look pretty intelligent, shouting coordinated commands to one another and actually using cover properly. I like how they actually take the care to duck their heads down to completely conceal themselves when you start firing their way, whereas other games just make them blatantly show some vital part of their body for the player to get an easy kill in.
The game doesn't really look scary, but that doesn't bother me in the least since the first 2 F.E.A.R. games didn't scare me to begin with, so its not really a downgrade of any sort for me. I do like the atmosphere, though. It has the more well-defined textures and overall varied style of the 2nd game's environments while retaining the brilliant use of mood lighting from the 1st game, IMO.
The only negatives that I can think of from what I've seen so far is that the animations look a little stiff (I actually feel that the 2nd game had more well-crafted and varied animations on the whole), and I also prefer the health-pack system in this particular game to the regenerating health (which kind of goes against the whole survival-horror vibe, IMO), but its so common in FPS games these days that I've pretty much just learned to deal with it so its not really a big deal. Overall, those just strike me as minor little disappointments, but they hardly detract from how much fun this game looks. Unfortunately I won't be playing it on day 1, or even be getting it anytime soon as I just can't afford to pay for games at full-price anymore. I'll likely be getting it for Christmas, though, when I'm sure that it'll no doubt have come down in price by that point in time.
F.E.A.R. 3 is confirmed to have grenades that explode on contact like in the first game. Fuck yes!!
Shadows Of The Damned is getting really good reviews.
Can't wait for Destructoid to fuck that up!
Quote from: Desensitized on June 21, 2011, 02:51:25 PM
Shadows Of The Damned is getting really good reviews.
Can't wait for Destructoid to fuck that up!
They liked it. Jim Sterling, no less.
It's already out? Why do I think every game is coming out next year?
I'm anticipating this ( getting pulled from XBLA/PSN.
That game was such a disappointment. At least it seems like Ubisoft no longer has the license! :awesome:
Quote from: Desensitized on June 30, 2011, 09:05:04 PM
I'm anticipating this ( getting pulled from XBLA/PSN.
That game was such a disappointment. At least it seems like Ubisoft no longer has the license! :awesome:
Sega, time to do me proud
Will October hurry up?! I need to get my hands on a copy of Batman: Arkham City.
Kirby Wii. For obvious reasons that need no explanation on my behalf.
Well, OK... I've got one; the game looks fucking great. That's reason enough for me. :swoon:
I really liked BioShock, but after the initial shock-and-awe, it didn't really fill me with as much excitement as I'd hoped pre-release.
GOTY 2012! :thumbup:
Also, this looks a million times better than Uncharted 3. Both in terms of its atmosphere and cinematic scripted events as well as its actual gameplay (since, you know, it is actually a video game, believe it or not; Uncharted seems to often forget that and think its a real movie or something).
The first BioShock was great in terms of atmosphere but kind of lacking in the gameplay department. The 2nd game improved the gameplay quite a bit but it pretty much recycled the style of the environments from the first game, so the atmosphere completely lost its effect. The new game looks to freshen things up with a brand new atmosphere that works just as well as Rapture did in the first game with the tighter gameplay mechanics of the 2nd game. This should easily be the best game in the series by far.
Quote from: Ensatsu-ken on July 08, 2011, 02:40:07 PM
GOTY 2012! :thumbup:
It's over, Mass Effect 3 is finished.
If Infinite was coming out this year, it'd be insane trying to decide between it and Deus Ex for GOTY. Holy crap.
QuoteAlso, this looks a million times better than Uncharted 3. Both in terms of its atmosphere and cinematic scripted events as well as its actual gameplay (since, you know, it is actually a video game, believe it or not; Uncharted seems to often forget that and think its a real movie or something).
Yeah, agree with you there. While the first part is heavily scripted, it's scripted like a Half-Life game, which really adds to the atmosphere and story. Once the gameplay gets going, it's just breathtaking. Those roller coaster rails, dude. This is exactly the kind of game I've wanted since I was 7 years old.
Also, the Vox Populi seems like a really interesting enemy faction, and Columbia is a fucking spectacle to look at. Totally awesome atmosphere.
QuoteThe first BioShock was great in terms of atmosphere but kind of lacking in the gameplay department. The 2nd game improved the gameplay quite a bit but it pretty much recycled the style of the environments from the first game, so the atmosphere completely lost its effect. The new game looks to freshen things up with a brand new atmosphere that works just as well as Rapture did in the first game with the tighter gameplay mechanics of the 2nd game. This should easily be the best game in the series by far.
Yeah, the first game had unparalleled atmosphere (like all of Ken Levine's games).
Infinite went from "eh, maybe I'll check it out eventually" to "day 1 purchase" after seeing this demo. So pumped.
You'd figure someone would take advantage of this situation and like rerelease or remake the System Shock games, right?
This gen is so fucking stupid about obvious decisions.
System Shock 1 definitely needs a remake, and I'd absolutely love to play one. 2 holds up surprisingly well, however; release a PC version with all the Windows 7/Vista/XP compatibility issues ironed out and a console port and it'd do well, I think.
You'd think 2K would have attempted one or the other by now.
Bioshock Infinite doesn't let you fuck aliens so it possibly couldn't be that good.
Just watched the Saints Row 3 gameplay video ( Holy fuck, I need this game right now! Check it out if you want to see how a sandbox should be done. :joy:
Sonic CD representation for the win, too.
Quote from: Desensitized on July 20, 2011, 04:52:08 PM
Sonic CD representation for the win, too.
Chemical Plant Zone? Wow, no kidding. :swoon:
Hooooly crap, I really need to start following the development of this game more closely. This looks beautiful.
You have no idea how badly I want to see those in action. Especially after seeing how awesome City Escape looked. Also,I don't care what GSF thinks, Chemical Plant is the best zone in Sonic 2.
I'm really glad they made Sonic Colors. They seemed to have learned a lot from it, judging from everything I've seen from this game. Here's hoping the modern levels follow more after it than Unleashed (like Green Hill modern did)...
Still, first ever Sonic game I've ever preordered.
Quote from: Desensitized on July 20, 2011, 06:03:25 PM
You have no idea how badly I want to see those in action. Especially after seeing how awesome City Escape looked. Also,I don't care what GSF thinks, Chemical Plant is the best zone in Sonic 2.
I'm really glad they made Sonic Colors. They seemed to have learned a lot from it, judging from everything I've seen from this game. Here's hoping the modern levels follow more after it than Unleashed (like Green Hill modern did)...
Still, first ever Sonic game I've ever preordered.
Uh... Are they aware that there is a Wii version of this game already out there? Like fully playable? Because this article is just preposterous. (
Are game critics really that stupid?
Man, I REALLY want Sonic Generations to be good. I mean, the 2D games were awesome behind words. Had they ended there, it'd be my favorite series after Zelda and Mario.
Yes! (
An Aliens game by WayForward that features Metroid style exploration, platforming, multiple characters, and a survival horror bent. And it's for the DS for portability.
Thank you for this, Sega. Now revive Headstrong's Jet Set Radio project, and I'll declare you king of this gen.
And gimme Streets Of Rage 4 with no damn robots and the last fight being against Shiva and Mr. X at the same time
Two awesome Aliens games by two awesome developers coming out so close together? Sega's on a fucking roll right now.
Quote from: gunswordfist on July 20, 2011, 09:51:08 PM
Quote from: Desensitized on July 20, 2011, 06:03:25 PM
You have no idea how badly I want to see those in action. Especially after seeing how awesome City Escape looked. Also,I don't care what GSF thinks, Chemical Plant is the best zone in Sonic 2.
I'm really glad they made Sonic Colors. They seemed to have learned a lot from it, judging from everything I've seen from this game. Here's hoping the modern levels follow more after it than Unleashed (like Green Hill modern did)...
Still, first ever Sonic game I've ever preordered.
Chemical Plant Zone would be great..if it weren't for Act 2
Quote from: gunswordfist on July 21, 2011, 02:12:22 PM
Quote from: gunswordfist on July 20, 2011, 09:51:08 PM
Quote from: Desensitized on July 20, 2011, 06:03:25 PM
You have no idea how badly I want to see those in action. Especially after seeing how awesome City Escape looked. Also,I don't care what GSF thinks, Chemical Plant is the best zone in Sonic 2.
I'm really glad they made Sonic Colors. They seemed to have learned a lot from it, judging from everything I've seen from this game. Here's hoping the modern levels follow more after it than Unleashed (like Green Hill modern did)...
Still, first ever Sonic game I've ever preordered.
Chemical Plant Zone would be great..if it weren't for Act 2
I assume you're talking about the underwater sections towards the end of the act... and actually, I disagree.
I'll never understand what people don't like about that part. Yes, it does slow everything down... but honestly, I dunno; I just think it adds something unique to it. I've always had a soft spot for the water levels in Sonic games anyway, though, so that may have something to do with it.
You can beat Chemical Plant without ever touching the water in it. Just find the best path and stick to it. Also you can get through the chamber part without touching the water if you're fast enough. Even if you don't, it's not that deep.
Quote from: Kiddington on July 21, 2011, 03:18:03 PM
Quote from: gunswordfist on July 21, 2011, 02:12:22 PM
Quote from: gunswordfist on July 20, 2011, 09:51:08 PM
Quote from: Desensitized on July 20, 2011, 06:03:25 PM
You have no idea how badly I want to see those in action. Especially after seeing how awesome City Escape looked. Also,I don't care what GSF thinks, Chemical Plant is the best zone in Sonic 2.
I'm really glad they made Sonic Colors. They seemed to have learned a lot from it, judging from everything I've seen from this game. Here's hoping the modern levels follow more after it than Unleashed (like Green Hill modern did)...
Still, first ever Sonic game I've ever preordered.
Chemical Plant Zone would be great..if it weren't for Act 2
I assume you're talking about the underwater sections towards the end of the act... and actually, I disagree.
I'll never understand what people don't like about that part. Yes, it does slow everything down... but honestly, I dunno; I just think it adds something unique to it. I've always had a soft spot for the water levels in Sonic games anyway, though, so that may have something to do with it.
I don't. That part is the bane of my existence. Chemical Plant has the best slopes in the series, once I think about it, which I am sure is why Desen loves the level so much but putting Sonic in water is only fun once and that was in Hydrocity, which is better with Tails anyway. Which reminds me, Tails gets screwed over in CP Act 2
Quote from: Desensitized on July 21, 2011, 03:23:53 PM
You can beat Chemical Plant without ever touching the water in it. Just find the best path and stick to it. Also you can get through the chamber part without touching the water if you're fast enough. Even if you don't, it's not that deep.
You're a few decades late with that info
Quote from: gunswordfist on July 21, 2011, 07:50:31 PM
Quote from: Desensitized on July 21, 2011, 03:23:53 PM
You can beat Chemical Plant without ever touching the water in it. Just find the best path and stick to it. Also you can get through the chamber part without touching the water if you're fast enough. Even if you don't, it's not that deep.
You're a few decades late with that info
I'm just saying that it's not a water level to me since I never come in contact with the water.
Quote from: Desensitized on July 21, 2011, 07:54:11 PM
Quote from: gunswordfist on July 21, 2011, 07:50:31 PM
Quote from: Desensitized on July 21, 2011, 03:23:53 PM
You can beat Chemical Plant without ever touching the water in it. Just find the best path and stick to it. Also you can get through the chamber part without touching the water if you're fast enough. Even if you don't, it's not that deep.
You're a few decades late with that info
I'm just saying that it's not a water level to me since I never come in contact with the water.
Never? Oh come on... :oo:
Anyway, I of course have SUGC so I'll try it. Maybe before or after I fail at trying to beat Streets Of Rage 2 on Hard like I failed at doing today
If anyone cares, the Red Faction series is now dead because the new game bombed.
Quote from: Desensitized on July 27, 2011, 05:29:32 PM
If anyone cares, the Red Faction series is now dead because the new game bombed.
Can't say I'm surprised. The new game looked boring as shit and my friend who played the demo told me it was terrible compared to Guerrilla.
Sucks for Volition, though. :(
Uggh (
Why the hell can't a GOOD company use the Double Dragon license to make a good game? This looks nothing like DD2 and it's based on the inferior arcade version. :anger:
...Horrendous. :whuh:
This costs $15.
And we couldn't just get the NES version with HD 2D graphics and polished up engine instead, why? Hell even a port of Double Dragon Advance would be glorious.
This looks like the Turtles In Time remake. Trash.
Desen's past just can't stop getting raped.
DD2 NES is one of my all time favorite games, man. This is just spitting on it. :-[
I know
Quote from: Kiddington on July 21, 2011, 03:18:03 PM
Quote from: gunswordfist on July 21, 2011, 02:12:22 PM
Quote from: gunswordfist on July 20, 2011, 09:51:08 PM
Quote from: Desensitized on July 20, 2011, 06:03:25 PM
You have no idea how badly I want to see those in action. Especially after seeing how awesome City Escape looked. Also,I don't care what GSF thinks, Chemical Plant is the best zone in Sonic 2.
I'm really glad they made Sonic Colors. They seemed to have learned a lot from it, judging from everything I've seen from this game. Here's hoping the modern levels follow more after it than Unleashed (like Green Hill modern did)...
Still, first ever Sonic game I've ever preordered.
Chemical Plant Zone would be great..if it weren't for Act 2
I assume you're talking about the underwater sections towards the end of the act... and actually, I disagree.
I'll never understand what people don't like about that part. Yes, it does slow everything down... but honestly, I dunno; I just think it adds something unique to it. I've always had a soft spot for the water levels in Sonic games anyway, though, so that may have something to do with it.
It might be back! (
PC Gamer just reviewed Deus Ex: Human Revolution with a 94/100. The highest score they've ever given was a 95/100... to the original Deus Ex.
From GameSpot's Q&A about Hard Reset:
QuoteIf you want to show some amazing graphics, it's better and easier to develop the game for PCs. Also, in the era of movie-like shooters almost "on rails," with player-environment interaction as limited as possible, we wanted to create a game for old-school PC players, raised on all those forgotten Dooms, Quakes, and Painkillers.
Quotewe decided to show our game when it's ready. When it's literally done. No postponements. We want the players to trust us, and we will do our best to get them good games in the future.
QuoteIt's rather similar to old-school shooters like Doom, where you had to search the level to get a key card, and where you will find secrets--sometimes really challenging ones.
Quotewe don't have regenerating health
QuoteWe've got some really good engine programmers, and I can promise you that even a five-year-old PC will be sufficient to play Hard Reset.
QuoteGS: What can you tell us about the game's multiplayer?
MS: There is none! ... We had to choose whether we wanted to put all our efforts into creating the best single-player experience or add a multiplayer mode just to fill the check box and still get it done worse than in other games focused on multiplayer modes.
QuoteIf you're tired of all the boring shooters on rails where all the encounters are heavily scripted and you can't even move too much, Hard Reset is for you.
FPS of the year, if not the fucking decade. Holy shit.
Low reviews incoming!
This better be true (
Six years since 3. SIX. YEARS. :wth:
It has to be true; we're so far beyond overdue on this franchise.
The campaign in 3 is still completely awesome. The games have aged really well (other than the campaign of the first game), too. Such a shame that Crytek has been sitting on this franchise since they bought Free Radical.
My erection is enormous. ( With this, Aliens, AND Furious Four coming out next year, Gearbox is going to become the industry's leading co-op FPS developer. So pumped.
And they only need a few things to make it perfect!
1. Randomized dungeons (this is crucial for a loot game!)
2. Level cap at 99
3. More varied environments
4. Full character customization
5. Some sort of hidden "endless dungeon" with like 100 floors or something. This is what I thought the vault would be.
6. More classes and more class branches
7. Some sort of anti-air weapon worth a damn
8. More of everything else
The original is still one of the best games this gen.
This is looking cool. (
Oh yeah, if you guys are interested in a DS/3DS, the 3DS is getting a pretty steep price cut soon. You guys probably all know, but it wasn't posted here, so there you go.
Niiiiiiiiiice. :happytime:
I likey. Looks pretty awesome, especially for a DSiWare title.
Looks good, but I don't have a 3DS or a DSi... I still have the original brick. :thumbup:
Quote from: Foggle on August 03, 2011, 11:02:49 PM
Looks good, but I don't have a 3DS or a DSi... I still have the original brick. :thumbup:
If you ever manage to get a 3DS, it will really feel like a huge generational leap for you. I know it did for me, and the brick was the only one I ever had as well!
I'll probably pick up a 3DS eventually, but right now the only game I want for it that isn't a port is Resident Evil: Revelations, which isn't out yet and might end up being as shitty as RE 5.
Personally I'm excited for Super Mario, Heroes Of Ruin, and Shinobi, but I can see how they aren't everyone's cup of tea.
As for the thread title:
August 31st on XBLA/PSN!
I... hadn't heard about the Mario 3DS game or Heroes of Ruin, tbh. I completely forgot about Shinobi; day 1 buy if I have the system at the time.
That's the new BloodRayne game, right? I always meant to play the first two, but I never got around to it. Will probably pick 'em both up on Steam one of these days...
Do you know if this one is coming to PC?
It isn't listed as such, unfortunately.
Here's a cool trailer ( that has a bunch of idiots in the comments, but the game looks sweet. Way better than what actually made SoXBLA.
Damn. Classes start on the 29th, and I won't have access to my Xbox or PS3 once that happens. Oh well. :(
Looks quite good, though! The people in the comments are fucking dumb, holy shit.
Yeah, I'm in the same boat as well; I don't have a 3DS or DSi either. Only difference for me is that I've never owned the original brick; I started off on the DS Lite, and have basically stuck with that same model for the past five years.
With the upcoming price drop, though, I'm definitely working towards getting one. Lot to be excited about as well (as far as upcoming titles are concerned), so once that takes effect (and I have money to throw at one), I'll be up to date. Probably by the end of this year, at the very latest.
Quoteyou have ruined blood rayne you fuckers for years i have waited for a new bloodrayne title and you fuckers ruined it everything thhe games were you have changed you fuckers
So according to the WayForward thread, this'll basically be a 2D version of DMC?
I can dig it. 8)
This game looks pretty cool:
Wouldn't have known hadn't QBComics tweeted it earlier.
BloodRayne Betrayal is suddenly delayed from its 23 August release date on XBLA to 5 Oct, but its now going to be released on 6 Sept as part of their PSN Play promotion.
Thank you, Sony. Fuck off.
Not really a big deal since you have both consoles, is it? Fucking stupid, though, especially the fact that a delay is happening even for the platform with "exclusive rights." :thinkin:
Not really, but I prefer playing arcade games on the 360. The PS3 is not in my room here, so I don't get to use it a lot.
Excellent Q&A from one of the developers on the new Deus Ex:
QuoteWhat have you learnt making DXHR that you will take into the next game that you develop?
QuoteFrank says:
And we have a winner for one of the best questions I've gotten so far! (seriously)
Ok, let me think...
There may be some rambling in there, so be warned.
Also, I think some of my emotions got mixed up with the answers. Yikes.
Here are two:
1- "Making games is not a democracy and that's a good thing."
It's not something I've discovered on this game, but it's the first time it's been so important to my work.
A lot of people were wondering if we were reading the forums while making the game. Well... yes we were. For a while at least.
We saw the rants about regen health, cover, the fact that we would f**k this up, that we knew nothing, that none of the original members were on the team so the project was doomed, you know... the good stuff to really cheer us on.
We read it all and lived with it for years. It was hard. Especially because we couldn't defend ourselves at that point.
It was also the first time, in 11 years as a designer, that I was faced with so much anger and derision.
But what kept us going was our belief that any good piece of entertainment has to come from somebody; there has to be a soul at the point of origin, somebody with drive and passion willing to inject some of his or herself into the game.
Making it our 'own' was the only way we felt we'd be able to live up to the franchise. There was no point in trying to replicate the first game. We aimed to be faithful to the original game's essence, but not necessarily its mechanics. We kept what we liked and changed what we didn't. Sorry if we angered you, but making these decisions was our job.
Are we sorry we didn't listen to everyone? No, because that would've made a terrible game.
You can't design by committee. You need a leader with a vision.
Ours was JF.
And you may disagree if you want, but I don't believe he's lead us astray.
Far from it.
Good job boss.
2- "It's the people, stupid."
And by this I'm not only referring to the people making the game, I'm also including you, the players.
First, you need the right dev people in the right places. And on this we were fortunate. We had a lot of great people.
Secondly, never forget who you're working for. That's where YOU come in.
In all honesty, the decisions we made, we made them thinking of you; whether it was a popular decision or not.
We did not add regen health, the cover system or 3rd person to piss you guys off.
We did it in an attempt to make the game more enjoyable, more immersive and less frustrating.
I admit that it's hard to see all the trade-offs that go on behind the scenes. Days, weeks and months agonizing about how such and such will be perceived, how it'll work, how much it adds to the overall experience.
And when you're designing a game of this scope, you just cannot cater to everybody's whims or desires. You have to go for what will be relevant to most people.
In the end, we did not design this game for the consoles or the PC. We did not design it for hardcore gamers, nor for casuals. And no, it wasn't designed specifically for DX fans.
We designed it for humans to enjoy. whatever their classification.
You may call it dumbing down or consolization.
I call it good game design and I'm not ashamed. (yeah me!)
Well, guess I had something to get off my chest...
A+ post. More developers need that bolded philosophy... it shouldn't be about making money off of a specific crowd, it should be about making a good game.
It's almost like what Miyamoto's been saying since the 80s! I'm glad more people seem to get it.
Well, game companies need to make money in order to keep making games, but their design philosophy shouldn't be to just put in whatever game elements there are that seem to make a game popular, but rather it should be to put in and properly blend elements that make a game "good" (based on fan reception and overall opinions on good games) and add in some unique flavor to the game to make it stand apart. Does that mean it'll be a hit? Honestly, the probability will be no, but at the very least it'll sell better than a piece of shit game that just tries to copy what's popular (well, there are sadly exceptions to this, but more often than not the concept works out most of the time).
The thing is, its hard to predict what'll be a hit. I guarantee you that Bungie never expected Halo to become such a big deal until it actually did become insanely popular. However the reason the first game became popular is because they focused on making a good game that people would enjoy rather than a game that they thought would sell millions of copies (which I believe in an interview they honestly didn't expect before releasing the game).
Likewise, other developers who have created other hits probably never really thought the game would become a hit, but instead just focused on what they thought would make the game really good, and in some cases some games just stuck with most people really well, which is all the better. The thing is, other companies that just want to make money will totally miss that and try to act purely like a business and copy what's successful without putting any heart or substance into it, whereas real smart businessmen in the game industry will actually understand that they need to make a good game that people will enjoy above all else. It may not sell better than the big shots but at least it will sell and they will make money if they stick to making a game that a lot of people will enjoy. (
Now THIS is a fighter worth paying full price for. Let's hope the MvC drones actually give it a chance to thrive instead of paying for wastes of space like Phoenix Wright and Hawkeye.
I preordered that shit and hope I get the soundtrack with it, but yeah this looks really good and way better than the mess XII left. After MK, this will be the second fighter I bought for full price this gen and the first since... Wow, probably the Dreamcast.
I kinda hope SNK lives long enough to make a new Fatal Fury, however. KoF is great and all, but FF's simplicity would lend itself well to a reboot. (Yes, I know about that half assed reboot they tried, I'm talking about one done with as much care as this)
Quote from: Foggle on July 29, 2011, 11:45:54 AM
PC Gamer just reviewed Deus Ex: Human Revolution with a 94/100. The highest score they've ever given was a 95/100... to the original Deus Ex.
Holy..... :SHOCK:
Quote from: Foggle on July 29, 2011, 09:10:40 PM
From GameSpot's Q&A about Hard Reset:
QuoteIf you want to show some amazing graphics, it's better and easier to develop the game for PCs. Also, in the era of movie-like shooters almost "on rails," with player-environment interaction as limited as possible, we wanted to create a game for old-school PC players, raised on all those forgotten Dooms, Quakes, and Painkillers.
Quotewe decided to show our game when it's ready. When it's literally done. No postponements. We want the players to trust us, and we will do our best to get them good games in the future.
QuoteIt's rather similar to old-school shooters like Doom, where you had to search the level to get a key card, and where you will find secrets--sometimes really challenging ones.
Quotewe don't have regenerating health
QuoteWe've got some really good engine programmers, and I can promise you that even a five-year-old PC will be sufficient to play Hard Reset.
QuoteGS: What can you tell us about the game's multiplayer?
MS: There is none! ... We had to choose whether we wanted to put all our efforts into creating the best single-player experience or add a multiplayer mode just to fill the check box and still get it done worse than in other games focused on multiplayer modes.
QuoteIf you're tired of all the boring shooters on rails where all the encounters are heavily scripted and you can't even move too much, Hard Reset is for you.
FPS of the year, if not the fucking decade. Holy shit.
:SHOCK: I love you, Foggle. I was saying I wanted a game exactly like this in another thread.
Collected Borderlands 2 info from GameInformer (
I'm sure it'll be good, but I still wish they would give us full character customization, and I'm still holding out hope for randomized "dungeons" and "fields"...
Zone Of The Enders 3DS (
It starts, gentlemen. (Thank you, Kojima)
More Sonic! (
Quote from: Desensitized on August 16, 2011, 06:35:36 PM
More Sonic! (
Oh shit, Tails!
Check out Seaside Hill Zone (
It looks more like Ocean Palace meets Hydrocity.
Quote from: Desensitized on August 16, 2011, 09:51:04 PM
Check out Seaside Hill Zone (
It looks more like Ocean Palace meets Hydrocity.
Speaking of, it looks like the Flying Battery makes an appearance in Rooftop Run (
The zone choice is shaping up to be better than we originally thought.
Quote from: Desensitized on August 16, 2011, 10:00:30 PM
Quote from: Desensitized on August 16, 2011, 09:51:04 PM
Check out Seaside Hill Zone (
It looks more like Ocean Palace meets Hydrocity.
Speaking of, it looks like the Flying Battery makes an appearance in Rooftop Run (
The zone choice is shaping up to be better than we originally thought.
No kidding. My excitement level for this game just went from "hey, looks cool" to "FUCK YES!!!" :swoon:
I see we're also getting Mushroom Hill in the 3DS version, which is pretty sweet on its own. Really, I'd be down with just about any level from S3K being represented here,
besides Sandopolis.
In this game, they come out of the goddamn floor! (
Finally got around to watching the Chemical Plant/City Escape Sonic Generations video. Very nice
Quote from: Desensitized on August 16, 2011, 10:00:30 PM
Quote from: Desensitized on August 16, 2011, 09:51:04 PM
Check out Seaside Hill Zone (
It looks more like Ocean Palace meets Hydrocity.
Speaking of, it looks like the Flying Battery makes an appearance in Rooftop Run (
The zone choice is shaping up to be better than we originally thought.
So, uh, don't freak out, but remember the Flying Battery appearing in Rooftop Run? From a new preview:
QuoteA spin attack performed in the centre of the clock face caused it to swing open and collide with Robotnik's airship, enabling the hedgehog to climb on board. The outcome was entirely different when modern Sonic reached this juncture in his version of the stage.
By the way, RE6 is confirmed to be in the making.
Honestly, I think that series should just go out now, with dignity. The story has been wrapped up, and while they were solid games, RE4 and RE5 just aren't the same as the greats from the older generations. I'm also worried that the games will become even MORE action-packed, cause ya know, Resident Evil DID kinda start as a survivor horror genre. :P
Dragon Quest X is coming... YAY! What's this, it's an MMORPG? I'm honestly conflicted with this. I'm a fan of Dragon Quest, but MMORPGs just aren't my thing. I tried playing WoW with my friends and all, but I got real bored real fast and never played it again.
You'd think that Square would have learned their lesson with FF's XI and XIV.
Guess not.
I've never gotten the appeal of MMOs. Then again, I'm not a fan of RPGs in general, but MMOs just seem extremely boring to me.
That's the main reason that I'm so upset with BioWare over making an MMO KOTOR game instead of just making KOTOR 3 (no fans I know even asked for the series to become an MMO, anyways).
Meanwhile the overrated as hell Mass Effect got a proper sequel in development as soon as possible (I'm giving the sequel the benefit of the doubt here since I haven't played it yet, but as a fan of the KOTOR games who was greatly anticipating ME, I was hugely disappointed by how lackluster the first game felt).
For the love of God, play Mass Effect 2 already! We already know ME1 is a shitty PS1 game. Let's move on.
Final Fantasy XI is one of Square's most profitable games, though. Doing it with Dragon Quest only makes sense, even if I don't really have any interest in it.
Also, these things can change. DQIX was an action RPG before it was heavily retooled to what it currently is.
October 12th (
Finally, a date. Been wanting to play this for 15 years, and I'll finally have my chance next month.
Renegade Ops is looking particularly great.
Imagine Just Cause 2 meets Jackal meets the Strike series ( and you've got a good idea of what this game is. It also has both split screen AND online co-op which it seems even most retail games no longer support.
The commander is also Cortez from Timesplitters. So yeah, there's that too.
Hard Reset demo just came out. I'll report back with my thoughts once I get a chance to play it.
Quote from: Desensitized on September 06, 2011, 05:08:12 PM
Renegade Ops is looking particularly great.
Imagine Just Cause 2 meets Jackal meets the Strike series ( and you've got a good idea of what this game is. It also has both split screen AND online co-op which it seems even most retail games no longer support.
The commander is also Cortez from Timesplitters. So yeah, there's that too.
Looks pretty cool; not really my kind of game, though. Hopefully they'll release a demo so I can see for myself if I find it fun, otherwise I'll just wait for a Steam sale.
Hard Reset is officially FPS of the year. It's sooooo gooood and deliciously old-school. ;D
Max Payne 3 trailer coming next week, box art out today. ( Earlier it was reported that the game would be out by March.
I don't know, man. I'm really excited for this game. After seeing that last batch of screenshots (the ones where Max had hair and his old clothes as well as the ones that were actually dark and gritty looking) and hearing that they changed their mind and decided to bring James McCaffrey back, I think it could be a great Max Payne game. If you can ignore the cover system entirely while playing and can quick save, that is. Oh, and if it still features painkillers (instead of regenerating health). Hopefully the PC version won't be a clusterfuck of a port (like Bully and GTA 4) or delayed/cancelled. :whuh:
Quote from: Foggle on September 09, 2011, 11:42:11 AM
Max Payne 3 trailer coming next week, box art out today. ( Earlier it was reported that the game would be out by March.
I don't know, man. I'm really excited for this game. After seeing that last batch of screenshots (the ones where Max had hair and his old clothes as well as the ones that were actually dark and gritty looking) and hearing that they changed their mind and decided to bring James McCaffrey back, I think it could be a great Max Payne game. If you can ignore the cover system entirely while playing and can quick save, that is. Oh, and if it still features painkillers (instead of regenerating health). Hopefully the PC version won't be a clusterfuck of a port (like Bully and GTA 4) or delayed/cancelled. :whuh:
What the hell at the boxart? And I'll try to ignore the cover system. So fucking stupid.
This reminds me that I really need to replay Max Payne 2 since I forgot most of the stuff pertaining to the story in that game.
It seems like this game has been in development for so long because Rockstar realized that they were initially going in the wrong direction with this series (story-wise, at least) with how they portrayed Max Payne before, and going by those screenshots it seems like they have managed to remedy (no pun intended) their past mistakes. In other words: now this actually looks like a Max Payne game.
I'm not thrilled about the cover system (there's nothing wrong with them, but I don't see how they belong in a Max Payne game, but who knows, maybe they'll be implemented with an interesting mechanic instead of purely just ripping off Gears of War's formula), but other than that I feel that this game has done a complete 180 from where it was originally headed, and I mean that in a sincerely good way. Now I'm actually pretty excited for this game, and I hope that the trailer next week reveals both a lot of good gameplay and story elements about the game. If Rockstar can nail the gun-play formula from the first 2 games down, while also adding in enough innovative changes to keep the game feeling fresh, and also wrap it up with a great story with clever writing and top-notch voice acting, than this may just become my most anticipated game of 2012.
I actually like the box art. It's pretty cool, IMO. It'd be perfect if they removed the non-Max characters in the background, though.
Quote from: Ensatsu-ken on September 09, 2011, 09:37:18 PM
This reminds me that I really need to replay Max Payne 2 since I forgot most of the stuff pertaining to the story in that game.
You must! MP 1 gameplay > MP 2 gameplay, but MP 2 story > MP 1 story as far as I'm concerned. :)
QuoteI'm not thrilled about the cover system (there's nothing wrong with them, but I don't see how they belong in a Max Payne game, but who knows, maybe they'll be implemented with an interesting mechanic instead of purely just ripping off Gears of War's formula),
I read earlier today that painkillers are still in. Meaning that, unlike F.E.A.R. 3, the cover system probably won't be forced on the player. Unless they removed the ability to quick save (and they BETTER not have), I bet you'll be able to play the entire game like the first two. Those games were balls-to-the-wall hard on Normal difficulty, so this one should be doable on that mode at least even if the style's been changed to be cover-oriented.
Quotebut other than that I feel that this game has done a complete 180 from where it was originally headed, and I mean that in a sincerely good way. Now I'm actually pretty excited for this game, and I hope that the trailer next week reveals both a lot of good gameplay and story elements about the game. If Rockstar can nail the gun-play formula from the first 2 games down, while also adding in enough innovative changes to keep the game feeling fresh, and also wrap it up with a great story with clever writing and top-notch voice acting, than this may just become my most anticipated game of 2012.
Rockstar's writers are some of the best in the business. Nearly all of their games since Vice City have had excellent dialogue and voice acting. If anyone can make this work, it's them.
Quote from: Foggle on September 10, 2011, 01:17:30 AM
You must! MP 1 gameplay > MP 2 gameplay, but MP 2 story > MP 1 story as far as I'm concerned. :)
Hmmmm....Well, I can't comment on it now since I don't remember the story well enough, but I actually felt the opposite. I felt that MP2's gameplay was slightly improved from the first game (that is to say that its basically the same exact formula except that its a bit more refined), but I felt that the story wasn't quite as good or impressive as the first game (it was still interesting, but it didn't really have as strong of an impact on me, personally). I may feel differently about it after replaying it, though.
QuoteI read earlier today that painkillers are still in. Meaning that, unlike F.E.A.R. 3, the cover system probably won't be forced on the player. Unless they removed the ability to quick save (and they BETTER not have), I bet you'll be able to play the entire game like the first two. Those games were balls-to-the-wall hard on Normal difficulty, so this one should be doable on that mode at least even if the style's been changed to be cover-oriented.
While I liked the convenience of the quick-save system, I do felt that it could potentially make the first 2 game's kind of easy if someone were to be cheap and spam quick-saves like they were save states. I suppose its fine to just leave it up to the player like the first 2 games, but I don't think I'd actually mind too much if the game just had checkpoints (that is unless they decided to really go all-out as developers and make the game non-linear, in which case it would need a quick-save feature to accompany it).
Rockstar's writers are some of the best in the business. Nearly all of their games since Vice City have had excellent dialogue and voice acting. If anyone can make this work, it's them.
Well, with Rockstar I can safely expect good voice-acting to come with any of their products. As for writing, I've always had mixed opinions with Rockstar. Some of their games have undeniably brilliant writing, even if I'm not necessarily a fan of all of their games (Vice City, Read Dead Redemption, GTA IV are good examples of this), whereas others are good but honestly kind of got boring for me (like San Andreas, among a few others). That said I think that now they seem to understand what fans want to see in a Max Payne game, so I'm sure that their writers will really deliver a worthy tale for the character that fits the dark and gritty nature of the MP crime drama type of story.
Would you say their writers are "Oscar worthy", Foggle? ;)
... Man, I wish I could play Guardian Heroes.
Personally I think that the Oscars are crap to begin with, so I wouldn't actually view anything being called "Oscar-worthy" as a complement, even though its probably meant to be. That said, I laughed when IGN said that GTA IV's script was Oscar-worthy, on the basis that they were praising it like it was on the level of cinematic classics. While the writing for GTA IV I certainly very good by a video game's standards, its a far shot away from the level of high class films, IMO (not necessarily Oscar bait films, but just genuinely great films on their own merits). IGN has a tendency of overrating video game stories that just have nice presentation about them, even if they don't have the actual substance that should accompany a great story.
Apparently One Piece is worthy of an Oscar. So they HAVE to be something good.
All that makes me think is what dumb-ass said OP is worthy of an Oscar? Depending on the context in which they said it in, that's either praising the series too much or being way too insulting to it (in a way its kind of doing both at the same time).
Sweet, there's a rumor that Sakurai is making Smash 3DS a "sequel" to Smash 64, a sort of "Super Smash Bros. 2" sort of deal.
I would not turn that down one bit. That would be perfect for a portable.
Yes, it definitely would.
Keep it simple; throw in a couple of extra characters, stages, a few gimmicks here or there along the way, and I'd take it for sure. I love SSB64; it's pretty slow in comparison to the others nowadays, but still loads of fun, and the "pick up and play" feel can't be beat. Oh yeah, and Ness is boss, IMO; can't beat that little drop-step move of his that they, unfortunately, toned wayyyyy down in the future titles (you know what I'm talking about). If this truly is a "sequel" to Smash 64, make that move, as cheap as it is, worth my time again. :awesome:
Quote from: Ensatsu-ken on September 11, 2011, 08:55:58 PM
All that makes me think is what dumb-ass said OP is worthy of an Oscar? Depending on the context in which they said it in, that's either praising the series too much or being way too insulting to it (in a way its kind of doing both at the same time).
You don't remember KOP?
Quote from: Foggle on September 10, 2011, 01:17:30 AM
I actually like the box art. It's pretty cool, IMO. It'd be perfect if they removed the non-Max characters in the background, though.
Quote from: Ensatsu-ken on September 09, 2011, 09:37:18 PM
This reminds me that I really need to replay Max Payne 2 since I forgot most of the stuff pertaining to the story in that game.
You must! MP 1 gameplay > MP 2 gameplay, but MP 2 story > MP 1 story as far as I'm concerned. :)
Quote:shit: :unimpressed: :whuh: :wth: ARE YOU FUCKING NUTS?! MP story>>>>>>>MP2's Max Payne 2's gameplay>>>>>>>>>>Max Payne 1. Max Payne 2 has the best gameplay out of any TPS imo. On consoles, they perfected the controls (obviously MP1's on PC had no problems. Thank my brother for downloading that). Best console controls overall with Ninja Gaiden right behind it, imo. Then there's the new Bullet Time system. Iirc, you couldn't refill it in MP1 with kills but in 2 you could and not only that but you could slow down time even slower the more kills you got. Also infinite Shootdodging for the motherfucking win!
While Max Payne 2's story was some useless gang war where the two best characters got killed and they did nothing with the Inner Circle. The first has my favorite story out of any shooter. Of course you can't take it too serious with the cheesiness, the overuse of freak and the game development team being characters in the game (lol @ Mona) but I thought it was decent for a game. I thought all the places MP1 took you made it a better game than MP2.
I think the perfect game would be if they had a game that was at least 15 hours long that's a prequel to 2 so my favorite characters could return with a story that's as good as the first minus the corny shit with Max Payne 2's gameplay and MP1's melee weapons and expand on having partners with you here and there (hey, I loved the parts in MP2 where you teamed up with The Cowboy and that hit squad.) Also, better boss fights. That drug addict boss in 1 died way too fast and it just plain sucks that he was the last V junkie in the game. What a waste. And the last part on the last boss in 2 wasn't much. Oh and it sucked that he died. Did I mention that yet?
September 15th... RE6... Come on, Capcom. You can do this. All the facts so far point to this being a Wii U game bringing horror back to the series. Come on, Capcom! :worship:
Quote from: Ensatsu-ken on September 11, 2011, 08:55:58 PM
All that makes me think is what dumb-ass said OP is worthy of an Oscar? Depending on the context in which they said it in, that's either praising the series too much or being way too insulting to it (in a way its kind of doing both at the same time).
While I wouldn't be surprised by an RE6 announcement being that its Capcom's main money-making franchise, I wouldn't count on it being everything that fans have been wanting from a main-series RE game for ages, given Capcom's current track-record of pissing people off with their poor decision-making when it comes to game development decisions (and that's been going on for a few years, now).
Quote from: Ensatsu-ken on September 12, 2011, 04:01:16 PM
While I wouldn't be surprised by an RE6 announcement being that its Capcom's main money-making franchise, I wouldn't count on it being everything that fans have been wanting from a main-series RE game for ages, given Capcom's current track-record of pissing people off with their poor decision-making when it comes to game development decisions (and that's been going on for a few years, now).
Well we DO have these quotes, which hint at something good.
"We know that alot of fans want more horror back for the next one, the development team knows that as well and we read a lot of comments, messageboards, and ask for feedback, and there was a lot of critisism about RE5′s focus on action."
"I think that you'll like the direction the dev team is shifting for the next one."
Plus, they stated they want to make an RE for the Wii U, a mere month before RE6's announcement. Besides which, PS4 is probably FAR down the road, hinting at a Wii U release. And if it IS for the Wii U... it's almost entirely unlikely that it'll be a full-blown action game.
The actual dialogue was far better in Max Payne 2, IMO. The stories themselves were pretty equal in terms of how much I liked them, but the writing really elevated it for me.
The shooting and bullet-time mechanics were much tighter in the original game. The controls felt kind of loose in MP 2, which made it slightly less fun and not as exciting to play, IMO.
I'm not sure how the PC controls of MP2 stack up to the first game, but the console controls for MP2 are easily better than the console controls for MP1 (and its pretty damn fine controls for any console game or any game in general), so I judge it by that criteria.
Quote from: Desensitized on September 11, 2011, 10:13:27 PM
Sweet, there's a rumor that Sakurai is making Smash 3DS a "sequel" to Smash 64, a sort of "Super Smash Bros. 2" sort of deal.
I would not turn that down one bit. That would be perfect for a portable.
What does that even mean?
Quote from: Ensatsu-ken on September 12, 2011, 05:22:39 PM
I'm not sure how the PC controls of MP2 stack up to the first game, but the console controls for MP2 are easily better than the console controls for MP1 (and its pretty damn fine controls for any console game or any game in general), so I judge it by that criteria.
The PC controls in both games are exactly the same, but everything feels less weighty and a bit looser in the second one.
Quote from: talonmalon333 on September 12, 2011, 05:29:05 PM
What does that even mean?
I believe he's saying that they are planning a 3DS SSB game that is based more heavily off of the original SSB64's mechanics as opposed to the mechanics of either Melee or Brawl. Even though I'm not really big on the series, I at least know how different the gameplay mechanics are between the original SSB and Melee/Brawl.
Quote from: Ensatsu-ken on September 12, 2011, 05:43:07 PM
Quote from: talonmalon333 on September 12, 2011, 05:29:05 PM
What does that even mean?
I believe he's saying that they are planning a 3DS SSB game that is based more heavily off of the original SSB64's mechanics as opposed to the mechanics of either Melee or Brawl. Even though I'm not really big on the series, I at least know how different the gameplay mechanics are between the original SSB and Melee/Brawl.
I don't. :P
Maybe it's been too long since I played the original. But I'm curious how it differs, from whoever knows.
This ( wiki guide highlights all of the combat mechanics of SSB, including the differences and even the minor intricacies that change between each individual SSB game.
Quote from: Kiddington on September 12, 2011, 12:55:31 AM
Yes, it definitely would.
Keep it simple; throw in a couple of extra characters, stages, a few gimmicks here or there along the way, and I'd take it for sure. I love SSB64; it's pretty slow in comparison to the others nowadays, but still loads of fun, and the "pick up and play" feel can't be beat. Oh yeah, and Ness is boss, IMO; can't beat that little drop-step move of his that they, unfortunately, toned wayyyyy down in the future titles (you know what I'm talking about). If this truly is a "sequel" to Smash 64, make that move, as cheap as it is, worth my time again. :awesome:
Yeah, Ness' spike in 64 is insane. It's completely worthless in Melee, but in Brawl it's actually the most powerful spike in the game again despite still not topping the 64 one. Other than his Up-B being terrible for recovery, Ness was tops in 64.
I like the slower and more deliberate feel and how hits tend to actually have a feeling of heavy impact in 64, and the more simplistic approach and stages would work perfectly on a handheld.
Mario Tennis 3DS was just announced at Nintendo's 3DS conference in Japan.
Not sure what else is coming, as its not over, but thought that was pretty cool.
Fire Emblem 3DS was announced too.
2 player co-op? Intelligence System, you are forgiven for those last 2 abominations you made for the DS.
Fuck Yeah! New Fire Emblem and Mario Tennis for the 3DS. I'll take it.
Quote from: Ensatsu-ken on September 12, 2011, 04:01:16 PM
While I wouldn't be surprised by an RE6 announcement being that its Capcom's main money-making franchise, I wouldn't count on it being everything that fans have been wanting from a main-series RE game for ages, given Capcom's current track-record of pissing people off with their poor decision-making when it comes to game development decisions (and that's been going on for a few years, now).
That and I'm boycotting Capcom's games.
Quote from: Foggle on September 12, 2011, 05:14:48 PM
The actual dialogue was far better in Max Payne 2, IMO. The stories themselves were pretty equal in terms of how much I liked them, but the writing really elevated it for me.
The shooting and bullet-time mechanics were much tighter in the original game. The controls felt kind of loose in MP 2, which made it slightly less fun and not as exciting to play, IMO.
I never played MP2 on PC. If you're saying that MP1 on consoles' controls is better than I have this bridge to sell you. :sly: And yeah, Max Payne 2's dialogue has much better which made Vinnie and Vlad so great. The story fucked that up though.
EDIT: So you did mean the PC controls. Good because you'd have to be a big dummy to think MP1's console controls are better than 2's.
Quote from: Ensatsu-ken on September 12, 2011, 05:22:39 PM
I'm not sure how the PC controls of MP2 stack up to the first game, but the console controls for MP2 are easily better than the console controls for MP1 (and its pretty damn fine controls for any console game or any game in general), so I judge it by that criteria.
Yeah, I honestly can't think of how they could have mapped the buttons even better. Plus I love how changing your guns is handled in both games. All non two weapon limit console shooters need to do it like that. There's no better way.
Speaking of 3DS (
Really anticipating that Renegade remake. More games like River City Ransom need to be made.
Dat music. Dat voice acting. ( Not gonna' lie... I came.
Yeah, I watched it about 20 minutes ago. I wish they showed more gameplay, if they even showed any, but who am I kidding?
Story-wise it looks OK (though I admit I really miss the dark city noir setting), but I want to see some gameplay in action. I'll be reserving my judgement of this game until then.
You guys know the Tokyo Game Show tomorrow?
When is it? And is there anyway we can keep up with it?
You can keep up on NeoGaf, if you're so inclined.
So....Tomonobu Itagaki is a playable character in Saints Row: The Third (;editor;all;title;2&pid=954853)....OK, That settles it, I'm buying this game for sure, now. :thumbup:
So, unfortunately, we won't be seeing any new footage or learn any new info on Devil's Third, since according to Kotaku VGS had to pull their preview of the game from the the show at the last minute for some unknown reason that hasn't yet been disclosed from what I can tell. That's rather disappointing given how long people have been waiting for Itagaki to show off some new and actual gameplay footage of DT. Oh well, at least I can probably still get to see what Platinum Games is up to with their current and future game projects.
Quote from: Ensatsu-ken on September 15, 2011, 12:18:43 PM
So....Tomonobu Itagaki is a playable character in Saints Row: The Third (;editor;all;title;2&pid=954853)....OK, That settles it, I'm buying this game for sure, now. :thumbup:
Quote from: Ensatsu-ken on September 15, 2011, 12:18:43 PM
So....Tomonobu Itagaki is a playable character in Saints Row: The Third (;editor;all;title;2&pid=954853)....OK, That settles it, I'm buying this game for sure, now. :thumbup:
This ( just sealed the deal for me! :D
:D @ him giving a twin his cigarette. He really loves that trailer.
Quote from: Desensitized on September 06, 2011, 05:08:12 PM
Renegade Ops is looking particularly great.
Imagine Just Cause 2 meets Jackal meets the Strike series ( and you've got a good idea of what this game is. It also has both split screen AND online co-op which it seems even most retail games no longer support.
The commander is also Cortez from Timesplitters. So yeah, there's that too.
I got this game and it totally is worth the money. With this, Hard Corps Uprising, and Radiant Silvergun, all my gaming time is being sunk into XBLA recently.
If you like shooting things and having them explode in an old school arcade way, then this game might just be as awesome for you as it is for me.
So Grand Knights History is definitely coming to America now.
I know what I'm getting this winter.
1. Mass Effect 3
2. Rayman Origins
3. Bayonetta 2 (Rumor has it, it'll be announced soon)
4. Guardian Heroes
5. Sonic Generations
6. Goldeneye Reloaded (360)
7. Rage
8. Max Payne 3
9. The Darkness II
1. The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword
2. Super Mario 3D Land
3. Paper Mario (3DS)
4. Kirby's Return to Dream Land
5. Resident Evil 6
Quote from: Rosalinas Spare Wand on September 22, 2011, 10:18:13 PM
So Grand Knights History is definitely coming to America now.
I know what I'm getting this winter.
XSeed is going to go under with all these great games they keep grabbing. If they can somehow give us VC3, then I'll really be pleasantly surprised.
Can't wait for this.
Crap, KOF13 was pushed back into November. Not good.
I have it preordered, so it doesn't really matter to me personally, but it's going to get destroyed in November.
Hey, check it out: Shank 2 announced (
More platforming like the meat factory please.
Quote from: Desensitized on September 27, 2011, 05:21:37 PM
Hey, check it out: Shank 2 announced (
Oh, HELL yeah.
Quote from: Desensitized on September 25, 2011, 08:30:50 PM
Crap, KOF13 was pushed back into November. Not good.
I have it preordered, so it doesn't really matter to me personally, but it's going to get destroyed in November.
Yeah, I was really hoping that wouldn't happen. October was a safe month to release it, but November is packed and KoF is bound to get lost in the shuffle.
i should go ahead and preorder it, but my money's been going to other stuff lately so I can't really do that at the moment.
Quote from: Foggle on September 27, 2011, 05:38:40 PM
Quote from: Desensitized on September 27, 2011, 05:21:37 PM
Hey, check it out: Shank 2 announced (
Oh, HELL yeah.
Here's the game in motion (
The game seems to have more flow to it. It's easier to dodge during combos and whatnot, it seems.
I'm looking forward to Dead or Alive 5. I honestly thought that series was dead.
Well, at the very least I'm sure it'll be better than Ninja Gaiden 3, based on the way that Yosuke Hayashi has been handling the development of that game. I have little reason to believe that he knows what he's doing as a game developer, especially since he goes out of his way to do almost everything that fans don't want to see in that series, while ignoring what they want. I wouldn't be too surprised if he ends up doing the same thing for DOA (though, even then, it would at least have to be a better game than DOA4, which was near broken, IMO).
But, hey, its still a long way away, so maybe I might be completely wrong and that series will still fair better for its fan-base than the NG series will for its own fans. Either way, I still can't stand this guy and really wish that Itagaki still had the rights to developing Team Ninja's game series'.
So A WHOLE LOT of Skyward Sword spoilers have been revealed. Luckily I've managed to avoid them all. But from what people are telling me, the game sounds good... like, crazy good.
Can November 20th come sooner?!
Inafune wants us to be the King Of Pirates (
You play as a pirate penguin. I hope this is as good as it looks like it might be.
Man, it's still agonizing waiting for Arkham Asylum 2. I really can't wait, that Australian review said it was "best game ever" caliber. This series is pretty much a third-person Metroidvania and the second will be even more so. :) I really hope to see more from Rocksteady after this. Imagine what they could do for Superman?
Quote from: Desensitized on October 05, 2011, 04:54:20 PM
Inafune wants us to be the King Of Pirates (
You play as a pirate penguin. I hope this is as good as it looks like it might be.
That does look cool, but has it been said what genre it's supposed to be? Like is it a platformer, or an RPG? I'm thinking it's the former but I want to know for sure. Should be a lot of fun whatever it is.
Holy CRAP.
So Leisure Suit Larry is getting remade with the original creator, Al Lowe, on board.
I'm not sure if any of you guys knew this already, or even care about the series, but as someone who somehow managed to play some LSL as a kid on my friends computer (it involved a lot of sneaking), I'm pretty excited.
The only original LSL game I've played was the one where he was on the ship and it was a fun experience overall. I did like the humor in the game and with Al Lowe involved, maybe we'll get less of an American Pie rip off or whatever Box Office Bust was. Seriously, I have no idea why I bothered with BOB at all, I rather play Sonic Next Gen over it. That's how bad the recent game was.
Preordered Grand Knights History at Game Play today. XSEED deserves full price for being brave enough to release a vanillaware multiplayer RPG on a dead system.
I feel bad about the PSP. It had so much promise but never lived up to it.
Anyway, I'm pissed that the states will probably never see Tales of Xillia. Instead we get Graces F, which is just a souped-up Wii game.
Devil May Cry HD Collection ( has been officially confirmed by Capcom. So, since my brother keeps his PS2 with him in California, the only chance I'll get to own these games is if I get them for the XBOX360, and to be honest I may just take up that offer (though I'd rather them take out DMC2 from the package and lower the price by $10, as I'd be happy with 1 and 3 whereas I'm just likely sto completely skip over 2). I have played significant chunks of 1 and 3 before, but if I have the chance to own them I'll also have the chance to finally beat them, which I've been wanting to do for a long time, now. Its also schedules to release not too far off from when NG3 is supposed to be releasing, so at the very least it'll help fill in my satisfaction for good hack n' slash gameplay that NG3 will no doubt leave me to desire (I fully expect it to be an utter disappointment now, as I've lost almost all faith in the current state of Team Ninja).
Oh yeah, speaking of finally beating games, I should get Bayonetta one of these days as I have yet to beat that game, either. I may specifically hold off on it until after I play the older DMC games, though (or at least DMC1), just to clearly see the quantity and quality of improvements that Kamiya brought to the gameplay formula that he created about a decade ago.
Quote from: Ensatsu-ken on October 18, 2011, 10:04:13 PM
Devil May Cry HD Collection ( has been officially confirmed by Capcom. So, since my brother keeps his PS2 with him in California, the only chance I'll get to own these games is if I get them for the XBOX360, and to be honest I may just take up that offer (though I'd rather them take out DMC2 from the package and lower the price by $10, as I'd be happy with 1 and 3 whereas I'm just likely sto completely skip over 2). I have played significant chunks of 1 and 3 before, but if I have the chance to own them I'll also have the chance to finally beat them, which I've been wanting to do for a long time, now. Its also schedules to release not too far off from when NG3 is supposed to be releasing, so at the very least it'll help fill in my satisfaction for good hack n' slash gameplay that NG3 will no doubt leave me to desire (I fully expect it to be an utter disappointment now, as I've lost almost all faith in the current state of Team Ninja).
Oh yeah, speaking of finally beating games, I should get Bayonetta one of these days as I have yet to beat that game, either. I may specifically hold off on it until after I play the older DMC games, though (or at least DMC1), just to clearly see the quantity and quality of improvements that Kamiya brought to the gameplay formula that he created about a decade ago.
;D I've been wanting this. I'll even give DMC2 another try. It's not a bad game, just a bad DMC game.
Quote from: Ensatsu-ken on October 18, 2011, 10:04:13 PM
Devil May Cry HD Collection ( has been officially confirmed by Capcom. So, since my brother keeps his PS2 with him in California, the only chance I'll get to own these games is if I get them for the XBOX360, and to be honest I may just take up that offer (though I'd rather them take out DMC2 from the package and lower the price by $10, as I'd be happy with 1 and 3 whereas I'm just likely sto completely skip over 2). I have played significant chunks of 1 and 3 before, but if I have the chance to own them I'll also have the chance to finally beat them, which I've been wanting to do for a long time, now. Its also schedules to release not too far off from when NG3 is supposed to be releasing, so at the very least it'll help fill in my satisfaction for good hack n' slash gameplay that NG3 will no doubt leave me to desire (I fully expect it to be an utter disappointment now, as I've lost almost all faith in the current state of Team Ninja).
Oh yeah, speaking of finally beating games, I should get Bayonetta one of these days as I have yet to beat that game, either. I may specifically hold off on it until after I play the older DMC games, though (or at least DMC1), just to clearly see the quantity and quality of improvements that Kamiya brought to the gameplay formula that he created about a decade ago.
;D I've been wanting this. I'll even give DMC2 another try. It's not a bad game, just a bad DMC game.
Anyone else tried the Saints Row 3 Initiation Station yet? I've made some pretty cool/funny characters with it. ;D
Get your codes here (possibly US only):
PC (
360 (
PS3 (
Once you finish your character, you can upload it to the Saints Row website so you can redownload it later to use in the actual game. You can make 'em private if you want, but if you add them to the public gallery, then anyone can use your character in the game.
No, seriously, this is game of the year material. ( Completely blows GTA and its variants out of the water.
Since this is a pure rumor, let me just post this ( here.
Choice quotes:
QuoteBut TSSZ has learned through a source that development is already well underway on Sonic's next adventure tailored to Nintendo's next console–and it's not a Generations port.
QuoteTSSZ has learned Sonic Dimensions, a working title for the next Sonic, will take place directly after Generations and be a spiritual successor to Sonic Colors. We don't know if this game will necessarily be exclusive to the Wii U, but we're told it will have visual quality in line with Generations and it will take advantage of many Wii U specific capabilities.
QuoteTSSZ has learned Dimensions's storyline will center around another time-space continuum shift at the hands of Eggman that not only alters Sonic's world, but himself. Sonic will allegedly split into multiple personalities denoted by color–each of which having their own unique abilities.
QuoteThe source alleges only two of the personalities can be used in-stage, but all may be able to combine and act as an equivalent Super Guide. The White Sonic allegedly pops up as an option after dying in a stage a certain number of times. Using it guarantees the lowest rank at the end.
QuoteIf that sounds a lot like a Nintendo idea, that's because it is, and no wonder; we've learned Sega is allegedly working directly with some Nintendo developers on this game. That's in addition to most of, if not the entire staff for Sonic Colors being back on board for Dimensions. The Nintendo developers are allegedly assisting Sega design the levels, which we're told will be more surreal, on similar thinking as Colors.
^THIS QUOTE! Nintendo getting familiar with Sonic gameplay could finally lead to what we've all wanted since the 16 bit wars.
QuoteThe final item of note from our source is yet another assurance that we will see some 2D gameplay within, and those mechanics will be "directly ripped" from the classic Sonic physics, though we've heard that line for a while.
QuoteRemember: When we learned about Sonic Generations in 2010, six months before its formal unveiling, it was known as just Sonic Anniversary with only a few details clear as well. This is something we will have to watch over time; do not expect instant gratification. Nevertheless, we will pass along anything more that we hear.
Now there's a good chance this is hogwash, but after Generations I find a lot of this plausible. While it is a shame the Wii-U might not get its own version of Generations, IMO a full fledged Colors sequel co-developed by freaking Nintendo would be a system seller to me without question.
I fucking love Volition. (
To be honest, I'm kind of against game companies or developers trying to directly attack other games by negatively reinforcing their titles while promoting their own. I kind of believe that truly great games should stand on their own merits and simply advertise why they are so good. That said, I do understand that in today's societal mind-set, what THQ/Volition is doing here makes sense and in this case I don't blame them for doing it, since just the news of a game as big as GTA5 cam severely hurt their sales by completely overshadowing the release of Saints Row: The Third. I just feel that its a pity that talented developers like this have to resort to tactics like this, since they are really above that sort of stuff. Its more of a problem with general consumers more than anything else, I think. While Saints Row 3 looks great, most people I know just wouldn't get it with its over-the-top nature and purposely insane premise, whereas many people would look at the GTA series like its some prestigious and sophisticated masterpiece that's above every other sandbox game (and while the latter is purely based on one's own personal opinion; I can definitely tell you that its not a "sophisticated" game in any regard, or at least not more so than any other great sandbox games in terms of gameplay offerings), and when it releases its sales would be off the charts because of such mind-sets.
As for me, while I'm not really into the whole sandbox game thing, if I were to pick one up, Saints Row 3 is the one that would interest me the most, as it doesn't take itself seriously and is so ludicrous that it might actually be fun to wander around aimlessly in this sort of game rather than in GTA. Plus, when comparing this game to GTA5, I can say one thing for sure: GTA5 may have a lot of things going for it, but it sure as hell doesn't feature Itagaki as a playable character, and that alone gives SR3 about a hundred times more appeal and value in my book. ;)
I just saw it as a kind of over the top jokey marketing strategy mirroring the style of the game itself. It's more of a "LOOK AT US, LOOK AT US!" kinda' thing than EA's "Call of Duty fucking sucks, buy Battlefield instead" campaign.
My god, as if I needed any more reasons to pre-order... (;title;2)
Quote from: Foggle on November 02, 2011, 05:08:52 PM
My god, as if I needed any more reasons to pre-order... (;title;2)
GTA V....
Quote from: ToonFaithful on November 02, 2011, 07:02:13 PM
Quote from: Foggle on November 02, 2011, 05:08:52 PM
My god, as if I needed any more reasons to pre-order... (;title;2)
GTA V....
Will be amazing, for sure. Great trailer! More focused on Saints Row right now, though. :joy:
I had to move my KOF13 preorder to Super Mario 3D Land. Sorry, Atlus. You should have planned the release better, I only have so much money these days, and few things get priority over Mario and Sonic to me.
Alright Namco, you're getting my money. (
January 31st can't come soon enough.
Eh, SC5 looks like more of the same as SC4 to me. I'm sure that there will be a lot of combat tweaks that can make the game very different for hardcore fighting fans, and there are certainly enough new characters, but as a very casual fighting game fan myself that's not nearly enough to convince me to buy a game like this at full price. I'm already content with SC4 so I'll just stick with that as my main go-to fighting game this gen until maybe SC5 drops in price by at least half. That's just me, though.
I haven't found SC to be very great since II, really.
SC2 was my favorite in the series. I really didn't like SC3 very much, it was pretty mediocre. SC4 was a good game, but not anywhere close to as good as the first 2, IMO. As it stands I'm not very interested in SC5, as it just looks like more of the same as before without much new to offer.
That's because they keep straying from what made the series great in the first place. You want meaty single player? THEN BRING BACK ALL THE AWESOME MODES FROM SB AND SC1! Heck, if they would just steal the Conquest mode from SC2's arcade they could have a fresh online mode that would be fairly unique.
They need to stop stripping what made the games great which was not just the simple yet engaging combat, but all the original extra modes that were just as fun and added meat to the game. The extras have blown for a while now.
Quote from: Ensatsu-ken on November 03, 2011, 06:24:24 PM
SC2 was my favorite in the series. I really didn't like SC3 very much, it was pretty mediocre. SC4 was a good game, but not anywhere close to as good as the first 2, IMO. As it stands I'm not very interested in SC5, as it just looks like more of the same as before without much new to offer.
How come you like 1 better than 4? I haven't played the original in ages, so I forget how good it was.
SC1 is still personally my favorite. It's the tightest and smoothest game in the series, has tons of stuff to do (I even spent hours on the opening customization thing... that never reappeared in a SC since), and it has the best bonus content of every game (barring the super cool single player mode of SB which was slightly better than the one here)... Personally, it's my favorite pure 3D fighter. SC2 is still good, and added a lot of cool stuff, but then 3 came which was totally rushed and undercooked and 4 which didn't really do anything to stand out.
Quote from: Desensitized on November 03, 2011, 06:32:39 PM
SC1 is still personally my favorite. It's the tightest and smoothest game in the series, has tons of stuff to do (I even spent hours on the opening customization thing... that never reappeared in a SC since), and it has the best bonus content of every game (barring the super cool single player mode of SB which was slightly better than the one here)... Personally, it's my favorite pure 3D fighter. SC2 is still good, and added a lot of cool stuff, but then 3 came which was totally rushed and undercooked and 4 which didn't really do anything to stand out.
I love the first 2 games (not counting Soul Blade/Edge, which I consider to be good for its time but I don't think its aged as well as other 3D fighters have), but my main reason for preferring the 2nd game just a bit to the 1st one is how it handles Missions Mode, or Weapons Master mode if you prefer to call it that. I just felt that the challenges were more even and balanced, which is a little thing but for me it went a long way. The 1st game was great too, and I spent hours on MM (my favorite mode in the game by far), but some of those challenges were really frustrating in a way that was not a fun challenge (some of them just put bizarre conditions on your character that were more unfair than well thought-out handicaps, IMO). Most of the mode was still great but those few missions were really noticeable because I tended to get stuck on them for a while. That and I liked how SC2 seemed to have more branching paths than the first game did (though they were both still pretty good at this, overall). Oh, and I also like how there were multiple weapons to unlock for each character, even if I preferred using their default weapons in actual combat.
As for SC3, I think that we can all agree that its the worst in the series by far. Its not a bad fighting game mechanically or anything like that, but its just so light on content that I refuse to think of it as a full game compared to the other SC games, or maybe that's just because any extra modes it did have turned out to suck, big time (IMO).
As for SC4, it didn't really do anything noteworthy for the series and it was still pretty light on extra modes, but I will at least give it credit for one thing, and that's nerfing the characters with long-reaching weapons so that they would be MUCH less cheap than in prior games without actually feeling too weak or lame to play as themselves. In that regard it felt like a more balanced game than any of the previous entries in the series, ESPECIALLY when it comes to Kilik (seriously, anyone who uses him in SC 1-3 is a bitch). But then again they added in Star Wars characters, 2 of whom were ungodly cheap (with The Apprentice being cheap in Arcade mode and Yoda being downright broken and a joke of a character).
UGH, I forgot about those annoying Star Wars characters. Why does SC get saddled with all this promotion crap from Namco instead of Tekken? SC doesn't deserve that.
Well, Tekken is considered to be their more "technical" fighter among hardcore fighting game fans, so I can see why they don't want to screw with that. As for Soul Calibur, I don't mind it so much because I can just ignore those characters completely as long as nobody else is being a bitch and decides to use them against me (usually they can be pretty unfairly cheap in multiplayer situations, which is what annoys me the most about them), but at the same time I don't feel that they add anything to the game and I'd rather not have them included. That said, I can understand why Namco puts them in. Licensed characters = more money. Its as simple as that. It may sound absurd when you read it that way, but it actually does increase their sales, even if its such a stupid reason, so really they are just doing it purely for business reasons.
What they really need to do for V is bring back Weapon Master mode from II. That mode combined with V's seemingly robust Character Creation would be absolutely wonderful. I have nothing against 3's Chronicles of the Sword campaign, but it just lacks the charm of Weapon Master. And the less said about IV's single player modes, the better.
For me, the best part of III was the character creation mode. I just love being able to customize my own character, especially in fighting games. It just gives you that personal sense of immersion y'know? IV's somewhat improved but more restrictive customization combined with its lackluster single player really made it an inferior game to me.
Also, while I may not care much for Ezio, at least he actually fits SCV's aesthetic. Namco is being real careful in choosing their guest characters this time around.
Hey, personally I'll still take IV's Tower of Lost Souls over III's Chronicles of the Sword mode any day. Sorry, but I thought that mode was crap (I respect your opinion on it, though). Not to say that ToLS is great, but it was at least passable, IMO.
I'm curious as to how exactly IV's character creation mode more restricted than III's? Perhaps I didn't play around with the one in SC3 enough, but I found a lot more options in SC4's CC mode than in 3's, to be honest.
I don't have the game with me right now, but it was mostly the fact that your equipment could "conflict" with eachother. So you can't say, equip leggings along with a skirt or dress, even though you could in III. Stuff like that. They also got rid of some of the better clothing items from III, like the Spectre hood, or the gown, which was also rather dissapointing.
It's stuff like this that makes a game's story excellent. ( Cockney accent and Sublime forever. :worship:
Wow, I just learned that Tails is unlockable in the new Sonic CD port. And he can fly. That's... pretty freaking cool as it adds quite some replay value.
Here's hoping Knuckles or Metal Sonic is also there.
Quote from: Desensitized on November 05, 2011, 11:05:03 PM
Wow, I just learned that Tails is unlockable in the new Sonic CD port. And he can fly. That's... pretty freaking cool as it adds quite some replay value.
Here's hoping Knuckles or Metal Sonic is also there.
Shit just got real.
The Simpsons Arcade Game has been rated in Australia.
Sweet! One of my favorites.
Quote from: Desensitized on November 09, 2011, 03:46:16 PM
The Simpsons Arcade Game has been rated in Australia.
Sweet! One of my favorites.
FUCK YES :joy:
Quote from: Desensitized on November 09, 2011, 03:46:16 PM
The Simpsons Arcade Game has been rated in Australia.
Sweet! One of my favorites.
I heard about that recently and I was like "BE LEGIT! BE LEGIT! BE LEGIT!" Looks like we should get a Simpsons Party on Xbox Live going soon.
Quote from: Daxdiv on November 09, 2011, 11:06:04 PM
Quote from: Desensitized on November 09, 2011, 03:46:16 PM
The Simpsons Arcade Game has been rated in Australia.
Sweet! One of my favorites.
I heard about that recently and I was like "BE LEGIT! BE LEGIT! BE LEGIT!" Looks like we should get a Simpsons Party on Xbox Live going soon.
Of course. But I call Bart. ;)
Hmm, should I call dibs on Lisa or Homer? Those two were the ones I've played the most in the arcades. Homer it is then.
That game was so much fun at the arcades.
Add Rainbow Six Patriots and the next Sly Cooper to my list. I believe I only played one Sly Cooper demo but after reading the preview, when I started playing InFamous again, I imagined I was Sly for a second. :D The game sounds like it could be real good. Steven Jay Blum being a ninja racoon is icing on the cake.
OK, So Max Payne 3 ( looks awesome, now. Its officially my most anticipated game of 2012 at this point.
On the other hand, Ninja Gaiden 3 can go royally fuck itself.
Quote from: Ensatsu-ken on November 17, 2011, 01:40:14 PM
OK, So Max Payne 3 ( looks awesome, now. Its officially my most anticipated game of 2012 at this point.
I was just about to post this. Looks like Rockstar really knows what they're doing here. The gameplay looks even better than the first two... and those graphics. Can't wait.
Yeah, they really seem to understand and respect the story and gameplay of the first 2 games. I like how in an interview one of the representatives from Rockstar confirmed that they wouldn't be trying to shoehorn a pointless open world mechanic into the game just because they do that with a lot of their other games (they know that Max Payne needs to stay focused in terms of both story and gameplay), and they relieved some of my earlier fears by saying that they would integrate cover mechanics into the game in a way that fits Max Payne, rather than just ripping off Gears of War like every other TPS game these days is usually guilty of. Going by the video, you can take cover behind objects while still moving and shooting, and you can't stay under one area of cover for too long, forcing you to use bullet-time and shoot-dodge in alteration with taking cover. That's actually pretty brilliant.
I also like that they are putting a lot of focus into enemy AI. This can make for some really hectic and challenging gun battles, but that'll only ramp up the level of fun for me. ;)
At this point, I can fully admit that I was wrong to misjudge this game based on very early initial impressions. I was worried about the direction it was headed in, but unlike a certain other sequel that I'm not exactly looking forward to, this one doesn't disappoint me at all, and the gameplay in the video totally blew me away. I'm really excited for this game, now. Its going to be awesome! ;D
Quote from: Ensatsu-ken on November 17, 2011, 01:40:14 PMOn the other hand, Ninja Gaiden can go royally fuck itself.
I read it like this.
Yeesh. :huh:
Quote from: Ensatsu-ken on November 17, 2011, 01:40:14 PM
OK, So Max Payne 3 ( looks awesome, now. Its officially my most anticipated game of 2012 at this point.
On the other hand, Ninja Gaiden 3 can go royally fuck itself.
Whoa, that might be my 2nd most anticipated game of 2012. The annotated trailer I watched on Xbox Live really helped too.
So, who's looking forward to the PS Vita?
(whistles) Wow, the system comes with no memory of it's own, so you have no choice but to spend an at least extra $30 dollars right off the bat, especially since the Vita games apparently require one of these mem cards to even boot up?
Yeah, sign me up for a launch day purchase of the system. lol sarcasm
More excited for the Vita than I am for the 3DS, but everything I've heard about it suggests that it will be a second year used purchase for me.
Quote from: Foggle on November 27, 2011, 10:39:41 AM
More excited for the Vita than I am for the 3DS, but everything I've heard about it suggests that it will be a second year used purchase for me.
Hey you know one of the games in Operation Rainfall is a GameStop Pre-order exclusive right now? You can actually pre-order Xenoblade right now if you want and I do have proof that you can. (!/Tsukento/status/142640689048584193/photo/1)
Fucking Spring.
I'm gonna see if I can squeeze it in to my pre-orders, March is already an expensive month for me.
It's floating around the Internet right now, but apparently Tony Hawk announced that there will be a HD remake of the first two Pro Skater games released sometime next summer, all for under 20 bucks. That'd be pretty kewl, but retaining the original soundtrack is a must. No Superman by Goldfinger=no sale.
Lets hope its a remake, and not just a modernization. The first few games were great, but the more recent entries are a horrible joke.
I've been thinking about how much I sat out this year in video games, and then realized most of what I want is coming next year.
Fire Emblem 3DS
Extreme Escape Adventure
Street Fighter X Tekken
Twisted Metal
Xenoblade Chronicles
Luigi's Mansion 2
Paper Mario 3DS
Dragon's Crown
I'm actually gonna try and buy some stuff before years end (All 3DS games at Kmart are under 30 bucks right now, and most of my hard to find DS/PSP games are over there at less than 20 dollars), but I'm definitely very excited for next years slate of video games.
Quoting from another thread into this one. How spooky.
Quote from: Ensatsu-ken on December 11, 2011, 02:25:07 AM
The MGS spin-off game, Revengeance, looks insanely over-the-top in all of the best ways, and seems like a really fun hack n' slash game. It also seems a HELL of a lot better than Ninja Gaiden 3, which kind of saddens me but at the same time its nice to know that I'll at least have an actual good hack n' slash game to look forward to once again.
It's Kojima
and Platinum Games. There's absolutely no way it can be bad.
In addition to what RSW mentioned, I'm also hoping for a release of this ( on our shores sooner than later. 2012 looks to have a lot of goodness in the early months and hopefully won't be as backloaded as this year.
Also, the Tony Hawk ones probably won't have the original soundtracks, but that's what custom soundtracks are for. Me, I'll probably just throw on some Run DMC.
Mighty Switch Force is out next week, guys! (
Wow, the eShop is really picking up steam. First it had Pushmo, then there's this, Mutant Mudds, Dillon's Rolling Western, Sakura Samurai: Art Of The Sword, VVVVVV (portable, in 3D, and with possible additions?) the originals are stacking up not to mention the 3D classics line. Also, I've got Rhythm Thief, Kid Icarus, Monster Hunter (Used of course), Rayman Origins, Luigi's Mansion 2, Paper Mario, and hopefully a certain lawyer and doctor team will make their way here... and for those who care there's that brand new Resident Evil game to retail.
Nintendo is really pulling it together for the 3DS. Now if you'll excuse me, I think I'll go play some WarioWare.
... And now I learned that there' a 3DS Contra game being made and it was announced officially at TGS. How did I miss that?
This sucker better be Contra 5 by WayForward or a new Hard Corps game. Either way, it needs to have 2D gameplay or it's not Contra.
Quote from: Foggle on December 11, 2011, 02:04:35 PM
Quoting from another thread into this one. How spooky.
Quote from: Ensatsu-ken on December 11, 2011, 02:25:07 AM
The MGS spin-off game, Revengeance, looks insanely over-the-top in all of the best ways, and seems like a really fun hack n' slash game. It also seems a HELL of a lot better than Ninja Gaiden 3, which kind of saddens me but at the same time its nice to know that I'll at least have an actual good hack n' slash game to look forward to once again.
It's Kojima and Platinum Games. There's absolutely no way it can be bad.
It's the best possible video game team up
The PS Vita isn't doing so hot in Japan, where it's sales figures fell sharply in it's second week and rumors of a potential price cut are abound.
Perhaps the worst thing coming out of this is that places like Forbes and CNET are claiming that the Vita could end up being the death of handhelds(I think there was someone on CNET who said he doesn't think the PSV will even come out in NA). Wish people would cut it out with this crap.
I dunno, I like the Vita, it looks pretty sleek, but the problem is games. At least with the 3DS's crappy launch you knew that there would be quality coming down the pipeline eventually, because it's Nintendo. But with the Vita there's no guarantee, especially if it keeps doing this badly and launches weak here in America, potentially killing it prematurely.
The Vita has its own niche, just like the 3DS does (admittedly, the 3DS's niche is bigger, but that's irrelevant) and it will probably do alright for itself. I too am getting sick of all the doom-saying going around in the gaming world with EVERY new system, but the truth of the matter is that unless it's just a bad idea from the get go like the Ngage or the Jaguar chances are it's going to do alright for itself.
I mean, people were badmouthing the 3DS, but it picked itself up pretty fast and has quite the solid looking library and growing. It hasn't even been out a year, either.
It seems that people have been badmouthing Nintendo's console's ever since the N64 era, regardless of how good their output is, so that's nothing new.
And count me in as one who wants people to just shut the hell up about handheld's dying. It's pretty clear that the people saying things like that have no idea what the fuck they're talking about.
They just look at a success story like Angry Birds and immediately believe that's where the money and audience is going. They completely ignore the segmented audience, and the completely different purposes Tablets and Handhelds offer to the typical consumer. Yes, you can get away with selling games on digital distribution platforms for less than 5 bucks and make a crapload of money. But that usually never happens because the low price tells a consumer the product isn't actually worth buying. They see it as an impulse buy at first glance, and will continue to do so unless a word of mouth push helps it grow in popularity.
As for the Vita's success, it'll all depend on how well Sony supports it. The PSP did fairly well for itself in the 7 years it was on the market, even if it faded from the public's eye shortly after the 7th generation really kicked off. My biggest fear is that the 2 new handhleds will sacrifice the appeal of handheld gaming just to make it easier for lazy companies to port modern games to the system, in turn making the entire product look like a scaled down console to the average customer. I want to keep playing my offbeat games on the go, not a portable version of whatever series they want to push.
That's essentially why I didn't want dual analog sticks for the 3DS and was disappointed when the Vita was announced to have them. I'm not interested in playing a BioShock game on a handheld, the genre wasn't made for that. Now the same genres that flood the consoles have a good chance of flooding handhelds, which I really don't want.
Give me games like Rhythm Thief, Pushmo, Shadow Wars, Mighty Switch Force, Shinobi, and Super Mario 3D Land over another freaking Uncharted any day.
Quote from: Desensitized on January 02, 2012, 12:03:43 PM
Give me games like Rhythm Thief, Pushmo, Shadow Wars, Mighty Switch Force, Shinobi, and Super Mario 3D Land over another freaking Uncharted any day.
To be honest, I'd much rather have quality, niche titles such as those on home consoles/PC over portables. I haven't used my DS in over a year and my PSP only sees a few hours of usage per three weeks because I hate hunching over a tiny screen when I play video games.
Seriously, they should put stuff like that on Steam, too. Nothing but good would come of it.
Dual sticks? FUCK YEAH! I don't give a fuck about ports anyway so I'll just continue to ignore them. Single sticks suck.
Anyone else been reading up on Code of Princess?
It's a 3DS beat em up based on the illustrations of Kinu Nishimoto, one of my favorite Capcom artists. Looks like a pretty fun game, and it might have multiplayer based on the number of playable characters.
I was interested until I learned it was being made by the people who made Guardian Heroes which is in my opinion the most overrated beat em up ever made and one of Treasure's worst games. They'll really have to have learned a lot to make me interested in it, because that game is grossly overrated.
Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on January 11, 2012, 12:06:53 PM
I was interested until I learned it was being made by the people who made Guardian Heroes which is in my opinion the most overrated beat em up ever made and one of Treasure's worst games. They'll really have to have learned a lot to make me interested in it, because that game is grossly overrated.
I said Guardian Heroes, not Gunstar Heroes. ;)
The game's boring. Every level is the same, the story is ridiculous which is made worse because they focus so much on it, the combat system is shallow and purely reliant on corner juggling, the leveling system is a joke, the bosses are pointless cakewalks, and there's like 2 types of enemies in the entire game.
It's a letdown.
Certainly not on par with classics like Gunstar Heroes, Astro Boy, Radiant Silvergun, or Mischief Makers.
You made it sound like you played it before when you were hyping it up like crazy.
Anyway, the game is on the top of my list of XBLA games I want. I mean, it can't be shittier than Gunstar Super Heroes, can it?! :sly:
No, I didn't play it before. Mostly that was just hype since I was a Treasure and beat em up fan and it was a game I had never played before. To put that in perspective I never played Radiant Silvergun before either, but the XBLA port made me a fan and I'm not much of a shmup fan. GH surprised me by how much it got wrong and very little it got right.
And yes, it's worse than GSH since at least that game has actual level design and ideas beyond "straight line, fight same enemy 5 times, end level" over and over.
I'm still anti-platforming for beat em ups. :sly:
That reminds me, I still have some Treasure games to beat (Except GSH, fuck you gold robot.) I've only played the Radiant Silvergun demo and the most I've seen of Mischief Makers was on youtube.
Old, I know, but I just found out about it... ( Looks more like what I expected from Borderlands 1 than what was delivered. If Gearbox is somehow able to release this game, Colonial Marines, AND Furious Four this year, they will become the new gods of co-op FPS gaming.
What's Furious Four?
Quote from: gunswordfist on January 12, 2012, 10:10:19 AM
Quote from: Foggle on January 12, 2012, 12:10:53 AM
Quote from: gunswordfist on January 11, 2012, 11:56:59 PM
What's Furious Four?
Serious Sam in WW2, basically.
:wth:Sounds like I'd hate it.
I don't see how any FPS fan can hate Serious Sam.
But it's not exactly like that; it's just over-the-top and hilarious in the same way (plus it has co-op). I guess it's more similar to Hard Reset and F.E.A.R. 1 (without bullet time, of course) than Sam.
Rhythm Thief looks amazing. Like they took every Rhythm game ever made and put them into one game. Heck, they even have Adventure game elements in it!
I'm really hoping for this to be the Phoenix Wright style hit for the 3DS.
I don't hate Serious Sam, it's just that TFE is not my cup of tea.
Max Payne 3 has been delayed until May, June 1 for PC. The game will have multiplayer.
Quote from: gunswordfist on January 17, 2012, 01:03:03 PM
Max Payne 3 has been delayed until May, June 1 for PC. The game will have multiplayer.
Fuck yes, I love it when the PC version is released after the console version for no reason. And lol @ multiplayer in Max Payne.
I don't give a shit about the multiplayer but the single-player looks awesome, so far, bald and bearded Max aside. As long as it sticks true to what made the first 2 games work so well, then I'll personally be satisfied with this game. Hell, even just playing it safe and only really following what the previous games got right would still be enough to make this game my personal GOTY and easily the best TPS of this generation.
Quote from: Foggle on January 17, 2012, 01:16:42 PM
Quote from: gunswordfist on January 17, 2012, 01:03:03 PM
Max Payne 3 has been delayed until May, June 1 for PC. The game will have multiplayer.
Fuck yes, I love it when the PC version is released after the console version for no reason. And lol @ multiplayer in Max Payne.
The PC version won't be released until it's at
OPTIMAL EFFICIENCY!!!!Max Payne 3's multiplayer will consist of players running around the map for the one person only Bullet-Time powerup!
Quote from: gunswordfist on January 17, 2012, 01:42:40 PM
Quote from: Foggle on January 17, 2012, 01:16:42 PM
Quote from: gunswordfist on January 17, 2012, 01:03:03 PM
Max Payne 3 has been delayed until May, June 1 for PC. The game will have multiplayer.
Fuck yes, I love it when the PC version is released after the console version for no reason. And lol @ multiplayer in Max Payne.
The PC version won't be released until it's at OPTIMAL EFFICIENCY!!!!
For Rockstar that probably means something like "once we can actually get one of our test computers to launch the game."
Quote from: Foggle on January 17, 2012, 01:48:58 PM
Quote from: gunswordfist on January 17, 2012, 01:42:40 PM
Quote from: Foggle on January 17, 2012, 01:16:42 PM
Quote from: gunswordfist on January 17, 2012, 01:03:03 PM
Max Payne 3 has been delayed until May, June 1 for PC. The game will have multiplayer.
Fuck yes, I love it when the PC version is released after the console version for no reason. And lol @ multiplayer in Max Payne.
The PC version won't be released until it's at OPTIMAL EFFICIENCY!!!!
For Rockstar that probably means something like "once we can actually get one of our test computers to launch the game."
Dat newest gameplay video. (
What I like!
Those graphics!
Those physics!
Going prone!
Painkillers, not regen health!
Beautiful animation!
Destructible cover!
AI looks great!
The rain effects!
What I don't
Can't hold the entire arsenal at once
Seems to be a bit easier than the first two
Max is BACK!
Bioshock: Infinite- One of my most anticipated games of the year just got even more fucking awesome. As the only upcoming FPS that I'm at all interested in, period, its great to see that the developers are also catering the more hardcore and old-school shooter crowd. One thing I really liked about BioShock 2 was how many options it gave you to set traps and plan for ambushes whenever you had a Little Sister extract Adam from corpses that contained them. My only problem with it which held it back from making the game being even better was that the difficulty was mostly too easy (IMO), and I set traps and planned more to be creative than anything else, as you could have just runned and gunned your way to success and didn't need to plan so much ahead, so it wasn't as rewarding as it should have been. I REALLY love to have to strategize to win every enemy encounter, and IMO its what most FPS games these days lack which is, to me, the only major appeal of modern FPS games in the first place (but now most of them are going the CoD route of being more scripted and less tactical). Once this game comes out, I know which difficulty I'm playing on. :thumbup:
Max Payne 3- I saw that video yesterday. The game continues to impress me, and IMO it'll probably be the best TPS of this gen. I know that a lot of people on this board and others that I go to are tired of the TPS genre, but to me games like this (assuming this game turns out to be as good as it looks), are among my favorite gaming experiences ever, along with great platformers and hack n' slash games, and this is easily my most anticipated game of the year. I'm willing to bet that it'll be one of the best games of the generation for old-school TPS fans.
Max Payne 3 is definitely my most anticipated game. I cannot believe I ever doubted Rockstar's ability to create a quality sequel. That video looks exactly like the first two games, only with better graphics and new mechanics. I'm very impressed, though I do wonder if Remedy would have done it differently.
I've been playing the Resident Evil Revelations demo on my 3DS, and I'm surprised. Imagine if they made a Resident Evil 1-3/CV game but with Resident Evil 4 controls. That's what this is.
It's slower paced, hard (normal requires a lot of shots to drop an enemy), ammo and supplies are uncommon, the atmosphere is creepy, and there's some good jump scares. The controls are fine, too. A second circle pad would not really do much to help the game control-wise.
So I guess what Capcom needed to bring the formula back to basics was put it on a system where people would be more appreciative of it and the smaller scale. Basically, if it wasn't for portables, it would probably be Resident Evil 5.2.
I heard that only 60-70% of the game is like that, though. There's a lot of TPS "kill 'em all" levels, too. But yeah, it appears to be a step in the right direction for the series. I really hope RE 6 is a horror game...
I'm not sure exactly how it could go later, but I do applaud them for getting it with the demo at least. Maybe I'll pick it up used down the road depending on post-release word of mouth.
FFS, they are taking away the best weapon switch system ever from Max Payne? I hate this 2/3 weapon limit shit. If the player is too OCD to carry more than that, they let them have that handicap as an option.
I need to go change my pants, because this is the biggest load I've shot in years. (
Holy sweet fucking shit. Talon and E-K, you are not ready for this.
Now that I'm a fan of RE4, I'll try to play other games in the series for story purposes, even if they do have tank controls. I really am hopeful of this game's gameplay, though. I think that RE4 is easily the 2nd best TPS game that I have ever played, and if that's not saying enough, its one of the best games ever made, period. If this game is even half as good as RE4 was for me when it comes to gameplay and atmosphere, then I believe that it'll be worth picking up.
Quote from: Ensatsu-ken on January 19, 2012, 05:01:25 PM
Now that I'm a fan of RE4, I'll try to play other games in the series for story purposes, even if they do have tank controls. I really am hopeful of this game's gameplay, though. I think that RE4 is easily the 2nd best TPS game that I have ever played, and if that's not saying enough, its one of the best games ever made, period. If this game is even half as good as RE4 was for me when it comes to gameplay and atmosphere, then I believe that it'll be worth picking up.
The "plot" in Resident Evil (if you can call it that) is terrible, but yes, I recommend playing the other games. You should play REmake, 2, and 3 for the awesome gameplay and Code Veronica for the story. You can skip 0 and 5.
Out of curiosity, how long would you say it takes to complete the average old-school RE game (the ones with tank controls). I know that RE4 was pretty lengthy lasting at around 15-20 hours (more like 20 for me since I liked to explore a lot), but I've heard that other games in the series are typically only half as long on their first time through, at around 8-10 hours each (which, to be fair, is probably a good thing for me since it'd take me way too long to play through all of them if they were as long and robust as RE4 is).
For comparison's sake, an approximation of my first run times for each game:
Resident Evil (Chris): 5 hours
REmake (Jill): 8 hours
Resident Evil 0: 8 hours
Resident Evil 2 (Leon A, Claire B): 7 hours
Resident Evil 3: 6 hours
Code Veronica: 12 hours
Resident Evil 4 (Leon story only): 18 hours
Resident Evil 5 (no DLC): 12 hours
Some of these may be inflated due to leaving the game running while eating dinner or something. It's worth noting that gameplay time for RE 1 and REmake will increase anywhere from 50-75% should you choose to run through the game again with the other character. Their campaigns aren't too different, but they're just dissimilar enough to increase replay value. Claire A, Leon B in RE 2 is the same way.
Watched that trailer a couple of times and I think RE 6 is going to have three (four?) different styles of gameplay (one for each character).
Leon's story will probably be like Resident Evil 4.
Chris' story will probably be like Gears of War.
The new guy's story will probably be like Devil May Cry.
Apparently Ada will be in the game and have her own story, as well. Maybe hers will be closer to the series' roots?
If I am proven correct on all accounts, this could be the absolute greatest game of the current console generation.
Having DMC-like gameplay in an RE game? I know that DMC spawned from what was originally supposed to be RE3 before Kamiya deviated with that project and turned it into its own game, so DMC's routes technically are in RE, so maybe it would be kind of fitting for some DMC influence to find its way into an RE game. But, even so, it sounds like too much of a stretch to me. I can see melee-based combat an an RE game working just fine, but in a more toned-down and realistic sort of sense rather than DMC's completely over-the-top style of combat. Then again, I could imagine RE pulling something like that off if you were playing as a character with superhuman abilities like Wesker, but I have no idea about any other characters in the series besides Leon, and even with him I only know about his exploits in RE4, so that isn't really that much to go on.
I don't know, that bald guy was doin' some crazy Dante-like shit in the trailer. Then again, all the cutscenes/QTEs feature that kinda' stuff in Code Veronica/4/5, so his gameplay might actually be nothing like that.
But really, a skilled combination of classic RE, RE 4, and DMC in a single game would be my personal GOTY no questions asked.
Well, I doubt that they'd ever go back to the tank controls or any other perspective besides the now popular over-the-shoulder view, but maybe they can at least evoke the mood and atmosphere from the classic RE games, and make part of the gameplay more about survival and puzzle solving, with combat only being a last resort due to limited weapons and a scarce supply of ammo. That would be good enough for me, at least.
BTW, I just thought of this, but I hope that this game doesn't go the route of modern TPS games in terms of weapons. You should be able to carry as many weapons as you can hold in your inventory (so I hope you aren't limited to a set number), and I would like each weapon to have multiple upgrades for them. I'm sure the game will stick to stuff like that, but I just get a little weary of something like that happening since it seems to happen in almost every modern shooter game these days. I mean, even other types of action games which have nothing to do with shooters are somehow succumbing to this rule, which really pisses me off (just look at what the fuck they did to weapons in Ninja Gaiden 3, for example). As long as Capcom doesn't fuck that up, I'm sure the rest of the game will turn out just fine.
Quote from: Ensatsu-ken on January 19, 2012, 11:32:53 PM
Well, I doubt that they'd ever go back to the tank controls or any other perspective besides the now popular over-the-shoulder view, but maybe they can at least evoke the mood and atmosphere from the classic RE games, and make part of the gameplay more about survival and puzzle solving, with combat only being a last resort due to limited weapons and a scarce supply of ammo. That would be good enough for me, at least.
BTW, I just thought of this, but I hope that this game doesn't go the route of modern TPS games in terms of weapons. You should be able to carry as many weapons as you can hold in your inventory (so I hope you aren't limited to a set number), and I would like each weapon to have multiple upgrades for them. I'm sure the game will stick to stuff like that, but I just get a little weary of something like that happening since it seems to happen in almost every modern shooter game these days. I mean, even other types of action games which have nothing to do with shooters are somehow succumbing to this rule, which really pisses me off (just look at what the fuck they did to weapons in Ninja Gaiden 3, for example). As long as Capcom doesn't fuck that up, I'm sure the rest of the game will turn out just fine.
That's not how RE works.
I'm not up on my Resident Evil, but I'm pretty sure that's exactly how it works. You can only hold as much as your inventory/briefcase will let you. Not simple "Two weapons because every other game has this limit" like pretty much every game nowadays.
While you can technically hold as many guns as you want to, you'll pretty much only have room for the pistol, shotgun, and possibly one other weapon in the older games if you want to save room for ammo/quest items/ink ribbons/herbs. Of course, the scattered chests make this a lot less frustrating. 4 is slightly different in that you can carry a fuckton of stuff once you fully upgrade your briefcase, and in 5 IIRC you can only hold four guns because the game says so (though you can also force Sheva to play pack mule in single-player).
Quote from: gunswordfist on January 20, 2012, 09:16:07 AM
That's not how RE works.
How is that not how RE works if EVERY main RE game up until now has allowed you to do that (well, I haven't tried all of them, but every one that I have tried has allowed that). In RE 0, 1, 4, and 5 which are the ones that I have at least tried (well, I beat RE4, so I definitely know what I'm talking about with that game), your weapon limit is basically what you can manage to fit in your inventory (well, in earlier RE games you can also store some weapons in chests in save rooms, which you pretty much have to do in order to make room for more items that you need), along with items and other stuff that you need to use. There was never any 2-4 weapon limit of how many weapons you can hold at one time, though, so I have no idea what you're talking about.
Oh, you meant 2/3 weapon limit. Be more specific next time. :sly:
The Fatal Frame 3DS game has been confirmed for an English release. Unfortunately, the title has been changed to the exceedingly lame Spirit Camera: The Cursed Memoir, but what can you do? I hope every one of you buys it, along with Resident Evil Revelations. Support the horror game genre, gaddammit!
Believe me. If I had a 3DS, I would buy it. As it is right now, though, I'm saving up money for a plain old Nintendo DS as it is, as I can't afford the 3DS at its current price (basically I can't afford anything over $100 right now).
I mean the people who own a 3DS. ;) I don't have one yet, either, but those will be the first two games I buy once I get one. :joy:
Quote from: Foggle on January 25, 2012, 11:35:23 AM
The Fatal Frame 3DS game has been confirmed for an English release. Unfortunately, the title has been changed to the exceedingly lame Spirit Camera: The Cursed Memoir, but what can you do? I hope every one of you buys it, along with Resident Evil Revelations. Support the horror game genre, gaddammit!
See, I saw this title "Spirit Camera" and just kept going because I had no idea it was a Fatal Frame game. Now I'll be sure to put it on my list with Rayman Origins 3DS, Rhythm Thief, and Luigi's Mansion.
According to this, The Simpsons Arcade game is officially coming to XBLA and PSN, presumably as soon as next week. Pretty awesome.
First X-Men and now The Simpsons.
We still need Sunset Riders, though!
Official release dates: this Friday for Xbox Live, and next Tuesday for PSN. It's gonna be $9.99, and for PSN Plus users(anybody? Bueller? Bueller?) it'll be free.
Fuck yes.
This game sure bring back memories for me. It was probably the arcade beat-em-up that I went back to the most and sucked up more money in quarters over the many times that I had played it in my childhood that I would have spent on a full-priced game these days. Its just that damn good and addicting. The only arcade game that I've probably ever played more than this one was the Jurassic Park shoot-em-up (I think it was The Lost World, specifically).
I wanted that Sega rail shooter released to the Dreamcast so bad... But it never came. :(
So Sonic Triple Trouble and Shinobi GG have been rated for the 3DS Virtual Console officially. If you have a 3DS, be sure to jump on these, they are two of the best games on the system.
I'd just love for it to be released on some platform that I can play it on, period. I'd totally get it (well, I wouldn't spend more than $20 on it, but if it came out around that price I'd put top priority on getting it). Of course I'd need to buy a rail-shooter gun peripheral to come with it, but I'd happily buy that as well if I could get this game along with a bunch of other classic arcade rail-shooter that I've always been dying to replay for years.
Unfortunately, any and all upcoming Xbox rail-shooters will probably be Kinect-exclusive.
Seriously the worst gaming peripheral since the e-Reader.
I....don't really want to shoot down dinosaurs or zombies with my index finger. That doesn't look cool at actually looks pretty fucking stupid when I try visualizing it. Is it too much to jut ask for a cheap plastic hand-gun peripheral?
Hey, I'm still waiting for a Virtua Cop collection for the Wii. We had Ghost Squad and the HOTD games, but Virtua Cop was ignored.
Heck, get Headstrong to make a Virtua Cop based on a Michael Bay movie or something. So much missed potential.
Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on February 01, 2012, 04:10:19 PM
Heck, get Headstrong to make a Virtua Cop based on a Michael Bay movie or something. So much missed potential.
Imagine House of the Dead Overkill 2 on the Resident Evil Darkside Chronicles engine with a longer story mode and no shaky-cam. It would be so amazing.
Man, Jurassic Park Lost World was the greatest lightgun game ever.
So, after about a year of no new info on Itagaki's upcoming action game Devil's Third, I happened to find this ( posted up today. The story concept is pretty generic action stuff which I'm OK with since Itagaki isn't known for great stories, but the concept of the gameplay design is right up my alley. By the looks of it, while it is a TPS game it borrows heavily from hack n' slash and fighting games as well, and the unrealistic physics which allow you to run on walls and do all other kinds of absurd and over the top things makes it the perfect set-up to an over-the-top action game that I'd be sure to enjoy. Itagaki also stressed that unlike CoD (which he personally admits to being a fan of), it doesn't rely on heavy scripting but instead is all about you being creative and playing to your preferences. I'd like to see some new actual gameplay footage of the game (apparently the stuff shown at E3 2010 was just a little teaser for the general, as the actual game looks very different in its current state, according to Itagaki), but the concept art in that post is good enough to wet my appetite. ;)
Oh yeah, as a little side note, when THQ listed their upcoming releases up to 2013, Devil's Third was among them (which means that despite their recent financial troubles, THQ still hasn't cut their contract with VGS), and it was confirmed to have a PC release in addition to the console releases, which is new info seeing as how before it was only listed to release on the XBOX360 and PS3, so that's yet more incentive for me to save up for a good PC in the future.
Quote from: Ensatsu-ken on February 04, 2012, 06:31:53 PM
it was confirmed to have a PC release in addition to the console releases
:joy: :joy: :joy: :joy: (
You know, I passed over the original DS Rhythm Heaven, but I'm gonna make up for it with this one. Already preordered, and I'm not backing out this time because there's so many hilarious stages in this.
But I was mostly inspired by all the Ring Side parodies on Youtube.
The Vita has no UMD passport for America (
Well, that kills all appeal of the Vita to me. Thanks for the swift ball kick, Sony!
One of last-gen's most underrated games might be getting a sequel funded by the Minecraft guy.
Holy shit. (
That could be cool... As long as he doesn't think Meat Circus was a good idea that needs to be followed up on.
Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on February 07, 2012, 04:48:29 PM
The Vita has no UMD passport for America (
Well, that kills all appeal of the Vita to me. Thanks for the swift ball kick, Sony!
Wow, that's pretty dick. Why bother even having games available for download then?
It's hard to declare the Vita dead when Sony is doing a fine job of doing it themselves.
The 3DS launch was just as bad.
Things will improve for the Vita, hopefully.
Not quite. It had a serious lack of games, but it was better on a few other specific points. The 3DS came with a 2GB SD card, not to mention the memory already built into the machine, so you didn't need to buy memory on top of the console just to play games right out of the box.
Also, the backwards compatibility thing, the 3DS is compatible with every DS game. Now I know the Vita won't play the UMD's(actually I praise it for that; the UMD has got to be the worst storage medium ever), but I figured Sony would throw us a bone when it came to redownloading our old games. Shit, it didn't cost us no sixty bucks to redownload Ocarina of Time or Super Smash Bros when they came to the Wii, it only cost ten.
At least with the 3DS you knew you'd be getting a Mario game eventually among the new games.
With the Vita, there's still too many unknowns as it goes with Sony. If they plan on just porting or making console games for the thing, I'm not going to be biting anytime soon. I play portables to escape those games.
Quote from: Comeau on February 07, 2012, 06:47:15 PM
Not quite. It had a serious lack of games, but it was better on a few other specific points. The 3DS came with a 2GB SD card, not to mention the memory already built into the machine, so you didn't need to buy memory on top of the console just to play games right out of the box.
Also, the backwards compatibility thing, the 3DS is compatible with every DS game. Now I know the Vita won't play the UMD's(actually I praise it for that; the UMD has got to be the worst storage medium ever), but I figured Sony would throw us a bone when it came to redownloading our old games. Shit, it didn't cost us no sixty bucks to redownload Ocarina of Time or Super Smash Bros when they came to the Wii, it only cost ten.
Good points all around. The 3DS lacked games in the beginning, but it made up for that with its hardware and Nintendo's generosity. Plus...
Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on February 07, 2012, 06:56:55 PM
At least with the 3DS you knew you'd be getting a Mario game eventually among the new games.
True, true. Videos for big titles like Kid Icarus and Resident Evil were showcased before the console came out, too. What do we know about the Vita? That there'll be an Uncharted game by a company other than Naughty Dog and some more Ys remakes which will probably also see PC releases eventually. Not much to go on for potential customers.
Yo, GAF brings up a good point; has there been any promotion, ANY AT ALL, for the Vita here in North America? Right now they've got a deal with Taco Bell going where you can potentially win one, but other than that nothing. And the thing comes out in what, two weeks? What the fuck Sony, get on that shit!
There's been nothing on it at all. I don't even think I've seen advertisements at EB/Gamestop here which is just crazy.
Who exactly are they expecting to buy their products? Psychics?
Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on February 07, 2012, 05:36:22 PM
That could be cool... As long as he doesn't think Meat Circus was a good idea that needs to be followed up on.
Yeah, I never got around to beating Meat Circus until Steve Dengler funded the Mac port of the game, since they did manage make it less of an annoying level. Trust me, Meat Circus is a more tolerable level on the PC if you have the Steam version. I don't remember raging as much when I replayed the game when it got Steam Achievements.
If this shit really happens, this will be my reaction (
Gotta say, this looks pretty interesting. Gonna definitely check it out.
Greatness! Nick seems like an even funnier partner than Johnson! Can't wait.
Pretty much my only anticipated games are Max Payne 3, Mass Effect 3, Aliens Colonial Marines, Hitman Absolution and Metal Gear Rising.
Have I ever mentioned how freaking excited I am about Hitman Absolution? The first level playthrough looked like stealth heaven. It's sad that it has to be the only stealth game on my list. The genre needs some love.
Quote from: gunswordfist on February 09, 2012, 10:41:45 PM
Have I ever mentioned how freaking excited I am about Hitman Absolution? The first level playthrough looked like stealth heaven. It's sad that it has to be the only stealth game on my list. The genre needs some love.
Fuck yeah, Hitman! Thief 4 should be pretty sweet, too. Made by the same folks who did DXHR.
Quote from: Foggle on February 09, 2012, 10:47:28 PM
Quote from: gunswordfist on February 09, 2012, 10:41:45 PM
Have I ever mentioned how freaking excited I am about Hitman Absolution? The first level playthrough looked like stealth heaven. It's sad that it has to be the only stealth game on my list. The genre needs some love.
Fuck yeah, Hitman! Thief 4 should be pretty sweet, too. Made by the same folks who did DXHR.
I need to play the Thief series. Apparently one of the 5 good stealth series in the world. Hell, I've never even played a Hitman game...just the horrible demo for one. I forgot which. It was before Blood Money.
Thief 1 and 2 are on now! They're only $10 each, and they've been fixed up to work on XP/Vista/7. Good stuff! Deadly Shadows is on Steam for 20 bucks, and there's also an Xbox port for that one. They're all amazing games, but the first one has far too many horror-themed levels that basically throw stealth out the window.
Hitman: Blood Money is the only one I'd outright call "great," and let me tell you, it's freakin' brilliant! I've logged so many hours on that game. Silent Assassin and Contracts will grow on you... maybe... but they're decent at best. And the less said about Codename 47, the better.
It looks like Sega & Sonic All Star Racing 2 is confirmed (
If you guys haven't played the original, it's a really good racing game that's on every system and is better than Mario Kart Wii.
It looks like this will be Wii-U, 3DS, and Vita only. So if you're looking into next gen, this might be a hint as to where Sonic games will be going.
For those who don't know, Alan Wake is finally out on the PC! It's $30 on Steam, and comes with The Signal, The Writer, developer commentary, the OST, and a 130 page art(?) book. I do not have it (yet), but I hear it's one of the best console-to-PC ports ever released.
I got the Xbox version for free from some Dell promotion, but it stopped working after Episode 3 so I never got to finish it. Will definitely pick this up very soon.
So, you've never played past Episode 3? Dude, you missed some of the best parts of the entire game. I mean the whole game is good, but IMO the 2nd half has some of its most memorable moments. Episode 4 was my personal favorite with the whole rock concert stage.
Oh yeah, I've really been wanting to get Alan Wake's American Nightmare, but due to the limited memory space on my HDD, I'll probably have to end up deleting one of my other games to make room for it. Most likely I may delete Max Payne since, as awesome as it is, I don't really play it anymore. Of course I could try buying an external HDD for additional space, but I'm not going to spend that much money on something if I only plan on getting one game right now.
I know, I didn't get very far in the game at all. :( Pretty excited to finish it, Remedy is a brilliant developer.
Yeah, whenever I run out of space, I can usually find something I don't care about anymore and delete it. Max Payne is pretty small, isn't it? It's less than 1 GB on the PC, so that'd be really quick to redownload if you ever want to play it again.
I'm not sure of exactly how much memory it takes up, but on the XBOX360 I believe it takes up 1.7GB of space, which if I delete that should make just enough room for American Nightmare.
I hate when I post in the wrong thread.
I'm half tempted to get the PC version of Alan Wake, despite the fact I already own the collector's edition from the 360. I got that at a cheap price from Amazon at the time. Still would be pretty cool to replay the game.
The 999 sequel has been announced for NA. Sweet!
So The Last Story is coming out here via XSeed.
Why is this a good thing? Well besides that game, Nintendo finally seems to be willing to let others translate their stuff for other territories! This could open the floodgates for many other things we wouldn't otherwise get.
Newest Borderlands 2 trailer has a dubstep soundtrack. Kill me now. :srs:
Now that other companies can localize Nintendo titles. Earthbound collection, please.
Quote from: Foggle on February 22, 2012, 11:02:54 AM
Newest Borderlands 2 trailer has a dubstep soundtrack. Kill me now. :srs:
I honestly think this is going to bomb. There's like no hype at all for it. I honestly think this should have waited for next gen.
Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on February 22, 2012, 12:57:20 PM
Quote from: Foggle on February 22, 2012, 11:02:54 AM
Newest Borderlands 2 trailer has a dubstep soundtrack. Kill me now. :srs:
I honestly think this is going to bomb. There's like no hype at all for it. I honestly think this should have waited for next gen.
No hype for it? It looks amazing -- way better than the first one -- and the official Gearbox forums are overflowing with people. It doesn't even come out until September; if there isn't a big marketing push by August, then I'll agree with you. As it stands, the hype for it seems to be roughly the same as it was for the first game when it was a similar length of time away. The only reason you heard so much about Borderlands 1 was because I wouldn't shut up about it. ;)
Check this out (
Kid Icarus multiplayer looks insane. Sort of like Smash Bros meets a hack n slash/TPS game.
I hope the online is good. (Judging on MK7; it should be)
Looking at things, 2012 seems like it'll be the most active Nintendo year in... a while. And we probably don't even know half of what's coming!
So who's buying a Vita? I played with one at Gamestop earlier today, and it looks slick as hell. I'd love to get one(and I thought about buying one in the next few weeks with my tax return money, but I'm leaning towards an iPad right now), but I think I learned a little bit from the 3DS last year, in that I mean by August I'm thinking that there will have been a price drop. Given how it's not even selling that well in Japan, I figure it's only a matter of time.
But yeah, it does look really awesome.
I'm waiting for a few price drops, honestly. Its a sick piece of hardware, and the games will be coming eventually, but there's nothing on it that screams must own now especially at that price.
The inevitable Ys games will get me on board, though.
I'm more focused on getting a PSP than a Vita, simply because the former has games I want to play. Most of what the Vita has seems to be stuff that's already on the consoles. Also, I hear it can't play PSP discs, so that kills my interest in it.
The design of the thing does look nice however.
It's out today?
Well, currently the only game in the Vita's current library that interests me is Ninja Gaiden Sigma Plus, and I already played my preferred version of that game (Ninja Gaiden Black on the XBOX). Plus, even though I don't own it, it would just make more sense to get Ninja Gaiden Sigma on the PS3 for most gamers who do have one, because its the same game with the same exact content except you can play it on a bigger screen and get it for essentially $10 (whereas it costs somewhere around $40 on the Vita, and of course the game wasn't designed for a small screen on a portable device, so that may affect its quality a little bit).
Other than that, there aren't any current Vita games that really interest me. Also, I'd rather save up and get either a Nintendo DS or even a 3DS before getting a portable Sony console, if only because Nintendo has more handheld games that interest me. (
Well fuck, I can tolerate the return of casual mode because this game suddenly looks sick. Not to mention the dreaded DLC actually sounds promising, since they specifically mentioned extra mission modes and the ability to play as classic characters.
So Foggle, are you looking forward to Syndicate (
It seems like your type of game.
Yeah, Syndicate looks pretty sweet. The originals were awesome, though, so it's a shame that they had to reboot the series as a FPS rather than make a new franchise...
Won't be picking it up 'til it's $20 or less, though. Don't really have the money to afford it at launch and I've heard some pretty mixed opinions about it regardless.
I hate when games change genres for no reason or change the gameplay drastically like Prey 2 or Fighting Force 2.
I would normally agree with you, but I think Prey 2 looks a lot better than the first one. Prey was pretty mediocre IMO.
It's not even like Fighting Force was a particularly great game or anything... but it was miles above FF2. I don't even know what they were trying to pull with that one. Turning a decent beat em up into a terrible shooter? Yeah, because we sure haven't gotten enough shooters in the last 3 gens.
Quote from: Foggle on February 23, 2012, 07:53:02 PM
I would normally agree with you, but I think Prey 2 looks a lot better than the first one. Prey was pretty mediocre IMO.
I had the game and it was and Prey 2 does look much better but they could have just made a new IP. I still think they should make a Prey game that uses the full potential of having a shooter with wall walking and portals.
Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on February 23, 2012, 07:56:25 PM
It's not even like Fighting Force was a particularly great game or anything... but it was miles above FF2. I don't even know what they were trying to pull with that one. Turning a decent beat em up into a terrible shooter? Yeah, because we sure haven't gotten enough shooters in the last 3 gens.
Actually the PS1 didn't have that many shooters. Still much less the amount of good 3D beat em ups they had. And I enjoyed Fighting Force 2.
Heh, Fighting Force, that brings back memories. Its an extremely derivative beat-em-up game but it was still kind of fun and my brother and I played through the entire game on co-op in one sitting which was pretty fun. Well, I do recall it getting REALLY cheap towards the end (the last 3rd of the game had some really BS enemies, from what I remember), so we used cheats to beat the last couple of levels. Still, it was a decent game for its time. I doubt it has aged well at all, though.
Quote from: Ensatsu-ken on February 23, 2012, 10:16:50 PM
Heh, Fighting Force, that brings back memories. Its an extremely derivative beat-em-up game but it was still kind of fun and my brother and I played through the entire game on co-op in one sitting which was pretty fun. Well, I do recall it getting REALLY cheap towards the end (the last 3rd of the game had some really BS enemies, from what I remember), so we used cheats to beat the last couple of levels. Still, it was a decent game for its time. I doubt it has aged well at all, though.
I agree. I mostly like it because it was one of the few beat em ups that gen and it had "cool 3D!" and whatnot. I'm sure it isn't that great now, but it was a surprise at the time, especially considering how well it sold despite all the reviews hating it.
The sequel being a shooter was just a kick in the balls.
PC version yay! (
...Damn, I never realized how much Killer7 and No More Heroes 1 look like Dreamcast games! Dem graphics.
Quote from: Foggle on February 28, 2012, 10:03:15 AM
PC version yay! (
...Damn, I never realized how much Killer7 and No More Heroes 1 look like Dreamcast games! Dem graphics.
Dreamcast graphics > all last gen graphics.
Seriously, every Dreamcast game is so stylized and great looking even now and most run at stable framerates with no technical issues. And most DC to PS2 ports tend to run WAY worse for whatever reason. But I think the best part is the PS1/N64 ports that are easily the best versions of the games. I'd love to see how the Soul Reaver port fares, for instance.
Heck, Sonic Adventure looks better on the Dreamcast than it does on the Gamecube.
The 999 sequel has been announced for 3DS/Vita release here and is called "Zero Escape: Virtue's Last Reward", it will also have dual language. This game also apparently has 23 different endings and tons of branching paths, building on the prequel.
It reminds me a lot of Higurashi story-wise, but I think 999 might have the stronger narrative. And so far, it doesn't seem like Zero Escape is an Umineko type sequel, so I can only hope it stays that way when I play it.
Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on February 28, 2012, 09:03:13 PM
It reminds me a lot of Higurashi story-wise, but I think 999 might have the stronger narrative.
If we're talking purely about quality of writing here, 999 wins and I've never even read it. Ryukishi's prose is trash. Better than Nasu's, but that isn't really saying much.
Quote from: Foggle on February 28, 2012, 09:15:34 PM
Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on February 28, 2012, 09:03:13 PM
It reminds me a lot of Higurashi story-wise, but I think 999 might have the stronger narrative.
If we're talking purely about quality of writing here, 999 wins and I've never even read it. Ryukishi's prose is trash. Better than Nasu's, but that isn't really saying much.
Its hard to tell through translation, but there's a lot of subtlety in character interaction and dialogue, and its really engaging to play through. If you have a DS and like a Higurashi-type story, you should totally play it. The mystery is very well done and the true ending is really worth it all.
Perfect Dark 2 is rumored again.
If it turns out to be fake again I'm going to find everyone in Rare and fry them alive. :bleh:
I'd rather that rumor be untrue, actually. "Rare" is now Rareware in name only and has been for years. A Perfect Dark 2 would likely end up being just as bad as Perfect Dark Zero and Banjo-Kazooie: Nuts And Bolts, if not worse.
Well, I'm just hoping that if its true Rare will have gotten their heads together this time as they KNOW what people hated in PD0.
Also, Nuts n Bolts may not be a platformer, but it is a good game for what it is. If they focus on what made PD64 so good in the first place instead of "fixing it" like they tried with PD0 we could get a good game out of it.
Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on March 02, 2012, 07:16:17 PM
Also, Nuts n Bolts may not be a platformer, but it is a good game for what it is.
I know, but it still hurts my soul a little bit every time I think about that game. :cry:
oh my godddddd I am so excited right now (
Dat Garrus.
Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on March 02, 2012, 06:41:34 PM
Perfect Dark 2 is rumored again.
If it turns out to be fake again I'm going to find everyone in Rare and fry them alive. :bleh:
Heh, Rare meat.
Anyone getting the new Kid Icarus?
Wow. Nostalgia.
Holy shit! Great interview about Dishonored. ( Game sounds like a steampunk version of Deus Ex but with even more ways to play. Can't wait!
It apparently includes Up Your Arsenal's multiplayer for up to 8 players. Other than being remastered to 1080p and 60fps, and including trophies, no word on any other additions.
Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on March 15, 2012, 03:52:21 PM
1080p and 60fps
Oh lord, that's tempting. If they include Deadlocked and add strafing to Ratchet 1, this will easily be worth full price.
Does the Jak collection run at 60 FPS? There are a lot of frame rate drops in 2 and 3. I feel that it might be worth picking up for the smoother gameplay. The Sly games certainly run a hell of a lot better on the PS3.
Oh, and I know that no one on this board really likes God Of War, but stay away from that HD collection. The QTEs where you have to mash L2/R2 are almost impossible due to them being triggers instead of buttons on the DualShock 3.
Deadlocked isn't included. J Stevenson mentioned that if it was included then Sony would charge differently, like:
R&C: 1,2,3,D - $59
R&C: 1,2,3 - $39
R&C: 1 and 2 + 3 and D (separately) - $29.99 each
Apparently Sony has a problem with more than 3 titles a collection. I would just wait for another one that would include Deadlocked, Size Matters, and Secret Agent Clank down the line. As for additions? Apparently Insomniac is heavily involved in this, and if they add the UYA controls to 1 and 2 then that would be amazing. I mean, if they're going to retool the multiplayer, this would be an easy addition in contrast.
The Jak games apparently were very hard to port to the PS3 for a lot of reasons. There are some weird graphical things like the sun missing in Jak 1, but nothing gameplay breaking and there are no extras in it. I don't have it yet, but I'll pick it up for easy access to 2 and 3 (and a HD version of 1 which I own) sooner or later.
The Sly collection is amazing. Sly 1 looks and runs phenomenally (60fps locked, and the art style is sharp like playing a cartoon) as does 2. I still need to beat 2 and make my way through 3, but the collection is very well done. It gives me a lot of hope for Thieves In Time by those guys.
Well, the Metal Gear Solid Collection had five games! :P Though two of them were from the MSX.
Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on March 16, 2012, 03:07:56 PM
I would just wait for another one that would include Deadlocked, Size Matters, and Secret Agent Clank down the line.
That doesn't even sound like it'd be worth pirating. :lol: I'm fine with my PS2 copy, seeing as it's the worst good game in the series.
QuoteAs for additions? Apparently Insomniac is heavily involved in this, and if they add the UYA controls to 1 and 2 then that would be amazing. I mean, if they're going to retool the multiplayer, this would be an easy addition in contrast.
Hell, just put the GC controls in R&C 1 and it'll be a major improvement. On the MP note, UYA online multiplayer is going to be SO AMAZING. We definitely need to play that together once this collection drops.
QuoteThe Jak games apparently were very hard to port to the PS3 for a lot of reasons. There are some weird graphical things like the sun missing in Jak 1, but nothing gameplay breaking and there are no extras in it. I don't have it yet, but I'll pick it up for easy access to 2 and 3 (and a HD version of 1 which I own) sooner or later.
Playing Jak 1 in native 16:9 will be worth the occasional graphics glitch. I just hope they added vsync to Jak 2 and 3... the amount of screen tear in those is absolutely ridiculous.
QuoteThe Sly collection is amazing. Sly 1 looks and runs phenomenally (60fps locked, and the art style is sharp like playing a cartoon) as does 2. I still need to beat 2 and make my way through 3, but the collection is very well done. It gives me a lot of hope for Thieves In Time by those guys.
You said it. The Sly Collection's ports are perfect in every way.
With these HD collections, the new Ratchet Future games, and Sly 4, the PS3 may end up being the greatest thing to ever happen to 3D platformers.
Actually, now that I think about it, a second Ratchet collection with Deadlocked (MP included please!) and the PSP games might be pretty sweet. Size Matters and Secret Agent Clank aren't inherently bad... they just suffer from being obviously rushed and from trying to put a home console experience on a portable (the PS2 versions were even worse since they were straight ports). If Insomniac/Idol Minds gave them the Peace Walker treatment, they could easily become worthy additions to the series.
Speaking of which, I'd also love to see a second Jak collection with Jak X, Daxter, and The Lost Frontier. From what I hear, Daxter is supposedly a really good game, and TLF could be greatly improved with some proper input from Naughty Dog. I don't really care about X, but it's a given that it'd be included.
Or maybe a second MGS collection with Portable Ops and the Acid games. Why the Acid games? Well, apparently they "can't" upscale MGS 1 at all (never mind that the PC port already looks a lot cleaner than the PS1 version), and I don't want Twin Snakes anywhere near my house. :P
Twin Snakes needs to be completely erased from memory. But I wouldn't be opposed to any of those collections.
Well, to shelve my PS2 I would need Contra Shattered Soldier, The Red Star, Mortal Kombat: Shaolin Monks, Twisted Metal Black, Maximo 2, Yakuza 1 and 2, and Shinobi to be put on PSN. Then I can finally have everything playable on my PS3 to save space.
Also, I still want Tomba! on PSN! What's the hold up? The game is expensive to find and can't even apparently play on the PS2 properly. This game's begging for a re-release.
The best WRPG in years comes to the Xbox 360 next month. ( Reasons why you should buy The Witcher 2 (on either platform):
Tons of content
Excellent story
Fun, intelligent, and challenging combat
Brilliant voice acting
Exceptional graphics
Amazingly realized game world
All DLC has been (and will be) free and substantial
The Enhanced Edition piles even more content onto what already exists (and it's a free patch for anyone with the original PC version)
PC version had no DRM
Please, guys, if you have any interest in RPGs at all, buy this game. Support CD Projekt RED and show them that their hard work and dedication to their fans is appreciated!
Do you know how the combat system will work on the 360?
The PC version is already controller-enabled and it works about as well with a gamepad as it does with the keyboard and mouse. It plays a bit like a hack 'n slash, but slower-paced and more tactical. Should translate very well to the Xbox. :joy:
I hope this trailer gets you guys interested.
There is a rumor of "Epic Mickey: Power Of Illusion" for the 3DS floating around. Apparently a 2D sidescroller to go along with the just-announced 3D platformer for the PSWii60 (and soon to be Wii U)...
The Illusion games are some of the best platformers ever, so I'm really interested in this to be true. ESPECIALLY if they get someone like WayForward to make it.
Keeping my eye open for this one and hoping it's true.
Anarchy Reigns Battle Royale Mode ( 16 FUCKING PLAYERS! Just take all of my money Platinum, I don't need it anymore. :zonk:
EDIT: First part of the video features footage of Bayonetta in action. Last part of the video features a full track from the game. Definitely worth a watch/listen. This game is going to be so fucking great.
Whoa! I got a Platinum Games employee to confirm that Anarchy Reigns will have an offline bot match option to practice with/play on when the servers are down! That makes me very happy. :)
Any game with bots ALWAYS gets a thumbs up to me.
Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on March 22, 2012, 10:11:03 PM
Any game with bots ALWAYS gets a thumbs up to me.
I love TimeSplitters. Bots would be another underlooked favorite feature of mine.
Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on March 21, 2012, 10:05:58 PM
There is a rumor of "Epic Mickey: Power Of Illusion" for the 3DS floating around. Apparently a 2D sidescroller to go along with the just-announced 3D platformer for the PSWii60 (and soon to be Wii U)...
The Illusion games are some of the best platformers ever, so I'm really interested in this to be true. ESPECIALLY if they get someone like WayForward to make it.
Keeping my eye open for this one and hoping it's true.
This is true and it's being made by DreamRift (the guys who made
Henry Hatsworth and
Monster Tale for the DS)... I'm so pumped!
The 3DS is getting amazing!
I've never played Henry Hatsworth In The Puzzling Adventure, but the title and box art alone are better than half the games out there.
Quote from: Foggle on March 23, 2012, 09:04:07 PM
I've never played Henry Hatsworth In The Puzzling Adventure, but the title and box art alone are better than half the games out there. (
Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on March 23, 2012, 09:07:58 PM
Quote from: Foggle on March 23, 2012, 09:04:07 PM
I've never played Henry Hatsworth In The Puzzling Adventure, but the title and box art alone are better than half the games out there. (
Quote from: Foggle on March 23, 2012, 09:10:39 PM
Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on March 23, 2012, 09:07:58 PM
Quote from: Foggle on March 23, 2012, 09:04:07 PM
I've never played Henry Hatsworth In The Puzzling Adventure, but the title and box art alone are better than half the games out there. (
Seriously, I'm excited for them, too. They kind of got ignored with Henry Hatsworth and Monster Tale, so I hope this gives them the exposure they deserve... and hopefully helps them to continue to make awesome games. :)
I know this screenshot is probably pretty old, but...
That reminds me, I really need to replay Max Payne 2 to prep for this game. I haven't played that one in a long time, and I need a refresher on the story events that took place in it (also it can never hurt to play more Max Payne ;D ).
Story is not going to matter so play it to just replay it.
Another slick Max Payne 3 NY shot.
Really hope a sizable chunk of gameplay takes place in the original setting. His leather jacket has never looked better. Though his tie is kind of hilarious. :lol:
And while I'm not the biggest fan of bald Max, this pic is totally badass.
That looks like Kane. Or Lynch.
Whichever one that is.
Oh god... Old-school Max looks like Kane and bald, bearded Max looks like Lynch...
Those games were shit.
EDIT: Last two. Promise.
So some people have Nintendo Power now, and have revealed a bunch of details about Epic Mickey: Power Of Illusion. I will highlight why this is going to be amazing. You may agree with me or not. But it will be awesome. :)
QuotePower of Illusion is being put together by DreamRift, the studio behind 2011's Monster Tale for the Nintendo DS. The game, which is its own side-scrolling, platforming title (instead of a mere port of The Power of Two), is a follow-up to Epic Mickey, but more interestingly, it's also a follow-up to Castle of Illusion Starring Mickey Mouse, a 1990 game for the Sega Genesis!
Power of Illusion will make heavy use of the Nintendo 3DS's stylus. By tapping the item icons exist in every level, you'll be able to "paint" (trace) those items into existence, including cliffs, cannons, and floating platforms. The more precisely you trace, the better for Mickey. A flawlessly-painted canon will only damage Mickey's enemies, for instance, but if you mess up the painting, the canon will be a danger to everyone in the area.
Sometimes you'll need to erase objects, which is done by spreading thinner. Again, the stylus comes into play here.
The hand-drawn sprites in Power of Illusion are extremely compelling, and, thanks to scrolling parallax backgrounds (a heavily-used graphic technique in the days of 16-bit gaming), reportedly look great in sterescopic 3D. Even better, every level in the game is based on an animated Disney adventure, from "Sleeping Beauty" to "Tangled" and lots in between.
As a final declaration of oldschool love, every character that Mickey saves in Power of Illusion will take up residence in the fortress that Mickey uses as his home base, a confirmed nod to the esteemed Suikoden RPG series. Sometimes you find references in the unlikeliest of places, but that's part of what makes video games fun. Right?
There's no release date set for Power of Illusion (Fall 2012 is a general target), but expect lots more information on this game as the weeks march on like Mouseketeers.
QuoteI have the magazine in hand, the graphics look just like the Castle of illusion graphics!
other details include
-The witch from Snow white is the main villain again
-There will be worlds from all eras of Disney, From Peter Pan to Tangled
-Scrooge McDuck is in the game
-Characters you 'save' will appear in a fort of sort that acts as a HUB when you progress on, like Scrooge McDuck or Peter pan will be in it and decorate the fort.
-Oswald will be in it along with Minnie
So yeah, the 3DS is looking up all the time!
Edit: goddamnit
I think I win.
I love this meme.
Oh wait...
Imagine what would've happened if Fry said that to Leela. Their relationship status wouldn't be a "will they/won't they" anymore.
Last one, I swear.
... What did I just want into? :wth:
What a lot of us have wanted from Disney for well over a decade.
Wait.... I want to be cool too...
There. Wait, this is a Spongebob edit... DAMMIT!
Oh man, I love SWERY. :lol:
QuoteRight now, I'm developing a completely new Action Adventure, the likes of which you ain't never seen!
Talk about an open world, man, this game has got it in SPADES.
It's gonna take you at least 666 years to find everything in this game.
Are you listening? That's not 666 hours, but 66666 YEARS!
And it's gonna be available as a launch title for the next generation of consoles
by companies M, N and S!
It's a Super Multiplatform Game that is going to dominate all next generation consoles!
Of course it will also be available for PC, tablets and smartphones.
In fact, it even supports that camera, the tablet controller, the balance board and that weird little stick.
Looking good (
I really want to see wht the Wii-U version looks like (especially if the controller doubles as the motion tracker), however.
You have no idea how magnificent Colonial Marines was at the Gearbox Community Day thing I went to. Humongous theater screen, high-quality surround system... lovely art design with great technical graphics and brilliant sound design... game has perfect atmosphere.
Looks like an effective movie game for certain, but I just hope that it gives you a lot of freedom for exploration and has some clever AI rather than completely relying on scripted set-piece events. As for the exploration thing, I know that its a linear campaign mode, but they can still have some branching paths where you can risk trying to find extra ammo and stuff with the potential of being ambushed by the aliens. And as always, the aliens have been established to be quite intelligent hunters in the films, so I'd love to see the AI of this game emulate that and have some of them sneak up on you in the heat of action to give you some good unscripted surprises. ;)
I'm a little disappointed that the aliens in this game don't bleed out acid blood (or if they do its hardly noticeable), but to be fair that'd probably get annoying as a gameplay mechanic since killing them from too close would end up damaging you every time (and lets face it, they are up close and personal types of enemies :D ).
I could write "DAY ONE" 400 times and it wouldn't be enough.
In classic Capcom fashion, this new Resident Evil 6 ( trailer reveals almost all of the plot twists. Some very cool stuff in there, though.
And the release date has been bumped up to October 2nd. Awesome!
Its going to be tough deciding between this and BioShock: Infinite for my Birthday. :shakeshakeshake:
I really hope the Leon vs. Chris scene is playable and uses the God Hand fighting system. I would forgive Capcom for EVERYTHING if they did that. :lol:
Wesker Jr. is kind of a stupid idea, but that's par for the course with Capcom's storytelling.
Really glad that the blonde girl is Sherry. I'm pretty sure no one wanted to see Ashley again, lol.
Ada seems a bit off to me... she looks younger than in DarkSide's RE 2 retelling. Also, she was never really a bad guy.
It looks like Leon might end up the being the main protagonist, judging by the amount of screen time he has in the trailer. No sign of his awesome one-liners, though. :'(
Here ( is a short combat walkthrough for DmC.
I'll say that, while I'd still much rather have DMC5 rather than this reboot, the game is shaping up to be better than I initially expected, and while I doubt it'll compare to either DMC1 or 3 in terms of quality, I think this may end up at least being a good action game in its own right. I can already say that its going to be FAR better than Ninja Gaiden 3, if nothing else. At least this game already has at least 3 weapons going for it and in the video it was confirmed that there would be more (which actually puts this game's Dante above DMC4's Dante in terms of his melee weapon count). That said, the actual depth of the weapons and combat system still remains to be seen, but it does at least look competent if nothing else. My only major grip here is that it looks WAY too easy to chain together combos in this game. That is to say, it looks like you can just button-mash your way into performing slick combos rather than having to have at least some level of practice with the general mechanics and timing of the combat systems of previous DMC games to be able to pull off cool combos and chain them for long periods of time. Perhaps this game will have harder difficulties that punish button-mashers, though.
Anyways, I'll keep this game on my radar and see how it turns out. If nothing else it at least looks really good visually, and while I don't really care about graphics I like its environments and broad use of its color-palette (which most games severely lack this gen).
Looks less fun than 1, 3, and 4, but I certainly enjoyed that footage more than anything from DMC 2, NG 3, GoW, etc.
Quote from: Foggle on April 10, 2012, 11:51:25 AM
Looks less fun than 1, 3, and 4, but I certainly enjoyed that footage more than anything from DMC 2, NG 3, GoW, etc.
That sounds more like a neutral statement than a compliment. :D
Quote from: gunswordfist on April 10, 2012, 12:33:24 PM
Quote from: Foggle on April 10, 2012, 11:51:25 AM
Looks less fun than 1, 3, and 4, but I certainly enjoyed that footage more than anything from DMC 2, NG 3, GoW, etc.
That sounds more like a neutral statement than a compliment. :D
You're right. But as far as DmC goes, I'd say that
is a compliment. :lol:
Quote from: Foggle on April 10, 2012, 12:38:30 PM
Quote from: gunswordfist on April 10, 2012, 12:33:24 PM
Quote from: Foggle on April 10, 2012, 11:51:25 AM
Looks less fun than 1, 3, and 4, but I certainly enjoyed that footage more than anything from DMC 2, NG 3, GoW, etc.
That sounds more like a neutral statement than a compliment. :D
You're right. But as far as DmC goes, I'd say that is a compliment. :lol:
Good one. heh heh I'll get to actually watching the recent videos y'all posted. I think I've only seen like two trailers.
So currently, Capcom has no plans on releasing RE6 on the Wii U. That's unfortunate, if you ask me. Such a missed opportunity.
Cashcom will find a way to bring it to Wii-U, don't worry. If Resident Evil 4 and 5 are any indication, RE 6 will see the following releases:
Resident Evil 6 (base game; will receive plenty of DLC)
Resident Evil 6: PC Edition (featuring exclusive bonus content; will never receive DLC)
Resident Evil 6: Gold Edition [PS3] (featuring all of the base game's DLC on disc; motion controls; no extra content from PC version)
Resident Evil 6: Gold Edition [360] (featuring all of the base game's DLC on download vouchers; no extra content from PC version)
Resident Evil 6: Wii-U Edition (featuring all of the base game's DLC on disc; motion controls; tablet controls; no extra content from PC version)
Rest assured that if you truly want the complete RE 6 experience, you will be forced to buy the game on both PC and Wii-U.
Quote from: Foggle on April 10, 2012, 03:13:23 PM
Cashcom will find a way to bring it to Wii-U, don't worry. If Resident Evil 4 and 5 are any indication, RE 6 will see the following releases:
Resident Evil 6 (base game; will receive plenty of DLC)
Resident Evil 6: PC Edition (featuring exclusive bonus content; will never receive DLC)
Resident Evil 6: Gold Edition [PS3] (featuring all of the base game's DLC on disc; motion controls; no extra content from PC version)
Resident Evil 6: Gold Edition [360] (featuring all of the base game's DLC on download vouchers; no extra content from PC version)
Resident Evil 6: Wii-U Edition (featuring all of the base game's DLC on disc; motion controls; tablet controls; no extra content from PC version)
Rest assured that if you truly want the complete RE 6 experience, you will be forced to buy the game on both PC and Wii-U.
Have the PC versions ever had their own content that couldn't be played anywhere else?
Resident Evil 5 and Devil May Cry 4 both have PC-exclusive content that never came to the console versions. And RE 5's PC version never received the console versions' DLC. So, with RE 5, no matter which version you buy, you aren't getting the complete game.
DMC 4's PC stuff is more innocuous. Apparently console hardware couldn't handle Turbo mode or Legendary Dark Knight difficulty without severe frame rate drops. But there's absolutely no excuse for consoles not getting RE 5's PC content and PCs not getting RE 5's DLC packs.
Quote from: Foggle on April 10, 2012, 03:23:16 PM
Resident Evil 5 and Devil May Cry 4 both have PC-exclusive content that never came to the console versions. And RE 5's PC version never received the console versions' DLC. So, with RE 5, no matter which version you buy, you aren't getting the complete game.
DMC 4's PC stuff is more innocuous. Apparently console hardware couldn't handle Turbo mode or Legendary Dark Knight difficulty without severe frame rate drops. But there's absolutely no excuse for consoles not getting RE 5's PC content and PCs not getting RE 5's DLC packs.
What content is exclusive to the PC version of RE5?
Some additional costumes and a new mode for Mercenaries iirc. Nothing important, but still stuff that should have been on the console versions.
Quote from: Foggle on April 10, 2012, 03:31:25 PM
Some additional costumes and a new mode for Mercenaries iirc. Nothing important, but still stuff that should have been on the console versions.
So there's no complete version. Guess RE5 found another way to be lame. :P
Indeed. :-\ The PS3 Gold Edition is the most complete, though, since it has every piece of DLC content on the disc and motion controls. Meanwhile, the PC version is the most technically proficient, since it runs at 60 FPS and features DirectX 10 graphical effects. Finally, the Xbox 360 version is the only one with non-shitty netcode.
Basically fuck Capcom for adding more fuel to the console war fire.
Maybe Wii-U will get an on-rail RE5 and 6 instead.
Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on April 10, 2012, 03:46:27 PM
Maybe Wii-U will get an on-rail RE5 and 6 instead.
Nah, they'll save that for Kinect 2.
Wow, longest shooter campaign ever? ( Sounds amazing.
Quote from: Foggle on April 10, 2012, 04:05:16 PM
Wow, longest shooter campaign ever? ( Sounds amazing.
That's good. I liked RE4's length.
After the discussion from earlier, I must ask the question. What would you say is the best way to play each game in the series (RE1, RE2, RE3, RECV, REmake, RE0, RE4, RE5)?
RE 1 - Director's Cut on PS1
RE 2 - DualShock Edition on PS1
RE 3 - PS1
RE CV - Code Veronica X on PS2
REmake - Wii port with GameCube controller
RE 0 - Wii port with GameCube controller
RE 4 - Wii version for most control options or Xbox 360/PS3 version for best graphics
RE 5 - Xbox 360 version for best online experience and DLC packs or PC version for best graphics and performance in main game or PS3 Gold Edition for motion controls
RE 4 - Wii version for people who prefer physical media for console games
RE 5 - PS3 Gold Edition for people who want the complete experience without any downloading required
And, just for fun, here are the worst versions of each game!
RE 1 - Game Boy Color
RE 2 - PC
RE 3 - PC
RE CV - Code Veronica X on GameCube
RE 4 - PC
How about the Dreamcast/PS2/Wii ports?
Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on April 10, 2012, 04:26:38 PM
How about the Dreamcast/PS2/Wii ports?
DreamCast version of Code Veronica is better than the GameCube version in spite of not having the bonus content from X. The GameCube version is technically deficient in certain areas.
Resident Evil 4 PS2 has more content than the GameCube version but also has extremely muddy graphics and awful cutscenes/QTEs.
GameCube ports of 2 and 3 are about the same as the PS1 versions, but I'd rather use the PlayStation controller.
Wii ports are only better for REmake and 0 due to slightly sharper graphics and not requiring any disc-swapping.
Quote from: FoggleRE 1 - Game Boy Color
There was another RE on the Gameboy?
I was always under the impression that the N64 version would be the worst incarnation of 2 (for obvious reasons).
Quote from: Rynnec on April 10, 2012, 04:32:39 PM
I was always under the impression that the N64 version would be the worst incarnation of 2 (for obvious reasons).
Ah, yes, you're right there. I forgot about that one. :P
Quote from: Ensatsu-ken on April 10, 2012, 11:43:19 AM
Here ( is a short combat walkthrough for DmC.
I'll say that, while I'd still much rather have DMC5 rather than this reboot, the game is shaping up to be better than I initially expected, and while I doubt it'll compare to either DMC1 or 3 in terms of quality, I think this may end up at least being a good action game in its own right. I can already say that its going to be FAR better than Ninja Gaiden 3, if nothing else. At least this game already has at least 3 weapons going for it and in the video it was confirmed that there would be more (which actually puts this game's Dante above DMC4's Dante in terms of his melee weapon count). That said, the actual depth of the weapons and combat system still remains to be seen, but it does at least look competent if nothing else. My only major grip here is that it looks WAY too easy to chain together combos in this game. That is to say, it looks like you can just button-mash your way into performing slick combos rather than having to have at least some level of practice with the general mechanics and timing of the combat systems of previous DMC games to be able to pull off cool combos and chain them for long periods of time. Perhaps this game will have harder difficulties that punish button-mashers, though.
Anyways, I'll keep this game on my radar and see how it turns out. If nothing else it at least looks really good visually, and while I don't really care about graphics I like its environments and broad use of its color-palette (which most games severely lack this gen).
Quote from: FoggleLooks less fun than 1, 3, and 4, but I certainly enjoyed that footage more than anything from DMC 2, NG 3, GoW, etc.
Agreed. If it weren't for the fact that this was supposed to be Devil May Cry, and that guy wasn't meant to be Dante, then I'd actually think it something of a decent game.
Donte's still a douche however. No Tam Tam, throwing some random dude's food off his hand for no reason doesn't make someone "cool", it just makes them a prick.
Though I posted a chunk of this in another thread, here's some info on the Wii-U version of Aliens: Colonial Marines.
QuoteWe learned two very interesting things about Aliens: Colonial Marines at this weekend?s PAX East.
One, the Sega-published shooter has been inducted into the ?official canon? of the Alien universe by 20th Century Fox. Chris Faylor, the Community Manager for developer Gearbox Software, told us that all previous expanded universe material (including the novels, the comics, and all the Alien vs Predator stuff) has been thrown out. The only productions currently considered canon are the first four films (yes, even Alien 3), Aliens: Colonial Marines, and maybe Ridley Scott?s Prometheus (since there?s still the possibility it?s not a prequel).
We also chatted with Matt Powers, a Senior Producer on the game for Sega, about the Wii U version of the game. Powers initially referred to the game as ?the Wii U port? and Faylor rushed back over to scold him, telling us: ?I hate that word. The Wii U version is not a port. Remove it from your vocabulary.?
After that rather tense exchange, we tried to get Powers to talk more about how the Wii U controller would come into play. With the Community Manager standing over his shoulder, he would only say that ?there are interesting things you can do with the Wii U controller? and ?for an Aliens game, you can probably guess what some of those things are.?
For the non-diehards in the audience, Powers was (wink, wink) likely referring to the famous radar display Sigourney Weaver, Michael Biehn, and the rest of the Colonial Marines used to track the xenomorphs in the film.
Looks like it's being built ground up for the system. I'm surprised it's not just an up-port.
I don't think Gearbox does ports anymore. They seem to give every platform the attention it deserves these days.
Rumor of the Wii-U's final power level:
I'll say that you should not expect the moon with the Wii U.
Everything I have been told is "best of the current generation by a country mile but not significantly beyond that."
It is the XBox to the PS2. The Gamegear to the Gameboy. The Mad Men Alison Brie to Community's Alison Brie. It'll look better, but generational transition probably won't apply to it.
On the plus side, there will probably be nothing hardware-wise stopping downgraded ports from what people think the new XBox will offer. We're talking, like, Witcher 2 on high settings vs. Witcher 2 on low settings. Same game, same basic idea, different graphics.
But games that do take advantage of the Wii U's hardware are going to blow this current gen out of the water. I am not sure we'll see that at E3 (seriously, think back to nearly every console's launch, most of those titles don't stand up today), but I'm sure we'll see it eventually.
That's pretty much exactly what I was hoping for.
Edit: He also added:
QuoteDreamcast to N64 might be a better comparison?
I don't know what people expect from Nintendo, really. They live by the sword, and they die by the sword. Their business plan hasn't changed a whole lot since the N64 days, and I don't know why people are so pent on that to differ with each new generation.
I believe this old quote from Miyamoto (in discussion to the Wii's lack of power compared to its competition) sums it up best:
QuoteToo many powerful consoles can't coexist. It's like having only ferocious dinosaurs. They might fight and hasten their own extinction.
Personally, I don't care. As long as the games are good, technical specifications, quote unquote "power" and all the other bells and whistles really don't mean a damn to me.
Sounds good to me. Wii-U for console-only games and PC for the rest seems like a perfect fit for next gen (Platinum and Grasshopper, PLEASE put your games on one of those!). ;) Seriously done with Microsoft and Sony, and it would take a fucking Ratchet & Clank/Yakuza crossover to convince me otherwise.
Quote from: Foggle on April 11, 2012, 01:12:24 AM
Sounds good to me. Wii-U for console-only games and PC for the rest seems like a perfect fit for next gen (Platinum and Grasshopper, PLEASE put your games on it!). ;) Seriously done with Microsoft and Sony, and it would take a fucking Ratchet & Clank/Yakuza crossover to convince me otherwise.
I feel the same way. Screw Sony and Microsoft, none of their original titles have been interesting me for the last few years.
All I wanted for the Wii-U was the possibility that the next Xbox and Playstation third party games will make the console, since I already knew I wanted the Nintendo games.
Because I'm pretty set with Microsoft first party games (I'm pretty good with stopping at Reach with Halo), and the PS3 gave me enough of Sony's first party exclusives that I'm not really looking for more. Besides, they'll probably drop them all for next gen anyway... And with Insomniac going third party, the next Ratchet game will probably be done be one of Sony's B-teams.
Graphics mean very little to me anymore. As I've said 100 times, the PS2 was already good enough for me graphic-wise. Heck, so was the Dreamcast.
I love me some beautiful graphics, but they aren't really important. Art style is far more important than technical proficiency. Seriously, Deus Ex 3 was beautiful and it had early PS3-level graphics.
But I definitely don't mind dem polygons when they're a part of great games. Witcher 2 and Colonial Marines? Devil May Cry 4 on PC? Boner-tastic.
Add me to the list of people who pretty much no longer cares for either Sony or Microsoft. Nintendo will at least deliver on great first-party single-player experiences, and that's all I really want, to be honest (some good third-party support couldn't hurt though, of course). With Sony, I've never been that interesting in most of their games, and what is appealing to me on there isn't really enough to get me to fork over hundreds of dollars for a PS3. On the other hand, the last Microsoft exclusive game that I played and thought was great was Halo: Reach. After reading about how Halo 4 is basically set to become yet another Call of Duty clone (except in space), which is pretty much what I was expecting, I can safely say that I'm done with the series, and Microsoft has nothing else to offer me that's of any interest. Perhaps the next Alan Wake will be good, but having only 1 good first-party game to look forward to is hardly enough reason for me to get their next console.
So, yeah, Nintendo seems to be the only gaming company that still remembers the fundamentals of what gamers really want. I have no idea what the WiiU is getting so much heat from game journalists, but I've realized that 90% of game journalists and editors are full of shit and support the exact types of changes in gaming that I can't stand, so I take anything they say with a grain of salt.
Quote from: Ensatsu-ken on April 11, 2012, 01:24:09 AM
Perhaps the next Alan Wake will be good, but having only 1 good first-party game to look forward to is hardly enough reason for me to get their next console.
If you become part of the Wii-U/PC master race, you'll still get to play the Alan Wake sequels... eventually. ;)
Anyway, Sony might not be around much longer, anyway. (
Not at this rate.
Quoteannual loss of $6.4bn
Holy fuck. :zonk:
Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on April 11, 2012, 01:53:52 AM
Anyway, Sony might not be around much longer, anyway. (
Not at this rate.
Somewhere in Canada, Takao is crying himself to sleep.
Quote from: Kiddington on April 11, 2012, 01:58:02 AM
Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on April 11, 2012, 01:53:52 AM
Anyway, Sony might not be around much longer, anyway. (
Not at this rate.
Somewhere in Canada, Takao is crying himself to sleep.
Poor Takao, if I could only know what pain he is in right now.
Quote from: Daxdiv on April 11, 2012, 01:59:49 AM
Quote from: Kiddington on April 11, 2012, 01:58:02 AM
Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on April 11, 2012, 01:53:52 AM
Anyway, Sony might not be around much longer, anyway. (
Not at this rate.
Somewhere in Canada, Takao is crying himself to sleep.
Poor Takao, if I could only know what pain he is in right now.
Has he posted in that thread yet?
If Sony dies, than it'll certainly be the end of an era.
Quote from: Rynnec on April 11, 2012, 02:05:11 AM
Quote from: Daxdiv on April 11, 2012, 01:59:49 AM
Quote from: Kiddington on April 11, 2012, 01:58:02 AM
Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on April 11, 2012, 01:53:52 AM
Anyway, Sony might not be around much longer, anyway. (
Not at this rate.
Somewhere in Canada, Takao is crying himself to sleep.
Poor Takao, if I could only know what pain he is in right now.
Has he posted in that thread yet?
If Sony dies, than it'll certainly be the end of an era.
He was banned from GAF some time ago. :humhumhum:
It would really suck if Sony died.
Quote from: Kiddington on April 11, 2012, 01:58:02 AM
Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on April 11, 2012, 01:53:52 AM
Anyway, Sony might not be around much longer, anyway. (
Not at this rate.
Somewhere in Canada, Takao is crying himself to sleep.
While in the same part of Canada, Desen shrugs this news off casually while waiting for the 80's revival to come over to the Great White North. (
This game is such a cocktease to me. So many classic and underrated series, all under one roof. I also feel incredibly butthurt that Kurt Irving and Reila Marseilles get to represent Valkyria Chronicles when their game was never released outside Japan. (
Now this one might have a chance to leave Japan. Its gearing up to be the penultimate Fire Emblem game I've been dreaming about. All I need now is confirmation that the special bundle could have a chance to be released here and I'll be on cloud 9.
They should have done maybe Welkin and Riela instead of only characters from VC 3. That'd be pretty sick.
Kazuma and Akiyama (or Majima) team would make me pre-order straight away. Really surprised to not see any RGG rep(s) in there. :(
And c'mon, Sega, put Bayonetta in there! Dante and Bayonetta team would be godlike.
Awesome Max Payne 3 achievement titles. ( Fans of the first two games will get a big kick out of them. No spoilers as far as I could tell.
This game will be great. :thumbup:
Quote from: Rosalinas Spare Wand on April 11, 2012, 02:57:28 AM (
This game is such a cocktease to me. So many classic and underrated series, all under one roof. I also feel incredibly butthurt that Kurt Irving and Reila Marseilles get to represent Valkyria Chronicles when their game was never released outside Japan. (
Now this one might have a chance to leave Japan. Its gearing up to be the penultimate Fire Emblem game I've been dreaming about. All I need now is confirmation that the special bundle could have a chance to be released here and I'll be on cloud 9.
Needs some Klonoa and Sonic.
Quote from: Avaitor on April 11, 2012, 02:38:18 AM
Quote from: Kiddington on April 11, 2012, 01:58:02 AM
Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on April 11, 2012, 01:53:52 AM
Anyway, Sony might not be around much longer, anyway. (
Not at this rate.
Somewhere in Canada, Takao is crying himself to sleep.
While in the same part of Canada, Desen shrugs this news off casually while waiting for the 80's revival to come over to the Great White North.
I want a Wii-U that's shaped like an NES!
Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on April 11, 2012, 05:34:36 PM
Quote from: Avaitor on April 11, 2012, 02:38:18 AM
Quote from: Kiddington on April 11, 2012, 01:58:02 AM
Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on April 11, 2012, 01:53:52 AM
Anyway, Sony might not be around much longer, anyway. (
Not at this rate.
Somewhere in Canada, Takao is crying himself to sleep.
While in the same part of Canada, Desen shrugs this news off casually while waiting for the 80's revival to come over to the Great White North.
I want a Wii-U that's shaped like an NES!
How about a coffee table shaped like an NES controller? (
A full on sequel to a Pok?mon game ( YES PLEASE! New Gym Leaders, new playable characters, same location, adding new monsters into the dex. Better than Version 1.5 if you ask me.
Not gonna lie, I'm kinda miffed that they did the the generation where I finally decided to wait on the third version. But regardless, this looks pretty cool. Since I won't be able to get the original B&W until next month or so, I probably won't be playing this one for a while.
Kinda makes you wonder why they never went this route before. I mean, I'm not gonna complain; I loved Yellow, Crystal, and Emerald (Diamond not so much, although none of those 4th gen games really struck a chord with me), but it seems like they could have come up with this idea sooner.
Whatever. I still need to get caught up more on Black and White first. Might be about time to loosen the purse strings, so to speak, and finally spend some of that Christmas/Birthday money I've been sitting on for months.
It's pretty much Gold and Silver without the extra new Pokemon added to it. I'll wait and see what exactly they added this time because Unova was so damn barren after finishing the main story. I haven't even had to urge to battle people online.
Max Payne 3 is "f***ing brilliant" says Remedy CEO (
Its not like I needed someone from Remedy to make me realize that the game is turning out to be awesome, but it sure does help that a higher-up of the developer that created Max Payne gives his full approval of Rockstar's take on Max Payne 3. :thumbup:
Yay, Nintendo! ( :joy:
Won't be getting one until someone figures out a way to play English-patched Fatal Frame 4 on it, though.
Also, I like this guy's comment (in response to the typical IGN userbase idiocy):
QuoteToday's gamer is a moron. Obviously not all of them, but it's embarrassing to share a species with these dolts. So much competitive gaming rage, and so little fun seems to be the philosophy of too many modern "gamers." I understand it's a minority, but it's an annoyingly loud minority. I play mainly on the PC, and too often find myself playing my SNES emulator as opposed to some newer game I had recently purchased. I enjoy online games and all, but some people think that's all gaming is.
This is falling in line with all the rumors. I'm glad to see the price in an affordable range.
Nintendo announced they will be showing off a new Mario game for the Wii-U at E3.
That will go great with the 3DS 2D one coming it this holiday.
I think it's safe to say that Nintendo will win E3 again for the 4th time in a row.
Quote from: Rynnec on April 16, 2012, 02:54:56 PM
I think it's safe to say that Nintendo will win E3 again for the 4th time in a row.
This is a reality I don't mind living in.
If it's a launch game it will be the first new Mario game to launch with a system since Super Mario 64. Rumor is it's being done EAD1 whose last game was actually Super Mario Galaxy 1. (EAD2 did Galaxy 2, and Super Mario 3D Land)
Which I guess means the 2D Mario is being done by the NSMBWii team. (Super Mario 4?)
So, I'm predicting that the title will either be Super Mario Bros. 4 or Super Mario Universe. Or, hell, it could just be Super Mario Galaxy 3 for all I know.
It's been confirmed to be a third New Super Mario Bros. game.
Actually, it's not confirmed. This was all that was said:
"In a recent interview, Mr. Miyamoto confirmed that a new Super Mario Bros. game for the Wii U system will be shown at this year's E3 Expo," a Nintendo spokesperson said. "We'll have more to announce about our plans for the E3 Expo at a later date."
Note it isn't New Super Mario Bros., just a new Super Mario title.
And with a 2D one already coming to the 3DS, a 2D one for the Wii-U at the same time is a bit weird.
Pikmin 3 was confirmed to be at E3. I'm guessing it will be a Wii-U launch title, then.
First trailer for Dishonored ( AKA Deus Ex + Mirror's Edge + Thief + BioShock.
Fucking awesome.
Quote from: Foggle on April 17, 2012, 11:17:25 AM
First trailer for Dishonored ( AKA Deus Ex + Mirror's Edge + Thief + BioShock.
Fucking awesome.
Indeed. I loved what I read in the game's issue of Game Informer so I can't wait.
007 Legends was announced:
QuoteSANTA MONICA, Calif., April 18, 2012 /PRNewswire/ -- To celebrate the James Bond franchise's 50th anniversary, Activision Publishing, Inc., a wholly owned subsidiary of Activision Blizzard, Inc. (Nasdaq: ATVI), will launch gamers back through time to relive a selection of Bond's most iconic and intense undercover missions from the popular Bond film franchise with 007? Legends.
A first-of-its-kind Bond video game, 007 Legends features an original, overarching storyline tying together six classic Bond movies, concluding with this year's highly-anticipated 23rd installment ? SKYFALL ? to offer the most diverse Bond gaming experience yet! As with the feature films, 007 Legends equips players with state-of-the-art spy gadgets, an arsenal of weapons, including Bond's signature Walther PPK, and sleek vehicles as they jet off to exotic locations and utilize Bond's quick wits, class and style to take down notorious villains and their brutal henchmen, perform impressive stunts, and of course...mingle with gorgeous Bond women.
"To honor 50 years of the world's top secret agent, 007 Legends offers a collection of his most famed moments in the smartest and most treacherous Bond game yet," said David Oxford, Executive Vice President at Activision Publishing, Inc. "Creating a video game storyline that ties together six popular, yet very different, Bond movie narratives can be challenging, but together with EON Productions, our developer Eurocom, has pulled it off to create an homage that we think will be a unique and highly entertaining Bond video game."
In addition to 007 Legends' main story, the game will feature the return of fan-favorite single-player Mi6 Ops Missions, which debuted in GoldenEye 007: Reloaded and challenges players to complete extra missions ranging from all-out action to stealth and gadget-based gameplay and compete for the highest online leader board scores. For the first time ever, players will be able to participate as one of Bond's cohorts or villainous foes, reliving the missions through their eyes, as well as 007's. The robust James Bond multiplayer experience includes local four-player split-screen game modes and online competitive gameplay with new maps, weapons and characters derived from Bond's 50 year legacy. With more gadgets, deeper stealth and spy investigation gameplay, gamers will have every opportunity to truly feel like the world's favorite spy.
Planned to launch this fall, 007 Legends is being developed by Eurocom, under license from EON Productions Ltd. and Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Studios, Inc. (MGM) for the Xbox 360? video game and entertainment system from Microsoft and PlayStation?3 computer entertainment system. Stay tuned for more information on the game's official Web site and Facebook page.
I'm glad that Eurocom is now the go-to Bond developer after GoldenEye Wii. They're certainly a much better pick than the Bloodstone guys.
why no pc version activision :(
At the very least I expect a Wii-U version at E3. GoldenEye sold by far the best on the Wii, so I'd hope they wouldn't miss it.
Now if Crytek UK can get around to that little Timesplitters announcement...
Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on April 18, 2012, 12:20:18 PM
007 Legends was announced:
QuoteSANTA MONICA, Calif., April 18, 2012 /PRNewswire/ -- To celebrate the James Bond franchise's 50th anniversary, Activision Publishing, Inc., a wholly owned subsidiary of Activision Blizzard, Inc. (Nasdaq: ATVI), will launch gamers back through time to relive a selection of Bond's most iconic and intense undercover missions from the popular Bond film franchise with 007? Legends.
A first-of-its-kind Bond video game, 007 Legends features an original, overarching storyline tying together six classic Bond movies, concluding with this year's highly-anticipated 23rd installment ? SKYFALL ? to offer the most diverse Bond gaming experience yet! As with the feature films, 007 Legends equips players with state-of-the-art spy gadgets, an arsenal of weapons, including Bond's signature Walther PPK, and sleek vehicles as they jet off to exotic locations and utilize Bond's quick wits, class and style to take down notorious villains and their brutal henchmen, perform impressive stunts, and of course...mingle with gorgeous Bond women.
"To honor 50 years of the world's top secret agent, 007 Legends offers a collection of his most famed moments in the smartest and most treacherous Bond game yet," said David Oxford, Executive Vice President at Activision Publishing, Inc. "Creating a video game storyline that ties together six popular, yet very different, Bond movie narratives can be challenging, but together with EON Productions, our developer Eurocom, has pulled it off to create an homage that we think will be a unique and highly entertaining Bond video game."
In addition to 007 Legends' main story, the game will feature the return of fan-favorite single-player Mi6 Ops Missions, which debuted in GoldenEye 007: Reloaded and challenges players to complete extra missions ranging from all-out action to stealth and gadget-based gameplay and compete for the highest online leader board scores. For the first time ever, players will be able to participate as one of Bond's cohorts or villainous foes, reliving the missions through their eyes, as well as 007's. The robust James Bond multiplayer experience includes local four-player split-screen game modes and online competitive gameplay with new maps, weapons and characters derived from Bond's 50 year legacy. With more gadgets, deeper stealth and spy investigation gameplay, gamers will have every opportunity to truly feel like the world's favorite spy.
Planned to launch this fall, 007 Legends is being developed by Eurocom, under license from EON Productions Ltd. and Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Studios, Inc. (MGM) for the Xbox 360? video game and entertainment system from Microsoft and PlayStation?3 computer entertainment system. Stay tuned for more information on the game's official Web site and Facebook page.
I'm glad that Eurocom is now the go-to Bond developer after GoldenEye Wii. They're certainly a much better pick than the Bloodstone guys.
Confirm bots and the game has my money.
YES! Prey 2
isn't cancelled! (
QuoteDevelopment of Prey 2 has not been cancelled but the game will not be released in 2012 as planned. The delay is due to the fact that game development has not progressed satisfactorily this past year, and the game does not currently meet our quality standards. Prey 2 has shown great promise and we regret disappointing our fans. We have made a substantial investment in game development to deliver the experience fans want. We are determined only to release the AAA game that fans rightfully expect, and are unwilling to compromise our quality standards to meet a release schedule.
Wow, can't believe I've never seen this before. ( Looks pretty unpolished (it's an old build, of course), but damn, it has a lot of really nifty ideas. Good stuff!
Shouldn't this technically be New Super Mario Bros. 3? Fucking hyped either way. :joy:
Flying Raccoon Tail
Bolted on blocks
Sequel to my favorite game of the generation
I'm ready.
Can't wait for August. ;D
Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on April 21, 2012, 05:08:07 PM
Sequel to my favorite game of the generation
I thought you hated New Super Mario Bros. DS? :P
Quote from: Foggle on April 21, 2012, 05:10:03 PM
Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on April 21, 2012, 05:08:07 PM
Sequel to my favorite game of the generation
I thought you hated New Super Mario Bros. DS? :P
It's the sequel to NSMBWii. The same team made both. ;)
I don't know why they're calling it 2, though.
Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on April 21, 2012, 05:16:21 PM
Quote from: Foggle on April 21, 2012, 05:10:03 PM
Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on April 21, 2012, 05:08:07 PM
Sequel to my favorite game of the generation
I thought you hated New Super Mario Bros. DS? :P
It's the sequel to NSMBWii. The same team made both. ;)
I don't know why they're calling it 2, though.
Yeah, I'm surprised they didn't take this opportunity to call it New Super Mario Bros. 3D. :lol:
Anyway, Mario is a system seller for me. With this coming out and 3D Land, I'm going to need a 3DS.
I'm surprised it's coming out so fast.
Before both Paper Mario AND Luigi's Mansion 2. ???
How well does Luigi's Mansion hold up, anyway? I remember loving that game when it first came out, but I sold it 8 years ago and haven't played it since. Might pick it up again before the sequel comes out.
It's okay. Way too short, though. I'm hoping the sequel packs in more stuff.
Luigi's Mansion is enjoyable. Not terrible like some people say, but not awesome like the hipsters like to say. :P
Supposedly, Miyamoto wasn't involved in the original NSMB.
Hey guys, did you enjoy Rayman Origins?
Because it looks like we're getting a sequel (!
I still have yet to play Origins, but its good to know that the first game was successful enough to warrant a sequel.
I've been playing it co-op with one of my friends and we're having a blast. The levels are crazy fun to play through, and it's easily the best Rayman game by leagues.
I'm still waiting to buy the 3DS version for me, though.
35 GB install for Max Payne 3 on PC. Literally the biggest install I have ever seen.
What the fuck Rockstar. Learn how to properly compress files please.
I heard about Rayman Origins getting a sequel. It deserves it.
Quote from: Foggle on April 23, 2012, 05:54:19 PM
35 GB install for Max Payne 3 on PC. Literally the biggest install I have ever seen.
What the fuck Rockstar. Learn how to properly compress files please.
Maybe its just that big a game? :SHOCK: :??:
Quote from: Ensatsu-ken on April 23, 2012, 06:16:42 PM
Maybe its just that big a game? :SHOCK: :??:
I hope so. I mean, they did promise a lengthy single-player game, many multiplayer modes, and insanely detailed textures for the PC version... but I still can't understand why MP 3's install would be larger than most MMORPGs. Really hope this port is better than GTA 4.
Noitu Love 2 is out on Steam. Let me know what you think, Foggle!
I've owned it since it was first released on the dude's website. ;) Will probably pick up a second copy on Steam to support Konjak since it's so cheap.
It's a very nice little game. Not too long, but for $5 (less if you buy it in the first week) it's a damn good purchase. Pretty much any computer can run it, too (though you'll definitely need a mouse... it doesn't play too well with a laptop pad). Three playable characters, all of whom are distinct, awesome graphics, great music, and epic boss fights. All in all a very solid package. I wholeheartedly recommend it. :thumbup:
I love Konjak's games. Desen posting that Legend Of Princess video is what really got me into indie games.
Anyone else counting down the days until Lollipop Chainsaw? I want it out now. :butbut:
Quote from: Peanutbutter on April 25, 2012, 05:51:55 PM
Anyone else counting down the days until Lollipop Chainsaw? I want it out now. :butbut:
Yes, a thousand times yes! I'm not anticipating it quite as heavily as Anarchy Reigns or Max Payne 3, but I
need that game ASAP. Ash costume = godlike.
Shin Megami Tensei: Soul Hackers ( is coming to the 3DS (and here!) including all the PS1 extras as well as improved performance and graphics.
Hopefully this means Atlus will be able to re-release their old games for the 3DS this gen since Sony blocked all their PSP port efforts. I prefer my RPGs/Action-RPGs portable.
Epic Mickey: Power Of Illusion in motion (
Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on April 25, 2012, 10:18:32 PM
Shin Megami Tensei: Soul Hackers ( is coming to the 3DS (and here!) including all the PS1 extras as well as improved performance and graphics.
Hopefully this means Atlus will be able to re-release their old games for the 3DS this gen since Sony blocked all their PSP port efforts. I prefer my RPGs/Action-RPGs portable.
Awesome. I've wanted to play Soul Hackers for years. :thumbup:
Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on April 25, 2012, 10:28:42 PM
Epic Mickey: Power Of Illusion in motion (
Man, watching stuff on IGN is such a chore. It must be a problem on my end, because that two minute clip took
forever to get through.
As far as the game itself, though... looks good! Definitely looking forward to this one.
Excited, Spark? (
Trailer for Rayman Legends ( Holy shit, I want it now. I haven't bought Origins yet but I am definitely getting this one Day 1. It looks like a hugely expanded sequel, which is exactly what platformers need to be.
Quote from: Foggle on April 27, 2012, 01:26:58 PM
Excited, Spark? (
That actually looks kinda fun. Rhythm games seemed to have made their home on the portables, so I wonder just how well it can translate to PS3 controls.
That Rayman game does indeed look legendary. Hope there's a PC version for this one, too.
Rayman Origins is great.
Nice to see this as a Wii-U title. If there's no 3DS version, that'll be the one for me. (
Interesting article. I can see where Sakurai is coming from, Brawl is a pretty tough act to follow, so it'd make sense to focus on something other than making the next game "bigger".
I see the 3DS version as being in the style of the old games (Smash 64 if Sakurai's thoughts still follow forward) while the Wii-U has a ton of differences from the first three including new modes (Kid Icarus Uprising might be a hint of this) while the old style is relegated only to VS. and 1P/2P classic mode.
Just making it like Brawl but bigger doesn't sound very exciting.
I don't mind him overhauling the modes, as long as he also trims the fat. There's no good reason for removing Race to the Finish and Board the Platforms while leaving in wastes of spaces like Masterpieces and that list of games.
Board The Platforms. :swoon:
Ah yeah, board the platforms, race for the finish, and destroy all targets were awesome. A challenge mode that has a ton of those as unlocks would be great. I always wanted more of them. They were better than the Subspace and Adventure modes for sure.
Actually, I also want more simple stages like 64 had, as well. A good chunk of Melee's were terrible, and about a third of Brawl's are infuriating gimmick levels (though at least they brought the best Melee levels over), and some are just too big. I don't know about you guys but New Pork City and The Temple are not very fun levels.
If they do decide to go for a story mode again, make it more in-depth and have dialogue boxes where the characters interact.
A better Event Mode would be good too, Brawl's Event Mode was pretty underwhelming compared to Melee's. Keep the co-op though, I loved that.
Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on April 28, 2012, 08:19:40 PM
Actually, I also want more simple stages like 64 had, as well. A good chunk of Melee's were terrible, and about a third of Brawl's are infuriating gimmick levels (though at least they brought the best Melee levels over), and some are just too big. I don't know about you guys but New Pork City and The Temple are not very fun levels.
But I would love to see an updated Hyrule Castle.
Speaking of stages, Mario Galaxy is long overdue.
I hope Travis Touchdown is in the next Smash Bros. Suda wants him to be iirc.
I would mark out big time if Travis Touchdown made it in. The only other 3rd party characters I think deserve a chance are Mega Man and Simon Belmont, but it's doubtful their parent companies would go ahead and submit them since they barely care about those franchises now.
I really like The Great Sea the best of every Zelda level. Perfectly balanced, great gimmicks, and a bit of obstacle dodging.
But as for third party characters, I think they should go with 4. I've always been an advocate of every series getting 4 reps (at the minimum) both for roster size, and for representation, as well as letting each player have an original character in the same series. It's more balanced that way.
So basically:
Sonic The Hedgehog (Sega) [Classic Sonic alt costume please]
Solid Snake (Konami) [I would prefer a Belmont from Castlevania... But it's Kojima so what can you do?]
Mega Man (Capcom) [Sadly due to Inafune being gone this won't happen]
Geno (Square) [Either him or Crono, but I think he has the best chance]
Beyond that and it feels like too much taking the focus away from it being a Nintendo project.
No More Heroes is a Nintendo series, though. It never would have been ported to other consoles if Marvelous hadn't been so desperate for money.
I wouldn't mind seeing him in the game. I just doubt we'd see him in before those 4.
Actually, do we have a Smash thread? If not we should make one.
Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on April 28, 2012, 08:19:40 PM
Actually, I also want more simple stages like 64 had, as well. A good chunk of Melee's were terrible, and about a third of Brawl's are infuriating gimmick levels (though at least they brought the best Melee levels over), and some are just too big. I don't know about you guys but New Pork City and The Temple are not very fun levels.
Just curious, but which stages in Melee did you think were terrible?
I liked most of them myself, but I do have my opinions on a couple I could do without (Brinstar Depths, ahem ahem).
Quote from: Kiddington on April 28, 2012, 08:43:05 PM
Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on April 28, 2012, 08:19:40 PM
Actually, I also want more simple stages like 64 had, as well. A good chunk of Melee's were terrible, and about a third of Brawl's are infuriating gimmick levels (though at least they brought the best Melee levels over), and some are just too big. I don't know about you guys but New Pork City and The Temple are not very fun levels.
Just curious, but which stages in Melee did you think were terrible?
I liked most of them myself, but I do have my opinions on a couple I could do without (Brinstar Depths, ahem ahem).
You mentioned one of them.
But I haven't played the game in years, so I have to go off memory. The Yoshi stage was pretty boring with a bad art style (Yoshi Story has terrible art), the Majora's Mask stage was dull, the DK levels were the worst in the game, Pokefloats is so lazy, Icicle Mountain..., Peach's Castle is nowhere near as good as the one in SB64, Venom is terrible, Temple is too big, Corneria is a rehash of sector Y, and the rest are more or less okay.
The only Melee stages I really liked (that were not in SB64) were Big Blue (Mach Rider theme!), Onett, Yoshi's Island, Rainbow Cruise, Green Greens, Fourside, and the Mushroom Kingdom levels. Ironically, every level competitive Smash players detest. (But I main Ness and Kirby, so I have legitimate gripes with Melee)
Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on April 28, 2012, 08:53:46 PM
Quote from: Kiddington on April 28, 2012, 08:43:05 PM
Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on April 28, 2012, 08:19:40 PM
Actually, I also want more simple stages like 64 had, as well. A good chunk of Melee's were terrible, and about a third of Brawl's are infuriating gimmick levels (though at least they brought the best Melee levels over), and some are just too big. I don't know about you guys but New Pork City and The Temple are not very fun levels.
Just curious, but which stages in Melee did you think were terrible?
I liked most of them myself, but I do have my opinions on a couple I could do without (Brinstar Depths, ahem ahem).
You mentioned one of them.
But I haven't played the game in years, so I have to go off memory. The Yoshi stage was pretty boring with a bad art style (Yoshi Story has terrible art), the Majora's Mask stage was dull, the DK levels were the worst in the game, Pokefloats is so lazy, Icicle Mountain..., Peach's Castle is nowhere near as good as the one in SB64, Venom is terrible, Temple is too big, Corneria is a rehash of sector Y, and the rest are more or less okay.
The only Melee stages I really liked (that were not in SB64) were Big Blue (Mach Rider theme!), Onett, Yoshi's Island, Rainbow Cruise, Green Greens, Fourside, and the Mushroom Kingdom levels. Ironically, every level competitive Smash players detest. (But I main Ness and Kirby, so I have legitimate gripes with Melee)
Well, the Yoshi's Story stage
was a transfer from SB64, so that's not entirely on Melee. :sly:
I do agree with some of those, though. Poke Floats was awful, the DK levels were really bland and hard to work with (way too many pitfalls in Jungle Japes)... yeah, you see what I mean. Although I still think you underrate Melee a little too much, I'll admit that it does have its faults. And, you know how it goes; different strokes ( for different folks, and such.
Quote from: Kiddington on April 28, 2012, 09:01:17 PM
Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on April 28, 2012, 08:53:46 PM
Quote from: Kiddington on April 28, 2012, 08:43:05 PM
Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on April 28, 2012, 08:19:40 PM
Actually, I also want more simple stages like 64 had, as well. A good chunk of Melee's were terrible, and about a third of Brawl's are infuriating gimmick levels (though at least they brought the best Melee levels over), and some are just too big. I don't know about you guys but New Pork City and The Temple are not very fun levels.
Just curious, but which stages in Melee did you think were terrible?
I liked most of them myself, but I do have my opinions on a couple I could do without (Brinstar Depths, ahem ahem).
You mentioned one of them.
But I haven't played the game in years, so I have to go off memory. The Yoshi stage was pretty boring with a bad art style (Yoshi Story has terrible art), the Majora's Mask stage was dull, the DK levels were the worst in the game, Pokefloats is so lazy, Icicle Mountain..., Peach's Castle is nowhere near as good as the one in SB64, Venom is terrible, Temple is too big, Corneria is a rehash of sector Y, and the rest are more or less okay.
The only Melee stages I really liked (that were not in SB64) were Big Blue (Mach Rider theme!), Onett, Yoshi's Island, Rainbow Cruise, Green Greens, Fourside, and the Mushroom Kingdom levels. Ironically, every level competitive Smash players detest. (But I main Ness and Kirby, so I have legitimate gripes with Melee)
Well, the Yoshi's Story stage was a transfer from SB64, so that's not entirely on Melee. :sly:
I do agree with some of those, though. Poke Floats was awful, the DK levels were really bland and hard to work with (way too many pitfalls in Jungle Japes)... yeah, you see what I mean. Although I still think you underrate Melee a little too much, I'll admit that it does have its faults. And, you know how it goes; different strokes ( for different folks, and such.
No, the Melee Yoshi Story is a different stage from the 64 one. They both have horrible, horrible art, though.
Yeah, I do underrate the game. Because the characters I play as suffer too much. I have to work too hard to win in Melee, as my characters are not on an equal playing field with others. It's not worth the hassle to learn when I play the game casually.
Pikachu, Ness, and Kirby were destroyed in Melee.
Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on April 28, 2012, 09:04:34 PM
Quote from: Kiddington on April 28, 2012, 09:01:17 PM
Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on April 28, 2012, 08:53:46 PM
Quote from: Kiddington on April 28, 2012, 08:43:05 PM
Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on April 28, 2012, 08:19:40 PM
Actually, I also want more simple stages like 64 had, as well. A good chunk of Melee's were terrible, and about a third of Brawl's are infuriating gimmick levels (though at least they brought the best Melee levels over), and some are just too big. I don't know about you guys but New Pork City and The Temple are not very fun levels.
Just curious, but which stages in Melee did you think were terrible?
I liked most of them myself, but I do have my opinions on a couple I could do without (Brinstar Depths, ahem ahem).
You mentioned one of them.
But I haven't played the game in years, so I have to go off memory. The Yoshi stage was pretty boring with a bad art style (Yoshi Story has terrible art), the Majora's Mask stage was dull, the DK levels were the worst in the game, Pokefloats is so lazy, Icicle Mountain..., Peach's Castle is nowhere near as good as the one in SB64, Venom is terrible, Temple is too big, Corneria is a rehash of sector Y, and the rest are more or less okay.
The only Melee stages I really liked (that were not in SB64) were Big Blue (Mach Rider theme!), Onett, Yoshi's Island, Rainbow Cruise, Green Greens, Fourside, and the Mushroom Kingdom levels. Ironically, every level competitive Smash players detest. (But I main Ness and Kirby, so I have legitimate gripes with Melee)
Well, the Yoshi's Story stage was a transfer from SB64, so that's not entirely on Melee. :sly:
I do agree with some of those, though. Poke Floats was awful, the DK levels were really bland and hard to work with (way too many pitfalls in Jungle Japes)... yeah, you see what I mean. Although I still think you underrate Melee a little too much, I'll admit that it does have its faults. And, you know how it goes; different strokes ( for different folks, and such.
No, the Melee Yoshi Story is a different stage from the 64 one. They both have horrible, horrible art, though.
Wait, how is the Melee Yoshi's Story any different from 64? We're talking about the stage with the orange-sky background, right?
Honestly, it's been ages since I've played 64, so maybe I'm not remembering this right.
Quote from: Kiddington on April 28, 2012, 09:06:43 PM
Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on April 28, 2012, 09:04:34 PM
Quote from: Kiddington on April 28, 2012, 09:01:17 PM
Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on April 28, 2012, 08:53:46 PM
Quote from: Kiddington on April 28, 2012, 08:43:05 PM
Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on April 28, 2012, 08:19:40 PM
Actually, I also want more simple stages like 64 had, as well. A good chunk of Melee's were terrible, and about a third of Brawl's are infuriating gimmick levels (though at least they brought the best Melee levels over), and some are just too big. I don't know about you guys but New Pork City and The Temple are not very fun levels.
Just curious, but which stages in Melee did you think were terrible?
I liked most of them myself, but I do have my opinions on a couple I could do without (Brinstar Depths, ahem ahem).
You mentioned one of them.
But I haven't played the game in years, so I have to go off memory. The Yoshi stage was pretty boring with a bad art style (Yoshi Story has terrible art), the Majora's Mask stage was dull, the DK levels were the worst in the game, Pokefloats is so lazy, Icicle Mountain..., Peach's Castle is nowhere near as good as the one in SB64, Venom is terrible, Temple is too big, Corneria is a rehash of sector Y, and the rest are more or less okay.
The only Melee stages I really liked (that were not in SB64) were Big Blue (Mach Rider theme!), Onett, Yoshi's Island, Rainbow Cruise, Green Greens, Fourside, and the Mushroom Kingdom levels. Ironically, every level competitive Smash players detest. (But I main Ness and Kirby, so I have legitimate gripes with Melee)
Well, the Yoshi's Story stage was a transfer from SB64, so that's not entirely on Melee. :sly:
I do agree with some of those, though. Poke Floats was awful, the DK levels were really bland and hard to work with (way too many pitfalls in Jungle Japes)... yeah, you see what I mean. Although I still think you underrate Melee a little too much, I'll admit that it does have its faults. And, you know how it goes; different strokes ( for different folks, and such.
No, the Melee Yoshi Story is a different stage from the 64 one. They both have horrible, horrible art, though.
Wait, how is any it different? We're talking about the one with the orange-sky background, right?
Honestly, it's been ages since I've played 64, so maybe I'm not remembering this right.
It doesn't even have the cool cloud platforms.
I don't mind Brinstar Depths and can tolerate Jungle Japes, and Pokefloats is just plain fun to me. I agree with the Yoshi's Story stage (the Super Mario World stage is also pretty "meh", but it did lead to that one infamous video).
Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on April 28, 2012, 09:04:34 PM
Quote from: Kiddington on April 28, 2012, 09:01:17 PM
Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on April 28, 2012, 08:53:46 PM
Quote from: Kiddington on April 28, 2012, 08:43:05 PM
Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on April 28, 2012, 08:19:40 PM
Actually, I also want more simple stages like 64 had, as well. A good chunk of Melee's were terrible, and about a third of Brawl's are infuriating gimmick levels (though at least they brought the best Melee levels over), and some are just too big. I don't know about you guys but New Pork City and The Temple are not very fun levels.
Just curious, but which stages in Melee did you think were terrible?
I liked most of them myself, but I do have my opinions on a couple I could do without (Brinstar Depths, ahem ahem).
You mentioned one of them.
But I haven't played the game in years, so I have to go off memory. The Yoshi stage was pretty boring with a bad art style (Yoshi Story has terrible art), the Majora's Mask stage was dull, the DK levels were the worst in the game, Pokefloats is so lazy, Icicle Mountain..., Peach's Castle is nowhere near as good as the one in SB64, Venom is terrible, Temple is too big, Corneria is a rehash of sector Y, and the rest are more or less okay.
The only Melee stages I really liked (that were not in SB64) were Big Blue (Mach Rider theme!), Onett, Yoshi's Island, Rainbow Cruise, Green Greens, Fourside, and the Mushroom Kingdom levels. Ironically, every level competitive Smash players detest. (But I main Ness and Kirby, so I have legitimate gripes with Melee)
Well, the Yoshi's Story stage was a transfer from SB64, so that's not entirely on Melee. :sly:
I do agree with some of those, though. Poke Floats was awful, the DK levels were really bland and hard to work with (way too many pitfalls in Jungle Japes)... yeah, you see what I mean. Although I still think you underrate Melee a little too much, I'll admit that it does have its faults. And, you know how it goes; different strokes ( for different folks, and such.
No, the Melee Yoshi Story is a different stage from the 64 one. They both have horrible, horrible art, though.
Yeah, I do underrate the game. Because the characters I play as suffer too much. I have to work too hard to win in Melee, as my characters are not on an equal playing field with others. It's not worth the hassle to learn when I play the game casually.
Pikachu, Ness, and Kirby were destroyed in Melee.
I miss mah Mewtwo. :'(
I like the Yoshi Island level (the Super Mario World one) just because of how chaoitc ground fights get. Also, the music is awesome.
Quote from: Rynnec on April 28, 2012, 09:09:54 PM
I don't mind Brinstar Depths and can tolerate Jungle Japes, and Pokefloats is just plain fun to me. I agree with the Yoshi's Story stage (the Super Mario World stage is also pretty "meh", but it did lead to that one infamous video).
Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on April 28, 2012, 09:04:34 PM
Quote from: Kiddington on April 28, 2012, 09:01:17 PM
Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on April 28, 2012, 08:53:46 PM
Quote from: Kiddington on April 28, 2012, 08:43:05 PM
Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on April 28, 2012, 08:19:40 PM
Actually, I also want more simple stages like 64 had, as well. A good chunk of Melee's were terrible, and about a third of Brawl's are infuriating gimmick levels (though at least they brought the best Melee levels over), and some are just too big. I don't know about you guys but New Pork City and The Temple are not very fun levels.
Just curious, but which stages in Melee did you think were terrible?
I liked most of them myself, but I do have my opinions on a couple I could do without (Brinstar Depths, ahem ahem).
You mentioned one of them.
But I haven't played the game in years, so I have to go off memory. The Yoshi stage was pretty boring with a bad art style (Yoshi Story has terrible art), the Majora's Mask stage was dull, the DK levels were the worst in the game, Pokefloats is so lazy, Icicle Mountain..., Peach's Castle is nowhere near as good as the one in SB64, Venom is terrible, Temple is too big, Corneria is a rehash of sector Y, and the rest are more or less okay.
The only Melee stages I really liked (that were not in SB64) were Big Blue (Mach Rider theme!), Onett, Yoshi's Island, Rainbow Cruise, Green Greens, Fourside, and the Mushroom Kingdom levels. Ironically, every level competitive Smash players detest. (But I main Ness and Kirby, so I have legitimate gripes with Melee)
Well, the Yoshi's Story stage was a transfer from SB64, so that's not entirely on Melee. :sly:
I do agree with some of those, though. Poke Floats was awful, the DK levels were really bland and hard to work with (way too many pitfalls in Jungle Japes)... yeah, you see what I mean. Although I still think you underrate Melee a little too much, I'll admit that it does have its faults. And, you know how it goes; different strokes ( for different folks, and such.
No, the Melee Yoshi Story is a different stage from the 64 one. They both have horrible, horrible art, though.
Yeah, I do underrate the game. Because the characters I play as suffer too much. I have to work too hard to win in Melee, as my characters are not on an equal playing field with others. It's not worth the hassle to learn when I play the game casually.
Pikachu, Ness, and Kirby were destroyed in Melee.
I miss mah Mewtwo. :'(
He'll be back. :) He was going to be in Brawl but didn't make it in with a few other characters, IIRC.
Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on April 28, 2012, 09:09:02 PM
Quote from: Kiddington on April 28, 2012, 09:06:43 PM
Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on April 28, 2012, 09:04:34 PM
Quote from: Kiddington on April 28, 2012, 09:01:17 PM
Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on April 28, 2012, 08:53:46 PM
Quote from: Kiddington on April 28, 2012, 08:43:05 PM
Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on April 28, 2012, 08:19:40 PM
Actually, I also want more simple stages like 64 had, as well. A good chunk of Melee's were terrible, and about a third of Brawl's are infuriating gimmick levels (though at least they brought the best Melee levels over), and some are just too big. I don't know about you guys but New Pork City and The Temple are not very fun levels.
Just curious, but which stages in Melee did you think were terrible?
I liked most of them myself, but I do have my opinions on a couple I could do without (Brinstar Depths, ahem ahem).
You mentioned one of them.
But I haven't played the game in years, so I have to go off memory. The Yoshi stage was pretty boring with a bad art style (Yoshi Story has terrible art), the Majora's Mask stage was dull, the DK levels were the worst in the game, Pokefloats is so lazy, Icicle Mountain..., Peach's Castle is nowhere near as good as the one in SB64, Venom is terrible, Temple is too big, Corneria is a rehash of sector Y, and the rest are more or less okay.
The only Melee stages I really liked (that were not in SB64) were Big Blue (Mach Rider theme!), Onett, Yoshi's Island, Rainbow Cruise, Green Greens, Fourside, and the Mushroom Kingdom levels. Ironically, every level competitive Smash players detest. (But I main Ness and Kirby, so I have legitimate gripes with Melee)
Well, the Yoshi's Story stage was a transfer from SB64, so that's not entirely on Melee. :sly:
I do agree with some of those, though. Poke Floats was awful, the DK levels were really bland and hard to work with (way too many pitfalls in Jungle Japes)... yeah, you see what I mean. Although I still think you underrate Melee a little too much, I'll admit that it does have its faults. And, you know how it goes; different strokes ( for different folks, and such.
No, the Melee Yoshi Story is a different stage from the 64 one. They both have horrible, horrible art, though.
Wait, how is any it different? We're talking about the one with the orange-sky background, right?
Honestly, it's been ages since I've played 64, so maybe I'm not remembering this right.
It doesn't even have the cool cloud platforms.
Oh wow, I
completely forgot about that second Yoshi stage. Guess it shows I haven't played Melee in ages, either. :humhumhum:
...yeah, I didn't care for that one either.
All that Yoshi Story garbage in the first two games prevented me from seeing some actual Yoshi's Island material. Thankfully Brawl gave us a great level based on it and this to play on it (
I don't main Yoshi or anything, but he got some great material in Brawl.
In other news, this comment on that Ubisoft Wii-U launch game "Killer Freaks From Outer Space" is interesting:
QuoteI'm rooting for Killer Freaks to be great. I love how in a time when every shooter is following Call of Duty, it's looking to Duke Nukem 3D. It has all the essential ingredients: one-liner spouting protagonist taking back his city from aliens, destructible environments and hidden passageways, hip shooting only with no iron sights, a jetpack, and a gun that looks and appears to function very much like Duke 3D's RPG. Hopefully it will be closer to what everyone was hoping for from DNF.
The RTS vs FPS local multiplayer is also very cool.
I hope the Red Steel 2 team is behind it. (Thankfully the RS1 team has long since been disbanded) This has potential.
Sounds like Serious Sam 3.
This can only end well. Hopefully they release a PC version too.
Some potentially bad Sega-related news. Sorry, Foggle. (
It would definitely be a result of Sega's restructuring if true.
Expected to see no English translation for Yakuza 5. Got something much worse.
I actually let out a Darth Vader "NOOOOOOO!" after I read that. Very sad now.
What makes you think that only Foggle would be devastated by this news? :shit:
I REALLY hope that this is only a rumor. I mean, out of the 3 great hack n' slash series, Ninja Gaiden was just utterly obliterated with NG3, Devil May Cry has been rebooted into something that doesn't really resemble its former self and seems to have mostly average gameplay in comparison to the original series, and if Bayonetta 2 is cancelled then all 3 big hack n' slash series are officially the same year! Damn, this is a SAD, SAD year for hack n' slash fans. :'(
It would be a blow to the genre. I'm not really sure what's going to happen to Platinum and Sega's relationship from this point. Bayonetta was their highest selling game.
I think Platinum might be done with Sega after Anarchy Reigns, anyway. Their contract ended with Vanquish, but then Sega signed them on for one more title (AR). Since Konami is publishing Revengeance, maybe they'll start handling P*'s further releases.
Quote from: Ensatsu-ken on April 30, 2012, 02:05:38 PM
I REALLY hope that this is only a rumor. I mean, out of the 3 great hack n' slash series, Ninja Gaiden was just utterly obliterated with NG3, Devil May Cry has been rebooted into something that doesn't really resemble its former self and seems to have mostly average gameplay in comparison to the original series, and if Bayonetta 2 is cancelled then all 3 big hack n' slash series are officially the same year! Damn, this is a SAD, SAD year for hack n' slash fans. :'(
Worst year ever. Absolutely disgraceful, killing three of the best game franchises in one genre ALL IN THE SAME YEAR. WHY SEGA!? WHYYYYYYYYYY
Good lord yes. ( They've got the composer from Doom on board, too.
That sounds and looks an awful lot like DOOM. Which is a great thing.
Didn't know this: ( !!!
It's been canceled because they are merging Bayonetta and Vanquish into the same game.
Not really news, but Insomniac confirmed that Overstrike will be third person. Here's hoping that it plays like R&C!!/insomniacgames/status/198217599274860544 (
Now this is the kind of game that would make me consider buying a Vita. The art style looks a little generic, but the idea sounds like a million bucks.
Quote from: Foggle on May 04, 2012, 01:52:05 PM
Not really news, but Insomniac confirmed that Overstrike will be third person. Here's hoping that it plays like R&C!!/insomniacgames/status/198217599274860544
Is it co-op?
Quote from: gunswordfist on May 06, 2012, 07:50:31 PM
Quote from: Foggle on May 04, 2012, 01:52:05 PM
Not really news, but Insomniac confirmed that Overstrike will be third person. Here's hoping that it plays like R&C!!/insomniacgames/status/198217599274860544
Is it co-op?
No idea. I think it will be, though.
I thought that was the hook for the game? The 4 player co-op with each character having different skills.
Since this is almost assuredly being done by the R&C team (not the resistance or new A4O team), I'm interested. I hope they are able to squeeze out a Wii-U version, though. From this point on, I'd rather more my anticipated third party games there.
As long as it's not a 720 or PS4 exclusive, I don't mind. But I really hope all the good games will either be available for Wii-U or PC next-gen, because I can't see myself buying anything else.
The rumored target PS4 specs are not that much higher to the Wii-U. Apparently, the difference would equate to the difference between the Gamecube and the original Xbox.
It will be interesting to see how Microsoft goes from here. If they make a huge jump off from that, they could get completely shut out. No one is going to make games for one system anymore, they cost way too much to make to put all your eggs into one pointless basket.
Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on May 06, 2012, 10:08:42 PM
The rumored target PS4 specs are not that much higher to the Wii-U.
Sounds like Sony is learning.
Also sounds like I won't have to upgrade my PC again for another five years.
Its very possible that Microsoft may be the last one of the big 3 console market competitors to release a new next-gen console. They seem to want to wait and see what Nintendo and Sony do first, which is a risky strategy since they could also be risking coming into the market too late if that's the case. Though, then again, that's only a major problem if they release a console close to the end of the next-gen's life-span, which I don't believe will happen (that's pretty much what happened with the Dreamcast, and I think it had to do with it falling short after the PS2 was released).
Microsoft is definitely being really careful here. Nintendo already has a year (at the very least) head start over the other two. Sony needs to keep it down in order to survive (so they might be secretly thankful Nintendo did what they did) and be in line with the competition.
Microsoft needs to be in the ballpark as the other two and it needs to come out around the same time as Sony's does. Nintendo will already have a year head start, if they remember the 360 (and if they're a competent company-they will) they know how much a head start benefits you. They can't let Sony or Nintendo get too much over them, and they can't have a PS3-type situation and lose the Kinect audience.
I do think Microsoft is going to be really cocky like Nintendo with the N64 and Sony with the PS3. I totally see them making certain decisions that will lose a large chunk of their audience by focusing on the wrong aspects of what people liked about them.
I most liked Microsoft toward the end of the XBOX's life cycle and the beginning of the XBOX360's, since during that period I got the sense that they were REALLY putting forth a lot of genuine effort to try and market really good game for either XBOX, and for the most part their entire focus was on the games, not on multimedia or peripherals (that's the mistake that Sony made with the PS3). However, after 2008 Microsoft seemed to be heading that route, themselves, and that's when they started to go downhill for me. By 2010's E3 press conference, they had already become exactly what I hate about modern gaming in general. Its more about EVERYTHING....except for the games.
Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on May 06, 2012, 10:37:32 PM
Microsoft is definitely being really careful here. Nintendo already has a year (at the very least) head start over the other two. Sony needs to keep it down in order to survive (so they might be secretly thankful Nintendo did what they did) and be in line with the competition.
Microsoft needs to be in the ballpark as the other two and it needs to come out around the same time as Sony's does. Nintendo will already have a year head start, if they remember the 360 (and if they're a competent company-they will) they know how much a head start benefits you. They can't let Sony or Nintendo get too much over them, and they can't have a PS3-type situation and lose the Kinect audience.
I do think Microsoft is going to be really cocky like Nintendo with the N64 and Sony with the PS3. I totally see them making certain decisions that will lose a large chunk of their audience by focusing on the wrong aspects of what people liked about them.
It really does seem like a companies worst performing system is the one that gets released whenever said company is getting particularly cocky. Not only did it happen with the N64 and PS3, like you said, but it also happened with the Sega Saturn (and the other various add-ons to the Genesis).
Quote from: Rynnec on May 06, 2012, 11:33:13 PM
Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on May 06, 2012, 10:37:32 PM
Microsoft is definitely being really careful here. Nintendo already has a year (at the very least) head start over the other two. Sony needs to keep it down in order to survive (so they might be secretly thankful Nintendo did what they did) and be in line with the competition.
Microsoft needs to be in the ballpark as the other two and it needs to come out around the same time as Sony's does. Nintendo will already have a year head start, if they remember the 360 (and if they're a competent company-they will) they know how much a head start benefits you. They can't let Sony or Nintendo get too much over them, and they can't have a PS3-type situation and lose the Kinect audience.
I do think Microsoft is going to be really cocky like Nintendo with the N64 and Sony with the PS3. I totally see them making certain decisions that will lose a large chunk of their audience by focusing on the wrong aspects of what people liked about them.
It really does seem like a companies worst performing system is the one that gets released whenever said company is getting particularly cocky. Not only did it happen with the N64 and PS3, like you said, but it also happened with the Sega Saturn (and the other various add-ons to the Genesis).
Which is a real shame. These companies waste so much time over patting themselves on the back that they often forget exactly what made them great in the first place. And they all did it! All the way back to Atari, and no one seemed to have learned from it.
The N64 and PS3 both turned out okay in the end, at least. Not great by any means, but decent enough.
Oh, before I forget... Did I post here that there's a rumor that Retro is working on a Star Fox game for Wii-U? I can't remember.
Because I hope that's true. The series needs it.
It was me who posted the link to that rumour, and yeah, I hope it's true too (though like I said when I first posted that rumour, I also wouldn't mind if it turns out to be a new IP, either would be very welcomed).
Quote from: Rynnec on May 07, 2012, 12:09:28 AM
It was me who posted the link to that rumour, and yeah, I hope it's true too (though like I said when I first posted that rumour, I also wouldn't mind if it turns out to be a new IP, either would be very welcomed).
Apparently I need to get some sleep. :sweat:
But yeah, I'm curious to see what they're doing as well. E3 should be fun!
Quote from: Foggle on May 06, 2012, 11:43:43 PM
The N64 and PS3 both turned out okay in the end, at least. Not great by any means, but decent enough.
What's wrong with the N64 and PS3?
Quote from: talonmalon333 on May 07, 2012, 12:39:55 AM
Quote from: Foggle on May 06, 2012, 11:43:43 PM
The N64 and PS3 both turned out okay in the end, at least. Not great by any means, but decent enough.
What's wrong with the N64 and PS3?
Quote from: Rynnec on May 06, 2012, 11:33:13 PM
Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on May 06, 2012, 10:37:32 PM
Microsoft is definitely being really careful here. Nintendo already has a year (at the very least) head start over the other two. Sony needs to keep it down in order to survive (so they might be secretly thankful Nintendo did what they did) and be in line with the competition.
Microsoft needs to be in the ballpark as the other two and it needs to come out around the same time as Sony's does. Nintendo will already have a year head start, if they remember the 360 (and if they're a competent company-they will) they know how much a head start benefits you. They can't let Sony or Nintendo get too much over them, and they can't have a PS3-type situation and lose the Kinect audience.
I do think Microsoft is going to be really cocky like Nintendo with the N64 and Sony with the PS3. I totally see them making certain decisions that will lose a large chunk of their audience by focusing on the wrong aspects of what people liked about them.
It really does seem like a companies worst performing system is the one that gets released whenever said company is getting particularly cocky. Not only did it happen with the N64 and PS3, like you said, but it also happened with the Sega Saturn (and the other various add-ons to the Genesis).
Yo, EK, there can only be one. (
Quote from: gunswordfist on May 09, 2012, 09:10:56 AM
You EK, there can only be one. (
Noooooooooo!! :( (
Hmm... interesting.
So, apparently BioShock: Infinite is being delayed until 2013. Strangely enough this doesn't bother me since it makes my choice of which game to get for my Birthday extremely easy. Previously I was deciding between this and RE6, but since this game is being delayed till past that point, I can now say that RE6 will make a great birthday gift for me....assuming that its actually as good as it looks and sounds, so far. :D
On disc, I assume?
Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on May 09, 2012, 09:13:25 PM
On disc, I assume?
Probably. It's a pre-order bonus on Steam and comes with the console Special Editions.
I just thought it was hilarious that they literally copy/pasted the character model from the first game into the new one.
I'd be lying if I said that it didn't look awesome.
Oh, my friend who never played the first 2 wants to pick up the new one. He said that he will after he finishes Diablo III, since they come out on the same day.
I'd use it. I always liked the look of the first game.
You know, after just having replayed the 2nd game I've come to prefer that look for Max over the one he has in the 1st game and the multiple ones he has in the 3rd game, but I'd use that character model if it was free. Since its a pre-order bonus, though, I'm not going to go out of my way to get it, but I gotta give credit to Rockstar for paying so much homage to the first 2 games by Remedy. It does help that Remedy gives their full approval at Max Payne 3's level of awesomeness.
Also, now that I've just finished replaying the 2nd game, I'm more pumped than ever for this title. Such a shame that I won't be able to get it at launch. :(
I wish the PC release wasn't delayed by two weeks. I hope I can avoid spoilers until then...
Quote from: Brak's Dad on May 09, 2012, 09:22:19 PM
Oh, my friend who never played the first 2 wants to pick up the new one. He said that he will after he finishes Diablo III, since they come out on the same day.
You probably don't need to play the first two to get into the third one, but you'll miss a lot of series references and character development if you don't.
Quote from: Ensatsu-ken on May 09, 2012, 09:25:10 PM
You know, after just having replayed the 2nd game I've come to prefer that look for Max over the one he has in the 1st game and the multiple ones he has in the 3rd game, but I'd use that character model if it was free.
I like New York-era Max Payne 3 Max the most.
Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on May 09, 2012, 09:22:37 PM
I'd use it. I always liked the look of the first game.
I'd rather play as Max Payne 1 Vinnie Gognitti. ;)
And of course EK is late as usual. I already directed a post towards you about BioShock Infinite being delayed.
YES! Republique got funded in time! ( ;D
QuoteThe first images from inside CoroCoro have started to come. These images showcase further screenshots of Pok?mon Black 2 & White 2 and provide a lot of information. First, it confirms Alder will appear early on within the game and asks the player to follow him
Cheren is a Normal-type Gym Leader while Bianca gives you your starter Pok?mon as a favour for Juniper
Nobody seems to know where N has gone
New Professor is Professor Burnett who is in AR Searcher
Tornadus, Thundurus and Landorus original forms are Incarnation Forme. Their new forms are Sacred Beast Forme. They are 198, 199 and 200 in the Unova Dex and have no type changes
Tornadus' Sacred Beast Forme focuses on Defense, Speed & Special Defense
Thundurus' Sacred Beast Forme has increased Special Attack
Landorus' Sacred Beast Forme has increased Attack
Mecha Tyranitar is part of Pok?Wood. Icirrus City Gym Leader Brycen appears, has a confrontation with Homika's father who wants to be a movie star, and is part of Pok?Wood. Pok?Wood allows you to select a scenario and then make the movie. Various battles appear
Pok?mon World Tournament allows you to battle many of the old Gym Leaders and Champions including those listed yesterday and Janine & Blaine. We're still in the process of translating so keep checking back
Pokemon Black and white 2 confirmed for best Pokemon games and sequel of the year. Everyone else, are you even trying?
I am throwing all my money at the screen and nothing is happening. I am going to try harder now.
Yep, still throwing all my money at the screen for this.
GameFly said they sent Max Payne 3, so I'm looking forward to that. But for some reason, I still haven't gotten to play Silent Hill Downpour yet despite it being in my queue longer. I guess someone else just won't stop rerenting it.
Quote from: Peanutbutter on May 16, 2012, 05:46:49 AM
GameFly said they sent Max Payne 3, so I'm looking forward to that.
Nice! Tell me how it is, but no spoilers please. :thumbup:
Tony Hawk Pro Skater HD has levels from THPS1 and 2. However, they just announced DLC level packs, the first of which will include levels from THPS3.
I really hope they don't screw this up.
Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on May 16, 2012, 03:35:51 PM
Tony Hawk Pro Skater HD has levels from THPS1 and 2. However, they just announced DLC level packs, the first of which will include levels from THPS3.
I really hope they don't screw this up.
Never heard of this.
Sweet! Akiyama's coming back in Yakuza 5! Saejima's welcome too, but I freakin' loved playing Aki. Now I just need to finish playing Saejima and the rest of Yakuza 4...... :sweat:
Quote from: Peanutbutter on May 23, 2012, 01:59:51 PM
Sweet! Akiyama's coming back in Yakuza 5! Saejima's welcome too, but I freakin' loved playing Aki. Now I just need to finish playing Saejima and the rest of Yakuza 4...... :sweat:
Akiyama is easily my favorite character in the entire series. I like him even more than Kiryu! ;D
QuoteNagoshi: The top two requests we got were a stronger message and a larger scale. We have ended up with a dynamic script for the game
Yokoyama: All the cities that appear in the game have high level of details, much like Kamurocho does.
We are aiming to improve Kamurocho from the previous games. It is difficult, but we are on track.
Nagoshi: We are improving all aspects of the game. We now have seamless transitions in and out of battle.
The tempo of the game is dramatically improved since the previous games.
Yokoyama: We had no hesitation including Haruka as a playable character, but there were many things to think about regarding using her in the game.
The battle system will be revealed to the pubic in the days to come. We have incorporated a mechanism to be able to play in the same way as other protagonists on the street.
The new character, Shinada, is a lot different to the protagonists of the series thus far; he's a complainer and he runs away if things get dangerous. He is a neglegent and unreliable guy. He may appear to be completely unlike a protagonist, but he has his convictions. It will be easy for players to empathise with him, especially male players.
Nagoshi: OF THE END is a spin-off; think of it like Kenzan. The title "OF THE END" simply meant the end of that game engine. Ryu ga Gotoku 5 is a completely new Ryu Ga Gotoku game with a new engine.
Yokoyama: We had told the staff we will be making a brand new Ryu ga Gotoku.
This isn't a mere sequel to Ryu ga Gotoku 4; we want to exceed all expectations the fans may have.
Nagoshi: Development taken twice as long as previous entries in the series, but challenging ourselves to make #5 has been far from twice as hard. The team have been highly motivated and have a lot of faith in the game. We are finishing up a game that contains intense human drama with plenty of surprises to offer, so please look forward to it.
I will do horrible things to good people if Sega doesn't bring this to the west...
They brought Dead Souls instead of Kenzan. And Dead Souls bombing might have been enough to kill all hope of 5.
Another reason to dislike that game.
I don't really see that as an "instead" case. Kenzan is kind of old now... it probably would've bombed hard due to its graphics and fighting system. Only the most hardcore Yakuza fans like myself would have given it a second glance.
If anything, they brought Dead Souls over instead of Kurohyou. Which is unforgivable. :srs:
Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on May 24, 2012, 11:51:29 AM
Another reason to dislike that game.
I plan on buying it new eventually just to support the series in the west... it's not a great game, but the demo was decently fun and delightfully silly. But I would have greatly preferred Kurohyou or even Kenzan, which are absolutely worth playing - even untranslated.
And if DS fucked over Yakuza 5's chance for an English release, heads will roll.
I dunno, all those Way Of The Samurai style games keep getting released here. If they advertised it as such, it would probably do decently. I think the US is more accepting of samurai and ninja as opposed to modern Japanese Mafia.
I'm just annoyed that the lesser spin off (that I have absolutely NO interest in) was released over the one I actually want to play.
If Dead Souls was a beat 'em up like the other ones, it would have been awesome. Zombie suplex... sold.
Anarchy Reigns demo features:
One level from each single-player story mode
Two multiplayer modes (Deathmatch and Team DM)
Six playable characters (Jack, Leo, Blacker Baron, Mathilda, Sasha, and Garuda)
No word on the number of stages/songs, presence of bot mode, or English release. But that's a very hefty demo! Get yer Japanese accounts ready!
Some R&C Trilogy footage (
Looks good.
Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on May 24, 2012, 03:04:23 PM
Some R&C Trilogy footage (
Looks good.
Damn good! Can't wait. ;D
Shin Megami Tensei 4 is coming for the 3DS! (
Here's hoping for some portable remakes of the first few while we wait!
Sega has outdone themselves on the JSR port! Check out the soundtrack:
QuoteBy Hideki Naganuma (SEGA)
?Grace and Glory?
?Humming the Bassline?
?Let Mom Sleep?
?Moody?s Shuffle?
?Rock It On?
?Sweet Soul Brother?
?That?s Enough?
By Guitar Vader
?Super Brothers?
?Magical Girl?
By Deavid Soul
?Dunny Boy Williamson Show?
?Miller Ball Breakers?
?On the Bowl (A.Fargus Remix)?
?Up-Set Attack?
Also including such popular tracks as ?
?Electric Tooth Brush? by Toronto
?Everybody Jump Around? by Richard Jacques
?OK House? by Idol Taxi
?Bout the City? by Reps
?Funky Radio? by B.B. Rights
?Mischievous Boy? by Castle Logical
?Yellow Bream? by F-Fields
?Just Got Wicked? by Cold
?Dragula? by Rob Zombie
?Slow? by Professional Murder Music
?Improvise? by Jurassic 5
?Patrol Knob? by Mixmaster Mike
?Recipe for the Perfect Afro? by Feature Cast
?Funky Plucker? by Semi Detached
Every song that matters! Great job, guys!
Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on June 01, 2012, 11:39:03 AM
Sega has outdone themselves on the JSR port! Check out the soundtrack:
QuoteBy Hideki Naganuma (SEGA)
?Grace and Glory?
?Humming the Bassline?
?Let Mom Sleep?
?Moody?s Shuffle?
?Rock It On?
?Sweet Soul Brother?
?That?s Enough?
By Guitar Vader
?Super Brothers?
?Magical Girl?
By Deavid Soul
?Dunny Boy Williamson Show?
?Miller Ball Breakers?
?On the Bowl (A.Fargus Remix)?
?Up-Set Attack?
Also including such popular tracks as ?
?Electric Tooth Brush? by Toronto
?Everybody Jump Around? by Richard Jacques
?OK House? by Idol Taxi
?Bout the City? by Reps
?Funky Radio? by B.B. Rights
?Mischievous Boy? by Castle Logical
?Yellow Bream? by F-Fields
?Just Got Wicked? by Cold
?Dragula? by Rob Zombie
?Slow? by Professional Murder Music
?Improvise? by Jurassic 5
?Patrol Knob? by Mixmaster Mike
?Recipe for the Perfect Afro? by Feature Cast
?Funky Plucker? by Semi Detached
Every song that matters! Great job, guys!
Of course, people are
still going to bitch about the missing tracks, but screw them. Have they announced a release date other than "This Summer" yet?
This is what Ninja Gaiden 3 should have been.
Quote from: Rynnec on June 01, 2012, 02:26:30 PM
Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on June 01, 2012, 11:39:03 AM
Sega has outdone themselves on the JSR port! Check out the soundtrack:
QuoteBy Hideki Naganuma (SEGA)
?Grace and Glory?
?Humming the Bassline?
?Let Mom Sleep?
?Moody?s Shuffle?
?Rock It On?
?Sweet Soul Brother?
?That?s Enough?
By Guitar Vader
?Super Brothers?
?Magical Girl?
By Deavid Soul
?Dunny Boy Williamson Show?
?Miller Ball Breakers?
?On the Bowl (A.Fargus Remix)?
?Up-Set Attack?
Also including such popular tracks as ?
?Electric Tooth Brush? by Toronto
?Everybody Jump Around? by Richard Jacques
?OK House? by Idol Taxi
?Bout the City? by Reps
?Funky Radio? by B.B. Rights
?Mischievous Boy? by Castle Logical
?Yellow Bream? by F-Fields
?Just Got Wicked? by Cold
?Dragula? by Rob Zombie
?Slow? by Professional Murder Music
?Improvise? by Jurassic 5
?Patrol Knob? by Mixmaster Mike
?Recipe for the Perfect Afro? by Feature Cast
?Funky Plucker? by Semi Detached
Every song that matters! Great job, guys!
Of course, people are still going to bitch about the missing tracks, but screw them. Have they announced a release date other than "This Summer" yet?
The only known missing songs are Yappie Feet (probably a sample issue) and Many Styles. While Yappie Feet was pretty good, Many Styles was meh. We got the worldwide soundtrack which the DC version didn't have in NA with wicked tracks like Recipe For The Perfect Afro which more than makes up for it.
They even got Improvise by Jurassic 5 which is incredible since usually groups that break up have issues with licensing.
Up-Set Attack was all I was hoping for, anyway! :D
Check out the new trailer here (
Add Injustice and Sleeping Dogs to my list.
Quote from: Foggle on June 01, 2012, 10:28:24 PM
I'm praying that this is the game to save the hack n' slash genre this year. Sadly, even if it is a great game, I feel like it will still somehow get horribly overlooked. Maybe the Metal Gear name attached to it will help its sales, though. At least its being handled by a developer that knows great action games.
QuoteThis is what Ninja Gaiden 3 should have been.
Eh, While this game looks amazing and is already infinitely better than the piece of garbage that Tecmo called NG3, its also not the direction I would want an NG game to go in. This game I can tell is more about flash and pulling off crazy combos, which I love, but I play NG games for their unrivaled sense of combat speed and demand for strategy on harder difficulties (barring the 3rd game, of course). I'd still love to see Platinum make a Ninja Gaiden game, though that's one thing I'm sure will never happen.
Apparently People Can Fly is doing the next Gears Of War game.
Since I liked what I played of Bullet Storm, that actually has me "mildly" interested, but only just a tiny bit.
Like Splinter Cell, Gears Of War is a series that I wish would get a rest but will play a sequel of the game anyway.
Quote from: Ensatsu-ken on June 04, 2012, 08:14:37 PM
Since I liked what I played of Bullet Storm, that actually has me "mildly" interested, but only just a tiny bit.
You really need to play Painkiller someday. Such a shame that the Xbox version isn't BC...
Quote from: Foggle on June 04, 2012, 08:39:21 PM
Quote from: Ensatsu-ken on June 04, 2012, 08:14:37 PM
Since I liked what I played of Bullet Storm, that actually has me "mildly" interested, but only just a tiny bit.
You really need to play Painkiller someday. Such a shame that the Xbox version isn't BC...
They made that game?
Quote from: gunswordfist on June 10, 2012, 02:21:45 PM
Quote from: Foggle on June 04, 2012, 08:39:21 PM
Quote from: Ensatsu-ken on June 04, 2012, 08:14:37 PM
Since I liked what I played of Bullet Storm, that actually has me "mildly" interested, but only just a tiny bit.
You really need to play Painkiller someday. Such a shame that the Xbox version isn't BC...
They made that game?
Looks like frantic fun! (
have you guys seen the trailer for Avengers: Battle for Earth (
I always like it when they make Marvel games with a vast supply of characters rather than just one set, especially since they're skipping making a game version of the movie and going straight to this. It is alarming that we don't actually see the Avengers until the end of the trailer, but what I've read about it still sounds pretty cool.
Hmm... (
According to /v/, the new Xbox is looking to have lesser hardware than the Wii-U. I find that fucking hilarious.
Actual Dishonored gameplay footage. (
Part 2! (
Wow. Last year we saw the return of Deus Ex; this year, for the first time since 2000, we are finally receiving an evolution of that style. Game of the decade, no doubt about it.
I played the Rhythm Thief demo on the 3DS, and it is excellent. I can't wait to play the full game.
Sega plus rhythm games always equals awesome.
Did you guys here that the next Arkham game will be a Silver Age oriented prequel? Now that sounds awesome.
Diedrich Bader for Batman, please!
The theme sounds great, but after Arkham City I'm pretty tired of the gameplay. Unless the game gets a complete overhaul in terms of gameplay, I won't see it as anything more than a decent rental. After a while the shallow combat and stealth, uninspired and boring side-missions, and bare-boned exploration elements just stop amusing me and I just find myself wanting more depth out of the experience.
Quote from: Ensatsu-ken on July 11, 2012, 11:01:36 PM
The theme sounds great, but after Arkham City I'm pretty tired of the gameplay. Unless the game gets a complete overhaul in terms of gameplay, I won't see it as anything more than a decent rental. After a while the shallow combat and stealth, uninspired and boring side-missions, and bare-boned exploration elements just stop amusing me and I just find myself wanting more depth out of the experience.
I can definitely understand that. I'm hoping they expand the combat and situations (since the Silver Age is a LOT better at elaborate set-pieces and over the top enemies), but also open up the combat more.
Yeah, the combat could use some improvement for sure. Also, I know this sounds contradictory to a Batman game, but since this is supposed to be more like silver age Batman, it wouldn't hurt to have some less dark parts to the game world's environment. This would be a great opportunity to explore some more the more colorful Batman art-style from the silver age comics, IMO. To me, the first 2 Arkham games were basically taking a lot of influence from the grittier Batman comics and Nolan's Batman films. This next Batman game should take a touch of The Brave and the Bold. It can still be serious and not necessarily as campy as that series (though if it were, I'd certainly be game for that as well ;) ), but it can still have that fun spirit, as it certainly helps any game to have any semblence of "fun" at its core. :thumbup:
This is an actual in-game costume. MGR confirmed for best Metal Gear since Snake Eater.
Just so you guys know, New Super Mario Bros. U will not be a launch title, according to recent sources.
Not really feeling the first 40 seconds, but the rest is perfection.
Quote from: Foggle on July 14, 2012, 05:12:03 PM
Not really feeling the first 40 seconds, but the rest is perfection.
"This video has been removed by the user" :(
Quote from: Rynnec on July 14, 2012, 05:20:54 PM
"This video has been removed by the user" :(
Quote from: Foggle on July 14, 2012, 05:24:29 PM
Quote from: Rynnec on July 14, 2012, 05:20:54 PM
"This video has been removed by the user" :(
This game needs to come out, like, right now.
I know! :swoon: :swoon:
The first bit did grow on me after a second viewing, too. High Moon is a great developer, so I have a lot of hope for this game. And Nolan North completely nailed Deadpool's voice in that trailer.
Quote from: Foggle on July 14, 2012, 05:24:29 PM
Quote from: Rynnec on July 14, 2012, 05:20:54 PM
"This video has been removed by the user" :(
I get the message: This video is private. Sorry about that. :-\
Quote from: Ensatsu-ken on July 14, 2012, 10:41:38 PM
Quote from: Foggle on July 14, 2012, 05:24:29 PM
Quote from: Rynnec on July 14, 2012, 05:20:54 PM
"This video has been removed by the user" :(
I get the message: This video is private. Sorry about that. :-\
Fear not! (
Haha, I love that trailer. The game looks funny as hell. I don't mind if its a standard hack n' slash game (much like Wolverine), if its full of the quick-witted humor and breaking the fourth wall jokes that Deadpool is known for. It would of course be amazing if it could support both great humor AND a deep combat system, but I'm good with the former as long as its done really well. ;)
Seriously, though, a Deadpool game with Ninja Gaiden style melee combat mixed in with a good amount of TPS action would be instant GOTY material. I wouldn't even mind if they just flat-out ripped off the combat system from NG and/or DMC. It'd be the perfect combination of both style and substance. :thumbup:
Quote from: Foggle on July 14, 2012, 01:45:18 PM
Keep that pussy Ryan Reynolds away from the game and it'll be a guaranteed buy for me.
Quote from: Ensatsu-ken on July 14, 2012, 10:47:28 PM
Haha, I love that trailer. The game looks funny as hell. I don't mind if its a standard hack n' slash game (much like Wolverine), if its full of the quick-witted humor and breaking the fourth wall jokes that Deadpool is known for. It would of course be amazing if it could support both great humor AND a deep combat system, but I'm good with the former as long as its done really well. ;)
Seriously, though, a Deadpool game with Ninja Gaiden style melee combat mixed in with a good amount of TPS action would be instant GOTY material. I wouldn't even mind if they just flat-out ripped off the combat system from NG and/or DMC. It'd be the perfect combination of both style and substance. :thumbup:
It better ripoff DMC.
Disregard my earlier post. Turns out New Super Mario Bros. U isn't being delayed after all.
Return to your posts, people!
I'm considering either saving up for a WiiU or a fairly good PC. Obviously the PC would be way more expensive but it'd pay off in the long run with the cheaper game prices and Steam Sales. On the other hand, Nintendo has a bunch of first-party games that you can't get anywhere other than Nintendo, and I don't want to miss out on the next big Mario or Zelda game this time around, so I'm not quite sure which option I want to go with, yet. Either way, it'll be a while before I even have enough money saved up for either option, so I still have plenty of time to decide for myself, and by the time I do have the money, Nintendo would have already had quite a few first-partly exclusives released by that point in time, so I could make my decision based on the quality of them.
WiiU and PC will probably be the go-to for a lot of people next gen. Honestly, I just don't see Sony or Microsoft putting out anything that would make me want a new console from them.
Quote from: Ensatsu-ken on July 16, 2012, 09:12:14 PM
I'm considering either saving up for a WiiU or a fairly good PC. Obviously the PC would be way more expensive but it'd pay off in the long run with the cheaper game prices and Steam Sales. On the other hand, Nintendo has a bunch of first-party games that you can't get anywhere other than Nintendo, and I don't want to miss out on the next big Mario or Zelda game this time around, so I'm not quite sure which option I want to go with, yet. Either way, it'll be a while before I even have enough money saved up for either option, so I still have plenty of time to decide for myself, and by the time I do have the money, Nintendo would have already had quite a few first-partly exclusives released by that point in time, so I could make my decision based on the quality of them.
The Wii-U's launch price is $480, isn't it? A great PC ain't much more than that these days if you know where to look. Unless you're planning on getting a laptop, that is.
The WiiU price was announced? Seriously, was it? I was gonna preorder, but they said I couldn't until the release date was announced. Been saving for this for a while.
Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on July 16, 2012, 09:36:57 PM
The WiiU price was announced? Seriously, was it? I was gonna preorder, but they said I couldn't until the release date was announced. Been saving for this for a while.
Maybe I'm misremembering. I could have sworn I heard this from you.
Yeah, I think I'm good with the Wii U, PC, and 3DS next year. I'm pretty sure I'll never buy a Sony console ever again, and that I'll never buy a Microsoft one. :P
Quote from: Foggle on July 16, 2012, 09:39:24 PM
Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on July 16, 2012, 09:36:57 PM
The WiiU price was announced? Seriously, was it? I was gonna preorder, but they said I couldn't until the release date was announced. Been saving for this for a while.
Maybe I'm misremembering. I could have sworn I heard this from you.
If it was from me, then I must have been wrong. I can't find the price info anywhere.
Crud. :(
Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on July 16, 2012, 09:42:20 PM
If it was from me, then I must have been wrong. I can't find the price info anywhere.
Crud. :(
It was probably /v/ or GAF now that I think about it, and you know how they love to pull "facts" out of their asses.
I wouldn't worry though; it'll likely be much cheaper than that.
If the WiiU is really priced at that much, then its way higher than most people thought it would be. From what I remember, the general predictions of the WiiU price averaged to about $350, which IMO is the most reasonable price for the system, but I could see it being as high as the $400 mark. Anything more than that may seem too pricey to a lot of consumers, though.
So, it seems that rather than having found a publisher, Valhalla Game Studios found a partner ( instead. It seems to be some Korean company/developer of PC shooters, called Doobic, that I have never heard of. Oh well, if that company has experience with PC games then at least that means that the PC version of DT won't be half-assed. At any rate, I hope this business decision turns out well for VGS in the long-run, and I do hope that this means that development on DT can continue from this point on. I've been waiting forever. I want to see some footage, already.
Here's the Deadpool trailer again (!/home), along with a new press release.
That was the best press release ever. :joy:
The cast list for Dishonored includes Susan Sarandon, Brad Dourif, Carrie Fisher, John Slattery, Michael Madsen, Chloe Moretz, and Lena Headey. Also, the soundtrack is being composed by the guy who does the music for Dexter.
Wow. :o
LENA HEADEY :worship:
For soe reason.I thought this game was going to get low budget voice acting.
Well, Arc System Works took thier sweet time announcing Blazblue 3. (
Looking pretty good though. New characters look fun, and I'm looking forward to more non-sensical and mindscrewy storylines.
I didn't even know there was a Blazblue 2
Yep. Continuum Shift was essentially a sequel, since it continued the story and whatnot. Then came a bunch of revamps and rereleases of CS (CSII, CS Extend). It's not quite as bad as people say (especially hwen compared to Capcom), but it does get pretty tiring releasing the same game over and over with only minimal updates. (
Well I'm sold. October's gonna cost me hard.
Ok, so there is going to be Metal Gear Rising AND Solid 5 and Kojima is onboard for both. Of course I'll be buying both of these games but Kojima needs a rest from this series.
Best bad guy ever.
Holy shit. :SHOCK:
Quote from: Foggle on August 14, 2012, 01:55:04 PM
Febuary 2013 can't come soon enough. (
And Raiden get's a robot dog with a chainsaw-tail as an enemy-turned-ally. That's fucking AWESOME!
As awesome as this game looks, a part of it also makes me angry. Not angry at it, but angry because this game is basically a ninja-type hack n' slash game done right, which is awesome, but I'm not a fan of the MGS franchise. It just serves as a cold reminder of how far my favorite ninja franchise has fallen thanks to downright bad leadership and idiotic design choices. The sad thing is that most people don't know NG by the classic 2D games and only know them by the 3D games now, and in that regard not that many people have played NGB when it comes to modern gamers, so most people are only familiar with the good but very flawed NG2 and the terrible NG3, giving the franchise a bad name in most people's eyes. It sucks for me as an NG fan, especially since now a game that is based off of a stealth franchise turns out to have a far better hack n' slash spin-off than a game series that actually bases itself off of hack n' slash style gameplay. Its really the same sort of thing with Bayonetta, in that regard.
Don't get me wrong, though, I definitely plan to pick this game up. Its just that a part of it bums me out since its not the great game coming from the series that I already love and was hoping for great stuff from.
The only hack n slashes I'm anticipating are MGR, Darksiders 2 and well...DmC.
You do know that Darksiders 2 is already out, don't you?
I had a feeling it was.
Quote from: gunswordfist on August 18, 2012, 07:24:24 PM
The only hack n slashes I'm anticipating are MGR, Darksiders 2 and well...DmC.
Darksiders 2 has actually gotten pretty good reviews, and it seems that its because the game apparently chooses to focus more on adventure elements than action (which in this case is a good thing, since if its combat is like that of the first game, fighting is shallow and boring). I kind of want to give the game a try myself, but its one of those sequels that I'm weary about because of how much of a drag the first game was (IMO), just like with Assassin's Creed and Mass Effect.
I'm interested in playing Darksiders II, but I'm not sure whether to rent now, or wait until I have a Wii U to get it. I'll look into some gameplay video's of it first though.
The gameplay I've seen reminds me of Soul Reaver (and consequently Zelda, by extension). Like Soul Reaver, it is pretty much a Zelda rip-off what with the dungeon design and horse-riding and whatnot, but with a darker kind of fantasy setting to it. The grim design of Death also reminds me a lot of Raziel from Soul Reaver, especially with the eyes.
As for whether to rent it or not, I have heard that its really lengthy and will take more than just a solid day of playing to beat (I think its supposedly over 20 hours long if you decide to partake in a decent amount of side-quests), though since I haven't played it myself I can't confirm how long it really is.
Anyways, if I did decide to play it, I'd still probably just wait a few months until it comes down in price.
Quote from: Rynnec on August 18, 2012, 07:41:41 PM
Quote from: gunswordfist on August 18, 2012, 07:24:24 PM
The only hack n slashes I'm anticipating are MGR, Darksiders 2 and well...DmC.
Well, I was going to get it even if it was complete shit so there you go.
I felt the same way about NG3, but then I realized how fucking stupid that sort of logic was. Why the hell would I waste $60 on a godawful game when I could use that money on something that I'd actually enjoy?
Quote from: gunswordfist on August 18, 2012, 09:53:31 PM
Quote from: Rynnec on August 18, 2012, 07:41:41 PM
Quote from: gunswordfist on August 18, 2012, 07:24:24 PM
The only hack n slashes I'm anticipating are MGR, Darksiders 2 and well...DmC.
Well, I was going to get it even if it was complete shit so there you go.
Fair enough. To be honest, I'm most likely going to end up playing the game in some way as well, just to see how it really compares to the previous DMC's. Plus if I'm going to be bashing the game, I should at least play it so my arguments have some basis.
I've already given up on the story for this game being worth anything. It clearly takes itself way too seriously to be intentionally fun, and while it could end up being funny in a so bad its good sort of way, I haven't even been getting that vibe from what I've seen of it, so far (it just comes off as plane bad). So, my analysis of the game will be purely from how it holds up on a gameplay standpoint. I want to judge its combat system, the enemy and boss design, how creative the levels actually turn out to be (or if they are just really gimmicky like I suspect), and how balanced the level of difficulty and challenge feel (at least on the harder difficulty settings). And of course I want to see how much substance the game has to its gameplay to test how replayable it is. At best I expect a competent action game that's at least entertaining to play through once. At worst I expect a retread of Heavenly Sword.
Wii U launch is heavily rumored to be November 18th.
Rumored to be $299, and most games seem to be $49.99 except Sonic Racing which seems to be $39.99.
I hope that holds true. It hits dead on where I'd realistically like it.
Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on August 27, 2012, 09:52:26 PM
most games seem to be $49.99
You just reminded me of how angry I am that publishers have started charging $60 for PC games. :burn:
Quote from: Foggle on August 27, 2012, 09:54:52 PM
Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on August 27, 2012, 09:52:26 PM
most games seem to be $49.99
You just reminded me of how angry I am that publishers have started charging $60 for PC games. :burn:
It particularly stunned me because I heard Wii-U games were going to be similarly jacked up, but it might not actually be the case.
Personally, the cap for me is $49.99 and even that is rare due to lack of fund-age, so if that's still the standard, that's great to me.
This is also another thing I love about Nintendo, their games don't go over $50. I mean the newest Xbox 360 and PS3 games always starts at $60 unless it's a budget title or something. Seriously, I hope when the new Xbox and PS come out, they don't charge their player base $70 for a game.
Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on August 27, 2012, 09:52:26 PM
Rumored to be $299, and most games seem to be $49.99 except Sonic Racing which seems to be $39.99.
I hope that holds true. It hits dead on where I'd realistically like it.
That sounds like heaven if true.
Just pre-ordered both Dishonored and Hitman: Absolution for $78 total. Thanks Green Man Gaming!
Me want both. Love games that give you tons of ways to complete objectives.
Quote from: Foggle on September 02, 2012, 11:43:05 AM
Just pre-ordered both Dishonored and Hitman: Absolution for $78 total. Thanks Green Man Gaming!
Oh man, I gotta get Hitman in my queue on GameFly. What game is Dishonored? First time I've heard of it.
It looks like a futuristic Assassin's Creed, to put it in the most generic of terms. :P
I desperately want to play it.
That desciption would probably piss off Foggle.
Quote from: Peanutbutter on September 03, 2012, 01:39:59 AM
What game is Dishonored? First time I've heard of it.
First-person free-form stealth/action pseudo-open world steampunk assassin game with crazy superpowers and a focus on melee combat. Watch these two videos, I was sold immediately. :joy:
Quote from: gunswordfist on September 03, 2012, 07:59:21 AM
That desciption would probably piss off Foggle.
Well, I mean, the concept is fairly similar. But the story is more straightforward and the gameplay is more reminiscent of Deus Ex or Thief or Hitman.
Hmm, so there will be open world levels (whatever that means) and Snake can commandeer vehicles and call a helicopter at any time to change missions. Hmmm...
Guys, please vote to help get Black Mesa on Steam!
I'm only waiting for a few games:
Hitman Absolution
Metal Gear Solid Ground Zeroes
Metal Gear Rising
Goin' down to boner town.
Quote from: received my monthly magazine subscription (GamesMaster) through the door. Front cover has Borderlands 2 "World exclusive review" over it. I quickly turned to the review on pages 64-71 and the result was 95% with the conclusion: "Bigger. Ballsier. Bullet-ier. Borderlands 2 is the antidote to stuffy military shooters."
A hearty congratulations to Gearbox for that result - all of the effort put into making this game has certainly paid off. Role on release day!
Some conclusions from the review:
+ Even statisitically poor weapons are fun to handle
+ Underlying physics of each weapon have been massively improved - guns feel like they used to in Doom and Unreal
+ Trading gear is better
+ Gearbox have learnt how to turn off the brown palette in Microsoft Paint, leading to BL2 being the prettiest game of 2012 to date
+ Increased verticality of the world
+ More varied missions
+ Even better humour
+ Improved story
+ 30+ hours main quest. A truely epic game once sidequests/playthroughs/badass ranks/loot has been taken into account
+ Bonus (optional) objectives to missions and multiple outcomes
+ Solo play and co-op markedly improved (with more populated environments and more seemless co-op)
- Inventory management/space can be a problem (12 slots initially, central hub (bank?) is in Sanctuary)
Why have I not given Borderlands a shot yet? Sounds exactly like the cure for boring FPS syndrome that I've been looking for all these years.
Alas, money...
Just a warning, while I absolutely love the first Borderlands, the pace is actually quite methodical, every environment in the first 20 hours is brown and/or gray, and the pre-DLC humor is extremely dry (still funny, though). By all means, give it a shot, especially if you can get the GOTY version, but the sequel looks to be about a million times better in every regard.
Oh, also, do NOT buy the Xbox 360 GOTY version used! In the first printing at least, the DLCs were just included as download tokens for the Xbox. The PS3 version has the DLCs on the disc, though, so you can get that one used without a problem.
Apparently, Game Informer gave Borderlands 2 a 9.75/10. ( :o
I didn't realize how close we were to the release of Borderlands 2. I am fucking pumped! :light:
I assume it's safe to talk about the WiiU here, so today when I went into GameStop and the employee asked me if I wanted to pre-order anything, I said I was good until the end of the year, since I got the basics covered. Then he brought up the WiiU. I said I was waiting for the OK to pre-order it since I highly doubt that I could get a pre-order for it today. He told me that more news will be released on September 13, since that's when Nintendo is hosting some WiiU preview party in New York City at 10 AM our time, and he told me that most of, if not all managers at GameStop should be working that day so the green light for pre-ordering the WiiU should flash up since that is when Nintendo should be official with the release date and pricing of the WiiU. If not, then probably the day after.
Though I do wonder if they'll announce the 3 different models they have since rumor has it that the WiiU has 3 different SKUs, with 1 going for $250, 2nd for $300 and the 3rd for $350. I wonder what the difference in them will be.
I plan on calling my EB-Gamestop tomorrow and asking after the conference.
The rumor is there will be 3 bundles. One at $249, one at $299, and one at $349.
QuoteNintendo set December 8 as the release date for Wii U in Japan.
Nintendo Land and New Super Mario Bros. U were announced as launch titles.
Nintendo President Satoru Iwata gave us an update on Wii U specs. The system has 2GB of memory, 1GB for system memory plus 1GB for games.
Wii U uses its own optical disc format with up to 25GB of data and the system has a 22.5 MB/sec disc read rate.
Nintendo announced two Wii U packages in Japan. Both of them come with a Wii U, Wii U GamePad, Wii U AC adapter, Wii U GamePad AC adapter, and a HDMI cable.
The basic console is white and has 8GB of internal flash memory. The black premium set console has 32GB of memory.
The Wii U premium set also includes a console stand, Wii U GamePad stand set (charging + play), and Nintendo Network premium membership until December 2014. This gives you a 10% discount on digital download software plus 500 Nintendo points to start off.
Neither console includes remotes, Wii Remote Plus, a sensor bar or a nunchuck. You can use the same accessories from your Wii or purchase a bundle pack with these items from Nintendo.
Wii U premium set is 31,500 yen (tax included) or US$405 and the basic set is 26,250 yen or US$337. Want another Wii U GamePad? Those are sold separately for 13,440 yen ($172). Please note these are not the final prices for North America, Nintendo will likely release the Wii U at different price points for Europe and North America.
All of that sounds fine except for the price of another controller. $172? Jesus.
Bayonetta 2 is published by Nintendo EXCLUSIVE TO WII-U.
There's your incentive, guys.
November 18th, $299 bundle and $349 bundle. Deluxe includes NintendoLand.
P-100 is now called Wonderful 101
Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate coming to 3DS and Wii-U and there's cross-play
Bayonetta 2 is being published by Nintendo
Activision is showing off stuff right now...
Looks like Nintendo might be buying Platinum or something. I'm okay with this.
007 Legends (GoldenEye sequel) is coming to Wii-U
Call Of Duty Black Ops 2 to is also on the Wii-U (they're actually playing it on the pad while the second player is on the TV right now)
Black Ops 2 also has Wiimote and nunchuck, Gamepad, Classic controller, and pro controller controls.
I REALLY hope that sets the standard.
I'd be more excited if it wasn't, y'know, Black Ops 2. :lol:
And in a roll they revealed Epic Mickey 2 will be on Wii-U.
Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on September 13, 2012, 10:00:54 AM
And in a roll they revealed Epic Mickey 2 will be on Wii-U.
I wonder if anyone is surprised. :lol:
Quote from: Foggle on September 13, 2012, 10:12:03 AM
Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on September 13, 2012, 10:00:54 AM
And in a roll they revealed Epic Mickey 2 will be on Wii-U.
I wonder if anyone is surprised. :lol:
That was a terribly kept secret, honestly.
Oh, I posted the info in the Next gen thread for easy reading.
So, I recently learned the Testament of Sherlock Holmes is a thing that exists. Looks pretty cool from what I've seen, can't wait to play it next week. We still way more mystery console games. (
Square, you better fucking release this overseas. And add KHII's Final Mix while you're at it.
So that rumor was true... I wonder if there will be a Wii-U version as well?
Then again I've only ever played the first one.
Sweet, another reason to buy the new PS3 model.
A Wii U version of KH HDRemix would be cool. Especially sense several installments have already been released on Nintendo console's. It'd make it easier for newcomers to get into the series without having to shell out money for multiple systems.
This game comes out tomorrow for PS3/Vita/Windows and some time in the future for 360.
Can't wait to check it out, you all should do the same.
Quote from: gunswordfist on September 06, 2012, 12:38:31 PM
I'm only waiting for a few games:
Hitman Absolution
Metal Gear Solid Ground Zeroes
Metal Gear Rising
Add the next Splinter Cell game to my list and Hitman Collection and take Dishonored off because it's out today. ;D Funny how my list is dominated by stealth games. Hell, Dishonored has stealth elements too.
Quote from: gunswordfist on October 09, 2012, 09:44:00 AM
Funny how my list is dominated by stealth games.
Because you have awesome taste. :thumbup:
Quote from: Foggle on October 09, 2012, 09:46:26 AM
Quote from: gunswordfist on October 09, 2012, 09:44:00 AM
Funny how my list is dominated by stealth games.
Because you have awesome taste. :thumbup:
;D And here I was whining about the genre. Looks like I'm going to be satisfied with this gen's stealth games as soon as this year,
Quote from: Foggle on October 09, 2012, 09:46:26 AM
Quote from: gunswordfist on October 09, 2012, 09:44:00 AM
Funny how my list is dominated by stealth games.
Because you have awesome taste. :thumbup:
Please don't encourage him, Foggle.
Still waiting on the Sherlock game, found out I'm getting Dead or Alive 5 instead. Oh well, can always trade that in just one day but I'm starting to get annoying at how long I have to keep waiting in-between each game.
On a brighter note, my brother recently picked up Borderlands 2. It's okay so far, but I'm only near the beginning and I kept getting by Captain Flynn earlier today. :imnothappy:
Can't believe I forgot to mention Doom 4 but then again I know absolutely nothing about it. Hopefully they don't try to make the game "serious horror" like they did with 3. I want a new Doom with no voice acting and an art direction where having glowing powerups would be just fine.
I've all but given up on Id after Rage. What a terrible game.
Was it really that bad? I played a demo of it and it seemed alright. Its not a game that I'd go out and buy or anything but the mechanics seemed fine and the AI weren't too bad for this sort of game. That said I did only just play through the demo. I have no idea what the full game is like in comparison.
The shooting isn't really all that fun, the storyline builds itself up gradually and then just ends literally out of nowhere 8 hours in (during what feels like the second act), the racing is awful, the optimization is absolute trash, the graphical pop in is the worst I've ever seen, there is no real coherence to anything, and it's a 30 GB install for no reason whatsoever. The way it's designed just makes it come across as a bargain bin Borderlands clone without the loot and RPG aspects. Biggest disappointment of 2011 for me.
Eh, Most of the stuff you said aren't necessarily things that bother me. I don't care about texture pop-in, I don't really care about the stories in games either (though the 8-hour length seems disturbingly short for what's essentially supposed to be an RPG), I found the shooting to work just fine in the demo, personally, and the racing to me seemed like more of a side-thing in the game rather than a primary focus (but perhaps it plays a more prominent role in the full game). The game didn't receive a plethora of horrendous reviews from critics or fans and largely seemed to have positive opinions (though not THAT positive), but I'll take your word for it and stay away from the game. Its not like I particularly planned to get it anyways, but I was probably going to get around to it after I got past my back-log of 5 or so other games that I want to get around to playing first....and at my pace I probably won't ever make it though all of those games, either. :D
The thing about the shooting is that the guns do feel good, but there isn't enough stuff to shoot. A good portion of the game is just walking around barren landscapes and driving your car back and forth. The levels don't connect together very well, so it just feels like an amateur mod for Borderlands. There are only a couple of enemy types as well, and they really aren't that fun to fight compared to most other shooters.
The racing is where the majority of the game's playtime comes from. While almost none of it is actually necessary, about 2/3 of the content is optional races.
As for the story, I don't care much about it either, but the game just suddenly stops halfway through. The final mission feels like the midway point, and then it abruptly ends with a 30 second cutscene.
I don't think the graphical pop in is an issue in the console versions, but on the PC it is completely embarrassing. You'll be staring at some lovingly crafted scenery, turn 10 degrees in any direction, and suddenly there are PS1 textures everywhere. It's actually kind of disorienting with the way in which it's constantly changing. The streaming system is a total joke, and those "mega-textures" that you almost never see are the entire reason for the 30 GB install.
This is so awesome.
Pshhhh, posers, Ninja Gaiden did it first with the original version of the game in which you could attain the SNES trilogy cartridge and play it on the arcade cabinet in Han's Bar....which doesn't make sense from a hardware standpoint, but the concept was still there.
Seriously, though, that's a cool touch with the VF2 in-game feature for Yakuza 5 that I always felt more games needed to do.
I still find it interesting that in Donkey Kong 64 you can play JetPac and the Arcade version of Donkey Kong. Still beats all the other versions of Donkey Kong where they cut out that one level.
PLEASE be a new Gunstar Heroes (
That or something new would be nice.
I saw that, looks promising.
Wow, Ayane looks really fun to play!
Also, yay Suda!
Out of all the side characters that they have stuck in these 3D NG games, Ayante suits them the best since her fast and nimble gameplay and combat mechanics fall right in line with how the action is supposed to play out in these sorts of games. Still, I'm curious to see if this game will still manage to fair any better than the original release of NG3 did. I mean, there is a lot added to it, but with this complete version being released exclusively on the WiiU, Team Ninja has pretty much alienated the core 3D NG fans since most of them probably won't own a WiiU, and the game will have to rely mostly on newcomers to the series for sales....which may not be such a good thing since if the original release didn't sell well with fans then I don't see how this full release, even with at least triple the content of the original, will sell any better than the first version did.
Every hack 'n slash fan should get a Wii-U though, for Bayo 2 alone. ;)
Quote from: Ensatsu-ken on November 02, 2012, 08:19:45 PM
I mean, there is a lot added to it, but with this complete version being released exclusively on the WiiU, Team Ninja has pretty much alienated the core 3D NG fans since most of them probably won't own a WiiU, and the game will have to rely mostly on newcomers to the series for sales....which may not be such a good thing since if the original release didn't sell well with fans then I don't see how this full release, even with at least triple the content of the original, will sell any better than the first version did.
But isn't this basically like the 'Sigma' (of 'Black') version of 3? IIRC the re-releases have never been put out on the original system. I would hope after this they simply make good games the first time and stop with the re-releases on other systems, but who knows?
Though I do hope this does better than 3's flop if only to show how wrong their intentions were with the original release.
Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on November 02, 2012, 09:39:23 PM
But isn't this basically like the 'Sigma' (of 'Black') version of 3? IIRC the re-releases have never been put out on the original system.
Ninja Gaiden Black (the superior re-release of the first game) was also released on the XBOX and was still an XBOX exclusive. As for Sigma, the first one was basically there to extend the game to the PS3 owners. It had updated graphics and a few new additions, but it wasn't a huge overhaul in terms of content like NG3RE seems to be.
QuoteI would hope after this they simply make good games the first time and stop with the re-releases on other systems, but who knows?
Its Tecmo, so that'll never happen. Of course they'll milk a series out for all its worth.
QuoteThough I do hope this does better than 3's flop if only to show how wrong their intentions were with the original release.
Its like I said, though, they can only salvage NG3 so much. They can probably upgrade it into a standard action game at best. The problem is the groundwork behind the game is just completely uninspired, no matter which way you look at it. The level design is bland, and while NG2 was also linear at least that game had interesting looking environments to keep it feeling fresh. With NG3, the "real-world" locations look so damn boring. I want to go back to larger than life levels or at least have creative levels in which really allow you to exploit your acrobatics and maneuverability as a ninja.
The game also wasn't designed with the combat depth in mind, so the additional weapons probably won't mean as much in NG3 as they did in the first 2 NG games. Also, the sad thing is that even with this extended arsenal totaling 6 weapons in NG3RE, ALL of which were already in NG2, its STILL less than NG2's arsenal of weapons which had all 6 of those weapons plus 2 more, rounding out to a total of 8 weapons. How is it that even the re-release of this game still manages to have less story-mode content than the original release of the previous game in the series?
As much as I love the NGB and NG2, Tecmo and Team Ninja should probably just take a break from the 3D NG games for a while and carefully think about how they want to handle that side of the series. Meanwhile, they should outsource the development of a classic/retro 2D style NG game to a talented developer that is good at making games in that vein. I'd love to see Treasure's take on a classic side-scrolling NG game, or any other good developer, for that matter. It'd be the perfect low-budget game for Tecmo to produce and make quite a quick-profit on it with all of the old-school fans who have been itching for a new classic-style NG game for the past 2 decades. If it were put on up XBLA, I'd snag that game in a heartbeat, myself.
I'm still surprised that Halo 4 is coming in just a few days.
Gawd, Zwei's concept art is amazing.
Quote from: gunswordfist on November 03, 2012, 10:44:08 AM
I'm still surprised that Halo 4 is coming in just a few days.
Even though I keep saying I'm going to stop playing the Halo series altogether, I'm not fooling anyone. I've been playing these games since I was a kid, so I'm going to end up playing Halo 4 eventually regardless, maybe out of habit more than anything else. That said, I'm at least glad to hear that the general consensus from people who've played the game is that despite initial previews, the game is not a heavily-scripted movie game, and retains the highly efficient AI from the previous games and still has plenty of open environments that are synonymous with Halo games.
Then again, one of the few good Internet reviewers from a big site, Shane from GT, said that he felt like this Halo game encouraged you to follow more linear paths through levels and actively punished you for trying out different routes and/or battle tactics, even though it did still technically allow them. That kind of puts me off as the whole appeal of Bungie's Halo games (at least all of them except for 2 which had way too many narrow corridors for my liking) were not so much getting to the objective you had to complete (which 95% of the time consisted of pushing a button to open up a path to fight through waves upon waves of enemies to push another button), but rather in HOW you got to the destinations of your objectives. You could use the open environments and plethora of different weapons and vehicles to your advantage in numerous ways, from skillfully and strategically taking out any heavy opposition that stood in your way to being really crafty and sneaking past/skipping large waves of enemies altogether. The challenge of the previous Halo games are all about finding the easier solutions to progressing rather than to just mindlessly shoot everything down. While what I've heard about this game doesn't paint it out to be mindless, it does seem like its a step back from the freedom that Bungie's Halo games allowed you. Either way, I'm still probably going to get it for Christmas, so I'll see how much I like it when I play it then. Although, even though I'm probably in the minority opinion about this, I think Reach's campaign mode will be pretty hard to top in terms of catering to my specific preferences of what I like to see in FPS games, and more specifically in a Halo campaign mode.
Also, another troubling thing that I've heard is that you have to separately install multiplayer on to your HDD (and yes, I heard its mandatory), which is crazy because the only way someone like me with an older XBOX and HDD would have enough space for that would be if I deleted all of my current XBLA games in order to make room for it. That's just pretty fucking ridiculous if its true.
New Shantae announced! (
Good ol' WayForward.
EDIT: Link fixed. -- Foggle
They've been trying to get the first one Greenlit on Steam iirc. Hopefully it does so I can play it!
They're also working on getting the first GBC game released on the VC.
I hope they get released, those are some great games.
I've never heard of those games.
That's because you've never seen them in the wild, at least the GBC game. It's the rarest GBC game, and one of the rarest games altogether in the Game Boy brand.
Which would be great if they do get it on the VC, because it'll give me a chance to play it. If they do get it on the VC though, I'll be pissed that they still haven't put any of the Mother games up, not even Earthbound.
Holy shit. This game, an open-ended survival sim with horror elements, was made entirely by two people. That includes the engine.
Looks fantastic.
Man, this demo for Epic Mickey: Power of Illusion is heartbreaking. I was so looking forward to the game because it looks awesome, but after playing the demo I'm disappointed. The graphics are amazing, but the gameplay is terrible. It's a shame, this was one of the games I was looking forward to the most.
That's too bad you didn't enjoy it, I thought it was pretty cool.
Yoshi's Land? (
So here's the situation in addition to this leak.
- Good Feel has been rumored to be making a Yoshi Island game since Epic Yarn came out
- That strange WiiU hack revealed a Yoshi Land game in the system (not the Nintendoland game!)
- Good Feel made Wario Land in 2008 and Epic Yarn in 2010... We're about due
- This was one of the rumored games (like Retro's game) that was pulled at E3 for not being a launch period title
Seems to me, we're going to be getting a Yoshi game made by Good Feel announced sooner than later. But that's just me getting irrationally hyped up. ;)
If this is like a proper sequel to Yoshi's Island (the best 2D platformer ever made, as far as I'm concerned), and it turns out to be a worthy successor to that game, then I have a definitive reason to buy a WiiU. Still, that's saying a lot, as it'd take a lot to outdo that game.
No kidding, but I have faith in Good Feel after Wario Land and Epic Yarn which both only really got hard when you went for 100% (which was what gave Yoshi's Island its difficulty), and had amazing music and art. If there's anyone at Nintendo that can nail a proper Yoshi's Island sequel it would be them.
(Though I'm still waiting for someone to realize they have the director of the classic Sonic games sitting at NST and twiddling his thumbs. Seriously, use the man!)
Just as long as its more like YI SNES and less like YI DS. The DS game isn't a bad game, but it is disappointing as a YI game.
Quote from: Comeau on November 27, 2012, 04:49:27 PM
Just as long as its more like YI SNES and less like YI DS. The DS game isn't a bad game, but it is disappointing as a YI game.
What if it's like Yoshi's Story? :happytime:
Seriously though, if you haven't played it yet, get Wario Land Shake It. It really is great.
Quote from: Foggle on November 27, 2012, 06:09:56 PM
Quote from: Comeau on November 27, 2012, 04:49:27 PM
Just as long as its more like YI SNES and less like YI DS. The DS game isn't a bad game, but it is disappointing as a YI game.
What if it's like Yoshi's Story? :happytime:
That's as likely as the next Donkey Kong game being like Donkey Kong 64. Yoshi's Story got a very similar chilly reception.
Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on November 27, 2012, 06:16:28 PM
That's as likely as the next Donkey Kong game being like Donkey Kong 64. Yoshi's Story got a very similar chilly reception.
The difference being that a lot of people actually liked DK64 at the time. No one ever liked Yoshi's Story.
Quote from: Foggle on November 27, 2012, 06:23:46 PM
Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on November 27, 2012, 06:16:28 PM
That's as likely as the next Donkey Kong game being like Donkey Kong 64. Yoshi's Story got a very similar chilly reception.
The difference being that a lot of people actually liked DK64 at the time. No one ever liked Yoshi's Story.
Even though, today...
Yoshi's Story > DK64 :P
Quote from: talonmalon333 on November 27, 2012, 06:28:38 PM
Even though, today...
Yoshi's Story > DK64 :P
They're both mediocre games to be sure, but I have far too much nostalgia for DK64 to agree.
You both could have been playing Goemon's Great Adventure instead of either. >:(
Actually, I know a fair amount of people who liked Yoshi's Story.
Quote from: Avaitor on November 27, 2012, 06:37:12 PM
Actually, I know a fair amount of people who liked Yoshi's Story.
You mean people other than sdp? :happytime:
I've never even played Yoshi's Story, although I do have it on my Wii.
Quote from: Rynnec on November 27, 2012, 06:54:50 PM
Quote from: Avaitor on November 27, 2012, 06:37:12 PM
Actually, I know a fair amount of people who liked Yoshi's Story.
You mean people other than sdp? :happytime:
Didn't he call it a masterpiece?
But yeah, I have more than a few friends who love the game, but that may just be nostalgia. Same with the friend who said DK64 is like Mario 64 with Donkey Kong, and better. Uh... no.
Quote from: Avaitor on November 27, 2012, 07:21:39 PM
Quote from: Rynnec on November 27, 2012, 06:54:50 PM
Quote from: Avaitor on November 27, 2012, 06:37:12 PM
Actually, I know a fair amount of people who liked Yoshi's Story.
You mean people other than sdp? :happytime:
Didn't he call it a masterpiece?
I think he called it a classic at one point.
Quote from: talonmalon333 on November 27, 2012, 06:28:38 PM
Even though, today...
Yoshi's Story > DK64 :P
DK64 had the DK Rap. Therefore: Yoshi's Story < DK64.
Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on November 27, 2012, 06:33:16 PM
You both could have been playing Goemon's Great Adventure instead of either. >:(
I can't remember why, but that game terrified me as a child.
Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on November 27, 2012, 06:33:16 PM
You both could have been playing Goemon's Great Adventure instead of either. >:(
I was too busy playing Mario 64, OoT, MM, Smash Bros., GoldenEye, and Paper Mario. :P
Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on November 27, 2012, 06:33:16 PM
You both could have been playing Goemon's Great Adventure instead of either. >:(
You mean that game people only ever saw at Blockbuster and not a retail store?
Quote from: Rosalinas Spare Wand on November 27, 2012, 09:24:41 PM
Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on November 27, 2012, 06:33:16 PM
You both could have been playing Goemon's Great Adventure instead of either. >:(
You mean that game people only ever saw at Blockbuster and not a retail store?
I rented that so many times... but never managed to buy it.
The same problem I had with Project Justice, really.;InjusticeGodsAmongUsDeathstrokeTrailer;InjusticeGodsAmongUs;WatchItNow (;InjusticeGodsAmongUsDeathstrokeTrailer;InjusticeGodsAmongUs;WatchItNow) FUCK YES!! I'm glad to see he made it into the game (not that it's too much of a surprise). I hope they have him using his Power Staff in the game too. I'm also glad to see Green Arrow's in it.
Quote from: Foggle on April 19, 2012, 09:54:06 AM
YES! Prey 2 isn't cancelled! (
QuoteDevelopment of Prey 2 has not been cancelled but the game will not be released in 2012 as planned. The delay is due to the fact that game development has not progressed satisfactorily this past year, and the game does not currently meet our quality standards. Prey 2 has shown great promise and we regret disappointing our fans. We have made a substantial investment in game development to deliver the experience fans want. We are determined only to release the AAA game that fans rightfully expect, and are unwilling to compromise our quality standards to meet a release schedule.
Haven't heard anything since.
Quote from: Ensatsu-ken on October 12, 2012, 11:23:04 AM
Pshhhh, posers, Ninja Gaiden did it first with the original version of the game in which you could attain the SNES trilogy cartridge and play it on the arcade cabinet in Han's Bar....which doesn't make sense from a hardware standpoint, but the concept was still there.
Seriously, though, that's a cool touch with the VF2 in-game feature for Yakuza 5 that I always felt more games needed to do.
(I have nothing better to do than read old posts until I get sleepy)
I know this is old, but this cannot fly. If you really want to call someone posers, Team Ninja definitely could've been called it. As far as I can remember, Shenmue did it first considering you could pull out a Saturn and play some weird game that I don't remember the name.
Anyway, I think I've read enough.
There's only a select few games that I'm anticipating.
Metal Gear Solid: Ground Zeroes
Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance
Watch Dogs
Splinter Cell: Blacklist
Crysis 3
Gears of War: Judgment
God of War: Ascension
Not too thrilled about DmC at all. Truth be told, I don't think 2013 will be a hit for me. At least not like last year.
Quote from: Grave on January 03, 2013, 10:53:50 PM
I know this is old, but this cannot fly. If you really want to call someone posers, Team Ninja definitely could've been called it. As far as I can remember, Shenmue did it first considering you could pull out a Saturn and play some weird game that I don't remember the name.
Team Ninja was still the first one to do it on an arcade machine rather than a console. :bleh:
Pokemon X and Y have been announced for the sixth generation.
Seems they are finally stepping into full 3D. I'll be passing on it as I don't actually get Pokemon games anymore, but I imagine some here are curious.
I almost jumped into B&W but I already moved to wanting a 3DS entry by then. Depending on how this goes might jump in.
Aren't DS games BC with the 3DS?
Quote from: Ensatsu-ken on January 09, 2013, 12:43:59 PM
Aren't DS games BC with the 3DS?
That they are, but I meant from the ground up.
So Sly Cooper 4 is coming out for $40 on PS3 with cross-buy ($30 on Vita alone) in March, here's the trailer ( If any of you folks has a PS3, I highly suggest looking this one up. For that price, I refuse to pass it up.
I really think they should have put it out in February. There's no competition other than Rayman Legends.
Some people caught this in Sly 4:
Check the bottom shelf, it might be a hint towards their next project. ;)
If true, and this game holds up, I would definitely be interested.
Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on January 09, 2013, 04:33:17 PM
Some people caught this in Sly 4:
Check the bottom shelf, it might be a hint towards their next project. ;)
If true, and this game holds up, I would definitely be interested.
CHILLS MAN, I HAVE CHILLS :zonk: :zonk: :zonk: :zonk:
Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on January 09, 2013, 03:37:10 PM
So Sly Cooper 4 is coming out for $40 on PS3 with cross-buy ($30 on Vita alone) in March, here's the trailer (
Gotta' love this cross-buy shit. I can get the PS3 copies and give the Vita versions to my friends. :D
Also, I love this trend of awesome games being released for cheap. Sonic Racing Transformed, Ratchet & Clank Full Frontal Assault, Anarchy Reigns, and now Sly 4!?
Yep, multi-tiered pricing should hopefully be the next trend. Hopefully it helps this game out.
Already preordered the game. Amazon will ship it straight to my ship!
I laid down my preorder.
That was the first PS3 game I've ever preordered!
I remember that bad trailer Final Fantasy XIV had and remembered that I can't get excited about that game.
>Not pre-ordering Anarchy Reigns
Quote from: Foggle on January 13, 2013, 03:11:29 PM
>Not pre-ordering Anarchy Reigns
I thought you already had it?
Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on January 13, 2013, 03:14:55 PM
I thought you already had it?
I mean, you didn't. :bleh:
And yeah, but I bought it again, because it's only $30 and I want to give Platinum my business.
Quote from: Foggle on January 13, 2013, 03:20:10 PM
Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on January 13, 2013, 03:14:55 PM
I thought you already had it?
I mean, you didn't. :bleh:
And yeah, but I bought it again, because it's only $30 and I want to give Platinum my business.
Oh, yeah I didn't. There's no reason to, though, since Sega already broke their relationship with them. I'll pick it up down the road.
My family is kind of tight on money right now, so it may be a while before I get Anarchy Reigns or MGR.
Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on January 13, 2013, 03:23:11 PM
Oh, yeah I didn't. There's no reason to, though, since Sega already broke their relationship with them. I'll pick it up down the road.
Down the road, there won't be anyone playing the game anymore.
Unless you want to get that shit going with me, RSW, Jay, and one of my other bros. I'll probably never stop playing.
Quote from: Rynnec on January 13, 2013, 03:24:41 PM
My family is kind of tight on money right now, so it may be a while before I get Anarchy Reigns or MGR.
Sorry to hear that man. But once you're able to get it too, we can have AR AR tournaments! :joy: :joy: (
No custom points card and no physical copy, but damn do I want it.
Quote from: Rynnec on January 13, 2013, 03:24:41 PM
My family is kind of tight on money right now, so it may be a while before I get Anarchy Reigns or MGR.
Welcome to my world, bro! :joy:
Headstrong Games is working on an unannounced Wii-U game. Here's hoping Sega is the publisher.
Quote from: Ensatsu-ken on January 16, 2013, 08:42:40 PM
Quote from: Rynnec on January 13, 2013, 03:24:41 PM
My family is kind of tight on money right now, so it may be a while before I get Anarchy Reigns or MGR.
Welcome to my world, bro! :joy:
Woohoo! :thumbup:
I may be able to get purchase at least one though. And that'll probably be MGR (because that Gray Fox skin is beast). I'll have to rent the other for the time being until I get enough money to buy it.
Project X Zone is being localized (
I have to say, I didn't see that coming.
Nintendo released their upcoming game forecast:
I think we still need news for the 3DS. The only title they have for the second half of the year is X/Y.
Here's a list of Tango Gameworks staff, all of whom are (presumably) working on Zwei. ( Highlights include:
Shinji Mikami (duh!)
Ikumi Nakamura (Bayonetta, Okami)
Masafumi Takada (God Hand, No More Heroes, Killer7, Fatal Frame 4, Kid Icarus: Uprising, Infinite Space)
Naoki Katakai (Resident Evil 4, REmake, Devil May Cry, Vanquish, Okami)
Shinichiro Ishikawa (Devil May Cry, Okami)
Shigenori Nishikawa (Resident Evil, RE4, Dino Crisis 2, MadWorld)
Yoshifumi Hattori (God Hand, Bayonetta, Vanquish, Resident Evil 4, REmake, Mega Man Legends, Okami, Dino Crisis 1/2)
Masaaki Yamada (Bayonetta, Devil May Cry, Viewtiful Joe 2, Okami)
Mitsuhiro Kubo (God Hand, Resident Evil 4, Viewtiful Joe, Yakuza, Vanquish, Okami, Devil May Cry 4)
& more (I got lazy)
If that's not a fucking all-star lineup, I don't know what is. Also, they recently brought on the guy who did the environments for REmake.
Quote from: Dusk Golem from NeoGAF-The game is set in an ocean-side town or island that seems to experience frequent flooding and has been overgrown. This one seems obvious in retrospective, but an on-going theme noticed in the concept art and the one in-game screen you can partially see is overgrowth and water. In a piece of concept art, you can see a decaying ship at bay, a lighthouse, and the ocean, but in a lot of concept art you can see water on the floor, or water damage. There also seems to have bee no-care left for any of the structures, and plants have ravaged and taken over buildings.
-The game's story involves slavery and an old slave-driven society. My theory is that this area is an isolated island, and was once an island of slavery plantations, and the like. The one character we have concept art for is black, the ship we see in concept art is a slavery ship, and there is some concept art of what looks to be an abandoned plantation (not to mention it fits the theme of plants overgrowing the land). I am guessing these monsters were once human, but something happened.
This also would explain the bug-theme if this was an island for plantation, as any farmer can tell you, one of the biggest threats to plantations or any sort of farmland is insects. This would also imply that there is mutation going on, supported by the beast at play here. Cause an exact effects unknown. Was it natural causes, a curse, experimenting, something else? No clue, that's up to theorizing.
-Our characters sanity may be in question. There was an old build of Resident Evil 4 that involved the question if Leon was sane or not. Some of the art, both prior to and before the announcement of Zwei, looks a bit surreal, even considering if mutation is gong on here. However, there seems to be people on-board in the project which have a deep interest in human psychology and disturbing imagery/abstract art. Some choice messages made from staff (mainly on Twitter) since Project Zwei was revealed had one thing in common in passing, there almost seemed to be an in-joke about going insane on the project. Back this up with the psychology stuff, the love with people in the team for the disturbed and the abstract, and the fact the last horror game Mikami almost made was supposed to have a theme of insanity, backed with some of the stranger concept art, and I believe our main hero may be having delusions and cases of insanity himself.
What I can piece together for now.
And now, some concept art:
This is really seeming like it's gonna' be my kind of game, and one of the greatest horror titles ever made.
It's finally happening.
My body is ready.
I guess it was delayed to launch alongside the new consoles.
I'm happy as long as it gets a PC release.
Unless they don't bring Stephen Russell back as Garrett. Then I'll be going on a murder spree.
Planescape: Torment 2 is coming. (
All these classic PC game revivals of late are making me a very happy panda.
So, I just watched this ( trailer, and it made me smile. Not that I necessarily expect the game to be anything too special, but at least the humor is definitely there. ;)
I love it! :joy: (
I want to be excited but... the last great Crash game was on the PS1. Other than that only Twinsanity came close to good and even that had quite some uninspired levels.
There was ever a great Crash game?
Truthfully, even as a really young kid, I thought it wasn't all that good. It looks like a tech demo compared to Mario 64, and that game was older.
I enjoyed Crash 2 and 3 way more than SM64 honestly. And Crash Team Racing was substantially better than MK64.
I was more of a Spryo kid, personally, but I did enjoy the PS1 Crash games as well.
Quote from: Avaitor on March 10, 2013, 06:23:49 PM
I was more of a Spryo kid
I liked that one way more than Crash.
I dunno, Spyro never really clicked with me though I liked the games. I think Insomniac really hit the ground running with Going Commando.
... which is about the time Naughty Dog lost the plot, in my opinion.
Personally, I thought Spyro was pretty boring aside from a few cool levels here and there, but I only played the first 2 games (and yes, I did actually beat both of them, and even 100%'ed the original back in the day).
As for Crash, I didn't like the 1st game and never actually played the 2nd one, but I played the hell out of Warped (the 3rd game) when I was a kid. I have no idea whether it holds up these days, but I did have a shit-ton of fond nostalgic memories with that one.
The only thing about Crash 2 that I dislike is the way to get the gems are more pure luck than anything since there's no hint on how to get them.
Otherwise, the game is still an excellent platformer. Crash 3 is way too easy and has a few too many minigames but it's really good as a whole. 1's biggest problem is the sloppy difficulty and poor reward for getting 100% (you might as well not even bother), if it was remade with 2's improvements it would be way better.
Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on March 10, 2013, 06:39:59 PM
I dunno, Spyro never really clicked with me though I liked the games. I think Insomniac really hit the ground running with Going Commando.
... which is about the time Naughty Dog lost the plot, in my opinion.
I probably should've been more clear on Spyro. I loved the first one, but I think 2 and 3 were just "decent". They just felt so incredibly small in comparison to the first game. Also, something about them just felt so cartoonish. I don't know, the original just had strong feeling of classic dragon fantasy that was lost in the sequels.
Still, 2 and 3 were leagues above the garbage Spyro began to spit out in later years.
Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on March 10, 2013, 06:46:35 PM
Crash 3 is way too easy
It probably is, but I've always really sucked at platformers (especially when I was a kid), so personally I got my fair share of deaths from that game. That said, I did have fond memories trying to 100% it by collecting all of the gems (though I remember a few of them being insanely frustrating to attain).
Quote from: Ensatsu-ken on March 10, 2013, 08:04:08 PM
Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on March 10, 2013, 06:46:35 PM
Crash 3 is way too easy
It probably is, but I've always really sucked at platformers (especially when I was a kid), so personally I got my fair share of deaths from that game. That said, I did have fond memories trying to 100% it by collecting all of the gems (though I remember a few of them being insanely frustrating to attain).
To be fair, I was hardened by Crash 1 and 2 by the time it came out. Had it been the first game in the series I played, I probably would have found it a solid difficulty.
2 is the best game in the series in my opinion because it is neither too hard or too easy and it stays pretty consistent the whole way through.
Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on March 10, 2013, 08:11:32 PM
To be fair, I was hardened by Crash 1 and 2 by the time it came out.
Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on March 10, 2013, 08:11:32 PM
Quote from: Ensatsu-ken on March 10, 2013, 08:04:08 PM
Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on March 10, 2013, 06:46:35 PM
Crash 3 is way too easy
It probably is, but I've always really sucked at platformers (especially when I was a kid), so personally I got my fair share of deaths from that game. That said, I did have fond memories trying to 100% it by collecting all of the gems (though I remember a few of them being insanely frustrating to attain).
To be fair, I was hardened by Crash 1 and 2 by the time it came out. Had it been the first game in the series I played, I probably would have found it a solid difficulty.
2 is the best game in the series in my opinion because it is neither too hard or too easy and it stays pretty consistent the whole way through.
Yeah, Crash games were ridiculously hard for platformers. Not just talking about getting 100% in levels either, a lot ofthe later stages have tiny routes and you have to have rigidly precise control in order to clear crtain levels. Crash 2 was especially tricky with all those space levels.
I never tried the 3rd one sadly enough, closest I got was the Pizza Hut demo disc.
Quote from: Rosalinas Spare Wand on March 11, 2013, 02:03:04 AM
Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on March 10, 2013, 08:11:32 PM
Quote from: Ensatsu-ken on March 10, 2013, 08:04:08 PM
Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on March 10, 2013, 06:46:35 PM
Crash 3 is way too easy
It probably is, but I've always really sucked at platformers (especially when I was a kid), so personally I got my fair share of deaths from that game. That said, I did have fond memories trying to 100% it by collecting all of the gems (though I remember a few of them being insanely frustrating to attain).
To be fair, I was hardened by Crash 1 and 2 by the time it came out. Had it been the first game in the series I played, I probably would have found it a solid difficulty.
2 is the best game in the series in my opinion because it is neither too hard or too easy and it stays pretty consistent the whole way through.
Yeah, Crash games were ridiculously hard for platformers. Not just talking about getting 100% in levels either, a lot ofthe later stages have tiny routes and you have to have rigidly precise control in order to clear crtain levels. Crash 2 was especially tricky with all those space levels.
I never tried the 3rd one sadly enough, closest I got was the Pizza Hut demo disc.
Compared to how hard 2 got by the end (the space levels are especially dicey) and how hard 1 was for the entirety, 3 is mostly a cakewalk that is pretty forgiving. They sort of continued the lax difficulty into Jak 1 before they crammed the trickiness back up with 2. I guess their one weakness was figuring out the best balance.
So we were talking about that Steam Giana Sisters game and apparently the same developers behind it are working on a new Turrican game.
Interesting and exciting.
Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on March 11, 2013, 08:31:13 PM
So we were talking about that Steam Giana Sisters game and apparently the same developers behind it are working on a new Turrican game.
Interesting and exciting.
And now apparently that Giana Sisters game is coming out for the Wii-U. What a weird string of news.
Isn't Giana Sisters some Mario ripoff. I remember a title like that from flash game sites.
The original game from 1987 is. The more recent games differentiated things a lot from Mario.
Anyway, I can't wait for these games to come out:
Rayman Legends
Rainbow Six Patriots
Beyond Good & Evil 2
Splinter Cell Blacklisted
So who here already got themselves a copy on the PC? (
I'm personally waiting for the eshop announcement, but that game looks great. Reminds me of Little Samson meets Duck Tales and Castlevania.
So, the new Gears of War game comes out tomorrow....And I had completely forgotten that they were even making a new GOW game, let alone know that it was releasing this soon. Not only does it go to show you just how far out of the loop I am, but it also shows you my lack of giving a shit about the big-budget triple A games that are released this day. For that matter, I also forgot about the "other" game with the GOW abbreviation (the hack n' slash one), which just released not too long ago. Like I said, I have completely lost interest in this stuff.
Well, to be fair, I do mildly enjoy GOW games, so I may pick this one up when it comes down in price to around $20, but any more than that is just too much for me.
Quote from: Ensatsu-ken on March 18, 2013, 03:41:22 PM
So, the new Gears of War game comes out tomorrow....
Huh. That marks the sixth recent AAA release I was completely unaware of. I actually had no idea that Fire Emblem: Awakening, Crysis 3, Tomb Raider, SimCity, or God of War: Ascension had even come out until I saw them on shelves.
Apparently a new Assassins Creed is coming out very soon, as well.
Yeah, I remember seeing a commercial for pre-ordering it, even.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't AC3 come out JUST a few months ago?
Honestly, their just milking these franchises by shitting new games out for each of them as fast as possible, to the point where AAA seems to have lost all of its meaning. These all used to be game series in which, whether you liked them or hated them, you were at least well aware of when a new one was coming out because everyone else made it out to be a big deal. Maybe its just me, but I hardly hear any commotion about any of these popular franchises anymore, and I didn't even know that most of these even had new games coming out, and for the ones that I did know about, I had no clue that stuff like Gears of War: Judgement and God of War: Ascension were already out or about to come out.
It just shows you how little even these big franchises really mean anymore. Which is to say, even they are being treated like nothing and just being over-exposed to the point where I feel most people are completely burned out on them by now. I know that I'm still pretty burned out of Gears of War, myself.
I doubt next gen will be different at any rate.
Tomorrow I pick up Lego City Undercover and Monster Hunter (3DS)... should be fun!
Quote from: Foggle on March 18, 2013, 03:47:33 PM
Quote from: Ensatsu-ken on March 18, 2013, 03:41:22 PM
So, the new Gears of War game comes out tomorrow....
Huh. That marks the sixth recent AAA release I was completely unaware of. I actually had no idea that Fire Emblem: Awakening, Crysis 3, Tomb Raider, SimCity, or God of War: Ascension had even come out until I saw them on shelves.
I can't remember if I knew or didn't know if Crysis 3 was out.
How are you burnt out from Gears Of War? Ascension is the first to come out close to another entry in the series' release date. It shouldn't be lumped in together with Assassin's Creed.
Quote from: gunswordfist on March 19, 2013, 12:36:00 PM
How are you burnt out from Gears Of War?
Because I've already played 3 games that did little to differentiate themselves other than tweaking the gameplay a bit with each installment. I'm not all that interested in playing yet another game with the same exact formula and just a few more tweaks, and reviews pretty much indicate that this is all the new game is. More of the same, which was fine enough for the first 3 games, but now I'm burnt out on having experienced the same old thing 3 times in a row.
To be fair, the new Gears game is being made by People Can Fly, the extremely talented developers of Painkiller and Bulletstorm. So unless they're just straight-up emulating the style of the first three games (I wouldn't know, I haven't seen any gameplay), it could be pretty damn good.
Based on what I've heard about the game, much like how Halo 4 was made by different developers but tried too hard to be as close as possible to the previous titles, People Can Fly have pretty much gone the same route with Gears of War: Judgement. The problem with this is that it limits the creativity that a new developer can bring to the series, and in the case of Halo 4, sure, it felt like a Halo game, but just an average one at that (nowhere near the level of quality that Reach brought to the table in the campaign mode department, IMO). Similarly, from reviews about this new Gears of War game, it seems that PCF has succeeded in making this new Gears game feel like the older ones with a few refinements thrown into the mix....but that's also the problem. If you're burned out on the formula as it is like I am, than this new game apparently plays it too safe to really change your mind on that matter.
Anyone else keeping up with Kojima's Phantom Pain videos? I think creepy ARGs like this are really cool.
When it comes to Kojima I wait for release before I consider anticipation.
Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on March 19, 2013, 07:43:00 PM
When it comes to Kojima I wait for release before I consider anticipation.
Not really anticipating any sort of game over it, just saying these videos are cool as phuk. Though a MGS-style psychological horror game would make me cream.
That said, I ain't never played a Kojima game I didn't like.
Has Phantom Pain been confirmed to be Ground Zeroes?
I haven't played a Kojima game I didn't like either....scratch that ZOE2 bores me to tears to his last game that was widely considered a disappointment was MGS2 and that game was still good and MGS4 is EASILY the greatest stealth game of last gen. I don't know what Spark is talking about.
Quote from: talonmalon333 on March 19, 2013, 08:42:46 PM
Has Phantom Pain been confirmed to be Ground Zeroes?
No, most people seem to think it's a completely different game (though still MGS-related). Personally, I kind of hope Phantom Pain is just Phantom Pain... a stealth/horror game where you play as a psychologically disturbed amputee trying to escape from a large hospital that's being invaded by a mysterious military group just sounds AWESOME to me.
Quote from: gunswordfist on March 20, 2013, 08:01:43 AM
I haven't played a Kojima game I didn't like either....scratch that ZOE2 bores me to tears to his last game that was widely considered a disappointment was MGS2 and that game was still good and MGS4 is EASILY the greatest stealth game of last gen.
+MGS3 is one of the best games ever made.
I heard ZOE2 is way above 1. ZOE1 was totally dull.
Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on March 20, 2013, 06:04:06 PM
I heard ZOE2 is way above 1.
Same here. Never played either, though.
Quote from: Foggle on March 20, 2013, 06:14:34 PM
Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on March 20, 2013, 06:04:06 PM
I heard ZOE2 is way above 1.
Same here. Never played either, though.
It really is. ZOE1 is an okay game, and decent enough when you factor in the time when it was made, but when you compare it to TSR, it's practically a public beta.
If that HD collection is on the XBOX360, I may consider picking it up once I have more time to play games after my semester finishes.
Quote from: Ensatsu-ken on March 20, 2013, 10:14:20 PM
If that HD collection is on the XBOX360, I may consider picking it up once I have more time to play games after my semester finishes.
They're really bad ports, from what I hear. I'd recommend trying to find PS2 copies instead.
Other than slowdown/framerate issues, what are the other problems with the port? Mine played a-ok outside of the afformented issue.
Really? I thought the ports got decent reviews, but I'll have to do some more research on them I suppose.
I'm just parroting what I've heard.
Hot damn.
Quote from: Avaitor on March 22, 2013, 02:19:53 PM
Hot damn.
I love you.
Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on March 22, 2013, 02:37:20 PM
Quote from: Avaitor on March 22, 2013, 02:19:53 PM
Hot damn.
I love you.
On top of it! (
Capcom just give me SNES Mega Man X9 and all is forgiven!
Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on March 22, 2013, 02:37:20 PM
Quote from: Avaitor on March 22, 2013, 02:19:53 PM
Hot damn.
I love you.
Isn't this being done by the guys who made the Brave & the Bold game?
And on top of this and the D&D game, it's becoming very apparent that I need a Wii-U.
Quote from: Avaitor on March 22, 2013, 02:42:07 PM
Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on March 22, 2013, 02:37:20 PM
Quote from: Avaitor on March 22, 2013, 02:19:53 PM
Hot damn.
I love you.
Isn't this being done by the guys who made the Brave & the Bold game?
And on top of this and the D&D game, it's becoming very apparent that I need a Wii-U.
Yes, they made that as well as A Boy & His Blob for the Wii, Contra 4 for the DS, and Mighty Switch Force. :shakeshakeshake:
I'm calling Game Of The Year on this one already.
Apparently this is going on at PAX:
QuoteDiscussions for a new Mega Man game are going on right now and they will have news on that hopefully later this year. #PaxEast #capcom
Wow, in one day Capcom have almost completely turned it around!
Also found this quote:
QuoteFrankly, you guys asked for it, here on Capcom-Unity. That's why.
About two and a half years ago I started working toward this with Disney because people here kept asking for it (and because I'm a fan too). About a year and a half ago I completed the general outlines of the deal. Disney was on board (and really excited). I then sold the whole concept of the project to Japan as we took it through greenlight.
Wayforward was actually Disney's suggestion given their creative director's LOVE for the original and after we did due diligence we totally agreed. Matt Bozon is a star and their experience with Shantae and Mighty Switch Force made them the right choice. Jake K. ("Virt") on the music was also a deal sealer for us. They've been wonderful to work with and we've kept this title very underwraps, even internally. For example, I don't think anyone in Japan has even seen a build at any point so far (maybe until today :)).
As for the future, I'd like to not get ahead of ourselves. I'm thrilled at the fan response this morning but for the moment, we're going to stay focused on making this project a success. If it works, we can think about other opportunities later but let's not put the cart before the horse. :)
It looks like they're adding three new levels to the game! Because literally my only issue with the original was that it could have been longer.
Personally, I think the SFxT DLC and RE6 backlash resulted in a much-needed wake up call for Capcom. Now they seem to be getting back on track by returning to classic franchises, embracing fan projects, treating the PC with more respect, and toning down the DLC gouging.
See, they can change!
Quote from: Foggle on March 22, 2013, 03:18:43 PM
Personally, I think the the SFxT DLC and RE6 backlash resulted in a much-needed wake up call for Capcom. Now they seem to be getting back on track by returning to classic franchises, embracing fan projects, treating the PC with more respect, and toning down the DLC gouging.
See, they can change!
I'm thankful for it, really. Capcom at their best is almost unstoppable and these announcements show why!
You actually get to swim in Scrooge's money bin and they're bringing back all surviving voice actors to reprise their roles, including Alan Young (who's 93!) to play Scrooge.
I am stoked. I'll get this for Wii U if I have one by the summer but even if I don't I'll have 360 and PS3. I can't wait.
I just hope they put the new DuckTales game on Steam/GOG.
Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on March 22, 2013, 03:19:50 PM
I'm thankful for it, really. Capcom at their best is almost unstoppable and these announcements show why!
Yeah, I bought the PC version of RE6 (for only $12, which is less than I sold the PS3 version for) just to support their sudden abandonment of GFWL, as well as the possibility of getting classic games and Dragon's Dogma on my platform of choice.
Quote from: Foggle on March 22, 2013, 03:24:48 PM
I just hope they put the new DuckTales game on Steam/GOG.
They were working on it for PC last I heard.
I just...
really didn't expect this to ever happen. This is the best new game announcement this year so far without question.
Not to sound spoiled, but if this leads to the same for Chip N Dale, TaleSpin (if they tweak it, it could be awesome), Darkwing Duck, and Goof Troop (add in four player with Pete and PJ!) to get remastered then that would be even better. Not to mention DuckTales 2 and Chip N Dale 2.
Its easy to forget that before all this fiasco involving all of these crappy business practices, Capcom was basically the best 3rd party publisher/developer/company ever. I mean, just think of how many of the greatest games of all time were made by Capcom. The list is pretty much unbeatable by any other company. I feel like Capcom has always had talented video game developers to make quality games. What really fucked them up this generation was the management running Capcom. They basically just got greedy, plain and simple. Eventually, people had enough of it, and I'm pretty sure that Capcom has suffered much lower than expected sales for some of their biggest titles thanks to these practices. Being that its a business, as stubborn as they are, they eventually would have no choice but to give into consumer demand if they wanted to stay afloat as a business. Hopefully they've learned their lesson for good, and this dark phase of Capcom's history as a company can finally pass by.
Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on March 22, 2013, 03:25:42 PM
I just... really didn't expect this to ever happen. This is the best new game announcement this year so far without question.
Now you know how I felt when I heard about Torment 2's Kickstarter. 8)
Quote from: Ensatsu-ken on March 22, 2013, 03:26:01 PM
Its easy to forget that before all this fiasco involving all of these crappy business practices, Capcom was basically the best 3rd party publisher/developer/company ever. I mean, just think of how many of the greatest games of all time were made by Capcom. The list is pretty much unbeatable by any other company. I feel like Capcom has always had talented video game developers to make quality games. What really fucked them up this generation was the management running Capcom. They basically just got greedy, plain and simple. Eventually, people had enough of it, and I'm pretty sure that Capcom has suffered much lower than expected sales for some of their biggest titles thanks to these practices. Being that its a business, as stubborn as they are, they eventually would have no choice but to give into consumer demand if they wanted to stay afloat as a business. Hopefully they've learned their lesson for good, and this dark phase of Capcom's history as a company can finally pass by.
SNES Mega Man X9 and ALL is forgiven.
That reminds me that I still need to play X 3, 4, 5, and 8, one of these days. I can easily play 3 via an emulator, but I could never get a PS1 emulator to work on my crappy laptop, so I'll have to borrow my brother's PS2 and hope that I can find the other 3 games for affordable prices, which may take a while....
There's a PC version of X4 floating around out there that runs easily even on my ancient PC. As for X5, that's only on PS1 and the X Collection for the PS2/GC.
Check out the live reveal of DuckTales (
I enjoy watching audience's reactions to stuff like this.
*Audience sings with the song*
Whew.... glad I wasn't the only one singing when I saw the trailer. :P Still, looks good.
From GoNintendo (
Quote- using the pogo ability has been made easier, requiring just a jump and then the press of another button
- maps feature built-in guidance
- one level in the original that had to be played 3 different times has now been reworked to allow for one playthrough to obtain all items needed
- these options can be turned off for a more classic experience
- one of the layout artists who worked on the cartoon helped with the game
- new introduction and end of level scenes for each level
- a generic bat found in one area of the original game has been replaced with a copy of the bat that appears in the introduction to the original television show
- features galleries, the ability to unlock a rare full-length version of the TV show's theme song and even the ability to swim Scrooge around through the gold in his vault
- the amount of coins that Scrooge swims around in will be directly impacted by how many gems the player has discovered
- features new end level
- removed the ability to skip through the entire African Mines level
- the shortcut is still there, but now the reward is some items
The best news out of all of this is what could happen if DuckTales Remastered is a success. Producer Rey Jimenez has said that this game's success could pave the way for more 'Remastered' classics from Disney/Capcom. Which game could be next to get that treatment?
"In a purely hypothetical world. I think Chip n' Dale would be the next logical one. It makes sense because it's the next in the hierarchy. "
Oh yeah, I forgot about the overuse of Transylvania. I'm glad that's been changed.
EDIT: Footage! (
Alright Capcom, making Ace Attorney 5 and bringing back Phoenix as the lead (even though I liked Trucy and Apollo okay) makes up for no AA: Investigations 2; and I'll consider this making up for screwing around with Street Fighter. Now please, just release Mega Man X9. I don't care it's SNES-style or not, just make sure its good and we're golden!
Seriously, it's almost like that Capcom Christmas Carol came true! :shakeshakeshake:
By the way, after seeing a new trailer for the Deadpool game, I want it even more badly.
I found a better video of the DuckTales gameplay (
It looks like they turned what was originally the worst level in the game (sorry, but it was) and put in Metroid-style map and exploration with Mega Man-style boss battles. WayForward, man. Those guys.
DuckTales Remastered easier for modern players, paves way for future Disney-Capcom games
By BRIAN CRECENTE on Mar 22, 2013 at 5:15p @crecenteb
When DuckTales Remastered comes to PlayStation 3, Wii U and Xbox 360 it will bring with it a piece of nostalgic '80s gameplay modernized to be more appealing to a generation of gamers not as willing to work for their entertainment.
Yes, it will be easier, or at least it can be.
DuckTales Remastered will include a mix of new features designed to make the game more forgiving than the original. Players won't have to master the art of jumping, ducking and tapping a button to "pogo," for instance, instead they can simply jump and press a button. Maps with built-in guidance will be available in the game as well, and a particularly nasty level, which had to be played three times, has been reworked to require only one play through.
But that doesn't mean that those gamers looking for a difficult, more faithful recreation of the game won't be able to embrace their masochistic nature.
Almost all of those features can be removed through an options menu or difficulty setting, Rey Jimenez, the game's producer, told Polygon.
"If you want the pure experience we are reproducing that with the harder difficulties," he said.
Why include some of the hand-holding in the first place? Modern day gamers are to blame.
"Gamers are just different today," Jimenez said. "We had to make it significantly easier and more accessible."
When released this summer on the PlayStation Network, Wii U eShop and Xbox Live Arcade, DuckTales Remastered will include a complete overhaul of the game's visuals. The new game, developed for Capcom by WayForward Technologies, will feature an interesting blend of hand-drawn 2D art that is texture mapped onto 3D models. One of the layout artists who worked on the original afternoon cartoon helped with the game, Jimenez said. The team also worked to expand the original game's script, adding a new introduction and end of level scenes for each level.
That additional content required new voiceover work. The studio was able to grab some of the original show's cast to do that, including the people who voices Scrooge McDuck, Magica De Spell and Launchpad McQuack, Jimenez said.
The WayForward team also revisited some of the key art elements of the game to try and incorporate more of the art from the original TV show. One example Jimenez gave was that a generic bat found in one area of the original game has been replaced with a copy of the bat that appears in the introduction to the original television show.
The team also added a lot of new content, including galleries, the ability to unlock a rare full-length version of the TV show's theme song and even the ability to swim Scrooge around through the gold in his vault. Jimenez said that the amount of coins that Scrooge swims around in will be directly impacted by how many gems the player has discovered in the game.
The biggest change, aside from the visuals, is the addition of an entirely new level, the last in the game, as well as removing the need to visit, revisit and revisit again the Transylvania level. Now players will have to go through the level just once and then proceed to the new level.
The team also removed the ability to skip through the entire African Mines level by taking a treacherous shortcut. The shortcut is still there, Jimenez said, but now the reward is some items.
"For a remake of an NES game I'm surprised how much dedication they are putting into this," Jimenez said.
While nothing has been locked in, Jimenez said that the work Capcom put into getting approval from Disney to remaster the game could lead to future remastered releases of other classic Capcom-Disney projects. Those games include classics like Chip n' Dale Rescue Rangers, Darkwing Duck and Aladdin.
All of that will be dictated by how well this game is received though, Jimenez stressed.
What game would be next if Capcom were to do a second remastered release from their Disney days?
"In a purely hypothetical world," Jimenez said, "I think Chip n' Dale would be the next logical one. It makes sense because it's the next in the hierarchy."
Sorry if this has already been linked. But I do love how Aladdin has been name-dropped along with other TDA titles. Do you think they'd make a game with two different versions, one representing the SNES title and one like the Genesis?
Go to 2.40 to hear the VA and remixed soundtrack (
I'm still amazed this is happening.
Go to 2.40 to hear the VA and remixed soundtrack (
I'm still amazed this is happening.
Quote from: Avaitor on March 23, 2013, 02:20:45 PM
DuckTales Remastered easier for modern players, paves way for future Disney-Capcom games
By BRIAN CRECENTE on Mar 22, 2013 at 5:15p @crecenteb
When DuckTales Remastered comes to PlayStation 3, Wii U and Xbox 360 it will bring with it a piece of nostalgic '80s gameplay modernized to be more appealing to a generation of gamers not as willing to work for their entertainment.
Yes, it will be easier, or at least it can be.
DuckTales Remastered will include a mix of new features designed to make the game more forgiving than the original. Players won't have to master the art of jumping, ducking and tapping a button to "pogo," for instance, instead they can simply jump and press a button. Maps with built-in guidance will be available in the game as well, and a particularly nasty level, which had to be played three times, has been reworked to require only one play through.
But that doesn't mean that those gamers looking for a difficult, more faithful recreation of the game won't be able to embrace their masochistic nature.
Almost all of those features can be removed through an options menu or difficulty setting, Rey Jimenez, the game's producer, told Polygon.
"If you want the pure experience we are reproducing that with the harder difficulties," he said.
Why include some of the hand-holding in the first place? Modern day gamers are to blame.
"Gamers are just different today," Jimenez said. "We had to make it significantly easier and more accessible."
When released this summer on the PlayStation Network, Wii U eShop and Xbox Live Arcade, DuckTales Remastered will include a complete overhaul of the game's visuals. The new game, developed for Capcom by WayForward Technologies, will feature an interesting blend of hand-drawn 2D art that is texture mapped onto 3D models. One of the layout artists who worked on the original afternoon cartoon helped with the game, Jimenez said. The team also worked to expand the original game's script, adding a new introduction and end of level scenes for each level.
That additional content required new voiceover work. The studio was able to grab some of the original show's cast to do that, including the people who voices Scrooge McDuck, Magica De Spell and Launchpad McQuack, Jimenez said.
The WayForward team also revisited some of the key art elements of the game to try and incorporate more of the art from the original TV show. One example Jimenez gave was that a generic bat found in one area of the original game has been replaced with a copy of the bat that appears in the introduction to the original television show.
The team also added a lot of new content, including galleries, the ability to unlock a rare full-length version of the TV show's theme song and even the ability to swim Scrooge around through the gold in his vault. Jimenez said that the amount of coins that Scrooge swims around in will be directly impacted by how many gems the player has discovered in the game.
The biggest change, aside from the visuals, is the addition of an entirely new level, the last in the game, as well as removing the need to visit, revisit and revisit again the Transylvania level. Now players will have to go through the level just once and then proceed to the new level.
The team also removed the ability to skip through the entire African Mines level by taking a treacherous shortcut. The shortcut is still there, Jimenez said, but now the reward is some items.
"For a remake of an NES game I'm surprised how much dedication they are putting into this," Jimenez said.
While nothing has been locked in, Jimenez said that the work Capcom put into getting approval from Disney to remaster the game could lead to future remastered releases of other classic Capcom-Disney projects. Those games include classics like Chip n' Dale Rescue Rangers, Darkwing Duck and Aladdin.
All of that will be dictated by how well this game is received though, Jimenez stressed.
What game would be next if Capcom were to do a second remastered release from their Disney days?
"In a purely hypothetical world," Jimenez said, "I think Chip n' Dale would be the next logical one. It makes sense because it's the next in the hierarchy."
Sorry if this has already been linked. But I do love how Aladdin has been name-dropped along with other TDA titles. Do you think they'd make a game with two different versions, one representing the SNES title and one like the Genesis?
Capcom made the SNES game (Shinji Mikami directed it!) but Virgin Interactive made the Genesis game. I'm not actually sure who owns the Virgin Interactive brand right now because they made a few Disney games like Jungle Book and Lion King.
FOR SURE if this goes through 100% we can expect:
The Little Mermaid (could use some added levels)
Chip n Dale Rescue Rangers (Bonus levels and multiple paths on the map + online co-op)
TaleSpin (This would need some polishing, but it's worth it)
Darkwing Duck (Needs a Negaduck level and a Taurus Bulba level)
DuckTales 2 (overhauled soundtrack and dumping of the safe mechanic, please)
Chip n Dale Rescue Rangers 2 (same as the original)
Magical Quest 1, 2, and 3 (no-brainers)
Goof Troop (Shinji Mikami's first game! Just add some levels)
Aladdin (SNES version)
As those are the ones Capcom owns partial rights to. The Virgin Interactive and Sega games require additional licenses. Though there was a rumor that World Of Illusion and Quack Shot showed up in the Steam registry, so Sega might be on the move, too.
Quote from: Avaitor on March 23, 2013, 02:20:45 PM
DuckTales Remastered easier for modern players, paves way for future Disney-Capcom games
By BRIAN CRECENTE on Mar 22, 2013 at 5:15p @crecenteb
When DuckTales Remastered comes to PlayStation 3, Wii U and Xbox 360 it will bring with it a piece of nostalgic '80s gameplay modernized to be more appealing to a generation of gamers not as willing to work for their entertainment.
Yes, it will be easier, or at least it can be.
DuckTales Remastered will include a mix of new features designed to make the game more forgiving than the original. Players won't have to master the art of jumping, ducking and tapping a button to "pogo," for instance, instead they can simply jump and press a button. Maps with built-in guidance will be available in the game as well, and a particularly nasty level, which had to be played three times, has been reworked to require only one play through.
But that doesn't mean that those gamers looking for a difficult, more faithful recreation of the game won't be able to embrace their masochistic nature.
Almost all of those features can be removed through an options menu or difficulty setting, Rey Jimenez, the game's producer, told Polygon.
"If you want the pure experience we are reproducing that with the harder difficulties," he said.
Why include some of the hand-holding in the first place? Modern day gamers are to blame.
"Gamers are just different today," Jimenez said. "We had to make it significantly easier and more accessible."
When released this summer on the PlayStation Network, Wii U eShop and Xbox Live Arcade, DuckTales Remastered will include a complete overhaul of the game's visuals. The new game, developed for Capcom by WayForward Technologies, will feature an interesting blend of hand-drawn 2D art that is texture mapped onto 3D models. One of the layout artists who worked on the original afternoon cartoon helped with the game, Jimenez said. The team also worked to expand the original game's script, adding a new introduction and end of level scenes for each level.
That additional content required new voiceover work. The studio was able to grab some of the original show's cast to do that, including the people who voices Scrooge McDuck, Magica De Spell and Launchpad McQuack, Jimenez said.
The WayForward team also revisited some of the key art elements of the game to try and incorporate more of the art from the original TV show. One example Jimenez gave was that a generic bat found in one area of the original game has been replaced with a copy of the bat that appears in the introduction to the original television show.
The team also added a lot of new content, including galleries, the ability to unlock a rare full-length version of the TV show's theme song and even the ability to swim Scrooge around through the gold in his vault. Jimenez said that the amount of coins that Scrooge swims around in will be directly impacted by how many gems the player has discovered in the game.
The biggest change, aside from the visuals, is the addition of an entirely new level, the last in the game, as well as removing the need to visit, revisit and revisit again the Transylvania level. Now players will have to go through the level just once and then proceed to the new level.
The team also removed the ability to skip through the entire African Mines level by taking a treacherous shortcut. The shortcut is still there, Jimenez said, but now the reward is some items.
"For a remake of an NES game I'm surprised how much dedication they are putting into this," Jimenez said.
While nothing has been locked in, Jimenez said that the work Capcom put into getting approval from Disney to remaster the game could lead to future remastered releases of other classic Capcom-Disney projects. Those games include classics like Chip n' Dale Rescue Rangers, Darkwing Duck and Aladdin.
All of that will be dictated by how well this game is received though, Jimenez stressed.
What game would be next if Capcom were to do a second remastered release from their Disney days?
"In a purely hypothetical world," Jimenez said, "I think Chip n' Dale would be the next logical one. It makes sense because it's the next in the hierarchy."
Sorry if this has already been linked. But I do love how Aladdin has been name-dropped along with other TDA titles. Do you think they'd make a game with two different versions, one representing the SNES title and one like the Genesis?
I was thinking about the Aladdin games. I only played like a minute of the snes version but Genesis version is easily my favorite Disney game.
What about the Toy Story game?
Come to think of it, wasn't Capcom not working with Disney listed as #1 on Screwattack's Biggest Capcom Mistakes? I'm still in utter shock this is happening for real.
The Giana Sister game is on XBox Live? I had thought it was Steam only. I... must buy it.
So Metal Gear Solid V has been announced. Thoughts?
Btw talon, what's your thoughts on the recent announcement for DuckTales?
No David Hayter as Snake is quite odd but then it's Kojima so there's bound to be some reason or another that's completely unnecessary.
This series needs a reboot way more than Tomb Raider ever did.
Quote from: Avaitor on March 27, 2013, 04:18:45 PM
Btw talon, what's your thoughts on the recent announcement for DuckTales?
Are you referring to that visually stunning remake of one of the best NES games ever released?
Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on March 27, 2013, 04:24:27 PM
No David Hayter as Snake is quite odd but then it's Kojima so there's bound to be some reason or another that's completely unnecessary.
This series needs a reboot way more than Tomb Raider ever did.
The storyline kind of ended with MGS4. I can't help but get the feeling like it's just being milked now.
So, they were going to have Ground Zeroes and Metal Gear Solid V.... biggest troll ever. Ground Zeroes and Phantom Pain are the same game they were showing different sides of and it's MGS V. lol
My friend messaged this to me. I'm not sure what he means, actually.
Quote from: Avaitor on March 27, 2013, 04:39:56 PM
So, they were going to have Ground Zeroes and Metal Gear Solid V.... biggest troll ever. Ground Zeroes and Phantom Pain are the same game they were showing different sides of and it's MGS V. lol
What else did you expect from Kojima, the guy who decided to have a boss where the only way to defeat it was by dying and opening up a menu on the Game Over screen to revive yourself?
Man loves trolling his fans.
The only man in the gaming industry who gets praised for terrible game design decisions.
Not to mention what has happened to the stories in his games. Snake could turn into a baby in this game and someone will write a 15 page essay on how much sense it made.
Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on March 27, 2013, 05:14:05 PM
The only man in the gaming industry who gets praised for terrible game design decisions.
Don't see how they're terrible. I love the creativity behind his stuff. Maybe MGS just isn't for you.
Anyway, 5 sounds awesome. Glad Phantom Pain is actually part of it. Will definitely play it if it gets a PC release (since it's next gen; I'm not buying a PS4 or 720... and at this point, I don't even know if I want a Wii-U).
I like MGS1 and disliked the remake and 2. :??:
But anyway, I'm looking forward to Shovel Knight and hope it can make its kickstarter goal.
Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on March 27, 2013, 05:14:05 PM
The only man in the gaming industry who gets praised for terrible game design decisions.
Now you're
trying to be the focal point of all my hate, aren't you? :imnothappy:
I really wish I could get a firm release date for Wonderful 101.
Quote from: talonmalon333 on March 28, 2013, 12:42:56 AM
Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on March 27, 2013, 05:14:05 PM
The only man in the gaming industry who gets praised for terrible game design decisions.
Now you're trying to be the focal point of all my hate, aren't you? :imnothappy:
No, I'll probably get a response from gunswordfist in two weeks, though.
Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on March 28, 2013, 02:40:06 PM
No, I'll probably get a response from gunswordfist in two weeks, though.
Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on March 28, 2013, 02:40:06 PM
No, I'll probably get a response from gunswordfist in two weeks, though.
I think you're exaggerating how quickly he responds to posts.
It's funny 'cause he posts regularly, too.
It's funny because I don't post here regularly.
Quote from: gunswordfist on April 01, 2013, 04:48:20 PM
It's funny because I don't post here regularly.
It's okay, GSF, we're all still your friend.
April Fools. We hate you.
Yeah, I went there.
Really, really excited for Rayman Legends. Origins made me a huge fan of the franchise, and the demos I've played guarantee that Legends manages to improve on its predecessor. Also, that Wind Waker remake. Never played the GCN original, so it'll be a good chance for me to finally delve into that era of Hyrule.
The Deadpool game looks like it's going to be a lot of fun. Just hearing Nolan North's one-liners as The Merc with the Mouth is awesome. ;D And needless to say, I'm an eager beaver for Ducktales.
If you guys have not yet donated to Shovel Knight, please do! It's currently at just under $90,000.
It's made the goal, but if it can get to $100,000 then a New Game + will be included.
I hope that this game ( turns out to be as awesome and over-the-top as it looks.
In positive Disney news:
Those have been found on top of ratings for XBLA, PSN, and Wii-U eshop.
Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on March 28, 2013, 02:40:06 PM
I really wish I could get a firm release date for Wonderful 101.
Quote from: talonmalon333 on March 28, 2013, 12:42:56 AM
Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on March 27, 2013, 05:14:05 PM
The only man in the gaming industry who gets praised for terrible game design decisions.
Now you're trying to be the focal point of all my hate, aren't you? :imnothappy:
No, I'll probably get a response from gunswordfist in two weeks, though.
As long as you don't say anything stupid, like Killzone ripped off Fear's mechs
Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on April 03, 2013, 10:29:00 PM
In positive Disney news:
Those have been found on top of ratings for XBLA, PSN, and Wii-U eshop.
Now if only they'd remake Sweet Home...
Quote from: Cry 3 Blood Dragon is THE Kick-Ass Cyber Shooter taking place on a bizarre open-world island crawling with evil. Welcome to an 80's VHS vision of the future. The year is 2007 and you are Sargent Rex Colt, a Mark IV Cyber Commando who's fighting against a cyborg army gone rogue. Your mission: get the girl, kill the baddies, and save the world. Experience every cliche of a VHS era vision of a nuclear future, where cyborgs, blood dragons, mutants, and Michael Biehn (Terminator, Aliens, Navy Seals) collide. Playing Far Cry 3 Blood Dragon doesn't require a copy of Far Cry 3.
Original release date: 5/1/2013
It's also for PC and PS3. Can't wait!
Did anyone know about this or am I the last to know? (
I should clarify, I'm referring to the 3DS Metroidvania. I knew about the HD title.
Because I always wanted an Arkham Metroidvania since playing Asylum.
I'd heard the title of the 3DS game, but I just assumed it was some mobile BS.
Eh, Its probably going to be another decent action/adventure game that every gamer and critic overrates the hell out of just because it has the Batman license and doesn't suck-ass. Unless they completely overhaul the combat system or add in new gameplay mechanics besides just variations on stealth and beat-em-up sections, I probably won't be picking this one up.
Apparently it's being made by the Ex-Retro guys who worked on the Metroid Prime games at Armature so it might be pretty good. At the very least, hopefully it'll be at Shadow Complex's level.
Speaking of Shadow Complex, I still think that the game should have gotten a sequel. Easily one of Microsoft's biggest missed opportunities. Being that the game was exclusive to XBLA, they could have made a deal with Epic to turn the game into a series, and then they'd have their very own competition to Metroid (and given the quality of Other M, its safe to say that Shadow Complex could be a more than worthy competitor). Unfortunately, Microsoft seems to have no interest in attaining new and interesting exclusives. Apparently they are under the delusion that just churning out a Halo or Gears of War game every other year will be enough to sell consoles for them. If that's their mind-set, that I can't wait to see the next XBOX bomb right in front of their ignorant faces.
Quote from: Foggle on April 12, 2013, 03:42:52 PM
Real men watch it in 144p.
They just announced a new Yoshi's Island game for the 3DS. This and Yarn Yoshi seem to be giving Yoshi quite a bit of focus this year.
Nintendo is having their way with my wallet this morning. Now, let's just hope this is the Yoshi that finally returns the series to its roots, as I doubt Yarn Yoshi is going to (I'm not writing that one off yet, though, just saying I'd really like a true successor to Yoshi's Island one of these years).
From Nintendo Direct this is what I'm looking forward to
Yoshi's Island 3DS
Mario and Luigi's Dream Team release date
Bravery Default
Animal Crossing New Leaf release date
Game and Wario release date.
Pikmin 3 release date.
New Mario Party
Welp wallet, I hope you got your lube ready.
None of the announcements particularly excite me. However, just about all of them are solid, so it's good enough.
Quote from: talonmalon333 on April 17, 2013, 02:44:37 PM
None of the announcements particularly excite me. However, just about all of them are solid, so it's good enough.
Same here, to be honest.
So I finally watched the trailer for MGS5 and it looks really cool. I'm happy that it's for current gen consoles (I mistakenly thought it would be PS4/720 exclusive), because that means I will actually be able to play it.
Quote[Kojima] also stated that he would like Metal Gear Solid V to be his final Metal Gear game, noting that unlike previous titles where he had announced that he had finished making games in the series, only to return for subsequent titles, he would like to fulfill his retirement from the series with Metal Gear Solid V.
I really hope this is true. Konami needs to let him move onto other things already.
The original Yoshi's Island, to me, is the closest that a game has ever come to being perfect, which is to say that other than the fact that its a pretty easy game, I honestly can't discern a single noteworthy flaw that I have with it (even my favorite game of all time, Ninja Gaiden Black, has clear flaws which I'm never a stranger to admitting). In the same vein, I just don't think that I could ever picture a sequel being able to top it, let alone try to match it in overall quality. That said, I still have yet to play Yoshi's Island DS, but based on what I've heard, its merely a good game rather than a truly great one. Now, if this new Yoshi's Island game can manage to be even half as good as the original, I'd honestly consider it a huge success in and of itself, but even that is saying quite a lot, given that the original is my favorite platformer of all time.
Quote from: Foggle on April 17, 2013, 03:26:06 PMQuote[Kojima] also stated that he would like Metal Gear Solid V to be his final Metal Gear game, noting that unlike previous titles where he had announced that he had finished making games in the series, only to return for subsequent titles, he would like to fulfill his retirement from the series with Metal Gear Solid V.
I really hope this is true. Konami needs to let him move onto other things already.
Come on, Foggle. He has said this after every single MGS game.
Kojima will retire when Miyazaki does.
And that'll be when they die or stop being profitable. Since the latter will never happen, they'll probably stop when they die.
I hope this is actually the last MGS he works on. Even though I think the series has gotten better with every new entry (haven't played the first one) I'd like to see Kojima work on something else. He's too talented to just be on one franchise.
Yoshi's Island 3DS is looking good. Glad to see that it seems to be ditching the other babies.
Shinji Mikami's new game (previously Zwei) is called The Evil Within in the west, and Psychobreak in Japan (which is a much better title IMO). You play as a detective named Sebastian, and it's a real survival horror game, not an action-adventure title like RE4. It runs on id Tech 5 and is coming out for PC, 360, PS3, and next gen consoles next year.
Quote from: Evil Within will be a purse survival horror game. Players will have to survive with limited resources and the world is designed to make players feel tense and anxious. Deadly and devious traps are scattered in the game. These can kill Sebastian, but they're also useful because you can use traps against enemies. If that's not unsettling enough, the world actually warps around the player's actions in real time. The Evil Within changes elements like the background, walls, hallways, doors, and rooms. The last bit kind of reminds me of Eternal Darkness and its trippy sanity meter.
Here are some screenshots from it:
Definitely looks to be the best horror game since Amnesia.
No Wii-U? Come on, Mikami, you of all people!
Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on April 19, 2013, 06:55:25 PM
No Wii-U? Come on, Mikami, you of all people!
"Next gen consoles" probably includes Wii-U. No reason it can't run on that if it's coming out for 360 and PS3, and I assume Bethesda wouldn't want to lose potential sales by not putting it on the U. Also, yeah, Mikami loves Nintendo. ;)
That looks great. Definitely on my list now.
How do you think Capcom and RE6 feel after seeing the reveal of The Evil Within?
While I am still unhappy about the art style change, these new screens of Fuse (Overstrike) look proper ridiculous and plenty colorful, thus making me excited for the game once again.
Also, Insomniac claims that it features "sophisticated" humor, so that's good I guess.
I'm still not sure, but I'll keep an open mind on it.
Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on April 23, 2013, 07:12:27 PM
I'm still not sure, but I'll keep an open mind on it.
I believe it's being made by the team behind the main six R&C games (not the Deadlocked/Resistance or A4O/FFA guys), so it should be high quality and fun, at the very least. They'll be releasing a demo sometime next month, so...!
So I watched the Fuse demo from December and it looked extremely bland and boring. Awful brown and gray color palette and very slow gameplay. Looked generic and mediocre in all aspects.
Then I watched the new demo from a couple weeks ago. They added so much color to the game! It's not quite as nice as the original Overstrike version, but it's still a breath of fresh air compared to most shooters these days. Also, it looks like they made the gameplay faster and more fun. Can't believe they improved it so much in only four months time - definitely excited to play it with my friend this summer!
This one's for Micki!
From the makers of Hard Reset, it's...
Rise of the Triad AND Shadow Warrior sequels IN 2013!? Preposterous! Unthinkable! Amazing!
On either the Icon of Sin or Focus youtube page, I heard Shadow Warrior is a Doom-like game and I want to play Hard Reset so color me interested.
The next three Sonic games are exclusive to Nintendo systems, Yakuza 1 and 2 HD are coming to Wii-U, Super Luigi U is a standalone title for $29.99 or DLC for $19.99, Wonderful 101 is out September 15th, and Smash Bros, 3D Mario, Mario Kart, and Zelda will be shown at E3.
Not a bad Nintendo Direct.
Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on May 17, 2013, 11:26:36 AM
Yakuza 1 and 2 HD are coming to Wii-U
In America, though?
Also, that's beyond surprising, as I thought Sony had exclusive publishing rights for the Yakuza series.
Quote from: Foggle on May 17, 2013, 12:55:07 PM
Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on May 17, 2013, 11:26:36 AM
Yakuza 1 and 2 HD are coming to Wii-U
In America, though?
Also, that's beyond surprising, as I thought Sony had exclusive publishing rights for the Yakuza series.
No idea if it's coming here, just that it was announced. Though there's a good chance if it coming here since Nintendo doesn't have Sony's stupid stance on re-releases and they're already translated.
Sega seems to have a relationship growing with Nintendo since there's a third unannounced Sonic title (not Lost World or Olympics) that has yet to be shown. I'm hoping for the Mario and Sonic platformer. I will never give up hope.
Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on May 17, 2013, 02:11:53 PM
No idea if it's coming here, just that it was announced. Though there's a good chance if it coming here since Nintendo doesn't have Sony's stupid stance on re-releases and they're already translated.
Hopefully they let you use the Japanese voice track in Yakuza 1. Between that and the improved load times, I'd probably be willing to double dip.
(You know, Sega, you can also release your Yakuza games on PC! Just saying!)
So Phantom Pain is Metal Gear Solid V? I saw it was the subtitle for MGSV when I peeked at my brother's copy of GI. Is Ground Zeroes MGSV too? I am so confused.
Quote from: gunswordfist on May 17, 2013, 02:55:19 PM
So Phantom Pain is Metal Gear Solid V? I saw it was the subtitle for MGSV when I peeked at my brother's copy of GI. Is Ground Zeroes MGSV too? I am so confused.
Phantom Pain is the subtitle to MGSV.
Metal Gear Solid: Ground Zeroes is a direct prequel to MGSV, and will be released first.
Seems like both are MGSV. It looks to be a two-part story.
Amazing box art. (September 15th!)
Definitely Platinum's best box art yet! Speaking of awesome game boxes...
Quote from: talonmalon333 on May 17, 2013, 02:59:09 PM
Quote from: gunswordfist on May 17, 2013, 02:55:19 PM
So Phantom Pain is Metal Gear Solid V? I saw it was the subtitle for MGSV when I peeked at my brother's copy of GI. Is Ground Zeroes MGSV too? I am so confused.
Phantom Pain is the subtitle to MGSV.
Metal Gear Solid: Ground Zeroes is a direct prequel to MGSV, and will be released first.
Seems like both are MGSV. It looks to be a two-part story.
:worship: Now Konami and fanboys, please let Kojima walk away from the series after this greatness.
Quote from: Foggle on May 17, 2013, 06:52:15 PM
Definitely Platinum's best box art yet! Speaking of awesome game boxes...
When's the game out? Spark vouches for High Noon's greatness so hopefully they deliver.
Any more news on Prey 2 or the spirtual sequel to Banjo Tooie ex-Rare devs are supposed to be making?
All I know is that Prey 2 is still happening, allegedly.
Quote from: gunswordfist on May 19, 2013, 01:34:24 AM
When's the game out? Spark vouches for High Noon's greatness so hopefully they deliver.
June 25.
Ahhh sweet. I hope there will be a demo.
Super Smash Bros is confirmed for a Pre-E3 appearance.
My hype levels are off the charts.
Between Smash Bros, 3D Mario, Guilty Gear Xrd, Bayo2, and Sonic Lost World, 2013 is pretty much the year of hype.
Quote from: Rosalinas Spare Wand on May 20, 2013, 02:12:55 AM
Super Smash Bros is confirmed for a Pre-E3 appearance.
My hype levels are off the charts.
For the 3DS or Wii-U game?
I think that's why I'm so hyped. TWO SMASH BROS. GAMES!
Quote from: Rynnec on May 20, 2013, 03:20:53 AM
Between Smash Bros, 3D Mario, Guilty Gear Xrd, Bayo2, and Sonic Lost World, 2013 is pretty much the year of hype.
Wonderful 101 is in September, too! It's looking like a decent year for games.
Shadow Warrior will reportedly remain true to the original while nixing the racist/sexist humor. Sounds perfect to me!
It'll be out on PC this year and next-gen consoles next year. You better pick up both that and Rise Of The Triad if you want to show your support for the revival of quality old-school FPS! (And go buy Serious Sam TFE/TSE/3 and Painkiller right now, ya cheap skates. :D)
Oh, and here are some lovely screenshots from it. OMG CAN'T WAIT OMG
(Click for bigger, higher quality versions.)
( (
( (
( (
( (
( (
It looks a lot like Zeno Clash.
The imagery in the first and last screen-shots look like they came out of a Ninja Gaiden game (a GOOD Ninja Gaiden game). But, maybe that's just me comparing every little thing I see to the NG series, which I clearly have an unhealthy obsession with. Either way, color me interested. :D
Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on May 21, 2013, 04:04:54 PM
It looks a lot like Zeno Clash.
Which is a totally awesome game.
This one is classic-style shootin' though, not a weird first person beat 'em up.
Quote from: Ensatsu-ken on May 21, 2013, 04:05:49 PM
The imagery in the first and last screen-shots look like they came out of a Ninja Gaiden game (a GOOD Ninja Gaiden game). But, maybe that's just me comparing every little thing I see to the NG series, which I clearly have an unhealthy obsession with. Either way, color me interested. :D
Yeah, it does look like the first Ninja Gaiden!
By the way, I made the pictures clickable, which will take you to much better looking versions of the images.
Looks great. Count me in. ;D
From the new Rise Of The Triad...
QuoteSeriously, please seek help
Teabag 5 decapitated heads
Greatest achievement ever.
Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on March 27, 2013, 06:36:20 PM
I like MGS1 and disliked the remake and 2. :??:
But anyway, I'm looking forward to Shovel Knight and hope it can make its kickstarter goal.
3 and 4 are great though. Kojima deserves the praise he gets for his game design.
Fukken lol
oh. shiiiiiiiiit
What's Duke Nukem Reloaded?
Quote from: gunswordfist on May 25, 2013, 04:05:58 PM
What's Duke Nukem Reloaded?
A re-imagining of Duke Nukem 3D by the Rise of the Triad 2013 guys.
Quote from: Foggle on May 25, 2013, 04:07:31 PM
Quote from: gunswordfist on May 25, 2013, 04:05:58 PM
What's Duke Nukem Reloaded?
A re-imagining of Duke Nukem 3D by the Rise of the Triad 2013 guys.
Shut up and take my money!
I believe my next game from Gamefly should be Deadly Premonition. Needless to say, I'm excited. :swoon:
Bethesda scrapped Prey 2, which is sad, because it looked and sounded amazing. However, they've now brought on the Dishonored devs to completely reboot it and treat it "like a new System Shock", which is equally amazing if not more so.
Can't wait once again!
Rayman Legends. Been waiting for the game since it was officially announced last year. Very bit of new footage just makes me even more eager to play it.
Quote from: Foggle on May 31, 2013, 05:28:39 PM
Bethesda scrapped Prey 2, which is sad, because it looked and sounded amazing. However, they've now brought on the Dishonored devs to completely reboot it and treat it "like a new System Shock", which is equally amazing if not more so.
Can't wait once again!
I'm not sure whether this means the game will play like the first Prey or they'll do their take of a game with Prey 2's bounty hunter but I wish a Prey 2 that lived up to the potential Prey 1 had (portals, wall walking (Portal meets Bayonetta level design?), alien guns and spirit powers) while a brand new IP was made for the bounty hunter.
So far there's Metal Gear Solid 5, Watch Dogs, Assassin's Creed 4, and now Batman: Arkham Origins. Despite me not caring for Arkham Asylum at all, and disappointed in Arkham City (still had fun with the game), the latest trailer to Origins won me over. For the most part I was not going to get Origins at all, but then I saw Deathstroke, Deadshot and Black Mask all in the same game, and the rest is history.
I would add Deadpool to the list, but I haven't seen anything to really interest me, and it looks uninspired.
Quote from: Grave on June 01, 2013, 01:24:18 AM
Despite me not caring for Arkham Asylum at all, and disappointed in Arkham City (still had fun with the game), the latest trailer to Origins won me over. For the most part I was not going to get Origins at all, but then I saw Deathstroke, Deadshot and Black Mask all in the same game, and the rest is history.
It'd probably be better to just watch the cutscenes on YouTube, in that case.
Also, what exactly is Black Mask's character? I've recently read a bunch of comics with him, and while he does look pretty cool, it seems that his entire personality just boils down to getting off on torturing people. (I haven't seen anything with the new Black Mask, but I think Origins is using the first one, so...)
I also don't know much about Black Mask other than him being a crime lord that hates Bruce. The only thing I saw him in, though, was Under the Red Hood. I'm just glad that him along with Deathstroke are being used in a Batman game though. I forgot Deadshot was in AC (I'm not a completionist so I didn't see him).
Quote from: Grave on June 01, 2013, 02:06:36 AM
I also don't know much about Black Mask other than him being a crime lord that hates Bruce. The only thing I saw him in, though, was Under the Red Hood. I'm just glad that him along with Deathstroke are being used in a Batman game though. I forgot Deadshot was in AC (I'm not a completionist so I didn't see him).
Black Mask seems like he could be really cool if he had more depth. Hopefully, since Origins will probably receive a T rating (meaning no torture scenes), he'll get an actual chance to shine as a character here.
Deadshot was "in" AC, but like you, I didn't really bother doing his side missions, since they were extremely boring. Glad he's actually being utilized properly in this game!
Anyway, I'm not expecting AO to reinvent the wheel, so I would recommend erring on the side of caution since you didn't like the first two games much. Personally, I preferred Asylum to City by a wide margin, so I'm a bit skeptical about this game myself.
Quote from: Foggle on June 01, 2013, 02:11:10 AM
Quote from: Grave on June 01, 2013, 02:06:36 AM
I also don't know much about Black Mask other than him being a crime lord that hates Bruce. The only thing I saw him in, though, was Under the Red Hood. I'm just glad that him along with Deathstroke are being used in a Batman game though. I forgot Deadshot was in AC (I'm not a completionist so I didn't see him).
Black Mask seems like he could be really cool if he had more depth. Hopefully, since Origins will probably receive a T rating (meaning no torture scenes), he'll get an actual chance to shine as a character here.
Deadshot was "in" AC, but like you, I didn't really bother doing his side missions, since they were extremely boring. Glad he's actually being utilized properly in this game!
Anyway, I'm not expecting AO to reinvent the wheel, so I would recommend erring on the side of caution since you didn't like the first two games much. Personally, I preferred Asylum to City by a wide margin, so I'm a bit skeptical about this game myself.
While I don't hate Arkham City. I just had high expectations going into the game, but I was disappointed, and ultimately ended up getting fatigue after Ra's. Despite all of that I still had fun with what I was given. Even though Origins trailer won me over, I'm still going in fairly skeptical considering I don't know much about WB Montreal.
That Deadshot side-mission was such a fucking waste of time. It was boring and lame to just investigate dead bodies randomly located across the city, and the fucking boss fight at the end was terrible (if you could even call it that). There was literally no pay-off to completing the side-mission, but really the same could be said for EVERY side-mission in Arkham City. People were going gaga over the game saying it had so much content and so much stuff to do, but it seems that gamers these days like to marvel and just having a lot of "stuff" in the game, rather than if any of that stuff is actually any good. As for Arkham City, its side-missions were a joke and clearly had no effort put into them. The main story itself could easily be completed in just 5 hours or less, and it certainly didn't offer anything beyond what Arkham Asylum already gave us, so I just found the game to be overrated on the whole.
Quote from: Ensatsu-ken on June 01, 2013, 01:36:17 PM
The main story itself could easily be completed in just 5 hours or less, and it certainly didn't offer anything that Arkham Asylum already gave us, so I just found the game to be overrated on the whole.
Agreed. I liked the game, but it was way too short and offered little of value outside the main story. I still think Arkham Asylum is bloody fantastic, though - mostly due to the writing and voice acting. Joker is so good in that game.
I just heard Tales of Symphonia as well as TOS: Dawn of the New World are getting rereleased on PS3 for HD. :swoon: I loved Tales of Symphonia but never bought it. I might get this right when it comes out.
Buy it. Just... just buy it.
I'd love it if they updated the battle system to include the 3D movement from Abyss on up, though.
What the hell? (
Personally, I think it's just Kojima making fun of how the voice actors for Sam Fisher, Garrett, and 47 (originally) were replaced. So with MGS5, KojiPro is having a laugh about how Metal Gear will be "continuing the trend" of dropping the iconic voice of a stealth game's protagonist. I won't be surprised at all if David Hayter is announced to be Big Boss at E3 or whatever.
I actually don't mind Sutherland taking the role of Big Boss. In fact it makes me even more excited that they actually got him considering he'd be the last person I thought would do V/a in games. Then again, I'm a big 24 fan, and then I remember him in Phone Booth where he was practically a V/a. I'm definitely hoping it'll work.
Hayter will surely be missed though.
Quote from: Foggle on June 07, 2013, 01:00:13 PM
Personally, I think it's just Kojima making fun of how the voice actors for Sam Fisher, Garrett, and 47 (originally) were replaced. So with MGS5, KojiPro is having a laugh about how Metal Gear will be "continuing the trend" of dropping the iconic voice of a stealth game's protagonist. I won't be surprised at all if David Hayter is announced to be Big Boss at E3 or whatever.
So I'm guessing you know there's a new Thief being made?
Quote from: gunswordfist on June 07, 2013, 05:09:40 PM
Quote from: Foggle on June 07, 2013, 01:00:13 PM
Personally, I think it's just Kojima making fun of how the voice actors for Sam Fisher, Garrett, and 47 (originally) were replaced. So with MGS5, KojiPro is having a laugh about how Metal Gear will be "continuing the trend" of dropping the iconic voice of a stealth game's protagonist. I won't be surprised at all if David Hayter is announced to be Big Boss at E3 or whatever.
So I'm guessing you know there's a new Thief being made?
Yep. And while I have full confidence in Eidos Montreal after Human Revolution, I must say that I'm disappointed by what I've heard about Thief 4 so far. Apparently it's been in development hell for years due to conflicting visions within the studio, and they're replacing the
amazing Stephen Russell as the voice of Garrett. It still sounds like a fun game from what I've heard... but I've also heard that after five years they've only finished one level, and it doesn't have even properly functioning AI. So, yeah. Bit bummed about it.
Rise of the Triad single player gameplay! (
So pumped.
Check out that animation! (
By the way, it has been confirmed for Steam. So I think almost every AR member can now get it.
Quote from: Grave on June 01, 2013, 01:24:18 AM
So far there's Metal Gear Solid 5, Watch Dogs, Assassin's Creed 4, and now Batman: Arkham Origins. Despite me not caring for Arkham Asylum at all, and disappointed in Arkham City (still had fun with the game), the latest trailer to Origins won me over. For the most part I was not going to get Origins at all, but then I saw Deathstroke, Deadshot and Black Mask all in the same game, and the rest is history.
I would add Deadpool to the list, but I haven't seen anything to really interest me, and it looks uninspired.
Now that E3 is over, I'm adding Destiny to my list. I'm not a fan of MMO's (If I'm not mistaken, Bungie said that Destiny will have a single player campaign), but The Division looks fairly interesting. I'll keep my eye on it, although it's probably unlikely that I'll get it.
Reminder that Killer Is Dead has what might be the greatest art style in all video games, and that pre-orders will get a 25-track OST and 80-page art book for free. (Also MOTHERFUCKING EXCLUSIVE DLC, but that's obviously not a good thing. And it will probably be $5 a month after release anyway.)
Seriously, look at this shit. ( It's positively dripping with style.
Put down a preorder for Dragon's Crown 2 days ago. Fight the Matriarchy.
Aug. 13th - DuckTales Remastered launches on PlayStation Network, Steam, and the Wii U eShop
Sept. 11th - DuckTales: Remastered launches on Xbox Live
Just a month to go, folks!
So did Sony, Valve, and Nintendo pay for exclusivity rights or something? :o
Quote from: Foggle on July 11, 2013, 09:59:33 PM
So did Sony, Valve, and Nintendo pay for exclusivity rights or something? :o
Not only is it now garbage, but it's preventing the games people actually want from coming out. :lol:
Pre-ordered Kingdom Hearts HD 1.5 Remix.
I can't believe I'm actually looking forward to playing this again. God, I never thought I'd feel this way again.
Come on Konami, make a Suikoden collection.
Suda51 is teaming up with the creator of Akira for Grasshopper's next game, Ranko Tsukigime's Longest Day. It's a side-scrolling speed-based action-platformer.
Needless to say, I am already setting money aside for it.
I need to see more gameplay footage to make a complete decision on it, but what I saw looks awesome. :thumbup:
The gameplay footage in the trailer (which I forgot to link (, btw... D:) looks pretty basic, but it's probably from an alpha version, if that. The concept is cool, and it's colorful as hayull, so I'm willing to give it the benefit of the doubt. Also because I've never been disappointed by Grasshopper. They may not make the best games out there, but they always make ones I want to play (over and over).
Speaking of which, I recently replayed Lollipop Chainsaw. Now there's a game for which I will never understand the chilly reception it got. Sure, it doesn't exactly leave a good first impression since you don't start with any combos, but the boss fights and music are amazing, it's hilarious, and some of the stages are pure awesome.
Pre-ordered Pikmin 3 as well.
Oh god its happening I'm playing video games again somebody stop me.
Quote from: Rosalinas Spare Wand on July 17, 2013, 12:43:04 AM
Pre-ordered Pikmin 3 as well.
Oh god its happening I'm playing video games again somebody stop me.
What's your PSN name btw? Someone named THEVIDYAGAEMS added me, and I think I assumed it was you for some reason.
How Wonderful? ( (Ignore the loading, all stage demos have bad loading)
W101 in September, Sonic in October, DKC in November, and Mario in December.
So there's a new Strider game coming (
My only trepidation is that it's being made by Double Helix.
It's a sidescrolling Metroidvania, though. We haven't had too many of those recently.
EDIT: Okay, apparently:
QuoteStrider has two teams, Double Helix and Capcom Japan out of Osaka.
The original Strider and Strider 2 developers are the main designers of Strider. Double Helix is doing the grunt work
So my worries are lifted a bit.
Hopefully Capcom will take this opportunity to re-release Strider 1 and 2.
Ah, a real Strider. Moon Diver is kind of bugging me.
Quote from: Foggle on July 17, 2013, 10:03:06 AM
Quote from: Rosalinas Spare Wand on July 17, 2013, 12:43:04 AM
Pre-ordered Pikmin 3 as well.
Oh god its happening I'm playing video games again somebody stop me.
What's your PSN name btw? Someone named THEVIDYAGAEMS added me, and I think I assumed it was you for some reason.
Basillikos, and what kind of loser would make themselves known as a /v/ browser?
Quote from: Rosalinas Spare Wand on July 20, 2013, 12:33:50 AM
Basillikos, and what kind of loser would make themselves known as a /v/ browser?
Cool, I'll add you later.
I have no idea, but they added me. :drool:
This is shaping up awesome (
I do have to say though, I've always liked the Amazon and Himalayas themes more than the Moon. They're just a lot punchier, plus these remixes are amazing.
First DuckTales review is out (
You can apparently put on the NES music if you're so inclined. Awesome idea.
Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on August 12, 2013, 04:54:54 PM
First DuckTales review is out (
You can apparently put on the NES music if you're so inclined. Awesome idea.
That's awesome! You can do the same thing in ROTT as well. :)
Speaking of DuckTales and ROTT...
Everything wrong with modern gamers and gaming journalism, right there. Of course, IGN's review of ROTT is even worse. The dude hates it, and in the video he recorded, it's obvious that he doesn't even understand how to play old-school shooters. He dies repeatedly in the first level on Normal difficulty, and fails to even beat it.
What? ???
EDIT: Polygon-
DuckTales Remastered is full of miserably dull and frustrating mechanics behind its updated presentation
What frustrating mechanics? You push a button to jump and another to pogo. When did the casuals take over review sites?
QuoteScrooge has a finite number of lives and, if you should die, you have to replay levels from the beginning. Rather than add a satisfying challenge, such a punitive system only adds to the frustration. There's no joy in replaying 15 or more minutes because a gorilla knocked you into a pit.
This is what the industry has come to.
They don't even know what the freaking
lives system is anymore.
Jesus. I don't really care for lives systems because I get frustrated easily and my free time is important to me, but actually complaining about one in a review? Saying a game is worse because it has one? Is that motherfucker smoking crack? Does he at least realize this is a remake of an NES game?
I guess this is the part before a remade game comes out where we try to revise history and say stupid things to make our opinions better accepted by the masses.
DuckTales was well received when it came out, was a high seller (million seller, actually), and was a highly influential game that influenced people from Cliffy B all the way to Shinji Mikami. If someone can't understand why it's getting remade, then they either know nothing about the history of the industry they work in or that there might be more to it than the typically weak 'nostalgia glasses' argument.
There's also the fact that judging an NES game for playing like an NES game is laughable in and of itself. Not everyone who plays video games are interested in six hour hallway simulators with a b-movie story that has no replay value.
I just wanted to specific that my comments weren't meant to upset those who like modern games, they were more directed at the assertion that a reissue of an old property needs to be vastly overhauled to be worth anything (if it ever was in the first place, according to revisionists like Polygon) instead of being judged on what it actually is.
It was as crazy as the reviews who dog games like DOOM (or Rise Of The Triad) for not having aim-down sights or cutscenes when neither had anything to do with the original game nor did they really exist at the time. It's a disrespect toward the fans (who are the reason these things get re-releases, by the way) and the people behind the game to say that it isn't good enough because it didn't foresee things that didn't exist at the time to be included in the game decades later. It's unreasonable, and it's not fair.
There's a reason people don't like Han shooting second and walkie talkies in place of guns in movies and dub step remixes of songs from twenty years ago. It's not because they're blinded by nostalgia.
Oh yeah, and apparently easy mode in DuckTales has no game overs, so you will never get kicked from the stage. Of course the reviews that complained decided not to mention that.
Huh, so the 3DS/Vita Batman game is a direct sequel to the upcoming Arkham Origins. And it's being made by ex-Retro staff. That's awesome. Think I might actually be more excited for that one than its older cousin. ;)
So, it's a prequel....that itself is a sequel to another prequel? :thinkin:
Quote from: Ensatsu-ken on August 30, 2013, 06:23:01 PM
So, it's a prequel....that itself is a sequel to another prequel? :thinkin:
Well, uh... yeah. :il_hahaha:
Despite its dubious placement in the Arkham chronology, it seems to be a 2D Metroid-style game from ex-Retro folks, so I think it'll be pretty good.
They were also doing that canceled FPS Mega Man game.
So they might have some chops even outside of Retro.
Anyone else waiting to see what Watch Dogs will be like? I finally got around to watching a couple of demos, and the story in the game seems pretty cool. Don't know what the gameplay will be like though, but I rented it on Gamefly so I"ll find out whenever it comes. I do like that you can use the city itself as a weapon, plus the premise reminds me a lot of Person of Interest.
I'm also looking forward to Watch Dogs. I've only seen the E3 video and decided to stop watching, because if I watch anymore, I would feel like I'm spoiling it for myself to get enough enjoyment outta the game. I'm doing the same with MGS5 and AC4 as well.
Meh, I am only doing that for the next season of Korra (which is why I am avoiding the Avatar thread) Video games are fair game to me unless it's Mass Effect 3.
Anyway, I too am anticipating Watch Dogs. It's from the old Splinter Cell team, right?
I'm usually like that as well, but I can get bored fairly quick these days, and with games lacking replay value I don't want to take any chances, especially on games that can potentially be story driven.
It's finally. Fucking. Happening. I can finally play the second chapter of Trails In The Sky. With the nightmare of the localization, however, I don't think XSeed will be tackling the rest of the series though, which is a shame. but at least this story arc in the series will see a proper release.
Wow, that took awhile. I finished the first one so long ago.
I do hope they at least do the third one since it's sort of an epilogue to the story and it isn't as big as the second one. but a PSP release in 2014? I'm guess it's a PSN only game, right? :D
Yeah, they said themselves on Facebook that anyone expecting a physical release is s.o.l. :D
Which sucks for a collector like me, but we've gotta be realistic, physical PSP games are dead in the water at this point.
It's also coming to PC.
Shadow Warrior system requirements (check the last line):
Looking at this picture from a distance I saw Paper Mario:
This game is looking better and better.
Sci-fi physics-based construction/exploration/combat game with Mirror's Edge parkour mechanics. Hell yeah.
Shantae: Half-Genie Hero is being co-developed by Inti-Creates (
W-A-R-N-I-N-G-! Tie down your inner fanboy? We?re pleased to announce that Mega Man developer Inti Creates is working on Shantae: Half-Genie Hero! If you?re not familiar with Inti Creates, they?re the studio behind Mega Man 9 & 10, the Mega Man Zero Series on Game Boy Advance, and Mega Man ZX and ZX Advent....and now Mighty No. 9!
So this made me even more excited for the next Shantae game.
Vote for which playable boss you want in Shovel Knight! (
They put up a site giving out info for each boss. Since three will be playable, I'm not sure exactly which would be the best to choose.
Shame that DK is being pushed back a few months, but at least there's this. :D
The Direct trailer certainly sold me on the game more than the E3 trailer did. At least when it comes to single-player. The only thing this game needs now is Yoshi.
Ultra Street Fighter 4: Metta World Peace 2014 Edition
Metal gear Solid V Guns Of The Phantom Pain Ground Zeroes Liquid Ocelot
Mighty No. 9
Watch Dogs
Anyone else stoked for Persona 5? I still gotta' pick up Soul Hackers and the re-release of Raidou Kuzunoha 2, though.
Need more info on it to really get hyped, plus I need to finish Persona 4 (I've been putting it off for 2 years man) and get P3 (preferably Portable), along with a few other MegaTen games. Still have high hopes for it regardless, please let the music be as good as P3 and 4's.
This can't come out soon enough: (
Leaked concept images of The Evil Within:
Looks veeeeerrrrrryyyyyy Resident Evil 4. I really dig the environments and the protagonist's outfit. :)
All my anticipated games:
Ultra Street Fighter 4
Metal gear Solid V: Phantom Pain and Ground Zeroes
Mighty No. 9
Watch Dogs
The Evil Within
Devil's Third
River City Ransom: Underground
Hope everyone had a happy new year and whatnot.
Still looking forward to getting a PS4 although, I'm not sure I should get one this year or hold off until games that are exclusive to the PS4 start coming out. At this moment all the games I'm waiting for will be on both the PS3 and PS4.
Metal Gear Solid 5
Guilty Gear Xrd (don't think this will be coming out this year)
Watch Dogs
Yeah, in terms of new gen games, I don't think this will be a great year, at least for me. Not much that really stands out.
Ultra Street Fighter 4
Guilty Gear XXAC+R
As much as I like the Halo games, and I do want Halo 5, but I refuse to get the Xbox 1. I was watching a video where 2 guys were talking about their experience at E3 (I don't know if it changed since then), and they were saying that the kinect feature can get a little bit too personal (said one of the volunteers walked off because she felt uncomfortable because it was sensing her heartbeat and facial expressions)
Quote from: Grave on January 15, 2014, 03:18:29 AM
Hope everyone had a happy new year and whatnot.
Thanks! I hope you did, as well. :)
There aren't too many upcoming games I'm looking forward to at the moment, which is not to say that I think it's going to be a bad year for gaming, it's just that I'm not nearly as into gaming at this point in my life as I was, say, a year ago. Anyway, I'm looking forward to:
Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze
Metal Gear Solid 5
Bayonetta 2
The Evil Within
Devil's Third
Thief has fallen almost completely off my radar after seeing more info about it, and I don't know enough about the rebooted Prey 2 or Persona 5 to be hyped for them. I'm excited for the fan translation of Yakuza 5, though!
I have 4 out of 5 of Foggle's picks as some of my most anticipated games of this year, as well. Unfortunately I won't even get the chance to play 2 of them, because Nintendo.
So is Evil Within going to be Mikami's game to make Resident Evil 6 jealous?
Quote from: talonmalon333 on January 15, 2014, 05:20:21 PM
So is Evil Within going to be Mikami's game to make Resident Evil 6 jealous?
While I have no interest in either of the first two Drakengard games, Nier has quickly become one of my all time favorites, so I have unashamedly pre-ordered the collector's edition of Drakengard 3. I can't wait! :thumbup:
I remember the first one.
They turned Steel Diver from a boring sidescroller to an interesting looking FPS style game. 4 on 4 multiplayer and everything.
It's apparently out now.
The Koopalings are in Mario Kart 8. Took long enough for them to add new characters people wanted!
Keiji Inafune is making a successor to Megaman Zero/ZX. Check it out. (
Quote from: Rynnec on March 07, 2014, 01:22:08 PM
Keiji Inafune is making a successor to Megaman Zero/ZX. Check it out. (
Inti-Creates is the team that made the first three Mega Man X games. While I'm not keen on their attempts at Metroidvanias, their stage-based action platformers are all incredible aside from Mega Man 10 which is still a bit weak to me.
If they're making a sidescrolling action game, I don't even need to see the trailer.
Edit: Tons of details-
- Keiji Inafune is the Executive Producer
- Yoshihisa Tsuda (Mega Man X2, Mega Man 7, 9, 10, and more) is the Game Director
- Yoshitaka Hatakeyama (Mega Man 9) is on art
- Takuya Aizu (several Mega Man games, as well as Mighty No. 9) acts as Producer
- Ippo Yamada is over music and sound effect
- a new psychic power has emerged, and a group called the Sumeragi are out to make sense of these powers
- Sumeragi ends up supervising those that possess these powers
- Sumeragi is actually running a concentration camp, and are holding experiments on those held captive in it
- a group called Feather has risen up against them, lead by Gunvol
- Gunvolt is a 14-year-old boy that can control lightning
- this power works as a secondary weapon and a power-up
- use this to wear down the enemy slowly, or tag up to three enemies to focus his primary gunfire from his Conductor Gun
- this acts as a sweep to set up to three auto targeting points
- for quick kills, a single enemy can be tagged three times with lightning to turn up the damage
- this charge can also disarm enemies, release traps, unlock doors, and much more
- when not in use as a lock-on trigger, the stored charge can be used as a shield against enemy attacks
- the lightning power has a gauge that depletes during use, and will recharge when dorman
- you can also use the lightning power to levitate
- involves dashing and wall jumping as well
- demo features a forest stage where you use lightning charges to force tree branch obstacles out of the way
- swarms of insects will create a cloud that wipes across the screen
- end of this stage features a multi-tiered flower boss battle where you have to dodge slow floating pollen orbs while wall jumping
- you have to hit the flower a certain amount of times to have it open up
- this is how you really do damage to the flower
- currently 3 stages are complete
- working hard to get the game out quickly in Japan and North America
I did not know Tsuda was the Mega Man 7 director. That game is mega-underrated. This should be interesting, especially if they're working to get it out here soon. ( :worship: (
Looks like 2D Ratchet to me. :) (
Quote from: gunswordfist on March 25, 2014, 04:24:09 PM
Looks like 2D Ratchet to me. :) (
Dat music. Dat gameplay. Dat humor. MY HYPE
Quote from: Foggle on March 25, 2014, 06:55:36 PM
Quote from: gunswordfist on March 25, 2014, 04:24:09 PM
Looks like 2D Ratchet to me. :) (
Dat music. Dat gameplay. Dat humor. MY HYPE
Sounds like that song that played in The Transporter. :D I can't wait until this finally comes out.
Oh shit, I just noticed it's by Konjak. I love all the games I've played by him! :joy:
As do I! He's probably my favorite indie game developer. Spark posting that video for Legend Of Princess started my love of konjak's work and that's what really got me into indie games.
This. (
Just pre-ordered Drakengard 3.
I'm starting to wrap up my collection of PS3 games. There are no more new releases that I have any interest in, and I'm starting to turn my attention to older ones I never had a chance to get.
American cover art. (
This might be interesting. (
They have the engine, they should use it.
I wonder if we'll actually get this one ( Hopefully they iron out the bugs this time.
Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on April 22, 2014, 11:47:08 AM
I wonder if we'll actually get this one ( Hopefully they iron out the bugs this time.
I think Nintendo's excuse about "too many bugs" was BS, personally. I played a lot of Fatal Frame 4 and only ever encountered two minor glitches. 3 was far, far worse in that regard (I ran into a game-breaking glitch twice) and it still got localized. Considering that the remake of 2 was also not brought to America, I just think NOA doesn't really care about the franchise.
Then again, they localized fucking Spirit Camera of all things, so who knows. I really hope this one comes out here. Fatal Frame is easily the greatest horror series of all time IMO.
Well, since Rainfall (and low sales) came along, they no longer have option of being picky. I don't see them leaving this behind this time. Also, using the Gamepad as a camera does offer something that might hook people.
I still wish we could have gotten Disaster. NOA is really awful. ( (
I just want to mention some PC ports that I want to happen.
- Metal Gear 1, MG2, MGS, MGS2, MGS3, and MGS4 (Really, when is this finally going to happen?)
- Resident Evil: Director's Cut (with a menu allowing you to choose which soundtrack you want), RE2, RE3, RECV, REmake, RE0
- Silent Hill, Silent Hill 2, Silent Hill 3
Quote from: talonmalon333 on May 11, 2014, 12:22:37 AM
Resident Evil: Director's Cut, RE2, RE3
Silent Hill 2, Silent Hill 3
These have already been ported to PC with varying degrees of success. The MGS ports are decent, the Resident Evil ports are absolutely abysmal, and the Silent Hill ports are by far the best versions of their respective games.
There's also an unofficial PC port of Silent Hill 1, though it's basically just a gussied up emulation of the PS1 version.
Quote from: Foggle on May 11, 2014, 02:00:59 PM
These have already been ported to PC with varying degrees of success.
Are any of them on Steam?
Quote from: Foggle on May 11, 2014, 02:00:59 PMThe MGS ports are decent,
Might look into that. Either way, it'd be nice to get the other games on PC, too. They should just port Metal Gear Solid: The Legacy Collection onto PC. I'm pretty sure that covers everything.
Quote from: Foggle on May 11, 2014, 02:00:59 PMthe Resident Evil ports are absolutely abysmal,
What's wrong with them?
Quote from: Foggle on May 11, 2014, 02:00:59 PMand the Silent Hill ports are by far the best versions of their respective games.
As long as they don't remove the fog, like the PS3 and 360 versions did, that sounds good to me.
Quote from: Foggle on May 11, 2014, 02:00:59 PMThere's also an unofficial PC port of Silent Hill 1, though it's basically just a gussied up emulation of the PS1 version.
Who made it?
This reminds me, I didn't know/forgot there was a N64 port of Resident Evil 2. How good is it?
Quote from: gunswordfist on May 11, 2014, 02:17:44 PM
This reminds me, I didn't know/forgot there was a N64 port of Resident Evil 2. How good is it?
It's respectable. I mean, the fact that they took the content of two PlayStation disks and crammed them into a single cartridge blows me away. But they did have to cut corners. The game has its flaws, mainly that the CGI cutscenes look bad and have messed up audio. They did the best they could have done with the port (I honestly don't know how they even pulled it off), but I'd recommend any other version of the game over it.
However, it does have new files, some of which allude to RE3, Code Veronica, and even RE0 which didn't even come out yet by the time this port was released. If Capcom does what I ask and ports this game to PC, they should include those files as well. I want those ports I talked about to essentially contain the best parts of every versions of those games.
Wait, they had CGI scenes on N64? How the hell did they do that?
Quote from: talonmalon333 on May 11, 2014, 02:07:49 PM
Are any of them on Steam?
QuoteWhat's wrong with them?
Assuming you can even get them running - which is a feat in and of itself - they have control issues, graphical glitches, crash a bunch, lack controller support, and have problems running in fullscreen.
QuoteAs long as they don't remove the fog, like the PS3 and 360 versions did, that sounds good to me.
Not only do they not remove the fog, the graphics themselves actually look better than the ones in the HD collection.
Who made it?
"SilentScape Studios." They're not a real company, just a group of fans who ported the game.
Quote from: Foggle on May 11, 2014, 02:55:16 PM
Quote from: talonmalon333 on May 11, 2014, 02:07:49 PM
Are any of them on Steam?
Then that's what I want from them.
Quote from: Foggle on May 11, 2014, 02:55:16 PMNot only do they not remove the fog, the graphics themselves actually look better than the ones in the HD collection.
I should definitely look into that. Hopefully the controls are good.
Quote from: gunswordfist on May 11, 2014, 02:45:34 PM
Wait, they had CGI scenes on N64? How the hell did they do that?
The CGI looks terrible. But as for how they managed to get even that, I really don't know. The N64 port of that game seems like it shouldn't even have been able to exist.
Quote from: talonmalon333 on May 12, 2014, 02:25:27 PM
I should definitely look into that. Hopefully the controls are good.
They play horribly with the keyboard, but you can easily plug in a controller.
Quote from: talonmalon333 on May 12, 2014, 02:25:27 PM
The CGI looks terrible. But as for how they managed to get even that, I really don't know. The N64 port of that game seems like it shouldn't even have been able to exist.
Sounds like they used witchcraft.
Quote from: Foggle on May 12, 2014, 02:40:06 PMyou can easily plug in a controller.
Shame PC RE4 couldn't be bothered to add that.
Quote from: gunswordfist on May 12, 2014, 05:12:34 PM
Quote from: talonmalon333 on May 12, 2014, 02:25:27 PM
The CGI looks terrible. But as for how they managed to get even that, I really don't know. The N64 port of that game seems like it shouldn't even have been able to exist.
Sounds like they used witchcraft.
I just remembered that it does require use of the N64 Expansion Pack, but it still seems like an impossible port. So yeah, probably witchcraft.
They also cut out the ending theme, which was fairly heavy rock and probably wouldn't have worked on a cartridge. Even the text used in the credits looks cheaper, if I remember correctly. It seems like they cut as many
tiny corners as humanly possible just to barely squeeze the completion of this port into plausibility.
About difficulty on the new Yoshi game from NintendoWorldReport:
Quote?With Yoshi?s Woolly World, we don?t intend it to be for younger players?we were going to make it a Yoshi game. The courses beyond what we have on the show floor will get more challenging. And if you try to get all the collectibles, you?ll find it pretty challenging. It?ll push back.?
The game is more challenging because you can die from a lack of Baby Mario and falling in pits, making it easy to increase the difficulty and making it kind of like a Mario game.
My one quibble with Kirby's Epic Yarn has been addressed.
Looks like this'll be leaning closer to Yoshi's Island difficulty and less on Yoshi Story/Epic Yarn cakewalk style.
30 minutes of gameplay footage from Metal Gear Solid 5: The Phantom Pain:
I can honestly say, without exaggeration, that this looks like it might be the greatest game of all time (for me, at least). If the whole product lives up to what's shown and discussed in this video, I will worship the ground Kojima stands on.
MGS IV is still my favorite game of all time so I might be too far behind you. :D
Meanwhile, Metal Gear Rising will be the closest that I ever come to caring about anything Metal Gear related because stealth is for pussies. :humhumhum:
What Doctor Professor E-K said.
Quote from: Dr. Ensatsu-ken on June 20, 2014, 12:05:27 AM
Meanwhile, Metal Gear Rising will be the closest that I ever come to caring about anything Metal Gear related because stealth is for pussies. :humhumhum:
But stealth is super duper fun, and this game adds lots of new innovations to it! :shit: I'm pretty sure you can shoot your way through the entirety of TPP if you want, though.
Of course, Rising is an amazing game as well. I'm actually replaying it right now. I think it's tied for my favorite entry in the series along with MGS3 and MG2, though MGS4 and Peace Walker are not far behind. Such a great franchise.
Quote from: gunswordfist on June 20, 2014, 12:02:20 AM
MGS IV is still my favorite game of all time so I might be too far behind you. :D
Yessss. The story may take over the game a bit too often, but I still don't understand why everyone pretends it's a movie. To this day, the stealth gameplay is still close to unrivaled, and there's actually quite a bit of content even if you skip the cutscenes.
It has made me a sucker for open world stealth ever since. Haven't played anything like it since though. :'(
Out of curiosity, how amazing was Ground Zeroes?
Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on June 20, 2014, 11:57:48 AM
Out of curiosity, how amazing was Ground Zeroes?
In terms of core gameplay? Among the best stealth/open-ended games of all time. In terms of value for money? Complete garbage.
It was just a glorified demo for this one, though; a product of Konami's greed. Phantom Pain is the real deal.
I hear they made that game just to give PS4 something early which actually doesn't sound too bad to me...unless they charged full price.
Itagaki on working with Nintendo for Devil's Third:
Quote"There are also cultural differences between the way that I've worked and the way Nintendo works, which is when it comes down to the basic grammar of games, the method of game creation and so we certainly fought some, but I think that I saw the value in a lot of the ways that they do things and learned a great amount.
Now this is close to a trade secret so I can't say too much, but I feel like I learned the most fundamental meaning of what it means to push a button. When you tell someone, 'Push the A button,' there's a wealth of information there. And I feel like all of us who have worked on this project, as a result, have grown a bit.
Personally, I feel like the future is going to be made by the gamers themselves. I think a lot of people might have been surprised that such a violent game was going to be released on a Nintendo platform, but I think that you can say, from a certain perspective, things are getting interesting for Nintendo as well, making these kinds of choices.
(90% of the game has stayed the same, but) that other 10 percent I think really has been flavored by this cooperation with Nintendo. Now, as I'm sure you're aware, Japan is a small country in terms of landmass, but it still has an amazing concentration of lots of different cultures within it, and I think that Nintendo culture is one of those, and I had this opportunity to learn about Nintendo culture through the years working with them."
Here's hoping he gets to make it a trilogy as planned.
As much as I hope that the game does well, it'll probably bomb. Part of this is because a lot of gamers just flat-out refuse to buy a Wii-U, and this game doesnt seem like it will appeal to the usual Nintendo crowd. That sad, hopefully Nintendo will work with Valhalla Game Studios on future projects, whether this game sees any success or not.
Quote from: Foggle on June 19, 2014, 11:58:43 PM
30 minutes of gameplay footage from Metal Gear Solid 5: The Phantom Pain:
I can honestly say, without exaggeration, that this looks like it might be the greatest game of all time (for me, at least). If the whole product lives up to what's shown and discussed in this video, I will worship the ground Kojima stands on.
I FINALLY got around to watching this. It looks like an openworld stealth dream. I loved the improved box mechanics, Mother Base and the fulton. :D
Who else is picking this ( up this week? If that trailer doesn't hype you up I don't know what will.
Quote from: Dr. Ensatsu-ken on June 24, 2014, 01:08:06 PM
As much as I hope that the game does well, it'll probably bomb. Part of this is because a lot of gamers just flat-out refuse to buy a Wii-U, and this game doesnt seem like it will appeal to the usual Nintendo crowd. That sad, hopefully Nintendo will work with Valhalla Game Studios on future projects, whether this game sees any success or not.
Nintendo doesn't seem to be expecting big sales from these projects, I think they're just for brand and fanbase building than anything else. That's why they seem to be bending over backwards to please Platinum with Bayonetta 2 (putting in the original game and whatnot) despite Wonderful 101 not doing all that well and Bayonetta 2 almost certainly not being a hit.
Regardless of how well Devil's Third does, I see Nintendo working with Itagaki on a new project regardless.
Yeah, Nintendo seems like good publishing partners to have. I at least feel that they'd be less likely to interfere with a developers vision of a game than any of the big third party publishers like EA or Ubisoft, among others.
I saw in a search that it was already mentioned in the Avatar thread that Korra's getting a game from Platinum Games so I don't have to announce how fucking excited I am here. Now if only we can get Itagaki to do a Rurouni Kenshin game.
More Odallus :) (
It's such a crime that they never made a sequel to it.
Quote2) 2010′s Donkey Kong Country Returns would sell over 6 million units worldwide. The game sold more than any Zelda or Metroid game for Wii.
Ahahahaha get fucked Zelda and Metroid fans.
I don't know if people are willing to give a new Diddy Kong Racing a chance, but I trust Monster a hell of a lot more than I trust modern Rare. Plus, all those obscure characters taking up the spots that were once for Rareware characters sounds like a fine idea.
Quote from: Rosalinas Spare Wand on July 10, 2014, 10:10:11 PMI don't know if people are willing to give a new Diddy Kong Racing a chance, but I trust Monster a hell of a lot more than I trust modern Rare. Plus, all those obscure characters taking up the spots that were once for Rareware characters sounds like a fine idea.
It's a shame few people actually played Excitebots. That game had excellent course design, creative extra modes, and a lot of character to it. With Retro's muscle and art design, and David Wise behind the soundtrack (this would almost be a certainty after the acclaim of Tropical Freeze's soundtrack), this could really be something great.
If it happens, anyway. I've wanted a new Diddy Kong Racing since the N64 went out, and I don't think there's anybody more suited to do it than Monster, so this would be great for me.
Excitebots was pretty much buried before it had a real chance. I remember it was just announced in a press release near the bottom, and then it came out in the middle of spring with zero promotion and it was already low priced so I imagine people thought it was shovelware and passed on it.
Not to mention it never came out in Europe. The game really did deserve better, it addressed pretty much all the issues with ExciteTruck and was by far the better game of the two.
Here's hoping if this is true, then Monster can get a real chance to show what they can do.
Was Diddy Kong Racing DS not that good or something? ???
Quote from: Rynnec on July 11, 2014, 01:42:34 AM
Was Diddy Kong Racing DS not that good or something? ???
I never got around to it, but supposedly it was a weak port.
Wii U gets another killer exclusive!
Localize this one, Tecmo, Nintendo, somebody. I NEED a new Fatal Frame in my life.
Wii U needs games. It'll come.
I do wish they could release the Wii games as e-shop releases or something. Same with Disaster and Trace Memory. NOA did bad last gen in localizations.
Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on July 17, 2014, 01:11:45 AM
Wii U needs games. It'll come.
I do wish they could release the Wii games as e-shop releases or something. Same with Disaster and Trace Memory. NOA did bad last gen in localizations.
I sure hope so!
I could take or leave the FF2 remake since it doesn't really seem to improve much on the PS2/Xbox version, but a wider audience definitely deserves to experience FF4. Grasshopper did a fantastic job on that game. Excellent slice of pants-shitting terror.
Quote from: Foggle on July 17, 2014, 01:15:30 AM
Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on July 17, 2014, 01:11:45 AM
Wii U needs games. It'll come.
I do wish they could release the Wii games as e-shop releases or something. Same with Disaster and Trace Memory. NOA did bad last gen in localizations.
I sure hope so!
I could take or leave the FF2 remake since it doesn't really seem to improve much on the PS2/Xbox version, but a wider audience definitely deserves to experience FF4. Grasshopper did a fantastic job on that game. Excellent slice of pants-shitting terror.
I just noticed that Bill Trinen retweeted the announcement. I think that's a pretty good sign for it.
Not to mention, they could just make it eshop exclusive if it came down to it.
I'm pretty sure it'll come out here one way or the other.
The upcoming DOOM game sounds really good. Almost like Brutal Doom even. ( This could very well be the game that motivates me to save up for a more powerful PC.
Please have an actual soundtrack this time.
Sounds like a mix between the classic DOOM games with the atmospheric elements of DOOM 64 and DOOM 3 thrown in. At any rate, I have faith in this to be a good game. I haven't played a DOOM game that I didn't like (granted that I've never actually beaten a single DOOM game, either :sweat:). I need to start getting back into the series.
Quote from: Rynnec on July 18, 2014, 07:32:52 PM
The upcoming DOOM game sounds really good. Almost like Brutal Doom even. ( This could very well be the game that motivates me to save up for a more powerful PC.
Please have an actual soundtrack this time.
Yeah, I was surprised that they said fatalities would be in the game. Also, a Doom game not only with jumping but double jumping. :swoon: I hope the level design is like classic Doom meets metroidvanias. That would be perfection.
DOOM as a FPS Metroid-style game would make a lot of sense.
I hope that's what they do.
Yeah, it seems like a natural evolution for the series. Altitude was the only thing really missing from the series' exploration.
You see this ( This is pretty much GOTY confirmed. The rest of you can have fun with Hyrule Warriors, but whenever I finally get around to owning a Wii-U, I'm buying this game first.
And I'll be having fun with both, so the jokes on all y'all. :humhumhum:
The guy playing the game kinda sucked though.
Quote from: Rynnec on July 27, 2014, 08:17:37 PMThe guy playing the game kinda sucked though.
That's pretty common with these types of hack n' slash games. They usually higher people who are good speakers for the sake of better advertising their game. That said, you can tell that the people playing haven't actually had much time to practice with the game, even if they are given a lot of information on it to divulge to journalists.
I would personally suggest buying Wonderful 101 and Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze first. Just because they are the best games of the last two years.
you spelled blood dragon wrong.
That would be a third one.
that's an acceptable answer.
Bayonetta 2 will change that, though. :>
Ninja Gaiden 4 will, you mean.
Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on July 28, 2014, 03:54:10 PM
Ninja Gaiden 4 will, you mean.
You mean Ninja Gaiden 3, I believe. How can we have an NG4 when we never even got a third game, yet? :humhumhum:
New Bayonetta 2 footage with commentary from Platinum Games producers:
Oh man, that whole video was awesome. It had a lot of play-testers who knew what they were talking about mentioning both returning skills (including more advanced ones like dodge offset) and new ones that look really cool (including Umbran Climax, which is basically Devil Trigger, but I'm not complaining). Also, that trailer at the end got me pumped, and while I never cared about it that much to begin with, the story in this game actually looks genuinely interesting. I really wish I could afford a Wii-U right now.
Since we won't be getting a new Jet Set Radio any time soon, this'll do: (
Wayforward is making a metroidvania TMNT game for 360, PS3 and DS. *starts crying*
gunswordfist should be interested in this. (
An interesting experiment. Doom II meets DKC.
i have to get a real computer to see it but that sounds right up my alley. thanks.
Oh my fucking god.
There has never been a game that's resonated more with me than this one. Kojima Productions is poised to win this entire generation single-handedly as far as I'm concerned.
Itagaki interview about Devil's Third (
QuoteQ3. There?s a remark in the latest trailer, saying ?COMES A NEW BREED OF ACTION.? Can you tell me what makes it ?NEW BREED??
TI: I?m extremely vocal and picky when it comes to the touch-and-feel of the controls ? once you get your hands on it and try for yourself I think you?ll understand. I took a long, hard look at both the action and shooter genres and figured out what they were lacking, and brought them both to a new level.
Game Design 101. More games should do this instead of ripping of COD's or GOW's feel for the five hundredth time.
Here's hoping he can add a new garnish on HEADSHOT EVERYTHING.
EDIT: The best quote:
QuoteQ11. I think some of fans may worry about how violence representation will be because this is a game for Nintendo hardware. Can you tell me how you treated it?
TI: Nintendo has never forced us to follow their routines. ?What is a game? What is it to ?play??? ? Those are the fundamental topics we?ve been discussing the past few years and we?ve always tried to nail down what that ?it? is that gamers are looking for.
That ?it? is what Wii U users are looking for, what our fans are looking for, and also what people are expecting from Japanese developers. It has brought us constant challenges and will continue to bring more in the future. The same thing goes for violence. It?s not something that should be displayed or decided according to a fixed formula. The only thing we?re focused on now is how to make you guys say ?whoa, didn?t see that coming!? when you look back at the game.
I saw that interview featured on Valhalla's own website earlier today.
Say what you will about how dated the game looks and sounds (2 engine changes will do that no matter how good of a developer you are) but in terms of core gameplay, I have yet to see Itagaki fail to make a fun product, mostly because all that he ever does focus on is gameplay. To him, it's much more important to have responsive controls and play something that doesn't feel quite like every other game in the genre that you have played.
Case in point:
-With the DOA games he innovated the genre with interactive environments, whereas every other fighting game had sterile environments that were inconsequential; sure, it may not be for everyone, but at least it was something new and not seen before.
-With NGB he took elements of DMC's gameplay design, mixed it with a but of influence from the Zelda series, and then made everything else his own; he basically took the light and heavy attack combat system and fine-tuned it so well that it has since become a staple of the genre; it pisses me off when people thing that God of War started this trend when it was so clearly Ninja Gaiden that refined and perfected it an entire year before GOW even came out.
-With NGDS, he wanted to use the DS's unique hardware functions as is his policy with any platform that he works in (which is why he never develops multi platform games, unless he ports something later on), and thus he created an action game that relied on the stylus rather than mashing at buttons, and made it just as responsive and fluid as you'd expect from an NG game.
-With NG2 he didn't want to just make NGB again, so he implemented the OT system which drastically changed the way that the combat worked, and on top of adding in over 20 new enemy types (and that's NOT even including all of the new bosses) and not reusing any enemy types from the previous games, he also almost completely overhauled the weapons so that there were plenty of new ones, and the familiar ones worked very differently than they did in NGB (for comparison, even Platinum is playing it safe with Bayonetta 2 in that regard, as much of the combat works just the way that it did in the first game, which isn't a bad thing, but also isn't anywhere near as bold of a leap as NGB to NG2 was).
Devil's Third may have bad graphics and not over-indulge itself in cinematic set-pieces, but I still find it interesting because like all other Itagaki games, it's a game about gameplay that is NOT about what everything else is doing, but rather is doing what everything else is NOT doing. It may not be perfect, but I have faith in VGS to craft a fun game regardless, and furthermore I'm willing to bet that on a level of pure content, it will put most games to shame. Most of Itagaki's games contain more content in the retail package than most modern games have even after all of their paid DLC expansions. The guy just likes to make fun and super replayable video games. I couldn't ask for more.
It's a shame that this game is probably going to bomb, though. Most people, don't care about the stuff that I mentioned, as far as the modern age of gaming goes. Let's just hope that VGS can still stay in business even after this game inevitably flops.
He's had four years to work on this one game, I'm pretty sure if there's one thing he's had the most time to tweak it was the gameplay. I don't think anyone should worry about that.
Unfortunately, games like this just don't sell that much anymore. I guarantee if Nintendo didn't pick this up, no one else would. Which is good for people like VGS and Platinum, because Nintendo is far more interested in building a library and portfolio than having every game be a million seller. I only wonder if Nintendo approached them with the same approach they did for Platinum.
That being, rescuing a game that would never be made otherwise (Bayonetta 2/Devil's Third), and then creating a new IP on top of it (Wonderful 101/???) thereby getting a two for one for everyone involved.
Now that would be great.
It seems like something that Nintendo would do. Either way, I'm grateful that they are agreeing to publish this game at all. I think that it builds up a good trust between these developers and Nintendo. If any of these smaller developers making exclusive Nintendo games ever hit it big in the future and can create a big money-making IP for any console, I think that they would remember who supported their vision in the past while Microsoft was too busy milking out Halo and GOW games whereas Sony was doing the same for whatever "hip" franchise was most popular at the time.
Devil's Third looks fun, but the one gameplay video I saw of it made the melee combat appear extremely clunky, and the switching-to-first-person-to-aim-guns thing seems disorienting for such a fast paced game. Of course, this could have just been due to the previewer being ass at the game, but I was kind of underwhelmed after all these years of cautious hype. Itagaki's comment about needing to actually play DT to understand the feel of the game gives me hope, though. In the meantime, does anyone know some good footage for me to watch?
Here's the Nintendo Treehouse footage ( The actual demo starts at 26:50.
Excellent, thank you. That was much better than the GameSpot footage.
The first-person aiming is the only thing that I'm really not keen on. It kind of defeats the ideas of being a third person action game, and kind of seems disorienting.
As for the rough look, like I said, the game ended up going through severe production problems when the company that made the original engine that they were using went out of business, and VGS had to switch on a moment's notice. Unfortunately stuff like that happens, and it looks like Itagaki and company decided to still go forward with the project, even if the graphics look like they belong on the PS2 (which doesn't bother me that much considering that I play and love a ton of games from that era).
As for needing to be played to be appreciated, it's worth noting that former THQ producer and Vice President Danny Bilson said the same thing. And keep in mind that this was well after THQ went out of business, so he's supporting this game of his own accord, not because he's being paid to. And having just replayed a few hours of NG2, I'm super confident in Itagaki's ability to make a game with super responsive and intuitive controls.
As for clunky looking combat, visually, yes, mechanically, remains to be seen when the game is actually playable, though Itagaki did comment that they had cleaned up a lot of the visual animations.
I admit that I was underwhelmed when this was first revealed as well, but after coming to terms with the reality of the situation, I still have faith that this could be a fun game, especially on the multiplayer side of things, which looks much more interesting than you standard COD clone.
I can see this becoming an underground cult game along the lines of Deadly Premonition, which was never going to be a AAA hit either critically or financially, but had an undeniably solid game design that made it a fun experience for people who tried it.
One thing you should keep in mind in regards to the combat looking clunky is that it could just be the effects of the stream. It's very likely the game looks much smoother in person.
I was REALLY hoping for a DMC5 announcement at TGS this year, but it doesn't look like we're going to get one at this point. There's still hope for next year, but if it doesn't come by that time, then I doubt that it ever will. From what I can tell Capcom isn't doing all that well financially as of late (not that there shoddy business practices over the past few years coming back to bite them in the ass would have anything to so with it), so it seems like more than ever they want their major releases to be top sellers. The DMC franchise probably doesn't seem like it'll be as popular as it once was in this day and age, so they may opt not to go forward with any more games in the series.
It just sucks that every franchise that I absolutely love has to end up getting the shaft or turning to absolute shit in terms of quality. In that regard, it's probably a good thing that I haven't gotten into some more stuff that you guys love like Ratchet & Clank and Yakuza, among other things. I'd probably bring them bad luck. :sweat:
I just want to experience that excitement of eagerly anticipating a new game in a series that I absolutely love on almost every level. The last time I ever felt that excited for any game was back when NG2 was coming out, which was 6 whole years ago. :(
And yes, I'm excited for Devil's Third and Bayonetta 2, but I don't own a Wii-U, and at any rate, DT is a brand new IP, whereas I really do like Bayonetta, but not quite on the same level as NG and DMC.
Apparently MGS5 has actually been in steady development since about a year after MGS4 was finished. It also represents Kojima's original design concepts for the series as a whole; it's the game he always wanted the original Metal Gear to be back in 1987. No wonder it looks so good. :joy:
According to Game Informer, what they played of The Evil Within combined pretty much every genre of horror you can think of into a soup, and in the process it became very much its own thing. To describe it, they name-dropped classic Resident Evil, Dead Space, Silent Hill, Fatal Frame, Amnesia, Saw, and various slasher films. TEW also looks to contain stealth elements like in the Siren series. Apparently it's legitimately scary, does new things with the genre never before seen in video games, and has a genuinely engaging story.
My hype. :shit: :shit:
And this comes out just in time for my birthday. Thanks for the gift, Shinji Mikami! :joy:
Speaking of scary games, I played that new Silent Hill teaser demo with my friend on his PS4 the other day. Granted, I know that it was just a teaser and the actual game probably won't be in first person like that, and the puzzles won't be so cryptic like they were here (where we HAD to use a walkthrough to get through it), which is probably for the better. I don't care what anyone else says, I found it to be legitimately scary and unsettling based on atmosphere alone, without the need for jump scares. Play it blind WITHOUT looking at any YouTube videos like other cheaters, and you may feel the same way. Either that, or I'm just a wuss, but I honestly don't find that many games or movies scary these days, so I don't think that's the case.
It's more like the demo did a good job of honestly not really doing anything that outright scary (unless you fail to solve the puzzle and lose, in which case you get a jump scare), but used its atmosphere and insanely creepy sound effects alone to get you unsettled, always expecting something bad to happen. It also felt suitably cryptic and symbolic in a way that I can't possibly comprehend as someone who's never played any other SH games other than what I've seen some people play of them. Yup, this definitely has Hideo Kojima's influence painted all over it.
Quote from: Foggle on September 23, 2014, 07:26:19 PM
According to Game Informer, what they played of The Evil Within combined pretty much every genre of horror you can think of into a soup, and in the process it became very much its own thing. To describe it, they name-dropped classic Resident Evil, Dead Space, Silent Hill, Fatal Frame, Amnesia, Saw, and various slasher films. TEW also looks to contain stealth elements like in the Siren series. Apparently it's legitimately scary, does new things with the genre never before seen in video games, and has a genuinely engaging story.
My hype. :shit: :shit:
How do you think the makers of RE6 will react to this game? :P
Quote from: Dr. Ensatsu-ken on September 23, 2014, 07:34:56 PMthe puzzles won't be so cryptic like they were here (where we HAD to use a walkthrough to get through it)
I can't say anything about the new Silent Hill as I don't really know anything about it. But in general, I think the puzzles in Silent Hill games tend to be more devious than, say, Resident Evil. They tend to be really cryptic, but in a good way. You really have to put a lot of thought into them.
Quote from: talonmalon333 on September 23, 2014, 07:50:25 PM
Quote from: Foggle on September 23, 2014, 07:26:19 PM
According to Game Informer, what they played of The Evil Within combined pretty much every genre of horror you can think of into a soup, and in the process it became very much its own thing. To describe it, they name-dropped classic Resident Evil, Dead Space, Silent Hill, Fatal Frame, Amnesia, Saw, and various slasher films. TEW also looks to contain stealth elements like in the Siren series. Apparently it's legitimately scary, does new things with the genre never before seen in video games, and has a genuinely engaging story.
My hype. :shit: :shit:
How do you think the makers of RE6 will react to this game? :P
"What are Silent Hill, Dead Space, and Fatal Frame? Are they popular series in America?"
P.T. looks awesome; heard nothing but good things about it since it launched. I've already added it to my PSN download queue for when I eventually get a PS4. :)
I love Kojima's deranged puzzle design from Metal Gear 2. That one with the snake eating the owl egg was batshit insane in the best possible way. I just hope he doesn't go all the way to Silent-Hill-3-on-Hard-mode style puzzles in his SH game...
Quote from: talonmalon333 on September 23, 2014, 07:50:25 PM
How do you think the makers of RE6 will react to this game? :P
Capcom are definitely shitting themselves. The Steam re-release of RE4, the announcement of Revelations 2 ("a real horror game this time guys!!"), REmake suddenly coming to every single home system not named the Wii-U... it's all been timed like this for a reason. They're scared of Shinji Mikami's return to the horror genre while simultaneously trying to profit off of it. Also, while they're probably dubious, I've heard rumors that Capcom actually paid games journalists to speak badly of The Evil Within during early previews. Remember how it was getting nothing but negative press earlier in the year, and now it's suddenly being touted as one of 2014's most exciting releases? It
is kind of fishy...
Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on September 23, 2014, 07:55:25 PM
Quote from: talonmalon333 on September 23, 2014, 07:50:25 PM
How do you think the makers of RE6 will react to this game? :P
"What are Silent Hill, Dead Space, and Fatal Frame? Are they popular series in America?"
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
To be fair, Dead Space pulled an RE6 with its 3rd game, so it's also in shit creak with its fans right now.
Capcom has been doing a lot of shady stuff recently including suing Tecmo-Koei for a very shallow reason. They're hurting for money and in a well deserved bad situation.
Quote from: Dr. Ensatsu-ken on September 23, 2014, 08:01:37 PM
To be fair, Dead Space pulled an RE6 with its 3rd game, so it's also in shit creak with its fans right now.
You become a fan of an EA franchise, you take your risks.
Quote from: Foggle on September 23, 2014, 08:01:20 PMI just hope he doesn't go all the way to Silent-Hill-3-on-Hard-mode style puzzles in his SH game...
Oh yeah. I forgot about that... Wasn't there a puzzle that required extensive Shakespeare knowledge or something?
Quote from: talonmalon333 on September 23, 2014, 08:07:07 PM
Oh yeah. I forgot about that... Wasn't there a puzzle that required extensive Shakespeare knowledge or something?
Yes... :whuh:
Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on September 23, 2014, 08:05:37 PM
Capcom has been doing a lot of shady stuff recently including suing Tecmo-Koei for a very shallow reason. They're hurting for money and in a well deserved bad situation.
The funny thing is that I completely lack any sympathy for either company. That said, I suppose it could be said that at least KT doesn't really engage in too many shady business practices, unlike Capcom. Their only real fault is pushing out mediocre gameplay content and butchering the Ninja Gaiden franchise.
Quote from: Dr. Ensatsu-ken on September 23, 2014, 08:01:37 PMYou become a fan of an EA franchise, you take your risks.
You might as well add Capcom and Ubisoft to that phrase, while you're at it.
Quote from: talonmalon333 on September 23, 2014, 07:50:25 PM
I think the puzzles in Silent Hill games tend to be more devious than, say, Resident Evil. They tend to be really cryptic, but in a good way. and putting aside the excessive and annoying puzzles in 3's hard mode, the challenge of the puzzles is very well done.
Seriously, who decided that type of puzzle was fun?
Me and Tecmo will be cool again as soon as they announce Fatal Frame 5 for NA release.
The thing about these puzzles, though, is that they are way too meta. Like, for example, you have to collect six photo pieces during very specific phases of a loop, which I suppose you could mostly find if you look in every little corner of every step that you walk, but one of them the game's pause menu, in the middle of a specific loop. There's just no way that you would figure out any of that without either extreme luck or a guide. But, like I said, this is clearly not a demo of the actual game. It's a glorified teaser trailer (and even unlocks an actual teaser trailer upon actual successful completion). Kojima actually expected that it would take upwards of a week before anyone actually solved all of the puzzles, and commented on how surprised he was that it only took a few days. Now think if how insane some gamers are and how painstakingly obsessive they are about this stuff, and suddenly that makes it clear that these puzzles are just something that nobody in their right mind would figure out. So, I suspect that these are all just hints as to what the story of the actual game is.
Needless to say, if you do play the demo, use a text guide rather than a video so as not to spoil the atmosphere for yourself. The only thing that you'll ever really instinctively learn is that, when you hear Lisa crying from behind you, just stop whatever you're doing and don't fucking move a single step or even point the camera in a slightly different direction until she stops crying and the music stops as well. I swear to God, it's the sound effects here that were scarier than anything else. That aspect was brilliant.
The three things that unnerved me the most in P.T.:
-The moment you start hearing that woman's cry-laugh-orgasm thing.
-The fetus in the sink, and when it finally starts talking like a man and basically implies how this whole scenario started.
-The fucking baby crying in the swinging fridge at the entrance as gallons of blood pour out. That isn't regular baby crying, that is a baby crying in endless pain.
The atmosphere in P.T. is wonderful, and was more effective in scaring me than most horror games these days.
Sonic Boom 3DS is still looking great. (
Metroidvania Sonic. Never would have thought it possible.
That actually looks really good. They should have had Sanzaru make the Wii U version...
RE5 confirmed.
Quote from: Foggle on September 24, 2014, 09:52:04 PM
That actually looks really good. They should have had Sanzaru make the Wii U version...
RE5 confirmed.
And....Capcom just shit themselves. :sly:
Quote from: talonmalon333 on September 24, 2014, 09:55:46 PMWhat?
Take a moment, Talon. I'm sure that it'll sink in for you. :humhumhum:
So, The Evil Within has some of the highest system requirements I've ever seen. My PC probably won't even boot up the game. Very glad it's also coming to last-gen consoles.
Also, a word of warning for you, Dr. E-K: if you have one of the tremendously small Xbox 360 hard drives like I do, you won't be able to play the game. The 360 version has a mandatory 7GB install. Don't think I've ever seen that before.
Based on the HDD storage space requirement, I could make enough room by deleting some games that I don't play anymore, but the bigger worry I have is that my HDD just flat out doesn't play some installed games, such as the Halo 4 multiplayer or the Blade Wolf DLC from MGRR. It's very random in that way. I'll be really pissed if this turns out to be one of those cases.
I think it still runs off the disc, it just needs to install some of the game files for whatever reason. That's what most PS3 games seem to be like, anyway. Best of luck when you get it!
Do you think this could turn out to be the best survival horror game since RE4?
Well, RE4 wasn't really what people tend to call a "survival" horror game, but I think TEW will probably be the best horror-themed game released in many years. Though Fatal Frame 5, which comes out in a couple of days, might actually be scarier. I truly hope that one is brought to America...
In terms of Japanese horror games, it's like we're living in the glory days of the PS2 era again. A new Fatal Frame and a true Resident Evil successor releasing mere weeks apart, with a legitimately great Silent Hill potentially on the horizon? It's almost too good to be true.
Then take the "survival" out of my post, and just leave it at "best horror game". :P
When was the last good Silent Hill game released?
Quote from: talonmalon333 on September 25, 2014, 11:01:43 PM
Then take the "survival" out of my post, and just leave it at "best horror game". :P
I dunno, I think Fatal Frame 3 & 4, Siren 2 & 3, Haunting Ground, and The Suffering 2 were pretty sick. You could easily make the case for it being the best horror game released in English territories since Siren: Blood Curse, though. Also including Japan-only games makes it a bit complicated, since Fatal Frame 5 is just about to release, and it's probably going to be the best horror game since FF4. Saying "The Evil Within is the best horror title since the one that released three weeks ago" isn't nearly as impressive. :P
QuoteWhen was the last good Silent Hill game released?
Silent Hill 3 came out in 2003. Of course, there are some who'd argue that the later ones are still good; I grant that none of them are completely terrible (except for Book Of Memories, seriously wtf), but every single entry outside of the original trilogy stops being interesting, scary, and fun after the first few hours IMO.
So, exactly what kind of horror game would RE4 be if not "survival" horror? It has got enough horror elements to count as a horror game, and you are essentially trying to "survive" throughout the entire game. It's not psychological horror like some other games, and it seems a bit nit-picky to classify it as some other sub-genre of horror just because it has more action elements than previous RE games (which, to be fair still had a fair amount of actual shooting in them).
Quote from: Foggle on September 25, 2014, 11:14:06 PM
Silent Hill 3 came out in 2003. Of course, there are some who'd argue that the later ones are still good; I grant that none of them are completely terrible (except for Book Of Memories, seriously wtf), but every single entry outside of the original trilogy stops being interesting, scary, and fun after the first few hours IMO.
Yeah, it's crazy how fast the downward spiral happened. 3 was a masterpiece and then 4 happened.
Quote from: Dr. Ensatsu-ken on September 25, 2014, 11:22:15 PM
So, exactly what kind of horror game would RE4 be if not "survival" horror? It has got enough horror elements to count as a horror game, and you are essentially trying to "survive" throughout the entire game. It's not psychological horror like some other games, and it seems a bit nit-picky to classify it as some other sub-genre of horror just because it has more action elements than previous RE games (which, to be fair still had a fair amount of actual shooting in them).
I guess some people tend to associate "survival horror" with the more slow paced style of games like RE1, where you're just barely surviving with little ammo. That said, I do kind of agree with you. It's the last survival horror game in the series, though.
EDIT: Actually, I guess Revelaitons was the last survival horror. I just forgot it, mainly because I haven't played it yet.
Even in the classic RE games you were still intended to fight most enemies, though. It's just that the controls for combat were so clunky that most people opted to skip fights, but the developers did still intend for you to kill most enemies, as evidenced by the fact that there usually was enough ammo in each game to conceivably do so, even if just barely (hence why most people opted to conserve via skipping).
To give a clear example of what I mean, take a game like F.E.A.R., which is technically a horror game, but could be classified as psychological horror, since most scares are just that, with most actual threats coming from regular clone soldiers. A game like RE4 doesn't have any psychological scares, though, and many of the horror elements deal with you attempting to survive by fighting back with deadly force. Just because it's not running away from enemies doesn't mean it's still not surviving.
Don't Alan Wake and Deadly Premonition count? Not to mention the first two Dead Space games and the Fatal Frame series? Condemned?
Quote from: Dr. Ensatsu-ken on September 25, 2014, 11:41:00 PM
Even in the classic RE games you were still intended to fight most enemies, though. It's just that the controls for combat were so clunky that most people opted to skip fights, but the developers did still intend for you to kill most enemies, as evidenced by the fact that there usually was enough ammo in each game to conceivably do so, even if just barely (hence why most people opted to conserve via skipping).
To give a clear example of what I mean, take a game like F.E.A.R., which is technically a horror game, but could be classified as psychological horror, since most scares are just that, with most actual threats coming from regular clone soldiers. A game like RE4 doesn't have any psychological scares, though, and many of the horror elements deal with you attempting to survive by fighting back with deadly force. Just because it's not running away from enemies doesn't mean it's still not surviving.
Right. Again, I do agree with you. I've played through RE1 even on its hardest difficulty and killed probably 99% of the enemies I've encountered. There's also the fact that you frequently played as toughened, well trained soldiers in those games.
Quote from: Dr. Ensatsu-ken on September 25, 2014, 11:22:15 PM
So, exactly what kind of horror game would RE4 be if not "survival" horror? It has got enough horror elements to count as a horror game, and you are essentially trying to "survive" throughout the entire game. It's not psychological horror like some other games, and it seems a bit nit-picky to classify it as some other sub-genre of horror just because it has more action elements than previous RE games (which to be fair still had a fair amount of actual shooting in them).
Man, I'm not the one who classifies this shit. According to the aficionados, it's apparently "action horror" because it focuses more on killing bad guys than collecting items and solving puzzles. While the previous REs still had a fair amount of shooting, that wasn't really the focus of them, except for arguably RE3. RE4 certainly has more in common with traditional "survival horror" games than the later entries, but ask people who are even nerdier than I am and they'll you it literally birthed a new sub-genre of horror game. Then you have stuff like Amnesia, which is considered "horror adventure" since it's basically a point and click except you can move around freely. Then there are games like F.E.A.R. that aren't rooted in any genre of horror gameplay but still include heavy elements of creepiness. At least, that's how I've come to understand it over the years.
They're all just "horror games" to me, but those are the commonly referred to sub-genres.
Quote from: talonmalon333 on September 25, 2014, 11:32:39 PM
I guess some people tend to associate "survival horror" with the more slow paced style of games like RE1, where you're just barely surviving with little ammo. That said, I do kind of agree with you. It's the last survival horror game in the series, though.
I think you can argue that RE4 is actually both "survival horror" and "action horror," but yeah, basically. It's important to remember that the sub-genres of horror game are not intended to describe what kind of horror they include in the thematic sense, only how they play. Like, Dead Space is way scarier than RE5, but they're technically the same kind of game.
QuoteEDIT: Actually, I guess Revelaitons was the last survival horror. I just forgot it, mainly because I haven't played it yet.
Nah, it drops all pretensions of classic-style gameplay early on. It's more action than 4, less so than 5 and 6.
Quote from: Dr. Ensatsu-ken on September 25, 2014, 11:41:00 PM
Even in the classic RE games you were still intended to fight most enemies, though. It's just that the controls for combat were so clunky that most people opted to skip fights, but the developers did still intend for you to kill most enemies, as evidenced by the fact that there usually was enough ammo in each game to conceivably do so, even if just barely (hence why most people opted to conserve via skipping).
This is only really true on subsequent playthroughs when you know exactly where to go and what to do. A smart player will save most of their good ammo for boss fights on their first run, since the only way to kill everything in the game is to use up nearly everything you have. And the ability to kill a lot of the early game enemies is mostly accomplished through backtracking, because you don't get loaded down with ammo until the halfway point in most of them. Also, REmake actually punishes you for killing too many zombies.
QuoteTo give a clear example of what I mean, take a game like F.E.A.R., which is technically a horror game, but could be classified as psychological horror, since most scares are just that, with most actual threats coming from regular clone soldiers. A game like RE4 doesn't have any psychological scares, though, and many of the horror elements deal with you attempting to survive by fighting back with deadly force. Just because it's not running away from enemies doesn't mean it's still not surviving.
Like I clarified above, when people say "survival horror" they're talking more about the gameplay style than the type of scares included.
Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on September 25, 2014, 11:43:47 PMDon't Alan Wake and Deadly Premonition count? Not to mention the first two Dead Space games and the Fatal Frame series? Condemned?
They do, though I suppose you could make the argument for Alan Wake being psychological horror, since it's heavily implied that this is happening in his head (or according to fan theories, in Thomas Zane's head, with Alan awake being his fictional character). Dead Space, from what I've played of it, is definitely survival horror.
Quote from: talonmalon333 on September 25, 2014, 11:44:18 PMRight. Again, I do agree with you. I've played through RE1 even on its hardest difficulty and killed probably 99% of the enemies I've encountered. There's also the fact that you frequently played as toughened, well trained soldiers in those games.
I remember seeing a friend do the same for REmake (including killing off the reanimated corpses/crimson heads). Of course, it may actually be easier to not kill some regular zombies just to prevent them from ever returning as much tougher, and faster, enemies.
I feel like the intent is the same, even if the execution is more action oriented. Just like RE 1-3, the goal is purely about survival. Well, saving Ashley is the goal, too. But for the most part, it's you and her trying to survive the nightmare together. That separates it from an action adventure game, where the objective is usually about adventuring and, well, conquering.
That's just my thoughts I quickly put together. For the most part, yeah, this isn't a topic I'm an expert on. The important part of RE4, really, isn't that it's survival horror or action horror. The important part is that it's awesome.
Quote from: talonmalon333 on September 26, 2014, 12:03:35 AM
I feel like the intent is the same, even if the execution is more action oriented. Just like RE 1-3, the goal is purely about survival. Well, saving Ashley is the goal, too. But for the most part, it's you and her trying to survive the nightmare together. That separates it from an action adventure game, where the objective is usually about adventuring and, well, conquering.
I think the argument is that RE4 leans more heavily toward shooting than exploration. Like, you never have to kill a single non-boss enemy in the older games, but in the later ones there are parts where you literally are not allowed to continue until you clear out the arena of respawning goons, some of which can shoot you back. Though the latter isn't too far out of the realm of survival horror in RE4 (since they use rudimentary crossbows) unless you count the chain gun dudes.
QuoteThe important part of RE4, really, isn't that it's survival horror or action horror. The important part is that it's awesome.
Yes. :D
Quote from: Foggle on September 25, 2014, 11:51:24 PMMan, I'm not the one who classifies this shit. According to the aficionados, it's apparently "action horror" because it focuses more on killing bad guys than collecting items and solving puzzles.
Tell the aficionados that I said they are incredibly pretentious and need to look at a dictionary sometime. :>
QuoteWhile the previous REs still had a fair amount of shooting, that wasn't really the focus of them, except for arguably RE3. RE4 certainly has more in common with traditional "survival horror" games than the later entries, but ask people who are even nerdier than I am and they'll you it literally birthed a new sub-genre of horror game. Then you have stuff like Amnesia, which is considered "horror adventure" since it's basically a point and click except you can move around freely. Then there are games like F.E.A.R. that aren't rooted in any genre of horror gameplay but still include heavy elements of creepiness. At least, that's how I've come to understand it over the years.
They're all just "horror games" to me, but those are the commonly referred to sub-genres.
Well, I'd argue that RE4 still had a suitable portion of puzzle-solving and non-action focused segments. And while it does have more action than previous RE games, I've actually seen people call all of the classic RE games more action focused than Silent Hill and Fatal Frame, which I think is hilarious considering how much less combat those games have than most horror games these days.
QuoteThis is only really true on subsequent playthroughs when you know exactly where to go and what to do. A smart player will save most of their good ammo for boss fights on their first run, since the only way to kill everything in the game is to use up nearly everything you have. And the ability to kill a lot of the early game enemies is mostly accomplished through backtracking, because you don't get loaded down with ammo until the halfway point in most of them. Also, REmake actually punishes you for killing too many zombies.
Even so, the ability to do so is still present, and like I've said, the developers did intend for you to fight more than flee in those games. From what I've heard, they made the AI smarter in RE4 and designed them to lunge at you because they knew people had a tendency to skip fights, and the developers didn't want them doing that anymore. It just makes a stronger case that they still wanted actual combat to happen in the previous games as well.
QuoteLike I clarified above, when people say "survival horror" they're talking more about the gameplay style than the type of scares included.
Well, in that regard, I did also point out how RE4's gameplay dealt with "surviving" situations which were also intended to be scary. It's action, yes, but it's still also a form of survival, especially with some fights where you had to mix shooting with also knowing when to run away.
Quote from: Foggle on September 26, 2014, 12:07:47 AMQuote from: talonmalon333 on September 26, 2014, 12:03:35 AMThe important part of RE4, really, isn't that it's survival horror or action horror. The important part is that it's awesome.
Yes. :D
Actually, the important thing is that TEW is basically the long awaited RE5 that took nearly 10 years to come out.
Quote from: Dr. Ensatsu-ken on September 26, 2014, 12:09:06 AM
Tell the aficionados that I said they are incredibly pretentious and need to look at a dictionary sometime. :>
Oh, I agree with you. "Survival horror" is really just a buzzword (buzzphrase?) Mikami and/or Capcom came up with to advertise the original Resident Evil anyway. It does seem kind of snobbish of people to think they can say what does and what doesn't belong to the survival horror genre.
QuoteWell, I'd argue that RE4 still had a suitable portion of puzzle-solving and non-action focused segments. And while it does have more action than previous R e games, I've actually seen people call all of the classic RE games more action focused than Silent Hill and Fatal Frame, which I think is hilarious considering his much less combat those games have than most horror games these days.
This is all true. I've long been a proponent of RE4 not actually deviating that much from the intent of the original games. I mean, RE3 was already pretty action-focused, and 4 still included puzzles as well as, well, horror. Anyone who says they weren't scared of the Novistadors or Regenerators or Garradors or Verdugo or Oven Man on their first playthrough is lying. Honestly, I think 4 is much scarier than all of its predecessors except for REmake. All the original 1 has is the dogs through the window and itchy tasty, all 2 has is the interrogation room mirror and Mr. X, and all 3 has is Nemesis. 0 and CV don't even have any notable scary parts.
QuoteEven so, the ability to do so is still present, and like I've said, the developers did intend for you to fight more than flee in those games. From what I've heard, they made the AI smarter in RE4 and designed them to lunge at you because they knew people had a tendency to skip fights, and the developers didn't want them doing that anymore. It just makes a stronger case that they still wanted actual combat to happen in the previous games as well.
Hm. Good point.
QuoteWell, in that regard, I did also point out how RE4's gameplay dealt with "surviving" situations which were also intended to be scary. It's action, yes, but it's still also a form of survival, especially with some fights where you had to mix shooting with also knowing when to run away.
I've made this argument before against other RE fans who were bashing 4. It didn't go well. :'(
Quote from: Dr. Ensatsu-ken on September 26, 2014, 12:17:38 AM
Actually, the important thing is that TEW is basically the long awaited RE5 that took nearly 10 years to come out.
Exactly. Though it might actually be RE6 depending on how you view Shadows of the Damned.
Yeah, so we can all agree that the genre elitists are pretentious nit-pickers. :thumbup:
As for SotD, while I still haven't played it, I always viewed it as more of Grasshopper game than a Mikami one, and at that it was horror with a comedic edge (and I mean actual "intentional" humor, as opposed to classic RE's "golden" writing and voice acting).
I'd argue that RE4 had a bunch of intentional comedy as well, though of course that was more Bruce Campbell style one-liners than actual goofiness. Then again, Wikipedia tells me that Mikami was only "creative producer" on SotD, so who knows how much involvement he actually had in its creation.
Speaking of horror games... (
Yes yes yes yes!! :joy: :joy:
Vague Wii-U release schedule. (
It does at least confirm that we are getting those new Zelda and Star Fox games next year (at least assuming that thy don't get delayed).
It looks like next year would be the perfect time for me to get a Wii-U and have a reasonable backlog of good games to play as well as a decent amount to look forward to.
I may get one at the end of next year for those games, as well as any I need to catch up on.
Next year (and the rest of this year) is going to be awesome for video games in general. Even the Bone is looking to get some fantastic exclusives by the end of 2015.
Unless you're planning on getting into PC gaming. If the whole 4GB VRAM and i7 base system requirements template actually catches on for upcoming games, then - for the first time - the market really will be closed off to everyone who isn't super rich. I'm legitimately considering quitting the PC outside of old games and indies.
Will that really be more expensive than consistently buying the new consoles?
Quote from: talonmalon333 on September 28, 2014, 07:23:40 PM
Will that really be more expensive than consistently buying the new consoles?
A 4GB VRAM card alone costs more than the Wii U did at launch. New consoles are only released every 6-8 years, and with that new hardware usually comes the only significant jumps in PC requirements, meaning you'd only really need to upgrade your gaming computer at the beginning of each gen. But instead of the console hardware being behind the curve like it's always been in the past, this time Sony and Microsoft went out of their way to have excellent specs. Merely upgrading my PC isn't even an option at this point; I'd literally have to buy all new components. Which would easily cost more than both the Wii U and the PS4 combined... and those are the only systems I want, anyway. With The Witcher 3 coming to consoles and Devolver Digital now publishing games on the PS4, I honestly can't see there being any PC exclusives I'd care about anymore, either.
I love my Steam and GOG sales, but I'm pretty much done with PC gaming at this point. I have lower standards for what constitutes good graphics and performance than most people, and these days I don't have as much free time to futz around with incompetent port jobs, so I'd rather just go back to playing on home consoles like when I was a kid.
People have believed gaming should just move to PC completely. If you're right, I wonder if that's going to change.
Quote from: talonmalon333 on September 28, 2014, 07:39:21 PM
People have believed gaming should just move to PC completely. If you're right, I wonder if that's going to change.
Well, within 3-4 years, the hardware prices will drop and PC gaming will probably be more cost effective than console gaming again. And by then they'll have components that'll make the PS4's graphics and frame rate look like old hat.
PC gives the user more personalization options and is - of course - an open platform, but not everyone wants that. At this point, I just want to play video games. Nothing has actually changed except for hardware costs (temporarily) and my own attitude toward gaming.
Best of luck getting used to console FPS controls! :>
We can play them with Wiimotes/PlayStation Move. :happytime:
I'm probably just going to stop buying new FPS at this point, honestly. With Monolith gone from the shooter development scene and Gearbox having earned my indefinite ire, I can only really see myself picking up FPS made by Valve, Flying Wild Hog, and Croteam from now on.
I will always love F.E.A.R. and all those old 90's shooters, though.
Quote from: talonmalon333 on September 28, 2014, 08:25:03 PM
We can play them with Wiimotes/PlayStation Move. :happytime:
I really need to upload a vomiting emoticon.
Best of luck getting used to console TPS controls! :>
Surprisingly, I've actually gotten pretty good at TPS on consoles. For some reason, twin stick aiming works really well for me when I can actually see my character.
That just proves that it's all in the head, then, because for all intents and purposes aiming controls are the same for both FPS and TPS games, the only difference is the perspective. You still get crosshairs in both, after all.
Best of luck getting used to console RTS controls! :>
Quote from: Dr. Ensatsu-ken on September 28, 2014, 08:41:26 PM
That just proves that it's all in the head, then, because for all intents and purposes aiming controls are the same for both FPS and TPS games, the only difference is the perspective. You still get crosshairs in both, after all.
Might be. But TPS aiming just feels more smooth to me than FPS aiming for some reason, in general. I don't know if it's acceleration or frame rate or FOV or whatever, but FPS on consoles have always felt really jerky to me. Unless they were made specifically for them, like Halo, which controls perfectly on a gamepad.
Quote from: Dr. Ensatsu-ken on September 28, 2014, 08:42:20 PM
Best of luck getting used to RTS controls! :>
Good thing I only play StarCraft and Age of Empires. :P
Strider 2 releases on PSN next week. (
Christ! This game ( looks tough as balls!
It's very telling when they had to get one of the actual devs to beat the demo for them. :D
Nice! Will watch it in a minute.
Apparently The Evil Within is also really difficult. Normal mode is supposed to be comparable to most games' Hard mode. That isn't really abnormal for a good horror game, though; it's not scary if you don't feel like you're in danger!
Yeah, while I enjoyed RE4, I never found it scary because, quite frankly, the game is pretty damn easy, at least on Normal difficulty. Something like F.E.A.R. could actually be quite tough, but only from normal enemy encounters, whereas most scares were kept psychological, with the one ones causing you any harm coming much later in the game.
Watching that Alien: Isolation demo, though, I really love how damn well they managed to capture the feeling of tension from the original film. Everything fits, from the motion tracker to the flame thrower, they included every iconic thing about the first movie and seem to have nailed it. I especially love the atmosphere and sound effects.
By far the best thing about this game is that literally NONE of the gameplay I've seen so far has been scripted. All of the Xenomorph spawns are random (you can clearly see this in the demo), and it's completely controlled by the AI. I just loved it when one of the speed runners tried to outrun it, and seemingly succeeded, only for it to ambush and kill him from an open vent in the ceiling when he ran without caution for too long. It was something that felt cinematic, like you would actually see in a movie, but it was all the result of pure gameplay mechanics which lead to that death. I also love that death where the one guy made it into the room upstairs and opened up his motion tracker, only to realize that the Xenomorph was right behind him by having its tail pierce straight through him in that awesome death animation.
The game is clearly really fucking difficult, from all reports and gameplay that I've seen so far, but in a good way. I just hope that the critics don't give it a hard time just because it's tough.
I actually thought RE4 was pretty challenging on my first playthrough... :(
To be fair, though, apparently Capcom kept lowering the difficulty with each successive port. Like, the GameCube version is supposed to be fairly tough, the PS2 version somewhat less so (though Separate Ways was brutal at times), the Wii version even less so, and the 360/PS3/Steam version even less so. My first time playing the game was on the PS2.
Isolation and TEW will probably get bad reviews because of their high difficulty level, honestly. They don't have Souls in the title, after all.
I first played RE4 on the GameCube shortly after its release (How did later ports decrease the difficulty?). I died a few times. Also, I think the Iron Maidens were scary. Then there was that strange white bag in the dumpster on the island that starts wriggling up and down when you check it, that we otherwise know absolutely nothing about. That thing really freaked me out and still does.
They made ammo and health items a lot more plentiful across later versions. I actually compared the PS2 version to the Wii version myself and found this to be true. Though apparently I was wrong about the HD ports; people are saying they raised the difficulty back up to the level of the PS2 version.
Maybe I'm just bad at the game. :??: I've never seen anyone say it was easy before, though.
Everyone seems to say 4 was harder than 5, though I had more trouble with 5, honestly. I wouldn't say 4 was necessarily easy, though.
RE5 was definitely a lot harder in single-player, but that was due more to balancing issues rather than "real" difficulty IMO. Co-op was way easier than RE4, though.
Neither game is *hard*, but they're challenging enough to be fun (and in 4's case, scary), I'd say.
Wait, you just called RE5 "fun". :o
Quote from: talonmalon333 on October 01, 2014, 09:31:51 PM
Wait, you just called RE5 "fun". :o
Well, in co-op it can be, until the enemies with guns show up. And I do genuinely like the middle portion of the game (the swamp and underground ruins levels). ;)
I found RE4 to be pretty easy on Normal mode. I mean, I died a few times, but honestly the hardest time that I had was with the early chapters of the game when I didn't really understand how to play it. Afterward I found it pretty easy to deal with most enemies. It also helped that the knock-back power of the shotgun was phenomenal, which made dealing with the chainsaw enemies a piece of cake. Other than that, there were only a few particular fights that I ever had a tough time with, like fighting 2 El Gigantes at once, but even that wasn't so bad when I learned that I could trap one in a lava pit.
I mean, it's definitely not super hard. On my most recent playthroughs I can get through with maybe 1-3 deaths on Normal. But the first time I played it I had a lot of trouble, and Professional is just too difficult for me.
Oh yeah, I watched that Alien: Isolation gameplay. It looks like it might get a bit old after a few hours, but it's pretty damn impressive how well they captured the movie's atmosphere. I'll definitely pick that one up if the reception is positive enough!
That was just one segment of gameplay literally replayed over and over again. I think it's a bit too little to judge whether the game will get old or not throughout an entire few hours. Other gameplay videos have shown elements of puzzle solving as well as using stealth against human enemies as well. You can even lure the Xenomorph into an area with human enemies to take them out for you. You also have to fight androids as well, or sometimes program them to help you. I'd say there's more variety to it than just hiding from a Xenomorph throughout the whole thing.
Quote from: Foggle on October 01, 2014, 09:33:40 PM
Quote from: talonmalon333 on October 01, 2014, 09:31:51 PM
Wait, you just called RE5 "fun". :o
Well, in co-op it can be, until the enemies with guns show up. And I do genuinely like the middle portion of the game (the swamp and underground ruins levels). ;)
I think the coop is mostly fun in a general sense, in that playing video games with other people is just fun to me. No matter what, I still find the levels to be incredibly forgettable. :P
Really, the reason I thought 5 was harder might be that I just never cared about it enough to master it. With RE4, I got it down to a tea because I loved it enough to play it enough, but with RE5, I only played the game, like, two times. I didn't really get into it enough to decide the best way to get through things.
As far as I know, RE5 also really fucked up mechanics that were already perfected in RE4, which is something that TS17 commented on when he did his no damage playthrough of RE4 on Professional mode. For instance, he pointed out how the shotgun consistently knocked back the smaller enemies in the game, but in RE5 it was unpredictable and sometimes they could eat a shotgun bullet in the face at point blank without so much as flinching. Basically, lots of little things like that added up and made the game feel far less refined than the previous one, and as a consequence made certain sections play out harder than they needed to be. That, and your horrible AI partner basically made the game a chore to play on single-player.
Quote from: Dr. Ensatsu-ken on October 01, 2014, 10:25:31 PM
That was just one segment of gameplay literally replayed over and over again. I think it's a bit too little to judge whether the game will get old or not throughout an entire few hours. Other gameplay videos have shown elements of puzzle solving as well as using stealth against human enemies as well. You can even lure the Xenomorph into an area with human enemies to take them out for you. You also have to fight androids as well, or sometimes program them to help you. I'd say there's more variety to it than just hiding from a Xenomorph throughout the whole thing.
I had no idea there would be more than just avoiding the Xenomorph in Isolation. All the previews I've read of the game literally focused only on that aspect, so I didn't know there was anything else to the game. If they mentioned that in the video, I unfortunately had part of it muted because I was talking on Skype at the same time.
Quote from: Dr. Ensatsu-ken on October 01, 2014, 10:34:09 PM
For instance, he pointed out how the shotgun consistently knocked back the smaller enemies in the game, but in RE5 it was unpredictable and sometimes they could eat a shotgun bullet in the face at point blank without so much as flinching.
Yep, for example, the chainsaw guys only flinch like 1/5 of the time from a shotgun blast to the face. And yeah, that co-op AI is just awful. I think 90% of my game overs in single-player were from Sheva dying, not me.
Quote from: Foggle on October 01, 2014, 10:51:36 PMI had no idea there would be more than just avoiding the Xenomorph in Isolation. All the previews I've read of the game literally focused only on that aspect, so I didn't know there was anything else to the game. If they mentioned that in the video, I unfortunately had part of it muted because I was talking on Skype at the same time.
It's not mentioned in that video. You can however see gameplay footage of all of the stuff which I just mentioned from various different gameplay demos that cover different parts of the game. It's all easy enough to find on YouTube. Also, keep in mind that the AI for the Xenomorph changes (that was mentioned in the video, as well as several others), so it will get smarter over time, and the same tricks will not work on it. For instance, the first time that you throw a flare, you'll manage to distract it and confuse it for long enough to get away. The second or third time you do it, it either won't take the bate or won't be distracted for as long, and eventually if you keep trying the same tactic after that, the AI will look for where the flare was thrown from rather than going for the flare. Mind you, I haven't actually seen this in any demo because none are long enough to use the same tactic multiple times, however the developer did clearly say all of that when describing the Xenomorph's AI in this game, so personally I think that it sounds fascinating, and if done right, can really help make the same situation feel varied each time, rather than coming off as repetitive. Though, even then, just exactly what game isn't repetitive, in the first place?
That sounds awesome. Might be the best AI in a game since the original F.E.A.R. if it works right.
From all of the gameplay that I've seen so far (which is cumulatively about an hour's worth, NOT counting the same section replayed over and over again), it seems like a pretty intelligent and very hard to exploit enemy AI. I'm really impressed with it. Keep in mind that, unlike F.E.A.R. and Halo, their is essentially only one single enemy in these scenarios, so rather than design a bunch if different enemy types that could work together, it makes sense that they could make an enemy this intelligent if that's all they were focusing on designing (with the exception of some humans and androids, as well).
I'm not sure how good the game will be, but I think it's at least safe to say that it looks way better than Colonial Marines.
Quote from: Dr. Ensatsu-ken on October 01, 2014, 10:34:09 PM
As far as I know, RE5 also really fucked up mechanics that were already perfected in RE4, which is something that TS17 commented on when he did his no damage playthrough of RE4 on Professional mode. For instance, he pointed out how the shotgun consistently knocked back the smaller enemies in the game, but in RE5 it was unpredictable and sometimes they could eat a shotgun bullet in the face at point blank without so much as flinching. Basically, lots of little things like that added up and made the game feel far less refined than the previous one, and as a consequence made certain sections play out harder than they needed to be. That, and your horrible AI partner basically made the game a chore to play on single-player.
It's weird seeing flaws like those because, in spite of all the game's problems with uninspired ideas and mediocre level design, you'd expect it to at least be 100% polished and refined.
Quote from: Foggle on October 01, 2014, 10:51:36 PM
Yep, for example, the chainsaw guys only flinch like 1/5 of the time from a shotgun blast to the face. And yeah, that co-op AI is just awful. I think 90% of my game overs in single-player were from Sheva dying, not me.
That was actually one of the things I had in mind when I said 5 seemed harder than 4. Dr. Salvador didn't seem to get particularly affected by shotgun blasts in 5. I think I got some deaths against him.
In case you guys are worried about enemy reactions in Evil Within...
That's because Evil Within is a good game. On the other hand, RE5 is what we in the industry call "a bad game".
Is that upcoming Alien game supposed to be in the Alien continuity?
Yes. FOX has officially declared it canon. You play as Ellen Ripley's daughter, Amanda, so the game's story takes place in-between Alien and Aliens.
Colonial Marines is canon too. :joy:
It's not in my canon, and that's the only one that actually matters. :>
What's considered canon anyway?
Didn't we go over all of this literally like a month or two ago?
I'm referring to just games. As far as movies go I know that 3 and Resurrection don't count.
Only Isolation and Colonial Marines are canon as far as I know. Though I can easily see them retconning CM out of the timeline in the future (and Isolation too if it somehow ends up being disappointing), and there really isn't any reason why the FPS Aliens vs. Predator games or Infestation can't also be canon.
Are any of the games so far good, or is this upcoming supposedly going to be the first good one? When I hear talk of these games I don't hear a lot of positive things, which surprises me because I always felt Alien could make for a really good video game. After all, Metroid was inspired by it and those games are very good, but Alien is Alien, meaning it's way better than Metroid. 8-)
Monolith's Aliens vs. Predator 2 for PC is fantastic (but avoid Primal Hunt at all costs), and those old AVP beat 'em ups are pretty fun for what they are. I didn't enjoy the Rebellion games, Alien Trilogy, Extinction, or Infestation at all. Never played the Resurrection game, the AVP Requiem game, or any others.
I only ever tried one AVP game, which was whatever that FPS one was that was released back in 2000, and I thought it was pretty awful (I played the PC version, for the record).
I haven't tried any other games in the franchise, though, but I've heard that there were some good ones back in the 90's.
Quote from: Dr. Ensatsu-ken on October 02, 2014, 08:37:34 PM
I only ever tried one AVP game, which was whatever that FPS one was that was released back in 2000, and I thought it was pretty awful (I played the PC version, for the record).
Ah yes, Rebellion's Aliens vs Predator from 1999... Many seem to contend that it's a classic, but I played it back in 2003, and it was just as putrid then as it is today. Terrible game.
Is the AVP released back in 2010 any good?
Quote from: Rynnec on October 02, 2014, 08:47:16 PM
Is the AVP released back in 2010 any good?
Parts of it were good, but it wasn't that great overall.
Quote from: talonmalon333 on October 02, 2014, 08:24:02 PM
Are any of the games so far good, or is this upcoming supposedly going to be the first good one? When I hear talk of these games I don't hear a lot of positive things, which surprises me because I always felt Alien could make for a really good video game. After all, Metroid was inspired by it and those games are very good, but Alien is Alien, meaning it's way better than Metroid. 8-)
Still the best Alien game.
Quote from: Foggle on October 02, 2014, 08:49:16 PM
Quote from: Rynnec on October 02, 2014, 08:47:16 PM
Is the AVP released back in 2010 any good?
Parts of it were good, but it wasn't that great overall.
^What he said.
It's such an obvious idea for a FPS game, but no one has really nailed it yet from what I've played.
So I've been researching this game and am considering getting Alien: Isolation as a birthday gift for my brother. We only just watched the whole series a few months ago, and when we did we were talking about how Alien needs a good, atmospheric video game and how much it lends itself to that. I'll probably wait until it comes out to make sure that it's generally accepted before ordering it (if it comes out and everyone pans it, I'm not taking a chance on that). But first, do you guys know how technologically advanced the game is, and how strong a PC has to be to play it? Ours can easily play games from the past few years, and this game is also being released on the PS3 meaning it shouldn't be too advanced, so it shouldn't be an issue. I just want to be on the same side.
It's being developed on a new in-house engine, so there's no way of knowing until it comes out.
Quote from: Foggle on October 02, 2014, 09:27:28 PM
It's being developed on a new in-house engine, so there's no way of knowing until it comes out.
Darn it. Well, it's getting released on the PS3 and 360, so I still think technology shouldn't be an issue if those consoles can handle it.
Impressions from people who somehow already have copies of The Evil Within are mostly glowing. They keep throwing around phrases like "the real sequel to Resident Evil 4" and such. The game seems to be about 15-17 hours long, is filled with variety, has an interesting story, and gets really challenging at times even on Normal mode. Also, apparently the PS3 version (and I assume, by proxy, the 360 version) is rock solid.
Sounds great to me! :thumbup:
While I could get this game for my. Birthday, I think that I'll hold off until Christmas since I just don't have that much time for such a long game right now.
I'll let you know how it is when I finish it. :)
Quote from: Foggle on October 11, 2014, 01:17:55 AM
Also, apparently the PS3 version (and I assume, by proxy, the 360 version) is rock solid.
That's excellent news to hear. I was concerned if it was even going to be ported to the PS3 at all. I'm not making the move to a PS4 for a while yet. 8-)
Well, while the last gen version of TEW apparently runs well enough, here's a graphical comparison (stolen from GAF):
Damn, it almost looks like a completely different game. Will definitely be double dipping when I eventually get a PS4.
Eh, I really don't care that much about graphics. It's one of those things that becomes almost completely superficial with most games once your eyes adjust to it. If the 360/PS3 version were to have frame rate issues, though, then that'd be a different matter entirely, since that actually affects gameplay.
Graphics aren't super important, but I'd rather play the game in the way it was intended to look. The PS4 version looks atmospheric and detailed while the PS3 version looks muddy and dated. Since I'm getting a PS4 someday anyway, I'd have no reason not to buy it again if it turns out well; Mikami's games are never not worth playing over and over.
If it looks muddy and dated, then that means bad art design. For instance, I find that RE4 still looks excellent from a design standpoint. The textures are dated, but the environments and use of lighting still hold up to this day, as do the character models. If games don't have interesting looking levels and characters to begin with, then the best graphics in the world won't help because, quite frankly it won't be the best for long. Even with how much better the XBONE and PS4 versions look, they'll look just as dated in about 5-10 years, hence why I wouldn't buy this game again, myself, even if I did eventually get one of those consoles.
To put things in perspective, I just replayed Gears of War 1 not long ago, and the brown and gray dominant color scheme makes the game look so ugly to me now, when it used to look really impressive to me in terms of graphics. In contrast, The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker, an older game on a much less powerful system, looks far better to me than that game, because the art design holds up far better (and keep in mind, I'm talking about the SD version here, not including any graph I'll enhancements from the HD port).
Quote from: Dr. Ensatsu-ken on October 11, 2014, 10:20:30 PM
If it looks muddy and dated, then that means bad art design. For instance, I find that RE4 still looks excellent from a design standpoint. The textures are dated, but the environments and use of lighting still hold up to this day, as do the character models. If games don't have interesting looking levels and characters to begin with, then the best graphics in the world won't help because, quite frankly it won't be the best for long. Even with how much better the XBONE and PS4 versions look, they'll look just as dated in about 5-10 years, hence why I wouldn't buy this game again, myself, even if I did eventually get one of those consoles.
I'm talking about the technical aspect, not the art style. You can see the cracks and crevices in every stair, you can see the water dripping from the roof, Sebastian's jacket and hair have actually changed states due to being wet, the pillars look completely different, the lighting and shadows are both about 3x better. The game's graphics have been downgraded because the intended version is not capable of running at an acceptable frame rate on old hardware. The art style of TEW is fantastic, and while the last gen version doesn't look awful, the current gen version is head and shoulders above last gen's in every capacity.
QuoteTo put things in perspective, I just replayed Gears of War 1 not long ago, and the brown and gray dominant color scheme makes the game look so ugly to me now, when it used to look really impressive to me in terms of graphics. In contrast, The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker, an older game on a much less powerful system, looks far better to me than that game, because the art design holds up far better (and keep in mind, I'm talking about the SD version here, not including any graph I'll enhancements from the HD port).
Okay, but if Nintendo made a new Zelda game on the Wii U with the exact same art style as Wind Waker, obviously the newer one would look better than the GameCube one because of technological advances. I'm not comparing The Evil Within to Resident Evil, I'm comparing the PS3 version to the PS4 version.
My point was that all those extra "cracks and crevices" will still look extremely dated anyways by next gen, hence why I don't consider it a big deal that the last gen versions had to downgrade that stuff.
Quote from: Dr. Ensatsu-ken on October 11, 2014, 10:38:01 PM
My point was that all those extra "cracks and crevices" will still look extremely dated anyways by next gen, hence why I don't consider it a big deal that the last gen versions had to downgrade that stuff.
But like you said, it's the art style that keeps games looking good in the future. The intended art style has been compromised by the old hardware, resulting in far inferior textures and lighting - both of which are a major part of the art design, especially in a horror game. There is a difference between comparing Unreal Tournament 3 to Unreal Tournament 2004 and comparing The Evil Within on PS4 to The Evil Within on PS3. The art style does not shine through as well on the PS3 because it does not handle the graphics in the intended way, and concession to be made to accommodate this. If REmake were released on the N64, with no differences in actual art design, and the game was exactly the same except for downgraded textures and lighting, the art style would not have come across nearly as well. My previous Zelda example was a bad one, I admit.
Here's another example of this, from a released product.
This is Hitman: Blood Money on the 360:
It's an old game, but it still looks good due to its vibrant and almost cartoon-like art style.
Now here is Hitman: Blood Money on the PS2:
Same game, same level, but downgraded textures and lighting. The art style fails to shine through like it does on the 360, the colors are all washed out, and the little graphical details on the rocks and such are gone.
But in that example, you're using two shots from completely different parts of the game. The one you used for the 360 version looks good artistically, but the shot from the PS2 version doesn't, HOWEVER it's also from a much less interesting looking area in the game from what I can tell. I'd need to see screenshots of the exact same location to make a proper comparison.
As for The Evil Within, I'll need to see both versions in motion to make a comparison there as well, but I still think that there's a discrepancy between what counts as graphical finesse and art design that we aren't seeing on the same level. When you take stuff like really specific textures into account, I tend to think more along the lines of graphical power. If we're talking about added details in the design, than perhaps you have a point there, but then I fail to understand how they couldn't have added those artistic details into the game in the first place.
For instance, take Halo: Combat Evolved and its Anniversary edition. The Anniversary edition clearly looks better because of some obvious HD upgrades, but more so because of added artistic details in the environments. However, I can't help but feel that in this case, the original version could've handled those sorts of details, but Bungie had never thought to add them, so when 343 revamped the game, they decided to add in interesting patterns within the structures to make the environments feel less plane. I'm actually surprised that you didn't just use that example, yourself. It fits in better with your point, but also kind of defends mine as well, if that makes any sense at all. :P
In fact, here's an example of what I'm talking about:
For one thing, both versions of the game look dated by modern graphics standards, anyways, going in with my point about how sharper graphics ultimately don't mean all that much to me. However, those extra details in the Anniversary version make it look better for sure, but those patterns on the wall are what I consider an art design improvement over a graphical one. They aren't super complex details, and I think that those could've been put into the regular XBOX version. It's just that 343 were actually pretty clever by adding in that design to make the level look less plane, whereas Bungie didn't do it because back when they designed the game, they were going for a different look.
Quote from: Dr. Ensatsu-ken on October 11, 2014, 11:17:34 PM
But in that example, you're using two shots from completely different parts of the game. The one you used for the 360 version looks good artistically, but the shot from the PS2 version doesn't, HOWEVER it's also from a much less interesting looking area in the game from what I can tell. I'd need to see screenshots of the exact same location to make a proper comparison.
For what it's worth, while you were making your post, I swapped out the 360 image for one from almost exactly the same area of the game, including the same guard clothes. I couldn't do much better, unfortunately, as it's hard to find pictures of the PS2 version.
Quote from: Dr. Ensatsu-ken on October 11, 2014, 11:17:34 PM
As for The Evil Within, I'll need to see both versions in motion to make a comparison there as well, but I still think there's a discrepancy between what counts as graphical finesse and art design that we aren't seeing on the same level. When you take stuff like really specific textures into account, I tend to think more along the lines of graphical power. If we're talking about added details in the design, than perhaps you have a point thee, but then I fail to understand how they couldn't have added those artistic details into the game in the first place.
I think it's an engine thing. Honestly, there's no reason why the PS3/360 version couldn't look like that PS4 screenshot... but this game runs on Id Tech 5, which is notoriously bad at graphical scaling between consoles. When I say the PS3 version looks "muddy," I don't mean the art, I just mean that it's lacking in details and has bad lighting. The art style is great overall, even on the last gen ports; it just comes through a lot better with the intended current gen details.
QuoteFor instance, take Halo: Combat Evolved and it's anniversary edition. The Anniversary edition clearly looks better because of some obvious HD upgrades, but more so because of added artistic details in the environments. However, I can't help but feel that in this case, the original version could've handled those sorts of details, but Bungie had never thought to add them, so when 343 revamped the game, they decided to add in interesting patterns within the structures to make the environments feel less plane. I'm actually surprised that you didn't just use that example, yourself. It fits in better with your point, but also kind of defends mine as well, if that makes any sense at all. :P
Well, I think Halo for Xbox/PC still looks really good, and it also wasn't developed concurrently with the 360 version, so I didn't think it really fit in with the argument I was trying to make. Blood Money definitely looks better on 360/PC than PS2/Xbox, and they were developed at the same time by the same company. Basically, all I'm trying to say is that, since TEW has a good art style, it will age better on current gen consoles, because it gets to show off the staff's full artistic vision. No, the cracked stairs and Sebastian's wet hair won't be that impressive 10 years down the line, but it will show off the little details and atmospheric touches Tango had in mind for the game.
So we're specifically talking about downgrade ports here?
Perhaps in that case you have a point. But then that just goes back to what I said about performance. If the game performs as smoothly on the last gen consoles, then I ultimately won't care about the changes even if the current gen versions look better, and knowing Mikami, he'd prioritize frame rate over graphics.
Apparently he did; the game supposedly runs the same across all platforms, though last gen has slightly longer load times and some screen tearing.
I do want the current gen version for dem graphics but they don't mean so much to me that I'm going to wait to play the game or say the last gen version sucks. Besides, most of my favorite games are from the 90's/early-to-mid 00's, so it's not like I'm particularly fussed with graphics. I don't even think TEW PS3 looks bad in general, just in comparison. I probably never would have noticed much difference if I hadn't seen them side by side, honestly.
So in case anyone wondered what a Star Fox game made by Platinum would look like if they were ever to do one, here's a hint:
Seriously Nintendo, what are you waiting for? Green light this and make it an actual thing.
According to GT, who got their hands on the Japanese version of the game earlier this month, you have you have to be wearing the Star Fox costume when you play this level, and the normal design of the ship will turn into that of the Arwing. HOWEVER, it's not just a mere aesthetic change. You'll also get to use the lock-on bombs that are part if the Arwing's weapon arsenal, just like in Star Fox 64!
Oh, and you can do a barrel roll, naturally. ;)
Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on September 11, 2014, 09:57:53 PM
gunswordfist should be interested in this. (
An interesting experiment. Doom II meets DKC.
That was certainly interesting.
Quote from: Foggle on September 18, 2014, 01:04:24 AM
Oh my fucking god.
There has never been a game that's resonated more with me than this one. Kojima Productions is poised to win this entire generation single-handedly as far as I'm concerned.
21 minutes...I'll have to set a time to watch that later. Sounds like I'm with you before I even watch this, brother. Stealth perfection has been one of the top things I've been dying to see.
Quote from: Foggle on October 11, 2014, 08:52:48 PM
Well, while the last gen version of TEW apparently runs well enough, here's a graphical comparison (stolen from GAF):
Damn, it almost looks like a completely different game. Will definitely be double dipping when I eventually get a PS4.
Definitely appreciate those comparison pics, Foggle. My eventual PS3 version may not look quite as pretty, but I still like what I see.
Quote from: Rynnec on October 01, 2014, 03:43:46 PM
Strider 2 releases on PSN next week. (
I want to play this game so badly.
Quote from: Lord Il on October 12, 2014, 06:23:12 PM
Definitely appreciate those comparison pics, Foggle. My eventual PS3 version may not look quite as pretty, but I still like what I see.
Yeah, it still looks decent enough. Getting to play the game is the most important part, after all!
Quote from: gunswordfist on October 12, 2014, 06:18:24 PM
21 minutes...I'll have to set a time to watch that later. Sounds like I'm with you before I even watch this, brother. Stealth perfection has been one of the top things I've been dying to see.
It's definitely worth it. :) The game looks sooooooo goooooood.
I'll be sure to check that out then. ;D
First Evil Within review is out.
Quote from: of the the most interesting things about famed Resident Evil creator Shinji Mikimi's latest is how much it feels like Silent Hill. While the influence of past Capcom classics is obvious - it plays like a cross between Resi remake's slow-burn horror and resource management while effortlessly slipping gears into the slasher-terror of Resi 4's action - The Evil Within's paranormal setting gives the director free reign to play with notions of reality in a way that resembles Team Silent's best.
Does the combination work? It does, even if The Evil Within doesn't hit the heights of Mikami's previous work. It's a game that expertly sustains a feeling of dread, and knows when to ratchet up the feeling of being utterly overwhelmed, first slowly then suddenly in a way that induces sheer panic, much like Resi 4 before it. But detective Sebastian Castellanos is no Leon S. Kennedy: there are no suplexes or diving out of windows here. Instead Castellanos is a man who struggles, who limps, who, like the player, has to fight tooth and nail to prevent the next enemy encounter being the last.
There's a satisfaction to combat that feels distinctly Mikami - every encounter is a test, a potential last stand, and it takes true skill to come out alive. Choices have to be made - do you use the various tricks and traps against your enemy, or break them down into ammo for your multi-purpose bow? It's up to you, which makes combat so much fun.
At times it feels like a Mikami megamix: it has the village with the chainsaw-wielding dude, another mansion, etc. But Mikami does this so well it's difficult to get annoyed. It's not unusual for directors in either film or games to recall past glories, and few do it better than Mikami. Even though this isn't his best, The Evil Within has enough magic to make it a worthy investment.
My backlog is going to get that much heavier...
I wasn't even going to bother listening to critics' reviews in the first place, but it's good to know that so far, at least one of them genuinely finds it to be a good game.
Yeah, I'm not really listening to their opinions, more their descriptions of what the game is like. REmake + Resident Evil 4 + Silent Hill 1-3 sounds positively exquisite, to me.
Doom 4, Wayforward TMNT, Hover, MGS IV The Phantom Pain, Odallus, The Iconoclasts, River City Ransom, Hong Kong Massacre, Ubusuna and the next Hitman are my other anticipated video games.
So, Bayonetta 2 is more than a week away from release, and it's already getting amazing reviews, with many claiming that it's the new killer app for the Wii-U. It's basically everything great about the first game but even more refined than ever before, with no frame rate issues (something that actually was a minor problem in the first game), and even tighter pacing. I really hope that this game sells well for Platinum. It really deserves to be a hit, and after The Wonderful 101 was such a financial flop, they could really use the support. I'd have specifically saved up for this and bought it day 1 if I actually had a Wii-U, even if I couldn't really play it until a couple of months from now due to my inflexible schedule.
The game kind of makes me sad in a way, though. Don't get me wrong, I'm beyond pleased to hear that it's great and that even the notoriously bad critics can see this for the gem of a game that it is. It's just that seeing how successful this is only makes it so much harder to stomach how my previously favorite hack n' slash series has fallen so goddamn hard. THIS is the kind of thing that I would love to hear people say about a Ninja Gaiden sequel. Instead it has been reduced to the laughing stock of the genre.
That said, I'm still so glad to at least see this game get so well-received. Like I said, this is easily going to be GOTY in my book. I can't see anything else topping it in terms of games that I would love to play.
It already bombed in Japan. Big surprise there.
The fact that Nintendo rescued this game (and is offering the original FOR FREE in the package) should be an incentive for all those whiners to pick the game up and put their money where their mouth is to make the series a success. At the very least, at least Platinum got to finish their game this time. I do hope Nintendo continues to work with Platinum (and others like Valhalla) after this for more new games after this, just as I wish Suda would get off the pot and make NMH3 for the Wii U already.
Going up against Smash, MK8, and Tropical Freeze gives it stiff competition for GOTY, but that just says more to the quality of games that came out this year. It's been a pretty good year for gaming outside of dealing with the actual industry.
I think that Nintendo knows that Platinum Games' titles wouldn't be super bit sellers to begin with. What I believe they are doing by helping rescue games from companies like this and Valhalla is to slowly but properly build themselves a dedicated hardcore fan base. At this point, while Sony and Microsoft are technically considered the consoles to cater more to hardcore gamers, they are slowly losing touch with that audience, IMO. I think that if Nintendo at least builds a better reputation for themselves this gen, then they'll once again be able to overtake the other two companies by next gen, since or at least Microsoft, who have really managed to piss off the hardcore fan base even before the XBONE came out.
So, I was thinking lately of how there aren't that many games that I'm excited for to come out on the whole compared to previous generations when I was way more into what games had on offer. It also brought back memories of games that I was SUPER excited for back when they were still in the process of coming out. To be quite frank, while there are plenty of games that I've looked forward to and been excited for in recent years, none have managed to hype me up to the levels of something like MGS5 for Foggle, or the next new Mario game for Desensitized. Yet, I can remember the specific times when I was ultra hyped for games to come out, and I have compiled this list of the games that I've very been the most excited for in my life. Now, mind you, this is not reflective of their actual quality ups release, as some of these were disappointments when I finally played them, but in terms of how pumped I was to play them before release, these are unrivaled to me in terms of the sheer hype factor behind them:
10. Mass Effect
The Anticipation- I fucking loved KOTOR, and while not as good as the original, I still really enjoyed KOTOR 2 as well. So, when I heard that the team behind that was making a brand new IP, I was super ecstatic. It was the first game that I was truly excited for last gen, and at that, I was way more excited than I ever was for ANY other game that gen EXCEPT for one. This looked to me like it was Gears of War combined with KOTOR, and since I loved Gears of War at the time, it looked like a match made in Heaven, to me.
Did it Live Up to Expectations- Hell no! I REALLY, REALLY tried to love this game, but I was really disappointed. The side quests were so dull and boring, the combat felt really clunky, and the abilities felt tacked on and strategically useless, unlike in the KOTOR games in which I felt rewarded for using them creatively in battle. And the weapons upgrading in this game just felt so pitiful to how it worked in KOTOR. Of course, to be fair, this game wasn't really meant to be KOTOR, but in my mind back then I couldn't look past that, and was disappointed, however, when I tried to replay the game years later, I still felt that it was boring, so really, it's just not my type of game.
9. Sonic the Hedgehog 2
The Anticipation- Alright, so this one is kind of cheating since the game was already out for quite a while, by this point, but I was 4 years old and very impressionable. My brother was hyping it up to me so much, since he said that we would be getting it with a BRAND NEW CONSOLE on Christmas, and he explained how Sonic was super cool and even better than Mario (and mind you, Mario was like one of the only 2 gaming icons that I even knew anything about at that point, with the other being Donkey Kong, and not even the DKC version either, which naturally blew my mind since anything that my older brother said just HAD to be true (that was my 4-year-old logic speaking). Naturally, I was so excited to play a game that I had honestly never even seen in action outside of some old commercials.
Did it Live Up to Expectations- I was fucking 4 years old. It could've been complete garbage and I would've convinced myself that it was the best thing ever just because my brother told me it was. Fortunately, the game was actually fucking awesome, and as my first Sonic game ever got me to fall in love with the series and really managed to surpass any expectations that I was even capable of conceiving at that point in time. The addition of 2-players with the ability to control Tails AT THE SAME TIME as Sonic also blew my mind, as I was just used to Mario's lackluster spin on 2-player mode at that point, so for once my brother and I didn't have to fight over who's turn it was to play the game (but naturally, we still did, anyways, just because we were brats). :P
8. Donkey Kong Country 2: Diddy's Kong Quest
The Anticipation- Like I just said, Mario and Donkey Kong were my first 2 gaming icons ever, and DKC was the only other game besides Super Mario World which I had actually ever beaten by that point in time (admittedly only with help from my brother,though, because I sucked). No shit was I going to be excited for its sequel.
Did it Live Up to Expectations- Initially, yes, it totally impressed me. But then it got incredibly hard, and I hated hard, so I went through a period of hating the game and thinking that the first was better. However, it was more than 10 years later when I finally replayed the first 3 games and realized just how brilliant the game really was, so you could say that it did live up to my expectations, even if it took me more than a decade to realize that. :D
7. Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II
The Anticipation- I loved the first game. I already went I to that when I explained Mass Effect. The only thing stopping me from anticipating it even more was that it literally came out just a year later, and for me it was less than a year since I didn't even play the first game until earlier that same year, so I didn't quite have long enough of a wait to satiate my anticipation of it.
Did it Live Up to Expectations- it was slightly weaker than what I wanted, and I felt that it dragged in some parts, but honestly I was still pleased with the game, overall. It's definitely way better than Mass Effect at least, in my eyes.
6. Soul Calibur 2
The Anticipation- I played the fucking hell out of Soul Calibur on the DC. I bear Missions Mode, unlocked every character, and regularly played against my cousin and my brother in matches. I have never been more hyped for any other fighting game in my entire life.
Did it Live Up to Expectation- Was George Washington the first President of the United States of America? No fucking shit. If you know anything about me, you know that it's my favorite fighting game of all time. It's just fact.
5. The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask
The Anticipation- It should be understood that I used to watch my brother play these sorts of adventure games way before I ever tried them on my own. So, by the time that I actually played and completed OoT for myself, it was less than a year before MM came out, so much like with KOTOR 2, I didn't have quite enough time to satiate my hype level for it, which is the only reason that it's not higher than this. That, and the fact that it was just about kid Link kind of lowered my expectations at the time, since I was shallow and thought that adult Link was super cool. Still, it was a direct sequel to my favorite game of all time up to that point. Of course I was excited for if.
Did it Live Up to Expectations- Initially, I was disappointed. I didn't like the 3-day system replacing the standard save feature, and didn't even understand how the owl statues worked. I got stuck early on in the game and gave up on it. It wasn't until I dug out my old N64 and a copy of this game a few years later when I finally played it from start to finish and learned to appreciate it. In truth, it's an excellent game, and a very worthy successor to OoT, though the former is still my favorite Zelda game in the entire series.
4. Sonic Adventure 2
The Anticipation- At this point in time, unlike with the original Sonic 2, I was actually a HUGE fan of the Sonic games. I also loved the first Sonic Adventure to death, which was previously one of my favorite games, so when this one was in the process of coming out, I could barely wait. In fact, this is the first game that was ever actually painful for me to wait for. I really wanted to play it that badly.
Did it Live Up to Expectations- Hell yes! At least, initially. Now that my nostalgia goggles are off? Well, I can fully admit that both of the SA games are incredibly flawed, but I still love them both and will never agree with ANYONE who calls them bad games. I still appreciate them for what they are and the rest of you ass-holes need to stop being such dicks to them. :bleh:
3. Super Mario World 2: Yoshi's Island
The Anticipation- Super Mario World was the first game that I ever played in my entire life, or at the very least the first game that I ever remember having played since I was born. Just let that fact sink in for a moment. I really shouldn't need to explain more than that. The only other thing to say was that, this was before the Internet was the common go-to place for videogames news, so how did I learn about this game? Through a magazine, of course! My brother used to subscribe to a monthly videogame magazine, but the funny thing is that, admittedly, I don't even remember which one it was! It was either Nintendo Power or EGM, but honestly, the magazine itself wasn't important. As soon as I learned that they were making a game with Super Mario World 2 in the title, I lost my mind in the best way possible (mind you, this also caused DKC2 to be much lower on my list, since it absolutely DWARFED it in comparison when it came to my anticipation levels).
Did it Live Up To Expectations- Just look at ANY top 10 list of my favorite games of all time that I have posted up anywhere in this board. Question answered.
2. Halo 2
The Anticipation- I already discussed this extensively on the Halo thread, but I fucking loved Halo: Combat Evolved. It singlehandedly got me into the first person shooter genre. The campaign mode was excellent and I had played it many times over, both in single-player and co-op. The multiplayer was the freshest gaming experience that I had ever had up to that point in my life. I had to wait 3 years for this game to come out, and believe me, that wait felt like an eternity for me.
Did it Live Up to Expectations- I REALLY wanted to love this game. Initially I convinced myself that it was great. In retrospect, though, it was the weakest Bungie-developed Campaign mode in the series, by far. The bad levels just really outweighed the good ones. The mutiplayer was great, but I'm one of the few who finds both Halo 1 and 3 to be legitimately more fun due to less balance issues, and even with a great multiplayer, I didn't have XBOX Live at that time, so I could really only enjoy it split screen unless I went to a friend's house who did have XBL. It's not a bad game, by any means, but compare to the original,and for how hyped I was for this game, it was a massive disappointment for me.
1. Ninja Gaiden 2 (XBOX360)
The Anticipation- Ninja Gaiden Black is the greatest action game ever made. Anyone who says otherwise is wrong. That was my mindset ever since I first played that game, and when I finally heard a sequel announced to it, and better yet saw actual gameplay footage of it at TGS 2007, my hype levels were through the roof. I have NEVER been even CLOSE to being as excited for ANY other game in history, and I doubt that I'll ever feel that excited for any game ever again. This was the equivalent of anticipating what you were expecting to be the greatest game ever made in your entire life.
Did it Live Up to Expectations- Well, it certainly wasn't the greatest game ever made, nor my new favorite video game. I slowly came to the realization that the game was rushed out the door in order to meet a deadline, and thus a game with the potential to be amazing fell far short of what it was truly capable if because it quite frankly just wasn't even finished, being full of balance issues and glitches. It's an incredibly flawed game, and in the grand scheme of things, is no doubt a massive disappointment for me. Yet the game found its cult. It hit a sweet spot that earned it a niche fan base, a and do you know what? I'm one of those fans. For all of its problems, I really did learn to love the game for what it is, rather than what I wanted it to be. It may be a bit of a mess, but it's a really, really good mess with a lot of heart put behind its design. It's about as far from perfect as you can get for a game that should've been so much better than it is in the first place, but it also has my favorite combat in any game ever made, has some truly awesome and creative enemies to fight, and overall just makes me feel good do play....when it's working right, which admittedly isn't all of the time. Still, it's a game that I do truly appreciate now, but as a sequel to my favorite game ever and the game that I anticipated more than any other game ever made, yeah, it inevitably couldn't meet up to my insanely high expectations.
Games we were hyped by? Okay, I'll try some.
10. Halo 2
The anticipation - Halo 1 was, after Perfect Dark, our most played multiplayer FPS. Not to mention, the single player was incredibly engrossing with lots of open areas, multiple ways to play and explore, and different combat situations. It was THE reason to get the original Xbox. Suffice to say, I was just as hyped as EVERYONE was when it was in development. At the time, Bungie could really do no wrong.
Did it Live Up to Expectations - Not at all. Unfortunately, neither my friends nor I played much online multiplayer, so online didn't mean much to us. I didn't really like the weapon balance, either. Then came the single player. It was the only Halo campaign I've never replayed, nor played through co-op. Bungie more than dropped the ball. They fumbled it off the field and into oncoming traffic. That said, it was a well-made game, but still one of my biggest disappointments.
9. Super Mario 64
The anticipation - It was 3D Mario. Early impressions called it revolutionary and the greatest game of all time. What was more to be said? You ran and jump as Mario but it was in THREE DIMENSIONS! This was the era where all you had to say was that the game was 3D and it earned instant accolades. This was the 32 bit generation where more power meant better games. A mantra that has never died since.
Did it Live Up to Expectations - I'm the only person in the world who would say "No." Super Mario 64 is the game that nearly killed my interest in platforming games. Or I should say, it's copies did by aping everything it did only worse. That said, the game has been overpraised everywhere as the greatest platformer or game ever made and I have never been able to shake my initial dissatisfaction with it. Too many things jarred with me. You can move and jump in a bunch of different directions, which is nice, but none of the level design calls for it. You replay the same level six times with minor variations which gets more aggravating as the game goes because the level design deteriorates as the game goes on. There are no power-ups that aren't timed, which is a downgrade from the 2D games. There are levels with barely any platforming outside of "collect things" and none of the platforming is very inventive outside of a small handful of levels. The hub world is boring and a waste of time. About the only thing about this game I thought was great was the Bob-omb Battlefield track. The worst part? It took over two generations for me to finally get Mario platformers I liked again.
8. Jak & Daxter
The anticipation - The creators of the PS1 Crash Bandicoot games are not only making a new series, but it's open world platforming! Go wherever you want to go and do whatever you want! No loading times! Tight controls! Considering the Crash games were some of my favorites at the time (still think those games rock) I couldn't have been more hyped.
Did it Live Up to Expectations - Initially no. I thought it lacked excitement and was boring. Then the sequel came up with its changed tone and I kind of lost interest with the series. Then I replayed it years later and realized I had projected it to be Crash 4 instead of its own thing. What I found was a carefully designed platformer with a lot of personality and character and the game that nailed the collectathon thing Mario 64 started and made it engaging. I eventually even ended up playing and beating the sequels. So, this entry would be my fault for missing the boat.
7. Timesplitters
The anticipation - PS2 launch title made by Rare's FPS team. If there was a way to measure hype, I'm sure mine still would have been off the charts. Custom levels. Different time periods. This was like my dream FPS. It was one of the first games I put in my PS2.
Did it Live Up to Expectations - I essentially bought a beta for Timesplitters 2. The multiplayer was excellent, though. The weapons, time periods, and gameplay, was tight enough that it didn't entirely disappoint me, but it was the next two games that finally delivered on the game I really wanted this to be.
6. Sonic Colors / Sonic the Hedgehog 4: Episode 1
The anticipation - There really wasn't any for Colors. Sonic Unleashed wasn't that good, but I was expecting this to be at least mediocre. Then Sonic 4 was announced and I went ballistic. Yet, as impressions floated in as the game's went along in development, my opinions and anticipation on both switched. Sonic 4 botched something as simple as controls and basic platforming psychics (I'm not talking about rolling here, but basic movements like losing all momentum when letting go of the control pad) while Sonic Colors was directly addressing all the issue I had with 3D Sonic games since Heroes came out. It was a weird situation.
Did it Live Up to Expectations - Sonic 4 ended up being the biggest disappointment in the Sonic series. Sonic Colors ended up being the blueprint that brought Sonic back from irrelevance and made it a fun platformer again. Sonic Colors was great, not perfect, but a HUGE step up from the games he was getting shoehorned in for a long time. Sonic 4 was a mediocre platformer that became forgotten 15 seconds after release.
5. The Legend of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds
The anticipation - The first traditional top down Zelda since Minish Cap had me at the first reveal. The more they announced, the more my interest grew. No gimmicks like the DS games. No bloat like TP. No corridors like SS. Just going back to old school top down design and working from there. Being that top down Zeldas are some of my favorite games, I was more than excited for this. You could explore any dungeon you want! Buy any tool you wanted from the get-go! All this and the clever (as always) dungeon designs had me on edge! The most excited I had been for a Zelda game since Minish Cap.
Did it Live Up to Expectations - YES. ALBW not only exceeded my hype, it proved to be one of the very best Zelda games. After worrying for so long that the Zelda team would never get back to basics, they finally did with this game, which brings new anticipation for the Wii U game that they will do the same there.
4. Mega Man 9
The anticipation - Mega Man is back. Classic Mega Man. They cut the fat and bloat of Mega Man 8 and went back to Mega Man 2's simple jump and shoot pattern. Sure it's a download, but it's Mega Man! It's not like it could be very long, right? After suffering through MMX6 and X7, the end of the Zero series, the disappointment of ZX, the death of Legends, and the tumble into irrelevance the blue bomber was suffering due to horrendous brand management, this was my great white hope.
Did it Live Up to Expectations - Mega Man 9 is one of my all-time favorite games. So what does that tell you? This was the Mega Man 4 I never got on the NES. Every weapon, every level, every enemy, every boss, every track, is the most polished ever in the series leading to the sharpest game in the series since the NES and one of the best of all. It's only such a shame that some people couldn't get passed the "It's too hard" complaint to enjoy one of the best games of the previous generation.
3. Super Mario Galaxy 2
The anticipation - The reason I didn't list the original Galaxy here is because I wasn't anticipating it. Super Mario 64 still disappointed me (I have never given a game more chances, I swear) and Super Mario Sunshine enhanced everything I disliked about it while adding MORE problems. So when Galaxy came out as pure obstacle course platforming in three dimensions, I was taken aback. THIS was the game I wanted back on my N64. Why did it take Miyamoto, Koizumi, et all, to finally make this game? So when Nintendo announced a sequel to the best 3D Mario game, I flipped out. Could they make it even better? Could this be the SMB1 to SMB3 for the 3D series? For the first time since SM64, a new 3D Mario was an exciting prospect to me.
Did it Live Up to Expectations - I consider Super Mario Galaxy 2 to be the best 3D platformer ever made. Not only did they iron out the small things I disliked about the first game (random comet stars, timed power-ups, a boring hub), they made the level design even better and finally in a 3D Mario game do we get Yoshi who doesn't dissolve in water, power-ups that last until you get hit (Don't you just like being rewarded for having skill?), and a straightforward world map without a dull hub to traverse. About the only thing I disliked were getting some of the green stars and two or three of the later levels, but even then, those were optional. SMG2 is one of the best games ever. Haters step back.
2. Sonic the Hedgehog 3
The anticipation - You know, it's weird. I know so many people who liked Sonic 2, and own Sonic & Knuckles, yet few who seemed to play this game. I mean, I was hyped so much for this to come out. Screenshots looked tight, the game looked fun, and it was more Sonic. Who wouldn't be excited?
Did it Live Up to Expectations - People complain about the length now, but no one really noticed at the time. It took me forever to even get to Launch Base, never mind see the credits. Everything about this game exceeded my expectations. More exploration, I could fly as Tails, the way the story was done, the soundtrack. I was more than happy as this for a Sonic 2 sequel. Then I locked it on to Sonic & Knuckles when that came out. Whole new level of hype there.
1. Super Mario Bros. 3
The anticipation - I don't remember when I started playing video games, but I had always been playing Super Mario Bros. since I could remember. I also, like everyone I knew, thought SMB2 was awesome. So when I heard the third game would be out soon, naturally I assumed it would be the best game ever.
Did it Live Up to Expectations - It was the best game ever. As you can see from earlier games on my list, I had been disappointed both because the developers dropped the ball and due to my own skewed perceptions. But even as an over-hyped little kid who had ridiculous expectations, Super Mario Bros. 3 did everything I wanted it to do. It controlled better than the original, it had more level types and more to do, and every play-through yielded something new. I can still play this game and enjoy as much now as I did back then. It's just a fantastic game all around. Sometimes a good amount of hype can be a good thing. ;)
Interesting choices.
I remember that Sonic 3 literally JUST released like a month or two after my brother and I first got Sonic 2, and I hadn't even beaten that game yet. The funny thing is that I still would've wanted Sonic 2, anyways, but I didn't even know that it was coming out because I was VERY out of the loop of gaming news at that age.
Also, seeing you list SMB3 makes me realize just how young I am. I wasn't even born when that game came out in Japan (and it came out on the exact day and month of my birthday, so it's EXACTLY 1 year older than I am), and I was barely a few months old when it finally came out in North America.
As for SM64, I do personally find that game to be a lot of fun, but I think the problem is that it was never really meant to be like the 2D Mario games in a 3D setting. I feel like Miyamoto wanted to create something completely new by experimenting with the possibilities of creating a game in a 3D world. That said, fans of the 2D games wanted a game that felt more like the traditional Mario, so they were left disappointed. In that regard, I can understand why you dislike it. That said. I disagree with the notion that it was inky so highly praised because it was in 3D and had more power than any of the SNES games to generate a bigger world. If that were true, the game wouldn't still have such a devoted fan base and be so fondly remembered. The game was praised because it was legitimately well-designed for its time and helped pave the way for many future 3D platformers. It's just that it wasn't the game that you and other Mario fans actually wanted, hence why I can understand the the disdain for it, but at the same time, don't view it as being over praised.
Quote from: talonmalon333 on October 15, 2014, 08:01:34 PM
Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on October 15, 2014, 07:21:58 PM
3. Super Mario Galaxy 2
Haters step back.
They exist?
There are people who not only consider it worse than the original, but the worst 3D Mario game overall.
I guess it just can't compete with the silly challenges of Sunshine or 64. Those compulsory blue coins, am I right?
Quote from: Dr. Ensatsu-ken on October 15, 2014, 08:27:26 PMAs for SM64, I do personally find that game to be a lot of fun, but I think the problem is that it was never really meant to be like the 2D Mario games in a 3D setting. I feel like Miyamoto wanted to create something completely new by experimenting with the possibilities of creating a game in a 3D world. That said, fans of the 2D games wanted a game that felt more like the traditional Mario, so they were left disappointed. In that regard, I can understand why you dislike it. That said. I disagree with the notion that it was inky so highly praised because it was in 3D and had more power than any of the SNES games to generate a bigger world. If that were true, the game wouldn't still have such a devoted fan base and be so fondly remembered. The game was praised because it was legitimately well-designed for its time and helped pave the way for many future 3D platformers. It's just that it wasn't the game that you and other Mario fans actually wanted, hence why I can understand the the disdain for it, but at the same time, don't view it as being over praised.
I have tried so hard to like this game. I've never had it click with me even so long after it came out and have given it countless chances. I tease you about SMW every now and then, but I played so much of that when it came out and, even if I didn't think it topped SMB3, I still thought it was an incredible game. I still do now.
SM64 just doesn't really do anything I particularly like. Some levels like Tick Tock Clock or Whomp's Fortress show flashes of what I imagined from a 3D platformer (Get to the top! Don't fall!) but most of the time I was just hobbling through levels that bored me. Coming off of a streak of SMB3, SMW, and YI, I couldn't help but be disappointed.
Though at least it was no Yoshi Story.
Like I said, I understand that, and I like those games better as well. I'm just saying that I personally find SM64 to be fun because I see it as its own thing and don't directly compare it to any other Mario game. I'm not trying to explain why you or anyone else should like it. I'm just explaining why I (and others) enjoy it for what it is. I enjoyed the levels because I liked exploring them and playing through them, platforming or not.
Quote from: Dr. Ensatsu-ken on October 15, 2014, 08:43:32 PM
Like I said, I understand that, and I like those games better as well. I'm just saying that I personally find SM64 to be fun because I see it as it's own thing and don't directly compare it to any other Mario game. I'm not trying to explain why you or anyone else should like it. I'm just explaining why I (and others) enjoy it for what it is. I enjoyed the levels because I liked exploring them and playing through them, platforming or not.
Out of curiosity, what did you think of Sunshine?
Honestly, I've never actually played it outside of a few minutes of a demo they had at a Best Buy. I didn't own a GC so I always just borrowed the one that my cousin had, and only played games that he bought (which is how I was able to play The Wind Waker and Melee). He avoided buying Sunshine because of the mixed reception to it.
Update on Devil's Third (
Seems Itagaki has been working really hard on this.
I saw that back in the same article where Itagaki said that DOA5 sucks. :sly:
If nothing else, I fully trust in Itagaki's ability to make a game that plays and controls well. Whether you like DOA games or not, you can't deny the fluidity of the action and the responsiveness of the controls. With Ninja Gaiden, it has some of the most intuitive combat mechanics in gaming to this very day (or at least the first 2 games do). As for the PS2 quality graphics, I actually don't care that much about it because graphics alone mean that little to me. My problem is that the combat in the E3 showing still looked a bit too clunky, but to be fair the game is still a long way from being done. Other than that, it felt like there were some bugs that needed to be worked out, and more importantly, I wasn't a fan of how the aiming automatically switched from third person to first person view. Since Itagaki is insisting that the mechanic is intentional and works better than it looks, I suppose I'll reserve my judgement until I actually try the game. To be fair, Gears of War 3 had a similar mechanic with one particular gun, and it worked pretty well in that game, so I can imagine it working in this game. Still, I'd prefer the entire game to be in third person since it would just allow the action to flow a lot better. At any rate, I saw some info indicating that the game won't be releasing until December of next year, which means that it's a full year off, giving Valhalla plenty of development time left to work out the kinks. Unfortunately, this game just isn't going to be the hit that Itagaki and team want, which I can tell by just looking at the game now. That said, if they really put their heart into it and craft a really entertaining action game (which many people from this team have certainly done before), then it'll at least get a deservedly strong cult following, if nothing else.
Remember Mario Maker? New info was just unveiled for it:
- Super Mario Bros. 3 and World visual styles included
- add coins to bullet blocks
- giant sprites for enemies
- reconfirmed for 2015
- Miyamoto says Mario Maker could become a series of its own
Video here (
Oh yeah, and Codename Steam will have local and online multiplayer.
That retro PS4 is damn sexy. But if they're really only making 12,000 of the things, I'm noit getting y hopes up. And that was enough to make me finally want to hop on the train too.
Yakuza 5 is getting an English release!!!! Digital download only but I don't even care at this point! Yakuza 5 in English!!!!!!! :joy: :joy: :joy:
when's it coming out?
Next summer. No actual release date yet.
So I'm thinking I'll try to get a Wii U by late 2015. By then, it will have Star Fox and Zelda, which I will get alongside Super Mario 3D World and DK: Tropical Freeze. Currently, I don't have the money to get it, nor does it have enough games to justify the purchase, unless I'm forgetting some. What good exclusives does it have other than those games I mentioned?
Quote from: talonmalon333 on December 18, 2014, 09:32:45 PM
So I'm thinking I'll try to get a Wii U by late 2015. By then, it will have Star Fox and Zelda, which I will get alongside Super Mario 3D World and DK: Tropical Freeze. Currently, I don't have the money to get it, nor does it have enough games to justify the purchase, unless I'm forgetting some. What good exclusives does it have other than those games I mentioned?
If you have no other HD systems or play much on PC, there are quite a few.
Here are some:
Captain Toad: Treasure Tracker
Super Smash Bros. for Wii U
Bayonetta 2 (Includes Bayonetta)
Hyrule Warriors (If you like Dynasty Warriors games)
Mario Kart 8
Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze
Super Mario 3D World
The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker HD
The Wonderful 101
Rayman Legends
Pikmin 3
LEGO City: Undercover
New Super Mario Bros. U
New Super Luigi U
Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed
Sonic Lost World (Not amazing, but fun)
Shovel Knight
DuckTales: Remastered
Guacamelee! Super Turbo Championship Edition
Scram Kitty and his Buddy on Rails
NES Remix
NES Remix 2
Child of Light
Toki Tori
Toki Tori 2
Mighty Switch Force: Hyper Drive Edition
Mighty Switch Force 2
Stealth Inc 2: A Game of Clones
Costume Quest 2
Giana Sisters: Twisted Dreams
Mutant Mudds Deluxe
BIT.TRIP Presents: Runner 2 Future Legend of Rhythm Alien
Nano Assault Neo
Trine 2: Director's Cut
There's also some good exclusive VC games not on the Wii or 3DS like Earthbound, Mega Man Zero, and Demon's Crest. That list is assuming you don't play much on PC or other systems, as well.
The system has kept me busy enough.
Am I literally the only person excited for Mario Maker?
It looks sweet as hell.
Quote from: Kiddington on December 22, 2014, 01:10:10 PM
Am I literally the only person excited for Mario Maker?
It looks sweet as hell.
I'm more excited to play other people's levels, honestly. I'm not good at designing levels.
So, is the Wii U Virtual Console going to get GameCube and DS games, as well as the DKC games?
Quote from: talonmalon333 on December 23, 2014, 06:14:28 PM
So, is the Wii U Virtual Console going to get GameCube and DS games, as well as the DKC games?
DS and the DKC games are yes.
Gamecube hasn't been confirmed yet.
I'm not sure why they haven't announced GameCube games yet. The system is, like, over two years old now. That's like 1/3 of the Wii's entire lifespan. Assuming they're even going to, they should pick up the pace.
N64 and DS games still aren't there yet, never mind the third party console I'm waiting to return from the Wii.
Whoever is in charge of the VC needs to pick it up.
I'd really like to see Thousand-Year Door on Virtual Console so it can be playable on the Wii U. Most of my favorite GameCube games have gotten re-released and can be played on current generation things, but that's still stuck in the GameCube era. And I doubt it'll get get a real port, so Virtual Console seems most likely.
Whoever's in charge of the VC should have been fired over a year ago. We should have had so much more on there by now. So much more.
News on Devil's Third:
Quote"It looks like Devil's Third for Wii U is just about done. It's been two years spent on designs, and four, six years of development. We've really kept all of you fans waiting, but for our first title since going independent, it wouldn't be fun if we released a small game, so [Devil's Third] is the result of making something while going all out.
The single player is made to be like the action games of yesteryear and the online competitive multiplayer mode was designed on a scale that will make you go 'this much already?!' The release date announcement will still take a little longer, but let's play together when it releases. It's loads of fun!!"
Here's hoping the final product is worth that wait.
Apparently it's been improved a lot since the videos released earlier in the year. Those didn't impress me much, but Itagaki and his team can make a damn good game, and I'm sure the finished product will be awesome.
Seeing as how I was already impressed by the Treehouse footage, hearing that it's been improved since then has me more hyped for the game now.
This'll probably be the game that satisfies by thirst for good, violent shooters this gen.
Here's the thing (and I've already said this before), but the crudeness of that E3 showing can basically be attributed to this game being forced to run on the Unreal Engine when it was never originally designed for that. At first Itagaki was doing fine developing it for another engine until that company went bankrupt. Then he switched over to the Darksiders 2 engine, but then THQ went bankrupt, and finally they had to go independent and somewhere along the line decided that UE was one of their only remaining options for one reason or another (and also because it's commonly used for TPS games). Had this game been made the way that Itagaki originally intended without any of these unlucky events interfering with its development, then it would've blown our minds in awesomeness at its first showing alone. As it stands, while I don't doubt that the game will be packed with content and the product of much effort, if it doesn't turn out great, I think that we can all easily see how it wasn't really Itagaki or VGS's fault. It's just the nature of the business, which is why I will feel bad for them if the game doesn't do well.
Here's what I predict: It'll be a very flawed but really fun game past all of the issues. Critics will pan it badly because of bad graphics and stuff that I don'tcare about that much, and the game will undersell, but it will still earn a cult fan-base of core gamers who can appreciate it for what it does well.
Just the concept itself of being able to fight on multi-tiered stages using guns and melee weapons and running from rooftop to rooftop with Itagaki's mastery of great controls makes this more appealing than most TPS games that I've ever played. If Itagaki can just nail that part of it, that'll have been worth the wait alone, IMO.
Quote from: Dr. Ensatsu-ken on December 31, 2014, 07:54:41 AM
Here's the thing (and I've already said this before), but the crudeness of that E3 showing can basically be attributed to this game being forced to run on the Unreal engine when it was never originally designed for that. At first Itagaki was doing fine developing it for another Engine until that company went bankrupt. Then he switched over to the Darksiders 2 engine, but then THQ went bankrupt, and finally they had to go independent and somewhere along the line decided that UE was one of their only remaining options for one reason or another (and also because it's commonly used for TPS games). Had this game been made the way that Itagaki originally intended without any of these unlucky events interfering with its development, then it would've blown our minds in awesomeness at its first showing alone. As it stands, while I don't doubt that the game will be packed with content and the product of much effort, if it doesn't turn out great, I think that we can all easily see how it wasn't really Itagaki or VGS's fault. It's just the nature of the business, which is why I will feel bad for them if the game doesn't do well.
Makes sense. That first trailer from years ago looked so slick. If only Deep Silver had bought Devil's Third/Valhalla like they did with a bunch of THQ's other franchises/studios, then it would have still been able to use the DS2 engine, and it would have probably come out for more than one console. :(
From Itagaki's recent comments he said that the current build is much better than what was shown at E3. I think the E3 stuff was cobbled together because they needed something to show and creating a demo usually requires a lot of work (and is never the most recent build) so they used the version of the game while it was still being heavily reworked.
That said, it'll still get bad reviews. I'm going to say the complaints will be "Too confusing", "Too hard", and "The levels are too open" or a variant on those.
It'll most likely get knocked for looking like a last-gen game (even with improved graphics from E3, it's still the Unreal Engine, so I can't imagine the game looking very impressive, regardless), being too hard, and not conforming to what every other TPS does in terms of gameplay mechanics, even if the mechanics themselves are precise and solid.
A lot of people knocked NG2 for that and compared it to games like God of War, despite the fact that the mechanics were solid and just happened to take some actual skill to get good at using, and also that it's very fundamental style of gameplay is meant to. Be nothing like God of War or DMC. It's just Ninja Gaiden, and it's unique from any other hack n' slash games out there. I still have yet to see any game in the genre implement anything both cooler AND more fun and intuitive to use as a regular form of attack than Obliteration Techniques, personally.
Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on December 31, 2014, 01:27:07 PM
That said, it'll still get bad reviews. I'm going to say the complaints will be "Too confusing", "Too hard", and "The levels are too open" or a variant on those.
So, exactly what happened to The Evil Within, then...
TEW Wasn't critically panned though. Some critics really berated it, but a majority seemed to find it to be a good game with a bit too many "flaws," with many of the things that they criticized as flaws being completely intentional in design to make the game scarier and more challenging, but of course modern gamers don't get that. Some big sites still gave it really good reviews, though, such as GT, who are among the few sites that aren't inexplicably anti-old-school game design (which is why they almost always give Nintendo games fair reviews).
Good to have you back, Princess.
Codename S.T.E.A.M. ( is looking right up my alley. I already like Fire Emblem and Valkyria Chronicles, and I really dig Silver Age comic book stylings and classic literature, so this looks like it was tailor made for me.
I'm hoping my friend will lend me his Marth and Ike amiibos for that amiibo feature, because that looks really cool.
What exactly is the "New Nintendo 3DS"?
Quote from: talonmalon333 on January 29, 2015, 08:14:00 PM
What exactly is the "New Nintendo 3DS"?
It's a new 3DS model like the DSi is to the original DS.
It has a built-in C-stick, better screen, better battery, faster processor, and stronger 3D with head-tracking.
Basically if you don't have a 3DS yet, it's the model to get.
Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on January 29, 2015, 08:17:11 PM
Quote from: talonmalon333 on January 29, 2015, 08:14:00 PM
What exactly is the "New Nintendo 3DS"?
It's a new 3DS model like the DSi is to the original DS.
It has a built-in C-stick, better screen, better battery, faster processor, and stronger 3D with head-tracking.
Basically if you don't have a 3DS yet, it's the model to get.
I hear it's getting some games that can't be played on a regular 3DS, such as a Xenoblade port.
Quote from: talonmalon333 on January 29, 2015, 08:19:49 PM
Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on January 29, 2015, 08:17:11 PM
Quote from: talonmalon333 on January 29, 2015, 08:14:00 PM
What exactly is the "New Nintendo 3DS"?
It's a new 3DS model like the DSi is to the original DS.
It has a built-in C-stick, better screen, better battery, faster processor, and stronger 3D with head-tracking.
Basically if you don't have a 3DS yet, it's the model to get.
I hear it's getting some games that can't be played on a regular 3DS, such as a Xenoblade port.
Yes, it was made specifically for the New 3DS to take advantage of the faster processor.
It's also the ideal 3DS to play the 3DS versions of Metal Gear Solid: Snake Eater 3D, Kid Icarus Uprising, and Resident Evil Revelations.
I guess I haven't talked about Rodea the Sky Solider ( before.
Well, I mean, it's NiGHTS meets Rocket Knight Adventures headed by Yuji Naka. If it didn't go without saying that I was excited for it, I'll say it now.
I'm excited for this.
Looks great! Once they bring this to America along with Fatal Frame, my Wii U will be perfect. :swoon:
This music.
Fucking wow. :thumbup:
I CAN'T WAIT :joy: :joy: :joy:
It sure has taken awhile for this game to properly get revealed like this. But, then, Atlus is quite slow with their games.
i thought atlus was dead.
They better not be, I've got Etrian Mystery Dungeon on preorder for next month.
Quote from: gunswordfist on February 05, 2015, 04:43:44 PM
i thought atlus was dead.
They're the only part of Sega where it's still business as usual from what I can tell.
they were part of sega? i just remember their ps1 games.
Atlus was purchased by Sammy a couple years back IIRC. They own Sega too.
i still can't believe guilty gear guys bought sega. just seems...weird.
Found this on GoNintendo:
Tomonobu Itagaki, who is currently busy with Devil's Third, responded to requests about Fatal Frame V. He doesn't work on Fatal Frame, but was willing to give the following comment on his Facebook...
Quote''Hey guys, I strongly believe that Kikuchi Keisuke (producer) will release the Fatal Frame V in America, in many countries. He and me have same philosophy from Tecmo days. That's what I can say for now. I want you guys to read between the lines. Anyway I will play this game :)''
Yesssss!! :joy: :joy:
See, he may be an ass to most other developers, but Itagaki stands up for his old buddies. :thumbup:
well wait, he doesn't get along with a lot of his former co-workers lol
Apparently this is a leaked camera shot of the Ratchet & Clank PS4 game. It's basically nothing but I still can't contain my hype.
Clank shiny as fuck. I dig it.
It must be near complete now.
I'm hoping to get a Wii-U by the end of the year. While I know that this game won't do well with critics or most gamers, if it's even half as good as NGB, then it'll probably be my favorite game of the year.
I love how he somehow manages to be both charming and arrogant at the same time. ;D
I hope the game is as good as NG1 and 2. If so, it'll probably be one of my favorites of the year, though my Ratchet & Clank/Yakuza/Persona bias may prevent me from calling it #1. :D
Not to mention that Codename STEAM, Star Fox, and Zelda Wii U are out this year. There's a lot of good stuff up ahead.
In all honesty, without hyperbole, 2015 might be the best single year for video games since the mid-2000's. Both Wii U and PS4 definitely have an amazing year ahead, with Xbone's lineup not looking so shabby either (to say nothing of 3DS and PC exclusives). It's gonna' be grand. :joy:
Quote from: Dr. Ensatsu-ken on February 13, 2015, 07:11:35 PM
I'm hoping to get a Wii-U by the end of the year. While I know that this game won't do well with critics or most gamers, if it's even half as good as NGB, then it'll probably be my favorite game of the year.
You don't have a Wii either, so if you get a U you'll certainly have enough to keep you busy for a while!
As for this game, I just really want to see the most recent build. This E3 will probably give us the near-final version, so I'm really eager to see what they've managed to do with all their hard work.
Quote from: Foggle on February 13, 2015, 08:41:23 PMI love how he somehow manages to be both charming and arrogant at the same time. ;D
And I wouldn't have it any other way. I love his egotistical personality, and his attitude towards hyping the shit out of every new game that he's working on, swearing to everyone that it'll be "the best game ever!" If nothing else, it always gets me hyped. :joy:
I will say that, aside from the DOAX games (which to be fair don't really count since he worked on them as a hobby during his own time), I have never played a bad game made by Itagaki. Even if something like DOA isn't everyone's thing, none of them could rightfully be called bad games, especially with good critical and commercial success backing them. And the 3 NG games which he has worked on are excellent. So, even if DT may not be the best game ever, I still trust him to make a fun game.
Also, Metal Gear Solid 5.
easily my most anticipated.
That and Zelda. It's a close one.
Anyone else excited for TellTale's Game of Thrones game?
I consider them to be more interactive stories (with branching paths) than games, but yes, I've played and enjoyed the first 2 episodes, and am eager to see where the story goes next.
Star Fox Wii U allows traditional controls. (
Quote"Nintendo is planning on bringing Fox Mcloud out of retirement for a new entry on the Wii U. Fox will be able to fly his Arwing and seamlessly transform into a tank during certian sequences. Pilots can control the game either with their Gamepad's analog sticks or motion control. The game was very early in development and looked admittedly rought the last we saw of it, but we're hoping Fox gets the new, grand adventure he deserves."
Thank god. :)
I'm a little cautious as we all know the history of this series since the Nintendo 64 days. However, Miyamoto is on this one, right? And if I remember correctly, he worked on 64 but none of the games after. I have hopes for this game and am looking forward to it.
Not only is Miyamoto working on it, this is also the first Star Fox game since 64 to actually be developed by Nintendo and not outsourced.
I wonder how they'll do it. The only thing we needed back in the 64 days were the flying portions, but Nintendo might think that can't sustain a full game by today's standards.
I wouldn't mind land portions as long as they're actually fun and not headache-inducing like the ones from Assault. Though, really, as long as the game doesn't play out like creepy fanfiction for furries, I'll be happy.
I feel like Star Fox has a similar problem that modern Sonic games have had to deal with. The type of gameplay that we love would only really sustain about one or teo hours worth of gameplay. Adding too much more without careful thought and creativity put into each level would just make the experience feel too repetitive. Now, back in the day just a couple of hours of story mode was the norm. We got our money's worth from replay value. Today's gamers are spoiled, and want quantity over quality for their expensive $60+ retail games. So instead of a tight 2-hour platformer or rail shooter, we get a ton of filler gameplay that is poorly designed, dreadfully boring, and has nothing to do with the iconic gameplay that either series is famous for in the first place, all in the name of giving gamers their 8-hour campaign mode, regardless of the lack of quality.
How do we fix this? Why not skip retail and make a fun, challenging rail shooter with some variety of vehicles, make it a downloadable game, and charge around $15 for it? People seem to have the misconception that if something is cheaper and not retail, that it's not on the level of quality of a full-priced game, which IMO is utter BS because the amount of content alone speaks nothing about how great a game can be. I'd rather have a high quality rail shooter like Star Fox 64 with multiple routes and high replay value over a full-priced retail game with more than half of the game just being shitty filler.
Sin & Punishment Star Successor and HOTD: Overkill proves a modern retail game based around arcade gameplay can work. Star Fox's problem was that they needed to stick to the Arwing and Landmaster gameplay and focus on branching paths instead of trying to change what works.
Also, a decent multiplayer mode probably wouldn't hurt.
If I'm not mistaken, a lot of critics complained about Overkill being too short. You can only make an on-rails shooting game so long before the gameplay starts to feel stale.
Quote from: Dr. Ensatsu-ken on February 18, 2015, 03:56:24 PM
If I'm not mistaken, a lot of critics complained about Overkill being too short. You can only make an on-rails shooting game so long before the gameplay starts to feel stale.
Yeah. It was a great, highly replayable 3-4 hours. Pretty much everyone was fine with the length... except critics, who bitched about it constantly.
Nintendo needs to show players that a one hour game with replay value like Star Fox 64 can become eight hours. More, actually.
Quote from: Foggle on February 18, 2015, 04:19:09 PM
Quote from: Dr. Ensatsu-ken on February 18, 2015, 03:56:24 PM
If I'm not mistaken, a lot of critics complained about Overkill being too short. You can only make an on-rails shooting game so long before the gameplay starts to feel stale.
Yeah. It was a great, highly replayable 3-4 hours. Pretty much everyone was fine with the length... except critics, who bitched about it constantly.
They have done this with every arcade port since the PS1. I remember a bad review back in the day for Strider 2's PS1 port because it had no ten hour story mode and when I called the reviewer on it he basically said that the game should have been made differently then.
Game criticism, ladies and gentlemen.
In general, I feel like gamers don't mind a short length as much as critics. There are a lot of things in games that critics will tear apart games for, believing such things actually matter. Things that gamers are smart enough to realize don't really matter.
Here's hoping the new Star Fox is good, but I don't really care for any of the games except for 64. For one of Nintendo's more in demand series I don't really feel it has a good track record.
Quote from: Comeau on February 18, 2015, 04:39:01 PM
Here's hoping the new Star Fox is good, but I don't really care for any of the games except for 64. For one of Nintendo's more in demand series I don't really feel it has a good track record.
That's partially because 64 is the only one they actually made. This new one they're making is the second one they've ever made. I'm not quite sure they only ever made one of them. 64 proves a good Star Fox game is easy for them to make.
Sort of like Yoshi's Island. For some reason they've never made one themselves after the first one. And it shows. A lot.
Sometimes I feel like the original doesn't get due respect. Yes, 64 is superior, but it doesn't make the original obsolete, and it has aged better than what some people give it credit for.
I don't care for the original, it's not a bad game it's just too pedestrian. 64 isn't one of my favorite games of all time, but I think it was a dramatic step up from the SNES game.
The original was okay. The soundtrack is better than the N64 version, especially. But I don't find it spectacular or anything.
I don't even have a copy of the SNES game, was going to fire it up and try it out again. Weird, could've sworn I had it.
I honestly can't go back to the original. The inferior gameplay and aged look just make me stick to 64.
I've actually never played the original. I feel like I'll be on the majority's side if I do, though. It's pretty hard to top 64.
I get the problems people had with Adventures, but what was wrong with Assault? I ask because I've never played the latter.
You see, I disagree with all of that. It's popular to knock the original, but I still think it's fun.
Quote from: Peanutbutter on February 18, 2015, 06:13:12 PM
I get the problems people had with Adventures, but what was wrong with Assault? I ask because I've never played the latter.
The Arwing levels were excellent - perhaps even better than in 64 - but the Landstalker and on-foot parts were dreadful and headache-induing.
I know everyone hates Adventures, but I actually quite like it. Best 3D Zelda clone I've played.
I only ever got to play a little bit of Assault, and by my luck, I went through one of the land levels. Never gave me the incentive to try it out after that.
Adventures is fine for what it is, and I'd call it a better Zelda clone than Okami any day. It's just... weird compared to the rest of the franchise. Still, I want to give it another play someday.
I love Okami as well, and it's probably a better designed game, but it's hard to deny that its pacing is far worse than Adventures.
So there's a chance that Spawn ( and a Yautja (a.k.a "The Predator) ( be guest characters in Mortal Kombat X. If this turns out to be true, then this'll be the first MK game I'll be absolutely dying to play ASAP.
This would make this Spawn's second guest-appearance as a fighting game character. He was also previously playable in the XBOX version of Soul Calibur II.
Announced for NA! Both the 3DS and Wii U version!
I'm not sure if the Wii U version still includes the Wii game, but it might.
It's still alive! :SHOCK:
If it doesn't include the Wii game, I hope the Wii U version can at least be played using the Wiimote. I kind of lost interest in the title once I heard about how the controls work.
Huh. I usually only see NIS titles on PS3 (you know, anime-weeaboo RPG type stuff). Intrigued.
As much as I didn't particularly care for Arkham City, Arkham Asylum is still one of my favorite games from last gen, and I think Arkham Knight looks pretty great. It's also rated M. That's new.
Arkham Asylum benefited from being to the point with its gameplay. It wasn't a very big or long game, but it knew how to pace itself and keep just enough variety so that the game felt fresh throughout the experience. And since the game world was more enclosed and not overwhelmingly big, it was actually encouraging and purposeful to explore it.
Arkham City was basically just bigger for the sake of being bigger. The game world was bigger, but the city outside of the inside facilities was incredibly repetitive with lots of clone buildings and few real highlights. There were more sidequests, but it only served to highlight the lack of gameplay variety since they were all shittier versions of main story missions and never had any worthwhile rewards for completion, or even a proper boss fight (conversely, look at Darksiders 2 for an example of a contemporary game that at least knows how to do sidequests right). Basically, they added way more content without doing much of anything to add any substance to the gameplay mechanics, and it only highlighted how shallow it all was. That's why I didn't like AC. Unless AK has managed to avoid that same mistake, it'll end up being the same problem all over again.
I would say AK seems to be adding more substance to the open world/side content, but we'll have no way of knowing until it comes out.
How was Origins?
I actually got a complete bundle of Origins/Blackgate/story DLC for around $8 from Steam about a year ago, but I've still yet to play it. :lol:
I haven't heard much good about Blackgate. Considering they're ex-Retro guys, that's pretty bizarre.
I'll give it a fair shake one of these days. But perhaps, much like the developers of Sonic Boom and Naughty Dog, there's a reason these guys don't work for Retro anymore...
From what I remember of seeing Blackgate on YouTube, one of the big complaints I noticed just by watching was that the map was really confusing to navigate. Like, you play in 2D but the map of the building is shown in 3D, so it's like having to navigate through layers of 2D maps, as if there were several backgrounds and foregrounds you could move to. In addition, the blandness and darkness of the rooms you explore make it a bit hard to see exactly where you can exit to other rooms in the background.
River City Ransom sequel coming to the 3DS! (
Should be great!
I just now learned from AlphaOmegaSin that thanks to Square Enix's Collective, Gex and Fear Effect could both get a comeback. :shakeshakeshake:
Never played Gex, but I LOVE Fear Effect. I hope this becomes reality.
Quote from: Peanutbutter on February 27, 2015, 09:30:11 PM
I LOVE Fear Effect
:e_hail: :h_hail: :el_hail: :im_nabeshin:
Rodea will include the Wii version in the Wii U English version (
Quote- available via first-print copies of Rodea the Sky Soldier for Wii U
- this applies to North America and Europe
- includes the Wii version of the game
- exclusive to the retail version of the game
In other words, get out there and get a preorder now.
Quote from: Peanutbutter on February 27, 2015, 09:30:11 PM
I just now learned from AlphaOmegaSin that thanks to Square Enix's Collective, Gex and Fear Effect could both get a comeback. :shakeshakeshake:
Never played Gex, but I LOVE Fear Effect. I hope this becomes reality.
I've never played more than the Gex demo between the two of them. I'd love to see both get sequels/reboots to see what the buzz is and to get at least one new 3d platformer for all consoles.
Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on March 04, 2015, 01:01:18 PM
Rodea will include the Wii version in the Wii U English version (
Quote- available via first-print copies of Rodea the Sky Soldier for Wii U
- this applies to North America and Europe
- includes the Wii version of the game
- exclusive to the retail version of the game
In other words, get out there and get a preorder now.
Well, uh, I would pre-order, but it doesn't seem to be available from either Amazon or GameStop yet. Is it exclusive to a certain store...?
Quote from: Foggle on March 04, 2015, 02:27:56 PM
Well, uh, I would pre-order, but it doesn't seem to be available from either Amazon or GameStop yet. Is it exclusive to a certain store...?
It's on I know, because I
just preordered it.
It must have been taken down because of an error. I guess it'll be put back up eventually.
So I only just now heard about Rebel Galaxy and man oh man does it sound awesome.
"We wanted to build a swashbuckling space game, one filled with weird aliens, backwater bartenders, lawless pirates, and epic space battles. A game with a galaxy to explore, characters to befriend or enrage, and the random element that's been in so many of the games we've worked on.
Rebel Galaxy isn't set in a shiny, modern future — it's a greasy, rusty place on the edge of the known universe, where the ships are barely holding it together, and the people are, too. It's a sandbox galaxy where you play the character you want. Are you a devious mercenary, collecting bounties? A crafty trader who hires protection wherever she goes? A pirate, preying on convoys? A roguish do-gooder? Maybe a little of each? You'll fight, trade, negotiate, escape, explore, scavenge, mine, ingratiate, and intimidate.
We've played lots of space-flight games, and they almost invariably involve chasing a reticle, sliding in behind another fighter and blowing them to bits, or making a hectic bombing run on a destroyer.
With Rebel Galaxy we're flipping that around — YOU fly the big, weapon-bristling ships here, with huge quantities of firepower, turrets, volleys of rockets, and massive broadside blasts. It's closer to naval combat, if naval combat had lasers, space fighters, shields, and warp-drives and was about ten times faster.
Erich and I have spent a lot of time working on action-RPGs. We worked together on Torchlight and Torchlight 2, and before that Erich co-created Diablo and Diablo II. The funny thing is, in many ways Rebel Galaxy has more actual role-playing in it. The things you say, and the choices you make, have an actual effect on how other people (or aliens... or robots...) interact with you.
A faction system underpins our conversation system. You can hail a merchant and demand he drop his cargo, but the merchant's faction will remember it. Maybe they'll send bounty hunters to track you down. Assist the militia, and they might agree to lend a hand with a combat run you're undertaking. If you beg, that pirate might only take half your cargo!
We have a phonetic matching system, so the conversations are lipsynched, and the characters are expressive. This has been a lot of fun to do, and adds a lot of character to the game.
Backing this up we've got a cool blues and rock soundtrack. It sounds weird, but trust us, it works. Hearing that slide guitar kick in while you warp through a nebula is pretty great."
Here's the trailer.
It's beautiful. :drool:
I remember that I was recently talking about the PSP (mainly with Final Fantasy). For the longest time, I have chosen to avoid the PSP, feeling it wasn't worth purchasing. However, it just hit me. Over those years, there have been quite a few times where a PSP game came out that looks appealing, and I'd react to it with "Hey, I'd like to get that game! Too bad I'm not buying a PSP, though". The number of games that has happened with isn't particularly big, but it's noticeable enough to make me think that maybe, just maybe, I should finally get a PSP to play those games. Especially now that it's no longer expensive.
So now, I'm interested in some further justification for getting a PSP. What are some games that you guys would consider to be reason to own that system?
Persona 2: Innocent Sin
Metal Gear Solid: Portable Ops
Kenka Bancho: Badass Rumble
Crisis Core: Final Fantasy 7
Ys 7
Metal Slug XX (if you don't have a 360)
Valkyria Chronicles 2 (and 3 if you're willing to import, there's an English patch)
Doom 4
MGS IV The Phantom Pain
The Iconoclasts
River City Ransom Underground
Hong Kong Massacre
Street Fighter V
Mortal Kombat X
That's all of the anticipated games I can think of.
I would consider skipping it and just going for a cheap Vita at this point. PSP games are increasingly more difficult to find in the wild and all the best ones are on PSN, anyway.
As for games, the Ys games would be the priority series to get. Specifically Oath in Felghana, and Seven. Persona 3 Portable, both Persona 2 games, Valkyria Chronicles 2, Gradius Collection, Castlevania: The Dracula X Chronicles, Hammerin' Hero, Mega Man Maverick Hunter X, Mega Man Powered Up!, Metal Slug XX, The Red Star, Ultimate Ghosts 'n Goblins, as well as the PS1 classics and PSN exclusive games make the PSP a pretty good little system.
Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on March 12, 2015, 09:55:44 PM
I would consider skipping it and just going for a cheap Vita at this point.
I've never known you to make troll posts before.
Quote from: Foggle on March 12, 2015, 09:57:43 PM
Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on March 12, 2015, 09:55:44 PM
I would consider skipping it and just going for a cheap Vita at this point.
I've never known you to make troll posts before.
Eh, finding UMD games is a hassle in itself. If I had the option and didn't already have one I'd just get a cheap Vita.
Emphasis on
Does the Vita have enough games to pay double the price of a PSP? Or better yet, does it have games period? :P
I'm sure you'll get plenty of mileage out of classics like Criminal Girls: Invite Only and Monster Monpiece.
Quote from: Foggle on March 12, 2015, 10:30:58 PM
I'm sure you'll get plenty of mileage out of classics like Criminal Girls: Invite Only and Monster Monpiece.
Got my weekend planned out now. Thanks.
I'll never be able to keep up with talon's party lifestyle.
Again, the word
cheap. It's not like it won't drop in price by the time you actually buy a PSP, anyway.
That reminds me, get Half Minute Hero.
Quote from: talonmalon333 on March 12, 2015, 10:19:49 PM
Does the Vita have enough games to pay double the price of a PSP? Or better yet, does it have games period? :P
Persona 4 Golden, Dragon's Crown, Danganronpa 2, Gravity Rush, Tearaway, Freedom Wars, Muramasa Rebirth, Soul Sacrifice, Ys: Memories of Celceta, plus the PSP library and PSN/PS1 games on better hardware. Not a lot, I know, but again,
cheap was the key word.
I never said it was worth the price it is now. It's not.
Forgot about Half Minute Hero. Another PSP goodie (though it's also on PC).
Honestly, the only Vita exclusives that have ever appealed to me are Gravity Rush and Ys Celceta, and the latter is probably coming to Steam someday.
Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on March 12, 2015, 10:53:44 PM
Quote from: talonmalon333 on March 12, 2015, 10:19:49 PM
Does the Vita have enough games to pay double the price of a PSP? Or better yet, does it have games period? :P
Persona 4 Golden, Dragon's Crown, Danganronpa 2, Gravity Rush, Tearaway, Freedom Wars, Muramasa Rebirth, Soul Sacrifice, Ys: Memories of Celceta, plus the PSP library and PSN/PS1 games on better hardware. Not a lot, I know, but again, cheap was the key word.
I never said it was worth the price it is now. It's not.
There's also God Eater 2 Rage Burst and Digimon Story Cyber Sleuth, but those are Japan only at the moment, which leads to another problem the Vita has.
Quote from: Foggle on March 13, 2015, 01:44:24 AM
Forgot about Half Minute Hero. Another PSP goodie (though it's also on PC).
Honestly, the only Vita exclusives that have ever appealed to me are Gravity Rush and Ys Celceta, and the latter is probably coming to Steam someday.
But Foggle, what about Hyperdimension Neptunia Re;birth and Senran Kagura Shinovi Versus? :sly:
Rodea preorders are back on amazon.
If you were looking into it, now's your chance. (
Mortal Kombat X's roster is looking a little on the bland side for me, but this makes up for the apparent lack of Noob Saibot and the cyborgs.
Meh, I'm fine without any of them playable.
Apparently I'm the only one on this site hyped about Street Fighter V. Oh well. :bleh:
I'm hyped for Super Street Fighter V Turbo Revival Impact Strike Championship Edition.
No reason to ever be hyped for the first release of a Street Fighter game. :P
Saw that coming.
Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on March 20, 2015, 05:04:15 PMI'm hyped for Super Street Fighter V Turbo Revival Impact Strike Championship Edition.
No reason to ever be hyped for the first release of a Capcom game. :P
I almost added Ex Plus Alpha to that mess.
Good old, Capcom. :D
Splatoon is looking like quite the fun little action platformer. (
The multiplayer looks good, but the Ratchet meets Mario Galaxy style single player has me the most curious. We don't get many games like that these days.
So Aonuma revealed that Zelda Wii U likely won't come out in 2015.
Now I won't have to decide what to play first this Christmas, Zelda or Phantom Pain.
I still can't tell if this is real or not:
It still feels like a prank for some reason....
Master Chief confirmed for Smash Bros.
It's real, apparently. Should be some interesting reveals, and hopefully some jokes.
Today is Nintendo Direct.
Today is also Tomonobu Itagaki's birthday.
Put two and two together, and maybe....well, just say'n. ;)
His birthday would be today. :wth:
Quote from: Dr. Ensatsu-ken on April 01, 2015, 08:50:20 AM
Today is Nintendo Direct.
Today is also Tomonobu Itagaki's birthday.
Put two and two together, and maybe....well, just say'n. ;)
I'm going to be so disappointed if this whole direct is just about advertising more amiibos. They'veseenpent spent like 10 minutes on talking about just that. Show off some new games, damnit!
But Nintendo is just all about the games and nothing else!!!!
And....more amiibos.
But wait! This time they're made of wool! How thrilling....
Woolly World and Splatoon look so good.
Dear Nintendo:
Please re-release the criminally underrated NGDS on the Wii-U Virtual Console. That is all.
In other news, Yoshi's Island DS and Super Mario 64 are now both on the VC.
I will be getting them after the presentation.
SMT X Fire Emblem is real.
Ah, you beat me to it. Seeing as how that's likely to receive an M-rating, it would've been most likely to reveal other M-rated games alongside it if Nintendo wanted to.
So, in other words, probably no DT this time. :(
Yep. No DT.
Oh well, at least Splatoon looks good.
Shame about no Devil's Third, but at least we got some DLC for Smash and Mario Kart as well as new VC games.
Solid Direct, but no surprises outside of Lucas and MK8 DLC coming out early.
Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on April 01, 2015, 05:25:18 PM
Is this for real? If so, which one?
I wish there was some news about Youkai Watch coming to the states tho. Other than that, it was a good Direct. All that amiibo news, all that dlc news, all those new games. My tax refund will go to a good use, that I can assure you.
What's the short version of the direct?
Quote from: talonmalon333 on April 01, 2015, 06:29:12 PM
What's the short version of the direct?
Games, amiibos and DLC are being released.
What's the somewhat short version?
Quote from: talonmalon333 on April 01, 2015, 06:40:19 PM
What's the somewhat short version?
That's the Euro boxart.
Can't wait until we get this!
EDIT: See what I was saying about graphics? I'm perfectly fine with where the are now when we can get this:
Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on April 01, 2015, 05:25:18 PM
Nintendo dropped the megaton. This was the only thing I've wanted to see in a Nintendo Direct for many months; I was not disappointed.
N64 games on Wii U VC is also great news. U Pro Controller >>>>>>>> Wii Pro Controller. It's too bad we'll probably never see any Rareware games on it aside from DK64, though... :(
Quote from: Foggle on April 01, 2015, 08:46:46 PM
Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on April 01, 2015, 05:25:18 PM
Nintendo dropped the megaton. This was the only thing I've wanted to see in a Nintendo Direct for many months; I was not disappointed.
Fire Emblem X SMT looks pretty great, too. I'm actually surprised at some of the meltdowns I'm seeing over it.
There's supposedly a Xenoblade direct in a few weeks, so hopefully we get one for Devil's Third around then, too. I keep hoping it'll be a summer game since it would be a great counterpoint to Splatoon.
I am just so excited about Fatal Frame. Now it can finally jump to the top of my most anticipated games list along with MGS, Ratchet, Zelda, Yakuza, Star Fox, Woolly World, Final Fantasy, Devil's Third, Persona, The Witcher, Ukulele, Hat in Time... it's going to be a good couple of years for video games. :swoon:
Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on April 01, 2015, 08:50:35 PM
Fire Emblem X SMT looks pretty great, too. I'm actually surprised at some of the meltdowns I'm seeing over it.
I saw someone else saying people were upset about it. Do you know why they are? Sounds like an awesome game idea to me.
I need to check out Hat in Time.
Listen to the beautiful music from it!
Quote from: Foggle on April 01, 2015, 08:57:44 PMQuote from: Spark Of Spirit on April 01, 2015, 08:50:35 PMFire Emblem X SMT looks pretty great, too. I'm actually surprised at some of the meltdowns I'm seeing over it.
I saw someone else saying people were upset about it. Do you know why they are? Sounds like an awesome game idea to me.
It looks like Persona.
That's a bad thing now. :zonk:
Oh, so it's just the SMT old guard who cry themselves to sleep every night in front of their Kazuma Kaneko shrines because Persona achieved mainstream popularity? A great bunch, those fellows. Definitely not obnoxious at all.
Quote from: Foggle on April 01, 2015, 09:02:38 PM
Listen to the beautiful music from it!
Quote from: Foggle on April 01, 2015, 08:46:46 PM
N64 games on Wii U VC is also great news.
At least it would have been 2-3 years ago. Now it's just "What took them so long?". :P
I just pre-ordered the silver Batman PS4. I... couldn't help myself. I want it. And Arkham Knight comes with it.
QuoteWell as a Fire Emblem fan, it makes me want to jump off a bridge. This was my most wanted game behind Zelda U and it looks nothing like FE.
QuoteThe anime cutscenes (I'm assuming they're cutscenes) looked fine. I like the anime style, so that's not the issue I have.
It was (what I'm assuming was...) the actual gameplay. It looked dated and like it belonged on the eShop, not as a full Wii U release.
QuoteThis looks appalling. I wish we were getting a Fire Emblem game on the WiiU that did the series justice.
QuoteI don't like what I saw; it looks like a dating sim and the music was awful.
QuoteI'm not upset over art style. I'm not upset because it doesn't look more like one or the other franchise. We know nothing of the gameplay or anything. I'm upset it really took me a second to remember it was a Wii U game, because it looks like @$$. And I'm the furthest thing from a graphics junkie. It looked terrible.
Also, I'm big on anime, so that isn't the issue either. It just looked ... bad.
QuoteThe new trailer looks absolutely nothing like the 2013 teaser, and the style in general clashes with the more mature style of Shin Megami Tensei games (it looks more Fire Emblem than SMT, and I don' think that's a good thing), so I'll reduce my interest to "yeah, maybe".
QuoteSo wait ... is this a 3DS game or a Wii U game??
Quote"It looked like a 3DS game. Which is why I even had to ask."
"Had it been a 3DS game you would have seen the 3DS overlay on the gameplay footage. This is Wii U."
"I get that now. But it makes the game even more of a disappointment. It looked awful.
I mean, I of course need to see more gameplay and learn more about the game before I write it off completely, but from that trailer, this went from a definite-buy to a 0% chance."
Those are the nicer ones.
"It's too much like Fire Emblem!"
"It's too much like SMT!"
"It's too much like both!"
"It's not enough like either!"
People really will complain about anything.
Goddamn. I don't know what to say to all that nonsense.
Quote from: Nel_Annette on April 01, 2015, 09:18:17 PM
I just pre-ordered the silver Batman PS4. I... couldn't help myself. I want it. And Arkham Knight comes with it.
Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on April 01, 2015, 09:23:49 PM
I mean, I of course need to see more gameplay and learn more about the game before I write it off completely, but from that trailer, this went from a definite-buy to a 0% chance."
This is my favorite one. It's hilarious for them to say "I of course need to see more gameplay and learn more about the game before I write it off completely" and then to follow that up with "0% chance". Doesn't 0% chance imply writing it off completely? >_<
Quote from: Foggle on April 01, 2015, 09:25:53 PM
Yeah, I think I was just so salty about missing out on the 20th Anniversary PS4 that I just had to jump on this one. I'd like a silver-colored council. I like Batman. And now there's actually a handful of PS4 games I want to play, so now seems like the time to hop on the train. I mean, look at this sexy thing.
That is beautiful. :'(
So uh I just watched the SMT x FE trailer and I'm going to have to take back what I said. It looks like an Idea Factory Vita game to me. :(
Illusory Revelations ? Fire Emblem – Producer
Shinjiro Takada
It's nice to meet all of you, or shall I say, see all of you again. This is Shinjiro Takada from ATLUS. Usually, I am responsible for working on the Devil Survivor* series, but this time, I was tasked with working on the production for the upcoming crossover title "Illusory Revelations ? Fire Emblem*"
After over two long years of keeping you waiting, we felt it was finally time to showcase this game. Did you have a look at the new PV*?
This is the result of our collaboration work on the "Fire Emblem" series. I think many people will find it quite different than they had originally expected. Originally, it was very challenging for us to get the "Fire Emblem" aspect into the game, but we worked carefully with Nintendo to ensure it'd work well and deliver the feeling you get from the series.
But, "as long as development of this title conforms with what Intelligent Systems originally would have wanted, and ATLUS develops it and triumphs through it, then ATLUS' work is good."
It was following that that we were able to come to our conclusion and settle on the concept for this project. As a result of this, "Illusory Revelations ? Fire Emblem" follows the basic axis of what I would say are "Realistic characters who suffer from many conflicts and worries in modern-day Japan" in this RPG. It was capturing the feeling of "Fire Emblem" that was the real challenge during the development of this concept, as this is a collaboration.
In this PV, many people may find it hard to understand where the essence of "Fire Emblem" comes into play. However, this will be explained more in the future, so please wait for a follow-up to this.
The character designs that would become the face of this project were designed by toi8*, who we had requested to assist us. Even though "Illusory Revelations ? Fire Emblem" follows its own world and has a touch of fresh colors and poppy visuals, we wanted to make it easy to get into the world of this game, while still making it look refined and familiar for those who are fans of the series.
Although only four characters appear in the spotlight of this PV, there are more characters (some of which make a quick appearance in the PV) prepared for the future, so please stay tuned!
It should also be noted that "Illusory Revelations ? Fire Emblem" has given us the opportunity to work with other developers. This time, in the first edition of this creators' blog, you got to hear comments from me, the top batter of the project. But, we have interviews planned with other ATLUS staff and developers in the future, so we hope everyone will enjoy it!
While development has finally reached its climax, and we are celebrating that, there is still a ways to go. We are working hard on to bring this game to you with our staff. However, there is still some work to be done, so this game will be released this winter. We thank you for your patience, and hope to make a project with our team that everyone can enjoy!
*"Illusory Revelations ? Fire Emblem" is not the official localized title, and is a translation of the title by us.
*"PV" stands for "promo video" or "promotional video" and is usually what most trailers are called for Japanese games.
*"Devil Survivor" is a series that was originally released for the Nintendo DS in Japan and North America in 2009 with its first title "Megami Ibunroku: Devil Survivor". This game was localized under the title of "Shin Megami Tensei: Devil Survivor" in international regions, and has seen massive success, branching off into a sequel as well as an enhanced port of the first two games for the Nintendo 3DS.
*"toi8 (????)" is an artist who does character designs for different types of media.
This interview was translated by Mystic of TRADUKO Soft. You are free to share this interview anywhere you'd like, as long as you credit me. Please note that as this is a translated interview, certain translations may differ from the original Japanese text. TRADUKO Soft claims no rights to anything by ATLUS, Intelligent Systems, Nintendo, or any of their franchises, which includes FIRE EMBLEM or the SHIN MEGAMI TENSEI franchise. This is a translated interview for fans to enjoy. Please stay tuned for more in the future as they become available!
Looks like it went through a lot.
I think the problem is that it doesn't really resemble Fire Emblem or Shin Megami Tensei (including Persona) at all. The reason folks are angry is because they assumed it would be a crossover, but instead it's just Atlus making a non-SPRG FE. There's nothing truly wrong with that, of course, but even though I don't feel burned over it like a lot of folks seem to, the trailer honestly doesn't inspire confidence. This kind of looks like the Ratchet & Clank: All 4 One of Atlus RPGs, to me.
Quote from: Foggle on April 02, 2015, 01:40:44 AMThis kind of looks like the Ratchet & Clank: All 4 One of Atlus RPGs, to me.
What I mean is, like
On the surface, All 4 One has everything you'd expect from a Ratchet & Clank game. Every aspect that makes the franchise great is present, from the core platforming and shooting mechanics, to the goofy humor, to the colorful cartoon graphics. But none of it is executed well. The gameplay is simply not fun, the story is banal, and the artwork is uninteresting.
Now, obviously it's just a short trailer, but the SMTxFE commercial is giving me similar vibes. It has everything that makes Persona great (though unfortunately not FE or mainline SMT) right there on display, but none of it looks up to par with the previous games. We have seen only snippets, sure, but none of it inspires confidence in me as a fan of Atlus' past work. Compare this to the extremely similar first Persona 5 trailer from 2 months ago. They both show brief snippets of gameplay, display the main characters' designs, and give us a sampling of what is likely the theme song. This is just my opinion, but I found every aspect of the P5 trailer to be stylish and exciting, while I was bored and turned off by the analogous attributes of the SMTxFE trailer.
That said, maybe it was just an underwhelming first showing. I remember thinking the first trailer for The Wonderful 101 looked awful, but the followup gameplay was excellent and it turned out to be a masterpiece. I won't pass judgment on SMTxFE until I actually play the game. It's Shin Megami Tensei-related, so I'll be buying it regardless.
Make amiibos scan characters in and I'll be good.
8-bit Mega Man? Yes please!
I hope there's a way to make simple cutscenes. Like those 5-10 second moments from each Mario game. Could have a lot of fun with that!
Will we be able to play through these levels after we make them?
Yep. It's like making a full on custom Mario game.
And since there's online sharing, there could be a lot of great stuff. Mega Man Powered Up had a lot of great levels at its peak, and this is far more in depth than that was.
What the hell, NoA? Is this shit serious?
First Zero Mission, now this. I swear, if I have to wait six months after the EU release for Fatal Frame, I will... uh... do nothing. But I'll be really sad.
I heard about that. It makes no sense at all. If the game is done and ready, what's the point of holding it back? It's not like Yoshi would sell any better in Fall as opposed to Summer.
I had it preordered after last year's E3 for the deal Canadian amazon had and now I won't get the game until after E3 this year. Sigh.
But I wonder if this means NOA will be releasing another game this Summer instead in its place. Obvious choice would be Devil's Third. That screams Summer.
I will forgive them if it's either Devil's Third or Fatal Frame. Though I assume they'll be holding the latter back for a Halloween release.
The delay makes no sense. At first I figured they were trying to keep it from getting overshadowed by Batman in terms of sales... but then I remembered that Metal Gear comes out in September. Bizarre.
Tsukento on twitter speculated that it's to not overshadow Splatoonm, which comes out in May iirc. NoA must figure that a lot of kids would want to play that over summer.
Quote from: Rynnec on April 02, 2015, 10:05:25 PM
Tsukento on twitter speculated that it's to not overshadow Splatoonm, which comes out in May iirc. NoA must figure that a lot of kids would want to play that over summer.
That's a really good theory. Nintendo seems determined to make Splatoon a big hit and giving it a good chunk of Summer makes sense.
Still, Devil's Third for the adults would be a good counterpoint for that release.
August would have been a better choice then IMO, since September is also when Mario Maker and Rodea release. Nintendo's going to be doing a lot of competing with themselves that month.
Star Fox isn't far off from that either since it's not going to be their big holiday game.
Man, now I really wanna know what they're gonna show at E3. There's a lot of confusion going around.
If they had staggered their releases better, there could have potentially been one amazing Wii U exclusive every month this year. That would've been amazing.
I hope at E3 they announce a new 2D Metroid for U as their big holiday game, personally.
Well, EAD has to be making something since they're the only team that we don't really know what they're doing. Retro released their last game last year, so it surely isn't them, and we already know what Intelligent Systems and the Zelda team are doing. Hal just made the recent Canvas game. Good Feel has Yoshi and I believe Splatoon is one of the EAD teams (1 or 2, I don't know) and NST just made a MvDK game.
I'm going to throw in a screwball pick and say surprise 3D Mario game.
Galaxy 3 or whatever the Wii U's iteration of that style of 3D game will be is certainly possible, but we just had two 3D Marios in a row, so I'm not sure they'll go for one again so soon.
Slightly off-topic, but I hope Retro announces a 3D DKC game at E3 named Donkey Kong Prime. The tears would be so delicious.
I just looked it up on Wiki.
EAD1: Last did Mario Kart 8 which came out last year and which they had co-developers with Retro. Since DLC doesn't take long, who knows what they're up to now
EAD2: Splatoon
EAD3: The Legend of Zelda Wii U
EAD4: Mario Maker
EAD5: Star Fox
Toyko Studios
EAD1: Majora's Mask 3D co-developed with Grezzo
EAD2: Untitled Super Mario game which started development last year
So they almost certainly have something up their sleeve.
What if it's... F-Zero. :o
That DLC had to be a hint.
But I'm going to guess that'll be revealed next year. F-Zero simply wouldn't be a big holiday game.
If they bundle the yarn Yoshi Amiibo with the game like Mario Party 10 had I will be all over that. I've been actively avoiding blowing money on Amiibos but that one's adorable enough to justify it.
Nintendo should hire Platinum to develop a Captain Falcon beat 'em up that plays like God Hand. Or Insomniac to develop a Super Mario Sunshine sequel.
Quote from: Nel_Annette on April 02, 2015, 11:00:42 PM
If they bundle the yarn Yoshi Amiibo with the game like Mario Party 10 had I will be all over that. I've been actively avoiding blowing money on Amiibos but that one's adorable enough to justify it.
Same. I have no interest in Skylanders and their ilk but goddamn those Yarn Yoshi Amiibos are just so cute.
Quote from: Nel_Annette on April 02, 2015, 11:00:42 PM
If they bundle the yarn Yoshi Amiibo with the game like Mario Party 10 had I will be all over that. I've been actively avoiding blowing money on Amiibos but that one's adorable enough to justify it.
Currently UK only.
Oooh. I'll bet we'll probably get something like that over here, though it will probably be a generic-looking box like MP10. Don't care, though. Just want Yoshi.
I don't mind Amiibos, but I know myself well enough to know that if I get one of the other ones, I'll get a compulsion to collect them all. And in this toxic scalper environment, that just isn't happening. Though I wouldn't mind getting some of the little extras you get for using them. I just don't want to pay $12 for that.
D-D-Deus Ex 4!!!
Give it to me right now! :shit:
Whoa, it looks like Deus Ex meets Crysis! I still need to play Human Revolution. It's pretty high on my back log.
So stylish. Sleek and colorful. Deus Ex has the best artistry.
Dem physics too.
This trailer... wow.
Wow, indeed. :o
Just pre-ordered the special edition of Rodea. They have it up for $74.99 on NISA's site along with the regular and 3DS regular and special editions.
Enjoy poverty.
Oh, friend, I've been enjoying poverty for years.
Quote from: #Rodea Announcement! The Wii version of the game will indeed be on its own physical disc bundled with first-print Wii U versions!
Project X Zone 2 was announced (
QuoteAmong the famed returning licenses, Project X Zone 2 will feature TEKKEN, TALES OF VESPERIA, GOD EATER or .hack// series (BANDAI NAMCO Entertainment), DEVIL MAY CRY, MEGAMAN X and RESIDENT EVIL series (CAPCOM), Sakura Wars, YAKUZA: Dead Souls and Virtua Fighter
Sounds good. Those characters were really good in the first game.
The trailer says it'll be appealing to "worldwide fans" this time, so there should hopefully be some surprises. Strider Hiryu AND Hotsuma are a team in this one, which is clearly a nod to retro fans.
Now can we also have Sonic, Classic Mega Man, and Klonoa this time?
No, too obvious.
This author speaks truth:
Good article. Yes, I also think Devil's Third was a smart pick up for Nintendo (and a good break for Valhalla) in filling out a niche that needs filling. People still sob over W101 and Bayo 2 not lighting the charts on fire, but they were never expected to. They were made for widening Nintendo's portfolio and system library to attract more customers.
I'm wondering if Nintendo made the same sort of deal with Platinum and greenlit a new Itagaki game when making a deal for this one. It sure would additionally help with their library.
Working with Insomniac on a new project would also help, not to mention getting No More Heroes 3 and other games of its type.
Yeah, for as much as people love to bitch about Nintendo, they are putting a lot of effort into building up a strong library of niche games for more mature audiences. While it won't sell a lot more systems right away, what it will do is gradually change Nintendo's reputation over time. They can just outright shed their family-friendly image, as their main demographic is younger gamers, but they can cleverly plant the seeds to allow them to cater to a more hardcore audience in the long run, which is what I think that they are going for.
Conversely, Microsoft seems to be moving in the opposite direction with how much they push stuff like Kinect, while mostly relying on third-party support and Halo games for their mature content, but aside from a few standout unique titles, they are relying too much on slowly aging franchises that people will eventually get burned out on before long.
That's especially a good thing because some people give off the idea that Nintendo is the one who just relies on their franchises, labeling their new consoles "Mario and Zelda machines". While I do think one or maybe two Nintendo consoles could've used a bit more beyond first-party games, they are overall more than that.
Insomniac is releasing their first ever PC game next week! (
It's quite cheap and looks to be both cute and fun. I'll be sure to pick it up! (And hopefully this means they'll do a PC version of Sunset Overdrive someday!)
Yes, hopefully this opens the floodgates.
Since we were talking about the Wii U, what are all the great third-party games it has/is getting? I need to make a list for when I purchase that console.
Well, it already has Bayonetta 2 (as well as the best version of the first Bayonetta), as well as The Wonderful 101, and it will presumably be getting Devil's Third later this year (granted that, it seems to be more of an online shooter, so it may not be up your alley).
As for the rest, I'm sure that Spark could list a bunch of good ones.
Bayonetta 2 w/ Bayonetta 1
Devil's Third
Fatal Frame 5
Rodea: The Sky Soldier w/ Wii version (completely different game)
The Wonderful 101
Xenoblade Chronicles X
This isn't counting download-only games, of which there are several. Not a lot, admittedly, but buying Nintendo consoles for third party games isn't exactly the smartest business decision.
They should pull a Bayonetta 2 and bundle Fatal Frame 4 with Fatal Frame 5.
I think the Wii U might be the only console I'll buy this generation.
Quote from: talonmalon333 on April 16, 2015, 02:51:14 PM
They should pull a Bayonetta 2 and bundle Fatal Frame 4 with Fatal Frame 5.
They won't. Nintendo refused to release Fatal Frame 4 outside of Japan because it had too many bugs. The English patch isn't too hard to use if you're willing to import a copy, at least.
Quote from: Foggle on April 16, 2015, 02:48:00 PM
Xenoblade Chronicles X
Xenoblade is a third party game? I thought Nintendo bought Monolith Soft.
Oh, they did. Wow. Had no idea. So that's a second party game, then.
There are a couple worth grabbing other than the ones Foggle listed.
Deus Ex: Human Revolution — Director's Cut
Lego City Undercover
Rayman Legends
Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed
Sonic Lost World
Tekken Tag Tournament 2: Wii U Edition
They're not all exclusive but console-wise they are considered the best versions.
Now, as for e-shop games, that's a MUCH longer list. You can find all kinds of good games on the e-shop both third party and first whether virtual console or new games.
Definitely get Deus Ex HR on the Wii U unless you can somehow find a way to buy the non-Director's Cut version on PC with both mission packs, which is sadly still the best version of the game.
Sonic Racing Transformed is my favorite racing game of all time. I actually like it way more than MK8.
Tekken Tag 2 is equally good on all systems, so if you really want to play it, might as well just go ahead and grab the PS3 version.
How's the PS4 shaping up?
Decently. Bloodborne and PT are fantastic, but there aren't any other particularly great exclusives yet. Already a nice selection of good games if you don't own an Xbone or top of the line PC, though.
Quote from: Foggle on April 23, 2015, 07:09:30 PM
Decently. Bloodborne and PT are fantastic, but there aren't any other particularly great exclusives yet. Already a nice selection of good games if you don't own an Xbone or top of the line PC, though.
Isn't PT just a demo, though? A demo for a game that has since lost its director?
Yes. But it's still one of the better horror games out there right now.
It's the scariest hour of gameplay that I've ever experienced, personally.
A hands-on discussion of Woolly World. (
Hint: These guys aren't fans of Yoshi Story of New Island. But they really seem to dig this one.
Coincidentally enough, I just subscribed to their channel a week or two ago.
Gamexplain is a good group. Enthusiastic without being fanboy-ish and their discussions are always fun with good information.
Yeah, their calm attitudes and being able to analyze and nerd-out about things without getting obnoxious about it drew me in. I actually got introduced to them by a co-op playthrough of Four Swords Adventures one of them is doing with SomeCallMeJohnny.
Characters announced for Project X-Zone 2:
QuoteThe following characters are new to Project X Zone:
Phoenix Wright (Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney)
Maya Fey (Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney)
Axel Stone (voiced by Tomokazu Sugita) (Bare Knuckle)
Aty (Summon Night 3)
Nana Kazuki (God Eater 2)
Ciel Alencon (God Eater 2)
The following characters are veterans to Project X Zone:
Ryu (Street Fighter)
Ken (Street Fighter)
Gemini Sunrise (Sakura Wars)
Sakura Shinguji (Sakura Wars)
So journalists are able to play Metal Gear Solid 5: The Phantom Pain right now at a press event. Some amazing details have been revealed about it:
QuoteThe game is around 150+ hours long WITHOUT doing any of the optional stuff/side quests/objectives.
Missions can take anywhere from 20 minutes to 6 hours to complete.
There will be many missions each consisting of its own title and credits screen.
QuoteAfghanistan, in the game, is far larger than ground zeroes. [There are multiple locations like this one in MGS5.]
Once I think I'm growing tired of the desert environment, I discover a new locale, tucked away, that brightens things up.
The day/night cycle is great, and plays a big part of strategizing.
The mission to find the weapon takes you through massive military installations tucked away in the desert. The scale of them is daunting.
In this mission, Episode 6 ("Where do the bees sleep?"), I'm 4% into the game, at about 7 hours of gameplay,, give or take.
Looks like that 7 year development cycle was worth it...
Prepare to shut yourself away from the world for three months when this game comes out. :awesome:
Ken Masters and Axel Stone in the same game? :huh:
150+ hour massive MGS game? Thank you, Based Kojima! You are forgiven for Ground Zeroes short length.
Wasn't Ground Zeroes supposedly just barely hour in length? What was the point in releasing that if it only amounts to like .1% of the whole game?
To give PS4 an early killer app, I believe.
From what I can tell, Ground Zeroes was supposed to be the first half of The Phantom Pain's prologue. It's basically a $40 demo/prequel DLC. Thankfully, by the time TPP comes out, it should be around 10 bucks, and I think this game will easily be worth $70...
QuoteAt certain points the environments and level design are straight up photorealistic, music and sound as always are on point
"Clouds approaching" from the idroid as you move up toward your objective... [You can Fulton yourself to fly high into the air, from what I hear.]
Also dropped a crate on my horse and myself, which deserves its own trophy
QuoteFor now, I'll say this: If MGS4 Act 1 and Peace Walker had a baby, it would be MGS5. Huge spaces to explore. Lots of resources to develop.
QuoteI'm on mission 8 right now, and I need to find a colonel and his accompanying tank squad. But to do that, I need to find some intel
Should be a good swansong for the series.
Quote from: Foggle on May 12, 2015, 03:19:02 PM
QuoteFor now, I'll say this: If MGS4 Act 1 and Peace Walker had a baby, it would be MGS5. Huge spaces to explore. Lots of resources to develop.
:swoon: :swoon: :swoon: The best part of the game and why it's my favorite game of all time. I love stealth gameplay so much.
Quote from: gunswordfist on May 12, 2015, 03:24:17 PM
:swoon: :swoon: :swoon: The best part of the game and why it's my favorite game of all time. I love stealth gameplay so much.
I honestly think this is going to be my favorite game ever when it comes out. 150 hours of polished stealth gameplay in a humongous open world with base building and no hand-holding? Including Kojima humor and production values? Yes. Please.
There's a good chance that'll be mine. It'll probably be the first stealth game I'll ever replay too. I can't wait to fulton MFers. :)
I hope there are cheat codes so that on my second playthrough I can Fulton literally everything. :il_hahaha:
I wouldn't mind fultoning buildings. :il_hahaha:
150+ hours without any padding or repetitive gameplay and of consistent quality? I'm a bit skeptical about that.
110 hours of fetch quests and races! :sly:
You were skeptical when they said open world. :bleh:
Quote from: Dr. Ensatsu-ken on May 12, 2015, 08:49:05 PM
150+ hours without any padding or repetitive gameplay and of consistent quality? I'm a bit skeptical about that.
There are people who've played it for 15+ hours and confirmed that none of it felt inconsistent in terms of quality. And when you consider how this game was probably made, I honestly think it's quite possible that the whole thing is excellent.
It's been developed over a period of 7 years, possibly more. This isn't a Duke Nukem Forever or Final Fantasy 15 situation; it has actually been in constant development since around the release of MGS4. Also, according to the people currently playing it, each chapter is over 10 hours long and has its own ending credits. Since Kojima Productions has been progressively expanding over the years, this leads me to believe that they had a bunch of different factions within the company working on different parts of the game. Essentially, I would assume they have 5+ mini-studios working simultaneously on multiple "separate" Metal Gear Solid 5s that get strung together by a conjoining narrative to form a cohesive whole in the end. The Fox Engine is supposedly one of the easiest to use in the industry, so I don't think that's particularly farfetched at all.
Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on May 12, 2015, 08:53:36 PM
110 hours of fetch quests and races! :sly:
No one has touched the side quests yet, so maybe that's where all the fly-through-rings racing missions are. :zonk:
Even so, 15 hours is still only one-tenth of the estimated time that it takes to beat the game. I just feel like doing 150 hours of gameplay on a single game run without any side-quests and that is briskly paced and always throwing something new at you seems far-fetched. By all means, maybe the game does pull that off, but I've never seen any game that's not an RPG come even remotely close to that, and RPGs are notorious for being padded in terms of gameplay.
True, but I think with the amount of time, money, and effort put into this game, it has a good chance of being awesome the whole way through.
We'll find out in four months!
QuoteCurrent mission involves helping rebel militia by blowing up Soviet vehicles on route to suppress their activities. Really good example of 'open world' stealth as you have a large region in which to ambush the vehicles.
QuoteiDroid map tracks tanks' journey, to help plan attack. Pumping manpower into Mother Base Intel team improves map details too. Mission recommended missiles, but I've not invested in those yet – going sneaky with C4 traps instead. Takes a lot of C4 to take out tanks – learn the hard way when I disable the wheels and the turret continues to pummel me. Also! Easy to run out of C4, so need to order supply drops. Feel like a real pro until I drop supply crate on Big Boss' head.
QuoteMission throws in bonus objectives – free a political prisoner being transported, or ambush an arms truck for rocket launcher. Snipe out truck driver (the weapon feels great, by the way) and steal his truck to reach distant tanks.
QuoteYou can steal tapes of 80s pop songs and play them mid-mission as your own soundtrack. Blowing up tanks to The Man Who Sold the World is pretty spectacular. I also upgraded my iDroid so I can play music out loud [through the speakers] – not great for stealthy runs, but good for dramatic entrance.
QuoteBefore the mission it's possible to select initial equipment, with two primary weapons, two secondary, gadgets. Also, Snake's uniforms, the buddy and his equipment (in this case, the horse).
Quoteit's possible to position yourself on the left or right side of the horse to avoid detection, and of course it's possible to use weapons while driving.
QuoteThere are many possible approaches, some parts I have done completely stealthy, others in combat, but these are harder. Playing stealth gives lots of satisfaction, because you manage to explore, hit your targets and recover objects in a clean way. It's important to explore the outposts before your objective, there are blueprints, diamonds, cassette tapes to collect.
QuoteEvery mission comes with optional side ops, which can be discovered by interrogating guards and exploring the area.
QuoteThe approach of missions can change a lot, depending on the hour of the day and the equipment.
QuoteThe missions are modular, with diverse objectives, in localized areas of the immense game map.
Quotea boss fight integrated into open world progression. Tension at the highest levels. Kojima has a passion for snipers.
QuoteAll 60 [FPS]. Dips almost absent, really sporadic and mostly during cut scenes.
Quote[On base customization] Very deep, well implemented even if initially not too intuitive. You can build bridges, place armies and create divisions of soldiers with specific tasks who can help you during missions (recon, gadget development).
QuoteThe game doesn't follow your conventional MGS formula. It's new and fresh and I'm sure newcomers will love it.
QuoteThe attention to detail is incredible: the day light effecting your vision, wild life, and 80s music.
QuoteThe mission I'm on, the 6th, reminded me of Indiana Jones & The Last Crusade in terms of locale.
QuoteArrived at a temple carved into a mountain on a horse that's pimped with camo-armor. The moonlight makes me look like Zorro. I spent most of the 1st hour of the mission gathering medicinal plants and hunting birds.
QuoteFan of David Lynch? Yeah, you'll enjoy playing what I'm playing now.
QuoteOK, one last thing: if a certain MGS1's villain's mindfuckery was your thing, then The Phantom Pain will be right up your alley.
QuoteI've completed 12 principal missions and 6 secondary missions. Narrative is episodic like a TV show.
QuoteSo, let's talk Mission 7. Here's an interesting fact – we're doing this one AFTER mission 10. Goodbye linear mission orders. Our objective is to eliminate three Platoon commanders who are meeting in a small town surrounded by guards. Our loadout includes a silenced AM MRS-4 assault rifle, a RENOV-ICKX sniper rifle, the WU S.Pistol for tranq darts, and C4... By the way, the loadout is totally our call. Want to take nowt but rockets (provided you've researched them?) and 'nades? Sure! So, three targets and total freedom on how to approach. One target is already at the location, but the other two are en route. Thanks to our Intel team, their expected routes are on the iDroid map. So we pick our heli drop off point far to the south and plant some C4 in the expected path of one jeep. Boom, one target down, and the base infiltration gets a lot easier. The action is so good that it's always a temptation to go in loud. And there are gun emplacements everywhere to tempt you... But we're old school, so we choose to be quiet. We picked the mission start time at night, so it's dark. That gives us the edge. TPP is ALL about gathering intel to press forward. By systematically interrogating guards we uncover the meeting room. Every small town feels like classic MGS setup, with multiple infiltration points and routes.
I can't wait. :shakeshakeshake:
Think this will be the best MG game yet?
Remove "MG." ;)
You're really looking forward to this game. :P
To be honest, I've kind of figured out a way to level my hype. While I do think this sounds like the perfect game for me, and may post about how excited I am for it fairly often, I'm still able to keep my expectations in check. It just gets a bit harder when literally everyone who's played it keeps going on about "GOTY" and "Kojima's masterpiece." :P
That said, even if it turns out to somehow be lackluster, the sheer fact that you can even do a lot of this stuff in the game at all (no matter how clunky or unintuitive) is going to put it up there for me. This is everything I've wanted from a game since I was a little kid.
I'm also glad Kojima has admitted to finding long cutscenes to be outdated. Now we won't have to sit through 1 hour cutscenes thinking "Can't I just play a game here?" like the last numerical entry.
I'd call this my most anticipated game alongside Zelda Wii U.
Quote from: talonmalon333 on May 14, 2015, 04:23:09 PM
I'm also glad Kojima has admitted to finding long cutscenes to be outdated. Now we won't have to sit through 1 hour cutscenes thinking "Can't I just play a game here?" like the last numerical entry.
Yeah. Sounds like this one is probably similar to the MSX games in terms of gameplay/story distribution.
Which only serves to increase my hype. ;D
I feel like pretty much everyone agrees on MGS3 being the best in the series, currently. I'm really curious and excited to see if MGSV can top that.
The End style boss fights and a Psycho Mantis successor? :swoon: I hope they have a Predator type boss fight like The Fear should have been with these open world boss fights.. And horse camo-ARMOR and something David Lynch-esque? :swoon: :swoon:
Phantom Pain sounds absolutely incredible. Like something delivered from Heaven. I can't wait until this is out. This could be Game of the Decade if it meets the hype.
Okay, I bit the bullet and pre-loaded (first game I've ever done that with) Splatoon. I got the impression it's the type of game where having a disc is just not necessary.
If anyone else is going out inking on the 29th, I'll see you out there. 8-)
Yoshi's Woolly World preview. (
Looks like Good Feel really hit it out of the park. It's also nice to have a Yoshi game with an incredible sounding soundtrack. We haven't had one of those since the first game.
Itagaki's Third thingie. (
I'm expecting a big push for this at E3. Since it's basically done and all.
Let's hope so. Nintendo hasn't showcased anything or even released any new info since E3 last year. To be fair, there were other games coming out sooner to promote, but now they don't really have an excuse to not at least give it an official release date by E3.
Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on May 26, 2015, 07:45:29 PM
I'm expecting a big push for this at E3. Since it's basically done and all.
I don't expect them to push this game much, unfortunately. Same with Fatal Frame. I'd love to be proven wrong, though.
Well since Splatoon will be out by then, they can have this game's multiplayer to showcase at E3. It would give it a lot of attention.
In other news, Bloodstained, Iga's new game will be getting a Wii U port after all once it hits 3 mil. Which it will hit any day now. Great news.
Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on May 26, 2015, 09:58:11 PM
In other news, Bloodstained, Iga's new game will be getting a Wii U port after all once it hits 3 mil. Which it will hit any day now. Great news.
Will it be technologically equal to the other versions?
It's a 2.5D platformer. I don't really think there's much to miss other than some atmospheric effects, everything else should be easy to handle. To be honest, the engine they're using is a bit overkill for the game they're making in the first place.
I imagine you can really pull off some really cool effects on 2D backgrounds the better the tech gets.
You probably could, but it doesn't really have much to do with the gameplay.
It's not like the final game will be that impressive to me anyway. 2D games already look like Wario Land: Shake It, A Boy & His Blob, Batman: The Brave & The Bold, and Kirby's Epic Yarn, and 2.5D games look like Yoshi's Woolly World, Shadow Complex, Hard Corps. Uprising, and Klonoa Wii and 2. Other than adding aesthetic and detail, 2D games can't get more complex without needlessly cluttering it up.
But then, I'm an older gamer who has grown up from 8-bit sprites to games like A Crack in Time and their immense scope. It takes a lot to impress me graphically anymore. I'm much more interested in art styles now.
Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on May 27, 2015, 06:53:29 PMI'm much more interested in art styles now.
That's how I feel. I just imagine you can do more with art style using better technology, but I get what you mean when you talk about cluttering the screen and all that. I predict that the Wii U version of this game will look worse, but it will only be noticeable when you compare screenshots of the two versions side by side.
I think the biggest difference will be the backgrounds will be less active. The gameplay will probably otherwise be untouched.
Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on May 27, 2015, 07:01:37 PM
I think the biggest difference will be the backgrounds will be less active. The gameplay will probably otherwise be untouched.
It might include some touch screen capabilities, but as for the core gameplay, you're probably right.
Nooooooooooooooo!!! (
I was so hoping to play that next month.
I'm actually kind of relieved. That's one more month I can make sure to save up money so that the super deluxe edition doesn't break the bank. :sweat:
I highly doubt that the "Unreal engine" is of much use for mobile games. This is just another knock against the idiot journalists who claimed that VGS was stopping console game development for good based on rough translations of a Chinese magazine interview.
Obviously they can do both, giving a small portion of the team the task of developing mobile games specifically for the Asian market for some financial support while a larger team focuses on developing new console games.
That said, my only concern is that I don't really like how Unreal engine games are usually locked at 30 FPS.
Quote from: Dr. Ensatsu-ken on June 22, 2015, 09:58:37 PMI highly doubt that the "Unreal engine" is of much use for mobile games.
Via the website: (
Quote from: Dr. Ensatsu-ken on June 22, 2015, 09:58:37 PM
That said, my only concern is that I don't really like how Unreal engine games are usually locked at 30 FPS.
UE3 usually ran at 30FPS on consoles but could easily hit 60+ on PC, so maybe UE4 will be able to do 60 on all platforms. :)
I actually forgot about UE4, since VGS is using UE3 for Devil's Third. I'm not sure how one chooses one engine over another, like if it has anything to do with cost or how difficult it is to develop games using a certain engine, but I'm sure it has to be something along those lines to force VGS to go with that for this game. The fact that they want new employees experienced with the Unreal engine does make it seem like they want to use the most up to date version at its full potential for future games, though.
DT probably uses UE3 since it's been in development for such a long time. UE4 just came out recently and not too many games have been released that use it yet. I can only assume that whatever their new game is will probably run on the most recent version of the engine.
Quote from: Daikun on June 22, 2015, 10:06:38 PM
Quote from: Dr. Ensatsu-ken on June 22, 2015, 09:58:37 PMI highly doubt that the "Unreal engine" is of much use for mobile games.
Via the website: (
^^^There's really no reason to use UE3 anymore. UE4 was released as free ( a few months ago. They can save a ton of money by simply upgrading.
The original idea to stick with UE3 was for UDK, which was the free version of that engine (with some limitations, of course). UE4's slashed price and reduced royalties completely threw that out the window. They could also open the door to more platforms this way.
Looks like GSF also missed the part about them expanding their employee work force, which would make absolutely no sense if they were scaling down for mobile games, dumb-ass.
Quote from: Foggle on June 22, 2015, 10:20:37 PM
Quote from: Dr. Ensatsu-ken on June 22, 2015, 09:58:37 PM
That said, my only concern is that I don't really like how Unreal engine games are usually locked at 30 FPS.
UE3 usually ran at 30FPS on consoles but could easily hit 60+ on PC, so maybe UE4 will be able to do 60 on all platforms. :)
Arc System Works found a way to make UE3 run at 60fps on both PS3 and PS4, since Valhalla has Itagaki, I'm sure they'll find a way to do the same.
They were pretty much forced to switch from the DS2 engine to UE3 once THQ went under, so I don't expect that they could use it at its full capacity until maybe their next game.
I now have a reason to buy a Vita. (
Eh, while I'd love to own a physical copy of the game, this one in particular feels like it'd be much better when played on a portable system.
Q&A time with Itagaki:
Question 1: Why does NoA like to pretend that you don't exist?
Question 2: Whenever you make your next game, would you consider making it a brutal and deep melee action game with a ninja-like protagonist who slays other ninjas and demons and just call it something besides Ninja Gaiden 4? Because that would be dope.
Quote from: Rosalinas Spare Wand on July 04, 2015, 12:16:12 AM
I still haven't played 2, but this is good news.
Ummm... :swoon:
This game is going to be so awesome. (
SMB3 colored blocks are in! I really hope fences from SMW and NSMBU are in too.
About Devil's Third . . . (
So, who to believe?
Well, user reviews can be just as hard to trust as game journalists, so I'll take that all with a grain of salt.
From what I've been gathering, though, the multiplayer seems to be the best part about the game.
While I think I'll probably enjoy the game, Amazon Japan customer reviews are the absolute last place I'd trust to find out the quality of a game. They give stuff 1 star for the silliest reasons imaginable.
Game of the year, every year, now and forever:
I got it pre-ordered right alongside the PSOne-styled PS4 controller. :joy:
Funny yet legitimately awesome. I honestly think it'll be my GOAT.
Quote from: gunswordfist on August 16, 2015, 11:24:36 PM
Funny yet legitimately awesome. I honestly think it'll be my GOAT.
Same! :joy:
Wonderful. :joy:
You have no idea how much I want to play that. That recent trailer ( really sells it.
I think the only thing missing is the ability to make slopes, which would be rather difficult to add. But hey, there will probably be DLC for this, so here's hoping it's part of it.
The only thing that would give me more hype? Sonic Maker. I would never ask Sega for anything Sonic related ever again.
By the way, this:
Really needs to find its way into the SMW mode at the very least. Not only do SMW physics feel closer to Classic Sonic, but the minds that would be blown from the console wars of the period would be much too cool to pass up.
Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on August 17, 2015, 10:19:25 PM
You have no idea how much I want to play that. That recent trailer ( really sells it.
I think the only thing missing is the ability to make slopes, which would be rather difficult to add. But hey, there will probably be DLC for this, so here's hoping it's part of it.
The only thing that would give me more hype? Sonic Maker. I would never ask Sega for anything Sonic related ever again.
I would love a Sonic Maker! There's actually a fan-made PC tool that accomplishes roughly the same thing, but I'm not sure how easy it is to use.
I do wish slopes were in; sliding down them was always such fun. Still, the rest of the game looks so perfect that it's hard to be particularly bothered by the lack of them.
Crazy how the two most exciting games of the year (for me) both come out in September. Not sure that's ever happened before.
Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on August 17, 2015, 10:28:32 PM
By the way, this:
Really needs to find its way into the SMW mode at the very least. Not only do SMW physics feel closer to Classic Sonic, but the minds that would be blown from the console wars of the period would be much too cool to pass up.
It might be easier for Sega if they did it like Nintendo did by including each classic Sonic game and its original physics in their own skin as well as updated assets from the Advance games and whatnot. Use the gamepad to draw slopes and you might have a winner.
But yeah, I heard about the PC one. It's just really hard to use.
Mostly I just want more 2D Classic Sonic. I've been waiting since Generations for more.
Some of the amiibo skins (
DK's is more based off the original Donkey Kong so I hope Diddy's is more based off DKC, but these are pretty cool. I like how Yoshi has the boss defeated jingle from Yoshi's Island as his stage clear theme.
Now I definitely need to get my hands on the Luigi amiibo.
Also, the 10 Mario Challenge Mode is going to have so much replay factor for Mario freaks like me. (
My PS3 is ready for its last great game! :joy: :joy: :joy:
Devil's Third multiplayer looks crazy. ( Check out the crazy melee action halfway through the first video and the acrobatics in the second.
Multiplayer does seem to be the selling point of this game. Which is kind of a shame, since that's the part that will be free to play on the PC.
Yakuza 5 and Trails of Cold Steel will make a fine close-out to the PS3. :swoon:
Reviews for MGS5 are out. Of the 16 I've seen, only one of them was below a 9/10, and it's gotten seven 10's so far.
Not that reviews really mean anything, but damn, this is simultaneously justifying and reigniting my hype. Why isn't the game released yet!? :el_cry:
I honestly crossed my fingers and toes when I saw you post in this thread because I was hoping you would mention MGSV. Not a video but that is good news. ;D I think this game might actually be better than I can imagine. That's...the ultimate compliment.
Trying not to watch any videos unless they're officially released by Konami/Kojima, though I'll probably check out the GameTrailers review soon.
Anyway, just read this shit:
Quote from: 30 hours of nose-to-the-grindstone play, the game tells me I've completed around one fifth (19%) of the missions where the philosophically convoluted, drowning-in-acronyms story plays out. But that 19% isn't counting the barrage of compulsive distractions Team Kojima fastballs at you, including: photo gathering, luring and extracting animals to safety, and a daunting barrage of "side ops" you'll have to chip away at to accrue the resources and personnel necessary to shore up deficiencies (and advance the mainline missions) in The Phantom Pain's elaborate base building game. Taking everything into account, the game tells me I've completed a tiny 7% overall.
. . .
Even if you ignore the optional stuff, the physical space where the missions transpire is so vast, the dozens of enemies patrolling the areas so shrewd, and the penalties so severe if you lumber in guns-a-blazin', that pulling off your primary objective can take hours, planning to execution to extraction. Whatever intimidated Kojima about Grand Theft Auto V a few years ago, The Phantom Pain is no less sprawling than Rockstar's open-world opus.
But the label "open world" is all both games share. Rockstar's expansive Los Angeles burlesque may look visually denser, but it feels brittler, an ocean of urban beauty that collapses if you want to do more than harass its vagabond citizens or play hide-and-seek with the cops.
. . .
The stealth stuff isn't new, let's be clear about that. You're still doing the same basic thing you've been doing for decades in these games, sneaking around enemy haunts or in conflict zones, trying to creep up behind and dispatch your foes (ideally, as always, by knocking them out, not killing them). It's just never been attempted on anything like this scale, or when it comes to your opponents, with this much behavioral granularity. The Phantom Pain has some of the brightest, meaningfully collaborative, and thus relentlessly hostile opponents I've ever battled.
. . .
But some of the changes feel monumental in how they impact the design. Interrogating enemies can produce intel on both items or personnel of interest, as well as the positions of other soldiers. Day and night cycles prompt different patrol patterns and change the places guards tend to hangout. Sandstorms roll in suddenly, turning dangerously open space into advancement opportunities or escape routes. Tech upgrades eventually let you suss the abilities of potentially employable enemy soldiers, turning battlescapes into talent-scouting exercises. And as promised, the game tries to frustrate your tactical habits by adding little wrinkles, like putting helmets on enemies in subsequent missions if you're fond of headshots. (Word of your activities gets around, and you'll even pick some of that up in overheard soldier-to-soldier confabs as time passes.)
. . .
If I had to grade it now, 30 hours in, with 80% of the story yet to come, most of the equipment still locked away, my base still a nascent thing, and only a handful of the side missions complete, I'd give The Phantom Pain full marks, easy.
Hundreds of hours of gameplay, a truly satisfying open world with lots of things to do, tons of optional content, the smartest AI ever seen in a stealth game... it sounds so beautiful. :shit:
Quote from: Foggle on August 24, 2015, 02:14:40 AM
Reviews for MGS5 are out. Of the 16 I've seen, only one of them was below a 9/10, and it's gotten seven 10's so far.
Not that reviews really mean anything, but damn, this is simultaneously justifying and reigniting my hype. Why isn't the game released yet!? :el_cry:
Yeah, safe to say reviews don't mean as much today because of the game reviewers being the AAA companies' pockets. It does at least indicate that those micro transgressions are minimal so I can't wait to get this game.
Quote from: Peanutbutter on August 24, 2015, 08:08:44 AM
Yeah, safe to say reviews don't mean as much today because of the game reviewers being the AAA companies' pockets.
Unfortunately, I think this has always been true, at least to some extent. What's important is that the content of the review matches what you can see for yourself in gameplay videos, which seems to be the case for MGS5. :)
New Star Fox Zero box-art looks awesome:
It's a prequel?
Sort of a prequel/reboot/new game. Nintendo hasn't been clear about it.
My head hurts. :(
It's probably a sequel to the SNES and N64 games that ignores all the later stuff no one likes. Or something. At least, that's how I'd do it.
Star Foggle.
Well, Andross is apparently here, so it could be a prequel. Assuming he isn't destroyed at the end, anyway.
The best Metal Gear game yet?
If it can beat IV.
IV was disqualified the moment it was released, on a count of being outclassed by its predecessor in nearly every way. :P
MGS 3 only beats it's bosses (namely with the best motorcycle ride ever). IV's gameplay is superior.
IV has practically the same gameplay, but without the cool survival features of III. III also has better bosses, better music, better levels, better humor, and better story. And the cutscenes don't take up half of the game.
4 definitely has the best core gameplay of any MGS released to date (unless you count Ground Zeroes), and a lot of refinements compared to its predecessor. Acts 1 and 2 also have ridiculously good level design. That said, I do think MGS3 is a much stronger overall package, as - much like MGS1 & 2 - 4 is plagued by major consistency issues in its second half.
Speaking of which, I still need to beat MGS4, Peace Walker, and Rising. Hopefully I can manage to make it through the rest of them before TPP launches and consumes my gaming life...
Quote from: talonmalon333 on August 24, 2015, 03:52:44 PM
The best Metal Gear game yet?
I sure hope so!
Quote from: talonmalon333 on August 24, 2015, 04:16:48 PM
IV has practically the same gameplay, but without the cool survival features of III. III also has better bosses, better music, better levels, better humor, and better story. And the cutscenes don't take up half of the game.
No and no. Both games have equal music. You cannot deny how great Old Snake, Love Theme or the credits music/Here's To You at all. And MGS IV has a few levels better than anything in 3.
Quote from: Foggle on August 24, 2015, 04:30:28 PM
Speaking of which, I still need to beat MGS4, Peace Walker, and Rising. Hopefully I can manage to make it through the rest of them before TPP launches and consumes my gaming life...
How far did you get in IV? :) I have played none of Peace Walker, Rising (unless the demo counts), 1 (again, demo) or GZ. I played a tiny bit of Metal Gear, once I think about it...I think. I have some catching up to do.
Quote from: gunswordfist on August 24, 2015, 04:37:13 PM
How far did you get in IV? :) I have played none of Peace Walker, Rising (unless the demo counts), 1 (again, demo) or GZ. I played a tiny bit of Metal Gear, once I think about it...I think. I have some catching up to do.
I'm into Act 3, going to continue it tonight I think. Haven't done much gaming since early July due to being distracted by other things, but I've got no work for once, so I'm hoping to get pretty far. :)
You should definitely play Metal Gear 2 and the GBC game if you haven't. 2D classics!
As far as consistency issues go, Foggle, I think in the case of MGS1 that's only the ending.
Quote from: Foggle on August 24, 2015, 04:46:03 PM
Quote from: gunswordfist on August 24, 2015, 04:37:13 PM
How far did you get in IV? :) I have played none of Peace Walker, Rising (unless the demo counts), 1 (again, demo) or GZ. I played a tiny bit of Metal Gear, once I think about it...I think. I have some catching up to do.
I'm into Act 3, going to continue it tonight I think. Haven't done much gaming since early July due to being distracted by other things, but I've got no work for once, so I'm hoping to get pretty far. :)
You should definitely play Metal Gear 2 and the GBC game if you haven't. 2D classics!
I will! day! Yay, procrastination!
Quote from: talonmalon333 on August 24, 2015, 04:48:42 PM
As far as consistency issues go, Foggle, I think in the case of MGS1 that's only the ending.
I just think it doesn't have enough stealth gameplay or unique setpieces in the second half. The latter portion of the game is basically a boss rush with tons of cutscenes and setpieces copypasted from MG2.
What do you think of the part at the end of MGS2 when reality basically seems to be just shattering?
They say Fortune is the only thing in the series so far that has not been explained...
Quote from: talonmalon333 on August 24, 2015, 05:33:09 PM
What do you think of the part at the end of MGS2 when reality basically seems to be just shattering?
I love it, in concept. The writing is iffy and the sword combat is absolutely dreadful, but with better controls and a sharper script, it could have been utterly brilliant IMO. The Metal Gear(s) fight is fucking awesome, though.
I hear some similar stuff goes on at points in MGS5. Can't wait for that.
The Metal Gear fight is the only boss fight I remember liking in the game. But it really is awesome.
I think that "I love it, in concept" can be applied to a lot of the stuff in MGS2's story.
Quote from: gunswordfist on August 24, 2015, 06:17:39 PM
They say Fortune is the only thing in the series so far that has not been explained...
But not this. This moment was terrible no matter what. "She really is Lady Luck" is the direction they seemed to have gone with.
I'm...I'm drawing a blank on the metal gear fight. I'm just remembering the zanyness.
Quote from: talonmalon333 on August 24, 2015, 10:31:59 PM
The Metal Gear fight is the only boss fight I remember liking in the game. But it really is awesome.
Olga and the helicopter were pretty good, too. But Fatman and Solidus...
QuoteI think that "I love it, in concept" can be applied to a lot of the stuff in MGS2's story.
Absolutely. The core story is actually really intriguing, it's just that the script is very amateurish and conveys the ideas and themes badly IMO.
What do you think is worse story-wise, MGS2 or MGS4?
Is this a joke?
I'm pretty sure MGS4's story/script were specifically written as a "fuck you" to Konami for milking the franchise, as well as the "fans" who sent Kojima death threats over not wanting to continue it.
Quote from: gunswordfist on August 25, 2015, 01:12:44 PM
Is this a joke?
I kind of feel like MGS4's story was just damage control, with Kojima attempting to clean up the stupidity of MGS2, and in the process turned incomprehensible nonsense into nanomachines.
Vampire who can walk on water and can't die? IT'S ALL IN HIS NANOMACHINES.
Reality being a big joke? HEHE, NANOMACHINES ARE REALITY.
Kojima just has a tendency to go in way over his head. I understand that he probably feels more at home writing things like MGS2 as opposed to MGS3, but really he's just better at writing stories that are more character driven. It's telling that the best parts of MGS4's story are by far all of the character conclusions in the ending. Kojima's just not the postmodern genius that he probably thought he was.
I don't think Kojima considers himself a postmodern genius, tbh. I'm pretty sure he actually wanted Metal Gear Solid 1 to be the series' final entry, and was trying to troll both the fanbase and his publisher with the stupidity of MGS2. But that backfired due to its critical and commercial success, so he had to make a third one, which is reportedly the last time he truly wanted to work on the series until his time directing Peace Walker inspired him to make the fifth and final numbered MGS.
Quote from: talonmalon333 on August 25, 2015, 03:36:35 PM
Wait, what?! :whuh:
And at least out of all of this Konami bullshit, Kojima will FINALLY get to leave the series. He's far to creative to not be making new IPs. The MG series is about as old as I am, if not older
Quote from: gunswordfist on August 25, 2015, 03:48:47 PM
And at least out of all of this Konami bullshit, Kojima will FINALLY get to leave the series. He's far to creative to not be making new IPs. The MG series is about as old as I am, if not older
For real. But I'm actually glad they kept him on for so long, because MGS5 just looks godlike. This is going to be
the stealth masterpiece of all time, and I'm betting it will change the entire landscape of the genre (and possibly even the industry as a whole).
Oh yeah, I'm still selfish about MGS5. :shakeshakeshake: It honestly still hasn't hit me about how awesome that game is likely to be.
After that is said and done, I'm looking forward to seeing what Kojima will make next. A new horror or horror stealth title would be welcomed.
Quote from: Foggle on August 25, 2015, 03:43:39 PM
I don't think Kojima considers himself a postmodern genius, tbh. I'm pretty sure he actually wanted Metal Gear Solid 1 to be the series' final entry, and was trying to troll both the fanbase and his publisher with the stupidity of MGS2. But that backfired due to its critical and commercial success, so he had to make a third one, which is reportedly the last time he truly wanted to work on the series until his time directing Peace Walker inspired him to make the fifth and final numbered MGS.
From what I hear, MGS2 was largely about taking expectations and completely reversing them, completely blurring reality itself in the process. You can kind of see this in the whole ending. Even Raiden's late reveal as the main character kind of fits the idea.
And I do genuinely believe Kojima wanted to tell a groundbreaking story about social engineering, censoring information, big political conspiracies, and all of that stuff. Kojima has always been one to try to go way outside the box. It's clear in all of his games, even if just in the gameplay. I can't praise his efforts with the story in MGS2, but I do have to admit that I kind of respect them. If nothing else, I truly believe he tried.
Quote from: talonmalon333 on August 25, 2015, 03:36:35 PM
That's what you get when you have to top the stupid crap from MGS2.
And it's a shame because I like Ocelot as a villain, but by the end of MGS4, his motivations simply don't add up. They were always unclear ever since MGS1, but it was MGS4's job to explain them. But by the end, I have no idea what his ultimate goal was. And it's not unclear in a cool and mysterious way, but rather, in a way that was intended to make sense but ended up just being unintentionally vague and weird.
What did pretending to be Liquid accomplish...? If someone asked me that question, then, as someone who has completed MGS4... I would still have no idea what to tell them.
Ocelot is great in 1, 3, and seemingly 5. 2 and 4 though...
Honestly, I think he himself is still great in 2 and 4. He just happens to be bogged down by the plot.
Quote from: talonmalon333 on August 25, 2015, 04:54:01 PM
Honestly, I think he himself is still great in 2 and 4. He just happens to be bogged down by the plot.
I love his voice, but the whole Liquid Ocelot thing is just awful from beginning to end.
He just confuses me.
Really good video for people who aren't yet completely sold on MGS5:
Perfectly explains why I'm so excited for the game. :)
Quote from: Foggle on August 26, 2015, 03:15:09 PMpeople who aren't yet completely sold on MGS5
They exist?
Quote from: talonmalon333 on August 26, 2015, 04:00:04 PM
Quote from: Foggle on August 26, 2015, 03:15:09 PMpeople who aren't yet completely sold on MGS5
They exist?
They are called ek. The less said about that creature, the better.
I meant the Metal Gear fans. Like, are there any Metal Gear fans who aren't sold in MGSV?
To be honest, I think anyone who values complex mechanics, total gameplay freedom, and systems that don't treat players like idiots should be excited for MGS5... unless they really hate stealth games.
Star Fox Zero new level gameplay (
I like that they kept flying in even though this is more of a puzzle or stealth sequence. Looks a lot more fun than that stealth level from Vanquish, anyway.
So, are Shenmue I and II going to get a re-release for the eventual release of III?
Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on August 28, 2015, 09:04:54 PM
Star Fox Zero new level gameplay (
I like that they kept flying in even though this is more of a puzzle or stealth sequence. Looks a lot more fun than that stealth level from Vanquish, anyway.
This looks good!
I think it'll be fine. Honestly I'm surprised the reaction to this game seems to be about as mixed as it is though; you'd think the bar would be set pretty low considering
Assault was the last actual installment (or Command if you wanna include handhelds, but that wasn't exactly great either).
Sega just did a Yakuza 5 stream. They got drunk while try to charm a hostess, then proceeded to (badly) sing karaoke and fail miserably at baseball. After that, they captured a chicken by chasing it through the streets and entered it in an underground chicken race.
Best game ever.
Did they do this in or out of the game? :sly:
Update on Retro:
QuoteThe following info comes from Liam Robertson (Tamaki) from Unseen64...
- Retro Studios typically gets three chances to pitch a project to Nintendo
- if the concept isn't greenlit after the third attempt, they'll be assigned a project that NCL deems more likely to sell well
"I don't actually know what the project is, exactly, but I know that it is something that Retro themselves pitched. ... They came off of Tropical Freeze in very late 2013, I think it was, and they continued throughout 2014 pitching new projects. ... And then they eventually pitched a project that went through, and NCL greenlit, and I assume that's what they're doing now—by all accounts, it is.
I don't think Retro wants to do [Metroid Prime 4]. ... I'd be surprised if Retro themselves pitched [that]. I think they've had their fill of Metroid. ... And if it is Metroid, then it will be something different—like maybe a 2D one, or something—different from Prime.
I think they have the potential to work on multiple projects, but I feel like the money isn't there. People don't realize it, but Retro is one of the priciest studios for [Nintendo] to maintain, and I can't see them letting them do two projects at once. As far as I know, they have one NCL producer with them right now, and I couldn't see this person overseeing both of them; I think this person would be doing one.
... And you were saying, 'could it be an original property?' I think, actually, the time is now for Retro to do an original property. They've done two established Nintendo franchises, they've done Metroid and Donkey Kong, and I think now is the time to let them take hold of the reins a bit more for themselves and do that. And I think if it is something that they pitched themselves, then that does make it more likely that they pitched something original."
All that sounds like good news to me.
I've wanted to see Retro do that for a decade. They're so talented, and as much as I love their Metroid and Donkey Kong games, I believe they have the stuff necessary to make a killer original product. :)
Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on October 28, 2015, 05:38:15 PM
Update on Retro:
QuoteThe following info comes from Liam Robertson (Tamaki) from Unseen64...
- Retro Studios typically gets three chances to pitch a project to Nintendo
- if the concept isn't greenlit after the third attempt, they'll be assigned a project that NCL deems more likely to sell well
"I don't actually know what the project is, exactly, but I know that it is something that Retro themselves pitched. ... They came off of Tropical Freeze in very late 2013, I think it was, and they continued throughout 2014 pitching new projects. ... And then they eventually pitched a project that went through, and NCL greenlit, and I assume that's what they're doing now—by all accounts, it is.
I don't think Retro wants to do [Metroid Prime 4]. ... I'd be surprised if Retro themselves pitched [that]. I think they've had their fill of Metroid. ... And if it is Metroid, then it will be something different—like maybe a 2D one, or something—different from Prime.
I think they have the potential to work on multiple projects, but I feel like the money isn't there. People don't realize it, but Retro is one of the priciest studios for [Nintendo] to maintain, and I can't see them letting them do two projects at once. As far as I know, they have one NCL producer with them right now, and I couldn't see this person overseeing both of them; I think this person would be doing one.
... And you were saying, 'could it be an original property?' I think, actually, the time is now for Retro to do an original property. They've done two established Nintendo franchises, they've done Metroid and Donkey Kong, and I think now is the time to let them take hold of the reins a bit more for themselves and do that. And I think if it is something that they pitched themselves, then that does make it more likely that they pitched something original."
All that sounds like good news to me.
You didn't bold this part:
QuoteAnd if it is Metroid, then it will be something different—like maybe a 2D one, or something—different from Prime.
Seeing them do a 2D Metroid could be great.
You would think Retro would be like WayForward and have their own IPs by now..
Even WayForward has had a lot of problems making games with original IPs recently. They had to make a kickstarter just to get the new Shantae game, for instance.
Retro, on the other hand, has had a lot of turnover over the years. Almost no one there now was around when Metroid Prime first came out, for instance (which none of these obnoxious Prime fans seem aware of no matter how often it is brought up), and they had to scramble to understand 2D platformers with DKCR. They're not magicians, it takes time to create a game, never mind come up with a new IP.
As for what they're making, as long as it isn't Metroid Prime, I will be interested in it.
I could watch these gifs all day.
Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on October 28, 2015, 05:38:15 PM
Update on Retro:
QuoteThe following info comes from Liam Robertson (Tamaki) from Unseen64...
- Retro Studios typically gets three chances to pitch a project to Nintendo
- if the concept isn't greenlit after the third attempt, they'll be assigned a project that NCL deems more likely to sell well
"I don't actually know what the project is, exactly, but I know that it is something that Retro themselves pitched. ... They came off of Tropical Freeze in very late 2013, I think it was, and they continued throughout 2014 pitching new projects. ... And then they eventually pitched a project that went through, and NCL greenlit, and I assume that's what they're doing now—by all accounts, it is.
I don't think Retro wants to do [Metroid Prime 4]. ... I'd be surprised if Retro themselves pitched [that]. I think they've had their fill of Metroid. ... And if it is Metroid, then it will be something different—like maybe a 2D one, or something—different from Prime.
I think they have the potential to work on multiple projects, but I feel like the money isn't there. People don't realize it, but Retro is one of the priciest studios for [Nintendo] to maintain, and I can't see them letting them do two projects at once. As far as I know, they have one NCL producer with them right now, and I couldn't see this person overseeing both of them; I think this person would be doing one.
... And you were saying, 'could it be an original property?' I think, actually, the time is now for Retro to do an original property. They've done two established Nintendo franchises, they've done Metroid and Donkey Kong, and I think now is the time to let them take hold of the reins a bit more for themselves and do that. And I think if it is something that they pitched themselves, then that does make it more likely that they pitched something original."
All that sounds like good news to me.
The return of Raven Blade?
Quote from: Foggle on October 30, 2015, 02:28:14 AM
I could watch these gifs all day.
Oh, Based Platinum :swoon: Also, I hear Transformers Devastation is great. Has anyone here played it?
Quote from: gunswordfist on October 30, 2015, 02:19:57 PM
Oh, Based Platinum :swoon: Also, I hear Transformers Devastation is great. Has anyone here played it?
I've played a tiny bit of it. It's surprisingly excellent! I need to get into it soon. :)
Seriously, PG is a godsend. I hope more and more developers are taking notice.
Copy Girl is looking good.
Quote from: gunswordfist on October 30, 2015, 08:44:54 PM
Copy Girl is looking good.
Yeah, that looks great! :D
Quote from: Foggle on October 30, 2015, 09:15:38 PM
Quote from: gunswordfist on October 30, 2015, 08:44:54 PM
Copy Girl is looking good.
Yeah, that looks great! :D
WHOOPS! I thought I posted this
Awesome! I love the music. :)
Yes, I was impressed by the music as well.
Classification M
Consumer Advice Violence, online interactivity
Category Computer Games
Duration 0 Variable
Date of Classification 30 November 2015
WHAT :zonk:
If it's a four player beat em up, I will probably lose it.
What is it with Platinum and adapting popular animated series into video games these days?
First it was Legend of Korra, then Transformers, and now it's (supposedly) TMNT.
I don't suspect there's any chance that they could maybe tackle classic Dragon Ball next....;)
Oh man, Platinum doing a TMNT game?! Be still my beating heart......
A few more things: platforms are reportedly PS3/PS4, 360/One, and PC. Also, Australia's M rating is equivalent to America's T, so it's not going to be some weirdly adult game like I thought the classification was implying. :lol:
Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on November 30, 2015, 05:30:47 PM
If it's a four player beat em up, I will probably lose it.
Yeah, I'm hoping "online interactivity" means that it will include general co-op (split-screen, please!).
Quote from: Dr. Ensatsu-ken on November 30, 2015, 06:28:31 PM
What is it with Platinum and adapting popular animated series into video games these days?
First it was Legend of Korra, then Transformers, and now it's (supposedly) TMNT.
I don't suspect there's any chance that they could maybe tackle classic Dragon Ball next....;)
They want to do Kill la Kill and Berserk apparently. Perhaps they could do DB as well. :)
Quote from: Peanutbutter on November 30, 2015, 06:46:45 PM
Oh man, Platinum doing a TMNT game?! Be still my beating heart......
Yeah, wow. This is giving me real good nostalgia! Between this, Star Fox, Nier, and Scalebound, Platinum is going to be
on fire next year.
Speaking of upcoming P* titles, rumor has it that Kamiya is interested in making a sequel to one of his legacy games, and the front-runner in all the polls he held was Okami...
Quote from: Foggle on November 30, 2015, 05:18:51 PM
Classification M
Consumer Advice Violence, online interactivity
Category Computer Games
Duration 0 Variable
Date of Classification 30 November 2015
WHAT :zonk:
( don't even know how to believe this.
Actually, seeing as how the original comic is very dark and gritty and not at all meant for kids, an M rated TMNT game that is designed to be in-line with the tone of the source material could potentially be awesome.
I imagine it would be like the recent Nick show. Which is pretty good at bridging both humor and the dark tint the franchise is known for. Believe me, if they stayed true to the show it would probably be more in line with Platinum's original games than their other licensed ones.
It just needs to have four player co-op. A TMNT game without it is like a Sonic game without speed-based gameplay or a Mega Man game without the weapon switching. It can be done, it just misses something fundamental to the experience.
I wouldn't mind a game set in the Mirage or IDW verses, especially since the latter supposedly combines elements throughout all the franchise like the Nick show does.
How is "Shadow Complex: Remastered" a World Premiere announcement? It's not a new game.
This is what I get for turning this stupid thing on for two seconds.
It's free on PC, though. Free is good. I like free.
It's a great game, but just like Rocket League, it's not a "World Premiere". I guess they couldn't get any actual game announcements for the show.
Well, they announced a Kickstarter for Psychonauts 2!
Did it come with an onscreen Kickstarter commercial!
Quote from: Foggle on December 03, 2015, 09:38:33 PM
Well, they announced a Kickstarter for Psychonauts 2!
I can't wait to Double Fine this game. Remember kids, Double Fine means you pay twice. :^)
Hell, it's not even really Kickstarter, it's some new crowd sourcing platform made by developers so they wouldn't get dinged with KS fees to both KS and Amazon. Oh yeah, Tim Schafer has a hand in starting that new platform up.
Just found out that TellTale is going to be doing a Batman game set for next year.
I can't wait for this. Now that the Arkham series is done, I have no doubt that they can keep the stream of good Batman games going. The Wolf Among Us is concrete proof they can make a great Batman story.
Grant Morrison as writer please!
A Batman game made by the same people that make pretty good point and click adventures and does what David Cage wants to do with video games, but even better. Sign me up
Physical release confirmed, too! Sega is no longer dead to me. :swoon:
While it's not a lot, we got a short new gameplay trailer for Nioh:
Maybe I'm just a sucker for hack n' slash action, but I still think that it looks really good. Since I've played a lot of Ninja Gaiden, I can recognize varied and nuanced combat from a Team Ninja game quite well, and this game definitely seems to have it.
I also just love the Feudal Japan setting mixed in with horror elements. I'm still holding out hope that Team Ninja can finally turn out a good product again.
Loving it! Please let this be as good as it looks, Team Ninja.
The FFVII remake actually looks really good. Pair it with XV and it might be the first time I've been interested in Final Fantasy for a loooonnng time.
Everyone keeps comparing Ni-Oh to Dark Souls, but I just see a slower Ninja Gaiden mixed with Onimusha, personally. It looks good.
Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on December 07, 2015, 07:05:29 AM
The FFVII remake actually looks really good. Pair it with XV and it might be the first time I've been interested in Final Fantasy for a loooonnng time.
Yeah, they both seem pretty great. Like I've said, Square Enix has really turned it around over the past couple years.
Of the Souls-franchise, Nioh seems closer to Bloodborne than Dark/Demons Souls, IMO. It's mostly the emphasis on maneuvering and dodging over parrying, which is still present in both games, but not as central to the gameplay as it seems to be in the other Souls games. That said, yeah, it still feels more like Onimusha meets Ninja Gaiden to me, as well.
The people who compare it more to Souls seem to be the type to never have played Onimusha and/or Ninja Gaiden before, and thus have a more limited frame of reference.
I've played both and think Ni-Oh looks like a Souls game :thinkin:
Looks like a Souls/Borne game to me too. Which is not a bad thing at all.
Quote from: Dr. Ensatsu-ken on December 07, 2015, 01:21:20 PM
Of the Souls-franchise, Nioh seems closer to Bloodborne than Dark/Demons Souls, IMO. It's mostly the emphasis on maneuvering and dodging over parrying, which is still present in both games, but not as central to the gameplay as it seems to be in the other Souls games. That said, yeah, it still feels more like Onimusha meets Ninja Gaiden to me, as well.
To be honest, I never parried even once in the Souls games (couldn't figure out the timing, I'm bad), but it's pretty much required in Bloodborne. That said, in BB it's done using the gun to stun, so it's more like Devil May Cry juggling than normal sword parrying.
But yes, Ni-Oh definitely looks much closer to Bloodborne than a normal Souls title, which makes sense, as BB leans more heavily toward character action than it does RPG.
Quote from: gunswordfist on December 07, 2015, 02:02:51 PM
I've played both and think Ni-Oh looks like a Souls game :thinkin:
I mean, it resembles Souls, sure, but the way the sword combat works reminds me more of NG, and the aesthetic reminds me more of Onimusha.
Well, to me it reminds me of the look and enemy patterns of Dark Souls with a bit slower Ninja Gaiden gameplay.
Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on December 07, 2015, 07:05:29 AM
The FFVII remake actually looks really good. Pair it with XV and it might be the first time I've been interested in Final Fantasy for a loooonnng time.
Yeah, gameplay looks great. I have a feeling it will be good, unfortunately on another board I go to everyone's all cynical just because they announced it was going to be in multiple parts. I'm pretty sure all that means is they'll be in an episodic format like Life is Strange and TellTale's stuff, not to mention as gargantuan as FF 7's content was for its time it wasn't going to be possible for it to have a normal release.
Quote from: Peanutbutter on December 07, 2015, 09:19:49 PM
Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on December 07, 2015, 07:05:29 AM
The FFVII remake actually looks really good. Pair it with XV and it might be the first time I've been interested in Final Fantasy for a loooonnng time.
Yeah, gameplay looks great. I have a feeling it will be good, unfortunately on another board I go to everyone's all cynical just because they announced it was going to be in multiple parts. I'm pretty sure all that means is they'll be in an episodic format like Life is Strange and TellTale's stuff, not to mention as gargantuan as FF 7's content was for its time it wasn't going to be possible for it to have a normal release.
That's not necessarily a good thing.
Quote from: Peanutbutter on December 07, 2015, 09:19:49 PM
Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on December 07, 2015, 07:05:29 AM
The FFVII remake actually looks really good. Pair it with XV and it might be the first time I've been interested in Final Fantasy for a loooonnng time.
Yeah, gameplay looks great. I have a feeling it will be good, unfortunately on another board I go to everyone's all cynical just because they announced it was going to be in multiple parts. I'm pretty sure all that means is they'll be in an episodic format like Life is Strange and TellTale's stuff, not to mention as gargantuan as FF 7's content was for its time it wasn't going to be possible for it to have a normal release.
I was watching the trailer and the whole time watching that crazy amount of shine and polish while remembering the sheer
scale of FFVII. If they want this out before 2020, they probably have to break it up this way.
Unless, of course they cut out the scale and scope and basically make it another Corridor Fantasy. Which no one who is a fan of the Pre-X games and don't care for the modern games (like me) wants. I want EVERYTHING. Wutai, Fort Condor, the special weapons, the Highwind... Without it you lose a lot of what made Square's RPGs so good. It's like imagining Chrono Trigger or FFVI without all the extras: they just add so much to the package.
I mean, look at XV. That's been in development for almost a decade. Even if VII is using that engine, does anyone really want to wait that long to get another game? No, this announcement makes total sense. If it's a choice between a $60 boxed game missing all the frills of FFVII or a set of $15-$20 episodes that includes everything and new content, then it's a no-brainer to me.
I'm just impressed at SE's returning ambition with FF with this and XV. It really feels like they're trying their best here and the FF series hasn't felt like that in a long time.
I want to wait. I'll be getting this after they hopefully have all of it on one disc. And I seriously doubt it'll be 20 bucks or less. lmfao at that price prediction.
Quote from: gunswordfist on December 07, 2015, 09:45:03 PM
And I seriously doubt it'll be 20 bucks or less. lmfao at that price prediction.
For each episode. :P
The original game wasn't on one disc either. ;)
I know. I'm sure Square is going to charge 30 bucks or more for each episode.
Quote from: gunswordfist on December 07, 2015, 09:26:16 PM
Quote from: Peanutbutter on December 07, 2015, 09:19:49 PM
Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on December 07, 2015, 07:05:29 AM
The FFVII remake actually looks really good. Pair it with XV and it might be the first time I've been interested in Final Fantasy for a loooonnng time.
Yeah, gameplay looks great. I have a feeling it will be good, unfortunately on another board I go to everyone's all cynical just because they announced it was going to be in multiple parts. I'm pretty sure all that means is they'll be in an episodic format like Life is Strange and TellTale's stuff, not to mention as gargantuan as FF 7's content was for its time it wasn't going to be possible for it to have a normal release.
That's not necessarily a good thing.
But if all the parts have the gameplay we saw in that trailer, how is it a bad thing?
Quote from: gunswordfist on December 07, 2015, 09:51:50 PM
I know. I'm sure Square is going to charge 30 bucks or more for each episode.
Now, that, is certainly possible.
We'll have to see just how much they're willing to push it for this game.
Quote from: Peanutbutter on December 07, 2015, 09:52:44 PM
Quote from: gunswordfist on December 07, 2015, 09:26:16 PM
Quote from: Peanutbutter on December 07, 2015, 09:19:49 PM
Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on December 07, 2015, 07:05:29 AM
The FFVII remake actually looks really good. Pair it with XV and it might be the first time I've been interested in Final Fantasy for a loooonnng time.
Yeah, gameplay looks great. I have a feeling it will be good, unfortunately on another board I go to everyone's all cynical just because they announced it was going to be in multiple parts. I'm pretty sure all that means is they'll be in an episodic format like Life is Strange and TellTale's stuff, not to mention as gargantuan as FF 7's content was for its time it wasn't going to be possible for it to have a normal release.
That's not necessarily a good thing.
But if all the parts have the gameplay we saw in that trailer, how is it a bad thing?
Gameplay is one thing, how they dissect the game is another.
The entire reason it took Square this long to do an FF7 remake in the first place is because it would have cost too much. Making a game of that scale with the expected quality provided by today's AAA budgets is unprecedented and would likely bankrupt them if attempted in one go. It's almost certainly being released in episodes out of necessity rather than any sort of greed.
When it was released, FF7 was the most expensive game ever made, and it's still up there. This remake could easily cost five times that much to produce. The company responsible for Spirits Within is not going to stupidly dump all their money into a single project and hope it performs up to expectations ever again.
Yeah, I now know that they can't make the game in one sitting but I'm still concerned about how well they'll do these episodes.
Garou possibly coming to Steam? System Shock 3?! Damn, all these morning announcements..
Final Fantasy 7 Remake's episodes are apparently going to be.....the. LENGTH. OF. AN. ENITRE. GAME. EACH!!!!! :o
I'm not sure how much this will interest or matter to anyone else here, but I just recently (re)discovered the most amazing Source mod ever. I present to you: G String ( (don't laugh)!
After nearly 10 years of development - the majority of it by a single person - this free Half-Life 2 total conversion is almost ready to be released. It features more than 50 maps, 15 hours of gameplay, nothing but entirely new art assets (as far as I'm aware), great original music, non-terrible voice acting, space battles, and VR support. Yes, space battles and VR support on a game engine from 12 years ago - and one that has never attempted either function before, at that. Also, as far as I know, you don't actually need to own any Valve products to play it.
The game itself is reminiscent of what would happen if David Lynch directed Blade Runner. This doesn't come across so well in the screenshots and videos, but the beta from five years ago - while not particularly enjoyable, as it plays like a version of Half-Life 2 made by sadists - is one of the most intriguing art games I've ever seen. It's got a lot of problems, but most of them actually seem intentional, and it's generally just fucking bizarre in a cool way. I don't really recommend playing this iteration, though, as the finished version seems like it will feature the same brand of surrealism while also being genuinely fun.
This is probably one of the most impressive feats of game dev ever, no exaggeration. For a team consisting of one person and a few outside contributors to complete a project of this scope and ambition is practically unheard of. Even if it turns out to be disappointing, the dedication and originality behind this game are seriously inspiring, and that alone has made it one of my most anticipated titles of the year.
Quote from: gunswordfist on December 08, 2015, 11:52:59 AM
System Shock 3?!
Very exciting! They're also remaking System Shock, which is perhaps the best game that's basically unplayable by today's standards.
*RUMOR* New Paper Mario in development! (
Please be a new game like the first two!
God, I hope so.
I've been hearing that as far as Paper Mario goes, Mario & Luigi: Paper Jam only makes references to Sticker Star, and ignores the first three games. :bleh:
I got my copy in the mail right now, so I'll check when it gets here. Really can't wait to dig into that.
Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on January 22, 2016, 10:19:15 PM
*RUMOR* New Paper Mario in development! (
Please be a new game like the first two!
I want it. I need it.
Quote from: Nel_Annette on January 22, 2016, 11:00:14 PM
I've been hearing that as far as Paper Mario goes, Mario & Luigi: Paper Jam only makes references to Sticker Star, and ignores the first three games. :bleh:
That's just evil, man.
Platinum's worst kept secret ( is now out in the open.
- Assemble your team in 4-player online co-op mode!
- Fight fan-favorite enemies like Bebop and Rocksteady!
- Visually stunning, fast-paced combat true to PlatinumGames' signature style.
- Gritty comic-inspired art style turns a new chapter in TMNT history!
- Original story penned by IDW Comic's TMNT author, Tom Waltz.
Not the biggest fan of how the actual turtles look, but everything else looks really fun. TMNT deserves better quality games than the last few and this might stack up to Konami's classics.
Looks fantastic! Just wish it had split-screen. :(
I was just going to say that I hope it has offline co-op. Please tell me it's exclusion has not been confirmed.
I'm hoping for it, but given that they didn't confirm it, I remain doubtful. It would be nice if they could at least get a 2 player split screen mode in there but I'm not going to hold my breath.
Still, after Devastation, I'm really eager to see if Platinum brings it to this game as well.
I saw a gameplay trailer for the new DOOM game, and I honestly kind of like what I saw. It seems to be less fixated on the way of most modern FPS games and more focused on the classic style of simply killing monsters that get increasingly more tough to fight. Maybe that's just clever editing, but if I had a current-gen console, then I'd probably give this game a shot.
The problem I had specifically with the gameplay video I saw was the level design. This video doesn't show any level design so I can't say they tweaked it, but since my absolute favorite thing about DOOM is exploration and maze-like design I hope they don't miss out on it here.
While I do love the level design from the classic games, Id can't really stick too close to that for a modern game since modern gamers and critics would call it outdated and tedious after spending five minutes in frustration not being able to find a blue key because they are too used to games spoon-feeding them everything in this day and age. This is how the FPS genre got ruined. Even a game like F.E.A.R would be criticized these days for being "unfair" because nobody actually wants to learn to be a better player anymore.
I'm not particularly excited for the new Doom, but it definitely looks better every time I see it. I'm super glad they decided to remove the piss filter and make the series colorful again. It's hard for me to get hyped, though, when the only games Id has released in the past decade are Rage and BFG Edition, neither of which I liked.
It's probably not going to be on par with any of the classics, but as someone who actually quite liked DOOM 3 (not the BFG Edition), I think that it could still be pretty entertaining if handled right.
Oh, I love the original Doom 3 as well! It's a great game.
Oh, it could still very well be a great game. It's just that the DOOM games have always been their own thing-- the original originated so many FPS staples, the second added and built on everything to make it a real adventure, and the third added survival horror mechanics when everyone wanted a game like Black or whatever instead. In an industry overflowing with FPS games, DOOM needs its originality more than ever to stand out.
But in the end, if it's good, I'll play it.
This NEEDS to be the cover for Doom 4.
Star Fox Zero has alternate paths! (
It also comes bundled with Project Guard! Two Nintendo/Platinum collaborations in one. :)
Quote from: has been revealed that Nintendo managed to get back all the original voice actors from StarFox 64 to reprise their rolls in StarFox Zero.
The Fox amiibo lets you play as the SNES Arwing. That's just amazing.
Speaking of amazing: The next Kirby game looks AMAZING (
Triple Deluxe was already excellent, and this looks even BETTER. Can't wait for June!
The official Star Fox Zero trailer. (
Gotta say, I'm excited now.
Wait, Max Payne 4 is supposed to be at E3?!! :huh:
I watched some of Quantum Break on a Twitch channel I mod on right after it came out. It looks pretty damn good. :thumbup:
Excited to play it! :D
I've been watching TS17's walkthrough of the game. He is a massive fan of Remedy's past games, so he went into this with eager anticipation. His overall thoughts are that he finds the story interesting and enjoys the action to an extent, but is disappointed by the game's short length and also feels that there are missed opportunities with the gameplay and level design that could have made the game amazing.
So, overall, it's good but not great, according to him. Seeing as how I usually tend to agree with his opinions, I'll probably feel similar about the game, but I still definitely want to play it for myself.
Ah, so it is short? Remedy sure does love short titles. Twitch was acting up so I had to reload A LOT so do you have any clue how much live action the game has?
There are four 22-minute live action segments, I believe.
Honestly, I don't mind if the game is short. I actually tend to prefer short games these days, since my attention span and free time are both a lot more limited than they used to be.
I don't mind short games, either, and in fact prefer them, so long as they are fun and highly replayable. In fact, three out of five of my top five favorite games can actually be beaten in under six hours each on a single playthrough.
I believe what TS17 was insinuating about the game was that the gameplay wasn't quite as strong as in Max Payne and Alan Wake to make him want to invest a lot of time into playing it over again beyond his initial playthrough and the walkthrough on Hard mode that he has been uploading.
Quote from: Dr. Ensatsu-ken on April 05, 2016, 07:50:03 PM
I believe what TS17 was insinuating about the game was that the gameplay wasn't quite as strong as in Max Payne and Alan Wake to make him want to invest a lot of time into playing it over again beyond his initial playthrough and the walkthrough on Hard mode that he has been uploading.
Aw, that's disappointing, especially since I already felt like Alan Wake's gameplay was a bit of a step down from Max Payne's. :(
But yeah, I like playing short games over and over. Long games are great, but unless they end up becoming all-time favorites of mine, I'm generally done with them after a single playthrough. I definitely get more playtime out of short/medium-length games on the whole.
Quote from: Foggle on April 05, 2016, 07:53:59 PMAw, that's disappointing, especially since I already felt like Alan Wake's gameplay was a bit of a step down from Max Payne's. :(
Alan Wake's gameplay was perfect and awesome and in no way flawed! :anger:
In all seriousness, though, it's one of my top five favorite games from last gen, so I like it more than almost everyone else. I'd actually argue that the gameplay is more refined than Max Payne, but I prefer Max Payne since it's more my preferred style of gameplay.
QuoteBut yeah, I like playing short games over and over. Long games are great, but unless they end up becoming all-time favorites of mine, I'm generally done with them after a single playthrough. I definitely get more playtime out of short/medium-length games on the whole.
That's most Platinum games in a nutshell. :)
I also love Devil May Cry 3 despite being pretty short, as I've replayed it over a dozen times, and while Ninja Gaiden Black falls under the intermediate length of games (longer than 10 hours but under 20 on a first playthrough), it's significantly shorter on replays once you know what to do.
Quote from: Dr. Ensatsu-ken on April 05, 2016, 08:02:45 PM
Alan Wake's gameplay was perfect and awesome and in no way flawed! :anger:
In all seriousness, though, it's one of my top five favorite games from last gen, so I like it more than almost everyone else. I'd actually argue that the gameplay is more refined than Max Payne, but I prefer Max Payne since it's more my preferred style of gameplay.
Ah, I didn't think it was bad! That farm level with the rock concert was my second favorite moment of last gen after Nier's Ending D. I can also see what you mean by it being more refined when I think about it. Very fun game(s), but I still have the most fun with the original Max Payne, which is just perfect. :D
QuoteThat's most Platinum games in a nutshell. :)
I also love Devil May Cry 3 despite being pretty short, as I've replayed it over a dozen times, and while Ninja Gaiden Black falls under the intermediate length of games (longer than 10 hours but under 20 on a first playthrough), it's significantly shorter on replays once you know what to do.
Short to me would be about 1-8 hours and medium would be around 8-20, with long being 20-40 and mind-numbing being 40+. This isn't to say that I don't enjoy any 40+ hour games (just last year I loved MGS5 and The Witcher, after all), but it's practically impossible for anything of that length to have any modicum of good pacing. And still I look forward to Final Fantasy 15...
Platinum games are wonderful because I can play them a million times and never get bored, even on the easier difficulty settings (well, maybe not the Automatic ones :P). I assume Nier Automata will be in the ballpark of 25 hours, which would make it both the longest (character action) Platinum release and the most replayable long game of all time!
I've always valued replay value over straight-up length, myself.
I've gotten hundreds of hours out of games like NGB, and Super Street Fighter IV has caused me to sink over a hundred hours OFFLINE just learning how to play each character in the Traning and Challenge modes.
Meanwhile, I can't even bother to finish some long games, such as Oblivion, which I had some fun with but ended up quitting long before it was over.
I'm still playing Super Mario Maker long after I thought the novelty would have worn off. Sometimes games surprise you with how fun they can be.
Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on April 05, 2016, 08:24:55 PM
I'm still playing Super Mario Maker long after I thought the novelty would have worn off. Sometimes games surprise you with how fun they can be.
Mario Maker never gets old! I think that falls into the same category as fighting and party games, though, in that it doesn't really have a set length. It's fun forever!
NIOH is getting a limited-time alpha demo on the PS4 later this month:
The game looks glorious in 60 FPS HD. It sucks that I probably won't get to try the demo, but I'm keeping my fingers crossed that people like it. Despite all of the shit that I've given them in past years, I sincerely want Team Ninja to make good games again, and I believe that this could be a return to form.
The only thing in that trailer that irks me a little is the clear attempt to reach out to the Dark Souls market. Well, to be clear, it's not that I'm upset that KoeiTecmo is catering to that audience. That's only obvious. It's that they aren't even trying to differentiate this game with its own identity by using statements like "Ready to die?" That's a clear rip-off of "Prepare to die."
The gameplay looks great, though, and that's what matters the most. I just hope that it plays as well as it looks.
Excited for that Ni-Oh demo!
So, a new Fear Effect has been announced. It's a sequel to the cancelled third game.
What a time to be alive.
Didn't expect that.
Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on April 07, 2016, 10:30:40 AM
Didn't expect that.
Probably the most unexpected game announcement since the Nier sequel! Square Enix is on fire these days.
Apparently SE is also open to the idea of an outside studio coming in to finish Fear Effect Inferno. That would be so amazing!
A sequel to a canceled sequel? That sounds legit interesting, no snark. May I ask what's the story behind Fear Effect Inferno?
Also, again, Square Enix has been on fire recently. While apparently they still aren't at Squaresoft's PS1 level (can't speak for Snes since I didn't know who they were back then :D), they really are trying. They're probably the 2nd best publisher now.
From what I can piece together, Fear Effect Inferno was about Hana getting captured by demons after the gang tried to pull a heist at some rich dude's mansion/penthouse suite/whatever. She then had to escape from a demonic hospital/portal to Hell while her girlfriend cheated on her with her best friend. Or something like that. Supposedly, the game was about 80% finished when it got cancelled in favor of pumping more money into Tomb Raider: Angel of Darkness, bankrupting Kronos Digital Entertainment in the process (thanks Eidos!).
I'm hoping that the Kickstarter will include either a cutscene movie or novelization of Inferno as a stretch goal. And, of course, that we'll get to play a finished (or leaked) version of the actual game someday.
I hope the canceled Inferno is finished and brought out first, but this is awesome! Still mad to this day at Eidos letting Kronos fold like they did. Hana and Rain are among the most sexiest video game characters of all time, and are both freaking amazing characters.
Square Enix have really redeemed themselves.
Eidos had some of the greatest IPs of all time, but they were a garbage publisher through and through. Modern Square Enix is a much better home for their games.
Hana and Deke are some of my favorite video game characters, and the lore/mythology driving Fear Effect is absolutely brilliant. I do hope they give Deke a stronger Australian accent like he had in FE1 and the leaked Inferno videos, though - wasn't really a fan of his voice in the second game.
I'm sure we will see Inferno in some form, some day. There's no way this new studio would make a sequel to that game otherwise.
Hoping the next SE Collective announcement is Anachronox 2 by Tom Hall...
The Nioh alpha demo just dropped today. I'll see if I can convince my brother to let me download it on his PS4 and give it a try.
I've watched some YouTube videos of the gameplay. It generally looks pretty good. I've heard mixed things about it from people, though, but keep in mind that there's a lot of animosity from Souls fans who just label it as a cheap rip-off. On the flip side, I've heard people say that the game is a good challenge and that they like the combat much better than in the Souls games. Still, I'll have no idea if this game is any good or not unless I get to play it for myself.
Lmao. There's nothing wrong with games that are clearly influenced by others. This would be what? The 5th Souls game? Overentitled gamers kill me.
Anyway, I hope it's good as well. Team Ninja being back on track would be great.
Hopefully I'll be able to try the demo within the next few days!
Quote from: gunswordfist on April 27, 2016, 12:20:21 PM
Lmao. There's nothing wrong with games that are clearly influenced by others. This would be what? The 5th Souls game?
6th if you count Bloodborne. 8th if you count Lords of the Fallen and Salt & Sanctuary. 9th if you count Slashy Souls...
TS17's walkthrough/impressions of Nioh are up:
This is personally really interesting for me to hear, since I know that TS17 went into this game as a huge fan of the Souls games as well as the Ninja Gaiden games. So, I know that unlike some other people, his praises and critiques would be genuine, and not overly-biased like Souls fanboys who want to call this a rip-off or Team Ninja fanboys who will blindly love anything that they do. I also know that he doesn't talk out of his ass and actually has an understanding of nuanced mechanics, so he won't blindly call something cheap or unfair unless it actually is.
Overall, in its current state, he feels that the game isn't nearly as good as Souls, but also finds it to be charming and fun in its own way. His biggest gripe is that it feels overly difficult for the sake of being difficult, though he also suspects this to be intentional of the Alpha demo and that Team Ninja will tone down the main game's difficilty. They know what they're doing. They just want people to react: "Wow, this game is harder than Souls!" This would theoretically spark interest in the game by word of mouth.
However, his follow-up to that really cements why I often respect his opinions so much. I'm going to paraphrase him here, but he basically said something along these lines: "I personally don't get this 'Ready To Die' bull-shit. Team Ninja created much harder games than any Souls game before they even existed, and back then they didn't need to gloat about it or advertise them as being difficult. They were just challenging games for people who wanted a good challenge." I'm so glad that he pointed that out. I never liked that "Ready To Die" slogan for this game, either.
Anyways, as for Nioh, he essentially says that it's difficult and "technically" mostly fair, but that it's not difficult for all of the right reasons, and thus isn't as fun as either Ninja Gaiden or Dark Souls. However, he's still interested in covering the full game and feels that it will most likely polish a lot of the flaws from this alpha demo.
So yeah, bottom line: Nioh needs some work for sure, but the potential is there.
Goddamn, he is way better at Nioh than me. I just beat the demo a few minutes ago and I loved it. However, I found the final boss to be incredibly frustrating until my friend introduced me to a good strategy, and even then, it was still tedious. Awful fight.
I agree with his criticism that it seems difficult for the sake of being difficult at times, though I honestly didn't find it much harder than the "real" Souls games. That said, From Software's games are a lot more satisfying for some reason I can't quite explain. This is definitely Team Ninja's best game since Ninja Gaiden 2, though, and while it doesn't hold a candle to the best NG or Souls titles, I did enjoy the demo a lot more than my second playthrough of Dark Souls 2 and what I've played so far of Dark Souls 3.
To be fair, I believe that the whole point of this alpha demo being released was for people to give them feedback on the flaws of the game in order to better balance it, so I fully expect the final product to be significantly improved.
The only thing that really concerns me is what TS17 said about the movement being shit. Using NGB as a frame of reference, you'd think that Team Ninja has movement down since those games control perfectly (which he also points out in his commentary), but since they're trying to be more like a Souls game, they have compromised the character motions such as running and dodging to be considerably slower, and as a result they feel clunkier and less responsive than a Gaiden, Souls, or Onimusha game. Out of everything, that's the first thing that I want Team Ninja to fix for the full release of Nioh.
Quote from: Foggle on May 03, 2016, 05:02:34 PMGoddamn, he is way better at Nioh than me.
TS17's whole shtick is that he beats games on their highest difficulties IN ADDITION to forcing extra handicaps on himself or going for perfect ranks, most of the time. He's done a no damage run of RE4 on Professional difficulty, an SSS rank run of DMC4 on DMD mode, Pure Platinum runs of both Bayonetta games, The Evil Within on AKUMU difficulty, and has cleared several other games on max settings, including Ninja Gaiden and almost every major Platinum game. So it goes without saying that he'd make most of us look like shit in comparison when it comes to character action games. ;)
QuoteI just beat the demo a few minutes ago and I loved it. However, I found the final boss to be incredibly frustrating until my friend introduced me to a good strategy, and even then, it was still tedious. Awful fight.
I hope that Team Ninja rebalances the boss fights to be much shorter like in Ninja Gaiden. As hard as they could be, you could kill most bosses in a matter of seconds if you knew what you were doing.
Quote from: Dr. Ensatsu-ken on May 03, 2016, 05:38:13 PM
To be fair, I believe that the whole point of this alpha demo being released was for people to give them feedback on the flaws of the game in order to better balance it, so I fully expect the final product to be significantly improved.
Yeah, that would make sense. Honestly, the demo feels about as polished as a lot of released games do these days. I'm not sure if that says more about Nioh or more about modern gaming...
QuoteThe only thing that really concerns me is what TS17 said about the movement being shit. Using NGB as a frame of reference, you'd think that Team Ninja has movement down since those games control perfectly (which he also points out in his commentary), but since they're trying to be more like a Souls game, they have compromised the character motions such as running and dodging to be considerably slower, and as a result they feel clunkier and less responsive than a Gaiden, Souls, or Onimusha game. Out of everything, that's the first thing that I want Team Ninja to fix for the full release of Nioh.
I wouldn't say the movement is outright horrible, but it
is fairly clunky compared to the Souls series, Onimusha, and Team Ninja's past work. It threw me off for the first 15 minutes of play, but I got used to it after a while. There were a few times my character randomly started slow-walking, though, which thankfully never happened in any particularly dangerous situations, but I could see that being really horrible if it persists into the full game.
Speaking of which, considering that this demo has almost no story to speak of and the protagonist appears to be completely silent, I'm a little disappointed I couldn't create my own character like in Souls.
Quote from: Dr. Ensatsu-ken on May 03, 2016, 05:48:12 PM
TS17's whole shtick is that he beats games on their highest difficulties IN ADDITION to forcing extra handicaps on himself or going for perfect ranks, most of the time. He's done a no damage run of RE4 on Professional difficulty, an SSS rank run of DMC4 on DMD mode, Pure Platinum runs of both Bayonetta games, The Evil Within on AKUMU difficulty, and has cleared several other games on max settings, including Ninja Gaiden and almost every major Platinum game. So it goes without saying that he'd make most of us look like shit in comparison when it comes to character action games. ;)
God, anyone who can suffer through Akumu is definitely talented/dedicated. That setting just sucks all the fun out of the game IMO, but if you're hardcore enough, I guess I could see it actually being a fun challenge. Has he done a Hard difficulty Kick Me Sign run in God Hand? :o
QuoteI hope that Team Ninja rebalances the boss fights to be much shorter like in Ninja Gaiden. As hard as they could be, you could kill most bosses in a matter of seconds if you knew what you were doing.
I didn't really mind the first boss. It takes about 3-5 minutes to kill I think, which is par for the course in this type of game. The second one took me like 10+ minutes per attempt, though, and that just felt horribly tedious. I also prefer the Ninja Gaiden style of boss fights that are short but sweet and incredibly challenging, but I must say that Demon's Souls and Bloodborne have some of my all-time favorite boss fights.
If I had to rank the Souls and Ninja Gaiden games together along with Nioh, I'd probably say:
Ninja Gaiden Black (also 1 and Sigma) > Bloodborne (particularly with Old Hunters DLC) > Demon's Souls > Ninja Gaiden 2 (Xbox 360 version only) > Dark Souls > Nioh (demo) > Dark Souls 3 > Dark Souls 2 (really didn't hold up on a second playthrough) > Ninja Gaiden 3: Razor's Edge >>>>>>>>> Literal garbage > Ninja Gaiden 3 > Yaiba
Though keep in mind that I haven't really played enough of DS3, either version of NG3, or Yaiba to form a valid opinion on them. ;)
Hehe Kick Me Sign...
Well, if nothing else, Team Ninja games usually feel pretty polished when the final product is released. Even if the game is bad, it's typically still functional and mostly devoid of bugs and glitches. Oddly enough, Ninja Gaiden 2 is the only exception to this, despite being one of their better games. So, I'd be surprised if Nioh came out as an incomplete mess.
I've heard other people mention the slow-walking problem as well. I expect that it will be removed by the time the final version of the game comes out.
I do know that TS17 has covered God Hand in the past, but I have no idea if it was a Kick Me Sign run.
As for story, this game is supposedly based on an unfinished movie script by Akira Kurosawa. From what I can gather, the people at Koei were mostly responsible for developing the story elements of this game, which itself was in development since over a decade ago. Perhaps the demo purposely cuts that stuff out in order to keep it a surprise for the main game, but there should still be more character customization options regardless of whether this game is story-driven or not. Team Ninja has put up an online survey for feedback until May 5th. Perhaps it wouldn't hurt to mention the possibility of adding in a character creation feature for the full release of the game.
According to both TS17 and Bick Benedict (a YouTuber similar to TS17 who I used to follow, but stopped listening to due to his obnoxious personality), AKUMU is really only incredibly tough in a few key areas, and mostly in the beginning at that. It's really manageable for them since they remmeber where enemies spawn and how best to set traps for them or take them out from a safe enough distance.
As for long boss fights, I don't particularly mind them when the boss in question has multiple different phases to it, but when the fight is long simply because the boss is just an attack sponge, it tends to feel tedious and infuriating. This was a big problem that I had with Devil May Cry 3 on Dante Must Die mode. Conversely, I love the boss fights in games like NGB and MGRR because of how quickly you can end them if you're skilled enough.
Quote from: Dr. Ensatsu-ken on May 03, 2016, 11:31:56 PM
As for story, this game is supposedly based on an unfinished movie script by Akira Kurosawa. From what I can gather, the people at Koei were mostly responsible for developing the story elements of this game, which itself was in development since over a decade ago. Perhaps the demo purposely cuts that stuff out in order to keep it a surprise for the main game, but there should still be more character customization options regardless of whether this game is story-driven or not. Team Ninja has put up an online survey for feedback until May 5th. Perhaps it wouldn't hurt to mention the possibility of adding in a character creation feature for the full release of the game.
Well, there are little pieces of story in there, and the setting itself is extremely interesting. The main character doesn't appear to talk, though, and the plot doesn't really seem to involve much more than "dude goes to different areas of Japan and kills demons." But, it's a demo.
QuoteAccording to both TS17 and Bick Benedict (a YouTuber similar to TS17 who I used to follow, but stopped listening to due to his obnoxious personality), AKUMU is really only incredibly tough in a few key areas, and mostly in the beginning at that. It's really manageable for them since they remmeber where enemies spawn and how best to set traps for them or take them out from a safe enough distance.
Yeah, I think if you have a good memory it might not be too bad. I've only played the first couple of levels on Akumu, and Chapter 2 especially was just so brutal that I wasn't having any fun.
QuoteAs for long boss fights, I don't particularly mind them when the boss in question has multiple different phases to it, but when the fight is long simply because the boss is just an attack sponge, it tends to feel tedious and infuriating. This was a big problem that I had with Devil May Cry 3 on Dante Must Die mode. Conversely, I love the boss fights in games like NGB and MGRR because of how quickly you can end them if you're skilled enough.
Yeah, most Souls bosses have multiple phases, particularly in Bloodborne and Dark Souls 3. The first boss of the Nioh demo has two phases, the second of which is more interesting than than the first, but the second boss is just an obnoxious damage sponge with many instant-kill (or just about) attacks.
Been playing the free Overwatch beta for the past couple of days. This is, quite honestly, one of the best games I've ever played. Everything about it is fucking amazing (except for some occasional server issues, which I assume will be rectified by the time it officially comes out). Tracer is especially fun to play, almost reminding me of Vanquish in terms of exhilaration. This is some of the most incredible multiplayer action I've ever experienced, and it will be a nice replacement for Team Fortress 2 and Payday 2 now that my friends and I have tired of them.
I've been playing the Overwatch Beta as well. My personal favorites are Roadhog, Winston, Mercy, Widowmaker, Torbjörn and Bastion. I just like how pick up and play this game is and looking forward to picking up my copy of the game soon. I swear, it does feel more like TF2 with MOBA like elements with everyone having a special ability and not feeling like the same character. Hell, even for more traditional FPS players, you even have Soldier: 76 to play as.
Torbjörn is so good. I love Mercy, Bastion, Reinhardt, and Reaper too. Pharah and Widowmaker are fun but I'm absolutely dreadful with them. I also enjoy using Roadhog, D. Va, McCree, and Soldier 76, but not as much as those others. Tracer is definitely my favorite, though. Still need to try Junkrat.
Can't wait to play it again in two weeks. The beta convinced me and all my friends to pre-order. I wish it was out already!
Oh yeah, I heard that the main character in Ni-Oh is actually supposed to be the first white dude who ever went to Japan and became a samurai (in real life). That would explain why there isn't any customization and could also open up some interesting paths for the story to take.
Yeah, apparently the film that Kurosawa wanted to make was a more historical one about the real-life William from history. Ni-Oh seems to reimagine that concept in a dark fantasy setting, though if you look at the original concept art for the game from over ten years ago, it looked much less like a fantasy. This game has certainly come a long way from what was originally going to be a modified Dynasty Warriors game.
Yooka-Laylee is still on track for October. This may very well be the first Kickstarter game to release on time.
Quote from:"A flurry of excitement filled the factory floor. Everyone had assembled, from the top-tier boss characters to the tea minion from sector C. it was finally here; takeover day.
"The ingenious tech firm Quack Corp had been subject to a hostile swoop by diabolical publishing corporation in Hivory Towers. Together they were about to launch their most devious scheme yet, all under the leadership of cunning buzzness executive Capital B!"
Yooka and Laylee's adventure will take them deep inside the work halls of a baneful business, as the buddy-duo seek out the magical Pagies required to explore the mysterious Grand Tomes. The dexterous pair will seek to unlock the ancient secrets of these bewitching books, as they battle to thwart corporate creep Capital B and his devious scheme to absorb all of the world's literature... and convert them into pure profit.
An evil corporation that wants to ruin art to make the most profit? Subtle.
I was about to post this in the Rare thread, but yeah. Looks great. I can't wait to see some new footage.
They've also been pretty fast making this game. It's only been a year and they seem close to completion. Guess that's what happens when you know what you want to make but have been unable to do so for over a decade.
A year is about how long they took to make the Banjo games I think (not counting the time spent developing Dream). They said when Yooka-Laylee got funded that Unity works like their old N64 tools but in a much easier and more efficient manner, so I'm not surprised they may actually be able to make their estimated release window.
Sounds like there will be a new magazine article next week, so hopefully footage will follow (E3?)!
In celebration, let's post the Honest Trailer ( for Banjo Kazooie!
Those animal noises are not awful! >:(
Fun video. I love how I never actually realized how truly bizarre this game is until I heard someone explain it verbally. That delightful weirdness really went into overdrive with Banjo-Tooie, and I hope we get to see plenty more of it in Yooka-Laylee!
I've been waiting 15 years for this... :cry:
Hey, Laylee's red nose is like an underwater flashlight! That's hilarious. They weren't kidding when they said they chose these animals specifically for what they can do with them.
Publishing corporation...yep, not subtle at all!!
Prey is getting rebooted by the Dishonored devs. ( The trailer is all pre-rendered, but it's extremely well done from a narrative and direction standpoint, and it looks to resemble System Shock 2 like the leaks a couple years back said. The loss of Prey 2 still hurts, but this new version also looks cool, and it's from a talented studio.
Id is at it again:
Quake Champions announced. (
Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on June 13, 2016, 12:45:19 AM
Id is at it again:
Quake Champions announced. (
I'm not really liking this tbh. I thought we'd be getting Quake 5, but instead it's a multiplayer-only "hero shooter" a la Overwatch and Battleborn.
That said, I was wrong about both New Order and Doom 4 when they were announced, so maybe this one will also live up to the legacy.
As long as it's fun, I'm good with it.
Id seems to be on the right track recently, though, so we'll see.
Holy shit. Prey is being written by Chris Avellone!? ( One of the greatest writers in the entire game industry, if not the greatest? Now I'm REALLY excited. :drool:
Anyone want to make the E3 2016 thread? I forgot to and now I am going to sleep lol
Quote from: Foggle on June 13, 2016, 12:49:01 AM
Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on June 13, 2016, 12:45:19 AM
Id is at it again:
Quake Champions announced. (
I'm not really liking this tbh. I thought we'd be getting Quake 5, but instead it's a multiplayer-only "hero shooter" a la Overwatch and Battleborn.
That said, I was wrong about both New Order and Doom 4 when they were announced, so maybe this one will also live up to the legacy.
Gaah, of course it is multiplayer only. I was hoping it wasn't
Angry Joe uploaded a preview of Nioh where he also sort of interviews one of the developers:
Not much new information here, but the gameplay footage is mostly all new, so that's pretty cool.
At the moment the only games I'm actually waiting for are Shenmue 3 and Tekken 7. I have all the games I've been waiting for. Now it's just a matter of putting aside the fighting games for a moment and actually playing said games.
I suppose if I'm going by just this past E3 then nothing if I'm gonna be honest about it. I can say I'm waiting for Final Fantasy 7 and 15, but I'm iffy on both games. I'm not sold on episodic games when it comes to FF7. So many thoughts run through my head when it comes to that thought. "Is Square gonna charge for each episode? Are they gonna charge for additional DLC? Will there be a season pass?" Just a few things there. As for Final Fantasy 15, I've always been of the opinion that developers should take as much time they need to complete a game, but there comes a time when too long is too long. I've lost all the enthusiasm that I once had for this game (Was very much excited for it when it was still Versus) and quite frankly I wouldn't even care if they scrapped the project at this point. I'm gonna still get it, but I'm at that point when it comes to FF15.
I think that if the rumors were true and Capcom announced DMC5 I'd have been giddy, but at the same time I think because of last years E3, I wasn't expecting much from this year.
Zelda looks pretty.
To be fair, there's a slight chance that DMC5 is in development and that Capcom just isn't far along enough in the project to show anything off yet. Hideaki Itsuno did announce around the beginning of the year that he had started development on a new game, which people speculated would be either DMC5 or DD2, though it could also be a new IP for all that we know. Nothing which Capcom announced at E3 this year had his name attached to it AFAIK, meaning that his project still hasn't been been revealed to the public so far. Additionally, just a few months ago, Johnny Yong Bosch tweeted a picture of him and Rueben Langdon dressed in motion capture equipment, and as we all know, those two previously worked together doing that same job for DMC4, as Nero and Dante respectively. And while some people suggested that it might have just been to record new footage for that DMC pachinko machine, I'd like to believe that JYB wouldn't be such a monumental troll to his fans.
That said, I'm still not keeping my hopes up for that game to be announced. Lately, Capcom doesn't really seem to care about any of its franchises that don't have Street, Evil, or Hunter in the title.
Here's an upcoming game called Scorn. (
Greatest artistic design I've ever seen in the medium. This is truly superb.
Can't argue with that. I wonder what the full experience will be like.
Lost Soul Aside (
Has anyone seen this yet?
I know I'm pretty late to some of this stuff since I don't follow much anymore, but this just happened to pop up on my youtube recommendation and as far as I know the progress of the game has been done by 1 person.
I'm not going to question how credible it is that one person did all of that, but if that happens to be true I'm definitely gonna start questioning a lot of developers from here on out.
As for the game itself. I'm sold. I don't care how corny the story may be. The way the game plays is aching to what I can get behind and support. Nothing against indie games, but if this is what they'll look like I'd start supporting them.
That was absolutely anazing.
So here's a few questions.
Are you getting a PS4 Pro or are you thinking about getting one?
Do you already have a PS4? What could make you upgrade to the PRO?
I'm currently listening to an Easy Allies podcast and they're talking about the Pro/Scorpio etc, and am currently staring at my PS4 wondering why would I bother getting the Pro? Especially when this generation of games, for the most part has been nothing but remasters (I don't particularly mind it but still) with a few new games every now and then. The talk a frames is moot to me (I enjoy the Musou games for crying out loud and seeing enemies pop up randomly don't bother me).
Not to mention I play fighting games and dabble with the Uncharteds, Metal Gears, etc every now and then, so for me at the moment I have no intention to upgrade (especially hearing that you might need to upgrade your tv and such, but I'm not remotely clear on what I heard there.)
I'd consider it if I had a 4K television, but I'm pretty happy with what I have now. Hell, I only got it back in June 2015.
Nothing I've heard about the Pro is endearing me to it, nor is it making me regret purchasing a regular PS4. I'm enjoying this current gen, and every game I played so far has been solid, but most of the hype I'm seeing for the PRO are just miniscule performance boosts. Most of the PS4 games I own/am planning on playing are JRPG's, fighting games, and Musou/character action games, and only the latter is something that really benefits from a performance upgrade.
My TV is so old that it doesn't do 1080p and the PS4 crops the screen's edges off with no recourse, so I doubt I'd benefit from the Pro's 4K technology. :il_hahaha:
Have you guys heard about Cuphead? Its a cool looking game that has 2D animation in the style of old 1930s cartoons! As someone that grew up watching Popeye as well as Buddy and Bosco cartoons on Nick this game looks insane! Only downside so far is its PC and Xbox exclusive.
My online friends just started a Kickstarter for their game, Beard Blade ( They have been working on this 2D platformer for awhile now. It takes inspiration from a lot of SNES and GBA titles. That and because you couldn't find nicer game devs-from how easy they are to talk to to them being the ones who gave me a Triforce Heroes demo code without me even asking is why I plan on making their Kickstarter the first I will ever back. Edit: You get a digital copy of the game, when it is released, if you pledge $10 or more. They also have Wario Land, Ristar and Yoshi's Island listed as the game's main influences.
Dragonball Xenoverse 2. Not much of a fan of the anime anymore but I am looking forward to this game. I don't want to say "it's sad" that this is the game I've been looking forward the most, but I'd think it's pretty telling what my opinion on this gen have been like so far when this game is the game that's been getting me hype.
The little that I tried of the first Xenoverse was enough to turn me off from the series, personally. It just felt way too clunky in terms of controls and responsiveness, and the combat felt as shallow and bare-bones as you could possibly get (then again, I have been spoiled by way too many other action, adventure, and fighting games to expect that level of technical-prowess in the past few years). I personally prefer the style of fighting game combat that we had with the DBZ Budokai fighting games developed by Dimps (yes, I know that they also developed Xenoverse, but the mechanics are completely different and watered down). It's a shame since this is the same developer that brought us Street Fighter 4 and 5, which despite what anyone thinks about them, are undeniably something to be categorized as "technical" fighters rather than casual, though which I think manage to find a happy-medium in-between to still be fun for casual play. Granted, I understand that the whole point of a DBZ game is to appeal to the casual crowd, but even so, I liked it more when they put at least a bit more depth into its mechanics to make the games interesting to play and get a little bit better at rather than just mash buttons the whole way through.
On another note, I always far preferred the Dragonball manga to the anime (having re-read it last year, it still holds up incredibly well, except for the Cell arc, IMO), but I do think it's worth noting that the current arc of Dragon Ball Super is easily the best thing to come out of the franchise since the manga ended. It has its flaws, but I'm liking it way more than 95% of the other anime-original content that I've seen from other Weekly Shonen Jump properties. It figures that this game is trying to shoehorn bonus content from the current arc of DBS into the game since it's resonating so well with fans and could probably help them sell a few thousand more copies.
Quote from: Dr. Ensatsu-ken on October 09, 2016, 01:47:35 PM
The little that I tried of the first Xenoverse was enough to turn me off from the series, personally. It just felt way too clunky in terms of controls and responsiveness, and the combat felt as shallow and bare-bones as you could possibly get (then again, I have been spoiled by way too many other action, adventure, and fighting games to expect that level of technical-prowess in the past few years). I personally prefer the style of fighting game combat that we had with the DBZ Budokai fighting games developed by Dimps (yes, I know that they also developed Xenoverse, but the mechanics are completely different and watered down). It's a shame since this is the same developer that brought us Street Fighter 4 and 5, which despite what anyone thinks about them, are undeniably something to be categorized as "technical" fighters rather than casual, though which I think manage to find a happy-medium in-between to still be fun for casual play. Granted, I understand that the whole point of a DBZ game is to appeal to the casual crowd, but even so, I liked it more when they put at least a bit more depth into its mechanics to make the games interesting to play and get a little bit better at rather than just mash buttons the whole way through.
You are right to say the controls and responsiveness are clunky. They are indeed clunky, but in terms of combat, that all depends on how much of the game you actually played. The game opens up more once you start unlocking more moves, so when you say "shallow/barebones" I get it, but at the same time you gotta work to get what you want. The way I've been told to play Xenoverse is your first playthrough focus on unlocking the moves and story (if you want), 2nd playthrough the gates open up (focus on your character and/or stats).
It's been a long time since I've played the Budokai games but from what I can remember of it the control scheme is essentially the same. I'd say it's more of a combination of both Budokai and Tenkaichi whereas you have a punch, kick, jump, and a ki blast button from Budokai and in Tenkaichi I think you're holding the trigger buttons to gain access to your signatures and whatnot (Correct me on this since I never cared for the Tenkaichi games).
While Xenoverse's mechanics isn't what I'd call "deep" I'd certainly say they are deeper than that of Budokai's, but they only work when playing against another human opponent lol. Trying to do some of these techniques against the computer is like trying to jump in on Ryu on the hardest difficulty setting. Now I'm not saying it's the best game ever, in fact it's rather average, but I do like how rewarding things feel once you get what you worked so hard to get.
Slap the hell outta whoever said that Street Fighter 4 and 5 aren't technical games. They may not be as technical as GG, BB or KoF but they are technical fighters.
Well, like I said, to be fair I've been spoiled too much by games like Ninja Gaiden, Devil May Cry, Tekken, Street Fighter, etc. :P
I'm sure the game opens up more avenues when you unlock more stuff, but my attention span has grown so slim these days that I just can't stand grinding for stuff anymore, which is why I've played so few RPGs since the last console generation.
I hear ya. If anything, I probably should've posted that in the "Things that Bother You" thread, but I was trying to kill 2 birds.
NX Reveal coming tomorrow morning at 10am EST / 7am PT! (
Took long enough!
Announcement video! (
It's a console/handheld hybrid. You can either play it with a normal controller on your TV or take it with you like a smaller Wii U Gamepad. It's still scheduled for a March release.
QuoteREDMOND, Wash., Oct. 20, 2016 – In an introductory video released today (, Nintendo provided the first glimpse of its new home gaming system and revealed that it is called Nintendo Switch. In addition to providing single and multiplayer thrills at home, the Nintendo Switch system also enables gamers to play the same title wherever, whenever and with whomever they choose. The mobility of a handheld is now added to the power of a home gaming system to enable unprecedented new video game play styles.
At home, Nintendo Switch rests in the Nintendo Switch Dock that connects the system to the TV and lets you play with family and friends in the comfort of your living room. By simply lifting Nintendo Switch from the dock, the system will instantly transition to portable mode, and the same great gaming experience that was being enjoyed at home now travels with you. The portability of Nintendo Switch is enhanced by its bright high-definition display. It brings the full home gaming system experience with you to the park, on an airplane, in a car, or to a friend's apartment.
Gaming springs into action by removing detachable Joy-Con controllers from either side of Nintendo Switch. One player can use a Joy-Con controller in each hand; two players can each take one; or multiple Joy-Con can be employed by numerous people for a variety of gameplay options. They can easily click back into place or be slipped into a Joy-Con Grip accessory, mirroring a more traditional controller. Or, if preferred, the gamer can select an optional Nintendo Switch Pro Controller to use instead of the Joy-Con controllers. Furthermore, it is possible for numerous people to bring their Nintendo Switch systems together to enjoy local multiplayer face-to-face competition.
"Nintendo Switch allows gamers the freedom to play however they like," said Reggie Fils-Aime, President and COO, Nintendo of America. "It gives game developers new abilities to bring their creative visions to life by opening up the concept of gaming without boundaries."
Developers can design their games supporting a variety of play styles, which gives gamers the freedom to choose an experience that best suits them. Some of the publishers, developers and middleware partners announcing support for Nintendo Switch are as follows:
505 Games
Activision Publishing, Inc.
Audiokinetic Inc.
Autodesk, Inc.
BANDAI NAMCO Entertainment Inc.
CRI Middleware Co., Ltd.
DeNA Co., Ltd.
Electronic Arts
Epic Games Inc.
Firelight Technologies
FromSoftware, Inc.
Gungho Online Entertainment, Inc.
HAMSTER Corporation
Konami Digital Entertainment Co., Ltd.
LEVEL-5 Inc.
Marvelous Inc.
Maximum Games, LLC
Nippon Ichi Software, Inc.
Parity Bit Inc.
PlatinumGames Inc.
RAD Game Tools, Inc.
RecoChoku Co., Ltd.
SEGA Games Co., Ltd.
Silicon Studio Corporation
Spike Chunsoft Co., Ltd.
Starbreeze Studios
Take-Two Interactive Software, Inc.
Telltale Games
THQ Nordic
Tokyo RPG Factory Co., Ltd.
TT Games
Ubitus Inc.
Unity Technologies, Inc.
Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment
Web Technology Corp
Today's video incorporated short glimpses of representative gameplay to demonstrate the liberating nature of the Nintendo Switch home gaming system. Full game demonstrations, the list of launch window titles, as well as launch date, price, product configuration and related specifics, will be shown and announced prior to the March launch.
They showed off a new 3D Mario game and a new Mario Kart, but no details were revealed. There also seems to be a new version of Splatoon.
Well, I'm interested. Just hope third parties give this one a shot.
Quote505 Games
Activision Publishing, Inc.
Audiokinetic Inc.
Autodesk, Inc.
BANDAI NAMCO Entertainment Inc.
CRI Middleware Co., Ltd.
DeNA Co., Ltd.
Electronic Arts
Epic Games Inc.
Firelight Technologies
FromSoftware, Inc.
Gungho Online Entertainment, Inc.
HAMSTER Corporation
Konami Digital Entertainment Co., Ltd.
LEVEL-5 Inc.
Marvelous Inc.
Maximum Games, LLC
Nippon Ichi Software, Inc.
Parity Bit Inc.
PlatinumGames Inc.
RAD Game Tools, Inc.
RecoChoku Co., Ltd.
SEGA Games Co., Ltd.
Silicon Studio Corporation
Spike Chunsoft Co., Ltd.
Starbreeze Studios
Take-Two Interactive Software, Inc.
Telltale Games
THQ Nordic
Tokyo RPG Factory Co., Ltd.
TT Games
Ubitus Inc.
Unity Technologies, Inc.
Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment
Web Technology Corp
Switch is the first Nintendo console I have been really interested in since N64. Hopefully Nintendo doesn't ruin things again.
2016 had some stellar good titles, but overall I thought the year itself was rather ho-hum-ish. While I like the idea of remasters and whatnot, there weren't many games (outside of maybe 3) that struck me as a "I need to have it" kind of game, if that makes any sense.
Street Fighter 5 - Crappy launch, overall fun core gameplay, but the entirety of it is just a big disappointment
Uncharted 4 - Great all around
Final Fantasy 15 - Brought me back to JRPGs
Those were the only ones that stood out to me. Gonna get some other ones I missed out on (Odin's Sphere, Garou: Mark of the Wolves, and I am Setsuna. Might get Ultimate Marvel vs Capcom 3 again).
2017 on the other hand, is looking like a year where I could probably go close to being broke.
Mass Effect Andromeda
Persona 5
Gravity Rush 2
Kingdom Hearts 2.8 (I thought the series was okay, but for the most part I'm not fond of it, but this and KH3 stands out to me)
Yakuza 0 (I'm a late bloomer here. Is this Kiwami/the remake of the 1st one?)
Ys Origins
Nier Automata
Tekken 7
Marvel vs Capcom Infinite
I think out of all of those Mass Effect and Tekken 7 has me the most giddiest. Thoughts on 2016? And what are you looking forward to in 2017?
Quote from: Mustang on December 18, 2016, 12:59:47 PM
Yakuza 0 (I'm a late bloomer here. Is this Kiwami/the remake of the 1st one?)
0 is a prequel to the 1st game and comes out next month. Kiwami is planned for a western release in Summer 2017, followed by Yakuza 6 in Early 2018.
I recently got a PS4, and damn there's a lot of games that I'm looking forward to next year, especially Nier Automata and Persona 5.
When people on your forum are excited for the Nier sequel... brings a tear to my eye. :el_cry: Demo's out on Thursday!
Don't forget to play the original, if you can. :)
Quote from: VLordGTZ on December 18, 2016, 07:29:11 PM
0 is a prequel to the 1st game and comes out next month. Kiwami is planned for a western release in Summer 2017, followed by Yakuza 6 in Early 2018.
Moreover, 0 is the perfect starting point for the series. It doesn't spoil any of the original game like some prequels do, and Kiwami actually features new story sequences that continue plot threads from 0. The original Yakuza has aged pretty badly - Mark Hamill is amazing but the dub isn't too good, the gameplay is extremely simplistic, the load times are dire - but Yakuza 2 onward hold up just fine. There will never be a better time get into the series than 2017!
QuoteI recently got a PS4, and damn there's a lot of games that I'm looking forward to next year, especially Nier Automata and Persona 5.
Those are the big ones for me, along with Yooka-Laylee and Yakuza. Kind of unfortunate that 2017 is so exciting for games, since all of these were supposed to be out this year, and I remember thinking 2016 would be amazing because of them, but what can you do? :il_hahaha:
There weren't too many "must plays" for me this year, but Overwatch is the perfect game for both veterans and newcomers to online FPS, Hitman is potentially the greatest stealth game I've ever played, and Let It Die is the first & only free-to-play grindfest I've actually enjoyed. Best story game I played was probably The Count Lucanor, which was delightful. I still need to dig into The Silver Case, and I'll hopefully pick up Doom 4 soon too. But yeah, the majority of the most interesting stuff was delayed into next year.
:D I really hope this has online. I think Neon is literally the only good online beat em up on Steam.
This is being developed by the team at Technos that made the old games (including the only good version of 3: the NES one) and is specifically modeled as a sequel to Double Dragon II: The Revenge NES. Modeling it after the NES games was a smart way to continue the brand. Looks like it'll include more advanced moves like from Super/Return and Advance, as well as more traps and platforming.
Here's hoping this is enough of a success that it means the series can continue properly from now on. It's the 30th anniversary: no more remakes of DD1!
As decent as 2016 was for games, man 2017 is really looking stacked....
As ususal, The Gaming Brit uploaded the only list that actually matters:
Blaster Master Zero is coming to the Switch (
Great news. I didn't want to get this on 3DS.
A lot of indie games were confirmed for the Switch. (
I think Freedom Planet 2 might be the only game missing that I would be interested in. Though that might still be on the way. Who knows?
And yes, I have a Switch preordered. If you guys have any questions about it or Zelda when I get them be sure to let me know.
Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on February 24, 2017, 01:27:23 PMBlaster Master Zero is coming to the Switch (
Here's the trailer! (
IntiCreates back doing what they do best. I'm starting to wonder if they had much involvement in Mighty No. 9 aside from grunt work.
Anyway, can't wait to play this on my Switch.
Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on March 01, 2017, 12:50:04 PM
IntiCreates back doing what they do best. I'm starting to wonder if they had much involvement in Mighty No. 9 aside from grunt work.
That's basically Comcept's thing; they supply the ideas and design documents, then contract someone else to actually put the game together. There are a few other companies like that in Japan as well. Mistwalker is one, I believe.
Breath of the Wild spoiler-free review. (
I can't wait to dive into it. Looks like they might have finally perfected 3D Zelda. This actually looks better than the N64 games and Wind Waker by a good deal.
Man, Breath of the Wild continues to look amazing every time I see footage of it. My Switch pre-order and copy of the game should come tomorrow, so I'm definitely looking forward to finally playing it.
Doubt is starting to creep in when it comes to Mass Effect Andromeda. Even though I'm on a media blackout, folks still posting pics and they are getting uglier and uglier and my hype has died down quite a bit. Still looking forward to it, but I won't get it day 1 now.
I still have Nier and Ni-oh though, to keep me going.
Also, still have Tekken 7: Fated Retribution to look forward to (still hyped for this even though its taking forever to come out)
Koei Tecmo is working on other Switch exclusive titles after Fire Emblem Warriors. (
I'm going to guess it'll be a port of Nioh or a new Fatal Frame since they're already making a Warriors game right now. They seem to be the most likely things to bring to a system that can either be portable or a home console.
Nioh is a Sony-published game outside Japan so it's probably going to stay PS4-exclusive. A new Fatal Frame would be cool but I think the fifth one was a massive flop so I wouldn't expect that either. :(
Plus they are supposed to be Switch exclusive titles, so by default Nioh can't be an exclusive on another console if it's already available for the PS4.
It might be a new Toukiden or Dynasty Warriors-type title.
Well, if they're doing exclusives, I suppose I could see them trying a new Fatal Frame since Nintendo owns the publishing rights to the franchise now. I bet there's another Hyrule Warriors in the works too.
Sony posted this image on Facebook:
Does this mean they'll be doing a remade Spyro trilogy after Crash Bandicoot? Please let it be true! I would also love to see Ratchet & Clank PS2 Classics on PS4 like with Jak & Daxter, and maybe a remastered R&C Future Saga. :swoon:
Phantom Dust is free on PC and Xbox One today (
I'm holding out slight hope that we get DMC5 announced at this year's E3, since Itsuno seems to have subtlety hinted at it before. While Team Ninja has already confirmed that they eventually plan to make Ninja Giaden 4, it is way too soon after Nioh for them to be able to announce a new major title, so we probably won't get an official update on that for at least a year or two.
I'll also be looking forward to see what new projects Platinum is working on.
Other than that, I don't really have any particular interests in any sequels or new games already announced from previous shows that are still in development, so it's mostly new IPs that I will be watching out for.
Yakuza Studio announced some new games today! First one is Yakuza Kiwami 2, a PS4 remake of Yakuza 2 on the Yakuza 6 engine, featuring a new section with playable Majima. The second is Yakuza Online, the first entry in Sega's Shin Yakuza multimedia project. This one is for mobile phones and PC so it probably won't be anything too interesting. The third, and most exciting, one is Hokuto ga Gotoku, which, well...
Holy shit, that looks amazing! :swoon:
I'm also totally pumped for Kiwami 2 since I've never played it on PS2. Hopefully, we'll get it in the west next year after Yakuza 6.
Quote from: VLordGTZ on August 26, 2017, 08:50:52 PM
Holy shit, that looks amazing! :swoon:
I'm also totally pumped for Kiwami 2 since I've never played it on PS2. Hopefully, we'll get it in the west next year after Yakuza 6.
Another game for me to look forward too! This is looking like a good time for Shonen Jump manga-inspired video game adaptations.
Quote from: VLordGTZ on August 26, 2017, 08:50:52 PM
I'm also totally pumped for Kiwami 2 since I've never played it on PS2. Hopefully, we'll get it in the west next year after Yakuza 6.
Oh yeah, I really want Kiwami 2 as well! Yakuza 2 is my favorite in the series already. :D
Quote from: Foggle on August 27, 2017, 12:57:28 AM
Quote from: VLordGTZ on August 26, 2017, 08:50:52 PM
I'm also totally pumped for Kiwami 2 since I've never played it on PS2. Hopefully, we'll get it in the west next year after Yakuza 6.
Oh yeah, I really want Kiwami 2 as well! Yakuza 2 is my favorite in the series already. :D
No More Heroes: Travis Strikes Again coming next year for Nintendo Switch! The trailer gave me chills.
This one's actually directed by Suda51, his first directorial work since Fatal Frame 4 in 2008. I guess working on The Silver Case remakes helped him find inspiration again.
That, Dragon: Marked for Death, and Huntdown are the best looking things coming to the eshop.
Since they for some reason didn't have Huntdown there, this is what it looks like. (
Wait, is NMH not getting a retail release? That's a crime if so!!! Also, IGN reveals the plot of the game:
QuoteUnveiled as part of today's Switch Nindies Showcase, Travis Strikes Again features the No More Heroes star being confronted in his trailer by TKTK, only to be pulled into the game he was playing — Hotline Miami.
A partnership between developer Grasshopper Manufacture and various indie developers will delve into six different games and beat their respective bosses.
So that's why Hotline Miami was in the trailer! This is going to be a masterpiece...
Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on August 30, 2017, 01:13:31 PM
Since they for some reason didn't have Huntdown there, this is what it looks like. (
I'm still not quite sure what the game will entail. If it's a full blown NMH game then it will certainly get a retail release. If it's not, then I dunno.
Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on August 30, 2017, 01:18:56 PM
I'm still not quite sure what the game will entail. If it's a full blown NMH game then it will certainly get a retail release. If it's not, then I dunno.
I think it's probably a full-blown NMH game but given the nature of its story they probably showed it off for the Nindies thing due to how it relates to them. I wonder if this means Hotline Miami will be coming to the Switch? One of my favorite indie games!
It looks like the new Metroid game is a return to form (!
Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on September 12, 2017, 11:02:28 PM
It looks like the new Metroid game is a return to form (!
It's about time.
So, there's been circulation of a certain rumor about a certain sequel in a certain dormant franchise being potentially revealed at a certain PS event next month.
All I'll say is that if my expectations are being messed with again, somebody's going to be strangled to death to quell my rage. :humhumhum:
I've always wanted an Ape Escape 4.
A little weird that they think they can get away with releasing a Custer's Revenge sequel in 2017, but okay. :whuh:
Quote from: Foggle on November 15, 2017, 03:12:22 AM
A little weird that they think they can get away with releasing a Custer's Revenge sequel in 2017, but okay. :whuh:
It's 2017 so it's appropriate.
2018 might be a slower year for games, at least compared to this year. For me the only games I'm looking forward to are Ghosts of Tsushima, Dragon Ball FighterZ and Street Fighter 5: Arcade Edition.
I'm not sold on Dissidia Final Fantasy or Ni no Kuni 2 and of course I'll be buying Dynasty Warriors 9 but that's more of a guilty pleasure than something I'd be anticipating.
I've never been into the Monster Hunter series, but I'm curious, since this one might be a make or break game for Capcom since they're not doing well.
Other than that I'm not seeing much at all.
If the supposed "leaks" are true (and I'm not holding out any particular hope that they are), DMC5 will supposedly be announced pretty soon. If that actually happens, then consider it my most anticipated anything. Otherwise, it's just DBFZ for me, so far.
Dragon Ball FighterZ, BlazBlue Cross Tag Battle, and Code Vein are the only things that particularly excite me. Maybe Under Night In-Birth [st] since that was delayed to early next year, but I'm afraid FighterZ will overshadow it.
Truth be told, there are still games from this year that I need to play and finish. :sweat:
Let's see: DBFZ, Fist of the Yakuza Star, Moonrider (new "Shinobi" from Odallus developer) and Blazing Chrome (new "Contra Hard Corps" from Odallus developer)
Namco Bandai might be teasing a proper My Hero Academia game ( to be revealed on December 4th.
The series certainly deserves a full scale game. I'm certainly hoping for something big.
Ok Nintendo, I see you. I've never thought this hard about getting a Switch, but I've been fully convinced to get one now. Ears was already perked up due to Zelda. Earned my respect back with the announcement of Shin Megami Tensei 5 (game sounds so scary), Mario in general is not me, but Odyssey looks so good and looks like it can put joy on anybody's face. And now this game Furi looks like something I can get behind and support.
"salute" (need a salute smiley)
So I guess it's important to mention that Shonen Jump series My Hero Academia ( and Black Clover ( are both getting games for next year.
If this isn't proof that they really want Black Clover to be a big hit, then nothing will. It took four years for MHA to finally get a big console game. With this and the Toonami run, it's clear that Shueisha really wants BC to be huge.
Nonetheless, I will be keeping an eye on the MHA game.
I haven't played a Bandai Namco game forever and I don't even know which dev team to wish for so I'll just so I hope the My Hero Academia game is good!
My bank account's gonna be pretty low next year as well.
Bayo 1-3? Zelda? Mario Odyssey? 5 games that'll be able to hold me over for some time.
Switch might be worth buying now! *buys it next year*
Well....fuck, now I can't hold off on a Switch anymore.
So guess who's going to buy Bayonetta 1 for the third time? :sweat:
Between Mario Odyssey, Zelda BotW, and Xenoblade 2, the Switch already had me hooked this year, but damn the lineup next year is probably going to be just as good at this rate. This is probably one of the very few consoles where I'm actually glad that I bought it at launch.
Dang it, Nintendo slow the crap down!
All seriousness, 2018 is already looking to give '17 a run for its money for best game year.
The announcement of Street Fighter 30th Anniversary Collection was revealed at Capcom Cup. May 2018. 2018 might be the year for me literally.
The new Kirby and Yoshi games coming early 2018 are really making the first year of the Switch remarkably strong. Also hoping for the best in regards to the MHA game. I still have to pick up the DOOM port, too.
Are they yarn games?
Kirby isn't, it looks like Return to Dreamland meets 64 meets the 3DS games. Yoshi looks like a sequel to Woolly World made by Good Feel. I'm anticipating them both. The last console games in the series were excellent.
I completely forgot about Lost Soul Aside (
Speaking of the Switch, it has just surpassed 10 million sales ( For reference, the Wii U's total lifetime sales was 16 million. The Switch is about to surpass its five year life span in less than one. That's pretty nuts.
Here's hoping for an even better second year when March rolls around.
I'll definitely be there if and when we get a new Animal Crossing. Pocket Camp was fun for a weekend, but it's only a bite of the real thing.
Quote from: Mustang on December 12, 2017, 03:52:34 PM
I completely forgot about Lost Soul Aside (
Good video, except it's a bad video because of Dark Souls.
You lost me. What does Dark Souls got to do with Lost Soul aside?
Quote from: Mustang on December 13, 2017, 02:14:19 AM
You lost me. What does Dark Souls got to do with Lost Soul aside?
Tell that to the guy in the video. :D
Ah, yes some of the Playstation Access crew can be, well, nevermind ignore him.
Found a better demo
Looks like Nintendo is really putting away the Wii U. Tropical Freeze coming to the Switch is great news. If they put out Smash, 3D World, Wonderful 101, and Wooly World, then you'll probably never even need to touch a Wii U again. Also getting Ys VIII, TWEWY, and Dark Souls, on top of their new stuff like Kirby is great. Really eager to see what gets announced at E3 now.
We're also getting Hyrule Warriors for the Switch, with all the DLC and bonus BOTW stuff. I guess I won't need to pick up a Wii-U after all, once I finally get to the Switch.
Almost forgot about that. I never got around to getting it the first two times around, so that's great!
No, I wouldn't recommend picking up a Wii U now. Nintendo is almost certainly going to be using the library as stop gap releases between major Switch games and third party releases. And if you haven't got a Wii U (most haven't) then the library is going to have a lot of new material for you to look forward to. Getting a Wii U now is pointless.
While one could use this as a jab at Nintendo for the Wii U being a clear failure (commercially, at least), I personally have to commend them for showing both their first AND third party developers support by bringing over most of the Wii U's best games to the Switch rather than adamantly forcing people to buy a dead console to experience a few modern classics.
On that end, it'd also be nice if we could get Splatoon and The Wonderful 101 on the Switch as well.
Splatoon 2 is basically the entire original game as it is only better. Wonderful 101 is the only one I worry about getting lost in the shuffle since it was a new IP and Platinum and Nintendo don't seem interested in going back to it. Everything else is probably a certainty at some point.
I don't regret getting a Wii U since I got more than a lot of fun out of it, but after the Switch... it's a hard system to go back to. The Switch is simply the Wii U only better in every way. I would much prefer playing a classic like Tropical Freeze on a system like this than going back to the Gamepad.
I wouldn't say the Wii U is completely obsolete until we get a Smash 4 port. That is what's keeping the Switch from being a 100% buy.
Never Forgetti the Wii U's sacrifice. Nintendo did seem to learn from what happened and why the Wii U failed, commercially at least. I still laugh at the Easter egg that was included in the Welcome amiibo update for New Leaf "Great artists aren't always appreciated in their own time." & " If you stray from the path, you will find yourself lost. "
Also, after learning that the Mario Tennis game is gonna have a story mode, my interest in that game has increased, especially due to how lackluster the Wii U game was as a bare bones game that felt rushed to replaced Star Fox game that we were supposed to get for that holiday season. I wonder what other games they'll end up porting over. I don't know how they'll handle Kirby and the Rainbow Curse, which was a good game if only suffering from the fact that you had to play on the Game Pad. I say that mostly because of how awesome the game looked on the TV compared to the Game Pad. For now, bring on TWEWY, DK:TF & Kirby.
The Wii U is the only console that can natively play GameCube games at 1080p with the original controller (using a softmod, of course), plus it runs Wii games in proper HD as well, so I'll probably never sell mine. It's a really nice system even if it's lacking in exclusives now that most of them have been ported to the Switch. I'm glad Nintendo has managed to find success again and I'm excited to get a Switch later this year (hopefully).
Granblue Fantasy Project Re:Link ( is a game I just caught wind of yesterday, and while my track record with Platinum Games is not that great (don't know anything about the anime or previous games), this game might be the one to do it for me. I'm just hoping it comes to the west. I'm also hoping that it's single player. I saw another trailer that look like it could've had multiplayer in there somewhere, and I'm burnt out on seeing MP at the moment. If it's single player this could definitely be right up the alley of what I need.
Dragon Quest 11 ( - Completely forgot about the game until I heard about the release date (Sept 2018). Been looking forward to this game for some time now. I've also been on a media blackout from this game. Much like Persona 5 this has the potential to get me back into gaming a little heavier. The only other Dragon Quest I've played was DQVIII and while I've never finished I did enjoy what I played of it. Never could finish it because at the time my PS2 was crashing for some unknown reason. Whatever. I'm getting DQ8 vibes from this one and I hope it don't disappoint me.
Kingdom Hearts 3 might come out this year. I won't hold my breath though. I've been impressed with what I saw. Looks like a lot of fun.
Saw a trailer for God Eater 3 and much like Granblue Fantasy, no idea what its about nor do I know about any other games in the series, but the gameplay looks good. I've seen comparisons to Monster Hunter, and if that's the case I'm gonna ignore it. I'll keep an eye out for it though.
Just when I was ready to go on a rant about the PS4's library is nothing but indies and remasters I come across Shenmue 1&2 ( for the PS4 in the works. For now, I'll shut up since I'm content with that leak(?).
I finally, finally got my KH3 release date. January 29th, 2019.
I don't think any other info from E3 will excite me more, even if it's still over 6 months away, I can't wait.
Watching Microsoft's E3 press conference right god is it boring. A majority of these are just glorified cutscenes of games that we already knew existed without much in the way of actual interesting gameplay footage to go with them.
Out of everything shown so far the only thing that got me interested is Sekiro which sort of feel's like From's answer to Nioh. I mean, Nier: Automata being ported to the XBOX ONE (which is already a year old) looked more exciting than most other trailers that we got). Even Kingdom Hearts 3 had less footage to show off even though other showcasings of it from over a year ago had more gameplay footage to show off.
Devil May Cry 5 was revealed at the Microsoft press conference?! :huh:
Wait so is that supposed to be Nero with the robotic arm instead of a demonic one? I'm both really confused and excited at the same time!
Calmed down a bit. I definitely heard Johnny Young Bosch there so I'm assuming it is Nero. You also saw his arm get snatched, so that's what I'm assuming at the moment.
E3 is over for me now. I got all I need.
Quote from: Mustang on June 10, 2018, 04:21:35 PME3 is over for me now. I got all I need.
I feel exactly the same. The moment I saw "Devil May Cry" flash in neon lights on the side of the truck, I absolutely lost my shit. :joy:
A lot of the games were not for me, but I am glad that Microsoft showed more games and less talking. That being said the only games that appealed to me were DMC5, Sekiro, KH3, Halo Infinite (I'm always gonna be interested despite it not being by Bungie) and Tales of Vesperia (assuming its also coming to ps4).
Other than that meh.
For me it's Devil May Cry 5 and Sekiro. I still need to play everything after the original Kingdom Hearts to get caught up on that series, and I've had the other two Metro games waiting to be played for a while as well, so same thing there.
Interestingly Tales of Vesperia is the only one in the entire franchise that I've played. If it was a sequel I might have been interested, but as a remaster it's not all that enticing to me.
Other than that it was a godawfully dull show. Still, the DMC5 announcement alone made it worth my time.
Five minutes into Sony's press conference so far and all I really got out if it was: "We don't want to focus too much on the games, but on the experience."
Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you "modern gaming in a nutshell."
Which is crazy because every month or so I keep going into these phases where I'm bored with this generation of games only to be met with 1-3 games that I get interested in only to be met by disappointment and then the rest is remasters.
I'll say this much now. I'm not buying any next gen consoles until I feel like this gen is done and right now it feels like it's just now starting (and folks are already talking PS5 and Xbox whatever)
Just when I thought I was about to check out. Holy hell did Sony show some ish.
Overall so far,
Ghost of Tsushima
Devil May Cry 5
Nioh 2 (I was not expecting this)
Kingdom Hearts 3
Forza (I haven't been into racing games since Gran Turismo 3)
Halo Infinite
I feel like I'm missing a samurai game, but considering my love for samurai's this E3 feels like its for me.
As much as Kojima is my dude I'm not sure if I care much about Death Stranding anymore, not to mention that's it's getting to the point of grossing me out territory.
As I said, I was almost checking out. Sony's conference was pretty poor until the games started rolling, but they need to kill the music stuff. Good God.
Overall it wasn't the best year, but there were a few exciting games like DOOM Eternal and Smash that caught my eye, so at least I'll be playing something.
Quote from: Dr. Ensatsu-ken on June 11, 2018, 08:06:23 PM
Five minutes into Sony's press conference so far and all I really got out if it was: "We don't want to focus too much on the games, but on the experience."
Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you "modern gaming in a nutshell."
My thoughts exactly.
Nioh 2 REALLY caught me off guard, partly because Team Ninja had already announced DOA6, and also because I figured that it would be too soon for a sequel. That said, I'm super excited for this, even if I'm just a tad disappointed that this basically means that a new Ninja Gaiden is definitely off the table for the foreseeable future.
It's interesting to see them directly competing with FromSoftware's own Samurai game, though.
Good E3 in terms of announcements, almost all the actual conferences blew ass though. Sony's was downright painful to watch with that endless overly violent Last of Us 2 footage and the random white dude dressed as an ancient Japanese farmer playing a bamboo flute for five minutes. I already clocked 15 hours in that Prey DLC and had a blast. Resident Evil 2 is going to be the BEST though. RE7 was the first post-Mikami masterpiece the series has had and this one's got my mouth watering. Capcom won E3 between that, Devil May Cry 5, and Mega Man 11 IMO. I mean, yeah, we can complain that all of these games should have happened a decade ago, but dammit, they exist now and they're actually trying, which is what matters.
I can't believe Rage 2 looks like a great game and not a glorified tech demo. Spider-Man still has yet to truly impress me but this year's footage was a lot better than last year's and I trust Insomniac will deliver with it. Sekiro looks legit. New AssCreed is the first one I've been interested in since... well, ever. Gears 5 actually seems kind of interesting compared to the last few but I'll probably never play it lol. Sea of Solitude's story reminds me of my favorite horror movie (Kiyoshi Kurosawa's Pulse) so I'm definitely intrigued. New Platinum/Square Enix collaboration is exciting but the trailer told us nothing. Can't wait for Hitman 2.
Death Stranding looks like a load of garbage to me honestly. The cutscenes are cool and everything but that "gameplay footage" was just a character model walking around empty environments ripped straight out of MGS5. Doubt it'll be out until Q4 2020 at the earliest.
Honestly, every time a new thing for Death Stranding comes out, I get less and less interested.
Quote from: Foggle on June 14, 2018, 03:23:00 PM
Death Stranding looks like a load of garbage to me honestly. The cutscenes are cool and everything but that "gameplay footage" was just a character model walking around empty environments ripped straight out of MGS5. Doubt it'll be out until Q4 2020 at the earliest.
Quote from: Nel_AnnetteHonestly, every time a new thing for Death Stranding comes out, I get less and less interested.
Agreed. No secret Kojima is my favorite creator and I support everything the man does but the way I'm taking this game is like it's either make or break for him and I try not to think like that because I know he should be able to make games that're not titled Metal Gear. Seeing the latest trailer has me thinking he should've stuck with Metal Gear if this is what we're gonna be getting.
I also think 2020-2022 is when the game will be coming out. I'm thinking closer to 2021/2022 because of the talk about PS5.
I personally like the weirdness, and I think Kojima can do good non-Metal Gear things. P.T. was fantastic, and I'm sure Silent Hills would have been as well. I was hoping this would be a revival of that game but it's looking more like MGS5-2 to me, only this time with an indecipherable story. I just don't know about it...
Yeah, I didn't have a problem either with how the gameplay seemed. Plus it may not be the finished product anyway. Kojima knows what he's doing I think.
Here's a sleeper for me. Doom Eternal
I haven't been into FPS's since Halo Reach. Reason being is either the campaign don't interest me or the focus is on multiplayer. Doom being no different I'm just not interested in the setting (I've never been interested in that demonic look), but it looks very fun and satisfying and that's enough to, you know, keep my an eye on it.
The last DOOM game had an incredible campaign. Easily the best since Reach. I'm really looking forward to Eternal since the gameplay demo somehow managed to make it look even better.
So is this actually a new Doom or is it like a definitive/Goty Edition type? Either way I'm definitely interested. If it's 2 different games I may get the previous one.
This new one is an entirely brand new sequel. I can't wait for it.
Shenmue 3 (
I'M DONE!!! I'll admit I was worried about the facial expressions the first time. Right now after seeing that trailer I don't care anymore. Any Shenmue fan knows what we all want to see and we got it and I hyped for it. August 27, 2019 can't come fast enough. I'll definitely take a week off next year just to play.
2019 is my year. I'm claiming it now.
Looking forward the The Darker Pictures Anthology by the creator of Until Dawn. That game was fun as all heck, with great acting and a decent plot. Incredibly, while the plot was somewhat complicated it never got too convoluted which can be hard to do. Looking at the previews, I think this anthology will deliver a lot more survival horror goodness.
The new previews of DMC5 and REmake2... Capcom owns my soul next year. Lord have mercy.
After checking out more of the trailers and gameplay content for DMC5, I take back what I said about the enemy design being lackluster. They fucking brought back the Sin Scissors from DMC1 and they looking fucking glorious!
I also like the time-stopping ability from the brief glimpse we saw of it (seems like a more advanced version of Quicksilver from DMC3) and Nero's new look is slowly growing on me the more that I see it. I'm also a big fan of the interchangeable Devil Breaker arms mechanic.
I still think the game looks a tad too dark for my taste, though, and I've viewed it on other monitors/screens as well. That said, I'm sure that's something easy to fix by adjusting the brightness in the game's settings. They are probably just presenting it this way for dramatic effect.
What's interesting is that this game clearly also has nods to DmC, which even though most of the fanbase hates that game, it's important to remember that Itsuno himself had a hand in helping Ninja Theory with the design of that game and has gone on record himself saying that he quite liked it, so I'm not surprised to see it have some influence on this game's design. Honestly, while it was a tad jarring at first, I'm OK with the decision to go this route as while not as popular as the classic DMC games, the reboot still managed to bring is a sizable portion of new fans and unlike that game which completely alienated the classic fans, this new game is clearly meant to appeal to classic fans while also aesthetically pleasing fans of the reboot which is actually one of the smarter decisions that Capcom has made in a while, IMO.
I would assume the game is dark because it's running on the engine designed for Resident Evil 7 and REmake 2 (literally called the RE Engine). If it's anything like Monolith's F.E.A.R. engine it might not be able to handle non-moody lighting well. I personally don't mind because the original DMC was also fairly dark and RE-esque but I can understand why you'd dislike it. I'm sure there will be brightness and contrast settings in the game at least.
The nods to DmC are smartly done IMO. That game was bad but not without its merits, as few and far between as they were. It did have a couple aspects that I could see being carried over into the series proper, so I don't mind if they pull from it a bit (like DMC 3 did from 2).
I'm excited for Mega Man 11 this year, but those two next year will be great too. Still elated Capcom saw the light finally.
Quote from: Foggle on August 25, 2018, 05:23:53 PMI would assume the game is dark because it's running on the engine designed for Resident Evil 7 and REmake 2 (literally called the RE Engine). If it's anything like Monolith's F.E.A.R. engine it might not be able to handle non-moody lighting well.
I actually just started playing RE7 again last night and I think this is probably the case, to be honest. The first five minutes or so where you're walking around outside during the daytime look really rough compared to the rest of the game. The engine doesn't seem to handle shadows very well with that kind of lighting.
Streets of Rage 4! :o :o :o
I was shocked when I heard about it. When I saw it, well, disappointment's not the right word I want to use, but I am happy for those that're looking forward to it.
I'm not crazy about Axel's new design, but I'm excited for it. Koshiro better be doing the soundtrack, though.
Welp, looks like the Switch is now an essential- new Animal Crossing!!!!!
The makers of the Yakuza games are making a detective game, and it looks like an awesome mix of Yakuza and Ace Attorney! :shakeshakeshake: :shakeshakeshake: :shakeshakeshake:
Gamplay Trailer:
Story Trailer:
Did anyone else see the TGS DMC5 trailer? I didn't think it was possible for me to get even more hyped for this game, but I'm finding it harder and harder to contain myself with each passing second. :joy:
I just watched it a little bit ago, and goddamn it looks amazing. :swoon:
Also Nero having the Mega Buster was something I never knew I needed this badly! :sweat:
That was awesome. Shitty music, but awesome trailer.
Quote from: Mustang on September 20, 2018, 06:23:44 PMThat was awesome. Shitty music, but awesome trailer.
If it makes you feel any better, Capcom is now likely to remove that track from the game after it was brought to their attention that there is an ongoing controversy regarding the lead singer of that band having an inappropriate relationship with a minor. They already pulled the theme from YouTube and have stated that they are in the process of considering replacing it in the main game. It's a bit too short notice to have a new original song written and recorded from scratch, so personally I'd be OK with them just putting in a remix of
Devils Never Cry for Dante's main theme in this game. That song has still aged gracefully in my book and is what I most associate with Dante's character and the DMC series as a whole.
Honestly, I've never been a fan of the music in the DMC series. I'm not a fan of metal, but I can tolerate/tune out the music in the old games. That new track would've been hard for me to tune out. Especially the screaming.
I may have to find a way to get music onto my ps4 just for this game.
I'd agree with that sentiment for the most part but I still always have a soft spot for DNC. Also, I personally love Nero's theme in this game.
So trying to tune into Maximilian's stream because he was going to be playing 3rd Strike, I happened to find him watching Capcom's presentation at TGS. It's pretty much been DMC5 and nothing else.
Showed a lot of Dante's combat abilities. Looks like his gauntlets is gonna be funner than ever. Spinning on his back and doing capoeira -like moves. Also showed a boss fight that looks like Nelo-Angelo.
I'm gonna go out on a limb and just say it. Despite my anticipation of Ghosts of Tsushima, Kingdom Hearts 3 (not a big fan but it looks good), and Sekiro, DMC5 is going to be my game of the year.
Hell, it'll be game of the decade as far as I'm concerned. Suck it, Dark Souls.
Amen brotha.
And Project Judge will win Best New IP!
I swear to God, this game....
They brought back fan-favorite weapon Cerberus, and all of the new weapons look beyond amazing, and they show off SEVERAL of them.
Also, did anyone notice how many homages this game has to other action game titles? The new gauntlet weapons Balrog has Dante taking a fighting stance similar to Gene from God Hand, the flaming spin-kick is clearly referencing Ken's super move from many of the Street Fighter games, and while an uppercut has always been a staple of these weapons, the fact that it's a flaming uppercut makes it a clear reference to Ken's version of the Shoryuken (and I didn't just make that up, as Itsuno himself refers to it as such). And anyone catch Dante's pose with the Faust hat? Does that remind any of you of a certain character from Bayonetta?
This game is pure love. I want to just crawl into a time capsule and let it wake me back up in March of next year.
If only Capcom showed this much love to their fighting games. Anyway, I don't usually get deluxe or limited editions of anything, but I will be buying a deluxe edition for this game.
Same. I actually wouldn't mind splurging on a collector's edition box set if Capcom decides to do one, if it comes with enough good stuff to be worth the asking price (and I never typically do that for anything).
What's the latest on Doom Eternal? I haven't seen or heard anything about the game since that time I got interested in it (E3 maybe?). I don't mind not hearing anything, I just find it weird that there has been no leaks (Thank GOD) when everything seems to be getting leaked some kind of way.
So Nintendo Direct was yesterday. They have quite a few games now that interest me, but Astral Chain really stood out to me. I'm not exactly the biggest fan of Platinum games. Something about them don't click with me, but Astral Chain looks like a I can support.
If this was late 2000's to early 2010's Platinum Games, I'd say they were one of the top-tier developers around. However, they've been disappointingly inconsistent with their turnout in the past few years. Obviously they still have some good games like Nier: Automata, but there have lately been more mediocre titles than great ones from them, IMO.
I'm hoping that Astral Chain will be a return to form for them.
Well, I mean, it's not like they've actually released many games recently. TMNT did suck quite a bit, and Star Fox was disappointing due to its awful control scheme (which was mandated by Nintendo), but those were back in 2016 and the only thing they've put out since is Nier, which IMO is the best game of 2017. This will also be their first original title since Bayonetta 2, and everything they made up until that point was fantastic. Not necessarily saying you should give them the benefit of the doubt, but they haven't really put out enough games lately to indicate that they've lost their touch.
I'm most excited for Super Mario Maker 2 and the Link's Awakening remake, though. Gimme!
I'd say Platinum had more hits than misses considering all the noise that people make around them. Outside of Metal Gear Rising they never had any games to draw me in.
I don't see myself getting Link's Awakening but that games looks like all sorts of good vibes that might cause me to get it anyway.
Astral Chain
Marvel Ultimate Alliance 3 - I don't know how I feel with Team Ninja being behind this one though
Dragon Quest XI - Most certainly will double dip for this
Fire Emblem Three Houses - I've never played a FE game but I've always been curious about the series
Those are all the games that I'd buy for the Switch. I don't know if I'll put anymore money towards another Final Fantasy 7 game unless it's the remake and even then I'm very skeptical about that remake. I never played Final Fantasy 9 and while I'm curious to see why people clamor to this over FF8 so much I don't see myself putting money or time into it either.
Let me say this about the Switch. I won't say Nintendo has won me over by a long shot, but they have been killing it with games that I like or will give a shot. I'm almost considering investing in a gaming PC. I swear if it weren't for the exclusives on the PS4 I'd consider selling it and being satisfied getting a Switch and a PC.
I have some fond memories of playing the first two MUA games on co-op with my older brother back in the day. That said, I probably couldn't get into them anymore like I used to since the combat is quite dull and repetitive, even for it's sub-genre.
However, Team Ninja being behind this game is weird. I didn't even know that they had any involvement in this game until I read it in an article over a month after the game was announced. They certainly haven't been vocal about Team Ninja as the developer in the marketing for this game (their name doesn't show up anywhere on the trailer). It makes me wonder if they just have limited involvement like how they did for Hyrule Warriors (Omega Force was the primary developer for it, with Team Ninja helping out mostly just with aesthetic designs for characters and bosses and with animations). However, no other developers are listed for this game, and with the developer already in the middle of production on two other big titles (DOA6 and Nioh 2), I can only assume that they've assigned their C-team to this one. I mean, it certainly looks that way from gameplay footage so far. It doesn't look anything like a normal Team Ninja game would. I get that aesthetically, but the combat also looks more in line with the other MUA games rather than the types of action games that Team Ninja is known for developing. Good for those fans who will enjoy it, though.
The Direct had some cool announcements, but when will my Animal Crossing return from war?
I'm sure AC is a big enough title that the next direct it's in will make it the main feature. I mean, if they made a point to say the main focus of this one was Fire Emblem, then AC will totally have its time to shine.
What's this I'm hearing about the Switch getting online support from Microsoft? If Ninja Gaiden Black/Sigma/2 is coming to the Switch, BOY!!!! I'm done.
Yooo. This looks like it's being done by that guy that's working on Lost Soul Aside. I want it.
Wolfenstein Youngblood! :swoon:
I thought there'd be more people going crazy over the announcement of Borderlands 3. Personally, I don't care, but I will acknowledge that it's accomplishments. I'm tired of looters, but because it's the cause of them all (I think) I'd actually play Borderlands over copycats (outside of Nioh). I thought for a moment that it was going to be 3rd person or 'over-the-shoulder' but was disappointed that it would be 1st person. Me and a coworker got a bet going on to see whether it'll be out this fall or next year (I chose next year). I'm happy for those who're anticipating this game though. I just hope it don't end up like Mass Effect Andromeda. I only tell my coworker "fuck Borderlands" to get him salty cause he tells me "fuck Devil May Cry". Friendly banter type stuff. If I can only talk him into playing fighting games.
The Subverse trailer ( :lol:
I'm actually surprised that there's been no buzz at all about Persona 5 Royal.
Trailer for it and all, but it just seems like people are glossing over it despite the fact that people were giving such high praises (myself included) to the game when it first came out.
Anyway, I'm happy for it. Looks like they're adding more to the story and maybe changing up a bit in the palaces and of course adding new locations.
At 1st I was pumped for this year with all the samurai games being announced/released, but then I slowly started to become underwhelmed by a lot the games that're coming out. There has not been any big games for me this year and the only one that's coming for me is Shenmue 3 and that won't be out until the end of August. Not to mention the PS5 is looming (I'll get into that some other time)
Fuck! Yes! :joy:
Why does it have to be a closed Alpha, though? I need this right now! :gonk:
All that's left is to tell me this is coming out this year and I'd take back everything negative about this gen games.
So far I've seen 2 people playing Nioh 2 and decided not to watch all of it until Xlh Gladiator got his hands on it. 1st impression is that it's Nioh 1 but now you can create your character (Don't fix it if it's not broken right?). The dual swords are gone and the twin axes are in it's place. Not sure how I feel about that since I liked the idea of going around pretending to have a 3 sword style. I haven't watched anyone get to the boss yet. I gotta get back to playing Nioh 1 though.
I don't think the dual-swords are gone (at least, that hasn't been confirmed officially yet). I'll be pissed if they are since those were by far my favorite weapon in the first game. I just don't think that all weapons were mad available for the Alpha.
Also....I'll be honest in saying that I'm disappointed. As much as I loved Nioh (and still do), this just feels beyond lazy to me. Even the HUD and menus are recycled here. It really does look like just an expansion pack of the first game. Of course I'll still play it because the core gameplay is incredibly fun and well-designed, but I wanted something that would really take a step forward for the series and impress me. Say what you want about Tomonobu Itagaki, but whether he succeeded or failed, at least his approach to game design was never safe or boring. Remember just how much of a complete overhaul Ninja Gaiden 2 was from NGB? Without a real visionary of any kind like that leading the team, it feels like since they finally had a major success with Nioh, they don't want to take any risks to give us a different experience that possibly surpasses the first. What we are getting is at least guaranteed to be a good product at it's core, but by it's very derivative nature also can't help but be anything other than diminishing returns.
Anyways, don't mean to be negative here, and I was really rooting for Team Ninja, but my hype for this game has died down a lot after the gameplay reveal. Obviously I'll still enjoy it, but I doubt that I'll love it in the way that the first game won me over.
Nah, you're good. I prefer people to keep it honest. Everything you said could be right on the money and I'm probably up in my feelings because it's Nioh. While I don't hold the game in the same standard as I do for a, let's say Metal Gear or Mass Effect, hell I can put Devil May Cry there as well, but I will say it's getting up there with those games. It's just, right now, outside of DMC5 I haven't been enjoying a lot of these games that've been coming out lately.
Oh no, don't get me wrong, I hold Nioh to just as high of a standard as well. It's my second favorite game of this console generation from what I've played so far (or maybe tied with Bloodborne, at least). It's still a game that I can go back to and experiment with it's combat system. That said, I can say the same thing about DMC5, but if DMC6 got announced and looked and played exactly like 5 with hardly any differentiation, I'd still be pretty disappointed, despite knowing that the core gameplay is good.
Umm...yeah, still don't know what's going on but this is something I can get behind. Previous trailers I was definitely checked out mainly because it looked like some sort of walking simulator. Here, this looks like what Kojima might've wanted to do with Metal Gear Solid 5. I'm getting all sorts of MGS5 vibes from it now and I dig it for sure. I also wasn't expecting this to come out on the PS4, let alone come out this year. Is it too late to apologize to Kojima for doubting his greatness yet?
A game developed by Miyazaki and with story collaborations from George R. R. Martin? Yeah, I'm into that.
Other than that this has been a boring press conference from Microsoft, which isn't surprising.
Keanu Reeves showing up was the best part.
I really want Cyberpunk, that cute deer game, and the Star Wars thing. The rest, eh.
Agreed, Keanu Reeves was definitely the best thing about this conference, but I have no interest in Cyberpunk at all.
For the most part I am curious about that Star Wars game, and I need to see more about Halo Infinite. The only game that got anything out of me was that Dragon Ball game. I'll look more into Phantasy Star Online 2 and that Tales game.
But yeah, honestly, I don't think this E3 will have anything to blow me away this year. I'm worried about that Avengers game being developed by Square and I'm starting to check out on FF7Remake.
Cyberpunk for me hinges on what it plays like. If it's CD Projekt's take on Deus Ex, it will probably become one of my all-time favorite games. If it's just a flashy WRPG, I'll probably still like it, but my hype will instantly die.
All I need to be satisfied by this E3 is something new from Arkane, Shinji Mikami, and Yoko Taro. It's unlikely, but I can dream.
Oh yeah, I'm also excited for Outer Worlds. New Vegas in space! That pencil notebook adventure game looks neat too.
Quote from: Foggle on June 09, 2019, 04:41:16 PMKeanu Reeves showing up was the best part.
I really want Cyberpunk, that cute deer game, and the Star Wars thing. The rest, eh.
Oh yeah, Keeanu showing up was neat. That said, I'm a tad skeptical on Cynerpunk 2077 due to being so cinematic in nature. I get that this is something that kind of needs to be done to show off to game journalists at a press conference, but this has kind of been the trend with most high-profile FPS games for the past decade or so, with occasional exceptions like 2016's DOOM.
I know that CD Projekt is a fan favorite developer due to The Witcher games and this is supposedly a more open-world FPS game, but I'll still need to see more gameplay before I can get excited for this project.
I have faith in their storytelling capabilities because of the Witcher series, but yeah, I need to know what it plays like.
Tales of Arise and I guess Elden Ring look interesting, even though I'm not really interested in the direction and collaboration respectively.
Phantasy Star Online 2 coming to NA really took me by surprise. I'll try to check it out when it drops, but I really don't know if I'll be able to commit to it.
Quote from: Foggle on June 09, 2019, 04:41:16 PM
I really want Cyberpunk, that cute deer game, and the Star Wars thing. The rest, eh.
Quote from: Mustang on June 09, 2019, 04:53:32 PM
Agreed, Keanu Reeves was definitely the best thing about this conference, but I have no interest in Cyberpunk at all.
For the most part I am curious about that Star Wars game, and I need to see more about Halo Infinite. The only game that got anything out of me was that Dragon Ball game. I'll look more into Phantasy Star Online 2 and that Tales game.
But yeah, honestly, I don't think this E3 will have anything to blow me away this year. I'm worried about that Avengers game being developed by Square and I'm starting to check out on FF7Remake.
I want to be excited for Star Wars, but the combat looks underwhelming and the main character and his design is killing off any hype I had.
Most of the other stuff I'm interested in are games that have already long been announced like Doom Eternal, so unless the next Smash Bros. character blows everyone away, I guess this is the high point as far as announcements go.
Quote from: Rynnec on June 09, 2019, 05:56:44 PM
Quote from: Mustang on June 09, 2019, 04:53:32 PM
Agreed, Keanu Reeves was definitely the best thing about this conference, but I have no interest in Cyberpunk at all.
For the most part I am curious about that Star Wars game, and I need to see more about Halo Infinite. The only game that got anything out of me was that Dragon Ball game. I'll look more into Phantasy Star Online 2 and that Tales game.
But yeah, honestly, I don't think this E3 will have anything to blow me away this year. I'm worried about that Avengers game being developed by Square and I'm starting to check out on FF7Remake.
I want to be excited for Star Wars, but the combat looks underwhelming and the main character and his design is killing off any hype I had.
Most of the other stuff I'm interested in are games that have already long been announced like Doom Eternal, so unless the next Smash Bros. character blows everyone away, I guess this is the high point as far as announcements go.
"Cautiously curious" should've been what I should have said for the exact same reasons you stated. The design of the main character is not good in my eyes, but I'm hoping he'll go through some form of change. Truthfully, I'm only interested because it's a single player action game. I trust nothing EA does and I have no interest in Star Wars, but I just imagine what the right developer can do with a Star Wars action-y game.
Yeah, not going to lie, I'm not interested in the Uncharted version of Star Wars. Just not my type of action game, though I'm genuinely happy for everyone else who are excited for a good Star Wars game.
At this point I just want to see if that new Avengers game will shape up to be anything interesting, and hopefully get to see some Bayonetta 3 gameplay from Nintendo. Otherwise, I don't really have much investment in this E3 since most of the games being showcased are just things that I don't care about.
I am interested in Elden Ring if only because I'm not entirely burned out on Souls games since I never played Demon's Souls, never finished Dark Souls (not out of a lack of wanting to, but because circumstances made me take a break from gaming for almost an entire year), never played either of the sequels, and have thus only completed Blooborne and am a little more than halfway through Sekiro. Truth be told, I'm not interested in going back into Dark Souls at this point (though I may at least go back and start the first one from scratch to see it all the way through), but I love Bloodborne which I'd consider to be one of the best games of the generation, and Sekiro, while not quite as masterful as Bloodborne, is easily better than 99% of other high-profile titles that come out these days (I'll certainly take it over Dad of War or another mediocre Spider-Man game/Arkham clone). I'd say that Miyazaki has arguably improved as a head game developer over the years, or at least moved more toward my personal preferences in action RPGs. He's also moved more and more away from the typical Souls formula over time. Like, you guys do know that Sekiro doesn't even have a stamina meter, right? That said, I'd need to see some gameplay of Elden Ring before I'm actually won over.
At this point, though, it looks like I'll need to wait for Itsuno to either announce Devil May Cry 6 or Dragon's Dogma 2 in order for there to be a game that I'm truly hyped about. I don't know if I've just become more jaded these days, or if my tastes have become too narrow, but I just can't muster up any joy or excitement for any major releases that get announced these days other than the occasional fighting game. It just feels like gaming has completely moved in a direction that favors trying to cater a relatively decent product to everyone rather than several very different games that each focus on core niches of the market and excel in those particular areas.
Bethesda's conference sucked shit BUT Shinji Mikami showed up to announce Tango's new game, which is directed by his protege Ikumi Nakamura. She did the concept art for The Evil Within, which was absolutely fucking bonkers. Ghostwire: Tokyo! It's gonna be good as hell I bet.
Arkane also showed up and announced Deathloop, which looks like Blaxploitation Dishonored. I can dig it.
Wolfenstein: Youngblood still looks great and Doom Eternal looks like pure sex. Inject that shit into my veins right now.
The game play is nice, but when I actually listened to the Q&A, it bothered me quite a bit. Almost to the point where I'm like forget your game now. Like yo, I've played many rehashed stories of DBZ and you can't answer a question revolving around the story? If it's mainly revolving around Z specifically who is it gonna hurt to give an answer on if you're going past the Frieza saga? It's fine if you're not going to include Super, but to act like we haven't seen the story told so many times by now, are you serious? I might be over reacting but considering E3 has been shit and I haven't gotten a lot of sleep you can forgive me this one time.
So Laura Bailey is voicing Black Widow after voicing Mary Jane in last year's Spider-Man game? Damn, she's come a long way since Keiko Yukimura and Kid Trunks.
Damn that Avengers game looks ass...
I mean, it looks about what I expected for a modern big-budget action game title made by a western developer. That's pretty much the same way I felt about Marvel's Spider-Man by Insomniac when it was revealed a couple of E3's ago and tried way too hard to look ultra cinematic.
I dunno, Spider-Man games have an expectation of fun traversal with the whole web-swinging aspect and Insomniac is really good at that so I guess I just assumed it would be fun from the get-go. The five seconds of gameplay in the Avengers trailer looked like a licensed game from a decade ago mixed with Uncharted and horrible character redesigns.
Quote from: Foggle on June 10, 2019, 09:31:44 PMI dunno, Spider-Man games have an expectation of fun traversal with the whole web-swinging aspect and Insomniac is really good at that so I guess I just assumed it would be fun from the get-go. The five seconds of gameplay in the Avengers trailer looked like a licensed game from a decade ago mixed with Uncharted and horrible character redesigns.
You mean that QTE-infested Arkham clone showcase from two years ago? Eh, agree to disagree there. That looked boring as fuck and I have no idea why anyone got excited by that footage. The actual game was more entertaining, but honestly got so boring and repetitive well before it was all over. Maybe I'm just a bit too harsh and cynical when it comes to modern western AAA games, but that's just how I honestly feel about it. On that end, the new Avengers game pretty much looks the same in that regard in that it barely actually showcases any actual gameplay other than a brief few seconds of combat for each character. I'm not expecting it to really be any more engaging with a full gameplay reveal, but it's also at this point kind of what I expect these days.
Quote from: Dr. Ensatsu-ken on June 10, 2019, 09:36:23 PM
You mean that QTE-infested Arkham clone showcase from two years ago? Eh, agree to disagree there. That looked boring as fuck and I have no idea why anyone got excited by that footage.
No, I mean the reveal trailer that showed Spider-Man swinging around the city. The combat footage from the following year
was awful and I said as much at the time (maybe not here, but definitely on Twitter).
Ah, I see. Fair point, though to be honest I never actually saw that one. That said, I mean....if this game had a tech showcase of Iron Man flying through the city and it actually looked cool without much on the actual combat, it still wouldn't sell me on the game, hence why I don't think seeing that Spider-Man footage a few years ago would have done much for me, either. But, to be fair, that's just personal preference.
As I indicated earlier, though, the most exciting aspect of this game for me is seeing a fan-favorite voice actor from my childhood getting bigger roles in the industry. That should pretty much tell you what I think of the actual project itself. :sly:
Quote from: Dr. Ensatsu-ken on June 10, 2019, 09:43:39 PM
Ah, I see. Fair point, though to be honest I never actually saw that one. That said, I mean....if this game had a tech showcase of Iron Man flying through the city and it actually looked cool without much on the actual combat, it still wouldn't sell me on the game, hence why I don't think seeing that Spider-Man footage a few years ago would have done much for me, either. But, to be fair, that's just personal preference.
To be fair, it was pretty brief and also featured barely any actual gameplay (if at all), I just really love Insomniac and the old Spider-Man games, so I still got excited, that's what I mean. The combat and QTE footage took a lot of the wind out of my sails but I still had hope that Insomniac would deliver (which I think they did, to a point). I don't have the same faith in modern Crystal Dynamics or a non-Deus Ex game from Eidos Montreal, especially when they started talking about the whole "games as a service" BS at the end.
It is funny that the much more cartoony and lower-budget MUA3 looks more entertaining than what I've seen of this game so far. I mean, it looks like a mediocre beat-em-up and despite Team Ninja's action prowess I'm sure it won't be anything special (probably because they gave this game to their B-team like with Hyrule Warriors). That said, I can say that it does at least look, in fact, like a video game. Also, I have extremely biased nostalgia from playing the first MUA game in particular a lot with my older brother back in the day.
Outside of that, they might as well have called this the Final Fantasy press conference with a couple of other games thrown in.
I'd actually be mildly interested in the FF7 remake if I could get a grasp on what it's combat is actually supposed to be like. One the one hand it seems to be like a real-time action game with hack n' slash elements, but then it has this confusing implementation of the traditional turn-based mechanics infused into it. I imagine it's something similar to Kingdom Hearts? If it can do that but on the more technical side, it might actually be a fun enough game for me to play. I'm not expecting much, though.
On a side note, there's always that part of me that, despite knowing that it'll never happen because it would have been leaked weeks before the show otherwise, wanted that big kind of surprise reveal like a new Nier game or something.
I don't know what to think of FF7's combat either. I think it's leaning toward Type-0's battle system, which I enjoyed a lot, but was very rudimentary all things considered. I'm also extremely disappointed that they didn't announce anything related to Nier or Drakengard. :el_cry:
Banjo in Smash and No More Heroes 3 announced. God bless us, every one! :el_cry:
Had some weird ish happen last night when trying to login. I haven't gotten the chance to see anything from today, let alone Ubisoft yet, so I'll likely make a 2nd post (or edit this one) after I catch up on everything. For now, let met address this ish from yesterday.
Avengers. Boy, I was already iffy on it coming from Square. Equally iffy when I heard it was going to be Crystal Dynamics. Last night was so disappointing. I didn't really have high expectations to begin with but the long wait for something like that. Ugh.
Final Fantasy 7. I, too, don't know what to make of the combat. I was originally thinking something along the lines of FFXV, but I'm not so sure anymore. But I am sold on it for sure though. Still iffy on it being episodic though. If they find a way to fit in everything and still manage to be good I'll be impressed.
Final Fantasy 8 remake. Nostalgia at it's best for me. This is what started everything in terms of rpg's. I understand why people don't like FF8, but personally, I loved everything about it. And to finally see it getting the same treatment as the rest, all I can say is "it's about damn time".
I will say right now this E3 has been wack. Outside of Final Fantasy 7 & 8 remake, Shenmue 3, Cyberpunk, and Death Stranding, for me there hasn't been much to look forward to.
Add Astral Chain and Zelda: Breath of the Wild sequel to the list. Ok, so I take this E3 being wack back (same amount of games for me I think last year as well or close to it)
E3 is always wack, and I hate that I try to convince myself there might be another year on the level of 2015 only to end up disappointed every time. That was lightning in a bottle.
I got new Shinji Mikami (or Mikami-adjacent), Suda51, and Arkane games to look forward to, plus Banjo in Smash, so I'm satisfied.
Touche, you got me there. I don't know, I guess because of Sony not being there I guess I was hoping they'd come stronger than ever, but wishful thinking.
Truthfully, I've learned to temper my expectations for E3 over the past few years.
To be fair, a big part of this is due to my own personal tastes. Gaming has a medium has largely moved away from what I value about it in the first place, so naturally very few new games coming out which actually grab my interest, and even fewer will manage to really impress me with their actual content. That's why most of my gaming interest has been focused towards exploring older classics that I missed out on back in the medium at it's peak (by my personal standards).
Still, that's obviously just me. Over the past few years, I have also learned to be a bit less snobby and try not hating on games or gamers simply because my interest doesn't often align with the masses. That'd make me no better than the obnoxious film snobs that look down on superhero movies or other forms of entertainment that I really like, despite having a lot of personal love for whatever medium it is that they value. In that regard, I don't want to be that obnoxious dick (or at least I try not to be), so I am glad for the people who really get what they want out of events like these, but for me personally, it's always about those core few titles that I'm really interested in. That's the only thing keeping my attention for E3 these days.
That said, I don't feel like a pretentious douche-nozzle in saying that I absolutely loathe the way that game trailer presentations have become so focused on overly cinematic window dressings to the actual game that more than half the time aren't even an accurate representation of what the actual game will look like in action. It doesn't get me hyped for a game to see nothing but a glorified cutscene for a few minutes and then the developer promising me that it'll be really awesome when it comes out. I miss the days when developers would announced a game and then show you an actual working demo that you can tell is real gameplay and gives you a genuine preview of the game itself. I still remember back in 2007 when Tomonobu Itagaki went on stage (not at E3, mind you, but TGS if I'm not mistaken) to present the first gameplay of Ninja Gaiden 2 (there was a short CG trailer released online just a few days before this), and he literally just went to a developer-testing level select screen (something not available in the official release version of the game) and just started playing through part of a level in real-time. He was so nonchalant about it and didn't even stop every few seconds to guide viewers through the experience. He just let the gameplay speak for itself, and despite the presentation being so casual, it was the most awesome thing ever to me at the time. It got me so hyped for the game in a way that very few other games have managed to do.
I miss shit like that.
I agree that there isn't enough focus on gameplay at these conferences. Those Gears of War 5 trailers were especially bad. The hypest shit at E3 for me was Doom Eternal, and for many people it was Final Fantasy 7 Remake or something from the Nintendo Direct, and that's because they showed off extended footage of people actually playing the games! Tango, Arkane, and Grasshopper got me hyped on name recognition alone because I know exactly what to expect from their work, but that isn't gonna be true for a lot of people. I'm not necessarily against flashy CGI trailers but there's gotta be something with more substance accompanying them.
Speaking of exploring older games, I just picked up an original Xbox, and I'm excited to finally play Gun Valkyrie and Otogi, which I've been looking into for half a decade it feels like. Popped in Ninja Gaiden Black to test it out (it's the only Xbox game I currently own) and instantly remembered how good that shit is. Gonna give that and NG2 another playthrough soon. Currently replaying Deus Ex with the GMDX mod and even this many years later it's still fresh to me. The improvement mod brings one of my all-time favorites as close to perfection as possible.
You should definitely take a look at the current indie scene if you miss the way games used to be made, though. There's a lot of dull walking simulators and weird match-three porn games on Steam but there's also just as much good stuff. You gotta check out The Dishwasher: Vampire Smile, Assault Spy, Dusk, Ion Maiden, Amid Evil, CrossCode, Momodora, Not A Hero, Freedom Planet, and Iconoclasts to name a few.
Most excited for Cyberpunk, FF 7 Remake which melted away any doubts I had thanks to showing off the gameplay, and No More Heroes 3!! :shakeshakeshake: :shakeshakeshake: :shakeshakeshake:
Quote from: Foggle on June 11, 2019, 10:03:20 PMSpeaking of exploring older games, I just picked up an original Xbox, and I'm excited to finally play Gun Valkyrie and Otogi, which I've been looking into for half a decade it feels like. Popped in Ninja Gaiden Black to test it out (it's the only Xbox game I currently own) and instantly remembered how good that shit is. Gonna give that and NG2 another playthrough soon.
:joy: :thumbup:
It would've been great if there was still a way to experience the Hurricane Packs, but unfortunately the original XBOX's access to XBOX Live has long since been dead. It's a shame that there's a version of that game that flat-out no longer exists and is lost to time except for the rare few working consoles that still have it downloaded on their hard drives.
I haven't played Otogi in ages so I have no idea how it holds up, but I remember really enjoying it back in the day when I rented it from Blockbuster (damn....that was still a thing), though I never did get around to playing the sequel. I also don't know anything about Gun Valkyrie.
Also, if you can find them, I think that Panzer Dragoon Orta and Jet Set Radio Future are both worth checking out.
I do have to ask what set-up you are using to play the original XBOX, though? I've been wanting to get some older systems to play at some point, but right now I don't have an old CRT TV on hand. Did you already have one that was still in good working condition, or did you buy one from online? I did try using an adapter once, which I stupidly wasted money on without doing proper research on it, to try and play XBOX360 games on a Smart TV. It did technically work, in that it displayed images on the screen, but there was just one major shredded the frame-rate to absolute shit. We're talking like 10-20 FPS here. So, yeah, that was a no go.
QuoteYou should definitely take a look at the current indie scene if you miss the way games used to be made, though. There's a lot of dull walking simulators and weird match-three porn games on Steam but there's also just as much good stuff. You gotta check out The Dishwasher: Vampire Smile, Assault Spy, Dusk, Ion Maiden, Amid Evil, CrossCode, Momodora, Not A Hero, Freedom Planet, and Iconoclasts to name a few.
I have enjoyed The Dishwasher games back on the XBOX 360, and I'll look into all of those other games that you listed. Thanks for the recommendations!
Quote from: Dr. Ensatsu-ken on June 11, 2019, 10:36:51 PM
It would've been great if there was still a way to experience the Hurricane Packs, but unfortunately the original XBOX's access to XBOX Live has long since been dead. It's a shame that there's a version of that game that flat-out no longer exists and is lost to time except for the rare few working consoles that still have it downloaded on their hard drives.
Yeah, it's really sad. The Xbox One backwards compatible versions of the Splinter Cell games apparently have their DLC included, so I guess there's hope that someday maybe the Hurricane Packs will be available again through BC, but I wouldn't hold my breath since Black has already been playable on it for years and I have a feeling Microsoft probably thinks no one cares about the original version of Ninja Gaiden. :(
QuoteI haven't played Otogi in ages so I have no idea how it holds up, but I remember really enjoying it back in the day when I rented it from Blockbuster (damn....that was still a thing), though I never did get around to playing the sequel. I also don't know anything about Gun Valkyrie.
Also, if you can find them, I think that Panzer Dragoon Orta and Jet Set Radio Future are both worth checking out.
I miss Blockbuster! I never owned Star Fox 64 as a kid but I must have rented it like six times. :il_hahaha: Gun Valkyrie is supposedly one of the system's hidden gems from Sega (just like Orta and Future), and I've wanted to try it ever since I saw the box at a local game store like 7 years ago. Hopefully I won't be disappointed!
QuoteI do have to ask what set-up you are using to play the original XBOX, though? I've been wanting to get some older systems to play at some point, but right now I don't have an old CRT TV on hand. Did you already have one that was still in good working condition, or did you buy one from online? I did try using an adapter once, which I stupidly wasted money on without doing proper research on it, to try and play XBOX360 games on a Smart TV. It did technically work, in that it displayed images on the screen, but there was just one major shredded the frame-rate to absolute shit. We're talking like 10-20 FPS here. So, yeah, that was a no go.
So far my HDTV seems to run games just fine using the A/V cables, but they look
really bad, and the HDMI converter cable I got seems to be a dud, so I don't really have a proper setup for it yet. :sweat: If the replacement HDMI also doesn't work then I'll try to get my hands on some component cables, though the official ones are really expensive and I hear the knockoff ones aren't great. I do have an old CRT lying around, but I'm considering that a last resort since it's very small and only does Mono audio. Ah, the joys of old school gaming in 2019. :>
QuoteI have enjoyed The Dishwasher games back on the XBOX 360, and I'll look into all of those other games that you listed. Thanks for the recommendations!
I played the first one back in the day and enjoyed it well enough, but it wasn't until the Steam release that I played Vampire Smile, and it quickly became one of my favorite games! Hopefully you'll find something you like in the other ones I listed. :)
Quote from: Dr. Ensatsu-ken on June 11, 2019, 08:21:26 PM
Truthfully, I've learned to temper my expectations for E3 over the past few years.
To be fair, a big part of this is due to my own personal tastes. Gaming has a medium has largely moved away from what I value about it in the first place, so naturally very few new games coming out which actually grab my interest, and even fewer will manage to really impress me with their actual content.
For the most part my expectations were pretty much held in checked for the past couple of years (I think it was 2015 that broke me with Shenmue 3's announcement). I was listening to Easy Allies podcast earlier today and they mentioned something alone the lines of "leaks" made this years E3 ho-hum. I mean, even if some games weren't leaked beforehand would it have made a difference (I hate leaks just as much as the next person)? For me outside of Final Fantasy 7 Remake and Keanu Reeves there was nothing worth getting hyped over so I don't see leaks stealing the thunder from companies this year. Maybe a lot more people would've been hyped for Watch Dogs 3, I don't know, but I just don't see it.
I would probably say at this point I'd be fine without there being an E3 though. Being into fighting games as heavy as I am my E3 don't start until Evo which don't take place until August. And then you got Sony and Nintendo going the direct route which can be done at any given time and I don't think you really have to worry so much about leaks (at least not as much or you have ample opportunity to address whatever). Square usually have some sort of event in September. So yeah, each big dev should pick a month or quarter or something along those lines and we can do away with E3 altogether.
The Sony stream was probably the most exciting E3 presentation since 2017 for me! So many colorful 3D platformers and indie games that resembled something you would see on the PS2, even more space/cyberpunk science-fiction games, Resident Evil 8, Deathloop, Ghostwire, and, of course, a new Ratchet & Clank that looks like proper sequel to the PS3 games!!! I was very satisfied with the showcase and would genuinely be willing to buy everything they showed off aside from the sports games and GTA port. :joy:
It's actually the less high-profile titles that caught my interest here. I'm sure I'll play Miles Morales since I'm a fan of the character (even if the gameplay is average like Spider-Man PS4) and eventually RE8 (but not for a long while since I have to go through the rest of the series), but most of the other AAA offerings are really only a "maybe" at this point. Granted, my interests have largely shifted to retro gaming, hence why the Nintendo Switch and Sega Genesis Mini currently have most of my attention these days due to their offering of many classic titles.
No love for Shinji Mikami's insane exorcist FPS or blaxploitation Dishonored? :( I guess I am the only one here who really cares about the latter's genre. :il_hahaha: Miles Morales looks cool but I still haven't played the PS4 game's DLC so I didn't really pay much mind to that one, especially once the Ratchet & Clank trailer hit. :swoon: But I do think the indie announcements were more interesting and surprising overall. Supposedly Resident Evil 8 is being directed by the guy who came up with the bizarre bug-eating swamp man beat 'em up RE7 DLC so I'm mega-hyped for that one.
I am interested in Mikami's new game, but it's hard to know what to make of it through previews. It's one of those things that I'd just need to play for myself when it comes out. Plus, much like with RE, I have a backlog of his other games that I still want to go through. :sweat:
I also haven't played any Dishonored games yet, either, so it'll be a while before I even work my way around to that series.
I finally got around to watching it. All the games looked good, speaking purely on graphics, but as far as the games themselves, it's a hard pass for me at the moment. None of those games were for me outside of Spider-Man Miles Morales (maybe) and Ratchet and Clank and that would only be for the nephew when he wants to watch me play games. Other than that, yeah, I might have to invest in a gaming PC (especially since the price tag is rumored to be at $700)
Actually, speaking of RE, I just bought RE7 in the PS Store which was on sale for $10, so I thought: "Eh, why not?"
I also dropped another $5 for Rayman legends which was also on sale. I don't plan on playing either game all that soon, but it's nice to have them for cheap and I will get around to them within the next year for sure.
If I do beat RE7 then I'll probably hit up 8 after it comes out (provided that I own a next-gen console by then), since it seems like it's more of a direct sequel to that rather than the rest of the series, and 7 itself was somewhat of a soft reboot for the franchise.
Watching all of these Summer Game Fests and seeing all these Indie titles I finally have 1 game that I can look forward to and that's Sea of Stars. You can certainly see a lot of Chrono Trigger in there, and that's probably my favorite JRPGs of all time.
So, I'm not going to lie, while I've largely lost interest in the current state of XBOX, the fact that the Series X is supposedly backwards compatible XBOX360 AND original XBOX games is really enticing for me. There are plenty of great classic XBOX games that I still want to get around to (and it's hard enough to get one SD console to work on my modern TV), and unlike a lot of other consoles from over a decade ago, most used XBOX games go for a fairly reasonable to outright cheap price even today.
Obviously that alone isn't enough to convince me to buy a product, but it's a damn good incentive.
I agree 100%. None of these games that I've seen for the PS5 are for me and I'm not sure how far back Sony is going for the PS5 backwards compatibility and the catalog for Xbox, while it's not all that great, honestly, all I need is Ninja Gaiden 1, 2 and Halo 1-Reach and I'm set.
Just finished watching Xbox showcase. It was awful. I was only watching for Halo Infinite anyway but still, the constant talking made me bored of everything. I wasn't impressed with Halo, but I didn't think it looked bad either. I was kinda hoping to go over the shoulder instead of first person. Lately, FPS games have been messing with my eyes, like getting a little nauseated which is why I'm kinda over Cyberpunk but I hope it does well. That showcase, if you haven't seen it, skip it and just watch the trailers.
The XBOX showcase was maybe the most boring video game showcase that I've seen in years, and that's saying something.
And I honestly have no interest in an open world Halo that will probably just end up trying to be another version of Destiny. I think that the series should have been allowed to rest after Reach.
Black Myth Wukong
Okay, another Souls/Borne game. Let me say this first. I'm getting sick of these type of games.
That being said, GOOD GOD ALMIGHTY did this game catch me off guard. To say "another Souls/Borne" wouldn't do this justice. This is almost akin to Nioh IMO. If companies are gonna copy FromSoftware style of game I need companies to explore in the combat department. I need more than just some IF dodge rolling garbage. And for the most part I saw a lot of rolling here and then I saw a flip which got a loud "YESS!!!" from me. All I know is this game is being made by some developer in China. Don't know if it's next gen or not. If this is next gen then I finally got a reason to get a next gen console.
I gotta speak on something about China. This game looks so good but I don't want to get my hopes up because we're still waiting on Lost Soul Aside and don't even know if that's actually going to ever come out. Genshin Impact finally got a release (some time this fall). I know they're in a completely different situation than Japan, but man, can we get some games released? Please?
Now, let me speak on AAA games and big time devs. I recently saw a clip from Mortal Shell. For me all well known devs are on notice. Mortal Shell is an indie game that looks gorgeous. I'm assuming the dev that's making Black Myth Wukong are also an indie dev. It is 2020, almost 2021 (damn). The next gen is right around the corner. We shouldn't be speaking about graphics at all. If an indie developer is making a game that looks better than yours, scrap your shit and start over. This goes double for fighting games. If you're putting out garbage that looks like MVCI in 2020 scrap your project.
I'm assuming everyone saw both Gotham Knights and Suicide Squad trailers right?
Neither one had me jumping for joy or anything but with Gotham Knights letting me play as characters I want to play as is a plus. I hope WB learn a lesson from Arkham Knight and not force driving because I didn't care for it in Arkham Knight. And while I'm on WB I might as well state this here. Despite how buggy it is/was I actually like Arkham Origins. Yeah it was a carbon copy of Arkham City but that didn't bother me. I liked how everything was handled. Probably could've brushed up on Deathstroke (sorta wish he was kind of a final boss type of character even though that fight was fuego), don't know how, probably more Teen Titan-ish kind of vibe where he'd be more menacing.
Suicide Squad, I don't know. I'm curious to see how will Rocksteady handle characters like Deadshot, Boomerang and the shark guy, specifically the shark guy. I don't know him at all, and don't really care to know him but from the little conference I heard he was some demi-god. I'm looking at him specifically because I can't help but wonder why Suicide Squad? Everybody and there mother wants Justice League or Superman. Going by how the shark guy play will convince me if Rocksteady can do a Superman game or not. I wish they would've showed some gameplay because overall I wasn't feeling the game despite loving Outkast BOB.
So far still not thrilled about next gen right now.
Can't say I'm terribly excited for either. Gotham Knights looks like another Arkham game but with co-op, and I'm all burned out on that formula. Also, that frame-rate looks pretty choppy and clearly dipped below 30 more than a few times during the game play demo. I also had to internally groan when I saw that they were adding RPG elements to this game. I'm just so burned out on stats being a part of every action game these days. Seriously, if it weren't for games like DMC5 I'd probably lose all my faith in traditional action games ever being a thing anymore. I'm really needing Bayonetta 3 at this point, and while I do still love Nioh for what it is, I really could use a new proper Ninja Gaiden game from Team Ninja.
The Suicide Squad one is admittedly too early to judge since it's just a CG trailer with no actual game play to speak of (though it also seems to have a co-op focus), but I'll be honest in saying that I don't think Rocksteady is all that impressive of a developer to me. They made three alright action games (if I'm being generous) in their Arkham series, and both sequels were highly derivative of the first with fairly shallow gameplay that wears thin after a few hours (for me at least). I'm not sure I really have much faith in them to excel at something outside of their comfort zone.
I don't think either looks particularly interesting, but hey, at least they look way better than that Avengers game...
Quote from: Dr. Ensatsu-ken on August 23, 2020, 10:08:44 PM
I'll be honest in saying that I don't think Rocksteady is all that impressive of a developer to me. They made three alright action games (if I'm being generous) in their Arkham series, and both sequels were highly derivative of the first with fairly shallow gameplay that wears thin after a few hours (for me at least). I'm not sure I really have much faith in them to excel at something outside of their comfort zone.
They made one other game before Arkham Asylum, which played completely differently, and it was bad. I will still go to bat for AA, mostly because I think the writing in it is fantastic (until the ending...) and because it doesn't wear out its welcome like the sequels do by virtue of not being open-world. Arkham City was one of my biggest disappointments of last gen and the less said about Arkham Batmobile Driver the better.
Also, if Gotham Knights is supposed to be the fifth (sixth? seventh?) Arkham game, why isn't it called Arkham Knights :kabapu:
Keep in mind that I also liked AA when it came out and I agree that it's less open design and shorter campaign actually work to it's benefit. In that regard, the basic mechanics don't outwear their welcome on a single playthrough. That said the game has very little, if any, replay value for me, hence why I've never gone back to it or it might sour my positive memories of playing it. And yes, City and Knight went the route of bigger for the sake of being bigger, but they really stretched the simple mechanics far too thin to the point where I got rather bored well before the halfway point of either game.
So the reason why I actually like the Arkham games is the exact reason why I like the Musou games. Sheer fun and entertainment. You will never hear me describe an Arkham games combat as deep and intricate. I like those type of games purely for the stress management. Sort of the same reason why I would play the God of War games. And Arkham, while it don't have the same level of being visceral as God of War, but it is there and it makes me feel good. Other than that I do agree for the most part, at least in terms of Gotham Knight. Suicide Squad, yeah, I'll get back to you on that one.
I watched some of the Avengers cutscenes, and where are all the villains? The Spider-Man game had over a dozen villains, while this one has only four. Most of the people you apparently fight are AIM agents and knockoff Sentinels. They couldn't open up the long list of Avengers villains?
Open world season.
I'll admit, a lot of the open world games that I've played has been okay (I haven't played most of them). Mostly misses, but I'm still hoping for that one company to nail exactly what I'm looking for. Ghost of Tsushima, while I thought that would be it, turns out that it's not. Still a good game when I'm not ready to hard quit through some of the stealth.
Whatever on that though.
Next up we have Immortals Fenix Rising which is the 2nd game to copy off of Breath of the Wild (with the first being Genshin Impact which is the other game I'm highly anticipating). I've seen and heard people say it's a carbon copy of BotW and I say, so what it? But I also have to be careful because I do the same thing when it comes to Souls/Borne and if someone were to call me on it I'd have to own it. Anyway, I never knew about it and today is the first time I'm hearing about it. Comes out in Dec.
But for me, Breath of the Wild and Metal Gear Solid 5 (despite no story) are my favorite games this gen (possibly of all time with both being interchangeable from time to time depending on my mood) so I say why not try to do what Nintendo has done with BotW and then learn from it (of course give credit).
Oh, forgot. Then there's the Xbox Series S / X.
I'll be honest. I won't touch the XBSX at all, but the XBSS is tempting for me with the backwards compatibility, but I think I saw it being 500GB so that's worrisome, but if the Ninja Gaiden games aren't large along with the Halos (of course only up to Reach) and Mass Effects then I can definitely see myself getting it when the price drop or some sort of sale.
So I saw a couple of games I can see myself playing on the PS5 but it's still not enough to convince me to buy one at launch.
That being said, Final Fantasy 16 looks HAWT. I don't know anything about FF14 other than it being a MMO, but I do recall wishing that the team being that game would do a single player FF someday.
Miles Morales looks good but if I'm not mistaken I think I saw that it'll be DLC for the PS4 as well? Anyway, it makes me want to fire up Spiderman again but I instantly remember the stealth sections of that game that turned me off. I still may fire it up someday though.
Demon Souls. Considering this is what started everything inline with Souls this would've been the first one I would go after back then. I will admit that that trailer looks awesome, but everyone know how I feel about Souls. I'm stuck between a rock and a hard place. I think I would try it this time though.
God of War Ragnarok. I can just imagine how people here feel about this game :sly: I am looking forward to it though. I still have to finish up the other one now that I think about it.
Devil May Cry 5 Special Edition. Another one where I'm stuck between a rock and a hard place on. I still have my issues with the game, admittedly it's a personal thing (more about what I want instead of trying to enjoy what's there), but Vergil is enough to get me to play just about anything (he is my favorite character ever). This is another one where I think I saw coming to the PS4 as DLC though.
Overall, my ears have perked up a little bit on the PS5. I'm not convinced we need a new gen just yet. I think I saw 99% of the PS4 games are supposed to be playable on the PS5 (I hope that's true). I am ready to move on from my current PS4. Currently thinking about upgrading to the Pro (mainly for the 1TB and thinking about going digital) and give my brother this PS4. People will say might as well just get a PS5 in this case and that's certainly something to think about especially if I can play all my games on there, but I'd rather not be a guinea pig for the PS5.
If they don't put Turbo and Legendary Dark Knight modes in the PC version of DMC5 I'm gonna be pissed, seems they've only confirmed Vergil for it. However, I will be part of the problem and end up getting DMC5SE once I have a PS5 if that's the case... :sweat:
Ah, Capcom, despite how much you've improved in the last few years, I still knew you couldn't resist the urge to give us the re-release treatment instead of straight DLC.
And who am I kidding, I'm going to be a total sucker for it regardless and double-dip when I eventually do get a PS5, though I personally don't plan on getting it at launch or this year, for that matter.
I'll be getting a PS5 as soon as Ratchet & Clank comes out! Since DMC5SE, Demon's Souls, and Miles Morales are coming out before that, I'll have quite a few games to enjoy along with it. :) Trying to buy a console at launch is never worth the pain of doing so.
Now that I have a higher paying job, I'm thinking of splurging on a PS5 preorder. Although personally, the only games that really interest me thus far are Demon Souls and DMC5. Y'no... the remasters of older games.
Although I'm VERY behind in this side of gaming, as I haven't had a Sony console since the FIRST PlayStation. I will indeed have a lot of catching up to do...
So because we basically had no work to do and they wouldn't send us home I spent the majority of my day watching clips from the Game Awards.
A few games caught my eye but first let me give a shout out to Smash Bros for getting Sephiroth. That trailer might be one of if not the greatest trailer ever. That being said I'm curious. What are the "free melee" players going to do now?
Anyway, done taking my little jab.
Tchia - I avoid games like this with weird character designs but this one managed to intrigue me. Highly doubt I'll play it though because I saw it was on the Stadia and didn't see any other consoles.
Nier Replicant ver 1.22 - Now I couldn't get into Nier Automata for some reason, but I am willing to give this one a shot.
Perfect Dark - Wow. I'm aware of the Xbox 360 version but I didn't play it, so it's been forever since I've even been intrigued by a Perfect Dark game. Now I will say that I don't really do FPS too much these days because they tend to mess with my eyes a bit (getting old sucks) so I'm hoping for more of a 3PS instead. Also, I gotta say I'm not sold on the tone of the game either, but I was a big fan of the old games.
Dragon Age 4 - Of course I need more info on this and while I was never into Dragon Age to begin with I do respect it. I'm gonna try my hands on Dragon Age Inquisition to see if I can get into these kind of games in this type of setting. In general I never cared for the dark fantasy type of setting (knights, dragons, dwarves etc)
Crimson Desert - Again, not my kind of setting but what negated all of that? That combat. Looking forward to seeing more of this.
Mass Effect - Of course I'm looking forward to this. Showing / teasing what looks like Liara got me a little giddy. Between this and Dragon Age, Bioware have work cut out for them. Mass Effect Andromeda's disappointment hit me hard and it was what caused me to go into the funk that I've been in for so long with games in general. One of these (hoping both) has to be good otherwise I'm done with them.
So, not really new games but the Ninja Gaiden Master Collection and Skyward Sword HD were announced at the Nintendo Direct. The NG trilogy is based off the Sigma versions, which I already own for the PS3, but it's neat enough for anyone else who wants to play them. It's more exciting that it's coming to the PC though as I would really love to see what the modding community can do with these games.
Skyward Sword HD has me more interested since I'll finally get a chance to play that game. I know it's pretty polarizing among the Zelda community but I still really want to try it for myself, and the new control scheme option may make the game more accessible for anyone who wasn't down with the game's motion controls.
I'll get the Ninja Gaiden collection on PC if someone mods the games to turn them into Black and OG 2. :sly: This is good news, though, as maybe it means there's a chance of seeing NG4 someday!
I could never get too far in Skyward Sword because I'm incompetent at precision motion controls so the remaster is great news for me!
Mapping motion controls to the right analogue stick worked really well for NMH, though that game never required precise movements. Given the way the demonstration showcased Link instantly performing the action of slashing in whatever direction is pressed seems like it could potentially break the game's intended difficulty since it would trivialize a lot of combat encounters. That said, I feel as though it'd probably still be more fun than outright fighting the controls to do what you want.
As for NG2 Vs. Sigma 2 on PC, I'd say ideally I'd like modders to combine both versions to cherry pick the best qualities from them while getting rid of the garbage. In that regard, less projectile spam from the XBOX version of the game but also retaining it's hyper-violence. At the same time, some of the remixed enemies and bosses in certain stages were an improvement in Sigma 2, so those could be kept in the overall game.
I think I mentioned something about wanting Ninja Gaiden on current / last gen consoles recently. And now that it's actually been announced and thinking back on it, I could live without it. Am I going to get it? Oh, Dear God, YES! Day 1, but do I really need it? ..Yes. I say it like that because I don't want to go back and pull out the Xbox 360. I'm content with my PS4 and I need space.
That being said, I'm definitely happy I get to play Ninja Gaiden again though. Like everyone else, I do wish it was the original instead of Sigma. I don't care for the other playable characters. Ryu just feels right. His moveset is just a "chef kiss". I do hope Team Ninja is not pulling a Capcom here though and try to gauge the interest with an old release to determine a new one (Darkstalkers 4 anyone).
Team Ninja wouldn't be the ones trying to guage whether fans want an NG4 or not (Nioh 1 & 2 director Fumihiko Yasuda outright said that he wants to make a new NG game), but rather their parent publisher/owner, KoeiTecmo. I'm guessing that if this collection does well, though, it may end up being the catalyst to a new NG-game.
I'm most likely going to stick to the copy of Black I have, whenever I get the chance to hook up my X-Box, but I'll consider getting the collection on sale to play 2.
Also debating Skyward Sword. It may honestly be worth a second chance, especially if the new control scheme helps things.
This video convinced me that it's worth at least experiencing once:
He also does a good job of conveying that Breath of the Wild has the best core gameplay of any Zelda game, but is lacking in certain other areas and that it doesn't need to write-off all older design elements. People criticized later 3D Zeldas for being too hand-holdy and linear, and while that's definitely a fair criticism, it doesn't mean that they didn't have genuinely good elements of game design in there. For as much as I enjoy Breath of the Wild, it also never gives me anything quite on par with the best dungeons of past Zelda games. The experience does feel far more consistently fun than most previous 3D Zeldas, but it also never quite reaches the same heights as some of those games, IMO.
Quote from: Avaitor on February 18, 2021, 05:04:26 PMI'm most likely going to stick to the copy of Black I have, whenever I get the chance to hook up my X-Box, but I'll consider getting the collection on sale to play 2.
Sigma 2 is definitely worth playing and has a few genuine improvements over the 360 version of the game, but I also feel like the original version of 2 is such a different game at it's core that both should be experienced at some point to get the full experience. The vanilla version is more flawed but has far more satisfying combat when everything is clicking, and it's the version that I ultimately prefer. Sigma 2 is more consistent and polished, but simultaneously waters down much of the intense gameplay that made the vanilla version of the game stand out so much in the first place.
Quote from: Dr. Ensatsu-ken on February 18, 2021, 05:19:53 PM
Quote from: Avaitor on February 18, 2021, 05:04:26 PMI'm most likely going to stick to the copy of Black I have, whenever I get the chance to hook up my X-Box, but I'll consider getting the collection on sale to play 2.
Sigma 2 is definitely worth playing and has a few genuine improvements over the 360 version of the game, but I also feel like the original version of 2 is such a different game at it's core that both should be experienced at some point to get the full experience. The vanilla version is more flawed but has far more satisfying combat when everything is clicking, and it's the version that I ultimately prefer. Sigma 2 is more consistent and polished, but simultaneously waters down much of the intense gameplay that made the vanilla version of the game stand out so much in the first place.
Hmm, fair!
Well, do you think it's worth trying out NGS, or should I just stick to Black? And I'm assuming that I should skip 3, right?
Sigma is a good enough game in a vacuum. I think Black is clearly the superior version of the game. Even in the graphics department, despite Sigma's HD enhancements, the game has a very plastic sort of look to it that I'm not all that into, personally. That said, about 85% of the game is still comprised of the great stuff that made Black such a classic. It's not one that I'd recommend going out of your way to play if you already have access to Black, but it's fine if it's your only option.
Sigma 2 is different enough to practically be classified as a different game, IMO, which is why I made special note for that one. And yes, NG3 (including Razor's Edge, here), isn't outright a terrible game if I'm being objective, but it's just not fun. It's competent enough as an action game but lacks any sense of personality or any kind of hook to it's gameplay that makes it feel like a compelling challenge to overcome as opposed to just an exercise in tedium and repetition to clear one room of enemies after another. It's maybe worth playing for about half an hour to see what it's all about, but it's hardly worth your full time and attention.
An awesome new 80s TMNT game exactly like Turtles in Time?! YES PLEASE!!! :huh:
I get it, but do we really need this? A Remake of all things, this?
No we don't, which is why I don't get it. Druckmann must have been doing a lot of sucking up is all I can figure. :??:
I don't even like The Last of Us and I could at least tell you that the game still looks good even today, especially running at 60 FPS on the PS4 version. The game isn't even that old, so I fail to see how it could benefit from a remake.
Isn't Last of Us Remastered playable on the PS5? If so, that makes this even more of a head scratcher. Like I said, I get it, money is great and all, but Naughty Dog can't be desperate for money right now. If this is a Sony decision then I'm seeing why Sony is shutting down PS3 and Vita stuff.
It almost seem like another gen full of remasters and remakes are the future for the PS5 which gives me even more of a reason to switch to PC.
So did E3 go by everyone? For the most part I found it very lackluster. I guess that's mainly because of all the "directs" that happens before and after E3. I think I said it last year as well. I'd be fine if they did away with it.
That being said there were only 3-4 games that I found interesting.
Elden Ring
Admittedly not a fan of Souls but have always been curious about the series. I figured this'll be my entry to the FromSoft games.
Final Fantasy Origins
It looks weird but I think it's done by the same folks doing Nioh so I'm willing to give it a shot.
Zelda: Breath of the Wild 2
Favorite game of all time at the moment. I don't think I need to say much else.
Halo: Infinite
Despite not caring about MP that same MP got me curious about its campaign. I've always been a sucker for Halo's campaign (haven't played 4 or 5)
Metroid Dread caught my interest the most. I love Super Metroid and Metroid Prime and actually have also beat the original NES game as well. I have Samus Returns for the 3DS and plan on playing that as well, and will probably also play Fusion before the new game comes out.
This was probably the weakest E3 I've ever seen tbh. Absolutely gutted at what Babylon's Fall has turned into, Platinum deserves so much better than some janky games as a service nonsense. The new Arkane game looks like shit too, which hurts really bad as I've adored everything else they've put out. Highlights for me were Advance Wars Re-Boot Camp, Great Ace Attorney Chronicles, Mario Party Superstars, Metal Slug Tactics, Metroid Dread, River City Girls 0 & 2, and S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2. I'd probably be into Breath of the Wild 2 as well but I still haven't played the original. Not much else comes to mind unfortunately. A lot of the indies that were shown off look interesting, but they weren't given much time to shine, so I'll need to investigate them more later.
Yeah, it was hard for me to muster up any real excitement for most things from E3 this year. In general I still have next to no interest in the current gen consoles. There's a reason I've been playing so many older games lately.
Breath of the Wild 2 looks like fun, and I enjoyed the first game quite a bit even if I still personally prefer the classic Zelda formula, but at the same time I'm feeling like it'll be more of the same as the original but with expanded concepts. That's fine, and has the potential to be amazing if refined heavily to make the core experience that much more engaging, but until I see more of what's on offer it's hard for me to be any more than just interested at this point.
Metroid Dread looks genuinely great, though, and it helps that I've recently gotten into the series.
Quote from: Foggle on June 15, 2021, 06:59:47 PM
This was probably the weakest E3 I've ever seen tbh.
I dunno if I'd go
that far, but it was up there as one of the weakest. Other than Metroid Dread, Advance Wars, and a few indies like Soulstice, nothing much caught my eye, and others like Final Fantasy Origin just got my outright disdain.
Now, in all fairness, I don't think anyone was expecting even an average E3 given all the shit that's happened the past year, but even without that E3 has been losing its luster for awhile.
Quote from: Mustang on June 15, 2021, 05:45:51 PM
So did E3 go by everyone? For the most part I found it very lackluster. I guess that's mainly because of all the "directs" that happens before and after E3. I think I said it last year as well. I'd be fine if they did away with it.
That being said there were only 3-4 games that I found interesting.
Elden Ring
Admittedly not a fan of Souls but have always been curious about the series. I figured this'll be my entry to the FromSoft games.
Speaking of, did they show off anything else besides the gameplay reveal trailer?
I'll admit that I was kind of hoping that BOTW would be more like Majora's Mask, a completely different experience with the same timeline and engine, but it's not looking like that so far. I'll still be there day one, but I am more jazzed for Metroid Dread currently.
Oh, and WarioWare! That's been away for too damn long. Few games have given me as much joy as the original GBA title.
Quote from: Rynnec on June 15, 2021, 10:42:54 PM
Quote from: Foggle on June 15, 2021, 06:59:47 PM
This was probably the weakest E3 I've ever seen tbh.
I dunno if I'd go that far, but it was up there as one of the weakest. Other than Metroid Dread, Advance Wars, and a few indies like Soulstice, nothing much caught my eye, and others like Final Fantasy Origin just got my outright disdain.
Now, in all fairness, I don't think anyone was expecting even an average E3 given all the shit that's happened the past year, but even without that E3 has been losing its luster for awhile.
Quote from: Mustang on June 15, 2021, 05:45:51 PM
So did E3 go by everyone? For the most part I found it very lackluster. I guess that's mainly because of all the "directs" that happens before and after E3. I think I said it last year as well. I'd be fine if they did away with it.
That being said there were only 3-4 games that I found interesting.
Elden Ring
Admittedly not a fan of Souls but have always been curious about the series. I figured this'll be my entry to the FromSoft games.
Speaking of, did they show off anything else besides the gameplay reveal trailer?
Not that I'm aware of. There's an interview with the creator up on IGN
I did forget about Shin Megami Tensei 5. As much as I play Persona 5, I can't be forgetting about the main game for me.
Pretty surprised by Metroid Dread. That was something I heard whispers about since middle school.
I'm very excited for the Breath of the Wild sequel. In my opinion, the first game was nearly the best game I've ever played, and admittedly I think it'll be tough for a sequel to capture that lightning again. At the same time, however, I've really wanted to see where the series would go after it, and now that's finally coming.
Granted, we still have a wait ahead of us before it's out, but I'll always get excited when more news for it hits.
While I think Breath of the Wild is a great game for sure, I can personally see several ways in which it can improve in a sequel. Granted, a lot of these are small things in and of themselves, but a lot of those small changes/improvements can really add up (it's the same logic of something like Sonic the Hedgehog 2 vs. the first game, or DKC2 vs. it's first iteration, despite having the same core gameplay in both cases). Among other things, though, I do feel that the main dungeons of the game (whatever will be used to replace the Divine Beasts) can be much better and much more intricately designed. I also feel that the game can still be as open as before, but make it much harder to get to some areas early. The first game basically only did this with very few areas (namely Hyrule Castle itself), but I like the idea of certain areas being much tougher than others but allowing skilled or creative players to get there even when they are underpowered at the time. That way the game can have a bit more structure and an actual difficulty curve for first time players while rewarding replays by using your knowledge of the game to completely change the sequence in which you complete it.
Also, one major issue that I had with Breath of the Wild, while not a deal breaker by any stretch, was that because the game had to assume that a player could go anywhere when they wanted to, it didn't really have a traditional increase in difficulty. Sure, it had enemies automatically upgraded in power when you got a certain percentage of the game done, but that was still pretty unbalanced since it just increased their health and damage output and didn't actually make them any harder to fight. By the point that they were upgraded players essentially had weapons and abilities that could easily deal with almost any threat outside of sub-boss type enemies.
Like I said in the fighting games thread, Gamescon happened last week and showed King of Fighters 15. And I'll admit that it won me over once again.
That being said, I saw nothing else worthwhile outside of that X-Men: Midnight Sons game. I've never heard that it's going to be like X-Com but I have no idea what that's like. Never played a tactical rpg.
A lot of these games that have been shown lately just haven't been for me.
To make up for Gamescon, Sony's state of play was interesting yesterday.
I'll admit I've been looking for looking forward to getting a PS5 if I can ever find one at a reasonable price.
My childhood favorite superhero. I'm curious if this will be more linear or if it will be open world. I'm also curious how will Insomiac will handle the combat because Wolvy is no Batman or Spider-Man so I'm not expecting a large list of moves in his repertoire. But the fact that he is getting a game makes me happy.
Spider-Man 2
I thought the first one was okay but was never really into it like everyone else. Here, if they take away the stealth parts (mainly dealing with MJ) I'd be happy.
God of War: Ragnarok
I know people here aren't fond of Dad of War but I did enjoy the last game and I am highly anticipating this game to see how will some of the other characters will be handled.
KOTOR Remake
I'm not a Star Wars fan. But I've always been curious about what made this game so great (especially after I played through the Mass Effect series)
And we FINALLY get a Bayonetta 3 trailer! It looks like more of the same and personally I'm 100% OK with that. I love the first two games and we just don't get enough traditional style character action games anymore (the last one was DMC5 which is already two years old, as great as it is). This makes me immediately want to replay the first two games again.
Has anyone attempted to get a PS5 yet?
I had been willing to wait. However, I heard that chip shortage issues might get worse, making it even harder to get a PS5 next year. I knew that I wanted one, and with the holiday season not far off, I really hoped to have one before then. I'd been checking everywhere before finally getting one last week. I would have settled for either the physical or digital version, but I'm kind of glad the physical version is what I got. Plus, I am in the middle of moving to a different part of Philly, and a new start feels like the right time to get started with the PS5.
Admittedly, the Astro demo is all I've got at the moment. However, once I complete the move, I'll relocate my PS4 games over.
I was hoping to get a PS5 when it came out, but I paused the hunt when I realized that I'm barely touching the multiple Switch games I've picked up. It sounds like it's for the best, all things considering.
I've never seen an used PS5 anywhere, let alone a new one. I'll only consider getting one if the next game of the FF VII remake and Project EVE are going to only be for it.
The places I go to, outside of the Switch I can't find any consoles. Obviously I'm trying to upgrade from the PS4, but I'm also looking to get my brother a Xbox 1. Like, I can't even find a PS4 Slim with 1TB so I can give my current PS4 to him (not without it costing an arm and a leg). Every month I check for something and find nothing.
So I saw this while I was at work today
On one hand I'm like "LET'S GO! A MGS3 REMAKE WITH FOX ENGINE, BET!" On the other hand I do not trust Konami at all. I'm in this middle ground of waiting and seeing and how will it be handled if true. I know people have been clamoring for a Silent Hill forever now, (I roll my eyes at Easy Allies every time they react to a Sony/Microsoft event because they're always throwing the idea of a new Silent Hill) so if this is true, I'd be happy for them too just so they don't have to keep bringing it up.
So I just found out that both Trails From Zero and Trails to Azure are getting a US release on the Switch, PS4 an PC.
SOLD. Now what I don't know is if I'll be able to get the full experience of the series or not. Like Trails of Cold Steel had 4 games. I don't if Zero and Azure have a series or not, and if they do, will they be included with these releases. Overall, this gives me something to look forward to not to mention make another play through once I get the rest of the games to piece everything together. I really enjoyed the Trails of Cold Steel games. Almost to the point where I'd rank them above Persona 5 (they're probably neck and neck right now in terms of picking a favorite)
So apparently February is a big month. Everyone is going after Elden Ring and rightfully so. Personally, obviously my eyes will be on King of Fighters 15, but even that I may skip simply because that last beta test left me feeling a certain kind of way. The game I'm really eyeballing in February though, is Si-Fu. I don't think that it will be a big game but my love for martial arts knows no bounds (only thing that beats it is my love for samurai). I'm just curious how it will be. I'm hoping it'll turn out to be something I've been wanting forever, but I don't know if it will (keeping my hype level in check).
So Bully 2 may be in the works. Rumors are swirling it was supposed to be featured at the recent Game Awards. Red Dead Redemption 2 had a ton of references to Bully, which would indicate it being their next title and since they haven't done too much with GTA since Online..... :shakeshakeshake: :shakeshakeshake: :shakeshakeshake: :shakeshakeshake: :shakeshakeshake:
Gotham Knights. Completely turned off from this game. I know people are already divided because it's going on PS5 and XBSX but I applaud them for that. Don't want another Cyberpunk situation, granted I get why everyone is mad. Hell, it's the same reason my Square/Sony is on my shit list at the moment (I will eventually get over it). Nah, what turned me off was the gameplay demo. What the hell happened from when it was announced? If I'm not mistaken these are the same people that did Arkham Origins. Okay, cool. AO was a rip from AC, and even with the bugs it still played and looked good.
The animations here in GK is terrible. Looks like it's going to have delayed responses to button presses. And then when you look at the moves they were doing and think back to Arkham Knight, like what the hell is this? It's like they regressed and lost moves. I was never sold on Suicide Squad because they are like Guardians of the Galaxy, I just don't like them, but this right here, hard pass for me.
Saw the rest of Sony's State of Play.
Of course I'm hyped for Street Fighter 6 (lots of leaks coming out the woodwork though). I hope Capcom can make some bomb ass trailers for the characters to combat the leaks because that's just unfortunate to have to keep dealing with them to kill any hype that's being generated.
The talk of the town was of course Resident Evil 4 Remake and Final Fantasy 16. Kudos to those amped for RE4R. FF16, if I can get a PS5, sure I'll be hyped for it. Combat looking closer to a DMC/Bayonetta type of game. Although, it might play like FF7R. Not sure.
There was one little small game that caught my attention that's probably going to be ignored. Eternights, I think that's the name. Typical anime type stuff but I've been into them as of late (it's why I've been so gung-ho about the Trails series and I might be getting a little sawft the closer I get to 40 lol)
Overall, Sony came out punching.
I can usually find a fair few things to get excited for at each of the big trade shows, but this year's not-E3 has been almost barren so far for me. That said, Wanted: Dead from ex-Itagaki-era Team Ninja devs (possibly including the big man himself, I'm not sure) looks almost exactly like the original version of Devil's Third we were promised a decade ago and I can't fucking wait. I think E-K's gonna want to see this...
I did see this and had the exact same thought. Soleil made the surprisingly decent Samurai Jack game that almost nobody played, but you can tell that old-school Team Ninja DNA is definitely there. I am unsure if Itagaki would have any involvement in this property as he had nothing to do with the formation of Soleil Games, to my knowledge, and his own new company is Itagaki Games.
That said, it's not hard to believe that this game is clearly another stab at what the ex-TN (and also ex-Valhalla) devs originally wanted to do with Devil's Third. People often focus so much on Itagaki and his ridiculously over-the-top persona that it kind of overshadows the fact that various other key members in high-ranking positions at Team Ninja left with him because they too were disgruntled employees working under Tecmo at the time. It's not hard to imagine that they were also passionate about making another great action game that clearly went into development hell. Granted, while part of that was out of their control, it's only fair to point out that Valhalla had made some bad business decisions of their own which contributed to the game being a mess.
Still, the game looks over-the-top and cheesy in all of the ways that I love, but with a potentially deep and interesting combat system.
This and Street Fighter 6 are probably among the only few upcoming games that I'm excited for.
I thought you would have seen it already but just wanted to make sure! :il_hahaha: SF6 does look good as hell too, and I'm usually not a fighting game guy as you know. Thanks for the info on Valhalla's/Soleil's history, couldn't really find out much by looking them up sadly. I definitely gotta check out that Samurai Jack game now!
It's not a classic or anything (definitely not on the level of Ninja Gaiden), but as a clearly low budget title for them to break in, it's probably better than it has any right to be. I'd compare it to Transformers: Devastation from Platinum. Made on the quick and cheap but still with their trademark style at it's core so it's still undeniably well designed and fun.
Wasn't terribly interested in too much from the XBOX/Bethesda showcase. Maybe Diablo IV will be the first game I try in that series because it does look kind of interesting to me.
Wo Long of course has my interest, but there's no actual gameplay to go on yet. Team Ninja has had a comeback in recent years with the success of the Nioh games, which I love. That said, while I'm sure that this will be more in that camp, I would be thrilled if this leans more to a pure action focus like the Ninja Gaiden games. It's also interesting to see Team Ninja making a Microsoft exclusive for the first time in well over a decade. They had a good relationship with Microsoft from the launch of the original XBOX to Tomonobu Itagaki's departure in 2008, so I wouldn't be surprised if this was a Microsoft move to try and rekindle their former relationship with a big-name Japanese developer.
Soooo Gamescom opening night was a bust for me. Lot's of outer space and FPS games. More power to the people into them.
1 little nugget manage to catch my interest though. Where Winds Meet.
It was giving off a lot of Ghost of Tsushima vibes, but it could be souls-y. Need more.
OK, despite my gripes that we're sticking with the Souls route instead of getting a new Ninja Gaiden game, PWAR's breakdown of the short gameplay trailer has me so much more hyped for this game now:
The key takeaway points are:
-No Stamina to worry about
-Generally faster combat speed
-Less RNG and loot/item management to distract from core gameplay
-Keeping Nioh 2's burst counters
-Keeping Nioh's elemental magic system
-More skill-based than level-based progression
-The ability to jump opens both mobility and combat options
-Critical finishers return
Essentially, this seems to be like Nioh but with less of the RPG baggage to deal with (though still a fair amount of it), which I'm all in favor of since I want to focus more on the action gameplay.
And look, I like Souls, and had a ton of fun with Elden Ring as well as their most action-focused game which was Sekiro. But just look at how smooth the combat animations in this game are and try to tell me that Team Ninja doesn't put almost every other modern action developer to shame in actually making a current-gen experience that manages to look as exciting as it is to play. This is like a Wuxia film that you can play through, and since it's Team Ninja, they won't have to dumb down the mechanics to achieve that effect.
Gungrave G.O.R.E has been announced for years, but we're finally starting to see more direct gameplay footage (, and it's looking pretty damn solid (despite some jank animations), especially for a mid-budget title from an unknown Korean developer. This is exactly the sort of insane, over-the-top action game I absolutely love and I'm glad the franchise is getting at least one new entry after all these years. I was cautiously optimistic at first (especially after that VR game that came out a few years ago), but this is now a game I am absolutely excited to play.
I can't see this game setting the world on fire, but between Gungrave, Soulstice, and Evil West, I'm just happy to have these mid-budget, somewhat janky action games back.
Quote from: Rynnec on September 02, 2022, 06:36:07 PMGungrave G.O.R.E has been announced for years, but we're finally starting to see more direct gameplay footage (, and it's looking pretty damn solid (despite some jank animations), especially for a mid-budget title from an unknown Korean developer. This is exactly the sort of insane, over-the-top action game I absolutely love and I'm glad the franchise is getting at least one new entry after all these years. I was cautiously optimistic at first (especially after that VR game that came out a few years ago), but this is now a game I am absolutely excited to play.
It's still baffling to see a revival of a long forgotten and dormant PS2-era franchise in this day and age (not even a particularly popular one at that), but it's also kind of refreshing. It's one of those things that would be cool to see happen to other cult classics, like Phantom Dust, Otogi, Shinobi, or various other candidates.
As far as mid-budget games go, I have to admit to being morbidly curious about Wanted: Dead. This could easily be another Devil's Third situation but the combat itself actually looks legitimately good this time. Most people point out the atrocious voice-acting and the brain dead-looking enemy AI, and while both are true, to the first point it has the potential to be unintentionally hilarious like an old-school PS1-era game (this is one thing that Devil's Third actually did have going for it), and to the second point, apparently a few people who reported on playing the demo at the show said that the enemies were a lot harder than the gameplay reveal made them look, so I suppose we'll see there. Anyways, I'll go in fully expecting a disaster of a train wreck and hopefully be somewhat pleasantly surprised if the core gameplay is at least decent.
I completely forgot about Gungrave: Gore. I guess that's because I don't have a PS5 yet (I'm assuming it's exclusively on the PS5 right? Don't recall seeing a PS4 release or anything) but when I had my PS2, you better believe I had Gungrave: Overdose. That and probably DMC3 were my most played games on the PS2. I remember having a lot of my anger out on that game because all you did was go around and shooting shit up. Walls, desks, chairs, etc were obliterated on most days.
Slow day at work today but the Nintendo Direct and Sony State of Play might've been pretty hot. I missed them both but I saw some of the games that were announced at both and if I had either a Switch or PS5 I'd be coming from both a very happy man.
Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom (obviously)
Octopath Traveler 2
Fire Emblem: Engage (If I were to ever jump into the series this would be where I'd leap in at)
Ateiler Ryza 3
There might've been 1 more that I can't remember off the top of my head at the moment. As for the online stuff, specifically Goldeneye007, I don't know how I feel about it. Nintendo is not particularly good with online stuff. That being said, both my brother and sister are already plotting revenge/rematch even though it might be completely weird playing Goldeneye without the N64 controller.
God of War: Ragnarok (I have a rant towards some of these journalists/podcasts when it comes to 2018's game)
Tekken 8
Like a Dragon (I'm not a fan of the Yakuza series. Can't get into them for some reason, but slap samurai on it and you have my attention)
Rise of the Ronin (Team Ninja kinda going crazy. I'm not getting souls-vibe from this. Almost getting ghost of tsushima vibes)
There might've been 1 more here also that I can't remember off the top of my head that I'm looking forward to as well. Good stuff overall.
Shit, between this and Wo Long, Team Ninja are just cranking shit out. I kind of hope they aren't being stretched too thin, but both games look solid so far.
Still holding out hope. No release date, but I think this is my most anticipated game yet. Relink should've been out. Hopefully it'll be a hit. This is one of those type of games that'll get me outta my funk.
That state of play, wow, other than Street Fighter 6, that was a terrible showcase for me. Should've just saved that showcase for another day or something.
Rocksteady got 3 strikes for Suicide Squad for me. The first one was because it was Suicide Squad to begin with. Suicide Squad is the equivalent to Guardians of the Galaxy to me. Both groups I just don't care nor have any attachment to. Your job is to sell me on it. Strike 2 for having it being a 3rd Person Shooter. I get it, trying to go for something different from your norm, but of all things 3PS, really? Strike 3, game of service or whatever that bullshit all battle royales end up being. Graphically, it looks good though.
Street Fighter 6. I've cooled off on a lot since the announcement of Honda and Blanka, but it's still day 1 for me. That being said, the FGC's gotta have some of the most horniest and corniest people I've ever come across and all of them are man children. All this ass and feet worship over imaginary characters. Sorry, I'm a spoil sport, but I prefer real women. Anyway, like I said, day 1 purchase but I don't think it'll be my main game. Everyone looks solid but like SF5, none of the characters really jump out at me. I'll settle on the shotos (which I don't want to do) until the first wave of DLC. People have told me Jamie would be for me. To those people, thanks but the problem is me being a loyalist and to that, the problem with Jamie is that he's not Yun or Yang. It'd be different if I were coming to a new IP looking for a character like Dudley/Cody/Yun/Yang, but this is Street Fighter. Gimmie my character 1st dammit, not some upgraded knockoff.
I have to say, I'm always a bit iffy on character redesigns with each new iteration, but I'm really digging Cammy's redesign, especially highlighting her British nationality and doing away with her more anime-esque take on an Eastern European getup that never really made sense for her character, IMO. I also like how Zanghief looks like an absolute monster in this game, as he should.
On the flip side, jury's still out on Blanka's redesign. It just looks off to me, but I can't quite place my finger on it.
I'm conflicted on this one. As a Dragon Ball fan I'm all for it. Not worried about whose in it. More curious about what forms are in it and I'm not talking about Gohan or Piccolo. Being perfectly honest and coming off of Xenoverse 2 I should feel right at home with this. Not really. I was never a fan of the Tenkaichi games. I was a fan of the Budokai series. But again I never played competitively and never will with this game. But from a story perspective, sure I'll throw money at it although I'd rather have Xenoverse 3 over Tenkaichi 4. Don't ask for Budokai. I don't ever see us going back to that style, especially with how successful DBFz was.
On the other hand, as a fan of Dragonball Fighterz or rather a fighting game fan, I'm not feeling this one bit. Sure, DB fans are gonna tear the house down with this. You got your Afrosenju's, Lotus Asakura's, Rhymestyles and so on, but for the folks that were in DBFz because it's a fighting game I certainly hope this is not what's next. Much like Smash, Arena games are their own thing. Can we coexist? Sure. Are you getting spotlighted at Evo? HELL NO. So I'm not entirely sure what's going on with Bandai Namco and ASW. Rollback Netcode has a beta on the way, and they're trying to throw another World Tour, so a balance patch is coming as well, but I don't know if that's going to be enough (for me, no it's not enough)
Hmm, depending on whose developing this, this could become a must buy real quick for me. I'm very cautious right now because of a couple of factors. A) Mysterious developer is taking on the project. B) Inspired by God of War. The only thing I'd actually want taken from God of War is the presentation and/or story telling. Everything else you can keep. If anything this is more of a conversation starter that IGN threw out there.
Personally, and I know it's not going to happen, but I need outsourcing. Major outsourcing. Say a Sony Santa Monica/Insomniac does get their hands on said project. They can handle whatever but keep their hands OFF of COMBAT. Nothing against Platinum, but no, you stay far away from this too. FromSoft, pfft, bye Felicia. Only 1 company and 1 company alone should be brought in for the combat. Team Ninja. Could a certain Capcom developer handle this? Perhaps, but this don't need to be combo-centric, and in my head, the groundwork is already laid out with Ninja Gaiden (this idea that God of War's combat is gawd-like is baffling. Evil West needs to speak with you). That's just me in my own head and unlikely, selfish things that I want lol. I'll be keeping close eyes on this regardless of who is developing it.
Anyhoo, I just came across that earlier this morning.
Another game I'm curious about is Atlas Fallen. Another game that's been inspired by God of War, but drawing comparisons to Darksiders.
Against my better judgment I watched the FF16 state of play earlier this morning. I didn't want to be spoiled because I figured I had already seen enough to get me excited to buy it. I am glad that I watched it because holy HELL, while they did get into spoiler territory, I feel like I still didn't see enough to start causing me to lose interest if that makes any sense. And then I feel like for some reason the story itself won't be it's strongest point either.
And then I get the feeling like this is what they wanted Final Fantasy Versus 13 (13 Versus?)/Final Fantasy 15 to be. It's like Square knew that deep down they missed the mark with Final Fantasy 15 because Kingdom Hearts gameplay wasn't going to get them there (wherever "there" was), so fast-forward, I don't remember who exactly, but they brought in someone from Capcom that worked on DMC5 (you can clearly see DMC in the combat at work).
All that being said, and I've said it before, my JOY for games has diminished and it started back when Mass Effect Andromeda came out and did poorly. Ever since then I haven't been able to get interested in a lot of games. Games I'd usually play, hell, games I got placed as my favorite games of all time I can't get interested in replaying them (MGS5 and BotW of all games, really? CAN'T HOLD MY INTEREST TO REPLAY THEM?!!!) Till this day I still haven't finished Nioh 1. Never started Nioh 2 and never finished DMC5. If you were to see what games I've spent most of my time playing you'd be a little shocked. JRPG's (I'm starting to wane on these as well), BlazBlue: Central Fiction, and Yugioh: Legacy of the Duelist Link Evolution (What the.. But I'm an action guy, where's the action? Where indeed). A lot of these new games that I get excited for one moment, by the time I get my hands on them my interest is already gone.
Looking at that state of play. Looking at FF16. It looks like this might be THAT game to renew my interest in gaming. It's giving me everything that I want. It's not open world, but it certainly looks big. It's giving me builds to play around with. When it comes to replaying games, this is what I want. Let me toy around with customizing without going the souls-like route. No shade to DMC/Bayonetta/NG, but I'm way past the days of replaying for a high rank or upping difficulty just because. I have nothing to prove to anybody and don't give any shits about how communities feel about how I (ME, I) play my games. Gimme my bang for my buck. It's 2023. We should be getting everything for our moneys worth.
Damn, and that's just June and June is a fire month with Street Fighter 6 coming out I think a couple of days before FF16. Definitely can't wait to hear the GOTY conversation for this year.
Then I finally saw the 3rd trailer for Tears of the Kingdom. There's not much I need to say here. It looks great as always. I got beef with gaming journalists on how they act towards every Zelda game though.
So I'm already looking towards the future. Like what's next or what's left after Tears of the Kingdom, Street Fighter 6 and Final Fantasy 16? I got a few small hits here and there, but for the remainder of the year it seems like it's going to be dry which, for me is kind of unusual. I say that because I'm not used to big titles coming between May-July (I'm used to March-May) and having a dry fall-winter/holiday season. I think Arkham Knight might've been the only big hit title to come out during the summer (correct me if I'm wrong). Anyway, I completely forgot about some of these games that haven't been mentioned for quite some time now.
Where Winds Meet
Rise of the Ronin
Lost Soul Aside
Black Myth - Wukong (I'm not even sure if this one is even real)
Spider-Man 2 (Game Journalists are predicting Fall, but whatever on them)
Sucker Punch game (Game Journalists are saying Ghost of Tsushima 2)
That gives me something to look forward to, especially because I'm not seeing any value in my PS5 other than owning it at the moment. Looking back at it, just Sony overall, I haven't been happy with my purchases. I'm a fighting game player and the majority of the games I want to play are on PC/Fightcade. I'd be happy if they were ported to console (licensing issues, I get it, but still) but that's not looking bright at the moment. Next year tax season, I'll put towards a gaming PC/laptop (that thought might have to get put aside though)
Well that sucked. My old laptop died on me so I had to hold out for a good week to get this one. Anyway, during my time away I did happen to catch the Playstation Showcase and I got some thoughts. I don't know how others thought about it, but I know the bulk of people, or at least those that tune into the Kinda Funnys, IGNs, etc came out disappointed. Personally, I thought it sucked, probably for different reasons than everyone else.
Metal Gear Sold Snake Eater - People would tell you leaks ruined this reveal. For me, no. I don't trust Konami and we have no idea who is working on this. So my expectations for this is, I don't know.
GranBlue Fantasy Relink - This is the big one for me that disappointed me the most. Feels like it's been forever since this was first announced when Platinum was the ones making this. Somewhere down the line Platinum left or was dropped. Don't know. Even then it still looked pretty good, like on the levels of a Fire Emblem type of good. But now, this looks like a Tales/Ys game and nothing against those games, but the combat in those is nothing compared to what Platinum could do, and it looks slower than the last time it was shown. It almost feels like it's been 10 years, but I know it's been at least 5 and you're telling me that this is what the final product will look like? I'm good. It's stuff like this that puts me in my funk.
Phantom Blade Zero - I'm iffy on this. I see what they're going for but that combat looks weird.
Yeah, Street Fighter 6 and Final Fantasy 16 was shown but did they really need to show them? Probably not. I've been on media blackout for both. I don't need to speak on Spider-Man 2. It looks great and I'll be getting it for sure.
So yeah, I thought it sucked. Maybe I'm being harsh because I haven't cared much for Sony lately, but a lot of the games shown weren't for me at all. Too many shooters. To be fair, as a fighting game fan I'm eating good, but single player stuff, not so much. I guess because I'm already looking for the next thing after I get FF16.
Summer Games Fest, oh boy. That was about a B-
Mortal Kombat 1 - Animation is still a little wonky but you can tell they've been working on it a lot. It looks real good. The "Kameo" (assists) mechanics might be real interesting as well. And the whole Fire God Liu Kang angle, fire (no pun intended). Overall, the game looks really good so far. And coming in September. Fighting game fans are eating good while waiting for Project L.
Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth (?) - Trying not to sound like one of those types of people that hate on everything that everyone flocks to. I need to see more in terms of gameplay. Storywise, sold for sure, but I'm all gameplay here. And then there's rumors about a FF9 remake. I'm also hearing subtle jabs being thrown at FF8. "Sigh" Fucking trolls. Everyone wants to be a comedian all of a sudden. Anyway, I'd really like it if that FF7 for the phones was imported to consoles. I hate the old look of FF7, but that stuff on the phones look really good.
Spiderman 2 - Release date in October. Cool. Could've shown that at the showcase.
Lies of P - Everyone know how I feel about souls-like. But to be fair, this one actually looks pretty interesting. I think I saw dodge rolling, so that kinda bugs me (previous trailers. Can't recall). Anyway, we'll see.
Indies. Indies. Indies. I want to get behind yall so bad but yall make it hard to do so with so many metrovanias and quirky Ren and Stimpy looking games to the point where I just ignore all of it in general and some hidden treasures get lost in the process. Cut down on some of those, please. Even though I don't play them I'd take more Hades/Rogue-likes over the metrovania's for a little bit.
That's about it for me.
The new Nintendo Direct was pretty eventful!
-New 2D Super Mario, which looks a little different from the previous New Super Mario Bros titles, this time with... an elephant?
-Super Mario RPG Remake ala the Link's Awakening remake from a couple of years ago
-New Princess Peach platformer
-Remaster of the 3DS Luigi's Mansion title
-New WarioWare
-Pikmin 1 + 2 rereleases coinciding with the fourth game
-MGS Collection coming to Switch
A lot of exciting things. My budget is still tiny, but I'll probably preorder the NSMB and RPG titles. I'd also do the same for WarioWare, but I have a feeling that I can find it for cheaper at Walmart when it comes out like the last one... which I still haven't played. Hell, I haven't even touched TOTK yet!
I kinda fell back on keeping up with just about everything. I caught up a little bit with what was shown at Gamescon day 1, but didn't care for much.
I did see that Black Myth Wukong is apparently legit so I'm looking forward to that, and then also at the event they showed Crimson Desert. I think this was shown, what? Like 2-3 years ago? I completely forgot about it, but remembered very quickly that I wanted this game. It's hard to get me into games like Witcher and Dragon's Dogma with their Dark Fantasy-like settings, but a quick way to win me over is to show me some flashy combat (oddly enough, it was FF16's combat that won me over also).
Other than that, I didn't see much. Mortal Kombat 1 is Mortal Kombat. Animation's been fixed up but it's still rugged. Might be a hard pass for me despite the kameo mechanic. Tekken 8, of course I'm waiting for that, but yeah, nothing else stood out much for me.
Square got me. They got me with FF7 Rebirth. The moment I saw Cloud and Sephiroth fighting together, I'm selling out. Seeing Vincent was the cherry on top. I was wondering how far in Square was going to go when it comes to disc 2 of the original, and from what I can remember, they might be going a little further into disc 3. Anyway, having not touched intergrade yet, I am looking forward to the twin pack.
Spider-man 2. I already got it pre-ordered, but at this point I don't need to see anymore. I'm 100% sold on this. I might be jumping the gun a bit, but this could potentially be my goty. Obviously I can't say for sure, but I'm gonna boot up FF16 soon, and then I'm also gonna get my hands on another Switch and finally get my hands on Tears of the Kingdom as well, so, yeah.
Other than that, both the Nintendo Direct and Sony's State of Play were ho-hum for me.
Dragon's Dogma 2 legit looks up my allery despite being burned out on ARPG's, but it's also an Itsuno game so I just have to try it out at least. It makes me want to actually finally get around to playing the first game, which I own (it was on sale for $4 when I got it) but haven't touched yet.
I'm sure I'll also play Super Mario Wonder, but man, am I the only one looking at all of these gameplay trailers and reveals for new games from TGS and just....not being excited for any of them? I'd say it's because games don't have the same appeal for me anymore, but I know that's not true because I get really into the games that I like, even recently. It just so happens that the games that have been resonating with me are older titles or stuff I missed from a few years back that I have finally gotten around to. A lot of the modern stuff just doesn't grab my interst anymore.
The first Dragon's Dogma was a really great game, I put a lot of time into it alongside one of my friends (it's not co-op, but y'know, just chilling together) back when it came out. The first 5 or so hours are kind of rough, very slow to start, not a great first impression, but it's a lot of fun once you get into it and can start refining your build. I'm very excited for the sequel!
I haven't really paid attention to any of the trade shows over the past year. The marketing machine just doesn't work for me anymore, I guess. I kept watching, waiting for another bombshell Resident Evil 7/Nier Automata type announcement but it's healthier to just go with the flow and tune that stuff out imo. There are a lot of upcoming/recent games I'm incredibly interested in, but most of them are random indies I find while Steam dumpster diving lol. But I don't think I'll be getting around to most of them for years regardless because I've also mostly been playing older games recently. I just finished King's Field 2 (known in the US as... King's Field 1) and the enhanced Xbox version of Tenchu 3 - great stuff! I find that, as I get older and have less free time, I gravitate mainly to emulating games I missed out on during my youth. The ability to do things like customize controls, stabilize frame rates, and create save states makes most of them feel as fresh as the day they came out. And I vastly prefer how many classics max out at maybe 20 hours in length. I really struggle with finding the drive to finish most open world and roguelite type games because there's just too damn much! :h_dead:
Quote from: Foggle on September 23, 2023, 10:07:27 PMThe first Dragon's Dogma was a really great game, I put a lot of time into it alongside one of my friends (it's not co-op, but y'know, just chilling together) back when it came out. The first 5 or so hours are kind of rough, very slow to start, not a great first impression, but it's a lot of fun once you get into it and can start refining your build. I'm very excited for the sequel!
Yeah, I remember you praising it back in the day and I wanted to play it but was a broke college student at the time, lol. I'm sure I would enjoy it for the combat, though, as most of the praise that I hear are about how intricate the builds can be and how fun the combat is when you manage to get your character to a certain point.
QuoteI haven't really paid attention to any of the trade shows over the past year. The marketing machine just doesn't work for me anymore, I guess. I kept watching, waiting for another bombshell Resident Evil 7/Nier Automata type announcement but it's healthier to just go with the flow and tune that stuff out imo. There are a lot of upcoming/recent games I'm incredibly interested in, but most of them are random indies I find while Steam dumpster diving lol. But I don't think I'll be getting around to most of them for years regardless because I've also mostly been playing older games recently. I just finished King's Field 2 (known in the US as... King's Field 1) and the enhanced Xbox version of Tenchu 3 - great stuff! I find that, as I get older and have less free time, I gravitate mainly to emulating games I missed out on during my youth. The ability to do things like customize controls, stabilize frame rates, and create save states makes most of them feel as fresh as the day they came out. And I vastly prefer how many classics max out at maybe 20 hours in length. I really struggle with finding the drive to finish most open world and roguelite type games because there's just too damn much! :h_dead:
It's been the exact same for me. I've been playing through Earthbound and The Minish Cap, and even before those I was playing Castlevania: Rondo of Blood, RE Remake HD (with tank controls, as originally intended, and I love this game now), classic Quake, Panzer Dragoon Orta, Otogi, and Paper Mario. The most recent thing I have been playing is Portal 2 and that's over a decade old, which should tell you something. Other than that, it has mostly been me replaying other stuff that I love like Ninja Gaiden Black (still holds up as my favorite action game ever made, BTW), the original Bungie Halo trilogy, Half-Life 2 (and I tried replaying F.E.A.R. but it kept crashing on my laptop), and currently I'm replaying Vanquish which is a whole different beast when you realize you are meant to play it like an actual action game and not as a Gears of War clone (which I was guilty of doing on my first run though the game a decade ago).
I think the only new games from this year that I played in full and really enjoyed were Hi-Fi Rush and Resident Evil 4 remake, and only one of those was actually original. Even Wo-Long I haven't managed to finish yet, and as much as I love both Nioh games, this honestly feels like a shallower version of those games. As for Tears of the Kingdom, I guess I had fun overall but I'd be lying if I said it felt like 80% filler to get to the end with that content ranging from silly fun to outright tedium. Tunic actually gave me something much closer to a classic style Zelda experience than an actual Zelda game has since A Link Between Worlds. Also, like you, I don't have the seemingly endless time that I used to have to play video games, so I prefer the shorter, more focused classic titles that I grew up with.
And not to be a grumply old-timer about this stuff (because I don't believe that I am), but it's hard to get excited about most modern games because most are focused too much on narrative or presentation or just raw content rather than the actual quality of what you're getting. It's why it's honestly hard for me to get excited about the new Spider-Man game other than it maybe having an above average story for a video game, and I love Spider-Man. As a game, though, I'm just not interested in the repetition of partaking in mediocre combat sequences followed by mediocre stealth sequences followed by brain-dead side-quests. Yet, that's kind of what most big-budget modern games are these days.
Quote from: Dr. Ensatsu-ken on September 24, 2023, 03:50:34 PMRE Remake HD (with tank controls, as originally intended, and I love this game now)
Yessss I'm so glad! I love that game so much and play it almost every year. :il_hahaha: Now that you're okay with tank controls I highly recommend playing the original Resident Evil 2 at some point as well, the other classic games can be hit and miss (I love them all except 0 though) but 2 is super duper good.
Quoteclassic Quake, Panzer Dragoon Orta, Otogi
Quake 1 is really great, I need to check out that recent remaster of 2 as well. It's not as good as the first game but I've always liked it a lot more than most people I think. Panzer Dragoon as a whole (especially Saga) and Otogi have been on my list for ages. I've been going through From Soft's back catalog recently and while I feel kind of daunted by Armored Core, they have such a unique and eclectic development history. Nearly all their games are great or at least interesting.
QuoteNinja Gaiden Black (still holds up as my favorite action game ever made, BTW), the original Bungie Halo trilogy, Half-Life 2 (and I tried replaying F.E.A.R. but it kept crashing on my laptop)
I made such an irresponsible purchase earlier this year... I bought a Series X almost solely to play Ninja Gaiden, Nier, and Banjo at 4K 60 FPS lmfao. Kind of worth it, though, not gonna lie. F.E.A.R. runs extremely well on it too, so might be worth investing in down the road if it's still giving you issues on your laptop (and if you want to experience Ninja Gaiden 2 with butter smooth gameplay, mama mia)!
QuoteI'm replaying Vanquish which is a whole different beast when you realize you are meant to play it like an actual action game and not as a Gears of War clone (which I was guilty of doing on my first run though the game a decade ago).
Nice, nice! I wish we lived in a world where Vanquish was successful and we got more games similar to it. Still don't think there's anything else quite like it out there, maybe something like Doom Eternal? But it's just not the same at all.
QuoteI think the only new games from this year that I played in full and really enjoyed were Hi-Fi Rush and Resident Evil 4 remake, and only one of those was actually original. Even Wo-Long I haven't managed to finish yet, and as much as I love both Nioh games, this honestly feels like a shallower version of those games. As for Tears of the Kingdom, I guess I had fun overall but I'd be lying if I said it felt like 80% filler to get to the end with that content ranging from silly fun to outright tedium. Tunic actually gave me something much closer to a classic style Zelda experience than an actual Zelda game has since A Link Between Worlds. Also, like you, I don't have the seemingly endless time that I used to have to play video games, so I prefer the shorter, more focused classic titles that I grew up with.
And not to be a grumply old-timer about this stuff (because I don't believe that I am), but it's hard to get excited about most modern games because most are focused too much on narrative or presentation or just raw content rather than the actual quality of what you're getting. It's why it's honestly hard for me to get excited about the new Spider-Man game other than it maybe having an above average story for a video game, and I love Spider-Man. As a game, though, I'm just not interested in the repetition of partaking in mediocre combat sequences followed by mediocre stealth sequences followed by brain-dead side-quests. Yet, that's kind of what most big-budget modern games are these days.
I still need to try Hi-Fi Rush and actually play through Nioh. Wo-Long seemed interesting to me but I've heard similar to what you said about it so I held off. I'm shocked at how much I loved the Resident Evil 4 remake. I still like the original just a little bit more, but I was firmly in the "do not fucking dare remake this game" camp and it came out beautifully. The Separate Ways DLC is very much worthwhile too, it does recycle a lot of stuff from the main game but it's much much better than the original SW or RE8's comparable DLC (which I honestly found pretty bad). If you can get it running on your laptop, I highly recommend checking out the RE4 HD Project as well, it's a fan made remaster of the original and it's absolutely jaw dropping. You can even implement stuff from the GameCube version that was broken in all other ports and classic RE camera angles when playing as Ashley (exclusive to the Japanese releases). Weirdly enough, it also finally solved a mystery I'd been confused about for ages - it has an NTSC mode setting, which increases the difficulty early game, because apparently that's how the GC/PS2/Wii versions were in the US. I always
knew when I played it on the PS3 and PC that it seemed easier than when I was a kid!
I still haven't even played Breath of the Wild, which seems like something I'd love in a lot of ways and hate in a lot of others. It looks to incorporates a lot of the weird emergent stuff I adore in games like Deus Ex and Prey (2017), which rules, but the huge open world and weapon durability system really put me off. I'm sure I'll get around to it someday, but I still haven't beaten all the previous Zelda games, which I really want to do as well!
Quote from: Foggle on September 25, 2023, 12:11:56 PMYessss I'm so glad! I love that game so much and play it almost every year. :il_hahaha: Now that you're okay with tank controls I highly recommend playing the original Resident Evil 2 at some point as well, the other classic games can be hit and miss (I love them all except 0 though) but 2 is super duper good.
Funny thing is, I downloaded the classic RE trilogy on my PS3 a few years back but when I tried to boot any of them up it just said it was installing, and after installation was complete and I selected the game, it was still installing. I've tried everything, but can't seem to get any of them to activate, and I wonder if it's just that the PS3 slim model I have might not be compatible with those PS1 games. I'm honestly not sure, but I'll just play it on a PSX emulator at some point. I've seen some of my favorite gaming YouTubers say that this is still the better overall version of the game, and I actually really enjoyed the remake for what it was, so I'd love to experience the original.
I think what's so great about the GC Remake is how effective it's atmosphere is. Like, it doesn't have the power or capability to pull off advanced tricks like a lot of horror games from the past decade or so, but it laps circles around most of them in how eerie it actually feels. Those fixed camera angles, when done right, just capture a feeling of dread and tension that can't be replicated in any other gameplay style. There are hallways with creepy and foreboding shadows cast across them (the lighting in this game is still brillian) that always still manage to spook me even when I know nothing is coming at me having already played through the game. It just buries itself in my subconsious and makes me question whether something might happen this time out of nowhere. Truly brillaint stuff.
Quoteclassic Quake, Panzer Dragoon Orta, Otogi
Quake 1 is really great, I need to check out that recent remaster of 2 as well. It's not as good as the first game but I've always liked it a lot more than most people I think.[/quote]
I still need to beat classic Quake, but if I could be a bit blasphemous I find it to be ever so slightly improved from it's spiritual predecessor in the classic DOOM and Wolfenstein games. Something about the pacing of combat and the somewhat more nuanced and specific weapon types really make it feel like the perect blend of all things that make a great classic-style FPS game.
QuotePanzer Dragoon as a whole (especially Saga) and Otogi have been on my list for ages. I've been going through From Soft's back catalog recently and while I feel kind of daunted by Armored Core, they have such a unique and eclectic development history. Nearly all their games are great or at least interesting.
Panzer Dragoon makes me lament how it's impossible to get a modern big publisher to ever release a game like this anymore. This had cutting edge graphics for the console market when it was released, and it was such a unique take on the rail-shooter sub-genre with your Dragon that could transform into different sub-types. Nowadays, unless it's an indie title, you would never see a modern high-end publisher (whether it's Japanese or Western) drop a razor-focused title of this nature that only lasts a handful of hours and is focused more on a tight experience with strong replay value for improving your performance. It's an experience that can't really be matched.
Otogi I admittedly haven't gotten very far in, and it's quite a bit different from it's cousin titles in the action genre like Ninja Gaiden or Devil May Cry, but it's once again a very unique experience unto itself, and even to this day it's highly destructive environments make it insanely awesome to kill demons by smashing them into structures and watching them crumble. This is back when developers weren't so hell-bent on logic in their game worlds and were OK to just throw crazy shit at you because it looked cool as fuck.
QuoteI made such an irresponsible purchase earlier this year... I bought a Series X almost solely to play Ninja Gaiden, Nier, and Banjo at 4K 60 FPS lmfao. Kind of worth it, though, not gonna lie. F.E.A.R. runs extremely well on it too, so might be worth investing in down the road if it's still giving you issues on your laptop (and if you want to experience Ninja Gaiden 2 with butter smooth gameplay, mama mia)!
I actually have a Series X! That's where I played stuff like Hi-Fi Rush (for free with my Game Pass subscription, actually), and the Halo Master Chief Collection, as well as Panzer Dragoon Orta, NGB, and various other titles. And yes, the classic NG titles run so well here.
I actually didn't even realize that classic F.E.A.R. is available on the Series X! I'll have to check that out.
QuoteNice, nice! I wish we lived in a world where Vanquish was successful and we got more games similar to it. Still don't think there's anything else quite like it out there, maybe something like Doom Eternal? But it's just not the same at all.
That and The Wonderful 101 are the Platinum games I most want sequels to, but that we'll probably never get.
QuoteI still need to try Hi-Fi Rush
I definitely recommend Hi-Fi Rush if you can get around to it. I'm not even a fan of rhythm games but combining that with a classic style hack n' slash works incredibly well and it feels super satisfying to time and pull off successful combos that sync with the beat. It does this without actually constraining your creativity in combat, and the fact that it had some key staff members and Tango who go all the way back to the original DMC working on it really shows in this game's DNA.
QuoteI'm shocked at how much I loved the Resident Evil 4 remake. I still like the original just a little bit more, but I was firmly in the "do not fucking dare remake this game" camp and it came out beautifully. The Separate Ways DLC is very much worthwhile too, it does recycle a lot of stuff from the main game but it's much much better than the original SW or RE8's comparable DLC (which I honestly found pretty bad).
I've been meaning to get around to the Separate Ways DLC. I've just been preocupied lately, but I'll definitely play it. I feel the exact same way about the main game as you do. Nothing will ever replace the original in my eyes, but the core gampeplay of the remake is just so fucking good in it's own right, and compared to most modern big-budget titles, this game feels like a genuine labor of love.
QuoteI still haven't even played Breath of the Wild, which seems like something I'd love in a lot of ways and hate in a lot of others. It looks to incorporates a lot of the weird emergent stuff I adore in games like Deus Ex and Prey (2017), which rules, but the huge open world and weapon durability system really put me off. I'm sure I'll get around to it someday, but I still haven't beaten all the previous Zelda games, which I really want to do as well!
Breath of the Wild and Tears of the Kingdom are those weird titles that I feel genuinely deserve most of their praise and criticism. The core gameplay mechanics are genuinely well-crafted and the sense of freedom and exploration and how you are able to interact with the world and tackle problems in countless different ways of your choosing are genuinely brilliant. That's top-tier game design that only a company like Nintendo is capable of bringing to you. On the flip side, the freedom comes at the cost of focus, which leads to a lot of the stuff that you can actually do feeling like pointless filler. The side-quests are dull, the main dungeons barely, if at all, qualify as actual dungeons, and most of the puzzles are disappointingly easy for a Zelda game. And while Zelda games have never had deep or emotionally complex stories, the less linear and minimalist stories due lack that "epic" sort of feeling that you got from traversing through classic titles.
Both are games that I'm glad that I played, and both are games that I doubt I'll ever replay past the initial 100+ hours I sank into each of them to clear their main stories and do a bunch of shrines and side quests, if that makes any sense.
Quote from: Dr. Ensatsu-ken on September 25, 2023, 06:05:35 PMFunny thing is, I downloaded the classic RE trilogy on my PS3 a few years back but when I tried to boot any of them up it just said it was installing, and after installation was complete and I selected the game, it was still installing. I've tried everything, but can't seem to get any of them to activate, and I wonder if it's just that the PS3 slim model I have might not be compatible with those PS1 games. I'm honestly not sure, but I'll just play it on a PSX emulator at some point. I've seen some of my favorite gaming YouTubers say that this is still the better overall version of the game, and I actually really enjoyed the remake for what it was, so I'd love to experience the original.
That's really too bad about the PS3 install problem. That console sadly has a lot of issues with emulation in general, so I assume it might be related to that. I've played RE2 and 3 on a PS3 but I was using my discs instead of downloading them so I sadly can't help there.
There are things I love about the original RE1, particularly the incredibly goofy characterization - everyone always points to Jill and Barry's interactions as the best, and they're definitely hilarious, but I think Chris, Rebecca, and Wesker might be even funnier in his scenario - but in general I do think the remake of 1 is a straight upgrade unlike 2-4. It's worth playing for sure, especially because you can beat it in around 5 hours, but it often feels like it's missing something if you've played the remake.
QuoteI still need to beat classic Quake, but if I could be a bit blasphemous I find it to be ever so slightly improved from it's spiritual predecessor in the classic DOOM and Wolfenstein games. Something about the pacing of combat and the somewhat more nuanced and specific weapon types really make it feel like the perect blend of all things that make a great classic-style FPS game.
I totally agree. I think Quake 1 is my favorite classic id game, and the remaster with its additional content just cements that. I highly recommend checking out the remaster of Doom 64 as well if you haven't! Really underrated game, and with the improved modern controls it truly lives up to its series' high quality bar.
Another classic FPS that's definitely worth a look is Blood. It's Monolith's first game, somehow every bit as good as F.E.A.R., and easily my favorite shooter with the "2D sprites in 3D" style. The Fresh Supply remaster makes it pretty easy to pick up and play - sadly, it's only on PC, but it's a game from 1997 so I don't think it should cause any problems. Just be prepared to save often because it's
brutally hard. :il_hahaha:
QuoteI actually have a Series X! That's where I played stuff like Hi-Fi Rush (for free with my Game Pass subscription, actually), and the Halo Master Chief Collection, as well as Panzer Dragoon Orta, NGB, and various other titles. And yes, the classic NG titles run so well here.
I actually didn't even realize that classic F.E.A.R. is available on the Series X! I'll have to check that out.
Awesome! The backwards compatibility on Series X is truly unparalleled. I don't even own any actual Series X games, but with my whole OG Xbox and 360 back catalog it still feels worthwhile. Unfortunately, due to rights issues or something, F.E.A.R. and Files aren't downloadable - you have to own the discs. I recently found 360 copies of both at Half Price Books for super cheap and snatched them up. If you still own your copies definitely try 'em out!
QuoteThat and The Wonderful 101 are the Platinum games I most want sequels to, but that we'll probably never get.
Apparently Kamiya
just left Platinum. Him and Mikami being in limbo at the moment feels pretty rough. I hope they each quit their respective studios because they want to start another new one together. :kabapu:
QuoteI definitely recommend Hi-Fi Rush if you can get around to it. I'm not even a fan of rhythm games but combining that with a classic style hack n' slash works incredibly well and it feels super satisfying to time and pull off successful combos that sync with the beat. It does this without actually constraining your creativity in combat, and the fact that it had some key staff members and Tango who go all the way back to the original DMC working on it really shows in this game's DNA.
It's on my list for sure! (I bought it day one lol, gotta support my faves.) I'm really glad games like Hi-Fi Rush can still get made occasionally, and its extremely positive reception following its surprise release gives me hope for the future of gaming.
I've tried posting a couple of times and backed down due to my thoughts being jumbled and sick. I'm about 80% recovered now so let's get it.
Tokyo Game Show was garbage. Might be the worst showcase this year so far. I do look at these showcases but I try not to let my expectations get the better of me. Majority of the time my expectations are in check. The only time they aren't is when I decide to tune into a prediction stream (against my better judgment).
Anyway, the only game that actually caught my eye was the Trails game (terrible new name, but whatever). Other than that I think Persona 3 Remake was shown (I don't recall, but my love for P5, yeah) and I recently said my piece about FF7Rebirth.
Ok, now to the good stuff. I see a lot has been said and I agree with the bulk of it. I see you firing some shots Ensatsu-ken. I got my eye on you and Spider-man :sly: It's all good though.
I will say this though. I hear both of you when it comes to time and gaming. I have a lot of time these days because gaming at the moment is my only hobby. I don't really watch tv, anime, movies these days. Sure, I'll binge to get caught up on something once in a blue moon (be it WWE, One Piece, etc), but most of my time; work (6am-2:30pm), workout (20-45 mins), gaming. If I wanted to I could divide my time up to fit in some tv time, but there's literally nothing I'm interested in. Y'all some good ones for sure. I've probably played Ninja Gaiden 1&2 about 7-8 times each back in the day. Today, I probably wouldn't be able to finish it because I've exhausted just about all the fun I can get outta them (you'd probably call it blasphemy if I were to tell you how I really feel about DMC these days lol). The only games I'd replay these days are RPG's (I don't need to mention fighters do I?) because there's always some kind of build I can test out, if able to (which is why I harp on customizing and freedom).
And I have a lot of RPG's under my belt. Imo, if you've played 1, you've them all. If you've played FF16, you've play Tails of Arise, etc. Just a matter of picking your flavor (so I have em all and I'm gonna try them all) Hell, tempted to add Witcher 3, Nier (I kinda owe these games a redo) and Baldur's Gate 3 to the mix. Hell, I'm even tempted to add the Divinities to the mix as well just because. I don't know if I'll ever get Souls, but I may get Elden Ring too. And this is me opening up to "some" games you'd never catch me playing.
Quote from: Foggle on September 26, 2023, 01:11:50 PMThat's really too bad about the PS3 install problem. That console sadly has a lot of issues with emulation in general, so I assume it might be related to that. I've played RE2 and 3 on a PS3 but I was using my discs instead of downloading them so I sadly can't help there.
I was considering doing that, but nowadays people charge outrageous prices for old CD's of questionable condition thanks to the used games market being fucked up by people trying to make a profit. The Gamecube version is even worse going for hundreds of dollars in some cases (and that's actually considered to be the best version of that game, from what I've heard).
QuoteThere are things I love about the original RE1, particularly the incredibly goofy characterization - everyone always points to Jill and Barry's interactions as the best, and they're definitely hilarious, but I think Chris, Rebecca, and Wesker might be even funnier in his scenario - but in general I do think the remake of 1 is a straight upgrade unlike 2-4. It's worth playing for sure, especially because you can beat it in around 5 hours, but it often feels like it's missing something if you've played the remake.
"Chris....stop it!...." will always be my personal favorite just for the delivery alone. To be fair, even the remake has its gems, like: "Jill and Barry, Hell!"
QuoteI totally agree. I think Quake 1 is my favorite classic id game, and the remaster with its additional content just cements that. I highly recommend checking out the remaster of Doom 64 as well if you haven't! Really underrated game, and with the improved modern controls it truly lives up to its series' high quality bar.
Another classic FPS that's definitely worth a look is Blood. It's Monolith's first game, somehow every bit as good as F.E.A.R., and easily my favorite shooter with the "2D sprites in 3D" style. The Fresh Supply remaster makes it pretty easy to pick up and play - sadly, it's only on PC, but it's a game from 1997 so I don't think it should cause any problems. Just be prepared to save often because it's brutally hard. :il_hahaha:
I actually have all of the classic DOOM games on my Switch, including 64, but just haven't gotten around to that one yet. I do want to try and finish Quake first, which does get very difficult but that's kind of mitigated by being able to save anywhere. It's more of a case of my limited time and attention getting dragged to other places, but I will get back to it. But yeah, there's something about that classic gameplay style that really sets it apart from any modern shooters. I actually have also really been wanting to play Dusk which I hear is a genuinely brilliant throwback to classic FPS games for that reason.
QuoteAwesome! The backwards compatibility on Series X is truly unparalleled. I don't even own any actual Series X games, but with my whole OG Xbox and 360 back catalog it still feels worthwhile. Unfortunately, due to rights issues or something, F.E.A.R. and Files aren't downloadable - you have to own the discs. I recently found 360 copies of both at Half Price Books for super cheap and snatched them up. If you still own your copies definitely try 'em out!
I actually didn't know that the disc version was backwards compatible. I do own the disc version of the original game, but it's in a CD binder of all of my old 360 games that I gave to my brother several years ago back in New Jersey. I'll have to grab that one and try it out on my Series X when I go to visit next month.
But, yes, I can unironically say that the Series X is saved as a console in my eyes for it's excellent catalogue of classic games and backwards compatability that neither the PS5 or Switch even come close to. The current gen games are a joke for the most part (except for certain smaller titles like Hi-Fi Rush and some others), but the back catalogue is one of the best that I've seen on any console ever.
QuoteIt's on my list for sure! (I bought it day one lol, gotta support my faves.) I'm really glad games like Hi-Fi Rush can still get made occasionally, and its extremely positive reception following its surprise release gives me hope for the future of gaming.
I kind of wish more developers and studios would take a gamble on more unique, but smaller-budget titles. It'd be a lot more interesting than trying to stake everything on safe, formulaic big budget games that don't do much new, IMO.
Quote from: Dr. Ensatsu-ken on September 28, 2023, 05:36:05 PMI kind of wish more developers and studios would take a gamble on more unique, but smaller-budget titles. It'd be a lot more interesting than trying to stake everything on safe, formulaic big budget games that don't do much new, IMO.
I think that's would be my big hiccup on modern gaming. Everyone across the board is playing it too safe IMO. I almost want to crown Nintendo and Capcom as kings because they take risks. I understand that, right now, a lot of small time companies can't really afford to fail or they're going under and that's unfortunate. But I can definitely use some variety from these companies though.
I don't know if any of you tune into Alanah Pearce at all, but she shed some light from the inside a few weeks ago (given that she works at Sony Santa Monica). She said something along the lines of Dev's wanting to put out new games, but it's not up to them. Apparently, it's the Publishers who're giving them orders on what game to put out and whatnot. If I find the video, I'll post it.
I am an idiot
Quote from: Mustang on September 28, 2023, 03:38:20 PMI've tried posting a couple of times and backed down due to my thoughts being jumbled and sick. I'm about 80% recovered now so let's get it.
Sorry to hear about that though, glad you're feeling better now.
QuoteOk, now to the good stuff. I see a lot has been said and I agree with the bulk of it. I see you firing some shots Ensatsu-ken. I got my eye on you and Spider-man :sly: It's all good though.
Just being honest about my opinions, lol. I have no issue with other people enjoying these games so much. I'll still probably play it as well, just because I'm a Spider-Man fan at heart, but I'd be lying if I said it was something I truly anticipate as a video game. ;)
QuoteI will say this though. I hear both of you when it comes to time and gaming. I have a lot of time these days because gaming at the moment is my only hobby. I don't really watch tv, anime, movies these days. Sure, I'll binge to get caught up on something once in a blue moon (be it WWE, One Piece, etc), but most of my time; work (6am-2:30pm), workout (20-45 mins), gaming. If I wanted to I could divide my time up to fit in some tv time, but there's literally nothing I'm interested in. Y'all some good ones for sure. I've probably played Ninja Gaiden 1&2 about 7-8 times each back in the day. Today, I probably wouldn't be able to finish it because I've exhausted just about all the fun I can get outta them (you'd probably call it blasphemy if I were to tell you how I really feel about DMC these days lol). The only games I'd replay these days are RPG's (I don't need to mention fighters do I?) because there's always some kind of build I can test out, if able to (which is why I harp on customizing and freedom).
See, if I still had a consistent work schedule it would serve to my benefit like that. I'm not even a morning person by 7 Am - 3PM is my favorite hours because I can get up at 4 AM to go to the gym, and then be done with my entire day by 3 so even though I get tired early that way, it feels like I can do whatever I want for the rest of the day. But then some days I'm mid-shift or closing, and it cycles in 3-week intervals so I can never have a truly consistent schedule with my current job which is one of the many reasons I have started applying elsewhere. That said, even if I did get my ideal hours, truth be told I want to go out and socialize with friends more, as I'm living away from most of my family and feel pretty isolated most of the time just keeping to myself because of my odd hours, so even though I doubt that I'd have much more time for gaming.
Quote from: Mustang on September 28, 2023, 06:11:14 PMPREACH!!!!
I think that's would be my big hiccup on modern gaming. Everyone across the board is playing it too safe IMO. I almost want to crown Nintendo and Capcom as kings because they take risks. I understand that, right now, a lot of small time companies can't really afford to fail or they're going under and that's unfortunate. But I can definitely use some variety from these companies though.
I don't know if any of you tune into Alanah Pearce at all, but she shed some light from the inside a few weeks ago (given that she works at Sony Santa Monica). She said something along the lines of Dev's wanting to put out new games, but it's not up to them. Apparently, it's the Publishers who're giving them orders on what game to put out and whatnot. If I find the video, I'll post it.
I am an idiot
Oh, for sure, I should have worded that part of my post better, but the developers are not at fault here, at least most of the time. What I should have said was that more publishers should allow their dev teams to work on smaller, lower-budget titles but that are more experimental. If they are successful they can expand them into larger projects through sequels or spirituals successors. That seems like the most realistic middle-ground for more game variety in the current landscape of the industry, IMO.
Spring, Summer, Fall my sinuses sucks.
My thing for Spider-man 2, sure I'm into the story. Anytime Venom/Symbiote Spidey is involved, I need to see how it's being handled. Other than that, and don't judge me, but I'm all about them spidey suits :sweat: . Everything else is whatever lol. I think it was Miles that really hooked me onto the suits. Oh, and I love gadgets.
Technically, we're supposed to be on 7-3:30, but damn that. I hate traffic and I hate mornings (I prefer midnight to be honest), but dealing with construction, rush hour, and ignorant people on the road at 3:00, I'm good. As for your schedule, sheesh, I don't miss those days. Back when I first started this job (2011) I had a weird schedule. Fri-Sat mornings, Sun-Mon nights 12 hr shifts. Ever since that time, production line can miss me. I know and feel your pain with them weird ass schedules. Now going out and socializing, because I play fighting games, Saturday's, if my niece and nephew aren't here, I go to my locals, but in terms of my inner circle, we're scattered across the map which allow us to set up some Jackbox/Among Us, and them other weird socializing games for some fun nights. If I had a proper setup, I think I can become a decent streamer. I got a lot of ideas.
As far as these studios working on lower budget titles, I'm all for it. I see no reason why games like Tunic, Cult of the Lamb, Shovel Knight, Sea of Stars, etc as successful as they are, how are Microsoft and Sony not jumping on that bandwagon. Hell, they want to buy up everything. Fork over some of that money to those small indie dev's or even smaller teams in your own company for crying out loud, and spread some of that AAA talent to other teams.
With Jim Ryan retiring, we'll see where gaming is heading in 2024 and beyond I guess.
Did anyone else catch the Game Awards? The trailers weren't bad, and for the most part I can probably tell you that I'm eating good, but I was definitely expecting more than what was shown. Just a tad bit anyway. If people are/were disappointed, I totally get it. If anything, I think people (myself included) need to chill for a bit because we're all anticipating what's next when there's 3 month's worth of stuff starting next month that we still have to get to. If you have nothing coming, cool, anticipate and wonder on. I'm not trying to sound derogatory or anything.
I said something earlier this year (I think it was this year) about playing games at my own pace. I'll get to said new game when I'm ready. I still mean it, but I found myself getting caught up with the crowd and anticipating the next set of announcements when I still have other games I need to get caught up on or prepare for. Big deal, Wolverine was not there. What was there was some other games with release dates. That being said,
Rise of the Ronin
I don't want to get my hopes up, but am I seeing Ghost and Nioh together? What I mean by that is, Nioh's combat plus the exploration/openness of Ghost. That's dreamlike stuff coming true for me, if that's what this is. And the fact that this is coming in March, wow.
Black Myth Wukong
I'm on and off with this one. The latest trailer got me questioning quite a few things now. I was sold back when it was first announced. There are some things I haven't seen since the first reveal. Maybe they're holding onto it for spoilers and that's cool, but I don't know. And then a lot of these creature designs don't really hit for me.
I skipped watching both FF7R and P3R. I don't need to see anything else about them.
Persona creators are kind of going crazy with this one. I thought I saw it was suppose to be on PS5, but if it's exclusive to Xbox then I gotta get me an Xbox then.
Visions of Mana
I have Trials of Mana and don't really care for it. This one here, the character shown I don't particularly care for but, assuming these 2 games are of the same elk, I'm hoping this one can draw me in. And I'm just at that point where you can't go wrong with getting me into JRPG's. Getting me to stick with them is a bigger hurdle though.
Zenless Zone Zero
Not really sure how I feel about Gacha games. I was interested in Genshin Impact, but never fully committed because it seemed like there was no end. Like, all these characters are introduced, ok. Cool, but why? Raids or story? If raids then I can jump on board and just go for story. If story then I'm good, because I need an ending otherwise, yeah, I'm not playing forever.
Sega stuff
HOLY HELL. Nuff said.
First Berserker: Khazan
This is all thanks to DNF Duel obviously, and for the most part any action game I have to at least give more attention just because of the genre itself. Again, getting me to stick with it is the bigger hurdle.
Arknights Endfield
Matchless Kungfu
Both of these only has my attention at the moment. I'm very iffy with the Kungfu game, especially seeing online stuff. Arknights might have a huge hurdle right out the gate. Graphics is pretty. If this is one of those "waifu" games, I'm out.
That's pretty much it for me. Like I said, I'm eating pretty good. Good enough to have a drought for a few months. I got fighting games, Rpg's and action. If I want racing I can do that too. I got games for the niece and nephew. I'm sitting pretty good for sure, and I think others are as well, if they just stop and touch grass for a moment instead of rushing to play the next big game. Enjoy what you have.
Watching this with a group of people from the FGC is a no no. Toxic enough on our own. Get together with a bunch of people waiting for something fighting game related is just some of the most hatin ass shit you're gonna hear. That's just me keeping it honest. I tell everyone that's not a part of the FGC that Evo is our E3/award or whatever, watching this with them proved that. Elphelt from Guilty Gear Strive was the only thing fighting game related at the event. And she wasn't revealed until the 3rd hour mark I believe. So waiting all that time, oh man, when I tell you all I heard was "when's Elphelt" or "where's Elphelt" or "don't care where's Elphelt". A sad scene but we want our time to shine. All I can do is shake my head. I'm old, I get that, but why watch if you gotta troll? Don't like what you see, cool, go do something until we're done or something.
Here we are again, with Xbox thingy happening last week (I think) and Sony's state of play just happened. From what I can recall, presentation was excellent, but what was shown was not for me at all.
Sony on the other hand, was relatively solid, but at the same time, outside of Ronin, not what I was looking for.
Stellar Blade
I was never drawn to it. Initial announcement back then I thought "an action game for the pervs". This state of play, "Still an action game for pervs", but reinforced with changing costumes now, lovely. Graphics are great. Everything else just did nothing for me. I even tried to look specifically at the combat alone. Nothing.
Dragon's Dogma 2
I bailed on the 1st one hard. All the trailers that was shown before this one I was out. This trailer that was shown here, got me. I don't care for this setting at all. BUT if you present it this way you'll have my undivided attention. Still not sold on that world at all. Griffons, Minotaurs, etc, just not for me. Combat looks great though. Will check it out.
Death Stranding 2
I skipped the 1st one. Me and weird, no. But HOT DAMN that was an amazing trailer, and it sold me.
Then to find out Kojima is gonna go back to making a tactical action espionage game after DS2, TAKE MY MONEY NOW.
Oh, I forgot to speak about Ronin. To be honest I'm disappointed in what I saw. From a game play perspective, yeah, combat looks buggy and I expect that to be fixed by release. I was really hoping this was going to be like Ghosts of Tsushima, and for the most part it is until they brought in that demon/zombie thing. With Nioh 1, 2, Wo Long, I'm at that tired phase where I'm like "alright TN. I acknowledge you are still king in combat, but can we move away from the demons/zombies this one game". Other than that I'm still looking forward to this game, but it did go down a bit on my list and my hype for it has been quelled a bit.
Concerning Rise of the Ronin, I'm also disappointed a bit but for different reasons than you. I'm really just sick of open worlds or long drawn-out campaigns at this point. The fact that it has supernatural elements in it is probably one of the few thongs that's a bit enticing to me because as usual Team Ninja likes to throw in lots of nutty nonsensical stuff just because it looks cool but that actually gives their games a unique charm to them at least.
I'd rather they just ditch RPGs all together at this point and just make a straight up action game because that's clearly what they're good at.
I recall you and Foggle not being into DMC5 because that style of game just wasn't your thing anymore. And that's absolutely fine. You want to know what I find so refreshing about it, though? It's that the game was made without giving a shit about catering to current norms or wanting to appeal to modern tastes. It was made as a game that an action game fan would enjoy first and foremost, and left it up to individual players whether they liked it or not. It didn't try to be for everyone, so in exchange for making a game that specialized in just being a great DMC game, it may have lost the interest of some people, but absolutely excelled at being an excellent action game for players like myself. It comits to what it is. In the same way, Ghosts of Tsushima honestly bored the shit out of me after just a few hours and realizing how razor thin the mechanics were, but the fact that it comits to what it is and you and so many others enjoy it so much is also great. Sucker punch set out to make a more cinematic Samurai game and comitted to that and it excelled for people who like those kinds of games. It's the reason Dragon's Dogma II looks so refreshing to me because it doesn't seem to care as much about catering to modern RPG trends but instead is doubling down on it's own unique sensiblities.
With Team Ninja, though, while I loved the two Nioh games, I got diminishing returns with FFSOP and Wo-Long, which were worse versions of Nioh with more streamlined combat to try and please more players, but it juse came off as that, a worse version of Nioh. I feel like even if Ronin will have better combat than average open world games, the other aspects will feel half-baked because it's not Team Ninja's specialty, and instead of an awesome game that focuses on core mechanics, it'll spread itself thin into a passable or slightly above average RPG with above average combat.
I have a similar problem with FF16 which I'm currently playing, which tries to marry DMC-style combat with RPG mechanics, but streamlines the combat too much that it can't support a 40+ hour game, but has RPG mechanics so thin that they might as well not exist.
That's why my favorite games from the past few years have been the smaller titles that are just focused on being what the smaller dev teams wanted to make, like Signalis, Tunic, and Hi-Fi Rush, among others.
Quote from: Dr. Ensatsu-ken on January 31, 2024, 08:37:29 PMI recall you and Foggle not being into DMC5 because that style of game just wasn't your thing anymore. And that's absolutely fine. You want to know what I find so refreshing about it, though? It's that the game was made without giving a shit about catering to current norms or wanting to appeal to modern tastes. It was made as a game that an action game fan would enjoy first and foremost, and left it up to individual players whether they liked it or not. It didn't try to be for everyone, so in exchange for making a game that specialized in just being a great DMC game, it may have lost the interest of some people, but absolutely excelled at being an excellent action game for players like myself. It comits to what it is. In the same way, Ghosts of Tsushima honestly bored the shit out of me after just a few hours and realizing how razor thin the mechanics were, but the fact that it comits to what it is and you and so many others enjoy it so much is also great. Sucker punch set out to make a more cinematic Samurai game and comitted to that and it excelled for people who like those kinds of games. It's the reason Dragon's Dogma II looks so refreshing to me because it doesn't seem to care as much about catering to modern RPG trends but instead is doubling down on it's own unique sensiblities.
I'm gonna home in this bit before anything else. All that could be true. Bigger picture though, because you're talking about a time when Capcom was rebounding towards CapGod status. The very first sentence of the bold part, I would certainly hope they weren't trying to appease to the modern crowd. DmC: Devil May Cry is the result of trying to cater to the "modern" crowd, so to me they had to win back the DMC crowd itself, and they did that with flying colors with DMC5, I'll say. I'm the anomaly here. Yes I like my combat. Yes I like open world. Yes I like change. Yes I like something new in my games (This year I've started appreciating the smaller games, especially with all the layoffs). But I also want the total package as well. If I can't get the total package am I gonna knock it? That depends on whats missing and what I'm getting in return. It's not that I don't like or can't get into the DMC games anymore (I kinda recall saying I can't, but I can't remember), but where my headspace is at now, it's more along the lines of DMC5's combat alone is just not enough to win me over.
I can't knock Square for trying something new with FF16, but I do want them to try again to see if they can nail it. I don't mind another Ghost of Tsushima (even though I don't need a sequel). My problem is when you start getting to that 3rd installment and beyond. If we make it to a 3rd Ghost or whatever and it's still doing the same thing the previous 2 games did I have a problem. DMC is 5 installments in. 2 of which is not acknowledged, and 5 is regaining trust. You lost me, but as I said, I'm the anomaly.
If we get to a DMC6, fans will turn on it if it's the same as 5 because Capcom fans are very fickle (but this is the street fighter side of me talking now lol).All that being said, I hear you loud and clear. I'll touch on the Dragon's Dogma stuff when I get home from work.
Edit: Back from work.
We talked about this at work as well. The bit I put in bold about the fans from me, I take that back. I don't know how modern fans are with replaying games (I know souls/borne is replayed a lot, but at the same time people are in a rush for the next thing as well, so yeah, I don't know), so I can't speak on that. That was definitely the street fighter side talking lol.
Dragon's Dogma 2.
Hold up, re-watching it now, is this sum-bitch switching on the fly or is this just trailer tricks? Because at first I was just about to highlight the mage using ice and then running up that ice to attack. Little bits like that is what sells me, but if this character is switching classes (?) on the fly, WOOOOOOO!!!!
I know it's been done in DMC, Bayonetta, but when you don't expect it in certain kind of games. That speaks to me. That being said, I don't have any intent to go back and play the first one, and to reiterate, all the previous trailers shown for DD2, I was definitely out. The world itself I'm still not sold on, but considering I've given The Witcher 3 multiple tries (still failed, still might give it another try), it's only right that I give this a shot.
Having re-watched Rise of the Ronin trailer again. Apparently it's not a demon/zombie. Just a very tall guy that moves awkwardly. Still disappointed with it looking like it should be on the PS4 though.
So Rise of the Ronin impressions have been popping up, and most of the critiques I've been hearing is fair and warranted. The 1 and major problem I have with these impressions is that people were expecting some bombshell of a story. Blessing (Kinda Funny) said something along the lines of it being a Sony "exclusive" so they have Sony's backings and he was expecting more. Errr.... Okay. Andy Cortez (same, Kinda Funny) said because it was an exclusive he was expecting something along the lines of Ghost of Tsushima's story. He also admitted that his expectations were higher than they should've been, but still "Slow the hell down".
This is still Team Ninja/Koei Tecmo here. We're talking Ninja Gaiden/Dynasty Warriors. This is the reason why I cannot stand these Souls fans that think they're suddenly "GUD" (media-fans in general).
Damn Dynasty Warriors (you know I heart you Musou games, but move the fuck aside. A little riled up here). So now Team Ninja games that we've known and praised for its COMBAT for how many years now? 20+ years? Nioh 1, Nioh 2, Final Fantasy: Stranger of Paradise, Wo-Long, that's all within the last 5-7 years? WHEN THE HELL DID ANYBODY PRAISE THESE GAMES FOR THE STORY?! It blows my mind that people are expecting a bombastic story coming from this company because of it being a "SONY exclusive". Get that bullshit outta here.
Everything else I'm cool with. Skill Up (I just recently got into this youtube channel) had the better take out of the ones I've heard so far.
Despite the noise though, I'm still going to buy it regardless because I live in that AA/B-tier bubble. When I said I want to see how Team Ninja would handle open world, that's just what I meant. Am I expecting "greatness"? No, but I wanted to see them take a shot. If it don't workout, cool. Back to the drawing board.
It also blows my mind that these same media outlets that are expecting greatness at all times from AA-third party games, these very same people are the ones asking "what can be done about the AAA games costing too much to make/layoffs". Go figure.
Rise of the Ronin and Dragon's Dogma 2, I don't think either would be considered AAA, but you'd think these outlets would back these kinda games more. Neither are getting shafted, but weird talk about both is starting to trickle down the pipe.
As far as Rise goes, I tend to trust FightinCowboy's impressions on these types of games, and after hearing his any enthusiasm I had for this game has died down considerably. The fact that the combat is a step back from Nioh yet again really kills my hype as that's the main thing that Team Ninja games have going fir them. I don't really get why, but it feels like SOP, WLFD, and now this game gave all been an attempt from Team Ninja to streamline their combat for wider appeal but to me that's totally going against their strengths. They don't have good enough stories and level design to entice less hard-core players to get into their games, so in this regard they are only serving to turn away some of their core player-base. I'll still probably try tgis game at some point, but Dragon's Dogma 2 is now much higher on my priority list.
Quote from: Dr. Ensatsu-ken on March 17, 2024, 09:10:58 AMI don't really get why, but it feels like SOP, WLFD, and now this game gave all been an attempt from Team Ninja to streamline their combat for wider appeal but to me that's totally going against their strengths. They don't have good enough stories and level design to entice less hard-core players to get into their games, so in this regard they are only serving to turn away some of their core player-base.
Yeah, this right here, I have no idea why Team Ninja is doing this. From a fighting game perspective, Capcom did great with Street Fighter 6 and Bandai did great with Tekken 8 but it make sense from a FG respective, but overall I don't like the idea of dumbing down combat in games. I will never like it. I'm all for trying to bring in more people but not at the cost of losing or cutting something from the core that made you, you in the first place.
I think what makes it even more frustrating is that this is what Team Ninja already learned from making Ninja Gaiden 3, which I believe heavily influenced how they approached Nioh's development and leaned into their ability to craft excellent combat. It feels like they are repeating the same mistake again, albeit not nearly as bad as how the vanilla version of NG3 turned out, but still it's the same logic of streamlining things too much to the point of appealing to almost nobody instead of bringing in new fans.
Quote from: Dr. Ensatsu-ken on March 17, 2024, 09:10:58 AMAs far as Rise goes, I tend to trust FightinCowboy's impressions on these types of games, and after hearing his any enthusiasm I had for this game has died down considerably. The fact that the combat is a step back from Nioh yet again really kills my hype as that's the main thing that Team Ninja games have going fir them. I don't really get why, but it feels like SOP, WLFD, and now this game gave all been an attempt from Team Ninja to streamline their combat for wider appeal but to me that's totally going against their strengths. They don't have good enough stories and level design to entice less hard-core players to get into their games, so in this regard they are only serving to turn away some of their core player-base. I'll still probably try tgis game at some point, but Dragon's Dogma 2 is now much higher on my priority list.
SOP's combat would be completely fine, great even...if it weren't for the stamina meter, at least going by the demo. I felt that really killed what depth it could've had by keeping in that Souls-style mechanic, that along with the loot system is why I've been hesitant to start the game proper. Haven't played Wo Long yet, but it is a shame to hear TN's recent output has been sub par as far as combat is concerned, since I really enjoyed the combat in Nioh 2.
So apparently there was a state of Unreal, and I didn't watch all of it. All I watched was the Marvel 1943 trailer. Visually it's great looking. Felt like an Avengers movie trailer. Amy Hennig is behind this game. Ok, all that out of the way. I don't know how to feel about it to be honest.
On one hand, I don't care that Amy Hennig was behind the Uncharted's, but this trailer was good for getting me interested. That being said, no gameplay. And then this unreal engine, I don't know. This is the problem we're having right now with today's industry. We're paying so much attention to face stuff and texture stuff. I understand we're not going to regress, but damn, games are gonna cost $80+ to buy and $300+ mill to make (guessing).
Other than what Nintendo put out for their next console, PS6 and the next XB can kick rocks. I'll be fine playing catch up on everything I missed during the PS4 gen.
IGN showed something yesterday (Thursday) but I can't remember what was shown, but they had some bangers. Summer Game Fest, considering the layoffs I also thought this was relatively solid.
Fatal Fury City of the Wolves
Street Fighter 6
Obviously fighting games are my jam. I'll be honest, I didn't play much of Garou so I'll be making up for it with this one. Street Fighter 6 on the other hand, Season 2 DLC sign me up. All the bitching about Ken last year, of course I'm going to be playing Terry since I can't get Dudley or Cody.
Power Rangers Rita's Rewind
Phantom Blade Zero
Killer Bean
Of what was shown, those are the bigger ones that got a reaction out of me. I'd probably say there were about 4-5 games that got me interested but I don't remember the names. Usually I'm looking for single player only, but since my nephew is anticipating more co-op games, especially around Christmas, so I'm more open to them now.
For the most part I was looking to get release dates because Sep-Dec is very dry. I did watch this by myself so while my expectations were kept in check. I definitely didn't want to watch this with people since no matter what, someone will bring it down despite there being some solid games shown.
I will also say this. If you were expecting big AAA/AAAA games to be shown you're an idiot. With all the layoffs and Geoff telling you to temper your expectations, and you still went in thinking you're gonna get Wolverine, Last of US 3, Zelda Switch 2, there's no hope for you.
So I watched the Xbox showcase and holy hell did they bring it. Unfortunately I can't play Doom: Dark Ages due to motion sickness and FPS, but I hope it's very successful. I've never been a fan of the Fable series, and this on don't really do much for me either, but more power to people.
Nah, my most anticipated games bar none is Expedition 33 and Metal Gear Solid Delta: Snake Eater. Since Xbox were idiotic to get rid of their only Japanese studio, and I've been saying why make all these shooters when you have studios that can try their hands at a style similar to JRPG's and a Zelda-like, and boy, with E33 this just speaks to me. Metal Gear Solid on the other hand, it's been 9 years I think since Konami and Kojima. I'm a Kojima loyalist, but it's been 9 years and Kojima moved on (and I'm too old to care about squabbles not involving me), and I'm hoping Konami can succeed with Delta because it looks awesome, and I want more Metal Gear.
I'm holding my expectation back for Dragon Age. I'm hoping it delivers but I gotta see more before I say anything.
Nintendo brought some heat as well
I was not expecting another Zelda game.
All that matters though, is that Marvel vs Capcom collection is actually happening. All other fighting games might not exist when I get my hands on it.
The new Zelda game is surprising, but cute. I wonder if games like this and the Link to the Past remake and BOTW/TOTK are the only kinds we're getting in the foreseeable future. I really liked the LTTP remake and love the BOTW format as much as everyone, but I would like something in the more "traditional" 3D Zelda style, ala Twilight Princess.
Also surprised that Metroid Prime 4 is still poised for current Switch, it seemed like it was being geared for its successor's day one. But more Metroid is always a good thing, Dread and the Prime remaster were both excellent.
And I'll be there for the DKCR Remaster and Marvel vs Capcom collection, no questions asked.
I know GTA6 is on a lot folks radar for next year, and that's cool. Me, Crimson Desert is shaping up to be one of those games that fall under the radar that everyone overlooks. Don't get me wrong, I totally understand the open world fatigue, and that's fair, and I got nothing to say about that. The more videos I see of this game the more I'm reminded of Dragon's Dogma 2 (I gotta get back to it). I am worried that it's becoming too big and ambitious because it has changed twice since being in production and I'm worried that it won't ever come out or it will come out like GranBlue Fantasy Relink (Luckily I tempered my expectation towards that release date, but that was still a disappointment). But if this actually comes out next year it will probably be my most anticipated game for 2025.
Lost Soul Aside (anyone remember that title?) got a 2025 release window, but, personally I don't think that's coming out next year. Hell, I'm almost leaning towards the "this game don't exist", but again, like Crimson Desert, if this is actually coming out it can shoot up as most anticipated as well.