For me it would be gamers like this ( who feel that gaming should be nothing but Dudebro shooters and "mature" storytelling as that's what gaming needs to be to be considered "grown up" and "respectable".
Anyone who thinks Infamous is an evolution of Sly Cooper needs their gamer tag taken away post haste. Games are meant to be fun, not an interactive version of poorly written action films.
Sly and Infamous aren't even in the same genre....
Anyways, I don't mind if people want a deeper narrative in their games or even prefer those games to classic styled games, but it ticks me off when people judge all other games based on their narratives and think that all games somehow need to have a great story and focus more on being cinematic know, being an actual fucking GAME, since to me gameplay is still all I really care about when it comes to my gaming, at the end of the day. I can easily look past a badly done story or even no story at all as long as I have a fun game to play. If I couldn't do that then I wouldn't be such a big fan of the Ninja Gaiden games.
I especially hate it when a game becomes popular and EVERY critic out there or snobby gamer sees fit to compare every other game in the same genre to it just because its their favorite. There was a review that REALLY ticked me off for NG2, not even because the guy complained about it being too hard or anything like that (I was already used to seeing that criticism all too often, so it didn't even phase me anymore), but because he kept comparing to God of War to highlight what he thought were its faults, which in other words was the fact that it wasn't a God of War game....oh the horror. :imnothappy:
Look, I get it, games like God of War and Uncharted are really popular because they have big set-pieces amazing graphics and great voice acting and all that stuff. Great. If a lot of people like it, I can understand why and I have no problem with that. My issue is with dumb-asses who suddenly think that every other game has to follow in their footsteps, not understanding that some games are purposely different because they cater to a different crowd. Ninja Gaiden isn't about the huge sprawling environments or atmosphere, and its even less about a well-told story. It has always been a pure gameplay game with its level design being a throwback to old-school adventure game design and its primary focus is action and challenging gameplay. It shouldn't be considered inferior to another game just because it doesn't cater to the same mainstream crowd. And if it is held down by that, it should at the very least be praised for what it does better than what its being compared to, which in NG's case is having a far superior combat system and enemies that are actually a threat to you.
Also, to be honest, I find that the narrative in a lot of games get highly overrated and praised way more than they should. For instance, Assassin's Creed's story was really really poorly written garbage (at least for the 1st game, since I never bothered to play any of the sequels). People were fooled into thinking that it was some deep provocative tale with a message, but all it really was was a clueless guy who couldn't see the obvious going around killing guys blindly and then discovering that they had their own reasons for doing what they were doing and may not have been any more good or evil than he was. It was the same thing for each single assassination target and it was completely predictable. In other words its completely pretentious and somehow a bunch of critics and dumb-asses bought into it. Also, I have to admit that while I enjoyed Batman: Arkham Asylum, I found its story to the far below the standards of what Paul Dini has proven himself to be capable of with BTAS and other works that he has done, as the story was serviceable enough for a game but was also really predictable and far from being as great as so many people claimed it was. Also, don't even get me started on what I really think of God of War's story....
Other than that, my only other major gripe is when people seem to consider graphics a key element to what makes some games better than others. I love a game with great graphics, but if its average its still fine by me as long as it actually has interesting level design, and even if it doesn't if the gameplay is good enough than I still couldn't care less.
In gaming or do you mean the gamers? I don't really pay attention to the gamers. Not to be "kewl", I just don't.
The obvious:
Motion Sensoring
Hack 'n Slashers not evolving
Lack of beat em ups
IPs being shelved for too long
And what I haven't really talked about:
New IPs failing (I hear Brink is the latest victim)
Great games being cancelled (Killing Day....yeah, I said it. :sly:)
Overall lack of variety in games
Short games (Wish games average 15+ hours, not 8)
Overuse of DLC
TOO MUCH FOCUS ON MULTIPLAYER! I actually like campaign only games. More focus on single player only games would mean we'd get longer campaigns)
Lack of fragfests (Think modern day Doom like games)
Good turn based RPGs (Honestly, are there even any on 360? Seriously?)
Great teams being killed off (EA Chicago, Grin, Free Radical...sorry that I couldn't think of any others)
Replaying Live A Live got me thinking.
In response to the topic title, I present Square.
Live A Live is probably a 20 hour game altogether compared to FF13's... what? 40? Yet it offers non-linear gameplay and story, multiple endings, 9 completely different stories (all in different time periods and genres) with vastly different characters that are fleshed out really well, and a unique presentation that screams "Square".
Final Fantasy XIII has a completely linear gameplay and story, horrible writing, no dungeons or towns, one boring ass world, and is more or less a movie game.
How the fuck can one game made almost 20 years ago be so superior than a current gen game to outclass it in every respect? How did Square go from the king of RPGs (Live A Live was something they put out between Chrono Trigger and FFVI ffs) to such a joke?
So yeah, Square is one of the things I hate about gaming. You can't go over a decade and a half making classic after classic then start making generic shit and get away with it. I know the talent has long since left, but that's no excuse. How do you go from employing the guy who wrote Tactics Ogre to the guy who wrote Final Fantasy XIII? Raise your standards you're killing the genre, you hacks.
I still need to play that.
It seems like just about every game company is going downhill.
Quote from: Desensitized on May 18, 2011, 01:22:08 PM
Live A Live is probably a 20 hour game altogether compared to FF13's... what? 40? Yet it offers non-linear gameplay and story, multiple endings, 9 completely different stories (all in different time periods and genres) with vastly different characters that are fleshed out really well, and a unique presentation that screams "Square".
Oddly enough when my friend finished the game he clocked in over 100 hours....though that's probably because he spent time trying to get all of the achievements which of course annoyed the hell out of me since he played the game for about 40 more hours after already beating it once (it took about 60 hours before he finished the final boss for the first time, I believe, but I don't really care to remember exactly how long it took since most of the time I was multitasking and trying to get some studying done).
QuoteFinal Fantasy XIII has a completely linear gameplay and story, horrible writing, no dungeons or towns, one boring ass world, and is more or less a movie game.
The combat system was honestly far more interesting and in-depth than any other Final Fantasy game that I have tried, so I'll give it that much. Everything about the level design and characters and story was pretty bland, though, so I lost interest in it but watched my friend play through it anyways (since it distracted me when I was trying to study for exams since he was using my XBOX360 in my room to play it :P ). Overall, though, I have to be honest: I really don't get the appeal of FF games in general, even the earlier ones when Square was considered a good game development company. Hell, I still don't understand what makes people find most JRPGs worth playing aside from maybe some of the stand-out titles. As far as I'm concerned FF XIII was really no exception, but in terms of being worse than the others I'm pretty indifferent to it regardless, as even though the other FF games have more open worlds they had a million other tedious things that dragged them down, and I honestly got bored of the towns anyways (not to say that FF XIII not having them made it any better than the other FF games, anyways).
Aside from having been into FF IX for a little while (and even that I got bored of my the 3rd disc), I really don't get what makes any of the FF games that I have played all that good. But, like I said, most JRPGs strike me that way in general (and just for the record, I'm not a fan of WRPGs either).
It's a jRPG thing. Mostly the combination of the world, combat, characters, story, and design that come together to form a unique experience. When it works great you get awesomeness like Suikoden or Grandia, but when it fails you get... Well, something that just doesn't work.
Unlike other genres, I think it's actually harder to make a mediocre RPG. For me they're usually good or bad.
I suppose, but I think my problem may actually just be that I feel most of them either succumb to feeling too dragged out for their own good (and let's face it, even good JRPGs have their fair share of obvious padding, like Chrono Trigger which may be the only JRPG that I have at least completed playing), or get too easy in which you don't ever really need to strategize your fights, even for bosses. I'm sure there are some exceptions to the rule which I haven't played (I haven't tried Earthbound or Ys, yet, so IDK, maybe those are much better), but I guess all of the good things about having a big world and lots of characters can get pulled down for me if the pacing doesn't flow really well to me.
That said, you did bring up a point that I wanted to address in terms of an open world vs. linearity in gaming. While I can agree with the concept that linearity is obviously a bad thing for RPGs, I often have problems with so many gamers these days thinking that just about every game needs to have an open world of some sort to be considered worth anything. When it comes to action games and the like, I honestly actually prefer a linear level design on the whole that keeps the pacing feel very fast. Honestly, slow-paced exploration and stuff like that is only a concept that works for RPGs, anyways. When they try to apply it to action games (in which case you get what are called Sandbox games), I just find it boring since the game then loses any real coherent focus and just becomes about doing whatever you want in a large world with poorly designed individual gameplay aspects that can only hold my interest for a short amount of time. I'm honestly pretty tired of the FTA formula. I don't mind the Metroid/Zelda formula where you do have a world or large area to explore but you actually have to earn entry into certain areas, occasionally having to come back to certain places to get to other areas in that place which you previous couldn't get to before, but I honestly want to sort of straight path to follow because I love the feeling of actually progressing towards a main destination as a sort of goal to achieve. I also like it when levels have alternate paths to take in them which can lead to increased replay value. However, even if they are purely linear, I still find that it works if the game is fun enough that you actually want to come back and play through it again and can try out different things in the same area that you went through before. Like, in the case of hack n' slash games you can come back with all of your weapons upgraded in a new game + run and do all sorts of new crazy combos that you couldn't do before on a certain group of enemies which still makes it fun to play through.
So, yeah, when it comes to action games and the like, I'll take having a destination over wandering aimlessly, anytime. I mean, some games can probably pull it off well, but most of them just can't hold my interest for very long. Linearity really isn't inherently a bad thing if the level design is really good or the gameplay makes up for it, IMO.
Actually, I do like linearity in RPGs. Live A Live has a lot of variables that can happen. Characters can die, events can play out differently, but the main plot is still pretty much the same. And the Mega Man style of choosing a storyline to play over starting from a specific point is great.
I'm not a big fan of non-linearity because I hate not knowing where to go or what I'm supposed to do. I like having a goal thrust upon me and telling me a general way to tackle it, then I go do it.
I may like action games first and foremost, but the idea of playing a party of warriors on an epic journey to thwart evil (or whatever) appeals to me almost as much as bashing in heads with a lead pipe or shooting alien cores. So much so if the battle system is awesome (like Grandia or Mother 3) or if the total experience is just great (like Persona 3 or Radiant Historia), but there's something about the RPG formula I've always enjoyed since I first laid eyes upon the genre.
A big part of that to me was Square. As a kid, I grew up with several companies, but Square was THE RPG company. Just like Tradewest was the beat em up company, Konami and Capcom (ironically enough each wielding the Disney and WB licenses) were a lot like the WB and Disney to me in gaming, Nintendo and Sega were the rivals that always tried to outdo each other with every genre you could name, but the only ones who really did RPGs that I knew of was Square.
Unfortunately, Square got a big head and tried making a terrible movie that crippled their fortunes and they lost their CEO (who just made The Last Story for Nintendo), a new guy named Wada came in and made Final Fantasy X and the company went to shit.
Another thing I hate is when sequels are made without the features that made their previous games good. I recently heard that Prey 2 is being made and it won't have any gravity gameplay.....or portals. I completely stopped reading after they said there will be no portals. Gravity, I could live without, I guess, but to take away the portals wouldn't make the game Prey at all.
Well, I do like the team or heroes aspect of JRPGs, I guess I just kind of get tired of the whole way the combat is usually handled. I don't necessarily mind turn-based fighting but I just dislike it when it becomes very repetitive and I was never into the whole random-battle encounter thing (I think that the Pokemon games are the only games in which I'll sort of tolerate that since it has the element of being able to capture new Pokemon that you find throughout the game). That may be why Chrono Trigger appealed to me when I played it. I did really like how it felt unique to other JRPGs that I had tried in that it had the elements of a good combat system with some strategy coming into play but also got rid or random battles, and it was cool how the positions of enemies actually mattered in combat.
I do like the element of having a world that feels like its really full of living and breathing inhabitants, but I suppose I'm the type of person who finds that all other gaming elements should take a back seat to gameplay. I do like towns and stuff, but I always look for great gameplay on top of that otherwise I might get bored. That goes for any game in general, even WRPGs. In fact, I'll be honest, I got bored of Mass Effect after the first time through because despite how big it is and how many characters you can interact with and such, the gameplay was just really stale and boring, and that's the honest way I feel about it now.
I think the ideal JRPG for me, though, would be one that has enough enemy diversity and challenge to keep me having to come up with new strategies and properly balance out my party, but which also doesn't encourage grinding and also feels focused but also rewards you for completing challenging side-quests and exploring more than you would normally be required to.
Mostly playing those online Facebook games which have a lot of annoying aspects:
Having to spam your wall, your friends, to get anywhere.
Limited play where they want you to spend real money to progress, with lots of sucker points.
Lack of any decent strategy.
Hopeless to master because someone else has spent hundreds more hours and dollars on their character, and they keep adding more crap.
Some of those iPhone games are really cute, but who can call themselves gamers when their most played game is Angry Birds?
Sports games (not Wii-sports or dancing games) have annoyed me for a while:
NHL 20xx has a lot of places where they stop the action every few seconds for some call and cut scene.
NASCAR is totally boring. No kid would play this when they have Mario Kart.
NFL 20xx there's no point in co-op playing this if you don't get to be the QB/Coach.
Some of those near Wii-party games aren't that good. They're cheap (15-20 bucks) though.
I got one. Announcements of announcements.
"We'll be announcing something on next Friday"
Uh, cool? Why didn't you just tell us now or wait until next Friday? I miss surprises.
Fuck that, I need to know when an announcement gets announced. I enjoyed going ballistic over Street Fighter IV.
People always saying "I want a darker version".
That basically sums it up for me.
$7 for horse armor and hats.
Selling DLC instead of expansion packs (generally 1/8 of the content at 1/3 of the price).
Stuff being cut out of the game to sell as DLC later (eat a dick, 2K, you ruined Mafia 2).
Pre-order bonuses. Specifically, the ones with "exclusive in-game content" (meaning stuff cut out of the game so GameStop can make more money).
MMORPGs. In general. Fuck 'em.
"Streamlining" (the Dragon Age 2 kind).
Lack of quality hack 'n slash and beat 'em up games.
Market saturation of brown and bloom stop-n-pop cover shooters and turn based anime-esque role playing games with a predominantly female and/or under 18 cast.
Square Enix (minus the acquired Eidos properties).
Selling betas for $50/60 (Bethesda, Obsidian, etc.).
Activision. But not Blizzard.
Re-releases upon re-releases (Super Street Fighter 4 Arcade Edition, Super Street Fighter 4 3D Edition, Super Street Fighter 4 Arcade Edition PC Edition, etc.).
PC games lacking mouse support in menus (yo, Volition, we aren't still running DOS).
Using "points" instead of money to buy games on the XBLA and Wii stores. Makes shit unnecessarily complicated and wastes cash.
UbiSoft's "brilliant!" DRM scheme and all similar ones.
Games For Windows Live. Stop pretending you care about the PC as a gaming console, Microsoft.
Quote from: talonmalon333 on May 19, 2011, 10:59:15 PM
People always saying "I want a darker version".
That basically sums it up for me.
People should instead be asking for games that are supposd to have more fleshed out have more fleshed out stories. But idiots never know what they want.
Quote from: gunswordfist on May 19, 2011, 11:59:00 PM
Quote from: talonmalon333 on May 19, 2011, 10:59:15 PM
People always saying "I want a darker version".
That basically sums it up for me.
People should instead be asking for games that are supposd to have more fleshed out have more fleshed out stories. But idiots never know what they want.
THANK YOU. That's exactly it. Problem is, from what I've heard, people honestly associate "dark" with "depth". Ugh...
"Make it darker" is what brought down a lot of series. Sonic, Prince Of Persia, Jak (sorry, Foggle), Twisted Metal (though to be fair making it too cartoony also sucked, TM2 balance is best), and Tomb Raider all suffered from it.
Mega Man X is a good example because they didn't make it darker, they fleshed it out and gave it new elements. Mega Man Zero might be darker, but it never went "DARK IS DEEP ZOMG" and kept it simple and Mega Man.
While it can ruin the overall aesthetic, Jak 2 and Twisted Metal Black were by far my favorite games in their respective series. Jak 2 wasn't super dark, though; much of the dialogue was very funny. I can get behind Sonic (it's not dark, Sega, it's just fucking stupid) and Prince of Persia (OH YEAH GODSMACK SOUNDTRACK LET'S GO), though, 100%.
How did Tomb Raider become darker? Are you referring to the upcoming reboot?
Honestly, I hate defending any bit of the "make it darker" principle, but I actually feel like the Jak and Daxter series changed for the better after the first one. Daxter became funny instead of obnoxious, the driving was actually well-crafted instead of floaty, and they got rid of the collect-a-thon angle. While some parts were frustratingly hard and there really should have been more platforming, it never got tedious or boring for me like the first one did because there was so much variety.
I can't believe you've all forgotten the worst offender of the "make it darker" idea: Bomberman - Act Zero. Good god.
AFAIK (as I will never touch it) but wasn't Angel Of Darkness supposed to be a grittier Tomb Raider?
Quote from: talonmalon333 on May 20, 2011, 12:51:18 AM
Quote from: gunswordfist on May 19, 2011, 11:59:00 PM
Quote from: talonmalon333 on May 19, 2011, 10:59:15 PM
People always saying "I want a darker version".
That basically sums it up for me.
People should instead be asking for games that are supposd to have more fleshed out have more fleshed out stories. But idiots never know what they want.
THANK YOU. That's exactly it. Problem is, from what I've heard, people honestly associate "dark" with "depth". Ugh...
Basically it sounds like people are asking for what fucked up comics. They (comic book creators) thought "darker" meant "deeper". Just like I would suggest for a lot of comic books, they should keep whatever made them interesting and add deep undertones, if that's appropriate. I don't want to see Mario having to pull rusty nails out of his thighs just to please the dark wanting idiot fans.
Quote from: Desensitized on May 20, 2011, 12:17:26 PM
AFAIK (as I will never touch it) but wasn't Angel Of Darkness supposed to be a grittier Tomb Raider?
Funny enough, the new Tomb Raider will in fact have Lara pulling out sharp objects from her body whenever she gets impaled. I actuall think they are going into a good direction with the series though.
That same "we're going to make a darker game" BS is what's plaguing Ninja Gaiden III, right now, unless the game miraculously manages to impress me, which I seriously doubt. First off, I don't give a shit about the story of ANY NG game so I don't want Team Ninja to try and tackle a deeper story when they clearly don't even know how to write or tell a half-way decent story in the first place. Secondly, I don't give a shit about how Ryu feels about killing enemies, since he was always meant to be a 1-dimensional video game character who finds any excuse he can to kill swarms of tough enemies so that the player can actually have fun. Believe it or not, I actually like NG's lack of any real story progression or character development because there is so little time put into the story that the game basically just focuses on gameplay. If anything I can't stand when a game has a really boring story that it forces you to sit through which interrupts from the action. I'd rather just jump into the combat and have fun playing the actual game.
Quote from: Ensatsu-ken on May 20, 2011, 03:33:11 PM
That same "we're going to make a darker game" BS is what's plaguing Ninja Gaiden III, right now, unless the game miraculously manages to impress me, which I seriously doubt. First off, I don't give a shit about the story of ANY NG game so I don't want Team Ninja to try and tackle a deeper story when they clearly don't even know how to write or tell a half-way decent story in the first place. Secondly, I don't give a shit about how Ryu feels about killing enemies, since he was always meant to be a 1-dimensional video game character who finds any excuse he can to kill swarms of tough enemies so that the player can actually have fun. Believe it or not, I actually like NG's lack of any real story progression or character development because there is so little time put into the story that the game basically just focuses on gameplay. If anything I can't stand when a game has a really boring story that it forces you to sit through which interrupts from the action. I'd rather just jump into the combat and have fun playing the actual game.
I agree. They'd honestly be better off just polishing the graphics.
Quote from: Desensitized on May 20, 2011, 12:17:26 PM
AFAIK (as I will never touch it) but wasn't Angel Of Darkness supposed to be a grittier Tomb Raider?
Oh yeah, Angel Of Darkness. I gave up on that piece of shit after 5 minutes... Legend and Underworld were great, though, and more like the original games.
"Dark Ninja Gaiden" is an absolutely horrendous idea. Hayashi once again proves that he has no fucking clue what made the first two games so great (or the NES originals, for that matter).
The stories of the NES and modern games are so far apart in many ways. One was meant to be serious (not 'dark', though) and the other was meant to to be silly and over the top. Making a "Serious" story based on something silly is a bad diea.
Just look at Metal Gear.
That's right, I brought it up again.
Not to antagonize, but I don't really see the Metal Gear example as a good one.
The MSX Metal Gears (the original originals) were far more serious than any of the PS2 or PSP games, or the fourth one. In fact, the only 3D one that was more serious than it was ridiculous/silly was Metal Gear Solid on the PS1, which is widely regarded as the franchise's greatest achievement.
Quote from: Foggle on May 23, 2011, 07:55:27 PM
Not to antagonize, but I don't really see the Metal Gear example as a good one.
The MSX Metal Gears (the original originals) were far more serious than any of the PS2 or PSP games, or the fourth one. In fact, the only 3D one that was more serious than it was ridiculous/silly was Metal Gear Solid on the PS1, which is widely regarded as the franchise's greatest achievement.
Metal Gear went from serious to silly, yes. It's why I fucking hate 2 so much, and would probably not enjoy any of the later games. It still tends to be too up its own ass with stupid drama, though.
Ninja Gaiden was serious and went to goofy, but it was a ninja action game, the story never really mattered.
The story was a big part of Metal Gear, so when it went retarded and shat all over itself, not only did it distract from the tone of the game (and made me entirely uninterested in the story), but it made playing through it hard because I just wasn't invested.
It's hard to not be invested in a ninja who runs around slicing guys in half, though.
OH, sorry, I misunderstood you! I thought you were deriding the later MGS titles for being more serious than the earlier ones. :rtard:
I agree that 2 was a total piece of shit (minus the tanker portion), but 3 and Portable Ops were awesome and well thought out aside from the occasional silliness. 4's story was a mess, but the gameplay made it up for it, in my opinion.
Quote from: Foggle on May 23, 2011, 08:06:04 PM
OH, sorry, I misunderstood you! I thought you were deriding the later MGS titles for being more serious than the earlier ones. :rtard:
I agree that 2 was a total piece of shit (minus the tanker portion), but 3 and Portable Ops were awesome and well thought out aside from the occasional silliness. 4's story was a mess, but the gameplay made it up for it, in my opinion.
I probably could have worded that better, but yeah I don't mind seriousness in games, or silliness, but it bothers me when done with an established storyline.
I liked the storyline in the NES Ninja Gaiden games, but Team Ninja went out of their way to say that the new games are a completely different universe from those, so it doesn't bother me.
It also doesn't bother me in MGS3 and the PSP games because that's another "era" and not in the same storyline, so to speak. He can do whatever he wants there, because its a different world/story. 2 went balls deep in idiocy (after the tanker... thanks for that tease, Kojima) after 1 had such a fun story that knew went to take itself seriously and be weird and funny. They even remade 1 to be even more retarded with Snake missile surfing and the VAs doing a parody dub, which I found insulting to the first game.
It's like the biggest problem with Umineko, really. There's no consistency. You can't just go from making a rather serious (but not too overly dark) story and then shit all over it by throwing in random crap that detracts from the overall narrative. That just shows me the creator has no respect for his own world, and if he doesn't, why should I?
The thing about Ninja Gaiden is that the NES games were considered to have serious stories....for their time. They have not aged well at all in that regard, but are still quite fun in terms of how ridiculous they are, looking back on them (and the people who have taken their nostalgia-goggles off would notice this). To me, the 3D games basically kept things in that same vein, as they are totally ridiculous with far more focus on gameplay and a very paper-thin plot that just serves its purpose of being an homage to the NES NG style of story-telling. Actually, to be fair, NGB probably has a more serious story than any other NG game out there, but even that one is still pretty crazy when you stop to think about it.
I think my main problem with the MGS games was not how silly their stories were, but how long the stories were and how much time the player was expected to invest in it. For hour-long cutscenes, I better have some pretty intense drama to keep me on the edge of my seat, as I do not have nearly enough patience to watch a ridiculous story that I'm expected to invest so much time in. To be clear, I don't mind silly stories in games at all, but they need to have limited amounts of cutscenes interrupting the story, in that regard. Literally 80% of every MGS game is nothing but story, but the problem is that at least 50% of the story consists of ludicrous moments, which REALLY takes me out of any possibility of me having taken it seriously. In the end, it just becomes quite grating, IMO.
To me, a good example of a story that can be quite ridiculous with a few touches of some seriousness and drama to it is DMC3. Most of the cutscenes focus on ridiculous action and nonsensical enemies, and its actually quite fun to watch since they don't last that long, and every now and then there will be a serious cutscene that moves the main story along that actually doesn't feel all that out of place in the game. To me, that's the right way to do that kind of story for a game.
Dammit,you can skip all the MGS cutscenes. Leave the series alone.
When the most anticipated game of the year is the annual entry of an expensively promoted but budget produced generic shooter that panders to the lowest common denominator and completely alienates other companies from directly competing with it or even forces them to ape the boring ass aesthetics or dumb down their own gameplay systems to bring in that audience, you know gaming is in a rut.
Yeah, fuck Modern Warfare 3. Fuck Activision in general, these assholes are a soulless, cynical entity that has single handedly turned this generation into a race to squeeze as much money out of a customer as possible.
The day the last COD game came out, I was at EB preordering Sonic Colors and DKCR (I did not plan this). There were people older (some far older) and younger (some far younger) than me there purely for COD and I felt totally out of place. I even remember one kid saying something like "All I do is play COD all the time!"
Geez, when I was a kid we played everything. Platformers, fighters, RPGs, racers, beat em ups, shooters, and sometimes even sports titles if they were different enough. Do all people really do now is play FPS after FPS? Gamers really have stagnated.
I won't even mention how many times I've heard people say "Red Dead Redemption is the best game of all time!" at various different GameStops. I mean, I liked RDR, but come on.
The guys at the GameStop I usually go to are total bros, though. Duke, Suda51, and Persona Team fans, the lot of 'em.
It's just like there's a dumbed down version of every genre outselling the more creative or feature rich versions in the same genre, despite not having a massive marketing budget.
It used to be that the best of the best would (for the most part), be the high sellers. Now it seems like as long as the game has cinematic presentation, people will buy anything.
Like, why would you buy Black Ops over Bulletstorm? Uncharted over Vanquish? Dragon Age 2 over... Anything? I'm not saying those games are bad, but they all offer far less than the other game which hasn't sold nearly as well.
Quote from: Foggle on May 29, 2011, 09:51:28 AM
I won't even mention how many times I've heard people say "Red Dead Redemption is the best game of all time!" at various different GameStops. I mean, I liked RDR, but come on.
The guys at the GameStop I usually go to are total bros, though. Duke, Suda51, and Persona Team fans, the lot of 'em.
I hear RDR is that good.
Quote from: gunswordfist on June 01, 2011, 02:33:11 PM
Quote from: Foggle on May 29, 2011, 09:51:28 AM
I won't even mention how many times I've heard people say "Red Dead Redemption is the best game of all time!" at various different GameStops. I mean, I liked RDR, but come on.
The guys at the GameStop I usually go to are total bros, though. Duke, Suda51, and Persona Team fans, the lot of 'em.
I hear RDR is that good.
It's not. I'd say it was the most overrated game released last year if Black Ops and New Vegas weren't also released last year. And I like RDR and New Vegas.
Quote from: Foggle on June 01, 2011, 09:12:52 PM
Quote from: gunswordfist on June 01, 2011, 02:33:11 PM
Quote from: Foggle on May 29, 2011, 09:51:28 AM
I won't even mention how many times I've heard people say "Red Dead Redemption is the best game of all time!" at various different GameStops. I mean, I liked RDR, but come on.
The guys at the GameStop I usually go to are total bros, though. Duke, Suda51, and Persona Team fans, the lot of 'em.
I hear RDR is that good.
It's not. I'd say it was the most overrated game released last year if Black Ops and New Vegas weren't also released last year. And I like RDR and New Vegas.
Bleh, I'll have to play it myself. I heard some great opinions on it from some other reliable gamers.
I thought that the critics panned Vegas for being extremely buggy and glitch-heavy and being released in an unfinished state. Is it really so highly praised that its overrated? That's news to me. Of course, to be honest I found Fallout 3 to be overrated as it is, so with or without Vegas my opinion still stands on that.
TBH I find most Obsidian and Bethesda games overrated due to being so buggy and rushed. It usually takes months before the game doesn't seem like it's in beta state.
Quote from: Ensatsu-ken on June 02, 2011, 04:08:50 PM
I thought that the critics panned Vegas for being extremely buggy and glitch-heavy and being released in an unfinished state. Is it really so highly praised that its overrated? That's news to me. Of course, to be honest I found Fallout 3 to be overrated as it is, so with or without Vegas my opinion still stands on that.
Actual gamers tend to love it, not critics. And while it
is fun (if you look past all the bugs), I can't agree with the people who say it's "amazing."
I know this may come off as pretty obnoxious on my part (but to be fair I'm only referring to games that I have played or tried playing), but I feel that within this generation there has been something lacking from most games. And I finally figured out what it was for me: replay value. Now, don't get me wrong, I have played some awesome games this generation and there are some that I have come back to replay which offer up some good replay value, but I haven't played a single game this generation aside from Ninja Gaiden II (yeah, I know, what a surprise) that I could literally spend hours on at a time and really keep coming back to, and in this regard even NG2 is a letdown of sorts compared to NGB.
Even the big popular titles of this generation eventually underwhelm me. I'm beginning to feel that the first Mass Effect game got severely overrated. Once again, I enjoyed it on my first time through it, and I loved BioWare's KOTOR games enough to replay each of them one time through after beating them, but the thing that prevents me from doing that with Mass Effect is honestly its stale and really repetitive gameplay. Yeah, I said it. The gameplay sucks and I finally realized that myself. Now, don't get me wrong, I still want to play the 2nd game to continue the story which got really interesting at the end of the 1st game and I hear that the combat is much improved so I want to try it out, and I'm not saying that I think the game sucks on the whole or anything, but all of the gameplay issues seriously hurt its replay value for me. I'm just simply not having fun with it anymore.
As for other games, I can come back to F.E.A.R. every now and then but that doesn't really count as a current-gen game (even though the port is for the XBOX360) since it originally released on the PC a month before the release of the XBOX360, so it once again goes to support that games before this gen were much more replayable for me. Hell, the only games that I currently have that are playable on my XBOX360 that I think I want to play again are games like DOOM and Max Payne because I can't find anything from my current game collection that I want to play through again (I was replaying NG2 but I refuse to put up with the horrid Chapter 9 to get through to the rest of it).
Right now I can't help but compare games from this generation to my favorite games from previous generation. Namely, I haven't found a single game this generation that personally ignites that "flame" in me of sorts that gets my gamer spirit pumped. The last game that truly did that for me was....yeah, if you haven't guessed by now, you clearly don't know me very well. :P
But, honestly, I know it feels like I'm being obnoxious and I'll admit that its really my problem rather than something that would bother other people about games these days, but whether its modern retail games or retro-style DLC, I can't find much stuff that I can come back to.
When I think about it, a lot of this may have to do with the fact that I own an HD console and am stuck with the sorts of games that release for them, not that they are bad at all but they are more limited in contrast to my particular tastes, but honestly I somehow doubt owning a Wii would change my mind all that much on most games from this current generation.
But, when I think of my favorite game from later generation, NGB, it offered so much (and to this day its still a wonder how its so overlooked in retrospect by most gamers; for me personally), and a lot of other games from previous generations going all the way back to the SNES could get a lot of replay value out of me. But, with this generation, I just can't find that one game that really manages to hook me, so its really been bugging me for a while. I mean, the closest that a current-gen game has come to that for me by far is NG2, which is hands down my favorite game of this generation despite its numerous flaws, and once again, even that is far and away from being quite as engaging as other top games were for me from previous generations.
I'm not trying to be one of those "everything was perfect in the past and worse now" kind of people, because I do still like this generation on the whole, but overall I just don't have the passion for any current-gen games that I had for older classics. That's just me, though.
Mass Effect 1 is Damn near unplayable. I am going to have to suffer through it again to do every decision I want to right for a Paragon and a separate Renegade file. Ugh.
I wish developers would focus on filling in the blanks that older 3D games had instead of focusing on gimmicks.
Quote from: gunswordfist on June 14, 2011, 11:13:28 AM
Mass Effect 2 is Damn near unplayable. I am going to have to suffer through it again to do every decision I want to right for a Paragon and a separate Renegade file. Ugh.
I wish developers would focus on filling in the blanks that older 3D games had instead of focusing on gimmicks.
I... thought you loved Mass Effect 2? :zonk:
Shit, the edit didn't go through. I meant 1.
I was thinking about getting Mortal Kombat and multiplayer another game. It was down to Crysis 2 and Marvel Vs Capcom 3 and I was really leaning towards MVC3. Then I found out the game had no Ken :wth: How could they leave out the greatest fighting game character ever?!! Deal breaker. I am getting Crysis 2.
This is more me being an OCD asshole than anything, but fuck GameStop. Whenever I buy a used game from them, I always feel the need to remove their price stickers from the box (ruins the aesthetic or something, I don't even know why I do it, myself). But they always put, like, five of them on there (and sometimes on the actual cover art slip, too - wtf!). They usually don't come off easily and leave sticky shit and rips everywhere and it makes me sad. Urgh.
Quote from: Foggle on June 22, 2011, 12:27:55 AM
This is more me being an OCD asshole than anything, but fuck GameStop. Whenever I buy a used game from them, I always feel the need to remove their price stickers from the box (ruins the aesthetic or something, I don't even know why I do it, myself). But they always put, like, five of them on there (and sometimes on the actual cover art slip, too - wtf!). They usually don't come off easily and leave sticky shit and rips everywhere and it makes me sad. Urgh.
I'm like that too. Usually what I use to get the sticky stuff off is a little bit of paint thinner(just a small dot or two; if you put too much you can fuck up the package even more) and a napkin or towel or something. It's the same thing I used to do with some of the Hot Wheels I used to buy and the price stickers would be stuck all over the card.
Yeah, I'm also the same way about that. It just bugs me like hell with all of those needless stickers on there, to the point where I just gave up when I bought my used copy of DMC4 with 2 of those nearly impossible to remove stickers on both the front AND back, each. Why the fuck do you even need more than 1? The least that they could do is put a plastic wrap of some sort over the games and then put the stickers on that so that so that it will still be displayed as a used copy of a game but at least you won't have to bother peeling off all of those stickers that leave that sticky gunk all over your game case. I actually like my collection to look as neat as possible (I just like to be organized about things, in general).
I was watching Pokecapn's Let's Play of Sonic Unleashed and one of them said something I agree with 100%.
"Hey game designers, how about putting the entire 100 button presses of QTEs up front and just have me do them now instead of in the middle of a fucking level interrupting my fun with this crap that nobody enjoys."
Seriously, why not just have an option in the menu "every QTE in the game" and then let me do that so that I don't have to see that crap interrupt my fun. Since it seems like not having them at all isn't even an option.
Quote from: Desensitized on June 22, 2011, 07:34:48 PM
I was watching Pokecapn's Let's Play of Sonic Unleashed and one of them said something I agree with 100%.
"Hey game designers, how about putting the entire 100 button presses of QTEs up front and just have me do them now instead of in the middle of a fucking level interrupting my fun with this crap that nobody enjoys."
I kind of find it funny that you're complaining about this when the gameplay we've seen of modern Sonic in Sonic Generations does exactly the same thing. I've seen all of the demo videos, and the classic Sonic stages look great, but the modern ones look like they are straight out of Unleashed. I don't know what difference you see in them, but they are basically just QTE-fests that you barely have any control over.
Quote from: Ensatsu-ken on June 22, 2011, 08:09:32 PM
Quote from: Desensitized on June 22, 2011, 07:34:48 PM
I was watching Pokecapn's Let's Play of Sonic Unleashed and one of them said something I agree with 100%.
"Hey game designers, how about putting the entire 100 button presses of QTEs up front and just have me do them now instead of in the middle of a fucking level interrupting my fun with this crap that nobody enjoys."
I kind of find it funny that you're complaining about this when the gameplay we've seen of modern Sonic in Sonic Generations does exactly the same thing. I've seen all of the demo videos, and the classic Sonic stages look great, but the modern ones look like they are straight out of Unleashed. I don't know what difference you see in them, but they are basically just QTE-fests that you barely have any control over.
There are no QTEs in Sonic Generations or Sonic Colors. Neither are there flying segments in the tornado that span for five minutes that are nothing but QTEs nor does it have boss battles where you have to mash QTEs to actually do real damage to the boss nor does it have 5 strings of 5 button press QTEs in mid-air that kill you if you don't push them fast enough.
In Sonic Unleashed, not having fast reaction time leads to death, in Sonic Colors and Generations (especially in City Escape) it leads you falling on a lower path just like the old games do. Unleashed was in a whole other league with QTE bullshit and killing you for imperfections than any other Sonic game by far.
So yeah, I'm interested in Generations because Unleashed without the bullshit would be a great game and that's basically what Colors was and Generations looks to be a step up from that. Hell, even City Escape looks better than the Dreamcast version with multiple paths all over the stage and almost no usage of play fast or die like Unleashed had.
Quote from: Desensitized on June 22, 2011, 08:26:58 PM
Unleashed was in a whole other league with QTE bullshit and killing you for imperfections than any other Sonic game by far.
I'd argue that '06 was actually worse in that regard. The camera in that game made Ninja Gaiden 2's look godly, and nearly every level was enragingly tedious.
Uh, yeah, I've watched the demos for Generations. It may have gotten rid of the button prompts, but the gameplay in the Modern Sonic levels is still linear as fuck. It looks like 90% of the time the player has no control over what he does aside from occasionally jumping once or twice to gain height or some shit like that. As far as I'm concerned, that's hardly an improvement over Unleashed's QTE-fest since its still the game doing 90% of the work for you and now its just you doing actions without an actual button appearing on screen telling you what to do, but its still very scripted gameplay in that regard.
There is no Sonic game from 2006. None.
Quote from: Ensatsu-ken on June 22, 2011, 08:30:21 PM
Uh, yeah, I've watched the demos for Generations. It may have gotten rid of the button prompts, but the gameplay in the Modern Sonic levels is still linear as fuck. It looks like 90% of the time the player has no control over what he does aside from occasionally jumping once or twice to gain height or some shit like that. As far as I'm concerned, that's hardly an improvement over Unleashed's QTE-fest since its still the game doing 90% of the work for you and now its just you doing actions without an actual button appearing on screen telling you what to do, but its still very scripted gameplay in that regard.
It really isn't any more linear than Sonic Adventure 2 is. City Escape has a bunch of alternate paths all over the place while the original was basically just a corridor. I'm not defending Unleashed because it has a lot of problems, but as someone who played Colors and saw all the improvements it brought to the table, I'm fairly convinced that Generations will be an improvement from Unleashed. Green Hill is basically an Unleashed stage with less kill the player-isms but City Escape is basically taking Colors' level design or branching paths and solid 2D platforming and applying them in a bigger scope.
If you want some examples of branching paths they have some here ( and here ( which is basically what I love about Sonic games.
Green Hill has a bunch of short cuts, but yeah it's linear, which makes sense because it's the first level.
I'm not saying that Sonic Adventure 2's Sonic stages weren't linear, myself, but they supported a totally different type of gameplay on the whole, for better or worse (as in you weren't constantly running through the level and had to slow down to handle some platforming segments every now and then with the homing attack and other upgrade abilities you got along the way). The point is, whether you could put up with that game's controls or not, it did at the very least require more player input. To me, Sonic Unleashed took great looking stages with interesting designs and laid them all to waste with heavily scripted gameplay (that's mainly what I meant when I said it was linear), in that outside of QTEs you barely seemed to have any control over the character. Even if it has branching paths, I still get that same vibe from the modern Sonic levels shown so far in Generations. Don't get me wrong, I'm not out to bash the game, and I hope I'm wrong about those levels when I get a chance to play them myself, but so far they just feel to be lacking player input about as much as the Unleashed levels. What I DO like about them is that they influence the classic style levels, though, in that how you handle certain situations in those levels can affect the path you take in the 2.5D levels. That said, the point that I'm trying to make is that so far the modern gameplay levels seem to have very little actual "gameplay" so to speak (in that more than half of the time it shows Sonic running and super-fast speeds down a corridor or limited path that you have little to no control over.
Here's hoping that later videos and actually getting to play the game myself when it comes out prove me wrong, though.
The Generations demo is coming out tomorrow, isn't it? I guess we can see for ourselves how it plays.
I hate it when developers make sequels that are nothing like the previous games. See Prey and Far Cry. They should have just made new IPs
Quote from: Foggle on June 22, 2011, 08:52:26 PM
The Generations demo is coming out tomorrow, isn't it? I guess we can see for ourselves how it plays.
Yeah, Unleashed is heavily scripted for the most part. I fucking hated Jungle Joyride for instance which was way too long and was filled with a lot of things you couldn't do, but it gave you the illusion that you could because of the Unleashed game design that limited the gameplay. At the time I was just thankful it was a step up from the crap we were getting that I sort of forced my way through the game. But with Colors, they ditched it (though there ARE automated parts in some levels, I'm not forgiving those) and instead relied on exploring the level and using wisps to score big in the game. My hope for this game is that they're going to take what they learned from Colors and expand on it and with City Escape's wider field of play, I think they are headed that way. But there's no way to know yet.
Either way, I hated the amount of QTE's in Unleashed since not only were they ridiculously long with little time to react, they interrupted the flow of the level and frequently lead to death if failed. I'm glad those are gone now.
I'm going to smoke that thing as Classic Sonic ASAP.
This shit (
Reminds me of the development history of Sonic Xtreme.
The scariest part is that according to a lot of posts in there, that kind of work environment isn't too uncommon in the entire industry. Considering just how much work goes into the average current-gen games these days, its no wonder studios are closing up left and right.
Nice one, Capcom! ( I hope your game gets pirated to hell.
Quote from: Foggle on June 27, 2011, 11:34:45 AM
Nice one, Capcom! ( I hope your game gets pirated to hell.
What in ze hell...
This, the Online Pass shit some games have been using recently, and UbiSoft's "brilliant" permanent internet connection DRM scheme are just further proof that all publishers want to do is ass-fuck gamers this gen.
Capcom has not made one single good decision since Inafune left.
Quote from: Desensitized on June 27, 2011, 04:11:56 PM
Capcom has not made one single good decision since Inafune left.
Capcom has lost any shred of respect and acknowledgement I once had for them.
If it weren't for Megaman Legends 3 and to a much lesser extent; Street Fighter, I'd pretty much be done with them.
Quote from: Rynnec on June 27, 2011, 08:23:18 PM
Quote from: Desensitized on June 27, 2011, 04:11:56 PM
Capcom has not made one single good decision since Inafune left.
Capcom has lost any shred of respect and acknowledgement I once had for them.
If it weren't for Megaman Legends 3 and to a much lesser extent; Street Fighter, I'd pretty much be done with them.
Hey, nice seeing ya. I agree about MML3. If they don't cancel it, anyway.
It's pretty much all I want from Capcom now.
Quote from: Foggle on June 27, 2011, 03:03:03 PM
the Online Pass shit some games have been using recently
That's the one EA is using right? The one where a fresh game comes with a passcode to activate some online modes, and otherwise can't be reused or reset if it gets lost or sold off?
Seriously, that one sounds like the most fucked up one to me. It wouldn't be so bad if the offline multiplayer was anywhere near as in-depth as online is, but with how EA runs things, they'd probably rather get rid of that and force consumers to pay to play.
If you ask me, most DLC (like costumes, characters, stages) should be free. Period.
Quote from: Rosalinas Spare Wand on June 27, 2011, 09:30:48 PM
Quote from: Foggle on June 27, 2011, 03:03:03 PM
the Online Pass shit some games have been using recently
That's the one EA is using right? The one where a fresh game comes with a passcode to activate some online modes, and otherwise can't be reused or reset if it gets lost or sold off?
Seriously, that one sounds like the most fucked up one to me. It wouldn't be so bad if the offline multiplayer was anywhere near as in-depth as online is, but with how EA runs things, they'd probably rather get rid of that and force consumers to pay to play.
Yeah, that crap. I know the new Mortal Kombat and F.E.A.R. 3 use it, as well as some racing game I forgot the name of. If you buy the game used or lose the code, it's $15 to play online. That's seriously messed up.
I remember at one point Epic Games was thinking about forcing people who bought used copies of their games to pay $5 to access the last 20% of the single-player content. Stupid shit, and sadly I can't see something like that being too far away with the way things are going.
Quote from: Rynnec on June 27, 2011, 09:32:53 PM
If you ask me, most DLC (like costumes, characters, stages) should be free. Period.
Definitely. Only significant content packs (like the Borderlands DLCs) should be charged for.
Quote from: Foggle on June 27, 2011, 09:36:01 PM
Quote from: Rosalinas Spare Wand on June 27, 2011, 09:30:48 PM
Quote from: Foggle on June 27, 2011, 03:03:03 PM
the Online Pass shit some games have been using recently
That's the one EA is using right? The one where a fresh game comes with a passcode to activate some online modes, and otherwise can't be reused or reset if it gets lost or sold off?
Seriously, that one sounds like the most fucked up one to me. It wouldn't be so bad if the offline multiplayer was anywhere near as in-depth as online is, but with how EA runs things, they'd probably rather get rid of that and force consumers to pay to play.
Yeah, that crap. I know the new Mortal Kombat and F.E.A.R. 3 use it, as well as some racing game I forgot the name of. If you buy the game used or lose the code, it's $15 to play online. That's seriously messed up.
I remember at one point Epic Games was thinking about forcing people who bought used copies of their games to pay $5 to access the last 20% of the single-player content. Stupid shit, and sadly I can't see something like that being too far away with the way things are going.
Quote from: Rynnec on June 27, 2011, 09:32:53 PM
If you ask me, most DLC (like costumes, characters, stages) should be free. Period.
Definitely. Only significant content packs (like the Borderlands DLCs) should be charged for.
Actual stuff that was made AFTER the game was released is fair game to me. They're just like expansion packs. Unlock keys are fucking sickening.
RE 5 Versus Mode. :srs:
You know, I hate it most when stuff was originally supposed to come with a game then some dumb-ass higher-ups decided took it out and forced it to come out as DLC instead. That's what happened with Ninja Gaiden II's mission mode and costumes.
Oh yeah, here's a good example of how DLC SHOULD be done: After Ninja Gaiden came out Itagaki still wasn't done with it so he wanted to add things that he didn't originally have time to put in the games, thus he created Hurricane Packs 1 and 2, which boosted the story mode with enhanced abilities, new weapons, and new enemies and even a harder difficulty mode. And guess how much he charged for it....there actually is no answer to that because it was released completely free of any charge. That's fucking amazing when you consider how impossible that story sounds if it were to happen today. (Also, he released Ninja Gaiden Black for people who didn't have XBOX Live such as myself....and he charged half-price for it on the get-go when it released....fucking genius).
Quote from: Foggle on June 27, 2011, 09:45:52 PM
RE 5 Versus Mode. :srs:
this entire fucking page (
Quote from: Ensatsu-ken on June 27, 2011, 10:00:23 PM
You know, I hate it most when stuff was originally supposed to come with a game then some dumb-ass higher-ups decided took it out and forced it to come out as DLC instead. That's what happened with Ninja Gaiden II's mission mode and costumes.
Oh yeah, here's a good example of how DLC SHOULD be done: After Ninja Gaiden came out Itagaki still wasn't done with it so he wanted to add things that he didn't originally have time to put in the games, thus he created Hurricane Packs 1 and 2, which boosted the story mode with enhanced abilities, new weapons, and new enemies and even a harder difficulty mode. And guess how much he charged for it....there actually is no answer to that because it was released completely free of any charge. That's fucking amazing when you consider how impossible that story sounds if it were to happen today. (Also, he released Ninja Gaiden Black for people who didn't have XBOX Live such as myself....and he charged half-price for it on the get-go when it released....fucking genius).
That was a different time period... one where developers and publishers still cared about consumers. If you told a major Unreal Tournament or Quake 3 player back in the early 2000s that companies would eventually start charging money for multiplayer map packs, they'd probably call you retarded. :butbut:
Quote from: Desensitized on June 27, 2011, 10:00:56 PM
Quote from: Foggle on June 27, 2011, 09:45:52 PM
RE 5 Versus Mode. :srs:
this entire fucking page (
Horrid. Reminds me of another thing I'm upset about; I read on GAF a few days ago that Sega is "done with the PSP in North America." Y'know, I kinda' wanted to play Valkyria Chronicles 3 and Yakuza Black Panther in English, but that's just me.
Yeah, I hate that it seems like we're back in the SNES days begging for games to come out here again.
Quote from: Desensitized on June 27, 2011, 10:13:54 PM
Yeah, I hate that it seems like we're back in the SNES days begging for games to come out here again.
Except if we
were back in the SNES days, the games would be a lot better. (
Quote from: Foggle on June 27, 2011, 10:17:39 PM
Quote from: Desensitized on June 27, 2011, 10:13:54 PM
Yeah, I hate that it seems like we're back in the SNES days begging for games to come out here again.
Except if we were back in the SNES days, the games would be a lot better. (
Quote from: Desensitized on June 27, 2011, 10:00:56 PM
Quote from: Foggle on June 27, 2011, 09:45:52 PM
RE 5 Versus Mode. :srs:
this entire fucking page (
And now I'm no longer left wondering where all the games I want this year are. They're stuck in translation hell.
Although I must admit, I couldn't care less about Fire Emblem 12 now. 11 was an abomination, and there's now way I'd pay for another remake.
Quote from: Rosalinas Spare Wand on June 27, 2011, 11:52:48 PM
Quote from: Desensitized on June 27, 2011, 10:00:56 PM
Quote from: Foggle on June 27, 2011, 09:45:52 PM
RE 5 Versus Mode. :srs:
this entire fucking page (
And now I'm no longer left wondering where all the games I want this year are. They're stuck in translation hell.
Although I must admit, I couldn't care less about Fire Emblem 12 now. 11 was an abomination, and there's now way I'd pay for another remake.
Soma Bringer is fully translated, man! That one really gets me, because RPGs sell well on the DS and we're not getting the one I was the most hyped for!
If Nintendo would just smarten up and release smaller print runs for these games, we'd all win.
Quote from: Rynnec on June 27, 2011, 09:32:53 PM
If you ask me, most DLC (like costumes, characters, stages) should be free. Period.
Not costumes. DLC that you have to pay for should pretty much just be extra costumes. Everything else should come with the game
This game is going to bomb. (
And I'm happy about that. I remember Capcom said awhile back that the sales of Mercs and Revelations would determine the direction they'd go with the franchise in the future. This practically ensures that Revelations will sell more, meaning Resident Evil might actually go back to being survival horror and scratch the co-op with 6.
Unless it's a test and makes Capcom think no one wants Resident Evil games period.
Because that's very possible knowing them.
Sadly, that is a possibility.
I still can't believe they cancelled Mega Man Universe. That was such a low blow.
And Mega Man Legends 3 is in limbo.
Some people said I was overreacting when I said Inafune leaving would be the death of Mega Man games, but so far my fears have been proven right.
I wouldn't be suprised if the reason they're slowly killing off Megaman is because those crappy-looking Starforce games didn't sell or something.
Here are the notes for the newest Fallout: New Vegas patch (released today). They pretty much prove that Obsidian are incompetent and not capable of having a fully-functional game on release.
Quote from: SteamUpdates to Fallout: New Vegas have been released. The updates will be applied automatically when your Steam client is restarted. The major changes include:
New feature: system save is automatically created prior to endgame sequence. After credits, user is prompted to load save game. This will allow single save players to play DLC without creating a new game.
Fixed issue where Minigun audio could get stuck/keep playing indefinitely when fired out of VATS.
Script fix to restore destroyed ED-E. This should address issues players have with attempting to use certain companions (e.g. Rex) or when the player needs to clear his or her companions before entering an area (e.g. Zion / Honest Hearts).
New "Companion Dismissal Terminals" added to Gun Runners and Lucky 38. These will allow players with lost companions from earlier patches to force-fire if they are experiencing problems attempting to get into DLC or areas that prevent companions from entering.
Arms no longer lifted above head when sneaking with certain weapons.
Fixed sound cutting out after extended playthroughs.
Massive world optimizations in major areas for better stability/performance with multiple DLCs installed.
Players can now have six or more DLCs installed without encountering an infinite "loading DLC" message on startup.
Navmesh fixes/NPCs no longer getting stuck.
Scripts added to keep certain NPCs who were marked as dead from respawning.
Extensive world optimizations for Hoover Dam.
Fixed lockup with Ranger Grant's forcegreet at HD/NCR path.
Fixed NPC AI packages so they don't get stuck at HD.
Fixed bug where upgraded ED-E could be killed in non-hardcore mode.
Post-assassination Kimball now gets removed prior to Hoover Dam battle.
Fixed navmesh around Camp Searchlight to improve performance over long soaks.
Searchlight Troopers don't bump into each other as often.
Fixed navmesh on HD Observation Deck.
New teleport locations for Legion path through Hoover Dam. Improves performance.
Radio stations will work properly now if DLC is uninstalled.
Fixed instances where it was possible to fast travel during Hoover Dam battle.
Fixed case where recruited Remnants were hostile to player during HD battle on Independent and House paths. They will still turn hostile if you shoot them too much though.
Two vending machines in Hoover Dam were facing the wrong way.
Made it so Big Sal/Nero no longer accepts yield if the other is already dead.
Removed Brotherhood objectives when ED-E is given to the Followers.
Fixed rare instance where Cachino turned hostile on the player if player attacks Big Sal/Nero prior to Cachino entering the room.
Fixed crashes in Ultra-Luxe.
Fixed Alpha Squad snipers getting stuck when told to support player.
Fix for Lily's weapon being displayed oddly on her back..
Improvements to navmesh and pathing in Great Khan Longhouse. Fixes crashes.
Plasma Spaz now gives 20% AP reduction (was 10%).
Fixed crash after hearing certain ED-E dialog triggers.
Fixed instance where Boone would constantly holster his rifle in combat if player had lost rep with the NCR.
Veronica no longer waits for player to speak to her before leaving after Hidden Valley is destroyed.
Extensive optimizations in McCarran.
Optimized NPC packages at Camp Golf to improve performance. Misfits now stay in a normal radius.
Arcade now properly rants against Caesar (once).
Motor-Runner Helmet now properly 0 weight. Also removed after quest completes.
NCR Heavy Troopers will now attack player if you attack Hsu.
Vulpes (and Alerio) now properly forcegreet if you somehow fast travel before their initial forcegreet fires.
Killing hostages while helping Khans no longer fails quest.
Gilbert/Ackerman now properly stay dead if murdered.
Mr. New Vegas will only mention failed NCR attack on Powder Gangers if Troopers are dead and Eddie is alive.
Fixed case where player could break quest with Orris if they fast traveled after he shoots thugs, but before forcegreet.
Generic Powder Gangers now set as Aggressive (previously Very Aggressive).
Fixed rare case of black screen during dialog at REPCONN facility.
Fixed phantom quest marker remaining on Major Knight after he's killed.
Fix for incorrect dialog if player meets Bryce Anders after killing Motor Runner.
Player can no longer isolate the BoS virus by hitting "isolate virus" three times on a single console.
Fixed crash related to Arcade leaving the Remnants bunker.
Fixed Nightkin encounter at Tumbleweed Ranch to occur after user reloads a save.
Arcade will no longer attempt to initiate his quest during Hoover Dam.
Hoover Dam Boomer Bombing Run now works properly after save/reload.
Cass now only barks once per gameday and not every two gamehours.
Fixed XP exploits with MantisForeleg.
Massive optimizations in Westside, North Vegas and The Thorn. Improves AI pathing and performance with high uptimes.
Optimizations in Vault 19.
Fixed issue where Oliver Swanick would respawn after three days if killed.
Pathing improvements to The Strip and North Sewers.
Moved teleport doors on The Strip so NPCs don't collide with players or other actors that stand in front of doors.
Ethel, Walter, and the Station Merchant no longer wander or patrol to avoid collisions with other NPCs.
Separated NPCs in the North Sewers.
Fixed issue where window in Vault 19 let player see through the world.
Greasers from Crandon's quest now become disabled when the player leaves the area.
Fixed a Legion melee NPC near Nelson that was under the terrain.
Modified Legion and NCR hit-squad NPCs to use new level lists. They now have a smoother leveling curve that takes into account new level caps. Legion and NCR hit squad spawning was also
revised to make their appearance more consistent and less memory-intensive.
Fixed issue where Omerta thugs wouldn't leave Freeside if you killed Joana and Carlitos.
Cazador Poison Effect sound no longer plays globally if someone, somewhere gets stung. Only plays if the player is hit.
Player can no longer repair the Grenade Launcher with the minigun.
Fix for companions going into unconscious/conscious cycle over and over again when stung with Cazador poison. In normal mode (or against companions), Cazador poison now lasts 8
seconds, doing 18 points of damage per second. It is, in fact, even deadlier than the normal version, but lasts 1/4 as long. In hardcore mode or against the player, poison remains 30 seconds/5 damage per second.
Casino slot scripts altered so their max bets do not produce game economy-ruining levels of cap overflow
Hit the Deck and Stonewall now properly work with player's weapon condition. Hit the Deck is now +25 DT vs. Explosives instead of +50% vs. Explosives.
Adjusted Deathclaw fatigue to make them less exploitable with certain attacks. Inconsistent health values for Deathclaws were also corrected (in favor of stronger Deathclaws).
Cazadores are now properly flagged as fliers, so they won't set off mines.
Increased radii for plasma and pulse grenades.
Fixed bug where rescued Powder Gangers would return to the legion camp.
Added Followers of the Apocalypse supplies to three areas of Hoover Dam if you gain their support and fight on independent or NCR paths. This also enables the FoA + NCR "good" ending through Julie Farkas.
Optimizations for Westside.
Fixed issues with Recharger Pistol animation.
Fixed issue where Aba Daba Honeymoon wouldn't update if the player was running O My Papa simultaneously.
Typo: "Night Stalker Blood" changed to "Nightstalker Blood"
Yes-Man now checks both Loyal and Pearl's status before the player can tell him the Boomer leaders are dead.
Removed "Intelligence" flag from Int<=2 check at REPCONN HQ, as engine doesn't support checks that low.
Fixed scripting on Lonesome Drifter barter check so player doesn't get next objective with Tommy Torini if they fail.
Legion Assassins moveto script no longer occurs every frame (frees up memory).
Added recipe so player can now break down 12.7mm ammo.
Four Eyes now works with ball cap with glasses.
There is now always an option to give ED-E to Lorenzo, even if player has said no the first time.
Mister Sandman no longer works on The Forecaster (XP exploit).
Ultra-Luxe doors no longer disable player controls if player is an enemy of the White Gloves.
Fix scripting conflict between "Cold, Cold Heart" and Mojave Ghost with Vulpes/Benny.
Fixed issue where player could become control locked in Gommorah if they had installed Yes-Man.
Player can now re-hire Arcade if ED-E is in the party.
Ultra-Luxe now properly pays out in Legion and NCR money.
Veronica's companion perks (as in the ones Veronica gets, not the player) now properly assigned.
Waiting companions will no longer get teleported by the Vault 22 elevator.
Changed objectives for How Little We Know to better reflect branching paths.
"Return to Yes-Man" objective no longer reopens if player tells him to go to Lucky 38 in Wild Card: Change in Management.
Player can no longer pickpocket Button Man to break the scene where he shoots Cachino.
Player can no longer ask Cachino about plans if Bosses are already dead.
Fix for ED-E combat dialog.
Ranger Helmet now has weight/value.
Fixed Gomorrah holdout scripting to properly affect companions.
Lily now properly uses Stealth Boy when player is sneaking if told to keep it during her quest.
Fixed exploit where player could get infinite XP for punching Big Sal's corpse.
Fixed scripting for For the Republic II where exposing Karl would prematurely complete the objective to destroy the Khans.
Fixed instance where fast travel was disabled when creating new game post-credits.
Inventory will now show cumulative weight of item stacks instead of weight of a single item.
Missile projectiles will no longer show in player's target HUD.
Player will now unequip a weapon if consuming it in the crafting menu (fixes crash).
Weapons with recharging ammo now display ammo properly.
Fixed rare instance where player could be control-locked if loading an autosave created while lockpicking a transition door.
Beamsplitter mod fixed to proper DAM/DPS.
Crafting can no longer create weapons/armor at 100% condition.
Repair kits can no longer repair to 100% condition.
Throwing weapons can no longer take damage, and are dropped when shot at 100% condition.
DT Perks that increase DT based on enemy weapon should function properly.
Weapons using multiple rounds of ammunition per shot fired now show proper VATS damage estimate.
Fixed rare case where broken stick of dynamite could crash game if thrown.
NPCs will now play face cards on player's stack in Caravan.
Various tweaks to audio system to improve memory performance.
Fixed issue where looping reload weapons would get stuck, causing VATS camera to point to the ground.
Fixed clock/calendar so that it doesn't reset on a fresh load.
Fixed .45 auto pistol displaying incorrect condition/value on modding screen.
Both DAM and DPS now display on workbenches when creating explosives.
For ammo that reduce spread (like 12ga) effect is now properly applied to spread, not wobble.
Fixed crash when attempting to enter DLC1 with equipped quest items.
Why are so many RPGs so fucking janky and unfinished these days? You might as well wait a few years for the game to actually be finished before you play it. It seems better than paying for a glorified beta.
It's like Developers are using DLC as an excuse to half-ass a game so they can reach the market in time for the holiday season and what-not.
A shame really, DLC is an excellent idea in concept, but was botched on execution.
Quote from: Foggle on July 06, 2011, 05:16:08 PM
Here are the notes for the newest Fallout: New Vegas patch (released today). They pretty much prove that Obsidian are incompetent and not capable of having a fully-functional game on release.
This, ladies and gentleman, is the reason why I've never seen WRPG's by Obsidian or Bethesda as anything more than a joke.
Just look at that list. Seriously? How many years did they have to work on this?
I stopped caring about anything made by Obsidian or Bethesda after I tried Oblivion and Fallout 3. I just don't really understand what about those games was supposed to be any fun. Maybe they are big with huge open worlds, but I had almost nothing interesting to do in them. Talking to people was boring, the combat in both games was dreadfully boring, and it felt like it took way too long for me to gain a significant amount of money or experience. I just got bored of both games really, really fast.
To be fair, though, I'm not a big fan of RPGs to begin with (Western or Japanese).
Obsidian is completely different from Bethesda. They also made KOTOR 2, Alpha Protocol, and Dungeon Siege 3, all of which are decent games that are held back by their inability to release anything other than a beta.
I haven't played the other games, but I can say that despite having some technical issues KOTOR 2 was hardly what I'd call a beta. I almost completely forgot that Obsidian worked on that, but it was a well-constructed game. I think as far as sequels go, I can compare its problems quite a bit to those of NG2, in that the game had a lot going for it but was unfortunately rushed into its release and didn't get the proper amount of polish that it deserved. Still, its not like it was overly-glitchy and most of the game played just fine, so I was personally happy with KOTOR 2 (though I definitely prefer the 1st game for its more finely-tuned gameplay and story).
New Vegas and Alpha Protocol are their main offenders as far as glitches go. Most people just hate on DS3 because it's absolutely nothing like the first two.
I remember KOTOR 2 being pretty buggy, but I heard that was actually the fault of LucasArts' executive meddling more than it was Obsidian's incompetence.
Quote from: Ensatsu-ken on July 07, 2011, 01:29:49 AM
I stopped caring about anything made by Obsidian or Bethesda after I tried Oblivion and Fallout 3. I just don't really understand what about those games was supposed to be any fun. Maybe they are big with huge open worlds, but I had almost nothing interesting to do in them. Talking to people was boring, the combat in both games was dreadfully boring, and it felt like it took way too long for me to gain a significant amount of money or experience. I just got bored of both games really, really fast.
To be fair, though, I'm not a big fan of RPGs to begin with (Western or Japanese).
Oblivion sucks ass.
I am really to give Fallout a try though
If you don't like Oblivion, don't waste your time with Fallout 3 or New Vegas. They're basically the exact same game but with guns and more bugs.
Like Texas' state slogan says, "Guns make everything better."
Quote from: Foggle on July 07, 2011, 02:01:33 AM
I remember KOTOR 2 being pretty buggy, but I heard that was actually the fault of LucasArts' executive meddling more than it was Obsidian's incompetence.
I have played the full game twice. Its not. Whoever said that obviously likes to exaggerate the hell out of a few minor bugs.
Quote from: Ensatsu-ken on July 07, 2011, 11:31:45 AM
Quote from: Foggle on July 07, 2011, 02:01:33 AM
I remember KOTOR 2 being pretty buggy, but I heard that was actually the fault of LucasArts' executive meddling more than it was Obsidian's incompetence.
I have played the full game twice. Its not. Whoever said that obviously likes to exaggerate the hell out of a few minor bugs.
Not game-breaking bugs or anything, but there were quite a few from what I remember. Mostly random freezes and crashes every so often, along with occasional broken save points and other stuff like that. I played the PC version, btw. The Xbox one is supposed to be a lot better.
Yeah, I wouldn't know about how the PC version was. The XBOX version never gave me any broken saves or whatnot, and there is only ever one time that the game froze on me (and I think it was my XBOX that caused the freeze in that case rather than the game itself, because it had happened a few times with other games as well).
It's baaaaaaack. ( :whuh:
I hate Ubisoft.
So, so much.
Quote from: Desensitized on July 28, 2011, 12:55:37 AM
I hate Ubisoft.
So, so much.
People who think Halo invented the genre (
Good lord, that thread is a chore.
"Of course it looks like Halo, Halo invented the FPS genre."
None better than this. Still can't tell if this was supposed to be backhanded sarcasm or what, but man... :wth:
Quote from: Desensitized on July 28, 2011, 12:55:37 AM
I hate Ubisoft.
So, so much.
Have they made any good games besides Prince of Persia (and King Kong)?
Quote from: Kiddington on July 28, 2011, 09:46:44 PM
"Of course it looks like Halo, Halo invented the FPS genre."
None better than this. Still can't tell if this was supposed to be backhanded sarcasm or what, but man... :wth:
That one definitely was, as far as I can tell.
Lots of stupidity in that thread, though.
Quote from: Angus on July 28, 2011, 11:12:43 PM
Quote from: Desensitized on July 28, 2011, 12:55:37 AM
I hate Ubisoft.
So, so much.
Have they made any good games besides Prince of Persia (and King Kong)?
TMNT GBA, Shadow Wars, and Rayman 2.
That's all I've enjoyed.
I thought Rayman 3 was... OK. Kinda gimmicky, and a definite step down from 2, but still OK.
...then those goddamn Rabbids took over, and we haven't had a normal Rayman title since (unless you count 3DS, but that was just a re-release). Yeah, Ubisoft blows.
I never played Rayman 3. I only played 2 cuz I got the 3DS at launch and wanted a good platformer, and heard good things. Other than that garbage final level on the rocket that I cannot fucking beat, it's a great game.
It also hasn't been ported to hell and back like 2 has, though. If it got a 3DS port, I might try it.
Rayman 3 has an awesome licensed theme song (probably the only song by Groove Armada I actually like), but the game itself is so fucking boring. The combat is tedious and the platforming is banal. 1 and 2 are awesome, though... and the Rabbids freakin' blow.
Quote from: Desensitized on July 28, 2011, 11:25:24 PM
Quote from: Angus on July 28, 2011, 11:12:43 PM
Quote from: Desensitized on July 28, 2011, 12:55:37 AM
I hate Ubisoft.
So, so much.
Have they made any good games besides Prince of Persia (and King Kong)?
TMNT GBA, Shadow Wars, and Rayman 2.
That's all I've enjoyed.
The first three Splinter Cells are also quite good.
But the less said about Double Agent and Conviction, the better.
A lot of irony in this review (
Especially considering where the genre is currently sitting now.
QuoteEveryone at one time or another has described some videogame as scary - and as we all know, they're never scary to anyone with an IQ above, say, 12.
Oh man, I hope the reviewer has had the pleasure of playing Fatal Frame 2 and Penumbra since writing this. :lol:
I actually kind of like what that review had to say. Of course, the text matches Call of Duty a lot more than it does Doom (come on, who doesn't love Doom!?), but at least it was better than Tom Chick's Deus Ex review.
Blizzard finally hit rock bottom.
This perma-connection DRM shit has got to stop. It's only a matter of time before it becomes industry standard and/or hits consoles...
Well, if it comes down to it, you can always stick with Diablo 2... Which I think a lot of people are going to do. Except the Blizzard faithful, but they'd defend anything Blizzard did.
I was going to put this in the MML3 thread, but I think it also fits here. (
That has to be a joke. Has to be.
Can't wait until the UFC buys that fucking channel.
Hey look, it's that woman who hated Super Mario Galaxy 2 because it was "childish" and wasn't 3D enough!
Speaking of "childish", we were playing DKCR in the shop on my ship earlier today, specifically one of those hidden temple things you get after getting all the KONG letters, and one of the other guys was there calling it kid stuff and crap like that. So we told him, despite the cartoony look, that the game is a bitch, and handed him the wii mote to see what he could do. He played it for about ten minutes, and in all that time, he couldn't even make it through a quarter of the stage.
I don't think his opinion has changed, but it did shut him up for a bit.
Gamers today are so close-minded; not all, obviously, but a fair many. I hear this "childish" garbage about Wii platformers all the time (someone called Kirby Wii a kiddy game the other day, and I came this close to telling the guy to shut the fuck up), and it irritates the hell out of me.
Just because you aren't wielding an arsenal of machine guns and blowing shit up every few seconds doesn't make a game childish. Christ, I cannot stand this mentality.
There was this kid in my highschool who was two years my junior, who had that exact same "Wii and Nintendo's for little kids" mentality and said that he spoke for everyone when he said it. I told him off and said that I'd rather play Super Mario Galaxy 2 rather than something like Gears of War. Kid just uttered a condescending "wow".
Fucking kids. Wouldn't know a good game if it bit'em in the ass. (
They really need to cut this shit out. This is akin to saying why am I going to buy a mattress to sleep on when a chair allows me to sleep, scratch my balls, use my laptop, and play vidya comfortably.
Quote from: Kiddington on August 15, 2011, 09:10:21 PM
Gamers today are so close-minded; not all, obviously, but a fair many. I hear this "childish" garbage about Wii platformers all the time (someone called Kirby Wii a kiddy game the other day, and I came this close to telling the guy to shut the fuck up), and it irritates the hell out of me.
Just because you aren't wielding an arsenal of machine guns and blowing shit up every few seconds doesn't make a game childish. Christ, I cannot stand this mentality.
To be fair, the recent Kirby games
have had a rather childish aesthetic (Crystal Shards and Epic Yarn, anyway; haven't seen much from the new one). But yeah, I can't stand that shit, especially when it's in reference to something like Mario or Donkey Kong.
I myself have always been a pretty open-minded gamer. That is to say that I'm the type of guy who can enjoy something like Halo or Gears of War while I also get a shit-ton of fun out of my favorite Mario platformers or Mega Man games and the like. I've pretty much grown desensitized to the stupidly close-minded opinions of most gamers these days (and that goes both ways, for those who think anything related to Nintendo is "kiddy" as well as those who think anything anything that's an FPS or TPS game is only played by brainless jocks).
I must admit though that it does still tick me off that great platformers that are FAR more creative than generic popular shooters get so little respect among most modern gamers. At the same time, Mario games are still selling extremely well and its not like Nintendo is in a bad financial spot at all with their platformers, so as long as they keep making great games like that I couldn't care less what a bunch of idiots who don't really know anything about gaming (even though they think they do because they happen to be OK at CoD or some shit like that) have to say about them.
Quote from: Ensatsu-ken on August 15, 2011, 09:38:23 PM
as well as those who think anything anything that's an FPS or TPS game is only played by brainless jocks).
While I've done my fair share of CoD-hating in the past, I must say that the "My favorite obscure Japanese game sold like shit? GODDAMN YOU CAAAAAAALLLLLLLLLL OOOOOOOOFFFFFFFF DUUUUUUUUUUTYYYYYYYYY!!!!" crowd really pisses me off.
Kids will fight
Quote from: Kiddington on August 15, 2011, 09:10:21 PM
Gamers today are so close-minded; not all, obviously, but a fair many. I hear this "childish" garbage about Wii platformers all the time (someone called Kirby Wii a kiddy game the other day, and I came this close to telling the guy to shut the fuck up), and it irritates the hell out of me.
Just because you aren't wielding an arsenal of machine guns and blowing shit up every few seconds doesn't make a game childish. Christ, I cannot stand this mentality.
Kirby Epic Yarn causes more real fights among my pups than Super Smash Brothers. It's only kiddy in that it doesn't offend, and that you can "complete" a level by just wandering through it, but to complete it with any sort of score above zero requires some skill.
It only bothers me when the FPS crowd shits on everything not all dude-bro'd up. For instance, I don't really like strategy games or racers, but I don't think people who like them are stupid or something.
Super Mario Galaxy 2 is one of the best games of all time, if you can't even recognize it as anything but "kiddy" then you're missing the point of gaming altogether.
I think the ones that I dislike most are the sports gamers, you know the guys who buy every iteration of all the Maddens and the NCAA games and whatnot. I had a roommate that was one of those guys, and he'd chastise me for playing my Nintendo("I played those games when I was like 7"). The thing I noticed though is those guys aren't really even that good at those games; he had his buddies come over on occasion, and one of them I talked to a lot because he noticed that I played Nintendo too and you could tell he was interested, and then he'd sit down and play my roommate at Madden and beat his ass into the ground. I figured though that he was a true gamer, someone who played something besides Madden all the time.
Hah! That's pretty much my dad you're talking about.
He's that kinda guy; hates almost every and all types of video games, except sports games. We own pretty much every re-hash of Madden and NHL Hockey to come out within the last 15 years thanks to him. It's funny, too; he's the only one in the family who plays these games, and yet he's absolutely terrible at them (any time I play him, he doesn't stand a chance... and I barely have any experience with these games outside of playing against him).
I watch sports as a fan and all, but I cannot stand sports sims; they bore me to tears. And there are far too many people in the world like him that continue to buy these things, even if the quote unquote "new features" are only incrementally better than the previous years installment. So yeah, I agree; sports gamers = facepalm.
To be honest, I actually kind of like some of the over-the-top, unrealistic sports games, like Mario Tennis, NBA Street, and Sega Soccer Slam. Those are pretty fun games that are more like actual games than just sports sims, as they are more cartoony and aren't hell-bent on trying to be realistic, and just have fun game mechanics, in general. I can't for the life of me, though, get into the yearly sports sims.
I can understand if people like those sorts of games, and I'm not saying that they don't require skill to play, but I can't understand how people can by every itteration that comes out each year. My older brother is one of those people who plays almost only sports games exclusively (other than those he only plays JRPGs from time to time, and also played most the 3D Ninja Gaiden games, which even he can't deny are awesome). Whenever I bring up that these games hardly ever change over the years, he gets into a heated debate with me about how the game mechanics and technicalities and nuances are completely different, so I guess it has that sort of technical multiplayer appeal for people who are really into it, but to me its all the same shit for the most part.
Like I said, I can understand if people like those sorts of games, but I just won't ever be able to understand why they feel the need to re-buy what's essentially the same exact game with some minor tweaks each year. I simply just don't get it.
NFL Blitz was the shit back in the 90's. So many good times playing that. :)
Here here.
If we had more sports games like that, I'd gladly play more of them.
Oh, yeah; I love those kinds of sports games. NFL Blitz, NBA Jam, and NHL Hitz are just a couple of my favs... not to mention all of the various Mario offshoots (Superstar Baseball has been very addicting for me, as of late).
Sports sims, which focus far more on the tedious managerial aspects of roster building (as opposed to actual gameplay), on the other hand...
Me loves SSX Tricky. Don't understand why they are going for satellite accurate mountains in the new game though.
I like Inafune, but this is fucking hilarious. ( He talks shit about the Japanese video game industry and then goes on to make a dating sim. I'm sure Capcom is reeeaaalll jealous of how he's using his talent now. :lol:
It'll probably sell better than Dragon's Dogma, I'm sure.
This is Japan, after all. Hardcore gamers no longer dwell there.
Quote from: Foggle on August 17, 2011, 04:41:02 PM
I like Inafune, but this is fucking hilarious. ( He talks shit about the Japanese video game industry and then goes on to make a dating sim. I'm sure Capcom is reeeaaalll jealous of how he's using his talent now. :lol:
:D What the hell at the description.
The more footage I see from Resident Evil: Revelations, the less I want it.
Don't even care about the 3DS at this point. Same with the Vita and Wii U.
I've got a 3DS(wish it had more games, though those free games we're getting will be awesome), but so far I'm with you on the Wii U and Vita. I barely ever touch my PSP as it is, and my Wii is a glorified GameCube, only occasionally seeing any actual Wii gameplay. The Wii U will more than likely be a purchase for me(how can it not be) sometime down the road, but at this rate I probably won't get it anywhere near launch time.
A 3DS was in the cards before I was laid off; now... I dunno. I've got money saved up, but I'm trying to be cautious with my spending right now, given the obvious lack of incoming cash flow. Even with the price cut, I'm not so sure. The thing is, even when I was working, I've always had a hard time spending more than $100 at one time, on pretty much anything. What can I say? I'm cheap. :awesome:
I'll still say the Wii U is listed under "definite purchase"...for now. Knowing me, though, that'll still end up coming well after launch date. And no thanks to the Vita. Not now, anyway.
Here's my problem with the Wii U, and bare with me here, because I am a huge Nintendo fan:
Just like the Wii Motion Plus was just a Wii Remote that did things it should have been able to do in the first place, the Wii U looks like little more than just a Wii that does things the Wii should have been able to do in the first place. A more decent online set-up? A hard drive that doesn't fill up after downloading three N64 games? Current gen graphical capabilities? These are things the Wii should have had already.
The Wii U is a Wii with an iPad controller. And that's another thing; that controller? As cool as it is to take the game from the TV to the controller, I honestly don't see myself making that much use of it unless I really can't stand to be away from the next New Super Mario Bros. Wii when I go to the bathroom. I don't see the screen being put to much use in most games aside from something like a map in Zelda or item inventory in Resident Evil, which I would rather be done on the TV screen over having that awkward looking controller and having to look down at it to access those things. Unless the game is something like WarioWare, I don't see holding the controller up to the TV to be all that practical or fun.
Not to mention the only way to get the new controller is the buy the Wii U. This controller is not being sold separately. Other players have to use the Wii remote. Why? This, to me, just screams that this is hardly a new console. It's an updated Wii. It's Malibu Stacy with a hat. I'm not being as wowed by the Wii U as I want to be. However, we haven't seen THAT much of the Wii U. Maybe when more details come out I can get more excited. But, as of now, I'm not impressed.
Oh, and I don't like the dropping of GameCube support. I knew it was going to come eventually, but they could have at least left in the GameCube controller ports. They seem to have no problem with making people use every other old control scheme from the Wii on this new console, why not just go all in and keep Cube controllers too? Plenty of Wii games used the GameCube controller as an option. And really, it's the perfect controller for Smash Bros. I can't imagine playing it with any of those control schemes.
That said, I know I'm still going to get one. Because I'm Nintendo's bitch.
Quote from: Eddy on September 06, 2011, 01:15:20 AM
The Wii U is a Wii with an iPad controller. And that's another thing; that controller? As cool as it is to take the game from the TV to the controller, I honestly don't see myself making that much use of it unless I really can't stand to be away from the next New Super Mario Bros. Wii when I go to the bathroom.
To be fair, you're only really thinking about this new feature from your own perspective, as an American who probably either has his/her own TV or lives in a household with more than one of them. Its the same way for me, as well, but I recall an interview with a Japanese developer a while ago who said that he loved the idea of a screen on the WiiU, claiming that most Japanese families only own a single TV per household and per his own childhood experiences, it was hard to get time to one's self to use a gaming console. If you look at Nintendo's feature as it may apply to other people living in other countries with very different cultures, it can be seen as more sensible.
I only mentioned this to be fair since I thought the same way about the WiiU remote's main gimmick until I realized that not every feature may necessarily be intended for the American culture. If what the Japanese developer said is true about most Japanese families, than I would actually have to give Nintendo props for coming up with that idea for the new controller.
Quote from: Eddy on September 06, 2011, 01:15:20 AM
Here's my problem with the Wii U, and bare with me here, because I am a huge Nintendo fan:
Just like the Wii Motion Plus was just a Wii Remote that did things it should have been able to do in the first place, the Wii U looks like little more than just a Wii that does things the Wii should have been able to do in the first place. A more decent online set-up? A hard drive that doesn't fill up after downloading three N64 games? Current gen graphical capabilities? These are things the Wii should have had already.
The Wii U is a Wii with an iPad controller. And that's another thing; that controller? As cool as it is to take the game from the TV to the controller, I honestly don't see myself making that much use of it unless I really can't stand to be away from the next New Super Mario Bros. Wii when I go to the bathroom. I don't see the screen being put to much use in most games aside from something like a map in Zelda or item inventory in Resident Evil, which I would rather be done on the TV screen over having that awkward looking controller and having to look down at it to access those things. Unless the game is something like WarioWare, I don't see holding the controller up to the TV to be all that practical or fun.
Not to mention the only way to get the new controller is the buy the Wii U. This controller is not being sold separately. Other players have to use the Wii remote. Why? This, to me, just screams that this is hardly a new console. It's an updated Wii. It's Malibu Stacy with a hat. I'm not being as wowed by the Wii U as I want to be. However, we haven't seen THAT much of the Wii U. Maybe when more details come out I can get more excited. But, as of now, I'm not impressed.
Oh, and I don't like the dropping of GameCube support. I knew it was going to come eventually, but they could have at least left in the GameCube controller ports. They seem to have no problem with making people use every other old control scheme from the Wii on this new console, why not just go all in and keep Cube controllers too? Plenty of Wii games used the GameCube controller as an option. And really, it's the perfect controller for Smash Bros. I can't imagine playing it with any of those control schemes.
That said, I know I'm still going to get one. Because I'm Nintendo's bitch.
No GC support? Just when I thought it couldn't be any less interesting.
I knew it wouldn't be BC with the Gamecube. But since I'm keeping my Wii, it's still pretty irrelevant to me (also considering I still think the GC is the worst Nintendo console) but it's not like we even really know a lot about the system.
What's bothering me is the hype for the Vita. I mean, I'm going to get it because portable gaming is my favorite style of gaming and there's sure to be a lot of great games, but the way people are hyped for it "Oh boy! Uncharted on handhelds! Now handheld gaming is legit!" and the like is very short sighted to me. Don't we have enough of these on home consoles? Why do we need even more of these on a device that will most likely have two hours of battery life? Why are we assuming people want these games when the highest selling portable games are puzzle games, 2D platformers, casual fare, and racing games, none of which seem to be the focus of the system?
I know I'm usually pessimistic of Sony, but I do like the PSP, and what the Vita is doing is making the same mistakes as the PSP instead of following what it did well. I want Ys Seven and Half Minute Hero, not a sub-par action adventure game from a B-Team that might as well be on a console.
lol@ people still want bad ps1 versions of PS3 games.
Hmm... well, you could just buy a used GameCube, and call it a day. *shot*
Nah, I agree, but we all knew it'd come eventually. The DSi dropped GBA compatibility, so it was only a matter of time before the Wii's successor would follow suit. Damn shame too, because I've always loved the GC controller (some still call it awkward, but I tend to highly disagree with those claims).
For all those claims that the GC controller is awkward, it's nowhere near as cumbersome as this:
At least the GC doesn't strain your hands.
The only things I don't like about the GC controller is the d-pad and that there's only 1 Z button. It's a really comfortable controller with good button placement, but those two issues hold it back a bit.
The original X-box controller is pretty unwieldy. And the d-pad is still complete garbage even a full gaming generation later.
I've never been crazy on the c-stick and agree with the d-pad being weak, but otherwise, I really liked the GCN controller.
The X-Box controller, though, eh.
Quote from: Rynnec on September 06, 2011, 07:23:59 PM
For all those claims that the GC controller is awkward, it's nowhere near as cumbersome as this:
At least the GC doesn't strain your hands.
You posted a picture of the smaller XBOX controller, actually, which while not the most ideal controller was far from a hand-strain (I know, because I played hours of Ninja Gaiden Black on that thing every day, and its not nearly as bad as the original XBOX controller). I actually liked the button lay-out and overall set-up for the more manageable controller because it was very similar to the DC which was my favorite console of the PS1/N64 generation.
I do agree that the original bulky controller was horrid, though. It was really a strain to play on that thing for long periods of time.
I'd say the worst controller was the NES one. It was too small and had no grip, so it was awkward to hold. :P
Quote from: talonmalon333 on September 06, 2011, 09:29:46 PM
I'd say the worst controller was the NES one. It was too small and had no grip, so it was awkward to hold. :P
The original NES controller certainly wasn't the worst. For Nintendo's very first console, and thus their very first controller, it was pretty good. Its certainly not the most ideal controller, as its rather small and doesn't feel that sturdy to grip, but it worked perfectly for the types of games that were available on the NES.
I'd say the most ideal controller would be anything based of the Super Nintendo's. As most modern day controllers basically took it's design, and added to it.(Dualshock, Classic Controller, etc.)
The SNES (and by extension the Classic Controllers) had a great controller, as did the Genesis and the Saturn. Comfy button set up and great d-pad. The N64 and Dreamcast are weird, but you get used to them... but the Playstation controller has never felt all that good to me, especially that awful d-pad they keep using.
Quote from: Kiddington on September 07, 2011, 03:20:04 AM
Quote from: talonmalon333 on September 06, 2011, 09:29:46 PM
I'd say the worst controller was the NES one. It was too small and had no grip, so it was awkward to hold. :P
I was. :P
Quote from: Ensatsu-ken on September 07, 2011, 10:28:44 AM
The original NES controller certainly wasn't the worst. For Nintendo's very first console, and thus their very first controller, it was pretty good. Its certainly not the most ideal controller, as its rather small and doesn't feel that sturdy to grip, but it worked perfectly for the types of games that were available on the NES.
True. But I'd call it the worst purely by default really, because of it's size. I mean, what other Nintendo controller could be worse? The N64 one had a messy button setup, but it was comfortable.
Quote from: Rynnec on September 07, 2011, 02:21:33 PM
I'd say the most ideal controller would be anything based of the Super Nintendo's. As most modern day controllers basically took it's design, and added to it.(Dualshock, Classic Controller, etc.)
Valid point. Personally though, my favorites are the PS2 and GC controllers.
I love the NES and SNES controllers. My favorite controller of all time is probably the GameCube controller, followed by the 360. They may have had lousy d-pads, but most everything else about those controllers are perfect.
Not to keep harping on Nintendo, but they've recently said something else that kind of pissed me off.
Miyamoto is putting the fate of the Star Fox franchise on the sales of Star Fox 64 3D. If it doesn't sell he's going to assume that people aren't interested in the Star Fox franchise and most likely kill it off. In other words, they're putting the fate of the series in the sales of an N64 port with little to no added features that people can get for $10 off the Virtual Console. What the hell?
They might as well kill off the franchise anyway because they haven't done a damn thing with it SINCE Star Fox 64. They didn't make Adventures, Assault, or Command.
Why don't they just have Treasure make it if they won't do it themselves?
At least give it to someone who will make a great game.
That's even worse than the Capcom's Wii Test! This is absurd.
I think I'm going to buy a copy of the game even though I don't have a 3DS. Not worth risking.
Quote from: Desensitized on September 07, 2011, 02:39:32 PM
The SNES (and by extension the Classic Controllers) had a great controller, as did the Genesis and the Saturn. Comfy button set up and great d-pad. The N64 and Dreamcast are weird, but you get used to them... but the Playstation controller has never felt all that good to me, especially that awful d-pad they keep using.
I love the PlayStation 2 controller, it's my favorite. :) The PS1 controller sucked until it got thumbsticks, though, and the PS3 one is nowhere near as good as the PS2's simply because it turned the L2 and R2 buttons into shitty triggers that just feel wrong.
Oh yeah, what is the deal with the triggers? The first time I picked up a PS3 controller and tried those, they felt very flimsy. If you're gonna do triggers, make them solid like on the 360 and Classic Controller.
My favorite overall is the PS2 controller. I hate how filmsy it felt though. For grip, the small Xbox controller and 360 are my favorites but grip isn't that important because it's not like I'm going to drop the shit and I don't pay it much attention once I get lost in the game. 360 would be the best but the D-Pad sucks a little bit too much. Also, the small Xbox controller would be too if it weren't for the black and white button placement. It's like having an extra start and select button on the side which isn't good for on the fly gameplay.
So I was at school today reading my Biology book in the lounge, and I was also watching this guy play Black Ops multiplayer online. Now the dude seemed to have a decent grasp on cover tactics and scouting, but he didn't have a clue how to approach the enemy. He spotted one guy inside a factory, and he tried to rush up the stores and knife him...and he got shot. He respawned a couple seconds later and saw the dude in the same place, so this time he tried to throw a grenade...and he got shot. Once again, he respawned and attempted to rush in with an assault rifle blasting everything in site...and he got shot. The dude got frustrated and gave up trying to get this guy, calling him a "fucking camping cheater".
Now I don't mean to generalize a whole group of players, but if people like him think somebody actually taking precise aim and retreating to safety is cheating, then what does that say about the modern shooters community?
People just say a bunch of shit in the heat of the moment when they are frustrated with a game, whether it be single-player or multiplayer. Its the same reason why so many people are so quick to call games like Ninja Gaiden and Devil May Cry cheap when they die a lot in them, despite the fact that both can have their difficult overcome by skilled players who practice with the games and learn the ropes of their mechanics.
In multiplayer games its easy to get pissed off at someone else even when you know that you lose because its your own fault. I'm not a big multiplayer guy but I do understand that feeling, because sometimes when I'm playing Halo or some fighting game or something of the sort with my friends, I may get frustrated a few times (even if I'm playing casually that stuff just happens sometimes) when I feel like a strategy I'm using should be working but I still end up losing, but I'm usually over it in just a few moments (the same applies to my friends, sometimes, as well).
At any rate, its not really feasible to generalize a whole community of players just based on one or a few guys who act immature at losing at a multiplayer game. I'm sure there are a lot of people with bad attitudes in the multiplayer gaming community, but there are also a lot of respectable people out there as well. Even though I'm not into the whole MP scene, a lot of people I know are, including some of my closest friends, and they are usually pretty easy-going people who don't show any obnoxious attitudes most of the time, even when playing games (whether they're winning or losing).
I actually went over to my friend's place and we played Black Ops online split screen. It's pretty hard, but not once did I blame anybody but me for dying. It's simply a matter of who shoots first most of the time.
A surpisngly well done article on the difference of tastes between Japanese and Western gamers (
Wasn't sure if I wanted to make this a new topic or not, since it seems to fit here pretty well.
So, I was kind of excited about getting a chance to play RE4 since it was made available on XBLA and PSN. The problem is that even if the game is great, I kind of want to resist getting it only on the principal that I really don't feel like supporting Capcom (even if my purchase is insignificant in the grand scheme of things, I just feel wrong contributing to them).
I mean, here's my problem: while I'm sure I could download the remake and have fun with the game being that I've never played it before and don't have any other consoles to own it on (if I had a choice I'd go with the Wii version since I heard that one was by far the definitive version of the game), I just can't help but be ticked off at the fact that this is just a cheap cash-in by Capcom. I mean, think about it for a moment: Capcom could have used this as an opportunity to add new features to the game or do something to make it more than just a port. I know its already crammed with content, but that would only mean that the small amount of effort it would take to put in even a little more stuff would make it that much more tempting for people to buy. As it stands there is nothing new so there is no reason for anyone who already owns the game to buy it, so that only leaves the few people such as myself who don't own the game and have never played it before.
I also just can't get over how damn lazy Capcom was with this port. Here's the thing: This is supposed to be an HD port. At the very least, other HD ports/remakes will update their visuals in terms of textures and lighting and also remaster the sound to make the game at least look, sound, and feel like brand new. Capcom wasn't even willing to do this much, which is the bare minimum to even calling something HD. The title says RE4 "HD" yet its not HD at all. Capcom didn't do anything with the textures or the lighting in the slightest. Literally all they did was to rescale the game to fit in a wide-screen format. That's it.
Hell, they didn't even try to make sure that the port ran perfectly well. Did you know that various review sites have reported that the game occasionally had slow-down in the middle of the action, despite running on current-gen consoles and despite the fact that this slow-down wasn't even present in any of the previous versions of the game?
Truly it still amazes me how lazy this company has become. I mean, wow....they REALLY don't give a fuck about anything anymore aside from making some quick cash, do they? Its pretty saddening considering that in their prime Capcom was once considered to be one of best video game companies of all time, if not the best. Their name was practically synonymous with quality. Looking at them now, they have fallen so far that its just downright pathetic, and honestly quite sad. I know that there are about a million other things that I could be harping on them for, but this latest bit really just got on my nerves since this was a game that I was actually interested in getting. And to be fair, under normal circumstances I would STILL get it just to experience it, but Capcom pisses me off so much that I just don't feel that its worth it giving them my money, even if its just $20 in price.
I didn't know that. Wow, that's pretty lame.
I still have yet to play RE4, but I think I'll just grab the Wii version used when I feel the need. Capcom can't seem to do anything right anymore.
Yeah, to be honest I kind of wish that there was retail version of the game for the XBOX360 so that I could buy it used. I do still really want to play it, but there's no way that a Capcom game is directly getting my money anymore, or at least not until that company seriously shapes up, which is doubtful to ever happen anytime soon, or ever at all for that matter.
Quote from: Ensatsu-ken on September 20, 2011, 10:02:14 PM
So, I was kind of excited about getting a chance to play RE4 since it was made available on XBLA and PSN. The problem is that even if the game is great, I kind of want to resist getting it only on the principal that I really don't feel like supporting Capcom (even if my purchase is insignificant in the grand scheme of things, I just feel wrong contributing to them).
I mean, here's my problem: while I'm sure I could download the remake and have fun with the game being that I've never played it before and don't have any other consoles to own it on (if I had a choice I'd go with the Wii version since I heard that one was by far the definitive version of the game), I just can't help but be ticked off at the fact that this is just a cheap cash-in by Capcom. I mean, think about it for a moment: Capcom could have used this as an opportunity to add new features to the game or do something to make it more than just a port. I know its already crammed with content, but that would only mean that the small amount of effort it would take to put in even a little more stuff would make it that much more tempting for people to buy. As it stands there is nothing new so there is no reason for anyone who already owns the game to buy it, so that only leaves the few people such as myself who don't own the game and have never played it before.
I also just can't get over how damn lazy Capcom was with this port. Here's the thing: This is supposed to be an HD port. At the very least, other HD ports/remakes will update their visuals in terms of textures and lighting and also remaster the sound to make the game at least look, sound, and feel like brand new. Capcom wasn't even willing to do this much, which is the bare minimum to even calling something HD. The title says RE4 "HD" yet its not HD at all. Capcom didn't do anything with the textures or the lighting in the slightest. Literally all they did was to rescale the game to fit in a wide-screen format. That's it.
Hell, they didn't even try to make sure that the port ran perfectly well. Did you know that various review sites have reported that the game occasionally had slow-down in the middle of the action, despite running on current-gen consoles and despite the fact that this slow-down wasn't even present in any of the previous versions of the game?
Truly it still amazes me how lazy this company has become. I mean, wow....they REALLY don't give a fuck about anything anymore aside from making some quick cash, do they? Its pretty saddening considering that in their prime Capcom was once considered to be one of best video game companies of all time, if not the best. Their name was practically synonymous with quality. Looking at them now, they have fallen so far that its just downright pathetic, and honestly quite sad. I know that there are about a million other things that I could be harping on them for, but this latest bit really just got on my nerves since this was a game that I was actually interested in getting. And to be fair, under normal circumstances I would STILL get it just to experience it, but Capcom pisses me off so much that I just don't feel that its worth it giving them my money, even if its just $20 in price.
You're part of the movement too, huh? If I didn't ban myself from buying non-used Capcom games, I would have wanted RE4 anyway...until I heard about the slowdown. I mean, come on. I'm not worried about them updating the game at all but they can't even get it to run right?
I went and got the HD version of Resident Evil 4 and, I have to say, I haven't noticed any slowdown yet. I did have the music stop when the dog showed up during the El Gigante fight, but that's been about it.
Quote from: Ensatsu-ken on September 20, 2011, 10:02:14 PM
I also just can't get over how damn lazy Capcom was with this port. Here's the thing: This is supposed to be an HD port. At the very least, other HD ports/remakes will update their visuals in terms of textures and lighting and also remaster the sound to make the game at least look, sound, and feel like brand new. Capcom wasn't even willing to do this much, which is the bare minimum to even calling something HD. The title says RE4 "HD" yet its not HD at all. Capcom didn't do anything with the textures or the lighting in the slightest. Literally all they did was to rescale the game to fit in a wide-screen format. That's it.
So it's just the Wii version with support for resolutions higher than 720p and nonsensical slowdown? Classic Crapcom.
Quote from: Eddy on September 21, 2011, 09:56:46 AM
I went and got the HD version of Resident Evil 4 and, I have to say, I haven't noticed any slowdown yet. I did have the music stop when the dog showed up during the El Gigante fight, but that's been about it.
I haven't played it myself so I can't attest to it, but I'm just going by the fact that a couple of gaming sites have reported experiencing slow-down in the middle of the game in their reviews of it, such as Game Trailers and other review sites. I think they all implied that it didn't happen very often, but that it was just strange to see at all if only because none of the previous versions ever had slow-down at any point in the gameplay.
Quote from: Foggle on September 21, 2011, 11:22:14 AM
So it's just the Wii version with support for resolutions higher than 720p and nonsensical slowdown? Classic Crapcom.
No, the Wii version has multiple control options in addition to all of the content from the PS2 version. So its technically even less than the Wii version. :P
I only half read the discussion going on. But the HD version of RE4 has the new content that was added since after it's GC release... at least the content that matters. Also, I'm not sure how drastic it really is, but I've seen screenshots of RE4 HD, and it DOES look better then before.
Resident Evil Code: Veronica, on the other hand, got a REALLY noticeable graphical update in HD.
I finished RE4 and didn't get any slowdown issues at all.
That said, Capcom got REALLY lazy when it comes to the Seperate Ways bonus game (which was added to the PS2 port of the game). They didn't bother upping the cutscenes to HD quality, so they're noticeably blurry when compared to the cutscenes of the main game (and Assignment Ada). I suppose it's worth noting that the cutscenes in the PS2 version of the game were pre-rendered, not in-game like the GameCube and Wii versions were, so the Seperate Ways cutscenes were video files. Still seems pretty lazy if you ask me.
Reading an IGN article on how Angry Birds is apparently bigger than Mario (something that actually may not be them talking out of their asses, but it's still blatant flamebaiting on their part) has got me thinking; how in the hell did that game become so damn popular?
I get that the fact that it's virtually free has to do with it's popularity, but whats with all the multimedia stuff? Plushies? Board games? T-shirts? And even talks of a TV show and movie? C'mon.
A lot of people have i-phones (or any other touch-screen electronics that you can download video game apps on) these days and probably have way too much time on their hands to boot. That's why.
Simplicity. Same kind of appeal Mario has honestly, except Mario's supporting cast has way more personality than anything to come out of Angry Birds.
I'm fucking sick of Angry Birds.
I actually thought that Angry Birds was an interesting game, but it did get old fast. I still have it, as well as the sequel "Seasons", on my phone, but I haven't played either one in months.
The biggest problem I have with Angry Birds is that the creator is an egomaniac and he simply reskinned an indie game and made millions off of it.
The game itself, I have no opinion on either way. (
Oh Activision. .3.
Show of hands, who's genuinely surprised by this?
Quote from: Rynnec on October 13, 2011, 11:36:16 PM (
Oh Activision. .3.
Show of hands, who's genuinely surprised by this?
Seriously, can I just Gameshark that bitch?
So, anyone else thoughts about Catwoman being a playable character in Arkham City if you only buy the game new? Why would you lock off a main character who was advertised as a playable character from the get-go? This isn't playing Batman with the 90's toon look or any of the other pre-order skins. Also I heard that there are a few things that Catwoman is required to do to get a 100% in the game.
It's despicable. Doesn't really affect me since I'm getting the PC version (the stupid delay does, though), but it's pathetic when publishers do that kind of shit.
Another brilliant tactic from WB Interactive.
Its almost as good as EA's little stunt with Battlefield 3 and its requirement of Origin.
This shit ( is so fucking stupid. ( I can't believe there are actually people who care about how a video game based on a comic book portrays women.
Their fucking thugs. Do these morons who write these articles know that not everyone speaks like they do. Thugs and villains repeatedly calling a woman who steals from them a bitch makes complete sense given their general nature, vocabulary, and....the fact that they're fucking villains. I mean what the hell else do these people expect? Do they want bad guys to call her a "respectable female figure who dresses up in skin-tight leather clothing representing the feline species" over and over again, instead? I swear, some people just like to complain about anything. Fucking dumb-asses, the lot of 'em.
Quote from: Foggle on October 19, 2011, 08:53:27 PM
This shit ( is so fucking stupid. ( I can't believe there are actually people who care about how a video game based on a comic book portrays women.
This is the dumbest shit since RE5 was called racist. I didn't know steroided up convict killers were supposed to be respectful.
Quote from: Ensatsu-ken on October 19, 2011, 09:03:03 PM
Their fucking thugs. Do these morons who write these articles know that not everyone speaks like they do. Thugs and villains repeatedly calling a woman who steals from them a bitch makes complete sense given their general nature, vocabulary, and....the fact that they're fucking villains. I mean what the hell else do these people expect? Do they want bad guys to call her a "respectable female figure who dresses up in skin-tight leather clothing representing the feline species" over and over again, instead? I swear, some people just like to complain about anything. Fucking dumb-asses, the lot of 'em.
Alright, this is a really minor thing, but I've noticed it more and more in a lot of games and it just really gets on my nerves. As you all know, I'm not a fan of QTEs, or context-sensitive moments if you prefer to call them that, but I can get by them just fine. However there is a particular type of QTE or even just a way to interact with your environment that really pisses me off when games go about doing things that way, and that's whenever you have to rapidly press the same button repeatedly until you accomplish a certain task by doing so.
For instance, having just played Arkham City, there are moments that kind of annoyed me because they were needlessly frustrating for me because of certain commands like that. In one certain boss-fight, which I won't spoil for anyone, you have to repeatedly tap a certain button at one instant to avoid taking damage, and I won't lie, I'm bad at doing this because quite frankly my thumbs aren't very responsive and it gets tired from doing something like that really fast, so a lot of time I got damaged in that fight and others like it in other games that utilize similar mechanics because I'm just not good at doing....well, that.
I don't even get what the point of it is? Is it supposed to emulate some form of realism? Because it certainly doesn't do that. This may sound like griping on my part and it probably is because its just something that bothers me personally, but that's just because of how I play I guess.
What I really hate is when games do that for things as minor as interacting with an object, though. I mean, when I played the Dante's Inferno demo, why the fuck did I need to repeatedly tap a button just to open a fucking treasure chest, or in the Batman games (again), why do I need to repeatedly tap the "A" button to open up a great to get into a vent? Why can't I just tap one simple button to do that? What purpose does that serve?
For the record, I'm not a great gamer in terms of skill by any stretch, but I'm at least good enough to beat the 3D Ninja Gaiden games on Master Ninja mode and some Halo games on Legendary, so if I may be so bold I will say that I'm no push-over either. To be honest I actually find NG's split-second attack evasion timing to be easier and less frustrating than those rapid button-presses, so take that for what you will.
I know my most hated QTE.
Jumping Jack Flash in Elite Beat Agents. You all know the part I'm talking about.
Ensatsu-ken, I agree with everything you just said. I absolutely cannot stand those types of QTE's. They were bearable in Devil May Cry 3 and 4, but that was because you generally didn't need to be able to pull them off to get by, but they were handy to have if you were able to. But it gets ridiculous in God of War where you have to do those just to finish off freakin' mooks. Heck, even Bayonetta falls into the same trap of using them.
The one time where they really pissed me off was in Naruto Ultimate Ninja Storm 2. Now generally the QTE segments in that game are managable. Except for the "press a single button repeatedly" ones. This is especially the case with a certain part in the Itachi, which is otherwise a great boss battle, where you have to do this so one of Orochimaru's snake beams or whatever can penetrate Itachi's shield. It took me so goddamn long to be able to pull that off. Thus almost ruining what was otherwise an excellent boss battle.
Quote from: Rynnec on November 03, 2011, 07:56:15 PM
Ensatsu-ken, I agree with everything you just said. I absolutely cannot stand those types of QTE's. They were bearable in Devil May Cry 3 and 4, but that was because you generally didn't need to be able to pull them off to get by, but they were handy to have if you were able to. But it gets ridiculous in God of War where you have to do those just to finish off freakin' mooks. Heck, even Bayonetta falls into the same trap of using them.
The funny thing is that I don't recall having to do those in DMC3 or 4, but I might just be forgetting something since its been a while since I played either of those games. Of course the fact that I don't remember that in those games also goes to show that they obviously didn't abuse that feature a lot, so that's definitely a good thing. But yeah, God of War is one of the worst offenders of that type of QTE. Its also one of the few things I don't like about Bayonetta. Kamiya should know better than to resort to that stuff. The only game I don't mind them so much in is RE4 so far, since it seems to be a bit more forgiving in terms of response input and time if you're not that rapid with the button-presses for those types of sequences.
Quote from: Desensitized on November 03, 2011, 07:49:34 PM
I know my most hated QTE.
Jumping Jack Flash in Elite Beat Agents. You all know the part I'm talking about.
Oh... I KNOW THAT PART! I spent almost a month on that part. I remember the day I beat it because it was the same day I got a Nintendo Wii. Why god, why? I couldn't tap that fast. (
*sigh* I hate it when companies pull shit like this.
While I don't have any sympathy for Sony as a company as they've pulled the exact same shit before in other countries (such as with the release of the Ghostbusters game in Australia), I agree that its a despicable practice and while I'm not a big fan of Tales of Vesperia (played about half-way through my brother's copy of the game and then got bored of it), I do feel bad for any PS3 fans of the Tales series who were waiting for that game to release on that console.
Really, all this will do is get Microsoft more hate, as any fans of the series would probably still get the game although would have to pay more or it since they would probably get it imported which would cost considerably extra.
Hey guys, Capcom is letting us buy Cheat Codes now!!!! (
Seriously, what ever happened to the days where I would just hit a few buttons and unlock something, or just beat a part of game to unlock a cool feature?
I was just about to post that video.
I wonder what the guys who ran the Tips & Tricks magazine would say about this?
They want instant gratification all the time, raise their expectations to ridiculous levels for every freaking thing, whine when sequels play like their predecessors and whine when they don't, whine when games are too short despite re-playability being pretty much the only aspect that give these games length since gaming began, whine when things are too hard but refuse to drop the difficulty or learn the game, whine when things are too easy despite them just being good at the game/genre (accept that not every game is catered to your uber-skill), treat games like disposable products then complain that games feel hollow and disposable these days, want to ditch traditional elements for "evolution" all the time then act puzzled when companies close because they aren't making money on said titles, and reward mediocrity for the sake of art style giving Angry Birds and Braid's creators careers that they don't really deserve because gamers are still shallow graphic whores who don't even respect their own hobby yet act is if they are experts in the medium.
For proof, just read any message board centered on videogames and you'll find every single thing I wrote. Be sure to tell them that they're ruining gaming while you're at it. Because they are.
Also, Disney.
Thanks for going on PSN and rereleasing all those crappy PS1 licensed games for us. You know, instead of giving us the stuff we really wanted like all the old NES, Master System, Game Boy, Game Gear, SNES, and Genesis classics that are rotting away with nothing being done to them. Talk about mixed up priorities.
Hey, I love A Bug's Life(although I grew up with the N64 version). Downloaded it for my PSP ages ago, and have played through it a few times.
Quote from: SNES Chalmers on November 09, 2011, 07:47:19 PM
Hey, I love A Bug's Life(although I grew up with the N64 version). Downloaded it for my PSP ages ago, and have played through it a few times.
All I remember is that game had the most drawn out tutorial ever. :P
Echoing what Desensitized said, does anyone else think this has been an absolutely shitty console generation? Between Nintendo whoring out the GameCube 2.0..I mean Wii and then abandoning it, the overall disturbing trend towards microtransactions, and the fact that so many good series and brands have just been left for dead, I'm finding less and less to be happy about these days.
Quote from: GaryPotter on November 09, 2011, 09:23:55 PM
Echoing what Desensitized said, does anyone else think this has been an absolutely shitty console generation? Between Nintendo whoring out the GameCube 2.0..I mean Wii and then abandoning it, the overall disturbing trend towards microtransactions, and the fact that so many good series and brands have just been left for dead, I'm finding less and less to be happy about these days.
Other than the many genre and franchise revivals that were almost dead last gen, I have enjoyed this gen more than the last, but the uprising of highly scripted movie games is stifling all creativity out of the mainstream and the only alternative comes from art hacks like Jonathan Blow or hyper casualized crap like Angry Birds.
This gen, almost as much as last gen, feels like gamers and companies are forgetting where gaming comes from. And now that Sony seems to want to let these problems into handhelds (my last bastion of modern gaming), I may be moving to retro gaming next gen. Even though I'd rather not feel the need to.
I agree with both of you. There have been quite a few gems, but the tastes of the mainstream have significantly declined. It's like the current mainstream will settle for mediocrity over the truly outstanding if its "Realistic" or "Artsy" enough.
You see, it all depends on how you choose to look at it. To me, it feels like you guys are choosing to focus too much on what you don't like. You fully admit that there have been a bunch of great games this gen (even if most of them are probably niche or barely mainstream based on what you might like), but also focus on stuff that you don't like. For me I like to judge a gen based on how much enjoyment I got out of it, and I usually tend to forget about the bad or boring experiences that I had because they are....well, forgettable. To me, as someone who only owned an XBOX360 and got to play only what my friend would get for other consoles of this gen, I enjoyed quite a bit of a titles, and there are several that I missed out on which I'm sure that I would have liked. However, even based on my limited selection of games to play this gen, I did find a substantial amount of entertaining titles. To me, this gen was OK, much like how last gen was also OK. Its not great by any stretch, but I was still entertained by plenty of games and at the end of the day that's all that really matters to me.
If it wasn't for the Wii and XBLA, I'd probably be a handheld only gamer right now. But thankfully while a lot is wrong with this gen, there is still some good stuff to hang on to for the time being.
Maybe I'm just imagining things but there were a good number of retail games from this gen that I recall you saying that you liked. Were there not enough of those or do those just not count anymore?
As for me, I'd love to get into handheld games but usually I never get around to picking up a handheld system. One of these days I'll pick up a DS, though.
There were a few, but not a whole lot I can hold on to for replay value. Like I said, it's a decent gen, but I'm mainly enjoying Wii games, XBLA/PSN games, and handheld experiences more than the HD retail games.
Quote from: Desensitized on November 09, 2011, 01:53:12 PM
They want instant gratification all the time, raise their expectations to ridiculous levels for every freaking thing, whine when sequels play like their predecessors and whine when they don't, whine when games are too short despite re-playability being pretty much the only aspect that give these games length since gaming began, whine when things are too hard but refuse to drop the difficulty or learn the game, whine when things are too easy despite them just being good at the game/genre (accept that not every game is catered to your uber-skill), treat games like disposable products then complain that games feel hollow and disposable these days, want to ditch traditional elements for "evolution" all the time then act puzzled when companies close because they aren't making money on said titles, and reward mediocrity for the sake of art style giving Angry Birds and Braid's creators careers that they don't really deserve because gamers are still shallow graphic whores who don't even respect their own hobby yet act is if they are experts in the medium.
For proof, just read any message board centered on videogames and you'll find every single thing I wrote. Be sure to tell them that they're ruining gaming while you're at it. Because they are.
I hate short games. Well short 3Ds ones. Games that are barely 10 hours are rarely fulfilling enough. This short game movement shit has got to stop.
Quote from: gunswordfist on November 14, 2011, 12:21:57 PM
Quote from: Desensitized on November 09, 2011, 01:53:12 PM
They want instant gratification all the time, raise their expectations to ridiculous levels for every freaking thing, whine when sequels play like their predecessors and whine when they don't, whine when games are too short despite re-playability being pretty much the only aspect that give these games length since gaming began, whine when things are too hard but refuse to drop the difficulty or learn the game, whine when things are too easy despite them just being good at the game/genre (accept that not every game is catered to your uber-skill), treat games like disposable products then complain that games feel hollow and disposable these days, want to ditch traditional elements for "evolution" all the time then act puzzled when companies close because they aren't making money on said titles, and reward mediocrity for the sake of art style giving Angry Birds and Braid's creators careers that they don't really deserve because gamers are still shallow graphic whores who don't even respect their own hobby yet act is if they are experts in the medium.
For proof, just read any message board centered on videogames and you'll find every single thing I wrote. Be sure to tell them that they're ruining gaming while you're at it. Because they are.
I hate short games. Well short 3Ds ones. Games that are barely 10 hours are rarely fulfilling enough. This short game movement shit has got to stop.
According to GT the new Need For Speed is 2 hours long. They gave it an 8.4, too.
THAT'S short.
To me, its all about replay value. For example, you could beat a game like Mega Man X or any classic 2D Sonic game within an hour if you wanted to, but both games are riddled with a mixture of alternate paths and secrets and a bunch of stuff that you can collect that really makes treading through them again so worthwhile. I could play each game a dozen times over and not get board of them.
Conversely, if I were to compare it to a suitably long game like Fallout 3, while just making it through that game once definitely takes a long time, I could barely play it for more than an hour before getting bored of it. So, to me its quality over quantity.
Quote from: Desensitized on November 14, 2011, 02:46:11 PM
Quote from: gunswordfist on November 14, 2011, 12:21:57 PM
Quote from: Desensitized on November 09, 2011, 01:53:12 PM
They want instant gratification all the time, raise their expectations to ridiculous levels for every freaking thing, whine when sequels play like their predecessors and whine when they don't, whine when games are too short despite re-playability being pretty much the only aspect that give these games length since gaming began, whine when things are too hard but refuse to drop the difficulty or learn the game, whine when things are too easy despite them just being good at the game/genre (accept that not every game is catered to your uber-skill), treat games like disposable products then complain that games feel hollow and disposable these days, want to ditch traditional elements for "evolution" all the time then act puzzled when companies close because they aren't making money on said titles, and reward mediocrity for the sake of art style giving Angry Birds and Braid's creators careers that they don't really deserve because gamers are still shallow graphic whores who don't even respect their own hobby yet act is if they are experts in the medium.
For proof, just read any message board centered on videogames and you'll find every single thing I wrote. Be sure to tell them that they're ruining gaming while you're at it. Because they are.
I hate short games. Well short 3Ds ones. Games that are barely 10 hours are rarely fulfilling enough. This short game movement shit has got to stop.
According to GT the new Need For Speed is 2 hours long. They gave it an 8.4, too.
THAT'S short.
THAT'S retarded.
Quote from: Ensatsu-ken on November 14, 2011, 02:55:58 PM
To me, its all about replay value. For example, you could beat a game like Mega Man X or any classic 2D Sonic game within an hour if you wanted to, but both games are riddled with a mixture of alternate paths and secrets and a bunch of stuff that you can collect that really makes treading through them again so worthwhile. I could play each game a dozen times over and not get board of them.
Conversely, if I were to compare it to a suitably long game like Fallout 3, while just making it through that game once definitely takes a long time, I could barely play it for more than an hour before getting bored of it. So, to me its quality over quantity.
Didn't I just say 3D games and not 2D? :wth:
Anyway, rarely do games make me want to replay them right afterwards. That's why I prefer long experiences. I like to move on to other games and then if the game was good enough and wasn't too short, I'd go back to playing it.
Quote from: GaryPotter on November 09, 2011, 09:23:55 PMthe overall disturbing trend towards microtransactions
This one, this one right here.
Not only does it limit your options if you don't have an internet connection handy (or more recently depending on what retailer you buy from), but its given companies the perfect excuse to gut their games of bonus content, lock away certain features, and they basically strip you of your rights as a consumer while trying to play the victim card.
The saddest part is when certain people try to defend this shift by blaming pirates and people who sell/trade their games. Congratulations on buying into corporate propaganda.
Quote from: Rosalinas Spare Wand on November 15, 2011, 11:25:55 AM
Quote from: GaryPotter on November 09, 2011, 09:23:55 PMthe overall disturbing trend towards microtransactions
This one, this one right here.
Not only does it limit your options if you don't have an internet connection handy (or more recently depending on what retailer you buy from), but its given companies the perfect excuse to gut their games of bonus content, lock away certain features, and they basically strip you of your rights as a consumer while trying to play the victim card.
The saddest part is when certain people try to defend this shift by blaming pirates and people who sell/trade their games. Congratulations on buying into corporate propaganda.
Yeah, the most annoying aspect is that most of that content used to be IN the game and now they make us pay extra for them. Like $60 isn't enough for a game, now we have to get nickel and dimed for content just a few years ago used to be free. And the whole "well pirates steal the game so they have to make money back somehow" is just plain wrong. For one, I doubt there's a pirate out there that had any intention of buying the game in the first place meaning there's no lost sale and secondly game pirating isn't anything new so why is it only NOW a problem?
Maybe if they didn't spend millions of dollars and use hundreds of people to make a glorified movie that lasts six hours with no replay value (or worth) they wouldn't being hemorrhaging money and going out of business. But no, punish the people who support you. That'll get you far.
Quote from: Desensitized on November 15, 2011, 12:20:24 PM
Quote from: Rosalinas Spare Wand on November 15, 2011, 11:25:55 AM
Quote from: GaryPotter on November 09, 2011, 09:23:55 PMthe overall disturbing trend towards microtransactions
This one, this one right here.
Not only does it limit your options if you don't have an internet connection handy (or more recently depending on what retailer you buy from), but its given companies the perfect excuse to gut their games of bonus content, lock away certain features, and they basically strip you of your rights as a consumer while trying to play the victim card.
The saddest part is when certain people try to defend this shift by blaming pirates and people who sell/trade their games. Congratulations on buying into corporate propaganda.
Yeah, the most annoying aspect is that most of that content used to be IN the game and now they make us pay extra for them. Like $60 isn't enough for a game, now we have to get nickel and dimed for content just a few years ago used to be free. And the whole "well pirates steal the game so they have to make money back somehow" is just plain wrong. For one, I doubt there's a pirate out there that had any intention of buying the game in the first place meaning there's no lost sale and secondly game pirating isn't anything new so why is it only NOW a problem?
Maybe if they didn't spend millions of dollars and use hundreds of people to make a glorified movie that lasts six hours with no replay value (or worth) they wouldn't being hemorrhaging money and going out of business. But no, punish the people who support you. That'll get you far.
I actually visit a message board that has these people that do try to justify things like DLC cheat codes, project $10 and sometimes buying used. I can understand piracy bits, but it's not this is a problem that will go away over night and I do agree that people that pirate really have no intention to buy it, that's why they pirated it in the first place. I do have a personal stance on piracy and that I only pirate games I can't get over here in America, mostly Mother 1 and 3.
Speaking of which, I saw that Saints Row The Third has DLC Cheat Codes as well. FUCKING A!
I don't do DLC out of principle, and because I find the whole idea incredibly asinine. Literally the only piece of DLC I've ever gotten was Battlehorn Castle for Oblivion, and that was during a brief promotion when it was free.
Also, why do people play Saints Row? It's a poor man's GTA. I got the first game as a gift and it bore me to tears.
Quote from: GaryPotter on November 16, 2011, 12:26:20 AM
I don't do DLC out of principle, and because I find the whole idea incredibly asinine. Literally the only piece of DLC I've ever gotten was Battlehorn Castle for Oblivion, and that was during a brief promotion when it was free.
Also, why do people play Saints Row? It's a poor man's GTA. I got the first game as a gift and it bore me to tears.
Nice knowing you. Foggle is about to rip you to pieces. ;D
Quote from: Daxdiv on November 16, 2011, 12:00:44 AM
Speaking of which, I saw that Saints Row The Third has DLC Cheat Codes as well. FUCKING A!
You can actually unlock all of those cheats as power-ups by completing challenges in the game, making the DLC a waste of money and only useful for people who don't care to play through the story or activities properly (and they probably wouldn't buy the game in the first place, at least, not for full price). Plus, using the unlockable versions of the cheats actually lets you get achievements and there are still like 30+ cheat codes in the vanilla game that aren't DLC; fun ones like zombie pedestrians and shit.
Quote from: GaryPotter on November 16, 2011, 12:26:20 AM
Also, why do people play Saints Row? It's a poor man's GTA. I got the first game as a gift and it bore me to tears.
That's the first one, which basically filled in for GTA until a next-gen version (4) came out. The sequels are much better/very different. Saints Row 2 continued the legacy of San Andreas by focusing solely on ridiculous fun and 3 forged its own path by switching the focus of the storyline and turning everything up to 11. The Third is by far my favorite sandbox game ever.
Also, I don't really want to go here because I love the game, but many Vice City and San Andreas fans think that GTA 4 is a poor man's GTA, not Saints Row 2/3.
I played Saints Row 2 at an exhibition event here a couple years ago. It was pretty fun, but it felt really unpolished too. Did The Third fix the really crappy driving mechanics?
Quote from: Rosalinas Spare Wand on November 16, 2011, 12:31:10 PM
I played Saints Row 2 at an exhibition event here a couple years ago. It was pretty fun, but it felt really unpolished too. Did The Third fix the really crappy driving mechanics?
The Third has A LOT more polish on everything. The driving actually feels good now (completely unrealistic, though; which is awesome), unlike Saints Row 2's toy cars being moved by a young child.
So looking around for fan opinions on Mario Kart 7 since it looks pretty awesome and what do I see? Discussion on the cool community features, track selections, customization, and gameplay changing gimmicks?
No. I see people whining that Waluigi isn't in the game.
Like I said before; "Gamers."
Quote from: Desensitized on November 16, 2011, 04:53:43 PM
So looking around for fan opinions on Mario Kart 7 since it looks pretty awesome and what do I see? Discussion on the cool community features, track selections, customization, and gameplay changing gimmicks?
No. I see people whining that Waluigi isn't in the game.
Like I said before; "Gamers."
Looks good, though I'm not sure if I'm getting it. But Waluigi's not in the game?
... I'm not gonna whine, but that IS stupid.
Not really, he's a completely disposable character who doesn't really do anything. As long as they have the original roster, I don't really care who else makes it.
But to ignore all the additional features and great things this game does for one character in a game where characters don't even matter that much is silly. It's like complaining about a certain character not being in Mario Party, it doesn't even really matter since everyone basically plays the same.
Quote from: Desensitized on November 16, 2011, 06:16:33 PM
Not really, he's a completely disposable character who doesn't really do anything. As long as they have the original roster, I don't really care who else makes it.
But to ignore all the additional features and great things this game does for one character in a game where characters don't even matter that much is silly. It's like complaining about a certain character not being in Mario Party, it doesn't even really matter since everyone basically plays the same.
But Waluigi ALWAYS gets the short end of the stick. :cry:
Yeah, it is pretty stupid that Waluigi was apparently left out.
TBH, it'd be pretty hypocritical for me to say how pathetic those people are being, 'cause I'd sure as hell would do the same thing if Yoshi were left out of the game instead.
I echo Desen's thoughts, who the fuck cares about Waluigi? What has he done that warrants the fandom that he has? I figured he was just a throwaway character, and I haven't seen any work that actually makes any decent use of him. He just exists to exist, it would seem.
Quote from: SNES Chalmers on November 16, 2011, 08:48:23 PM
I echo Desen's thoughts, who the fuck cares about Waluigi? What has he done that warrants the fandom that he has? I figured he was just a throwaway character, and I haven't seen any work that actually makes any decent use of him. He just exists to exist, it would seem.
Most people want something to really be done with him. Clearly, he's nothing. But I wanna see him in some platforming alongside Wario.
Or maybe a 2D Mario game with Mario, Luigi, Wario, and Waluigi.
They finally dropped Waluigi from a spin-off?
Meh. The game lets you play as 3 grunt characters so they still fulfilled the useless filler character quota. I'll be busy maing the sit outta Metal Mario and delicious Rosalina.
The first time they added Waluigi to a spin off (Mario Tennis) I never cared for him. He was only added to fill a spot. I could understand someone whining about Daisy (lack of female characters), one of the originals (tradition), or characters that have actually done things (Wario or Rosalina), but characters like Waluigi, Petey, King Boo, Funky, or Birdo are really just there to fill slots.
Besides, why would you play as Waluigi when you could be actual Luigi? It's not like Wario who has multiple series to his name (and was absolutely huge when he first came out in SML2, I might add) and is entirely different to Mario. Until he shows up in a mainline game, he's disposable.
I would say /v/ in general, but /v/ stopped being about video games so long ago.
The only games they seem to discuss nowadays are the competitive ones that get livestreams of tournaments, the latest Free to Play MMO, internet darlings like Team Fortress 2, DotA 2 and Minecraft, and the flavor of the month that they quickly proclaim is shit anyway.
Plus they've got some nostalgia goggles on stronger than their top of the line PCs.
Don't forget Bioware bashing. I don't think there's a day that goes by and I don't see a thread bashing Bioware over there. They especially bash someone called "Hamburger Hepler" who once said that she wished that video games had a function that can skip game play and just focus on the story.
Oh man, totally forgot about her. I don't know if that image of her interview is totally legit, but it sounds like some of the Bioware drones on their boards were in support of such a feature. But then you have to wonder why bother playing a video game if you're only in it for the story?
The webcomic "Brawl in the Family" has made me grow to love Waluigi. I love him because he's horrible. :blush:
So the Saints Row community is in an uproar right now because the new game's story mode is "too short..." which makes absolutely no sense because it's like an hour shorter than the previous game, and this one doesn't force you to grind Respect or capture Strongholds.
Also, apparently this one is worse than the first two because you can't drink beer or have layered clothing. I shit you not.
Quote from: Foggle on November 20, 2011, 06:05:52 PM
So the Saints Row community is in an uproar right now because the new game's story mode is "too short..." which makes absolutely no sense because it's like an hour shorter than the previous game, and this one doesn't force you to grind Respect or capture Strongholds.
Also, apparently this one is worse than the first two because you can't drink beer or have layered clothing. I shit you not.
Legitimate complaint. :thinkin: (
Jesus Christ. Can this company get any lousier?
So....Mega Man Legends 3, a game that SO many people said they wanted and would have thrown money at Capcom for got canceled....but Sour Patch Kids the game gets greenlit....Is it wrong that I find this more hilarious than maddening? I mean, I knew Capcom was crazy, but this is just so ridiculous that I burst out laughing the moment I read it. Even by their modern standards this is so incredibly stupid that its just so fucking funny. I'm almost convinced that they are actively trying to piss people off with every chance that they get.
If it wasn't such an overt bitch-slap to the face on their part, I'd probably find it more humorous than I do.
...but man, this is just sad. With every last breath, this company manages to only further disavow their legacy. Stuff like this is just so damn insulting, I struggle to find the proper words to convey my emotions on the matter. It's like they're just out to fuck with people anymore.
All I can do is shake my head. My, how the mighty have fallen.
Quote from: Rynnec on November 30, 2011, 10:45:13 PM (
Jesus Christ. Can this company get any lousier?
"Sour Patch is the #1 all sour candy brand in the U.S. but there is so much more to these iconic characters than just their sour exteriors and sweet interiors," says Sebastian Genesio, marketing director for Sour Patch. "Bringing our 'lost kids' to life in video game form will add a new dimension to these lovable snacks. We feel this video game will resonate strongly with our core audience of teens and young adults."
:D (
...Yyyyeeeaah, I got nothin'.
Why couldn't they spend the money on that music video to localize The Last Story?
Gotta love how people throw around the word "sexist". (
No wonder we barely have any female MC's in gaming. People would see tits and automatically go "OMG! SEXIST!". (
Fucking Malstrom.
I hate the modern trend of games to try and put more focus on story and gameplay. I'm sorry, but whether its a good story or not, it hardly matters in a video game if the gameplay isn't the primary thing that keeps you playing. I'm not saying focusing on story is bad, but it should never take precedence over gameplay under any circumstances (and for the record, I don't consider stuff like Heavy Rain to be video games; as far as I'm concerned, that's an interactive movie, which is fine, but its not a real game). And, I'm sorry to say it, but despite the effort some developers try to put into their stories, 99% of most video game stories are crap. The fact that so many critics praised Gears of War 3's story as if it were any good is so pathetic that its hilarious. Have any of these people seen a single film in their lives? Do they know what separates decent writing from completely idiotic tripe? I'm also saying this as someone who relatively enjoys Gears of War games for their single-player campaign modes.
Now, if I were to give the most recent and also consequently the worst example (to me) of developers offending the hell out of this thread, I'd say Ninja Gaiden 3 is taking this principle to the extreme. First off, from what I've seen of the story so far, it looks hilariously bad. To be fair, NG games have always had hilariously bad stories, so its not like this is anything new (though it does now make Ryu into a total wimp in my eyes), but Hayashi is pretending like the story is some deep and provocative thing that should be a selling point of the game. Its really just utter garbage, but whatever, as I said I care little to nothing about the story. What I do care about, and what pisses me off, is that he's using story as an excuse to limit the gameplay and content as much as possible.
Previous NG games have all had multiple weapons, and ones that aren't just carbon-copies of other weapons but with different skins (NG2, for example, had 8 completely unique and distinct weapons that had completely different move-sets and strategic uses from one another). In Ninja Gaiden 3 he wants the story to relate to swords, so the only weapon we'll get in the game is a sword. Essentially he has just used story as an excuse to remove all weapon variety from the game (that's going from 8 weapons in NG2 to just 1 in NG3). He also wants to make the game play half as long as the other games by making the story-mode 8 hours long (whereas previous games were each about 15+ hours long), and once again his excuse is because it relates to how the story is told and making the game go on longer would stretch out the story or some BS like that. So, once again, we've made a drop from having a 15 hour story-mode in NG2 to an 8-hour one in NG3. On top of that, he's also taken the liberty of removing shops, healing items, weapon upgrades, ALL of the Ninpo magic attacks except for one (and that can't even be upgraded, either), treasure chests, and even alternate costumes (which I'm willing to bet he'll just release as DLC later, anyways). And, one again, he says all of this "had to be removed because those elements wouldn't fit in with the story that he was trying to tell). What an utter load of shit. I hope this game bombs on release and that he gets criticized for being one of the worst lead developers in history for single-handedly destroying a once respectable video game series.
And that, my friends, is merely just ONE example of how much shit like focusing more on story than gameplay pisses me off. There are of course plenty of other offenders out there, but this one hit me the hardest given how big of a fan of the NG series that I am. I just hate how this trend has finally affected the quality of the less popular and more niche titles that I like to play.
For the record, when a story is good and the gameplay is also great to boot, I think that makes for a great combination, but very few games can pull it off. But, as an example, I found BioShock to have relatively good gameplay and a pretty suitably long campaign mode, with a terrific story to boot. The main thing to keep in mind here, though, is that it didn't use story to skimp out on the gameplay (on the contrary, it cleverly used its story to add in even more interesting gameplay elements). If developers want to focus more on story in their video games, that's fine, but they should take more examples from games like BioShock and do so without forgetting the fact that they are making a video game and that no matter what they do, they shouldn't be cutting any corners on the gameplay.
My thoughts on the VGAs (from our Twitter):
The VGAs are quite possibly the worst thing to ever happen to video games. Ever.
I actually wanted to commit suicide while watching it.
I don't even take offense to the awards portion of it. That was fine. It was the other stuff. Which was 90% of the show.
Next time I see someone make an arrow to the knee joke, I'm going to cut their fucking throat. Oh, and Deadmau5 is shit.
I hope Felicia Day dies. As well as that dude from Chuck. Unless he didn't write his "material." Then I hope the writer dies... he can stay.
The teabagging part made me want to vomit. I literally almost threw up on my monitor. That hasn't happened since the 1st time I saw SWAP.avi
Oh, and that Call of Duty Soldiers Foundation or whatever the fuck video... Totally cheesy and tasteless. Someone needs to die for that.
Revengeance looked cool, though.
The MGS spin-off game, Revengeance, looks insanely over-the-top in all of the best ways, and seems like a really fun hack n' slash game. It also seems a HELL of a lot better than Ninja Gaiden 3, which kind of saddens me but at the same time its nice to know that I'll at least have an actual good hack n' slash game to look forward to once again.
Crapcom desecrates another classic. (
Oh yeah, I heard about this. I'm reluctant to get Sonic CD on my iPhone, due to controls, but there's no way I would play any Mega Man game on my phone.
YEah, I think I'll stick with my copy of X Collection. If I want a portable MMX, I'll just save up money for a PSP and track down a copy of MHX or something. That video was embarrasing to watch.
Quote11:04 AM on 05.27.2008
I wouldn't get too worked up over this.
Then again, Eidos properties and The 3rd Birthday aside,
have they released anything aside from FF, DQ, and KH sequels since then?
Damn, I didn't notice the date. I just heard this on Tsukento's twitter.
Go ahead and delete this thread.
It's still a legitimate topic, though. This does seem to be the direction they're going in...
I'll just merge this thread with Things That Bother You About Gaming instead of deleting it. ;)
Dumb-asses like this ( being in-charge of development teams is the current thing bothering me about games right now.
I mainly just want to point out this particular line of his, right here:
"Ninja Gaiden was all about the gameplay and the feel of the action. And Ninja Gaiden just nailed that; the gameplay just felt good. But if that's all you have, players will get tired of it."
To put it simply, he's basically just saying that....people get tired of great games should focus less on gameplay to be better and somehow people won't get tired of that? What the fuck kind of sense does that make?
More importantly, why the fuck is this guy in-charge of developing a Ninja Gaiden game, or any games for that matter? Who would be stupid enough to let this guy lead a development team?
Holy what the fuck. (
Quote from: EA CEO John RiccitielloFrankly, I gave a compliment to one of our competitors. It's got a subscription on the back end of an FPS title. I think that's a best-in-class performance.
Subscriptions are going to kill multiplayer and mainstream appeal.
Two things these companies really should not be doing.
Since I care little to nothing about multiplayer this doesn't affect me yet, but damned be the day when they find a way to apply this to single-player as well. Trust me, this will happen eventually, and if that ever manages to become a prominent thing, I swear that I'll quit gaming by that point (at least modern gaming, anyways, as retro games will always be there for me).
Quote from: Ensatsu-ken on February 03, 2012, 12:51:34 PM
Since I care little to nothing about multiplayer this doesn't affect me yet, but damned be the day when they find a way to apply this to single-player as well. Trust me, this will happen eventually
It already
is. Online Passes for console games and mandatory internet connection DRM schemes for PC games are only the beginning.
Yeah, just wait for "epilogue" DLC. At the rate these companies are going, I wouldn't doubt it.
Quote from: Foggle on February 03, 2012, 12:58:45 PM
Quote from: Ensatsu-ken on February 03, 2012, 12:51:34 PM
Since I care little to nothing about multiplayer this doesn't affect me yet, but damned be the day when they find a way to apply this to single-player as well. Trust me, this will happen eventually
It already is. Online Passes for console games and mandatory internet connection DRM schemes for PC games are only the beginning.
Another reason to hate Ubisoft.
I don't know what's wose, the Companies that enforce shit like this, or the customers who try to justify said companies.
When will gaming companies realize taht thier audience isn't exactly made out of money?
They'll realize it after they run the whole gaming industry into the ground. Seriously, if they keep pulling shit like this, eventually gaming will become so unreasonably expensive that only the rich can afford it, and thus gaming companies will lose at least 90% of their customers and we'll have the next big video game crash since 1983, and the sad thing is that it might not be that far off if things really do continue this way. I can tell you right now that its almost impossible for me to afford a new game and all of its DLC add-ons if I want the full content, and even without DLC I still have to resort to buying most games used when they are down to $20 or less. To be honest, I think I'll be best off saving up for a decent gaming PC rather than buying any of the next-gen consoles when they come out. Steam seems to be convenient and affordable in comparison, and these days almost all multiplatform games come to the PC (which is usually the best version) anyways, so really at this point that looks like its the best investment for me.
Quote from: Rynnec on February 03, 2012, 01:41:28 PM
I don't know what's wose, the Companies that enforce shit like this, or the customers who try to justify said companies.
When will gaming companies realize taht thier audience isn't exactly made out of money?
I say customers that try to justify being ridden like that is more sickening. This thread is the prime example of sheepish people that like having companies put their cock into their asses. ( Go ahead and find the guy who I've been quoting frequently in Fan Attack. Everytime he justifies how used games are worse than piracy, take a drink.
Fucking pathetic.
Quote from: Daxdiv on February 03, 2012, 03:38:12 PM
This thread is the prime example of sheepish people that like having companies put their cock into their asses. (
Think about this; would you pay $60 to see a 3 hour movie you would never re-watch?
Heck, people aren't even paying $10 at the cinema anymore.
Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on February 03, 2012, 04:02:51 PM
Think about this; would you pay $60 to see a 3 hour movie you would never re-watch?
Heck, people aren't even paying $10 at the cinema anymore.
This is why I have no problem with used games existing. If I have a game I know I'll never go back to due to various factors, like it sucks, I got all the enjoyment out of it, it bored me after a while, I need space for more games etc. I'll just sell it on eBay and see if I can make some money on it.
Quote from: Daxdiv on February 03, 2012, 04:05:35 PM
Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on February 03, 2012, 04:02:51 PM
Think about this; would you pay $60 to see a 3 hour movie you would never re-watch?
Heck, people aren't even paying $10 at the cinema anymore.
This is why I have no problem with used games existing. If I have a game I know I'll never go back to due to various factors, like it sucks, I got all the enjoyment out of it, it bored me after a while, I need space for more games etc. I'll just sell it on eBay and see if I can make some money on it.
Yeah, games have no real value. I bought Fallout 3 for $20 and when I exchanged it (because I had no intention of touching it ever again) I got like a couple of bucks. Now imagine those who bought it for $60 when it came out. Why not wait?
In comparison finding a Nintendo game this generation for cheap is considerably harder and more people own Wiis than the HD systems.
This gen is so weird.
"I think we kind of found ourselves seduced by the language of film ...and we started to put the expectations of films on games ... we lost a lot of the fundamentals of what makes video games special." - David Jaffe creator of Twisted Metal
If only more people got that. But I'm sure his opinion will be overlooked.
Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on February 09, 2012, 05:08:51 PM
"I think we kind of found ourselves seduced by the language of film ...and we started to put the expectations of films on games ... we lost a lot of the fundamentals of what makes video games special." - David Jaffe creator of Twisted Metal
If only more people got that. But I'm sure his opinion will be overlooked.
I remember when he said games should be short like blockbuster movies.
Quote from: gunswordfist on February 09, 2012, 05:27:59 PM
Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on February 09, 2012, 05:08:51 PM
"I think we kind of found ourselves seduced by the language of film ...and we started to put the expectations of films on games ... we lost a lot of the fundamentals of what makes video games special." - David Jaffe creator of Twisted Metal
If only more people got that. But I'm sure his opinion will be overlooked.
I remember when he said games should be short like blockbuster movies.
He probably did- until they completely overtook most single player games.
There's nothing wrong with a video game taking inspiration from films. Tons of games have done that, including many retro games, and its nice to see that incorporated into the themes and personalities of various games. That said, what I don't like is when a video game tries to actively BE A MOVIE. That's where I draw the line. I want to play a game to play a game. If I notice that a level was inspired by some famous setting or scene in a movie that I like, that's pretty cool, but if I notice that the game is actually trying to emulate the movie by taking control away from you as a player and actually just playing out like a movie instead, I put down my controller and turn it off. What ticks me off is that so many people these days praise games for being more cinematic and giving the player less control in order to allow for more scripted set-piece events. All I can say is that if the developers are going to do stuff like that, then why not go all the way and just make it a full-fledged CG movie. At least that spares the players from having to play through an 8-hour QTE-fest with the occasional shooting section strewn in-between.
Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on February 03, 2012, 04:13:45 PM
Quote from: Daxdiv on February 03, 2012, 04:05:35 PM
Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on February 03, 2012, 04:02:51 PM
Think about this; would you pay $60 to see a 3 hour movie you would never re-watch?
Heck, people aren't even paying $10 at the cinema anymore.
This is why I have no problem with used games existing. If I have a game I know I'll never go back to due to various factors, like it sucks, I got all the enjoyment out of it, it bored me after a while, I need space for more games etc. I'll just sell it on eBay and see if I can make some money on it.
Yeah, games have no real value. I bought Fallout 3 for $20 and when I exchanged it (because I had no intention of touching it ever again) I got like a couple of bucks. Now imagine those who bought it for $60 when it came out. Why not wait?
In comparison finding a Nintendo game this generation for cheap is considerably harder and more people own Wiis than the HD systems.
This gen is so weird.
Yup, Nintendo games are about the only thing I buy full priced now, just because most of them never dip in price. They finally put out a Player's Choice line again but its literally a year away from a new system, I doubt anyone would've wanted to wait this long.
That's why I'm grateful for Craigslist, CheapAssGamer, and Kmart since they have all their games at bargain bin prices. Not to mention Kmart seems to have a fetish for stocking obscure/limited run games, so I can always count on them to have a random NIS/Atlus release if I ever feel the urge to buy one.
Quote from: Ensatsu-ken on February 09, 2012, 06:09:31 PM
There's nothing wrong with a video game taking inspiration from films. Tons of games have done that, including many retro games, and its nice to see that incorporated into the themes and personalities of various games. That said, what I don't like is when a video game tries to actively BE A MOVIE. That's where I draw the line. I want to play a game to play a game. If I notice that a level was inspired by some famous setting or scene in a movie that I like, that's pretty cool, but if I notice that the game is actually trying to emulate the movie by taking control away from you as a player and actually just playing out like a movie instead, I put down my controller and turn it off. What ticks me off is that so many people these days praise games for being more cinematic and giving the player less control in order to allow for more scripted set-piece events. All I can say is that if the developers are going to do stuff like that, then why not go all the way and just make it a full-fledged CG movie. At least that spares the players from having to play through an 8-hour QTE-fest with the occasional shooting section strewn in-between.
Amen. QTEs is one of the two things I hate to experience the most in games.
Press X to Jason.
What in the world?
Quote from: Ensatsu-ken on February 09, 2012, 06:09:31 PM
There's nothing wrong with a video game taking inspiration from films. Tons of games have done that, including many retro games, and its nice to see that incorporated into the themes and personalities of various games. That said, what I don't like is when a video game tries to actively BE A MOVIE. That's where I draw the line. I want to play a game to play a game. If I notice that a level was inspired by some famous setting or scene in a movie that I like, that's pretty cool, but if I notice that the game is actually trying to emulate the movie by taking control away from you as a player and actually just playing out like a movie instead, I put down my controller and turn it off. What ticks me off is that so many people these days praise games for being more cinematic and giving the player less control in order to allow for more scripted set-piece events. All I can say is that if the developers are going to do stuff like that, then why not go all the way and just make it a full-fledged CG movie. At least that spares the players from having to play through an 8-hour QTE-fest with the occasional shooting section strewn in-between.
100% agreed. I see it like this: Yakuza does it right, LA Noire towed the line, and Heavy Rain completely missed the point.
Quote from: gunswordfist on February 09, 2012, 06:22:45 PM
Amen. QTEs is one of the two things I hate to experience the most in games.
I don't mind QTEs if they aren't extremely prominent and result in something interesting. Like the badass knife fight in RE 4.
Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on February 09, 2012, 06:24:02 PM
Press X to Jason.
What in the world?
Fuck that shit. At least Indigo Prophecy
tried to be a video game.
So if anyone has been keeping up with their Sony news, the Last Guardian is currently in limbo, Ueda has left Sony, and it looks like the game might not even release this gen. Other than Naughty Dog, Sony's studios haven't been doing all that hot this gen sales or profit-wise, anyway.
I really hope Overstrike is successful, for Insomniac's sake.
Overstrike is multiplatform, isn't it? They aren't owned by Sony, they've just exclusively made games for them up until now. Their PS3 game sales are probably the catalyst for going multiplat, though I'd argue that the bad sales are actually because Resistance is boring and the new Ratchet games pale in comparison to the older ones (though Crack In Time was quite nice overall).
I think the Ratchet games have stopped selling well, so that might be another reason. That probably has something to do with them being the only exclusive platformers on the system.
Honestly, I wish they would stop with the gunplay and just make a straight on platformer. They're getting a bit too close to just being another shooting company, despite how much potential Overstrike has, it could easily still be overlooked like the last two Resistance games were. Even if it looks better than those, shooters are kind of overstuffed right now.
Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on February 10, 2012, 04:27:15 PM
Honestly, I wish they would stop with the gunplay and just make a straight on platformer.
That's what All 4 One is. It sucks balls and is by far the worst entry in the series... though that's mainly because it's a completely different style of platformer from the previous games and is focused on co-op.
The problem with the newer Ratchet games is that they don't understand what made Going Commando and Up Your Arsenal the masterpieces that they were and have reverted to the design of the first game instead. Whereas the first game's progression was platforming->shooting->platforming->shooting, GC and UYA featured (outside of the arenas) both elements simultaneously, and perhaps the tightest controls to ever grace a 3D platformer. The PS3 controls were ruined when Sony decided to put the absolute flimsiest triggers of all time on the DualShock 3 instead of proper L2 and R2 buttons, and the actual game design was dumbed-down because Insomniac apparently forgot how to make a platformer/shooter and went back to the progression style of the original game. This is most clearly evident in Quest For Booty, in which the first half of the game features no shooting whatsoever and the second half of the game features no platforming whatsoever.
Don't get me wrong, I still enjoy Ratchet 1, Deadlocked, Tools of Destruction, and A Crack In Time, but they will never match the greatness of Going Commando and Up Your Arsenal, which are my favorite 3D platformers of all time.
Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on February 10, 2012, 03:59:25 PM
So if anyone has been keeping up with their Sony news, the Last Guardian is currently in limbo, Ueda has left Sony, and it looks like the game might not even release this gen. Other than Naughty Dog, Sony's studios haven't been doing all that hot this gen sales or profit-wise, anyway.
I really hope Overstrike is successful, for Insomniac's sake.
I thought Ueda was still overseeing the project even though he's leaving? Either way, I still have faith in PS3's first party.
Quote from: Foggle on February 10, 2012, 04:41:07 PM
Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on February 10, 2012, 04:27:15 PM
Honestly, I wish they would stop with the gunplay and just make a straight on platformer.
That's what All 4 One is. It sucks balls and is by far the worst entry in the series... though that's mainly because it's a completely different style of platformer from the previous games and is focused on co-op.
The problem with the newer Ratchet games is that they don't understand what made Going Commando and Up Your Arsenal the masterpieces that they were and have reverted to the design of the first game instead. Whereas the first game's progression was platforming->shooting->platforming->shooting, GC and UYA featured (outside of the arenas) both elements simultaneously, and perhaps the tightest controls to ever grace a 3D platformer. The PS3 controls were ruined when Sony decided to put the absolute flimsiest triggers of all time on the DualShock 3 instead of proper L2 and R2 buttons, and the actual game design was dumbed-down because Insomniac apparently forgot how to make a platformer/shooter and went back to the progression style of the original game. This is most clearly evident in Quest For Booty, in which the first half of the game features no shooting whatsoever and the second half of the game features no platforming whatsoever.
Don't get me wrong, I still enjoy Ratchet 1, Deadlocked, Tools of Destruction, and A Crack In Time, but they will never match the greatness of Going Commando and Up Your Arsenal, which are my favorite 3D platformers of all time.
I'm hoping for a Ratchet Collection to try those two other games, because I really didn't enjoy Ratchet 1 all that much, as you know. If the games are as better designed as you say they are, then I'll probably enjoy them.
Quote from: gunswordfist on February 10, 2012, 04:56:54 PM
Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on February 10, 2012, 03:59:25 PM
So if anyone has been keeping up with their Sony news, the Last Guardian is currently in limbo, Ueda has left Sony, and it looks like the game might not even release this gen. Other than Naughty Dog, Sony's studios haven't been doing all that hot this gen sales or profit-wise, anyway.
I really hope Overstrike is successful, for Insomniac's sake.
I thought Ueda was still overseeing the project even though he's leaving? Either way, I still have faith in PS3's first party.
Nope, he's gone.
The addition of strafing to the Ratchet sequels makes the shooting much easier and more fun.
Worst. List. Ever. (
To quote myself from the comments section,
Portal 1 above 2
Call of Duty everywhere
Mass Effect 2's idiotic non-ending
Sonic and Mario games
Fallout 3
Horrific list is utterly horrific. I don't think I've ever seen a worse list involving video games in my life. I'd hate to see a top 100 list by these clowns; Borderlands and Far Cry 2 would probably be on there.
Who could ever justify Portal 1 over 2 in anything?
As for the best ending ever to a game? I'd say that Mega Man X1 did it really well. You saved the world, but it cost you dearly, and it almost makes you wonder if it was all worth it since you are basically the only one left (or so it feels like when you first play it without any background knowledge) to fight the bad guys. Zero 1 kind of did a flip on this kind of ending and the X1 remake was pretty good about it, but the original X makes it very straightforward and yet vague about your victory. It's simple and sweet, and I like that.
I liked the ending to Pok?mon Black and White. It was pretty different than what you would expect from the last 4 generations. Loved the twist near the end of the Elite Four challenge where instead of fighting the champion, N just spawns a castle since he just steamrolled him, and you learn a little bit more about him if you explore the castle, you catch the legendary, you fight N, he realizes that Ghetsis has been using him to fufill his own needs, then you fight him, N then parts way with the Dragon he caught realizing the error of his way.
Did Prince Of Persia 2008 get a mention....who am I kidding..
"What makes this game difficult is that you can't save whenever you want." (, what makes the game hard is the game.
This isn't so much a bad review as a... "confused review". It would be like me reviewing an FPS and complaining that ammo is scarce and requires me to play smart. How is that a fault of the game? Sometimes it seems like these reviewers have to find complaints because they have to have them, even if they don't know what they are in order to have "cred" or something.
But the cake has to be him complaining at how basic the gameplay is. Since when is a lack of minigames, driving levels, or collecting random items a bad thing in a platformer? The game is pure 100% action, which is why it works so well.
Other than the graphics not being all that great for a PS2 game at the time (the art style saves it, though) and how weird some upgrades are, it seems like a stretch to complain about anything here. It does exactly what it sets out to do. You either like what it does or you don't. That doesn't mean what it does is bad.
I have a huge problem with most game reviewers in general. Basically I get the feeling that most of them just find stuff to nitpick and complain about for the sake of complaining. I can understand point out huge flaws in a game, but more often than not the average Gamespot or IGN review will knock games down for the most trivial of issues, yet there are some bigger-budget games that get to slide off easy while having obvious gaping flaws in their core gameplay. Reviews for games can be extremely biased, and to be honest that makes sense because games just like any other medium of entertainment can many times be very subjective to the player as to how good it is. What ticks me off more than anything else is when reviewers talk like their opinion is fact, as if everyone should agree with them. SO many video game journalists seem to review games this way. However, I have seen many cases in which they can underscore games because they clearly don't understand how to play them properly (very much like with IGN's review of God Hand, among other things), but in other cases they will overrate the hell out of games just because they have some impressive looking visuals for their time (SO many reviewers did this with Assassin's Creed, and that is in fact the very game that got me to realize how full of crap most game journalists are).
As for me, I'll just stick with my own opinion on games, but if I ever want a recommendation I'll usually just ask one of you guys since I know that you guys have close enough tastes to what I like, and when people like you and me play games, we play them to have fun....because they are GAMES. I don't know what the various nitpicky reviewers play games for, but its clearly not to just have some fun.
I never like it when reviewers say a game is too hard.
I just hate the idea of marking down hard games because they were made to be hard. The game was intended to be a 3D version of a classic arcade style platformer. Does it succeed in that? Does what it tries to do work (convenience is not a positive or a negative, at worse it's a gripe at best it's a frivolity)? How is different from those games/the same? What does it do different than other games? Those are questions to answer.
Is the game good? That's a whole other kettle of fish. None of the above have anything to do with if the game is actually good or not. It just has to do with the type of game they're making.
I'm not going to mark down an RPG for not having QTEs or rhythm-based minigames, I'm going to mark it down if it fails as an RPG.
Makes sense. The only game I liked less for "being too hard" is Streets Of Rage 3. On the other hand, Contra Hard Corps is much harder but there's more incentive to come back and try again in that game so it wasn't all just the difficulty for me.
Its OK to mark down a game for difficulty if its difficult due to unfair level or enemy design, or other hindrances that lead to cheap deaths, like a terrible camera (and I mean worse than NG's camera, because that isn't nearly as awful as most people make it out to be), bad controls, and other stuff that leads to the difficulty being more frustrating than a fun challenge. That said, if a game is made to be intentionally hard but remains to be fair and has a learning curve which allows the difficulty to be overcome through practice and acquiring skill and using strategy, and it gets marked down for that, then the reviewer clearly doesn't know what they are talking about, or what type of game they THINK its supposed to be.
To be specific, games like Battletoads or Sonic '06 can be marked down for their difficulty, because in one case the game is just made so masochistically hard that it ceases to be any fun to play at all, whereas in the other respective case the game is clearly unfinished and was rushed out the door and is full of abysmal flaws that just lead to many unfair deaths. Those games can be criticized for their difficulty because they are difficult for the wrong reasons or completely unintentional reasons.
On the other hand, games like Ninja Gaiden Black and Devil May Cry 3 should not be marked down for their difficulties. They are both throw-backs to old-school arcade-style action games and have steep learning curves and are meant to be challenging, but they are also completely fair and any skilled player in either game can make it through the hardest difficulty of either game and barely get touched, proving that there is little to no factor of cheapness in their difficulty. Stuff like God Hand falls into this category as well. While I've heard from fans that its not exactly perfectly balanced, anyone who has played it and beat it will testify to it being 99% fair and being mostly about skill and learning how to properly utilize the combat system. If a reviewer gives it a bad review because they don't understand that, then they shouldn't be playing those types of games in the first place.
Yeah, there's "hard" and then there's "good luck getting through because we never tested this", though that's more a fault of the individual game than the genre.
Sort of like people who down rate shmups because they can "finish" them in 15 minutes. When that's not really the point of those games.
Quote from: Ensatsu-ken on February 13, 2012, 08:55:18 PM
Its OK to mark down a game for difficulty if its difficult due to unfair level or enemy design, or other hindrances that lead to cheap deaths, like a terrible camera (and I mean worse than NG's camera, because that isn't nearly as awful as most people make it out to be), bad controls, and other stuff that leads to the difficulty being more frustrating than a fun challenge. That said, if a game is made to be intentionally hard but remains to be fair and has a learning curve which allows the difficulty to be overcome through practice and acquiring skill and using strategy, and it gets marked down for that, then the reviewer clearly doesn't know what they are talking about, or what type of game they THINK its supposed to be.
To be specific, games like Battletoads or Sonic '06 can be marked down for their difficulty, because in one case the game is just made so masochistically hard that it ceases to be any fun to play at all, whereas in the other respective case the game is clearly unfinished and was rushed out the door and is full of abysmal flaws that just lead to many unfair deaths. Those games can be criticized for their difficulty because they are difficult for the wrong reasons or completely unintentional reasons.
On the other hand, games like Ninja Gaiden Black and Devil May Cry 3 should not be marked down for their difficulties. They are both throw-backs to old-school arcade-style action games and have steep learning curves and are meant to be challenging, but they are also completely fair and any skilled player in either game can make it through the hardest difficulty of either game and barely get touched, proving that there is little to no factor of cheapness in their difficulty. Stuff like God Hand falls into this category as well. While I've heard from fans that its not exactly perfectly balanced, anyone who has played it and beat it will testify to it being 99% fair and being mostly about skill and learning how to properly utilize the combat system. If a reviewer gives it a bad review because they don't understand that, then they shouldn't be playing those types of games in the first place.
That reminds me, I love games where you can see noticable progress after failing so many times like Mega Man. I can practically play some parts that used to give me hell with my eyes closed now.
Quote from: CapcomThe reality is that some of the things you're asking about (objective markers/directional aids, limited save/typewriter ribbons) are issues of accessibility. In today's market, the broader market really demands and requires a bit more handholding than the PS1 gamer of yore. These are generally expected user experience aids in this day and age and the lack of them usally results in negative feedback/lower reviews (and subsequently, lower sales).
Goddamn it. I wish this wasn't true, but it is. :(
I miss actual difficulty levels beyond "make enemies into bullet sponges/kill player faster".
That reminds me, the last Fire Emblem game was casualized to fuck with an option to turn off permanent death, giving you a custom unit, and the ability to switch classes on the fly. Its part of the reason I was glad the game didn't get localized because that is not the kind of stuff that appeals to the Fire Emblem crowd.
Well now the news came out that the next game has all that shit, plus the class switching ability has been expanded to the rest of the cast. Sure, its still optional but its just kind of annoying that its come to the point that the developers have to sacrifice some of the games defining features to justify producing more games in the series (Radiant Dawn had the lowest sales of the series, and Shadow Dragon seems to have had a more limited release as a result).
Quote from: Rosalinas Spare Wand on February 15, 2012, 12:56:18 AM
That reminds me, the last Fire Emblem game was casualized to fuck with an option to turn off permanent death, giving you a custom unit, and the ability to switch classes on the fly. Its part of the reason I was glad the game didn't get localized because that is not the kind of stuff that appeals to the Fire Emblem crowd.
Well now the news came out that the next game has all that shit, plus the class switching ability has been expanded to the rest of the cast. Sure, its still optional but its just kind of annoying that its come to the point that the developers have to sacrifice some of the games defining features to justify producing more games in the series (Radiant Dawn had the lowest sales of the series, and Shadow Dragon seems to have had a more limited release as a result).
Why have all that? All they needed was a "Restart map" option so I don't have to set everybody up AGAIN and skip all that text AGAIN in order to just get back to where I was before. I used to hate the permanent death until I got used to it, but it's having to go through all the annoying crap to get back to where I was that was the real annoyance and it usually is what stops me from playing longer than I would like especially on a hard map. If they could cut that out, I doubt anyone would really notice or complain as much.
Sort of like how people complained about the saving in Dead Rising, when my main issue with it was they never explained how it actually worked so you end up screwing yourself over without knowing it. Instead of fixing the root problem they just scrapped it entirely. That's just a waste, games are already too easy nowadays.
Quote from: Rosalinas Spare Wand on February 15, 2012, 12:56:18 AM
That reminds me, the last Fire Emblem game was casualized to fuck with an option to turn off permanent death, giving you a custom unit, and the ability to switch classes on the fly. Its part of the reason I was glad the game didn't get localized because that is not the kind of stuff that appeals to the Fire Emblem crowd.
Well now the news came out that the next game has all that shit, plus the class switching ability has been expanded to the rest of the cast. Sure, its still optional but its just kind of annoying that its come to the point that the developers have to sacrifice some of the games defining features to justify producing more games in the series (Radiant Dawn had the lowest sales of the series, and Shadow Dragon seems to have had a more limited release as a result).
This is what happened to Fire Emblem? This doesn't sound like the Fire Emblem my friends back in high school sold me for a cheap price and fell in love with on the GCN. I love the permanent death and it was a major influence in my nuzlocke runs.
I do agree that it does feel like that most major developers are hand holding me when I'm playing most recent games or that the difficulty felt forced. The last game I've played that didn't feel like that was holding my hand was Binding of Isaac.
Quote from: Foggle on February 15, 2012, 12:43:03 AM
Quote from: CapcomThe reality is that some of the things you're asking about (objective markers/directional aids, limited save/typewriter ribbons) are issues of accessibility. In today's market, the broader market really demands and requires a bit more handholding than the PS1 gamer of yore. These are generally expected user experience aids in this day and age and the lack of them usally results in negative feedback/lower reviews (and subsequently, lower sales).
Goddamn it. I wish this wasn't true, but it is. :(
Ugh, did they have to say handholding? Anyway, if this is about Resident Evil 6, then it makes perfect sense. Post Veronica games are just plain a different genre from the first few entries in the series.
Quote from: gunswordfist on February 15, 2012, 11:22:22 AM
Quote from: Foggle on February 15, 2012, 12:43:03 AM
Quote from: CapcomThe reality is that some of the things you're asking about (objective markers/directional aids, limited save/typewriter ribbons) are issues of accessibility. In today's market, the broader market really demands and requires a bit more handholding than the PS1 gamer of yore. These are generally expected user experience aids in this day and age and the lack of them usally results in negative feedback/lower reviews (and subsequently, lower sales).
Goddamn it. I wish this wasn't true, but it is. :(
Ugh, did they have to say handholding? Anyway, if this is about Resident Evil 6, then it makes perfect sense. Post RE0 games are just plain a different genre from the first few entries in the series.
Fixed for you, since you're too dense to remember certain games.
Quote from: talonmalon333 on February 15, 2012, 12:54:46 PM
Quote from: gunswordfist on February 15, 2012, 11:22:22 AM
Quote from: Foggle on February 15, 2012, 12:43:03 AM
Quote from: CapcomThe reality is that some of the things you're asking about (objective markers/directional aids, limited save/typewriter ribbons) are issues of accessibility. In today's market, the broader market really demands and requires a bit more handholding than the PS1 gamer of yore. These are generally expected user experience aids in this day and age and the lack of them usally results in negative feedback/lower reviews (and subsequently, lower sales).
Goddamn it. I wish this wasn't true, but it is. :(
Ugh, did they have to say handholding? Anyway, if this is about Resident Evil 6, then it makes perfect sense. Post RE0 games are just plain a different genre from the first few entries in the series.
Fixed for you, since you're too dense to remember certain games.
That's because I never played it. :lol:
Gamers, man. (
Quote from: Foggle on February 16, 2012, 12:32:22 PM
Gamers, man. (
Well if there really wasn't that much post game content, then I think that's a valid complaint but lol @ saying 70 hours is not enough.
This is an actual post on Bioware's own forums:
QuoteBut I cannot give my full support to a developer that is as lazy as Bioware. Bioware is not a AAA developer, because they always fall short in the same areas every single time, and they don't seem to care about addressing the issues.
And there are many more like this. Bioware "fans" are fucking crazy.
Who doesn't fall short in some areas? :D If not being the Holy Perfection means you suck then Bioware sucks ass.
I hate when gamers complain about REALLY trivial things. I can understand nitpicking to a certain degree, which I do myself, but what I hate is when modern gamers refer to really small things as if they are big problems that absolutely need to be addressed.
Case in point: Recently I was reading a review of Ninja Gaiden Sigma Plus for the PSV, and the reviewer devoted an entire paragraph complaining about the game doesn't auto-save after levels and instead forces you to utilize save points manually to save your that really even a flaw? I mean, I know auto-saving is a convenience that we are used to from most modern games, but are gamers these days just too fucking lazy to take 2 seconds to manually save their progress? I would like to point out that in NG1/B/S there is a save statue nearby at the start of every level in the game (with the exception of the first level in which case you don't need to save when you just start out the game, obviously). All it takes at most is a few seconds to walk over to the nearest save statue when a level starts and save your progress. Is it really worth noting that as a serious complaint against the game?
Also, I dislike when gamers give negative reception on ports/remakes of old games and call them dated JUST because they are old. I can understand saying that about them if their mechanics really fell ancient, but I hate it when a review says that the game feels dated in comparison to modern competition in the genre, but then offer up next to no explanation of just what hasn't aged well about the game. In that case I have to assume that they are simply just saying something as narrow-minded as "this game is old so its not as good as newer games." That's really all there is to it, half the time, which really pisses me off. I noticed this being said in another NGS+ review, but no real details were offered as to just what aged poorly about the game (all that was said was that it doesn't boast the visual fidelity of games like God of War 3 and which I have to say no shit, its an 8 year old game). For the record the new Uncharted game for the PSP has a 7-hour campaign mode and most critics say it has little replay value and no multiplayer to occupy players after the campaign mode, yet NGS+ gets more reserved review scores (they are still positive, though) because its an older game, despite the fact that its jam-packed with content and replay value (which very few reviewers even bothered to mention).
Yes I remember having to argue with someone on TZ because they expected Perfect Dark to be a modern shooter experience. My argument was that it was made a decade ago, that's patently impossible. It's like playing DOOM and expecting CGI cutscenes- you're missing the point expecting games that were made a long time ago to have features we have now.
It's not like these games could see into the future and adapt accordingly, you have to keep your expectations relative to the time period. If you can't do that, it isn't the game's fault.
I also have to be the only person in the world that still pauses the game and instinctively saves (or finds a save point) before I turn my system off regardless of whether autosave exists or not, so that's a silly complaint.
No, you're not the only person. I ALWAYS utilize manual saves in games as long as they offer them. It actually kind of ticks me off that so many games these days force auto-save onto you and don't even give you the option to manually save the game. Its not too big a deal if the game has a level select system or something like that, but there are times when I just like to play bits and pieces of a game after saving it to kind of experiment with the mechanics and maybe see what the next section of the game has in store, without actually saving my progress because I don't plan to play that much and want to start fresh from the next time that I start up the game. However if I accidentally trigger a cutscene and move onto the next area the game automatically saves me at that point, so if I didn't finish exploring around a previous section or doing everything I wanted to do there, and the game didn't let me make a manual save file there and it has no level select, I'm basically screwed and have to replay the entire game up until that point to do everything I wanted to do in that section. The sad thing is that what I just described isn't that uncommon in modern games these days.
To give a good example of a game that I really liked that did this, which kind of bugged me about it, I'd have to go with Alan Wake. The game was awesome and many sections had secrets that begged for exploration in those areas, but sometimes I would accidentally trigger the next area in the game and it would lock me off from the previous section that I wanted to continue exploring while auto-saving my progress, so basically I could never go back to that section again, or at least not until much later on in the game. Like I said, I love the game, but that's something that kind of bugged me about it on a few occasions.
I definitely prefer manual saving to autosaving. But I thought you guys disliked games having a quick save function (or is that just gsf)? Because the only difference between manual save and quick save is that you don't have to open a menu for the latter.
That might be gsf. I don't really have a problem with quick save. IMO, if a game has manual saving and is portable it should have quick saving in case of battery issues or something else. It doesn't really affect anything in the game, it just lets you save power.
Quote from: Foggle on February 20, 2012, 03:03:31 PM
I definitely prefer manual saving to autosaving. But I thought you guys disliked games having a quick save function (or is that just gsf)? Because the only difference between manual save and quick save is that you don't have to open a menu for the latter.
I don't mind quick-save. If its there I'll try not to abuse it if I want more challenge out of my game, but when I said manually saving I was talking more in the line of specific save points, much like the system that Ninja Gaiden and Resident Evil games use. You can manually save at any indicated save point which will also become your checkpoints between gameplay segments, but the fact that you can do it at your will makes it more convenient, to me, then just letting the game have full control on deciding where to save for you.
Quote from: Foggle on February 20, 2012, 03:03:31 PM
I definitely prefer manual saving to autosaving. But I thought you guys disliked games having a quick save function (or is that just gsf)? Because the only difference between manual save and quick save is that you don't have to open a menu for the latter.
No no, I don't hate quick save, I just think that pretty much only games with lots of/a good amount of freedom need it. My beloved game Sweet Home has nothing but quick saving and its a game from the 80s.
So recently I've been thinking about things that, looking back, kinda bother me in Wind Waker. I still love that game, and I always will. But I'm not totally sure if I love it quite as much as I used to.
For starters, the Wind Waker baton slows down the pacing too much. You'll be sailing on the ocean, and then to your left you'll notice something you want. So you'll have to change the direction of the wind, sail there, and then change the direction of the wind again to continue where you were going. What's worse is, in the dungeons, you have to constantly play the Song of Command to control your partners. It's just little tedious things that, had they found ways to cut corners, could've increased the enjoyment of the game overall...
And on that note, my biggest problem with the game is it's dungeons. Really, dungeons are an important part of Zelda... yet almost every dungeon in this game sucks. Especially the later ones which involve that song I mentioned above that you constantly have to keep playing. And even putting that aside, the dungeons themselves are just so dull and easy. I dread them whenever I play the game, and it just feels like a chore when I'm actually inside them.
When ranking my top five Zelda games, it goes like this...
But like I said, dungeons are incredibly important to Zelda. So can I really keep WW above OoT when it's so lacking in that category?
... Oh, and the combat in the game is just a mix between a button mashing rhythm and parrying everything you see. Not a massive flaw, but it's pretty bad that the combat got a downgrade from the N64 games, when all they had to do what take those game's systems and make them better.
I actually immesnly enjoyed WW's combat and find it to be the best one in the series. The combat in the other 3D games feel lackluster by comparison (though, Twilight Princess does sort of make up for it with the moves you learn from the wolf spirit).
The game also had the best bosses of the 3D Zelda's (next to OoT), and I'm glad you could fight them again at the endgame. I do agree with you on the Wind Baton, to some extent(Mainly, the sailing).
Quote from: Rynnec on February 20, 2012, 11:56:53 PM
I actually immesnly enjoyed WW's combat and find it to be the best one in the series. The combat in the other 3D games feel lackluster by comparison (though, Twilight Princess does sort of make up for it with the moves you learn from the wolf spirit).
The game also had the best bosses of the 3D Zelda's (next to OoT)
This. Alla' this.
Quote from: Rynnec on February 20, 2012, 11:56:53 PM
I actually immesnly enjoyed WW's combat and find it to be the best one in the series. The combat in the other 3D games feel lackluster by comparison (though, Twilight Princess does sort of make up for it with the moves you learn from the wolf spirit).
The game also had the best bosses of the 3D Zelda's (next to OoT), and I'm glad you could fight them again at the endgame. I do agree with you on the Wind Baton, to some extent(Mainly, the sailing).
Same here.
There's just something about the scale of Wind Waker and how wide open it is that I love it. Of course sailing takes a long time, and there could (and should) have been more dungeons, but it was the one 3D Zelda where I was really engrossed from start to (well almost, due to a deleted save) finish. Everything about that game was just great.
Hey, talon, is it just me or do you change your mind about things all the time? lol :P
Well, everyone's welcome to their own opinion, but IMO the Wind Waker has some of the best dungeons in the Zelda series. They are as creative as in any of the other games, and to be honest I think they are MUCH better paced than the ones in Majora's Mask. Don't get me wrong, Majora's Mask has great dungeons, but they go on for WAY too long (especially considering that this is the one Zelda game in which you have a time limit to keep track of whenever you're in the middle of a dungeon and need to go back in time just to make a save, which in a dungeon isn't good for much except that you save any major items that you were carrying like a special item or a key). I quite honestly wasn't a fan of the approach of having less dungeons but which lasted a lot longer. I liked how WW had good dungeons with a decent amount of puzzles in them, but unlike some other Zelda games they never felt too long or too short, which is a problem that kind of plagues other games in the series that I play, whether it be the 2D or 3D games (usually the 2D ones feel too short and easy, and the 3D ones can sometimes feel a bit too long and drawn out at times, IMO).
Anyways, I think WW also had better gameplay than most games in the series. Sorry, but what you say about the combat is pure nostalgia talking on your part. That isn't to say that its a deep combat system or anything, but it actually did require some form of timing and you had to actually utilize blocks and counter-attacks on regular enemies quite a bit, rather than just mainly on bosses. Its not like OoT or MM had sophisticated combat systems themselves. If anything they were more derivative. Literally it was just wait for the moment to attack and then....spam your sword. That's it. There's really nothing else to it. Now, of course, this doesn't bother me because Zelda games aren't really about combat, but I just thought I'd point out that its oddly hypocritical to criticize WW's combat system as inferior to the N64 games when those games in fact were the epitomy of shallow and derivative combat among 3D action adventure games.
To be honest OoT is still my favorite game in the series because its the one that I know the best and that I have played the most, but I would say that WW is probably an objectively better made game than it (and MM, as well). I still haven't played Twilight Princes or Skyward Sword yet, so I can't comment on either of those games.
Quote from: Ensatsu-ken on February 21, 2012, 01:52:39 AM
Hey, talon, is it just me or do you change your mind about things all the time? lol :P
LOL. It's true. :P
Though it's not always changing my mind. Like, in that big RE4 post I made a few weeks ago, I firmly believe that I did always love that game, and just went through a faze where I thought I liked it less than I actually did (this isn't just a one time thing, I've done stuff like that before). But just to make myself clear, I do still love WW. Just... slightly less than before. Because even though I still have a big problem with the dungeons, I feel like they are kinda a smaller part of WW in general. That game's more focused on exploring the ocean and stuff like that. And that, I adore.
Quote from: Ensatsu-ken on February 21, 2012, 01:52:39 AMWell, everyone's welcome to their own opinion, but IMO the Wind Waker has some of the best dungeons in the Zelda series. They are as creative as in any of the other games, and to be honest I think they are MUCH better paced than the ones in Majora's Mask. Don't get me wrong, Majora's Mask has great dungeons, but they go on for WAY too long (especially considering that this is the one Zelda game in which you have a time limit to keep track of whenever you're in the middle of a dungeon and need to go back in time just to make a save, which in a dungeon isn't good for much except that you save any major items that you were carrying like a special item or a key). I quite honestly wasn't a fan of the approach of having less dungeons but which lasted a lot longer. I liked how WW had good dungeons with a decent amount of puzzles in them, but unlike some other Zelda games they never felt too long or too short, which is a problem that kind of plagues other games in the series that I play, whether it be the 2D or 3D games (usually the 2D ones feel too short and easy, and the 3D ones can sometimes feel a bit too long and drawn out at times, IMO).
That's fair. Although just so you know, I've always disliked the dungeons in WW. That part isn't just a sudden change. :P
Quote from: Ensatsu-ken on February 21, 2012, 01:52:39 AMAnyways, I think WW also had better gameplay than most games in the series. Sorry, but what you say about the combat is pure nostalgia talking on your part. That isn't to say that its a deep combat system or anything, but it actually did require some form of timing and you had to actually utilize blocks and counter-attacks on regular enemies quite a bit, rather than just mainly on bosses. Its not like OoT or MM had sophisticated combat systems themselves. If anything they were more derivative. Literally it was just wait for the moment to attack and then....spam your sword. That's it. There's really nothing else to it. Now, of course, this doesn't bother me because Zelda games aren't really about combat, but I just thought I'd point out that its oddly hypocritical to criticize WW's combat system as inferior to the N64 games when those games in fact were the epitomy of shallow and derivative combat among 3D action adventure games.
In my opinion though, OoT and MM's combat required more strategy though. Remember those Iron Knuckles? You can't simply just run up to 'em and hack away. However, in WW, once you you start pounding on an enemy, they are completely defenseless because of the hit recoil in that game. It might also be connected to the fact that WW decreased the difficulty in general, cause I don't think I've ever died in that game.
TP has the same fighting style as WW, but it's given more depth and is fixed up.
So, Foggle's post about anime kind of reminded me about something I wanted to say about gaming for quite a while now.
To be quite blunt, modern gaming....just isn't doing it for me anymore. I mean, there are some exceptions: I liked Halo: Reach, F.E.A.R. 2, Alan Wake, Sonic Generations, and Ninja Gaiden II....And that's it. The thing is, 2 of those 3 games (Sonic and Ninja Gaiden) were much more old-school in design and ironically felt fresh compared to most of the stuff we get today. The other 3 games are just those rare exceptions I suppose.
The main problem I have is that with everything else I try, I get bored, and can never bother to finish it. In fact its getting to the point where I can't even get into most games anymore.
It all really started with Oblivion, which was my first current-gen game. For a while, I was into it....and then I found the quests to get stale and repetitive and the game just started feeling really slow. I couldn't bother to go any further in it. I had a similar experience with the first Mass Effect, a game which I was really anticipating, but it just felt so boring and sluggish that I had to force myself to finish it. I actually felt that it was almost painful to play through Assassin's Creed, and by far I feel its the worst game that I happen to actually still own (only because I couldn't sell it for more than $5, anywhere). Most other stuff I play this gen is just flat out boring. I'm starting to fail to see how some of these games are as highly praised as they are, or how they stack up to games from the previous gen.
Maybe I'm just a snob and too used to older games (which isn't entirely true since I still love games from all the way up to last gen). That said, I'm starting to realize now that what most people currently consider good games is just completely the opposite of what I look for in games.
I was really into Arkham Asylum when it first came out....and then I beat it....and then that was it. It has no replay value for me whatsoever, and the challenge maps are pitiful attempts at adding longevity to the game, because the combat and stealth mechanics are so shallow. The same goes for Arkham City. It was OK for one play through, but its just flat-out boring for me now.
I played Dead Space for a while and kind of liked it, then I got to the 6th chapter and stopped. I still haven't picked it up again because it just got so monotonous that I got tired of it all (Alan Wake was really repetitive too, but IDK, something about that game was solid enough to keep me playing it, so I guess its just the charm Remedy inexplicably adds to their games, or something to that effect).
BioShock was a great experience....and then I never felt like picking it up again. The sequel was entertaining enough, but once again, it had no replay value for me.
I'm starting to realize that a ton of shooters, action games, and RPGs from this gen just fail to be any sort of fun for me, and for the longest time I was wondering if I was just too out of the loop or if games were just becoming stale.
Then I played Resident Evil 4. It was like a wave of nostalgia of sorts, in that it was a feeling I got from a game which I hadn't gotten in a long time, and by long time I mean since Ninja Gaiden Black from last-gen. That is to say, I was actually compelled to keep playing. It was addicting. I had to keep playing and come back for more (and I still want to replay it and do a bunch more stuff in it....except college gets in the way of that). That's when I realized what that game and other games that I like had going for them (both retro and stuff from last-gen as well), and what most modern games lack for me. To be blunt, modern games are shallow. They have gorgeous visuals and great voice-acting and sound and whatnot, but their actual gameplay and their actual design honestly come off as so lazy and generic to me. Gameplay seems to become secondary to how a game looks these days. I feel like games just falsely throw extra modes in them which don't really amount to anything to make up for a lack of content. Higher difficulty settings are just a matter of switching from Normal to Hard whenever you want and all that happens is that enemies become sponges that soak up more damage and all of a sudden you can go down in just 2 hits. Also, since Gears of War, 90% of all TPS games have just cloned that formula, and now it feels like something incredibly generic. Call of Duty did the same thing for FPS games (at least on consoles).
As for Hack n' Slash games, most of them are just cheap God of War rip-offs. Every genre seems like it takes a popular game and then just falls into that game's formula. For me its just flat-out boring. The worst offender is adventure games all following the lead of Uncharted. That is to say that they are more concerned with being cinematic than actually being games.
So, to sum it all up, if I were to be brutally honest, I personally think that modern gaming in general just sucks.
Now, keep in mind that I'm only referring to the majority of popular genres in games. I don't consider old-school style platformers (even if they are new games) such as what's found on the Wii or handheld consoles, or any retro-style games of any sort to be so lacking. Its the main reason, in fact, that I really want to get a Wii, now. The XBOX360's library barely has any value for me anymore, and aside from Yakzuza games and maybe a couple of other titles of interest, the PS3 is even worse.
Like I said, I know I'm coming off as a snob, and this is just my opinion, but this is how I honestly feel about games these days that are designed with "modern" sensibilities. I have REALLY tried my best to get into these games, but they just aren't doing it for me. Ninja Gaiden succumbing to these trends was pretty much the final straw for me. Honestly, Ninja Gaiden 3 now looks like yet another cheap God of War knock-off.
At this point I'm considering just selling off my XBOX360 and saving up some money for a Wii and a Nintendo DS. To be specific I mean the original DS, that is, since I can't currently afford a 3DS, unless I got that by itself and forgot about the Wii, which isn't happening since the Wii currently has a much bigger and stronger library of games since its much older than the 3DS. To me those are honestly the only gaming devices worth owning anymore (well that and the PC, but I'd be able to afford both of those AND a 3DS before I could afford a good PC to run games on).
That reminds me, I need to play Bioshock, Resident Evil 4 and 5 and Dead Space 1 and 2. Thanks buddy.
Seriously, I'm very behind...including being behind on last gen games so no comment.
Quote from: Ensatsu-ken on February 29, 2012, 07:44:56 PM
So, Foggle's post about anime kind of reminded me about something I wanted to say about gaming for quite a while now.
To be quite blunt, modern gaming....just isn't doing it for me anymore. I mean, there are some exceptions: I liked Halo: Reach, F.E.A.R. 2, Alan Wake, Sonic Generations, and Ninja Gaiden II....And that's it. The thing is, 2 of those 3 games (Sonic and Ninja Gaiden) were much more old-school in design and ironically felt fresh compared to most of the stuff we get today. The other 3 games are just those rare exceptions I suppose.
The main problem I have is that with everything else I try, I get bored, and can never bother to finish it. In fact its getting to the point where I can't even get into most games anymore.
It all really started with Oblivion, which was my first current-gen game. For a while, I was into it....and then I found the quests to get stale and repetitive and the game just started feeling really slow. I couldn't bother to go any further in it. I had a similar experience with the first Mass Effect, a game which I was really anticipating, but it just felt so boring and sluggish that I had to force myself to finish it. I actually felt that it was almost painful to play through Assassin's Creed, and by far I feel its the worst game that I happen to actually still own (only because I couldn't sell it for more than $5, anywhere). Most other stuff I play this gen is just flat out boring. I'm starting to fail to see how some of these games are as highly praised as they are, or how they stack up to games from the previous gen.
Maybe I'm just a snob and too used to older games (which isn't entirely true since I still love games from all the way up to last gen). That said, I'm starting to realize now that what most people currently consider good games is just completely the opposite of what I look for in games.
I was really into Arkham Asylum when it first came out....and then I beat it....and then that was it. It has no replay value for me whatsoever, and the challenge maps are pitiful attempts at adding longevity to the game, because the combat and stealth mechanics are so shallow. The same goes for Arkham City. It was OK for one play through, but its just flat-out boring for me now.
I played Dead Space for a while and kind of liked it, then I got to the 6th chapter and stopped. I still haven't picked it up again because it just got so monotonous that I got tired of it all (Alan Wake was really repetitive too, but IDK, something about that game was solid enough to keep me playing it, so I guess its just the charm Remedy inexplicably adds to their games, or something to that effect).
BioShock was a great experience....and then I never felt like picking it up again. The sequel was entertaining enough, but once again, it had no replay value for me.
I'm starting to realize that a ton of shooters, action games, and RPGs from this gen just fail to be any sort of fun for me, and for the longest time I was wondering if I was just too out of the loop or if games were just becoming stale.
Then I played Resident Evil 4. It was like a wave of nostalgia of sorts, in that it was a feeling I got from a game which I hadn't gotten in a long time, and by long time I mean since Ninja Gaiden Black from last-gen. That is to say, I was actually compelled to keep playing. It was addicting. I had to keep playing and come back for more (and I still want to replay it and do a bunch more stuff in it....except college gets in the way of that :P ). That's when I realized what that game and other games that I like had going for them (both retro and stuff from last-gen as well), and what most modern games lack for me. To be blunt, modern games are shallow. They have gorgeous visuals and great voice-acting and sound and whatnot, but their actual gameplay and their actual design honestly come off as so lazy and generic to me. Gameplay seems to become secondary to how a game looks these days. I feel like games just falsely throw extra modes in them which don't really amount to anything to make up for a lack of content. Higher difficulty settings are just a matter of switching from Normal to Hard whenever you want and all that happens is that enemies become sponges that soak up more damage and all of a sudden you can go down in just 2 hits. Also, since Gears of War, 90% of all TPS games have just cloned that formula, and now it feels like something incredibly generic. Call of Duty did the same thing for FPS games (at least on consoles).
As for Hack n' Slash games, most of them are just cheap God of War rip-offs. Every genre seems like it takes a popular game and then just falls into that game's formula. For me its just flat-out boring. The worst offender is adventure games all following the lead of Uncharted. That is to say that they are more concerned with being cinematic than actually being games.
So, to sum it all up, if I were to be brutally honest, I personally think that modern gaming in general just sucks.
Now, keep in mind that I'm only referring to the majority of popular genres in games. I don't consider old-school style platformers (even if they are new games) such as what's found on the Wii or handheld consoles, or any retro-style games of any sort to be so lacking. Its the main reason, in fact, that I really want to get a Wii, now. The XBOX360's library barely has any value for me anymore, and aside from Yakzuza games and maybe a couple of other titles of interest, the PS3 is even worse.
Like I said, I know I'm coming off as a snob, and this is just my opinion, but this is how I honestly feel about games these days that are designed with "modern" sensibilities. I have REALLY tried my best to get into these games, but they just aren't doing it for me. Ninja Gaiden succumbing to these trends was pretty much the final straw for me. Honestly, Ninja Gaiden 3 now looks like yet another cheap God of War knock-off.
At this point I'm considering just selling off my XBOX360 and saving up some money for a Wii and a Nintendo DS. To be specific I mean the original DS, that is, since I can't currently afford a 3DS, unless I got that by itself and forgot about the Wii, which isn't happening since the Wii currently has a much bigger and stronger library of games since its much older than the 3DS. To me those are honestly the only gaming devices worth owning anymore (well that and the PC, but I'd be able to afford both of those AND a 3DS before I could afford a good PC to run games on).
It's not just you, starting with last gen I was becoming disenchanted with the direction gaming was taking. Fast, flashy, and with no meat to it. Most games seem to follow that formula now. Basically 6 hour movies for $60.
But I'm not really a full on retro gamer because there are good games out there. I mean, I just posted that the Ratchet & Clank games are better shooters than most current gen shooters... and they're primarily platformers! They aren't totally scripted hallways with little variety, and in fact give the player a lot to do. The weapons are way more creative, as well. I just played these games for the first time this gen, too.
There are not enough games out there with meat on them anymore, since most gamers just trade them in ASAP to get $20 off the next overhyped Hollywood shooter, they obviously don't care enough.
Also, you should watch the price of the 3DS because it's already pretty close to DS territory. One more price drop and it's there. ;D
Wii and PC are your best bets for quality games these days. Both have tons of great exclusives with a mix of old-school design mentality and modern production values. Plus, the Virtual Console and make it easier than ever to discover "new" old games.
You should pick up Deus Ex 3 sometime. Best game of this gen by far, IMO.
If I were you I'd hurry up and get the DS Lite, which can be found brand new for 99 bucks(don't like used Lites, they have a high broken hinge rate). The reason I say hurry up is because while it's not officially discontinued, it's becoming harder to find in stores. I was at a Wal Mart a while back and they had a few in stock sitting there at the bottom of the case, and I bought one to eventually replace my broken-hinge-yet-still-used Lite, and now it's sitting in my closet for the future.
Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on February 29, 2012, 08:05:23 PMIt's not just you, starting with last gen I was becoming disenchanted with the direction gaming was taking. Fast, flashy, and with no meat to it. Most games seem to follow that formula now. Basically 6 hour movies for $60.
Well, for me last gen was fine. I didn't feel like there were too many games that were striving to be the next big movie shooter at that time. Games like Ninja Gaiden Black and Resident Evil 4 really proved that if anything, last gen had some of the most "meaty" games out there. Games like those were OVERSTUFFED with content to the point it was almost overwhelming, but I was always compelled to get through all of it because the gameplay felt tight and focused. Not every game was necessarily on that level of quality, but I felt a lot of genuine effort and replayablity packed into most of my favorite games from last-gen. I just feel that its lacking from the modern mentality of game design found this gen. Hell, even the games that I listed I liked quite a bit from this gen are really short on content, including Sonic Generations and NG2 despite being designed as old-school games. That said those games still got by because they had replay value to them, and those are really the only 5 games that I have played this gen that I felt like replaying as soon as I was done with them. That's kind of sad given that I've played a lot more games than that this gen and almost half of them I couldn't even bother to finish all of the way through.
Well, hopefully the DS Lite will still be available for me to buy during the Summer, because I won't be able to pick it up until then. I'm trying to get a job over the summer, so if everything goes well I should be able to pick one up at some point in time while I'm not bogged down with 3+ exams to study for at one time.
There were meaty games last gen, but I could see the turn towards Hollywood shooters was coming. I'm not exactly sure why or how, but it didn't really surprise me when the COD games became blockbusters.
Also, I still have yet to play NG Black (maybe after I finish my last runthrough of R&C:UYA... if it works on the 360) and am looking to pick up the Wii version of RE4. I missed out on a lot last gen because I was upset that a lot of genres and series I liked were being abandoned.
Also, at the Walmart near me, the Lites are almost gone and it doesn't look like a restock is coming. I think most people are starting to turn to the 3DS, so if you want new you might not have much time.
Well, in the worst case scenario I can still probably get them online, though they'll probably be a bit more expensive if they are out of stock in stores.
Quote from: Ensatsu-ken on February 29, 2012, 08:11:24 PM
Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on February 29, 2012, 08:05:23 PMIt's not just you, starting with last gen I was becoming disenchanted with the direction gaming was taking. Fast, flashy, and with no meat to it. Most games seem to follow that formula now. Basically 6 hour movies for $60.
Well, for me last gen was fine. I didn't feel like there were too many games that were striving to be the next big movie shooter at that time. Games like Ninja Gaiden Black and Resident Evil 4 really proved that if anything, last gen had some of the most "meaty" games out there. Games like those were OVERSTUFFED with content to the point it was almost overwhelming, but I was always compelled to get through all of it because the gameplay felt tight and focused. Not every game was necessarily on that level of quality, but I felt a lot of genuine effort and replayablity packed into most of my favorite games from last-gen. I just feel that its lacking from the modern mentality of game design found this gen. Hell, even the games that I listed I liked quite a bit from this gen are really short on content, including Sonic Generations and NG2 despite being designed as old-school games. That said those games still got by because they had replay value to them, and those are really the only 5 games that I have played this gen that I felt like replaying as soon as I was done with them. That's kind of sad given that I've played a lot more games than that this gen and almost half of them I couldn't even bother to finish all of the way through.
Yeah, last gen had some of the best games I've ever played.
Ninja Gaiden
Ratchet & Clank trilogy
Jak trilogy
Sly 1 & 2
Deus Ex
God Hand
Resident Evil 4 & REmake
Max Payne 1 & 2
Devil May Cry 1 & 3
Half-Life 1 & 2
F.E.A.R. (PC version was released during the previous era)
Fatal Frame 1-3
Silent Hill 2 & 3
Metal Gear Solid 3
Thief: Deadly Shadows
Hitman: Blood Money
Viewtiful Joe 1 & 2
Yakuza 1 & 2
Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker
Metroid Prime 1 & 2
The Chronicles of Riddick: Escape From Butcher Bay
Serious Sam: First & Second Encounter
Might be my favorite console generation, actually. And this list isn't even counting all the PC exclusives that were released during the same time period. And I'm sure there are quite a few games I missed, including the entirety of the Dreamcast's line-up.
Quote from: Foggle on February 29, 2012, 08:19:05 PM
Quote from: Ensatsu-ken on February 29, 2012, 08:11:24 PM
Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on February 29, 2012, 08:05:23 PMIt's not just you, starting with last gen I was becoming disenchanted with the direction gaming was taking. Fast, flashy, and with no meat to it. Most games seem to follow that formula now. Basically 6 hour movies for $60.
Well, for me last gen was fine. I didn't feel like there were too many games that were striving to be the next big movie shooter at that time. Games like Ninja Gaiden Black and Resident Evil 4 really proved that if anything, last gen had some of the most "meaty" games out there. Games like those were OVERSTUFFED with content to the point it was almost overwhelming, but I was always compelled to get through all of it because the gameplay felt tight and focused. Not every game was necessarily on that level of quality, but I felt a lot of genuine effort and replayablity packed into most of my favorite games from last-gen. I just feel that its lacking from the modern mentality of game design found this gen. Hell, even the games that I listed I liked quite a bit from this gen are really short on content, including Sonic Generations and NG2 despite being designed as old-school games. That said those games still got by because they had replay value to them, and those are really the only 5 games that I have played this gen that I felt like replaying as soon as I was done with them. That's kind of sad given that I've played a lot more games than that this gen and almost half of them I couldn't even bother to finish all of the way through.
Yeah, last gen had some of the best games I've ever played.
Ninja Gaiden
Ratchet & Clank trilogy
Jak trilogy
Sly 1 & 2
Deus Ex
God Hand
Resident Evil 4 & REmake
Max Payne 1 & 2
Devil May Cry 1 & 3
Half-Life 1 & 2
F.E.A.R. (PC version was released during the previous era)
Fatal Frame 1-3
Silent Hill 2 & 3
Metal Gear Solid 3
Thief: Deadly Shadows
Hitman: Blood Money
Viewtiful Joe 1 & 2
Yakuza 1 & 2
Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker
Metroid Prime 1 & 2
The Chronicles of Riddick: Escape From Butcher Bay
Serious Sam: First & Second Encounter
Might be my favorite console generation, actually. And this list isn't even counting all the PC exclusives that were released during the same time period. And I'm sure there are quite a few games I missed, including the entirety of the Dreamcast's line-up.
Yeah, those are all great games. To be honest, EVERY gen has tons of great games, it was just that last gen they were mostly 3D. You all know I love my 2D fix!
Also, you forgot Timesplitters like I did the other day. Man, do I want another Timesplitters.
Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on February 29, 2012, 08:24:43 PM
Also, you forgot Timesplitters like I did the other day. Man, do I want another Timesplitters.
I love TimeSplitters! I just always forget about it because I don't actually own it. Been holding out for PC versions that sadly never came... :(
Oh yeah, I also forgot Oddworld: Stranger's Wrath, KOTOR, Contra: Shattered Soldier, and Halo 1! Only reason my list has no Dreamcast games is because I've never owned a Dreamcast.
Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on February 29, 2012, 08:24:43 PM
Yeah, those are all great games. To be honest, EVERY gen has tons of great games, it was just that last gen they were mostly 3D. You all know I love my 2D fix!
Yeah, it was pretty light on 2D games. Even lighter than this gen! The Wii and digital download services (XBLA, PSN, Steam, etc.) have really helped bring that style back.
Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on February 29, 2012, 08:05:23 PM
Quote from: Ensatsu-ken on February 29, 2012, 07:44:56 PM
So, Foggle's post about anime kind of reminded me about something I wanted to say about gaming for quite a while now.
To be quite blunt, modern gaming....just isn't doing it for me anymore. I mean, there are some exceptions: I liked Halo: Reach, F.E.A.R. 2, Alan Wake, Sonic Generations, and Ninja Gaiden II....And that's it. The thing is, 2 of those 3 games (Sonic and Ninja Gaiden) were much more old-school in design and ironically felt fresh compared to most of the stuff we get today. The other 3 games are just those rare exceptions I suppose.
The main problem I have is that with everything else I try, I get bored, and can never bother to finish it. In fact its getting to the point where I can't even get into most games anymore.
It all really started with Oblivion, which was my first current-gen game. For a while, I was into it....and then I found the quests to get stale and repetitive and the game just started feeling really slow. I couldn't bother to go any further in it. I had a similar experience with the first Mass Effect, a game which I was really anticipating, but it just felt so boring and sluggish that I had to force myself to finish it. I actually felt that it was almost painful to play through Assassin's Creed, and by far I feel its the worst game that I happen to actually still own (only because I couldn't sell it for more than $5, anywhere). Most other stuff I play this gen is just flat out boring. I'm starting to fail to see how some of these games are as highly praised as they are, or how they stack up to games from the previous gen.
Maybe I'm just a snob and too used to older games (which isn't entirely true since I still love games from all the way up to last gen). That said, I'm starting to realize now that what most people currently consider good games is just completely the opposite of what I look for in games.
I was really into Arkham Asylum when it first came out....and then I beat it....and then that was it. It has no replay value for me whatsoever, and the challenge maps are pitiful attempts at adding longevity to the game, because the combat and stealth mechanics are so shallow. The same goes for Arkham City. It was OK for one play through, but its just flat-out boring for me now.
I played Dead Space for a while and kind of liked it, then I got to the 6th chapter and stopped. I still haven't picked it up again because it just got so monotonous that I got tired of it all (Alan Wake was really repetitive too, but IDK, something about that game was solid enough to keep me playing it, so I guess its just the charm Remedy inexplicably adds to their games, or something to that effect).
BioShock was a great experience....and then I never felt like picking it up again. The sequel was entertaining enough, but once again, it had no replay value for me.
I'm starting to realize that a ton of shooters, action games, and RPGs from this gen just fail to be any sort of fun for me, and for the longest time I was wondering if I was just too out of the loop or if games were just becoming stale.
Then I played Resident Evil 4. It was like a wave of nostalgia of sorts, in that it was a feeling I got from a game which I hadn't gotten in a long time, and by long time I mean since Ninja Gaiden Black from last-gen. That is to say, I was actually compelled to keep playing. It was addicting. I had to keep playing and come back for more (and I still want to replay it and do a bunch more stuff in it....except college gets in the way of that :P ). That's when I realized what that game and other games that I like had going for them (both retro and stuff from last-gen as well), and what most modern games lack for me. To be blunt, modern games are shallow. They have gorgeous visuals and great voice-acting and sound and whatnot, but their actual gameplay and their actual design honestly come off as so lazy and generic to me. Gameplay seems to become secondary to how a game looks these days. I feel like games just falsely throw extra modes in them which don't really amount to anything to make up for a lack of content. Higher difficulty settings are just a matter of switching from Normal to Hard whenever you want and all that happens is that enemies become sponges that soak up more damage and all of a sudden you can go down in just 2 hits. Also, since Gears of War, 90% of all TPS games have just cloned that formula, and now it feels like something incredibly generic. Call of Duty did the same thing for FPS games (at least on consoles).
As for Hack n' Slash games, most of them are just cheap God of War rip-offs. Every genre seems like it takes a popular game and then just falls into that game's formula. For me its just flat-out boring. The worst offender is adventure games all following the lead of Uncharted. That is to say that they are more concerned with being cinematic than actually being games.
So, to sum it all up, if I were to be brutally honest, I personally think that modern gaming in general just sucks.
Now, keep in mind that I'm only referring to the majority of popular genres in games. I don't consider old-school style platformers (even if they are new games) such as what's found on the Wii or handheld consoles, or any retro-style games of any sort to be so lacking. Its the main reason, in fact, that I really want to get a Wii, now. The XBOX360's library barely has any value for me anymore, and aside from Yakzuza games and maybe a couple of other titles of interest, the PS3 is even worse.
Like I said, I know I'm coming off as a snob, and this is just my opinion, but this is how I honestly feel about games these days that are designed with "modern" sensibilities. I have REALLY tried my best to get into these games, but they just aren't doing it for me. Ninja Gaiden succumbing to these trends was pretty much the final straw for me. Honestly, Ninja Gaiden 3 now looks like yet another cheap God of War knock-off.
At this point I'm considering just selling off my XBOX360 and saving up some money for a Wii and a Nintendo DS. To be specific I mean the original DS, that is, since I can't currently afford a 3DS, unless I got that by itself and forgot about the Wii, which isn't happening since the Wii currently has a much bigger and stronger library of games since its much older than the 3DS. To me those are honestly the only gaming devices worth owning anymore (well that and the PC, but I'd be able to afford both of those AND a 3DS before I could afford a good PC to run games on).
It's not just you, starting with last gen I was becoming disenchanted with the direction gaming was taking. Fast, flashy, and with no meat to it. Most games seem to follow that formula now. Basically 6 hour movies for $60.
I WISH games were like that this gen. Seems like the ones I like are brown and slow.
I think the problem with most of the games of today is that they're always striving to be a "Franchise Killer". Every FPS has to be a Call of Duty-killer, every TPS game has to be a Gears of War-killer, every adventure game an Uncharted-killer, and so on. Usually this means copying the aesthetics of those games, while adding little to no of their own flair, instead of doing their own thing with the genre, causing them to be even more shallow than the games they're copying. Developers of these genre's are just too afraid to take risks.
Quote from: gunswordfistI WISH games were like that this gen. Seems like the ones I like are brown and slow.
That's another problem I have with this gen. It seems that every company these days is going out of their way to make games slower and more
dull realistic looking, in order to pander to the casual crowd or something.
Quote from: Foggle on February 29, 2012, 08:08:26 PM
Wii and PC are your best bets for quality games these days. Both have tons of great exclusives with a mix of old-school design mentality and modern production values. Plus, the Virtual Console and make it easier than ever to discover "new" old games.
You should pick up Deus Ex 3 sometime. Best game of this gen by far, IMO.
Well looks like I need to get a better PC.
Quote from: Foggle on February 29, 2012, 08:19:05 PM
Quote from: Ensatsu-ken on February 29, 2012, 08:11:24 PM
Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on February 29, 2012, 08:05:23 PMIt's not just you, starting with last gen I was becoming disenchanted with the direction gaming was taking. Fast, flashy, and with no meat to it. Most games seem to follow that formula now. Basically 6 hour movies for $60.
Well, for me last gen was fine. I didn't feel like there were too many games that were striving to be the next big movie shooter at that time. Games like Ninja Gaiden Black and Resident Evil 4 really proved that if anything, last gen had some of the most "meaty" games out there. Games like those were OVERSTUFFED with content to the point it was almost overwhelming, but I was always compelled to get through all of it because the gameplay felt tight and focused. Not every game was necessarily on that level of quality, but I felt a lot of genuine effort and replayablity packed into most of my favorite games from last-gen. I just feel that its lacking from the modern mentality of game design found this gen. Hell, even the games that I listed I liked quite a bit from this gen are really short on content, including Sonic Generations and NG2 despite being designed as old-school games. That said those games still got by because they had replay value to them, and those are really the only 5 games that I have played this gen that I felt like replaying as soon as I was done with them. That's kind of sad given that I've played a lot more games than that this gen and almost half of them I couldn't even bother to finish all of the way through.
Yeah, last gen had some of the best games I've ever played.
Ninja Gaiden
Ratchet & Clank trilogy
Jak trilogy
Sly 1 & 2
Deus Ex
God Hand
Resident Evil 4 & REmake
Max Payne 1 & 2
Devil May Cry 1 & 3
Half-Life 1 & 2
F.E.A.R. (PC version was released during the previous era)
Fatal Frame 1-3
Silent Hill 2 & 3
Metal Gear Solid 3
Thief: Deadly Shadows
Hitman: Blood Money
Viewtiful Joe 1 & 2
Yakuza 1 & 2
Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker
Metroid Prime 1 & 2
The Chronicles of Riddick: Escape From Butcher Bay
Serious Sam: First & Second Encounter
Might be my favorite console generation, actually. And this list isn't even counting all the PC exclusives that were released during the same time period. And I'm sure there are quite a few games I missed, including the entirety of the Dreamcast's line-up.
PS2 was the best. Last gen was my 2nd favorite generation.
Three words: Project Ten Dollars (
Quote from: Rosalinas Spare Wand on March 01, 2012, 02:02:38 AM
Three words: Project Ten Dollars (
I was expecting something even worse.
That shit doesn't even stop people from buying used, either. During the period where I very briefly worked at GameStop, I discovered that online passes and stuff rarely ever affect sales in any way.
Until EA gives me a new Road Rash or Mirror's Edge, I really don't care what they do. I'm not buying. >:(
Hopefully the next Mirror's Edge will actually be worth $50. I liked the game, but I'm very glad I didn't pay full price for it.
Here are some ways they could improve the sequel:
1) Make it longer than 3 hours.
2) Either remove the shooting entirely or give it a complete overhaul.
3) Have a plot that isn't total garbage and give it an ending that doesn't feel insulting.
4) Remove the timing-based scenarios that have nothing at all to do with parkour.
5) Seriously, make it longer than 3 hours. Mirror's Edge has a decent amount of replay value, but it doesn't even touch that of most classic games or even Sonic Generations. The game was far too short to justify the price tag, and I say that as someone who usually doesn't care about length.
Quote from: Foggle on March 01, 2012, 01:15:37 PM
Hopefully the next Mirror's Edge will actually be worth $50. I liked the game, but I'm very glad I didn't pay full price for it.
Here are some ways they could improve the sequel:
1) Make it longer than 3 hours.
2) Either remove the shooting entirely or give it a complete overhaul.
3) Have a plot that isn't total garbage and give it an ending that doesn't feel insulting.
4) Remove the timing-based scenarios that have nothing at all to do with parkour.
5) Seriously, make it longer than 3 hours. Mirror's Edge has a decent amount of replay value, but it doesn't even touch that of most classic games or even Sonic Generations. The game was far too short to justify the price tag, and I say that as someone who usually doesn't care about length.
All these are easily doable, really.
1) There are several ways to do this. Multiple character campaigns, alternate routes and branching paths, or just plain make more levels. This is the easy one.
2) I actually didn't mind this because you weren't ever supposed to fire a gun so you should be punished for using them. What they need to do is make it easier to disarm opponents and not have to use the guns. Seriously, slide kick to uppercut was the only way to reliably knock anyone out.
3) Okay, THIS is the easiest part. DICE have never had a good plot, might I suggest a comic book writer? They tend to suit games better than novelists do. Mirror's Edge suits comic book more than novel.
4) Yeah, worst part of the game. These need to go, and they probably will.
5) The game has a lot more replay value to me than most shooters this gen, but I agree that it could have more. Point 1 is the easiest way to do it.
Also, I loathe time trials, so I'd like to actually see a co-op or multiplayer mode instead. Oddly enough, the unique concept would work better here than something like BioShock. Tag mode and capture the flag while platforming on skyscrapers? Come on, that's just cool.
Before I forget:
6) No more e-surance cut scenes. The in game engine is great. Use it.
Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on March 01, 2012, 01:57:32 PM
2) I actually didn't mind this because you weren't ever supposed to fire a gun so you should be punished for using them.
See, I'd agree with this, but in the last couple of levels you're basically forced to use guns. Your life was also made a little easier by using a sniper rifle in certain scenarios, but that wasn't really a big deal.
Quote from: Foggle on March 01, 2012, 03:18:57 PM
Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on March 01, 2012, 01:57:32 PM
2) I actually didn't mind this because you weren't ever supposed to fire a gun so you should be punished for using them.
See, I'd agree with this, but in the last couple of levels you're basically forced to use guns. Your life was also made a little easier by using a sniper rifle in certain scenarios, but that wasn't really a big deal.
Yeah, guns shouldn't have been forced on you. Even now I can do a gun-free run except for that stupid part in the generator room. You basically have to keep spamming the same attacks over and over (like my patented slide kick into uppercut) if you choose not to use guns in that part. They simply expect you to use them even if they weren't mandatory, and that was a mistake.
I do like how guns were used in that they were completely optional, not overpowered and had drawbacks, and most enemies with them were easily avoided (since they had no defense up close) but they should have made it smoother to disarm (and it should have knocked the gun on the ground, not made you instantly grab it) and it should not have been so hard to knock enemies unconscious.
The game has a great foundation to improve upon.
Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on March 01, 2012, 12:55:14 PM
Until EA gives me a new Road Rash or Mirror's Edge, I really don't care what they do. I'm not buying. >:(
I'll settle for a new Strike game.
Disgusting. ( :whuh:
Quote from: Foggle on March 02, 2012, 03:47:10 PM
Disgusting. ( :whuh:
*Sees Mega Man X in corner then notices it says "IOS*
JAPAAAAAAN!!!!!! :burn:
OH YOU, CAPCOM ( :hayguyz:
Add that and the stupid crap they did to Mega Man and you can guarantee that this is a used buy at best for me.
If anyone really wants to buy this new, you're really part of the problem this time.
I have no problem with what they did to Mega Man here, really. I think Bad Box Art Mega Man is hilarious and actually pretty fitting for a game like this.
That said, I hate fighting games, and I only play Tekken occasionally for the nostalgic value. I was never planning on picking this up, new or otherwise.
Man I was excited for this game from day 1, and it certainly seemed less corporate fueled like Marvel vs Capcom 3 was. Plus the way Ono and Harada were promoting it, sure seemed like it was going to be a totally fun project for both parties involved.
Then slowly but surely the typical Capcom tricks leaked in. Gems, costumes, Sony exclusive characters that have no place in the game, and now characters that should be available from the start. This isn't even 2 pre-order DLC + 2 unfinished guys, this is literally an entire update that's just about done. They did a great job promoting the game, but I have to pass on it based on principle alone.
Also, I got butthurt that Ono basically admitted they was too lazy to cut a deal with Nakahira to get the rights for Karin to appear in the game. Namco managed to do it before in Namco x Capcom, so hopefully they can do it again for their version.
I think they're working on a Capcom x Sega x Namco game for the 3DS... But that'll probably be a strategy game or something.
Honestly the game did look to be a step back towards the "fun" Vs games that ended with TvC before they got too corporate and reigned in, but that kind of DLC is probably the worst on record so far. It's like Capcom gets worse with every game when it comes to that crap.
Oh, and don't mind me on the Mega Man butthurt. I'm sure the joke wouldn't have been lost on me... If his games weren't all canceled, the fans weren't mocked by Capcom, and he wasn't cut from MvC3. That just seemed like another needless jab.
I'm pissed at Capcom about Mega Man too but I found bad box art Mega Man being in this hilarious.
That said, fuck you, Capcom. There comes a time when enough is enough. And this is enough. If I get this game I'm getting it used and probably waiting for the "Super" version you claim you aren't going to make.
Alright, this doesn't really bother me that much since I don't play a lot of fighting games to begin with, but it does kind of perplex me. Does anyone notice how just about every big name fighting game franchise now seems to have some obligatory "guest" character in each of their new installments? I think the trend started with Soul Calibur II, but its certainly become popular. Dead or Alive 4 had a Halo character as a guest-star fighter, the last Mortal Kombat game had Kratos (even if it was only on the PS3 version). Every SC game since the 2nd one has some pointless guest character from a completely unrelated universe, and recently DOA5 was revealed to have a Virtua Fighter character as a guest fighter in it (though at least it IS a fighting game character this time, to its credit). Maybe I'm just looking into it too much, but knowing that this is a plot to make more sales to attract fans from other series to buy these fighting games, do the companies publishing these games REALLY think that just adding a character from another property will really increase their sales that much? Well, actually, a better question is, DOES it really increase sales of fighting games that much? Are people who don't play a lot of fighting games and aren't even that into them dumb enough to fork over money for one just because Kratos is in it and they are a God of War fan, even if they care nothing about MK games whatsoever?
This has kind of been bugging me for a while. Its not that big a deal, but I find it to be a slightly annoying trend, personally. To me, that spot they use for a guest character could be better served to create a completely new and original fighting game character to fit in the context of that specific fighting game Universe and its gameplay mechanics. That's just the way that I feel, though.
Well, it certaintly does seem to work. Many people got into Soul Calibur because of Link's presence in SCII (myself included). It only really bothers me when the characters are out of place in the games setting. Link, Kratos, Ezio fit withing their respective guest appearances. The Star Wars characters, and Cole Mcgarath (WTF does he even have to do with ANYTHING SF or Tekken related?) DO NOT.
Outside of SFxTekken, this really isn't an issue in 2D fighters. If a 2D fighter does have guest characters, said characters are usually owned by the developers of the game anyway, and fit in with the setting (Like Shiki Ryougi in Melty Blood, or the various Fatal Fury characters in KoF).
Speaking of guest fighters: (
Yeesh! It's a crossover fighter between two very specific franchise's. Why the hell would it need guest characters (other than for money)?
Quote from: Rynnec on March 05, 2012, 05:39:32 PM
Well, it certaintly does seem to work. Many people got into Soul Calibur because of Link's presence in SCII (myself included).
And anyone can correct me if I'm wrong, but I think that was the most popular version of SCII as well.
Quote from: talonmalon333 on March 05, 2012, 06:37:17 PM
Quote from: Rynnec on March 05, 2012, 05:39:32 PM
Well, it certaintly does seem to work. Many people got into Soul Calibur because of Link's presence in SCII (myself included).
And anyone can correct me if I'm wrong, but I think that was the most popular version of SCII as well.
Yes, it was. Which made the whole SCIII PS2 exclusive (without even an arcade version) downright puzzling at the time. But then again.... Namco.
Fucking gamers, man.
Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on March 05, 2012, 10:12:49 PM
Quote from: talonmalon333 on March 05, 2012, 06:37:17 PM
Quote from: Rynnec on March 05, 2012, 05:39:32 PM
Well, it certaintly does seem to work. Many people got into Soul Calibur because of Link's presence in SCII (myself included).
And anyone can correct me if I'm wrong, but I think that was the most popular version of SCII as well.
Yes, it was. Which made the whole SCIII PS2 exclusive (without even an arcade version) downright puzzling at the time. But then again.... Namco.
There actuall was a SCIII:Arcade Edition that came out a year later, and it had quite a lot of stuff added in. As for the PS2 exclusive deal, I just thought Sony paid for the game's console version to be exclusive to their system?
Quote from: Rynnec on March 06, 2012, 01:48:30 PM
Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on March 05, 2012, 10:12:49 PM
Quote from: talonmalon333 on March 05, 2012, 06:37:17 PM
Quote from: Rynnec on March 05, 2012, 05:39:32 PM
Well, it certaintly does seem to work. Many people got into Soul Calibur because of Link's presence in SCII (myself included).
And anyone can correct me if I'm wrong, but I think that was the most popular version of SCII as well.
Yes, it was. Which made the whole SCIII PS2 exclusive (without even an arcade version) downright puzzling at the time. But then again.... Namco.
There actuall was a SCIII:Arcade Edition that came out a year later, and it had quite a lot of stuff added in. As for the PS2 exclusive deal, I just thought Sony paid for the game's console version to be exclusive to their system?
There was an arcade version? We never gt that here. Either way it should have come out first there then came out for consoles.
As for an exclusive... probably. The PS2 is basically the last system that has any real amount of third party exclusives.
Well, I won't be buying Fez. (
What a class act.
What is it with indie game developers and their undeserved egos?
Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on March 06, 2012, 03:42:11 PM
Well, I won't be buying Fez. (
What a class act.
What is it with indie game developers and their undeserved egos?
:lol: That's some funny shit.
Good god. If I was a Japanese game developer (particularly if I was that guy at the panel), I would be legitimately outraged by this. I hope no one purchases Fez. Phil Fish is a fucking asshole.
I'm still too busy laughing at this.
Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on March 06, 2012, 03:42:11 PM
What is it with indie game developers and their undeserved egos?
Its the curse of getting media attention. When people break into the spotlight, or when someone similar to them makes it, they'll do whatever they can to stay in people's minds. This gen, indie games have been getting a significantly large amount of spotlight, so these dudes believe they can do no wrong because they are the media darlings of the moment.
I wonder what Pixl or any of the other japanese indie developers feel about this though.
Wait, this guy also said that Fez couldn't be a PC game because you need a controller and a comfy couch to enjoy it? Well, I rarely spend my money on Xbox Live games anymore and this is giving me more of a reason to not to. Excuse me while I give my money to someone else like Edmund McMillen and Tim Schafer.
Quote from: Daxdiv on March 06, 2012, 08:35:06 PM
Wait, this guy also said that Fez couldn't be a PC game because you need a controller and a comfy couch to enjoy it? Well, I rarely spend my money on Xbox Live games anymore and this is giving me more of a reason to not to. Excuse me while I give my money to someone else like Edmund McMillen and Tim Schafer.
Because obviously it's impossible to use a TV as your computer monitor and plug a controller into your CPU. Obviously.
Quote from: Foggle on March 06, 2012, 08:58:09 PM
Quote from: Daxdiv on March 06, 2012, 08:35:06 PM
Wait, this guy also said that Fez couldn't be a PC game because you need a controller and a comfy couch to enjoy it? Well, I rarely spend my money on Xbox Live games anymore and this is giving me more of a reason to not to. Excuse me while I give my money to someone else like Edmund McMillen and Tim Schafer.
Because obviously it's impossible to use a TV as your computer monitor and plug a controller into your CPU. Obviously.
You're not playing the game the way he wants you to.
Hmm, that sounds familiar...
Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on March 06, 2012, 09:03:35 PM
Quote from: Foggle on March 06, 2012, 08:58:09 PM
Quote from: Daxdiv on March 06, 2012, 08:35:06 PM
Wait, this guy also said that Fez couldn't be a PC game because you need a controller and a comfy couch to enjoy it? Well, I rarely spend my money on Xbox Live games anymore and this is giving me more of a reason to not to. Excuse me while I give my money to someone else like Edmund McMillen and Tim Schafer.
Because obviously it's impossible to use a TV as your computer monitor and plug a controller into your CPU. Obviously.
You're not playing the game the way he wants you to.
Hmm, that sounds familiar...
No Items, Fox Only, Final Destination?
Quote from: Rosalinas Spare Wand on March 06, 2012, 07:59:33 PM
Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on March 06, 2012, 03:42:11 PM
What is it with indie game developers and their undeserved egos?
Its the curse of getting media attention. When people break into the spotlight, or when someone similar to them makes it, they'll do whatever they can to stay in people's minds. This gen, indie games have been getting a significantly large amount of spotlight, so these dudes believe they can do no wrong because they are the media darlings of the moment.
I wonder what Pixl or any of the other japanese indie developers feel about this though.
Pixel is sending Curly to Fish's house right now.
Pretentious ( designers like this. I love how he flat out admits that Braid is not fun and not designed to be fun. :>
Well, let me just make it straight that I have nothing against indie games or indie game designers in general. Some indie games are great and in fact better than many mainstream retail games that I play. Personally I think games like Braid, Limbo, and others along that line are pretentious shit that get way too overrated by critics and do not fall into the category of good indie games, but perhaps I'm just too biased.
What kind of ticks me off though is the way that more and more designers seem to talk like this. They try to make themselves and their games seem more intelligent and try to make it seem like their "way of gaming" is something deeper than what they really are. Personally I'm of the opinion that at their core, games are simple: they are either fun to play or not. Its true that fun can mean different things to different people, but the bottom line is that if someone finds a game to be good its at the very least because they have fun playing it. I have no idea how this guy thinks that someone finds a game to be good even if its not fun for them to play. You can find aspects of a game to be good, but the bottom line is that if its not fun for you, its not a good game for you. I mean, people can claim that gaming has come a long way over the years and it certainly has, but the core of what makes a great game great hasn't changed in my mind, and I hate how so many people seem to get so pretentious about this topic and claim that a game should be so many other things to be great, but simple fun isn't a necessary requirement. That's just one of the flat-out dumbest things that I have ever heard, personally. :bleh:
Yeah I have the same issue with music that is cacophonous noise and movies that make no sense. They miss the point that music is supposed to sound good and movies are supposed to tell stories. In the same vein, games are supposed to be fun.
If you miss the key component, then it doesn't matter how "different" your material is, it is inferior by definition.
There is literally no reason anyone should download Braid over Outland on XBLA. The latter manages to be completely unique, yet it remembers that games were made to be fun, whereas Braid just swings and misses in that area.
Braid and Limbo are masterpieces compared to The Path. Ugh.
Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on March 08, 2012, 04:56:28 PM
Yeah I have the same issue with music that is cacophonous noise and movies that make no sense. They miss the point that music is supposed to sound good and movies are supposed to tell stories. In the same vein, games are supposed to be fun.
I'm not sure I entirely agree with this. Music that is nothing but cacophonous noise will never sound good and a video game that sets out to be tedious can never be fun, but a movie can still tell a story even if it makes little sense.
Quote from: Foggle on March 08, 2012, 06:21:41 PM
Braid and Limbo are masterpieces compared to The Path. Ugh.
Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on March 08, 2012, 04:56:28 PM
Yeah I have the same issue with music that is cacophonous noise and movies that make no sense. They miss the point that music is supposed to sound good and movies are supposed to tell stories. In the same vein, games are supposed to be fun.
I'm not sure I entirely agree with this. Music that is nothing but cacophonous noise will never sound good and a video game that sets out to be tedious can never be fun, but a movie can still tell a story even if it makes little sense.
You can have symbolism and underlying meaning while having a clear and concise plot. They're not mutually exclusive.
Though we might be thinking of different things since I've seen more than my fair share of bad student films over the years that always tend to ignore the latter in order to be "different" and little else.!/PHIL_FISH (!/PHIL_FISH) :humhumhum:
So now he's just going along with his role of being a jackass. What a class act. (
Really? REALLY? Is Capcom completely unaware of the audience they've alienated over the last couple of years? Are these fools really stupid enough to continue encouraging this kind of sleazy business practice time and time again?
:lol: :lol: :lol:
Why people try to justify it, I don't understand. This is gouging plain and simple.
Capcom is claiming that is fake.
It's kind of sad that it seems completely believable though.
Oh yes, I guess this is worth pointing out: anyone who is upset with Capcom for including Bad Box Art Mega Man in Street Fighter x Tekken should know that it was actually Inafune's idea before he left. Now, obviously he didn't know all the troubles Mega Man would go through after he was gone, but that should maybe ease the minds of some who feel Capcom is trolling them by having BBA Mega Man in the game.
Capcom still sucks but I actually love that BBA Mega Man is in.
Quote from: Eddy on March 12, 2012, 02:50:15 AM
Oh yes, I guess this is worth pointing out: anyone who is upset with Capcom for including Bad Box Art Mega Man in Street Fighter x Tekken should know that it was actually Inafune's idea before he left. Now, obviously he didn't know all the troubles Mega Man would go through after he was gone, but that should maybe ease the minds of some who feel Capcom is trolling them by having BBA Mega Man in the game.
Capcom still sucks but I actually love that BBA Mega Man is in.
For realz?
Quote from: Eddy on March 12, 2012, 02:50:15 AM
Oh yes, I guess this is worth pointing out: anyone who is upset with Capcom for including Bad Box Art Mega Man in Street Fighter x Tekken should know that it was actually Inafune's idea before he left. Now, obviously he didn't know all the troubles Mega Man would go through after he was gone, but that should maybe ease the minds of some who feel Capcom is trolling them by having BBA Mega Man in the game.
Capcom still sucks but I actually love that BBA Mega Man is in.
Too bad they didn't follow his idea for Mega Man Universe and Mega Man Legends 3 to actually exist.
Sorry if I sound bitter, but that's ridiculous that they pick
that idea to use.
And how convienient that the idea they picked to use was the most easiest to implement, and the one which required the least work.
Also, I've heard people justifying the cancelation of MML3 by saying "It wouldn't sell, the first two games didn't sell, so why would this on?" which I call BS. It's been a whole decade, and two console generations since Legends 2 came out, which means a new audience, which means different sales. Just because a franchise failed in a previous gen doesn't mean it'll fail in the current generation. Hell, look at the Persona games, I'm pretty sure no one expected Persona 3 and 4 to sell as well as they did. Why can't Megaman Legends (and Capcoms other ignored franchises for that matter) get the same chance?
Because Capcom is well known for milking a series until death and ignoring it for well over a decade. Look at Viewtiful Joe; first game > tons of spin offs > sequel >spin offs that bomb > terrible animated series > franchise killed. All within one generation of consoles despite the actual main games doing well.
Capcom has a very bad habit of throwing the baby out with the bathwater.
So, basically any Capcom IP that isn't called Resident Evil or Street Fighter is pretty much doomed to be left for dead (if that hasn't already happened to it yet)?
In that case, if their Western take on DMC developed by Ninja Theory doesn't sell exceptionally well (which won't be surprising if it doesn't), then its good-bye to Dante as well.
You know what the most annoying aspect of Capcom's current practices is? They fucking KNOW that everyone hates them for it. They are completely aware and they still continue to do it because they don't give a shit? Why not? Because apparently there are quite a lot of people out there who still buy their products new, and who still support them and even go so far as to defend their actions. As long as people keep buying their games, they won't stop doing what they are doing. If enough people could just resist the urge to buy their new releases for a while and massively boycott them, they'd be forced to stop doing what they are doing. Either that or they would financially collapse as a company. Either way I'd be happier than allowing them to continue what they've been doing for the past few years.
I think the sad thing is that its now hard to believe that there was actually once a time when Capcom was a well-respected company among gamers. I guess that respect got to their heads and they just got too greedy. Oh well, one way or another if they keep pushing what they're doing, they'll eventually hit a breaking point and dig their own graves. I'm completely sure of this.
Quote from: Ensatsu-ken on March 12, 2012, 06:50:16 PM
So, basically any Capcom IP that isn't called Resident Evil or Street Fighter is pretty much doomed to be left for dead (if that hasn't already happened to it yet)?
Funny thing about Street Fighter, too. Look how long it took for IV to come out after III. And look how hard they tried to bury III when it actually did come out.
Quote from: Ensatsu-ken on March 12, 2012, 06:50:16 PMIn that case, if their Western take on DMC developed by Ninja Theory doesn't sell exceptionally well (which won't be surprising if it doesn't), then its good-bye to Dante as well.
Make no mistake. If this game bombs (and it will), DMC is dead. Even Resident Evil is getting 6 made while ORC comes out and bombs, DMC isn't even getting that. It's being set up to fail.
Quote from: Ensatsu-ken on March 12, 2012, 06:50:16 PMYou know what the most annoying aspect of Capcom's current practices is? They fucking KNOW that everyone hates them for it. They are completely aware and they still continue to do it because they don't give a shit? Why not? Because apparently there are quite a lot of people out there who still buy their products new, and who still support them and even go so far as to defend their actions. As long as people keep buying their games, they won't stop doing what they are doing. If enough people could just resist the urge to buy their new releases for a while and massively boycott them, they'd be forced to stop doing what they are doing. Either that or they would financially collapse as a company. Either way I'd be happier than allowing them to continue what they've been doing for the past few years.
I think the sad thing is that its now hard to believe that there was actually once a time when Capcom was a well-respected company among gamers. I guess that respect got to their heads and they just got too greedy. Oh well, one way or another if they keep pushing what they're doing, they'll eventually hit a breaking point and dig their own graves. I'm completely sure of this.
They have horrid PR, their sales have been going down, and they refuse to release games people actually want while undercutting the games they actually make.
The worst part is the fans that swallow anything they spew out. Like at all the defenders of the SFvT DLC debacle. "Yes, Capcom! Please let me pay $90 for your game!" Good grief.
Quote from: Ensatsu-ken on March 12, 2012, 06:50:16 PM
So, basically any Capcom IP that isn't called Resident Evil or Street Fighter is pretty much doomed to be left for dead (if that hasn't already happened to it yet)?
11 years between Street Fighter 3 and 4. I doubt they care too much about those franchises, either.
Quote from: Foggle on March 12, 2012, 08:08:40 PM
Quote from: Ensatsu-ken on March 12, 2012, 06:50:16 PM
So, basically any Capcom IP that isn't called Resident Evil or Street Fighter is pretty much doomed to be left for dead (if that hasn't already happened to it yet)?
11 years between Street Fighter 3 and 4. I doubt they care too much about those franchises, either.
It's not like RE is getting away scot-free either. Gears Of Evil 5, and now Raccoon City online co-op from one of the most hated "online co-op" devs around (no local, either!) aren't really helping the franchise stay afloat. If they screw up RE6, that'll probably be it.
Then what do they have?
Quote from: Foggle on March 12, 2012, 08:08:40 PM
11 years between Street Fighter 3 and 4. I doubt they care too much about those franchises, either.
Street Fighter got a shit-ton of attention from them since the success of SF4, though. They re-released the shit out of SF4, then used the engine for MvC3, and as of this month we just got SFxT which is technically a street fighter game featuring Tekken characters (since it uses the SF engine), just like how TxSF will technically be a Tekken game when that comes out since it'll be running off of Tekken's engine and be a full-fledged 3D fighter rather than a 2.5D one.
Ugh. Jim Sterling is everything wrong with "video game journalism." ( I really don't know how he hasn't been fired yet due to his horrifically biased editorials/reviews, the descriptions of disgusting sexual acts in nearly half of what he writes, and his hilariously uninformed views on just about everything. Regardless of how selfish this donation campaign thing may be, these people raised over $35,000 for charity in a fucking day. I really can't see the negative side to that.
I've been saying that for a while. ;)
He gets clicks, that's why. Whenever I see a link towards Destructoid I ALWAYS check to see who it's by. If it says his name (or doesn't say who wrote it), I simply don't click. He offers no insight into anything except his feeble attempts to annoy people which contribute nothing to anybody. I refuse to reward that.
His reviews are among the worst I've ever seen. Off the top of my head:
Killzone 3 - 10/10
Modern Warfare 3 - 9.5/10
The Witcher 2 - 6/10
Vanquish - 5/10
Mario Kart 7 - 5/10
Sonic Colors - 4.5/10
Assassin's Creed 2 - 4.5/10
Final Fantasy 13 - 3/10 (as much as I hate this game, it's not that bad)
Duke Nukem Forever - 2/10 (and the above goes double for Duke)
The worst part is that the entire Dtoid userbase constantly fellates him and will immediately start insulting games (without playing them) if he thinks they're bad. And while he may pretend that 4-6 are not bad scores, he will still describe the games as shit. He actually does just that in his Sonic Colors review.
Yeah, I read a transcribed version of his Colors review. He did the same thing as GT did and made up flaws that weren't even there, which is my most hated kind of reviewer. Then he praised that dull DS version which actually HAS the flaws he was whining about.
His 10/10 for Deadly Premonition was a joke, too. As much as I love the game, he made it sound like some kind of a joke like 'its so bad its good' throughout the whole review which is really insulting towards what the game does well which is a lot of things that he just wrote off because "lolrandom!1".
Again, doing something 'for the lulz' is not a profession and should not be a professionally paid job.
Part of Deadly Premonition's charm comes from the cutscenes and music, though... which kind of are so bad they're good. I mean, the actual story and characters are extremely well done, and the gameplay is excellent in spite of being fairly unpolished, but the music is largely unfitting in a totally awesome way and the cutscenes are just downright hilarious.
But yeah, his review does basically write the game off as a joke. It's about on par with IGN's once you look past the 10.
Well, I thought they were actually pretty well done in a Twin Peaks sort of way, which I thought is what they were going for, but giving the game a 10/10 because it's "so bad its good" is pretty insulting. The combat wasn't very fun, but the exploration and survival elements are pretty fantastic there was nothing really bad about that.
IGN's review was just awful, though. They clearly went in without even giving it a chance.
Why does everyone want Retro Studios to make another Metroid game or a Zelda game?
We've had enough freaking 3D Metroid games to last us another few years. How about Metroid 5? You know, the 2D Metroid we've been promised since the GBA? Enough with the 3D stuff.
As for Zelda... Why? What could they possibly do to add to the formula? Why them and not EAD2 or Monolith or something? Why is Retro some brilliant developer that eclipse the rest of Nintendo when everyone always whines about how much they hated Metroid Prime 2 or 3 and how the games nosedived in sales (and bombed in Japan)? I fail to see how giving them Zelda when they fell out of Metroid is a good idea.
If they aren't making DKCR2, StarTropics, or a new IP, I don't really want anything else from them.
All of the Metroid Prime games are great. :??: I'd love to see Retro tackle the 2D Metroid formula, to be honest. They really nailed the Metroid feel with Prime 1-3, so I don't doubt that they could make an amazing classic-style Metroid if given the chance (and it'd be better than Other M at the very least).
Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on March 14, 2012, 02:36:00 PM
Well, I thought they were actually pretty well done in a Twin Peaks sort of way, which I thought is what they were going for
Definitely an homage to Twin Peaks in many ways. But, honestly, my friend and I laughed uproariously all the way through what we played of the game. I mean, seriously, the first cutscene in DP has squirrels making howler monkey noises, a lighter that only works when wet, and an awesomely stupid analysis of Tom & Jerry. Deadly Premonition seems to embrace the cult classic style of "so bad it's good" humor (a la Army of Darkness), which wasn't really present in Twin Peaks. And I absolutely love it for that.
Still need to finish my own file (which I barely started), but I guess I'll just wait for the extended edition for that.
Well, yeah, the game has a very good sense of humor. You should really get back to it because there's some really funny stuff later on in the game. It's funny because it's written funny, not because they tried to be serious and failed or something. It's all intentional.
The Metroid one is obvious. The backlash against Other M was so huge that some people legitimately believe Nintendo retconned the Prime series because of one thing Sakamoto said (which was just that he wasn't involved with development of those games so he can't comment on how they approached them). I guess if you consider that the game was mostly one of Nintendo's own development studios with Team Ninja just assisting with 3D modeling, they believe only an american studio can handle Metroid since the japanese one clearly wants it to become a generic corridor game with sexist undertones.
I liked the Prime games, but Retro did everything they could with a trilogy and there's nothing else they'd bring to the table with a 4th game. They could give a 2D Metroid a try, but considering just how many people dislike DKC Returns because it didn't look and feel exactly like the SNES trilogy, they'd have a ridiculously hard time selling it to the modern audience that love hand-holding platformers, not to mention video game journalists will rip it to shreds for daring to be a 2D game in the HD era.
As for Zelda, I honestly have no clue. I assume its because the Zelda formula has been pretty standard in the last few games that came out, and they'd believe Retro would somehow dismantle it all to make an entirely new experience.
Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on March 14, 2012, 03:33:52 PM
Well, yeah, the game has a very good sense of humor. You should really get back to it because there's some really funny stuff later on in the game. It's funny because it's written funny, not because they tried to be serious and failed or something. It's all intentional.
That's what I mean. :) It's written to be funny like Army of Darkness is funny, it's not accidentally funny because of bad translation or something. The dialogue is intentionally so bad that it's great, but it's also really clever at times, and is aided by great sight gags like the aforementioned lighter and squirrels. It's one of the most hilarious games I've ever played.
Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on March 14, 2012, 02:47:12 PM
As for Zelda... Why? What could they possibly do to add to the formula? Why them and not EAD2 or Monolith or something? Why is Retro some brilliant developer that eclipse the rest of Nintendo when everyone always whines about how much they hated Metroid Prime 2 or 3 and how the games nosedived in sales (and bombed in Japan)? I fail to see how giving them Zelda when they fell out of Metroid is a good idea.
Better question... why not?
Good as the Zelda games might be, there really aren't many people in their team, hence why those games take ages to make. Not to mention, Retro could definitely change things up a bit. I think it could work, especially if Nintendo and Retro work together well.
Reason people have been asking for this is that Nintendo has stated they'd like Retro to help with Zelda (I think they even said "next"), and Retro is rumored to be working on a franchise people have been wanting them to.
Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on March 14, 2012, 02:47:12 PM
If they aren't making DKCR2, StarTropics, or a new IP, I don't really want anything else from them.
You forgot to add in Yoshi's Island. ;)
Quote from: Rynnec on March 14, 2012, 03:46:44 PM
Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on March 14, 2012, 02:47:12 PM
If they aren't making DKCR2, StarTropics, or a new IP, I don't really want anything else from them.
You forgot to add in Yoshi's Island. ;)
I'm still going with the rumor that GoodFeel (the Wario Land Shake It and Epic Yarn folks) are making a new Yoshi's Island. Because they'd be
perfect for it. 8)
Quote from: talonmalon333 on March 14, 2012, 03:44:34 PM
Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on March 14, 2012, 02:47:12 PM
As for Zelda... Why? What could they possibly do to add to the formula? Why them and not EAD2 or Monolith or something? Why is Retro some brilliant developer that eclipse the rest of Nintendo when everyone always whines about how much they hated Metroid Prime 2 or 3 and how the games nosedived in sales (and bombed in Japan)? I fail to see how giving them Zelda when they fell out of Metroid is a good idea.
Better question... why not?
Good as the Zelda games might be, there really aren't many people in their team, hence why those games take ages to make. Not to mention, Retro could definitely change things up a bit. I think it could work, especially if Nintendo and Retro work together well.
Reason people have been asking for this is that Nintendo has stated they'd like Retro to help with Zelda (I think they even said "next"), and Retro is rumored to be working on a franchise people have been wanting them to.
But why
Retro? Why not Monolith? They did Xenoblade which proves they could easily make something new out of Zelda. How about the second EAD crew? I'm sure it wouldn't be hard for them either. Heck, why not GameFreak? They've done Pulseman and Drill Dozer, they could easily make a sidescolling Zelda that makes Zelda 2 look like a joke.
specifically Retro?
This feels like fans putting them on a silver platter because they took Super Metroid and put it in 3D. But... They can't do that trick with Zelda. I have a feeling some people just want Metroid Prime 1 with Link in place of Samus. But that wouldn't work at all for something like Zelda because it's a different series. Either way, the project was canceled a long time ago because Nintendo didn't like where it was going.
My point is that the established series all have established developers. Retro should stick with a new IP (whatever that is) and concentrate on that. Whether that's Donkey Kong Country, or whatever, I don't care. Going back to Metroid would be fruitless, and taking on Zelda while there's already an established Zelda team when these guys could be doing something new feels like a waste.
I haven't played any other Metroid games aside from a bit of Super Metroid, so I'm probably in no place to say anything, but I find it funny that Team Ninja gets the brunt of the blame for Metroid: Other M's lack of success. Don't get me wrong, I'm not a fan of the current Team Ninja myself, but unless I've been misinformed they were only helping with the gameplay design and they were working under the direction of Sakamoto, who was making all of the major gameplay decisions. In other words, Team Ninja just designed the game according to his specifications, and being that Sakamoto is a fan of Ninja Gaiden he brought Team Ninja on for their experience at action-oriented games. But, as much as I love NG games, I must admit that I never really thought that it fit in with the exploration and atmosphere-heavy Metroid games, and I guess most fans didn't like that mix either. Still, from what I can tell Metroid: Other M gets most criticized for its story and sexualization of Samus, and Team Ninja had nothing to do with either of those elements of the game, so I find it a bit unfair that they get most of the blame when it comes to that game. I'm not saying they are totally immune to criticism, but the stuff they should be blamed for is bad technical aspects of the game (and from what I can tell, the game isn't really that bad mechanically). Also, I believe that Sakamoto originally wanted to make Other M something along the lines of a rail shooter until Team Ninja intervened, so at least they prevented the game from being even more linear than it was. That said they'll have no excuses when people complain about Ninja Gaiden 3, because that one's all on them. :sly:
People tend to hate Other M purely for the story and nothing else. That hardly has anything to do with Team Ninja.
I was hoping the 2D parts would teach them a little something for a certain other series they do buuuut.... Well, you know.
I think the whole obsession with Retro is due to people hyping them up as "The next Rareware" for Ninty ever since they made DKCR. Though, people seem to forget that Rare mostly worked on their own franchise's when they were with Nintendo.
Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on March 14, 2012, 04:10:06 PM
People tend to hate Other M purely for the story and nothing else. That hardly has anything to do with Team Ninja.
I was hoping the 2D parts would teach them a little something for a certain other series they do buuuut.... Well, you know.
Other M's gameplay wasn't so hot, either. It was a mediocre third-person(?) shooter with horrid first-person stuff thrown in for no reason. Nothing more, nothing less.
My problem with the treatment of Samus wasn't that she was sexualized (though that Zero Suit was a bit much), it's that they turned her into the most boring protagonist ever put into a video game. Her narration is like if Max Payne was written by Uwe Boll and starred a bored William Shatner reading directly from a script. Absolutely atrocious. Plus, the writers seemingly went out of their way to make her appear inferior to all of the other characters simply because she's female. Truly abhorrent.
Quote from: Foggle on March 14, 2012, 04:19:04 PM
Other M's gameplay wasn't so hot, either. It was a mediocre third-person(?) shooter with horrid first-person stuff thrown in for no reason. Nothing more, nothing less.
Personally from what I've played of it (which admittedly was only about an hour's worth) I thought it was quite fun, but perhaps I haven't played enough shooters in that vein to judge whether its any good or not. Still, even the gameplay and level design was under the direction of Sakamoto and his team, so its still wrong for TN to get all of the blame for that (and from what I've seen most fans love to harp on them rather than Nintendo, no that Nintendo doesn't get its fair share of fan back-lash as well). Also I think the first-person stuff was just thrown in there as a cheap way to appease the Prime fans who whined about this game not being another Prime FPS prime game, which was definitely a mistake on the part of the developers because if they are going to go in a new direction they should go full-force that way rather than trying to throw in a gimmick to appease other fans when in reality it won't change their stance on the game and it'll create gameplay problems in a game that clearly wasn't designed for that style of gameplay. That said the first person parts of the game from the portion that I played didn't bother me that much, but I played an earlier part of the game so perhaps it gets more frustrating later on.
A bit off the current topic, but I just thought I should mention the current rumor floating around that the "Durango" (the codename for the next Xbox) is currently stated to be within "spitting distance" of the Wii-U tech-wise.
There will be a LOT of meltdowns in the next few months.
The gameplay in Other M is fun for about 2-3 hours, but it's not something that will hold your attention for very long. It's incredibly one-note... which is so antithetical to the concept of Metroid that it's actually kind of funny.
The first-person stuff becomes extremely tedious later on, not that many people will even make it that far. The godawful unskippable cutscenes turned most of my friends away long before the halfway point.
Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on March 14, 2012, 04:31:33 PM
A bit off the current topic, but I just thought I should mention the current rumor floating around that the "Durango" (the codename for the next Xbox) is currently stated to be within "spitting distance" of the Wii-U tech-wise.
And here I thought that they'd actually try to catch up to mid-range PCs from 2008. It's over, boundary-pushing graphics are finished. Not that I really care. In fact, this makes me happy. I get to save money on upgrades this way. ;)
Unless Microsoft somehow surprises me by acquiring interesting new exclusive IPs that are either great platformers or action adventure games, I couldn't care less about their new console. By the same token I won't be fully interested in the WiiU until I see some clear gameplay footage of some new Nintendo console exclusive games (whether they be a new game in a long-established franchise or a brand new IP altogether). And of course, I'm interested mostly in platformers and action adventure games, but when it comes to Nintendo I don't think I have to worry about them not delivering in that department.
What boundary pushing tech were you expecting? For devs to make their corridors look prettier as they funnel you through them? 60fps? 1080p? All that stuff has been easily achievable for years, but devs have intentionally avoided them. Next gen wouldn't have changed anything no matter how powerful the games were.
Microsoft is being smart. There's no reason for them to lose billions more money when they don't have to. The question is what Sony will do next.
Microsoft is practically re-releasing the Xbox 360 under a new name. The Wii U graphics definitely look better than the 360 and PS3, but the jump in fidelity is not exactly huge.
Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on March 14, 2012, 04:42:37 PM
60fps? 1080p? All that stuff has been easily achievable for years, but devs have intentionally avoided them. Next gen wouldn't have changed anything no matter how powerful the games were.
So what's the point in even releasing a new console if the upgrade isn't going to be particularly noteworthy? This sounds like a cash grab and nothing more.
Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on March 14, 2012, 04:06:23 PMBut why Retro? Why not Monolith? They did Xenoblade which proves they could easily make something new out of Zelda. How about the second EAD crew? I'm sure it wouldn't be hard for them either. Heck, why not GameFreak? They've done Pulseman and Drill Dozer, they could easily make a sidescolling Zelda that makes Zelda 2 look like a joke.
Why specifically Retro?
This feels like fans putting them on a silver platter because they took Super Metroid and put it in 3D. But... They can't do that trick with Zelda. I have a feeling some people just want Metroid Prime 1 with Link in place of Samus. But that wouldn't work at all for something like Zelda because it's a different series. Either way, the project was canceled a long time ago because Nintendo didn't like where it was going.
My point is that the established series all have established developers. Retro should stick with a new IP (whatever that is) and concentrate on that. Whether that's Donkey Kong Country, or whatever, I don't care. Going back to Metroid would be fruitless, and taking on Zelda while there's already an established Zelda team when these guys could be doing something new feels like a waste.
Like I said, they ask for Retro cause it's been
heavily hinted. If it was hinted at about another good company, I'm sure you'd hear support for that, too.
And from what I hear, Xenoblade was kinda lame. So I'm not sure I'd trust Monolith. :P
Yeah, I honestly couldn't care less about graphics anymore. I mean, don't get me wrong, if a game looks horrid than that is bad design, but as long as the game is well-designed from a level design stand-point and doesn't have any glaring graphical issues (like stuff that could it to be hard to find certain things visible within a game and could actually affect gameplay itself), then I really don't give a shit if it looks as simplistic as a Dreamcast game or as graphically advanced as Uncharted. As always, I care about things like gameplay and replay value. You know, the things that I would associate video GAMES with. The sad thing is that an opinion like that seems to be becoming trivial among "modern" gamers.
As for the next-gen, I'm more interested to see how developers can use the technology in creative ways that affect gameplay (such as with a touch-screen controller and stuff like that). If next-gen games just turn out to be more refined versions of stuff like Call of Duty and Uncharted, then I may just quit gaming (or at least modern gaming; I'll still always love the classics).
You're right, graphics aren't super important, but really, that's all Microsoft has going for them at this point (other than Halo, of course). If MS can't even improve their tech enough to justify an upgrade, then why the hell are they even releasing a new console?
Heavy Kinect focus, improved XBLA, and whatever new gimmick they have, I'm sure. Also, Halo and Gears. I don't know what they're going to do, but it has to be based more on just raw power as that doesn't really mean much anymore.
Quote from: Foggle on March 14, 2012, 04:48:13 PM
Microsoft is practically re-releasing the Xbox 360 under a new name. The Wii U graphics definitely look better than the 360 and PS3, but the jump in fidelity is not exactly huge.
Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on March 14, 2012, 04:42:37 PM
60fps? 1080p? All that stuff has been easily achievable for years, but devs have intentionally avoided them. Next gen wouldn't have changed anything no matter how powerful the games were.
So what's the point in even releasing a new console if the upgrade isn't going to be particularly noteworthy? This sounds like a cash grab and nothing more.
Man, there hasn't even been a single screenshot of an actual Wii-U game yet. We don't even know how powerful the thing really is and won't until E3.
The fact of the matter is that Microsoft and Sony bled millions of dollars last gen trying to be cutting edge and still didn't get any further ahead. People are no longer impressed by state of the art graphics anymore, they don't even notice when a game is "sub HD" even when the game is released on a HD system. The graphics arms race is a dead end. It's simply not worth pursuing.
What matters now are the games and how we play them. Like the Wii proved, people want new ways to game while still being offered the traditional experience. Nintendo is hoping to improve their performance (they're jumping two gens ahead here), add in the second screen with touch screen controls, and keep the wiimote controls. Basically, they're trying to do a lot. Microsoft is doing the same after Kinect, they're trying appeal to the mainstream to get more people to play games and they don't need to sink billions of dollars to do it. Microsoft's gaming division has been in the red since they started, the Xbox was saved only by Halo and the 360 because Sony screwed up, but they never really gained headway.
But I mean, what would pure tech really do at this point? Make game worlds bigger? How does that add to the game other than just putting in more space? Make graphics prettier? The Wii proved that no one really cares about graphics anymore. 1080p and 60fps? They could do that
this gen and they don't. While that stuff is nice, it doesn't really change anything.
This generation has to be about appealing to the mainstream, how to make games more accessible for as many people as possible, while also offering new experiences. Just making games prettier and bigger doesn't cut it anymore, and these devs have to stop using them as a crutch instead of making new experiences.
For example, what do you think COD next gen is going to be? DOOM-easque labyrinths with branching paths and hidden caches? It's going to be COD3 (a game two gens old) with prettier graphics and online multiplayer. At that point, what is even the reason to make a next gen game?
Well, in that regard, we haven't even officially seen any of their new console's tech, have we? Can you really criticize them for not making a sufficient upgrade with their new console based solely on some rumors and not having seen it demonstrated for yourself. I say let's wait for E3 or whenever it is that they show what their new console can do in action before claiming for sure that its not a sufficient upgrade or not.
Also, the technology upgrade doesn't have to be in the graphics department (in that regard, how much better did the Wii really look than the Gamecube in terms of graphics?). The upgraded tech could be in the form of how you play (like improved motion controls, touch-screen controller, and other peripherals that could add some potential creativity to gameplay). Also its not just graphics that is an indicator of upgraded hardware. Its also how much processing power it has, like how much stuff a game can handle on screen at one time, how smart they can make the AI, and so on.
Quote from: Ensatsu-ken on March 14, 2012, 05:08:36 PM
Well, in that regard, we haven't even officially seen any of their new console's tech, have we? Can you really criticize them for not making a sufficient upgrade with their new console based solely on some rumors and not having seen it demonstrated for yourself. I say let's wait for E3 or whenever it is that they show what their new console can do in action before claiming for sure that its not a sufficient upgrade or not.
Also, the technology upgrade doesn't have to be in the graphics department (in that regard, how much better did the Wii really look than the Gamecube in terms of graphics?). The upgraded tech could be in the form of how you play (like improved motion controls, touch-screen controller, and other peripherals that could add some potential creativity to gameplay). Also its not just graphics that is an indicator of upgraded hardware. Its also how much processing power it has, like how much stuff a game can handle on screen at one time, how smart they can make the AI, and so on.
You're right, at this point it's really all hearsay. But I'm fairly certain we have to prepare for a console generation focused more on just power. The rumors for the Wii-U that I have been following on places like NeoGAF seem to point towards a jump similar to the one from the 32 bit gen to last gen and less like the previous jump. Which is perfectly fine to me. I've longed since stopped caring about graphics once we reached this:
Can they still improve on that? Sure. But a huge jump in power isn't really needed for it.
Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on March 14, 2012, 05:05:20 PM
Heavy Kinect focus, improved XBLA, and whatever new gimmick they have, I'm sure. Also, Halo and Gears. I don't know what they're going to do, but it has to be based more on just raw power as that doesn't really mean much anymore.
But they could do all that on the 360, and I think fans would appreciate it. :( The Kinect is pointless right now because it has one good game and cool optional features in two others. XBLA could be beefed up through firmware updates or something. If they actually took the time to support their current console, they'd establish better brand notoriety for when their next system comes out. Which would be great from a business standpoint for Microsoft, and great for the people who have stuck with them after all this time.
Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on March 14, 2012, 04:42:37 PM
Man, there hasn't even been a single screenshot of an actual Wii-U game yet. We don't even know how powerful the thing really is and won't until E3.
But... what? I could swear I saw a video of Aliens: Colonial Marines and a few other games running on the Wii-U... Looked almost as good as PC footage.
QuoteBut I mean, what would pure tech really do at this point? Make game worlds bigger? How does that add to the game other than just putting in more space? Make graphics prettier? The Wii proved that no one really cares about graphics anymore. 1080p and 60fps? They could do that this gen and they don't. While that stuff is nice, it doesn't really change anything.
60 FPS makes a sizable difference in my opinion. But you're right.
QuoteFor example, what do you think COD next gen is going to be? DOOM-easque labyrinths with branching paths and hidden caches? It's going to be COD3 (a game two gens old) with prettier graphics and online multiplayer. At that point, what is even the reason to make a next gen game?
There are still people out there who want to make good games with huge worlds and lots of content. CD Projekt RED. Eidos Montreal. Gearbox Software. Croteam. Bethesda (arguably). Crytek (well, maybe not anymore). They are all being held back by the mentality of Activision, EA, UbiSoft, etc. that gaming is no longer about pushing boundaries. I don't just mean in graphics. I mean in the kinds of experiences we can have. Newer specs don't just make realistic graphics possible... they make levels with 1000s of enemies on screen at once possible. They make a living, breathing game world possible. They make the ability to play one game five different ways possible. They make 4-player split-screen co-op with no lag at 60 FPS possible.
In 1998, Baldur's Gate was released. It proved that video games could be immersive, deep, and full of choices on a humongous scale. In 2000, Deus Ex was released. It proved that the same thing could be done in a different setting with full 3D environments.
It's 2012. Gaming still hasn't evolved past the level of the original Deus Ex. Last year's Human Revolution and The Witcher 2 proved that the industry could get back on the right track, but why has it taken so long? It's not about the graphics; it's about experiences that you can't find anywhere else. And if the tech starts stagnating like this, and the developers and publishers continue not giving a fuck, video games will never reach those heights promised over a decade ago.
Quote from: Foggle on March 14, 2012, 01:14:56 PM
His reviews are among the worst I've ever seen. Off the top of my head:
Killzone 3 - 10/10
Modern Warfare 3 - 9.5/10
The Witcher 2 - 6/10
Vanquish - 5/10
Mario Kart 7 - 5/10
Sonic Colors - 4.5/10
Assassin's Creed 2 - 4.5/10
Final Fantasy 13 - 3/10 (as much as I hate this game, it's not that bad)
Duke Nukem Forever - 2/10 (and the above goes double for Duke)
The worst part is that the entire Dtoid userbase constantly fellates him and will immediately start insulting games (without playing them) if he thinks they're bad. And while he may pretend that 4-6 are not bad scores, he will still describe the games as shit. He actually does just that in his Sonic Colors review.
That Assassin's Creed 2 score is just offense. :burn:
Ah sweet, a new Xbox. I can't wait for them to be the best console for a 2nd generation in a row.
Quote from: Foggle on March 14, 2012, 05:29:02 PM
Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on March 14, 2012, 05:05:20 PM
Heavy Kinect focus, improved XBLA, and whatever new gimmick they have, I'm sure. Also, Halo and Gears. I don't know what they're going to do, but it has to be based more on just raw power as that doesn't really mean much anymore.
But they could do all that on the 360, and I think fans would appreciate it. :( The Kinect is pointless right now because it has one good game and cool optional features in two others. XBLA could be beefed up through firmware updates or something. If they actually took the time to support their current console, they'd establish better brand notoriety for when their next system comes out. Which would be great from a business standpoint for Microsoft, and great for the people who have stuck with them after all this time.
I don't care for Kinect much either, but it made Microsoft a profit. So that's probably where they're going to keep aiming their efforts. Heck, remember the last two E3s? It's pretty obvious to see where they're aiming with it.
QuoteQuote from: Spark Of Spirit on March 14, 2012, 04:42:37 PM
Man, there hasn't even been a single screenshot of an actual Wii-U game yet. We don't even know how powerful the thing really is and won't until E3.
But... what? I could swear I saw a video of Aliens: Colonial Marines and a few other games running on the Wii-U... Looked almost as good as PC footage.
That might have been based on Wii-U specs, but the final hardware hasn't been shown off yet.
QuoteQuoteFor example, what do you think COD next gen is going to be? DOOM-easque labyrinths with branching paths and hidden caches? It's going to be COD3 (a game two gens old) with prettier graphics and online multiplayer. At that point, what is even the reason to make a next gen game?
There are still people out there who want to make good games with huge worlds and lots of content. CD Projekt RED. Eidos Montreal. Gearbox Software. Croteam. Bethesda (arguably). Crytek (well, maybe not anymore). They are all being held back by the mentality of Activision, EA, UbiSoft, etc. that gaming is no longer about pushing boundaries. I don't just mean in graphics. I mean in the kinds of experiences we can have. Newer specs don't just make realistic graphics possible... they make levels with 1000s of enemies on screen at once possible. They make a living, breathing game world possible. They make the ability to play one game five different ways possible. They make 4-player split-screen co-op with no lag at 60 FPS possible.
In 1998, Baldur's Gate was released. It proved that video games could be immersive, deep, and full of choices on a humongous scale. In 2000, Deus Ex was released. It proved that the same thing could be done in a different setting with full 3D environments.
It's 2012. Gaming still hasn't evolved past the level of the original Deus Ex. Last year's Human Revolution and The Witcher 2 proved that the industry could get back on the right track, but why has it taken so long? It's not about the graphics; it's about experiences that you can't find anywhere else. And if the tech starts stagnating like this, and the developers and publishers continue not giving a fuck, video games will never reach those heights promised over a decade ago.
I'm not disputing any of this at all. But Dues Ex was possible on PS2 hardware and nothing else has tried to better it on PS360 hardware. The bigger issue here are the developers. Why we got Crysis 2 the way it was when Crysis 1 (even though downported the game is there intact) ran on freaking Games On Demand pretty much shows that its the developer's decisions holding everything back. And my COD example could very easily have become a reality if they would have went even further in the GoldenEye 007 direction, but shallow movie games are easier, so that's what they do.
Crytek, Gearbox, and the others are all making games for the Wii-U which probably means that the expansiveness you're looking for is still there and still possible. If the developers take advantage of the actual hardware this time instead of just making glorified movies, which we easily could have had this gen but didn't, then we could easily have something like the Witcher 2 made for consoles.
But I mean, offering the same gameplay but with more space, smarter enemies, and more of them doesn't really make anything better. This requires the developers to think outside of the box. Super Mario Sunshine and Super Mario Galaxy were possible on almost the same hardware, for instance, yet both are platformers with VERY different goals and approaches. The same with Wind Waker and Skyward Sword. Nintendo knew that people didn't just want the same thing, so they did it differently.
It's all about the execution. You can be revolutionary without bleeding edge tech. People blame consoles for dumbing games down, but Deus Ex was very possible on the PS2 yet the developers
chose to dumb it down for the sequel. Same thing with BioWare and Dragon Age.
It's not the tech, it's in the ambition.
Quote from: gunswordfist on March 14, 2012, 05:47:29 PM
Ah sweet, a new Xbox. I can't wait for them to be the best console for a 2nd generation in a row.
Oh yeah, that's right, you like the pretend that the Wii doesn't exist. :>
Quote from: Ensatsu-ken on March 14, 2012, 05:50:26 PM
Quote from: gunswordfist on March 14, 2012, 05:47:29 PM
Ah sweet, a new Xbox. I can't wait for them to be the best console for a 2nd generation in a row.
Oh yeah, that's right, you like the pretend that the Wii doesn't exist. :>
Yep, I stopped liking motion sensoring years ago. :light:
Quote from: gunswordfist on March 14, 2012, 05:52:34 PM
Quote from: Ensatsu-ken on March 14, 2012, 05:50:26 PM
Quote from: gunswordfist on March 14, 2012, 05:47:29 PM
Ah sweet, a new Xbox. I can't wait for them to be the best console for a 2nd generation in a row.
Oh yeah, that's right, you like the pretend that the Wii doesn't exist. :>
Yep, I stopped liking motion sensoring years ago. :light:
You're going to have a grand old time this gen. :>
Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on March 14, 2012, 05:50:10 PM
But I mean, offering the same gameplay but with more space, smarter enemies, and more of them doesn't really make anything better.
I'm going to have to disagree with you on that one point. Smarter AI makes a BIG difference in gameplay and its something which I fully appreciate if a developer pulls it off well. It makes a simplistic game into a deep and challenging one that actually requires active player thought and strategy. That is to say, it essentially changes the entire style of gameplay (and for the better, IMO). If Halo or F.E.A.R. didn't have intelligent AI, they would basically just be inferior versions of Call of Duty (as in running out, aiming, shooting enemies, and then popping behind some cover for a few seconds and then rinsing and repeating the same tactic throughout the entire game). However because those games have intelligent AI (with Halo its only on the harder difficulties, though), they are played in a completely different kind of way, and actually force you to think about the situation at hand and make good decisions about which weapons to use and how to utilize your environment to your advantage. That's just one example, but the general idea is that smarter enemies is definitely a big deal in terms of changing gameplay, and as someone who loves a GOOD challenge (rather than cheap design and BS difficulty), its one of the things that I hope most next-gen games support. I agree with you on your other points, though.
Quote from: Ensatsu-ken on March 14, 2012, 05:57:21 PM
Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on March 14, 2012, 05:50:10 PM
But I mean, offering the same gameplay but with more space, smarter enemies, and more of them doesn't really make anything better.
I'm going to have to disagree with you on that one point. Smarter AI makes a BIG difference in gameplay and its something which I fully appreciate if a developer pulls it off well. It makes a simplistic game into a deep and challenging one that actually requires active player thought and strategy. That is to say, it essentially changes the entire style of gameplay (and for the better, IMO). If Halo or F.E.A.R. didn't have intelligent AI, they would basically just be inferior versions of Call of Duty (as in running out, aiming, shooting enemies, and then popping behind some cover for a few seconds and then rinsing and repeating the same tactic throughout the entire game). However because those games have intelligent AI (with Halo its only on the harder difficulties, though), they are played in a completely different kind of way, and actually force you to think about the situation at hand and make good decisions about which weapons to use and how to utilize your environment to your advantage. That's just one example, but the general idea is that smarter enemies is definitely a big deal in terms of changing gameplay, and as someone who loves a GOOD challenge (rather than cheap design and BS difficulty), its one of the things that I hope most next-gen games support. I agree with you on your other points, though.
You got me there, but I more meant in the genre. Smarter enemies in a Mario or Sonic game wouldn't make a difference. In an RPG, that would be infuriating than challenging. But in an action game, it is absolutely necessary for challenge. For example, the COD games have terrible AI, so much so that Eurocom had to basically make it for their GoldenEye game otherwise stealth would be impossible like it is there.
But I'm not convinced Activision will improve it next gen. They haven't improved it in like 7 games for crying out loud.
Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on March 14, 2012, 05:54:22 PM
Quote from: gunswordfist on March 14, 2012, 05:52:34 PM
Quote from: Ensatsu-ken on March 14, 2012, 05:50:26 PM
Quote from: gunswordfist on March 14, 2012, 05:47:29 PM
Ah sweet, a new Xbox. I can't wait for them to be the best console for a 2nd generation in a row.
Oh yeah, that's right, you like the pretend that the Wii doesn't exist. :>
Yep, I stopped liking motion sensoring years ago. :light:
You're going to have a grand old time this gen. :>
Oh, I am. Assassin's Creed 2 is so much fun.
Quote from: Ensatsu-ken on March 14, 2012, 05:57:21 PM
Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on March 14, 2012, 05:50:10 PM
But I mean, offering the same gameplay but with more space, smarter enemies, and more of them doesn't really make anything better.
I'm going to have to disagree with you on that one point. Smarter AI makes a BIG difference in gameplay and its something which I fully appreciate if a developer pulls it off well. It makes a simplistic game into a deep and challenging one that actually requires active player thought and strategy. That is to say, it essentially changes the entire style of gameplay (and for the better, IMO). If Halo or F.E.A.R. didn't have intelligent AI, they would basically just be inferior versions of Call of Duty (as in running out, aiming, shooting enemies, and then popping behind some cover for a few seconds and then rinsing and repeating the same tactic throughout the entire game). However because those games have intelligent AI (with Halo its only on the harder difficulties, though), they are played in a completely different kind of way, and actually force you to think about the situation at hand and make good decisions about which weapons to use and how to utilize your environment to your advantage. That's just one example, but the general idea is that smarter enemies is definitely a big deal in terms of changing gameplay, and as someone who loves a GOOD challenge (rather than cheap design and BS difficulty), its one of the things that I hope most next-gen games support. I agree with you on your other points, though.
AI does make a difference and so does consoles having more power but people like to pretend that PS3 and 360 are only good for better graphics which cracks me up everytime.
Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on March 14, 2012, 06:02:53 PM
You got me there, but I more meant in the genre. Smarter enemies in a Mario or Sonic game wouldn't make a difference.
Oh, OK. I didn't realize you were talking specifically about platforming adventure games. In that case I agree with you.
I'm not talking about dumbing things down for consoles. That's an argument used by elitists who shit their pants when a game doesn't have 60 bindable functions. The Witcher 2 comes out for the Xbox 360 in April. DXHR's lead platform was the PS3. The best Crytek game was a console exclusive. EDIT: Never mind, Crytek didn't make Far Cry Instincts. Their best game is actually Crysis 1. :P
In fact, let's talk about console games being revolutionary without great tech. Deadly Premonition. Quite possibly the best game from 2010. Why is this? It pushed boundaries. The world actually feels alive -- more so than any Bethesda title -- despite the graphics being bad. The driving wasn't the best, but it had these little details that just made it amazing. Like, you could use the turn signals and windshield wipers. That's fucking awesome. The story and characterization were brilliant, even if I never saw the end of it (which I plan to do soon). DP singlehandedly proved that a $20 budget game could stand up to the big boys and do more innovating than any of them.
Obviously, you don't need better tech to make new and exciting experiences. But it can help. Would The Witcher 2 still be amazing with the graphics of Mario 64? Absolutely. Does the finished game have the best graphics (at a technical level) that I've ever seen? It does, in fact. They could make new and revolutionary games on the fucking Build engine for all I care. But most publishers mandate that everything looks all pretty nowadays. New tech would make great looking games with awesome new features a lot more viable for devs, as far as I can tell.
What the hell?! I didn't quote you. :D
Hope you like Kinect, gsf. :P
Quote from: Foggle on March 14, 2012, 06:06:53 PM
I'm not talking about dumbing things down for consoles. That's an argument used by elitists who shit their pants when a game doesn't have 60 bindable functions. The Witcher 2 comes out for the Xbox 360 in April. DXHR's lead platform was the PS3. The best Crytek game was a console exclusive.
Oh, well. Consider that dropped. I really didn't want to get into that anyway.
QuoteIn fact, let's talk about console games being revolutionary without great tech. Deadly Premonition. Quite possibly the best game from 2010. Why is this? It pushed boundaries. The world actually feels alive -- more so than any Bethesda title -- despite the graphics being bad. The driving wasn't the best, but it had these little details that just made it amazing. Like, you could use the turn signals and windshield wipers. That's fucking awesome. The story and characterization were brilliant, even if I never saw the end of it (which I plan to do soon). DP singlehandedly proved that a $20 budget game could stand up to the big boys and do more innovating than any of them.
Yeah, that's pretty much why I love that game. People dog on it for its flaws (which are there, no one denies it), but it felt like a step forward for the survival horror genre despite relying purely on gameplay and options over funnleing the player.
QuoteObviously, you don't need better tech to make new and exciting experiences. But it can help. Would The Witcher 2 still be amazing with the graphics of Mario 64? Absolutely. Does the finished game have the best graphics (at a technical level) that I've ever seen? It does, in fact. They could make new and revolutionary games on the fucking Build engine for all I care. But most publishers mandate that everything looks all pretty nowadays. New tech would make great looking games with awesome new features a lot more viable for devs, as far as I can tell.
If it were up to me, I'd make all developers create NES games so they would have to learn their roots and why fundamentals like
fun are so important to a game instead of explosions and "Deep" storylines. But I do agree, I like great graphics. The issue with great graphics as I've seen it over the years is its usage as a crutch and "eye candy" to take away from the fact that you're playing the same game you've played 9 times in a row. Not to say they won't all do it, but last gen proved that developers as a whole are more willing to do this than create new experiences.
Unfortunately, when game budgets are as high as they are and need to sell multiple millions to break even using teams of hundreds of people just to make one heavily scripted 6 hour game I fully understand why they aren't jumping ahead like last gen. Last gen moved too fast to the point that they're stringing it out further along in order to desperately try to get into the black. It was a mistake. It put hundreds of companies out of business, we lost genres in the process, and Nintendo is the only company who actually profited while everyone else dove into the red.
We're going to have to put up with a gen that has to rely on being groundbreaking and revolutionary in gameplay before graphics this go around, unfortunately. If we have another gen like the last one, there might not be anyone left by the end of it. If you have anyone to blame for this, it's the people who thought $599 US dollars and rushing out a high tech console with a fatal killer bug in it were good ideas in order to win an arms race only a minority of gamers were interested in.
Believe me, I don't like those PC elitists, either. A lot of the games that went in or are going in the direction that I want them to go are PC-focused, but that's only because development costs for it are cheaper and because it's a more friendly platform for self-publishing games.
Having modern devs create games for the NES/SNES or on older engines like Id Tech 2 would be a brilliant way for them to learn about what's really fun and innovative.
My dream for video games is probably never going to be realized, though. Better tech will make for better revolutionary experiences in theory, but since the general public and major publishers only care about great graphics these days, the hardware will never be used to its full extent (and by that, I mean tons of gameplay options, expansive worlds, full split-screen support, a steady high frame rate, multiple control options, etc. with only serviceable graphics).
No Spark, but at least Microsoft knows that motion sensoring should be a peripheral and the basis of a console
You're going to loathe the next Microsoft console, man.
But as for Foggle, I agree. I would love things like 60fps to be standard (or at least locked 30 with no screen tearing), but they just don't seem to care too much about it.
At least no one here is going on about how the new iwhatever will kill consoles like game journalists are currently doing. I will never understand those people.
Wii > 360
I thought even someone as dumb as gunswordfist knew this. :sly:
Quote from: talonmalon333 on March 14, 2012, 06:44:59 PM
Wii > 360
I thought even someone as dumb as gunswordfist knew this. :sly:
All opinion but you couldn't possibly comprehend that. :sly:
Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on March 14, 2012, 06:40:17 PM
At least no one here is going on about how the new iwhatever will kill consoles like game journalists are currently doing. I will never understand those people.
I get the feeling the point they're trying to make is that Apple's App Store is something akin to Steam for PC, Netflix for movies or Hulu for TV. They have a big selection of games that are value priced and easily accessible to the average consumer. But they're totally missing the point of those services.
Quote from: Rosalinas Spare Wand on March 14, 2012, 07:12:39 PM
Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on March 14, 2012, 06:40:17 PM
At least no one here is going on about how the new iwhatever will kill consoles like game journalists are currently doing. I will never understand those people.
I get the feeling the point they're trying to make is that Apple's App Store is something akin to Steam for PC, Netflix for movies or Hulu for TV. They have a big selection of games that are value priced and easily accessible to the average consumer. But they're totally missing the point of those services.
I get that, but Mark Rein (of Epic fame) recently said that if the next gen consoles from Microsoft and Sony aren't beefed up enough they will lose to the iPad.
Which not only misses the point of why the iPad is successful, but why last gen was not.
Also to conclude our whole back and forth, I'd just like to say that these ( videos ( show me exactly how much potential the tablet can have for new types of game experiences that weren't possible before.
If developers actually try, that is.
On the topic of Jim Sterling, does anyone here even watch his web show for the Escapist? I only watched a few episodes to see what Vyse was talking about one day since they both share same opinions on certain things (Like their stance on Project $10 and the used games market.) I watched a few episodes and thought they were decent. Maybe it's because I watched a few with a point I agreed with before going in and was questioning what people seem to hate about him. I don't watch the show as much as I do since I rarely visit the Escapist.
He can be funny at times, but he's still a biased asshole who wants you to feel terrible if your opinions aren't the same as his. I've actually enjoyed several of his Jimquisitions and Dtoid articles, but he pisses me off for the most part.
I remember him using that "You're terrible if you don't think like me" tactic in that article I read when Jennifer Hepler aka Hamburger Helper got bashed on Twitter. I'll admit that while it was kind of immature for people to bash her, since I don't give two shits about the Dragon Age games since my opinion on the first game was that it was a chore to play and I couldn't even get far in the story because of it. However I thought that calling the people immature, setting gamers back and being jealous were ways to make you feel bad that kind of had to make you agree with him. Here's a hint for ya guys, if someone hates you it might not be out of jealousy, but rather you being an asshole.
Why, guys?
Because, even a broken clock is right at least twice a day. That's why.
Quote from: Daxdiv on March 14, 2012, 10:27:17 PM
Because, even a broken clock is right at least twice a day. That's why.
I mean, why didn't you comment on my post? :'(
I wanted to hear your thoughts on the gameplay ideas. :)
Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on March 14, 2012, 10:35:31 PM
Quote from: Daxdiv on March 14, 2012, 10:27:17 PM
Because, even a broken clock is right at least twice a day. That's why.
I mean, why didn't you comment on my post? :'(
I wanted to hear your thoughts on the gameplay ideas. :)
Oh... that! I was at work all day and you had one super long conversation while I was out and I wanted to get my stuff out about Jim Sterling before I forgot.
Battle Mii looks surprisingly fun. Graphics seem a lot sharper than the 360/PS3; looks like 60 FPS with vsync and antialiasing. Not that these videos are the best to judge by or that I have the best eyes.
Loving the innovation in the controls and playstyles, though. Hope to see devs like Suda take advantage of all the cool shit you can do with the Wii U.
I like the ideas that can stem from those concepts. I can already picture a capture the flag type Mirror's Edge thing like Chase Mii. That would be amazing.
The Battle Mii one looks like they were specifically aiming for deathmatch style focus. If they get Timesplitters for launch (Oh man, that would be cool) I can only imagine what nuttiness could come from that. Especially if they keep the mapmaker!
Quote from: Daxdiv on March 14, 2012, 10:41:02 PM
Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on March 14, 2012, 10:35:31 PM
Quote from: Daxdiv on March 14, 2012, 10:27:17 PM
Because, even a broken clock is right at least twice a day. That's why.
I mean, why didn't you comment on my post? :'(
I wanted to hear your thoughts on the gameplay ideas. :)
Oh... that! I was at work all day and you had one super long conversation while I was out and I wanted to get my stuff out about Jim Sterling before I forgot.
Oh, no prob. I agree about Sterling.
The Zelda vid has me curious if an Action/Hack and Slash game would take a similar approach.
Quote from: Foggle on March 14, 2012, 10:43:32 PM
Loving the innovation in the controls and playstyles, though. Hope to see devs like Suda take advantage of all the cool shit you can do with the Wii U.
No kiddin'. The next NMH will be absolutely crazy.
The controls in both of those demos look slick as hell. I really liked what was shown with the Battle Mii game in particular. All I need to know is what games will come out with it and see if I'll buy it day one like I did with the 3DS.
Theoritically, we could get proper sequels of Crystal Chronicles, Four Swords Adventures, and Pac Man vs with this kind of tech.
Quote from: Rynnec on March 14, 2012, 11:22:03 PM
Theoritically, we could get proper sequels of Crystal Chronicles, Four Swords Adventures, and Pac Man vs with this kind of tech.
What I've wanted since the Gamecube!
There's a lot of potential here, and while I'm sure Nintendo will make use of it, I hope third parties will actually try this time. I want more Third person games that use the wiimote as a control option.
I hope we get proper MadWorld, House of the Dead: Overkill, and Sonic Colors sequels, as well. :)
I hope they at least have that Director's Cut of Overkill available for launch or something. I want to play it with a good motion controller. I also still want some Virtua Cop. Also, the Colors team should hopefully be working on a Wii-U Sonic game. They've released a Sonic game every year since 2006 (the first next-gen Sonic game) when the main team was making a game, their game would be out:
2006 - ... Uh
2007 - Secret Rings
2008 - Unleashed
2009 - Black Knight
2010 - Colors
2011 - Generations
2012 - ???
Since the storybook series is dead, I'm really hoping for a Colors 2. I need more "Drill!" in my life.
You guys can go ahead and throw out all of the theories and discussion we've been having about the next XBOX and how it will compare to the WiiU. Microsoft has been making it abundantly clear that they have no intentions of revealing a new console anytime soon (
Yeah, I guess that means they want to focus on the 360 and Kinect this year. That means without certainty it will be at E3 2013, there's no way they can afford to give Nintendo a two year head start.
It's already looking like Sony might. ???
Well, being that I do own an XBOX360 I must admit that I'm quite glad to hear this news. At least that's another year they'll spend focused on supporting this console, since I have a feeling that it won't take long for Microsoft to stop supporting XBOX360 users whenever their so-called "Durango" launches (they did the same for the original XBOX shortly after the 360 came out).
Also, this is good news for Nintendo, since now the WiiU will have a solid year (at the very least) of no competition from other next-gen consoles.
Quote from: Ensatsu-ken on March 15, 2012, 05:31:23 PM
You guys can go ahead and throw out all of the theories and discussion we've been having about the next XBOX and how it will compare to the WiiU. Microsoft has been making it abundantly clear that they have no intentions of revealing a new console anytime soon (
While this source seems old, I remember them saying they plan on keeping the 360 around till 2015.
Just to further that point.
Even though I hate Microsoft, to be fair the Xbox was supported until 2010, over four years after the 360 launched.
If the new Xbox really is download-only, then I'm not going anywhere near it.
Quote from: GaryPotter on March 15, 2012, 08:17:56 PM
Even though I hate Microsoft, to be fair the Xbox was supported until 2010, over four years after the 360 launched.
They had XBOX Live running up for the original XBOX until 2010, but that's it. In terms of games they had no intention of releasing any new games for the original XBOX once the 360 was out. The XBOX got some crappy third party games here and there for the next year or so after the 360's release, but for the most part the console was pretty much dumped. Compare that to the PS2 which was still getting exclusive games well past the PS3's initial launch.
Of course, it makes sense for a company to put all of their resources into focusing on the success of their new console, but it leaves people still stuck with the last-gen console to just let it collect dust. The problem with this is, a lot of people aren't going to be able to afford a brand new console when it comes out, so it'd be smart for a company to at least give their older console a little bit of a support for up to a year or 2 after the next-gen console's release, especially since most consoles have a weak start to them (and the XBOX360 was no exception to this trend), so it would probably benefit the company more to still keep the user-base of their last-gen console supported for a year or 2 more past its generation's life-cycle.
On this topic, the Wii is supposedly going to still be alive for a while after Wii U's release.
Quote from: GaryPotter on March 15, 2012, 08:19:41 PM
Neither will I if it's got the same kind of Games for Windows bullshit PCs have to put up with.
Ugh, that shit is a blight on humanity. Even Origin is better. I actually crack my legally purchased GFWL (and Origin) games so that I don't have to put up with the intense awfulness.
As soon as publishers start putting that always-on DRM shit on consoles, console gaming will be dead. That stuff is easily cracked on the PC, but good luck playing an Xbox game with that crap attached to it 10 years down the line... (
I don't know how I ended up here, but a couple of guys here are everything wrong with today's DLC model. If your best defense is "As long as nobody knows its there, they'll be ok with it", you might as well just fuck off.
QuoteThe game has a lot more content than SF4 did, and no one (who actually cares about fighting games) complained when that was full price when it came out (and it only had 6 new characters), even though it was also an 'incomplete' game.
This too. The Street Fighter IV we got was a vastly improved version of the arcade version they put out a year before. There was a shitload of modes and characters and the only real DLC was a few tweaks for the options and alternate costumes. Hardly anyone expected a Super version a year later because the game looked that complete. Right here, we're seeing another intentionally unfinished game with the purpose of extending its life by releasing a few more things down the line.
Yeah, I played some SFxT with my friend the other day. The character selection screen alone makes it fairly obvious that the game isn't complete without DLC. And that on-disc content? It's going to be $20.
They may not plan to make a "super" version of SFxT but they sure plan to fuck everyone over with DLC.
Apparently Capcom tried justifying the on-disc DLC saying that it prevents them from having to release compatibility patches. Screw you, Capcom, that's just about the weakest excuse I've ever heard.
I remember there was a time when DLC was seen as a convenient way to release expansion packs to support good games. Now its common practice to use it to make you spend more money for games. That is to say that developers will design a full game, and then intentionally cut out content from the main game on the disc that's already done and really part of the full game (or even worse, in this case, keep it on the disc but lock it) and then charge you extra money if you want to play the full game, despite having already payed full price for the game. I can see Capcom getting worse with this to the point of just releasing a glorified demo for $60 and then matching that amount to unlock all of the on-disc DLC. People need to just boycott Capcom games that pull this shit (which seems to be almost all of them, these days) rather than just giving into them and letting them continue with this practice. If they really want to make money and stay afloat as a company, they'll have to cave in quickly if most people just resist buying their games for a while (at least in terms of buying them new).
God, I want a boycott to do something. I only want to put up with those jackasses if they ever get their act together because they have so many good IPs.
Fuck, at least when Namco rushed out Soul Calibur V, they made up for it by announcing a free update patch that'll make the game more balanced and polished. Capcom purposely released an unfinished game with the intention of having customers waste even more money on what should have been on the game day 1.
The worst part is that there are people who are defending this shit. And I cannot fathom why. And I doubt a "Capcom is facing financial issues" will cut it.
If they were giving us the games we actually want, that "financial problems" wouldn't even be an issue.
It's a shame because they handled DLC so well with Super Street Fighter IV when they added Arcade Edition. But ever since then it's just been going downhill. Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3 was one thing. It was bullshit for them to release it when the original Marvel 3 wasn't even a year old (another game the obviously rushed out) but at least Ultimate feels like a complete package. This Street Fighter x Tekken nonsense is going too far though. Enough is enough. And I can't fathom how anyone would defend Capcom for this.
Companies like Capcom really give DLC a bad reputation. It's hard to believe there are still some developers out there, like Gearbox and Bethesda, that know how to handle DLC correctly.
Quote from: Eddy on March 18, 2012, 01:52:49 PM
They may not plan to make a "super" version of SFxT but they sure plan to fuck everyone over with DLC.
Apparently Capcom tried justifying the on-disc DLC saying that it prevents them from having to release compatibility patches. Screw you, Capcom, that's just about the weakest excuse I've ever heard.
Since apparently Ultimate MvC3 didn't do so hot compared to SSF4, I think Capcom has adjusted their strategy of putting the unfinished data on the disc instead of setting it aside for a new disc and using unlock keys with the complete data at a later date to charge full price. They don't even need a Super version of this because now no matter who buys the game new or used, that will be a guaranteed $20 profit for Capcom regardless of who owns it to get the "full" game.
Ingenious way to "fight" used games... By making them even more user-unfriendly and anti-consumer.
I don't normally support piracy, but in this case I hope it gets cracked ASAP.
To continue on with Capcom, the first review for Resident Evil Raccoon City is out in the new GamesTM. Here's info posted by a reader:
Quote'For Resi they stated how it was like a SOCOM game with a Resident Evil skin hence not fitting in with the brand, AI of teammates is dreadful i.e. run into walls, shoot at nothing, only good at being bullet sponges, criticised glitches like zombies popping out of thin air 'mere centimetres away', unimaginative bland set pieces like zombies popping out of doors and closets, the list goes on. They also mentioned how the Leon Kennedy scene doesn't even get a cutscene or any other fanfare therefore a wasted opportunity, wondering why Capcom even gave the reins to Slant Six although the reviewer 'wished them no ill'. I must stress this was only the single player code they reviewed 'due to print constraints' but still harsh.'
It received a 3/10.
So what's next? How about a new Mega Man by the Ninjabread Man guys? Sigh. :whuh:
If they were going to give RE to SOCOM's developers, they could have at least given it to Zipper instead of their fucking B-team.
That said, I'm honestly surprised that the game got a 3/10. The footage I've seen of ORC makes it look like the absolute worst shooter of the current gen. And I'm not even exaggerating.
Yeah, as much as I wanted to get excited for Operation Raccoon City it was just... doing nothing for me. Suffice to say, I have no plans to pick up the game. At least not until it goes way down in price and then maybe I'll get it used.
After I came straight out of finishing RE4 I had checked out some gameplay videos for Raccoon City....and for a moment I wondered whether RE4 was just a fluke and I had happened to play the only good RE game among the modern ones in the franchise. Then I found out that Raccoon City was just a spin-off outsourced to a different developer, and then we got the RE6 trailer soon after which got me really excited and hopeful for another great "modern" RE game. I still have to try and go back to the classics at some point in time, but until then I'll keep replaying RE4 whenever I get the chance.
:anger: :anger: :anger:
"We're not gouging, we're charging"
Same thing asshole.
So, while I couldn't care less about Mass Effect, if you're in the crowd that loathed the ending to ME3 (a game which I have never even played, myself), you may be interested to know that BioWare is at least listening to fan backlash seriously, with a possible intent to change the ending ( (hopefully for the sake of fans they won't actually charge money for it).
I really do hope that they change the ending. Mass Effect 3 is an excellent game marred only by its awful conclusion. And it's not like this is the first time a developer has changed the ending to their game due to fan reaction. Bethesda did it with Fallout 3: Broken Steel, and CD Projekt RED are doing it with The Witcher 2: Enhanced Edition. Hell, even Borderlands did it with its third DLC that extended the story and gave players a legitimate vault to loot.
I... uh... I still don't know why I go to this message board anymore.
Notice how almost everyone in this thread is treating a reasonable poster of InabaTewi about how he views publishers used games propaganda as bullshit (Which is something I agree with), and that there are people that think developers should make a profit on used games. How can you even manage that with things like Craiglist, eBay, selling off to a friend etc, in our current world? Do people seriously forget that GameStop isn't the only place where you can get used games? (
They just won't go away.
QuoteThe sheer numbers are overwhelming. In 2011 alone, the company says it sold 172 million "post PC" devices, an Apple term encompassing the iPhone, iPad and iPod. To put that into context, that's nearly 30 million more than the lifetime sales of the Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, Nintendo 3DS and PlayStation Vita added together.
So each of those systems slod a combined total of 5.7 million systems?
This guy.
QuoteIn 2011 alone, the company says it sold 172 million "post PC" devices, an Apple term encompassing the iPhone, iPad and iPod.
Wow, Apple has somehow succeeded in making a phone, a tablet, and an mp3 player sound pretentious. Astounding.
We're living in a post-PC world!
Have I told you guys how much I dislike Apple? Well, I dislike the attitudes of their cheerleaders far more.
Screw you guys, I love my iPhone and iPad. :P Shit half my posting here comes from my phone.
Although I agree they won't ever replace my DSs and PSPs.
So Resident Evil 5-2, anyone? (
It won't be Resident Evil 5-2 unless the combat sucks and forced co-op is shoehorned in for no reason. At worst, this game will be Gears Of Evil.
RE 5 and ORC have already killed the series gameplay-wise while Umbrella Chronicles and ORC successfully managed to rape the story in multiple orifices. The best thing Resident Evil 6 can possibly do is to disassociate itself with any preceding games and reboot the franchise into full-on Vanquish-style TPS action.
Or into something subdued and terrifying like Siren (but with "real" zombies instead of shibito).
Which will never happen.
I just don't know why they can't just make more Revelations-type games with more of an emphasis on survival, and make the more actiony games a new IP. When you warp something into something it was never meant to be, it eventually cracks and falls to pieces.
And emulating COD makes no sense. Resident Evil is not Call Of Duty.
Actually, there was a very good point someone brought up on that subject:
QuoteYeah how come Street Fighter hasn't become an SSB clone since SSB sells so much more. Why isn't Megaman a Mario clone considering how well it sells. Why is Resident Evil the one that needs to become like Call of Duty?
I mean, Mega Man's shabby treatment aside, going for that NSMB money is a LOT more than COD money is worth.
But hey,
And that's what's wrong with gaming today.
Making titles based on their marketability, rather
than just creating good games.
This quote speaks the truth.
Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on March 22, 2012, 07:59:52 PM
And emulating COD makes no sense. Resident Evil is not Call Of Duty.
The tiny bit of gameplay footage seen in the first trailer looks nothing like CoD, so they probably just mean that they want to get the CoD audience (just like a certain RPG developer said a short while back...). The team making Revelations clearly understood why RE 4 was so good (to an extent... the cutaway action levels were horrendous), but that style doesn't bring in the big bucks Cashcom is looking for.
On that note, Capcom is apparently going to be announcing more western-developed spin-offs of their franchises soon. Right now we have a shitty Resident Evil cover shooter made by a C-list developer and coming soon is the Devil May Cry prequel/reboot that plays like God Of War, looks like Twilight, and is developed by a company known for having better cutscenes and setpieces than base gameplay.
Here's what I'm anticipating:
Mega Man XX - 30 year old Mega Man (based on the classic NES box art) is a cop on the edge with nothing to lose. He is tasked with bringing down 8 distinct gangs run by the ruthless "Robot Masters" in a cyberpunk dystopia. It'll be a GTA clone with lots of driving, cover-based shooting, and no jump button. Developed by Team Soho.
Oni Musha: Legend Of The Demon Warrior - A stealth game about a dishonored samurai journeying through Hell to take revenge on the demons who destroyed his village and killed his family. Developed by Replay Studios.
Monster Hunter: The Reckoning - An action RPG with a major emphasis on story and character development. Loosely based on the award-winning narratives of the series' previous games. Features no boss battles whatsoever. Developed by Obsidian Entertainment.
I still remember that dmc guy saying that "they weren't trying to better Bayonetta in combat" a few months ago during an interview. Talk about missing the point more than Hayashi in NG3.
I just want to know what's wrong with Dead Space 2 or Resident Evil 4 money? Those game were pretty successful and nothing like COD. COD gamers want COD for COD, they don't want a series that has nothing to do with it trying to be like it. I guess I'm just worried about this trend of more and more games playing exactly alike.
Been on a bit of P* kick lately. I'm sure you've noticed. Anyway, I've been reading a lot of fan reactions about Metal Gear Rising, and I'm completely fucking dumbfounded by the hate it's been receiving. This post I found on Kotaku sums up my opinion on the matter perfectly:
QuoteThe reaction to Rising in general has completely blown my mind. I just don't understand gamers anymore.
People act like it's the end of the world, that a damn spin-off is going to undo 25 years worth of gaming excellence. That it can't exist in the same universe because a few things are different. It's stupid, even more so than the game's stupid subtitle.
What does it take to please people, a different name? What would that accomplish? Rising is a solid looking action game that was conceived as a part of the Metal Gear universe, with the blessing of Kojima himself. It has legitimate connections to the series despite going in a slightly different direction, is in the hands of a developer that can do the gameplay justice and has Kojima Productions overseeing the project.
Last generation this game (graphics aside) would have been big. Now it's too over the top, too Japanese. It's sad.
The haters have been getting on my nerves as well. I understand having a franchise you're a fan of suddenly take a completely different turn than what's expected. The thing these people don't realize however, is that Kojima himself wasn't proud of the way the original Metal Gear Solid: Rising was turning out, and even canceled it before Platinum came and offered their services. Yeah, the original concept was arguably more unique, but Kojima couldn't find a way to deliver a satisfying result. The way people are reacting, you'd almost think this game is on par with DmC and Ninja Gaiden 3 on a franchise wrecking level, but in reality, Kojima's still involved as a producer, and is still in charge of the story stuff (far as I can tell) so it'll still be Metal Gear. There's also the fact that Rising is the start of a new era in MG, focusing on Raiden instead of Snake, so it's not like a gameplay change is unwarranted.
Quote from: Foggle on March 22, 2012, 11:38:50 PM
Been on a bit of P* kick lately. I'm sure you've noticed. Anyway, I've been reading a lot of fan reactions about Metal Gear Rising, and I'm completely fucking dumbfounded by the hate it's been receiving. This post I found on Kotaku sums up my opinion on the matter perfectly:
QuoteThe reaction to Rising in general has completely blown my mind. I just don't understand gamers anymore.
People act like it's the end of the world, that a damn spin-off is going to undo 25 years worth of gaming excellence. That it can't exist in the same universe because a few things are different. It's stupid, even more so than the game's stupid subtitle.
What does it take to please people, a different name? What would that accomplish? Rising is a solid looking action game that was conceived as a part of the Metal Gear universe, with the blessing of Kojima himself. It has legitimate connections to the series despite going in a slightly different direction, is in the hands of a developer that can do the gameplay justice and has Kojima Productions overseeing the project.
Last generation this game (graphics aside) would have been big. Now it's too over the top, too Japanese. It's sad.
Man, I had to deal with people bitching over the comparison videos. It was "MGR has cartoon animation now" this and "the old version promised unique stealth" that. I saw no "unique" stealth in that comparison video, just a video that looked like an outdated version of the build of today. I also saw that Raiden hasn't been seen wielding two lightning blades like he did in the old video. Of course dual wielding ridiculous weapons adds ground breaking stealth feature, amirite. :sly:
Quote from: Rynnec on March 23, 2012, 02:06:41 AM
The haters have been getting on my nerves as well. I understand having a franchise you're a fan of suddenly take a completely different turn than what's expected. The thing these people don't realize however, is that Kojima himself wasn't proud of the way the original Metal Gear Solid: Rising was turning out, and even canceled it before Platinum came and offered their services. Yeah, the original concept was arguably more unique, but Kojima couldn't find a way to deliver a satisfying result. The way people are reacting, you'd almost think this game is on par with DmC and Ninja Gaiden 3 on a franchise wrecking level, but in reality, Kojima's still involved as a producer, and is still in charge of the story stuff (far as I can tell) so it'll still be Metal Gear. There's also the fact that Rising is the start of a new era in MG, focusing on Raiden instead of Snake, so it's not like a gameplay change is unwarranted.
It's a completely different era with a different name. The MGS series is over folks. That's like bitching about Metal Gear Solid not having 8 bit graphics.
This also reminds me that Kojima series needs to move on. Stop being bullied by these damn fans. He should do Metal Gear Rising, flip "fans" the bird and then do whatever the hell he wants to do. I'd buy a romance sim from him just to be glad that he moved on and to rub it in those jackasses faces. Hey look bitches, I'm about to take Cindy out on a date. :sly:
Maybe something like Rising might have bothered me if I were a fan of the MGS franchise as it was, but since I'm not I'm really just excited for the game since I look at it more as a stand-alone hack n' slash action game from Platinum that stands on its own merits, which merely has "ties" to the MGS Universe. I suppose I can see why long-time fans would not like this direction at all, though, since MGS was always supposed to be different from the typical action game mentality, being that it popularized the aspect of stealth and sneaking around in gaming, rather than going in guns blazing....or I guess in this case swords blazing. ;)
There aren't very many stealth OR hack 'n slash games these days, so I'm glad to see both genres getting represented well by a single series.
My problem is that no one complained about Rising being a sword action game two years ago, but now that Platinum is making it, suddenly it's "shit." Obnoxious "fans" think they know more about Metal Gear than Kojima... (
I swear, everytime Tameem opens his mouth, he puts his foot in it. It's clear that he doesn't know
anything about what made Devil May Cry so great. I understand his philosophy of "believe in what you're doing", and I get wanting to add stuff that appeals to him personally, but he should just create a new IP instead of dumping all his personal interests and appeal into a series where said interests wouldn't fit in with what's estabilished (It's like if Daisuke Ishiwatari worked on a Street Fighter game, and dumped all his appreciation for rock'n roll music and aesthetics there instead of creating Guilty Gear). Yeah, I'm sure the reason Capcom is even slapping the brand on this project in the first place is to sell more copies, but when said association with Devil May Cry is what's
causing the backlash, then you're doing something wrong.
QuoteHow about this theory that he's modelled on you?
What can I say? He's a decade and a half younger than me, way better looking... The only thing he's got is black hair. And he's male. I didn't design the character. I didn't go to our designers and say, "I think it's a really good idea if we make the new Dante look like me, because I want to be in the game." They'd laugh at me. They'd throw me out the window.
Whatever you say Tam-Tam, whatever you say. ::)
For the whole Metal Gear thing... Isn't this called Metal Gear Rising and not Metal Gear SOLID Rising? It's not a Solid game, so I don't even see the complaint. It's a new series.
The same whiners that would probably cry if Kojima turned around and made a Metal Gear 3 with the old overhead style because "lolMetal Gear 3 already came out1!on where's old Snake?"... I would rather Kojima just do something-ANYTHING else, honestly. We could have had a new Snatcher, Policenauts, or Zone Of The Enders by now. Heck, maybe a new series. Lord knows Konami needs it.
Well, Metal Gear 1 & 2 were also stealth games (let's just forget that Snake's Revenge ever happened), so even without the "Solid," the title still implies specific gameplay elements.
I'm pretty sure Kojima has wanted to walk away from Metal Gear for a long time, but Konami won't let him. He probably decided to let Platinum develop Rising simply because he didn't really want anything to do with it.
It's obvious that Kojima is a visionary and one of the most brilliant people in the industry. All of his games pre-MGS 2 are clear proof of that (though every one of his games is excellent). And I think Konami kills a little bit more of his soul every time he's assigned to a new Metal Gear project.
Its because those damn fans keep buying those games no matter what. In fact, I'm willing to bet even the fanboys whining and screaming about MGRR being a hack n' slash game instead of a stealth game will still buy it just because of the Metal Gear logo in the title and just so that they can bitch about it some more. Either way, Konami makes money off of it, and as long as they keep making money they'll keep forcing Kojima to make more MGS games for them, especially since a lot of the series' success has to do with his name being attached to any projects involving it.
The poor guy probably wishes his fans would stop buying his freaking games so he has an excuse to stop working on MG games and try out something new. :P
Quote from: Ensatsu-ken on March 23, 2012, 06:56:59 PM
The poor guy probably wishes his fans would stop buying his freaking games so he has an excuse to stop working on MG games and try out something new. :P
Rumor has it that's why MGS 2 ended up like it did.
Anyway, I'm sorry Kojima, but I'm going to have to buy Revengeance on day 1. Please try to understand.
If this rumor is true, I will be seriously upset.
This series has such a rocky history. Such a shame too, since it has a lot of potential.
Quote from: Foggle on March 23, 2012, 02:12:23 PM
There aren't very many stealth OR hack 'n slash games these days, so I'm glad to see both genres getting represented well by a single series.
My problem is that no one complained about Rising being a sword action game two years ago, but now that Platinum is making it, suddenly it's "shit." Obnoxious "fans" think they know more about Metal Gear than Kojima...
Amen. The fact that they are getting made at the only good hack n slash developer because a team that usually works on stealth games is doing MGR is really sickening.
Quote from: Foggle on March 23, 2012, 07:02:31 PM
Quote from: Ensatsu-ken on March 23, 2012, 06:56:59 PM
The poor guy probably wishes his fans would stop buying his freaking games so he has an excuse to stop working on MG games and try out something new. :P
Rumor has it that's why MGS 2 ended up like it did.
Anyway, I'm sorry Kojima, but I'm going to have to buy Revengeance on day 1. Please try to understand.
:D Yeah.
Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on March 24, 2012, 02:17:32 PM
This series has such a rocky history. Such a shame too, since it has a lot of potential.
I hope that Prey 2 gets own game, takes out Tommy and then someone gives us a Prey sequel that lives up to the original's potential with all the gravity wall walking and portals.
You know what I hate? When companies expect you to pay $60 on a game to play a demo for another game. Like with Capcom (boy they come up a lot in this thread) and Resident Evil 6. I'd want to play a demo for Resident Evil 6 but why should I have to spend $60 on Dragon's Dogma, a game I have no intent of getting, to do so?
Or even worse, when I buy an awesome game (Brave Fencer Musashi) and get let down by the demo of a sequel I was anticipating (Final Fantasy VIII)... It leaves a bittersweet feeling.
Quote from: Eddy on March 27, 2012, 11:17:36 AM
You know what I hate? When companies expect you to pay $60 on a game to play a demo for another game. Like with Capcom (boy they come up a lot in this thread) and Resident Evil 6. I'd want to play a demo for Resident Evil 6 but why should I have to spend $60 on Dragon's Dogma, a game I have no intent of getting, to do so?
If you think that's bad, KoeiTecmo is even worse. They charged people $100 for the collector's edition of the very crappy Ninja Gaiden 3 (I still can't get over how much they fucked up the series with this game) just for the full version of a pre-alpha DOA5 demo (which only has 4 characters and 1 stage....and that's actually supposed to be the HIGHLIGHT of the so-called collector's edition, which only makes you think of how uninspired the rest of the package must be :imnothappy: ). People who pre-ordered the game got the demo with only 2 characters, and I find it hilarious KT thinks that DOA is popular enough for them to be doing something like this. Its not anywhere near the level of popularity of other 3D fighters like Tekken and Soul Calibur, or other popular fighters in general like SF or even KOF, so them using the demo to increase their NG3 sales is only going to hurt their DOA sales (plus NG3 is barely going to sell given its low review scores this time around). I just can't wait to see his company crumble, personally.
Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on March 27, 2012, 12:12:26 PM
Or even worse, when I buy an awesome game (Brave Fencer Musashi) and get let down by the demo of a sequel I was anticipating (Final Fantasy VIII)... It leaves a bittersweet feeling.
*shoots Spark*
Sorry to bring up next gen talk, but there's a rumor floating around about the PS4. Kotaku has a bigger article, but I'll just steal this post from Neogaf to sum it up since I'm not a tech guy:
-no BC with Ps3
- exists
-AMD 2012 GPU with up to 4k resolution for games. AMD Southern Islands GPU
-AMD x64 CPU
- anti used game system like PC games with always online DRM.
"If you buy the disc, it must be locked to a single PSN account, after which you can play the game, save the whole thing to your HDD, or peg it as "downloaded" in your account history and be free to download it at a later date."
"it's believed used games will be limited to a trial mode or some other form of content restriction, with consumers having to pay a fee to unlock/register the full game."
If true, I'm done with Sony.
-no BC with Ps3
- anti used game system like PC games with always online DRM.
Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on March 28, 2012, 02:06:49 PM
-no BC with Ps3
Oh, well, that kind of sucks but I'm sure it'll all be ok--
Quote- anti used game system like PC games with always online DRM.
Quote- anti used game system like PC games with always online DRM.
Quote- anti used game system like PC games with always online DRM.
Quote- anti used game system like PC games with always online DRM.
If companies seriously try to pull all of those anti-used games practices in the next generation, I think that they'll find it to destroy their business rather than help it (unless the cost of new games miraculously drops by a huge margin next-gen, which I seriously doubt). It'll get to the point where even the people who defend these shitty practices won't be able to afford to keep up with gaming, and we'll experience the next big video game crash since 1983. At this point its not even a mere joke. It can really happen if the dumb-asses running these businesses don't realize that this'll only get people to stop buying games altogether. I for one would never support these practices, but even if I was delusioned into thinking they were right and did try to support them, I couldn't, because I can't afford to buy games new most of the time. I rely on used game sales to get the games I need, so if they take that way next gen, then I'm just flat-out not getting any next-gen consoles or games.
What is really annoying is how their whole anti-used game and DRM plan is actually being defended by people out there. Like they have no idea how badly that's going to affect average people.
If Microsoft pulls this too, then console gaming is in serious trouble.
And if Nintendo follows suit (which I doubt they will, but anything's possible), then console gaming is dead. Period.
Well, if Sony and Microsoft pull this but Nintendo doesn't, and the WiiU does end up getting good 3rd party support with next-gen games, then I think Nintendo will seriously have the opportunity to stomp the competition in sales. People aren't as stupid as some of the higher-up businessmen who have gaming companies pull this shit believe they are, and most people who have any interest in gaming will tend to go with the cheapest option that provides them the most gaming options for their money. With Nintendo, you already have a guaranteed great line-up of exclusives, and if it manages to get strong 3rd party support as well, it'll have all that it needs to dominate over Microsoft and Sony next gen.
Yeah, if Nintendo doesn't pull this anti-used game bullcrap, then the WiiU simply has to get good 3rd party support this time around.
Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on March 28, 2012, 02:17:43 PM
What is really annoying is how their whole anti-used game and DRM plan is actually being defended by people out there. Like they have no idea how badly that's going to affect average people.
If Microsoft pulls this too, then console gaming is in serious trouble.
Console gaming will be fucking dead aside from Nintendo. Literally. Anyone who defends this shit has never had Splinter Cell Conviction or Assassin's Creed 2 stop working when their internet connection went down. They've never been locked out of BulletStorm or their Mass Effect 3 save because they aren't connected to the internet. They've never been been unable to save in GTA 4 because they weren't connected to Windows Live at the time.
Do the people who defend this crap actually understand what it means for consoles to start implementing this kind of DRM? It's already horrible on the PC, but at least there you can easily crack your legally purchased games (like I've been forced to do many times) to ensure the continued usage of your favorite titles.
You can't do that on a console.
I don't think Nintendo is doing it. They usually don't like to force things like mandatory internet connections and taking out features from the previous console for BC or whatever, and there hasn't been any rumors suggesting this one will be any different in that aspect.
Though it would be weird if this is standard outside of Nintendo next gen because it would inadvertently prove that used sales help games because most people would most likely buy the Wii-U version of multiplatform games for offering more features (by default) and being the cheapest.
The weirdest part is that there are still a lot of people out there who DON'T connect their systems to the internet for a lot of reasons. Maybe they only have 56k (yeah, that's still around), they don't have the providers, or they simply don't want to go online. It also convoluts the system which is a major reason people bought the Wii and the 360 last gen over the PS3 because they were a lot simpler and straightforward to use. Mom and dad buying this for little Manfred are not going to have any idea what's going on or why their system won't work until they find out they simply don't live in the "correct" area to use the system.
You're essentially locking out a giant amount of people from your product in an industry that's already sinking billions into the hole. I'm no economics major, but that's just terrible business.
My internet connection is extremely unstable. It usually goes down for about 10 minutes every 30. That's why I always crack my PC games and was so happy to hear about bot match being an option in Anarchy Reigns.
If they bring that DRM to consoles, I will be physically unable to play console games.
Quote from: Foggle on March 28, 2012, 02:41:15 PM
My internet connection is extremely unstable. It usually goes down for about 10 minutes every 30. That's why I always crack my PC games and was so happy to hear about bot match being an option in Anarchy Reigns.
If they bring that DRM to consoles, I will be physically unable to play console games.
The reason I think this could be true is because it's Sony.
They went with an expensive format that no one was using (first UMD then Blu-Ray), they made a DLC only handheld and infuriated retailers (while customers simply walked by), they were the first to adopt online passes for new games (Live is a general subscription, not quite the same thing), there was that whole exploit issue where they scorched the earth with users and their shoddy networks fell (Yes, this is a company I can put my safety with), and a handheld with absolutely no first party support with mandatory memory cards that drive the price into $300 territory, and now a console with online only DRM?
It isn't really that far out of the ballpark.
So while I do dog on Sony a lot, it's because they frequently make the dumbest decisions possible. If this keeps up, the PS3 will definitely be the last Sony system I purchase. (Other than the Vita, when that sinks in price) I can live with being a one console gamer.
If this trend keeps continuing, I think I might be a WiiU and PC Gamer next generation. I kind of been not playing my Xbox 360 recently and really don't feel like getting a PS3 even with my tax money, I feel like saving it for something else and I don't think I'll be continuing any of these consoles next generation.
Cool, looks like Sony is saving me another few hundred dollars. I held off on the PS3 until last summer, and the only thing that pushed me over the edge was the bluray, so it doesn't seem too hard to live without the PS4.
What's strange is that the last several generations the gaming companies were consistently giving us more and more features in their machines, now all of the sudden they are taking them away.
Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on March 28, 2012, 02:06:49 PM
Sorry to bring up next gen talk, but there's a rumor floating around about the PS4. Kotaku has a bigger article, but I'll just steal this post from Neogaf to sum it up since I'm not a tech guy:
-no BC with Ps3
- exists
-AMD 2012 GPU with up to 4k resolution for games. AMD Southern Islands GPU
-AMD x64 CPU
- anti used game system like PC games with always online DRM.
"If you buy the disc, it must be locked to a single PSN account, after which you can play the game, save the whole thing to your HDD, or peg it as "downloaded" in your account history and be free to download it at a later date."
"it's believed used games will be limited to a trial mode or some other form of content restriction, with consumers having to pay a fee to unlock/register the full game."
If true, I'm done with Sony.
Someone please link me to somewhere where I can protest this.
All I can say is that if Sony pulls this there's no way I'm getting the PS4.
So there's more online rumors for new consoles, this time about Nintendo's service. This was posted by Two Tribes on Twitter (!/TwoTribesGames/status/185195880142483456), note that they are currently working on Toki Tori 2 for the Wii-U launch for the e-shop.
If true, DAY ONE.
Gamepolitics said it had it's doubts about this, and they haven't given me any reason not to trust their judgement. So, until this is confirmed I'm staying cautiously optimistic. Even if it's true, I can live with Nintendo alone. I've been feeling a lot guilty on letting the GameCube library slip me by anyway (I only have four games for it. I have a Wii too, but I unfortunatly haven't gotten around to play it more often yet.
Quote from: Peanutbutter on March 29, 2012, 11:44:18 AMI have a Wii too, but I unfortunatly haven't gotten around to play it more often yet.
Well then! Step right up! (
Potentially bad news for Anarchy Reigns, Bayonetta 2, and future English translations of the Yakuza series...
If Anarchy Reigns is cancelled, I will probably have to spend an entire day crying and eating ice cream in my bathtub.
That one might be too far along at this point to cancel since it's basically done and ready to be shipped, but I would be far more worried for Platinum's future output.
IMO, the Yakuza series needs a bit of a break. Sega needs to focus on something that actually has a shot at Western appeal. It's not coincidence that they've recently started going back to their old IPs as they've probably discovered that few of their remaining IPs actually appeal to both sides of the pond.
Easy solution; get Platinum to make a new Streets Of Rage with no gore, and the Yakuza team to work with Yu Suzuki on a Shenmue reboot (With a modest budget, the game would be a success), and expand Sonic Team so they can work on more than one project (like while the Generations team is making a follow up, have the Colors team make a new Ristar or Toe Jam & Earl), get Overworks working on different RPGs every year instead of sticking them with one series, and get Headstrong to make that Jet Set Radio Wii game they wanted to make (only for Wii U), and Sega would be on the right track.
Also, the most obvious.
Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on March 30, 2012, 02:25:07 PM
That one might be too far along at this point to cancel since it's basically done and ready to be shipped, but I would be far more worried for Platinum's future output.
Activision shitcanned True Crime: Hong Kong and that game was almost completely finished. Same thing has happened before with other publishers, though no examples come to mind at the moment. As far as future Platinum Games goes, they're actually a third party developer with a five game contract with Sega (and Anarchy Reigns is the fifth), so they'll be fine unless they want to make sequels for their existing IPs.
Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on March 30, 2012, 02:25:07 PM
IMO, the Yakuza series needs a bit of a break. Sega needs to focus on something that actually has a shot at Western appeal.
Yakuza 5 has been in development since before 4's release. It runs on a completely new engine and features a bunch of gameplay enhancements and tweaks, along with four cities instead of just one or two. One of the devs has said that "Yakuza 5 will be to the series what Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas was to GTA, a massive expansion on the core concept that takes the franchise to new heights." Yakuza isn't going anywhere anytime soon (in Japan it's Sega's biggest franchise aside from Sonic, after all), but it's almost definitely done in the west.
QuoteEasy solution; get Platinum to make a new Streets Of Rage with no gore, and the Yakuza team to work with Yu Suzuki on a Shenmue reboot (With a modest budget, the game would be a success), and expand Sonic Team so they can work on more than one project (like while the Generations team is making a follow up, have the Colors team make a new Ristar or Toe Jam & Earl), get Overworks working on different RPGs every year instead of sticking them with one series, and get Headstrong to make that Jet Set Radio Wii game they wanted to make (only for Wii U), and Sega would be on the right track.
Sounds awesome, but I can't see any of that ever happening except for
maybe Platinum rebooting Streets of Rage in 3D. Maybe.
Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on March 30, 2012, 02:34:12 PM
Also, the most obvious.
They really need to do this. Especially if this game went multi-plat, Sega would literally be swimming in cash after the fact.
If by multiplatform you mean on the Wii/WiiU and 3DS (having its own version of a crossover game like that), then yeah, that would probably likely if a game like that were ever made. But there's no way in hell Nintendo would allow any bit of Mario to show up on a console that's not their own. After all, the last time that ever happened was with the CDI games, and we all know how THOSE turned out. :>
Quote from: Foggle on March 30, 2012, 02:44:16 PM
Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on March 30, 2012, 02:25:07 PM
That one might be too far along at this point to cancel since it's basically done and ready to be shipped, but I would be far more worried for Platinum's future output.
Activision shitcanned True Crime: Hong Kong and that game was almost completely finished. Same thing has happened before with other publishers, though no examples come to mind at the moment. As far as future Platinum Games goes, they're actually a third party developer with a five game contract with Sega (and Anarchy Reigns is the fifth), so they'll be fine unless they want to make sequels for their existing IPs.
Good point, but Activision isn't quite Sega. Sega has never scrapped a game past the concept phase, personally I think this refers to future projects that were in planning and early stages.
QuoteQuote from: Spark Of Spirit on March 30, 2012, 02:25:07 PM
IMO, the Yakuza series needs a bit of a break. Sega needs to focus on something that actually has a shot at Western appeal.
Yakuza 5 has been in development since before 4's release. It runs on a completely new engine and features a bunch of gameplay enhancements and tweaks, along with four cities instead of just one or two. One of the devs has said that "Yakuza 5 will be to the series what Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas was to GTA, a massive expansion on the core concept that takes the franchise to new heights." Yakuza isn't going anywhere anytime soon (in Japan it's Sega's biggest franchise aside from Sonic, after all), but it's almost definitely done in the west.
Yeah, that all sounds great, but I still think they should make a franchise that can hit both sides of the pond. They're a talented bunch. But limiting sales isn't doing anything to help Sega.
QuoteQuoteEasy solution; get Platinum to make a new Streets Of Rage with no gore, and the Yakuza team to work with Yu Suzuki on a Shenmue reboot (With a modest budget, the game would be a success), and expand Sonic Team so they can work on more than one project (like while the Generations team is making a follow up, have the Colors team make a new Ristar or Toe Jam & Earl), get Overworks working on different RPGs every year instead of sticking them with one series, and get Headstrong to make that Jet Set Radio Wii game they wanted to make (only for Wii U), and Sega would be on the right track.
Sounds awesome, but I can't see any of that ever happening except for maybe Platinum rebooting Streets of Rage in 3D. Maybe.
Those were just ideas. Sega needs to actually build brands again, something they haven't done since the Dreamcast. When something is popular they build on it, if it has potential they build on it, if it bombs on one side of the world like 3 times in a row its time to move on to something that won't cripple the company.
QuoteQuote from: Spark Of Spirit on March 30, 2012, 02:34:12 PM
Also, the most obvious.
They really need to do this. Especially if this game went multi-plat, Sega would literally be swimming in cash after the fact.
By multi-plat you mean 3DS and Wii-U right? Because a game with Mario is not going to another system. :p
It's seriously easy, too.
Generations/Galaxy team - a Wii-U 3D platformer that looks like Colors and Galaxy got down and dirty. Using a mix of modern gameplay.
Colors/NSMB Wii team - a 3DS 2D hand drawn sprite platformer that looks like a combination of this:
There you go, two multi-million dollar games that everyone who has been alive since 1991 has wanted.
I meant Wii-U (and/or Wii) with a possible PC port if they're feeling open-minded and an exclusive 3DS version a la Colors and Generations.
Maybe RGG Team will do a game with more mass appeal after Yakuza 5, but I doubt that. Sega is going to continue milking that series in Japan because it's one of the few that still makes them lots of money.
This news basically means that they're not going to be taking any risks for awhile. For now, we can probably expect a lot of Sonic, Total War, Aliens, and (Japan-exclusive) Yakuza sequels along with tons more ports of old games and not much else.
Well, I am anticipating Aliens Colonial Marines and Sonic & Sega All Star Racing 2, so it's not all bad.
How Sega didn't get Kamiya to make a Shinobi game still floors me, though. Platinum is a talented bunch, but their IPs just don't sell. If Sega gave them the ammo, they could easily knock it out of the park.
Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on March 30, 2012, 03:22:26 PM
Well, I am anticipating Aliens Colonial Marines
Hell yeah, so am I, and I'm also eagerly anticipating any upcoming Sonic games. I'll probably import Yakuza 5, as well. I just don't think we can expect Sega to do anything original for awhile.
quote author=Foggle link=topic=255.msg18603#msg18603 date=1333132830]
Potentially bad news for Anarchy Reigns, Bayonetta 2, and future English translations of the Yakuza series...
If Anarchy Reigns is cancelled, I will probably have to spend an entire day crying and eating ice cream in my bathtub.
[/quote]As long as you're fully clothed.
To continue with the topic:
What I really dislike are IPs with potential that are left to rot. (
Definitely want another Vectorman, Comix Zone and Syphon Filter.
PlatinumGames' JP had this to say:
"I've been in LA this week, but if the game was cancelled, I certainly don't know about it."
Thank god.
Oh wow, what the fuck, Grasshopper? (
Skrillex? Five Finger Death Punch? Dragonforce? Children of Bodom? I thought you guys made "punk rock games?" What with this lame shit!? Where's the goddamn punk?!
Ugh. Why does nobody try other styles of music other than genera rock for games?
Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on March 30, 2012, 09:02:27 PM
Ugh. Why does nobody try other styles of music other than genera rock for games?
I really expected better from Grasshopper than fucking Skrillex and Children of Bodom. Seriously, the title of No More Heroes was inspired by The Stranglers! Their company motto is "punk's not dead!" C'mon, guys. :(
Capcom is at it again!
I never played Asura's Wrath, nor do I have any desire too, but apparently Capcom has some DLC planned for it. The true ending to the game. So you want to see the game's real ending?
Just give Capcom more money! :blush:
Dammit Capcom! And just when I was about to rent the game too.
The worst April Fool's day prank ever.
Quote1st April ? Nintendo is proud to announce the opening of a brand new software development studio in the heart of the English countryside. Established just outside the village of Henley-in-Arden, 20miles south of Birmingham, Phoenix Games? is already hard at work on the research and development of three brand new projects for Nintendo?s Wii U? Video Game Console, and Nintendo 3DS?.
Leading this new studio are video game veteran?s Tim and Chris Stamper. Perhaps best well known for their previous studio Rareware?, based in Twycross. Tim and Chris have exclusively worked on Nintendo platforms for nearly thirty years, and following the sale of Rareware? to Microsoft in 2002 have been eager to return to Nintendo?s family.
?We?ve always felt at home developing on Nintendo systems, we share the same mentality, thought process and care for our titles and properties. We?ve found working with Nintendo over these past few months exhilarating and are blown away by their plans for the Wii U?.? says Tim, whilst his brother Chris had this to say ?We left Nintendo in 2002, and shortly after we realised something wasn?t right with Microsoft. We cut our losses and left Rare in early 2007. Early last year when Reggie Fils-Aime gave us a call and decided to share with us the first details of ?Project Cafe?, as it was then known, it instantly sparked our interest. They truly have one amazing machine with the Wii U? and we cannot wait to show the world what it can do at E3 in June.?
Tim and Chris are also joined by famed-developer and long-term friend David Doak, best known as the producer for both Goldeneye 007? and Perfect Dark? on the N64? video game system.
About Phoenix Games
Founded in 2011, Phoenix Games is a wholly owned subsidiary of Nintendo Company, Ltd. We?re a state-of-the-art team working closely with our partners in Japan to bring cutting-edge games to Nintendo platforms such as the Wii U?.
Our studio is located in beautiful Henley-in-Arden, Hertfordshire. With rolling hills to the north, rivers threading through town, abundant wildlife, and a laid-back, cosmopolitan culture, Henley is a dynamic and truly wonderful place to live. With plentiful outdoor activities and a vibrant, diverse music scene, there?s something for everyone in Henley, especially if you?re a connoisseur of all things barbecue.
Our team is composed of industry veterans and leaders with decades of experience creating compelling games for the global market. Led by Tim and Chris Stamper, famous for the award-winning Goldeneye, Perfect Dark, Donkey Kong Country? series which reflect our passion, creativity, and dedication to excellence, and we?re working hard to ensure our future titles uphold the industry-leading Nintendo standard of quality.?
About Nintendo
The worldwide pioneer in the creation of interactive entertainment, Nintendo Co., Ltd., of Kyoto, Japan, manufactures and markets hardware and software for its Wii? home console, Nintendo 3DS? and Nintendo DS? family of portable systems. Since 1983, when it launched the Nintendo Entertainment System?, Nintendo has sold more than 3.9 billion video games and more than 620 million hardware units globally, including the current-generation Wii, Nintendo 3DS, Nintendo DS, Nintendo DSi? and Nintendo DSi? XL, as well as the Game Boy?, Game Boy Advance?, Super NES?, Nintendo? 64 and Nintendo GameCube? systems. It has also created industry icons that have become well-known, household names such as Mario?, Donkey Kong?, Metroid?, Zelda? and Pok?mon?. A wholly owned subsidiary, Nintendo of Europe, based in Grossostheim, Germany, was established in 1990 and serves as headquarters for Nintendo?s operations in Europe.
At this rate we're going to need a thread just to bitch about Capcom. (
I think we should just turn the MML3 thread into the "Capcom is terrble" thread.
This is just getting sad.
Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on April 02, 2012, 02:09:26 PM
I think we should just turn the MML3 thread into the "Capcom is terrble" thread.
This is just getting sad.
I just read that article Eddy posted and all the comments and I agree with everyone saying that there is a HUGE difference between content that's already on the disc and content that was obviously made after the game went Gold. I plan to buy the "The Wrath of the Lamb" DLC for Binding of Isaac when it comes to Steam later in the month, since this is a good example of DLC that was planned out after the game launched. Capcom having a code you have to buy to get the other characters however isn't something I want to support.
Oh man, lol. ( EA really sucks. (
Holy shit, how has no one managed to make an easy as fuck lightsaber dueling game yet?
Quote from: Rosalinas Spare Wand on April 03, 2012, 03:35:00 AM (
That Star Wars thing leaves me a loss for words. But I wouldn't say it's killing Star Wars any worse than all the shit George has already done to it.
My friends were trying to defend Capcom's shit today. Telling me that they're a business and what not. Bullshit. They're a business, yes, but fucking over your fans and pulling crap like they have is NO way to run a business. I don't see how anyone can honestly DEFEND Capcom for the crap they've been pulling this gen.
I got hit with the "It's business" BS card as well (for both Capcom, and more recently, DRM's). That argument completely misses the point on why these practices are bad, if not downright harmful to the industry as a whole.
What kind of business practice treats well paying customers like crap? Really, things like those feel like I'm being punished just for buying a game legally. This GIF does demonstrate how much DRM sucks.
Quote from: Eddy on April 04, 2012, 12:01:57 AM
That Star Wars thing leaves me a loss for words. But I wouldn't say it's killing Star Wars any worse than all the shit George has already done to it.
My friends were trying to defend Capcom's shit today. Telling me that they're a business and what not. Bullshit. They're a business, yes, but fucking over your fans and pulling crap like they have is NO way to run a business. I don't see how anyone can honestly DEFEND Capcom for the crap they've been pulling this gen.
I'm confused at how not giving the fans what they want is a good thing. It can't be defended.
Quote from: Daxdiv on April 04, 2012, 11:28:15 AM
What kind of business practice treats well paying customers like crap? Really, things like those feel like I'm being punished just for buying a game legally. This GIF does demonstrate how much DRM sucks.
It'd be more accurate if the pirate trucks drove around the DRM wall while all the paying customer cars crashed into it. :-\
There are plenty of other companies that don't pull this including Capcom itself before Inafune left. I don't know what it is about gamers that they'll just take it from companies like this. I never hear this type of excuse from music, movies, animation, TV, art, or book fans. It's only ever gamers that defend companies that take things away from them.
As for that GIF, they should have used the one where Fat Tony was sneaking in stuff before and Rex was oblivious. That would be the pirates.
Personally, I always saw the GIF as what game developers think what DRM will do to pirates, while the paying customer cars crashing is the reality of the situation. That and people who pirate the game that got a buggy version before a good crack was developed and the paying customers getting more wrecked due to the DRM being buggy as hell.
Yep, gamers sure are a weird bunch. Why is it video games have a higher priority over comics, movies, TV? Why is used games sales a hot button issue NOW when we're currently in the tail end of the 7th Generation of gaming? Is it because of it's $60 price tag? I'm starting to think that's it. Well sorry if people don't feel like spending 60 on a game that will last them 6 hours and never play again. You know what's funny, I even hear people saying that pirating a game is better than buying used............................... I am totally speechless at that whenever I read that. Sure, I understand that I'm more of a customer to GameStop than anyone else when I buy used, but I rather buy something than steal.
As a side note, I feel like watching that episode of the Simpsons again.
Quote from: Daxdiv on April 04, 2012, 03:20:15 PM
Yep, gamers sure are a weird bunch. Why is it video games have a higher priority over comics, movies, TV? Why is used games sales a hot button issue NOW when we're currently in the tail end of the 7th Generation of gaming? Is it because of it's $60 price tag? I'm starting to think that's it. Well sorry if people don't feel like spending 60 on a game that will last them 6 hours and never play again. You know what's funny, I even hear people saying that pirating a game is better than buying used............................... I am totally speechless at that whenever I read that. Sure, I understand that I'm more of a customer to GameStop than anyone else when I buy used, but I rather buy something than steal.
Speaking of which, I bought 7 used DVDs at the library yesterday for a dollar apiece. Funny how no one's ever referred to buying used videos as "stealing."
Oh, and just for fun, they were:
Pitch Black (Unrated Version)
South Park: Bigger, Longer, & Uncut
Dogma (Special Edition)
Blazing Saddles
The Terminator
Crank (screw you guys, I like this movie)
Pretty amazing haul if I may say so myself. :)
Man, why does Capcom keep making irrational decisions like this? There has to be a lot going on behind the scenes over there than just Inafune leaving....
Now I'm wondering what's going to happen at E3.
WayForward is making a Double Dragon game! (
Wait, why aren't I excited? Look at the screen shot and description. Double Dragon deserves better, and the people who made Contra 4 should certainly know better.
Those graphics are... uh...
Well, the background looks nice!
Well, it looks a bit better in other screens:
Still, they should have used sprites.
Still looks really goofy. WayForward has always done amazing sprite-work, why stop now?
The graphics leave much to be desired, but the gameplay seems fine based on the description.
Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on April 04, 2012, 04:08:21 PM
Still, they should have used sprites.
HD sprites should be the standard for games like this if you ask me. Not really a fan of 2.5-D.
Not sure if this belongs here, but: (
?We do not focus on technology specs. We understand that people like to dissect graphics and processing power, but the experience of playing will always be more important than raw numbers.?
Finally! Someone came out and said it. More gamers need to realize this.
Still doesn't look right (
And I still don't know why this had to be ANOTHER remake of DD1, but I will give it a chance because I want Double Dragon to finally move beyond remakes of the first game over and over again.
Quote from: Rynnec on April 05, 2012, 02:52:49 PM
Not sure if this belongs here, but: (
?We do not focus on technology specs. We understand that people like to dissect graphics and processing power, but the experience of playing will always be more important than raw numbers.?
Finally! Someone came out and said it. More gamers need to realize this.
I like how Nintendo implies they can't coexist. :P
Is it just me or has the Virtual Console on the 3DS already gone down the shitter? It's been awhile since we got a high-profile game, and it hasn't even been a year yet for the service and already releases are slowed down to a trickle. Maybe the Game Boy is running out of steam or they want to save some games for the future, but what about the Game Gear games, or possibly some more GBA games?
I swear, VC is like the coolest thing on paper, but when it comes to execution Nintendo just can't get it right.
There really isn't any excuse for Nintendo half-assing the VC.
Okay, I understand stuff like not releasing liscensed titles, as well as ones by Rareware, but what about the lack of virtually anything else. The PS3's PS1 classic's store has a meaty selection and PSN has solid releases, and I'm sure the XBLA does too. So why doesn't the same apply to the VC and WiiWare?
PS1 classics is missing a ton of titles (Including Tomba which was "confirmed" to be coming over a year ago), when compared with Nintendo's Wii VC is decent enough. Remember it took almost 4 years for the VC to finally lose steam.
As for the 3DS one, they're being undeniably lazy. There are a ton of Game Boy/Color/Gear games waiting in the wings. Wario Land 2 is out in Japan and we still haven't gotten Wario Land 1 yet. Whoever is in charge of the download titles needs to be replaced ASAP.
It's looking more and more like PlayDead is a one trick pony. (
Still, I expect high scores again. Sigh.
Who the shit is PlayDead? The Limbo guys?
Si Senor.
Ugh, Limbo. I wanted to like it. I really did. But I couldn't help but feel, behind the nice art style, it was just a mediocre platformer that somehow got a ton of praise and awards.
I imagine the same thing will happen with this one.
Quote(it's not a sequel to Limbo, the investors wanted that so Playdead decided to use all of their profits to buy out the investors)
I laughed way too hard at that. I wish the big publishers could do the same thing.
Quote from: Rosalinas Spare Wand on April 09, 2012, 09:46:25 PM
Quote(it's not a sequel to Limbo, the investors wanted that so Playdead decided to use all of their profits to buy out the investors)
I laughed way too hard at that. I wish the big publishers could do the same thing.
The thing that made me laugh was one of my friends' comment on seeing the description: "So LIMBO 2 essentially?"...
They might as well have just called it that, it looks like more of the same. A mediocre puzzle-platformer game wrapped in a striking visual style.
Be nice to the Limbo developers. Sure art bitches are probably worshipping their game but you can't blame the devs for that.
OK, in the story about Bulletstorm being shelved and how some work on it was done until Epic put them People Can Fly on another project, dumbasses are actually parading and saying the game didn't sell because it wasn't that good. Um yeah, I'm sure people who didn't buy the game knew exactly how good the game was!.... :wth: I bet those are punkasses who think the game isn't good just because it's a shooter. Don't cry the next time a game that tries something different tanks because we will already know that it sucks. :sly:
BulletStorm is amazing. Woulda' been the best straight FPS last year if not for Serious Sam 3 and Hard Reset. Anyone who says it sucks (or says that the dialogue is "bland and unfunny") doesn't know what they're talking about, period.
Really disappointed in Epic for canning the sequel. People Can Fly is excellent, though, so I'm sure their next game will be awesome no matter what.
The game had too much shooting and the cutscenes weren't long enough.
To me, the best part about Limbo is watching other people play Limbo and get surprised at everything this game throws at you. Come little boy, you have a sister to save. Oh, no! Oh, little boy, I'm so sorry!
If Bulletstorm had an ad campaign that highlighted how crazy it was, it probably would have done a lot bigger. People simply didn't know what it was.
Most games have been poorly advertised this gen outside of Nintendo games, COD, and a few Sega games (I saw some for Sonic Colors, The Conduit, Madworld, and HOTD:O) which is weird considering Sega isn't even doing all that well.
Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on April 09, 2012, 10:23:42 PM
If Bulletstorm had an ad campaign that highlighted how crazy it was, it probably would have done a lot bigger. People simply didn't know what it was.
Most games have been poorly advertised this gen outside of Nintendo games, COD, and a few Sega games (I saw some for Sonic Colors, The Conduit, Madworld, and HOTD:O) which is weird considering Sega isn't even doing all that well.
Yeah, it's commercial wasn't that good even though it tried. It should have basically done the same thing (namely keep the dialogue, make fun of boring shooters) and then showed better gameplay. All I remember is some enemy floating around slowly.
They should have just shown a condensed version of this ad on TV:
Still one of my favorite video game trailers.
Okay, while Double Dragon Neon doesn't look great (Still shaking my head at the visuals), it looks like it might play fine enough from the PAX videos. The music is killer, too.
Either way, I hope it's good because I want more Double Dragon games beyond yet another remake of DD1.
How is it that Ratchet: Deadlocked, a spin off from last gen has more content than most full price retail shooters these days? Heck, this game is even shorter than the main R&C games, yet it's still longer than your average shooter campaign this gen.
Because Insomniac actually has a soul and puts lots of love into every game they make.
Well, I mean even the Resistance games. In Deadlocked, vehicles are optional (aside from Landstalker missions), you have tons of weapons and tactics at your disposal, varied missions, optional challenges, upgrades, and AI partners that do more than just die and have you restart the mission (and you don't even need to run over to them to revive them!)... Heck, you even have a co-op with multiplayer mode.
From fan complaints, I was expecting it to be a disappointment, but it's not even close to that.
Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on April 10, 2012, 10:09:27 PM
Well, I mean even the Resistance games. In Deadlocked, vehicles are optional (aside from Landstalker missions), you have tons of weapons and tactics at your disposal, varied missions, optional challenges, upgrades, and AI partners that do more than just die and have you restart the mission (and you don't even need to run over to them to revive them!)... Heck, you even have a co-op with multiplayer mode.
From fan complaints, I was expecting it to be a disappointment, but it's not even close to that.
Good to hear that this game is playable.
Kojima turns down a Wii-U port because... You tell me. ( (
Some highlights
QuoteFirst, Emo Dante isn't emo in the least. Like Dante Classic, New Dante is raw rockstar sex appeal in tight trousers, who swaggers around, cracks jokes - funny ones, this time, thanks to Ninja Theory's talented writers - and carries himself like he's invincible because he almost is. He's young - nineteen-ish, maybe, but who cares? - and well on his way to becoming the Dante you know and love, right down to the way he begins DMC shirtless and, er, pants-less.
QuoteDMC wants to make some new friends and that means doing a few things the best of the best will hate. Forget Devil May Cry 4; the real Devil May Cry 3 sequel was Bayonetta, and nobody bought the bloody thing. Hideki Kamiya's Devil May Cry follow-up proved a point - limitless depth is worthless if only one percent of players can explore it - so Ninja Theory has turned the volume down on Devil May Cry's cruellest tricks and making a game new players can enjoy and older players can still explore, even on its more limited terms.
I can't take this article seriously at all.
Hey look, more gamers justifying companies making decisions against them.
"We want less game! Because CapcomNinja Theory is making it that way!"
What an annoying generation.
Quote from: Rynnec on April 11, 2012, 04:49:57 PM
Forget Devil May Cry 4
Tam Tam certainly did.
Quotethe real Devil May Cry 3 sequel was Bayonetta, and nobody bought the bloody thing.
Didn't it sell something like one million copies on the Xbox alone?
QuoteHideki Kamiya's Devil May Cry follow-up proved a point - limitless depth is worthless if only one percent of players can explore it - so Ninja Theory has turned the volume down on Devil May Cry's cruellest tricks and making a game new players can enjoy and older players can still explore, even on its more limited terms.
This is why we can't have nice things, CVG.
I'm pretty damn sure Bayonetta has been Platinum Games' best selling title to date.
Bayonetta was a success, yeah.
Quote from: Rynnec on April 11, 2012, 04:49:57 PM (
Some highlights
QuoteFirst, Emo Dante isn't emo in the least. Like Dante Classic, New Dante is raw rockstar sex appeal in tight trousers, who swaggers around, cracks jokes - funny ones, this time, thanks to Ninja Theory's talented writers - and carries himself like he's invincible because he almost is. He's young - nineteen-ish, maybe, but who cares? - and well on his way to becoming the Dante you know and love, right down to the way he begins DMC shirtless and, er, pants-less.
QuoteDMC wants to make some new friends and that means doing a few things the best of the best will hate. Forget Devil May Cry 4; the real Devil May Cry 3 sequel was Bayonetta, and nobody bought the bloody thing. Hideki Kamiya's Devil May Cry follow-up proved a point - limitless depth is worthless if only one percent of players can explore it - so Ninja Theory has turned the volume down on Devil May Cry's cruellest tricks and making a game new players can enjoy and older players can still explore, even on its more limited terms.
I can't take this article seriously at all.
I want to kick this guy's ass.
Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on April 11, 2012, 06:46:01 PM
Bayonetta was a success, yeah.
I didn't even know that. Either way, it's stupid to use sells to determine how watered down a game should be.
That, and I'm pretty sure that both of Ninja Theory's games bombed compared to Bayonetta and DMC 4.
Quote from: Rynnec on April 11, 2012, 07:05:07 PM
That, and I'm pretty sure that both of Ninja Theory's games bombed compared to Bayonetta and DMC 4.
I'm so fucking sick of people trying to make DmC look better by ragging on DMC 4, especially game "journalists." Yeah, some elements of 4 were pretty lazy, but it was still a fast-paced, fun, deep, beautiful game;
way better than DmC appears to be in every regard.
Being the only DMC game that I've played in full, I found DMC4 to be kind of disappointing since Nero feels like a really underwhelming character to control with his slower speed compared to Dante and his limited weapons (the Devil Bringer arm doesn't make up for having only 1 weapon set, IMO). But if the game is not being judged against other DMC games (excluding 2, which is by far the worst in the series), its still one of the best action games of this generation by far, with a far better combat system than the various God of War clones out there, with or without Nero.
While I can certainly understand people putting the game down for being a noticeable step down from DMC1 and 3, I do think that people don't give the game enough credit for what it does right judged against contemporary action games of this generation. Its still got more to offer than any other action game I've played this generation aside from Ninja Gaiden II and Bayonetta.
Quote from: Foggle on April 11, 2012, 07:14:25 PM
Quote from: Rynnec on April 11, 2012, 07:05:07 PM
That, and I'm pretty sure that both of Ninja Theory's games bombed compared to Bayonetta and DMC 4.
I'm so fucking sick of people trying to make DmC look better by ragging on DMC 4, especially game "journalists." Yeah, some elements of 4 were pretty lazy, but it was still a fast-paced, fun, deep, beautiful game; way better than DmC appears to be in every regard.
More asses to kick.
What the hell? Nero is not slower than Dante.
Uh....Watch any gameplay video of DMC4. ANY video. Unless someone is executing MAX-Act/EX-Act flawlessly, or in Devil Trigger mode, Nero is most certainly slower than Dante in combat. Dante's sword-strikes are far quicker.
Quote from: Ensatsu-ken on April 11, 2012, 09:03:53 PM
Uh....Watch any gameplay video of DMC4. ANY video. Unless someone is executing MAX-Act/EX-Act flawlessly, or in Devil Trigger mode, Nero is most certainly slower than Dante in combat. Dante's sword-strikes are far quicker.
What? :whuh:
Looks like Fez is getting pretty good reviews.
Though some reviews are a bit weird. ( Like giving it a 4/5 despite not thinking the main game is very good. I'm a bit tired of "indie darlings" getting these inflated scores.
Doubt it's better than any of the Japanese games I've played this year.
I've been looking forward to Fez. I just hope it's not a bore like Braid and Limbo. (
Quote. It explores the idea of forgetting whether a game is ?good? or ?bad?, and instead encourages thinking of it as ?interesting? or ?not interesting?. It relishes the surreal moments that ?flawed? games unintentionally create. It brings games that challenge conventional ideas of ?good? out of the bargain bin and into the spotlight. It casts a skeptical eye on the Metacritic-trawling gamers of the world who stay in their safe, comfortable world of 8s, 9s and 10s and encourages them to take a risk, to explore the seedy underbelly of this art form they love so much, to diversify. It embraces the campy, the shattered, the rejected, the freakish, the dated, and the flat-out disastrous.
Uh, no. Games don't work like that, they aren't like movies. A good game is a good game. A bad one is a bad one. Simple as that.
QuoteGames for play include: Deadly Premonition, Big Rigs: Over the Road Racing, Extreme Paintbrawl, GoldenEye 007, Earth Defense Force 2017 and more.
QuoteGoldenEye 007
Why did they use a picture of Deadly Premonition? It's a good game, and if its flaws were fixed it would be better. Same with Earth Defense Force (It's basically a PS1/N64 game made on the 360)... If they were bad, no one would be playing them. Unlike say, Rogue Warrior... which no one plays.
But then again, I don't really enjoy the "irony" of enjoying something that is bad in general. I'd rather spend my time enjoying things I like.
EDIT: GoldenEye?!? That's not even close to a bad game. Where's Sonic '06?
Haha, I don't much like Goldeneye 007, but it's far from a bad game, much less a bad game that deserves to be part of this exhibit.
Fuck if I wanted to, I could go to this but I don't feel like it.
Deadly Premonition is not a bad game. :wth:
Quote from: Foggle on April 12, 2012, 06:56:18 PM
Doubt it's better than any of the Japanese games I've played this year.
Quote from: Rosalinas Spare Wand on April 12, 2012, 09:07:56 PM (
Wait, 64 Goldeneye? WHAT?! I hear that DP and EDF also happen to be good.
Big Rigs and Extreme Paintbrawl are major outliers to the rest of the list.
If they were really serious about this, a more appropriate selection would include the likes of Superman 64, Bubsy 3D, M&M's Racing... you get the idea. Almost smells like a case of some bad trolling if you ask me (unless they actually believe in their minds that Goldeneye is as bad as Big Rigs... in which case, wow).
God, Inafune is so bitter... (
How do you guys feel about his statements? I, personally, don't agree with him at all.
EDIT: "does you guys" lol
I think he's still disillusioned with how he was treated at Capcom. He was so focused on western design that he seemed to lose sight of what made his own (and Capcom's) games so special in the first place.
If he wants to know how to do it right, he can always go work for Nintendo or Sega. They seem to have no problems retaining a Japanese fanbase and an American one proving that all everyone really wants is the same thing, good games.
A man truly worthy of support.
EDIT: His fans are even worse. (
From what I've played so far, Fez is a pretty fun puzzle game.
But it doesn't change the fact that Phil Fish is a colossal dick.
Egotistical cunt. If I was a game developer, I'd be nice to people so as to build trust with gamers and become friends with other devs. Don't see why he's being such a jerk; it will only impact him negatively in the long run.
I'd compare him to John K, but at least John K had a modicum of talent under his bullshit. Fish is just an asshole.
Quote from: Foggle on April 15, 2012, 12:26:05 PM
God, Inafune is so bitter... (
How do you guys feel about his statements? I, personally, don't agree with him at all.
EDIT: "does you guys" lol
:lol: He agrees with Phil Fish. Besides that, I agree Platinum is pretty much it for me and Inafune knows that Japanese devs should work with American ones and not just blindly hand them over their projects.
Quote from: Foggle on April 15, 2012, 10:46:44 PM
Egotistical cunt. If I was a game developer, I'd be nice to people so as to build trust with gamers and become friends with other devs. Don't see why he's being such a jerk; it will only impact him negatively in the long run.
What kind of games would you make, by the way :awesome:
Not puzzle platformers with little to no replay value and a "quirky" artstyle, that's for sure.
A lifetime of console shooters for Foggle. :humhumhum:
Quote from: gunswordfist on April 15, 2012, 11:14:02 PM
Quote from: Foggle on April 15, 2012, 10:46:44 PM
Egotistical cunt. If I was a game developer, I'd be nice to people so as to build trust with gamers and become friends with other devs. Don't see why he's being such a jerk; it will only impact him negatively in the long run.
What kind of games would you make, by the way :awesome:
If I was in any way talented/insanely rich? Non-gimmicky 3D platformers, beat 'em ups, hack 'n slashes, Doom/Serious Sam-style FPSs, Deus Ex-style RPGs, psychological horror games, run 'n gun side-scrolling shooters... good stuff like that. All running at 60 FPS and no DRM. :P
Quote from: Foggle on April 15, 2012, 11:37:34 PM
Quote from: gunswordfist on April 15, 2012, 11:14:02 PM
Quote from: Foggle on April 15, 2012, 10:46:44 PM
Egotistical cunt. If I was a game developer, I'd be nice to people so as to build trust with gamers and become friends with other devs. Don't see why he's being such a jerk; it will only impact him negatively in the long run.
What kind of games would you make, by the way :awesome:
If I was in any way talented/insanely rich? Non-gimmicky 3D platformers, beat 'em ups, hack 'n slashes, Doom/Serious Sam-style FPSs, Deus Ex-style RPGs, psychological horror games, run 'n gun side-scrolling shooters... good stuff like that. All running at 60 FPS and no DRM. :P
I'd do all of that except for maybe the horror games.
I'd love to make a horror game that pretends to be a modern war FPS and then gradually descends into something resembling a combination of Amnesia and Eternal Darkness.
I'd buy Double Dragon and have the Double Dragon Advance team remake Double Dragon I, II, III, and Return/Super, then make a brand new Double Dragon V. Get the series back where it belongs.
Quote from: Foggle on April 15, 2012, 11:46:33 PM
I'd love to make a horror game that pretends to be a modern war FPS and then gradually descends into something resembling a combination of Amnesia and Eternal Darkness.
I'd want to do basically the same with a Vietnam game.
Quote from: gunswordfist on April 16, 2012, 12:03:57 AM
Quote from: Foggle on April 15, 2012, 11:46:33 PM
I'd love to make a horror game that pretends to be a modern war FPS and then gradually descends into something resembling a combination of Amnesia and Eternal Darkness.
I'd want to do basically the same with a Vietnam game.
You mean ShellShock 2 Blood Trails? :awesome:
Oh yeah, here's something great: Phil Fish insults all of Japanese gaming by saying it's shit. Meanwhile, Fez has some major glitches, some of which break the game and some people have been unable to even start the game because of a bug.
Makes a game for five years and no one catches a major game breaking bug.
Quote from: Foggle on April 16, 2012, 12:30:27 AM
Quote from: gunswordfist on April 16, 2012, 12:03:57 AM
Quote from: Foggle on April 15, 2012, 11:46:33 PM
I'd love to make a horror game that pretends to be a modern war FPS and then gradually descends into something resembling a combination of Amnesia and Eternal Darkness.
I'd want to do basically the same with a Vietnam game.
You mean ShellShock 2 Blood Trails? :awesome:
Is that any good?
Also, good luck with not making a gimmicky platformer. I bet anyone here would lose their way when making their character. "Ow, I'm going to add this. Ow, I'm going to add this!
Quote from: gunswordfist on April 16, 2012, 12:23:29 PM
Is that any good?
No. It's probably the worst current gen FPS after Tunnel Rats (which, coincidentally, is
also a Vietnam "horror" game).
QuoteAlso, good luck with not making a gimmicky platformer. I bet anyone here would lose their way when making their character. "Ow, I'm going to add this. Ow, I'm going to add this!
By "non-gimmicky," I mean that it wouldn't be a mini-game fest like Jak 3, Banjo-Tooie, and the Sly series. Platforming all the way through with a couple of other things to break up the monotony, but never enough to give it an identity crisis.
As far as the character goes, mine would just be a normal person defined by their personality instead of their looks... and no furry shit.
The kind of platformer I want. Promise to not make it a collect a thon and you can go ahead and take my money
This sounds like it would make for an interesting discussion topic. Perhaps later on I'll make an "If you were a lead game designer...." thread to see just what types of games people want to make.
Personally, I can admit that I have neither the knowledge or the talent to make a great game, but I have my own ideas and if I WERE talented enough at computer programming and design in regards to writing, coding, and scripting video games, I would be all over a platformer/action game hybrid. However it would be done in such a way in which the two elements would be completely intermixed, rather than just being some basic platforming segments followed by some basic hack n' slash or beat-em-up or shoot-em-up segments. If that was the case, I might as well just pick one over the other, since combining the 2 into a hybrid game means combining elements of their respective formulas into one seamless experience.
Anyways, the game I'd make would probably be a 2D side-scroller with NES Ninja Gaiden II's platforming sensibilities combined with the combat depth of the XBOX360 Ninja Gaiden II, and I'd throw in some creative design inspired by other platformers ranging from Mario and Sonic to Donkey Kong Country and Rocket Knight Adventures for good measure.
Another game I'd love to make would be a "New Ninja Gaiden" of sorts, in the same vein of NSMBW, but in this case applied to the 2D NG formula. Except I'd of course balance out the game to support 4 players and have a heavy emphasis on team-work when playing on co-op while also appropriately adjusting the difficulty and mechanics for a great single-player experience as well.
Yeah, I know that pretty much every idea I have involves Ninja Gaiden in some way, but you shouldn't be surprised by now considering that its my favorite video game series of all time. :awesome:
I've thinking, I'd love to make a 3D hack n slash platformer that has the hero use attacks to platform, so the combat and platforming can be one. (even makes if that makes sense) Also, the e.emies would know how to platform so those two elements would stay seperated. Anyway, this will be continued in the other thread.
Quote from: gunswordfist on April 16, 2012, 02:20:59 PM
The kind of platformer I want. Promise to not make it a collect a thon and you can go ahead and take my money
Hell naw, I wouldn't make a collect-a-thon. There'd be hidden collectables to unlock secret content, though.
Let's completely move this discussion to the other thread now...
Quote from: Foggle on April 16, 2012, 05:48:44 PM
Quote from: gunswordfist on April 16, 2012, 02:20:59 PM
The kind of platformer I want. Promise to not make it a collect a thon and you can go ahead and take my money
Hell naw, I wouldn't make a collect-a-thon. There'd be hidden collectables to unlock secret content, though.
Let's completely move this discussion to the other thread now...
Everything about this video aside from release dates is wrong and this is the worst writer at IGN. (
I enjoy how they once again skimmed over the better games in the series. It's like everyone over 30 only likes arcade DD1 and has never played any other game in thes eries. (Or worse, when they think the arcade DD2 is somehow better than the NES one!)
QuoteBeamdog founder and overseer of Baldur's Gate: Enhanced Edition Trent Oster is done with Nintendo, due to a number of frustrations with their recent MDK2 WiiWare release.
Oster stated earlier on Twitter that, "Our previous experience with Nintendo was enough to ensure there will not be another." Later, he then adds specifics -- "My problems with Nintendo are: requiring 6000 unit sales before payment, a certification process that took us 9 months and a 40mb limit. Nintendo isn't a good platform for developers, the Wii is a toy, not a console."
Wow. Releasing a game on WiiWare sounds like an awful experience for devs. Last sentence is dumb, but I can certainly see why this dude would be angry enough to say something like that.
Cue the "Nintendo cannot hold onto 3rd party support" crowd in 3...2...
Some of those requirements are a bit rough, but the cheap shot at the end was rather uncalled for. I don't see how the Wii is any less of a gaming console than the other two, but hey, whatever.
6000 unit sales before payment sounds extremely unreasonable, especially since it's WiiWare, where I'm pretty sure games do much worse than they would on XBLA, PSN, Steam, etc.
The cheap shot is uncalled for but also understandable IMO.
Quote from: Foggle on April 17, 2012, 03:44:14 PM
QuoteBeamdog founder and overseer of Baldur's Gate: Enhanced Edition Trent Oster is done with Nintendo, due to a number of frustrations with their recent MDK2 WiiWare release.
Oster stated earlier on Twitter that, "Our previous experience with Nintendo was enough to ensure there will not be another." Later, he then adds specifics -- "My problems with Nintendo are: requiring 6000 unit sales before payment, a certification process that took us 9 months and a 40mb limit. Nintendo isn't a good platform for developers, the Wii is a toy, not a console."
Wow. Releasing a game on WiiWare sounds like an awful experience for devs. Last sentence is dumb, but I can certainly see why this dude would be angry enough to say something like that.
I agree with the last sentence. :sly:
This is why manchildren shouldn't make financial decisions.
This is a business. It doesn't matter how you personally feel, you simply don't pass up money for some stupid fanboy delusion. Or need I remind you of the 100+ companies out of business this generation because of similarly stupid decisions.
By the way, the WiiWare restrictions are not on the e-shop. But yeah, let's stick to the past and hold grudges instead of growing up.
Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on April 17, 2012, 06:21:15 PM
This is why manchildren shouldn't make financial decisions.
This is a business. It doesn't matter how you personally feel, you simply don't pass up money for some stupid fanboy delusion. Or need I remind you of the 100+ companies out of business this generation because of similarly stupid decisions.
But the guy isn't being a fanboy... he was angered by Nintendo's business practices - which supposedly are different from their competitors - and gave them a fair shake, then he got burned. His reactionary statement is dumb but that doesn't mean he doesn't have a right to dislike the way Nintendo handles their digital distribution.
Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on April 17, 2012, 06:21:15 PM
By the way, the WiiWare restrictions are not on the e-shop. But yeah, let's stick to the past and hold grudges instead of growing up.
It's his call if he doesn't want to work with Nintendo anymore. It's possible that he'll change his mind once the Wii-U comes out and the restrictions are gone.
Quote from: Foggle on April 17, 2012, 06:38:59 PM
Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on April 17, 2012, 06:21:15 PM
This is why manchildren shouldn't make financial decisions.
This is a business. It doesn't matter how you personally feel, you simply don't pass up money for some stupid fanboy delusion. Or need I remind you of the 100+ companies out of business this generation because of similarly stupid decisions.
But the guy isn't being a fanboy... he was angered by Nintendo's business practices - which supposedly are different from their competitors - and gave them a fair shake, then he got burned. His reactionary statement is dumb but that doesn't mean he doesn't have a right to dislike the way Nintendo handles their digital distribution.
Except that all of those issues are massively outdated. Renegade Kid put out Mutant Mudds on the e-shop and was in certification for like a week. They're already profiting. The game is bigger than 40mb. The fact that he's hashing out old complaints that are no longer relevant without researching the business
that he works in and passing up money because Nintendo makes "toys" and not "consoles" is incredibly bad business. It's also beyond old and tired.
QuoteQuote from: Spark Of Spirit on April 17, 2012, 06:21:15 PM
By the way, the WiiWare restrictions are not on the e-shop. But yeah, let's stick to the past and hold grudges instead of growing up.
It's his call if he doesn't want to work with Nintendo anymore. It's possible that he'll change his mind once the Wii-U comes out and the restrictions are gone.
I doubt it. With a mentality like that they'll join that master-list of companies soon enough. And no one will see the crash coming...
But the Wii port of MDK2 was released less than a year ago. Those problems may be outdated now but it's not like Beamdog hasn't made a WiiWare game since 2008. Their bad experience was very recent, so even if Nintendo has changed their policy since then, they'd likely be apprehensive of working with them again, which I find very understandable. For example, Origin hasn't had spyware bundled with it since last year, but I still refuse to install it.
They've apparently had pretty good luck with developing for Windows and Mac, so I doubt they'll go down in flames.
Quote from: Foggle on April 17, 2012, 06:50:06 PM
But the Wii port of MDK2 was released less than a year ago. Those problems may be outdated now but it's not like Beamdog hasn't made a WiiWare game since 2008. Their bad experience was very recent, so even if Nintendo has changed their policy since then, they'd likely be apprehensive of working with them again, which I find very understandable. For example, Origin hasn't had spyware bundled with it since last year, but I still refuse to install it.
They've apparently had pretty good luck with developing for Windows and Mac, so I doubt they'll go down in flames.
That's all well and good, but they're a business. You can't make business decisions based on personal opinions, doing that will lead to a major loss of money which is what every business needs to make.
When you have a job, as you know, you sometimes have to do things you don't want to in order to make money. That includes working with people you don't like. Gaming is literally, again, the only business where I see people who work in it burn bridges at the drop of a hat, make products without an audience, and burn money on ridiculous games that need to sell millions to even break even. The game industry is suffering because of those things, heck it's why third party exclusives are now all but dead, and the mentality behind these third parties needs to change.
That said, WiiWare and it's limit were indeed awful, but we've known all it's issues since 2006. If this guy did his research, then he probably just wouldn't have bothered in the first place saving himself a lot of money and time. But burning bridges is never a smart business move.
Yeah, they're pretty stupid not to work with Nintendo again and even stupider to bash them publicly. But this might blow over; these guys are ex-BioWare, not Phil Fish. Hopefully they'll port their remake of Baldur's Gate to the Wii-U, since it'd probably work well with the tablet controller.
Although I honestly didn't even know that WiiWare had such restrictions until reading this guy's statement, and I didn't know they'd gotten rid of them until you told me.
I hope he changes his mind, too. I don't like when companies limit audiences.
Everything to everyone, I always say.
No matter what way you look at it, though, Nintendo's 40MB limit for WiiWare is absurd. It's prevented them from getting games they otherwise would have gotten like Scott Pilgrim vs. The World, Super Meat Boy, and Sonic 4 Episode II.
Yeah, WiiWare was pretty terrible. It missed out on a ton of XBLA/PSN games because of it.
I'm just glad Nintendo learned with the 3DS and fixed all its problems. (
Us gamers huh guys?
Quote from: Rosalinas Spare Wand on April 18, 2012, 01:04:10 AM (
Us gamers huh guys?
Ugh. I can still feel myself groaning inside. Just, ugh.
I think my neighbors heard that groan...
I hate videogame jokes for that exact reason. They just never work outside of context or make sense.
I'm watching my father play Castlevania Lord Of Shadows and... it doesn't seem very much like a Castlevania game. It's pretty slow, there are way too many puzzles, no proper platforming, and the tone is so dry.
It just seems like a generic modern game to me.
If you want a proper 3D Castlevania game, play the first Devil May Cry. There's not a whole lot of platforming, but it's better and more faithful to the classics than any of that series' polygonal entries.
Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on April 18, 2012, 11:43:58 AM
I hate videogame jokes for that exact reason. They just never work outside of context or make sense.
For a funny video game reference done right, see this cutscene ( from R&C Going Commando. Cracked up the first time I saw that.
Quote from: Foggle on April 18, 2012, 11:56:30 AM
Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on April 18, 2012, 11:43:58 AM
I hate videogame jokes for that exact reason. They just never work outside of context or make sense.
For a funny video game reference done right, see this cutscene ( from R&C Going Commando. Cracked up the first time I saw that.
When I first played the game, I got a good laugh because I always thought that Naughty Dog and Insomniac were pretty close, with both devs sneaking in references to their games and that was another fine reference to their friends. I still got a laugh visiting that scene again.
It's odd to say, but I think a 3D Castlevania game should take after Super Mario 64. The whole interconnected castle with action levels inside would work a lot better.
QuoteQuote from: Spark Of Spirit on April 18, 2012, 11:43:58 AM
I hate videogame jokes for that exact reason. They just never work outside of context or make sense.
For a funny video game reference done right, see this cutscene ( from R&C Going Commando. Cracked up the first time I saw that.
Oh yeah, videogame jokes in videogames are usually much better than in other mediums.
I also like that cutscene, the R&C games usually have some good jokes though GC and UYA are by far the best about it.
I actually don't know what the arrow in the knee joke is. Yes, I suck.
It's still not as bad as when people play games from the 90s and act like the controller is a driving wheel.
Quote from: gunswordfist on April 18, 2012, 12:08:43 PM
I actually don't know what the arrow in the knee joke is. Yes, I suck.
No, you rock. Just try to forget about that awful meme...
Quote from: Foggle on April 18, 2012, 12:13:25 PM
Quote from: gunswordfist on April 18, 2012, 12:08:43 PM
I actually don't know what the arrow in the knee joke is. Yes, I suck.
No, you rock. Just try to forget about that awful meme...
:D Yeah, I was thinking that was the case.
Speaking of gamer humor, I just wanted to say: the show Level Up on Cartoon Network is the worst shit ever.
Quote from: Eddy on April 18, 2012, 08:43:05 PM
Speaking of gamer humor, I just wanted to say: the show Level Up on Cartoon Network is the worst shit ever.
I have yet to find it within myself to stomach an entire episode.
It might honestly be worse than Out of Jimmy's Head. I mean, even I didn't think
that was possible.
I watched bits and pieces of one episode.
I hated it.
Oh Christ, Prey 2 might be switching developers. ( And the last time a Bethesda-published title switched developers, the game was given to... Rebellion... :cry:
Killing Floor players have pestered Tripwire to add a playable female character to the game for years. Well, they finally are, and the only way to get her is to buy the entire game again. No patch or DLC; this character is exclusive to the special edition. This special edition is being released 3 years after KF first came out, meaning that any of the 1 million+ people who already own the game and want to play as the new character will have to pay another $20+ just to do so.
This doesn't really affect me since I will never play as anyone other than Mr. Foster, but this stunt is still pretty insulting to their currently existing (and relatively large) fanbase, IMO.
EDIT: And internet rage prevails once again! (
Why do people care so much that the Wii U likely won't be as powerful as the PS4/Nextbox? Shouldn't the less power than PS3/360 Wii have already taken that argument and shoved it in their faces at just how wrong they are? I don't understand people writing it off, when we've been shown time and time again that it simply doesn't matter.
The reason is because so many people ARE that ignorant and haven't even bothered to play the good Wii games that prove that graphics don't mean shit in the long run. I have plenty of friends who still have the delusion that the Wii is just for kids and nothing it has to offer can compare to their Call of Duty or Uncharted. I've argued with them before that it has a ton of great games that trump either of those games in terms of both gameplay and content, but when I mention the great games it has, including ones intended for mature audiences, I typically get responses like, "lol! No More Heroes? What's that? lol! Super Mario Galaxy 1 and 2 and Donkey Kong Country Returns? Aren't those games for kids?"
And thus with such stupidity so prominent among most modern gamers, that's why you get people making comments like that about the WiiU and how important graphics are. Because people are stupid. Its as simple as that.
Because somewhere along the line "hardcore gamers" became graphic snobs (which is ironic because they always seem to make excuses for avoiding playing on the PC) far more infatuated with how a game looks than how it plays. Just check out the NeoGAF announcement thread for NSMB2 where most of the whining (and it's a LOT of whining) because of how the game looks without any commentary on how it'll play.
The truth of the matter is the Wii-U will run every single engine that the PS4/720 will run unlike the Wii which only didn't get them because it couldn't run them. The differences will come down to superficialities like running a game in low and high on a PC. At that point you're really just nitpicking. Not to mention the Wii-U has the tablet controller which will stream in game stuff to a second screen which requires a lot of power. If it was as powerful as those systems it would cost a lot more.
Next gen is going to be about what first parties do, since third parties will probably just be on everything.
In that case, Nintendo has it in the bag. They have a history of great first party support. Microsoft has by far the worst first party line-up, even if you count the original XBOX and the 360 together. Aside from Halo, Gears of War, and a few exclusives here and there that never sold very well, what else have they ever had to offer? Also, Fable is garbage, so nobody better mention that.
As for Sony, they aren't that much better than Microsoft in that department, or at least not anymore. The PS1 and PS2 both had a great number of good first party games. I can probably count the number of noteworthy PS3 exclusives on my fingers.
Now combine what both the PS3 and 360 have to offer in first party support, and then compare it to the Wii, and it STILL has multiple times more games to offer in terms of both quality and quantity than both of the HD consoles.
First parties have always been Nintendo's strong suit. Halo's going to die out without Bungie, so Microsoft only has Gears of War. I'm sure Sony will create a new first party IP for the PS4 along with God of War (it's already announced a fourth game).
You guys know how I feel about this, but I have changed my opinion considerably since last month. While I would love to see every console sporting some really beefy hardware (though obviously not enough to make them cost 599 US dollars apiece), the games themselves are more important than their technical aspects. Ever since the days of the 2600, developers have worked around the limitations of the available platforms to craft the finest experiences possible without compromising their original visions. Limitations like those led to the creation of such masterpieces as Super Mario Bros and Metal Gear. When devs don't feel limited by the hardware, they end up churning out shit like Heavy Rain and Final Fantasy 13. While I'd love to see fragfests with 1000 enemies generated on screen at once, godlike processing speed wouldn't spawn things like that... it'd dredge up yet another modern FPS, only this time every bead of sweat and pore of skin would be rendered in real time.
At the end of the day, the hardware itself is just a means to an end; how it's used is the important part.
Quote from: Ensatsu-ken on April 21, 2012, 06:25:28 PM
Also, Fable is garbage, so nobody better mention that.
And it's also on the PC. ;)
The funny thing is that, in my opinion, the 360 and PS3 look realistic enough to not become terribly dated, at least for a while. So I don't have any issue with the Wii U merely equaling them.
I need a good gaming PC. I think that, a Wii U, and 3DS (which I already own) will have me set for years.
Quote from: talonmalon333 on April 21, 2012, 06:47:18 PM
I need a good gaming PC. I think that, a Wii U, and 3DS (which I already own) will have me set for years.
That's all you really need. ;)
The thing is, the PS360 graphics still look pretty good. A solid bump up from that (which is where the Wii-U is heading) is really more than enough. Especially if the extra bump is used to focus more on technical issues to make the games run better.
The general public also doesn't even seem to care as the best selling games this gen are Wii Sports and NSMB games. It's about time companies stop catering to snobs and start catering to the majority again.
Quote from: Ensatsu-ken on April 21, 2012, 06:25:28 PM
I can probably count the number of noteworthy PS3 exclusives on my fingers.
Here, let me do that for you.
Ratchet and Clank: Tools Of Destruction
Ratchet and Clank: Quest For Booty
Ratchet and Clank: A Crack In Time
Yakuza 3
Yakuza 4
Yakuza 5 (hopefully)
Yakuza Kenzan
Valkyria Chronicles
Metal Gear Solid 4
Sly Cooper: Thieves In Time (hopefully)
Oh, look. Ten games. You
can count them on your fingers!
EDIT: Whoops, I forgot about Siren! Alright, you're gonna' have to add a toe. ;)
Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on April 21, 2012, 06:57:55 PM
(which is where the Wii-U is heading)
Plenty of sources are also saying the Wii U, overall, isn't as powerful as those two... But even that sounds like enough power if you ask me.
Quote from: talonmalon333 on April 21, 2012, 07:01:20 PM
Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on April 21, 2012, 06:57:55 PM
(which is where the Wii-U is heading)
Plenty of sources are also saying the Wii U, overall, isn't as powerful as those two... But even that sounds like enough power if you ask me.
That tech demo they showed off a while back looked sharper than any 360 or PS3 game I've ever seen, iirc.
Quote from: talonmalon333 on April 21, 2012, 07:01:20 PM
Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on April 21, 2012, 06:57:55 PM
(which is where the Wii-U is heading)
Plenty of sources are also saying the Wii U, overall, isn't as powerful as those two... But even that sounds like enough power if you ask me.
The Wii-U will not be as powerful as the PS4/720, but it will be a solid bump up from PS360. It will basically be like the Dreamcast in relation to the Gamecube. Only since it will run all the same engines, it shouldn't miss out on as much.
also, rumors are that the Wii-U line up at E3 is very "surprising". That should be nice.
Quote from: Foggle on April 21, 2012, 06:58:52 PM
Quote from: Ensatsu-ken on April 21, 2012, 06:25:28 PM
I can probably count the number of noteworthy PS3 exclusives on my fingers.
Here, let me do that for you.
Ratchet and Clank: Tools Of Destruction
Ratchet and Clank: Quest For Booty
Ratchet and Clank: A Crack In Time
Yakuza 3
Yakuza 4
Yakuza 5 (hopefully)
Yakuza Kenzan
Valkyria Chronicles
Metal Gear Solid 4
Sly Cooper: Thieves In Time (hopefully)
Oh, look. Ten games. You can count them on your fingers!
I have all of these except Yakuza 4 (It's hard to find never mind for a good price) and MGS4 from what are out already. They're good games, but I'm glad we didn't buy the system just for me or I would have been totally let down.
If Sega makes those series multiplatform next gen, I definitely won't regret skipping Sony systems.
Quote from: Foggle on April 21, 2012, 07:03:00 PM
Quote from: talonmalon333 on April 21, 2012, 07:01:20 PM
Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on April 21, 2012, 06:57:55 PM
(which is where the Wii-U is heading)
Plenty of sources are also saying the Wii U, overall, isn't as powerful as those two... But even that sounds like enough power if you ask me.
That tech demo they showed off a while back looked sharper than any 360 or PS3 game I've ever seen, iirc.
At the same time, it was a tech demo, made purely for visuals. ;)
My purchase was justified by Yakuza 4 and Kenzan. 4 has the best characters and Kenzan has the best story I've ever experienced in a video game; not to mention the utterly badass soundtracks and great combat system (in 4, anyway).
Oh yeah, can you link me to that GAF thread about NSMB2? Seeing some good rage fuel tonight would be nice.
There were 3 R&C games on the PS3? Didn't even know that.
4. But we don't talk about that last one...
Quote from: talonmalon333 on April 21, 2012, 07:05:34 PM
Quote from: Foggle on April 21, 2012, 07:03:00 PM
Quote from: talonmalon333 on April 21, 2012, 07:01:20 PM
Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on April 21, 2012, 06:57:55 PM
(which is where the Wii-U is heading)
Plenty of sources are also saying the Wii U, overall, isn't as powerful as those two... But even that sounds like enough power if you ask me.
That tech demo they showed off a while back looked sharper than any 360 or PS3 game I've ever seen, iirc.
At the same time, it was a tech demo, made purely for visuals. ;)
Wind Waker and Twilight Princess blow away the Gamecube Zelda tech demo.
Quote from: Foggle on April 21, 2012, 07:06:20 PM
My purchase was justified by Yakuza 4 and Kenzan. 4 has the best characters and Kenzan has the best story I've ever experienced in a video game; not to mention the utterly badass soundtracks and great combat system (in 4, anyway).
Oh yeah, can you link me to that GAF thread about NSMB2? Seeing some good rage fuel tonight would be nice. (
Quote from: Foggle on April 21, 2012, 07:11:17 PM
4. But we don't talk about that last one...
All-4-One reason.
Quote from: Comeau on April 21, 2012, 06:10:12 PM
Why do people care so much that the Wii U likely won't be as powerful as the PS4/Nextbox? Shouldn't the less power than PS3/360 Wii have already taken that argument and shoved it in their faces at just how wrong they are? I don't understand people writing it off, when we've been shown time and time again that it simply doesn't matter.
More power = better.
Quote from: gunswordfist on April 21, 2012, 11:45:52 PM
Quote from: Comeau on April 21, 2012, 06:10:12 PM
Why do people care so much that the Wii U likely won't be as powerful as the PS4/Nextbox? Shouldn't the less power than PS3/360 Wii have already taken that argument and shoved it in their faces at just how wrong they are? I don't understand people writing it off, when we've been shown time and time again that it simply doesn't matter.
More power = better.
SNES > Atari Jaguar
So no. :P
Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on April 21, 2012, 11:59:27 PM
Quote from: gunswordfist on April 21, 2012, 11:45:52 PM
Quote from: Comeau on April 21, 2012, 06:10:12 PM
Why do people care so much that the Wii U likely won't be as powerful as the PS4/Nextbox? Shouldn't the less power than PS3/360 Wii have already taken that argument and shoved it in their faces at just how wrong they are? I don't understand people writing it off, when we've been shown time and time again that it simply doesn't matter.
More power = better.
SNES > Atari Jaguar
So no. :P
I meant that the more power, the better, for Wii-U. It's not just for graphics, kids.
Quote from: gunswordfist on April 22, 2012, 02:44:25 AM
Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on April 21, 2012, 11:59:27 PM
Quote from: gunswordfist on April 21, 2012, 11:45:52 PM
Quote from: Comeau on April 21, 2012, 06:10:12 PM
Why do people care so much that the Wii U likely won't be as powerful as the PS4/Nextbox? Shouldn't the less power than PS3/360 Wii have already taken that argument and shoved it in their faces at just how wrong they are? I don't understand people writing it off, when we've been shown time and time again that it simply doesn't matter.
More power = better.
SNES > Atari Jaguar
So no. :P
I meant that the more power, the better, for Wii-U. It's not just for graphics, kids.
It's not really gonna matter this gen. Since engines scale, all systems will get the same games. The Wii was simply not powerful enough to run those engines. The Wii-U will.
I'm almost positive the Wii U graphics won't age, at least not for a very long time. I mean, in an age we're we've seen graphics as technically impressive as Crysis, RE4 still looks appealing.
Being aesthetically pleasing is more important than being technically advanced. That's why Crysis' lush island jungles will hold up well ten years from now, but Crysis 2's gray cityscape won't. RE 4 still looks good because the devs didn't sacrifice atmosphere for high-powered visuals.
Quote from: Foggle on April 23, 2012, 11:52:36 AM
Being aesthetically pleasing is more important than being technically advanced. That's why Crysis' lush island jungles will hold up well ten years from now, but Crysis 2's gray cityscape won't. RE 4 still looks good because the devs didn't sacrifice atmosphere for high-powered visuals.
That's true. But my main point was that, even from a technical point, RE4 is still no slouch.
Yeah, I can vouch for this. Coming into the game without any sense of nostalgia (since this gen was literally my first time ever playing it), and without a biased opinion on graphics, I was pretty impressed by how well RE4's graphics held up. Yeah, I know that the version I was playing was the HD version, but it was merely just an up-scaling of the visuals to fit a wide-screen HDTV format, rather than a complete graphical overhaul (in the vein of something like Ninja Gaiden Sigma or Halo: Combat Evolved Anniversary). The actual textures and general look of the game were pretty much left the same, and while its clearly a last-gen game's graphics no matter which way you look at it, the graphics still impressed me. It looked a lot better than most early XBOX360 and PS3 games, to say the least.
There's people that actually think Marvel Ultimate Alliance 1 is better than Marvel Ultimate Alliance 2. :shit:
You know what? Sometimes Jim Sterling can be awesome. (
Quote from: Eddy on April 23, 2012, 10:34:07 PM
You know what? Sometimes Jim Sterling can be awesome. (
404 - Page Not Found
Try this. (
Quote from: Eddy on April 23, 2012, 10:34:07 PM
You know what? Sometimes Jim Sterling can be awesome. (
Careful what you say. Potraying Jim Sterling in any positive light will enrage Desensitized. :sly:
Quote from: Ensatsu-ken on April 23, 2012, 11:14:09 PM
Quote from: Eddy on April 23, 2012, 10:34:07 PM
You know what? Sometimes Jim Sterling can be awesome. (
Careful what you say. Potraying Jim Sterling in any positive light will enrage Desensitized. :sly:
Then Jim Sterling's the man.
Quote from: Ensatsu-ken on April 23, 2012, 11:14:09 PM
Quote from: Eddy on April 23, 2012, 10:34:07 PM
You know what? Sometimes Jim Sterling can be awesome. (
Careful what you say. Potraying Jim Sterling in any positive light will enrage Desensitized. :sly:
I think Foggle hates him more, but I find the guy a total waste of space.
Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on April 24, 2012, 03:03:57 PM
I think Foggle hates him more, but I find the guy a total waste of space.
Yeah, he's the reason why I stopped visiting Destructoid. Their other writers are great... mostly... but Sterling really gets on my nerves, even if we share the same opinions on quite a few controversial things.
This is a minor nitpick but the boxart for Arkham City's upcoming Game of the Year Edition is a clusterfuck.
Seriously. LOOK at this mess. They tuck the game's freaking title over to the side to make room for all the obnoxious text.
You gotta love how the biggest and most noticeable piece of text on that cover is the "10/10" right in your face. It sums up the current sales model perfectly. If you're not getting perfect scores from the video game journalists, you're not worth buying. Top it off with the bonus DLC not being properly implemented into the rerelease, and its perfect.
Its sad, but that's how video game marketing works these days. The thing is, I'd like to assume that most people would already be aware of what a critically acclaimed game Arkham City was. Would they really need to go all out to highlight that for maybe like the....2 people who might not have even hear of the game?
It's a commercial on a box. Honestly, I don't see a problem with that. Unlike this: (
Good lord. That might actually be the ugliest video game box I've ever seen. On a similar note, I miss the days of those humongous squares they used to put PC games in and the solid rectangles that housed console game cartridges. :(
Quote from: gunswordfist on April 25, 2012, 10:15:20 AM (
Epic said the same thing before the current gen started. Fucking corporate greed.
QuoteNot all voices are against used games. Saber Interactive CEO Matthew Karch said in February that blocking used games is unfair. Also during that month, Witcher developer CD Projekt Red's managing director Adam Badowski took a populist gamer stance, saying systems that block used game "can be a bad thing."
CD Projekt being awesome as usual.
Quote from: Eddy on April 25, 2012, 02:23:09 AM
This is a minor nitpick but the boxart for Arkham City's upcoming Game of the Year Edition is a clusterfuck.
Seriously. LOOK at this mess. They tuck the game's freaking title over to the side to make room for all the obnoxious text.
Does it blow a load in your face when you open it? XD
I hate when they just include download vouchers instead of putting the content on the disc. So lazy.
Here's hoping the Wii-U version has everything on disc as well as a cover devoid of numbers and instructions.
WOW! (
This guy's arguments are fucking hilarious.
QuoteI honestly believe that Xenoblade Chronicles could have been this generation's Final Fantasy VII.
Final Fantasy 7 is one of the absolute worst looking games on the PS1. The art style is bland and, from a technical standpoint, the graphics barely surpass those of Doom. XC can't be this generation's FF7 because it isn't beautiful? LOL
QuoteI'm tired of seeing Link fighting through the Temple of Brown Textures and Jagged Edges
ROFL. Not only has this guy never played a Zelda game post-N64, he forgets that almost all of the high quality 360 and PS3 graphics actually
are brown and gray! And jagged edges? Has he ever played a 360 or PS3 game? Those have tons of jagged edges, too! Bitch should buy a PC if he
must have anti-aliasing. But then he'd probably complain that F.E.A.R. on minimum settings running on his Pentium 2 with integrated GPU doesn't look like The Witcher 2.
QuoteIn today's world, technology has evolved to the point where it's not acceptable anymore to give us dross when we know there exists the capability for diamonds.
Because all those indie games with 2D cartoon graphics don't sell at all, right?
QuoteIt's not acceptable to shackle an obviously talented team like Monolith Soft to the ball and chain of the Wii because you want to sell waggle.
Because obviously Nintendo
forced Monolith Soft to develop their game for the Wii instead of the other consoles.
I didn't read that link. Is my life better off that way?
It is one of the worst manchild tantrums from a professional magazine in years.
His argument boils down to Nintendo shouldn't make good games for the system because I'm an adult.
See, that quote from the Beamdog guy about the Wii being a "toy" was dumb, but I felt like he was somewhat justified since his company had been burned. This one actually
is a manchild rant.
Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on April 25, 2012, 06:29:06 PM
His argument boils down to Nintendo shouldn't make good games for the system because I'm an adult.
No, it boils down to "I don't understand how graphics and hardware work."
Quote from: Foggle on April 25, 2012, 06:31:03 PM
See, that quote from the Beamdog guy about the Wii being a "toy" was dumb, but I felt like he was somewhat justified since his company had been burned. This one actually is a manchild rant.
Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on April 25, 2012, 06:29:06 PM
His argument boils down to Nintendo shouldn't make good games for the system because I'm an adult.
No, it boils down to "I don't understand how graphics and hardware work."
The NES wasn't even cutting edge when it came out. And that's one of the highest selling systems of all time.
We would all be whining about how Super Mario Bros. 3 was released in 1990 when we had "better standards". Oh wait, no one did that.
His implications are so mentally deficient.
- He implies that XC isn't as good as FF 7 because it doesn't have great graphics. Even its most hardcore fans admit that FF 7 has terrible graphics.
- He implies that Wii games have a non-existent color palette and brown textures everywhere. I own around 15 Wii games, all of which are extremely colorful (except MadWorld), and the only brown texture I remember seeing is the one for Donkey Kong's fur.
- He implies that Wii games' lack of anti-aliasing is worse than those of the other consoles. It's really about the same.
- He implies that games with non-fancy graphics don't sell. Meanwhile indie developers are making serious bank off of Steam distribution.
- He implies that it wasn't Monolith's decision to develop XC for the Wii. But it was.
The SNES was outdated because of the Neo Geo, too. Talk about revisionist drivel.
Also, is he unaware of the whole "HD Towns" controversy? If this game was on a HD system, it probably wouldn't have the scale it has thereby making it a weaker game. But at least it looks "pretty", right?
He also called the Super Mario Galaxy games "kitschy" and not indicative of how great a HD Mario game would be. He is insane.
The comments are also a joy to read.
QuoteQuoteI agree. I had the same problem with Madworld.
THANK YOU! I wish that game didn't come out til the PlayStation Move or something.
QuoteSo the best that you can hope for with the Wii U is to rebuy all the games from this gen? Yeah that's cool :\
QuoteThe thing is, as this punter says, there's really no excuse for Ninty's no-fi hardware at this point; there is just zero argument to support such an underpowered system (unless the argument is: grandmas and their grandbabies can't afford them. because gamers certainly can).
QuoteThe way he said games consume Everyday thoughts reminds me of me how I think of Mass Effect everyday. He really took this article seriously, he may be my new favorite of the GI staff.
The point is that far far better tech is quite readily available; an iPad apparently has greater graphical capability than a Wii. Nintendo asks a lot when they ask devs to continue to work with last-gen tech when we're about to move forward another gen (and then Ninty will be current with the now current gen, which by then will be last-gen- ridiculous and insulting); it's insulting to those devs, and you should feel insulted as customers than Nintendo simply doesn't care to offer a better product (because as long as there are games like Mass Effect and Uncharted and GTA, the argument that graphical fidelity and depth/quality to your game is exclusive, is revealed as total bunk that is the last bastion of desperate minds).
QuoteI completely agree, i have a friend that insists that the wii is better than the playstation for two reasons. One: he is an xbox fanboy and basically anti sony. Two: the wii has zelda. He also says that the 3ds is better than the ps vita. Once again because he's anti sony but also because the 3ds has zelda. If Nintindo didn't have some of the most historic franchises such as zelda and mario no one would buy their stuff. It's sad to see Nintindo fall behind, but it's their own fault they had the choice to move forward in technology and chose not to.
QuoteI'm sick of seeing games that I would absolutely love to play sent to die on the Wii and the Wii only. Seriously, Madworld sold what, 20,000 copies? Everything about that game looks like a blast but it hasn't and probably will, never move onto another system. There aren't enough games on the Wii, and I can't stand the controls, to justify me buying a Wii, but for there to be games that don't get the proper exposure they should because they're not promoted or because the image they send conflicts with the family friendly look of the system is ridiculous. Resident Evil 4 was remade on the PS2 (and pretty much every other system since) because it didn't meet sales expected of it. Why can't other games get a second life on other systems as well?
Oh, and I
love this one:
QuoteI'm not a graphics fanatic but I definitely understand this complaint. It's hard to take the wii seriously when it's operating at slightly above gamecube power and it's technical shortcomings are apparent in basically every single game that doesn't use an "artsy" or "cartoonish" style. It's like if some studio went and developed a brand new PS2 game with incredible story and gameplay. It would be awesome from a gameplay standpoint but why not take advantage of the better technology available today? Why limit yourself to aged hardware?
Xbox 360 and PS3 (ignoring PC for now) allow developers to push the limits of graphical capabilities (Crysis) or sacrifice graphical quality for the sake of gameplay (Think about how much people loved EDF). The fact that Nintendo thinks it's reasonable to not even offer this option is ridiculous, and honestly I'm curious how the WiiU's hardware capabilities will hold up once the next generation of PS's and Xbox's come out. Will it hold it's own or will the WiiU once again be the underdog that gets by on gimmicks and cheap ports rather than offering a platform for new AAA titles?
Quoteignoring PC
Quotepush the limits of graphical capabilities (Crysis)
Crysis? The game that took four years to get ported to consoles because Crytek couldn't figure out how to make it work on their hardware? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
So superficial. I'm glad the people who actually matter, the buying public, don't think this way. NSMB and Galaxy games have each outsold every COD game and that's the way it should be.
QuoteResident Evil 4 was remade on the PS2 (and pretty much every other system since) because it didn't meet sales expected of it. Why can't other games get a second life on other systems as well?
Revisionist history at its finest here. Resident Evil 4 was announced for the PS2 literally right before it was released for the GameCube. It wasn't a case of failing to meet projected sales, it was a case of Capcom getting cold feet at making GC exclusives. It resulted in that exclusive deal being broken over time and is partly responsible for Shinji Mikami leaving Capcom.
Quote from: Rosalinas Spare Wand on April 25, 2012, 07:32:51 PM
QuoteResident Evil 4 was remade on the PS2 (and pretty much every other system since) because it didn't meet sales expected of it. Why can't other games get a second life on other systems as well?
Revisionist history at its finest here. Resident Evil 4 was announced for the PS2 literally right before it was released for the GameCube. It wasn't a case of failing to meet projected sales, it was a case of Capcom getting cold feet at making GC exclusives. It resulted in that exclusive deal being broken over time and is partly responsible for Shinji Mikami leaving Capcom.
I actually think this is responsible for killing Viewtiful Joe. The first game sold half a million on the Gamecube, and sold peanuts on the PS2. Then the second game came out and the sales were still split with like 300,000 on GC and 100,000 on PS2. If Capcom would have just let it stay on the system where it flourished, it might have done much better instead of awkwardly splitting the base.
Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on April 25, 2012, 05:57:24 PM
WOW! (
I have simply read one too many of these over the years. Gaming media is so laughably close-minded anymore.
Free Mario? Free Link? Are you
kidding me? Man... where to start...
How anyone can think Super Mario Galaxy looks bad is beyond me. :wth:
Also, G4 has lost Adam Sessler. G4 has been shit for quite a while now but Sessler was the last thing they really had going for them. He's actually a really intelligent guy with a lot to say about games and the industry. Now that he's gone there's really no reason to pay attention to G4 at all. :(
Not that that's difficult unless reruns of Cops and Cheaters are your thing. :blush:
Really? When did they lose him?
I wish it was Morgan Webb instead.
I only ever watch G4 for the E3 coverage, but having to deal with her is just annoying.
DirecTV completely dropped G4 like two years ago.
I've hardly even noticed, to be totally honest.
I hate Morgan Webb as well. But at least the most worthless person I saw on Attack of the Show is gone from G4. Yep, I'm talking about Olivia Munn. Man, I wish I had the video on me where Dave Jaffe and Olivia Munn were talking and Olivia wanted to know if Dave was circumcised. Dude, you're at E3. You're supposed to ask about the game he's making, not his penis skin. Bitch doesn't even know shit about games, she even admitted that she was mostly hired for her looks.
Looks like the only reason I'll be watching G4 is Ninja Warrior. That is the only thing I give damn about on that network.
Ah, Ninja Warrior. We used to watch the original version (Sasuke) and its spin-off (Viking) in my high school Japanese class on off days. Good times! ;D
I don't really hate Morgan. I mean, I don't give a shit about G4 at all, but she doesn't really bother me. Olivia is awful, though.
I had a hard time taking Morgan Webb seriously when she complained about Super Mario Galaxy being too "kiddy".
See, I don't watch G4, or else I'd know about stuff like that and hate her too. :P
Quote from: Eddy on April 26, 2012, 01:01:48 AM
I had a hard time taking Morgan Webb seriously when she complained about Super Mario Galaxy being too "kiddy".
And how it wasn't "3D enough".
She was so obnoxious about hating it, too.
Morgan was also the only one on the G4 team that wasn't impressed by Nintendo's E3 show a couple years back. Everyone else's jaws hit the floor but Morgan was all "eh" and I think pulled the "too kiddy" card again. The best part is she apparently loves cartoony games (she loves Wind Waker and Mario & Luigi) so complaining about games for being too cartoony is contradictory.
Oh, and I think Sessler's departure was just announced today. The details are unknown but apparently it was some kind of contractual issue.
I'll follow Sessler wherever he goes next because he was the last good thing about that station.
QuoteI wish I had the video on me where Dave Jaffe and Olivia Munn were talking and Olivia wanted to know if Dave was circumcised. Dude, you're at E3. (
Beware, you may lose a few brain cells viewing that video. Olivia was the worst person to ever be on G4, just having her on really showed where G4's priorities were. Morgan isn't a disgrace to girl gamers like a certain iwhore is, but she's still pretty bad.
With Sessler gone, G4 has nothing of value now.
My favorite female member of G4 was easily Abbie Heppe. She was mostly a behind the scenes person but she clearly knew her stuff about games and loved all games from platformer to survival horror.
Plus she really loved Deadly Premonition. :swoon:
I stopped paying attention to X-Play when they dropped stuff like Ratty Ragpuppet and Drunk Link and became a serious review show. Wasn't really the same to me.
I just saw the news about Adam Sessler on gamasutra. 14 years? JESUS CHRIST?! He'll be missed. Hopefully he gets to do something good again for once.
As for G4, I thought it was a decent channel back in the day. It did remind you that you couldn't really do much with a channel that was just about video games but they tried and they did pretty much everything you could do for video game tv (tournaments, video game trailer show, review shows, video game news shows, cheat code/strategy show).
QuoteSomething I found a bit annoying was a scene where a white wig or something hair-like blows in the wind onto Dante's head and he looks into a mirror and remarks, "Not in a million years."
You've read those supposedly leaked spoilers too? I'm taking them with a grain of salt, but damn are they godawful. And the sad thing is, I wouldn't be the least bit suprised if they turned out to be true. (
Four years later, and we get Kinect Star Wars...*sigh*
QuoteAccording to Free Radical co-founder Steve Ellis, the long-awaited Star Wars: Battlefront III was cancelled due to a "change in philosophy" in LucasArts. Not only that, Ellis states the game was all but finished when the game was canned due to LucasArts being unwilling to back it with a huge marketing push.
"Change in philosophy" = "we don't want to sell good games anymore."
Quote from: Rynnec on April 27, 2012, 02:24:04 AM
You've read those supposedly leaked spoilers too? I'm taking them with a grain of salt, but damn are they godawful. And the sad thing is, I wouldn't be the least bit suprised if they turned out to be true.
The white wig thing was confirmed by GameInformer and about half of the other spoilers from that leak have also been proven true. :zonk:
Quote from: Foggle on April 27, 2012, 11:03:28 AM
"Change in philosophy" = "we don't want to sell good games anymore."
This wouldn't be half as dissapointing if Lucasarts had at least put out any worthwhile Star Wars games, but other than the Force Unleashed, they haven't.
QuoteThe white wig thing was confirmed by GameInformer and about half of the other spoilers from that leak have also been proven true. :zonk:
I remember when LucasArts did more than Star Wars games. Heck, I remember when they made good ones.
I can't believe they never made a lightsaber Wii game.
Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on April 27, 2012, 06:37:59 PM
I can't believe they never made a lightsaber Wii game.
I believe they even said that they were working on a Lightsaber game for the Wii, but that obviously hasn't come to pass.
Instead, we get...whatever the hell the 360 game's supposed to be.
is it bad that dancing Boba Fett kind of makes me want to play this game?
I swear, everyone complaining about Hitman: Absolution being viable as an action shooter has never actually played a Hitman game before. You can play the entire series as a TPS if you really want to... hell, the original game has entire missions devoted to TPS gameplay.
Are gamers ever satisfied with anything?
Stealth games always get shit. I'm going to enjoy the countless ways to play through Absolution (already decided to go crazy in that playthrough video section since I've already seen how complete stealth is done in that level.)
The second quote (
Looks like we're trapped.
Looks like one of my favorite genres will continue to be held back. :gonk:
Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on May 02, 2012, 05:01:39 PM
The second quote (
Looks like we're trapped.
Free Radical is looking in the wrong places. Yeah, the big boys aren't going to fund a game like TimeSplitters these days, but I think Devolver Digital or a similar company might.
Serious Sam 3 and Hard Reset both made decent-sized profits I believe, and (for the moment) those titles are only available on one platform. Yeah, a smaller publisher wouldn't give FR the budget to have Battlefield 3-level visuals, giant set-pieces, or a full retail release, but none of those are necessary in a TimeSplitters game.
Quote from: demons need to be dispatched using the appropriate angel or devil triggers, so shield-carrying red-hued enemies have to be dealt with using the devil trigger, while blue-tinged bad guys can be taken down with the angel trigger's scythe.
Oh FUCK no. :srs:
Quote from: Foggle on May 05, 2012, 06:22:10 PM
Quote from: demons need to be dispatched using the appropriate angel or devil triggers, so shield-carrying red-hued enemies have to be dealt with using the devil trigger, while blue-tinged bad guys can be taken down with the angel trigger's scythe.
Oh FUCK no. :srs:
Yet another article about DmC that opens up with an "lol hair color" comment.
No one who's hating this game gives a shit about the hair anymore. Especially with shit like this.
I thought it was just blogs like Destructoid doing that shit (as usual), but even "professional" sites such as Game Informer are making "u dnt lik it bcuz o/ the hare teh 30fps no ai gamply is th seres' best!!!" posts. Seriously, these same people were far more skeptical about Deus Ex 3 than they are about DmC, and DXHR always looked far closer to its franchise's roots than this game does.
Either Capcom is deep in these journalists' pockets, or (for some unknown reason) these journalists are deep in Ninja Theory's ass. Possibly both.
More on Free Radical (
Prepare to hate EA, Activision, and LucasArts more.
That reminds me, Second Sight is now available on GOG. Will need to pick that up eventually. I still pray for TimeSplitters PC ports.
I had always wondered why the PC and 360 versions of Haze were cancelled. That game was complete and utter shit, and to know that it was partly the publisher's fault is a relief, to say the least.
I've always hated LucasArts, and this article proves that they're one of the worst.
Sucks that FR is stuck making Homefront 2. The first one was absolute trash; their talent would be better spent on something else.
Well, to be fair, there are lots of series where the first game is trash but the second game onward is supposedly a huge step up and turns out to be a great game; like, say....Mass Effect. :>
At any rate, if Free Radical is a talented developer they can make a great game even if its for an IP that has a shitty first game due to that first game being made by shitty developers.
Mass Effect embodies the phrase "all flash, no substance." It tricks you into thinking that there's more to it than just interactive cutscenes and B-list third person shooting, but it's all a lie. You'll see what I mean if you ever finish out the series. Which I honestly don't recommend. On that note, I'm completely done with BioWare. I mean, let's face it, they'll never make another game of the same caliber as Baldur's Gate or KOTOR.
Anyway, yeah, Free Radical will at least make a competent shooter out of Homefront 2, which is more than I can say for the first one. (
Yeah, and even KOTOR got turned into something that I didn't really want. I just can't get into MMORPGs, and I was a bit saddened to hear that we wouldn't be getting KOTOR 3 in favor if TOR (which I just flat out don't care about). Sadly enough, that may be the last KOTOR game that we ever get, period.
TOR would be cool if:
1) It didn't have a monthly subscription
2) It actually played like KOTOR
The released game is basically just WoW in space.
So, in other words, TOR would be good if it was actually a KOTOR game. ;)
The whole monthly subscription model is so outdated and backwards. Guild Wars 2 looks to be the finest MMORPG of all time (it plays like an action game and has excellent graphics), and that's going to be buy-to-play rather than pay-to-play. TOR and WoW have no excuse now.
Do I have to shoot both Foggle and EK? Because I will.
Quote from: gunswordfist on May 06, 2012, 02:42:24 PM
Do I have to shoot both Foggle and EK? Because I will.
You like paying $15/month to play Space WoW?
Quote from: Foggle on May 06, 2012, 02:50:40 PM
Quote from: gunswordfist on May 06, 2012, 02:42:24 PM
Do I have to shoot both Foggle and EK? Because I will.
You like paying $15/month to play Space WoW?
I hate KOTOR so no.
Quote from: gunswordfist on May 06, 2012, 03:26:34 PM
I hate KOTOR so no.
I'd still play it over that garbage called Mass Effect any day (and yes, I'm including its shitty sequels as well).
At least KOTOR knows how to tell a story and doesn't try to be a lame Gears of War rip-off with its combat system. ;)
You poor dumb bastard. I hate Mass Effect 1 almost as much as you do. OK, I don't hate it but I certainly don't like it. In fact, Foggle likes it more than I do.
Yeah, ME 1 is trash compared to the sequels... though the entire trilogy is ruined retroactively by 3. You guys should just pretend that ME 2 is the only game in the series.
Is this a parody? I can't tell...
*Talks about how tough a gamer she is*
"I play with the Kinect"
Sorry, EK. (
I kind of saw this coming, but I haven't entirely lost hope. If THQ doesn't have any problems with Itagaki moving to another publisher, it'd be great if DT could still continue development. It'd be a shame to just drop it after having been developed for about 2 whole years, now.
Here's some more info ( on the status of Devil's Third. The good news is that THQ has at least confirmed that they are going to sell it off rather than just drop it altogether. This means that Itagaki can still get his game out as long as Valhalla finds a suitable publisher to buy them out. Then again, any big-name publisher would probably just take advantage of them and somehow force their studio to be closed down, so maybe its not good news. That said, at least the game still has a chance of coming out in this case.
I guess it makes sense for THQ to sell this IP off since Japanese developed games, whether they are amazingly good or terrible, just don't make a lot of money anymore, and in their current state they can't afford to lose anymore money.
Well here's hoping Activision or EA doesn't get a hold of it.
Though I'm struggling to think of who would be a suitable partner for it. First parties wouldn't be good. Nintendo would require it being a Wii-U exclusive which means porting even if it would be a smart pick for them (to get "mature" games), and Microsoft or Sony means cutting off half the potential audience of the other. Sega would be obvious if they didn't just have that restructuring... And I can't really think of anyone else off the top of my head.
Well, at the very least, anyone would be better than Capcom....
Actually, EA, Activision, and Ubisoft would be just as bad, honestly. The sad thing is that if this game does get sold off, it would be most likely to go to one of them, but even they probably won't shot a lot of interest in a Japanese developed game, especially since they are all about making as much profit as possible over getting out any quality titles.
Getting bought out by a first-party developer wouldn't be as bad, but it'd also drastically cut their potential sales. Then again, I wouldn't mind if Microsoft bought the game and then allowed it to at least be released on the XBOX360 and the PC, which would still leave the title open to a lot more people than just being limited to a console. I don't think Sony would care to buy it since they already have enough exclusives under their belt that they are overseeing, though it wouldn't be a bad idea for Nintendo to try and secure an M-rated title like this for the reason that you mentioned, but I honestly don't see them buying it, either. Itagaki has worked with Microsoft before, though, and while he was working at Tecmo both DOA and NG games were usually XBOX exclusives, so being that he has a bit of a history with Microsoft, maybe they'll buy the rights to DT, and they could certainly use a good new IP exclusive, but even that is highly unlikely.
Wouldn't it be the most hilarious situation if Tecmo ended up agreeing to publish Itagaki's game? :D
Quote from: Ensatsu-ken on May 15, 2012, 09:04:13 PMWouldn't it be the most hilarious situation if Tecmo ended up agreeing to publish Itagaki's game? :D
Then they retool the game to be about Ryu Hayabusa somehow and call it Ninja Gaiden's Third. ;D
Now that you mention it, Ubisoft is the most likely choice. They pushed the NMH games here, so this wouldn't be too far out for them. The big issue is that the game has multiplayer as a selling point and having Activision or EA near that means it's already dead.
Unless Nintendo just swallows their pride and outright buys Valhalla Studios for the clout and the appeal.
That would be good for Nintendo, but then again they may see it as a big risk which is why I don't see them going for it. As talented as Itagaki and his team are, we know next to nothing about this game since its been announced, and if THQ didn't think it would sell enough for it to be profitable to them, I doubt Nintendo would think any differently. Its an unfortunate and sad truth in today's gaming industry. Profit always comes before quality. Also, even if its from a talented team of developers and it turns out to be a great game, unless it can sell well into the millions, most publishers won't even touch a new, un-established IP that has already been in development before coming to them. That said, I'm hoping that someone makes an exception for Valhalla, since I imagine that this game would be pretty far into production by now and if everything were kept on schedule, the game would still be able to release in early 2013 as was originally planned.
Whatever happens, I hope the best for Itagaki and his team at VGS. I've been waiting for a truly good action game from him since NG2 (and while that game had its flaws, it was still a lot better than some people give it credit for, especially considering that it was forced to be rushed out the door), and I feel as though Itagaki was only taking this long to make this game in the first place to give it the care and polish it needed to be as great a game as NGB. If I find that the game was already more than half-way done and no publisher will pick it up, I'll be seriously pissed off. :burn:
Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on May 15, 2012, 05:06:18 PM
Sorry, EK. (
"No longer "fits THQ's profile."?" I hate publishers.
I believe in the link I posted to it was specified as THQ's "profitability" profile, which of course makes a lot more sense. :(
Yeah, this really sucks, but it's not surprising at all. THQ is basically only alive today because of Saints Row The Third's success, so they can no longer afford to take risks. :(
You know the sound of missing the forest for the trees? It sounds like this (
Ehhh? I don't think I understand what I just read. Bit tired today, though, so maybe that's why.
QuoteDiablo III will make everyone else accept the fact you have to be connected. If you have a juggernaut, you can make change. I'm all for that. If we could force people to always be connected when you play the game, and then have that be acceptable, awesome. In the end, it's better for everybody. Imagine picking up a game and it's automatically updated. Or there's something new you didn't know about, and you didn't have to click away. It's all automatically there. But it does take juggernauts like [Diablo III] to make change.
First RAGE, now this? id is dead to me. (
Are they serious about this?
Quality journalism. Kotaku does it once again. ( >:(
This is, what, the 8th time it's been delayed? :-\
Aww, I was hoping for a Wii-U launch title.
Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on May 21, 2012, 01:57:22 PM
Aww, I was hoping for a Wii-U launch title.
Well, they haven't actually announced the date yet... it
could end up being one.
The fuck?
The topic title in a nutshell (
Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on May 24, 2012, 11:52:05 AM
The topic title in a nutshell (
QuoteWhy is Platinum Games even with sega still? easily one of the worst publishers, I really hope they ditch them (along with tri-ace ditching them after they fucking releasedd resonance of fate the same day as FF13)
While konami wouldn't be my top choice (lordy have they butchered the silent hill series...) they'd still be a step up from fucking sega, hopefully PG's metal gear revengance will get them out of sega's retarded grasp
I don't really feel as... strongly... as this guy does, but he does have a point. While they
are niche games, MadWorld, Vanquish, Binary Domain, House of the Dead Overkill, and every Yakuza game have all bombed hard in the west partially due to lack of marketing. We'll be lucky if America even gets the Anarchy Reigns demo or a single one of those new trailers "officially."
Quote from: Foggle on May 24, 2012, 12:11:43 PM
QuoteWhy is Platinum Games even with sega still? easily one of the worst publishers, I really hope they ditch them (along with tri-ace ditching them after they fucking releasedd resonance of fate the same day as FF13)
While konami wouldn't be my top choice (lordy have they butchered the silent hill series...) they'd still be a step up from fucking sega, hopefully PG's metal gear revengance will get them out of sega's retarded grasp
I don't really feel as... strongly... as this guy does, but he does have a point. While they are niche games, MadWorld, Vanquish, Binary Domain, House of the Dead Overkill, and every Yakuza game have all bombed hard in the west partially due to lack of marketing. We'll be lucky if America even gets the Anarchy Reigns demo or a single one of those new trailers "officially."
HOTD:O actually did pretty well, IIRC. Madworld had a ton of commercials, same as the Conduit. The Conduit did decently, MadWorld didn't. Vanquish and Binary Domain, yeah that was entirely their fault for terrible advertising. Yakuza was never going to catch on, man. We're lucky we even got any past the first one (which HAD a crazy big campaign that flopped), the audience just isn't there.
Also, if it wasn't for Sega, none of those games would have even gotten published in the first place. I mean, seriously, Konami?!? Konami has the worst advertising of any big company. They didn't even make commercials for the MGS games. Sega might make a lot of mistakes, but I don't see anyone else trying even nearly half as hard as they do.
I mean, Konami?!? Really? Why not just say Capcom so they can cancel the game fans want, blame them for it, then mock them every chance they get? As far as third party Japanese games released over here, Sega is pretty much the best shot any of them has.
Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on May 24, 2012, 12:23:48 PM
HOTD:O actually did pretty well, IIRC.
Really? I always assumed it bombed, since the devs started churning out shovelware after its release. But I guess they could have done that of their own volition, as it would admittedly make them a lot more money than legitimately good games would.
QuoteMadworld had a ton of commercials
Really? Huh.
QuoteYakuza was never going to catch on, man.
I guess not everyone is as big a fan of mafia fiction as I am. :lol:
QuoteAlso, if it wasn't for Sega, none of those games would have even gotten published in the first place.
Well, Sega owns RGG Studio, so yeah. ;) I think Vanquish and Bayonetta (the latter of which actually did really well) could have gotten published by someone else, though.
QuoteI mean, seriously, Konami?!? Konami has the worst advertising of any big company. They didn't even make commercials for the MGS games. Sega might make a lot of mistakes, but I don't see anyone else trying even nearly half as hard as they do.
I mean, Konami?!? Really? Why not just say Capcom so they can cancel the game fans want, blame them for it, then mock them every chance they get? As far as third party Japanese games released over here, Sega is pretty much the best shot any of them has.
Yeah, I absolutely disagree with him on that point. Konami is terrible. :devil:
Quote from: Foggle on May 24, 2012, 12:32:55 PM
Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on May 24, 2012, 12:23:48 PM
HOTD:O actually did pretty well, IIRC.
Really? I always assumed it bombed, since the devs started churning out shovelware after its release. But I guess they could have done that of their own volition, as it would admittedly make them a lot more money than legitimately good games would.
I remember Sega being really surprised with the sales. It was the Move version bombed.
QuoteQuoteMadworld had a ton of commercials
Really? Huh.
This one (
This one (
This one (
The commentator one was edited with those different sections, but I saw them all on TV. IIRC, MadWorld eventually did decently, but I don't see how anyone would have done better for it.
QuoteQuoteYakuza was never going to catch on, man.
I guess not everyone is as big a fan of mafia fiction as I am. :lol:
The Yakuza is just not mainstream here unlike other Japanese elements like ninja or samurai. Not even giant robots are big here.
QuoteQuoteAlso, if it wasn't for Sega, none of those games would have even gotten published in the first place.
Well, Sega owns RGG Studio, so yeah. ;) I think Vanquish and Bayonetta (the latter of which actually did really well) could have gotten published by someone else, though.
I still think Vanquish was a missed opportunity. Some commercials that have it rip on Gears for being too slow would have been enough.
QuoteQuoteI mean, seriously, Konami?!? Konami has the worst advertising of any big company. They didn't even make commercials for the MGS games. Sega might make a lot of mistakes, but I don't see anyone else trying even nearly half as hard as they do.
I mean, Konami?!? Really? Why not just say Capcom so they can cancel the game fans want, blame them for it, then mock them every chance they get? As far as third party Japanese games released over here, Sega is pretty much the best shot any of them has.
Yeah, I absolutely disagree with him on that point. Konami is terrible. :devil:
I can't even remember the last time I even saw Konami advertise anything outside of the internet.
Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on May 24, 2012, 12:53:42 PM
It was the Move version bombed.
I wonder why... :awesome:
Quote from: Foggle on May 24, 2012, 12:55:49 PM
Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on May 24, 2012, 12:53:42 PM
It was the Move version bombed.
I wonder why... :awesome:
They should have made it a Wii-U launch game. I don't want to play it with inferior motion controls. (
Sequel... to DmC...
I don't even think Capcom will be around in 2015.
Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on May 24, 2012, 11:52:05 AM
The topic title in a nutshell (
The best response (
Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on May 24, 2012, 01:11:18 PM
Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on May 24, 2012, 11:52:05 AM
The topic title in a nutshell (
The best response (
He never asked for that.
But srsly, phuk iOS "gaming."
Quote from: Foggle on May 24, 2012, 01:15:22 PM
Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on May 24, 2012, 01:11:18 PM
Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on May 24, 2012, 11:52:05 AM
The topic title in a nutshell (
The best response (
He never asked for that.
But srsly, phuk iOS "gaming."
It might be because I detest phones, but I have played some of the games on a friend's phone and I just don't get it. Awful controls, clunky interface, and they just plain aren't fun to play.
The ironic part is how the gaming industry regularly attacks the Wii, but raises this dross up when every problem the Wii has is 500 times worse on the phones. At least the Wii has controls that function.
Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on May 24, 2012, 01:21:37 PM
The ironic part is how the gaming industry regularly attacks the Wii, but raises this dross up when every problem the Wii has is 500 times worse on the phones. At least the Wii has controls that function.
The gaming industry is utterly clueless. Constant reference to the Wii as a "children's console" and frequent exclamations of "PC gaming is dead!" are enough to prove that. ( Yeah because what the consumers want<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<art. ::)
Ugh, give me a break.
Games cost millions to make = the customer better be right or you're living on the street
To be fair, I kind of agree with the author about the flashlight thing with DOOM 3, being that unlike the first 2 games, the 3rd game was a horror and action game hybrid, and is one of the few games that I've played that successfully combines both elements. That said, stuff like only being able to hold your flashlight by itself and risking not having your gun at the ready was a huge contributor to that scare factor, and as someone who's all about gameplay I actually liked it that way. I mean, yes, having the flashlight surmounted to the gun is a more practical thing to do in both video game and even real life logic, but I liked having to make that tough choice, as it really helped add to the overall creepy feeling of DOOM 3, and either way it was never meant to be a pure action shooter like the first 2 games, so I think it worked for that game, personally. Still, I'd be lying if I said that I wouldn't also enjoy a more pure-action oriented DOOM 3 in the style of the classic games.
Anyways, everything else the author said is pretty much everything that turns me away from modern game critics/journalists, they just don't seem to get what makes games great. Games are great for how interesting they are to play, not just how interesting they are to look at (and people overrate the hell out of stories in most games, anyways).
From what it sounds like, this Doom 3 remake that I've never even heard of until this article is trying to be more action-orientated. If that's the case, then there should be no complaints about that sense it's its focus.
Wow, what have they done to Tomb Raider? (
You know, for a game called Tomb Raider, this trailer and all previous footage of this game have certainly had a severe lack of any actual tombs, let alone raiding any of them. :>
Seriously, though, this trailer is yet another of many embodiment of what I don't like about modern games, especially when you compare this to the classic games. I can understand wanting to take Laura Croft more seriously than the cheesy iterations of her in the PS1 games, but that doesn't have to come at the expense of the whole game abandoning any of the fun adventure elements of the previous games. I mean, I haven't played a TR game since the 3rd one on the PS3, and while I never actually beat any of them, I enjoyed them for their sense of exploration and adventure, with emphasis on exploring the tombs and ancient ruins and such. This game seems to have none of those elements, and it honestly seems to have no real attachment to anything Tomb Raider related other than its name and the fact that its main character is called Laura Croft. If they are going to make such a blatant Uncharted rip-off, I think I'd rather just play Uncharted instead, even if I'm not a fan of that series, either. At least that one started that way and was meant to be a movie game.
Am I the only one bothered by how Lara is portrayed in these trailers? She's scared and helpless in most of them, this is starting to look like Other M levels of Chickification, it's borderline creepy even. It's almost like they're fetishizing her torment. Hell, the entire game looks like it's taking itself too seriously. Aren't the stories in Tomb Raider supposed to be cheesy and nonsensical (like the Indiana Jones movies)? This seems to be going for the typical "Darker and edgier" approach.
Speaking of fetishization of violence: (
Okay, I can see why some people would feel uncomfortable with that trailer, but if it were men Agent 47 were killing in that trailer, no one would bat an eyelash (and indeed, there is another trailer in that article that has Agent 47 killing men in arguably more brutal ways). The whole "leather dominatrix nuns" bothers me, not because of sexism or whatever, but because it made the whole thing look rather campy, when everything else about the game points to it being rather serious in tone. It would have been better if they were wearing their habits through the entire trailer.
The overall tone of the Tomb Raider reboot is what bothers me most. They turned a lighthearted Indiana Jones-inspired series about treasure hunting and shooting dinosaurs into some grotesque horror story where Lara rips rusty nails out of her abdomen and dodges rape attempts. I just can't get with that.
Quote from: Rynnec on June 02, 2012, 08:11:55 PM (
Okay, I can see why some people would feel uncomfortable with that trailer, but if it were men Agent 47 were killing in that trailer, no one would bat an eyelash (and indeed, there is another trailer in that article that has Agent 47 killing men in arguably more brutal ways). The whole "leather dominatrix nuns" bothers me, not because of sexism or whatever, but because it made the whole thing look rather campy, when everything else about the game points to it being rather serious in tone. It would have been better if they were wearing their habits through the entire trailer.
Hitman has been loaded with camp since day 1 and hypersexualization since Contracts (or, arguably, Silent Assassin). Anyone genuinely surprised by that trailer probably isn't a fan of the series to begin with.
Quote from: Foggle on June 02, 2012, 09:14:13 PM
The overall tone of the Tomb Raider reboot is what bothers me most. They turned a lighthearted Indiana Jones-inspired series about treasure hunting and shooting dinosaurs into some grotesque horror story where Lara rips rusty nails out of her abdomen and dodges rape attempts. I just can't get with that.
Not too mention it's completely disgusting, and not in a good way. I don't mind Lara getting dirty on her adventures, but for gods sake make it so that it doesn't look so damn creepy.
Quote from: Rynnec on June 02, 2012, 08:11:55 PM (
Okay, I can see why some people would feel uncomfortable with that trailer, but if it were men Agent 47 were killing in that trailer, no one would bat an eyelash (and indeed, there is another trailer in that article that has Agent 47 killing men in arguably more brutal ways). The whole "leather dominatrix nuns" bothers me, not because of sexism or whatever, but because it made the whole thing look rather campy, when everything else about the game points to it being rather serious in tone. It would have been better if they were wearing their habits through the entire trailer.
Hitman has been loaded with camp since day 1 and hypersexualization since Contracts (or, arguably, Silent Assassin). Anyone genuinely surprised by that trailer probably isn't a fan of the series to begin with.
The girl writing that article mentioned that she thought the game looks good otherwise. I think this is just another case of another easily offended person making mountains out of molehills (seriously, just read that bit before the second video embed. Talk about making wild assumptions).
Tomb Raider = Exploration
So obviously this being the current game industry:
Tomb Raider = Uncharted
Not to mention everything else wrong with what they're doing.
Quote from: Rynnec on June 02, 2012, 09:26:17 PM
Not too mention it's completely disgusting, and not in a good way. I don't mind Lara getting dirty on her adventures, but for gods sake make it so that it doesn't look so damn creepy.
"Disturbing" is probably what they're going for. That's all well and good, but why did it have to happen to a series that's been established as light and campy like Tomb Raider? Is it a rule that video game reboots
have to crap all over what made the original titles great or something? I mean, really, every single one I can think of (Sonic '06, DmC, etc.) completely misses the point of its respective franchise.
Quote(seriously, just read that bit before the second video embed. Talk about making wild assumptions).
Complete and utter trash; exactly what I've come to expect from IGN. You're not supposed to "interpret" Hitman. It doesn't make any statements or assertions. :-\
Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on June 02, 2012, 09:41:20 PM
Tomb Raider = Exploration
So obviously this being the current game industry:
Tomb Raider = Uncharted
Not to mention everything else wrong with what they're doing.
Having it play like Uncharted is bad, yes, but that's the least of my problems with the TR reboot. Attempted rape should not be a gameplay element. Ever.
But then how would she be mai waifu?
I thought Tomb Raider's absence from since the last video they showed of the game was because they were doing a major rehaul of the game due to fan backlash. Guess I was wrong. I miss being excited about sequels.
Crytek is as good as dead. (
It's safe to say that TimeSplitters 4 will probably never happen now. :cry: (
That...still sounds kinda creepy. :whuh:
Quote from: Foggle on June 10, 2012, 12:11:46 PM
Crytek is as good as dead. (
It's safe to say that TimeSplitters 4 will probably never happen now. :cry:
Don't give up hope just yet. (
The Kotaku comments make me rage more than that shitty origins story. Feminists need to fuck off already.
No retail release. :-\
Come on, Crytek. At the very least put out a HD collection for the PS3/360/Wii-U with online multiplayer for each game. I'd rather that then them just wasting the series.
Quote from: Rosalinas Spare Wand on June 11, 2012, 07:29:14 PM
The Kotaku comments make me rage more than that shitty origins story. Feminists need to fuck off already.
The thing that bothers me is the apparent rape scene at the start of the game. Is that really needed?
Quote"She's definitely the hero but-- you're kind of like her helper," he said. "When you see her have to face these challenges, you start to root for her in a way that you might not root for a male character."
Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on June 11, 2012, 07:30:30 PM
Come on, Crytek. At the very least put out a HD collection for the PS3/360/Wii-U with online multiplayer for each game.
Don't forget Steam. $15 downloadable versions of all three games (or even just Future Perfect) with online multiplayer would be pretty awesome.
Quote from: Rosalinas Spare Wand on June 11, 2012, 07:29:14 PM
The thing that bothers me is the apparent rape scene at the start of the game. Is that really needed?
No, it's not needed. That shit needs to stay out of video games.
Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on June 11, 2012, 07:30:30 PM
The thing that bothers me is the apparent rape scene at the start of the game. Is that really needed?
Absolutely not. Rape is a lazy writing tool for hacks who can't write good inner turmoil for a character.
Honestly, this game sounds far worse than what Other M did for Samus, or what Final Fight Streetwise did for the Metro City crew.
Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on June 11, 2012, 07:30:30 PM
No retail release. :-\
Come on, Crytek. At the very least put out a HD collection for the PS3/360/Wii-U with online multiplayer for each game. I'd rather that then them just wasting the series.
How much would it cost for them to make a Timesplitters HD Collection?
Quote from: Rosalinas Spare Wand on June 11, 2012, 07:46:28 PM
Absolutely not. Rape is a lazy writing tool for hacks who can't write good inner turmoil for a character.
Which is why Nasu is trash.
Quote from: Foggle on June 11, 2012, 07:34:15 PM
Quote"She's definitely the hero but-- you're kind of like her helper," he said. "When you see her have to face these challenges, you start to root for her in a way that you might not root for a male character."
QuoteQuote from: Spark Of Spirit on June 11, 2012, 07:30:30 PM
Come on, Crytek. At the very least put out a HD collection for the PS3/360/Wii-U with online multiplayer for each game.
Don't forget Steam. $15 downloadable versions of all three games (or even just Future Perfect) with online multiplayer would be pretty awesome.
You're right! Steam goes without saying. We need more HD collections of PS2-era games.
QuoteQuote from: Rosalinas Spare Wand on June 11, 2012, 07:29:14 PM
The thing that bothers me is the apparent rape scene at the start of the game. Is that really needed?
No, it's not needed. That shit needs to stay out of video games.
I can deal with all the other crazy sexualization, but that I just don't understand. This isn't a movie, rape is meant only for dramatic effect. You know how you get dramatic effects in video games? Through the actual game. The sequence could literally be anything else and it would have the same effect in gameplay, that it's added makes it seem trivial.. and rape is not a trivial thing.
Yes, yes, it's a video game. But you know what I like doing in games? NOT THINKING ABOUT RAPE.
Quote from: Rynnec on June 11, 2012, 07:49:09 PM
Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on June 11, 2012, 07:30:30 PM
No retail release. :-\
Come on, Crytek. At the very least put out a HD collection for the PS3/360/Wii-U with online multiplayer for each game. I'd rather that then them just wasting the series.
How much would it cost for them to make a Timesplitters HD Collection?
Apparently (from third hand word), HD collections are extremely easy to make for any 3D game since they only need to up everything in the game and possibly take out glitches and bugs. They're supposed to be really easy to make... for everyone except Konami.
Square probably isn't doing it because it would make them look bad (older games having so much more meat to them), while everyone else seems to be moving towards them for easy products.
Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on June 11, 2012, 07:53:57 PM
I can deal with all the other crazy sexualization, but that I just don't understand. This isn't a movie, rape is meant only for dramatic effect. You know how you get dramatic effects in video games? Through the actual game. The sequence could literally be anything else and it would have the same effect in gameplay, that it's added makes it seem trivial.. and rape is not a trivial thing.
Yes, yes, it's a video game. But you know what I like doing in games? NOT THINKING ABOUT RAPE.
Agreed. You can certainly argue that the old games were sexualized too, but that was just the character herself... not the violence involving her. This just seems really sick to me.
To be fair, I wouldn't have a problem with rape in a video game if it were in a straight-up horror title, implied instead instead of shown, and used as a justification for gameplay (i.e. hiding, running, etc.). But not how it's being included in TR.
Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on June 11, 2012, 08:01:11 PM
Apparently (from third hand word), HD collections are extremely easy to make for any 3D game since they only need to up everything in the game and possibly take out glitches and bugs. They're supposed to be really easy to make... for everyone except Konami.
Don't forget Capcom. I haven't experienced any of the problems myself, but apparently the DMC HD Collection has some major issues.
quote author=Foggle link=topic=255.msg26093#msg26093 date=1339462158]
Quote from: Rosalinas Spare Wand on June 11, 2012, 07:46:28 PM
Absolutely not. Rape is a lazy writing tool for hacks who can't write good inner turmoil for a character.
Quote from: FoggleAgreed.
Which is why Nasu is trash.
Aren't FSN and Kara no Kyoukai (the third movie) his only works that have rape as a major plot point? From what I can tell, Tsukihime doesn't have anything on the subject, and Melty Blood, Witch on the Holy Night, and all of the Fate spinoffs are rape-free (thank god).
Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on June 11, 2012, 07:53:57 PM
Quote from: Foggle on June 11, 2012, 07:34:15 PM
Quote"She's definitely the hero but-- you're kind of like her helper," he said. "When you see her have to face these challenges, you start to root for her in a way that you might not root for a male character."
Speaking of which, I'm sure this new Lara will be really popular in Japan.
QuoteApparently (from third hand word), HD collections are extremely easy to make for any 3D game since they only need to up everything in the game and possibly take out glitches and bugs. They're supposed to be really easy to make... for everyone except Konami.
Square probably isn't doing it because it would make them look bad (older games having so much more meat to them), while everyone else seems to be moving towards them for easy products.
At least Konami's giving us Zone of the Enders HD Collection. Individual copies of the PS2 original's seem to cost as high as your average HD collection (at least the second one, which is the only one I've seen recently).
All I really want from Konami is a Contra HD Collection for the PS2 ones. Those should be really easy to do.
Also, to add to the topic, Why did I not see anyone mentioning this at E3? ( You'd figure a new game from the guy who created Harvest Moon would be a big deal.
Quote from: Rynnec on June 11, 2012, 08:08:10 PM
Aren't FSN and Kara no Kyoukai (the third movie) his only works that have rape as a major plot point? From what I can tell, Tsukihime doesn't have anything on the subject, and Melty Blood, Witch on the Holy Night, and all of the Fate spinoffs are rape-free (thank god).
Eh, I have no idea, I just get a kick out of trolling Type-Moon fans, tbh. (I don't actually think Nasu is trash, just a bit amateurish. :lol:) I heard that Tsukihime
does use rape as character development as well, though.
Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on June 11, 2012, 08:10:26 PM
Also, to add to the topic, Why did I not see anyone mentioning this at E3? ( You'd figure a new game from the guy who created Harvest Moon would be a big deal.
Looks pretty interesting, even though I haven't played the Harvest Moon/Ruin Factory games myself, I'll try keeping my eye out on this one. Hopefully if the game includes same-sex romance options, Natsume won't pussy out at the last second again.
I don't give a shit about this game, but this crap right here. (
Warren Spector speaks out against the Ultra-violence of modern videogames. (
I can already hear the shake of hundreds of stampeding manchildren running to their keyboards to prove him wrong.
QuoteWe've gone too far. The slow-motion blood spurts, the impalement by deadly assassins, the knives, shoulders, elbows to the throat. You know, Deus Ex had its moments of violence, but they were designed - whether they succeeded or not I can't say - but they were designed to make you uncomfortable, and I don't see that happening now. I think we're just appealing to an adolescent mindset and calling it mature. It's time to stop. I'm just glad I work for a company like Disney, where not only is that not something that's encouraged, you can't even do it, and I'm fine with it.
This man gets it.
I'd like to say I agree with him, but since I play tons of ultraviolent video games and love them to death, I can't.
They're just games, after all.
We can't all be like Nathan Drake- casually slaughtering hundreds of people.
I'd rather be like the DOOM trooper if given the choice.
So what defines "ultraviolence", anyway?
I'd assume stuff like Hitman, Manhunter, the new Tomb Raider, etc.
Hitman is amazing. :??:
Eh, I was just throwing out names really.
Well, Ninja Gaiden II on the XBOX360 is ultraviolent, but I love that game.
Quote from: Ensatsu-ken on June 14, 2012, 08:08:29 PM
Well, Ninja Gaiden II on the XBOX360 is ultraviolent, but I love that game.
Yeah, I have no problem with ultraviolent games unless they're truly sickening and without purpose, like the new Tomb Raider. That kind of violence
would be acceptable in a game where the player is supposed to regret their actions and isn't promoted to shoot every baddie they meet in the face, though.
Quote from: Ensatsu-ken on June 14, 2012, 08:08:29 PM
Well, Ninja Gaiden II on the XBOX360 is ultraviolent, but I love that game.
Ninja Gaiden 2 - Cutting through deadly ninjas and creatures trying to do the same to you
Ninja Gaiden 3 - Getting your sword randomly stuck in peoples bodies (because why not?) and killing people begging for their lives
One is a game, one is entirely needless.
This is just stupid. There's nothing wrong with ultraviolence. I'm all for blasting through non-monster/zombie/ninja people. There isn't enough TPSs where we get to mow through humans Total Recall style and I'm not joking. This Jack Thompson angle has to stop. Look, violence in games like say Manhunt makes me sick, but this is just ridiculous. The cutscenes and "torture porn" is the problem, not how many people die in games. This is fucking silly.
Quote from: gunswordfist on June 14, 2012, 11:03:26 PM
This is just stupid. There's nothing wrong with ultraviolence. I'm all for blasting through non-monster/zombie/ninja people. There isn't enough TPSs where we get to mow through humans Total Recall style and I'm not joking. This Jack Thompson angle has to stop. Look, violence in games like say Manhunt makes me sick, but this is just ridiculous. The cutscenes and "torture porn" is the problem, not how many people die in games. This is fucking silly.
Agreed 100%.
Though to be fair, the first Manhunt really isn't that bad. The second one is definitely torture porn, though.
Torture porn pretty much Is ultraviolence, though. I'm not sure what other kind there is in games other than enemies bleeding when you kill them.
And to be honest, I don't like it in ninja games. I prefer them just bursting into a faded evil-essence of something. Maybe that's partially because how that's how all the old school ninja games did it, but I find over-the-top gore and blood fountains contrasted with a stealthy and quick character kind of weird to me. It was really weird to me in Shinobi PS2 because they burst into essence AFTER getting sliced into pieces... I dunno, that's just me.
Something like DOOM, or DMC, doesn't really bother me at all however.
1. I forgot there was 2 Manhunts.
2. If you don't think Manhunt 1 was that bad then this is the part where I slowly back away from you and then bolt out of the door.
Quote from: gunswordfist on June 14, 2012, 11:59:32 PM
If you don't think Manhunt 1 was that bad then this is the part where I slowly back away from you and then bolt out of the door.
It's supposed to be disturbing, though; that's the point. The second one is even more violent... but it wants to make you pop a boner instead of shock you. :P
Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on June 14, 2012, 11:57:26 PM
Torture porn pretty much Is ultraviolence, though. I'm not sure what other kind there is in games other than enemies bleeding when you kill them.
And to be honest, I don't like it in ninja games. I prefer them just bursting into a faded evil-essence of something. Maybe that's partially because how that's how all the old school ninja games did it, but I find over-the-top gore and blood fountains contrasted with a stealthy and quick character kind of weird to me. It was really weird to me in Shinobi PS2 because they burst into essence AFTER getting sliced into pieces... I dunno, that's just me.
Something like DOOM, or DMC, doesn't really bother me at all however.
Ummm, no.
ultraviolence ( n. ) Extreme violence
Total Recall, like I mentioned before, has ultraviolence. It also doesn't have an ounce of torture porn. You're just going with the most extreme example for the sake of your argument. I don't know too many blockbuster games that have torture porn. I'd like to hear this.
Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on June 14, 2012, 11:57:26 PM
Torture porn pretty much Is ultraviolence, though. I'm not sure what other kind there is in games other than enemies bleeding when you kill them.
And to be honest, I don't like it in ninja games. I prefer them just bursting into a faded evil-essence of something. Maybe that's partially because how that's how all the old school ninja games did it, but I find over-the-top gore and blood fountains contrasted with a stealthy and quick character kind of weird to me. It was really weird to me in Shinobi PS2 because they burst into essence AFTER getting sliced into pieces... I dunno, that's just me.
Shinobi PS2 and Ninja Gaiden XBOX aren't stealth games, though. They are action games that just have ninjas as the main characters you play as simply because ninjas are cool. And just because older games did it differently doesn't mean that it "doesn't fit" for newer ninja games to have blood and gore. Its not necessary, sure enough, but it still fits in with the game. I mean, you're cutting enemies to pieces. What would you expect to come out of them, purple mist? :sly:
The reason its OK in the 2D games is because those games can get away with having different effects, and also back in the day it was more profitable to keep violence toned down. In a modern 3D game, it'd look really silly if you were cutting up enemies but there was absolutely no feedback to doing so other than them exploding into nothing after you hit them enough. You kind of have to look at these things in the context of how the game actually plays.
Besides, I really think you're over-blowing the whole blood and gore thing since its not really an issue. Its just an effect that's there to add to the tone of the game. Its just purposely over the top and I fail to see how its torture porn in those sorts of games, especially since its really just blood and little to now actual gore (like guts, organs, and other stuff in that nature).
This is a open and shut case. Yes we get it Desen, you don't like realism in your games. We heard you the first time.
Actually, I don't think blood and violence has to be synonymous with realism. I don't really care for a "realistic" portrayal of violence in my games, either, because that is closer to what I consider to be torture porn. I however have no problems with over the top violence that's just there for fun. Its the type of ultraviolence that doesn't really add to the game, but its all in good fun and its more to satisfy that immature side of us that likes ridiculous amounts of blood spewing about. Even so, what matters the most is how good the game works mechanically.
In that regard, that's why Ninja Gaiden Black is my favorite game ever. It could get rid of the blood for all I care (which doesn't really bother me, anyways), but it still has the best gameplay mechanics out of any ninja game ever made, and that's what counts (it also happens to be a fact ;) ).
Actually I'm just using Desen's past words against him. He doesn't like games that look "too real" whether it's just game that use blood instead of arcade effects or whatever. He's just trying to say that ultraviolence is bad just because it's in the kind of games he doesn't like in the first place.
Yeah, how biased of you, Desensitized. :>
gsf has got the whole thread figured out! Lock 'er up, Foggle!
I said I don't like it because I find it needless. Time spent modeling how a human being that's split into pieces could instead be used on making better AI or putting item drops in game. Once an enemy is defeated, I don't care what happens to him, I want to get to the next spot. You might find it "satisfying", but I find it "needless".
You could use my words against me this way if you want: "Desen thinks that if Miyamoto should have taken out squished Goombas in SMB1 and they would have had more time to make the clouds not recolors of the bushes! Desen, you need to be more like Spark! He has a head on his shoulders!"
You don't hear my talking about fatalities in Mortal Kombat do you? Because it's not about the actual violence.
Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on June 16, 2012, 12:31:33 AM
Desen, you need to be more like Spark! He has a head on his shoulders!"
Well some say MK could have a deeper fighting system if so much time wasn't focused on fatalities. :>
Again, this is about games you don't even like in the first place. Name a game you like that has realistic deaths.
Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on June 16, 2012, 12:31:33 AM
gsf has got the whole thread figured out! Lock 'er up, Foggle!
I said I don't like it because I find it needless. Time spent modeling how a human being that's split into pieces could instead be used on making better AI or putting item drops in game. Once an enemy is defeated, I don't care what happens to him, I want to get to the next spot. You might find it "satisfying", but I find it "needless".
Needless doesn't mean it makes the game inferior, though. It may be needless, but it doesn't hurt the game. Ninja Gaiden Black and NG2 already prove this wrong on your part. They have violence in them, but they also have the best enemy AI in ANY hack n' slash game ever (let alone any ninja game), they have item pick-ups and upgrading, a deep combat system (pretty much on the same level as the deepest out there, like DMC and Bayonetta), and NGB in particular is jam-packed with content (there isn't a single other ninja game in existence that can compete with it in that regard). So really, your point is moot in this case.
QuoteYou don't hear my talking about fatalities in Mortal Kombat do you? Because it's not about the actual violence.
In the same vein, its not about the actual violence in ninja games just because they have one. You mentioned Shinobi PS2 not needing the blood, but even if it didn't have it, how would that make the game any better? The game was already what the designers intended it to be, which was an old-school 2D gaming mentality in a 3D environment. Having blood didn't add anything, sure, but it didn't detract anything. You're making the games sound like they are worse for having violence (and they aren't even that violent to begin with, at least by modern gaming standards), when that's not even a big deal to begin with. If the game actually focused more in violence than gameplay I'd agree with you, but in this case it doesn't. The violence is just an after-thought that you either care for or don't, but its not like they left out a whole big gameplay feature just so they could add blood into the game. I don't know where that sort of logic comes from.
Quote from: Ensatsu-ken on June 16, 2012, 01:35:09 PM
Needless doesn't mean it makes the game inferior, though. It may be needless, but it doesn't hurt the game. Ninja Gaiden Black and NG2 already prove this wrong on your part. They have violence in them, but they also have the best enemy AI in ANY hack n' slash game ever (let alone any ninja game), they have item pick-ups and upgrading, a deep combat system (pretty much on the same level as the deepest out there, like DMC and Bayonetta), and it is jam-packed with content. So really, your point is moot in this case.
Also, F.E.A.R. is still unmatched in terms of shooter AI and satisfying mechanics to this day, and it lets you literally tear enemies apart and melt the flesh off of their bones.
That's another great example. I mean, F.E.A.R. certainly wouldn't be a lesser game at all if the violence was toned down (though, in this case the violence DOES actually fit the game's tone and atmosphere), but its not like the fact that its violent has any bearing on the actual gameplay mechanics themselves. The developers already achieved what they wanted to with the game itself. Its not as though they chose to design gruesome death animations and blood effects in favor of other gameplay elements they could have added. They designed that as part of the game and designed the rest of the game the way they wanted to. If they had a bigger budget then the only other thing I could see them doing would be to enhance the graphics, since the gameplay was already rock solid and the enemy AI, as Foggle stated, are still the best out of any FPS in existence (at least among the ones that I have played). The closest second I can think of is Halo, and even the Halo games are nowhere close to the level of the F.E.A.R. games in terms of brilliant enemy AI.
F.E.A.R. actually had the best technical graphics seen yet when it was first released, iirc. The engine just couldn't run well-lit environments, which is where the decision to have dark and moody horror atmosphere came from. ;)
Yeah, it was the best looking game of its time. I just wanted to point out that its really the only thing I could see them trying to further enhance if they had a bigger budget, rather than the gore taking up some of their budget in favor of them enhancing other aspects of the game or adding in any new features.
I bet it was an Eidos employee. (
Split-Screen gaming falling by the wayside (
Sorry, but local multiplayer is the best multiplayer.
QuoteThat was a tough decision for the team. Given the limited scope of the game we had to make some choices on what goes into game. Split screen was talked about heavily but in the end we had to really look at the way people play nowadays which is more online.
I do not appreciate this new development.
It's probably because it's easier.
But come on, I was always hoping as TVs got bigger, split-screen would easier. After all, now split-screen gaming is like what individual TV sizes would be back in the day.
There are plenty of modern multiplayer games that can include split-screen in addition to online play. Its something that's been around in gaming for a long time. Them saying that they don't have enough time to work on split-screen just seems like an excuse to me, but maybe I should give them the benefit of the doubt since I've been hearing a lot about how the modern gaming industry puts A LOT of pressure on developers to meet deadlines these days.
Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on June 22, 2012, 07:59:55 PM
Split-Screen gaming falling by the wayside (
Sorry, but local multiplayer is the best multiplayer.
Oh God, I've always hated the lack of split screen this gen but to exclude it from a game that originally had it is just fucking stupid. What better feature could they have had time and money for?Stupid decision.
God fuck, I hate the god damned PSN. All I'm trying to do is buy Tomba, and I've put in the info of two different cards and double checked the info and all it can tell me is "the funds could not be added to your wallet". What the fuck.
Quote from: Comeau on June 25, 2012, 06:59:43 PM
God fuck, I hate the god damned PSN. All I'm trying to do is buy Tomba, and I've put in the info of two different cards and double checked the info and all it can tell me is "the funds could not be added to your wallet". What the fuck.
PSN is terrible. Slow, clunky, glitchy, and a pretty thin selection despite the PS3 being like 6 years old now.
Even the Wii's store is better, and it's incredibly outdated.
Never personally had a problem with any digital download store. That includes PSN (NA, EU, and JPN), Wii, XBLA, pre-Orange Box Steam, and Origin. PSN actually seemed like one of the better ones, in fact.
I think that Western gaming critics are fucking hypocrites when it comes to their opinions on Western games to Japanese games.
Let me explain:
If there's something wrong with a Japanese game or it has some shortcomings compared to contemporary games, critics will be really quick to spot it and point it out, and occasionally over-bloat it to be a bigger problem that it really is. That said, its fair to criticize the game for what it doesn't do so great. I don't mind how Metroid: Other M got criticized for being sexist and linear or how Ninja Gaiden 3 got criticized for being far too scripted and trying to tell a deep story and utterly sucking at it (in fact I agree with both points, and if anything some critics were too light on NG3; they should have torn Hayashi and Team Ninja to shreds with their reviews). But, still, the point is that critics have no problem pointing out the flaws in Japanese games, which is fine in and of itself.
Yet, I see critics downright praise Western games that have the same exact problems. Case in point: Look at how the new Tomb Raider game is shaping up. It is entirely full of scripted sequences, and Lara Croft is being portrayed as a weak individual who has to run and hide from the big bad strong men chasing her around. Its fucking stupid and misses the whole point of the character and the series (I don't even need to have played a single Tomb Raider game to tell you that). Furthermore, the adventure and exploration elements of the series are being scrapped for "grit" and dark subject matter. Its really stupid for the series itself to move in this direction, but I'd at least understand critics praising it if it was done well, but I've seen plenty of footage of this game, and its NOT. Have any of these gaming critics ever seen a movie in their life? Do they know what a well-crafted story or characters are? A big problem with Western games these days is they overemphasize when they are trying to be deep and dark. When they are trying to push a game as being more realistic and down to earth and really analyzing a character, they over-emphasize these 1 or 2 elements that they are trying to portray and do something so stupidly amateur like having characters constantly say or emote this one trait that the developers are trying to push, and in the process become more 1-dimensional than when they were just fun video game characters in the past. I seriously believe that the hacks they have writing these stories have never seen a good film in their life. There's something called subtlety and character development that clearly no gaming critic or writers involved in gaming are aware of.
Also, putting Tomb Raider aside, there are other games that get way too much praise from the critics just because they are AAA Western games. For instance, Gears of War 3, while being a decent TPS, does absolutely nothing new that's actually noteworthy of being a step up since the first game, yet critics are hailing it with 9's and 10's and saying how amazing it is and how much of a step up it is. Its funny because I remember back to Ninja Gaiden 2 when critics said that not much had changed, and I wondered if any of them had ever even played the first game since the first and 2nd game feel and even look COMPLETELY different. Seriously, you guys can even watch videos without having played them and see how different the combat looks in each, and since combat is the main focus of these games, that's a HUGE difference. Yet if you see the Call of Duty games being played back to back (specifically the Modern Warfare games which are all set in the same general time period), I bet you couldn't distinguish between 2 gameplay segments from different games if you were to just see them, but somehow these games never get criticized for doing the same things over and over again.
Anyways, sorry for the rant, but this is something that has been bothering me for a while. I just thing that gaming journalism in the West is complete garbage (I don't know anything about journalism in Japan or anywhere else to comment on it, so I won't say anything in that regard). Gaming critics are completely biased and as far as I'm concerned, they've lost all credibility to me and I'm starting to feel like they are becoming less relevant to the general gaming public as well, or at least I hope so because most of them don't deserve to be taken seriously by anyone.
The sequel argument is the worst one.
I still remember IGN's criticism that Fire Emblem for Wii didn't add enough new nor have online (Online for what?) or Mii support (Gwah?), not to mention how New Super Mario Bros. Wii shouldn't have been charged full price because 2D platformers were sold on the market 20 years ago. Yet every CoD game that does nothing new whatsoever gets a pass.
There is a very clear and obvious bias going on, and I don't know where it came from. When I was a kid, no one cared where games came from, and reviewers never cared either. Yet nowadays if it's made by a non-American studio it is instantly torn into and given some really ridiculous complaints in order to knock it down a peg.
That reminds me, I clicked on this news link a friend sent me about Valkyria Duel. It was unfortunately from Kotaku and they didn't even bother hiding their bias at all. The article ends with a short paragraph that says "Remember when japanese developers made real games? Remember when they made good games?".
It felt like such a dick move especially since it was written by Brian Asscroft, the resident weeaboo that reports inane moments while living in Japan.
I just don't understand where this came from. Is it because they don't make movie games? Isn't that a good thing? Isn't variety a good thing?
Heck, remember when American studios like LucasArts were good? Now they can't even make simple things like Wii lightsaber games despite being what their audience has wanted most for like 6 years..
I don't think LucasArts had made a single noteworthy Star Wars game since Battlefront 2, and that was over 5 years ago! Yeah, I guess there's Force Unleashed and The Old Republic, but neither of those seem to be anything special like the Battlefronts and Rouge Squadron were.
Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on June 26, 2012, 05:43:51 PM
I just don't understand where this came from. Is it because they don't make movie games? Isn't that a good thing? Isn't variety a good thing?
It's probably because their like of "realism". Notice how the most well-recepted Japanese games this gen are the rather dark and more realistic (aesthetically at least) Demon Souls and Dark Souls.
Quote from: Ensatsu-ken
Also, putting Tomb Raider aside, there are other games that get way too much praise from the critics just because they are AAA Western games. For instance, Gears of War 3, while being a decent TPS, does absolutely nothing new that's actually noteworthy of being a step up since the first game, yet critics are hailing it with 9's and 10's and saying how amazing it is and how much of a step up it is. Its funny because I remember back to Ninja Gaiden 2 when critics said that not much had changed, and I wondered if any of them had ever even played the first game since the first and 2nd game feel and even look COMPLETELY different. Seriously, you guys can even watch videos without having played them and see how different the combat looks in each, and since combat is the main focus of these games, that's a HUGE difference. Yet if you see the Call of Duty games being played back to back (specifically the Modern Warfare games which are all set in the same general time period), I bet you couldn't distinguish between 2 gameplay segments from different games if you were to just see them, but somehow these games never get criticized for doing the same things over and over again.
Speaking of Gears of War, if you want to see just how badly people overrate it, look no further than here. ( Specifically the part where they start talking about a characters death.
That was so stupid, too. Dom is such a dumb-ass. Anyone who actually saw that part knew how ridiculous that moment was. For one thing, why did Dom crash their fuel truck into the swarm of enemies to seal off the tunnel when he could have just brought it around for everyone to board on and then they could have just escaped AND they would have had the fuel they needed? Its so utterly stupid because that moment was literally created JUST for the sake of killing a character off and trying to play it off for some cheap drama. It was actually hilariously bad in how it was played out, too. After he crashes the truck in the middle of the explosion, Marcus actually says "No! I have to save him, he's still alive in there!" (you know, because someone who has been blown into millions of pieces might still be breathing) which is such utterly terrible writing and makes absolutely no sense that its pretty fucking hilarious in an unintentional way. :lol:
I seriously think that anyone who says that was good writing was either paid to say it or has honestly never picked up a book or watched anything other than a Michael Bay film in their life.
"Gears of War 3 is my favorite video game." -- Soulja Boy
Gears 3 confirmed to be complete shit.
I was actually laughing when they were talking about that part as well. Specifically when they were praising and characters for being "well written". I haven't even played the games, and even
I can tell that GoW's story is incredibly generic and trashy, and it's characters are all one-note, and one-dimensional.
Becomes even more hilarious when you find out that Gears 3's writer, Karen Traviss, is a VERY divisive figure among fans of the other sci-fi franchises she's worked on (namely, the Star Wars and Halo EU novel's).
Quote from: Foggle on June 26, 2012, 07:00:54 PM
"Gears of War 3 is my favorite video game." -- Soulja Boy
Gears 3 confirmed to be complete shit.
Every game on that list is Soulja Boy's "favorite game". :lol:
Quote from: Foggle on June 26, 2012, 07:00:54 PM
"Gears of War 3 is my favorite video game." -- Soulja Boy
Gears 3 confirmed to be complete shit.
In that case I'm so glad that he didn't have anything to say about Ninja Gaiden.
Quote from: Ensatsu-ken on June 26, 2012, 07:16:08 PM
Quote from: Foggle on June 26, 2012, 07:00:54 PM
"Gears of War 3 is my favorite video game." -- Soulja Boy
Gears 3 confirmed to be complete shit.
In that case I'm so glad that he didn't have anything to say about Ninja Gaiden.
Except he
did have something to say about NG. :sly:
Okay, he really just talked briefly about how he misprounounced the name, and called it "One of my favorite video games".
Quote from: Rynnec on June 26, 2012, 07:26:11 PM
Except he did have something to say about NG. :sly:
Clearly this must be your imagination, because there's no way my favorite game ever had any sort of connection (not even remotely) with the individual known as Soulja Boy. Nope. It just flat out never happened. That would never happen to my favorite video game of all time, because if it did, that'd just destroy me inside. :)....
QuoteOkay, he really just talked briefly about how he misprounounced the name, and called it "One of my favorite video games".
I still find it funny that the movie The Wizard actually got it right yet there are still so many people who can't tell that "ai" followed by a consonant is pronounced "I" and not "ay," but I guess none of those people ever payed attention in their elementary school English classes (and of course they most certainly can't read Japanese).
As if this game wasn't bad enough already... (
Quote from: Foggle on June 27, 2012, 03:14:40 PM
As if this game wasn't bad enough already... (
*Listens to the sample provided by Soundcloud*
"Mother of God, it's all toilet sounds!"
This doesn't bother me, but it is odd. (
It must be Dragon Quest.
Activision does it again! (
Activision is the cancer of the industry. If Activision crumbles it'll be its own damn fault. (
What the hell?
First comment is pretty apt about games journalism as a whole.
It's like there's no gear between "lap up everything with a smile" and "brutal verbal assault". You can ask hard hitting questions without being completely tactless.
Guy was a cunt about it, but he basically said everything I've been thinking about Day for years. And he's getting buttblasted by her fanboys on twitter as we speak.
Also, loldestructoid. Of course he was from Destructoid. :lol:
Though there is some hardcore hypocrisy here.
Once again, loldestructoid.
I stopped going there after they posted four essays essentially calling anyone who disliked the Mass Effect 3 endings self-entitled manchildren in a single day.
I don't regret never going there at all in the last few years. They really don't deserve the clicks.
I've found that the best GAMEZ JOURNALIZMZ sites are Rock Paper Shotgun for PC and Siliconera for consoles. The former has the best game reviews I've seen and absolutely hilarious writers while the latter is just straight-up professional about everything. And they both often talk about smaller, niche titles that the big boys like IGN tend to ignore.
I do like the Guild and all, probably my favorite live action web series out there. However I do agree with what does Felicia Day offer to video games anyway? I find her to be more respectable and attractive than Morgan Webb and Olivia Munn to be honest.
I'm still trying to get the facts on this, but man it's like one guy over at NeoGAF said, SOCIAL MEDIA STRIKES AGAIN
This also kinda ties in to the whole Felicia Day thing. (
While that comic and article had a few good points, I think it kinda misses the fact that there are legit reasons people rag on figures like Morgan Webb and Felicia Day. Morgan has proven that yes, while she is a gamer, she's really no better than most male gaming journalists (her criticism of SMG2 proves that) and will be treated as harshly by the internet as any male gaming journalist would. And while I don't know much about what Felicia Day has done, I will say that that Ryan Perez guy could've been more tasteful in his questioning of her, it has nothing to do with Day being female, but it has everything to do with being respectful in public. And isn't Jennifer Hepler the chick who said that there should be an option to skip Gameplay in games? Yeah, someone who thinks like that has no business being in the Videogames industry, male or female.
What these people are doing, however, can look just as sexist as the trolls they're attacking. They seem to be defending these women just because they're women, and labeling anyone who disagrees with them as "sexist" or "misogynistic", and that SmoothJay/Illdoctirine video the article linked to is another example of this trend (btw, that guy lost any credibility the minute he said Trolls are genuinely destructive and dangerous).
The whole industry bothers me nowadays, TBH. Gaming has lost its magic over the past few years. The 64-bit generation was probably the last time I was really enthusiastic about gaming... nowadays, it's all about making a quick buck off downloadable content, not fixing bugs before release because they can charge everyone for a patch later, rehashing the same genres over and over, etc. They're falling into the same uncreative, sequel-happy trap as the movie industry.
The only company that's kept me interested is Nintendo, and even they're losing their touch, sadly. Their last truly great console was the GameCube, IMO.
I don't know, I think the Wii is a million times better than the N64 and GameCube. But yeah, I agree with your other complaints.
Quote from: Geezer on July 07, 2012, 10:46:34 PM
not fixing bugs before release because they can charge everyone for a patch later.
When has this EVER happened? I've honestly never heard of a single time where a game company charged people money to install a patch to get rid of some bugs and glitches. Give me some examples of where this practice has been utilized, because this is honestly news to me (apparently).
QuoteThe only company that's kept me interested is Nintendo, and even they're losing their touch, sadly. Their last truly great console was the GameCube, IMO.
Personally I think the Wii is better than the Gamecube in terms of game output. The GC only ever had a handful of games that ever caught my interest, honestly.
Yeah, I agree with EK and Foggle here. I don't see what was so special about the GC.
Nintendo's output this gen blows away the GC.
Galaxy 1 & 2, NSMBWii, DKCR, Punch-Out!, Wario Land, Rhythm Heaven Fever, two awesome Kirby games, Sin & Punishment 2, and a few others are some of their best ever.
I'd say only Mario Kart and Zelda were a step down.
Not to mention Nintendo also had a lot of great support from other developers this gen. Meanwhile you could probably only count the good non-first party exclusives from the Cube and N64 on one hand, and you'd have a hell of a hard time trying to think of some for the N64. (
Mikami-San...why? ;_;
QuoteMikami agreed that Japan still produces high-quality games, alluding to Gravity Rush, Yakuza, Monster Hunter, Catherine and Super Mario 3D Land
He's not too far gone. There's still hope for him.
I understand what he's saying but the comparison to Hollywood is not something I want video games to be.
He might as well have stayed at Capcom, then.
I don't know why people aren't sick of movie games yet- they just aren't all that deep.
I think the headline is misleading. I'm pretty sure he doesn't actually want "movie games," he wants high-production value games with involving stories. The listed examples (Skyrim, Batman, Yakuza, Catherine) back that up.
This is probably something better suited for me to say in the Unpopular Opinions thread, but in regards to the comment about high-production games, I feel that to be an overrated way of thinking about the quality of games. Its not just Mikami, but a lot of people that seem to think that way in general. I don't think a game needs to be some high-profile title in terms of budget or even in terms of scope to be great. In regards to high-production, I have played plenty of games this generation (too many, in fact) that rely way too heavily on their over-glorious budgets and showing off their flashy graphics rather than being really well-designed games. For example, take Uncharted 2's campaign mode (I have no idea if the multiplayer is actually any good or not, nor am I interested, honestly). If you were to strip away that game's graphics and replace it with the graphical equivalent of a PS2 game, I guarantee you it wouldn't be nearly as praised as it is. All of a sudden its shallow gameplay would stick out like a sore thumb and its cinematic sequences would feel more like a hindrance to free-style gameplay than something that all of the critics gawk over.
Also, I know that Mikami doesn't just mean high budget and great graphics, but in that other regard having a heavily narrative game and deep story-line, while great if done right, isn't necessarily the one and only way for video game developers to go. I'd be perfectly fine with a game that just focuses on intense and extremely fun gameplay, and also really creative and replayable level design. It could have a dirt poor budget but still be amazing, and there are numerous games that prove this. In fact, didn't Mikami direct God Hand? That's a perfect example of what I mean and its his own game, at that. The game clearly didn't have a huge budget like some of its contemporary titles (God of War comes to mind), and it had a ridiculous story and characters that were just played for straight up immature laughs, but it blew most of its competition away with solid gameplay mechanics and pretty much perfecting the 3D beat-em-up formula which had pretty much never been done right up until that point. Personally, I'd love for Mikami (and other developers, of course), to make more games with that kind of spirit.
Agreed, E-K. Mikami's comments are weird no matter how you interpret them because he's never made his games like that. RE 4 and maybe REmake aside, all of his projects have been low-to-medium budget affairs. And
none of them have focused on plot at all.
Quote from: Ensatsu-ken on July 10, 2012, 09:21:23 PM
This is probably something better suited for me to say in the Unpopular Opinions thread, but in regards to the comment about high-production games, I feel that to be an overrated way of thinking about the quality of games. Its not just Mikami, but a lot of people that seem to think that way in general. I don't think a game needs to be some high-profile title in terms of budget or even in terms of scope to be great.
Agreed. Nearly every Clover/Platinum game is obviously far from being high budget and they're easily the best games this and last gen (IMO). I'd take a single P-100 or Max Anarchy over 1000 Uncharted 2s or Gears of War 3s any day.
I actually think Vanquish suffered from it.
If anything, all the Hollywood movie stuff (the plot, characters, art style, setting... everything except the core gameplay) hampered my enjoyment of it. If it dropped all the "me-too" Hollywood stuff and tried an original style instead, it might have done better. I assume most people just saw how "me-too" the game looked on a superficial level and just passed it by. I mean, let's be honest everything about Vanquish other than the gameplay is pretty bad.
Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on July 10, 2012, 10:37:26 PM
I mean, let's be honest everything about Vanquish other than the gameplay is pretty bad.
I don't know what you're talking about, the graphics and art style are fucking awesome. And the fact that it can look like that and still run at constant 60 FPS... wonderful. I'll give you the story and characters, but you don't buy a shooter for those.
Vanquish's graphics and art-style look pretty bright and campy compared to most other games of its ilk. Granted, I'll agree that the fact that it still looks pretty similar to most other futuristic shooters superficially probably didn't do well for its sales, but I think the lack of any form of multiplayer hurt it more.
It still looks like a generic shooter to me. The Halo-looking suit, the terribad bulky character designs, the voice-acting and dialogue, and the generic robot enemies (the final boss looked straight out of Bionic Commando... the recent one) didn't stick with me at all.
Sorry, but other than the gameplay- I really didn't like the look of Vanquish at all.
We're just going to have to agree to completely disagree on that point, Desen. I loved the look of Vanquish. The designs didn't look bulky at all (except for the specific characters and enemies that, you know, were supposed to look bulky), especially the main suit. That looked sleek as hell. The animations looked really good too. The generic space-commando thing you're talking about looked more to me like a mockery of such things which are overused in modern games. It didn't look like it was mimicking that style as much as it was spoofing it. The same with the story. It felt like it was tounge-in-cheek and purposely over the top and cheesy (once again, same with the voice acting). The game as a whole felt like it was supposed to look sleek and cool but also have a mix of camp to it since Mikami is pretty good about having a sense of humor in his games, IMO. Also, the art design for the characters and enemies is phenomenal. Dislike it as much as you want, but I can bet a ton of work and effort was put into that, and I for one can see how much passion the artists put into the game. To just shrug it off as generic and lazy is really taking light of the amount of time and work spent on it, IMO.
I'm just saying that if that's the look Mikami wants games to emulate then I don't see the point as the one game he did it with not only ended up being his worst preforming game but also partially because of the very things he wants more of in games. God Hand had a great art style, Resident Evil had a great art style, Shadows Of The Damned had a great art style, Vanquish looked like everything else.
As for the story- parody or not, it was still played straight and it was still awful, IMO. Also, I'm not sure if it was intended to be mocking since Mikami just said he thinks more games should be like that. If he wants them to be like that I don't really understand why he would be mocking it.
But yeah, I'm willing to admit that I'm just tired of military sci-fi. If it looked closer to something like Turrican (with about as much story as said series), then it probably would have sat better with me.
I just loved how sterile the environments looked. The bright whites meshing with the brightly colored robots was great for me. And Sam's suit is second only to Samus' in cool factor IMO.
The story was bad, but a lot of the dialogue was funny in a cheesy way. I think it was intentionally bad, which doesn't excuse the long cutscenes and forced talking sequences, but it was still humorous to me. Not as humorous as God Hand or RE 4, but still good-bad. And actually, I think Platinum's writing is kind of underrated (outside of Vanquish). MadWorld and Anarchy Reigns are absolutely hilarious - with the latter actually having a couple of well-done emotional scenes - and I have no idea why so many people take Bayonetta's cheeseball plot seriously. Their characters (especially the designs) are also awesome.
IMO, I still think the first Halo game (and Reach) has the best sci-fi military art style. Varied terrain, unpredictable settings and stage ideas, and it knows when best to change moods. You also explore ruins, mountains, spaceships, valleys, and undiscovered terrain. It's exciting, really.
Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on July 10, 2012, 11:32:11 PM
IMO, I still think the first Halo game (and Reach) has the best sci-fi military art style. Varied terrain, unpredictable settings and stage ideas, and it knows when best to change moods. You also explore ruins, mountains, spaceships, valleys, and undiscovered terrain. It's exciting, really.
I agree on that!
Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on July 10, 2012, 11:32:11 PM
IMO, I still think
Just can't get past the redundancy of this. :P
Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on July 10, 2012, 11:17:33 PM
I'm just saying that if that's the look Mikami wants games to emulate then I don't see the point as the one game he did it with not only ended up being his worst preforming game but also partially because of the very things he wants more of in games. God Hand had a great art style, Resident Evil had a great art style, Shadows Of The Damned had a great art style, Vanquish looked like everything else.
Define everything else. It does not look like Gears of War. It does not look like Uncharted. It does not look like Halo (and I have played quite a lot of Halo, and I think you pointed out yourself how Halo looks different). Anyways, just because the series features soldiers with power armor doesn't automatically make it look like other games with space marines. It doesn't even look close to any other game that I've seen.
QuoteAs for the story- parody or not, it was still played straight and it was still awful, IMO. Also, I'm not sure if it was intended to be mocking since Mikami just said he thinks more games should be like that. If he wants them to be like that I don't really understand why he would be mocking it.
You're basing that off of an article that you read just a little while ago? That could have been mistranslated or misinterpreted, and yes, he has made purposely ridiculous games before. Take God Hand for example. He has also put humor even in his most serious games like Resident Evil 4 and such. And Vanquish came out about 2 years ago, way before this article that said that Mikami wants more games to be like Hollywood games (and once again, that could very well be a misinterpretation). Maybe he has changed his mind since then, but Vanquish still feels like its cheesy military elements are done on purpose rather than trying to mimic blockbuster Western games. Either way, I don't think its awful art design. The creators clearly put A LOT of effort into the design. To me, shrugging that off is like shrugging off the design in something like Mega Man X just because someone doesn't like that particular style personally and therefore discredit all of the artists hard work on it and anyone else's opinions on it for themselves. If you think its terrible, then that's fine, but keep in mind that art is a very subjective thing.
Quote from: Ensatsu-ken on July 10, 2012, 11:49:56 PM
Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on July 10, 2012, 11:17:33 PM
I'm just saying that if that's the look Mikami wants games to emulate then I don't see the point as the one game he did it with not only ended up being his worst preforming game but also partially because of the very things he wants more of in games. God Hand had a great art style, Resident Evil had a great art style, Shadows Of The Damned had a great art style, Vanquish looked like everything else.
Define everything else. It does not look like Gears of War. It does not look like Uncharted. It does not look like Halo (and I have played quite a lot of Halo, and I think you pointed out yourself how Halo looks different). Anyways, just because the series features soldiers with power armor doesn't automatically make it look like other games with space marines. It doesn't even look close to any other game that I've seen.
QuoteAs for the story- parody or not, it was still played straight and it was still awful, IMO. Also, I'm not sure if it was intended to be mocking since Mikami just said he thinks more games should be like that. If he wants them to be like that I don't really understand why he would be mocking it.
You're basing that off of an article that you read just a little while ago? That could have been mistranslated or misinterpreted, and yes, he has made purposely ridiculous games before. Take God Hand for example. He has also put humor even in his most serious games like Resident Evil 4 and such. And Vanquish came out about 2 years ago, way before this article that said that Mikami wants more games to be like Hollywood games (and once again, that could very well be a misinterpretation). Maybe he has changed his mind since then, but Vanquish still feels like its cheesy military elements are done on purpose rather than trying to mimic blockbuster Western games. Either way, I don't think its awful art design. The creators clearly put A LOT of effort into the design. To me, shrugging that off is like shrugging off the design in something like Mega Man X just because someone doesn't like that particular style personally and therefore discredit all of the artists hard work on it and anyone else's opinions on it for themselves. If you think its terrible, then that's fine, but keep in mind that art is a very subjective thing.
Quote from: Ensatsu-ken on July 11, 2012, 12:06:34 AM
Anyway, I just found out the Metal Slug 3 copy I bought doesn't work on the 360. That's fine since I got it so cheap and as part of a deal, but it is lame that the 360 wasn't fully BC with the XBOX. And with rumors that the PS4 won't have any physical BC, I'm getting a little worried. Backwards compatibility was the best idea Sony had with the PS2- it was their edge at the time. I'm getting worried that it seems to be disappearing and most gamers don't seem to care (if internet comments are to be believed), but I do. Especially as we get more and more systems to comb through almost every other year (or two or three), the loss of it stings.
Then you get games like DuckTales that just sit in limbo, which is just awful.
I'll never fathom people who say that Backwards-compatibility is overrated. BC makes purchasing new consoles easier, as you could just trade in the previous console to get the new one and still be able to play games from both consoles, something you couldn't do in the pre-PS2 days. In fact, lack of full backwards-compatibility is what kept me from trading in and Xbox for a 360 (among other reasons), there's just no way BC can be a bad thing.
Of course, to these new-age gamers, lack of backwards-compatibility doesn't mean anything if a system can play Netflix, Hulu, Blu-Ray's, and what-have-you.
Yeah, it says a lot that I was more excited for the Wii and Virtual Console BC announcements this past E3 than the whole Netflix thing they were showing off. It's a shame that we're losing Gamecube BC, but I can hope at the very least that it will join the VC on the Wii-U. At least the 3DS kept DSiWare and DS compatibility.
Microsoft stopped their classics program (WHY) short of getting a lot of good games on there, and I'm betting the Durango (or whatever it's called) will have the same level as BC as the 360 does which is, IMO, not going to be good enough this time. The original XBOX didn't have the biggest library so it was somewhat acceptable, but it still doesn't explain why I can't play Metal Slug 3, Timesplitters Future Perfect, or Otogi on it... or even on the download service.
And Sony... forget about it. If PS4 drops Cell (as rumored), we might not even have PSN BC for download games. Forget about PS1 or PS3 games at that point. I'm not even going to bring up the annoyances of the Vita's lack of an option for physical content owners.
I guess it doesn't bother people who play only the latest releases, but I like having options. And being able to shuffle around fewer consoles to actively play them would be nice.
Quote from:'s latest action title Anarchy Reigns debuted in eighth place with 21,199 units on PlayStation 3. The Xbox 360 [version] debuted in 28th place with 4,170 units. Both versions were beaten by Ghost Recon Future Soldier, which also debuted this week on both platforms [and sold 23,021 units on PS3/4,954 on 360].
Japan actually had
tons of advertising for Max Anarchy. And Japanese gamers hate western-made shooters. And a decent amount of people imported copies to the west.
Fuck this industry. The general population wouldn't know a good game if it attacked them with a shovel.
Quote from: Foggle on July 11, 2012, 10:10:17 AM
Quote from:'s latest action title Anarchy Reigns debuted in eighth place with 21,199 units on PlayStation 3. The Xbox 360 [version] debuted in 28th place with 4,170 units. Both versions were beaten by Ghost Recon Future Soldier, which also debuted this week on both platforms [and sold 23,021 units on PS3/4,954 on 360].
Japan actually had tons of advertising for Max Anarchy. And Japanese gamers hate western-made shooters. And a decent amount of people imported copies to the west.
Fuck this industry. The general population wouldn't know a good game if it attacked them with a shovel.
Yep, Japanese gamers are not supporting their own games at all. Unless of course you throw in tons of moe and dating sim options.
Well, the thing about Japan is that gaming isn't as big there as it once was (and I can see why with the current generation), and its nowhere close to as big as it is in the West right now. In Japan, most of the top selling games (other than stuff like Mario and Final Fantasy and the other extremely popular well-established franchises there) only manage to sell over 100,000 copies there in their first few weeks, and cumulatively they may sell a few hundred thousand overall. So, as you can imagine, if well-performing games only sell that much over there, then niche games are pretty much doomed to low sales in that country. Over here, even niche games can usually safely sell a couple hundred thousand copies due to the large general gaming population in the West (unfortunately there are some exceptions, like a good number of Suda's games). So, yeah, great games like the ones made by Platinum only managing to sell 20,000+ copies in its own country is sad but unsurprising. At least if Anarchy Reigns got released in the West it would probably net a few hundred thousand in sales, which still isn't as much as it deserves but its better than the criminally low number of sales that its been getting in Japan.
I think I read somewhere on this board that a frickin' K-ON game manage to top sales charts in Japan. If that's true, then it's not about how many Japanese gamers buy games, but their taste in gaming.
That being said, the fact that Pokemon Black & White 2 managed to top sales charts in Foggle's link softens the blow of MA's poor sales, somewhat.
But stuff like Pokemon, much like Final Fantasy, has the luxury of being a long-established franchise that gets tons of sales through recognition alone, even from many non-gamers who only play that particular select series because they have been a fan of it for a long time. As for new IPs, if they don't cater to the hardcore Otaku crowd (who unfortunately make up most of Japan's gaming population if those sales figures are indeed accurate), they are doomed to poor sales.
Quote from: Ensatsu-ken on July 11, 2012, 09:06:22 PM
But stuff like Pokemon, much like Final Fantasy, has the luxury of being a long-established franchise that gets tons of sales through recognition alone, even from many non-gamers who only play that particular select series because they have been a fan of it for a long time.
QuoteAs for new IPs, if they don't cater to the hardcore Otaku crowd (who unfortunately make up most of Japan's gaming population if those sales figures are indeed accurate), they are doomed to poor sales.
Wouldn't be half as bad if said Otaku-pandering games had solid gameplay to make up for its pandering. Instead, most Otaku-centric games tend to be Visual Novel's with cookie-cutter stories, or lackluster Rhythm-games (at least from what I can tell).
What? (
I still don't get the point behind that Kotaku article. In fact one guy on Twitter showed 2 different articles about Ralph being in SALRT. He showed Destructoid and Kotaku. Destructoid actually kind of got why Ralph would be in the game in the first place and that's mostly due to his game hopping which is something you would know if you watched any of the trailers. While Kotaku, I couldn't read it with a straight face. Not at all. reminds me why I don't voluntarily visit Kotaku these days.
Was that article really meant to be taken seriously? If so, journalists at Kotaku really are as far gone as people say they are. Damn....
Quote from: - we love that you're creating all these fun physical extras, but this has gone crazy. Why build levels that only a subsection of players will get to see? Why do I have to choose between a Special Edition with the level A Dangerous Secret, or a Join Or Die Edition with Ghost Of War and a toy medallion, both the same price? How am I supposed to know which level I'll want more? Are either important to the game's overall story? Am I expected to buy both? And what about Lost Mayan Ruins? That's not available in any of the PC packs. Do I need to play it? Am I supposed to get the console version then? But then I wouldn't get the PC-only Digi Deluxe's Cozumel Island. OH JUST SELL ME YOUR GAME!
Agreed. If you're making a special edition, make one. The way they do it for the AC games is genuinely annoying.
The new Ratchet & Clank game is a Tower Defense game. :wth:
Is it tower defense like in the style of just controlling a bunch of characters and defense turrets and objects and such like chess pieces and making strategic moves, or does is it more in the style of still allowing you to play the game as a TPS but having you basically just defend hold-points? The former sounds completely lame and out of place for an R&C game, but I honestly could actually enjoy a game like the latter if that were the case. I like it when a game allows you strategy and such, and a tower defense game in that style could be fun if it allows you to be creative in the way of setting up traps and structuring the proper defense, while at the same time it could offer some intense, challenging, and fun shoot-em up action in the way of just blasting enemies that get within your perimeters.
Either way, though, it'd probably just be better to make a straightforward R&C game like the main ones. I still need to get around to playing the games in this series, though, so I guess I really shouldn't be commenting on this.
It's like Trenched / Iron Brigade (if you've played it) three planets each with 5 levels, the whole nine yards.
The reason I'm disappointed is because this is yet another spin off. I was hoping for one more platformer from the Insomniac team before this gen runs out. That seems to be getting less and less likely.
So it isn't like the original Monday Night Combat then?
Quote from: Daxdiv on July 18, 2012, 07:55:54 PM
So it isn't like the original Monday Night Combat then?
Monday Night Combat is more like Team Fortress meets Tower Defense. This is kinda like Trenched-style Tower Defense with an active player.
It might be good for all I know, but I'm kinda tired of the genre.
Honestly I have never even played a single game in the genre, before. I just like the idea of a tower defense that allows you to control an individual character while also just giving commands to other units and settings traps and stuff to defend a point for as long as you can. It sounds like a fun and strategic sort of challenge.
In this regard, I really liked the whole concept of harvesting in BioShock 2, believe it or not. Since you knew that a wave of enemies would come your way once you got a Little Sister to start harvesting Adam from a dead body, you could take initiative and set up a ton of bizarre traps and defense turrets and such in strategic locations in preparation of the oncoming assault. I once made a really awesome set-up myself in which I didn't even have to fire a single shot, since I managed to have all the enemies killed by the portable turrets, hacked turrets and security cameras and bots that I had, and a bunch of tripwires and landmines. It was really rewarding to see it all used in action, really. :)
Reviews of each SOXBLA line up:
Last year was still probably worse. Dust will probably be a great game but last year didn't really have any.
The Tony Hawk game isn't getting too hot of reviews? That's too bad.
Not that I was going to buy it on Xbox anyway. Playstation all the way for T-Hawk.
Bastion's soundtrack and narrator are fucking awesome. Haven't actually played the game, though.
I played Tony Hawk HD at my friend's house just last week...
It's not too hot. For one, the physics feel weird and there's annoying input delay in the controls. For two, the soundtrack is terrible and you can't skip songs or turn off certain ones. For three, the level selection is really light and some spots are wasted on those downhill levels nobody liked from Tony Hawk 1 that were removed from every game afterward (except that one game based on them) at the expense of levels like Philadelphia. For four, there is absolutely no couch co-op in the game. For five, the rag-doll physics are totally unneeded and jar with the skating. For six, the lighting has an orange tinge that looks like everything is soaked in urine. For seven, it feels like a mod, and doesn't ever feel like proper Tony Hawk.
It's totally overpriced for a really disappointing remake. They should have priced it lower or put more into it to be worth the price-tag. Seriously, just upscale Tony Hawk 2X to HD and throw in more courses from the first 3 games and that would have been enough.
Quote from: Foggle on July 30, 2012, 07:31:54 PM
Bastion's soundtrack and narrator are fucking awesome. Haven't actually played the game, though.
I still have Bastion on Steam and haven't touched it since the last time Steam made it an objective in the Holiday sale. I liked what I played of it though.
Also looking at those scores makes me wonder I played the same Limbo or Braid as the reviewers. Still can't get into them.
Trick Attack was such an addicting multiplayer mode that my brother and I used to spend hours on end playing. It just doesn't feel right playing something like that online, though. It works best as a split-screen game since you can directly see what territories you're opponent is capturing and can try to outdo them with higher scores to claim those zones for yourself.
Bastion is okay. It's pretty average from what I've seen on my friend's 360.
But yeah, some of those scores are off. Braid, Limbo, and Lara Croft are not THAT good while games like Castlevania and Hydro Thunder are treated a bit too roughly for being arcade experiences (Summer of Arcade.... Duh!) instead of flashy cinematic experiences you'll play once then never again.
Bastion's OST and voice acting are complete gold, even if the game itself isn't that great (though I still need to find out for myself). But Guardian of Light is fantastic IMO.
I dunno, I played through Guardian Of Light co-op and it was a decent game, but I didn't find it particularly great.
Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on July 30, 2012, 07:36:36 PM
I played Tony Hawk HD at my friend's house just last week...
It's not too hot. For one, the physics feel weird and there's annoying input delay in the controls. For two, the soundtrack is terrible and you can't skip songs or turn off certain ones. For three, the level selection is really light and some spots are wasted on those downhill levels nobody liked from Tony Hawk 1 that were removed from every game afterward (except that one game based on them) at the expense of levels like Philadelphia. For four, there is absolutely no couch co-op in the game. For five, the rag-doll physics are totally unneeded and jar with the skating. For six, the lighting has an orange tinge that looks like everything is soaked in urine. For seven, it feels like a mod, and doesn't ever feel like proper Tony Hawk.
It's totally overpriced for a really disappointing remake. They should have priced it lower or put more into it to be worth the price-tag. Seriously, just upscale Tony Hawk 2X to HD and throw in more courses from the first 3 games and that would have been enough.
Ah, damn. I was rather looking forward to it.
When the hell does Jet Set Radio come out?
At first I thought Castle Crashers score was a little low, but then I remember that the game did ship with a few bugs. Like how multiplayer crashed on us when we all tried to play the game. So I do imagine that something like that affected the scoring from critics.
Though looking at that chart does make me wonder when SoXBLA started to suck? I'm guessing 2012 will be the year critically since it does seem like every year had it's dud in both fan favorites and critical reception. Turtles in Time remake being the obvious one.
Quote from: Foggle on July 30, 2012, 07:46:59 PM
Bastion's OST and voice acting are complete gold, even if the game itself isn't that great (though I still need to find out for myself). But Guardian of Light is fantastic IMO.
As someone who has played it, this was pretty much how I felt. The narration is awesome, but the gameplay itself just felt kind of sucky.
SoXBLA started to go downhill, IMO, when they started to focus more on flash and less on substance.
Look at the very first year, and notice how few of those games are flashy. Other than Braid they were all substance over style. The second year fell more in line with this outside of TMNT Reshelled (which is a far worse remake than the Tony Hawk one IMO) and the third one was a shade weaker but still solid.
The fourth year was pretty bad as a whole. The best games were average and the worst ones were awful. This year seems to follow more along those lines. The first three games are all pulled on by their graphic styles (and nostalgia in THPS's case), but it seems for some reason unlike Braid or Limbo it wasn't enough to wow critics this time.
Oh, and Jet Set Radio is still listed as "summer"... IMO, it should have been in this promotion. It really does hold up.
Sega is dragging their feet on JSR for some reason. Even though they completely diverted their efforts from the western release of Anarchy Reigns to focus on releasing it. I guess releasing an upscaled port is harder than one might think.
According to VGChartz, more importers have purchased Anarchy Reigns than actual Japanese citizens. (
Seriously Japan, was this game not "KAWAII DESU NYA~!" for you to play?
Seems the only way a non-otaku pandering game will ever sell in Japan is if it's a Fighter or an RPG. :-\
Anarchy Reigns IS a fighter. Well, kind of. :shit:
Paid $60 for a brand new copy of Skyrim at Gamestop. What does the asshole behind the counter do? Grabs an open case on the shelf, takes a disc out of some flimsy little paper, and sticks it in there. I got home and tried to play. Disc is unreadable every time. It loaded once, but never got past the title screen. I looked at the disc: scratched to hell and back. I fucking haaaaate Gamestop. When I pay $60 for a new game, I want a god damn sealed copy, not their display case bullshit.
The only reason I still go is for niche titles, but after my remaining pre-orders come in, I'm sticking to online shopping only. :anger:
Wow. That really sucks. :(
Not every GameStop is like that, by the way; back when I worked there, the manager made damn sure we told customers if we were selling them the display copy as well as ask if that was acceptable beforehand and give them a discount. Austin must be weird or something, since I've never had a problem with GameStop (outside of the idiotic way they put stickers on their used games) and actually enjoy shopping there.
My Game Stop isn't that bad, either. I've never once had a game that didn't work on me from the store near my house, and the costumer service at my local shop is actually surprisingly good, as the guys who work there (who I sort of am familiar with, by now), are pretty patient in helping you out with any questions you have, and they never pester me anymore about bonus membership and stuff like that. Since they are also familiar with me since I stop by their to look around a lot, they already know that I'm not interested in that stuff. Also, they won't bother newcomers to the store, either, as long as they just say they're not interested (the only reason they even keep asking about that stuff is because they are required to for the sake of their jobs).
I really think it depends on where you shop at. I mean, I won't deny that Game Stop has some pretty crappy business practices, but that doesn't mean that every store in existence is pure shit. Just like with any other franchise store brand, it really depends on where you shop at and how much the people who work there actually care about doing a good job.
I guess you guys just lucked out with yours. There are about seven Gamestops around here to choose from (which I honestly consider overkill since five of them are on the same street), and in the past three years I've had multiple bad experiences at all of them. I've pretty much had it.
I don't have issues with GameStop either. The last new games I bought there was Lego Batman 2 and Lollipop Chainsaw, and I grabbed the promotional cases off the rack and the guy at the checkout gave me brand new sealed copies that they had behind the counter. I don't think I've ever bought a preopened "new" game, people say it's a common occurrence but I'm pretty sure I have yet to encounter that.
And hell, I dig through those bins at the end of the checkout counter full of PS2 games in the yellow sleeves, and of all the ones I've actually bought all of them have worked.
In all seriousness, I can't remember any good experiences with GameStop. All I remember is pre-orders that (literally) never came, games that don't even work, movies on bland looking discs, and cheap game cases. Since then, I've decided to never support them again. :sweat:
You can buy movies at GameStop? ???
inb4 "Call of Duty and Uncharted!"
Quote from: Foggle on July 31, 2012, 05:13:40 PM
You can buy movies at GameStop? ???
inb4 "Call of Duty and Uncharted!"
I didn't know until my brother bought the 1989 Batman there (which, as I indicated above, was on a cheap, blank looking disc) . Guess some of them do.
I know that my Gamestop(s) used to carry movies, but they stopped doing so some time ago.
The closest GS has a MovieStop store like two doors down from it. Don't know how comment these are though.
Gamestop used to sell used movies, but stopped about 3 or 4 years ago.
I actually got Superman: Doomsday at the one at my mall for $2 when they were dropping DVDs. I still think I spent too much on it.
Quote from: Avaitor on July 31, 2012, 05:19:52 PM
I actually got Superman: Doomsday at the one at my mall for $2 when they were dropping DVDs. I still think I spent too much on it.
Yeah, had I known how much I'd hate that movie I wouldn't have even watched it for free....which I did do, but that's besides the point....
Quote from: Nel on July 31, 2012, 11:19:56 AM
Paid $60 for a brand new copy of Skyrim at Gamestop. What does the asshole behind the counter do? Grabs an open case on the shelf, takes a disc out of some flimsy little paper, and sticks it in there. I got home and tried to play. Disc is unreadable every time. It loaded once, but never got past the title screen. I looked at the disc: scratched to hell and back. I fucking haaaaate Gamestop. When I pay $60 for a new game, I want a god damn sealed copy, not their display case bullshit.
The only reason I still go is for niche titles, but after my remaining pre-orders come in, I'm sticking to online shopping only. :anger:
That shit happened to me before....except with Ninja Gaiden 2, I couldn't get past a fourth of the 1st stage. Can't believe I let that happen. I got my 360 from them (they gave me a refurbished one for some reason) that day too and Devil May Cry 4 so it was supposed to be a special day and all and they fucked it up. I'm going to have to buy Ninja Gaiden 2..used, one of these days.
Oh and the two copies of DMC4 I had are now both unplayable, not Gamestop's fault, "my own" for standing up my 360, thus melting some of the disc or whatever and then I got a 2nd copy from Gamestop and my little brother hit a fan and it dropped on my 360 and scratched it bad enough for it to never work again. Fuck my life. And it was during the Credo boss fight. I love that boss fight.
You can actually find both NG2 and DMC4 really easily for dirt-cheap these days. Sucks about you're XBOX360, though.
Quote from: Ensatsu-ken on July 31, 2012, 05:24:01 PM
Quote from: Avaitor on July 31, 2012, 05:19:52 PM
I actually got Superman: Doomsday at the one at my mall for $2 when they were dropping DVDs. I still think I spent too much on it.
Yeah, had I know how much I'd hate that movie I wouldn't have even watched it for free....which I did do, but that's besides the point....
What's so bad about it? It has a fairly decent rating on imdb.
Quote from: gunswordfist on July 31, 2012, 06:57:00 PM
Oh and the two copies of DMC4 I had are now both unplayable, not Gamestop's fault, "my own" for standing up my 360, thus melting some of the disc or whatever
Yeah, I had that happen to one of my games as well. So weird that actually positioning your Xbox like its shown in the ads ruins your discs...
It's happened to me too. That's like, the cardinal rule of the X-Box 360 (Do not reposition it while it's on or the disc is in.) and I and so many others don't realize that until right after the fact.
I destroyed my first copy of Saints Row 2 because of that.
No one has posted Luke Cage's recent spiel about how his games aren't meant to be "Fun", yet?
Good, best to let that one slide on by.
Who's Luke Cage?
(No, that's not a sarcastic joke. Genuinely have no idea. Interested in the stupidity you're referring to, though.)
Aha, oops, I meant David Cage. I guess I got old comic trivia stuck in my brain.
The guy who made Heavy Rain.
Ahh, makes sense. Sounds like something he'd say.
Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on July 31, 2012, 08:27:37 PM
I guess I got old comic trivia stuck in my brain.
I figured. :lol:
Yeah, I was going to pull out the comic where Doctor Doom stiffed Luke Cage out of a couple of bucks before Desen made his correction.
70's comics were fun!
For a second there I was about to ask whether there was really a video game designer named after Power Man. :lol:
Quote from: Ensatsu-ken on July 31, 2012, 07:12:49 PM
You can actually find both NG2 and DMC4 really easily for dirt-cheap these days. Sucks about you're XBOX360, though.
My 360 is fine...well after I sent it to get repaired from Red Rings Of Death shortly after that.
Quote from: Foggle on July 31, 2012, 07:45:32 PM
Quote from: Ensatsu-ken on July 31, 2012, 05:24:01 PM
Quote from: Avaitor on July 31, 2012, 05:19:52 PM
I actually got Superman: Doomsday at the one at my mall for $2 when they were dropping DVDs. I still think I spent too much on it.
Yeah, had I know how much I'd hate that movie I wouldn't have even watched it for free....which I did do, but that's besides the point....
What's so bad about it? It has a fairly decent rating on imdb.
[quote author=gunswordfist link=topic=255.msg30062#msg30062 date=13437790
Oh and the two copies of DMC4 I had are now both unplayable, not Gamestop's fault, "my own" for standing up my 360, thus melting some of the disc or whatever
Yeah, I had that happen to one of my games as well. So weird that actually positioning your Xbox like its shown in the ads ruins your discs...
[/quote]Superman Doomsday...has too little Doomsday. Funny enough if they named it the Death Of Superman, it w would get less criticism from m
And yeah, it believe it was overousins' house when I tried to show off standing up the 360...then my DMC4 stopped working soon afterwards.
It ain't the Death Of Superman without the Eradicator, Steel, and Superboy though. That movie was a total missed opportunity.
Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on August 02, 2012, 07:32:28 PM
It ain't the Death Of Superman without the Eradicator, Steel, and Superboy though. That movie was a total missed opportunity.
I said LESS criticism.
Quote from: Avaitor on July 31, 2012, 08:54:29 PM
Yeah, I was going to pull out the comic where Doctor Doom stiffed Luke Cage out of a couple of bucks before Desen made his correction.
70's comics were fun!
The panel where Doom describes Luke as a crazy black man would have been fine.
I'm surprised EK knows who Powerman is.
I don't want this generation to end any time soon. I don't care about Sony and MS worrying about playing catchup to Nintendo. I just want them to fix the problems they have with their lineups of games so that won't carry over nextgen. I am of course not an idiot who thinks new console just means better graphics but their quality of games would be better if they did this. Of course this will never happen and is likely bad business sense but I just wish everyone wanted better games instead of thinking new consoles will fix everything.
So, remember how the Silent Hill HD Collection was littered with bugs and glitches because the developers didn't know what they were doing?
Well, the good news is: the game is going to be patched on the PS3. The bad news is: they're canceling the 360 patch. Why? I don't know. They have a few excuses. Something about the timing, losing the source code to the games (what?), but basically what it boils down to is Konami fucking sucks. So if you got the HD collection on the 360 you're stuck with the glitches and Konami isn't fixing them.
But they still said to buy the game.
Quote from: Eddy on August 11, 2012, 12:45:43 AM
But they still said to buy the game.
Don't the open-world portions run at like 10 FPS or something?
Quote from: Foggle on August 11, 2012, 12:47:37 AM
Quote from: Eddy on August 11, 2012, 12:45:43 AM
But they still said to buy the game.
Don't the open-world portions run at like 10 FPS or something?
The games have a grocery list of problems but, yeah, low framerate in the open world (at least in Silent Hill 2) is said to be really bad. They also "lifted" the fog in SH2 so you can see areas that haven't loaded yet.
Great job, Konami! :thumbup:
Quote from: Eddy on August 11, 2012, 12:52:28 AM
They also "lifted" the fog
Found this post on gamings current trend of CoD and GoW clones:
QuoteYeah, this can be seen as this genre's version of the 90's for comic books. Its not about muscle bound machismo either. Not really. Those games have their place. Its that such things are flooding the market. Some grim and gritty games were popular, so all of the games need to be grim and gritty. Everybody copying Call of Duty and God of War can be seen as pretty much the same as comics mimicking the Watchmen and Dark Knight Returns.
Sounds pretty accurate, from what I've read up on on the Dark Age of Comics. I'm just afraid that once this "grim and gritty" trend ends (which it will) that the gaming industry will be just as broken and damaged as the comics industry.
I just hope war games end up being much less popular. Grim and dark can actually be good as long as devs stop thinking flash and pretentious writing can replace good gameplay. (
Vergil... :srs:
And now Ninja Theory just went and disgraced the greatest villain in the DMC series. Way to go. I didn't think they could make things look any worse than it already did, but they sure as hell proved me wrong.
Quote from: Ensatsu-ken on August 14, 2012, 03:29:18 PM
And now Ninja Theory just went and disgraced the greatest villain in the DMC series. Way to go. I didn't think they could make things look any worse than it already did, but they sure as hell proved me wrong.
Well, at least his redesign looks better than Dante's (but that's not saying much at all). Dear god does this games story look like the most generic thing ever. Of course, the girl just
has to be put in peril, and "Dante" just
has to risk the Resistance's(lol!) chances of success just so he can rescue and inevitably fall in love with her. Oh hey, "Vergil" and Dante are teaming up. Gee, I wonder if Vergil will either betray Dante, or sacrifice himself to help him? So exciting! :>
And of course, all the camp and over-the-top-ness is now replaced with societal commentary (because when one thinks of Devil May Cry, they think societal commentary).
Well, look at it this way: the game can still be hilarious like the classic DMC games. The only difference is that this game's hilarity will be completely unintentional in a sort of "so bad its funny as hell to mock" sort of way, rather than the real DMC games being fun from being ridiculously over the top and intentionally cheesy.
Why does it bother people so much that Rayman Legends is a Wii-U exclusive? If you like platformers, you should be looking into Nintendo systems anyway.
Didn't you say the more merrier or what about how games should be multiplatform not too long ago?
The people that this kind of stuff bothers are usually the ones who vehemently hate Nintendo, aka the Takao's of the world.
Obviously there are exceptions, but you know what I mean.
It seems to me if you like 2D platformers and hate Nintendo, you're not gonna have much choice in games.
Quote from: gunswordfist on August 15, 2012, 04:41:45 PM
Didn't you say the more merrier or what about how games should be multiplatform not too long ago?
But the game is built from the ground up for the Wii-U, including the 5-player multiplayer and touch rhythm events that can only really work on two separate screens. Basically, it was made for the system, much like that ZombiU game is.
Normally I'm all for multiplatform, but if the game isn't and has a reason, there's really no point whining about it.
Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on August 15, 2012, 04:39:23 PM
Why does it bother people so much that Rayman Legends is a Wii-U exclusive? If you like platformers, you should be looking into Nintendo systems anyway.
Some people are ticked off because they may not want to buy a new console right now. Rayman Origins was a surprising hit and has garnered itself quite the fan following, even on the HD consoles. The problem is that a new console costs a lot of money, and having it exclusive to the new Wii-U console will frustrate the people who had no intentions of buying a new console anytime soon, either because they are not interested in its other software offerings or because they just flat out can't afford it.
In my case, while I would be interested in a Wii-U, if I were one of those people eagerly awaiting the next Rayman game, I'd still be pretty pissed off because right now a Wii-U is just out of the question for me. Whether I want it or not, I simply can't afford a new console, period. In that same vein, that's why a lot of people have a good reason to be upset that the new Rayman game is a Wii-U exclusive.
Not the video itself that offended me, rather than the fact why the video had to be made that makes me angry. (
I didn't understand that controversy at all.
Quote from: Daxdiv on August 15, 2012, 08:29:41 PM
Not the video itself that offended me, rather than the fact why the video had to be made that makes me angry. (
I didn't understand that controversy at all.
The only thing that bothers me about this "controversy" is that they seem to have made the cute, punk girl the "casual" character. :(
Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on August 15, 2012, 04:39:23 PM
Why does it bother people so much that Rayman Legends is a Wii-U exclusive? If you like platformers, you should be looking into Nintendo systems anyway.
Because it's the sequel to a game that was well-received and released for every console as well as PC.
Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on August 15, 2012, 04:58:41 PM
But the game is built from the ground up for the Wii-U, including the 5-player multiplayer and touch rhythm events that can only really work on two separate screens. Basically, it was made for the system, much like that ZombiU game is.
Right, but unlike, say, MadWorld or Skyward Sword, I think it could function just fine on the other systems. 5-player multiplayer could easily be done on PC, and toned down to 4-players for 360 and PS3. You have a point with the rhythm stuff, but to me that sounds like a gimmick that could be pulled off just fine on a traditional controller/keyboard.
Not that I'm really arguing for Rayman Legends to be multiplatform. I'm actually glad that Nintendo is getting such a cool-looking exclusive.
Quote from: Daxdiv on August 15, 2012, 08:29:41 PM
I didn't understand that controversy at all.
I know. It's not "girl mode," it's "girlfriend mode" (which isn't even the official name of the skill tree). It's not implying that girls are bad at games, it's implying that a lot of gamers have significant others who don't normally play games and would therefore be bad at them. It's just there to give inexperienced co-op partners a fighting chance with a more casual difficulty setting. What if it had been called "dad mode"? Would that be ageist?
People on the internet are so quick to cry "sexism!!!1" when it isn't fucking there. And for the record, that goes both ways as well; the whole "men's rights" "movement" is by far the stupidest shit I've discovered this year.
Thing is, Origins bombed on everything and only did decent on the Wii. Ubisoft obviously thought this was a better idea for profit, so it's hard to fault them. Also, I don't think making platforms and jumping to them to the beat is all that throwaway, especially when you need a separate screen for it and the traditional players.
All that aside, I understand the whole "Launch game for system I can't afford" thing, I've been there many times. But when all discussion is over that and not how good the game looks, it gets a bit old.
Origins only bombed on PC because it was delayed for like 4 months. UbiSoft sucks. (Though we don't even know how well it truly did there since Steam doesn't release sales figures.) In any case, they'd probably give Legends always-online DRM even if it did come out on PC...
I could have sworn I saw somewhere that Origins made really good sales on the PS3 as well, but I'll have to dig that source up at a later time since I'm busy right now.
Either way, my point was never that its bad that this game is exclusive to Nintendo (like Foggle, I'm glad that Nintendo has another great exclusive). I'm just saying that people who don't have the money for a Wii-U or don't plan on getting one just for one game and how really loved Rayman Origins have a legitimate reason to be angry. I mean, yeah I know that this game is specifically designed for the Wii-U, but the people who only own one of the current HD consoles (or even a Wii for that matter) were really looking forward to a great sequel that could follow-up on a great platformer that they liked. After waiting for it, once they find out that its only coming out on a system that they'll have to fork out a few hundred dollars to get just so that they can play it, then it pretty much lets them down to know that they probably won't be getting to play the sequel that they were so highly anticipating, at least not for quite a while. (
Better character development can only be a good thing IMO. But the outcry over that trailer was still pretty depressing.
Agreed on both counts.
Quote from: Foggle on August 16, 2012, 05:40:37 PM
Better character development can only be a good thing IMO. But the outcry over that trailer was still pretty depressing.
The outcry is downright stupid. People are fucking idiots and like to pretend that they stand for a higher cause, but people who complain about stuff like this couldn't be more shallow.
So, what's the problem? Agent 47 kills a bunch of trained assassins who are out to eliminate him and would do the same thing to him in a heartbeat if he had the edge over him. But it turns out that this group of assassins is a group of females dressed as nuns. So now you have morons who completely miss the point of this trailer and say that its either sexist or religiously offensive (which is an even more idiotic complaint given the circumstances). There's no fucking bias. They are ALL killers. Its kill or be killed, as simple as that. I didn't see anyone else complaining about the countless of other victims that Agent 47 has taken out in his career. Hmmmm....I wonder why that is?
No, but seriously, people need to shut their traps sometimes and actually think about what the hell it is that they are even saying in the first place. :srs:
Heh, this reminds me when someone called Catwoman a bitch in TDKR. I wonder if someone found that offensive. :sly:
Quote from: gunswordfist on August 16, 2012, 06:56:26 PM
Heh, this reminds me when someone called Catwoman a bitch in TDKR. I wonder if someone found that offensive. :sly:
Well, they certainly thought Arkham City was sexist for doing the same thing...
Quote from: Foggle on August 16, 2012, 08:02:51 PM
Quote from: gunswordfist on August 16, 2012, 06:56:26 PM
Heh, this reminds me when someone called Catwoman a bitch in TDKR. I wonder if someone found that offensive. :sly:
Well, they certainly thought Arkham City was sexist for doing the same thing...
Exactly why I thought of that.
For some reason, I find the people calling sexism over these scenes like the Hitman, Catwoman, and even the Borderlands 2 DLC to be more sexist than what they're trying to call out. Sexism in games is like one hot button issue that just likes to pop out of nowhere.
I don't think the people that cry sexist actually thinks anyone on the crew/dev team is actually sexist. They just want to throw around a strong word because they are offended.
I hate when I see guys "white knighting" and claiming a a game is sexist. Like many of the reviews for Lollipop Chainsaw had guys throwing a fit over Juliet saying the game was sexist when it really isn't.
The Borderlands 2 controversy is really just silly. And you know there are going to be people now who boycott the game over this (
So, to remedy the "lack of resources" to patch the Silent Hill HD Collection for the 360 (aka laziness), Konami is offering a free game to people who bought Silent Hill HD Collection. All you have to do is send them your receipt.
Because, you know, most people hold onto receipts for games they bought four months ago.
At least they're doing something at least but couldn't they come up with a better way of doing it? How many people do they REALLY expect to still have their receipt?
Quote from: Eddy on August 19, 2012, 12:27:01 AM
How many people do they REALLY expect to still have their receipt?
That's probably what they said. :lol: (
Freaking Microsoft.
QuoteConkers Other Bad Fur Day - which also had a full storyline ready - may never see the light of day.
Screw you, Microsoft. :imnothappy:
I blame the people that didn't buy Conker's Bad Fur Day. :P
They already had a Conkers Other Bad Fur Day, it was on the XBOX.
Quote from: Comeau on August 24, 2012, 03:51:39 PM
They already had a Conkers Other Bad Fur Day, it was on the XBOX.
That was more of an upscaled port than a full-on sequel though. :(
I've waited 16 years for a Killer Instinct sequel. 16 years.
I can wait 16 more. It's gotta happen one day, it just has to.
Hey, I didn't expect a proper sequel to Mortal Kombat II until I got one.
But there are so many great ports they could be releasing on XBLA that they're not releasing. The two Banjo games and Perfect Dark are not enough.
I actually find Conker's Bad Fur Day >>>>>>> Live & Reloaded.
Yeah, Live & Reloaded has better graphics from a technical standpoint, but I like the look and feel of the original BFD much more. The original feels and looks more like a cartoon. The remake tried to make it looks too "gritty" with that brown filter and everything. The facial expressions in the N64 version were also much better. For example, in the opening cutscene, Conker vomits on a monk standing outside the bar. The monk gets angry and hisses at him. In the N64 version the monk actually looks angry. In the Xbox version the monk just looks indifferent.
Here's a comparison video to show what I'm talking about. (
- Even the lettering at the beginning looks more fitting for the game in the N64 version.
- Conker looks much angrier in the N64 version. Also, the camera is too far away from him in the Xbox version. The N64 version is a much more accurate parody of A Clockwork Orange.
- Even the little things are better. I like the glass of milk as opposed to a grail. It adds more charm to it. Also, again, more accurate of a Clockwork Orange.
- The N64 Conker shows more life by taking a sip of the milk. The Xbox Conker just... sits there.
I could go on and on but basically I just find the N64 version of BFD better than the remake in just about every way. Not to mention the multiplayer in the original was far better. And the Xbox version was even more censored than the N64 version was, which is sort of ironic considering many gamers claim Nintendo is for "babies" and Xbox is for "adults".
Didn't they censor Live & Reloaded?
Yeah, Live & Reloaded was even more censored than the N64 version. In the N64 version the only word that was bleeped out was "fuck". In the Xbox version they bleeped out almost every swear.
My favorite part is that they claimed the XBox version would be uncut. :awesome:
The only thing better about the Xbox version of Conker is that the shooting levels are actually fun. But they made the teddies bleed actual blood instead of stuffing for some reason. :-\
Quote from: talonmalon333 on August 25, 2012, 12:51:48 PM
My favorite part is that they claimed the XBox version would be uncut. :awesome:
It was originally called "Live & Uncut", too. I have no idea why they felt the need to censor words like "shit" and even "fellatio" (seriously, what?) in an M-rated game.
When they stripped out the multiplayer modes I lost complete interest. An inferior story mode AND losing the unique multiplayer?
I never bought it, and I guess I'm part of the reason the series is dead! (
QuoteEarly in development, the main character in The Last Guardian was female, but the team ended up going with a boy. The reason: they thought it would be more realistic that he would have enough grip strength to be able to climb around, and because they wouldn't have to worry about camera angles with a girl who wears a skirt.
Well to be fair that would mean they would have to record a lot more sexualized grunts.
Give them points for being budget conscious! :>
Quote from: Rynnec on August 27, 2012, 08:17:45 PM
QuoteEarly in development, the main character in The Last Guardian was female, but the team ended up going with a boy. The reason: they thought it would be more realistic that he would have enough grip strength to be able to climb around, and because they wouldn't have to worry about camera angles with a girl who wears a skirt.
Wait, why would she have to wear a skirt? Also, lol @ the climbing strength comment. (
Spark was right, these development cycles are killing the core of these companies.
Thanks for the link. That was one of the few Kotaku articles worth reading and it shows the industry is basically done at this rate.
Uh oh (
It looks like EA hit Insomniac with the focus-test hammer:
Oh hellz yeah! Colorful and charming faces with a fun, campy storyline replaced with generic faces and uber-seriousness, now we're talking! I am PUMPED! :swoon:
I hate this fucking industry.
They went from 80s action movie to boring modern action movie, even with the title.
Insomniac needs to work with better publishers than EA.
So it's the exact opposite of Borderlands then? They went from a fun, eye-catching cartoon art style to a bland, brown 'n bloom "realistic" one?
fucking why
After Borderlands sold 6 million plus at that!
I have no idea what EA is thinking.
Hell, Borderlands 2 seems to be the most hyped game of the year after the obvious ones like Mario and CoD. Surprised EA isn't looking for a cut of that pie...
Happy 4000 posts!
People who hate Resident Evil 4's cutscenes and portrayal of Leon actually exist. :whuh:
I can't tell what's a joke or not with modern gaming anymore.
Oddly enough I just saw the comments for IGN's Double Dragon Neon review and they called them out much like that. Same gameplay complaints but CoD gets 9s and 10s despite changing nothing yet DDN plays nothing like any other Double Dragon game. Not to mention the whining about a 2D Mario at the Wii-U launch (they make one per freaking system, that one is all you need), but salivating over Black OPs 2.
I mean, it's fine if you like it, but CoD hasn't changed ANYTHING relevant since CoD4 yet they never dock it for not changing anything.
All games (and especially series) are repetitive. Neither Pokemon nor CoD is bad simply because all of the entries are inherently similar in terms of mechanics and narrative structure.
What Foggle says is mostly true, but critics don't seem to see it that way. If its a high-profile big-budget Western franchise than apparently these criticisms don't apply to it, despite the FACT that they don't change their core mechanics at all (they tweak other mechanics, sure, but its still largely the same exact formula with each new entry). Critics are hypocrites in how they let games like CoD get away with this yet use it as criticisms against games that actually legitimately change and even ADD a lot of new elements with each new installment. I mean, critics said that NG2 was more of the same which showed me that they either never played or completely forgot about NGB. Play both games back to back, and aside from the fact that they are both hack n' slash games, their core mechanics work completely differently. Not to mention that one has more Zelda-like level design whereas the other has a more linear set-up. Those are some pretty big differences, yet since its not a super popular AAA release its just more of the same. Its really just fucking hypocritical bull-shit is what it is.
Quote from: Avaitor on September 17, 2012, 02:11:20 PM
I can't tell what's a joke or not with modern gaming anymore.
Are you sure that isn't a troll image?
I've seen a lot of those type of comparison pictures on /v/ with the same font too. There's one that's been posted a lot recently about the New Super Mario Bros series and another with JRPGs and WRPGs.
It might just be.
This isn't really a thing that bothers me about gaming itself, but just something that bothers me about my life related to gaming.
Honestly, gaming has probably been my favorite leisurely activity ever. I loved reading books and doing other activities as well, but when I started college my strict curriculum started closing in on my free-time and I had to start giving some things up to keep time for other activities, so I stuck with gaming, because I've always been a gamer since I was 5 years old and its the most fun hobby to me, personally.
The problem is that as time has gone on, my life has only gotten more busy, and of course as an adult I have far more responsibilities than I ever did before. I suppose I've finally just come to the realization that I've had so little time for gaming in the past year or so. I mean, remember when I was playing RE4? It took me 3 months to actually finish it, and that's not because it was hard for me to beat, but because I had to play the game in such disjointed intervals. Gaming usually requires me to have at least a few completely free hours at any given time, but between managing my time with multiple exams to study for and assignments to complete, I just can't find the time for that very often.
I was talking about this with a friend the other day who used to have a similar passion for gaming, and he also found it quite saddening how the nature of our lifestyles is basically forcing us to phase out something that we truly love doing. I mean, I'm only ever going to get busier from here on out, so eventually I may have to give up the hobby altogether. I suppose that's just a part of growing up in some people, even though my interest in playing good games will probably never fade. Maybe its just as well, though, since I know that I've personally been underwhelmed with a lot of the current-gen output, and seeing as how gaming is moving largely in a direction that I'm not interested in, I may have stopped following current games anyways. But, that still doesn't stop me from wanting to play the great classics that I have missed out on, and replay various other games that are among my favorites.
Also, seeing you guys talk about Borderlands 2 reminds me of part of the reason of why I lost interest in RPGs. Really, I used to love the genre at one point, but the problem is that they are the type of games that are rewarding only if you have a decent amount of hours to sink into them each time that you play them, but I just don't have the time for those kinds of games anymore, period. It may also be why I gained a lot more appreciation for classic 2D games since those are usually a lot better to play in shorter intervals, though even great 2D games can have me addicted and wanting to play them for hours on end.
Anyways, I don't really mean to bitch and moan about my life, but I just realized how much it bothers me that I'm slowly having to phase gaming out of my life more and more, whether I like it or not (and believe me, I don't). I still plan to get new games every now and then if they interest me, but I'm starting to wonder if I'll even be able to play through them without having to play them in such brief segments through extremely disjointed intervals in time. That's really no way to have a proper gaming experience.
:( :( :( :(
Hopefully in the future you'll start to get your free time back. Like, once you're out of college.
It... doesn't get much better. Work and overall tiredness, other hobbies plus a social life have kept me from really going through my backlog. Hell, I've been playing Lunar in 5 minute increments. Other games I've been doing about one level a day, and none of those days were even next to each other. There's just so much less time now. :(
I basically just take gaming in big chunks. I can't play every day or even more than 2 or 3 days a week, but I try to plan a way that I can get enough time in without sacrificing other things that are important to me.
Once the industry crashes you won't have anything else to keep up with. :D
But yeah, I getcha. When you have responsibilities it gets hard to enjoy any hobby, really.
Quote from: Foggle on September 19, 2012, 10:26:41 PM
I basically just take gaming in big chunks. I can't play every day or even more than 2 or 3 days a week, but I try to plan a way that I can get enough time in without sacrificing other things that are important to me.
That's what it used to be like in my Freshman year of college, but one I finished undergrad and got into my professional years, even just setting aside a few hours in a day or 2 each week became impossible. Now I usually only have an hour at most to play games if I have free-time. I pretty much always have something to do that keeps me busy for a long time.
Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on September 19, 2012, 10:27:07 PM
Once the industry crashes you won't have anything else to keep up with. :D
But yeah, I getcha. When you have responsibilities it gets hard to enjoy any hobby, really.
For me it tends to be less that I don't have the time and more that I just don't have the resolve. Like, I know that there's other things I need to do (or THINK I need to do) instead, which keeps me away from da gaemz. That thinking negatively impacts me in more than just gaming, though. It's been kind of ruining my life for a few years now...
I know what you're getting at, but I like keeping myself busy with other things so gaming taking a back seat doesn't bother me too much these days.
To steer it back on topic, I wish more modern action games still had soundtracks like this (, this ( and this ( Seriously, I'd love to hear more stuff like that.
Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on September 19, 2012, 10:43:33 PM
I know what you're getting at, but I like keeping myself busy with other things so gaming taking a back seat doesn't bother me too much these days.
Oh, same here, but my own mental problems also keep me from being as social as I'd normally want and make it really hard to work on my writing. I generally spend most of my time obsessing over the tiniest details on projects and essays and shit out of some false sense of obligation.
And that music is fucking awesome.
I actually saw someone say they'd rather Bayonetta 2 not exist at all than exist as a Wii U exclusive.
They also own a Wii and plan on getting a Wii U.
Quote from: Eddy on September 19, 2012, 10:56:31 PM
I actually saw someone say they'd rather Bayonetta 2 not exist at all than exist as a Wii U exclusive.
Quote from: Foggle on September 19, 2012, 10:54:34 PM
Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on September 19, 2012, 10:43:33 PM
I know what you're getting at, but I like keeping myself busy with other things so gaming taking a back seat doesn't bother me too much these days.
Oh, same here, but my own mental problems also keep me from being as social as I'd normally want and make it really hard to work on my writing. I generally spend most of my time obsessing over the tiniest details on projects and essays and shit out of some false sense of obligation.
The easiest thing I can tell you is to just sit down and just start writing something you want to write. Even if it's not all that good, it will help a lot to simply do it. THEN obsess over it. ;)
QuoteAnd that music is fucking awesome.
Everyone here with a 360 or PS3 needs to at least try Double Dragon Neon's demo. WayForward needs to make more beat em ups.
I downloaded the demo but haven't played it yet. IGN gave it a 2 or something so it must be pretty good because IGN doesn't know shit.
This video also got me hyped up. (
IGN gave it the same score as God Hand.
Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on September 19, 2012, 11:09:52 PM
IGN gave it the same score as God Hand.
Greatest 2D beat 'em up of all time confirmed? :SHOCK:
Quote from: Foggle on September 19, 2012, 11:16:35 PM
Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on September 19, 2012, 11:09:52 PM
IGN gave it the same score as God Hand.
Greatest 2D beat 'em up of all time confirmed? :SHOCK:
The review is equally wrong, misinformed, pointlessly biased, and hateful of the beat em up genre. You should see the video review, the comments rip him apart on this review.
The fighting system is actually really fun, but I can see how people who want to button mash would hate it. If you don't learn how to dodge and gleam properly and mix up your attacks and juggles, you probably won't have a good time. But modern gamers don't want games like that anymore, they want games that auto-checkpoint you after every freaking obstacle.
I still don't like how telegraphed some of the combos enemies use and how they become invincible when they throw said combos. I'm fine with having to dodge sometimes and not button mash but I wish they found other way. :bleh:
So, seeing how Konami wasn't going to patch it, I sold Silent Hill HD Collection towards Borderlands 2. Before I sold it I figured I'd play it to see just how badly Konami and this "Hijinx Studios" fucked the games up and... yeah, they're BAD. What a waste of money.
Here's a video showing just how bad it is. (
Quote from: gunswordfist on September 20, 2012, 08:16:31 AM
I still don't like how telegraphed some of the combos enemies use and how they become invincible when they throw said combos. I'm fine with having to dodge sometimes and not button mash but I wish they found other way. :bleh:
They're not as telegraphed on the higher difficulties, I wouldn't worry about it. Normal is more for casual players.
Wow, this video proves that those SH ports are even worse than I thought.
Got linked to this page today. It seems the movement to eliminate dedicated handhelds in favor of smartphones is still alive and well. (
Especially infuriating is how this guy justifies this kind of shift because he doesn't want to embarrass himself in public.
QuoteI have seen men who are not concerned how they are viewed and commence in playing games anyway, but they are not the majority. And usually the majority is what matters.
Yeah, the people buying handheld games are totally not the same market that buys 80% of new video games or systems or invest heavily into their PCs. Why let an existing demographic support a market where niche titles can co-exist with heavy hitters when we can totally have a cheap, digital only market where every 10 titles is a variation of an existing one?
It's funny how these phone gamers are like the complete opposite of "master race" PC gamers.
I just like playing games with d-pads and buttons.
Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on September 28, 2012, 12:55:31 PM
It's funny how these phone gamers are like the complete opposite of "master race" PC gamers.
Right? :lol:
Yeah, I just like games in general.
Quote"...I think the hardcore gamers are gonna go for the PS4 and the Xbox 720...because they're gonna have the better graphics, you know, the kind of stuff WE get excited about"
X-play on the Wii-U.
Good ol' Morgan Webb, keeping it classy.
:lol: :lol: :lol:
Oh X-Play. When was the last time you were relevant again?
I don't know, but she should probably invest in a gaming PC for cheaper than what those are going to cost if that's what bothers her.
I dunno, I expect a LOT of meltdowns when those systems are shown off.
A repeat of five hundred and ninety nine US dollars, perhaps? :happytime:
Quote from: Foggle on September 28, 2012, 02:56:24 PM
A repeat of five hundred and ninety nine US dollars, perhaps? :happytime:
Someone did a breakdown of what the Wii-U was worth in pieces and came to the conclusion that $299 was a more than fair price.
If the 720/PS4 or whatever are really so much more advanced, I'm not seeing a price lower than $399 and since neither ever take losses on their consoles I would expect more than that for them to even profit... but we'll see.
I would say Sony learned from the PS3 but then the Vita came out- and I would say MS would be good at pricing but their hardware at launch to cut costs was shoddy and cost them a lot so the trade off might not be worth it. But again, we'll see.
I just don't understand why "hardcore gamers" seem to think they'll be getting some amazing PC-crushing behemoth of a console at a reasonable cost and without major hardware issues. History tells us that neither company is particularly good at reading the market in this area.
The thing that pisses me off about Microsoft is that, before they started getting lazy with their output this gen, they were actually doing a legitimately good job at one point in time. Earlier this gen it felt like they were turning things around from the mostly bland original XBOX and gearing up the XBOX360 to be a great console. I mean, they had great 3rd party support from the get-go, and at least initially in the generation they were trying to come out with more good exclusives than just the next Halo game (Gears of War at the time was a new exclusive, as well). Best of all, they were the first of the gaming companies to really help classic 2D gaming make a comeback through XBLA which was perfect for releasing plenty of classics as well as being a medium for other great games styled like classic games that probably wouldn't have done well as retail games.
Then all of a sudden they just flat-out stopped caring (I'd say this happened around 2009, at least for me). They haven't come out with an interesting original IP since Alan Wake, IMO, and even that game is no longer an XBOX360 exclusive. XBLA hasn't had any new interesting releases (at least not to me), and they can't really boast so much about having the best 3rd party games anymore, as most 3rd party games that come out by this point in the gen are pretty much equal on both the XBOX360 and the PS3. I mean, sure, Microsoft was successful even when screwing up this much, but they certainly won't be that successful next gen if they keep things as bland as they have throughout the 2nd half of this gen.
Its a shame, really, because I was really liking my XBOX360 for the first 2 years that I had it, but then I found that there was less and less to look forward to as the years moved on.
You pretty much just nailed my opinion on the 360, Ensatsu-ken. At one point, the 360 was really on fire, but a bit before Kinect came out they started slipping and now their casual focus is worse than Nintendo's was back in 2008 to the point where they barely make anything else at all. Basically, if they weren't still getting third party games thanks due to their early fan-base, they would probably be in a lot worse trouble. Heck, no one on my friend-list is ever even online anymore.
And I don't know about you, but I'm not eager to buy a Kinect focused console with 100 non-gaming apps with third party games that will undoubtedly appear on every other system. Honestly, I think more than ever this upcoming generation will be based on how good first party games are, and very little else. Since they will all run the same engines, I don't think graphical quality will matter anymore.
The only 360 games I still own are Bayonetta and Ninja Gaiden 2. And if I was fine with settling for the inferior versions, I could just sell them and grab the PS3 ports.
...That should tell you something.
I agree with Desensitized, Microsoft can't rely on 3rd party support next gen like they have been doing for the past few years. It pisses me off that they started doing this just because they realized that they would still be successful and make money this gen if they just played things out the way they have, without investing much effort in making the XBOX360 stand out from the other consoles. If Microsoft really thinks that this lazy-ass strategy will continue to work for them next-gen, then they'll be in for a very rude awakening, I believe.
Like I said, it just really bugs me because I was really liking Microsoft's output for the XBOX360 in its first 2 years....and then out of nowhere they just decided to stop giving a shit.
Nintendo may have not had the grandest of starts with the Wii, but they basically picked themselves up and in all honesty I'd say that they are my personal pick for the winner of this generation of consoles. They just have the most interesting output that makes me want to go out and buy a Wii....which unfortunately I still can't do, mostly because I just flat-out don't have the time for gaming while I'm in college. :imnothappy:
Microsoft seems more eager for a media center than a game console at this point. I particularly foresee a lot of whining over that when it's revealed. I honestly see it as their PS3. Also, their interface gets worse with every update, what's up with that?
I have no idea what Sony is going to do, but after the Vita I'm expecting another "five hundred and ninety nine US dollars" and "PlayStation fans will get two jobs to buy our products" reveal. I only say this because they have yet to ever give me any indication that they've learned from their mistakes.
Quote from: Foggle on September 28, 2012, 03:25:51 PM
The only 360 games I still own are Bayonetta and Ninja Gaiden 2. And if I was fine with settling for the inferior versions, I could just sell them and grab the PS3 ports.
...That should tell you something.
I'm still expecting a Bayonetta 1 port to Wii-U at some point as hinted at, and a possible Ninja Gaiden 1 and 2 port if 3 does surprisingly well.
But I mostly have third party 360 games, and that's only because I don't have a gaming PC. I'm also about done with Halo at this point so Microsoft isn't really giving me much incentive to be interested.
Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on September 28, 2012, 02:47:41 PM
Quote"...I think the hardcore gamers are gonna go for the PS4 and the Xbox 720...because they're gonna have the better graphics, you know, the kind of stuff WE get excited about"
X-play on the Wii-U.
Good ol' Morgan Webb, keeping it classy.
Seriously? >_<
Quote from: Kiddington on September 28, 2012, 08:00:10 PM
Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on September 28, 2012, 02:47:41 PM
Quote"...I think the hardcore gamers are gonna go for the PS4 and the Xbox 720...because they're gonna have the better graphics, you know, the kind of stuff WE get excited about"
X-play on the Wii-U.
Good ol' Morgan Webb, keeping it classy.
Seriously? >_<
As long as it's "3D enough" for her, that is.
Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on September 28, 2012, 08:02:43 PM
Quote from: Kiddington on September 28, 2012, 08:00:10 PM
Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on September 28, 2012, 02:47:41 PM
Quote"...I think the hardcore gamers are gonna go for the PS4 and the Xbox 720...because they're gonna have the better graphics, you know, the kind of stuff WE get excited about"
X-play on the Wii-U.
Good ol' Morgan Webb, keeping it classy.
Seriously? >_<
As long as it's "3D enough" for her, that is.
I'm just aghast over the fact that she actually considers herself a "hardcore gamer".
Talk about patronizing.
I could have sworn she said she grew up with the NES version of Legend of Zelda as her proof that she's a gamer. Well that and knowing the Konami Code, I'm pretty sure my sister knows that and the only time she touches video games is at Dave and Buster's.
That seems awfully hard to believe, considering what a raging anti-Nintendo hard-on she's had since about as long as I can recall.
I dunno.
Quote from: Kiddington on September 28, 2012, 08:11:17 PM
Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on September 28, 2012, 08:02:43 PM
Quote from: Kiddington on September 28, 2012, 08:00:10 PM
Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on September 28, 2012, 02:47:41 PM
Quote"...I think the hardcore gamers are gonna go for the PS4 and the Xbox 720...because they're gonna have the better graphics, you know, the kind of stuff WE get excited about"
X-play on the Wii-U.
Good ol' Morgan Webb, keeping it classy.
Seriously? >_<
As long as it's "3D enough" for her, that is.
I'm just aghast over the fact that she actually considers herself a "hardcore gamer".
Talk about patronizing.
Wasn't she also the one complaining when Ubisoft opened their E3 show with Rayman Origins? Like, "This is a Super Nintendo game let's get on to the more exciting games!"
Meanwhile Rayman Origins is the best game Ubisoft has ever made.
I also remember her saying that she was "too busy saving Golden Sun" when a random guy tried to call her out on being a gamer to hear the question way back when on the show.
Golden Sun is barely a Nintendo game though, so idk.
Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on September 28, 2012, 08:18:51 PM
Quote from: Kiddington on September 28, 2012, 08:11:17 PM
Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on September 28, 2012, 08:02:43 PM
Quote from: Kiddington on September 28, 2012, 08:00:10 PM
Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on September 28, 2012, 02:47:41 PM
Quote"...I think the hardcore gamers are gonna go for the PS4 and the Xbox 720...because they're gonna have the better graphics, you know, the kind of stuff WE get excited about"
X-play on the Wii-U.
Good ol' Morgan Webb, keeping it classy.
Seriously? >_<
As long as it's "3D enough" for her, that is.
I'm just aghast over the fact that she actually considers herself a "hardcore gamer".
Talk about patronizing.
Wasn't she also the one complaining when Ubisoft opened their E3 show with Rayman Origins? Like, "This is a Super Nintendo game let's get on to the more exciting games!"
Meanwhile Rayman Origins is the best game Ubisoft has ever made.
She does that for every major platformer.
It's generic shooter of choice or nothing with her, basically. You could just
feel the strain in her voice when she actually had to give Super Mario Galaxy 2 a good review.
Quote from: Kiddington on September 28, 2012, 08:18:38 PM
That seems awfully hard to believe, considering what a raging anti-Nintendo hard-on she's had since about as long as I can recall.
I dunno.
Maybe she thinks it's cool to hate on Nintendo because "lol no mature games for mature gamers like myself" mentality that I've noticed since like the 6th grade.
Quote from: Daxdiv on September 28, 2012, 08:24:15 PM
Quote from: Kiddington on September 28, 2012, 08:18:38 PM
That seems awfully hard to believe, considering what a raging anti-Nintendo hard-on she's had since about as long as I can recall.
I dunno.
Maybe she thinks it's cool to hate on Nintendo because "lol no mature games for mature gamers like myself" mentality that I've noticed since like the 6th grade.
I can only imagine how she took to the Bayonetta 2 news.
It probably looked a lot like this. (
Quote from: Kiddington on September 28, 2012, 08:22:13 PM
Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on September 28, 2012, 08:18:51 PM
Quote from: Kiddington on September 28, 2012, 08:11:17 PM
Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on September 28, 2012, 08:02:43 PM
Quote from: Kiddington on September 28, 2012, 08:00:10 PM
Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on September 28, 2012, 02:47:41 PM
Quote"...I think the hardcore gamers are gonna go for the PS4 and the Xbox 720...because they're gonna have the better graphics, you know, the kind of stuff WE get excited about"
X-play on the Wii-U.
Good ol' Morgan Webb, keeping it classy.
Seriously? >_<
As long as it's "3D enough" for her, that is.
I'm just aghast over the fact that she actually considers herself a "hardcore gamer".
Talk about patronizing.
Wasn't she also the one complaining when Ubisoft opened their E3 show with Rayman Origins? Like, "This is a Super Nintendo game let's get on to the more exciting games!"
Meanwhile Rayman Origins is the best game Ubisoft has ever made.
She does that for every major platformer.
It's generic shooter of choice or nothing with her, basically. You could just feel the strain in her voice when she actually had to give Super Mario Galaxy 2 a good review.
Here is the review in case anyone is wondering (
The best game this gen, and her worst complaint is that it's not "3D enough" which is such a non-complaint that I just can't fathom what her issue is beyond blind fan-girl hatred. Maybe it needed more blood, pointless escort missions, and a useless open world for it to be considered "3D enough".
Quote from: Daxdiv on September 28, 2012, 08:24:15 PM
Quote from: Kiddington on September 28, 2012, 08:18:38 PM
That seems awfully hard to believe, considering what a raging anti-Nintendo hard-on she's had since about as long as I can recall.
I dunno.
Maybe she thinks it's cool to hate on Nintendo because "lol no mature games for mature gamers like myself" mentality that I've noticed since like the 6th grade.
Yeah, pretty sure that's what it is. She's pretty much one of those casual gamers who thinkg they're hardcore because they have basic gaming knowledge.
Quote from: Kiddington
She does that for every major platformer.
It's generic shooter of choice or nothing with her, basically. You could just feel the strain in her voice when she actually had to give Super Mario Galaxy 2 a good review.
I'd love to see her attack a 2D fighter simply because it uses sprites.
The FGC would
destroy her.
For the record, I don't think Morgan Webb even gave Super Mario Galaxy 2 a 5/5. That was whoever wrote the review, Morgan just read it.
And yeah, Morgan Webb is a joke. She hates on Super Mario Galaxy for being "childish" but raves about Ratchet & Clank for having a gun that burps. And I have nothing against Ratchet & Clank but isn't that a little hypocritical? She also evidently loves Wind Waker and the Mario & Luigi series.
G4/X-Play as a whole is a joke anyway. Adam Sessler was the last good thing they had left and now even he's gone.
Yeah, I think a good majority of the reviews on X-Play are written by their writers, rather than Adam, Morgan and whoever else they have on the show right now. I think it was like that before G4 took over TechTV. The only review I am aware of that was written by the host was Sly 3 where Adam both wrote the written review on the website and did the TV review for it.
Heh, I KNEW you were going to say a Sly game.
Quote from: Daxdiv on September 29, 2012, 09:48:24 AM
Yeah, I think a good majority of the reviews on X-Play are written by their writers, rather than Adam, Morgan and whoever else they have on the show right now. I think it was like that before G4 took over TechTV. The only review I am aware of that was written by the host was Sly 3 where Adam both wrote the written review on the website and did the TV review for it.
Adam also wrote the review for Resident Evil 5 himself, in addition to doing the TV review for it, I believe.
Quote from: Eddy on September 29, 2012, 02:22:15 AM
For the record, I don't think Morgan Webb even gave Super Mario Galaxy 2 a 5/5. That was whoever wrote the review, Morgan just read it.
And yeah, Morgan Webb is a joke. She hates on Super Mario Galaxy for being "childish" but raves about Ratchet & Clank for having a gun that burps. And I have nothing against Ratchet & Clank but isn't that a little hypocritical? She also evidently loves Wind Waker and the Mario & Luigi series.
G4/X-Play as a whole is a joke anyway. Adam Sessler was the last good thing they had left and now even he's gone.
Well of course, but it's still funny (and kinda sad) listening to hear read off a positive Nintendo review anyway (even if she didn't write it, and doesn't feel that way). You can just tell by her voice; it
.... Uhhhhhh...............
Forced system updates. I try to use Netflix on my PS3, but it won't let me use it unless I update the system. What if I don't give a shit about the update? All I want to do is watch shit on Netflix, I don't know why you require me to do an update. (
Fucking Microsoft.
I wonder what this means for the Red vs. Blue guys.
Japan's first week sales for RE6 are in. It sold about 33.6 times the copies of Max Anarchy. :zonk:
Well at least we know that the franchise isn't in danger.
This is just depressing. (
Be sure to watch at least through 1:20.
So G4 is finally ending X-Play and Attack of the Show.
That bothers you? It's more like who cares at this point?
I've only seen Attack of the Show! once, but then again I've never really watched a lot of G4, and really the only time I've ever had the channel was when Directv still carried it; out of all the cable systems I've been on(including Comcast in Chicago and Cox here in VA) I've never had it.
Quote from: Comeau on October 26, 2012, 03:05:51 PM
That bothers you?
Not at all, but I couldn't think of where else to post this.
And with that, G4 officially has nothing worth watching. Not that either X-Play or AOTS were that good.
Eh, it's being rebranded soon anyway, if rumors are to be believed. Maybe this is more proof.
Why can't video game commercials go over a few relevant features a game has instead of looking like commercials for very bad CG movies?
Quote from: Avaitor on October 26, 2012, 02:29:54 PM
So G4 is finally ending X-Play and Attack of the Show.
They might as well; the whole channel's supposedly getting a rebrand, and they haven't been about vidja games for some time now. (I understand that it's not easy to make TV shows for gamers, since most hardcore gamers are too busy playing vidja games to watch TV, but for the life of me I can't see why NBC Universal thinks that making G4 yet another guys' channel was a better alternative. There are already a ton of those, and no one can compete with the granddaddy of all guys' channels, ESPN.) Plus, everybody who was on that channel is gone now. Adam Sessler (co-host of
X-Play and the last holdover from Tech TV) left a little while ago, Olivia Munn's gone, Chris Hardwick's gone and recently even Kevin Periera (sp?) split because he allegedly didn't want to be seen as the face of yet another channel makeover. (He's currently hosting that
Let's Ask America game show on syndication now; can't say if that's a step up or down.)
Feh. G4 can plug a hole, as far as I'm concerned. I haven't seen the channel since DirecTV dropped it and I still haven't forgiven those so-and-so's for taking Tech TV away from me. I miss
The Screen Savers and
Eye Drops, dammit.
On the bright side, is this the last we've seen of Morgan Webb? :awesome:
Well she left earlier this year, but yeah, I guess that was the last we'll ever see of her.
Well, see, I don't know that; I haven't even had the channel in nearly two years.
...but hey, at least there's like no chance of her coming back now, riiiiiiiiiight? ;D
Whoa, I thought it was just Sessler that left.
TV Guide reported that one proposed name for the rebranded G4 is G4Men, which is a really, really stupid name. The 'G' originally stood for Games, Gadgets, Gear and Gigabytes, and the channel isn't about any of those things now. A better idea would be to just drop the 'G' altogether and just call the channel 4Men.
I don't see any point in keeping the G4 name at all, since the channel has completely destroyed the name and anything that was previously associated with it.
Quote from: gunswordfist on October 27, 2012, 07:43:30 AM
Whoa, I thought it was just Sessler that left.
Wait, I thought she did too?
Or maybe I'm just thinking about Sessler.
Quote from: Goldstar on October 27, 2012, 09:36:37 AM
TV Guide reported that one proposed name for the rebranded G4 is G4Men, which is a really, really stupid name. The 'G' originally stood for Games, Gadgets, Gear and Gigabytes, and the channel isn't about any of those things now. A better idea would be to just drop the 'G' altogether and just call the channel 4Men.
I don't see any point in keeping the G4 name at all, since the channel has completely destroyed the name and anything that was previously associated with it.
I wonder how quick they'll flip flop on this? ( (
Brought to you by some guy who clearly knows absolutely nothing about what actual DMC fans like about DMC games. I also hate this ignorant attitude that any complaints about this game can be attributed to pure biased fanboy bickering. I'm not a die-hard DMC fan (I've only ever beaten DMC4 and played bits and pieces of 1 and 3), but I can already see plenty of things that I prefer about the traditional DMC games that this one just fails to capture or emulates in some inferior way. The point the author of the article made about "real people" as opposed to "cartoon stereotypes" is one clear indicator that he just flat-out doesn't "get" the joke. With the exception of DMC2, the DMC games are clearly MEANT to be over-the-top. Well, OK, DMC4 tries to tackle both a serious story while retaining the over-the-top persona of the previous games and utterly fails at it (the serious stuff, anyways), but many people, including myself, love Dante's constant cheesy one-liners and the insane and hilarious action scenes. That's part of the series' charm and appeal. If we wanted a deep and serious story-line, we wouldn't be playing a DMC game to begin with (also, this game's story looks like crap; just because it has a more serious look to it doesn't prevent it from being completely terrible if its still badly-written and absurd in all of the wrong ways).
Really, I've never been trying to put down the new game just because its different and from a Western developer, but its going more along the lines of a standard action hack n' slash game than a DMC game, which is a legitimate complaint to make about the game for people who like the classic-style of DMC games. I can't stand these ass-hole journalists who think that people are just being pissed that this game is so different from the previous games rather than realizing that people possibly don't like the actual ways in which the game differs from the proper series itself. As someone who is all for series with old formula finding new footing and exploring bold new directions, it doesn't mean that I have to necessarily like any direction it chooses to go in, and in the case of DmC, I'm not particular fond of it (though, it could be worse, and I've never downright hated on the game for the direction its going in, so I'm not that biased).
QuoteThe cast are real people, not cartoon stereotypes
Funny, the trailers and gameplay videos paint a different picture.
"Looks like I'm your prom date, you ugly sack of shit."
"Fuck you!"
"Fuck you!"
Truly, award-winning and realistic dialogue.
QuoteEvery place and action has real purpose now
Devil May Crys past could feel a tad rambling, having a meandering pace punctuated by a stream of events and battles often slightly lacking in context or narrative weight.
QuoteNo more cheesy industrial metal on an infinite loop
Yes, because dubstep that even dubstep fans have said was bad and whatever the fuck Combichrist is supposed to be are
so much better.
Quote from: Rynnec on November 01, 2012, 02:57:09 PM (
1. The combat is more accessible, but no less deep
This is one of the first things I saw...and stopped reading after that.
I thought DMC4 already made the combat as accessible as possible for a DMC game. It was really easy to get into but had a lot of depth (more so for Dante) for those who experimented with combos a lot. I guess the author of that article never played it....
Geoff Knightly sitting dead eyed next to a bag of Doritos and Mountian Dew cans.jpg
Just to clarify things: That picture hasn't been confirmed as 100% legit, and the guy who tweeted that even stated as such.
Still, it's not impossible.
The same industry that whines about Mario staying the same yet yet gives Call Of Duty perfect 10s every year for the last 7. Either they're given money to do it, are biased manchildren, or are completely inept at their job.
Whatever answer shows that they don't understand the industry they're in or don't understand that complete originality is not going to happen in this day and age.
That dmc article proves that most people will swallow anything if it's branded as a new experience even if it's lesser than what a classic can offer you.
If you guys want to see a really recent example of this crappy practice in action, just go ahead and read or watch IGN's review on Halo 4, where they praise it out the wazoo for being some bar-raising and genre-defining experience full of innovation and unique design. Then read every other review that's out for the game where even the reviewers that like it fully admit: "yeah, its basically just another Halo game that plays it as safe as ever." Even then, though, they still praise it, yet these are the same reviewers that knock other games down for being "more of the same," so talk about being hypocrites. The G4 review is the most absurd in that regard, actually praising the game for being more of the same after ALL of the other stuff that they've knocked for "not bringing enough new elements to the table" and whatnot.
I'm telling you, most gaming journalists and critics are just fucking tools, plain and simple, and the people who blindly follow this mentality and strongly believe some baseless notion that Western games are so innovative and inspired compared to modern Japanese games (when most modern games in general are in a drought of uninspired boring or pretentious design, regardless of where they come from) are even more mindless.
This is why I can't stand modern gamers. I mean, when its actually a popular opinion to think that pretentious Indie devs like Phil Fish are legitimately good game designers and have real weight to their outspoken opinions on mainstream game developers, that's when I realize that I just can't get with the mindset of the gamers of this generation, nor do I ever want to. I can tell you write now that the absolute best games that I've experienced in this generation of gaming, personally, were all older games from previous generations that I only played and experienced for the first time in the midst of all of the modern shit that has bored me for the past few years (e.g. Resident Evil 4, Mega Man X, Rocket Knight Adventures, and most recently Castlevania: Symphony of the Night, among others).
I know I sound like I'm being too harsh to modern games and gamers, and maybe I am, and maybe I'm just a nut who's stuck in the gaming mentality of the past, but I can say with certainty that I'm not at all interested in the direction that games have been moving in for the past few years and continue to further progress into.
They already did the same thing for ACIII despite it apparently being extremely buggy and not all that different from the previous games.
But somehow it's a masterpiece that no one will ever forget. Until it's in the bargain bin and forgotten within a year like so much LA Noire, Heavy Rain, and whatever FPS they're pushing this week.
Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on November 02, 2012, 12:13:11 PM
They already did the same thing for ACIII despite it apparently being extremely buggy and not all that different from the previous games.
As much as I'm loving it, the bugs are getting really fucking annoying. I've had to restart missions because the NPCs on either side would just derp and stand there permanently, or during several of the tutorials the player character would just not respond to any button I pressed at all.
Oh, and whoever designed to lockpicking in this game should be fired. It is absolutely atrocious.
Meanwhile, any games that truly try something unique and succeed at it through great gameplay yet only appeal to a niche crowd are immediately condemned by IGN, like Deadly Premonition.
It doesn't matter if a game like Portal 2 has virtually no replay value, its still clearly the best game out there because it does a great job of exploiting its gimmick through one single playthrough, and anyways, who the hell has an attention span long enough to ever replay games these days? Meanwhile, a game like God Hand can go rot in a corner for all I care because it actually requires an investment to learn the intricacies of its combat and keep up with its challenge. It doesn't matter if its a varied and rewarding experience in the end. The fact that it dared to have any substance to it beyond a single playthrough is just appalling. Who needs that when they can play through the next exciting corridor-campaign of Call of Duty Black Ops III or Modern Warware IV?
I like LA Noire. :(
Quote from: Ensatsu-ken on November 02, 2012, 12:24:08 PM
Meanwhile, any games that truly try something unique and succeed at it through great gameplay yet only appeal to a niche crowd are immediately condemned by IGN, like Deadly Premonition.
Dishonored and Borderlands 2 received the high praise they deserved, for what it's worth. Though I felt that many of the reviews for Deus Ex: Human Revolution weren't nearly positive enough.
Anyway, there have been a lot of good games this gen, they're just harder to find than they were in previous ones. I'm still discovering awesome SNES/PS1/PS2 games I've never played. Then, of course, I have a Dreamcast now, so yay! And the PC is the video game gift that keeps on giving.
Quote from: Foggle on November 02, 2012, 12:29:25 PM
I like LA Noire. :(
I don't think it's bad game, same as the AC games (even if I don't like them), just that they get praised for crazy things like Oscar-worthy dialogue or their only faults being 'too good' when they have just as severe issues as the games they dog on. But they'll hype them up regardless. Either they fail as critics or they fail as journalists, either way they're running on some sort of agenda that they shouldn't.
Quote from: Ensatsu-ken on November 02, 2012, 12:24:08 PM
Meanwhile, any games that truly try something unique and succeed at it through great gameplay yet only appeal to a niche crowd are immediately condemned by IGN, like Deadly Premonition.
It doesn't matter if a game like Portal 2 has virtually no replay value, its still clearly the best game out there because it does a great job of exploiting its gimmick through one single playthrough, and anyways, who the hell has an attention span long enough to ever replay games these days? Meanwhile, a game like God Hand can go rot in a corner for all I care because it actually requires an investment to learn the intricacies of its combat and keep up with its challenge. It doesn't matter if its a varied and rewarding experience in the end. The fact that it dared to have any substance to it beyond a single playthrough is just appalling. Who needs that when they can play through the next exciting corridor-campaign of Call of Duty Black Ops III or Modern Warware IV?
Yeah, their review of Double Dragon Neon pretty much proves they have no love for old school design. A short game with great replay value will last me much longer than a long game with none (or in most games now a short game with none), and I think that's what we need more of out there.
Even if folks at IGN only want certain types of games out there. I eagerly await their article on how NSMBU should never have been made and released because it was 2D again.
Quote from: Ensatsu-ken on November 02, 2012, 12:24:08 PM
Dishonored and Borderlands 2 received the high praise they deserved, for what it's worth. Though I felt that many of the reviews for Deus Ex: Human Revolution weren't nearly positive enough.
So did games like Ninja Gaiden Black, Devil May Cry 3, Bayonetta, Resident Evil 4, Vanquish, and so on, but those games are typically the exception rather than the rule. Maybe Halo 4 is a decent game. I seriously as hell fucking doubt for a second, though, that its the innovative and bar-raising masterpiece that IGN paints it out to be.
QuoteAnyway, there have been a lot of good games this gen, they're just harder to find than they were in previous ones. I'm still discovering awesome SNES/PS1/PS2 games I've never played. Then, of course, I have a Dreamcast now, so yay! And the PC is the video game gift that keeps on giving.
I don't mean to knock all of the games this gen, and there certainly are plenty of great ones. I'm just pissed because the ones that are the most popular and get the most recognition tend to be the ones that I just honestly hate. I can't stand Assassin's Creed or Uncharted. I don't mean to insult anyone who likes them, but I don't see why those games get nearly as high praise as they do other than having high production values or boasting a lot of stuff and only passably delivering on whatever they set out to do from a gameplay standpoint.
It's more frustrating to me because genres I like (platformers, beat em ups, arcade-style games, and less linear adventure games) seem to keep getting piled on for things like lives and having design that works, but ignored for doing things exceedingly well and being innovative through surprising ways.
Because, I'm sorry, but A Crack In Time was relatively ignored and forgotten pretty fast despite it not only being the best Sony published game this gen, but not even hyped up at all, and for what reason? It's less scripted and linear than any shooter, wider than any 3D platformer since the PS1/N64, and having inventive and neat ideas and incredible set pieces than most corridor shooters do. Yet no one gives it any credit. They whine about Mario not being like it, but when a game they apparently want in the genre comes out, they toss it aside instantly.
Some gave it good scores, but when GOTY time came around nobody said anything about it. If it wasn't for fans like Foggle, I might never even have played it. Everyone dropped the ball on that game except Insomniac when just last generation a game like that would have easily been a million seller even without Sony's non-existent marketing. Things like that are what I dislike most about this generation.
Yeah, Crack In Time's lack of success is really disheartening, especially now that Insomniac thinks they have to reinvent Ratchet with every game because the old formula doesn't sell too well anymore.
Meanwhile, stuff like Yakuza and Anarchy Reigns goes completely unnoticed, and the only way a stealth game has any chance of succeding is if it can also be played as a shooter or is named MGS.
ACIT should have won every possible GOTY award in 2009. >:(
Quote from: Foggle on November 02, 2012, 12:50:13 PMACIT should have won every possible GOTY award in 2009. >:(
Wasn't that the year of Uncharted 2 and Arkham Asylum? If so, there's your answer. Nobody would shut up about those two games that year.
I do wonder if what happened to that game (and Resistance 2 and 3) are why Insomniac has looked into making third party games. Sony really dropped the ball on them after Resistance 1 and Tools Of Destruction, and the industry did not pick up the slack.
Speaking games that are forgotten about, I hear that Darksiders II is underperforming, which saddens me because that game looks like exactly the kind of thing I want from modern AAA games. :-\ Granted, the first game wasn't anything special, but that's never stopped Assassins Creed from selling millions.
Quote from: Spark of Spirit
I do wonder if what happened to that game (and Resistance 2 and 3) are why Insomniac has looked into making third party games. Sony really dropped the ball on them after Resistance 1 and Tools Of Destruction, and the industry did not pick up the slack.
What's even more dissapointing about that is that Resistance was the first "must have" title for the PS3, but it's sequels were quietly ignored in favor of other FPS' you can get on any system.
Besides war games because I never cared for them, even before they became movie games, I don't mind any games' success. I do hate it when great games undersell though. I still want my co-op Bulletstorm II, dammit. :'(
R.I.P. gaming.
Its downright disgusting with how stupid some of the advertisements these big gaming companies use to market their big releases really are. Still, as bad as this one is, I still say that Nintendo's recently infamous "I'm Not A Gamer (" campaign is far worse.
Maybe its just me but every now and then some of the posts I make in one thread mysteriously end up in another for no explainable reason. Does that every happen to anyone else?
Quote from: Ensatsu-ken on November 07, 2012, 09:45:45 PM
I still say that Nintendo's recently infamous "I'm Not a Gamer (" campaign is far worse.
Whoa, I hadn't heard about this! That's even dumber than the Dead Space 2 "your mom hates this game" campaign.
Halo 4: King of the Hill Fueled by Mountain Dew isn't really too terrible truth be told, but
that goddamn title made me laugh for almost a minute the first time I saw it.
QuoteMaybe its just me but every now and then some of the posts I make in one thread mysteriously end up in another for no explainable reason. Does that every happen to anyone else?
That hasn't happened to me. :o Either there's some kind of processing error goin' on, or somebody's moving your posts.
Boy, I sure like to play Halo 4 with a nice, cold Mountain Dew, I tell you what.
Don't forget the Doritos mayne!
Gamer Fuel.
Nintendo's campaign should be titled "I don't want to be a gamer" and they would win everything.
Quote from: Foggle on November 07, 2012, 10:54:56 PM
Don't forget the Doritos mayne!
Why is he wearing Maiden shirt, though? Shouldn't he have an EXCLUSIVE Halo 4 shirt FROM MICROSOFT!!!! on?
Quote from: Avaitor on November 07, 2012, 10:49:41 PM
Boy, I sure like to play Halo 4 with a nice, cold Mountain Dew, I tell you what.
*sips Mountain Dew can*
Microsoft and Mountain Dew have had shameless marketing tie-ins with one another for
years. Case and point... (
Quote from: Foggle on November 07, 2012, 10:54:56 PM
Don't forget the Doritos mayne!
I beat Soul Calibur IV's Arcade mode today for the first time (today was the first time I tried) beating The Apprentice reminded me how much it fucking sucks that you can't create your own Jedi/Sith character.I'm sure more people what have brought the game just because of that (not that I know what the games sells were like. Just saying.) (
Sony, just.... just put it out of its misery. What a waste of perfectly good tech.
Haha, really? I had heard it was halfway decent.
But Desen, the Vita sold 4,000 units last week in Japan, compared to the 3DS only selling 180,000. I'd say its doing just fine.
I should post that I do own one, I bought it mostly in anticipation of playing JSR HD on a handheld. But the longer the game is delayed(thus closer to being shelved altogether), the more the regret that I bought the stupid thing builds up.
47 to 1. The Dreamcast never sold anywhere near that bad.
But hey, the dudebro's love it ( so surely it must be doing better than phones or the 3DS.
And I know the Sonyfriends at GAF love this new PlayStation All Stars game, but from everything I've seen it looks fucking garbage. I'm not sure what these people are seeing that I'm not.
The fact that it has DINO confirms that Sony Smash Bros. is complete, utter shit.
Quote from: Comeau on November 16, 2012, 05:21:29 PM
the Vita sold 4,000 units last week in Japan, compared to the 3DS only selling 180,000.
Holy shit, I figured the Japanese would be all over the Vita considering how much they loved the PSP.
Nope. They still love the PSP though, it was outselling the Vita and as far as I know it still is.
Yeah, according to GAF the PSP sold 12,000 units last week.
The PSP still being healthy in Japan is sort of punching holes in the Vita's boat.
Ours too, since we can't get those games. (Sigh, VC3...)
And this is Japan. Lord only knows how it's doing here.
Well, the PSP had a Monster Hunter game and a pretty damn good selection of RPGs (most of which are incredibly niche over here or unreleased). I always figured that's why PSP was dong well there. Vita? I have no idea what the line-up is like over there, but here? The only games I see appealing to me are Ys IV's remake (which may be Japan only, I don't know what XSeed's doing with that) and Assassin's Creed III: Liberation. It's a damn shame too, because the Vita really looked like it had potential. Two joysticks, fantastic graphics... but they didn't release anything worth a damn.
Right now the only problem I have with the Vita is that every game on there is something I could play on a PS3 if I wanted to. I mean, I know they're trying to push that technology where you can switch between the Vita and the PS3, but seriously give us more exclusives, the 3DS has more of a selection of games I love to play.
DLC comes out during the month of release - Wow, the devs are milking this cash cow hard. Terrible corporate money machine of a game; I will wait and buy a used copy of the GOTY edition.
No DLC comes out during the month of release - Wow, the devs are lazy bastards. Where's the extra content? People are bored of the game already. Definitely not buying their next release now.
Quote from: Foggle on November 18, 2012, 05:46:27 PM
DLC comes out during the month of release - Wow, the devs are milking this cash cow hard. Terrible corporate money machine of a game; I will wait and buy a used copy of the GOTY edition.
No DLC comes out during the month of release - Wow, the devs are lazy bastards. Where's the extra content? People are bored of the game already. Definitely not buying their next release now.
( (
LOL Ninja Theory! :lol: (
Maybe he's just not a fan of the F-Zero series himself, despite it being a series that has done well in the past with gamers. It certainly wouldn't be the first time for something like this. I mean, just because Miyamoto is the face of the entire Nintendo franchise doesn't necessarily mean that he personally likes every Nintendo IP, the most well-known example being that he has admitted to not thinking that highly on the classic DKC games despite their immense popularity and great sales for their time.
I'm sure they could do just as much new with F-Zero as they could with a new Mario Kart.
Or another New Super Mario Bros.
Also remember that Miyamoto didn't like F-Zero GX... and that it bombed.
But I see Nintendo giving it a shot on the Wii-U since F-Zero is a game about speed and flash. The game honestly didn't fit the Wii very well at all.
The frowny face was because I thought this implied it may be a while before we see another F-Zero game for a while until Nintendo decides what they can do with the series. I don't mind Miyamoto not liking the IP itself.
I had an impression with Nintendoland that those would be the IPs they would be pushing for the upcoming generation. I'm not sure otherwise why they included an F-Zero game.
But I guess if Captain Falcon is the only representative AGAIN in SSB4, then it's definitely time to worry about F-Zero.
So remember how game sites fervently deny that they are anti-Nintendo?
It turns out that they are. (
And that is why this industry is falling apart.
Figured it would be Kotaku, but according to the edit, it's not. Gotta' be Polygon then.
The thread gets bogged down in politics, but I do think the point is very valid. All opinions about working with Nintendo on the eshop has been positive so far, so maybe its best to try finding another angle.
And know this isn't as stupid and pointless as Doritosgate, but I would figure it would merit better discussion.
It can't be 1Up.
Doritosgate was, and still is, absolutely hilarious.
It's pretty crummy that gaming journalists ask leading questions to get controversial headlines that reinforce their own biases, but honestly, that's just what journalists do. Especially in today's alarmist culture. But it's no different from any other industry, and like any other industry, few of its followers would actually care either way if Polygon or whoever tried to use an out of context comment from some indie devs as ammo against Nintendo.
QuoteFor the record, I?m NOT talking about IGN, GameSpot, Eurogamer, or Destructoid. The site I?m speaking of is just as well known as those sites though.
If its not one of them, then the only 3 other really big sites that I know of (that I would agree are as big and popular as those sites, at least), would be GameTrailers, 1UP, and G4 (I know X-Play is canceled and whatnot, but itself has also had a section devoted to games, and has talked about other games that weren't reviewed by X-Play). I have no idea of 1UP is anti-Nintendo as I never go to that site anymore. GameTrailers isn't really anti-Nintendo, either, and they don't do to many interviews as it is unless its a special occasion like E3 or whatnot. Of those 3 sites, G4 to me would sound like the most likely culprit as they have almost always been strongly anti-Nintendo.
GameTrailers, G4, or Polygon all sound very likely. They all seem to cater to specific audiences to the expense of others. But I would doubt 1up doing it, they seem to be one of the few sites that have a lot of fairness in regards to every platform.
G4 and GameTrailers are pretty biased, sure, but my money is definitely on Polygon. They're the most likely to do something like this from what I've seen.
Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on November 26, 2012, 08:15:28 PM
GameTrailers, G4, or Polygon all sound very likely. They all seem to cater to specific audiences to the expense of others. But I would doubt 1up doing it, they seem to be one of the few sites that have a lot of fairness in regards to every platform.
No, GameTrailers can certainly be bias, but they aren't anti-Nintendo, or at least far less so than other big sites like IGN. They're anti-Sonic if you can label them as anything, but if any of those sites is guilty of being labeled as anti-Nintendo, its G4 above all else. Well, then again I don't really know much of anything about Polygon, but if that site happens to be the culprit in this case, I question the author's words in saying that its as big as sites like IGN and GameSpot, since I myself have barely even heard of it before.
I have literally never heard of Polygon until I clicked on this thread.
Quote from: Rosalinas Spare Wand on November 26, 2012, 10:25:05 PM
I have literally never heard of Polygon until I clicked on this thread.
Same, honestly.
Didn't they make Fez? :happytime:
Sounds like typical G4 to me.
Quote from: Nel on November 27, 2012, 12:05:21 AM
Quote from: Rynnec on November 26, 2012, 11:49:50 PM
Quote from: Daxdiv on November 26, 2012, 11:47:42 PM
Quote from: Avaitor on November 26, 2012, 11:10:50 PM
Quote from: Rosalinas Spare Wand on November 26, 2012, 10:25:05 PM
I have literally never heard of Polygon until I clicked on this thread.
Same, honestly.
And Daxdiv makes 3.
And Ryn makes 4.
Quote from: Kiddington on November 27, 2012, 03:10:26 AM
Sounds like typical G4 to me.
Quote from: Nel on November 27, 2012, 12:05:21 AM
Quote from: Rynnec on November 26, 2012, 11:49:50 PM
Quote from: Daxdiv on November 26, 2012, 11:47:42 PM
Quote from: Avaitor on November 26, 2012, 11:10:50 PM
Quote from: Rosalinas Spare Wand on November 26, 2012, 10:25:05 PM
I have literally never heard of Polygon until I clicked on this thread.
Same, honestly.
And Daxdiv makes 3.
And Ryn makes 4.
The seventies.
Ah, the 70's. The age of Steely Dan, Norman Lear, and when Coppola actually made good movies.
I just assumed Coppola became a producer or some shit.
Haze officially is the reason Timesplitters 4 wasn't made. (
This industry has gotten so bad that one mistake can kill your entire company. Why people want costs to rise again this coming generation is beyond me.
To be fair, Haze is one of the absolute worst shooters, if not games, I've ever played. It's not hard to see why that POS killed Free Radical. Though you have to wonder how Rebellion still gets work after Rogue Warrior, Shellshock 2: Blood Trails, and NeverDead.
Even Lair killed Factor 5 despite their pedigree. 'One strike and you're out' is a terrible philosophy for an industry because it leaves no room for trying new things.
That said... I would love a Bayonetta 2 situation! Even if that's far less likely.
Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on November 27, 2012, 06:32:38 PM
Even Lair killed Factor 5 despite their pedigree. 'One strike and you're out' is a terrible philosophy for an industry because it leaves no room for trying new things.
I think it mostly depends on the budget. Lair and Haze cost a pretty penny, right? Meanwhile, literally every Suda51 game has failed to sell adequately, but Grasshopper is still going strong. Still though, creativity
is discouraged in the industry these days, which is sad.
Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on November 27, 2012, 06:32:38 PM
That said... I would love a Bayonetta 2 situation! Even if that's far less likely.
Well, since Crytek owns FR now, I can see them maybe making some cheap arcade-style PC shooters in the future.
Sucks to hear that NeverDead sucks.
That second "reason" why publishers didn't take TimeSplitters 4 is what bother me. How is having a game with multiple characters suddenly a bad thing?
Lara Croft can't swim in the new Tomb Raider.
So, they took out a key ability of the main character of a long-running series that she has been able to do just fine since her debut on the PS1? Brilliant.
Ryu can't swim in NG3, either, though to be fair that game only even has one section in which you can actually fall into the water.
Seriously, though, remember when it was a big thing in gaming to ADD new features and increase variety as to how you could play the game, rather than strip away elements that worked just fine in previous installments just so that the developers can be lazy and not design more interesting gameplay elements into their games? That seems to be the trend for modern games. They seem to be trying to go for the "less is more approach" but apparently they have no idea what that statement even means. Tomb Raider has always been a great adventure series for the variety of different ways in which you find yourself traversing your environment, and I remember from Tomb Raider 2 (the only one that I ever owned and played a decent amount of), that swimming was a big part of that game, and it worked just fine there. Giving of less of elements that worked in previous games is the exact same bull-shit that ruined NG3. How about the devs put in "less" scripted events and monotonous level design and instead "add" more player variety and freedom? Oh no, what a stupid suggestion of mine, that'd clearly be too much work and actually take talent to make.
Lara also has regenerating health too.
The thing that makes this hilarious is that the game is supposed to be a "survival" game.
I HATE swimming in games and Lara's games are probably the ones that made me develop my hatred but if they have instant death water as an annoying obstacle then that's not too much better. Also, once I think about, no swimming will probably make the game even more annoyingly uh
As someone else put it:
QuoteLara Croft can swim in a 1996 PlayStation game but can't in a 2013 Xbox 360/PlayStation 3 game. Can't wait to see what a trainwreck this will be.
It's weird how games get more expensive and have far bigger budgets, yet offer you less options and game to play in the process. This industry needs a lot of help.
They might as well just call it Uncharted 4 (but I think Drake can actually swim...) instead.
I actually wouldn't mind if they found some other to explore besides swimming if they did it right...but this game sounds like Final Fantasy XIV: Lara Croft to me.
I actually really enjoy adventure games because they give you all the tools to scale the environment around you. When they give you less tools to use, that typically means they're restricting exploration in some capacity. And removing health also means there's no more risk and reward for doing anything outside the box and takes all tension out of risky combat situations.
If this game does well I'm going to be extremely surprised.
Good point. I just really really hate swimming in games. I end up searching around a lot in water in Tomb Raider games anyway, though.
I'm a defender of regenerative health but it certainly has no place in a survival game.
I mean I had a feeling it was going to turn out this way in the first reveal, but I was hoping for a bit more from the final product.
It's interesting that they actually decided to reboot Tomb Raider just when it was getting awesome again, instead of after, say, Angel of Darkness.
I heard the last game, Underworld, was kind of underwhelming but yeah, there was no need to do a massive rehaul. I thought it was actually going to be great because I trusted these guys (it's the same team, right?). I wouldn't have mind a Tomb Raider with a story that made you care about more than one character (obviously Lara is who I'm talking about), not one that's in the way.
So THQ made their own Humble Bundle. For less than $1 per game, you get Saints Row: The Third, Darksiders, Red Faction: Armageddon, Metro 2033, Company of Heroes, Company of Heroes: Opposing Fronts, and Company of Heroes: Tales of Valor, along with five OSTs. Part, or all if you so choose, of the money you pay goes to charity.
And people. Are fucking. Complaining about it. Because the games use Steam for DRM. Never mind that they're getting 7 fucking games and 5 fucking soundtracks for the price of a fucking paperback novel, part of that money goes toward helping sick kids. And yet they are fucking bitching about DRM.
This is why gamers suck, especially PC gamers. If you're one of the people crying about this shit, - and yes, that includes you "journalists" - fuck you. Throw your computer and consoles into a landfill, because you don't deserve them.
Wait, so let me get this straight....if you pay over the average price (basically about $5.45), you unlock 7 games and 5 soundtracks, or you can essentially lock all of that except for Saints Row: The Third for only $1, and by that we're talking about the actual full games, right?
And, a portion of that money you spend goes to charity (whatever portion you choose, at that), right?
And this is close to $200 worth of value if you were to buy it all normally, right?
And people are bitching about it?
Either there's some catch to this that I'm not seeing, or there are a shit-ton of gamers who are just flat-out insane.
BTW, If I ended up going for this deal in the limited time it'll be left up online, that means I can get the games from the Steam Store, and in that case just save them for until I get a better computer. Is that correct?
I don't think there is any group of people more self-entitled as a whole than gamers. They've really been spoiled by DLC games and Steam to the point where they don't even realize how lucky they are.
Quote from: Ensatsu-ken on November 29, 2012, 03:11:09 PM
there are a shit-ton of gamers who are just flat-out insane.
QuoteBTW, If I ended up going for this deal in the limited time it'll be left up online, that means I can get the games from the Steam Store, and in that case just save them for until I get a better computer. Is that correct?
Yes, do it! They'll give you a code, which you can activate in your Steam account right away (but you don't have to download anything until later) with all 7 games. And make sure you pay above the average price, because Saints Row 3 is great. :joy:
Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on November 29, 2012, 03:33:37 PM
I don't think there is any group of people more self-entitled as a whole than gamers. They've really been spoiled by DLC games and Steam to the point where they don't even realize how lucky they are.
That's the weird thing, though... these people are actually complaining ABOUT STEAM. I mean, yeah, it's a form of DRM, but it's easily the least terrible one out there, and anyone sane would find it hard to resist their sale prices. One of the reasons I prefer PC gaming is because of how cheap the games are (due to sales and stuff), and yet some people can't even be satisfied with that. I don't get it.
Oh, and one more thing.
Certain people seem to be mad that this is "going against the point of the Humble Bundle", which is to help up and coming developers fund future games. So why did THQ make their own bundle? Because they're about to go fucking bankrupt. There won't even be a THQ by the end of next year if this thing isn't successful enough.
I'm going to buy a bundle as soon as my Yu-Gi-Oh money goes through Paypal and pay above the average price. Even though the only games I don't own are Company of Heroes ones.
I'm watching footage of the old arcade game 720 and thinking how great such a game made now could potentially be.
It's too bad nobody makes games like that anymore. Arcade sports titles are the best kinds of sports titles.
Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on November 23, 2012, 09:16:18 PM
Also remember that Miyamoto didn't like F-Zero GX... and that it bombed.
But I see Nintendo giving it a shot on the Wii-U since F-Zero is a game about speed and flash. The game honestly didn't fit the Wii very well at all.
How's having more variety not a good thing?
This game looks great. (
But the commentary is bringing me down. As if the platforming is all that complex that no one will play it. I mean you just hold O over blue sparkling points, it hardly gets more convoluted than that. "Casual" gamers can deal with Mario, are you telling me that so called "Hardcore" gamers can't even push a button while in the air?
That's just sad.
Here's a list of 20 closed studios from this past generation (
Hudson Soft
Sony Liverpool
Spellbound Entertainment
Zipper Interactive
Rockstar Vancouver
Big Huge Games
BigBig Studios
Black Hole Entertainment
THQ San Diego
Multiverse Network
Monumental Games
38 Studios
Ubisoft Vancouver
HB Studios Halifax
Bright Light
Dark Energy Digital
4mm Games
And recently, Eurocom- makers of GoldenEye Wii.
This is amazing that so many studios were lost.
For reference, how many companies did we lose last gen?
Quote from: Rynnec on December 11, 2012, 09:47:30 PM
For reference, how many companies did we lose last gen?
I guess we can add those 21 to this list:
3D Realms - 2009
7 Studios (Activision) - 2011
ACES Studio (Microsoft) - 2009
Action Forms - 2009
Ascaron - 2009
Atomic Elbow - 2008
Backbone Vancouver
Beam Software/Melbourne House - 2010
BigBig (Sony) - 2012
Bizarre Creations (Activision) - 2010/2011
Black Rock (Disney) - 2011
Blue Fang Games - 2011
Blue Tongue (THQ) - 2011
BottleRocket - 2009
Brash Entertainment - 2008
Budcat (Activision) - 2010
Carbonated Games - 2008
Castaway Entertainment - 2008
Cheyenne Mountain - 2010
Cing - 2010
Clover Studios (Capcom) - 2006
Codemasters Guildford - 2011
Cohort Studios - 2011
Concrete Games - 2008
Deep Silver Vienna - 2010
DICE Canada - 2006
Digital Anvil - 2006
EA Chicago - 2007
EA Bright Light - 2011/2012
EA Japan - 2007
Eidos Manchester - 2009
Eidos Hungary - 2010
Empire Interactive - 2009
Ensemble Studios (Microsoft) - 2008
Factor 5 - 2009
FASA (Microsoft) - 2007
Fizz Factor - 2009
Flagship Studios - 2008
Flight Plan - 2010
Free Radical -2008
Frozen North Productions
FuzzyEyes - 2009
Gamelab - 2009
Game Republic - 2011
GRIN - 2009
Groove Games - 2010
Helixe (THQ) - 2008
Hudson Entertainment - 2011
Humannature Studio (Nexon Vancouver) - 2009
Ignition London - 2010
Ignition Florida - 2010
Incognito Entertainment (Sony) - 2009
Indie Built (Take-Two) - 2006
Iron Lore - 2008
Juice Games (THQ) - 2011
Kaos Studios (THQ) - 2011
Killaware - 2011
Killspace Entertainment - 2011
KMM Brisbane - 2011
Krome Studios (might still be operating on skeleton crew) - 2010
Kuju Manila - 2009
Kuju Chemistry - 2009
Kush Games - 2008
Locomotive Games (THQ) - 2010
Loose Cannon Studios - 2010
Luxoflux - 2010
Mass Media (THQ) - 2008
Monte Cristo - 2010
Monumental Games - 2012
Midway Austin - 2009
Midway Newcastle - 2009
MTV Games - 2011
Multiverse - 2012
NetDevil - 2011
Ninja Studio - 2009
Nihon Telenet - 2007
Outerlight - 2010
PAM Development (Take-Two) - 2008
Pandemic Australia (EA) - 2009
Pandemic LA (EA) - 2009
Paradigm Entertainment - 2008
Pi Studios - 2011
Pivotal Games (Take-Two) - 2008
Propaganda Games (Disney) - 2011
Pseudo Interactive - 2008
Rainbow Studios (THQ) - 2011
Razorworks - 2009
Realtime Worlds - 2010
Rebellion Derby - 2010
Red Octane - 2010
Redtribe - 2008
Rockstar Vienna - 2006
Sandblast Games (THQ) - 2008
SEGA San Francisco - 2010
Sensory Sweep Studios - 2010
Seta - 2008
Shaba Games (Activision) - 2009
SideCar Studios - 2007
Sierra Online - 2008
Snapdragon Games - 2009
SOE Denver - 2011
SOE Seattle - 2011
SOE Tuscon - 2011
Stormfront Studios - 2008
Straylight Studios - 2009
Team Bondi - 2011
The Code Monkeys - 2011
Titan Studios - 2009
THQ Studio Australia - 2009
THQ Digital Warrington - 2009
Transmission Games/IR Gurus - 2009
Ubisoft Brazil - 2010
Underground Development/Z-Axis (Activision) - 2010
Universomo (THQ) - 2009
Venom Games (Take Two) - 2008
Vicarious Visions California - 2007
Visceral Australia (EA) - 2011
Wolfpack Studios - 2006
Yuke?s Company Of America - 2010
Zoe Mode London - 2009
Zoonami - 2011
Oh Hudson Soft. I was really hoping that Bomberman could someday get back to greatness. *points at avatar* Frickin' loved the character designs in Bomberman 64. Always wished we could get back to that rather than the crazy anime look they ended up going for.
Quote from: Nel on December 11, 2012, 10:52:55 PM
Oh Hudson Soft. I was really hoping that Bomberman could someday get back to greatness. *points at avatar* Frickin' loved the character designs in Bomberman 64. Always wished we could get back to that rather than the crazy anime look they ended up going for.
:'( I'm on the page now and I just saw they made Mario Party. Funny how I recently sad I wanted to play games like Bomberman and Mario Party recently, I believe.
Pikmin 3 is going to be more like the original. :-[
I always pegged you as a guy that would prefer Pikmin 1 over 2.
I'm gonna miss those underground dungeons.
I'm not one for time limits that require me to reset the game because I don't have psychic powers to predict the next event that will take me too much time because I couldn't possibly see it coming. It's the same issue I had with Dead Rising, really. Difficulty depending on guesswork instead of skill is not fun to me.
Even worse is that the people who like such things are usually rather obnoxious about it.
But yeah, I preferred 2 way more.
I hate missable quests in general. Especially when they cost you cool extras. Looking at you, Tales Of series. :wth: (
What the hell Sony?
I can guarantee that there won't be a PS5 if this shit really happens. (
$149.99 Dammit, and I wanted that soundtrack. :-\
Quote from: Foggle on January 03, 2013, 04:11:57 PM
I can guarantee that there won't be a PS5 if this shit really happens.
Sony really is done for if they keep doing BS like this.
QuoteSUMMARY: Aside for some minor annoyances, this is probably the best Fire Emblem to come to the States yet. Strategy fans everywhere should rejoice.
THE GOOD: As pure a strategy experience as you?ll get anywhere.
THE BAD: No simple way to restart battles.
THE UGLY: The 3D character models look like they were designed by Rob Liefeld.
Could this be the beginning of the end for Grasshopper and Suda51? :cry:
Not before NMH 3 I'd hope.
Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on January 30, 2013, 10:26:25 PM
QuoteSUMMARY: Aside for some minor annoyances, this is probably the best Fire Emblem to come to the States yet. Strategy fans everywhere should rejoice.
THE GOOD: As pure a strategy experience as you?ll get anywhere.
THE BAD: No simple way to restart battles.
THE UGLY: The 3D character models look like they were designed by Rob Liefeld.
Awakening is like the easiest Fire Emblem title to date.
How are they complaining about restarting battles?
That was literally my only issue with permadeath was that there was no way to just restart the map from the beginning without resetting the system and reloading everything and whatnot.
It's literally the only problem I have with the series because it's so annoying.
Wouldn't that partially defeat the purpose of permadeath, though...?
Foggle's right. Fire Emblem would be soooo much more enjoyable without permadeath. And with stories that are, you know, interesting. :sly:
*played the two GBA games and has a general dislike of the series*
Quote from: Foggle on February 01, 2013, 12:34:33 PM
Wouldn't that partially defeat the purpose of permadeath, though...?
What, hitting a "restart map" option on the menu to restart the battle? That's kind of good design. Leaving out basic options from the player is artificial difficulty, it's not challenge and it doesn't add any strategy to have to sit through cutscenes, re-place units yet again, and basically do the same things you did before.
It's no different to a "restart level" in a platformer, and last I recall those are still considered hard. All it does is take away an option that has no reason to not be there.
I don't mind doing it over when I mess up, I just loathe all the extra baggage that has nothing to do with the battle tacked on.
But see, I think a simple "restart battle" function might make people more prone to just resetting everything if a unit died. Not having that kind of convenience makes the player more likely to live with the results of a battle instead of cheesing their way through the game.
I don't necessarily think it's good design. I just think it makes sense.
Quote from: Foggle on February 01, 2013, 03:59:15 PM
But see, I think a simple "restart battle" function might make people more prone to just resetting everything if a unit died. Not having that kind of convenience makes the player more likely to live with the results of a battle instead of cheesing their way through the game.
I don't necessarily think it's good design. I just think it makes sense.
Not for people like me who are really fickle about that sort of thing. ;D
No man left behind!
Quote from: Foggle on February 01, 2013, 03:59:15 PM
But see, I think a simple "restart battle" function might make people more prone to just resetting everything if a unit died. Not having that kind of convenience makes the player more likely to live with the results of a battle instead of cheesing their way through the game.
I don't necessarily think it's good design. I just think it makes sense.
Now, I've never played a strategic RPG like this game so my opinion is probably invalid, but I see nothing wrong with having an option to restart battles if the player chooses (especially if they're long-winded). I mean, at the end of the day its just an option. More hardcore players who want to challenge themselves don't have to do it, but for some people who want to restart a battle when things are going horribly wrong for them, the option will only make the game better in that regard. Its also not as though it would necessarily make the game any easier, since it only allows players to restart the battle from scratch. Its not as though it gives them extra life or lets them cheat in some unfair way other than getting another chance with the same conditions and rules being applied to the game as normal.
Also, as I recall, you said that you preferred playing DMC3 in Gold mode as opposed to Yellow mode. In that regard, you merely chose the less frustrating option, but if someone else didn't want to go by that option and wanted a more hardcore experience then they were free to ignore it. Personally, I see nothing wrong with that sort of design in a game, as long as both the casual and hardcore players get to freely choose their preferred option of how to play the game.
I never said it was a good system, I just think I can see why they made it work like that is all.
If novice mode simply added a restart map option instead of removing permadeath, I would gladly use it is all I mean.
So, this is just something that I've kind of read or heard from other people at random every now and then, but basically I've come to understand that some modern gamers complain about games with too much depth to them. Now, I'm not talking about games that necessarily have a steep learning curve and are really hard to get into like a high-level RTS game or something of the sort. I've specifically seen complaints about games like Ninja Gaiden and Devil May Cry for being too "ridiculously overwhelming" for having too much stuff in their combat. With Ninja Gaiden, I once saw an NG3 review where the reviewer gave the game a mediocre review as expected, but said that he appreciated how the game at least didn't shove so many different weapons down your throat for you to switch between and learn how to use.
....Are you fucking kidding me? How is that a complaint? The game offers you up TONS of depth IF YOU WANT IT in terms of giving you a lot of variety in how you can approach combat with the vastly unique weapons that you have at your disposal. Yes, they have a learning curve to them, but that is part of the fun and what adds replay value to the game. Now, the thing is, if you just want to play the game more simply and not focus on practicing with so many weapons, then guess what? The game doesn't force them on you. If you only feel like using the basic Dragon Sword, then you can go ahead and use it. The game doesn't specifically punish you for just sticking to your weapon of choice if you so choose. The variety is there for other players who want that level of variety and want to reach a higher skill level. There is absolutely no grounds to complain about a game offering you more content and variety while still giving you the option of sticking to what you're comfortable with if you so choose. Its not like you absolutely need to use every different weapon and combo at the game's disposal if you simply just want to get through the game.
And then there's Devil May Cry. I've heard complaints about how Dante's combat in DMC4 was "a bit too much" with how he had 4 different styles that you could switch between on the fly making it really hard to master his combat since there was so much depth to it. Once again, are you fucking kidding me? The game doesn't force you to learn how to apply such advanced tactics in the first place if you just want to play through it with simple combos and such. Hell, you could beat the game even on DMD mode without having to switch any of your styles mid-combat if you didn't feel like it (you could also beat the whole thing with your style of choice). Yet again, the game has that extra huge layer of depth for those players that want it. It doesn't force it on anyone, and I myself never got that proficient at using Dante in DMC4 despite loving the hell out of his combat, but I never once complained about the game offering me too much stuff to master. Its supposed to be hard to master a deep combat system. That's how you know its deep in the first place. If you don't want to master it and just play through the game normally, then you're free to do so, even on the harder difficulty settings, in which you only really have to master how to properly evade enemy attacks and what are the most powerful moves to use to make quick work of them, which is a much simpler feat.
Overall, I just can't stand it when someone complains about a game offering you too many options, when it clearly still allows more casual players to play as casual as they want. That is one of the most baffling and idiotic complaints that I've ever heard from gamers. What I want to know is how does it make a game better to take away your options while doing absolutely nothing to improve the casual side of the experience for the more casual gamers?
Agreed. That kind of mentality is why it took 11 years for a true Deus Ex successor to come out, and why the CRPG genre is all but dead. It's like nobody wants to see actual depth or innovation anymore.
Quote from: Foggle on February 02, 2013, 03:01:27 AM
Agreed. That kind of mentality is why it took 11 years for a true Deus Ex successor to come out, and why the CRPG genre is all but dead. It's like nobody wants to see actual depth or innovation anymore.
Its especially annoying when the game clearly gives you the option to ignore the deeper mechanics it has to offer if you just want a really streamlined experience. In that case, these idiots really have nothing to complain about, other than the game hurting their self-esteem or some BS like that just because its not shallow enough for them to master with ease.
I'm sick of people trying to be white knights.
Apparently, some people have started complaining to Anthony Burch, writer of Borderlands 2, on Twitter over the character Tiny Tina, claiming she's "racist" because she uses "black words" like "badonkadonk" and "crunk" when she is, in fact, a white girl. They want her changed. Burch originally said "no" but now he's saying he will change her if people actually find her racist, but he himself is not seeing it. Likewise, several other people on Twitter have told him no changes are needed because Tiny Tina is so obviously not racist. So hopefully no change to Tiny Tina comes from it.
Worth noting, all the people I saw claiming Tiny Tina is racially insensitive to black people were white.
Personally, I'd love it if Tiny Tina was removed from the game entirely. She's pretty much the only thing I found unfunny in BL2.
But the racism accusations/arguments are both stupid and ridiculous. There's nothing offensive about someone using outdated slang in an attempt to appear "hip".
Quote from: FoggleBut the racism accusations/arguments are both stupid and ridiculous. There's nothing offensive about someone using outdated slang in an attempt to appear "hip".
I haven't played the game yet, but for the most part I do agree, especially since people seem to be complaining about the most minute stuff now. Being black myself, I have no problem with white people using slang. I may look at folks weird at first because I may be trying to figure out who said whatever slang term, but eventually it'll get me to crack a smile since it's the faces that white people make while using slang (meh, white, black, I feel weird talking about this stuff lol, mainly because I stay away from the more serious topics).
Quote from: EddyI'm sick of people trying to be white knights.
Hmm. I'm not used to seeing "white knight" being used this way, and truth be told I only found out about the term "white knight" last year. I'm used to hearing it as defending women in gaming, especially with the Cross Assault fiasco that took place last year.
Speaking of Cross Assault my issue with the FGC online (I can really open a can of worms about the gaming community online itself, but that'll take too long since I have a lot on my chest about that, so I'll just focus on the fighting game community). While I don't play fighting games seriously, nor do I participate in tournaments, I do follow them pretty heavily. I watch people like Maximilian and Gootecks, Mike Ross along with the Japanese players (but for the most part, the 1st 3 I watch simply because they cater more to the beginners and try to provide entertainment as well). One habit I gotta break is reading the comment section of anything (this is why I can really go in on the gaming community as a whole), but I read the comment section on Eventhubs, Shoryuken, Youtube (oh dear God), and my goodness, people just love to hate. Like I said, hate for the smallest reasons. Folks are hating on Max simply because he's playing games he enjoys. Though, they are Capcom fighters, so what? Then they throw in that he's being paid by Capcom.... And this is bad because?
And then there are folks who're upset that they keep seeing tourney players use the same characters over and over. I understand that people want to see low tier characters be used more at a high level, hell, I'd love to see someone win a tourney with Guy, but some people gotta get it through their heads that a lot of these tournament players are playing to win, especially the ones who're sponsored since that's their way of making money. And then on the flip side, say somebody do try to switch things up (Mike Ross) a bit there's the reverse "yourrrrrrr freeeeeeeee" or something along those lines.
Like I said, though, I really need to stop reading the comment section.
Quote from: Foggle on February 02, 2013, 03:01:27 AM
Agreed. That kind of mentality is why it took 11 years for a true Deus Ex successor to come out, and why the CRPG genre is all but dead. It's like nobody wants to see actual depth or innovation anymore.
Early complaint from Sly 4 reviewers: it feels old school.
I'm not making that up. It's not like Sly's platforming is all that difficult either, but that says a lot.
Can't believe that's a complaint. Sounds more like a descriptor to me. Fuckin' game journalists.
Quote from: Eddy on February 04, 2013, 02:29:27 AM
I'm sick of people trying to be white knights.
Apparently, some people have started complaining to Anthony Burch, writer of Borderlands 2, on Twitter over the character Tiny Tina, claiming she's "racist" because she uses "black words" like "badonkadonk" and "crunk" when she is, in fact, a white girl. They want her changed. Burch originally said "no" but now he's saying he will change her if people actually find her racist, but he himself is not seeing it. Likewise, several other people on Twitter have told him no changes are needed because Tiny Tina is so obviously not racist. So hopefully no change to Tiny Tina comes from it.
Worth noting, all the people I saw claiming Tiny Tina is racially insensitive to black people were white.
Hopefully they don't come after Deadpool next.
Let's talk Ubisoft!
Two years ago Ubisoft released the Scott Pilgrim vs. The World game to XBLA and PSN. A fun, old-school beat-em-up with nice sprite animation and a killer soundtrack. However, if there was one thing it was lacking, it was online multiplayer. This puzzled people but Ubi said they had no plans of adding online multiplayer.
Fast forward two years later: Ubisoft announces that a new character will be added to the game, Wallace (Scott's gay roommate) and online play will finally be added to the game! Not sure why it took them two years but, whatever. The problem? They expect you to pay $5 for online play. The mode that should be FREE and should have been there from the start and they want you to pay $5. It comes with Wallace as well, but that does not justify the price.
Then the DLC got delayed for unknown reasons when it was supposed to come out in August and everyone basically just forgot about it. Recently it was announced that the prince was going to drop to $2. It's still bs that they expect people to pay for online but $2 for Wallace + online is much more reasonable than $5, especially considering way back when the game first came out they added Knives as a playable character with new mini-games for $2. The Wallace/Online DLC was set to come out this week but then it was delayed AGAIN.
The latest pricing shows that the DLC is back UP to $5. Savvy fans also noticed from the trailer for the DLC that Wallace is just edited sprites of Scott and Stills and just given the same attacks as them, with none unique for him. They also noticed that Wallace's victory pose has sprite stolen right from Sonic Battle (released in 2004 for the GBA). It isn't a parody like the other character victory animations, they straight up STOLE sprites from Amy's victory pose in Sonic Battle.
So Ubisoft wants people to pay $5 for:
- DLC they keep delaying for a two year old game
- a single new character that is just an edit of existing characters with no new moves
- sprites that they stole
- a mode that should be a free patch, not DLC
Yeah, no thanks, Ubisoft.
In before Foggle talks PC shenanigans.
I can only count on my hand the number of Ubisoft games I enjoy as it is, so I'm really glad that I never have to deal with things like this. Rayman Legends at the end of the month is probably going to be the one and only time I ever buy one of their games new, and that's only because the demo was so good.
I'm not much of an Ubisoft fan either. I like the Scott Pilgrim game and Beyond Good & Evil. When I get a Wii U I'll probably get Rayman Legends and maybe ZombiU. But I can't think of a whole lot else they've done that I liked that much. I could never get into Assassin's Creed. I thought Turtles in Time: Re-Shelled was pretty much garbage. And I never really saw that much appeal in Rayman until Origins and Legends (I previously played Rayman Advance and I have Rayman 2).
The TMNT GBA game was really fun (done by the SP team, I believe) and I heard good things about the Prince Of Persia games last gen but that's about it.
They've always come across as a C-Tier (B-Tier at best) developer.
They also did Red Steel 2, which was a very good FPS adventure game. And while it was ultimately a dissapointment, TMNT Smash Up was still fun to play. Their whoring of those stupid Rabbids was pretty horrid though.
Quote from: Rynnec on February 05, 2013, 10:05:25 PM
They also did Red Steel 2, which was a very good FPS adventure game.
I forgot about this one. This was indeed a really good and underrated game.
It's a shame this wasn't released in place of the original, it deserved the sales that one got.
I can't stand Assassin's Creed. :srs:
As far as Ubisoft goes, I did like some of the Ghost Recon games, but I can only imagine how much they will butcher that series with future games given their modern output. It'll probably just turn into another uninspired Call of Duty clone. That's what EA did with Medal of Honor when they rebooted it, and it still drives me up the wall, considering how good the series used to be when it was its own thing in the last 2 generations (Frontline is one of my top 10 favorite FPS games, even). And seeing the direction that Ubisoft is going in with their other popular Tom Clancy property, Splinter Cell, I can safely assume that they will most likely do something similar with Ghost Recon if they continue making new games for the series, and that's something that I can most certainly live without.
Oh yeah, the creator of X-Com did a Ghost Recon strategy RPG for the 3DS. I hope that did well enough for a sequel, because it was surprisingly fun.
I like Scott Pilgrim and Sands of Time.
Can't think of another Ubisoft game I like, though.
Can't say I'm a big time supporter of Ubisoft, but I won't deny that they've put out some games that I really like (Assassin's Creed series except AC1, and Splinter Cell: Conviction). I'm looking forward to Splinter Cell: Blacklist along with Watch Dogs.
Ubisoft sucks, but I actually like quite a few of their games. If you want to play one of their titles, try to find a way to support the hard-working developers who made the game without supporting their publisher's shady DRM and DLC practices.
Ubisoft has some decent stuff, but they are, by and large, a shovelware company looking for a quick buck.
I mean, need I say more? (
Quote from: Kiddington on February 06, 2013, 12:50:27 AM
Ubisoft has some decent stuff, but they are, by and large, a shovelware company looking for a quick buck.
I mean, need I say more? (
How, exactly, is that shovelware?
Quote from: Foggle on February 06, 2013, 12:53:04 AM
Quote from: Kiddington on February 06, 2013, 12:50:27 AM
Ubisoft has some decent stuff, but they are, by and large, a shovelware company looking for a quick buck.
I mean, need I say more? (
How, exactly, is that shovelware?
Welp, Darksiders is dead.
Too bad Platinum wasn't able to grab the developers/IP.
Fuck Crytek.
Seriously, what in the hell else would they be working on that they weren't before?
Quote from: Rynnec on February 06, 2013, 01:11:38 AM
Seriously, what in the hell else would they be working on that they weren't before?
They're going entirely multiplayer F2P after Crysis 3. Yeah. So there will never be another TimeSplitters, DarkSiders, or "official" Cry game.
Also, wow Sony. I'm getting the game on PS3 anyway, but wow.
Heh, The funny thing is that the VR missions were my favorite part of MGS2 (as in the only part I really enjoyed playing). That said, I'd still probably get the game even if its the XBOX360 version as long as the game itself is up to the standards of other great titles from Platinum Games. Seeing as how these VR missions are paid DLC, anyways, I don't mind their exclusion from the XBOX360 version of the game quite so much. If it was an actual part of the game that was specifically cut out of the North American XBOX360 version, then I'd be pretty pissed off, but as it stands I rarely ever scrounge out any cash for DLC. Hell, I didn't even bother going for the NG2 Mission Mode pack DLC, despite how huge of an NG fan I am, if only because I didn't consider it to be worth getting alone, and also partly because I thought that it should have been part of the main package to begin with given how NGB had a Mission Mode from the get-go.
The VR missions in MGS 1, 2, and Ghost Babel are amazing.
I actually wouldn't be surprised if this ends up just being timed exclusivity, but still... it's a dick move to make it PS3 exclusive only in America. I also wouldn't be surprised if this DLC ended up being free. I think it'll be $5 at most.
Yeah, it is a dick move, and if there was even just a little bit of back-lash from XBOX360 owners who were really looking forward to this game, I couldn't totally blame them for it. But, that's just the shady business practices that I've unfortunately had to grow used to in this day and age of gaming. Its yet another one of the factors that have been turning me away from modern games in general, to be honest. While this move honestly doesn't phase me that much, seeing this happen over and over again for countless other titles really starts to add-up and get on my nerves.
Gotta' love that AssCreed 3 DLC debacle from last year. 360 exclusive DLC, PS3 exclusive DLC, PC exclusive DLC, three different kinds of substantial pre-order DLC... seriously, what.
Well, Ubisoft announced PS3 and 360 versions of Rayman Legends...
But that means the Wii-U version (which was coming out in two weeks) has been delayed until September with the other two. Lame.
That's silly, I don't know why they'd delay the Wii-U version because of that. You don't see Sega delaying Colonial Marines yet again just to release the Wii-U version at the same time as the other three.
Wish they'd do a PC port of Legends, though.
A seven month delay is dumb. It's not like it's going to do any better in September against everything coming out then (like GTAV), but the Wii-U version is done. They could have instead made a "Razor's Edge" edition or something in that time.
Quote from: Foggle on February 07, 2013, 12:04:39 PM
Wish they'd do a PC port of Legends, though.
You want a
Ubisoft PC port?
Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on February 07, 2013, 12:06:55 PM
A seven month delay is dumb. It's not like it's going to do any better in September against everything coming out then (like GTAV), but the Wii-U version is done. They could have instead made a "Razor's Edge" edition or something in that time.
Two different launches would give it two different chances to sell as a new game. It's like they
don't want money.
Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on February 07, 2013, 12:06:55 PM
You want a Ubisoft PC port?
To be fair, they've gotten much better in that regard. They don't do always-on DRM anymore, and have actually gone back to their older games and removed it from them. Far Cry 3 PC launched on the same day as consoles and was considered by many to be the definitive version.
Quote from: Foggle on February 07, 2013, 12:22:20 PM
Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on February 07, 2013, 12:06:55 PM
A seven month delay is dumb. It's not like it's going to do any better in September against everything coming out then (like GTAV), but the Wii-U version is done. They could have instead made a "Razor's Edge" edition or something in that time.
Two different launches would give it two different chances to sell as a new game. It's like they don't want money.
I just... don't understand the point. How often does a game get delayed to launch alongside other versions later? Especially to the busiest season of the year. Now I'm considering just waiting to get the thing used. By September there will be way too much coming out.
Yeah, it's like when Sega delayed the western releases of Anarchy Reigns for no reason. Nothing else was coming out in July, and the game was already 100% finished. Sometimes publishers just don't make any sense.
Not to say that more developers should be like Capcom, BECAUSE GOD FORBID THAT HAPPENS, but Resident Evil 6's release date being pushed up by a month and a half (instead of back) was a pleasant surprise. Wish that kind of thing happened more often.
On the plus side, when W101's date gets revealed I can just slide my preorder money to that. I was worried about missing it, but it looks like I won't have to make any choice thanks to Ubisoft! :)
When I eventually get a Wii-U, the first two games I buy will be Wonderful 101 and Bayonetta 2. ;)
On Ubisoft's Facebook:
Quote"We never want to delay a game and for that we're sorry. We made the tough decision to push back the release so we could offer it on multiple platforms. Stay tuned for more."
They delayed a completed game seven months to send it to die against the Fall rush.
I don't even know what to say.
Wow, Ubisoft is on a roll lately. They've also doomed the game by putting it up against GTA5. Smooth move, Ubi.
In other news Warren Spector (creator of Epic Mickey) say games like Lollipop Chainsaw should not exist. I don't really know why he's targeting Lollipop Chainsaw specifically as it's a very niche game and it's obvious he hasn't played it and is just judging it by its box art but okay. Spector, I'm sorry Epic Mickey 2 bombed but that's what happens when you release a half baked sequel, ignoring all the constructive criticism from the first game, lie and say you fixed things, and in some cases made things worse. Spector's kind of a pompous ass.
From Gaf:
I completely understand you but you have to understand one thing. This is not a decission taken by the development team, this comes from really really high up, so please don't pick on the game.
If you're pissed, imagine how we feel. Think on the situation, we've been making overtime with this game practically since May preparing E3, and then almost a demo per month (gamescon, Wii U presentation, shops, eShop, etc...) and at the same time trying to actually finish the game. We had a first delay because it was obvious we couldn't finish on time but we gave it all to be there on February. What face do you think we had when the week we had to close the game we're being told it's not going to be released? I couldn't believe it.
For practical matters, you'll have to wait for some months for the game to be released and will most likely serve for more content to be added and do it better. For us, this means we've spent 6 months barely seeing our wifes, kids, and friends for nothing because, after all, such a haste wasn't needed. Believe it, it was a hell to swallow these news.
Even then I'm firm in what I said back in the day, Rayman Legends is an excellent game and will still be, and the team that's making it doesn't deserve to have your back turned on them just because some men in ties one day took a wrong choice. This industry is really that shitty
Even the development team is annoyed. The game was about done.
EDIT: PR response
Quote"There are no issues with the game development. All of the information was in the press release, the only reason for the delay is to release on multiple platforms," Ubisoft public relations specialist Sarah Irvin said.
Because they delayed Assassin's Creed III so they could release the Wii U version at the same time as the others, right?
Seriously, fuck Ubisoft.
Quote from: Eddy on February 07, 2013, 06:37:21 PM
In other news Warren Spector (creator of Epic Mickey) say games like Lollipop Chainsaw should not exist. I don't really know why he's targeting Lollipop Chainsaw specifically as it's a very niche game and it's obvious he hasn't played it and is just judging it by its box art but okay. Spector, I'm sorry Epic Mickey 2 bombed but that's what happens when you release a half baked sequel, ignoring all the constructive criticism from the first game, lie and say you fixed things, and in some cases made things worse. Spector's kind of a pompous ass.
He'd have a right to say pompous shit like that if this were 2000 or earlier, but not anymore. After Invisible War and both Epic Mickeys, it's clear he's lost his touch and no longer understands how to make a good game.
And considering the satirical way in which Lollipop Chainsaw was written, I'm pretty sure Suda51 and Grasshopper actually
agree with him.
The Wii-U is getting an exclusive demo for Rayman Legends! (
Because that totally has to do with why people were upset. :srs:
What is an exclusive demo going to fix the part about this that isn't broken?
Ubisoft fired their PR manager after this debacle. (
This is getting nuts.
So, EA wanted Dead Space 3 to have more of a focus on action and less of a focus on horror so it could appeal to a wider audience. Dead Space 1 and 2 each sold over two million copies but apparently that's not good enough for EA.
Now they're saying if Dead Space 3 doesn't sell five million copies the series isn't worth their time and will most likely get axed.
Hmm, where have I heard this before...?
Pulling a Capcom.
What a surprise. THQ did that with Red Faction.
So Take Two got the WWE license.
They gave it back to Yukes.
ARGH. :burn:
Quote from: BungieWe did a bunch of ambitious things on Halo deliberately to reach out to people. We limited players to two weapons, we gave them recharging health, we automatically saved and restored the game - almost heretical things to first-person shooters at the time. We made the game run without a mouse and keyboard. And now nobody plays shooters the way they used to play them before Halo 'cause nobody wants to.
LOL, BUNGIE - implying that two-weapon limits and recharging health are good things, thinking that nobody plays shooters on PC anymore, asserting that you were the first studio to make an FPS for consoles. If you're gonna' say things like that, I hope your new game bombs.
QuoteAnd now nobody plays shooters the way they used to play them before Halo 'cause nobody wants to.
Quote from: Foggle on February 17, 2013, 07:20:40 PM
LOL, BUNGIE - implying that two-weapon limits and recharging health are good things, thinking that nobody plays shooters on PC anymore, asserting that you were the first studio to make an FPS for consoles. If you're gonna' say things like that, I hope your new game bombs.
I completely agree that Bungie's comments are pretty fucking stupid, and they are clearly full of themselves. That said, I DO have to admit that the 2-weapon limit thing works with Halo. The problem is that other games that were influenced by that (mostly only console shooters, thankfully), used them just because Halo made it popular, and didn't really take into consideration why it worked in Halo. The thing is, it forces the player to use strategy in Halo and not just rely on any single power weapon throughout the game. It also doesn't necessarily limit you as much as you may think because a huge variety of weapons are always strewn throughout the level. In Halo games, at least, it encourages variety rather than just sticking to your main gun. That said, its stupid of Bungie to think its a good thing that other shooters took after that. In most other games, its just a nuisance that limits creativity. Its also dumb that Bungie apparently likes to pretend that PC shooters don't exist anymore when claiming that nobody wants to go back to shooters the way they were before Halo (despite the fact that, you know, a shit-ton of great FPS games have come out on the PC since Halo and completely ignored that series for the better), which is especially baffling given that the company's own history is routed in developing games for the PC. Hell, their first FPS series ever, Marathon, was a PC shooter, so their claims here make no sense other than to appease their own fanboys.
Quote from: Rynnec on February 17, 2013, 07:36:38 PM
I would use either DOOM or Half-Life as a counter-argument, myself. I'm....not really much of a fan of Goldeneye. :humhumhum:
Or at least Perfect Dark.
Edited my post to include PD, but weren't DOOM and Half-Life mostly played on the PC? I know they had console ports, but I always thought their original PC versions were more well-remembered.
Doom 64 is an entirely new game and the PS2 port of Half-Life contains an exclusive co-op campaign!
Both have been ported to PC since, though.
I played Quake on the PS1 when I was younger.
But I did prefer the pre-Halo 1 approach to FPS games which were more fantastical (though Halo was, I know) with unbelievable weapons and strange enemy types. I never really had much a desire to gauge wind conditions to snipe off the bad guy's arm.
Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on February 18, 2013, 01:49:48 PM
I never really had much a desire to gauge wind conditions to snipe off the bad guy's arm.
To be fair, scripted moment in CoD4 aside, the only games where you actually do that are simulations. :P
Quote from: Foggle on February 18, 2013, 01:52:46 PM
Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on February 18, 2013, 01:49:48 PM
I never really had much a desire to gauge wind conditions to snipe off the bad guy's arm.
To be fair, scripted moment in CoD4 aside, the only games where you actually do that are simulations. :P
I meant more in the aesthetic of the moment, really. Tactical ambushes in a realistic setting are just not something I care much for. I'd rather just watch an action movie.
Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on February 05, 2013, 09:45:50 PM
The TMNT GBA game was really fun (done by the SP team, I believe) and I heard good things about the Prince Of Persia games last gen but that's about it.
They've always come across as a C-Tier (B-Tier at best) developer.
Ubisoft is a publisher, not a developer. And you forgot to mention the great Splinter Cell series, how Rainbow Six Vegas 2 is one of the best military shooters out there, "too floaty" or not, Rayman Origins is great and I hear Far Cry 3 is great. Ubisoft does some bad shit but it's not a good excuse to ignore the good games they publish.
Quote from: gunswordfist on February 19, 2013, 11:21:44 AM
Ubisoft is a publisher, not a developer.
They do have their own development houses, though, like Ubisoft Montreal and Ubisoft Montpellier. But I wouldn't agree at all about them being C-Tier, most of their games are actually quite good.
I know, I meant Ubisoft, the publisher and whatever dev teams they have are two separate things. I doubt Ubisoft Montreal has anything to do with screwing over gamers nor does the bs their publisher does mean the games they make suck.
I think gamers are, by far, the worst thing about gaming. At this point, I think it's best for my remaining sanity if I stay away from any and all other forums where people talk about video games.
Never before have I seen people who get so riled up over what is, in the long run, nothing. People spewing vitriol at everyone in sight, ignoring the good in favor of magnifying the bad, exaggerating each and every little thing. People who are never satisfied, think their own opinions are facts to the point of insulting everyone else, and absolutely refuse to compromise on anything. I don't think I can handle communicating with or reading comments made by gamers for much longer.
Quote from: Foggle on February 20, 2013, 12:10:44 AM
Never before have I seen people who get so riled up over what is, in the long run, nothing. People spewing vitriol at everyone in sight, ignoring the good in favor of magnifying the bad, exaggerating each and every little thing. People who are never satisfied, think their own opinions are facts to the point of insulting everyone else, and absolutely refuse to compromise on anything.
I....think you actually just described the Internet in general. :sweat:
Quote from: Ensatsu-ken on February 20, 2013, 12:12:17 AM
Quote from: Foggle on February 20, 2013, 12:10:44 AM
Never before have I seen people who get so riled up over what is, in the long run, nothing. People spewing vitriol at everyone in sight, ignoring the good in favor of magnifying the bad, exaggerating each and every little thing. People who are never satisfied, think their own opinions are facts to the point of insulting everyone else, and absolutely refuse to compromise on anything.
I....think you actually just described the Internet in general. :sweat:
Or, at the very least, bronies.
Quote from: Kiddington on February 20, 2013, 02:30:50 AM
Quote from: Ensatsu-ken on February 20, 2013, 12:12:17 AM
Quote from: Foggle on February 20, 2013, 12:10:44 AM
Never before have I seen people who get so riled up over what is, in the long run, nothing. People spewing vitriol at everyone in sight, ignoring the good in favor of magnifying the bad, exaggerating each and every little thing. People who are never satisfied, think their own opinions are facts to the point of insulting everyone else, and absolutely refuse to compromise on anything.
I....think you actually just described the Internet in general. :sweat:
Or, at the very least, bronies.
Hasbro should focus on me with My Little Pony and not their target audience and here's why:
This reminds me, what do you guys think about Equestria Girls?
Meh. Just one step closer to Canadian K-On, really.
Quote from: Foggle on February 20, 2013, 10:56:51 AM
Meh. Just one step closer to Canadian K-On, really.
But we already have Generation O.
It looks like corporate-generated shlock. Faust's cutesie designs are part of what drew me into the show (what really drew me in was those designs + the memes), and that's completely lost here.
The designs look stupid.
Did kids network execs learn nothing from All Grown Up? This kind of concept will catch interest for a special or two, but kids will get tired of it fast.
Quote from: Ensatsu-ken on February 20, 2013, 12:12:17 AM
Quote from: Foggle on February 20, 2013, 12:10:44 AM
Never before have I seen people who get so riled up over what is, in the long run, nothing. People spewing vitriol at everyone in sight, ignoring the good in favor of magnifying the bad, exaggerating each and every little thing. People who are never satisfied, think their own opinions are facts to the point of insulting everyone else, and absolutely refuse to compromise on anything.
I....think you actually just described the Internet in general. :sweat:
It's probably why as I get older I spent less and less time on the internet.
Also, this fun shit.
QuoteEA including microtransactions in all games
by Steve Watts, Feb 27, 2013 7:30am PST
Related Topics ? Electronic Arts
You can expect to see more microtransactions like those found in Dead Space 3. According to Electronic Arts CFO Blake Jorgensen, the company has decided to build some aspect of small convenience payments into all of its games going forward.
Presenting at the Morgan Stanley Technology, Media & Telecom Conference, Jorgensen talked about digital sales of games and content. "The next and much bigger piece is microtransactions within games," he said. "We're building into all of our games the ability to pay for things along the way, either to get to a higher level, to buy a new character, to buy a truck, a gun, whatever it might be, and consumers are enjoying and embracing that way of the business."
Jorgensen did note, though, that the success of the microtransaction model is very much based on the game itself. "So The Simpsons [Tapped Out], for example, is a free-to-play game, leverages, obviously, The Simpsons TV show, and you pay all along the way. Last quarter, we did over $25 million in Simpsons business alone," he said. "So there's an opportunity there, probably smaller opportunity on a per title basis than something like a FIFA or a Battlefield."
This might be the last console generation, gents.
EA must be jealous of the mad money Riot and Valve makes by having their games being hat shops. Hey, skins in League of Legends and hats/cosmetics in Team Fortress 2 and Dota 2 are pretty good. As for buying heroes in LoL.... eh........ But then again those games are F2P and need a way to make money.
Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on March 01, 2013, 06:04:31 PM
This might be the last console generation, gents.
Doubtful. But EA's swan song? Most likely.
QuotePresenting at the Morgan Stanley Technology, Media & Telecom Conference, Jorgensen talked about digital sales of games and content. "The next and much bigger piece is microtransactions within games," he said. "We're building into all of our games the ability to pay for things along the way, either to get to a higher level, to buy a new character, to buy a truck, a gun, whatever it might be, and consumers are enjoying and embracing that way of the business."
lol wut
You'll enjoy what EA tells you to enjoy, damn it!
Madden fans will buy anything. They'll probably lap this up.
Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on March 01, 2013, 10:22:40 PM
Madden fans will buy anything. They'll probably lap this up.
Pretty much signifies the end of the "Create a Player" option being a standard feature of
any sports title, let alone Madden.
Want the next up and coming star out of college on YOUR team? Better save a few bucks.
So EA is basing their entire business structure on the sale of microtransactions from a mobile Simpsons game. Awesome.
Oh, EA, something to consider: the mobile Simpsons game is free, that's why it can get away with microtransactions. You're talking about microtransactions in games that people are already spending $60 on. (
This guy is either lying through his teeth, or incredibly stupid.
The download version of Tomb Raider for PSN has strict DRM that requires you to be signed into PSN to play it.
The future of gaming, folks!
At least it's only on the download version, for now.
Sounds like it might be a mandate from Sony rather than Square Enix's choice, though. The only DRM on the PC version is Steam.
Capcom did it with Final Fight Double Impact and Bionic Comando Rearmed 2 on PSN but XBLA had no such restriction.
This has to be a Sony thing. (
Leaving the text in a text-heavy game untranslated kinda makes it pointless to release overseas.
Not to mention there are plenty of games in Japan that have no proper text that could easily be released here but simply don't.
Quote from: Eddy on February 07, 2013, 06:37:21 PM
Wow, Ubisoft is on a roll lately. They've also doomed the game by putting it up against GTA5. Smooth move, Ubi.
In other news Warren Spector (creator of Epic Mickey) say games like Lollipop Chainsaw should not exist. I don't really know why he's targeting Lollipop Chainsaw specifically as it's a very niche game and it's obvious he hasn't played it and is just judging it by its box art but okay. Spector, I'm sorry Epic Mickey 2 bombed but that's what happens when you release a half baked sequel, ignoring all the constructive criticism from the first game, lie and say you fixed things, and in some cases made things worse. Spector's kind of a pompous ass.
I wonder if Spark defended this.
Quote from: Foggle on February 17, 2013, 07:20:40 PM
Quote from: BungieWe did a bunch of ambitious things on Halo deliberately to reach out to people. We limited players to two weapons, we gave them recharging health, we automatically saved and restored the game - almost heretical things to first-person shooters at the time. We made the game run without a mouse and keyboard. And now nobody plays shooters the way they used to play them before Halo 'cause nobody wants to.
LOL, BUNGIE - implying that two-weapon limits and recharging health are good things, thinking that nobody plays shooters on PC anymore, asserting that you were the first studio to make an FPS for consoles. If you're gonna' say things like that, I hope your new game bombs.
Recharging health is a good thing.
Quote from: gunswordfist on March 12, 2013, 06:35:29 PM
Quote from: Eddy on February 07, 2013, 06:37:21 PM
Wow, Ubisoft is on a roll lately. They've also doomed the game by putting it up against GTA5. Smooth move, Ubi.
In other news Warren Spector (creator of Epic Mickey) say games like Lollipop Chainsaw should not exist. I don't really know why he's targeting Lollipop Chainsaw specifically as it's a very niche game and it's obvious he hasn't played it and is just judging it by its box art but okay. Spector, I'm sorry Epic Mickey 2 bombed but that's what happens when you release a half baked sequel, ignoring all the constructive criticism from the first game, lie and say you fixed things, and in some cases made things worse. Spector's kind of a pompous ass.
I wonder if Spark defended this.
I did not. :)
Quote from: gunswordfist on March 12, 2013, 06:50:55 PM
Quote from: Foggle on February 17, 2013, 07:20:40 PM
Quote from: BungieWe did a bunch of ambitious things on Halo deliberately to reach out to people. We limited players to two weapons, we gave them recharging health, we automatically saved and restored the game - almost heretical things to first-person shooters at the time. We made the game run without a mouse and keyboard. And now nobody plays shooters the way they used to play them before Halo 'cause nobody wants to.
LOL, BUNGIE - implying that two-weapon limits and recharging health are good things, thinking that nobody plays shooters on PC anymore, asserting that you were the first studio to make an FPS for consoles. If you're gonna' say things like that, I hope your new game bombs.
Recharging health is a good thing.
Baka GSF!!! :blush:
Quote from: Foggle on March 13, 2013, 11:00:31 PM
We must keep track of this list in the near future. In fact, here's a c/p
Grand Theft Auto V: 10/10
Metal Gear Solid V: 10/10
The Last of Us: 10/10
BioShock Infinite: 9/10
Assassin?s Creed IV: 8.5/10
Watch Dogs: 8.5/10
Beyond: Two Souls: 9/10
Lost Planet 3: 8/10
The Wonderful 101: 6/10
Pikmin 3: 8.5/10
Quote from: Daxdiv on March 13, 2013, 11:47:47 PMThe Wonderful 101: 6/10
After Godhand I don't think anyone trusts IGN when it comes to Platinum Games stuff as it is.
But I would like to know what their issue is.
So I wanted to see what Sonic Dash was like and decided to watch IGN's preview on YouTube.
:srs: Now I remember why I don't go to IGN anymore. Idiot says he's a Sonic fan, then proceeds to say Sonic CD was the last good Sonic game, both of these douchebags keep calling rings "coins", and he keeps calling Seaside Hill "Green Hill Zone".
Fucking hell, man, if I had this kind of job in video games journalism, I'd at least try and know as much as I can about every franchise I'm tackling and not sound like a clueless moron.
Yes, I realize my being a Sonic fan is making me biased here, but Sonic CD the last good Sonic game? Fuck you, guy.
The Last of Us looks incredibly generic. So it's no suprise IGN gives it a 10.
Quote from: Nel_Annette on March 19, 2013, 02:06:03 AM
So I wanted to see what Sonic Dash was like and decided to watch IGN's preview on YouTube.
:srs: Now I remember why I don't go to IGN anymore. Idiot says he's a Sonic fan, then proceeds to say Sonic CD was the last good Sonic game, both of these douchebags keep calling rings "coins", and he keeps calling Seaside Hill "Green Hill Zone".
Fucking hell, man, if I had this kind of job in video games journalism, I'd at least try and know as much as I can about every franchise I'm tackling and not sound like a clueless moron.
Yes, I realize my being a Sonic fan is making me biased here, but Sonic CD the last good Sonic game? Fuck you, guy.
Do Sonic Colours and Generation convieniently not exist for him? Sounds like a chode.
Unless Sonic 3 & Knuckles came after Sonic CD, I don't see how that viewpoint is so unreasonable or makes him a chode.
In the end, 3D Sonic just does nothing for many people.
IGN Gave both Sonic Colors AND Sonic Generations scores of 8.5/10, Talon. They are basically ignoring their own reviews with that statement.
Also, Sonic 3 and Knuckles DID come out after Sonic CD. So saying that Sonic CD is the last good Sonic game is essentially saying that Sonic 3 and Knuckles is shit.
I'm continually surprised at how few game journalists seem to have played Sonic 3 at all never mind Sonic 3 & Knuckles.
But that's also discounting portable games like Sonic Advance that apparently don't count either.
Quote from: Ensatsu-ken on March 19, 2013, 12:43:56 PM
IGN Gave both Sonic Colors AND Sonic Generations scores of 8.5/10, Talon. They are basically ignoring their own reviews with that statement.
Also, Sonic 3 and Knuckles DID come out after Sonic CD. So saying that Sonic CD is the last good Sonic game is essentially saying that Sonic 3 and Knuckles is shit.
Whoa. Well then, disregard everything I said. They are being retarded. :P
Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on March 19, 2013, 02:14:34 PM
I'm continually surprised at how few game journalists seem to have played Sonic 3 at all never mind Sonic 3 & Knuckles.
But that's also discounting portable games like Sonic Advance that apparently don't count either.
Portable games are only for children and Japanese otaku, Spark. :sly:
Quote from: Foggle on March 19, 2013, 03:31:56 PM
Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on March 19, 2013, 02:14:34 PM
I'm continually surprised at how few game journalists seem to have played Sonic 3 at all never mind Sonic 3 & Knuckles.
But that's also discounting portable games like Sonic Advance that apparently don't count either.
Portable games are only for children and Japanese otaku, Spark. :sly:
And hipsters with button-phobia. :-X
But yeah the whole "when are we going to have a good Sonic game?" ranting is extremely tired when said people can't even remember a game that came out last year.
Quote from: talonmalon333 on March 19, 2013, 11:28:28 AM
In the end, 3D Sonic just does nothing for many people.
Sad truths.
I'll say this much; given how many failed experiments this franchise is littered with before
finally getting it right, I do find it a bit hard for me to blame people for still being skeptical (for me, '06 is right up there with some of the worst games of all time). That, however, still doesn't excuse the contradictions of their own reviews though. (
QuoteSleeping Dogs, which launched in August 2012, has moved 1.75 million copies to date. Hitman Absolution, which followed in November, has sold 3.6 million copies to date. And finally, Tomb Raider, released earlier this month, has already moved 3.4 million copies. The aforementioned figures don?t take digital sales into account either.
Despite the high critical acclaim, these games have failed to meet their targets
What the hell's wrong with this industry?
Looks like Square is desperately trying to rely on western developers now that their Japanese branch has become almost completely incapable of producing quality software.
Quote from: Rynnec on March 26, 2013, 03:41:01 PM (
QuoteSleeping Dogs, which launched in August 2012, has moved 1.75 million copies to date. Hitman Absolution, which followed in November, has sold 3.6 million copies to date. And finally, Tomb Raider, released earlier this month, has already moved 3.4 million copies. The aforementioned figures don?t take digital sales into account either.
Despite the high critical acclaim, these games have failed to meet their targets
What the hell's wrong with this industry?
If you can't sell over a million copies of something and break even then you need to either make cheaper products or stop making product that can never reach its targeted goal.
It's only going to get worse with the 720 and PS4.
Square owns Tomb Raider and Hitman? I've been wondering what happened to Eidos...
#dealwithit :sly:
Next thing you know, it'll turn out always-on Kinect lets the govt. spy on you ala 1984. Good ol' paranoia.
But seriously, this guy's a fucking moron.
Third console curse. :hayguyz:
But seriously, the rest of the world is not like America when it comes to internet connections. This is a terrible idea.
Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on April 08, 2013, 01:48:30 PM
But seriously, the rest of the world is not like America when it comes to internet connections. This is a terrible idea.
Nor is, y'know, half of America.
Any console that does this shit is dead in the water. Nobody bought UbiSoft's PC games until they removed the always-online DRM, and nobody will buy Microsoft's next console either for the same reason.
Personally, I wasn't going to buy Microsoft's new console anyways, so this kind of doesn't even phase me anymore.
Like I said, except for maybe the Wii-U (and its still a big maybe at this point), I'm pretty much done with console gaming. As soon as I start making money, I'm going to start saving up to invest in a good PC. Other than that, any console gaming that I do will most likely be for older consoles.
I feel similarly. Right now, the only console games I play are ones from the past that I missed and want to go back to. After that, I'll very much be leaving behind console gaming... Though I'll eventually get a Wii U for its exclusives that I'm sure I will really want, but that will be more like a secondary gaming platform.
Screw the Wii-U. PS4 for me.
Sigh (
This is just GS's way to stir up controversy and attract more people to their site. A lot of journalists do stuff like this. They KNOW damn well that they are pissing people off, but they just see it as business if it draws more attention to their site from other people who are dumb enough to blindly accept their views if only because they are written by official, paid journalists.
You shouldn't take any of this crap that comes out too seriously. After all, its nothing new, and a bunch of game journalists have been pulling this shit for years, now. I still see IGN as the biggest offender of this.
They do this after EVERY Nintendo Direct, though. Last time they were whining about the lack of Zelda and Metroid and this time it's about them making games in their series.
I mean, let's be real, when was the last time MS came out with a new blockbuster IP?
And it works every time at getting people all riled up and giving them attention. Granted that, most game journalists in general are just so out of tune with what most gamers care about. They like to hide behind a shitty degree in journalism and an official job to back their opinions as truth, but really they are nothing more than amateurs who know nothing about proper criticism. They will lash out at Nintendo because it is successful with utilizing its classic IPs. They interpret that as Nintendo being lazy and just milking their franchises, but really, there's nothing lazy about games like Donkey Kong Country Returns or New Super Mario Bros. Wii. Meanwhile XBOX360 clearly milks the hell out of Halo and Gears of War and so far has gotten a free-pass every time for it. They only back Microsoft and Sony because it is the popular opinion of the main demographic of people who visit their site in the first place to over-glorify those consoles while putting down any of Nintendo's efforts as just recycling old games or catering to the casual crowd, when they clearly have no actual knowledge on the matter of what they are talking about. In other words, most game journalists' articles cater to the ignorant idiots out there who are too lazy themselves to look into anything and still abide by the old stereotype that Nintendo games are just for kids and that Microsoft and Sony games are more "mature."
Basically, I'm just saying that the people who write these sorts of opinions or believe these sort of things aren't even worth your time of day. Its better to just forget about them and brush them off because they are just senseless people who love to complain about a matter that they aren't fully educated in. It hasn't ever caused Nintendo to have poor sales with any of their games, and won't really manage to do so in the future. There are still enough sensible people out there to think and come to conclusions for themselves, and whether people like it or not, Nintendo is successful because they offer tons of quality exclusive content. Microsoft is only popular because it got lucky when the PS3 initially faltered, and Sony just makes a lot of really "pretty" and high-tech exclusives to wow a lot of gamers who are so easily fooled into thinking that good graphics make good games.
Yeah, you're right.
It's probably also that these Nintendo Directs cut out the game press entirely and they're being petty about it. Why does Nintendo need them when they can tell us themselves when updates or new games are coming?
"Get the Full Splinter Cell: Blacklist Arsenal, Only at GameStop"
They're not even trying to hide the fact that pre-order bonuses are cut content anymore. (
What do you guys think? Legit, or fake?
And on the opposite side of the spectrum, we have yet another dumbass from Gearbox Software. This time, she tries to join in on the Dragon's Crown hate wagon. (
This "controversy" surrounding Dragon's Crown is the most ridiculous thing ever.
On the bright side, this could mean good sales for Vanillaware.
I don't like the Dragon's Crown art style either, but meh, nothing to get worked up about. (
I hate shitty Xbox Live menus. SNK or whoever makes their XBLA menus has made me want to make this post. Like with Garou. The game's presentation is fucking perfect...until you get to the 2 dollar main menu. It looks like they made it with Flash and it almost makes me want to quit the demo right there...almost. I'd kill for them to have main menus that actually looks like the rest of the game.
Quote from: gunswordfist on May 03, 2013, 10:39:09 AM
I hate shitty Xbox Live menus. SNK or whoever makes their XBLA menus has made me want to make this post. Like with Garou. The game's presentation is fucking perfect...until you get to the 2 dollar main menu. It looks like they made it with Flash and it almost makes me want to quit the demo right there...almost. I'd kill for them to have main menus that actually looks like the rest of the game.
Yeah, those prefab XBLA menus look absolutely dreadful. I remember the first time I saw one, I thought I was about to play a Newgrounds game from 2003.
Quote from: Foggle on May 03, 2013, 10:56:45 AM
Quote from: gunswordfist on May 03, 2013, 10:39:09 AM
I hate shitty Xbox Live menus. SNK or whoever makes their XBLA menus has made me want to make this post. Like with Garou. The game's presentation is fucking perfect...until you get to the 2 dollar main menu. It looks like they made it with Flash and it almost makes me want to quit the demo right there...almost. I'd kill for them to have main menus that actually looks like the rest of the game.
Yeah, those prefab XBLA menus look absolutely dreadful. I remember the first time I saw one, I thought I was about to play a Newgrounds game from 2003.
Yeah, that main menu in Garou is really jarring as its clearly not an actual part of the game, and really just looks kind of awkward. I know that King of Fighters '98: Ultimate Match allows you to switch back to the old-school NeoGeo style menu, but Garou doesn't seem to have any such option.
Oh well, that said, I don't put quite as much emphasis on menus and such as other people do, so it doesn't really bother me all that much. I just find it to be a minor nuisance at most.
Well it's not a game ender for me but it's still ugly. It's worse than say GOTY Arkham City's case sinceit's actually in the game. ;)
I love Vavle, but sometimes the way they handle their communities is a little bit pants on head stupid
Making those International 3 tickets resellable to the Steam Community Market was just asking for trouble. Thanks for encouraging ticket scalpers.
What an awful, awful article.
Did that dumbfuck imply Duke Nukem 3D is a bad game? And I'm sure you hated his BioShock Infinite comments. Ugh, these anti-hyper violence crybabies...
Also, ohhhhhhhh, Shadow Warrior was made by the DN3D team? Now I want it even more.
Who here has played the new Tomb Raider? I would only ask about its quality here because everywhere else its all OMG EVOLUTION! Um yeah, Legend and Anniversary where the games that actually evolved the series.
Quote from: gunswordfist on May 12, 2013, 03:02:46 PM
Who here has played the new Tomb Raider? I would only ask about its quality here because everywhere else its all OMG EVOLUTION! Um yeah, Legend and Anniversary where the games that actually evolved the series.
It's Uncharted 4. (
What a twat.
Then again, the Wii-U has failed to impress me at all outside of the fact that it has five-player local MP... which means it's a million times better than the Vita and what I've heard about the 720 and PS4. I hate being so pessimistic, but I think this gen is going to be absolutely awful outside of PC gaming and Nintendo's exclusives.
You should try Off TV play sometime, it's quite neat.
But anyway, I've been predicting that this generation will be horrible since before the Wii-U came out. The mainstream public is not salivating at the thought of paying $400 to play Sony games, and they already have a COD machine. There's nothing that will entice them to make the jump.
Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on May 17, 2013, 07:02:49 PM
You should try Off TV play sometime, it's quite neat.
My friend always steals the tablet controller whenever we play Sonic Racing. >:(
Really glad to see so many cool games are gonna' be coming out for the Wii-U soon. Might have been smarter to wait 'til this holiday season to launch the console, though... the lack of games has brought out a lot of doomsayers in the past half year (and I admit, I was becoming one of them).
Yeah, first years are always rough though Nintendo could have handled it better.
Still, 3D Mario, new Sonic, Wonderful 101, Wind Waker HD, Smash Bros., and whatever else gets announced at E3 is not altogether a disappointment for the first year on the first party side. If the new Mario Kart is better than MKWii than that's even more exciting. I do wish more third parties would have at least tried, even if having a good PC would render them redundant. As for other things Super Luigi U looks cool too, but I think I'll just stick with the DLC since it comes out two months early and is $10 cheaper.
But if I had a gaming capable PC and a Wii-U I'm not entirely sure what I could possibly want from the next Sony or Microsoft system given that I don't like the AAAA direction.
Don't forget Bayonetta 2!
Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on May 17, 2013, 07:17:14 PM
But if I had a gaming capable PC and a Wii-U I'm not entirely sure what I could possibly want from the next Sony or Microsoft system given that I don't like the AAAA direction.
I'd miss Ratchet & Clank and Yakuza (which may actually become a Nintendo thing!?), but that's about it. That is unless Platinum jumps ship to MS/Sony and Grasshopper doesn't make games for PC/Wii-U.
Quote from: Foggle on May 17, 2013, 07:07:47 PM
Really glad to see so many cool games are gonna' be coming out for the Wii-U soon. Might have been smarter to wait 'til this holiday season to launch the console, though... the lack of games has brought out a lot of doomsayers in the past half year (and I admit, I was becoming one of them).
It seems to be the Nintendo standard these days, the same exact thing happened with the 3DS in the first six-to-eight months.
Quote from: Foggle on May 17, 2013, 07:19:58 PM
Don't forget Bayonetta 2!
Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on May 17, 2013, 07:17:14 PM
But if I had a gaming capable PC and a Wii-U I'm not entirely sure what I could possibly want from the next Sony or Microsoft system given that I don't like the AAAA direction.
I'd miss Ratchet & Clank and Yakuza (which may actually become a Nintendo thing!?), but that's about it. That is unless Platinum jumps ship to MS/Sony and Grasshopper doesn't make games for PC/Wii-U.
Yakuza might go PS3/Wii-U which would be fine with me though yeah Ratchet & Clank would be hard (though I'm still hoping Nintendo gets in touch with Insomniac to create a new platforming franchise together) but I think I can deal.
Quote from: Comeau on May 17, 2013, 07:20:45 PM
Quote from: Foggle on May 17, 2013, 07:07:47 PM
Really glad to see so many cool games are gonna' be coming out for the Wii-U soon. Might have been smarter to wait 'til this holiday season to launch the console, though... the lack of games has brought out a lot of doomsayers in the past half year (and I admit, I was becoming one of them).
It seems to be the Nintendo standard these days, the same exact thing happened with the 3DS in the first six-to-eight months.
They should have learned after the 3DS, but after seeing all those games in the last 3DS direct... I'm not all too worried about the Wii-U's first party output.
Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on May 17, 2013, 07:23:17 PM
I'm still hoping Nintendo gets in touch with Insomniac to create a new platforming franchise together
I believe Ted Price recently referred to the Wii-U as a "joke console", or something to that extent.
Quote from: Foggle on May 17, 2013, 07:24:24 PM
Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on May 17, 2013, 07:23:17 PM
I'm still hoping Nintendo gets in touch with Insomniac to create a new platforming franchise together
I believe Ted Price recently referred to the Wii-U as a "joke console", or something to that extent.
Well, there was this (, at least.
I have a feeling they're going to be hurting after FUSE.
Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on May 17, 2013, 07:26:49 PM
Well, there was this (, at least.
Wow, that was fast! :lol:
QuoteI have a feeling they're going to be hurting after FUSE.
Honestly, I can't see FUSE as having been any better with the cartoon graphics. The game itself is fun, but generic, and I'm not talking about the art style - which I actually think looks pretty good now that they've added color to it. It's just not up to the level of quality expected from the developer of R&C, Spyro, and Resistance.
Then again, knowing how badly EA fucked over Suda51/Shinji Mikami's Kafka-inspired horror game, maybe Overstrike
was a million times better.
Quote from: Foggle on May 17, 2013, 07:31:25 PM
Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on May 17, 2013, 07:26:49 PM
Well, there was this (, at least.
Wow, that was fast! :lol:
QuoteI have a feeling they're going to be hurting after FUSE.
Honestly, I can't see FUSE as having been any better with the cartoon graphics. The game itself is fun, but generic, and I'm not talking about the art style - which I actually think looks pretty good now that they've added color to it. It's just not up to the level of quality expected from the developer of R&C, Spyro, and Resistance.
Then again, knowing how badly EA fucked over Suda51/Shinji Mikami's Kafka-inspired horror game, maybe Overstrike was a million times better.
I don't think it would have done better with the cartoon style either, but EA partner games have all bombed horrendously. EA is not a good publisher, if they didn't hog all the sports franchises they would have been out of the game long ago.
Now if Overstrike was, say, a Wii-U launch title it would have stood out on the system and it might have helped the system early out of the gate and given the game attention. As it is now, I just think the game will bomb and be forgotten.
And since Sony seems to not want a traditional R&C game to be made, who knows where Insomniac will end up in a few years? I don't think their brand of games are really in-line with the "AAAA" plan and I'd hate for them to die off.
Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on May 17, 2013, 07:37:38 PM
And since Sony seems to not want a traditional R&C game to be made, who knows where Insomniac will end up in a few years? I don't think their brand of games are really in-line with the "AAAA" plan and I'd hate for them to die off.
I think it's more that Insomniac is just taking a break from traditional R&C for the moment. Then again, maybe A4O and FFA were Sony mandates. I have no idea.
Hopefully Nintendo will buy R&C, J&D, and Sly from Sony. Wouldn't that be something!
Quote from: Foggle on May 17, 2013, 07:41:17 PM
Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on May 17, 2013, 07:37:38 PM
And since Sony seems to not want a traditional R&C game to be made, who knows where Insomniac will end up in a few years? I don't think their brand of games are really in-line with the "AAAA" plan and I'd hate for them to die off.
I think it's more that Insomniac is just taking a break from traditional R&C for the moment. Then again, maybe A4O and FFA were Sony mandates. I have no idea.
Hopefully Nintendo will buy R&C, J&D, and Sly from Sony. Wouldn't that be something!
I always thought the spin off R&C games were because of ACIT's sales and that they didn't know what else to do with the franchise. They should make a new traditional game soon, though, because the side games aren't really helping the series' profile.
After Spyro and R&C, I would really like to see what they'd do next with a totally new approach. I think they could make something fresh and much needed right now.
Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on May 17, 2013, 07:17:14 PM
But if I had a gaming capable PC and a Wii-U I'm not entirely sure what I could possibly want from the next Sony or Microsoft system given that I don't like the AAAA direction.
I'd hate to miss out on Arc System Works' new fighter and whatever other new fighters and hack'n slashes come out (since those hardly ever appear on Nintendo console's or PC's), but otherwise I'm in the same boat as Foggle.
Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on May 17, 2013, 07:54:09 PM
I always thought the spin off R&C games were because of ACIT's sales and that they didn't know what else to do with the franchise.
It didn't sell well!? I know the game was adored by both critics and players alike. I think it even won a few GOTY awards.
QuoteThey should make a new traditional game soon, though, because the side games aren't really helping the series' profile.
After Spyro and R&C, I would really like to see what they'd do next with a totally new approach. I think they could make something fresh and much needed right now.
I just want a new platformer from them. Nobody does 3D platforming better than Insomniac IMO (though the Mario Galaxy team comes close).
Quote from: Rynnec on May 17, 2013, 08:05:18 PM
hack'n slashes
Well, Bayo 2 is a Wii-U exclusive, DMC 4 and DmC are available on PC, and Metal Gear Rising is going to be getting a PC port soon, so... :joy:
Welp, I'm sure anyone who's into LPs has heard about the copyright thing Nintendo pulled recently. Taking the monetization away and making it so that all ad revenue goes to the big N instead of the Let's Player. Not sure how I feel about it, as it's a big gray area, but it does seem like something that would alienate a lot of people, and I can't imagine they'd be doing this if the Wii U were selling better.
I don't think it's going to matter much, honestly.
Quote from: Foggle on May 17, 2013, 08:05:42 PM
Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on May 17, 2013, 07:54:09 PM
I always thought the spin off R&C games were because of ACIT's sales and that they didn't know what else to do with the franchise.
It didn't sell well!? I know the game was adored by both critics and players alike. I think it even won a few GOTY awards.
It didn't sell all that well though it's not like Sony advertised it.
QuoteQuoteThey should make a new traditional game soon, though, because the side games aren't really helping the series' profile.
After Spyro and R&C, I would really like to see what they'd do next with a totally new approach. I think they could make something fresh and much needed right now.
I just want a new platformer from them. Nobody does 3D platforming better than Insomniac IMO (though the Mario Galaxy team comes close).
Unfortunately other than EAD and Sonic Team few others are even willing to give the genre a shot.
QuoteQuote from: Rynnec on May 17, 2013, 08:05:18 PM
hack'n slashes
Well, Bayo 2 is a Wii-U exclusive, DMC 4 and DmC are available on PC, and Metal Gear Rising is going to be getting a PC port soon, so... :joy:
That and Arc System games are all 2D. I'm not sure how much of a bump the next gen systems will really give the games to the point where I think the Wii-U can still get ports of them. I think Konami and possibly Capcom would be the most difficult to gauge.
Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on May 17, 2013, 08:22:27 PM
Unfortunately other than EAD and Sonic Team few others are even willing to give the genre a shot.
Yep. Unfortunately, 3D platformers are probably very difficult to do well, so few studios even attempt them. Which is a shame, as it's one of my favorite game genres.
Now, in regard to statements about the Wii-U failing to impress so far, while I agree with that, lets not forget that the Nintendo Wii also had a pretty abysmal start-up as well, and didn't really become truly worth owning until at least a good 2 years after its initial release (the XBOX360 and PS3 had really crappy launches as well). My point is that I think people are easily forgetting that it usually takes a while for new consoles to develop into something great since it just takes a while for good developers to make good software to support the system (and of course the system is nothing without its software). Systems with incredible launches like Super Nintendo are the exception, rather than the rule.
That said, I still think that PC will inevitably be the best way to go this generation.
Quote from: Ensatsu-ken on May 17, 2013, 10:52:35 PM
My point is that I think people are easily forgetting that it usually takes a while for new consoles to develop into something great since it just takes a while for good developers to make good software to support the system (and of course the system is nothing without its software). Systems with incredible launches like Super Nintendo are the exception, rather than the rule.
That said, I still think that PC will inevitably be the best way to go this generation.
As true as that is I think it's becoming (or rather, it is) sad that people are willing to accept that, but then again this could be just my close-mindedness coming out.
Quote from: Grave on May 18, 2013, 03:56:40 AM
As true as that is I think it's becoming (or rather, it is) sad that people are willing to accept that, but then again this could be just my close-mindedness coming out.
It not that I'm just willing to accept that. Its just a fact of the matter. I mean, if I'm wrong, just try and give me one console launch that was absolutely stellar and promising, aside from something like Super Ninendo. Even the PS2, which is the most popular home console of all time, had an extremely weak line-up when it first launched.
Really, I just think that people are too quick to jump the gun and say that things are going to be crap without giving anything enough time to really develop. Also, just for the record, I'm not the biggest fan of the previous generation of games, even though everyone else seems to be, so its not like I'm saying that this generation of consoles will definitely be great. It might not be. But, as far as I'm concerned, its still way too soon to tell (especially considering that the XBOX720 and PS4 aren't even out yet).
Quote from: Ensatsu-ken on May 18, 2013, 12:27:13 PM
Quote from: Grave on May 18, 2013, 03:56:40 AM
As true as that is I think it's becoming (or rather, it is) sad that people are willing to accept that, but then again this could be just my close-mindedness coming out.
It not that I'm just willing to accept that. Its just a fact of the matter. I mean, if I'm wrong, just try and give me one console launch that was absolutely stellar and promising, aside from something like Super Ninendo. Even the PS2, which is the most popular home console of all time, had an extremely weak line-up when it first launched.
Really, I just think that people are too quick to jump the gun and say that things are going to be crap without giving anything enough time to really develop. Also, just for the record, I'm not the biggest fan of the previous generation of games, even though everyone else seems to be, so its not like I'm saying that this generation of consoles will definitely be great. It might not be. But, as far as I'm concerned, its still way too soon to tell (especially considering that the XBOX720 and PS4 aren't even out yet).
Oh no, you're definitely right. Like I said, it might be my close-mindedness coming out, because I don't play any of those games that comes out with a new console on launch (Wii Sports and Forza don't interest me), but to go for 2+ years with nothing, that's pushing it. If I were a Nintendo fan that would probably get me to drop them, or rather close to it. I'd probably drop Sony and Microsoft if they did something similar, but then again, I was very late to the party when it came to getting my PS3 and 360 so the games were already there for me.
But I do agree that people are very quick to say that _______ will be crap. Heck, I'm actually looking forward to the PS4 now, but if there are no games that interest me at launch I won't get it until later on down the road if there are games actually worth my time.
Quote from: Ensatsu-ken on May 17, 2013, 10:52:35 PM
Now, in regard to statements about the Wii-U failing to impress so far, while I agree with that, lets not forget that the Nintendo Wii also had a pretty abysmal start-up as well
Now I'm not a huge fan of the Wii, but what the heck is this? The Wii flew off the shelves almost instantly, and it remained hard to get until halfway through 2007. Everybody (and I do mean EVERYBODY) was speechless about how awesome the remote controls were, and said that everyone needed this thing. How can anybody not remember that?
I think EK means that the Wii's original selection wasn't very strong. And to be fair, he is right. The best games that were available at first were Twilight Princess, which was also on the Gamecube, and Wii Sports, which got old a week after you first played it. It took a while for more of the great games, like the Galaxys, Brawl, No More Heroes, etc, to come out.
Really, most Nintendo consoles never had a great opening selection. Most consoles, in fact.
Well, that I agree with. Galaxy is really what started the console.
At the same time though, I wouldn't call Twilight Princess an abysmal start-up. :P
Yeah, it was still incentive enough for me to get a Wii. I had basically abandoned my Gamecube at that point, and the rest of the console was interesting enough for me to want to try it.
Quote from: Grave on May 18, 2013, 01:09:30 PM
Oh no, you're definitely right. Like I said, it might be my close-mindedness coming out, because I don't play any of those games that comes out with a new console on launch (Wii Sports and Forza don't interest me), but to go for 2+ years with nothing, that's pushing it. If I were a Nintendo fan that would probably get me to drop them, or rather close to it. I'd probably drop Sony and Microsoft if they did something similar, but then again, I was very late to the party when it came to getting my PS3 and 360 so the games were already there for me.
But I do agree that people are very quick to say that _______ will be crap. Heck, I'm actually looking forward to the PS4 now, but if there are no games that interest me at launch I won't get it until later on down the road if there are games actually worth my time.
Well, yeah, I think we can both agree that the Wii-U's current line-up is very bland, and there hasn't really been enough revealed about the software for the upcoming Microsoft and Sony consoles to conclude whether those will have interesting launches or not. That said, I doubt any of the new games from this gen will really manage to impress me until at least next year when we get some of the better developers coming out with games that have been in the works for a decent amount of time, rather than the very rushed products that we typically get bombarded with by third-rate developers who want a quick cash-grab while the current generation is still new and hyped up to the extreme.
Quote from: Avaitor on May 18, 2013, 02:37:06 PM
I think EK means that the Wii's original selection wasn't very strong. And to be fair, he is right. The best games that were available at first were Twilight Princess, which was also on the Gamecube, and Wii Sports, which got old a week after you first played it. It took a while for more of the great games, like the Galaxys, Brawl, No More Heroes, etc, to come out.
Really, most Nintendo consoles never had a great opening selection. Most consoles, in fact.
Yeah, this is exactly what I meant. Of course I would never deny that the Wii had a stellar launch from a business point of view, as it easily trumped the sales of both the XBOX360 and PS3 launches combined (and even those consoles sold a lot).
As Avaitor pointed out, my statement about the Wii having a weak launch was in reference to its software line-up. As you guys pointed out, it wasn't until 2007's Super Mario Galaxy that the Wii started turning things around by bringing out quality products that people had come to expect from a Nintendo console.
Quote from: Foggle on May 17, 2013, 07:41:17 PM
Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on May 17, 2013, 07:37:38 PM
And since Sony seems to not want a traditional R&C game to be made, who knows where Insomniac will end up in a few years? I don't think their brand of games are really in-line with the "AAAA" plan and I'd hate for them to die off.
I think it's more that Insomniac is just taking a break from traditional R&C for the moment. Then again, maybe A4O and FFA were Sony mandates. I have no idea.
Hopefully Nintendo will buy R&C, J&D, and Sly from Sony. Wouldn't that be something!
That would fucking suck.
First years for consoles are almost always terrible, I think only the SNES (which also had a bit of a dry spell after launch) and the Dreamcast (which was delayed a year so it didn't launch with unfinished games like Japan's Sonic Adventure) are the only ones that had strong starts.
I've been playing these things for a long time, so I barely ever pay attention to the first year outside of some first party stuff. Year two is when it begins to cook.
Ugh at people thinking the X-Men Legends games and MUA is better than Marvel Ultimate Alliance 2. XML and MUA1 are already horribly outdated and it's actually fun to play through all of MUA2. I liked how you got to go to a much wider variety of levels in MUA1 (Space levels, Mephisto's realm, Murderworld, etc.), how it didn't have the stupid fucking Civil War storyline and some of its heroes should have been in MUA2 but that's it. Why anyone would rather have XML3 instead of MUA3 is beyond me.
I remember really liking X-Men: Legends, but never got to play the sequel or the MUA games.
I played MUA1 back on the original XBOX on co-op with my older brother and liked it a lot at the time. That said, I'm not surprised to hear that it hasn't aged well, but I'm still interested in trying out the sequel someday. The only reason that I haven't done so yet is because I really no nobody to play the game with, and the MUA games are the kind that I prefer to play co-op rather than solo.
I used to like the XML games and MUA1 but they got stale after awhile. Meanwhile MUA2 got much needed gameplay improvements and is one of the only good 3D beat em ups from last gen, if not the best from that era. I love beating the hell out of superhero and villain bosses. The game is kind of addictive.
Quote from: Ensatsu-ken on May 22, 2013, 11:56:44 AM
I played MUA1 back on the original XBOX on co-op with my older brother and liked it a lot at the time. That said, I'm not surprised to hear that it hasn't aged well, but I'm still interested in trying out the sequel someday. The only reason that I haven't done so yet is because I really no nobody to play the game with, and the MUA games are the kind that I prefer to play co-op rather than solo.
And good luck finding anyone online to play against. It's a barren wasteland there.
The lack of replay value. This is the one edge that I will give retro games and RPGs. Games these days just lack replaying because everything is all tied into either DLC or its all about rankings, achievements, and trophies. I could careless about leaderboards. The only games that should even bother with rankings and leaderboards imo is the fighting games. Games like Batman: Arkham City, nah, I don't want to see who can beat these games in the fastest time. I want to unlock costumes that have merit. I want to unlock some type of weapon that just makes me feel like I can plow through the game when I start a New Game+. I want to feel rewarded when I actually beat the game. Give me more than a costume that does nothing but change my looks.
I think this is one of the reasons why I hold the Metal Gear franchise (mainly MGS3 at least until I play MGS4) so high compared to a lot of games, because it gives you a reason to want to come back to play the game again. Because you know once you get stealth camo, all types of fun opens up.
But naw, why care for any of this stuff when you can just go and download it? Don't get me started with games like Phoenix Wright. I'm losing my train of thought so I'll stop there.
Quote from: Grave on May 22, 2013, 06:05:31 PM
The lack of replay value. This is the one edge that I will give retro games and RPGs. Games these days just lack replaying because everything is all tied into either DLC or its all about rankings, achievements, and trophies. I could careless about leaderboards. The only games that should even bother with rankings and leaderboards imo is the fighting games. Games like Batman: Arkham City, nah, I don't want to see who can beat these games in the fastest time. I want to unlock costumes that have merit. I want to unlock some type of weapon that just makes me feel like I can plow through the game when I start a New Game+. I want to feel rewarded when I actually beat the game. Give me more than a costume that does nothing but change my looks.
I agree with you 100% on this. That was my main problem with last gen's games. ESPECIALLY the AAA titles. I can't stand the modern gaming trends of just trying to make a very linear blockbuster experience with little to no depth and of course no replay value. Its all about extending the life of games these days, rather than making a game with enough substance to keep people playing it for a long time without any add-ons whatsoever. It all fits in with the modern gamer and modern gaming journalists mentality of just playing whatever's hot at the time and then dropping it after 8 hours (or maybe 50+ hours if its a multiplayer-heavy game or an RPG), and then moving onto then next popular thing. Most modern gamers don't seem to care or get the value of a game that has enough care put into its development to the point where it has so much more to offer beyond just the first time that you play it. Games like Ninja Gaiden Black, the Resident Evil games, and the MGS games can be played multiple times over and still feel fresh in some way each and every time you play them based on just how much they really have to offer beyond your initial experience at beating their respective story modes.
Where do I even start with this (
Looks pretty cool. Sucks it's only on phones, though.
Other than the microtransactions, anyway.
Contra on a smartphone? That's murder right there, those games are hard enough with traditional controls.
I used to play Super Ghouls N Ghosts on my iPhone, until I realized that it was a fool's challenge and gave up.
Some games translate well to iOS, like Crazy Taxi and of course various RPG's. Most platformers that weren't originally designed for the touchscreen though just don't work. No worse hell than playing Jet Set Radio on an iPhone, and God forbid you jailbreak it and try and play a DKC game on it, you can't time a jump to save your life. (
I wish I could find all those articles from this past generation of developers who stopped one hair short of calling people who borrowed, rented, or bought a used game, criminals.
It's no wonder they love the XBone so much.
Damn, he implied something like that? *actually reads the article* ( was painful to read.
Quote from: gunswordfist on June 04, 2013, 08:04:31 PM ( was painful to read.
Let's retire game reviewers.
An interesting video that showcases lost games that were shown at E3 (
Is it just me, or has the video game press gotten profoundly stupider in the last few years?
Ten years ago something like this would never fly. (
QuoteMattrick: "Fortunately we have a product for people who aren't able to get some form of connectivity, it's called xbox 360"
Mattrick: "The avarage internet connection is working the majority of the day - people are imagining that it isn't... It's change. There was a point in time when people would say all i want my phone to do is make a phonecall."
This can't be for real. It just can't.
This is "Our fans can get two jobs" level dumb.
Like Sony with the PS3 they deserve what they'll get.
gamers in general. Such a broad topic that I need hours to really get stuff off my chest, but I'll break it into pieces and use trigger mechanisms or something.
Quote from: JTurner9543. Nintendo - I almost ranked this #2 since it is the console I'm looking forward to the most. Mario looks great in HD; it will be the only time you can say "Mario is a pussy" and get away with it. The reveal of Smash Bros. with Mega Man blew my mind. The possibilites you can do here are endless. There were also some exclusive side scrollers shown that, as an old school gamer, have my immediate attention.
Yes, the event was familiar but why is that a bad thing? If it's works, don't fix it - as opposed to the worst show at #5.
Quote from: JTurner9545. Ubisoft - I called them the winners last year, but they really disappointed this year. Why? It was the same content as last year with the exception of 1-2 titles. Nintendo had new stuff while Ubisoft showed Assassin's Creed, Rayman, and Watch Dogs all over again. They might as well as aired last year's conference and went home.
Again, just using him as a trigger mechanism (I don't even know him). The
double standards that gamers keep going on and on about is so tiresome, especially these days. I understand that people want new Ip's. I want them as well, but, come on. People seem to love hating on Kojima, Ubisoft, and (hating on Capcom is justified) whoever else that keeps on milking their best sellers (In Kojima's case, his only seller), but folks love it when Nintendo constantly comes with the Mario's and Zelda's. They may not come out as yearly as the Assassin Creeds and Call of Duties, but it's still milking nevertheless. Now it may seem as if I'm going at Nintendo fans, but I mean it as more of a general thing since I've seen both sides (I just see it coming from Nintendo fans a heckuva lot more as of late). Heck, even I've had to stop myself since I used to do it.
I know it's a long shot, but folks really need to learn when to bite their tongue. I mean just because I'm sick of the Mario's/Sonic's/Zelda's don't mean I'm going spoil it for others, especially if they really like it (even though I don't care, I just know how sensitive gamers can be, and I just don't feel like trading words).
Agreed, Grave. If a game is good, and people want to make sequels that are also good despite not changing up the formula, I don't see why anyone would complain about it. That very complaining is why we're getting All 4 Ones and Full Frontal Assaults instead of Crack In Times. Truth told, I am also tired of Mario and Zelda at the moment. Let's see some new IPs, or a proper 2D Metroid, or a *good* new Star Fox, or something. But - I won't complain, since other people are happy. That's why I never bitch about Call of Duty anymore. As long as I get my Serious Sam, Rise of the Triad, Shadow Warrior, etc., I say let the modern FPS crowd have their CoD.
I really do wish Konami would let Kojima work on other projects, though. From what I hear, he's been weary of Metal Gear for years. Which isn't to say that any of the (canon) entries are bad; they're all fantastic, and MGS5 is my most anticipated game at the moment. MG is probably the only true auteur project in gaming, and it's remarkable for that alone. But Konami needs to give the man, and his team, some breathing room.
I wish Konami would do use something other than Metal Gear or throwing Silent Hill to a B-team all the time.
Quote from: Foggle on June 12, 2013, 04:41:30 PM
Agreed, Grave. If a game is good, and people want to make sequels that are also good despite not changing up the formula, I don't see why anyone would complain about it. That very complaining is why we're getting All 4 Ones and Full Frontal Assaults instead of Crack In Times. Truth told, I am also tired of Mario and Zelda at the moment. Let's see some new IPs, or a proper 2D Metroid, or a *good* new Star Fox, or something. But - I won't complain, since other people are happy. That's why I never bitch about Call of Duty anymore. As long as I get my Serious Sam, Rise of the Triad, Shadow Warrior, etc., I say let the modern FPS crowd have their CoD.
I really do wish Konami would let Kojima work on other projects, though. From what I hear, he's been weary of Metal Gear for years. Which isn't to say that any of the (canon) entries are bad; they're all fantastic, and MGS5 is my most anticipated game at the moment. MG is probably the only true auteur project in gaming, and it's remarkable for that alone. But Konami needs to give the man, and his team, some breathing room.
Yeah, we talked about MGS5 before. It sounds like it's going to be stealth perfection (meaning the first third orso of MGS4 being expanded on) but Kojima should just plain retire from the series afterwards. I would have said have a hiatus from the series but since there will apparently be 2 MGS5's, Kojima had MGR released this year and he's been working on the series forever, I think it's time to give it a rest for good.
MGS6 should be about baby Snake.
Sneakin' round the crib.
You folks are easily the most reasonable people I know on the net when it comes to games, so please share any and all thoughts you have on The Last Of Us.
It hasn't been on my radar, honestly. I want to play it since it's gotten so many good reviews, but I know almost nothing about it tbh.
I'm not really a fan of Naughty Dog's cinematic direction so I can't give an opinion that would be worth much to you. (
This is getting sad.
Quote from: Foggle on June 14, 2013, 08:36:57 PM
It hasn't been on my radar, honestly. I want to play it since it's gotten so many good reviews, but I know almost nothing about it tbh.
Any thoughts on it being called the Citizen Kane of games?
Quote from: gunswordfist on June 14, 2013, 08:52:35 PM
Quote from: Foggle on June 14, 2013, 08:36:57 PM
It hasn't been on my radar, honestly. I want to play it since it's gotten so many good reviews, but I know almost nothing about it tbh.
Any thoughts on it being called the Citizen Kane of games?
That's... odd. I mean, even if it
is the greatest game ever made or whatever, that's still a silly comparison to make.
Besides, the Citizen Kane of games is clearly Rogue Warrior.
Quote from: Foggle on June 14, 2013, 08:56:33 PM
Quote from: gunswordfist on June 14, 2013, 08:52:35 PM
Quote from: Foggle on June 14, 2013, 08:36:57 PM
It hasn't been on my radar, honestly. I want to play it since it's gotten so many good reviews, but I know almost nothing about it tbh.
Any thoughts on it being called the Citizen Kane of games?
That's... odd. I mean, even if it is the greatest game ever made or whatever, that's still a silly comparison to make.
Besides, the Citizen Kane of games is clearly Rogue Warrior.
lol Nice contradiction
What I saw from E3 last year looked incredibly generic and unspectacular.
Is The Last Of Us a zombie game or just an "after the end" kind of game?
Quote from: Rynnec on June 14, 2013, 10:08:14 PM
What I saw from E3 last year looked incredibly generic and unspectacular.
Same here. Which is why I wonder how this game got so much positive attention
Quote from: gunswordfist on June 15, 2013, 03:13:24 AM
Quote from: Rynnec on June 14, 2013, 10:08:14 PM
What I saw from E3 last year looked incredibly generic and unspectacular.
Same here. Which is why I wonder how this game got so much positive attention
Because people seem to just go crazy over zombies. Not to mention it was the next game from Naughty Dog right after Uncharted 3 (which was a hit). Personally, I'm not a fan of zombie anything, at least not in terms of survival horror. ( Why can't more people in the games industry think like this? (
Fuck consumers.
Quote from: Rosalinas Spare Wand on June 21, 2013, 01:01:12 AM (
Fuck consumers.
Sounds like good news to me. ;D
Eh, its just early pre-orders. No need to overreact. I'm willing to bet anything that the PS4 will still far outsell the XBONE once the consoles actually come out. Hell, I doubt that the XBONE will even managed to get sold out at any point unless Microsoft just under-produces the console just so that they look like they are doing better than they are (so that they can say that are getting sold out when they still aren't even selling that much).
Either way, pre-orders aren't always the best indicator of how well something is going to sell in the long run.
So there's a new Deus Ex out.
It plays just like Human Revolution.
And it's supposed to be pretty good.
But it's a phone game.
What the fuck.
Quote from: present, the only publisher to confirm costs of their next generation games are EA, attaching a price of 54.99 [pounds]. No other game prices have been confirmed. We will of course update our listings as and when this happens. And if the price changes before release day, you will always pay the lowest price.
In American speak we're looking at games from Electronic Arts costing $80 a pop.
Quote from: Foggle on July 18, 2013, 10:53:43 AM
Quote from: present, the only publisher to confirm costs of their next generation games are EA, attaching a price of 54.99 [pounds]. No other game prices have been confirmed. We will of course update our listings as and when this happens. And if the price changes before release day, you will always pay the lowest price.
In American speak we're looking at games from Electronic Arts costing $80 a pop.
$80....? So EA's games must all be oh so good right? Because even with me having a job, I'm not spending no more than $60.
Bahahaha. Yeah, good luck with that price tag, shit lords.
...I'll be very sad if all the sports fans gobble up the shit anyway.
That's not a very smart idea, but hey, it's EA.
Index, the owners of Atlus, are filing for bankruptcy and being investigated on charges of fraud. Whoa.
The founder/general manager of Eidos Montreal, developer of Deus Ex Human Revolution, has resigned, and basically said "Square Enix sucks" as to why.
Quote from: hints of troubled times at Square have appeared, via the resignation of Eidos Montreal's founder and general manager, Stephane, D'Astous. Describing "irreconcilable differences" to Develop, he let loose with a tirade about a "lack of leadership, lack of courage and the lack of communication". And he was just getting started.
D'Astous' initial statement, sent to Develop, read:
"Since last year's financial short-coming performance of Square Enix Europe, we (HQ London and GM Eidos-Montreal) have had growing and divergent opinions on what needed to be done to correct the situation. The lack of leadership, lack of courage and the lack of communication were so evident, that I wasn't able to conduct my job correctly. I realised that our differences were irreconcilable, and that the best decision was unfortunately to part ways."
Polygon then caught up with the man, and found out much more. After a bad financial year, D'Astous claims that execs "almost started to panic" (I'm not sure what that looks like - someone putting their arms above their head and being absolutely ready to wave them about as they scream) and it seems he believes leadership was lacking.
This all may seem odd to an observer - like me - who sees Square releasing a solid list of generally decent games. But the former boss says that Square "has some things to learn about how to sell their games." Despite names like Tomb Raider, Hitman and Deus Ex in their line-up, none of these proved to be massive successes. And the reaction to this relative failure seems to have pissed D'Astous off rather a lot.
After the financial troubles, and the resignation of president Yoichi Wada, D'Astous suggests that attempts to reorganise and restructure were done with far too much secrecy, and not working in tandem with their studio leads. While he wouldn't go into the specifics, he did point fingers at Square Enix Europe CEO, Phil Rogers. He then went on to explain that the company is still distinctly divided between Square and Eidos, citing a lack of communication between the Japanese owners and the Western developers. However, after spending months trying to get Square to change its strategies, D'Astous has now given up and left.
He's right, really.
Ever since Sakaguchi's Spirit Within bomb, Square has lost so much ground.
I thought Square was doing decent...
Square hasn't been doing decent since the beginning of this gen.
Do I smell the death of Final Fantasy in the air?
Well except for FF but thats a given. I like Sleeping Dogs and I hear Deus Ex is great
I hate gamers who whine about achievements.
I still need to try Sleeping Dogs. It looks right up my alley too.
Once again my EB won't let me preorder a game I'm looking forward to. I really don't understand why they make it so difficult to spend money which is what they want you to do in a business.
The game was The Wonderful 101, by the way, which comes out in a little over a month.
Sleeping Dogs is pretty good from what I've played.
*Breath Of Fire 6 announced.
*Is a tablet/mobile touch game.
Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on August 01, 2013, 04:00:37 PM
*Breath Of Fire 6 announced.
*Is a tablet/mobile touch game.
Don't worry, it's also coming to P--
"browser game"
"specifically built for touch-controlled devices"
Quote from: Foggle on August 01, 2013, 04:13:06 PM
Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on August 01, 2013, 04:00:37 PM
*Breath Of Fire 6 announced.
*Is a tablet/mobile touch game.
Don't worry, it's also coming to P--
"browser game"
"specifically built for touch-controlled devices"
Capcom Japan in a nutshell.
I just hope they keep letting Capcom USA pursue projects like DuckTales and Dungeons & Dragons while they continue their bad decisions.
Why this whole feminism movement in gaming will never get anywhere. With an attitude like that, why should anyone take your arguments seriously?
Just for that, I'm buying it twice.
I'll take ten!
While I have less than no interest in Senran Kagura (probably wouldn't play it even if it was free), this kind of attitude makes no sense to me. I can see why the preposterous amounts of fanservice might turn someone off of the game, but I fail to see what could be considered offensive about it. Unless I'm mistaken, SK is just an action title with boobs everywhere like in some old grindhouse film. You know what game does promote rape culture? The Maiden Rape Assault - Violent Semen Inferno. Complain about that shit instead.
Perusing this person's Twitter feed for a couple minutes, she appears to have a few screws loose. She really hates men. All men. Which, she argues, isn't in any way sexist. :lol:
I believe Blistered Thumbs (the same people who hated Ninja Gaiden Black for "being cheap") have marked down the Wonderful 101 for the same.
Why do people who hate hard games, play them and complain about them being hard?
It is possible for games to be unfair, but 99% of the time people complain just because they're bad at them.
Marking down W101 for its difficulty is extremely stupid, especially since - being a Platinum game - it probably has an Easy mode for inexperienced/casual players.
The demo has an 'easy' and 'very easy' setting. If he played on those and couldn't beat it, then I don't know what to say.
But I mean, I can understand some faults. The controls are not jump in and jump out (most action games these days aren't unless they're COD clones) and getting used to it can take awhile. But the difficulty? It's a game by Hideki Kamiya. They're always hard.
Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on August 19, 2013, 09:16:55 PM
I believe Blistered Thumbs (the same people who hated Ninja Gaiden Black for "being cheap") have marked down the Wonderful 101 for the same.
Was it Sage who said that by any chance? It certainly wouldn't surprise me if it were him. GOD, I can't stand that guy! :srs:
Anyone who calls Ninja Gaiden Black cheap should be forced to sit through Ninja Of Sorrow's "NO DAMAGE" run through the ENTIRE game. Maybe that'll be enough to shut them up....maybe. :humhumhum:
Ninja Gaiden Black is, like, the most well-balanced action game out there. It's hard, hell yeah, but cheap? Literally the exact opposite.
I don't know who it was as I don't check that site, I just heard they gave it a 3/10 for being too cheap. When I watched TGWTG, the game coverage was usually quite bad as it was, so I don't plan on giving them clicks for it.
But if you can get through a game without taking damage at any point (other than a scripted event or something) then it's factually not cheap. I guarantee that a game by Hideki Kamiya won't have that problem.
Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on August 19, 2013, 11:43:02 PM
I don't know who it was as I don't check that site, I just heard they gave it a 3/10 for being too cheap. When I watched TGWTG, the game coverage was usually quite bad as it was, so I don't plan on giving them clicks for it.
But if you can get through a game without taking damage at any point (other than a scripted event or something) then it's factually not cheap. I guarantee that a game by Hideki Kamiya won't have that problem.
Its uncommon for anyone to be that skilled at the game, but for NGB, it IS possible, and has been proven through unedited videos. I should also mention that NOS's famous (among NG fans) no damage run was one on MASTER NINJA mode, the game's highest difficulty setting. Somehow I get the feeling that whoever on that site gave the game a 3/10 only played it on Normal mode. I just replayed most of NGB on Normal mode a couple of months ago (up until the XBL version crashed on me), and I didn't have any trouble with any specific part of the game, whatsoever. I'm not good enough to get through the entire game without taking any damage, even on this difficulty setting, but I hardly ever died given how generous this game is with healing items. Of course, I do have a lot of experience with the game, but that's the point. I know the game well, and know what strategies work and what doesn't work. That's where the challenge comes from. You are meant to get better at the game through experience. That's not cheap, that's just challenging. Apparently somebody (or everybody) on Blistered Thumbs clearly doesn't get the difference.
You'd figure with a name like Blistered Thumbs they would get the difference. :lol:
Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on August 19, 2013, 09:16:55 PM
I believe Blistered Thumbs (the same people who hated Ninja Gaiden Black for "being cheap") have marked down the Wonderful 101 for the same.
Why do people who hate hard games, play them and complain about them being hard?
I have always hated this complaint. Probably because I'm so diligent when trying to beat games but seeing as how reviewers have beaten said game and a ton of other hard ones, SINCE IT'S THEIR JOB TO DO SO, I never understood that complaint. I can understand if they said it's too hard because it's too cheap and can actually explain why well but that's never the case. It's usually them whining about losing too many lives.
Out of curiosity, I tried looking for the review on their site to see what they actually said about the game, but I didn't find any reviews for NGB over there. Maybe that comment was on a different NG game? Or maybe it might have been from some other site, but if Blistered Thumbs did indeed write a negative review for the game then I'd be interested in seeing it if someone could find and link me to it. I just want to see what kind of actual "reasoning" the reviewer in question would use for calling that game cheap.
Oh, I don't think it was a review, I think they just trashed it in a random video. NGB came out long before the site even existed, or the brand for that matter.
But that was years ago, I barely remember anything about them other than they whine a lot about games being too hard.
Missable sidequests. Easily missable sidequests. :anger:
Quote from: Nel_Annette on August 20, 2013, 01:12:41 AM
Missable sidequests. Easily missable sidequests. :anger:
I had to stop my play-through of Suikoden 2 because I missed a character without any indication. The game is excellent and everything, but man, I really wish you didn't have to guess when and where to look for characters. It's really my only problem with the game.
Quote from: Nel_Annette on August 20, 2013, 01:12:41 AM
Missable sidequests. Easily missable sidequests. :anger:
To add to that, I hate it when you have an open-world or exploration-type game in which you can revisit most environments, but where there are certain areas that you can never visit again (except for on a new game +) after a certain event in the game occurs. It's frustrating because I do like to try my best to get every item I can find in a game, and in that regard I sort of have an OCD about that kind of stuff. So, when I miss a certain room or area in a game because I accidentally triggered a mandatory boss fight or something of that nature and am forced to move on and not allowed to go back later on to get what I missed, I tend to get really ticked off, and I'll always have this nagging feeling following me throughout the rest of the game when that happens. Sometimes I can undo something like that if I happen to have a previous save that isn't too far back from where I triggered a mandatory event to progress forward, but that rarely ever happens whenever I find myself caught in these sorts of situations.
I find it funny you guys brought up the Tales series in the other thread, because that's the one I'm referring to. I just ragequit Tales Of The Abyss because I missed something vital before the final boss. I've been playing this game since 2006 and I'm still finding sidequests I've never heard of. I love the Tales series, but the sheer amount of things you miss without a guide is infuriating sometimes.
Quote from: Ensatsu-ken on August 20, 2013, 01:20:04 AM
Quote from: Nel_Annette on August 20, 2013, 01:12:41 AM
Missable sidequests. Easily missable sidequests. :anger:
To add to that, I hate it when you have an open-world or exploration-type game in which you can revisit most environments, but where there are certain areas that you can never visit again (except for on a new game +) after a certain event in the game occurs. It's frustrating because I do like to try my best to get every item I can find in a game, and in that regard I sort of have an OCD about that kind of stuff. So, when I miss a certain room or area in a game because I accidentally triggered a mandatory boss fight or something of that nature and am forced to move on and not allowed to go back later on to get what I missed, I tend to get really ticked off, and I'll always have this nagging feeling following me throughout the rest of the game when that happens. Sometimes I can undo something like that if I happen to have a previous save that isn't too far back from where I triggered a mandatory event to progress forward, but that rarely ever happens whenever I find myself caught in these sorts of situations.
I hate it when they close off areas in RPGs. By the time you get to the end in all the FFs I've played, you lose access to a lot of the world.
Yeah, I especially hate the stuff in action/adventure games. Like, in Ocarina of Time, you can completely miss the Ice Arrows if you fuck up the gate/key puzzle to get to them by picking the wrong side to go through, and then the game never gives you a chance to reset everything and start from scratch, so if you miss the Ice Arrows the first time, then you're screwed (not that you need them to complete the game, but you can't 100% it without them, either). I also hate the instance in NGB where I forgot to go to a room in the Military Supply Base, and after trying to get back to that area once I had the opportunity to, I realized that the whole damn stage was blocked off for the rest of the game. It sucks because I KNOW that I missed a Golden Scarab over there, which means that now I can never get all 50 Golden Scarabs on my run through the game on Normal mode, meaning that I don't unlock the totally awesome Dark Dragon Blade as a usable weapon, this time around. >:(
I think Ocarina of Time actually allows you to get the Ice Arrow even if you mess up, if you come back to that dungeon at the end of the game with one of the stronger gauntlets. However, I do remember there being a glitch in the game involving the trade sequence, where if you don't get one of the trade items by the time you become an adult, then the game locks you out of it.
Quote from: talonmalon333 on August 20, 2013, 12:40:38 PM
I think Ocarina of Time actually allows you to get the Ice Arrow even if you mess up, if you come back to that dungeon at the end of the game with one of the stronger gauntlets. However, I do remember there being a glitch in the game involving the trade sequence, where if you don't get one of the trade items by the time you become an adult, then the game locks you out of it.
Are you sure it's that way in the original N64 version of the game (or ONE Of the N64 versions, specifically), because that's the version that I always play (I only ever played bits of Master Quest on the GC version of the game, and have yet to touch the 3DS version), and back when I missed that as a kid, I swear that I tried everything I could think of to get those ice arrows, but it was all to no avail. If there really is a chance to fix your error or still get them despite making that crucial mistake then that would be awesome, and prove that there are still new things that you can find out about this game even 15 whole years after its release, but as far as I know, there was no way to get the Ice Arrows if you messed up the key puzzle and ran out of keys.
Sorry I took so long. I just checked the Gerudo Training Ground on the Zelda Wiki to be sure. There are enough keys even if you make a mistake (this applies to all versions of the game). They are just really well hidden. :thumbup:
Shocking development: game "journalists" don't understand Killer Is Dead and claim the entire game is bad because of optional sub-missions that make up less than 10% of the product as a whole.
Quote from: Foggle on August 27, 2013, 01:02:10 PM
Shocking development: game "journalists" don't understand Killer Is Dead and claim the entire game is bad because of optional sub-missions that make up less than 10% of the product as a whole.
I find this especially hilarious because critics (and most gamers alike) praised Arkham City out of the wazoo and cited the huge amount of content as one of the reasons why, particularly in regard to all of the side-missions. It didn't of course matter that all of the side-missions were absolute ass and lazily designed (seriously, I've had more fun with the secret missions in DMC games, and those are easily the WEAKEST parts of those games), on top of the fact that none of them did anything to expand the story other than to give a little "nudge-nudge-wink-wink" to more obscure villains and characters for fans of the comics.
Game journalists no longer really care about what makes a game good, anymore. They just care about what (they think) makes a game look more prestigious. It's a shame because there WAS a time when reviewers actually knew their shit about games and had a lot of credibility behind them. I used to go to Gamespot all the time for their opinions on new games in the late 90's and early 00's, but the last good reviewer on that site, Greg Kasavin, left around 2006, which is pretty much when I stopped going there. Seriously, check out that guy's reviews of games like Shinobi, Ninja Gaiden, Devil May Cry 3: Dante's Awakening, and various other titles. He critiques them for what they do wrong, but is informative as to why those things need improvement, yet at the same time really shows respect for what they do right, and even loves the fact that they are challenging (as throw-backs to old-school game design). If any modern reviewer took a look at those games, they'd call them cheap, blast their stories for not being deep (or at least not pretending to be deep), and would give them low scores for not understanding how to actually play any of them. So, in other words, fuck modern game journalism.
I think when it comes down to review sites and gamers, I'm split down the middle. On one hand I understand where most gamers are coming from about most journalist, because some of the things they say can get ridiculous, and on the other, I look at journalists views just like any other gamers viewpoints. I look at it as their opinion, and be on my way (I just can't find it in myself to get bent outta shape for people not liking a game and giving low #'s.)
I probably don't read review sites as often as I used to, but I do still read them if I feel like it, and even then, it's mainly to see what's being said about said game. None will have much of an impact of whether I'd buy a game or not. My mind would probably be made up when said game is revealed or after 1 or 2 gameplay videos.
I just don't understand. The Gigolo Missions are such an unimportant part of KID that they may as well not exist at all. You can get up to three unlockable weapons by beating them, but from what I've seen, none of them are really that viable in combat and mostly just serve as arbitrary rewards. And while the missions themselves are sleazy and terrible, they're nowhere near as "offensive" as critics claim. They literally amount to nothing more than some dude checking out his girlfriend's cleavage.
Quote from: Ensatsu-ken on August 27, 2013, 06:24:22 PM
I find this especially hilarious because critics (and most gamers alike) praised Arkham City out of the wazoo and cited the huge amount of content as one of the reasons why, particularly in regard to all of the side-missions. It didn't of course matter that all of the side-missions were absolute ass and lazily designed (seriously, I've had more fun with the secret missions in DMC games, and those are easily the WEAKEST parts of those games), on top of the fact that none of them did anything to expand the story other than to give a little "nudge-nudge-wink-wink" to more obscure villains and characters for fans of the comics.
God, the Arkham City side missions... most boring sidequests I've ever seen in a game. 100%ing AC would either be painful or sleep-inducing... or both.
QuoteGame journalists no longer really care about what makes a game good, anymore. They just care about what (they think) makes a game look more prestigious. It's a shame because there WAS a time when reviewers actually knew their shit about games and had a lot of credibility behind them. I used to go to Gamespot all the time for their opinions on new games in the late 90's and early 00's, but the last good reviewer on that site, Greg Kasavin, left around 2006, which is pretty much when I stopped going there. Seriously, check out that guy's reviews of games like Shinobi, Ninja Gaiden, Devil May Cry 3: Dante's Awakening, and various other titles. He critiques them for what they do wrong, but is informative as to why those things need improvement, yet at the same time really shows respect for what they do right, and even loves the fact that they are challenging (as throw-backs to old-school game design). If any modern reviewer took a look at those games, they'd call them cheap, blast their stories for not being deep (or at least not pretending to be deep), and would give them low scores for not understanding how to actually play any of them. So, in other words, fuck modern game journalism.
I completely agree. Just watch the GameSpot video review of Killer Is Dead, or the IGN video review of Rise of the Triad... the reviewers claim their combat systems are bad, but they clearly don't even know how to play the games properly. It's a sad state of affairs. KID definitely isn't as deep as Metal Gear Rising or Ninja Gaiden, but it's exhilarating as hell if you know what you're doing - especially the boss fights.
The only thing I keep out for with reviews now is if they are game-breaking bugs I should learn about. I don't really listen to them anymore.
Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on August 27, 2013, 07:15:36 PM
The only thing I keep out for with reviews now is if they are game-breaking bugs I should learn about. I don't really listen to them anymore.
For this, I just go to message boards to see what bugs there are. Mostly like ones that are owned by the developers/publishers, just in case.
Wait, a new decent hack n slash? :worship:
Nintendo. What the fuck is this thing?
Quote from: Nel_Annette on August 28, 2013, 01:03:59 PM
Nintendo. What the fuck is this thing?
Something that should've been announced in 2010. Screw the 3DS. :bleh:
That design is horrible, holy shit. Though I think if it didn't look like a Fisher Price toy, I'd honestly rather own this over a 3DS. First thing I did when I got mine was turn the 3D setting off from the parental controls menu. I will never switch it back on.
Even though I am looking into upgrading mt 3DS soon, I still think I'm going to get an XL rather than the 2DS. I like the clam shell thing, for one, and two, I'm going to need another one due to X and Y coming out soon. Also, I'm kind of curious to see how this can fit into my pocket. One thing I like doing with my 3DS is walking around, racking up play coins, making street tags with other 3DS users, all while my 3DS was in my pocket.
On the plus side they dropped the Wii-U price and bundled in Wind Waker HD.
But since I already have a 3DS and Wii-U, the news doesn't really matter to me! :D
I'm not convinced yet if Wind Waker HD is worth purchasing.
Of course you're not.
Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on August 28, 2013, 06:06:51 PM
On the plus side they dropped the Wii-U price and bundled in Wind Waker HD.
That definitely would have swayed me toward buying a Wii-U ASAP, but sadly the game is just a download code and not on a disc. :( Still, the price drop is nice. Maybe by this time next year I'll be looking into grabbing a U. :)
Quote from: talonmalon333 on August 28, 2013, 06:14:38 PM
Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on August 28, 2013, 06:10:16 PM
Of course you're not.
What's that supposed to mean, boy?
You're talonmalon333 and it's a Zelda game. The game has to have been out for a year, been intensely dissected, and outright loathed before you consider it worthy of your time.
Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on August 28, 2013, 06:23:25 PM
Quote from: talonmalon333 on August 28, 2013, 06:14:38 PM
Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on August 28, 2013, 06:10:16 PM
Of course you're not.
What's that supposed to mean, boy?
You're talonmalon333 and it's a Zelda game. The game has to have been out for a year, been intensely dissected, and outright loathed before you consider it worthy of your time.
What's that based on? :P
Quote from: talonmalon333 on August 28, 2013, 06:29:33 PM
Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on August 28, 2013, 06:23:25 PM
Quote from: talonmalon333 on August 28, 2013, 06:14:38 PM
Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on August 28, 2013, 06:10:16 PM
Of course you're not.
What's that supposed to mean, boy?
You're talonmalon333 and it's a Zelda game. The game has to have been out for a year, been intensely dissected, and outright loathed before you consider it worthy of your time.
What's that based on? :P
The fact that you're talonmalon333. ;)
But the only game you could use as a basis is Skyward Sword. It's been out for well over a year, dissected, and loathed. But it's still not worthy of my time. :humhumhum:
I still haven't gotten back to that.
I haven't even gone beyond the entrance of the first proper dungeon. There was no real pull to keep me going.
Oh yeah, I did kind of forgot another thing I noticed about Nintendo's release dates. It looks like they're now releasing their games on Friday, rather than Sunday. The only exception to the rule I've seen is Pokemon X & Y coming out on a Saturday, but that's kind of minor. I actually kind of like that move, if only because I usually get Fridays off, which means all day gaming!
Quote from: Daxdiv on August 28, 2013, 07:00:34 PM
Oh yeah, I did kind of forgot another thing I noticed about Nintendo's release dates. It looks like they're now releasing their games on Friday, rather than Sunday. The only exception to the rule I've seen is Pokemon X & Y coming out on a Saturday, but that's kind of minor. I actually kind of like that move, if only because I usually get Fridays off, which means all day gaming!
Huh, that's interesting. And more convenient. Now I don't have to go out of the way after Mass to pick up my pre-order.
The only problem is...
Which games am I going to pre-order, let alone get? Nintendo's putting a lot out this holiday.
Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on August 28, 2013, 06:42:08 PM
I still haven't gotten back to that.
I haven't even gone beyond the entrance of the first proper dungeon. There was no real pull to keep me going.
Ironically, the section in the beginning with Skyloft is my favorite part of the game, but I can see why one might hate it.
It's okay, but the game can be a bit of chore.
It was expected. I'll still get it, but hopefully sales improve once the system gets higher profile games like NMH1 and Wario Land Shake It did.
They really should get Platinum on StarFox, though.
5000 sales isn't just a bomb, though. The game may as well not have been released at all. We can only hope that NA and EU pick up the slack, or Nintendo might not be willing to work with P* again after Bayo2.
I played the demo at John's house, btw. It was amaaaaazing! :el_hail:
Quote from: Foggle on August 28, 2013, 08:25:34 PM
5000 sales isn't just a bomb, though. The game may as well not have been released. We can only hope that NA and EU pick up the slack, or Nintendo might not be willing to work with P* again after Bayo2.
It also had a low print run, so it probably wasn't that big of a hit as if it was a Mario game or something. Plus, it might have legs and there's always the holiday season. Also, the Wii-U hasn't taken off yet, so I'd give it some time. Nintendo is fully aware that Platinum Games releases aren't huge sellers, as they said in the Iwata Asks, so that they gave it a low print run probably means they knew it wouldn't take off.
But if you read the Iwata Asks with Platinum, the two companies really seem to get along with each other. I would say another collaboration is probably already in the pipeline, they'll just have to pick a better collaboration that would attract bigger audiences.
Like StarFox!
Soul Calibur II HD not being on Wii U. :imnothappy:
Agreed. No Link is just lame.
Especially since they were able to get Spawn back. Putting it on Wii U so all 3 guest characters can be in should've been a no-brainer.
Sweet! I didn't even know this was coming out. Now I can have a match between Heihachi and Spawn, which was never possible before when they were both only exclusive characters. :thumbup:
As for the game not being on the Wii-U, guys are already getting an exclusive Bayonetta 2, so excuse me if I'm not the most sympathetic person to your bitching. :>
In all seriousness, though, it doesn't really make sense that this game doesn't come to the Wii-U as well. Maybe Nintendo doesn't want to give NamcoBandai the rights to use Link again on the HD port/re-release (though if that were the case, I couldn't see the logic behind it), but with or without Link as a playable character, there's no reason that SC2 shouldn't get a release on the Wii-U unless NB just doesn't want to make some extra (easy) money.
Still, being that this is releasing on a console that I actually own, I'd be glad to re-buy the best 3D fighting game ever.
It makes zero sense for Soul Calibur II HD to not come to Wii U and include Link in the roster. According to Namco-Bandai there are no plans for a Wii U version because there's "no demand" for it. What? Wasn't the GCN version of SC2 by far the most popular and best selling? People love Link. Link was the whole reason I took notice of Soul Calibur 2 way back when. Trust me, there's a demand for a Wii U version.
Everywhere I've seen news of this game the comments are always filled with people saying something like "sucks we won't get to be Link, he was great in the GameCube version."
It really makes no sense. Especially when games on the eshop are apparently selling really well. Giana Sisters Twisted Dreams is apparently selling on par with the other console versions... on a console with WAY less userbase.
They're just being lazy.
Link was a bit overpowered in SCII, but he was still pretty fun to play. Shame the Wii U won't get a release of this game. It's still one of my all time favorite fighting games.
Especially when Namco/Bandai are working so closely with Nintendo on Smash Bros. This seems like it'd be a no brainer. :??:
Sega bought Atlus. None of their games aside from Persona will be seeing an English release ever again.
That depends. What happens to Atlus USA?
Maybe they can force them to make a sequel to Rockin' Kats. The best platformer Atlus ever made that never got a sequel for no discernible reason.
Hmmm, the last MGS5 gameplay video looks great but it looks like there will be no health bar and regenerative health in the game....
Quote from: gunswordfist on September 21, 2013, 01:50:35 PM
Hmmm, the last MGS5 gameplay video looks great but it looks like there will be no health bar and regenerative health in the game....
Well, that somehow managed not to kill Deus Ex HR for me, so we'll see how it goes, I guess.
I love playing Soul Calibur II on the Xbox. It's one of the few games that supports 720p, and it looks positively gorgeous.
Quote from: Foggle on September 21, 2013, 07:51:48 PM
Quote from: gunswordfist on September 21, 2013, 01:50:35 PM
Hmmm, the last MGS5 gameplay video looks great but it looks like there will be no health bar and regenerative health in the game....
Well, that somehow managed not to kill Deus Ex HR for me, so we'll see how it goes, I guess.
Agreed, although I've never played Deus Ex. But the health issue's not a big deal for me.
Honestly, I don't mind HR if it's done right. I think the first Halo and Reach got it right with a combination of both a rechargeable shield and permanent health. The other thing about having just regular health is that it has to be done right, or that could be botched as well. Either have health recovery items strewn in many places throughout each level like in Half-Life or DOOM, or be able to carry a few of them at a time like in F.E.A.R. or the first 2 BioShock games. I actually didn't like how you could no longer carry health packs with you in BioShock: Infinite, for that matter, because it's one of those games where you get shot almost all of the time.
Quote from: Ensatsu-ken on September 22, 2013, 05:52:11 PM
Honestly, I don't mind HR if it's done right. I think the first Halo and Reach got it right with a combination of both a rechargeable shield and permanent health. The other thing about having just regular health is that it has to be done right, or that could be botched as well. Either have health recovery items strewn in many places throughout each level like in Half-Life or DOOM, or be able to carry a few of them at a time like in F.E.A.R. or the first 2 BioShock games. I actually didn't like how you could no longer carry health packs with you in BioShock: Infinite, for that matter, because it's one of those games where you get shot almost all of the time.
Having health with a rechargable shield is the best. I hate how Halo 2 got rid of health.
In my opinion, Rihanna's "Only Girl In The World" has to be one of the whiniest sounding and most overplayed songs by her in recent years. Imagine my dismay when I came to the realization that this... "song" was put into GTA 5. Nothing worse than stealing a car and immediately hearing this play on the radio. :pedro_nooo:
It's apparently been confirmed that Yakuza 5, and any future entries in the series, will never be getting English releases. Sega is even more dead to me than they already were.
Is this really news? The games sold like crap, and they aren't exactly mainstream titles.
Plus, Sega doesn't have the money to release B-titles in the west anymore.
Quote from: GaryPotter on September 28, 2013, 12:59:14 PM
Is this really news? The games sold like crap, and they aren't exactly mainstream titles.
Plus, Sega doesn't have the money to release B-titles in the west anymore.
It's a crushing blow to series fans since Sega has almost always come through in the past and has basically told people to remain hopeful multiple times. And while it may not rake in cash overseas, Yakuza is hardly a B-title for Sega. It's one of their biggest properties in Japan, if not one of the biggest from any publisher.
There's that, and the fact that Sega really put no effort in trying to market the Yakuza games overseas, aside from the first game which I do distinctly remember getting some direct advertisement back when it was released over hear.
Quote from: Foggle on September 28, 2013, 01:33:10 PM
Quote from: GaryPotter on September 28, 2013, 12:59:14 PM
Is this really news? The games sold like crap, and they aren't exactly mainstream titles.
Plus, Sega doesn't have the money to release B-titles in the west anymore.
It's a crushing blow to series fans since Sega has almost always come through in the past and has basically told people to remain hopeful multiple times. And while it may not rake in cash overseas, Yakuza is hardly a B-title for Sega. It's one of their biggest properties in Japan, if not one of the biggest from any publisher.
I was referring to the west.
Yeah, it's swell that Yakuza is such a big thing in Japan. Then again, so is the Tales series, One Piece games, and anime-licensed dreck. It doesn't mean anything visa-vi what Sega knows will sell overseas. Maybe ten years ago or even seven years ago Yakuza could have survived, but the market has changed too much since then.
Plus, as I said, Sega doesn't have the money. Sega of America barely even existed anymore, so they won't focus too much on anything not named Sonic.
I know. All I'm saying is it makes me unhappy.
I swear the online portion of the fighting game community is a joke. I don't know if anyone goes on Shoryuken or not, but I just lurk. Most of the community will tell any newbie to Street Fighter 4 to just pick whoever they like or pick Ryu because he's the best character that you can basically learn everything through, and these very same people will probably tell you the same thing. Personally, I never understood why people get so salty about people picking whatever character.
Anyway, in some of those comments you have some folks saying as soon as they see Ryu they basically quit. I understand that he's a boring character, and at the same time he is the most popular character in SF, but yet, people are always recommending newbies to start out with Ryu as well, so most of those low rank Ryu's are probably trying to learn the game, and yet we get this contradicting stupidity.
It's sad, too, because if you actually go to a major event such as EVO, and see the community altogether just enjoying the games and seeing everyone get along you'd actually think the FGC could actually get somewhere, but noooo, the online portion is there to make everything look pathetic.
So, Yaiba: Ninja Gaiden Z is getting a PC release via Steam. It's also getting some digital comics and an official comic book. My problem is that KoeiTecmo is putting in all of this focus for what's basically a generic action game, yet ignore doing more sensible things. How about porting the first 2 games (as in, the only two 3D NG games that anyone likes, except for NGDS which almost nobody has even played) to the PC, you pencil-pushing ass-wipes? Seriously, these idiots would rather port the NGS games to a handheld device that can't fully handle the games on the same level of their console counterparts, when they could have made some easy money by not having to force technological limitations on those games and instead porting them to the PC and releasing them on Steam. It also bites because the Vita is pretty much a dead piece of hardware by this point, whereas if they re-released the first 2 games on Steam, they could potentially open the series up to a new generation of fans. If nothing else, it would at least have made better sales than it ever could have on the Vita.
I heard about that Alein game that was pitched as a survival horror title that left you, alone, being stalked by one single xenomorph. That sounds really cool! But that they had to go and ruin it by making it just another FPS where you went around shooting dudes for most of the game and then I guess the Alien shows up every once in a while. I'm sick of shooting dudes.
So I'm unable to get a year of Playstation Plus because PSN is so busy with traffic, they had to suspend the "redeem codes" function because the network was acting wonky.
Get your shit together Sony. :srs:
Quote from: already knew Polyphony's racer would include microtransactions - a first for the series.
The video, below, showcases GT6's cars and reveals one of the top priced, the Jaguar XJ13, which costs 20 million credits. You can grind for it in traditional Gran Turismo fashion or you can buy it straight away if you drop 119.95 pounds - that's the total you pay for two packs of 7m credits, two packs of 2.5m credits and one pack of 1m credits.
EDIT: why can't I even type the symbol for English currency on here? really gotta' find a way to fix this shit
Fuck off, Konami.
Gold in the comments section:
"Another win for the physical/digital debate. A physical game can never be "delisted". It exists on the second hand market forever as long as there are copies to be had."
So over the course of last gen, there have been a growing number of people claiming that older 3D games (and even classics in general) mostly haven't aged well and only look good through rose-tinted nostalgia glasses. These sorts of people claim that those games are in fact bad games and just don't measure up to the great games of today. While there certainly are games out there that haven't aged well, there are many games that get victimized by these claims which I feel still hold up well and don't deserve nearly as much criticism as people may give them.
One example is the older DMC games, specifically the first one. That came up a lot this year when people were defending the reboot and saying that fans overrated the older games. Common problems they pointed out ranged from a clumsy camera to challenging difficulty. And yes, older games will have a certain amount of crudeness to them. Sometimes the platforming can be rather clumsy and the voice acting is horrid by today's standards (though arguably gives the game more charm for how hilariously bad it is). But people praise newer games for being so streamlined and seamless, while never truly understanding WHY those older games were even popular in their day to begin with. DMC1 still has MUCH more clever enemy and boss design than most games today. People can rave about Uncharted or Call of Duty all they want, but the single-player for those games don't have nearly the creativity or nuance of some of the classics.
With something like DMC, I don't think these people even play more than a few levels of it before deeming it crap by today's standards. They never try to get better at games, and therefore have no appreciation for the rewarding feeling of learning how to use the nuance of these games to their advantage, and furthermore how varied these experiences are compared to most newer stuff. Yeah, there is definitely some crap elements to these games, but god forbid people have to out up with some crude elements to get to the good stuff. I'd take these games with their flaws over games that baby the player the entire way through in the name of being more seamless.
Anyways, DMC was just an example, but I've noticed the same thing for many other action games, like Ninja Gaiden, Resident Evil, Max Payne, and so on. I just don't buy that older games are inherently inferior to the great games of today. I just feel like you have to not be so shallow and know how to look past some of the minor elements that haven't aged well in order to realize what still makes these games amazing. Anyways, I'm just noticing a slowly but surely growing negativity towards some truly classic games, and it does definitely bother me somewhat.
The single most annoying comment when just about ANY game that's announced that doesn't look like a AAA shooter with uber-realistic gameplay:
QuoteIt looks like an N64 game! Come on, this is *insert year here which doesn't actually mean anything* and we deserve better!
I have come to the conclusion that few people actually remember what N64 games look like, because most haven't played one since 2001. Not a good barometer of judgement.
What I think is that, and with some exceptions, what age mostly does is make a game less welcoming by today's standards. For example, some people might think Super Mario 64 isn't as welcoming as Super Mario 3D World. However, anyone who can look past superficial things like that will see that the game is still very good. Games like Mario Galaxy being better doesn't mean Mario 64 got worse. It just means they topped the level of quality they hit back then.
Now, what I said above doesn't apply to all old 3D games. There are some old 3D games that just don't hold up in their core design. But it's far from the claims that people make, like "the N64 is only good if you have overwhelming nostalgia attached to it".
Also, I've heard many people say that Twilight Princess is technically a superior game to Ocarina of Time, because it is apparently "a better and more polished version of the same game". This annoys me as it implies TP is "objectively" a better game and picking OoT is just subjectively picking the game that's actually inferior. Yeah, liking OoT more than TP is subjective. But saying TP is better than OoT is also subjective. And in my opinion, the reasons why people claim TP is factually better are superficial. Yeah, the controls, graphics, sound quality, and writing are better. But those types of things are expected with the evolution in gaming.
Yes, I'm a proponent of judging games on the era they were made in. I can't blame an old FPS for not having iron-sights when they weren't invented yet, or a third person action game for having analog camera control in an age before twin sticks. I might not enjoy those aspects, but I live with them. If I couldn't I wouldn't be playing old games because what's the point?
I remember people bitching that Deadly Premonition looked like a PS1 game. Now, Deadly Premonition is no graphical powerhouse, but have these people SEEN a PS1 game lately?
Critics said similar things about the Disgaea games looking like SNES games.
Hey guys, I'm going to copyright basic words like "candy" and "saga" because I'm a fuckwit that doesn't want other game companies using those words for the titles of their games, as it might damage the sales of my shitty ass game. :light:
Did those idiots succeed at that?
They got "candy" trademarked. Now they're suing that new game Banner Saga for use of the word "saga". Pathetic and greedy. A comment on Kotaku actually made me laugh.
"(Candy Crush is) hardly a saga. It's 8mb at best." ;D
Those morons actually pulled that off? I guess everyone who pulled that shitty game gave them the income to be able to do something that ridiculous.
Wait, hold up, they actually succeeded in copyrighting the word "candy"? How the hell did that happen?
Quote from: Eddy on January 23, 2014, 06:29:51 PM
Wait, hold up, they actually succeeded in copyrighting the word "candy"? How the hell did that happen?
:wth: Once I think about it, it's even crazier than I thought. I assume this just means video game title but I'm sure Reese's or whatever should be kicking the shit out of them in court right now for even thinking to try to copyright any use of the word.
Sadly, this is the reality we live in. (
Prioritizing DLC over your own broken game sounds.... pretty foolish. I mean it's one thing with all these "Early Access" games that are all the rage saying that you're technically buying an uncompleted game, but another thing from a Triple-A game to have all these bugs in the game from launch with little to no fix about it.
Not fixing your own game is pretty low. Especially considering the cost.
Why spend $60 on a game that might not even work? No wonder sales are going down across the board. Things like this certainly don't help.
So are we looking at the great video game crash of 2015, 2016, or will the industry hold out a bit longer than that? Time to place your bets, everyone! :>
Man, thinking about all the money that Flappy Bird guy made... I need to get in on this. Let's rip off pong and put it on the mobile market or something. But it needs to be meme-worthy. Stupidly meme-worthy.
Part 2 of why I don't care for hardcore gamers/fans I suppose.
So I was watching Sessler's Something ( I don't have any issues with his first topic about Playstation Now. It's his 2nd topic that really irks me and really makes me sick of gamers/fans of today. I'm all for discussing personal favorites and whatnot, but when it comes to getting death threats for personal favorites (REALLY?) I tend to think people are stupid. It's one thing to get in the heat of the moment over something like "best game of all time", but over personal favorites, come on.
With that said this is kinda why I side with the journalists/companies here and there (or at the very least I have more respect towards them than I have towards your average gamer), mainly because of what these folks put up with. I'm probably being naive or white knighting, but whatever. Take Capcom for instance. I don't like a lot of their decisions just as much as the next, and I get that gamers are passionate about what they like, but to resort to the degree of insults or wishing death, and, yet we expect these folks to remain "professional". I swear if these folks ever decide to attack back, it'll be well deserved.
I can take it to another level if I were to involve the fighting game community, but I'm rambling and words are jumbling in my head so I'm gonna leave it alone for now.
I can't stand those types of gamers either, but I think they represent a smaller portion of the general community than it may seem. I know many people who complain about journalists and BS business practices in a perfectly reasonable and rational manner, while actually taking the time and effort to support their points.
I do agree that the people who issue death threats to gaming journalists and companies like Capcom are fucking immature idiots, though. That's not having a true passion for the genre, it's being hateful just because someone is saying or doing something that you don't agree with. I disagree with people like Jeff Gerstmann and Adam Sessler about a shit-ton of things, and I despise Capcom's business practices, but that's me just hating on what's being said or the actual business practice itself. I never forget that the people behind this are human beings themselves, and trying to apply my disagreements as hatred onto them is just ridiculous.
Gamespot gave Tropical Freeze a 5/10. Normally it wouldn't be a big deal, but apparently the guy admitted he doesn't like Donkey Kong, wanted Retro to make a Metroid game, and can't wrap his head around high difficulty and starting a boss over from the beginning when you die. Basically, it's every fanboy complaint about Donkey Kong Country games rolled into a "professional" review.
Sometimes I wonder if anyone in the industry is aware that games did not begin to be made in the year 2008 and do not all benefit from following the same formula.
I do wonder when gamers are going to stop listening to reviewers, however.
Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on February 17, 2014, 11:08:17 AM
Gamespot gave Tropical Freeze a 5/10. Normally it wouldn't be a big deal, but apparently the guy admitted he doesn't like Donkey Kong, wanted Retro to make a Metroid game, and can't wrap his head around high difficulty and starting a boss over from the beginning when you die. Basically, it's every fanboy complaint about Donkey Kong Country games rolled into a "professional" review.
How the hell did this get past the drafting stage?
Quote from: Rosalinas Spare Wand on February 17, 2014, 12:54:18 PM
Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on February 17, 2014, 11:08:17 AM
Gamespot gave Tropical Freeze a 5/10. Normally it wouldn't be a big deal, but apparently the guy admitted he doesn't like Donkey Kong, wanted Retro to make a Metroid game, and can't wrap his head around high difficulty and starting a boss over from the beginning when you die. Basically, it's every fanboy complaint about Donkey Kong Country games rolled into a "professional" review.
How the hell did this get past the drafting stage?
Sorry, it was a 6/10. Same review, though.
I'm floored Gamespot is still taken as credible after the whole Kane & Lynch thing, but giving a review to someone who doesn't even like a series is sort of pointless. If you don't like platformers, one game isn't going to change that.
Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on February 17, 2014, 01:42:42 PM
Quote from: Rosalinas Spare Wand on February 17, 2014, 12:54:18 PM
Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on February 17, 2014, 11:08:17 AM
Gamespot gave Tropical Freeze a 5/10. Normally it wouldn't be a big deal, but apparently the guy admitted he doesn't like Donkey Kong, wanted Retro to make a Metroid game, and can't wrap his head around high difficulty and starting a boss over from the beginning when you die. Basically, it's every fanboy complaint about Donkey Kong Country games rolled into a "professional" review.
How the hell did this get past the drafting stage?
Sorry, it was a 6/10. Same review, though.
I'm floored Gamespot is still taken as credible after the whole Kane & Lynch thing, but giving a review to someone who doesn't even like a series is sort of pointless. If you don't like platformers, one game isn't going to change that.
Doesn't Gertsmann (sp?????) work for the same parent company again since they bought giantbomb?
Quote from: gunswordfist on February 17, 2014, 03:43:12 PM
Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on February 17, 2014, 01:42:42 PM
Quote from: Rosalinas Spare Wand on February 17, 2014, 12:54:18 PM
Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on February 17, 2014, 11:08:17 AM
Gamespot gave Tropical Freeze a 5/10. Normally it wouldn't be a big deal, but apparently the guy admitted he doesn't like Donkey Kong, wanted Retro to make a Metroid game, and can't wrap his head around high difficulty and starting a boss over from the beginning when you die. Basically, it's every fanboy complaint about Donkey Kong Country games rolled into a "professional" review.
How the hell did this get past the drafting stage?
Sorry, it was a 6/10. Same review, though.
I'm floored Gamespot is still taken as credible after the whole Kane & Lynch thing, but giving a review to someone who doesn't even like a series is sort of pointless. If you don't like platformers, one game isn't going to change that.
Doesn't Gertsmann (sp?????) work for the same parent company again since they bought giantbomb?
It's possible, but I guess they learned from their mistake on that one since a reviewer has never been fired for something like that since. Still, when it comes to IGN or Gamespot I tend to take their reviews with a grain of salt even more than I do with other shaky places like Edge, Destructoid, Polygon, or Kotaku.
In general, I don't trust the Internet for anything.
I hate to sound like a nostalgic old fart, but does anyone remember the old EGM and Official U.S. PlayStation Magazine? Now they were real reviewers plus they reviewed everything, including obscure shovel-ware crap that few people cared about. They cared about quality work, and it's a shame they all kind of died out.
I remember OPM giving some stupid ass reviews like when they lowered a score of a racing game...because they said it had too many races.
OPM was garbage. Official U.S. PlayStation Magazine, by contrast, was always a joy to read.
I remember PSM for having stickers and were fairly unbiased despite being about the PS1/PS2. But then, they were an unofficial mag.
I think Famitsu had the best way of doing it. For a game they'd have several columns with different people giving their own scores.
Famitsu USED to be a very prestigious and renowned source of video game journalism in Japan, and were once known for having some of the strictest but most unbiased reviewers.
However....over the past several years....well, you do know that it's a proven fact that they can be bought, right? They've been a terrible source for reviews ever since last generation. Keep in mind, these are the people who gave games like Final Fantasy XIII a 39/40 and Metroid: Other M a 36/40, among other ridiculously high scores for games that clearly didn't deserve them.
Quote from: Ensatsu-ken on February 18, 2014, 06:20:24 PM
Famitsu USED to be a very prestigious and renowned source of video game journalism in Japan, and were once known for having some of the strictest but most unbiased reviewers.
However....over the past several years....well, you do know that it's a proven fact that they can be bought, right? They've been a terrible source for reviews ever since last generation. Keep in mind, these are the people who gave games like Final Fantasy XIII a 39/40 and Metroid: Other M a 36/40, among other ridiculously high scores for games that clearly didn't deserve them.
Yeah, I had actually forgotten that fact when I made my post. I just remembered how Famitsu used to be.
Modern video game journalism, man... :-\
Quote from: talonmalon333 on February 18, 2014, 06:14:29 PM
I think Famitsu had the best way of doing it. For a game they'd have several columns with different people giving their own scores.
That's also how old EGM was. They were pretty damn good, for the most part.
New EGM, on the other hand... :whuh:
By the way Foggle, as someone who played RE6, what do you think of GameSpot's review of it?
Quote from: talonmalon333 on February 18, 2014, 06:54:03 PM
By the way Foggle, as someone who played RE6, what do you think of GameSpot's review of it?
Overly harsh in some ways, spot on in others. The game is not good, but not all that bad either. It's about as mediocre as games come.
What do you rate RE6?
Also, what's funny is that they gave Resident Evil 5 an 8.5...
Resident Evil 5... An 8.5...
Another sign of bad journalism is when reviewers give games a higher score than they deserve just because they are afraid of massive fan back-lash. For example, Game Trailers (which I'd argue is one of the very few sites that actually has some credible game journalists left) gave Skyward Sword a 9.1/10, but if you actually watch their review they have a lot of complaints about it and you could tell that the reviewer obviously felt pressured to still appease fans by giving the game a high score, even if he was honest with most of his problems with it.
Another example that applies to many game journalists is with the Halo games (and I say this as someone who actually likes the series). I thought Halo 3 had god multiplayer and a very mixed single player experience, and could understand it getting decent review scores, but getting so many 9's and 10's? It just wasn't nearly that good, and it's spin-off title, ODST, was way too short to be full price, yet it got 9's and 10's across the board, which is just fucking ridiculous, and was only done because of the community's huge, blind fan-base.
Don't forget Call of Duty. I'm sorry, but not every game in the series can be a 10/10 despite not changing anything substantial. Other series get dogged all the time, but COD always gets a pass because of the big bucks in marketing.
I also really don't like that it's okay to knock a game for having no online multiplayer but not for having no couch co-op. They're ignoring a whole group of people with doing that.
Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on February 18, 2014, 07:56:52 PM
Don't forget Call of Duty. I'm sorry, but not every game in the series can be a 10/10 despite not changing anything substantial. Other series get dogged all the time, but COD always gets a pass because of the big bucks in marketing.
Ghosts generally received mediocre/negative reviews, actually.
Quote from: talonmalon333 on February 18, 2014, 07:02:43 PM
What do you rate RE6?
A straight 5.
Quote from: Foggle on February 18, 2014, 08:29:51 PM
Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on February 18, 2014, 07:56:52 PM
Don't forget Call of Duty. I'm sorry, but not every game in the series can be a 10/10 despite not changing anything substantial. Other series get dogged all the time, but COD always gets a pass because of the big bucks in marketing.
Ghosts generally received mediocre/negative reviews, actually.
About six games later. Meanwhile IGN were writing articles about NSMBWii as if it was some diabolical scam of Nintendo to dare release a 2D platformer for a console. And that was only the second 2D Mario game in like 15 years.
GamePro was my favorite. I love their multiple scores for different aspects of games system.
Quote from: Ensatsu-ken on February 18, 2014, 07:45:44 PM
Another sign of bad journalism is when reviewers give games a higher score than they deserve just because they are afraid of massive fan back-lash. For example, Game Trailers (which I'd argue is one of the very few sites that actually has some credible game journalists left) gave Skyward Sword a 9.1/10, but if you actually watch their review they have a lot of complaints about it and you could tell that the reviewer obviously felt pressured to still appease fans by giving the game a high score, even if he was honest with most of his problems with it.
Another example that applies to many game journalists is with the Halo games (and I say this as someone who actually likes the series). I thought Halo 3 had god multiplayer and a very mixed single player experience, and could understand it getting decent review scores, but getting so many 9's and 10's? It just wasn't nearly that good, and it's spin-off title, ODST, was way too short to be full price, yet it got 9's and 10's across the board, which is just fucking ridiculous, and was only done because of the community's huge, blind fan-base.
Yeah, I actually do sort of enjoy listening to what GameTrailers has to say, but that Skyward Sword review kind of surprised me when they gave it a 9.1 despite giving a fairly mixed review, especially when they flat out called certain parts of it "boring". I wouldn't expect them to have given it much more than a solid 8.0.
Quote from: Foggle on February 18, 2014, 08:29:51 PM
Quote from: talonmalon333 on February 18, 2014, 07:02:43 PM
What do you rate RE6?
A straight 5.
And how about RE5?
Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on February 18, 2014, 08:42:17 PM
About six games later. Meanwhile IGN were writing articles about NSMBWii as if it was some diabolical scam of Nintendo to dare release a 2D platformer for a console. And that was only the second 2D Mario game in like 15 years.
True. I'm just saying, the CoD ship seems to have finally sailed.
Quote from: talonmalon333 on February 18, 2014, 09:54:11 PM
And how about RE5?
About a 6. It's technically a better game than RE6, but I'd rather play 6 over 5 any day.
Quote from: Foggle on February 19, 2014, 12:42:41 AM
Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on February 18, 2014, 08:42:17 PM
About six games later. Meanwhile IGN were writing articles about NSMBWii as if it was some diabolical scam of Nintendo to dare release a 2D platformer for a console. And that was only the second 2D Mario game in like 15 years.
True. I'm just saying, the CoD ship seems to have finally sailed.
Question is, what genre is going to take its place this gen? 6th gen had GTA and its clones, while last gen was CoD and Battlefield.
Quote from: Foggle on February 18, 2014, 06:47:18 PM
Quote from: talonmalon333 on February 18, 2014, 06:14:29 PM
I think Famitsu had the best way of doing it. For a game they'd have several columns with different people giving their own scores.
That's also how old EGM was. They were pretty damn good, for the most part.
New EGM, on the other hand... :whuh:
New EGM still does it, I think, but the magazine has otherwise lost all of the charm the old EGM had.
Quote from: gunswordfist on February 18, 2014, 09:19:16 PM
GamePro was my favorite. I love their multiple scores for different aspects of games system.
I also liked how each reviewer had their own nickname.
As long as we're talking old gaming mags, I'll take this time to say that I miss the days of Tips & Tricks, and when magazines had mini-strategy guides in them, even for otherwise obscure games.
Quote from: Rynnec on February 19, 2014, 12:56:09 AM
Question is, what genre is going to take its place this gen? 6th gen had GTA and its clones, while last gen was CoD and Battlefield.
"Interactive experiences" like Gone Home and Dear Esther.
I wish I was joking. But I know this is going to be what happens.
Yes, each GamePro writer had a pen name accompanied with an avatar picture. Too bad they went on to abandon that and have 2 or 3 reviews crammed on one that used a shitty 5.0 rating scale.
What the fuck is Gone Home?
It's a point and click adventure game without the good writing or clever puzzles.
The game industry wants to be the movie industry.
Quote from: gunswordfist on February 19, 2014, 01:05:37 AM
What the fuck is Gone Home?
A $20 non-game where you walk around a house and interact with objects for 1-2 hours. It received rave reviews, including multiple 10/10s. The best thing I can say about it is that at least it's more of a game than Dear Esther... which is potentially even shorter, somehow has less to do, and also received rave reviews.
The industry's sudden obsession with "games as art" has gotten out of hand. Of course, there have been good art games in the past, like Killer7, but still. The most common criticism I've seen of BioShock Infinite is that it has too much gameplay, and that's not a joke. More and more, gamers and faux-journalists are stressing the importance of story over core gameplay. I've even seen people suggest that DmC would have been better without combat. Really.
I'm also really worried that this gen will finally mark when Japanese developers are all but entirely shut out of the western games market. I feel like the industry at large has been gearing up to do this for the past 2-3 years now, with western games somehow always being considered better by default, Japanese games being heavily scrutinized even when they're more tasteful than America's heavy-hitters, and an increasingly apathetic overseas stance from major publishers like Sega and (to a lesser extent) Square Enix.
Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on February 19, 2014, 01:15:55 AM
It's a point and click adventure game without the good writing or clever puzzles.
The game industry wants to be the movie industry.
Outside of cRPGs like Planescape: Torment and The Witcher, I've only ever played one video game that had writing and characters on par with those of a good film or novel: Nier. And, despite being incredibly low-budget, it didn't sacrifice unique, fun gameplay to tell its story.
...It was also Japanese, so of course it received terrible reviews from western journalists and bombed in sales outside of its home country. Meanwhile, an hour's walk around an island featuring a mess of purple prose and requiring only the bare minimum of player input is widely regarded as a "masterpiece." Fucking hell.
Quote from: Foggle on February 19, 2014, 12:58:27 AM
Quote from: Rynnec on February 19, 2014, 12:56:09 AM
Question is, what genre is going to take its place this gen? 6th gen had GTA and its clones, while last gen was CoD and Battlefield.
"Interactive experiences" like Gone Home and Dear Esther.
I wish I was joking. But I know this is going to be what happens.
Aw hell naw.
QuoteA $20 non-game where you walk around a house and interact with objects for 1-2 hours.
Sounds like a rip-off if you pay anything higher than $5 for it.
QuoteThe industry's sudden obsession with "games as art" has gotten out of hand. Of course, there have been good art games in the past, like Killer7, but still. The most common criticism I've seen of BioShock Infinite is that it has too much gameplay, and that's not a joke. More and more, gamers and faux-journalists are stressing the importance of story over core gameplay. I've even seen people suggest that DmC would have been better without combat. Really.
They want to take away the thing that makes a videogame a videogame, and they're not even aware of how stupid that is. Most of the times the stories don't sound that good anyway. DmC had a terrible story that has been done better in movies released over a decade ago, and felt like something an edgy 15-year old would write, same with God of War and the CoD's. Dragon Age seems like something that's dark and violent for the sake of being dark and violent, and I don't see what sets Mass Effects story and characters apart from any other RPG's , eastern or western.
QuoteI'm also really worried that this gen will finally mark when Japanese developers are all but entirely shut out of the western games market. I feel like the industry at large has been gearing up to do this for the past 2-3 years now, with western games somehow always being considered better by default, Japanese games being heavily scrutinized even when they're more tasteful than America's heavy-hitters, and an increasingly apathetic overseas stance from major publishers like Sega and (to a lesser extent) Square Enix.
When that happens, I'll switch to mainly playing import titles. Japanese games are about the only ones that give me what I want out of a game. Of course there are exceptions.
QuoteMeanwhile, an hour's walk around an island featuring a mess of purple prose and requiring only the bare minimum of player input is widely regarded as a "masterpiece." Fucking hell.
Having a good story and making sure your game doesn't offend anybody, or is "progressive" in some way is more important than good gameplay, apparently.
Quote from: Rynnec on February 19, 2014, 02:09:39 AM
They want to take away the thing that makes a videogame a videogame, and they're not even aware of how stupid that is. Most of the times the stories don't sound that good anyway. DmC had a terrible story that has been done better in movies released over a decade ago, and felt like something an edgy 15-year old would write, same with God of War and the CoD's. Dragon Age seems like something that's dark and violent for the sake of being dark and violent, and I don't see what sets Mass Effects story and characters apart from any other RPG's , eastern or western.
To be fair, the first Dragon Age actually had a pretty good plot for a video game. It
was advertised really poorly as being OMG SO EDGY XD, though. Same with the new Tomb Raider.
I've always been of the minority opinion that the first Mass Effect has terrible writing. It's just so lifeless and stilted. The dialogue is incredibly expository and doesn't sound like anything actual people would say to each other. The sequels were better in that regard, and had some pretty likeable characters, but they were still kind of poorly-written in terms of plot.
QuoteHaving a good story and making sure your game doesn't offend anybody, or is "progressive" in some way is more important than good gameplay, apparently.
Not really having a good story, just those other two. And what's sad is, it's not even hard to make a game that doesn't offend anybody. Outside of that gross easter egg in Dragon's Crown, this offensiveness mostly just boils down to awful, tasteless jokes from games like GTA5 (which I'm not defending). Then again, Borderlands 2, which for the most part prides itself on having Tumblr-friendly humor, also seems to have caused a stir, so I dunno. I guess you can argue that BioShock Infinite is racist, even though the game is so utterly anti-racist as to beat you over the head with it every five minutes, but that's about it. The most minor of elements aside, there's maybe one or two inherently offensive games released in the US/UK per year - almost all of them being shit like Senran Kagura. Companies really should start localizing otome yaoi titles to counterbalance that.
On a related note, it's obvious that no one who played Killer Is Dead actually understood the story, because the gigolo missions are rather obviously intended to help establish Mondo as a bad person, and you're probably supposed to feel bad for playing them. The way I interpreted the game's events,
he's a psychotic mass murderer with split personalities who killed his family and has a deep-seated loathing for women.
Not exactly role model material.
Furthermore, you know what game is actually progressive? Fallout: New Vegas. That game had gay characters who were extremely likeable and neither defined by their sexuality nor cartoonishly flamboyant. That's the kind of realistic character writing video games should be aspiring to.
Oh yeah. Poor advertising is another thing that's becoming a big problem. Tomb Raider's ad campaign was a trainwreck, and the fact that people were defending that shit by saying "well, games should tackle this issue if they want to be taken seriously" makes it worse. Rhianna Pratchett seems like a good writer, and I really do feel sorry for her that marketers made it look like the game she wrote for had something in it that she didn't intend to write in at all.
Quote from: Foggle
I've always been of the minority opinion that the first Mass Effect has terrible writing. It's just so lifeless and stilted. The dialogue is incredibly expository and doesn't sound like anything actual people would say to each other. The sequels were better in that regard, and had some pretty likeable characters, but they were still kind of poorly-written in terms of plot.
Would you say any of them are better or worse than other RPG's (or even games in general) you've played? Critics and gamers alike seem to overhype it so much.
QuoteNot really having a good story, just those other two. And what's sad is, it's not even hard to make a game that doesn't offend anybody.
Outside of that gross easter egg in Dragon's Crown, this offensiveness mostly just boils down to awful, tasteless jokes from games like GTA5 (which I'm not defending). Then again, Borderlands 2, which for the most part prides itself on having Tumblr-friendly humor, also seems to have caused a stir, so I dunno.
Eh, after browsing various Tumblrs and reading posts by social justice-types, I'm convinced people will find something offensive or problematic in
anything. That most company execs are afraid of having diverse characters in their games doesn't help either.
QuoteI guess you can argue that BioShock Infinite is racist, even though the game is so utterly anti-racist as to beat you over the head with it every five minutes, but that's about it. The most minor of elements aside, there's maybe one or two inherently offensive games released in the US/UK per year - almost all of them being shit like Senran Kagura. Companies really should start localizing otome yaoi titles to counterbalance that.
I think the only reason otome yaoi games haven't been released stateside is that most of them are VN's, and traditional VN's haven't taken off until arguably recently.
QuoteOn a related note, it's obvious that no one who played Killer Is Dead actually understood the story, because the gigolo missions are rather obviously intended to help establish Mondo as a bad person, and you're probably supposed to feel bad for playing them.
Quite a few would argue that the fact that you're playing as Mondo, and that the gigolo missions are still fanservicey (or at least that people still get turned on by them) mitigates what you pointed out. While I can understand that kind of argument, I cannot agree with them either.
I get that it's important to criticize something that you like (which is probably part of the Borderlands 2 controversy you mentioned), but most of said criticism is just complaining about things and accusing a work of being sexist/racist/whatever, rather than analyzing things from a story or character perspective. The former just comes across as annoying and pretentious instead of insightful.
QuoteFurthermore, you know what game is actually progressive? Fallout: New Vegas. That game had gay characters who were extremely likeable and neither defined by their sexuality nor cartoonishly flamboyant. That's the kind of realistic character writing video games should be aspiring to.
The Last of Us DLC also had a lesbian couple in it, so that's a good sign that things are getting better.
Quote from: Foggle on February 19, 2014, 12:42:41 AM
Quote from: talonmalon333 on February 18, 2014, 09:54:11 PM
And how about RE5?
About a 6. It's technically a better game than RE6, but I'd rather play 6 over 5 any day.
I was going to make a joke about you giving RE5 a solid 6. Now that I see that's your rating for it, anyway, I wish I went through with it. :P
How come you like playing 6 more?
Also, I can't say I agree with the "technically/objectively" mindset. I feel like, unless there is an obvious different in quality (RE2 vs RE Gaiden............ Gaiden is obviously the better one), then what game is truly better than the other all comes down to opinion. Same goes for movies, television shows, etc.
Quote from: RynnecWould you say any of them are better or worse than other RPG's (or even games in general) you've played? Critics and gamers alike seem to overhype it so much.
I'm probably one of those that overhyped it a bit when I first got my hands on it. It was more of a transition period for me considering it was offering something different that I never attempted (Outside of Jade Empire I had a general hate for WRPGs). And then coming off of a game like Tales of the Abyss/Vesperia or Dragon Quest 8 (I need to finish that beast of a game) where the dungeons can feel long a tedious, not to mention all of the main characters were sword wielders, it just felt refreshing to see a main character using a different weapon for a change.
Playing ME1 now (after 4 playthroughs lol), though. Yeah, I definitely see a lot of the faults more clearly. The characters are definitely bland, although, I'm a fan of Garrus. I think that's why ME2 is regarded as the better game in the series. The characters were fleshed out more, but then again, it's probably just me seeing how I've yet to finish that game because I don't want to see it end.
But then again that brings me to my problem with both eastern and western rpgs. WRPGs characterization are terrible for the most part while the customization in JRPGs are severely lacking (I just like the idea of creating your own character and you don't really get that option in most, if not all jrpgs)
Take both elements from both parts and you'd probably have the best rpg ever.
I consider ME1 to be pretty much unplayable. ME2 is probably my favorite WRPG but from as far as I know (haven't played 3 yet), it's story is pretty much only good for getting to know the characters...who can all die so that cancels that out.
I still need to try ME2, but good god was ME1 boring as fuck. I was also really looking forward to it back when it was coming out since I was a HUGE fan of KOTOR, but it was such a letdown for me.
Quote from: Rynnec on February 19, 2014, 04:00:51 AM
Would you say any of them are better or worse than other RPG's (or even games in general) you've played? Critics and gamers alike seem to overhype it so much.
Not really. The story and characters are very middle of the road as far as RPGs go. There's far worse out there, for sure, but ME isn't really one of the greats in terms of writing IMO.
QuoteEh, after browsing various Tumblrs and reading posts by social justice-types, I'm convinced people will find something offensive or problematic in anything. That most company execs are afraid of having diverse characters in their games doesn't help either.
Yeah, like that one person who thought A Link Between Worlds was "fatphobic"... yeesh. Tumblrers give real social justice advocacy a bad name.
QuoteQuite a few would argue that the fact that you're playing as Mondo, and that the gigolo missions are still fanservicey (or at least that people still get turned on by them) mitigates what you pointed out. While I can understand that kind of argument, I cannot agree with them either.
It seems like the same people who want games to have more story simultaneously don't understand the concept of gameplay adding to said story, or a story where the protagonist is not a hero. It's annoying, to say the least.
QuoteI get that it's important to criticize something that you like (which is probably part of the Borderlands 2 controversy you mentioned), but most of said criticism is just complaining about things and accusing a work of being sexist/racist/whatever, rather than analyzing things from a story or character perspective. The former just comes across as annoying and pretentious instead of insightful.
I remember the character of Tiny Tina being criticized for "appropriating black culture" because she used silly slang words like "badunkadunk". Just... what.
Quote from: talonmalon333 on February 19, 2014, 12:15:32 PM
How come you like playing 6 more?
Also, I can't say I agree with the "technically/objectively" mindset. I feel like, unless there is an obvious different in quality (RE2 vs RE Gaiden............ Gaiden is obviously the better one), then what game is truly better than the other all comes down to opinion. Same goes for movies, television shows, etc.
RE5 is absolutely better-made game than 6 on a strictly technical, but it is also less fun for me. I like 6 more because the shooting mechanics are really cool (if badly executed) and some of the levels are actually quite memorable.
Quote from: Grave on February 19, 2014, 04:33:00 PM
But then again that brings me to my problem with both eastern and western rpgs. WRPGs characterization are terrible for the most part while the customization in JRPGs are severely lacking (I just like the idea of creating your own character and you don't really get that option in most, if not all jrpgs)
Take both elements from both parts and you'd probably have the best rpg ever.
IMO, this is why cRPGs are the best, as they often incorporate the best elements of both. They all but died out for a good long while, but thankfully they're making a resurgence now, with games like The Witcher, Wasteland 2, Pillars of Eternity, Shadowrun Returns, etc.
Quote from: Foggle on February 19, 2014, 08:01:15 PM
Quote from: talonmalon333 on February 19, 2014, 12:15:32 PM
How come you like playing 6 more?
Also, I can't say I agree with the "technically/objectively" mindset. I feel like, unless there is an obvious different in quality (RE2 vs RE Gaiden............ Gaiden is obviously the better one), then what game is truly better than the other all comes down to opinion. Same goes for movies, television shows, etc.
RE5 is absolutely better-made game than 6 on a strictly technical, but it is also less fun for me. I like 6 more because the shooting mechanics are really cool (if badly executed) and some of the levels are actually quite memorable.
I guess that makes sense. RE5 isn't a terribly designed game, particularly when it comes to graphics. It's just a crowning example of pure dull gameplay and game design.
Quote from: Grave on February 19, 2014, 04:33:00 PMWRPGs characterization are terrible for the most part while the customization in JRPGs are severely lacking (I just like the idea of creating your own character and you don't really get that option in most, if not all jrpgs)
Take both elements from both parts and you'd probably have the best rpg ever.
I feel like, when it comes to main playable characters, you can't entirely have both of those.
Quote from: FoggleIMO, this is why cRPGs are the best, as they often incorporate the best elements of both. They all but died out for a good long while, but thankfully they're making a resurgence now, with games like The Witcher, Wasteland 2, Pillars of Eternity, Shadowrun Returns, etc.
Quote from: talonmalon333I feel like, when it comes to main playable characters, you can't entirely have both of those.
I know right, and it kills me because I can't get both.
Quote from: Grave on February 20, 2014, 03:47:15 PM
Computer Role-Playing Games. From what I understand, they're considered different from WRPGs and JRPGs because they have a lot more depth to their gameplay systems and character progression while also featuring a heavier focus on actual role-playing and story than combat.
Quote from: Grave on February 20, 2014, 03:47:15 PM
Quote from: talonmalon333I feel like, when it comes to main playable characters, you can't entirely have both of those.
I know right, and it kills me because I can't get both.
I actually kind of like the separation. I like having games where I can play as a real character, and then games where I can essentially insert myself into a (customizable) avatar.
On May 20th, Nintendo will shut off online gameplay for the Wii and the DS.
Better dust off Tatsunoko vs. Capcom.
I posted about that earlier. Probably should have done so in this thread.
That sucks.
Id this means the VC will be shut down on the Wii, I better use my remaining points while I can.
Quick Spark, name a couple of good games you think that I don't own.
Ristar, Monster World IV, Mega Turrican, Rolling Thunder 2, Gunstar Heroes, DoReMi Fantasy, Alex Kidd in Miracle World, Alex Kidd in Shinobi World, Shock Troopers, Sengoku 3, Magical Drop III, Spin Master, Ninja Commando, Bio Miracle Bokutte Upa (weird import title), Lords of Thunder, Ys Book I & II, Air Zonk, Bonk's Revenge, Castlevania: Rondo of Blood, Blazing Lazers, any LucasArts game...
Is that enough?
Hopefully you can still download the games you already bought if/when they shut down the VC.
If not, just one more reason for me to avoid digital distribution on consoles.
Bomberman Hero? :joy:
Quote from: Nel_Annette on February 27, 2014, 11:12:11 PM
Bomberman Hero? :joy:
I was going on the assumption that he had the Bomberman games.
If not, it's one of the best N64 games on there.
Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on February 27, 2014, 11:06:24 PM
Ristar, Monster World IV, Mega Turrican, Rolling Thunder 2, Gunstar Heroes, DoReMi Fantasy, Alex Kidd in Miracle World, Alex Kidd in Shinobi World, Shock Troopers, Sengoku 3, Magical Drop III, Spin Master, Ninja Commando, Bio Miracle Bokutte Upa (weird import title), Lords of Thunder, Ys Book I & II, Air Zonk, Bonk's Revenge, Castlevania: Rondo of Blood, Blazing Lazers, any LucasArts game...
Is that enough?
Maybe too many!
But wow, I forgot, I don't have Gunstar Heroes. I might have enough for one or two more besides that.
Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on February 27, 2014, 11:13:56 PM
Quote from: Nel_Annette on February 27, 2014, 11:12:11 PM
Bomberman Hero? :joy:
I was going on the assumption that he had the Bomberman games.
If not, it's one of the best N64 games on there.
I just like any excuse to mention it. ;D
Boy do I love Gunstar Heroes. Getting past that ship part on Hard mode by yourself is impossible though.
Just so you guys know, it's only the games online features that will be affected. You'll still be able to access the Wii Shop.
Here's the list of games affected by the shutdown. ( From the looks of this list, it's pretty much everything that had that Blue Logo on them. The shops are safe for now I believe.
Keeping up the streak! (
Give me a break.
Is it harder than Returns? Because that game was difficult as hell without being frustrating (rocket barrel levels and a couple others aside). If it's much more challenging than that, I could see people considering it "too hard."
Then again, this is IGN we're talking about. They thought the new Rise of the Triad on normal was too hard. That's just sad.
It's actually not harder than Returns, the difficulty is actually more well balanced and even than that game. And that's without throwing in the items, second hits on mine carts and rocket barrels, multiple partners, and better checkpoint placing.
But it's a 2D platformer. You have to find something to whine about.
My brother has continuously made the argument that DKC Returns isn't that hard because you can easily buy 30+ lives when you need to, weakening the punishment of tougher levels.
I think that's kind of irrelevant to how much of a beating you can take from levels, though.
I had over 90 lives by world 2. Lack of lives is not a problem here.
The levels themselves are just better paced and have more clever design than DKCR which also allows for clearer level design. The challenge comes from conquering the levels, but there's nothing overly hard here and losing your partner is no longer as much of a gimp as it is in Returns. As far as DKC games, it probably has the smoothest difficulty curve.
If IGN had to play the SNES games (or picked up Returns again) they would quickly realize that Tropical Freeze really isn't as hard as they think it is.
I actually didn't think the SNES games were all that hard, except maybe DKC2. It has some hard levels, but I'm sure that if I picked up DKC1 today, I could get through the entire game in 2-3 hours without too much struggle.
Tropical Freeze was pretty hard but, with the abundance of lives and the checkpoints, it was far from impossible. Also, what is that guy talking about? 20 minute boss fights? With the exception of the final boss I didn't really find any of the bosses that frustrating. They were all fun and creative.
Tropical Freeze actually has the best boss battles in the series, in my opinion. Just hard and clever enough to be fun for replays.
Unless they prove the game is broken, I never take claims of a game being too hard seriously. I hate it when points are taken away because the reviewer thought a game they beat was too hard.
Did one guy say Tropical Freeze would be better if the Wii U had a library "as strong as its competitors"? Not only does this not make sense, either game is good or not, it doesn't matter what else is on the console, but I can only assume he's talking about the XBONE and PS4. What vast library is on those consoles? I can think of one or two games that might be worth playing on them as of right now. And one of them is just a port of Tomb Raider.
What he's saying that Retro should have made Metroid Prime 4 because a "shooter" would bring them more in line with their competitors.
Basically another case of bashing the game for not being what they wanted.
Quote from: Eddy on March 03, 2014, 06:35:44 PM
Did one guy say Tropical Freeze would be better if the Wii U had a library "as strong as its competitors"? Not only does this not make sense, either game is good or not, it doesn't matter what else is on the console, but I can only assume he's talking about the XBONE and PS4. What vast library is on those consoles? I can think of one or two games that might be worth playing on them as of right now. And one of them is just a port of Tomb Raider.
Exactly, that argument makes no sense. The only good titles on the PS4 and Xbone right now are upscaled ports of last gen games and maybe Dead Rising 3. And shit, the Wii U actually has backwards compatibility and upscales games without the need for porting... so, by their logic, Nintendo's box is actually the
strongest current gen console at the moment.
Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on March 03, 2014, 06:47:46 PM
What he's saying that Retro should have made Metroid Prime 4 because a "shooter" would bring them more in line with their competitors.
Which would be missing the point entirely, because Metroid Prime was literally just a 3D version of the traditional games - it was never about shooting. Goddammit IGN.
As long as it's first person and has a gun (and dual analog aiming) I doubt they care about anything else. (
QuoteThe Mass Effect veteran went on to discuss how gaming consistently fails to tackle issues like ?misogyny, sexism, racism, ethnocentrism, nationalism, ageism, ableism, homophobia, transphobia, queerphobia and other types of social injustice.?
Considering the skill of the average videogame writer, that's probably a good thing. :sweat:
Also, Bioware must be desperate for money if they're making a ME4.
So they decided to make 4 before a prequel? How stupid. If they make a prequel and the weapons are more advanced in that then it's going to be really stupid.
Quote from: Rynnec on April 15, 2014, 10:42:46 PM
QuoteThe Mass Effect veteran went on to discuss how gaming consistently fails to tackle issues like ?misogyny, sexism, racism, ethnocentrism, nationalism, ageism, ableism, homophobia, transphobia, queerphobia and other types of social injustice.?
Yes, this is exactly why I play video games. I need bleeding heart liberals to expose me to the injustices of the world through their filter.
Don't most people play as FemShep anyway? That already knocks half of that down.
Quote from: Dr. Insomniac on April 19, 2014, 12:57:14 AM
Don't most people play as FemShep anyway? That already knocks half of that down.
Friendly reminder that if you play as FemShep and pursue a romantic relationship with Liara, your FemShep might be gay. No, seriously, screw the people that say Liara "doesn't count" as a gay option.
For a hint at how annoying it was to be a 2D fan in the 32-bit era:
Quote"All in all, a few more 3D effects would have been nice, but the decision to stick with a true 2D environment is bold, if somewhat outmoded. Aesthetically, Mega Man X4 is a sizeable improvement over its predecessors, but you must remember that it's only a side scroller."
This was Gamespot.
Yes, he was talking about Mega Man X4, one of the best games on the PS1 and one of the games that has aged the best from that era. Weird to think about, no?
He finally got his wish with X7. Wonder how he reacted to that one?
Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on May 20, 2014, 01:03:53 AM
Quote"All in all, a few more 3D effects would have been nice, but the decision to stick with a true 2D environment is bold, if somewhat outmoded. Aesthetically, Mega Man X4 is a sizeable improvement over its predecessors, but you must remember that it's only a side scroller."
What does that even mean?
Team Ninja Dog might be working with Nintendo again. ( :whuh:
Yosuke Hayashi is the guy infamous for Ninja Gaiden 3, right?
Team Ninja members are apparently helping to produce Hyrule Warriors. Just another reason for Ensatsu-ken to ignore that game.
Quote from: gunswordfist on May 20, 2014, 03:36:55 AM
Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on May 20, 2014, 01:03:53 AM
Quote"All in all, a few more 3D effects would have been nice, but the decision to stick with a true 2D environment is bold, if somewhat outmoded. Aesthetically, Mega Man X4 is a sizeable improvement over its predecessors, but you must remember that it's only a side scroller."
What does that even mean?
At the time sidescrollers were deemed inferior because they didn't have fog or sub-30fps.
It was an annoying time for those of us who grew up on 2D games.
I was already going to ignore this game when I found out that it would be Dynasty Warriors with Zelda characters. Team Ninja's involvement willnjust confirm that even DW fans will hate it.
Well I'm not all that familiar with this guy, Yosuke Hayashi. However, if he is as bad as you guys say, and if he's involved in this game, then my confidence in this game has gone down. We're likely going to have to wait until the next main Zelda game to get something truly great.
How was the latest main game Zelda?
Quote from: gunswordfist on May 20, 2014, 07:02:52 PM
How was the latest main game Zelda?
Excellent. One of the best Zelda games.
Yeah, A Link Between Worlds was the first time I enjoyed the series in years.
Go play it! PLAY IT!
I'm not even a big Legend of Zelda fan and Link Between Worlds is probably one of my favorite games on the 3DS. It's just so charming and fun.
I forgot about that game. I actually meant Skyward Sword.
Oh, that. We're way more divided on that one. :lol:
Oh. :D
Even if one were to play along with that insane and downright pretentious logic (you've just gotta love it when gamers attempt to be "deep"), I can think of dozens of single-player only games that are better "multiplayer" games than BSI, based on them bring better games than it in general.
No, but really, I find this more hilarious than bothersome. Perhaps I've grown too used to the stupidity of modern gamers when they actually try to think, so not only does this somehow not baffle me, but it also manages to amuse me since now I've made a personal little game out of seeing which idiotic statement from a gamer can top the last most idiotic one that I've seen. This one is up there.
Quote from: Dr. Ensatsu-ken on June 01, 2014, 06:44:53 PM
No, but really, I find this more hilarious than bothersome.
Same, but I couldn't think of any other place to post it. :sweat:
Real question... does anyone even take Patricia Hernandez seriously?
Never trust a woman with a butt chin.
Quote from: Daxdiv on June 01, 2014, 07:15:17 PM
Real question... does anyone even take Patricia Hernandez seriously?
Tumblr SJW's?
Quote from: Rynnec on June 01, 2014, 07:49:02 PM
Quote from: Daxdiv on June 01, 2014, 07:15:17 PM
Real question... does anyone even take Patricia Hernandez seriously?
Tumblr SJW's?
You might be on to something, considering how many times I read a post from her, it does feel like she farmed the content from Tumblr, Reddit or 4chan.
I'd love to see the comments section for that article.
I don't know where else to put this: (
I hate it when shooters have the run button on an analog stick button. Who the hell thought that was a good idea? It's practically painful to do. Just keep it as a shoulder button, Doom console style, please!
What the fuck is this? (
This may seem weird coming from me, but I utterly loathe elitists of any hack n' slash action games. Elitists of any kind suck, but since this is a genre that I'm the most invested in, these kind bother me the most. Look, I'm all for deep combat and great technical balance and nuance. You all know that quite well from how passionately I write about all of that stuff. But I also don't discredit anyone else's opinions on other games in the genre who don't play the games for technical perfection.
For instance, DMC elitists will claim that every other hack n' slash game is crap because they don't have the nuance of jump canceling and style switching and distortion and all of this other fancy bull-shit that, quite frankly most normal people don't give a shit about. It doesn't matter to them if another action/adventure game does the actual adventure elements much better, because it doesn't meet their specifications of what they consider to be technically perfect. Ninja Gaiden and Platinum Games elitists are really no better.
I hate it because I honestly feel that it's people like this who will turn some other people away from the genre, or at the very least give their respective ransoms a bad reputation, even if they are honestly a vocal minority. People of this nature aren't true fans of the genre or even the series or game that they advocate. They are just ass-holes who need to step back and get a life.
Also, NeoGAF has some of the worst elitists of any kind. I was just browsing through some of their thread "discussions" on these games (which aren't even more than a year old), and that's what kind of reminded me of why I hate these pricks so much.
It's starting to look like polygon has too many whine pieces ( He's basically complaining about Assassin's Creed being Assassin's Creed but with better graphics.
Complaining about a game being what it is is the game industry's favorite whining point.
Back in the PS1 days I remember someone scoring Strider 2 low because it was "an arcade game". Which is, you know, what it is.
:o People complained about Strider 2? I'd kill to have that game.
Another nail in the coffin of gaming "journalism."
I seriously can't believe this shit and I'm seeing it with my own eyes.
And the comments section is hilarious. "This article is really insightful, why don't the game developers think about these things."
Jesus effing Christ, it's a video game dragon, you morons. Just slay the damn thing and collect your loot.
I had a feeling the comments had enablers
If something sounds like it could be intelligent, regardless of whether it actually is or isn't, people like those commenters will eat it all up.
that's what i was thinking. lol
Some people take their gaming WAY too seriously. Do they really not know the difference between a video game dragon and the real world?
This would be as silly as someone writing an article in the early '90s condemning Double Dragon II because you can throw people out of a helicopter in stage 3.
"Why don't you try to reason it out with him? Maybe he wasn't a bad guy, you don't know!"
It's a video game, moron. They're ALL bad guys!
what makes it funnier is the game is called assassin's creed. what do you expect?
Journalists like that might as well join PETA ( Yeah, I said it. That's how bad it is.
The worst of these lot are the feminist group:
"Super Mario Bros. and Zelda are sexist because you have to rescue a princess"
-Because, you know, Peach was never a playable character in any Mario game ever....
"Hitman Absolution is sexist because there was this one trailer where the main character kills off all of these female assassins who are trying to kill him"
-How dare he; he should have just let himself be killed because they were women, which automatically makes them incapable of being wrong or unjust in any possible way; of course if it were a woman killing a bunch of guys just minding their own business, it'd be perfectly OK, just because she's a woman, and thus by giving her special treatment it's not being sexist....
"Batman: Arkham City is sexist because thugs yell derogatory and demeaning terms and phrases at Catwoman"
-Well, shame on Rocksteady for making a bunch of thugs talk the way that they would actually talk; they should have made them gentleman who would compliment Catwoman on the scent of her perfume as she bashed their faces in....
"Bayonetta is sexist because she's a female who is sexualized in the game"
-Nevermind the fact that she's the most powerful being in her entire fucking Universe who can kick all kinds of ass; because fuck gameplay in a video game when there is (completely fabricated) sexism that we could all be bitching about instead....
Seriously, these people need to be educated or something
this reminds me, i wish i could post a link to a kotaku article that says blood dragon could be homophobic. the author plays gay rights activist and asks a dev if the game is homophobic in a long, painful interview.
Quote from: gunswordfist on July 17, 2014, 02:58:36 PM
this reminds me, i wish i could post a link to a kotaku article that says blood dragon could be homophobic. the author plays gay rights activist and asks a dev if the game is homophobic in a long, painful interview.
I think that was the last straw for a lot of people from what I've gathered from comments about the site since then (not that people were pleased with it beforehand). These "journalists" have lost touch with reality.
i had no clue it possibly received that strong of a reaction. that being read not too long after the gamasutra article about how real gamers should not call video games video made me lose a lot of faith in these journalists
Pokemon should be banned for encouraging you to beat up and capture one of a kind Pokemon.
Please tell me that Polygon article was meant to be tongue in cheek.
animals should never be abused. pokemon are no exception.
i wish i could, rynnec...
Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on July 17, 2014, 03:42:27 PM
Quote from: gunswordfist on July 17, 2014, 02:58:36 PM
this reminds me, i wish i could post a link to a kotaku article that says blood dragon could be homophobic. the author plays gay rights activist and asks a dev if the game is homophobic in a long, painful interview.
I think that was the last straw for a lot of people from what I've gathered from comments about the site since then (not that people were pleased with it beforehand). These "journalists" have lost touch with reality.
Don't call them journalists. That's pretty insulting to the professionals.
I feel like it's more that Gawker's method of business and attracting potential advertisers has pretty much made Kotaku the hotbed of clickbait in video games. Like I can remember a time when Kotaku could be used as a legitimate resource but it's degenerated into a site that wastes bandwidth writing about how wrong customers are or how video games need to be a platform for social movements or fuck there are articles about weird japanese food and shows. I like Kamen Rider Gaim but why would I go to Kotaku for a 2 paragraph article where they say the map of the city looks like the Arkham map from Batman? That's hardly related to video games at all.
Gone Home has been announced for the Wii U, and, naturally, the only reason you could possibly hate the game is because you hate Homosexuals. Surely it can't be because there's no gameplay, it can be completed in two minutes, and it's altogether poorly written and offers nothing original. No, it must be because of that. You horrible horrible bigot.
I wonder if such people have ever read a book, watched a movie, or have seen a television show. Only gamers celebrate D-tier writing as some sort of revolution to the medium over and over again to the point where I have to wonder if they've ever actually experienced a story outside of the trappings of videogames.
And even then-- Deadly Premonition, Monkey Island, Nier, BioShock, Chrono Trigger, KOTOR, the list goes on. It's been soundly outclassed in its own medium as well.
So why are we celebrating something completely average that does nothing and offers nothing new as if it does? The better question is why do game journalists treat these things as somehow "moving gaming forward" when they aren't moving anything?
I bet the only books they read are whatever YA series is popular right now, the only TV shows they watch are whatever's popular on CW right now, and the only movies they see are what's out in theaters or Blu-Ray now. Mainstream shit, basically.
The only reason it's getting so much love is because lesbians, if it had been a straight couple then people would've seen it for the unremarkable game it is. Inclusion of minorities is great and everything, but it is not a measuring stick of how good something is, especially a videogame. I'm not interested in Gone Home because nothing else about it sounds interesting, by contrast, I have a large interest in a game like Fire Emblem: Awakening, despite the glaring lack of homosexual relationships because everything else about it sounds like a well made game that's worth playing.
What I'm saying is; you have to see the product as a whole rather than if it's "progressive" or not. And gaming "journalists" are too stupid to realize that simple fact that journalists in other fields have grasped since day 1.
Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on August 28, 2014, 05:42:31 PM
Gone Home has been announced for the Wii U, and, naturally, the only reason you could possibly hate the game is because you hate Homosexuals. Surely it can't be because there's no gameplay, it can be completed in two minutes, and it's altogether poorly written and offers nothing original. No, it must be because of that. You horrible horrible bigot.
I wonder if such people have ever read a book, watched a movie, or have seen a television show. Only gamers celebrate D-tier writing as some sort of revolution to the medium over and over again to the point where I have to wonder if they've ever actually experienced a story outside of the trappings of videogames.
And even then-- Deadly Premonition, Monkey Island, Nier, BioShock, Chrono Trigger, KOTOR, the list goes on. It's been soundly outclassed in its own medium as well.
So why are we celebrating something completely average that does nothing and offers nothing new as if it does? The better question is why do game journalists treat these things as somehow "moving gaming forward" when they aren't moving anything?
To be fair, some of these games that people praise do move gaming forward in the sense that they are testing waters that gaming (and exclusively gaming) hasn't really touched before. Something like film may have touched those subjects millions of times before, but for the evolution of gaming as a whole, it's important that this medium takes that step as well. It's why I think it's better that we have some of those extremely artsy games that are extremely mediocre in terms of gameplay. Film has had it's time of experimentation in the past, when the medium was still really growing.
That said... I agree completely that people praise the writing of some of these games way too much, and it can get a bit old. Even though I see the value in some of these games for evolution, they are still far from the likes of other mediums. Gaming still doesn't have a Citizen Kane... you get the idea.
EDIT: Also, just to be clear, I'm not specifically talking about the game you mentioned with this post. I really don't know much about that game. I'm just talking about games in general here. Long story short, experimenting with gaming is fine, but some people need to take a breather.
Gaming has plenty of good story-telling potential and has in fact produced great stories in the past. You can look as far back as the NES era. Plenty of older games have gone past their limitations and presented well thought-out and highly nuanced stories with thoughtful themes, including games like Chrono Trigger, Final Fantasy, Sweet Home, Silent Hill, Max Payne, and so on. And, of course, they take advantage of the fact that they are games and tell their stories in a way that only games can.
My problem is that things have regressed since then, and we have game journalists praising wannabe interactive films as high art simply just because they present thought-provoking subject matter. It doesn't actually occur to some gamers to take into account whether any of that is actually well-executed or not.
I'm not really sure what people are expecting from video game storytelling. It has to tie into the central game design in a way that enhances the full experience. KOTOR does this, Deadly Premonition does this, even 999 does this. Games like Gone Home do not, their story is just window dressing on bland game design.
I don't really know what the "Citizen Kane of gaming" is supposed to mean. A game that uses all the elements of video game design to create a compelling narrative? I mentioned a few games that did this. Deadly Premonition twists Twin Peaks style weirdness with supernatural threats which ties into the main character and player in a way that draws the player in and makes them want to explore the world. I don't think that makes it the be-all example, though.
There isn't one way to make a compelling narrative video game with all the different genres out there. Being user-controlled and not director-controlled like film narratives, the two can never be comparable without putting the game on-rails, and then you might as well be watching a movie. It seems like certain people think stripping gameplay out of games to insert a story that wouldn't even work in a book is the way to make a good "Story game". See, the problem is that for video games, gameplay comes first. So it doesn't matter how good your story is if your gameplay isn't there.
Just like a concept album doesn't matter if the songs are poorly written even if your message is about how bad people are terrible. That's not how you make a good album, the music comes first.
Again though, why do games need to be "taken seriously"? They're fun. If you get a good story, that's just a bonus, not the goal. If you want a masterful story that touches on real themes without sacrificing the medium, go read "A Tale of Two Cities" or "The Idiot". It isn't like there will ever be a video game story like them. By design of each medium, there can't be. Video game stories don't bend that way.
Quote from: Dr. Ensatsu-ken on August 28, 2014, 11:02:00 PM
Gaming has plenty of good story-telling potential and has in fact produced great stories in the past. You can look as far back as the NES era. Plenty of older games have gone past their limitations and presented well thought-out and highly nuanced stories with thoughtful themes, including games like Chrono Trigger, Final Fantasy, Sweet Home, Silent Hill, Max Payne, and so on. And, of course, they take advantage of the fact that they are games and tell their stories in a way that only games can.
My problem is that things have regressed since then, and we have game journalists praising wannabe interactive films as high art simply just because they present thought-provoking subject matter. It doesn't actually occur to some gamers to take into account whether any of that is actually well-executed or not.
Basically, this is what I meant. Game stories are not movie stories are not book narratives.
Man, I can't wait to see what Gone Home will look like on the Wii U and beat it in less time it takes me to make a bag of steamed rice.
I still question how games like this and Depression Quest qualify as games. Depression Quest isn't a game at all, it's just a Power Point presentation with forced options put onto you. Like there this point where you're ask to adopt a cat, but even if you say no and wonder what will happen to the cat, it still gets adopted. Hell, even if you decide to screw yourself over, the worse thing that happens to you is your significant other leaving you, not killing yourself which most people with severe depression do. Give me Five Night's at Freddy's over this slab of crap, at least that has some game play to enjoy.
Also, this whole entire shit storm about the term "Gamer" and how they're all little hellspawns due to the controversy surrounding Depression Quest and the latest Feminist Frequency video. Way to piss on your audience, especially Kotaku since they pride themselves on calling itself "The Gamer's Guide" well, if you hate gamers, you better get rid of that part.
Yeah, I see a lot of people focusing on the whole cheating thing, which does suck, but that she was sleeping with journalists and contest runners to get her game promoted and that they went with it that really gets me. I trust the opinions of fucking Youtubers I watch more than I trust game "journalists".
All I believe is that video game storytelling has ways to go before it reaches the level of dignity that other forms of media have, and that a certain level of ambition is required to get there. Some games address ideas and whether they succeed or fail, it's still a step that was worth taking. I wouldn't ever say they need to be movies or novels.
The main problem with modern games is when they just try to emulate movies and fail spectacularly. As of now, the only video game story that I believe is truly great, when looked at as a story in general and not just compared as a video game story, is Silent Hill 2.
I respect Shadow of the Colossus more than I do God of War. I think that's a good way to quickly sum up my point.
My favorite thing about Gone Home is that people praise it for its supposed "narrative depth" and "writing quality," saying that the lack of substantial gameplay is made up for by the fact that it's "a masterpiece of storytelling." Unfortunately, the entire storyline can be summed up in about three paragraphs, while the actual script would instantly deflate if it were attempted in a more mature medium like literature or film. So the answer to the question, "why bother making a story-based video game without any actual gameplay?" is probably more that the studio behind the game knew it could only work in a medium where the critics and hip "in" crowd are easily impressed.
But hey, at least it's better than Dear Esther or anything by David Cage!
Quote from: Dr. Ensatsu-ken on August 28, 2014, 11:02:00 PM
Gaming has plenty of good story-telling potential and has in fact produced great stories in the past. You can look as far back as the NES era. Plenty of older games have gone past their limitations and presented well thought-out and highly nuanced stories with thoughtful themes, including games like Chrono Trigger, Final Fantasy, Sweet Home, Silent Hill, Max Payne, and so on. And, of course, they take advantage of the fact that they are games and tell their stories in a way that only games can.
Exactly. The strength of a game's story should not be solely judged on the merit of its writing quality, but on how it well it was integrated with the gameplay mechanics. For instance, as a film, The Wind Waker's narrative would be nothing special - perhaps even awful - but it becomes compelling when its status as an interactive work is factored in. You get a real sense of adventure from playing it that builds the world in a way few others have. There's also stuff like Killer7 where part of the gameplay is trying to make sense of the surrealism yourself, using both the interactive and non-interactive portions as a basis; as a movie, it might come across more like a fever dream than an actual narrative with real thought put into it. Then you have pieces such as Nier (and most of the Drakengard series, really) that - due to the way the story is told - only work
because they're video games, in spite of their already fantastic writing.
Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on August 28, 2014, 11:09:12 PM
I don't really know what the "Citizen Kane of gaming" is supposed to mean. A game that uses all the elements of video game design to create a compelling narrative?
Interestingly enough, we already have that. It's called Deus Ex. 8-)
Quote from: talonmalon333 on August 28, 2014, 11:53:54 PM
The main problem with modern games is when they just try to emulate movies and fail spectacularly. As of now, the only video game story that I believe is truly great, when looked at as a story in general and not just compared as a video game story, is Silent Hill 2.
Please play Nier, Killer7, or Planescape: Torment. ;)
Quote from: Nel_Annette on August 28, 2014, 11:44:38 PM
Yeah, I see a lot of people focusing on the whole cheating thing, which does suck, but that she was sleeping with journalists and contest runners to get her game promoted and that they went with it that really gets me. I trust the opinions of fucking Youtubers I watch more than I trust game "journalists".
For me it's like... I don't care she had sex with 5 guys. Hell, she could have had sex with 20 guys, a dog, a monkey, and an ostrich for all I care. Hell, I don't even care that she is a rapist by her warped definition of the word. it's more of whom she was sleeping with was the problem and all these news sites jumping on mines being like "We're not gonna defame this person," even when other website ran stuff about other people's personal life.
That and the whole Phil Fish being hacked which is probably the biggest load of crap I've seen all year. How anyone was able to hack his website when he probably would have had 2-step verification, well that and calling the place that hacked him "/V/" and claiming it was the head mod of /V/. Also, why would the hacker go after the Polytron account and not his personal account, how would he gain his account back after a few minutes? This doesn't add up to me.
On second thought, I take some of that back. Necessary evils can be useful toward the evolution of a medium, but when gamers and jornalists are praising it as the way to go, then the future of gaming could easily amount to what it is now: cheap film copies that don't properly address the themes they want to tackle. My point would likely hold more validity if people were giving more money to the Deus Exs of the world, than the God of Wars and the like.
I guess I was thinking that, like all mediums, gaming could potentially be built off of and improve from both its successes and its failures. But looking at the current state of things, it seems like failures are the way to go.
Oh joy.
This article also claims that video games where you play as a hero saving the world teach people to be assholes, and implies that single-player games are bad in general. what the fuck is this shit
This is the kind of idiocy I'm talking about. What exactly do they think the "Games" in "Video Games" is supposed to imply?
In the age of youtube, blogs, message boards, and FAQs, game sites are redundant. I say we do away with them. They are meaningless websites at best and contain poisonous priorities at worst.
"Fun is a neurological trick" has got to be one of the dumbest things I've ever seen a game journalist say.
Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on August 29, 2014, 02:56:59 PM
This is the kind of idiocy I'm talking about. What exactly do they think the "Games" in "Video Games" is supposed to imply?
In the age of youtube, blogs, message boards, and FAQs, game sites are redundant. I say we do away with them. They are meaningless websites at best and contain poisonous priorities at worst.
"Fun is a neurological trick" has got to be one of the dumbest things I've ever seen a game journalist say.
People like him are what's ruining gaming.
Quote from: Rynnec on August 29, 2014, 03:02:24 PM
Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on August 29, 2014, 02:56:59 PM
This is the kind of idiocy I'm talking about. What exactly do they think the "Games" in "Video Games" is supposed to imply?
In the age of youtube, blogs, message boards, and FAQs, game sites are redundant. I say we do away with them. They are meaningless websites at best and contain poisonous priorities at worst.
"Fun is a neurological trick" has got to be one of the dumbest things I've ever seen a game journalist say.
People like him are what's ruining gaming.
"Fun is a neurological trick."
He must be one of the most joyless, angry, miserable, human beings in the world if he really believes that. Seeing as he's a game "journalist", he probably is.
Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on August 29, 2014, 03:08:50 PM"Fun is a neurological trick."
He must be one of the most joyless, angry, miserable, human beings in the world if he really believes that. Seeing as he's a game "journalist", he probably is.
I thought "fun" was a buzzword! It's like I'm on /v/, but I take most of the stuff on /v/ with a grain of salt, this guy is serious about that.
Man, who da thunk that all this would start from a woman developer that made a Power Point Visual Novel, even then, I was reluctant to call it a VN, since that feels like an insult to VNs.
when ar overreacted and said y'all would only get a wii u and pc this gen and this gen would be the last time you would buy game consoles because y'all somehow "knew" that ps4 and x1 would have mostly movie games...a year or so before the consoles came out and when there were barely any games announced. predictively enough, y'all have expressed interest in a number of games from both, a lot of them major titles and none of them are movie games. oh and some of them are from your favorite developers from last gen but for some reason y'all didn't factor them in during those silly movie game rants.
The Wii-U has Bayonetta 2, Devil's Third, and a bunch of good first party exclusives coming up.
The XBOX ONE has Quantum Break and Scalebound, along with Halo 5 (which will probably suck because it's made by 343i, and Halo 4 was the most boring Halo game ever).
The PS4....honestly doesn't have any particular games that interest me, at the moment. Bloodborne looks like a more visually interesting version of the Souls games, which I haven't played any of, yet, but other than that, I can't think of any exclusives that have grabbed my interest thus far.
PS4 also has No Man's Sky, Silent Hills (which I believe is going to be exclusive), Ratchet & Clank Remake, and Yakuza 0. Unfortunately, one of those games doesn't even have a teaser released, one of them is rumored to also be coming to PC, and one of them will never get an official English release (though that won't stop me from playing the inevitable fan-translated version).
At the moment, the Wii U is sweeping the competition, and the Xbone is the only of the other two with a tangible excellent-looking exclusive releasing this year (Sunset Overdrive), but I think Sony will at least be beating out MS by this time next year. Especially because Microsoft has finally taken notice of the PC this gen, and seems to be porting any and all of their noteworthy Xbone exclusives about a year after release.
Quote from: gunswordfist on August 30, 2014, 10:36:24 AM
when ar overreacted and said y'all would only get a wii u and pc this gen and this gen would be the last time you would buy game consoles because y'all somehow "knew" that ps4 and x1 would have mostly movie games...a year or so before the consoles came out and when there were barely any games announced. predictively enough, y'all have expressed interest in a number of games from both, a lot of them major titles and none of them are movie games. oh and some of them are from your favorite developers from last gen but for some reason y'all didn't factor them in during those silly movie game rants.
I will own up to this and admit that I was being overly cynical back then. In an effort to become a more optimistic and positive person, I've really expanded my appreciation of video games over the past two years.
It also really helps that we haven't seen footage from any games that look like movies thus far, The Order aside.
Loosely related to the bull-shit of that guy from up above, I found this video doing an analysis of the themes of Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance ( as a metaphor for gaming and the people who play games. Of course it's a bit of a stretch, but the actual points made have validity to them in terms of gaming in general.
The basic thesis of the analysis is that, us, just like Raiden in the game, play games because we enjoy them (just like how Raiden enjoys killing). However, in recent years the concern for having to look at games as an art form has caused people to look to other justifications for why games are worth being studied and analyzed on a deer level, yet in that pursuit many people (such as the pretentious ass-wipe who posted that blog) have forgotten the reasons for why games are PLAYED to begin with. This is represented in the game for Raiden hiding behind the ideals of justice as his reasons for killing, but later admitting that he was always in this business because he liked the violence, even if it was meaningless to most people in the end, it still meant something to him that he liked.
Are these arguments a stretch when it comes to the subtext of this game. Perhaps they might be. However, you can't deny that his general points on gaming and how modern gamers perceive them is spot-on, and works as a perfect counter-argument to the douche-bag from that website, even if only indirectly since this video wasn't even talking about anything relating to that guy or his blog. Anyways, I just thought that it was interesting food for thought.
Good video. Considering Platinum's commitment to fun, and Metal Gear's propensity for including themes directly relating to gaming and/or gamers, I wouldn't be surprised if this analysis were accurate.
Either way, I think that most of us can agree that MGR is great because it's fun and embraces the fact that it's violent an not trying to act the least bit pretentious about it. Idiots like that blogger above probably wouldn't even take into consideration that a game like that caters to a specific demographic of people who actually like to play action games because they enjoy good fighting. He'd try to analyze the story and call it ridiculous and shallow (completely missing the themes that this video brought up) while complaining that the gameplay is too difficult and cheap.
On that end, one thing that really bothers me about modern gamers is that they have no propensity for experimentation and discovery anymore, so their natural instinct when a game is too tough for them at first is to give up on it and call it broken. The mechanics in MGRR, while not perfect, are completely solid, and Platinum as a developer trusts you, the player, to figure out how to use the mechanics to make the gameplay work in your favor. For instance, a normal player would try the offensive defense move once and assume that it was useless after it didn't fulfill any notion of instant gratification. A more old-school gamer would experiment with it and realize that it functions as an extremely useful dodge move. I once criticized the game for not doing a good job of teaching you it's base mechanics, but I now retract that statement. I have since come to realize that most of my favorite games ever purposefully leave those mechanics for you to discover.
This is something that's missing from games more and more as they become more modernized. I watched a Halo tutorial video for Legendary mode a few weeks back, and the commentator also explained that, unlike a lot of other modern shooters, Bungie left it up to the player to figure out how to get past each situation and use each weapon to your advantage. And of course, being Halo, there were numerous options that you had at your disposal. More modern move shooters these days would mostly spell everything out for you in the campaign mode, robbing you of the sense of fun that actually comes from learning the game and getting better at it.
This is the formula that made so many older games popular as well. Like, back when I first played Mega Man X, I never knew that you could find armor upgrades that made the playing field significantly more advantageous for you, especially the one with the special charge shot, until late into my first playthrough, however. It felt so much more rewarding to discover it on my own rather than have the game just flat-out give it to me. In DMC3, several boss fights caused me multiple trial and error runs before I finally got their patterns down,yet after several playthroughs, there is almost nothing more satisfying than killing them in a matter of literally seconds once you know what to do and what weapons and attacks absolutely obliterate their health.
And, going back to MGRR, learning that your perfect parries are ten times as powerful on Revengeance mode and take out 70% of a boss's health with one successful stroke made it so satisfying to kill some bosses so quickly that they didn't even have time to activate the 2nd or 3rd phases of their fights. Learning how to play a game is arguably the most fun that I, personally, ever have with playing games, and seeing that element of gaming rapidly fading away makes me really sad. :(
Man, Wonderful 101's story was amazingly epic. And only because it was pure video game. Platinum knows that games are fun, so stories should match the gameplay.
Also, still have no plans for a new system. My dad will probably get a PS4 eventually, but I'm just not interested.
I'm not currently interested in any of the current consoles. The Wii U will get me eventually, though. It just needs more games that I need to own. Plus, once Zelda Wii U has a release date, it'll just be a matter of time.
I will definitely be getting a PS4, if only for the Yakuza prequel. That's going to be a must-play for any fan of the series or Japanese crime culture. There are a bunch of other games I also want for the system, though.
Most of the PS4 games I want will also be on the PS3, so I'm good for now.
I wish Proto Man, Knuckles and Tails had steady spinoff series already. It seems like almost everyone has trouble doing that, I think even Nintendo. Isn't there like just one good game starring Yoshi and about 4 for Wario? I'm not sure how many good games Luigi has. I haven't heard much after Luigi's Mansion (which I liked.)
Luigi's Mansion appears to be a successful series. The second game was even better than the first.
But yeah, I would have liked Tails' Adventure to have been made into the metroidvania series it had the potential of being. The new 3DS Sonic Boom game might fill that niche, as Tails and Knuckles are both main characters.
Protoman was playable in Mega Man 9 and 10 . . . that's about it. I'm not really sure how he would have his own game to make it different from normal Mega Man, but seeing as how Capcom is in such bad straits that they have to sue other companies for frivolous reasons, I don't see him getting a game anytime soon.
Oh yeah..Capcom. Maybe have a game where he plays like he did in the arcade games, idk. He was easily my favorite character in those.
How was Tails' Adventure? I played some of it when I was a teen put didn't really get a good bead on it.
It's fun, but a bit archaic in how you figure out where to go or what to do. No map or anything. But of all the Sonic spinoffs, it's probably the best one.
In Knuckles Chaotix, I remember that the levels were very empty, meaning very few enemies. Weird. That probably makes TA my favorite by default.
More humorous than anything, but Hideki Kamiya seems to not like a lot of Japanese game and/or developers. I don't think he cares for Itagaki (I forget. There's probably at least some tension between them) or Ninja Gaiden (he prefers God Of War), called Keiji Inafune, "a business man and not a creator" and he doesn't care for the Yakuza series. None of this bothers me (well ok, God Of War>Ninja Gaiden, a bit but hey, it's his opinion), I just felt like pointing this out.
As I recall, he never directly said that God of War is better than Ninja Gaiden, at least not directly. He stated in an interview that he is an admirer of the God of War series and took influence from it when making Bayonetta (mostly in terms of the large-scale boss fights). He claims that he has never played any of Itagaki's NG games and gave the reason that he's "just not interested" in trying any of them.
It doesn't really bother me, though, because Itagaki talks just as smug about DMC and Bayonetta, even denying that he ever took any influence from DMC in the NG games. While he personally may not have, it's obvious that the games take some concepts from the DMC formula, as game development is a joint effort and it's more than likely that designers working under him incorporated some of those concepts whether he was completely aware of it or not.
To me, though, I'd argue that the first 3D NG game is the second most important and influential game to the hack n' slash action genre, behind only the first DMC. DMC1 set up all of the formula and tropes, whereas NGB perfected the art of the light/heavy attack combat system, which is the system that most games in the genre use to this very day, including the God of War franchise (that, and it made a combat system that didn't need nor utilize lock-on). I also think that the UT system from the first 2 NG games is one of the best concepts for any combat system, personally. That, and the OT system from NG2 make that the best combat experience that I've ever encountered from any game in the genre to date. It's actually remarkably simple compared to later DMC games and Bayonetta, and proves that you don't need crazy combo potential that less than 5% of players will ever actually fully utilize to make a combat system good.
Kamiya is still sore at Inafune for being one of the ones to close Clover Studios, which was basically a business move as only one of their games was really a hit. That said, he obviously left Capcom for a reason beyond business as the company was doing very well while he was there, and was floundering near the end (as he said, he didn't agree with the direction they were heading) so he obviously is in it for more than business-related reasons.
Hideki Kamiya is a great game developer. That said, just like any other developer with a big ego, it's not like everything he says has to be taken at face value. It's his opinion, which is fine, but it doesn't mean that anyone really has to agree with it.
That said, in regard to Keiji Inafune, I'm a bit sore at him myself, lately, for having taken such a big dump on the already tarnished Ninja Gaiden franchise. Whatever hope it had of bringing itself back up from disaster pretty much died with Ninja Gaiden Z. And yes, I know that he didn't personally work on the game, and that's actually the problem. He just attached his name to it, and the outsourced it's development to a third-rate developer, and considering that he was the one to come to Team Ninja with the proposition for the game in the first place, he should have been willing to have his development team work on it, otherwise he should've just passed on the project altogether. But basically he didn't care and wanted to make some quick money, so we got the piece of shit that is NGZ, and it utterly pisses me off.
This is something more minor, but I hate micro transactions. And the thing is, most of the time they wouldn't interest me, anyways, but I especially hate when games try to sell you weapons and alternate costumes. Remember when you were rewarded by unlocking all of that stuff? Yeah, now that's a thing of the past. You just buy them, and most of the times they see just uninspired power tools that make the game easier. Worse yet, I hate how a developer I like, Platinum Games, has micro transactions in their products. Of course, I know that this is not their fault. No doubt it's Sega that forced them to do that when it came to the XBOX360 version of Vanquish, and Konami really exploited that with MGRR, and to Platinum's credit, they still had alternate weapons and costumes that you could unlock in the game with actual skill by completing challenges, many of which were just as useful as the DLC Fox Blade if you knew how to use them. Good on them for that. Konami can go fuck themselves.
Also, Ninja Gaiden Black still has what I consider to be the best unlocks in any action game by far. The alternate costumes are awesome and have super cool,many creative designs, and the hidden weapons are really cool. The best part is that you are rewarded with them by beating harder difficulties and completing Mission Mode. You don't just unceremoniously get them by paying more money for a game that you've already bought.
I believe Vanquish on PS3 also had that weapon DLC. Considering how much extra content Shinji Mikami likes including in his games, I bet he was furious at Sega for doing that. At least the challenge maps were still free.
I think The Evil Within's DLC will be the good kind, though; substantial level packs developed post-launch.
Quote from: Foggle on October 07, 2014, 07:05:06 PMI believe Vanquish on PS3 also had that weapon DLC.
The PS3 version came with it for free. XBOX 360 owners had to pay for it. Granted that, it's only $1 for all 3 weapons, but I still refuse to buy it out of the principal that it's stupid to charge money for something like that in the first place.
I definitely don't have those extra weapons in my copy of the game. Just looked it up, and it turns out the only way to get them on the PS3 is to either have pre-ordered the retail release or bought the digital version.
Final Fantasy XIII system requirements for the PC. You a bad enough dude to run this shit on your rig?
Final Fantasy XIII? I would never do that to my computer.
So, looking back on it, I did like Batman: Arkham Asylum when it first came out, and it still think it's a good game. It wasn't as excellent as critics made it out to be, IMO, but for its simplistic design, it was just the right length and had some good level design that made the game fun to complete 100% without getting boring. That said, Arkham City really soured my opinion of the series. It had the same gameplay style, but it was WAY too bloated, and IMO, the level design was nowhere near as tight as it was in the first game. It just felt bigger for the sake of being bigger, but people praised it all the same, but I have to wonder, were they praising it for its impressive scale, or because it was actually any fun? To me, the terrible side-quests and less refined level design made the game get boring really quick, and in truth, I really felt that it didn't need to be that big. In general, I can't really stand the notion of just making things bigger for the sake of it. I care far more about a quality experience over a lengthy one.
Also relating to the Batman Arkham games is a matter of combat. If you weren't aware, critics praise the shit out of its combat system for being incredibly simple and accessible. That's fair enough, and it's been proven to be popular for how many games copy it, including the recent Shadow of Mordor. However, I fear that this marks a decline in popularity of the more complex yet interesting combat systems of other games. For one thing, I once read a review that criticized NGS2's combat, calling it dated and comparing it to Arkham Asylum, essentially whining that the combat in that game didn't automatically make you feel like a bad-ass just for button-, asking and occasionally pulling off an easy telegraphed counter. In another case, I've seen many people praise DMC's combat and literally say that it puts the classic games to shame, with the honest to god reason they give being that they couldn't pull off cool combos in the original because it took too much skill, so that made it bad. Just because something had a learning curve to it, that doesn't make it unplayable. It's like everyone just wants instant gratification in every aspect of a game these days. Nobody cars about being rewarded for learning how to play a game better, these days, unless it's in multiplayer.
At any rate, I'm sort of exaggerating the problem because there are still a fair amount of people who respect the games with deeper learning curves, but I'm honestly noticing that the numbers of people who support these games seems to be steadily declining,mor rather it may just be that the number of gamers who just want easier stuff are growing.
Quote"Sadly I never really liked any of Rare's (DKC) games that much so I'd only get DKC2 since that's supposedly the best one."
( (
QuoteThen I got to the end of Polygon's review,
And this is where I ended reading that. Whoa, the guy actually thinks 8 hours is too long. I just...
Anyway, I personally have always hated the, "I wish games were shorter" argument. They made this thing called the save feature. You may have heard of it? I don't have time for it is not a good point at all. The only time games should be considered too long is if they seem/are too repetitive. That's it.
I only find games to be too long if they are really badly padded out with lots of filler. I should never be getting bored of what I'm doing through my playthrough. A game like RE4 is 20+ hours in length! but the entire game feels like a fresh experience from start to finish with little filler, so I consider the length to be perfect for that game. A game like the first DMC is actually reassy short and can be completed within 4-6 hours, easily, but once again, I find the length to be just fine because I don't feel like the game is padded and instead it actually feels very replayable.
Quote from: gunswordfist on October 15, 2014, 03:41:06 AM (
QuoteThen I got to the end of Polygon's review,
And this is where I ended reading that. Whoa, the guy actually thinks 8 hours is too long. I just...
Anyway, I personally have always hated the, "I wish games were shorter" argument. They made this thing called the save feature. You may have heard of it? I don't have time for it is not a good point at all. The only time games should be considered too long is if they seem/are too repetitive. That's it.
"8 hours is too long. I want a compact 4 hours. Then I can return it to Gamespot and get money back."
"This level design is too open, I want one with signs and point markers to funnel me down a hallway."
"You mean I don't get rewarded with meaningless perks for playing multiplayer? Why else would I play multiplayer? Fun?"
The arguments for some of the industry's dumber traits never ceases to amaze me. "Give me less content, less options, charge more, and every game is better!"
Next year it'll have been a decade since F.E.A.R first released, and there still has yet to be an FPS with better gameplay mechanics or AI. I don't even care how derivative it turns out being, I feel like begging for a literal clone of the game at this point. Here's a checklist I think every FPS developer needs to start adhering to:
- Guns that feel satisfying to use. This is the core of every first person shooter. Make 'em loud and capable of ripping your enemies into little chunks. C'mon!
- AI that knows how to do things like flank or corner the player efficiently
- Health kits that the player can hold in their inventory for later. The concept of fully regenerating health belongs in a trash can
- Grenades that immediately explode when they touch enemies because HOLY SHIT YEAH
- Badass martial arts-based melee with that real risk vs. reward feeling. If you can actually manage to get close to an enemy during a firefight, you deserve to one-shot them!
- The ability to slow down time because why the hell not?
- Lean keys, baby!
- Environmental destruction out the ass
- This wasn't in F.E.A.R., but the ability to hold all guns at once, of course!
While not quite as sophisticated as F.E.A.R.'s complex AI, Halo games come pretty close on Legendary difficulty, where enemies flank you regularly, take cover, evade grenades, throw grenades at you in exchange, and can even hijack vehicles from you. In Halo: Reach I even saw Elites hijack a human vehicle, and it was completely unscripted since it was my third time playing the game and I had never seen that before. They even had one take the gunner position. It blew my mind....until I blew them away with an awesomely skilled plasma grenade toss, but still, it was really cool to see something like that! ;D
Anyways, I totally agree that F.E.A.R. is the best FPS ever. Not only did other developers not learn from it, but even Monolith seemed to forget what made it so awesome since they were never able to hit that level of quality again, even though I did like the second game well enough.
Next year will be the 10th anniversary of a lot if amazing games, when you think about it. There's Resident Evil 4, Devil May Cry 3, and Ninja Gaiden Black (granted that this year was the original version's 10th anniversary, but Black basically perfected the game), which is insane since one is my second favorite TPS of all time, and the other two are my top 2 favorite hack n' slash games ever made. Goddamn was 2005 an epic year for games.
Quote from: Dr. Ensatsu-ken on October 22, 2014, 01:43:43 AM
While not quite as sophisticated as F.E.A.R.'s complex AI, Halo games come pretty close on Legendary difficulty, where enemies flank you regularly, take cover, evade grenades, throw grenades at you in exchange, and can even hijack vehicles from you. In Halo: Reach I even saw Elites hijack a human vehicle, and it was completely unscripted since it was my third time playing the game and I had never seen that before. They even had one take the gunner position. It blew my mind....until I blew them away with an awesomely skilled plasma grenade toss, but still, it was really cool to see something like that! ;D
The Halo series is probably the only thing that's even come close to F.E.A.R. 1 and its expansions in terms of AI. Which is totally bizarre, considering that... well... the game has two sequels. I remember reading though that F.E.A.R. didn't really have an AI system like most games do. IIRC they literally scripted every single enemy in the game separately to function intuitively based on the level they were placed in. That's some insane dedication, and proof of how amazing Monolith is (was?).
As far as core mechanics go, only the 2013 Shadow Warrior reboot and Wolfenstein: The New Order really compare for me (it took 8 years!). Hopefully Doom 4 will live up to its potential and finally dethrone F.E.A.R.
QuoteAnyways, I totally agree that F.E.A.R. is the best FPS ever. Not only did other developers not learn from it, but even Monolith seemed to forget what made it so awesome since they were never able to hit that level of quality again, even though I did like the second game well enough.
The sequels are fun (even parts of 3), but yeah, they completely fail to live up to the first game's legacy. Extraction Point is damn good though, even if it's only like 3 hours long and wasn't made by Monolith themselves.
QuoteNext year will be the 10th anniversary of a lot if amazing games, when you think about it. There's Resident Evil 4, Devil May Cry 3, and Ninja Gaiden Black (granted that this year was the original version's 10th anniversary, but Black basically perfected the game), which is insane since one is my second favorite TPS of all time, and the other two are my top 2 favorite hack n' slash games ever made. Goddamn was 2005 an epic year for games.
2005 really was an amazing year for video games. So was 2004, when I think about it. And 2001-2003. Dang.
Basically all of the PS2/GC/XBOX/DC gen was the best gen of gaming ever. ;)
Is it strange to say that I miss the keycards that game journos were ripping on back in the '90s? Lead to more labyrinth level designs like those beasts in DOOM II.
except duke nukem, i don't know any fpses with health kits you can store in your inventory.
Quote from: Dr. Ensatsu-ken on October 22, 2014, 02:02:16 AM
Basically all of the PS2/GC/XBOX/DC gen was the best gen of gaming ever. ;)
Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on October 22, 2014, 02:03:51 AM
Is it strange to say that I miss the keycards that game journos were ripping on back in the '90s? Lead to more labyrinth level designs like those beasts in DOOM II.
Oh yeah, I definitely miss that kind of design too. They don't even need to use keycards specifically, they just need to make levels like that again.
Quote from: gunswordfist on October 22, 2014, 02:09:14 AM
except duke nukem, i don't know any fpses with health kits you can store in your inventory.
F.E.A.R. 1 & 2 and Blood are the only others I can think of off the top of my head. Some of the other Build Engine games might have had them too, though.
Also, speaking of things that nobody has ever learned from, why have no games ever tried to copy Ninja Gaiden Black's level design? I still think it's the best in the genre to this day. Even Bayonetta 2, which believe me looks super amazing and makes me really want to buy a Wii-U just to play it, still gets by on flashy environments featuring you fighting in crazy places or even on moving objects, but still has really linear levels at heart. I love how NGB has an interconnected world that wasn't as expansive as a Metroid game, but just perfectly sized and well-suited enough for a hack n' slash game. I don't care how flashy you make your environments; I will still always consider open and interconnected in-game areas to be more interesting level design, though it certainly wouldn't hurt for a game to combine the best of both worlds.
Yeah, Ninja Gaiden and Devil May Cry still have the best level design in that genre IMO.
bayonetta has my favorite. it's still the only game that feels nextgen to me.
The environments themselves are brilliant, but it's mostly more of an aesthetic thing than a level design thing, in that Bayonetta's levels are very linear. I still prefer the actual layout of the levels from games like DMC1 and NGB, since in terms of actual design, I found those to be more interesting to navigate.
That's one thing I really remember liking about DMC1. Running around the castle exploring things and finding new enemy types waiting. It was almost like a 3D Castlevania game in that respect.
It's probably the closest thing that we'll ever get to a great 3D Castlevania game. Another funny thing about it is that it has way more classic Resident Evil elements in its design than some of the latest RE games have had.
I still like NGB's levels the best, though. It has more of a Zelda vibe to it, which I'm always a fan of.
Quote from: Dr. Ensatsu-ken on October 22, 2014, 04:08:10 PM
The environments themselves are brilliant, but it's mostly more of an aesthetic thing than a level design thing, in that Bayonetta's levels are very linear. I still prefer the actual layout of the levels from games like DMC1 and NGB, since in terms of actual design, I found those to be more interesting to navigate.
I agree with this. There's two kinds of good level design IMO:
- Creative levels that look amazing and are simply fun to play around in [Style]
- Intricate levels that feel realistic in terms of construction and encourage exploration [Substance]
One is not necessarily better than the other, but like you, I do prefer the latter. Though having some combination of both is my favorite design philosophy.
Yeah, I love Bayonetta's levels, as well as other linear games like NG2 and Vanquish that have interesting looking environments, but I'm more of a fan of Zelda, Metroid, or classic RE/RE4 style levels, where you feel like you aren't just restricted to going in one direction the entire time with just a couple of hidden items to find around each area for some pseudo-exploration. I prefer having some actual exploration.
That said, I should make it clear that I still love a really well put together action level that's very well-paced, even if it's linear. Stuff like the classic Mario and Sonic games as well as games like DKC and Mega Man X and their respective sequels are excellent at this, and as far as 3D games go, developers like Platinum are good at making their levels interesting even if the actual content is very simple, while developers like Bungie and Monolith are good when it comes to strategical environmental design and excellent atmosphere, respectively. That said, I will always personally prefer something like DOOM just because a well-designed labyrinth type set-up (with extra emphasis on it being "well designed" and not just maze-like for the sake of being nonlinear) really gives me something interesting to have fun with other than just killing monsters.
i actually thought dmc had a bit too much backtracking. it has been over 10 years so take that with a grain of salt. what i like about bayonetta is the levels are long, action-packed...and have little backtracking. i just liked seeing new areas all the time.
To me, DMC4 is an example of a game with too much backtracking. That's because, despite playing as a different character when you go back to sections, you still end up fighting the same enemies and bosses as Dante that you did as Nero. In DMC1, you were always encountering new enemies and challenges, and even when you went back to certain areas, things changed, such as the entire castle going dark, or having new paths open up to you. That to me makes each area feel that much more interesting.
As for Bayonetta, I like its levels for the same reason, but it's hardly the only game that has done that. Ninja Gaiden 2, Vanquish, and even DmC: Devil May Cry all throw different environments at you without reusing anything in later levels (with the exception of just one level in NG2, but it goes a complete overhaul from what you played through before, so it feels different than before). Granted that, Bayonetta looks the best aesthetically, but other than playing around with perspectives and occasionally throwing in some driving or flying section at you (which I actually never cared for, personally), the new areas don't feel like they have as much substance to them as something that constantly reveals new features and secrets every time that you go back to it. That's the difference between something that's backtracking and something that presents an interconnected world with good level design. Even when you go back to the same areas, it never feels the same, making each and every single area of the game feel that much more substantial and satisfying to experience, IMO.
i meant dmc had a little bit too much backtracking, not a lot of bit. lol and yes, 4 went overboard. i haven't played ninja gaiden 1 in forever so i can't comment on it but i prefer bayonetta's levels over dmc 1 and ng2 because it had better platforming and more variety.
I don't know how it could have more variety than NG2 since that was factually a longer game and had more actual content to it, with completely different levels that looked nothing alike. In terms of having more platforming though, yeah, that was definitely there, though I'm not a fan of platforming in any of these games, myself. I will say that it was at least competently done in Bayonetta, though, whereas I can't say the same for NG and DMC.
I honestly really enjoyed the platforming in Ninja Gaiden and Bayonetta. Devil May Cry platforming, though...
Ninja Gaiden Black wasn't bad with the platforming, but I felt that 2 could get out of hand with it, especially with that clock tower segment where one missed jump could send you straight back to the bottom and force you to repeat entire minutes worth of platfmorming. On the other hand, doing an Izuna or Underworld Drop on an enemy from the very top and carrying him to the very bottom with his head turning into mush upon impact has to be the coolest fucking thing that I've ever done in any video game ever made (no exaggeration, here).
Bayonetta's platforming is basically the best that I've seen in this genre, so far. It's no Mario Galaxy, but for an action game it's surprisingly well put together.
i meant bayonetta had longer levels, not that it was a longer game. i am not sure ng2 is longer anyway.
Quote from: gunswordfist on October 25, 2014, 09:59:46 PMi meant bayonetta had longer levels, not that it was a longer game. i am not sure ng2 is longer anyway.
While this could be subjective depending on how fast or slow you are at progressing through each individual game, I personally feel that this is incorrect. Unless you downright go out of your way to skip almost every single fight in NG2, the levels in that game (and the game in general) are longer than Bayonetta. The average level in NG2 takes about 45-60 minutes to completely a first run, whereas Bayonetta's longest levels never took me more than 40 minutes, and some levels were just 10 minute boss fights, while others varied in length, with only about a third of them actually being that long.
Also, My first playthrough of Bayonetta clocked in at around 10 hours, compared to 13 hours for my first NG2 run, and NG2 has less levels than Bayonetta, meaning that each one lasted me longer, individually.
whoa, 10 hours? my playthrough was way longer.
Bad news, GSF. :(
Such a shame, this was one of my most anticipated games for quite some time.
That is bad news. While I would have still preferred them to make it like the first game...only actually use its mechanics well, Prey 2 looked promising. I hope Prey 2 gets the Sleeping Dogs treatment one day (minus the extremely long wait) and Tommy gets a sequel.
I'm starting to get really annoyed by the mixed reception The Evil Within has received. Literally 80% of the negative reviews I've seen fall into one of these categories:
- The graphics are bad, therefore the game is bad. What is an art style?
- Why is ammo scarce in a survival horror game?
- Easy mode is too hard!
- The story is bad in a game directed by Shinji Mikami.
I mean, seriously, what the hell is this? Did people suddenly forget what video games are and stop researching things before buying them? These aren't even reviews by games journalists, they're reviews by normal people!
The graphics are great on next-gen consoles and high-end PCs, which is what the game was meant to be played on. And even on the dated consoles, the game still performs smoothly and has a good art-style going for it.
Anyone complaining about ammo should just be educated on what the difference is between a survival horror game and an action game.
As for the difficulty complaints, my response would literally be this: "That's what you call a video game if you suck at it, you aren't going it win. So, either learn to play better, or go find some cheap movie game that will stroke your ego. Either way, clearly you are not meant to be playing this game."
As for story, I'd ask them to give me their idea of what a good video game story in this genre is to begin with, and if it's some bull-shit movie game, I'd then proceed to rip it to pieces and explain to them how they wouldn't know a good story if it bit them in the ass. Seriously, we have a huge sub-section of gamers who just flat-out don't know anything about what they claims their hobby. It's rather annoying.
The only negative thing I've seen was Jesse Cox tearing it apart on a Co-optional Podcast, but even then it seemed like he went into the game expecting something totally different than what he got.
I will say that TEW isn't the most attractive title on the market technically, but man that art style is so good, especially on current gen consoles/PC. People are really blowing that out of proportion; but even if they weren't, top of the line graphics are one of the least important aspects of a video game. The last gen version is smooth for the most part, though a couple of scenarios
do drop to an unacceptable frame rate IMO, but that's what you get for playing a cross-gen port. It's only an issue in like 5% of the game, anyway.
It's one of the more challenging games I've played recently, but outside of one specific moment, it doesn't rely on cheap bullshit for difficulty (I don't even think the OHK's are unfair in this game, since they're all pretty easy to avoid), so I have no idea where those complaints come from. I guess these are the same people who wish Tropical Freeze had checkpoints during boss fights.
To be fair, survival horror titles usually have some of the better stories in gaming (ignoring the Resident Evil series, of course), but considering the complaints these folks have, I highly doubt any of them have ever actually played a survival horror game before. Also, TEW's plot isn't really bad, just cheesy and weird.
Quote from: Nel_Annette on October 31, 2014, 10:18:59 PM
The only negative thing I've seen was Jesse Cox tearing it apart on a Co-optional Podcast, but even then it seemed like he went into the game expecting something totally different than what he got.
I mean, it's cool if people don't like it, and have reasons to back their opinion up. But TEW being "too hard" does not make it bad. It isn't even the hardest game released so far this year.
If TS17 (and others) have managed to clear this game on AKUMU difficulty (aka; everything is a one-hit-kill) without the use of any upgrades, that really cements how these people have no real right to complain about difficulty. If it's essentially possible to clear the game under those extreme conditions, it's certainly possible on the easiest difficulty with the use of plenty of upgrades.
Rate it, Foggle. Rate it.
Apparently Sega isn't doing too well as of late; even their pachinko money is starting to dry up. As much as I wouldn't miss their boneheaded business practices from the last few years, I'd be sad if they closed down, especially since they own Atlus now.
Quote from: talonmalon333 on November 01, 2014, 12:10:11 AM
Rate it, Foggle. Rate it.
Think I'd give it a 9/10 overall, probably a 9.5 if you disregard the Id Tech 5 jank and an 8 if you're playing one of the last gen ports. It's easily become one of my favorite games of all time and will probably end up being my GOTY unless Bayonetta 2 manages to dethrone it, but it definitely has some technical issues that are hard to overlook even for me. It would be a perfect 10 if it ran flawlessly and Tango removed/overhauled the first half of chapter 12.
It definitely looks like TPS of the year to me, at the very least. Of course since I'm more of a fan of character action games, Bayonetta 2 would probably end up being my GOTY if I actually had the means to play it.
Speaking of which, I have to say that, as my personal favorite genre in video games, the character action genre is disappointingly underrated, on the whole. The term "character action," as I have come to realize, is the common term that gamers use to describe games like DMC, NG, Bayonetta, God of War, God Hand, and so on that basically encompasses all third person action/adventure games with a primary focus on melee combat and some adventure elements as opposed to other forms of combat taking center stage, such as shooting or vehicles. While the name makes no sense to me, I'm just using that from now on since that's the term that everyone else has adopted.
Anyways, my point being that, despite some of the best games in the genre getting legitimately great reviews and being well-renowned among the community that loves these games, there is actually a much larger portion of gamers who refuse to play these games due to huge misconceptions of the genre. These people generally fall into two categories. They either are the ones who think that these are all button-mashing affairs and involve no level of real skill or tactical depth (basically, they assume that these games are all just like Dynasty Warriors), or they are on the opposite end and think that these games are all too skill-based and are only for the hardcore (basically assuming that everything is like the first 3D Ninja Gaiden and Shinobi games). Outside of the God of a war series, which has proven to be the exception to the rule, I do feel that, despite occasionally good sales, this genre and many games within it (including the best ones) are not viewed as being as respectable in the gaming industry as any great FPS, platformer, RPG, or other well-loved genre.
And I'm not the only one who feels this way. Various YouTubers that I follow who specialize in playing games like these with a high level of skill have commented on how many people there encountered that have very ignorant views of the genre and just outright refuse to give any games within it a chance, partly which became a big issue when many Metal Gear fans refused to even give MGRR a chance because "Kojima was selling out by producing a spin-off game within an uninspired and tired genre." Even Game Trailers, a big gaming site and probably the only decent one left in the entire business commented on how they have fears that, despite being an excellent game, Bayonetta 2 probably won't sell nearly as well as it should, not only because it's on the Wii-U, but also because the character action genre is not quite as favorably viewed as it should be compared to the big games from much more popular genres, and I believe that there is some truth to that.
I think the term "character action" was coined by Naughty Dog in reference to the Jak & Daxter series. I read that in some GameSpy article a long ass time ago (located here ( It seems to have originated as a way for PS2 era developers to label their video games if they were feeling too pretentious to call them "platformers." Of course, I suppose the phrase may have been co-opted over time to describe games like Devil May Cry, since I've been met with intense nerd rage a couple of times for describing DMC as "hack 'n slash."
I think a big reason why a lot of people won't play those kind of games is because they remember all the hoopla about Ninja Gaiden being "impossibly difficult" when it was first released. I still meet people today who think NG is some ungodly difficult game because that's what the media told them to believe.
Yeah, the game is no cake-walk, but I never agreed that it was as hard as people made it out to be. The game is only hard until you learn how to play it, at least on Normal difficulty. I used to die a bunch on the 2nd level, but on subsequent playthroughs, I wonder how I even found it so hard to begin with.
Hey, instead of releasing one game a year, let's milk our franchise and do two this year! On the same fucking day! Those fucking idiots will lap up whatever we release! Hey, let's release the bigger one, the PS4/XBO/PC one, in an unplayable state, with loading issues, lag issues from having too many people rendering at once, glaring graphical issues, and game crashes every few minutes! And just to add insult to injury, let's release this unplayable lagfest with multiple day one microtransactions, some of which are the only ways to upgrade your character. In this SINGLE PLAYER game! Don't forget to buy a season pass for more half-assed content! Hey, and let's pull early reviews saying how shit our game is! And be sure to have someone on standby on our Facebook page to do damage control when the masses come for us like they did in the French Revolution! Oh, and pull the game from Steam for some random reason! Force everyone to use uPlay! But hey, at least the main character's girlfriend is hot, right?
Oh, wait, her face didn't load! Ooopsie! We'll be sure to patch that shit too! Just bear with us, you dumb fucks! You preordered this shit show so that you could get an exclusive spear weapon with nothing cool or special about it whatsoever other than that it was an exclusive preorder spear, so we know you'll take it up your collective bungholes for less!
whoa...i hope it kills the franchise. i liked 2 but they are doing too much. they should just revive prince of persia.
That picture looks like a horror movie.
Well, guess we found out why Ubisoft said "Women are hard to animate"
Ubisoft has had a shit year as far as their games are concerned. What with them over dressing Watch_Dogs footage at E3, leading it to not live up to it's own hype and now the whole Assassin's Creed Unity thing being buggy as shit, that dumb 12 hour review embargo ON LAUNCH DAY, and a $100 microtransaction! It's like they're EA now.
I can't wait to see what happens next week when Far Cry 4 comes out.
I'm still a fan of the series and am going to get Rogue, but this series really does need a swift kick in the ass. This Unity thing has been fucking atrocious. But we may as well have some fun with it. Have some great pictures and a hilarious review.
leave far cry out of this. grrr...
Yeah, what AC: U brings to light is perhaps the potential overreliance on update patches and what have you. I mean suuuure you can try and complete a game on time with as little bugs as possible, or you can just release it beta and be all like "Well we'll just fix it later, we'll just make an update patch later".
So, Halo: The Master Chief Collection just came out this week and while I myself was interested in the prospect of finally getting to play Halo: Combat Evolved and Halo 2's multiplayer modes online on a console, the general consensus is that the MP suites are downright broken and unplayable for many people, whereas for those who are lucky enough to get it to work, they still have to wait upwards of 10-15 minutes to find a match on many occasions. And mind you, Halo 2 came out 10 years ago on significantly weaker hardware and never had any of these problems. Even people who do get into matches have reported that it has crashed on them numerous times.
Now, for the record, the campaign modes have been reported to run smoothly, and for the first time on consoles, all games run at 60 FPS, which to me is a prospect so exciting that I would easily snag a copy of the game just for that, if I actually owned an XBOX ONE. Still, to see so many reviewers only focus on that aspect and excuse the nearly non-functional MP with so many high scores is atrocious. IGN gave the game a fucking 9/10, yet the reviewer clearly admitted that the MP was in a horrible state at launch. I'm not saying to bash the collection or anything, but at least be honest about its problems with the review score and recommend it only to people who are interested in the campaign modes and not the MP or online functionality in general.
This massive journalism bias has caused Halo to get so many haters over the years for a good reason. In truth it is a very good FPS series, but the fact that reviewers have always given it far more praise than it deserves, outside of the original which actually did deserve all of its praise, makes me kind of see where all of the haters are coming from. It's rather annoying to see this series always get away with it's faults, even if I am a fan of it to some degree.
Sonic Boom, AC Unity, Halo... hasn't been a real fun week in gaming besides the Mario Kart dlc. :sweat:
As for ACU, I have heard that the XBOX ONE version doesn't have quite as many technical problems as the PS4 and PC versions from some reviewers and gamers, but I have no idea if that's really true or not. Either way, even that version is still considered to be quite buggy, so it's still a colossal fuck-up on Ubisoft's part.
dammit, i've been thinking of ac as an ea title for some reason. ubisoft needs to get it together. they have too many good games for me to hate them.
Yeah, after Watch_Dogs and AC:U, I'm thinking they really need to hit it out of the park with Far Cry 4. If that's a trainwreck too, that's going to be a "strike three" for a lot of people.
If it's the same team that was behind blood dragon, then i wouldn't worry.
Quote from: gunswordfist on November 15, 2014, 06:08:25 PM
If it's the same team that was behind blood dragon, then i wouldn't worry.
I think every Far Cry has been made by the same internal team since Instincts, though I'm not sure. In any case, FC4 seems to be getting really positive reception so far, and it didn't have an until-release-date review embargo, so it seems to be the horse Ubisoft bet most of their money on this year.
that would be awesome if it's the same team. the only game of there's i didn't like was far cry 2. i only played 3's co-op but it was decent.
I never played much of Far Cry 3 either (I want to pick it up soon), but Blood Dragon and Instincts are some of the most underrated games I've ever played. I do like FC2 as well, but it has a lot of problems that keep me from calling it great. I'm not a big fan of the original Far Cry, though.
you mean the original pc version? i played the two games far cry instincts predator had. how are they different from the pc version?
Quote from: gunswordfist on November 16, 2014, 07:47:04 PM
you mean the original pc version?
Yeah. Instincts uses the original Far Cry as a basis, but it's almost entirely different in terms of level design, game mechanics, and story presentation IIRC. While this isn't a particularly popular opinion, I think Instincts was the better game
by far.
i heard the pc version had some cheaply made scifi enemies at the end and years ago i remember someone dogging the game for that.
Quote from: gunswordfist on November 17, 2014, 02:20:19 AM
i heard the pc version had some cheaply made scifi enemies at the end and years ago i remember someone dogging the game for that.
Oh yeah, when I first played the game on my crusty, old, desktop when it was released I was thoroughly enamored with the game before I started coming across all those sci fi enemies. And then... Eh.
I loved the protagonist though.
QuoteSo I had a fun little gaming conversation comparing exclusives of the major console exclusives, the pros and cons, and what kind of games each company does best, and somebody tried to argue that Nintendo Gamers are like 'mobile gamers', they don't really count.
His argument pertained party games and common exclusives that Nintendo come out with aren't really proper games, Smash Brothers was for children and Legend of Zelda is nothing but a nostalgia series at this point. Didn't really give an opinion on Metroid, he just scoffed.
What're your opinions personally?
So my life has been a lie?
i don't even...
Where has Spark gone to? I must see his reaction to this.
say something about ubisoft to really set him off.
I once saw a comment a few weeks ago about how nobody buys a Wii U except kids, women, and nerds.
It's like I'm back in the '90s before the dudebros discovered Madden and co-opted FPS games. The same people who would never touch a video game because of how only losers play them. The same people who laughed when Reggie said NSMBWii would outsell CoD:BO because one was a baby game, and who would be caught playing a baby game?
I think gamers care way too much about how other people see them.
I don't like Nintendo because only babies play it.
^ That feels stupid even saying it ironically.
So in GamerGate related news, Foldable Human got let off for the alleged child porn thing. (Still don't know what the crap that was about, and how it has to do with GG?)
i remember years ago on gamespot i said that ico influenced pop sands and shadow of the colossus was influenced by sands of time. then some ueda fanboy said that ueda was too good or something to have shadow of the colossus be partially inspired by sands of time. i think he was actly like the game was too good to not be anything short of a completely original ip. i have no clue why i didn't give him a piece of my mind.
Ico was alright, but I've never really understood the hype behind it. It was no masterpiece, just a good game.
once i think about it, i never played either of ueda's games. i've been wanting to.
Hey Spark, does the Wii U have an official way of being able to use GameCube controllers?
Quote from: talonmalon333 on January 08, 2015, 09:26:32 PM
Hey Spark, does the Wii U have an official way of being able to use GameCube controllers? (
As of now, only for Smash 4. But that could change.
I believe you can use homebrew to enable GameCube controller support on other games than just Smash 4. You can actually use homebrew to make the Wii U read GameCube discs, as well.
Nintendo should release collections like this:
Can you really get much better than that?
The last two they did were Super Mario All-Stars and Kirby Dream Collection for the Wii. The Kirby one was great, the Mario one was literally a ROM on a disc and nothing more.
But since they have the VC, a collection is fairly redundant. That said, a HD collection of the 3D Mario games would be a brilliant idea.
Most of those Sega games are playable on Virtual Console, too.
Come to think of it, Sunshine is going to be the only 3D Mario that isn't playable on a current console. 64 is on Virtual Console, and Galaxy can be played with backwards compatibility. But not Sunshine. Not like it's a bit loss, though.
Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on January 08, 2015, 09:04:07 PM
Ico was alright, but I've never really understood the hype behind it. It was no masterpiece, just a good game.
I think it was the gameplay's style in it that enthralled people. I like the game myself, but it isn't as special as it's made out to be.
I've heard that Metal Gear Solid: Portable Ops suffers greatly because of its controls. It's designed like MGS3, with the very same 3D camera, and the problem being that the PSP's control scheme doesn't allow for good usage of that camera. I don't understand when developers try to design handheld games like smaller versions of console games. You have to design portable games with their limitations in mind. Metal Gear on a portable, for example. should really be played with the overhead camera from the earlier games. Zelda did a good job with A Link Between Worlds. The developers didn't aim to make an inferior, 3D console Zelda on handheld. They went the logical route and made it 2D.
At least MGS3 apparently has optional second stick usage, which will apparently be much better with the new 3DS. Portable Ops has no option even if you play it on the Vita. Same problem I have with Ape Escape On The Loose. I can't play with the original control scheme no matter what I do.
Oh well. Not like Sony could have known about the Vita when they made the game for the PSP.
What a colossal fucking dick. Just let the fans have their space waifu. I wish I had $40,000 to troll people with.
Some people just have too much money and time on their hands. But that after watching that video, I can't help but wonder how much of an act this is.
I was listening to the SBF podcast and they talked about him. Apparently he has some mental issues and has done this before with other products, but this kind of thing still sucks.
Nintendo's making a new Mario Vs. Donkey Kong and once again it's another stupid Minis game.
Is there some unwritten law that we can't have a new game in the series like Donkey Kong '94 or Mario Vs. Donkey Kong? It's been well over a decade now. Can we finally get thrown a bone here?
Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on January 14, 2015, 05:17:39 PM
Nintendo's making a new Mario Vs. Donkey Kong and once again it's another stupid Minis game.
Is there some unwritten law that we can't have a new game in the series like Donkey Kong '94 or Mario Vs. Donkey Kong? It's been well over a decade now. Can we finally get thrown a bone here?
I know, man; it's terrible. I'm sure the Minis games are fine, but DK94 and MvDK are in a class of their own as far as I'm concerned. Just excellent puzzle platforming, and some of Nintendo's most underrated titles. This is like when proper Rayman releases were replaced by that Rabbids shit for years.
i was just thinking about that raving rabbid trash. origins was the 1st one i played since the original rayman came out for a reason.
I found a comment of someone just gushing out truth bombs after the recent Sega news. I don't necessarily agree with everything he says, but he gets a lot right.
QuotePoor Sega.
Back in '99, their developers were firing on all cylinders, pumping out imaginative, creative titles repeatedly then sony strolled in and said "Oh, just wait for our thing. It's going to be soo much better." Then retailers got on board the sony train and actively discouraged people from buying DC. It's very sad. The amount of creativity and energy seen in those two years of DC support from first AND third parties are unprecedented in all of video game history. The DC was just too far ahead of its time. ps2...really not that much better hardware wise. The leap was certainly not psx -> DC level.
This is why anyone who makes comparisons between DC and Wii U has no business doing so.
Anyway, after that, video gaming became a lot less interesting with one of its star players KOed by an electronics company with about two game development teams. >_<;
Actually, the game industry is destroying gaming.
Game budgets for AAA titles rocketed out of control. They spend millions of dollars on graphics, then still don't get the kinds of sales they want so cut pieces of game off to sell as DLC which some people will blindly defend online for some strange reason. Instead of making a game with a reasonable budget that stands a chance to make money on its own, nooo, they have to spend gobs of money on pretty pictures, and if they have time later, might add something to gameplay.
So, the AAA titles all fought amongst each other.
What happened then is that "gamers" (ie, people who don't play good games) began to scoff at anything that wasn't the Most Beautiful Game Ever and that cut the market for AA and A titles.
Now, all we have are the AAA titles and then boring 99¢ indie games where the developer hopes you play his one level 800 gazillion times.
This has been going on for a generation now.
Back in 2007, Capcom released the (at first) Wii-exclusive Resident Evil: The Umbrella Chronicles.
What happened?
"The company singled out Resident Evil: The Umbrella Chronicles for the Wii as driving strong sales, particularly in the US and Europe, and Monster Hunter Freedom 2 as being a top seller in Japan." (
That's right. HD games really didn't make Capcom much money...they were saved that year by two SD games. A LOT of Japanese companies were hit hard by the HD transition. Not only Sega and Capcom but Jaleco, Konami, Square-Enix, Hudson, and well, everyone. It is THAT much of a money hole.
Of course, it's not just graphics. In the 8-bit era, no one hired Hollywood actors to voice their games, or had symphonies perform music for their games, or did motion-capture, or recorded real sound effects...
Since games cost so bloody much to make now, ALL companies are totally averse to risk. Back in earlier eras, we had loads of different kinds of games come out all the time like JRPGs, strategy games, shooters, sim games, flight sims, driving games, arcade games, puzzle games, and more. Now we pretty much just have military FPS, sandbox games, and an occasional driving game. Even Nintendo, which used to just do whatever the hell they wanted to, much to the delight of their surprised fans, stuck a terribly out-of-place demo of Captain Toad's Treasure Tracker into Super Mario 3D World simply to test the waters (and defray development costs).
With ps4 & xb3, s&m realized that chasing after PCs was expensive and pointless, so they merely released bottom-end PCs. Even so, looking at the lineup of games these days, with the current generation of systems, you can look forward to playing breakthroughs like:
The Last of Us Remastered
Sleeping Dogs: Definitive Edition
Halo: The Master Chief Collection
Grim Fandango Remastered
Fahrenheit: Indigo Prophecy Remastered
DmC: Devil May Cry Definitive Edition
Another World: 20th Anniversary Edition
Dynasty Warriors 8: Xtreme Legends Complete Edition
Tomb Raider: Definitive Edition
Trine: Enchanted Edition
Saints Row IV: Re-Elected
Grand Theft Auto V for ps4/xb3
Warriors Orochi 3 Ultimate
Injustice: Gods Among Us - Ultimate Edition
Correct, no one's interested in making games for those platforms either. By the way, the systems are not selling as well as retailers would like.
Like I said, some things are opinion and hyperbole but the overall point is pretty solid.
Dude makes some good points, but they were mostly lost in the hyperbole to me. I find it increasingly hard to read rants like that these days.
Translation: Jak? Crash? NAWWW that's little kid shit. Nobody likes cartoons anymore, bruh. Gotta' make our mature games for mature audiences.
Well, we do need more boring Uncharted games you know.
I mean, I liked The Last of Us, and I don't hate Uncharted or anything, but it pains me when respected developers don't take advantage of the inherent absurdity of video games as a medium. Here's a list of games that have made me feel complex emotions such as sadness and nostalgia:
Lost Odyssey
The Darkness 1 & 2
Ratchet & Clank Future: A Crack In Time
Conker's Bad Fur Day
Persona 2 & 3
Planescape: Torment
Drakengard 3
Saints Row 2
None of these games are remotely realistic in setting, and all are grounded only in the natural absurdity that comes with controlling a character as they jump on platforms or shoot laser beams at giant lizard monsters or whatever. While the ending was a little heavy, TLOU failed to elicit a reaction anywhere near the level of the conclusion to a cartoon game where an English squirrel fights singing poop with toilet paper. Think about that.
Since you mention it... I thought Saints Row 2 had the perfect blend of absurd comedy and drama, and as much as I love SR4 (It's a complete love letter to every installment of the series.) I haaaaated the path that the series took with SR3. Too much. Too much absurdity and toilet humor. Completely boring Liberty City clone compared to diverse Stillwater. SR4 had the sense to dial it back a bit, (yes, somehow even with aliens and powers and matrix shit), but I really liked the way SR2 built upon the set-up of the first game and it really felt like they threw all of that away with 3.
I've recently been replaying Jak and Daxter, and I do wish they'd go back to more fantastical games like this. Uncharted and Last Of Us honestly just don't draw me in at all.
I still found Saints Row 3 enjoyable, but I agree that it was very weak compared to 2 and 4. Reading interviews with Volition, it seems like THQ forced them to make SR3 more wacky and less serious. Multiple plot-important moments (like a bit where the villains attack the Saints' church back in Stilwater) and story/character developments (such as Shaundi developing PTSD and survivor's guilt) were excised from the script entirely in an attempt to appeal to a broader audience who can't handle sad parts in their comedy games.
Saints Row 4 seemed like an apology for this, in a lot of ways. It's one of the funniest and best games I've ever played.
Moments like
the Boss mercy-killing Carlos, stuffing Jessica in a trunk and letting Maero unknowingly kill her, Aisha's death and confronting Julius just stick with me. The only things like that in 3 are Gat's supposed death and the "go after Killbane" ending because Shaundi dies, but both of those are overshadowed by 1. they just killed Johnny fucking Gat about fifteen minutes into the game and 2. Killbane's a fucking stupid villain.
I hate that Phillipe gets offed only one-third of the way into the game. He should have been the big bad of the whole thing, with the war between him and the boss escalating throughout the whole thing. The stuff with Matt Miller and him bailing on the whole operation could have been kept the same, but Killbane should have been the first one to go. A gang of Luchadores. Greeeeaaaaat. If Phillipe had to go that early, then either the twins should have become the main villains or that whole gang should have been replaced with STAG as the antagonists entirely.
Which reminds me, I really want to play the Gat Out Of Hell side game.
I liked Jak and Daxter, but what's really left for them story-wise if another sequel comes out? We already found out that Jak was Mar. A reboot in the future wouldn't be bad. I'd like to have more platformers too, but The Last of Us and Uncharted are terrific games. Can't believe someone here actually called Uncharted "boring". Uh, no. There's plenty of humor throughout the series, through all the witty dialogue. I want more variety too, but I can understand Naughty Dog's position.
It's annoying that they seem to look down on their past works as childish, when IMO they were a lot more fun and interesting. I don't necessarily want a new Jak or Crash - or even a new platformer - from them, but their older games had a lot more creativity and personality. I have no interest in playing the Uncharted sequels since I didn't like the first one much, but The Last of Us was pretty great... for a single playthrough. It has no replay value to speak of for me. The gameplay was good, but there are better stealth games, shooters, and survival horror titles out there with less forced walking scenes and more satisfying mechanics. I honestly had to force myself through the first part of the game because I just wasn't having any fun at all until Pittsburgh. On that note, I believe he meant Uncharted was "boring" in terms of gameplay rather than writing. I can't say for the sequels, but that's exactly how I felt about the original.
spark probably just killed 5 people due to the rage induced from reading that article.
interesting revelation about saint's row. all this time i thought sr getting wackier than ever was a natural and celebrated evolution, no sarcasm.
Well admittedly the SR3 reaction was pretty half-in-half. For a lot of the people who bought it, it was their first Saints Row game, so they had nothing to compare it to and loved it right from the get-go. Perfectly understandable. Most seem to like SR4 though, even people like me who disliked SR3. I rarely see negative reaction to it.
interesting. i played like seconds of saint's row so when i first finally start saint's row the third, that'll be my first real experience on the series.
The third Saints Row is a good game, and I'm fine with it being more ridiculous than the first two. It was just disappointing in a lot of ways at the same time.
Yeah, it wasn't just the tone for me. There are a lot of little things they changed in game mechanics that I didn't like either (i.e. not being able to turn your upgrades off, like the dual gun one), and character customization-wise. Also didn't really like how the cribs you unlocked were nowhere near as diverse or customizable as they were in SR2.
I could go on and on and on, but the list gets pretty petty at this point and I'm starting to feel like I'm becoming a broken record. So on a positive note, it's still a well-made game, has plenty of fun moments, and still lets you feel like a crazy badass.
no, good criticism is okay here.
Quote from: Foggle on February 07, 2015, 12:56:27 PM
It's annoying that they seem to look down on their past works as childish, when IMO they were a lot more fun and interesting. I don't necessarily want a new Jak or Crash - or even a new platformer - from them, but their older games had a lot more creativity and personality. I have no interest in playing the Uncharted sequels since I didn't like the first one much, but The Last of Us was pretty great... for a single playthrough. It has no replay value to speak of for me. The gameplay was good, but there are better stealth games, shooters, and survival horror titles out there with less forced walking scenes and more satisfying mechanics. I honestly had to force myself through the first part of the game because I just wasn't having any fun at all until Pittsburgh. On that note, I believe he meant Uncharted was "boring" in terms of gameplay rather than writing. I can't say for the sequels, but that's exactly how I felt about the original.
Ding ding ding. We have a winner.
To look down on the genre of video games that helped to save the industry (mascot platformers) that also built your company is very childish. I know Jason Rubin and members of the original Naughty Dog (Who left around Jak II) were very proud of the games they made in their time there. Several members even went on about how they actively tried to compete with Nintendo and Rare during the N64/PS1 era and I think it shows in all their games up to the time they left.
Meanwhile, Insomniac are able to do both styles of games and embraces where they came from. So I don't know why Naughty Dog can't.
What I wouldn't give for another game in the same vein as Jak 2 (only with less racing and better checkpoints)! I know it's a very divisive title, but the platforming stages and amount of variety in that game really felt like a culmination of all ND's prior work, to me.
Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on February 09, 2015, 01:15:16 PM
Meanwhile, Insomniac are able to do both styles of games and embraces where they came from. So I don't know why Naughty Dog can't.
Interestingly, Insomniac's first game was actually... an FPS! Since they specialize in both platformers and shooters (with their best games being both at once), they've always been true to their roots.
Insomniac has made FPSs, Third person action games, and platformers. They have no problem trying anything. Maybe it's because a lot of the people who formed the company still work there.
Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on February 09, 2015, 01:46:39 PM
Insomniac has made FPSs, Third person action games, and platformers. They have no problem trying anything. Maybe it's because a lot of the people who formed the company still work there.
This is definitely a big part of what makes them such a good studio. A lot of people like to say they've gotten less talented in recent years, but I think it's just because they've been given a whole slew of raw deals since 2009. From what I can tell, a few extremely unlucky things happened to them after the release of Crack In Time:
- Only EA would publish Overstrike while also allowing IG to keep the IP, but then they gutted it into Fuse.
- Sony didn't want to order any more Resistance games after 3.
- I have no hard evidence to back this up, but I'm pretty sure IG wanted to take a break from Ratchet & Clank after ACIT (which notoriously had an 8 month development cycle) came out. After all, they'd been working almost non-stop on the series since 2002 and definitely deserved a rest. I think it's likely that All 4 One and Full Frontal Assault were born out of contractual obligation more than anything.
Sunset Overdrive and Into The Nexus prove they've still got it. Now we just need to wait and see if R&C PS4 lives up to the legacy.
I still wish that they and Nintendo could have done something together. The two of them have a real meshing of styles that could have formed something interesting. They're done something with both Sony and Microsoft, so it's only about time, hopefully.
Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on February 09, 2015, 02:09:27 PM
I still wish that they and Nintendo could have done something together. The two of them have a real meshing of styles that could have formed something interesting. They're done something with both Sony and Microsoft, so it's only about time, hopefully.
Hopefully they will someday! I think Insomniac would be an excellent choice for a third-person Metroid, personally. I remember one time it was reported that somebody from IG disparaged Nintendo, but then someone higher up in the company said that they "loved Nintendo," so who knows what's up with a potential relationship between the two.
Another thing I remember is that the original Crash Bandicoot was made in a vacuum of 3D platformers. Naughty Dog brought it to E3 and managed an impressive showing, even attracting Miyamoto's attention, since this was the E3 where Super Mario 64 was first shown off. Neither Nintendo nor Naughty Dog knew anything about what the other were doing, but you can tell in future projects that they took inspiration from each other. Crash 2 was literally a response to Super Mario 64 in how they sharpened everything up (which continued in Crash 3) and Crash Team Racing was their answer to Mario Kart. Jak & Daxter was their challenge to Rare's 3D platformers. By Jak II there was obviously a lot of internal shifts and people wanting to go separate ways, but the levels themselves were the usual Naught Dog quality.
So, I don't see what's to be embarrassed about with all that.
can we please get insomniac to make a 3d earthworm jim?
Metal Gear Rising 2 is not happening... for now.
It kind of seems odd that they'd specially create a logo for the game's....2nd anniversary. I mean, who does that? What's the purpose? Unless this is an attempt by Platinum to try and debunk rumors of this sequel so as not to spoil a potential E3 reveal. Just say'n. :humhumhum:
Quote from: Dr. Ensatsu-ken on February 25, 2015, 08:23:07 AM
It kind of seems odd that they'd specially create a logo for the game's....2nd anniversary. I mean, who does that? What's the purpose? Unless this is an attempt by Platinum to try and debunk rumors of this sequel so as not to spoil a potential E3 reveal. Just say'n. :humhumhum:
Yeah, that's probably what it is. :D
*thump* *thump* *thump* (
That's my head hitting the wall.
Lame! :( Volition x Nintendo open world sandbox would have been amazing.
Insomniac was apparently going to make a Conker's Bad Fur Day sequel, but they gave up when Microsoft wanted it pushed out in less than a year.
This last month has had some pretty aggravating cancellation news.
THAT would've gone a long way into me buying an Xbone. What a shame.
I do really wanna play Sunset Overdrive though, but.....I dunno.
You're kidding me. (
With all these canceled games I'm starting to wonder what we'll learn of next.
I'm guessing a Sonic/Mario crossover that everyone liked but was canceled because they couldn't get just the right tone of green to the hills.
At least those games probably weren't any good. The Resident Evil GBC games are impressive but terrible.
Quote from: Foggle on March 09, 2015, 12:11:16 PM
At least those games probably weren't any good. The Resident Evil GBC games are impressive but terrible.
RE1 GBC was shaping up to be the best version of the game.
Have you played the leaked ROM? It's truly an... experience.
I wish something was done with Dino Crisis these days. I've only played the demo myself so do the games still hold up?
Quote from: Foggle on March 09, 2015, 12:49:47 PM
Have you played the leaked ROM? It's truly an... experience.
I haven't. I didn't know that port was ever finished. :P
Quote from: gunswordfist on March 09, 2015, 01:06:55 PM
I wish something was done with Dino Crisis these days. I've only played the demo myself so do the games still hold up?
The first two are still great! The third one should be obliterated from existence.
Quote from: talonmalon333 on March 09, 2015, 01:07:52 PM
I haven't. I didn't know that port was ever finished. :P
It's not, but the first half or so of the game is playable, with bugs.
Yeah, I wanted to leave 3 out of the equation. :> Are the games on PSN? Is there anywhere where you can download the DC version?
I know the first one is on PSN. The second one probably is too but I'm not sure.
Thanks. :)
Today in video game news:
Kojima might be leaving Konami
Half-Life 3 basically confirmed never happening
New Conker game is Project Spark trash
Welp. :pedro_nooo:
Yep, Kojima is more or less being kicked out of Konami. KojiPro is re-branding, then he and other executives are leaving in December. His name has already been retroactively removed from the box art of all the games he's made.
Good fucking god. I didn't think Konami could sink any lower. This is absolutely disgraceful.
I honestly thought you meant that Kojima never leaving Konami was a joke about how that'll never happen for the better. Uh, first off, it sounds real real shitty how they are trying to take the credit from him....but I am much more excited about him leaving Konami. Now he literally can't just (mostly) do nothing but MGS. Hopefully he stays in the game industry because everything he's been through would led many to just retire. Anyway, I hope he forms a new studio, asap. He's like top 3 when it comes to famous Japanese developers so it should be easy. It seemed like he wanted to do more different projects than even Mikami, Kamiya and Inafune so I'm excited about what he could work on next. :)
What Konami has done to his work is beyond disrespectful, and while Kojima will certainly find another job with ease, his team members may not be able to. If he left the company, it should have been on his own terms because he specifically wanted to - which I find hard to believe at this point, because he was reportedly very excited to be working on Silent Hills.
Even worse than I thought. And it sounds like they are removing his name from everything they can, even more than the game box art.
Is Konami planning to merge with someone? Because that's the only explanation I can think of for why they'd dump Kojima like this. This sounds even worse than what happened with Inafune and Capcom. If this is completely true, Konami is run by real greedy idiots. Other than Metal Gear and Silent Hill, Konami is worthless as an AAA company.
I don't think Phantom Pain will suffer from this, as I think he was mostly done with this. But now I'm a bit worried for Silent Hill, especially since that playable trailer was pretty good.
Back when it was announced that Tomonobu Itagaki was leaving Tecmo, their stock market value "coincidentally" sank considerably right after that news hit the Internet.
I'll laugh my ass off if the same thing happens to Konami after Kojima leaves.
The funny thing is that at one point in time, Konami had a lot of great IPs besides just MGS to support them. Stuff like Castlevania was actually really big in the 90's, and the Sparkster and Splatterhouse franchises, among many others, had core devoted fan-bases to support them. But by the 2000's Konami only really seemed to be putting effort into MGS (and Silent Hill just for the first half of that decade) and even other well-received Kojima projects like Zone of the Enders were forgotten about.
Now they are axing off the man and development team responsible for making their only remaining successful AAA franchise so successful in the first place. How exactly does this make any business sense?
Well, it looks like Konami's done for. It was a good run for a while, at least.
Not even the Konami Code can save them now.
Quote from: Dr. Ensatsu-ken on March 19, 2015, 03:36:34 PM
Back when it was announced that Tomonobu Itagaki was leaving Tecmo, their stock market value "coincidentally" sank considerably right after that news hit the Internet.
I'll laugh my ass off if the same thing happens to Konami after Kojima leaves.
It already has!
:o Proof?
Quote from: Foggle on March 19, 2015, 12:31:02 PM
Today in video game news:
Surely to be more idiocy and bad news, I'm sure.
Quote from: Foggle on March 19, 2015, 12:31:02 PMKojima might be leaving Konami
Konami might as well shutter their game division. It's done.
Quote from: Foggle on March 19, 2015, 12:31:02 PMHalf-Life 3 basically confirmed never happening
They can't make a game with 3 in the title. It's simply against their very being.
Quote from: Foggle on March 19, 2015, 12:31:02 PMNew Conker game is Project Spark trash
Good 'ol Microsoft. Still misusing Rare.
Quote from: Foggle on March 19, 2015, 12:31:02 PMWelp. :pedro_nooo:
Looks like I was right.
In one generation the industry is already almost dead.
Amazing work.
Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on March 19, 2015, 07:14:22 PM
In one generation the industry is already almost dead.
This isn't a stab at you, but I'm tired of people saying this. Kamiya is back, Mikami is back, Inafune is back, Itagaki is back, old Rareware is back, Kojima will be back. This is the first generation where Nintendo has truly impressed me since the N64, actual effort is being put into PC development again, cRPGs and collectathons are seeing a resurgence, and Square Enix is reportedly getting back into making great JRPGs again. Despite the practical shuttering of some of the best publishers from years past, plenty of talented new studios have popped up since then.
I mean, I'm angry that Kojima and his team have been fucked over by Konami, but they might have a chance to do more and better work elsewhere. I'm annoyed that Microsoft is wasting Conker and Banjo, but the creator of Conker is off making his own game while some of the old Rareware guys are developing a true Banjo-Threeie. It's heartbreaking that Half-Life 3 will probably never come out, but with confirmation of that, the insanely dedicated and talented fanbase will likely whip up a Valve-quality total conversion mod within the next 5 years. The industry is not going to die without Capcom, Sega, and Konami in prominent positions. I mean, they've barely even done anything of value for years and we've been fine.
Quote from: Foggle on March 20, 2015, 11:28:21 AM
This is the first generation where Nintendo has truly impressed me since the N64
How so? i haven't yet felt an insensitive to get a Wii U.
Amazing games both released and upcoming, better understanding of how to run an internet shop, being able to play classic handheld games on a TV, better backwards compatibility, no motion control bullshit, the first truly good D-pad from any first party in countless years.
Just look at this list of games:
Bayonetta 2 (even better than the original, which it comes packaged with)
Devil's Third
Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze (best in the series by far)
Fatal Frame 5
The Legend of Zelda (open-world game with Nintendo-level polish, holy shit)
Mario Kart 8 (best in the series by far)
Pikmin 3
Shin Megami Tensei X Fire Emblem
Star Fox (this one will probably not be terrible)
Super Mario 3D World
Super Smash Bros. 4 (best in the series by far)
The Wonderful 101
Xenoblade Chronicles X
Yoshi's Woolly World
Plus, fucking Castlevania: Circle of the Moon, Metroid: Zero Mission, and Zelda: The Minish Cap. On my TV. That's huge for me.
Quote from: Foggle on March 20, 2015, 12:05:51 PM
Amazing games both released and upcoming, better understanding of how to run an internet shop, being able to play classic handheld games on a TV, better backwards compatibility, no motion control bullshit, the first truly good D-pad from any first party in countless years.
Just look at this list of games:
Bayonetta 2 (even better than the original, which it comes packaged with)
Devil's Third
Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze (best in the series by far)
Fatal Frame 5
The Legend of Zelda (open-world game with Nintendo-level polish, holy shit)
Mario Kart 8 (best in the series by far)
Pikmin 3
Shin Megami Tensei X Fire Emblem
Star Fox (this one will probably not be terrible)
Super Mario 3D World
Super Smash Bros. 4 (best in the series by far)
The Wonderful 101
Xenoblade Chronicles X
Yoshi's Woolly World
I'll give you most of those. Especially Zelda. Previews for that gave me chills.
Star Fox seems like it'll be the first since 64 to have Miyamoto. There's certainly hope
Quote from: Foggle on March 20, 2015, 12:05:51 PM
Plus, fucking Castlevania: Circle of the Moon, Metroid: Zero Mission, and Zelda: Tihe Minish Cap. On my TV. That's huge for me.
We got that back in the GCN era. :light:
I'd uppercut Spark if I didn't promise to be nice to him. :bleh:
Quote from: talonmalon333 on March 20, 2015, 12:14:37 PM
We got that back in the GCN era. :light:
That's true, but the Game Boy Player was kind of impractical (and most people didn't seem to know about it), also I believe the Wii U's emulation is better. ;)
In Metal Gear news, Konami is already hiring people to replace Kojima and KojiPro. They're in for a rude awakening when every MGS after Phantom Pain sells below expectations.
So....does this mean no chance of a Metal Gear Rising 2?
Quote from: Dr. Ensatsu-ken on March 20, 2015, 12:52:39 PM
So....does this mean no chance of a Metal Gear Rising 2?
It's hard to say. It was Kojima's decision to have Platinum develop MGR, so if there's another one, Konami might outsource it to a different (and probably terrible) studio. Then again, they might have P* make a second game, which would likely become the last good entry in the series.
Team Ninja Dog. The Solid series has always been strange so it'll almost be comical to see them fuck it up since it'll be almost impossible for new games to not be completely zany without Kojima.
Now even more than before, i think Metal Gear should end with 5. Without Konami, and with nowhere left to take the story, it should be done
I was thinking about that. I also wonder if Kojima planned that in advance to help screw over Konami. :sly:
I personally believe that this whole situation was caused by Kojima refusing to make more Metal Gear games after TPP. After 15 years of Konami strong-arming him into directing MGS after MGS, I would assume he finally put his foot down now that the story is truly over in 5. The fact that they're already hiring new people to continue the series after he leaves only adds to my suspicions.
What if this is all Kojima trolling, staged by him and Konami, to set something up for MGS VI? :sly:
Quote from: Foggle on March 20, 2015, 01:29:33 PM
I personally believe that this whole situation was caused by Kojima refusing to make more Metal Gear games after TPP. After 15 years of Konami strong-arming him into directing MGS after MGS, I would assume he finally put his foot down now that the story is truly over in 5. The fact that they're already hiring new people to continue the series after he leaves only adds to my suspicions.
That makes sense.
Quote from: talonmalon333 on March 20, 2015, 01:32:43 PM
What if this is all Kojima trolling, staged by him and Konami, to set something up for MGS VI? :sly:
Starring Solid Snake's clone, Gaseous Snake.
Sorry, it's just really hard being optimistic about this hobby considering all the dumb things companies do now that they didn't years ago.
To be clear, I don't mean video games will all of a sudden stop being made because companies go under. I'm talking about the industry itself shuttering company after company not learning anything while letting good IPs die from neglect or poor usage just because everyone is chasing the AAA dragon. I mean, how many years did it take Square-Enix to effectively say "Gee, I guess we should make RPGs like we used to and not poorly written movie games that suck our funds dry to make!" when people have been saying that since the PS2.
It's just aggravating sometimes.
Why are we saying Square is going to be good again?
Because they said they were going back to their old ways.
Saying and doing are two different things, though.
talon shut the fuck up and stop being negative. :sly:
At least Sonic Team eventually learned.
Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on March 20, 2015, 11:56:20 PM
At least Sonic Team eventually learned.
Yeah, they've sure hit a Sonic Boom lately. :sly:
Quote from: talonmalon333 on March 20, 2015, 11:06:00 PM
Why are we saying Square is going to be good again?
The Final Fantasy 15 demo is pretty fantastic. As is the game that comes bundled with it.
Quote from: talonmalon333 on March 20, 2015, 11:58:30 PM
Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on March 20, 2015, 11:56:20 PM
At least Sonic Team eventually learned.
Yeah, they've sure hit a Sonic Boom lately. :sly:
Sonic Team didn't make Sonic Boom.
Trust Talon to get simple facts wrong. :>
Says the guy who said Togashi didn't plan for YYH to be a demon fighting show. .3.
Quote from: Foggle on March 20, 2015, 11:58:43 PM
Quote from: talonmalon333 on March 20, 2015, 11:06:00 PM
Why are we saying Square is going to be good again?
The Final Fantasy 15 demo is pretty fantastic. As is the game that comes bundled with it.
Really really. The FF15 demo is a cheesy, lighthearted romp through a semi-open world with four charming characters whose dialogue consist almost entirely of goofy jokes. The voice acting is filled with lovable B-movie machismo and the party members are all written in such a way that makes them feel like really good friends. The plot is that your car broke down while on a road trip, so you have to hunt a giant monster to earn enough gil to pay the cute Texan mechanic for repairs. It's very gameplay-centric with lots of fun party banter, excellent animations, and amazing music. The battles play like a 3D action game with a unique system the likes of which I've never seen before. There are more than a few rough edges and missing features, but it's more of a beta than a finalized demo, so that's fine.
Can't really comment much on Type-0's story, but the battle system is the best I've ever experienced in an RPG.
??? What? Square can't do all of this anymore.
That sounds awesome. :o
It's that Hajime Tabata, man. He directed the criminally underrated Crisis Core: Final Fantasy 7 (which I honestly like more than the original FF7), Type-0, and now FF15. He knows how to make a damn fine action RPG and is actually capable of hiring good writers. He called Final Fantasy 15 "a return to the roots of the franchise," and if the demo is anything to go by, I believe him.
What's Type-0? I have been ignoring the series for some time.
Quote from: Foggle on March 21, 2015, 12:54:17 AMCrisis Core: Final Fantasy 7 (which I honestly like more than the original FF7),
It's a PSP game from 2011 that was never released in English despite localization being all but completed back then. An HD port just came out for the PS4/Xbone this week in the US and Europe. It's a surprisingly complex, fast-paced action RPG with 14 completely different playable characters and light RTS elements. The story plays out like a History Channel war documentary taking place in the same universe as the Final Fantasy 13 trilogy (do note that the writing is much better than those games). It has some balancing issues, was obviously a handheld game at one point, and doesn't start as strongly as it could (though the opening cutscene is very emotional), but once you get into the meat of the mission-based gameplay, it becomes addicting and amazing. The camera can be terrible and the English dub is kind of awful (thankfully remedied with a Japanese audio option), but it's as pure fun as RPGs get. Great soundtrack, too. Highly recommended!
Quote from: talonmalon333 on March 21, 2015, 01:02:29 AM
Have you played it? The gameplay and writing are both way better IMO.
I haven't, but the concept of a good newer FF game just sounds like... madness.
It does sound like madness. I'll definitely check it out if I ever can. ;D
Crisis Core is almost 8 years old, actually. :P It seems to have been ignored by most people, which I assume is because Dirge of Cerberus and Advent Children were... lacking.
But Square Enix still releases some pretty great RPGs. Type-0, Nier, Bravely Default, Deus Ex HR - stuff like that. I've also heard that Lightning Returns was surprisingly good from a gameplay standpoint. Their quality output certainly isn't as high as it used to be, but if FF15 is any indication, I believe them when they say they're going to try harder from now on.
Quote from: gunswordfist on March 21, 2015, 01:20:07 AM
It does sound like madness. I'll definitely check it out if I ever can. ;D
I do remember you not being the biggest VII fan, Foggle. How come?
He likes VI better. ;)
I don't hate the game or anything, but I find the character writing to be a bit lacking and the gameplay to not have aged particularly well. I think FF 4-6 and 9 hold up much better as far as classic Final Fantasy games go. 7 is certainly worth playing for fans of the series and genre, but I believe that its quality has been a bit exaggerated due to it being the first RPG a lot of people played as kids.
Quote from: Foggle on March 21, 2015, 01:32:21 AM
I don't hate the game or anything, but I find the character writing to be a bit lacking and the gameplay to not have aged particularly well. I think FF 4-6 and 9 hold up much better as far as classic Final Fantasy games go. 7 is certainly worth playing for fans of the series and genre, but I believe that its quality has been a bit exaggerated due to it being the first RPG a lot of people played as kids.
VI is certainly better. I think everyone agrees on that by this point. But i do think its a bit more than nostalgia with VII. Midgar was something special and the game took itself just serious enough without going overboard. And as for Aeris... of course any gamer knows the twist. Its the Darth Vader of game twists. But i do think its worth still taking a step back and looking at how good a moment it is regardless of whether or not you know it. She's both a likable character and a dependable fighter, and the game preys on those.The twist is a massive moment for both story and gameplay.
Is it the best game ever? Of course not, but is it still treated that way? The old debate of "Best game ever! FFVII or Ocarina of Time?!" ended as time passed and people saw OoT hold up extremely well and FFVII age some.
It's a legitimately good game, I'm not disputing that. But Cloud doesn't really work for me as a protagonist, and I think it falls prey to a lot of the same problems people complain about in the later Final Fantasy games but overlook in the SNES and PS1 era.
VII is a good game whose only fault is dated graphics (mostly field character models) and the amount of rip offs it caused.
I still remember Breath of Fire IV's Sephiroth rip-off angsty villain, Xenogears' mess of a "deep" story, and Squall Leonhart taking all the worst aspects of Cloud Strife and none of the better ones to form a party of some truly irritable characters. All as a result of trying to outdo VII's different aspects without trying to do something new with their characters or story.
Divorced from all that, VII is a good RPG.
"Consider dis the divorce."
I'm glad to finally find someone who agrees with me about Xenogears. :) I've played the game for 25+ hours, and it has done absolutely nothing for me in terms of story, characters, or gameplay.
I keep on hearing about Xenogears not being that good.
The game was absolutely overrated back in the day and hailed as a brilliant masterwork. It hasn't held up at all. It wasn't even that good back then.
Quote from: Foggle on March 21, 2015, 02:09:33 AM
I'm glad to finally find someone who agrees with me about Xenogears. :) I've played the game for 25+ hours, and it has done absolutely nothing for me in terms of story, characters, or gameplay.
As weak as the story is in the first disc, it gets worse in the second. I've never made it to the end as much as I enjoy the on-foot battles because everything else is just so bad.
My favorite RPGs and action RPGs from the era are the ones not inspired by FFVII at all. Suikoden 1 and 2, Brave Fencer Musashi, Wild Arms, Vandal Hearts, FFIX, Breath of Fire III, Valkyrie Profile, Threads of Fate, Legend of Mana . . . it was a good era for the genre outside of all the wannabes.
I've only played VIII, IX, Brave Fencer Musashi's demo and a few minutes of Breath Of Fire III via bad emulation a few years ago.. I really don't think I've played any of RPGs from that era.
If you enjoy the genre, the SNES and PS1 eras are probably the best with quite a lot of quality and quantity.
Be sure to check out Vagrant Story, Alundra, and Tales of Phantasia as well!
Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on March 21, 2015, 02:15:21 AM
As weak as the story is in the first disc, it gets worse in the second. I've never made it to the end as much as I enjoy the on-foot battles because everything else is just so bad.
And here I was thinking that it
had to get better eventually. Some of the cutscenes borderline on an entire hour in length with snore-worthy dialogue and horrible localization. I don't even like the gameplay due to the lengthy unskippable battle animations and lack of difficulty (I'm terrible at JRPGs and, without grinding, have only died once - to a gimmick boss).
Quote from: Foggle on March 21, 2015, 02:28:21 AM
Be sure to check out Vagrant Story, Alundra, and Tales of Phantasia as well!
Forgot about those. Also the first Tales of Destiny is pretty good, too.
Quote from: Foggle on March 21, 2015, 02:28:21 AMQuote from: Spark Of Spirit on March 21, 2015, 02:15:21 AM
As weak as the story is in the first disc, it gets worse in the second. I've never made it to the end as much as I enjoy the on-foot battles because everything else is just so bad.
And here I was thinking that it had to get better eventually. Some of the cutscenes borderline on an entire hour in length with snore-worthy dialogue and horrible localization. I don't even like the gameplay due to the lengthy unskippable battle animations of lack of difficulty (I'm terrible at JRPGs and, without grinding, have only died once - to a gimmick boss).
It gets even more convoluted afterwards. The worst part is that the second disc starts off with a long incoherent story sequence that goes right into a really hard boss battle. Better hope you're leveled right otherwise you're in for an annoying treat!
Difficulty spikes in RPGs annoy me, too. It's why I've never gotten all the way through Final Fantasy Tactics. Well, that and the slow crawl text wrapped in a slow as molasses story that takes too long to do anything.
While we're on the subject of Xenogears:
QuoteThe supposed events behind the scenes of this game are some of the most notorious in videogame history. As the stories go, halfway through the game's development, Square Soft took a big chunk of the development team out of working the game to work on Final Fantasy VIII. This explains the game's extremely linear and narration-heavy second disc. Many fans speculate the game would have been even more of an epic classic had the development team not been castrated this way.
Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on March 21, 2015, 02:32:31 AM
It gets even more convoluted afterwards. The worst part is that the second disc starts off with a long incoherent story sequence that goes right into a really hard boss battle. Better hope you're leveled right otherwise you're in for an annoying treat!
Quote from: Rynnec on March 21, 2015, 02:38:50 AM
While we're on the subject of Xenogears: QuoteThe supposed events behind the scenes of this game are some of the most notorious in videogame history. As the stories go, halfway through the game's development, Square Soft took a big chunk of the development team out of working the game to work on Final Fantasy VIII. This explains the game's extremely linear and narration-heavy second disc. Many fans speculate the game would have been even more of an epic classic had the development team not been castrated this way.
:whuh: :whuh: :whuh:
"Even more of an epic classic."
That's some way of putting salad dressing on a turd and calling it a salad.
Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on March 21, 2015, 02:24:13 AM
If you enjoy the genre, the SNES and PS1 eras are probably the best with quite a lot of quality and quantity.
That's what I've been hearing. ;)
Quote from: Rynnec on March 21, 2015, 02:38:50 AM
While we're on the subject of Xenogears: QuoteThe supposed events behind the scenes of this game are some of the most notorious in videogame history. As the stories go, halfway through the game's development, Square Soft took a big chunk of the development team out of working the game to work on Final Fantasy VIII. This explains the game's extremely linear and narration-heavy second disc. Many fans speculate the game would have been even more of an epic classic had the development team not been castrated this way.
Damn, I hear that Xenogears was the original concept for FF VII (or vice versa?) yesterday and now this.
The guys behind Xenogears were major NGE fans. You can see where it tries to ape the show many times throughout.
The difference is the stuff it copies is the least interesting stuff from the show. The fun stuff (which is what a video game should probably be focusing on) has been entirely excised for lazy philosophy and poor game design.
Xenogears gets a lot of passes from people for stuff that other games get knocked relentlessly for.
Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on March 21, 2015, 02:32:31 AM
Quote from: Foggle on March 21, 2015, 02:28:21 AM
Be sure to check out Vagrant Story, Alundra, and Tales of Phantasia as well!
Forgot about those. Also the first Tales of Destiny is pretty good, too.
Also, Arc the Lad 1 and 2. One long story, and great strategy RPG gameplay.
Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on March 21, 2015, 02:45:11 AM
The guys behind Xenogears were major NGE fans. You can see where it tries to ape the show many times throughout.
The difference is the stuff it copies is the least interesting stuff from the show. The fun stuff (which is what a video game should probably be focusing on) has been entirely excised for lazy philosophy and poor game design.
Xenogears gets a lot of passes from people for stuff that other games get knocked relentlessly for.
That's all I needed to hear! :shit: this game will never be played by this soul! :shit:
The way you guys are slamming on kinda makes me want to play it for myself. :sweat:
You must hate yourself.
Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on March 21, 2015, 02:47:46 AM
Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on March 21, 2015, 02:32:31 AM
Quote from: Foggle on March 21, 2015, 02:28:21 AM
Be sure to check out Vagrant Story, Alundra, and Tales of Phantasia as well!
Forgot about those. Also the first Tales of Destiny is pretty good, too.
Also, Arc the Lad 1 and 2. One long story, and great strategy RPG gameplay.
Well do! :thumbup: Didn't even know Arc was a SRPG.
Quote from: Foggle on March 21, 2015, 02:04:23 AM
It's a legitimately good game, I'm not disputing that. But Cloud doesn't really work for me as a protagonist, and I think it falls prey to a lot of the same problems people complain about in the later Final Fantasy games but overlook in the SNES and PS1 era.
What problems are you thinking of in particular ?
The protagonist's main personality trait is angst, the story is convoluted by lore that doesn't make immediate sense, the character designs are bizarre and garish, etc. None of these elements necessarily make something bad in my book, but they're always listed as reasons why people think the later games suck, yet are never applied to 7 despite it being no different in that regard.
I don't think I'll ever not like FF7's character designs.
Even in the lesser games, FF has consistently great character designs IMO. They're usually weird and kind of dumb, but also very charming.
I think the character designs are one of FF7's strong points. Vincent, Sephiroth, and Tifa in particular look really cool to me.
Quote from: Rynnec on March 21, 2015, 10:58:14 PM
I think the character designs are one of FF7's strong points. Vincent, Sephiroth, and Tifa in particular look really cool to me.
I agree. My problem started with VIII when every character just looked a bit too perfect, and now every game looks the same.
What about IX? I'm not a huge FF fan, but I found the more classic style of character designs more appealing in that game. A lot of fans don't seem to like the more "cartoony" style, but I found it to be fresh, unique, and well-done, myself.
Quote from: talonmalon333 on March 22, 2015, 12:41:32 AM
I agree. My problem started with VIII when every character just looked a bit too perfect, and now every game looks the same.
I do not agree with this at all.
Quote from: Dr. Ensatsu-ken on March 22, 2015, 09:50:46 AM
What about IX? I'm not a huge FF fan, but I found the more classic style of character designs more appealing in that game. A lot of fans don't seem to like the more "cartoony" style, but I found it to be fresh, unique, and well-done, myself.
I love FF9's character design, personally. :)
Quote from: Dr. Ensatsu-ken on March 22, 2015, 09:50:46 AM
What about IX? I'm not a huge FF fan, but I found the more classic style of character designs more appealing in that game. A lot of fans don't seem to like the more "cartoony" style, but I found it to be fresh, unique, and well-done, myself.
I agree. I think those strengths let that game's graphics hold up a lot better. Shame we never saw it again.
Quote from: Foggle on March 22, 2015, 12:11:31 PM
Quote from: talonmalon333 on March 22, 2015, 12:41:32 AM
I agree. My problem started with VIII when every character just looked a bit too perfect, and now every game looks the same.
I do not agree with this at all.
Every mainline numerical game, then. :P
Quote from: talonmalon333 on March 22, 2015, 12:58:37 PM
Quote from: Foggle on March 22, 2015, 12:11:31 PM
Quote from: talonmalon333 on March 22, 2015, 12:41:32 AM
I agree. My problem started with VIII when every character just looked a bit too perfect, and now every game looks the same.
I do not agree with this at all.
Every mainline numerical game, then. :P
That is what I'm disagreeing with.
These all look pretty different to me in terms of both art style and character design.
I was more referring to the lead characters in the games minus 9 (and 11 as it just hit me that I've never given that game any mind). They frequently have just really perfect hair and overall looks. Just seems kind of unnatural to me. The environments and enemies always look great, but we were talking about the character models with VII.
I'm talking about the character models too. While each one shares perfect hair - a trope common to video games as a whole - and weird clothing, they all still look pretty different from each other. I don't see how you can say every recent game looks the same when 12-15 (the newest entries in the main series) all have completely different art styles.
Fair enough, but I still find myself looking at some characters, such as 13's lead, and thinking they should be headlining a Japanese pop concert. :P
That I can agree with. ;)
Quote from: Dr. Ensatsu-ken on March 22, 2015, 09:50:46 AM
What about IX? I'm not a huge FF fan, but I found the more classic style of character designs more appealing in that game. A lot of fans don't seem to like the more "cartoony" style, but I found it to be fresh, unique, and well-done, myself.
Early FF character design (and IX) are the best designs, in my mind. Never really cared for any of the modern designs outside of a handful of characters.
I do like Cloud as a character, though. He does have some cliche RPG things about him, but they were hardly cliche at the time. Besides, execution is what's important and I think he's likable enough.
One of the reasons why I love Crisis Core is that I think Zack is the best lead character in the series. He's just super likable. Noctis exhibits a similar air of friendliness and fun-loving in the FF15 demo. We need more characters like them in games.
Yes, more main characters like Sabin, Edward, Locke, Bartz, Zidane, and so on would be preferable to Squall types.
Though as long as they're not the other end of the spectrum like Tidus, then I'm good.
Quote from: talonmalon333 on March 23, 2015, 02:24:39 PM
I do like Cloud as a character, though. He does have some cliche RPG things about him, but they were hardly cliche at the time. Besides, execution is what's important and I think he's likable enough.
Same, this is also how I feel about Squall.
Quote from: Peanutbutter on March 24, 2015, 11:21:24 PM
Quote from: talonmalon333 on March 23, 2015, 02:24:39 PM
I do like Cloud as a character, though. He does have some cliche RPG things about him, but they were hardly cliche at the time. Besides, execution is what's important and I think he's likable enough.
Same, this is also how I feel about Squall.
Same here, about Squall. It's like hating Shrek for all the trends he created or at least popularized.
I still don't get why people think Marvel Ultimate Alliance 1 is better than 2. 1 gets boring after awhile and has outdated gameplay, just like the X-Men Legends games. MUA2 is addictive for all day long and is the best 3D beat em up to come out since The Warriors. I'm guessing people just have a stupid loyalty to X-Men Legends' brand of gameplay.
Just saw a report that alleges Prey 2 was cancelled because Bethesda tried to purchase Human Head by way of abusing the milestone system to force the developers to work without pay until they could eventually be strong-armed into selling their studio. Human Head refused to bite and went on strike; thus the game ceased to exist.
Apparently Bethesda's disgusting tactics have succeeded in other instances, though. Supposedly that's how they were able to acquire Id, Arkane, Tango, and Machine Games. :shit:
....I hope this is not true.
To the surprise of nobody. (
Japan, keeping it real.
No wonder it's getting localized, since I thought for sure it wouldn't be. Gotta' make that investment back somehow.
But dang, those are like Shadows of the Damned-level numbers. And we can't even blame it on Japan's current favoring of portables over home consoles, since the Wii U version was actually more successful. That has to be the biggest bomb I've seen in years, shovelware notwithstanding. :(
Between this, Yaiba, and Kamiya's comments, I think it's safe to say that Keiji Inafune is the new Warren Spector.
I saw the beta (whatever) but I still wanted to believe :cry:
I still wonder how much funding they lost after the whole Dina debacle, seeing the product from beta tester, and all that other jazz. It's Broken Age all over again.
When was the Broken Age?
Quote from: gunswordfist on April 10, 2015, 05:10:26 PM
When was the Broken Age?
I mean, I'm sure Mighty No. 9 is still a decent/good game, but this should really be a lesson to developers and players everywhere about the dangers of target footage.
as long as I can still be naively optimistic about kickstarters. :awesome:
Yep, it could look better. I do wish Inafune would stop futzing around and just let Inticreates make an action platformer already. They know what they're doing, so just let them work.
I hope this doesn't give them a bad name. They are probably still the greatest 2D action team.
Quote from: gunswordfist on April 10, 2015, 08:58:15 PM
as long as I can still be naively optimistic about kickstarters. :awesome:
Well, I backed DreadOut, and that's a pretty good game. I also backed Torment: Tides of Numenera and my free copy of Wasteland 2 (another KS game from the same studio) is lovely. Pillars of Eternity is apparently quite good, too.
Crowdfunding doesn't always work out, but there are enough success stories that I think your naive optimism is still viable. ;)
Quote from: gunswordfist on April 10, 2015, 09:21:08 PM
I hope this doesn't give them a bad name. They are probably still the greatest 2D action team.
It's probably still fun and well-designed in terms of gameplay and such, so I doubt they'll become widely hated or anything. But it might make people less likely to believe in their concepts in the future.
I did back Shovel Knight. Money well spent for a $60 investment, got a real box art and soundtrack of the game, along with a digital download.
..I actually never heard of any of those 3 games. I barely follow game news now..I basically just hear about games here on AR. lol I'll gladly keep my naivety. :)
Quote from: Foggle on April 10, 2015, 09:23:22 PM
It's probably still fun and well-designed in terms of gameplay and such, so I doubt they'll become widely hated or anything. But it might make people less likely to believe in their concepts in the future.
Makes sense.
I didn't know/forgot Shovel Knight was a Kickstarter. Now all those comparisons it had to MN9 make sense...
Shovel Knight was so, so good. Yacht Club didn't make a faux-bit platformer; they actually made an NES platformer that would sit comfortably with some of the best on the system. Other than usage of certain colors and the possibility of added slowdown, I'm pretty sure Shovel Knight could have been put on an NES cartridge.
Sort of like Mega Man 9, actually.
Like Inticreates, Yacht Club really do understand what makes those old games tick.
I really need to play Shovel Knight. I hope Yacht Club keeps the good work up.
In a twitter conversation with Natsume:
QuoteWill the two Pocky & Rocky SNES games ever be re-released on the Virtual Console?
- @ominiq (Twitter)
Answer: At this point, it's unlikely we'll see any other Natsume SNES games coming to the Virtual Console, as Nintendo's interest has moved onto other classic systems.
I really wish Nintendo would stop slacking on the VC. The Wii's VC is incredible, why can't we have that library AND more classic games?
The Pocky & Rocky games are two of Natume's best SNES games and would surely sell. I really hope they change their minds about this.
...and I'm having trouble signing into Xbox Live thanks to some stupid new update.
Konami is the worst publisher of all time.
Their game division really does deserve the ax.
They can do this with purchased content too. Any publisher can, on any system. And people wonder why I refuse to buy digital-only games on consoles...
Sony must be livid at Konami over this. P.T. and Silent Hills were killer third-party exclusives for the PS4.
I hope Sony forces them to make it downloadable again.
I have always feared that companies could do this with digital games. That sucks so much.
I love this conspiracy theory:
Quote from:, an eerie phone message that plays after the demo is completed has taken on new meaning, with some speculating that it may have been a hint from Kojima that all was not well with the development of the game.
The message, which is played just before the short trailer for Silent Hills is shown at the end of the demo, is as follows:
"Dad was such a drag. Every day he'd eat the same kind of food, dress the same, sit in front of the same kind of games... Yeah, he was just that kind of guy. But then one day, he goes and kills us all! He couldn't even be original about the way he did it. I'm not complaining... I was dying of boredom anyway, But guess what? I will be coming back, and I'm bringing my new toys with me."
The message stood out in the game as its wording and tone were quite incongruous with the rest of the demo, but no one thought much of it until the announcement was made that Kojima was (perhaps forcibly) leaving the development of Silent Hills in the wake of a dispute with Konami. Now the suggestion has been made that this message is a subtle reference to Konami (the "Dad") and Kojima's relationship, with Kojima "dying of boredom" when it came to dealing with the company, containing a prediction that Konami would eventually kill the project.
The final line – "I will be coming back, and I'm bringing my new toys with me" – is said to suggest that Kojima will be returning to the format of P.T., albeit with it not set in the Silent Hill universe, as Konami owns the rights to the franchise.
Quote from: gunswordfist on May 05, 2015, 09:43:25 PM
I hope Sony forces them to make it downloadable again.
I have always feared that companies could do this with digital games. That sucks so much.
I don't think it's ever happened before, and I doubt it will ever happen again. But the precedent is there, and it's horrifying.
Fun theory, but I wouldn't keep my hopes up. :P
So Kojima goes out and starts a new studio. Just like about everyone else who used to work there.
Now we just need Nakazato to form one for Contra and Rocket Knight Adventures successors.
Quote from: talonmalon333 on May 05, 2015, 09:50:47 PM
Fun theory, but I wouldn't keep my hopes up. :P
Well, I called it a conspiracy theory for a reason. :P
Kojima was really excited to work on Silent Hill, though, so I wouldn't be surprised if he started a new studio and their first game was a psychological horror title.
I feel like we live in the era of video game successors. Which speaks clearly of how little many developers care for some of their quality material.
Quote from: Foggle on May 05, 2015, 09:48:50 PM
I love this conspiracy theory:
The final line – "I will be coming back, and I'm bringing my new toys with me" – is said to suggest that Kojima will be returning to the format of P.T., albeit with it not set in the Silent Hill universe, as Konami owns the rights to the franchise.
So this theory means Kojima will create his own The Evil Within?
Quote from: gunswordfist on May 05, 2015, 09:43:25 PM
I hope Sony forces them to make it downloadable again.
I have always feared that companies could do this with digital games. That sucks so much.
I don't think it's ever happened before, and I doubt it will ever happen again. But the precedent is there, and it's horrifying.
[/quote]I don't remember another case of this happening before. My fear mostly comes from licenses expiring. This is certainly horrifying though.
Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on May 05, 2015, 09:53:19 PM
So Kojima goes out and starts a new studio. Just like about everyone else who used to work there.
Now we just need Nakazato to form one for Contra and Rocket Knight Adventures successors.
Quote from: talonmalon333 on May 05, 2015, 09:56:40 PM
I feel like we live in the era of video game successors. Which speaks clearly of how little many developers care for some of their quality material.
The mainstream blockbuster bubble is popping. AAA-quality indie games funded via Kickstarter are the future.
Quote from: gunswordfist on May 05, 2015, 09:59:15 PM
So this theory means Kojima will create his own The Evil Within?
We can only hope...
Quote from: Foggle on May 05, 2015, 10:00:33 PM
Quote from: talonmalon333 on May 05, 2015, 09:56:40 PM
I feel like we live in the era of video game successors. Which speaks clearly of how little many developers care for some of their quality material.
The mainstream blockbuster bubble is popping. AAA-quality indie games funded via Kickstarter are the future.
The thing is, indies shouldn't
have to do this.
Microsoft should be making Banjo Kazooie sequels, Konami should be making classic Castlevania games, and Capcom should be making Mega Man games. Fans want them, developers want to make them. This is how the industry has worked since the NES. You build a brand, maintain it, and everyone wins.
It's only since last gen that publishers suddenly went stupid in the head and are shooting their own foot over and over again. If they would just pay attention, this industry would be a lot healthier than it is now.
Oh yeah, publishers should definitely be treating their development studios with more respect. But it's also kind of cathartic to see designers I respect cutting out the middleman and giving the general public what they want.
Quote from: Foggle on May 05, 2015, 10:00:33 PM
We can only hope...
I'd really love to see Kojima actually do a horror game.
Quote from: Foggle on May 05, 2015, 10:13:44 PM
Oh yeah, publishers should definitely be treating their development studios with more respect. But it's also kind of cathartic to see designers I respect cutting out the middleman and giving the general public what they want.
This is also how I feel.
Yeah, it's really unclear what's going on with publishers lately.
At least we'll always have Nintendo. I feel like they are the constant in the gaming world.
Just think how close in quality other veteran publisher would be if they treated most of their top properties well like Nintendo does.
Quote from: gunswordfist on May 06, 2015, 11:29:31 AM
Just think how close in quality other veteran publisher would be if they treated most of their top properties well like Nintendo does.
Like the SNES and Genesis?
Exactly where I was going with this. :)
Then again, even Nintendo has neglected F-Zero and Star Fox. But they are making up for that with Star Fox by making a new one that has the potential to be better than ever. And they are doing it out of love.
They also made that MK8 F-Zero DLC, which means they're still aware of it.
I said most. :P F-Zero and Star Fox are big enough to the point where the fact that they are being neglected is annoying though.
Speaking of triple-AAA, I never go for the day one purchases anymore. Because you can always wait for the inevitable Game Of The Year edition that will have the full game and all the DLC for half the price. The latest one?
Only exception I made was Arkham Knight, and that's so I can get that silver PS4. Fuck that $40 Season Pass.
Isn't SoM like Assassin's Creed?
It does Assassin's Creed better than Assassin's Creed, throwing in some Arkham-style combat and an awesome nemesis system. I've been holding off for something like this though.
I think I heard someone say they wish Arkham (City?) was like that. Or was it Assassin's Creed? idk.
I can't believe people actual defend FF X/2 being remade over 9 or 7 because X/2 costs Square less money to remake it.
Well, if they can't remake VII (for ridiculous reasons) then there's no chance of VIII or IX getting remade either. X and X-2 are corridor RPGs which are simpler to do.
Personally I'd take a FFVII, VIII, and IX, remake in VI style 16-bit over X and X-2 getting a pointless gloss remake they don't need, but Square likes to pretend the series started with the PS1, so what are you gonna do?
Remember when Microsoft used to make 3D platformers? Pepperidge Farm does: (
You guys do realize that HD remasters are ports and not actually remakes, right? Granted, they had to recreate a lot of the art assets for X, but a full-on remake would require exponentially more time, money, and effort that could be better spent on making new games.
Quote from: gunswordfist on May 07, 2015, 05:19:27 PM
Remember when Microsoft used to make 3D platformers? Pepperidge Farm does: (
I always wanted to play this game. Too bad it doesn't work on the 360. :'(
Yeah, I'm not sure what this discussion was about. :P
I think Square stated that making a VII remake on the scale of FFXIII would be difficult because it would require far more money considering the content of the game, in that it is not corridor-based. They are basically admitting that XIII was a weak game and therefore wasn't overly expensive.
Quote from: talonmalon333 on May 07, 2015, 05:55:03 PMThey are basically admitting that XIII was a weak game and therefore wasn't overly expensive.
Ding ding ding.
The conversation was about Square being cheap, all along!
Quote from: Foggle on May 07, 2015, 05:30:51 PM
Quote from: gunswordfist on May 07, 2015, 05:19:27 PM
Remember when Microsoft used to make 3D platformers? Pepperidge Farm does: (
I always wanted to play this game. Too bad it doesn't work on the 360. :'(
I've been interested in it since I saw it on G4 generations ago. I was surprised to see that a Microsoft studio made it. This was before shooters dominated the market and at the tale end of the 3D mascot platformer generation, apparently. The game reminds me of a lot of N64 and PS1 platformers.
Quote from: talonmalon333 on May 07, 2015, 05:55:03 PM
I think Square stated that making a VII remake on the scale of FFXIII would be difficult because it would require far more money considering the content of the game, in that it is not corridor-based. They are basically admitting that XIII was a weak game and therefore wasn't overly expensive.
It cost 65 million dollars to make. While they may be admitting that FF13 was more linear than previous entries, it was still one of the most expensive games ever developed. You're dreaming if you think anyone would willingly spend 100+ million on a remake of something that most people still consider to be perfectly fine. I would hardly call that being cheap.
That doesn't say much at all for FFXIII's game design.
Exactly, great graphics don't magically make a game better, so it would be a waste to drop that much cash on what would essentially be a 1:1 remake. REmake, Zero Mission, Black Mesa, etc. are excellent because they do a lot more than just update the graphics. By nature of being a turn-based RPG, an FF7 remake would - more likely than not - add nothing of value beyond improved visuals and full voice acting. That's not worth $100 million.
I said nothing about them being cheap. I was just pointing out that they basically admitted that VII is better.
Also, I think Square would be printing money if they remade FFVII.
Ok, now I'm just confused.
Just take deep breaths, GSF.
Quote from: talonmalon333 on May 07, 2015, 09:12:46 PM
Also, I think Square would be printing money if they remade FFVII.
It's a lot more viable now, I think. So maybe they will someday.
Quote from: talonmalon333 on May 07, 2015, 09:15:50 PM
Just take deep breaths, GSF.
I think they said they would only consider remaking FFVII if they made a game that surpasses it... yeah.
Quote from: gunswordfist on May 07, 2015, 09:14:58 PM
Ok, now I'm just confused.
If they made both Final Fantasy VII and XIII now at the same time in the same engine, FFVII would cost considerably more to make. Which means FFXIII is not as in depth or complex of a game as FFVII is.
In other words, FFXIII continues to be a laughing stock.
Gotcha. And go to Hell, please, talon. :thinkin:
Quote from: talonmalon333 on May 07, 2015, 09:19:57 PM
I think they said they would only consider remaking FFVII if they made a game that surpasses it... yeah.
But they already did. They were called FF 4, 5, 6, 9, Crisis Core, and Type-0. :>
Quote from: Foggle on May 07, 2015, 09:25:36 PM
Quote from: talonmalon333 on May 07, 2015, 09:19:57 PM
I think they said they would only consider remaking FFVII if they made a game that surpasses it... yeah.
But they already did. They were called FF 4, 5, 6, 9, Crisis Core, and Type-0. :>
Perhaps they need one more game to surpass it, then. :P
Quote from: talonmalon333 on May 07, 2015, 09:19:57 PM
I think they said they would only consider remaking FFVII if they made a game that surpasses it... yeah.
I guess this means their games have all sucked since then?
Their words, not mine.
Does Square even need the fans to make fun of them? Because they seem to be doing that themselves.
It sucks that there won't be a Blood Dragon 2. :'(
Quote from: gunswordfist on May 08, 2015, 10:13:48 PM
It sucks that there won't be a Blood Dragon 2. :'(
Has this been confirmed? I'm pretty sure the devs said they want to make one someday.
So after buying a bunch of anime weeaboo bullshit PS3 games over the last year, I decided to go on PSN and look at the DLC out of morbid curiosity. Mother of god, the sheer amount of costume DLC (mostly swimsuit/hot springs shit) and "add this npc character to your party!" packs is disgusting. A lot of those costumes are $3-$5 a pop.
Two days ago I was perusing my X-Box 360's DLC and I saw how many costumes they had for Dead Or Alive 5... it was a wasteland.
Quote from: Foggle on May 08, 2015, 11:00:46 PM
Quote from: gunswordfist on May 08, 2015, 10:13:48 PM
It sucks that there won't be a Blood Dragon 2. :'(
Has this been confirmed? I'm pretty sure the devs said they want to make one someday.
Oh they did but: ( Ubisoft suddenly hates sequels..but they don't. They just hate it for this one particular game because Fuck You Fun And New Interesting Things.
Quote from: gunswordfist on May 09, 2015, 01:00:18 AM
Oh they did but: ( Ubisoft suddenly hates sequels..but they don't. They just hate it for this one particular game because Fuck You Fun And New Interesting Things.
Fuck. And Splinter Cell is probably all but canceled after Blacklist's lack of commercial success, too. Well, Ubisoft, let's see if I ever have a reason to buy any more of your games in the future. :sly:
Quote from: Nel_Annette on May 09, 2015, 12:22:43 AM
So after buying a bunch of anime weeaboo bullshit PS3 games over the last year, I decided to go on PSN and look at the DLC out of morbid curiosity. Mother of god, the sheer amount of costume DLC (mostly swimsuit/hot springs shit) and "add this npc character to your party!" packs is disgusting. A lot of those costumes are $3-$5 a pop.
Two days ago I was perusing my X-Box 360's DLC and I saw how many costumes they had for Dead Or Alive 5... it was a wasteland.
As much as people complain about the DLC scumming in western games, it's shocking just how much worse Japanese developers/publishers are about it...
What? I remember when Splinter Cell games were guaranteed money...It'll just be Ancel and Rainbow Six games (assuming they are about as Vegas 2)
It's so exploitative, you just know there are people out there who lap that shit up. I remember back in the Gamecube days, playing Tales of Symphonia and unlocking a multitude of costumes through sidequests, including the swimsuit stuff. Flash forward to ten years later, and you see Tales Of Graces having more than half of its costumes relegated to DLC at $5 each. I was looking through NIS/Gust games like the Atelier series and Fairy Fencer F and just being bewildered by the number of alt costumes and party members. The very first pack I see for Atelier Ayesha is basically her in her underwear. Main game, she's in this well-designed dress and comes off as totally sweet and innocent. But hey, for $3 you can just have her do the whole game in her underwear.
And all these party member DLCs? What the fuck? Each Atelier game had at least three packs for each game for adding one of the NPCs (who were clearly designed to be party members) to your party. I'm truly curious as to how gimped the games are going to feel when I actually play them.
Quote from: gunswordfist on May 09, 2015, 01:33:39 AM
What? I remember when Splinter Cell games were guaranteed money...It'll just be Ancel and Rainbow Six games (assuming they are about as Vegas 2)
A lot of people hated Conviction, and Ubisoft decided to advertise Blacklist as a straight TPS with minor stealth elements despite the fact that it was easily the best game in the series since Chaos Theory. Anyone who plays BL knows it's a stealth masterpiece, but bad marketing and trepidation from fans resulted in lackluster sales.
Quote from: Nel_Annette on May 09, 2015, 01:34:21 AM
It's so exploitative, you just know there are people out there who lap that shit up. I remember back in the Gamecube days, playing Tales of Symphonia and unlocking a multitude of costumes through sidequests, including the swimsuit stuff. Flash forward to ten years later, and you see Tales Of Graces having more than half of its costumes relegated to DLC at $5 each. I was looking through NIS/Gust games like the Atelier series and Fairy Fencer F and just being bewildered by the number of alt costumes and party members. The very first pack I see for Atelier Ayesha is basically her in her underwear. Main game, she's in this well-designed dress and comes off as totally sweet and innocent. But hey, for $3 you can just have her do the whole game in her underwear.
And all these party member DLCs? What the fuck? Each Atelier game had at least three packs for each game for adding one of the NPCs (who were clearly designed to be party members) to your party. I'm truly curious as to how gimped the games are going to feel when I actually play them.
That's just awful. I can't believe people are actually willing to pay extra money for pointless trinkets and obviously cut content. This is even worse than horse armor.
After Rayman Legends bombed, I'm not even sure Ancel will be getting stuff released any time soon.
Shows how little I paid attention to the commercials or trailers. I didn't know what to think after I heard that the old dev team left.
Was Conviction really hated that much?
Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on May 09, 2015, 01:43:29 AM
After Rayman Legends bombed, I'm not even sure Ancel will be getting stuff released any time soon.
How'd that bomb too? Don't tell me this is why I've barely heard about BG&E2...
Quote from: gunswordfist on May 09, 2015, 01:47:33 AM
Was Conviction really hated that much?
Yeah. Not many folks took too kindly to the new direction the gameplay and story took. Blacklist rectified most of that, though.
QuoteHow'd that bomb too? Don't tell me this is why I've barely heard about BG&E2...
They delayed a finished game to the year's most packed release window.
And it still sold best (something crazy like 70% of total sales) on the system it was originally going to be released for. So it was a waste of everybody's time and money and might have killed the series despite everyone saying it was going to happen that way.
Ubisoft is many things, but smart isn't one of them.
:'( Not my Origins style goodness.
Look! Look! The circus came to town today, guys! They're here to take your pre-order money! What, our last game was a buggy, glitchy disaster, and from the pre-order editions we're offering, we appear to have learned nothing? Posh! Just think about parkouring on moving trains and give us your money, you poor bastards!
I see a woman so they learned something. :>
Oh shit, you're right! She must have taken years to create! :humhumhum:
They even promised that she'll have a face most of the time!
Nah, Unity spoiled me. Assassin's are only scary when they're just eyes, teeth, and Rapunzel-like hair.
The inordinate amount of hate The Evil Within gets should not make me as mad as it does. I guess I just get really defensive when people constantly shit on games I love. Especially when they start spouting garbage about how "the mechanics don't make sense" while consistently upholding Souls as the be all end all of video games - which is far more obscure than TEW in almost every aspect of its design. :wth: And let's not even get into the people who think it has worse combat than The Last of Us and Resident Evil 6...
While I still have to play the game myself, I think that people just plain don't get what TEW is supposed to be. Most people expected it to basically be a Resident Evil game invisioned as a new IP, but that's not what it seems like to me at all, despite Mikami clearly taking some inspiration from his old work. To me it seemed like an all new take on horror/action that forces players to rely more on resources and carefully traversing the environment as opposed to raw firepower keeping you alive. From gamers' whose opinions that I trust, the game seems to be more along those lines than just a straight-up RE knock-off, but most people complaining about it consider it to be flawed in how it differs from RE or other survival horror games like Dead Space, when it's not even meant to play anything like those games.
As for Souls, the aesthetics look boring as hell (except for Bloodborne), and the combat looks sluggish, but I've heard from pretty much everyone who've played them that the games are a lot more fun to play than they look, so I do eventually want to try them.
The Souls games are pretty great (Demon's is an all time favorite of mine), but they're a lot more convoluted than TEW, which is why these people's opinions confuse me so much. It isn't a particularly hard game to understand IMO...
I think the reason that Souls gets away with it is because it has built up a reputation as a series that is supposed to be challenging and difficult to master, so people go into them with the expectation that there will be quite a learning curve with their mechanics. As for TEW, I believe that people weren't really expecting much challenge, and mechanically expected it to play like a modified RE game, so when it didn't match up to their pre-conceived notions it confused them and they decided to complain about the game rather than to learn how to play it properly and enjoy it.
It might just be me, but I always think of survival horror games as naturally hard. You're playing in a horror story where everything is against you-- like, that is what the central conceit of the genre should be. So when people were saying TEW was hard I just thought that was the point.
I want to strangle anyone who thinks Gunstar Heroes has better music than Contra Hard Corps.
Unseen64 has reported that Nintendo of America has lost faith in Devil's Third and will not be publishing it themselves in the US. Supposedly, key members of their staff think the game is bad and unworthy of release, but they're open to another publisher handling its NA distribution. The source is someone within NoA who recently gave details about the long-delayed (canceled) Project H.A.M.M.E.R.
That's pretty cold if true. :(
Yeah. I saw that a couple of hours ago.
To be honest, I'm not surprised considering the development hell that this game has been through thanks to Itagaki's shit luck. It's a shame though that it won't get a release, though. I would have at least given it a try.
I'll be really sad if this game causes VGS to go under, though. They deserve another chance to develop a great action game under good financial support and an actual stable development cycle. I can't stand the idiots claiming that Itagaki is a shitty head developer while completely ignoring the quality of his previous games and the obvious fact that this game was clearly butchered when THQ went under.
That would really be awful if it turned out bad, but I guess it wouldn't be too surprising. Still, this whole thing is a real mess.
Lesson to br learned for all developers: make sure you can get the backing of companies that aren't likely to go under during your development process.
This happened three times for VGS: once with the company that designed the original engine that they were using, once with THQ, and once again with Doobic (the Korean company that they temporarily partnered with). VGS failed as businessmen rather than as developers, it would seem.
I have to wonder if this is one of those scenarios where the original version of the game was scrapped late in development and they had to piece the finished product together using scraps. The original Devil's Third reveal trailer looked more polished/fast-paced/Ninja Gaiden-esque than the more recent footage IMO.
Quote from: Dr. Ensatsu-ken on July 09, 2015, 09:15:05 PM
Lesson to br learned for all developers: make sure you can get the backing of companies that aren't likely to go under during your development process.
This happened three times for VGS: once with the company that designed the original engine that they were using, once with THQ, and once again with Doobic (the Korean company that they temporarily partnered with). VGS failed as businessmen rather than as developers, it would seem.
To be fair, I don't think anyone could have predicted THQ going under. They seemed to be doing great and then died rather suddenly.
When we eventually learn about this game's development, I wouldn't be surprised if it turns out that the game was originally a lot more fluid and fun to play before shit hit the fan with THQ.
I think the main problem is that THQ was the only publisher to truly believe in Itagaki's vision. When they died, the dream died with it.
If DT doesn't kill VGS (and I hope it doesn't), I could easily see Square Enix picking them up for their next game. They've really turned themselves around under Matsuda.
I really hope that they do. Or that someone saves VGS. They just have way too much talent to be wasted on one flop that happened due to bad luck.
Square Enix is a pretty damn good publisher.
Siliconera is reporting that Devil's Third has already been picked up for US distribution, and it's by a publisher "most of their readers will be familiar with." So, probably XSeed, NIS, or Atlus.
In less good news, Akio Otsuka (Solid Snake's Japanese voice actor) has confirmed the complete disbandment of Kojima Productions.
Quote from: Foggle on July 10, 2015, 09:29:04 PM
In less good news, Akio Otsuka (Solid Snake's Japanese voice actor) has confirmed the complete disbandment of Kojima Productions.
Didn't they already confirm that it would disband after MGSV, though?
Quote from: talonmalon333 on July 11, 2015, 01:22:59 AM
Didn't they already confirm that it would disband after MGSV, though?
It was never truly confirmed before, just widely rumored and fairly obvious.
Is it possible that Unseen64 might have been misinformed about NoA's intentions? Itagaki himself seems to hint so:
The game could still suck, but maybe Nintendo still wants to support VGS as much as they can, after all. Who really knows?
And there it is.
Nintendo president Satoru Iwata, one of the greatest people in the entire industry, has passed away. This is a dark day for gaming, and the world in general.
Yeah, that hit me pretty hard. R.I.P Iwata.
RIP Iwata, one of the greatest minds in the industry
That is truly saddening news to hear. He will be greatly missed.
The man is responsible for a lot of things. He helped with debugging EarthBound, he gave us the Kanto region in Pokemon Gold and Silver, he helped debugged Melee so it would launch closer to the GameCube's Launch, he helped HAL Laboratories, the dude cut his salary in half after the Wii U under performed because he believed that cutting the lower level people would just decrease morale.
RIP Satoru Iwata! ;_;7
R.I.P. :'(
This is... really rough. He was one of the best, bar none.
R.I.P. Iwata :cry:
R.I.P., Mr. Iwata. You did really good.
A hundred bucks for what used to be unlockable extras.
DLC at its worst.
And there was already another one before this... :shit:
It's a good thing I already thought the series was boring.
Any game made by Itagaki can never be boring. Even if it gets fucked up in development hell, it could still be bad, but certainly not boring.
At any rate, I always did like how older DOA games actually tried new things and broke the trope of boring static backgrounds in fighting games and actually had good animations. I'm not a huge fan of fighting games, but those were always fun for casual play.
That said, I really have little interest in the new one despite its overall positive reception. And the modern-business practices of KT are abysmal.
I remember how all of Team Ninja's older games had you unlock all of that stuff through skill rather than extra money. And when they did DLC for Ninja Gaiden on the XBOX, it was all FREE. To be fair, though, all of this micro-transaction BS was probably decided by the higher-ups of their parent company, just like how Platinum Games didn't want to do micro-transactions, but were probably forced to by Sega for Vanquish, and by Konami for MGRR.
Of course, if idiots just stopped buying them, then these companies would be forced to stop doing this practice.
My Xbox S/Slim keeps on turning itself off after just a few minutes while the power supply and console light stays green until it powers down. Then the console light flickers green and the power supply light stays solid green. Next, the console light goes off and the power supply light turns orange, like it normally would. The only red lights I've seen are two coming from the back at night. Weird. I actually have been keeping it on my carpet and while it has been hotter than ever so far this year (D'oh) so I'm pretty sure it's an overheating issue but I want to know if there's any easy way I can try and fix it before I try to get it repaired.
Also, I had it in a surge protector (I'm pretty sure it was off) while there were multiple power outages a few days ago. Hell, I might have had it completely unplugged from the surge protector, I'm just going over anything I can think of.
Keep it in a well-ventilated area. Try keeping a fan nearby.
Unfortunately, you're probably going to have to send it in. Eventually it will die on you.
You mean keeping a fan on it at all times?? A fan worked the first time I used it after this problem but I did only keep it there while I was on my Xbox for about 30 minutes. Also, I put it in a well ventilated area a day or so ago and had it off for 10+ hours at time. Maybe I need to pick a better spot.
You're probably right about me needing to send it in for repairs...
Keep a fan on it when it's in use. It might not help much, but it should blow away at least some of the heat.
Unfortunately when a 360 begins to overheat it means it's near the end.
Anybody else having connection issues in Splatoon?
I realize the big update is tomorrow and all, but I really wanted to try out Neo Splash-o-matic and some new clothes before it hits. Guess that's not happening tonight.
I've heard that from a few people.
Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on August 04, 2015, 08:44:29 PM
Anybody else having connection issues in Splatoon?
The only time I ever have Connection issues is when Blackbelly Skatepark is in the rotation of maps. Every time I lag out it puts a damper on my drive to play the game. Kinda killed my drive to play the new Urchin Underpass, so I went with ranked mode and play some there. For some reason, no lag there.
After the update I got only one connection error. I have no idea what that was about. I never had as many connection errors as I had the last week.
Anyway, the update is pretty cool! The new Urchin Underpass is WAY better than the old one with so much more to do and the new weapon classes are a great addition to the balance. It is a bit annoying to get sniped by a bucket, though. :D
I like the bucket. Great amount of burst damage and pretty decent coverage is how I feel. Trying to get that Squid Girl costume right now. Encountered at least a few people that had the Tunic and one that had the hat. Then I'll probably focus on the Famitsu Sushi chef outfit.
So... how hard you think it's going to be to get that 8-bit Mario? That one I'd actually like. My cousin wants me to drive him to GameStop at 7 a.m. to preorder that retro 3-pack because you can only preorder it in store apparently. Told him "hell no". Yoshi's Woolly World bundle still hasn't become available on Amazon because there's apparently a manufacturing issue with the Yarn Yoshi Amiibo here in the states. My buddy who works at Amazon has said that there's a lot of Japanese ones being imported. And the Chibi Robo game hasn't had its bundle listed yet even though the regular one is up there. I know we've harped on it a million times, but the Amiibo thing is such a freaking mess it baffles me.
If the three pack is really that popular, I wonder about the 8-bit Mario. Mario and Luigi in both series are still the easiest amiibo to find so I do wonder if the 8-bit one will be just as common. I'm thinking it will be since it's Mario.
It would be nice if the other amiibo got as much stock as those two did. Right now I still only have Mega Man, Sonic, and Toon Link.
Probably pretty mid-tier to find. Maybe it's because Smash Bros line is pretty popular and people are more focused on that line in particular. That and it is another Mario amiibo and we all know how loved Mario is in the amiibo fandom :P. (But seriously, I do kinda want that one. Strange that they didn't announce the Modern Mario in that image. Makes me wonder if they're gonna bundle an amiibo with Super Mario Maker at all here in the US) Then again, I haven't really seen much of the Splatoon amiibo outside of the launch day, so I would try to find one of those 8-bit Mario around the time it comes out.
As for the 3-pack, my plan is to go to my GameStop after work on Friday Night to Saturday Morning to see how bad the line is and push my luck to see if I can get one of those reservations for the retro packs. If not, well looks like I'm importing those 3 from somewhere else.
Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on August 06, 2015, 05:02:40 PM
It would be nice if the other amiibo got as much stock as those two did. Right now I still only have Mega Man, Sonic, and Toon Link.
Yeah, the stock situation sucks. I mean, I know it probably takes a good amount of time to make these things and some characters have gotten restocks like Marth, Wii Fit Trainer and Pit. I was kinda surprised to see a Jigglypuff restock on Target website last over a week and how Palutena lasted for an hour on Amazon. But yeah, Nintendo did get hit with demand overload with these things.
Good news for me was that I was able to score a pre-order for the Retro pack. The line wasn't as bad as I was expecting. The store I went to was allowing up to 64 pre-orders and I got there at around 7 AM and I was the 3rd guy there. Was kinda expecting there to be more people camping out, Met some nice people on the wait there. Mostly talked about amiibo stories and other video games stuff. When the store opened up, there were about 17-18 people or so. Was pretty nice event all things considering.
As for the other thing that bothers me, who salty about Splatfest here? I sure as hell am not, if only because I was on Marshmallows and was kinda expecting a bit of a repeat of Cats vs Dogs 2.0, considering for every 4 games I've played, 3 would be against fellow Marshmallows while I would only get like 1 Hot Dog or so. But holy hell are people pissed that Marshmallows won the popularity vote and the match results were almost a little bit even. Yeah, the Hot Dogs had about 4% more win rate, but it was pretty close all things considering. When will people realize that the multiplier won't have any huge impact on close scores like those 2 Splatfest? Even if you were to apply the new 4x multiplier to previous Splatfest, the old winners would still be the winners. Doesn't help that at least 2 different Splatfest happened where the least popular team won, Roller coasters vs Water Slides for NA and North Pole vs South Pole for Europe where Roller Coasters and South Pole won despite the fact that they were the least popular teams, but still won.
That was an annoying Splatfest. I got a bunch of disconnects (an error I've gotten maybe twice before) and every time I got a game it was almost always against my own team. I hope Nintendo does something about the congestion soon.
I think I fought Team Hot Dog maybe 8 times total through the whole thing. At least I won most of the matches.
Nintendo should put the Wii release of Super Mario All Stars onto the Wii U eShop. That unaltered overpriced collection was criticized a lot when it was released for Wii to celebrate Mario's anniversary, but it would fit right at home on eShop, particularly alongside Metroid Prime Trilogy which also went out of print.
It would be hilarious if they did.
Because people pay a lot of dollary doos for the collection, even though you can buy all 4 of those games separately in the eShop. Sure, they're not the graphically enhanced versions pf the game, but owning that collection is a bit of a novelty for most.
Quote from: Daxdiv on August 12, 2015, 11:39:48 PM
Because people pay a lot of dollary doos for the collection, even though you can buy all 4 of those games separately in the eShop. Sure, they're not the graphically enhanced versions pf the game, but owning that collection is a bit of a novelty for most.
I think it's similar to Metroid Prime Trilogy being put onto eShop.
All the collectors would have fits. That's why it would be funny.
But sure, they should put it on there. All the other Mario games are already there and have been for years. No reason to not put it up now.
I honestly can't tell if you're being sarcastic or not. :P
Certainly it would be a better idea than them putting the Advance games up there, anyway.
They're selling Super Mario World and Super Mario Advance 2 in the same shop. Having All-Stars at this point would make no difference.
Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on August 13, 2015, 01:26:49 AM
They're selling Super Mario World and Super Mario Advance 2 in the same shop. Having All-Stars at this point would make no difference.
For me it would, because I would rather buy it than the Advance games. :P
Most people already bought SMW when it launched. I can't imagine many people went out their way to buy SMA2 when it came out two years later.
So, like I said, Super Mario All-Stars at this point would make no difference. They might as well release it.
They should at least release SMA4. I need my 16-bit SMB3. :(
Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on August 13, 2015, 01:31:03 AM
So, like I said, Super Mario All-Stars at this point would make no difference. They might as well release it.
True. Most people already own the games either in NES or GBA form. However, if they release the SNES collection, they can make some money in the sense that some people will surely repurchase the games.
Quote from: Foggle on August 13, 2015, 01:33:42 AM
They should at least release SMA4. I need my 16-bit SMB3. :(
They should instead do what I'm recommending, which includes a 16-bit SMB3. :P
They'd probably charge $20-30 for it, though. I already own SMA, SMW, and 8-bit SMB/LL, so I really have no interest in paying double or triple price for one game.
What I'm saying is, they should release both.
I do want SMA4 solely for the e-reader levels. They are AMAZING, no lie, and there's no way to get them all legally. All Nintendo has to do is advertise that it's the only version of SMB3 with those levels and it will sell like mad.
Even if they do release that, I wouldn't be surprised if those levels are unavailable.
It would be the best way to get people to double dip. I guarantee if they release SMA4, they'll definitely have the e-reader levels.
They tend to not bother tweaking digital games that used add-ons in their original format, particularly with Nintendo 64 games. I imagine it would be the same here, and that trying to go to those levels will result in a message saying you need the proper add-on.
Which Nintendo 64 games had add-ons...?
Also, N64 emulation is notoriously terrible on the Wii U (far worse than the Wii) for some reason. GBA emulation, meanwhile, is flawless.
Quote from: Foggle on August 14, 2015, 12:41:10 PM
Which Nintendo 64 games had add-ons...?
Also, N64 emulation is notoriously terrible on the Wii U (far worse than the Wii) for some reason. GBA emulation, meanwhile, is flawless.
I mean things like memory cards. The Nintendo 64 controller had that slot for things which brought new features to games, and that's not acknowledged on the Virtual Console. Some Nintendo 64 Virtual Console games even come with a message stating the absence of whatever feature that is.
Though the fact that you mention how bad the Wii U's Nintendo 64 emulation makes me consider another possibility, that perhaps Nintendo 64 games are just hard to convert. Maybe there's just something complicated about those cartridges (which would make sense considering how developers abandoned Nintendo at that point, particularly compared to how easy it must have been to make PlayStation games with disks).
I don't think N64 games are particularly hard to emulate, it's just that Nintendo's Wii U emulator for them is messed up (and, to be honest, the only real problem is that they're waaaaay too dark). They run perfectly on the original Wii, and even on the U's Wii mode IIRC.
That's weird. Guess I should keep my Nintendo 64 games on the Wii Virtual Console menu when I transport them over to a Wii U (whenever I get that console)?
Fatal Frame 5 confirmed digital-only.
Ugh ugh ugh. Between this and Yakuza 5, console manufacturers are really putting a damper on my excitement for some of my favorite series. Will still buy and (probably) love, of course, but this is not a trend I'm especially fond of.
The only thing that annoys me about digital-only games is that they don't lower the cost to offset the fact that there are no mass production fees for the discs, packaging, and store space. There is no reason these games should cost as much as what you can buy in store and can hold the physical product for the same cost.
The thing that annoys me about them is that they probably won't be playable 10 years from now. I do not trust Nintendo or Sony (or Microsoft) to keep these games readily available once their new systems launch.
If the rumor about the NX being an all-purpose store is right, then you probably will be able to play them next gen. I would only worry about physical copies.
Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on August 24, 2015, 01:34:23 PM
If the rumor about the NX being an all-purpose store is right, then you probably will be able to play them next gen. I would only worry about physical copies.
That makes me the opposite of hyped tbh.
Uh, here's hoping they don't have them available there? I guess? :whuh:
Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on August 24, 2015, 01:57:27 PM
Uh, here's hoping they don't have them available there? I guess? :whuh:
No, I mean, I heard that the NX won't even have physical copies of games. Not the road I want Nintendo to go down.
I hope that isn't true. Gaming in general is largely moving in a direction that is really turning me off. I'm not even speaking about the quality of the games being made these days, but rather of how changing hardware is forcing more and more games to be less appealing to me. I hate how these consoles are starting to put more emphasis on digital gaming and online integration, even for single-player games. I like online games from time to time, but I just want great off-line single-player experiences. Why do I need Internet for a game that I want to play alone, or even need Internet to BUY a game that I want? Why do I gave to pay additional fees for a game that I already bought, just for some unlockable weapons or costumes that used to be stuff that was already part of the game and that you earned by skill?
Just the concept of buying and owning a complete game has become ridiculously convoluted with some titles.
I doubt they will for the simple fact that too many people's internet connection still isn't able to support a console with no physical media.
Quotesomeone on FAN whom I've known from other sites and had always been level-headed has been swallowed up by GG and that makes me sad
No, Taylor I just happned to look into both sides of Gamer Gate and saw people in support of it getting harassed themselves. :burn:
And here she goes again.
Quotedear person on FAN: if GG isn't the hate group I think they are, then why tf has GG dogpiled me for being trans?
Funny, I've only seen a few people get on your case about that, and I don't recall them using the Gamergate hashtag.
Quotethis person was one of my favorite posters on the forum. I know him from other places. I didn't picture him to be a GG supporter at all...
And when you were on Watch a bit ago, I didn't realize just how disappointedly closed-minded you were. I don't condone harassment, but I looked though GG enough on Twitter to see that the vast majority of people in it aren't what you think they are. A handful of jerks giving you crap whether they did use the hashtag doesn't give you the moral right to libel a large group of people. Love how you feel you have to use Twitter to address this, when you could have either posted on Freakin Awesome Network or PMed me.
^That's what I want to say to her. I could PM her over at FAN or use my Twitter account to answer but what's the point? Given her recent behavior the last three years I sadly wouldn't put it past her to block her just because I say #NotAllGGers or whatever stupid way she'd mock it. Nevermind she's committing the guilt-by-association fallacy.
Whatever, she shamelessly retweets Sarah Butts, and known harasser Randi Harper. Whatever moral high ground she thinks she has is made of sand.
I think it'd be best if you confront her about it directly and privately. Don't be aggressive, just try to have a reasonable conversation. Who knows, maybe you two can have a good discussion and learn something from each other. :)
I also would prefer not to see posts like that on AR, since it comes dangerously close to TZW territory. I just don't think this is the right forum to air out dirty internet laundry.
Quote from: Foggle on August 30, 2015, 06:14:06 PM
I think it'd be best if you confront her about it directly and privately. Don't be aggressive, just try to have a reasonable conversation. Who knows, maybe you two can have a good discussion and learn something from each other. :)
I also would prefer not to see posts like that on AR, since it comes dangerously close to TZW territory. I just don't think this is the right forum to air out dirty internet laundry.
Since I don't really like Twitter and have had problems getting logged in the few times I did feel like using it, I thought I'd post a response here since she has posted before on here and thought there might be a chance to see it. I fully intend being civil whether it's public or private. I don't see any discussion I could have that wouldn't end with her blocking me. But I won't bring anything up with her here. I just needed to vent.
Had Gary not done what he called out Zecks over, I would have used Watch.
I don't know how many of you care about Amiibo, but I'm perusing sites right now for the 9/11 releases and Dr. Mario actually is available for pre-order on Target's site right now. It's the only one of the new ones that I've actually seen become available on any site for a while now. So I'd jump on that if you're interested. Jigglypuff's back in stock too, I know that's Target exclusive but I don't know how rare it is.
A Xenoblade Chronicles X special edition was announced today and I got home from work two hours after it was announced. Was already sold out on Amazon. Bummer.
Is the online shop for Wii U halfway decent?
Quote from: talonmalon333 on September 02, 2015, 05:09:18 PM
Is the online shop for Wii U halfway decent?
It's definitely better than the ones on the Wii, 3DS, PS3, and Xbox 360, that's for sure. I prefer the PS4 shop, though.
I hated the Wii shop. I like that Sony just has one server for all their consoles. You can tell that Nintendo just isn't as experienced at this sort of thing, considering how they separated the different shops (even within the Wii U, games bought on Wii shop are kept separate), and are given some sort of "cute" factor.
Okay, the Samus is trans joke was funny for a day but people really need to shut the fuck up about it now.
I even checked out Literally Wu's twitter and it seems super obvious to me that she did that just to piss people off.
"The Samus is Trans" debate reminds me of that comic where these 2 people are on 4chan and they get into some argument. The one where the guy decided to troll a board, then this other poster goes along with it and debates with him to piss people off as well. Then those 2 debate each other for a few replies, then it shows them raging at their keyboards at the end. I don't even wanna know why people decide to take Wu seriously at any point in time. She just feels like this over glorified troll that manifested out of nowhere.
This video sums up my entire thoughts of anything Wu has to say or do. (
Quote from: Rosalinas Spare Wand on September 05, 2015, 06:54:32 PM
Okay, the Samus is trans joke was funny for a day but people really need to shut the fuck up about it now.
I even checked out Literally Wu's twitter and it seems super obvious to me that she did that just to piss people off.
I think she genuinely believes Samus was trans. One throwaway comment in a manual by some storyboard artist and it must be true, regardless of what the creator himself says. :srs:
You should see what her co-author of her piece put on Twitter. A nice river of salt. :lol:
Eh, if people want to have trans headcanons for their favorite characters, that's their business. That said, the argument over Samus is not only dumb, but also pretty transphobic in and of itself. I haven't kept up with the latest articles because I simply don't care enough, but I remember people using "she looks too strong to be a *real* woman!" as a genuine reason.
I'm not against headcanons, I'm against people spreading their headcanons and thinking that their headcanons carry more weight than the people that work on the piece of media. I mean it's cool that you have this theory and shit, but it's just a theory that has no confirmation. Please stop saying that it's official because you said so. This is probably one of the reasons as to why I'm not a big fan of things like "Game Theory" where it does feel like the dude thinks he knows more than the people that developed the games he analyzes & does feel like he just came up with the topics out of nowhere.
Though I did get a laugh out of this wiki war!
Quote from: Daxdiv on September 06, 2015, 06:14:53 AM
I'm not against headcanons, I'm against people spreading their headcanons and thinking that their headcanons carry more weight than the people that work on the piece of media. I mean it's cool that you have this theory and shit, but it's just a theory that has no confirmation. Please stop saying that it's official because you said so. This is probably one of the reasons as to why I'm not a big fan of things like "Game Theory" where it does feel like the dude thinks he knows more than the people that developed the games he analyzes & does feel like he just came up with the topics out of nowhere.
I totally agree. People can believe headcanons all they want, but they don't serve any purpose in discussions or critiques. This becomes obvious as soon as people try to start stating them as fact; the arguments I've seen for Samus being transgender are not only incredible stretches of the imagination, but also fairly offensive themselves.
At least we can all enjoy another talk page on Wikipedia!
"What's that?! Our contract with Mr. Hawk ends at the end of the year? Well, fuck. Let's just rush out a game using the most recognizable name in the series and bait unsuspecting, nostalgic fans into buying it. The game's a glitchy mess that looks like it was aborted on the PS2? Fuck it, we'll still get their money."
I'm... fairly salty right now.
Wow. I wasn't really looking forward to it, but damn, that hurts my nostalgia.
Is it sad that my reaction to hearing about a Tony Hawk game was "Tony Hawk is still relevant in 2015?"
Quote from: Foggle on October 03, 2015, 08:03:36 PM
I still can't believe how badly this series was slaughtered.
There's a reason the series never regained the popularity it had from THPS1 to Underground 1. Too bad Activision didn't, and still doesn't, care.
It's like they hate money which they don't which makes this make even less sense.
I also want to punch them from taking away couch co-op in Tony Hawk 1 due to "budget reasons" even though it probably cost money to go and remove it.
The next Metal Gear Solid game has been announced.
I need to start betting money.
Dammit, you made me click Kotaku. :imnothappy:
... We're never going to see these IPs again, are we?
If you travel to Japan and develop a gambling addiction, you might.
Whatever, I'm fine with MGS ending after closing it's loop. Konami would have just outsourced it and screwed the crap out of MGS 6 and 7 anyway.
But we're still losing Silent Hill and Castlevania. It wouldn't be right for Konami to just hold onto those. They deserve a better fate than what Konami has gotten.
Honestly, those series have already basically been dead for awhile so I'm pretty used to not getting new games in the series.
Nintendo could buy the properties and outsource them to the original teams (Castlevania to Iga's team, Goemon to Good Feel, Contra to wherever Nakazato ends up and WayForward, etc.) and maybe something like Silent Hill to the Fatal Frame team, but if the IPs aren't ever used again it isn't much different than how they were basically dumped over the past decade anyway.
But isn't it kind of sad to have to say it doesn't matter because they were already dead? :P
It's a bit sad that Konami became a horrible company and failed their fans, employees, and brands, yes.
But for those of us that have been waiting for a new Contra game, it makes little difference today that they're not making one than it did a few years ago when they weren't making one. A Contra game is still not being made.
And all this only happened within the last two generations. Throughout the arcade, NES, 16-bit, and 32-bit, eras Konami (like Capcom, and Sega, and Square Enix, and . . .) had a wide net of properties and ideas, and IPs and licenses, as well as all sorts of talent in the industry. Konami gave up what made them what they were and tried chasing the AAA dragon that killed so many studios and continues to do so. Any hope of them going back to the properties that made their name became less and less likely and by the time of Lords of Shadow and Iga's departure, I knew they were done and had no interest in embracing what made them what they were. This Metal Gear mess is only the final nail in a coffin they've been lying in for years.
I'm used to my favorite companies failing me as a fan by now. They've been doing it constantly for years without any regard for their business or brands and they don't realize why they're failing, either. It's a tough time to be a gamer, never mind an old school one.
It's good that indie gaming is continuously growing, because now people that grew up playing these classics are making games.
Of course, now that the N64 generation is getting in there we get some ridiculous stuff like this (
Yes, I realize they were too young to have grown up with Contra, Bubble Bobble, Rescue Rangers, Jackal, Rampage, River City Ransom, Shadow of the Ninja, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles II, III, and IV, Double Dragon, Final Fight, Secret of Mana, Smash TV, Goof Troop, Gunstar Heroes, and similar games, but I mean, it's not like a little research would have hurt.
Square Enix seems to be coming back at least, and doing triple duty with classic IPs, Eidos IPs, and new IPs.
Oh yeah, Square was amazing at E3. Not to mention that Sony blew down the house too. Square-Enix was actually decent before they revealed plans (Hitman, Tomb Raider, Deus Ex) it's just that it was from IPs that weren't originally theirs. :sweat: But that's changing.
I thought the super heavy handed gameplay was bad enough :srs:
Quote from: Dr. Ensatsu-ken on October 08, 2015, 10:55:21 PM
:il_hahaha: :il_hahaha: :il_hahaha:
First: The Nintendo Direct never specified that the pre-order CD that came with TP HD was a GameStop exclusive. It implied that it would just come with the first print of the game. Then today they spring this exclusivity shit on us. After the GameStop preorders have sold out unless you buy the $99.99 with the stupid player's guide. Everyone already made their pre-orders, guys. I got mine from Amazon for the free shipping, with the intent of getting that CD. Whole thing's kind of shady bait and switch bullshit.
Second: I am not THAT miffed, because the CD turned out just to be a "soundtrack selection." But that's the other thing, too. Don't call the damn thing an official soundtrack when it's got like one-tenth of the game's music on it. Companies like Atlus do this too sometimes and it always just seems like such a waste. Give me a way to buy a complete, physical game soundtrack without having to import. Or include it with a special edition of the game at a higher price. None of this sampler stuff.
So, everyone always talks about how bad sites like Polygon and Kotaku are. And, indeed, they are usually pretty terrible. But I submit to you a new contender for worst game journalism site of all time: Kill Screen (
These guys have been on my radar for some time, and every single one of their articles is terrible. Many of their editorials are pretentious drivel seemingly written by people with a deep-seated loathing for game developers. Some examples:
"Final Fantasy VII was my childhood, and my childhood was terrible" (
"Being optimistic about the game industry is bad, actually" (
"I am very angry that someone tried to make an emotional video game" (
There's a lot more I can't remember off the top of my head, some of them even worse. What a load of absolute bollocks.
Quote from: Foggle on February 09, 2016, 01:52:30 PM
So, everyone always talks about how bad sites like Polygon and Kotaku are. And, indeed, they are usually pretty terrible. But I submit to you a new contender for worst game journalism site of all time: Kill Screen (
These guys have been on my radar for some time, and every single one of their articles is terrible. Many of their editorials are pretentious drivel seemingly written by people with a deep-seated loathing for game developers. Some examples:
"Final Fantasy VII was my childhood, and my childhood was terrible" (
"Being optimistic about the game industry is bad, actually" (
"I am very angry that someone tried to make an emotional video game" (
There's a lot more I can't remember off the top of my head, some of them even worse. What a load of absolute bollocks.
Never heard much about them. If they're that terrible, you can always use Wayback Machine's Archive to archive any links that way won't get any clicks from the rest of us.
Fufufufufufu... (
The more I see about how NoA handles FE:Fates, the less I want to play it.
I've got nothing. (
Paper Mario is done, I think.
Quote"Let's paint the town Red" With the blood of Developers who chose to stick to fucking Sticker Star Gameplay.?
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :awesome:
It's just baffling.
TTYD - Response: Excellent - Result: Make a sequel entirely unlike it
SPM - Response: Pretty Good - Result: Make a sequel entirely unlike it
SS - Response: Tepid At Best - Result: Make a sequel exactly like it
It's completely bizarre. I don't understand why Nintendo can't just go back to basics. They're doing it with Star Fox, for crying out loud.
It took three abnormal Star Fox games before they finally ended up giving fans what they wanted. Maybe after this one we'll finally get Paper Mario 3...
Thing is, I could have even understood a sequel to Super Paper Mario. It wouldn't have been ideal, but it would have been far preferable to this.
And I'm not even a Sticker Star hater. I played it, beat it, thought it was alright, and had no desire to ever play it again. But, it was poorly received. So, they make a full sequel that is exactly like it only with paint instead of stickers? If I never planned on replaying Sticker Star, I certainly have no desire to play a game just like it.
It would be like if Capcom kept making the sequels to Devil May Cry 2 exactly like DMC2 and wondered why nobody was buying the series anymore.
They done fucked up with Color Splash. This is exactly what people didn't want from a new Paper Mario. I mean, I shouldn't judge a game before it comes out, it looks very pretty, but... This is Sticker Star again. World map and battle system are virtually the same. I'm pretty damn disappointed.
Wait, they made 2 more Star Foxs are the GC one? :whuh:
Quote from: gunswordfist on March 03, 2016, 11:21:54 PM
Wait, they made 2 more Star Foxs are the GC one? :whuh:
Assault and Command. I played the former and hated it; never touched the latter myself, but I've heard horrible things about it.
This is why we're not getting a TTYD sequel. (
QuoteIwata: Miyamoto-san really persevered with Paper Mario this time. Exactly what was he particular about?
Tanabe: Aside from wanting us to change the atmosphere a lot, there were two main things that Miyamoto-san said from the start of the project—"It's fine without a story, so do we really need one?" and "As much as possible, complete it with only characters from the Super Mario world.
Iwata: That's a difficult task. In some ways that would be the exact opposite direction from recent games in the series.
Tanabe: Yeah. With regard to the story, we did a survey over the Super Paper Mario game in Club Nintendo, and not even 1% said the story was interesting. A lot of people said that the Flip move for switching between the 3D and 2D dimensions was fun.
But here's the thing, the negative reaction to Sticker Star dwarfed any of the old negativity of the first three games. If anything, Color Splash should have either been something new or a sequel to Super Paper Mario.
Instead this game is exactly the same as the last game like they didn't listen to fans at all. Heck, they addressed NONE of the issues with Sticker Star with Color Splash.
So why was abandoning the RPG style pertinent despite it being the series roots and what the fans want okay, but not getting rid of a style nobody wanted more of? It's completely nonsensical.
Face palm. Nintendo, you're better at listening to the fans than any other game company. Don't do this.
Did people really not like the writing in Super Paper Mario...? I thought it was the main reason that game was received well. ???
Yeah, say what you want about Super Paper Mario's game play, but I thought the writing/story was top notch. Poor Count Bleck, he just wanted to be with his love.
This video sums it up perfectly:
I do feel like the Uncharted 3 example does a good job of supporting that particular moment in the story, and that the No More Heroes 2 scenario is 100% intended as a parody of the other games featured, but yeah, this trend is really fucking annoying.
Not all of his examples are necessarily the best ones (for instance, those walking conversations in MGRR are actually completely skippable), but his point is definitely valid and I fully agree with it.
What started out as a unique and interesting story-telling concept in the Half-Life games quickly devolved into cheap attempts at immersion in many lesser games, and ironically enough, those types of segments often break a player's immersion in the game rather than enhance it, by taking away control from the player while insisting that they should still be in control. And in case you happen to be into speed-runs like in Ninja Gaiden, Resident Evil, or Devil May Cry then fuck you because you need to pay attention to important story first, even if you've already beaten the game multiple times and have practically every line memorized.
Seriously, though, with just a few exceptions of games that actually utilize this feature well, most other games should just go back to cutscenes, IMO.
I think it is used in place of a loading screen but I can only say for certain that Gears 1 does that.
It used to be used for that reason. These days unskippable walking sections are used as pretentious story-telling devices, regardless of whether it's loading something or not.
I love Mother's Basement. He totally nailed it:
Sure did.
Just a reminder that if you only like video games for fun, you may as well be playing with Happy Meal toys. (http://
Games are not toys? News to me.
Then why do I find video games in Toys R Us? :^)
Me thinks he needs to find a new hobby.
That second-to-last tweet has always been true, for about 50 years before video games were even invented...
Guy's just a crazy moron starving for attention now that he got kicked to the curb by his business partner.
When I killed my first cyberdemon in DOOM.
I cried for days.
Quote from: Peanutbutter on May 31, 2016, 12:20:17 AM
Guy's just a crazy moron starving for attention now that he got kicked to the curb by his business partner.
Oh wow, Anita cut her ties to the crazy man? Good for her, good for her! I'm not even being sarcastic about it.
Quote from: Foggle on May 31, 2016, 12:02:45 AM
That second-to-last tweet has always been true, for about 50 years before video games were even invented...
I betcha he's one of those people that think that Michael Bay invented the summer popcorn flick.
Quote from: Daxdiv on May 31, 2016, 09:10:10 AM
Quote from: Peanutbutter on May 31, 2016, 12:20:17 AM
Guy's just a crazy moron starving for attention now that he got kicked to the curb by his business partner.
Oh wow, Anita cut her ties to the crazy man? Good for her, good for her! I'm not even being sarcastic about it.
Quote from: Foggle on May 31, 2016, 12:02:45 AM
That second-to-last tweet has always been true, for about 50 years before video games were even invented...
I betcha he's one of those people that think that Michael Bay invented the summer popcorn flick.
Yeah, I forget where but I saw a good blog post about their situation. They theorized that him gathering torches and pitchforks at her buddy Joss Whedon blew up certain prospects she had. Just a theory but I bet it was on the money. Personally I thought they deserved each other, but at least their dumb web series has been gutted.
Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on May 31, 2016, 12:23:54 AM
When I killed my first cyberdemon in DOOM.
I cried for days.
Ok Yamcha ( Just when I thought Nintendo Switch couldn't look any more uninteresting to me after it being overpriced and lacking upcoming games, the one game that I really wanted has now become unappealing. What a shame.
This somehow manages to simultaneously be both an example of how to do DLC right and how to do DLC wrong. The second pack, launching almost a year from now and containing entirely new story and levels, sounds fantastic, but the first pack is downright shameless - an extra challenge room, a piece of map functionality, and a harder difficulty setting? Jeez. I feel like the industry has been getting slightly better about this kind of thing recently, and it's unexpected from a first-party Nintendo game to say the least. Won't affect my decision to buy the game, but I doubt I'll be shelling out for the season pass or that first DLC pack. There will probably be a GOTY Edition by the time I pick up a Switch anyway.
Character Action Games, 3D Beat-em-ups, Hack n' Slash games....whatever you want to call them; this is my favorite genre in gaming. I can replay games like DMC3 and Ninja Gaiden Black just as much as Spark can for a Mario or Sonic game. Basically, the best games of this genre have so much value to me that it only takes a core few games to make it something truly special in my view.
I've come to the realization that the genre that I love is either dying out or changing for the worse. The fact of the matter is that Platinum's Transformers game is the last good 3D beat-em-up/character action game to come out this generation, and it really shows how much the genre is dying out. I really have to share in the frustration of people like myself who are fans of this genre that apparently nobody else but Platinum is making worthwhile 3D beat-em-ups anymore. It makes the gameplay reveal of Insomniac's Spider-Man game even more disheartening since it could have really been something special, but instead we are getting an uninspired Arkham clone, and I really have to say that I have come to utterly detest that franchise's influence on action games in general (even more than God of War).
On that note, I don't care about Shadow of War either. I'd rather Monolith make a new FPS, or even a new F.E.A.R. or Condemned game. The Assassin's Creed and Arkham formula derivatives have gotten so stale for me.
Yes, sorry, I know how jaded and cynical I sound, and believe me I don't like to be that sort of guy, but seeing my favorite genre being so mishandled in the current state of game development has really left me in a sour state of mind about the industry
I haven't bothered playing these type of games for a while now. Anyway, I wouldn't say the genre is dying, but I'd definitely say it maybe changing for the worst. I will say that nobody in their right mind is playing Assassin's Creed for combat. As clunky as the controls have been for that series, yeah, no one is playing that game for combat. Folks are playing that for assassinations or just to view what "such and such" look like in a game (not to mention the historical figures). Slap them if they're saying they're playing for the combat.
Outside of Shadow of Morder, it's only Assassin's Creed. It's just been so many Assassin's Creed. Including Origins there are 10 AC games. HOLY HELL.
As for Arkham, I got nothing. I was so disappointed in Arkham Knight because I was forced to drive. If I were to ever go back and play those games, it's mainly because it feels good. I mean the impact of some of those hits just felt so good to connect, especially when one is in a bad mood.
Now, for me, you can add the Souls style to that list. Just know that I hate stamina bars. I hate them with a passion. That being said I'm seeing more and more of these type of games than what you've mentioned. I'm not gonna take anything from them because they have a butt load of people that support this style, and I get why people love these type of games. I don't have the time nor do I really care about figuring out attack patterns against the CPU these days. Strategically planning out your next move and whatnot. Yeah, I'm good. I'm already using too much brain power playing fighting games. I don't need to waste the rest of what little I have left on these type of games.
The Souls style games aren't really that common, though. The only clones that I can think of are Nioh, Bloodborne (which is made by the same studio anyways), Lords of the Fallen, and The Surge. And of those, Nioh has more character action game qualities in its DNA than Souls style combat.
As for the fighting game comparisons, I actually think that getting good at these sorts of games would come easily to anyone adept at fighting games. Execution for moves and the timing of i-frames in good character action games are incredibly lenient compared to nailing down something like parries in Third Strike or successfully chaining combos with one-frame links. Compared to that, getting decent at fighting a predictable set of enemy AI comes off as so much easier.
Of course I enjoy fighting games quite a bit. The difference is that they require other human beings in order to be fun, and of course a loser schmuck like me has no friends who like fighting games to play against. And playing online can be a crap shoot depending on how good the net code is for any given game. Also I need to invest a decent chunk of money into a suitable controller, which is why I still don't currently own any fighting games for the PS4 (I will be investing in a stick sooner or later, though).
Quote from: Dr. Ensatsu-ken on June 19, 2017, 04:00:59 PM
Character Action Games, 3D Beat-em-ups, Hack n' Slash games....whatever you want to call them; this is my favorite genre in gaming. I can replay games like DMC3 and Ninja Gaiden Black just as much as Spark can for a Mario or Sonic game. Basically, the best games of this genre have so much value to me that it only takes a core few games to make it something truly special in my view.
I've come to the realization that the genre that I love is either dying out or changing for the worse. The fact of the matter is that Platinum's Transformers game is the last good 3D beat-em-up/character action game to come out this generation, and it really shows how much the genre is dying out. I really have to share in the frustration of people like myself who are fans of this genre that apparently nobody else but Platinum is making worthwhile 3D beat-em-ups anymore. It makes the gameplay reveal of Insomniac's Spider-Man game even more disheartening since it could have really been something special, but instead we are getting an uninspired Arkham clone, and I really have to say that I have come to utterly detest that franchise's influence on action games in general (even more than God of War).
Sadly, no one makes character action games anymore, period. Not even more basic ones like God of War. The last really good one I can think of is Bayonetta 2. Bloodborne, Nioh, and Nier Automata feature elements of character action games but they definitely lean more heavily toward the RPG genre (they
are action RPGs, after all).
As for more traditional 3D beat 'em ups, you should definitely check out the Yakuza series. The gameplay isn't anything particularly complex but they are goddamn fun and full of spectacle in a much cooler & more likable way than GoW. Again, these are technically action RPGs, but you're not gonna have to grind loot or experience points or anything. Just beat the shit out of some gangsters, play some billiards and mahjong, watch the epic hour-long melodramatic crime drama cutscenes, and get immersed in Japan's seedy underbelly!
QuoteOn that note, I don't care about Shadow of War either. I'd rather Monolith make a new FPS, or even a new F.E.A.R. or Condemned game. The Assassin's Creed and Arkham formula derivatives have gotten so stale for me.
Agreed. Monolith is a shell of its former self and should go back to making FPS games. Blood, F.E.A.R., and No One Lives Forever 2 are almost unparalleled in the genre to this day. The Arkham formula got stale (for me) halfway through AC. :-\
Quote from: Mustang on June 19, 2017, 05:11:11 PM
If I were to ever go back and play those games, it's mainly because it feels good. I mean the impact of some of those hits just felt so good to connect, especially when one is in a bad mood.
I do agree with this, though. I'm not a huge fan of the combat system but damn it can feel good to land a blow in those games.
QuoteNow, for me, you can add the Souls style to that list. Just know that I hate stamina bars. I hate them with a passion. That being said I'm seeing more and more of these type of games than what you've mentioned. I'm not gonna take anything from them because they have a butt load of people that support this style, and I get why people love these type of games. I don't have the time nor do I really care about figuring out attack patterns against the CPU these days. Strategically planning out your next move and whatnot. Yeah, I'm good. I'm already using too much brain power playing fighting games. I don't need to waste the rest of what little I have left on these type of games.
I like the Souls series and its derivatives but I got really burned out on them and have no interest in ever finishing Dark Souls 3 even though I'd count both Demon's Souls and Bloodborne among my favorite games of all time. I really enjoyed what I played of Let It Die but I don't know if I'll ever return to it, and despite loving the Alpha, I don't think Nioh would even be on my radar if not for E-K's praise. I'm just kind of over that style of gameplay already, tbh. (But I really want to play Nioh still, don't worry!)
Quote from: Dr. Ensatsu-ken on June 19, 2017, 05:35:25 PM
The Souls style games aren't really that common, though. The only clones that I can think of are Nioh, Bloodborne (which is made by the same studio anyways), Lords of the Fallen, and The Surge. And of those, Nioh has more character action game qualities in its DNA than Souls style combat.
There's also Let It Die and Salt & Sanctuary, which are free-to-play and 2D takes on the style, respectively. There are a
lot of clones under development in the indie scene now too, so I think they're only going to become more prominent now that From stopped making them, to be honest...
Also, don't bother with Lords of the Fallen. I got it for free and still want my money back. :D
Ah, yes, the indie all honesty while you'd expect that to be more up my alley, I actually find a large chunk of it to be even less appealing than most major AAA titles by big publishers. Obviously there are some real gems in the mix, but I've been burned far too often by overhyped games that just turn out to be pretentious arthouse projects disguised as games.
As for Yakuza, believe me, it's on my list. I just have a bit of a backlog at the moment.
With Nioh, it works because it's only a Souls clone in the general sense of the formula, but it's mechanics have an entirely different focus. Admittedly it pales in comparison to the level design structure and interesting lore of something like Bloodborne, but it more than compensates with its incredibly engaging combat system and genuinely well designed boss fight encounters, which are actually not too focused on being overly difficult and instead are more about effectively utilizing whichever skills you decide to have your character specialize in.
Quote from: Foggle on June 19, 2017, 05:49:23 PM
Quote from: Dr. Ensatsu-ken on June 19, 2017, 04:00:59 PM
Character Action Games, 3D Beat-em-ups, Hack n' Slash games....whatever you want to call them; this is my favorite genre in gaming. I can replay games like DMC3 and Ninja Gaiden Black just as much as Spark can for a Mario or Sonic game. Basically, the best games of this genre have so much value to me that it only takes a core few games to make it something truly special in my view.
I've come to the realization that the genre that I love is either dying out or changing for the worse. The fact of the matter is that Platinum's Transformers game is the last good 3D beat-em-up/character action game to come out this generation, and it really shows how much the genre is dying out. I really have to share in the frustration of people like myself who are fans of this genre that apparently nobody else but Platinum is making worthwhile 3D beat-em-ups anymore. It makes the gameplay reveal of Insomniac's Spider-Man game even more disheartening since it could have really been something special, but instead we are getting an uninspired Arkham clone, and I really have to say that I have come to utterly detest that franchise's influence on action games in general (even more than God of War).
Sadly, no one makes character action games anymore, period. Not even more basic ones like God of War. The last really good one I can think of is Bayonetta 2. Bloodborne, Nioh, and Nier Automata feature elements of character action games but they definitely lean more heavily toward the RPG genre (they are action RPGs, after all).
It's very disheartening that I've had to resort to playing Musou-style games to get my hack'n slash fix this gen. Those games are fun for a casual play, but they have nowhere near the depth and replay value that your standard character-action games have. There's nothing to really improve on once you've completed them other than trying out new characters and leveling them up in an arbitrary level up system that if anything limits the depth of the combat, and the bosses in such games tend to be nothing but overglorified damage sponges with little in the way of actual strategy other than using cheap tactics.
If anything, the new DOOM is the closest game that's come out in the past year that comes closest to a character action game, in terms of having incredibly fast paced yet strategic combat and weapon variety, and that's not even in the same genre.
Rynnec: While it is in the vein of Souls games, I recommend Nioh since it still has elements of Ninja Gaiden and Onimusha in its DNA. Videos like these really show how insane its combat system can be:
Now, bear in mind that by no means can I nor any normal person play the way that this god among men does, but it shows that the potential is there and in that regard it really differentiates itself from the main Souls games and Bloodborne.
Also, in case anyone is wondering, the ability to play as female characters came in free update patches. It is not directly attached to the DLC. That said, I'm really surprised that there is no Ryu Hayabusa character skin, since Koei Tecmo always seems to include that Easter Egg in their Warriors of Orochi games, which aren't even made by Team Ninja, so you'd figure that this game would have it.
Quote from: Rynnec on June 19, 2017, 07:33:18 PM
Quote from: Foggle on June 19, 2017, 05:49:23 PM
Quote from: Dr. Ensatsu-ken on June 19, 2017, 04:00:59 PM
Character Action Games, 3D Beat-em-ups, Hack n' Slash games....whatever you want to call them; this is my favorite genre in gaming. I can replay games like DMC3 and Ninja Gaiden Black just as much as Spark can for a Mario or Sonic game. Basically, the best games of this genre have so much value to me that it only takes a core few games to make it something truly special in my view.
I've come to the realization that the genre that I love is either dying out or changing for the worse. The fact of the matter is that Platinum's Transformers game is the last good 3D beat-em-up/character action game to come out this generation, and it really shows how much the genre is dying out. I really have to share in the frustration of people like myself who are fans of this genre that apparently nobody else but Platinum is making worthwhile 3D beat-em-ups anymore. It makes the gameplay reveal of Insomniac's Spider-Man game even more disheartening since it could have really been something special, but instead we are getting an uninspired Arkham clone, and I really have to say that I have come to utterly detest that franchise's influence on action games in general (even more than God of War).
Sadly, no one makes character action games anymore, period. Not even more basic ones like God of War. The last really good one I can think of is Bayonetta 2. Bloodborne, Nioh, and Nier Automata feature elements of character action games but they definitely lean more heavily toward the RPG genre (they are action RPGs, after all).
It's very disheartening that I've had to resort to playing Musou-style games to get my hack'n slash fix this gen. Those games are fun for a casual play, but they have nowhere near the depth and replay value that your standard character-action games have. There's nothing to really improve on once you've completed them other than trying out new characters and leveling them up in an arbitrary level up system that if anything limits the depth of the combat, and the bosses in such games tend to be nothing but overglorified damage sponges with little in the way of actual strategy other than using cheap tactics.
If anything, the new DOOM is the closest game that's come out in the past year that comes closest to a character action game, in terms of having incredibly fast paced yet strategic combat and weapon variety, and that's not even in the same genre.
I know the feeling. Shadow Warrior and Red Steel 2 are better character action games than anything made recently. And that's not what they were made to be.
I've been enjoying older stealth games more recently. I played a good chunk of Deus Ex: Human Revolution as one, and I've also played a bit of the Styx games. I do enjoy playing as a character and employing their skills to make my way through.
Unfortunately, genres are all being streamlined these days to play more like interactive movies. It simply cuts down on the options players are allowed to have when they don't want to play the interactive set piece the way the dev wants them to.
Quote from: Dr. Ensatsu-ken on June 19, 2017, 06:27:00 PM
Ah, yes, the indie all honesty while you'd expect that to be more up my alley, I actually find a large chunk of it to be even less appealing than most major AAA titles by big publishers. Obviously there are some real gems in the mix, but I've been burned far too often by overhyped games that just turn out to be pretentious arthouse projects disguised as games.
The one indie Souls clone I played was called Malebolgia. Oh god. The art style was cool but the gameplay and level design were just awful. There were like no battle sound effects at all, which made the combat really unsatisfying.
I've had pretty good luck with indie games lately, though. Check out Lisa, The Dishwasher: Vampire Smile, Khimera: Destroy All Monster Girls, The Count Lucanor, Odallus: The Dark Call, Super House of Dead Ninjas, and Lakeview Cabin Collection on Steam - they're all varying levels of fantastic. There's also a full-fledged Wolfenstein game being made by a mod team on the Doom 2 engine ( and the demo for it is totally bonkers. It's almost as good as The New Order, seriously.
Quote from: Dr. Ensatsu-ken on June 19, 2017, 08:15:06 PM
Now, bear in mind that by no means can I nor any normal person play the way that this god among men does, but it shows that the potential is there and in that regard it really differentiates itself from the main Souls games and Bloodborne.
Sick footage! Didn't expect anything that level from Nioh from what I played. There's three
really good boss fights in Bloodborne that kind of remind me of Devil May Cry 3... unfortunately, two of them are in the DLC pack (which is amazing) and the other is in the secret level (which is also amazing).
Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on June 19, 2017, 08:48:05 PM
I've been enjoying older stealth games more recently. I played a good chunk of Deus Ex: Human Revolution as one, and I've also played a bit of the Styx games. I do enjoy playing as a character and employing their skills to make my way through.
Unfortunately, genres are all being streamlined these days to play more like interactive movies. It simply cuts down on the options players are allowed to have when they don't want to play the interactive set piece the way the dev wants them to.
Check out the new Hitman game and Splinter Cell: Blacklist! They do a great job modernizing the classic stealth gameplay without dumbing it down, especially Hitman.
Quote from: Dr. Ensatsu-ken on June 19, 2017, 08:15:06 PM
Rynnec: While it is in the vein of Souls games, I recommend Nioh since it still has elements of Ninja Gaiden and Onimusha in its DNA. Videos like these really show how insane its combat system can be:
Now, bear in mind that by no means can I nor any normal person play the way that this god among men does, but it shows that the potential is there and in that regard it really differentiates itself from the main Souls games and Bloodborne.
Also, in case anyone is wondering, the ability to play as female characters came in free update patches. It is not directly attached to the DLC. That said, I'm really surprised that there is no Ryu Hayabusa character skin, since Koei Tecmo always seems to include that Easter Egg in their Warriors of Orochi games, which aren't even made by Team Ninja, so you'd figure that this game would have it.
I played the Nioh Alpha last year and generally enjoyed it. Though at the time the stamina mechanic was new to me and since Nioh punishes you for depleting all of your stamina I had a
really rough time adjusting to it. Now that I've played BloodBorne and am more used to stamina mechanics, I'll probably be able to appreciate Nioh a lot more. Only reason I haven't played the final game yet is because I'm still playing through BloodBorne and my PS4 is running out of space, I'll be sure to pick it up once I find a way to upgrade my PS4's hard drive to 1 or 2 terabytes.
Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on June 19, 2017, 08:48:05 PM
Unfortunately, genres are all being streamlined these days to play more like interactive movies. It simply cuts down on the options players are allowed to have when they don't want to play the interactive set piece the way the dev wants them to.
I find it funny that out of all genre's, it's FPS' that are slowly breaking out of this trend and returning to its more free-style roots.
Quote from: Rynnec on June 19, 2017, 09:30:06 PM
Only reason I haven't played the final game yet is because I'm still playing through BloodBorne and my PS4 is running out of space, I'll be sure to pick it up once I find a way to upgrade my PS4's hard drive to 1 or 2 terabytes.
The PS4 supports external hard drives ever since the 2.0 patch a couple months ago. I haven't tried it myself, but I hear you can plug in an external drive and expand your space with no hassle or slowdown (provided it's USB 3.0).
Now THAT'S a huge relief. I brought a 2GB hard drive to back up my stuff before that update hit, but I'll see how well the 2.0 update works soon. Only problem will be that I usually play with headphones on. :sweat:
Rynnec: FYI, the game has undergone a lot of changes since the Alpha. Most notably, you are no longer punished to endure a recovery animation whenever you deplete your Ki (stamina in this game) normally. That only happens when your guard is broken (as punishment for over-relying on blocking) or an enemy attack depletes your Ki (however you can also do this to your enemies). You can also regain Ki faster by Ki-pulsing, which was in the Alpha, but in the final build of the game you can acquire the ability to Ki-pulse automatically when you dodge. That's right, you can actually gain stamina back by performing an action that would normally deplete it so long as you time it right (which has a much more lenient window than you might think). It's a really great system that keeps you from overly spamming attacks, while still keeping combat consistently engaging and offensive.
Also, unlike in the Alpha build your weapons no longer break on you, so you don't need need to constantly keep worrying about checking your durability. I'm glad that they removed that feature since it doesn't fit the more combo-centric nature of this game.
Those are changes are very much appreciated, especially the removal of the recovery animation for depleting Ki through attacking. It didn't make much sense to be punished for playing aggresively and it made enemy encounters boil down to baiting your opponents to deplete their Ki and go in for the kill. The final game sounds a lot balanced by rewarding you for playing offensively and punishing you for being too defensive. FTR, BloodBorne having similar offense-focused combat is why I decided to go with that one as my first Soulsborne game.
I'm also playing Bloodborne and enjoying it a lot (I'm still very early on in the game, though). Granted, the frame rate is jank and the hit detection occasionally questionable. I also don't care for how being hit during a dodge causes you to take double damage. I think that punishing you with a knockdown from a mistimed dodge while still taking normal damage would be enough. Increasing the damage taken sends the wrong message to the player, though, IMO. It encourages you to tank through attacks rather than to just get better at dodging properly.
That aside, it's a very well designed game, and while it's not a super in depth combat system, I like how there is nuance to the combat such as being able to transform your weapon mid-attack for extra damage and a higher chance of staggering or breaking the guard of certain enemies, and also being able to perform an attack when you do a backswing. Using your gun to perform parries is also a unique and clever design choice as it lets newer players practice their timing from a relatively safe distance.
Quote from: Foggle on June 19, 2017, 09:19:47 PMSick footage! Didn't expect anything that level from Nioh from what I played.
It is sick, isn't it? The funny thing is that the final version of the game was toned down from the Alpha. If you watch this guy's videos of the Alpha from last year and what he could do with it, your mind would be utterly blown by just how much he could break the game. :joy:
But once again, full disclaimer, that isn't exactly representative of how normal people play. It's just that XLH Gladiator clearly isn't a human being, or of this world at all. ;)
That said, the combat in this game is really fun when you get the hang of it. I think some people can understandably be turned off by how repetitive the game can be in recycling a lot of enemies. However, the reason that it didn't get stale for me was because I was constantly trying out different approaches with my combat strategies. In that way this game has a lot more DMC-esque appeal than that of the Souls variety.
I really want to get Odallus. I loved the demo and watching a lot of a playthrough on Twitch. Plus JoyMasher's previous game, Oniken, which I own, is a pretty fun hack n slash platformer influenced by Berserk, Contra and Fist Of The North Star.
Talk about a bad time to be apart of the FGC, my goodness. I brought it up in the Fighting Games thread, but I didn't know the drama got as bad as it is now.
James Chen pretty much explained everything, but the gist of the matter is you got people that're upset with Capcom (myself included) with how they're handling Street Fighter 5. Then you got the announcement of Dragon Ball Fighterz and while there was much praise, it just went downhill. Marvel vs Capcom Infinite was shown and next thing you know, folks that played the demo (well, some of the folks were invited to a vip room) are being labeled as shills. Capcom "paid" them off. I knew Justin Wong, Yipes and Filipino Champ were being labeled as shills, but when I saw that LI Joe was called a shill I nearly lost it. The same L.I. Joe that came in 4th at EVO last year? Joe's not even a Marvel player and he's being labeled a shill. WHAT? And then this notion of Capcom paying them off. I swear this is why I try to distance myself away from "gamers" because they are dumb.
Ensatsu-Ken mentioned something along the lines of being confused, not sure why, but at the moment I'd say stay far away. It's almost toxic at the moment. I don't get when did it become cool to shit on people because they like the way the game plays. I think everyone and their mother agrees that MvCI looks terrible, visually speaking, but they way they F-Champ and James Chen describe how fighting in that game is, seriously? They are a shill for liking that? Kill that noise. I go to Shoryuken on a regular basis (don't want to link to their forum) and in their MvCI thread, good God, it's just full blown stupidity.
I hope when both games (DBFz and MvCI) are released this don't cause the scene to come to an end. I'm upset at Capcom. I'm not upset at the players. I learn from these people for Christ sakes (Even Max). Nothing good will come from this if the community becomes even more divided. The only scene that can survive is Smash.
Have gamers always thought they were entitled?
Quote from: Mustang on June 24, 2017, 09:39:30 PM
And then this notion of Capcom paying them off. I swear this is why I try to distance myself away from "gamers" because they are dumb.
I think the only game company that's actually been proven to have paid people for good previews/impressions is Warner Bros. I don't think Capcom in its current state even has enough money to throw around doing so anyway. But yeah, internet discourse surrounding video games - especially hardcore communities/fanbases dedicated to specific genres or franchises - has always been terrible and is only getting worse as years go by.
So, it has come to my attention that certain "professional" game journalists (who I'm told are apparently supposed to be full-grown adults) are complaining about how the Crash N' Sane Trilogy is too hard. A series of games that I beat when I was, the time that the third game came out....
I even read one review that compared it to Dark Souls. To make sure that the level of ridiculous that I was witnessing was indeed real, I have in fact confirmed with other gamers who grew up with Crash that not only were the games not made any harder than before, but certain tweaks were actually made in order to allow these games to be a bit more accessible to a modern audience.
Seriously....what the fuck? How is it that game journalists never fail to amaze me with how low they can sink?
Because game journalists are awful at games. Look up the Polygon DOOM 4 footage.
I don't listen to them about anything.
I just love how Game Journalist and people going up to bat for them, are getting mad at a Dunkey video. Even though Dunkey did admit that the turtle portion of the game sucks (I will agree, that the bridge level was bullshit back then, and is bullshit now). I also liked how he highlighted a video that IGN did when they reviewed New Super Mario Bros U where the reviewer had a lot of negative things to say, then he's shown that IGN's reviewer gave the game like a 9.1 or something.
Here's the video in case you've been living under a rock. ( I know that Dunkey is supposed to be a joker, but there was a lot of points that he brought up that I agreed with, mostly with stuff like how when I watch a reviewer on something like YouTube, I know whose opinion I'm getting, but on a site like Game Spot or IGN, they have different reviewers with varying tastes that I don't feel like they reflect the site as a whole. Plus the whole 10 point rating scale being the dumbest thing ever to be in reviews. If you have to use a scoring system to summarize your review, I recommend either a 5 point scale or a letter grade.
Crash Bandicoot 1 is a fucking hard game to be honest, but I've been playing the N. Sane Trilogy on and off the past few days, and Vicarious Visions definitely made it quite a bit easier/less frustrating with their remake.
Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on July 11, 2017, 09:28:13 PM
Because game journalists are awful at games. Look up the Polygon DOOM 4 footage.
The Joystiq Nier review is even worse. Dude gave up on the game because he couldn't beat the extremely easy fishing mini-game or follow a waypoint properly and proceeded to declare the game shit.
Quote from: Daxdiv on July 12, 2017, 03:58:01 AM
the bridge level was bullshit back then, and is bullshit now
I've never actually beaten it. :cry:
Naughty Dog made a rookie platformer design mistake in the turtle stage. They expected the player to use the full extent of Crash's limited moveset with instant death consequences in this one level and never again. You have to knock the turtle over near the edge of the bridge, then back up and run at full momentum, then jump on it, in order to reach the other side. It's frustrating, but once you get the hang of it, it's not that tough.
It is bad design, though.
I don't blame VV for not fixing it since bad design or not, it's hardwired into the controls. They would probably break the rest of the game by "fixing" it.
The rest of the criticism behind the game is typical VG journo complaints. If the game isn't a glorified corridor with 700 tutorials every five seconds then they have no idea what to do. Seven year old kids could beat these games in the 90s and now thirty-something reviewers can't even beat the first world of it.
No idea what games they were playing as kids, but it wasn't these ones.
I saw the memes before I saw the actual story. These journalists are ridiculous comparing Crash Bandicoot to Dark Souls (or everything else to DS for that matter). I'm with Spark; what the hell were they playing growing up? Or is their background just journalism, and this is where they wound up?
Once again, TGBS tells it like it is:
Wow, people asking for an "Easy" mode. I don't care how people play their games, but to hear people actually asking for an easy mode (is it people in general or is it journalists?) is crazy. I mean, I can see both sides of the argument, but good God, maybe it's just bad time for gaming in general. I'm seeing arguments about lootboxes, tutorial modes, matchmaking and now apparently an easy mode.
cuphead already has an easy mode though
Quote from: Mustang on October 13, 2017, 02:32:05 PM
I mean, I can see both sides of the argument, but good God, maybe it's just bad time for gaming in general.
This is actually one of the greatest years for gaming in history IMO.
Quote from: Foggle on October 13, 2017, 02:58:22 PMThis is actually one of the greatest years for gaming in history IMO.
And one of those great games is coming to your platform of choice next month, so you have fewer excuses to keep ignoring it. :humhumhum:
Well....unless it's a shit port, which is possible given the publisher involved.
Quote from: Foggle on October 13, 2017, 02:58:22 PM
cuphead already has an easy mode though
Quote from: Mustang on October 13, 2017, 02:32:05 PM
I mean, I can see both sides of the argument, but good God, maybe it's just bad time for gaming in general.
This is actually one of the greatest years for gaming in history IMO.
Great year for sure. Bad timing as of now (Aug, Sept, and now). It seems like it's been mostly whining. Silly/petty stuff at that. Nothing here, just everywhere else I tend to go.
2017 gave me a new 2D Sonic, one of the best Zelda games ever, and a new 3D Mario. It hasn't been all bad.
Quote from: Dr. Ensatsu-ken on October 13, 2017, 03:43:16 PM
Quote from: Foggle on October 13, 2017, 02:58:22 PMThis is actually one of the greatest years for gaming in history IMO.
And one of those great games is coming to your platform of choice next month, so you have fewer excuses to keep ignoring it. :humhumhum:
Well....unless it's a shit port, which is possible given the publisher involved.
PC is only my platform of choice for immersive sims and multiplayer stuff atm. My system is slowly dying right now. :'( Anyway, I do plan on getting Nioh, don't worry. :D
Quote from: Mustang on October 13, 2017, 04:13:51 PM
Quote from: Foggle on October 13, 2017, 02:58:22 PM
cuphead already has an easy mode though
Quote from: Mustang on October 13, 2017, 02:32:05 PM
I mean, I can see both sides of the argument, but good God, maybe it's just bad time for gaming in general.
This is actually one of the greatest years for gaming in history IMO.
Great year for sure. Bad timing as of now (Aug, Sept, and now). It seems like it's been mostly whining. Silly/petty stuff at that. Nothing here, just everywhere else I tend to go.
Yeah, there's definitely been a lot of drama lately, whether exaggerated or justified. But damn, every game I've been interested in this year has been a winner. Every generation has that one year where it's just hit after hit and I think this is the one for gen 8.
So, apparently Wolfenstein 2 "peer pressures (" gamers into playing on harder difficulty settings.
Or, you know....maybe the developers just have a sense of humor.
For real, this is why I can't take game journalists seriously on any matters regarding difficulty. To be clear, I have no issue with people who prefer to play games on easier modes, or at whatever matches their skill level. The writer of the article mentions that they had much more fun playing on the game's easiest difficulty. That itself is perfectly fine, but to then complain about an obvious joke which is merely just paying homage to Id's classic games (the original Wolfenstein and older DOOM games did the exact same thing with their difficulty titles) is pretty ludicrous.
It's not peer pressure if you are given the option to have that easy mode in the first place. If the developers didn't really want people to have an easier experience with the game if the default stuff was too much for them, then they wouldn't give them that option to begin with. The fact that they did is in itself proof that they acknowledge that others may need things to be toned down a bit. The fact that they have a jokey title for it is just that, a mere joke. It's clearly not intended to demean the player or be taken all that seriously to begin with. Ninja Gaiden Black did something similar with its Ninja Dog mode, and nobody ever complained about that.
It just seems odd to see someone complain that a game offers them the easier mode that they want, but doesn't treat them like some special bad-ass for choosing to play it.
I will say that, comparing the default difficulty settings of Wolfenstein 2 and The New Order, Wolf2 is a lot harder. At first I found it frustrating because of this, but eventually I learned that the game expects you to play it more intelligently than you would most other FPS, and the early sequences being really hard before you start getting upgrades actually makes sense in relation to the story, so I ended up finding it quite satisfying. There's nothing wrong with playing on the easier settings, of course. I don't think the game "pressures" you into not doing so, and hopefully most people old enough to be playing such a title would know it's referencing Id's classic Wolfenstein 3D, though I can see its jokeyness wounding people's fragile masculinity to the point of complaining about it online. :il_hahaha: A better subject for an article like this would be a game that deliberately cuts content out if you play on the easier difficulty settings, though I suppose that would be a different argument entirely.
As ususal, thank you TGBS for telling it like it is:
The funny thing is that so many critics calling this game so much better than the old series, which many of these same critics praised to no end back in their day, only goes to prove just how shallow-minded and easily impressed these journalists are. Those games WERE incredibly basic spectacle-fests with an unlikable main character and tons of violence just for the sake of it, but apparently that was enough for people to claim that they were masterpieces at the time even though people who actually cared about good action games could see them for what they were to begin with. Oddly enough, though, even those still look more interesting than the shit that just came out. I mean at least those old games had spectacle and some form of combat variety. This new game scraps even those things and swaps out a juvenile main character and story (which, to be fair, at least the old games were somewhat self-aware of that) for a pretentious main character and story. Everything else that was even remotely appealing about the series has been stripped away....but apparently that's what qualifies for good game design these days: The less actual game, the better.
Isn't it about time you start ignoring critics? :sly:
Joking aside, the only folks I listen to for any opinion at all is Easy Allies and even that would be a stretch because I mainly listen for the sake of hearing the conversation instead of their actual opinion on said games. On the subject of God of War I don't think I've heard them say its better than the older games, but they did mention its a great game.
As far as The Gaming Brit goes, I get why he did it, but he should've never bothered reviewing/playing God of War in the first place (That's what I can't stand. Wasting your time playing a game you know you're not gonna like. That's YouTube, no matter what you do you are not going to win against the comment section)
I don't mind the direction God of War went though. I guess that's because all the action games seem to be going the Souls route and I'm not down with that (I can't imagine a Devil May Cry or Ninja Gaiden with a stamina bar, ew). Not to mention that I'm also at a point where I content with simplicity (fighting games are the exception)
I will agree or acknowledge that the time we're in sucks. Sacrificing gameplay for story, that's not cool especially in games that don't need it.
The thing is, TGBS says in the video that he didn't want to make it for that very reason. The only reason that he did is because a bunch of fanboys were harassing him about how he should play it after it got rave reviews since he claimed that it would suck in a video that he made two years ago, and the whole point of this video was to prove that exactly what he said was what he got so that people would shut up and stop messaging him about it.
I guess that's where he loss me at. To be blunt I think it's weak to go that route. Just like I can't stand when people hear through word of mouth that a game is bad and still play it anyway just to see if it's that bad only to come back and start bitching about it. That's weak. To play a game you know you won't enjoy just because fanboys are harassing/pressuring you to play it. Clap back at them and tell them to fuck off or ignore them. It's already a battle he won't win because it's the internet. He might lose a few followers in the process, but he'd lose less sleep.
I'll admit that I don't tolerate much. :sly:
That's a fair enough point (I kind of get ticked off at YMS for doing the same thing with Marvel movies), but in this case I'm also incredibly biased and kind of enjoy seeing someone point out how pretentiously bland mainstream gaming has gotten, along with how useless most game journalists are.
So we can't play games in public anymore without feeling safe?
I'm sure most of you heard about it yesterday, and I started to talk about it but I was not in the mood for it. The Jacksonville shooting had me worked up because it hit pretty close to home with me and fighting games. My time at Evo back in 2012 was great because being right there with the rest of the community felt awesome. To be apart of the crowd when Daigo lost to Infiltration and when Infiltration won it all was a good feeling.
Now you got this punk ruining it for everyone, and despite it not being said, I want to say there was some sort of "trash" talking involved. Not all people are cut out for it, I get it, but Madden of all games, you got nothing but dudes in there with high testosterone. No doubt there's trash talking going down. Honestly (I don't mean to make myself sound like hotshit) I'd put you on your ass if you take it too far (That's my old school mentality and a lot of folks in the FGC my age would do the same. The FGC in a sense police itself), but with that being said, you lose you hold that L, congradulate your opponent, think about why you lost and move on. Shooting people up because you lost, get outta here with that.
Hope the community can bounce back from that bullshit.
Has anybody else been following the Soulja Boy saga? ( It's been wild watching him die on this hill, acting like it's perfectly okay to sell game emulators and pretend Nintendo won't sue him. There's a guilty pleasure in watching these has-been celebrities unravel and die on hills like these.
Don't get me started on Soulja Boy. That clown deserves no attention from anyone.
My beef lies within (you guessed it) the FGC. Every time I get pumped to play Street Fighter 5 I lose all interest because there's so much whining within the community. I'm old school so I stay far away from social media and stick to message boards, but all this ish is being brought to message boards now.
The latest thing people are complaining about now. The neutral game. You know that dancing back and forth game of footsies and fundamental talk, yep, that neutral game. Personally, I'm neutral (no pun intended) on the situation. I mean what's done is done. Yes, Woshige (top Guilty Gear player) is behind the gameplay/combat and you can clearly see it (with GG being a rushdown oriented game you can see how and why this is causing a rift). Street Fighter 5 is basically a rushdown heavy game. I've come to accept that. I'm what you'd consider an 09er (came in with the Street Fighter 4 crowd). My problem is with a lot of these OG players (09ers and further back). Always asking about neutral. This day in age, unfortunately/fortunately we are into combos, and for the most part a lot of people have come to accept that. The oldies are steady complaining about it instead of actually playing any of the games that heavily focuses on the neutral. I love Street Fighter 3rd Strike and continue to play every time I get the chance. 3rd Strike's small community is still striving. Street Fighter 2 Super Turbo still has a scene yet these folks want to reign on the parade of those trying to enjoy Street Fighter 5 for what it is (and no one is saying SF5 is better than those other games) .
The latest BSing counter to this sort of rant is "complaining about those complaining about the game"... Really!? So you rather waste your time complaining about said game that you don't like instead of actually playing a game that you do like? That's where we're at now within the FGC.
Don't get me started on the talk of balance either. These folks complain about balance almost everyday but don't want to give Tekken 7 a shot.. :wth: Your die hard Street Fighter folks I swear.
Sorry about the rant. Something I've been holding in for a while now.
Since Foggle and I were talking about Norse God a lot earlier and how it (and many other big AAA franchise games) have had such boring and limiting design choices lately, I thought it would be a good opportunity to bring up one of my favorite YouTube videos on the subject:
What I love about this video is that while being a clear critique of Nu God of War, it comes from a clearly open-minded and less biased perspective. As much as I love TGBS, he does sometimes limit his thinking in how he critiques something. In the case of GoW, I absolutely agree with his critiques of the design choices, but ultimately he makes it feel like he thinks it would be better if it plays like more traditional character action games. Matthew on the other hand acknowledges that while he prefers those other games, he could see the merit in Santa Monica Studio's different take on the genre if they took better concessions to adapt the gameplay to work in a way that supported their vision without compromising on the player's ability at any given time.
More than that, though, this video will teach you a lot about the design tendencies of numerous games, especially action games, in general, which will really help grow your appreciation for the genre. I highly recommend giving it a watch despite it's length.
Been so busy with work lately. 10 hrs Mon-Thur. causing me not to want to post anything.
Anyway, how do we feel about devs copying other devs? I ask only because I just saw a trailer to this game called Genshin Impact and it's not due to come out until some time next year for the PS4. Apparently it's a clone of Breath of the Wild, and you can clearly see it as well.
Of course Zelda fans are losing it, but honestly, I don't have a problem with it. The only time I'd have a problem with cloning is if a certain style is taking over (Souls combat) and my type is phasing out. Other than that, I'd kill if Devil May Cry went with a similar feel to Breath of the Wild (the scale and how everything feels huge).
A few years ago I may have agreed with that sentiment, but honestly I'd rather not have a huge open-world DMC or Ninja Gaiden game these days. Don't get me wrong, I'm all for big open-world ARPGs aspiring to have better than the Souls-esque or other simplistic combat that you find in popular titles in the genre (not that it makes those lesser games by any means). To me, though, Nioh is already a perfectly good example of how to do that. It's an original IP that is designed to have a more restrictive mobility typical of ARPGs, but with far more in-depth combat mechanics than is typical for the genre. Nier: Automata is another good example, granted it could use some fine-tuning in balancing it's mechanics and difficulty level, but that also works in this scenario.
With a game like DMC, though, I can finally understand why Itsuno wanted it to remain a more tightly-focused, linear action title. Pacing is far more important in those games than I gave it credit for, and DMC4 is proof of that. Every time that game deviates from it's core strength, which is combat, it suffers for it. And it's not just the bad gimmick levels (though, yes, those suck), but also the fact that it's combat is just so fine-tuned and faster paced than that of an ARPG that it's designed in such a way that makes me want to fight more consistently. In a Souls game or even in something like Nioh or Nier, I do want to occasionally explore for loot or rare upgrade material because building your character up and customizing them is a big part of the appeal of those games. In a traditional hack n' slash, which is more akin to fighting game philosophy, building up my own personal skill level is the appeal of the experience. To me, more RPG elements would just distract from that focus.
I'm completely cool with cloning in the gaming industry. A lot of my favorite doujin/indie games are blatant clones of popular franchises and are obviously done so as a love letter to their inspirations, but even in "professional" game development I feel it's more than okay to copy another games style of gameplay, especially with how hellish dev cycles can be, taking after a well regarded title would likely alleviate a lot of that stress. Licensed tie-in games especially benefit from cloning as cases like the Wolverine and Ghost Rider character action games have shown, for instance. Both are clearly modeled after classic God of War with a few Devil May Cry elements thrown in, but they get what makes those games work so well and manage to be fun games in their own right in spite of their comparatively shorter development time.
In Genshin Impact's case I'm actually looking forward to it more than I ever did for Breath of the Wild. The fact that it has Bayonetta-style combat alone makes me more invested in it, add to the fact that you can choose the gender of your player character and it's already won me over. It's worth noting that the developer's previous game, Honkai Impact 3, was a blatant Bayonetta clone, yet I've never heard of any Bayo fan complain about that fact whenever alerted to the games existence, despite being a much younger franchise that sells significantly less. :thinkin:
Cloning is fine as long as you're putting effort in and not blatantly ripping off someone else's work. All creators are inspired by other creators and refining a preexisting formula or making an homage to your favorites is just as valid as making something completely new and innovative.
I would like to see Devil May Cry return to the level design style of the first game but that's mostly because of my love for Resident Evil. :P
Also yo wtf Genshin Impact has character action combat? Now I'm interested! I played Honkai Impact and it's about as good as that kind of game can possibly be on a phone.
I'd argue that DMC3 basically did have the same interconnected area design of DMC1, in addition to vastly improved combat, which is why it's still the best one, IMO. :joy:
That said, I have to admit that as much as I like that, it almost stops mattering to me on subsequent playthroughs, as I see them less as levels and more as a sequence of arenas to fight in.
Quote from: RynnecIn Genshin Impact's case I'm actually looking forward to it more than I ever did for Breath of the Wild. The fact that it has Bayonetta-style combat alone makes me more invested in it, add to the fact that you can choose the gender of your player character and it's already won me over.
I never would've thought anyone would dare try to tackle the size and scope of Breath of the Wild so for me to see this at this point where I'm at with games (I've been in quite a drought) is a treat since I've always wanted a Zelda-like game on the Playstation (dating as far back as Ocarina of Time)
Quote from: Dr. Ensatsu-kenA few years ago I may have agreed with that sentiment, but honestly I'd rather not have a huge open-world DMC or Ninja Gaiden game these days. Don't get me wrong, I'm all for big open-world ARPGs aspiring to have better than the Souls-esque or other simplistic combat that you find in popular titles in the genre (not that it makes those lesser games by any means). To me, though, Nioh is already a perfectly good example of how to do that. It's an original IP that is designed to have a more restrictive mobility typical of ARPGs, but with far more in-depth combat mechanics than is typical for the genre. Nier: Automata is another good example, granted it could use some fine-tuning in balancing it's mechanics and difficulty level, but that also works in this scenario.
With a game like DMC, though, I can finally understand why Itsuno wanted it to remain a more tightly-focused, linear action title. Pacing is far more important in those games than I gave it credit for, and DMC4 is proof of that. Every time that game deviates from it's core strength, which is combat, it suffers for it. And it's not just the bad gimmick levels (though, yes, those suck), but also the fact that it's combat is just so fine-tuned and faster paced than that of an ARPG that it's designed in such a way that makes me want to fight more consistently. In a Souls game or even in something like Nioh or Nier, I do want to occasionally explore for loot or rare upgrade material because building your character up and customizing them is a big part of the appeal of those games. In a traditional hack n' slash, which is more akin to fighting game philosophy, building up my own personal skill level is the appeal of the experience. To me, more RPG elements would just distract from that focus.
That's fine, but here's my problem (not to mention another problem I have with DMC5). There's not much of a difference or jump from DMC3 to DMC5. I know, I know, I was just bitching almost a year back (probably even more recent I think) how I wish we can go back to more games like DMC, but the thing is I need more things to do. To bring Zelda back into this, if Breath of the Wild were to follow the same Ocarina of Time formula I would've checked out because after Majora's Mask I was done with that style (I tried to get through Twilight Princess but I quit midway because I was bored of that style). Now I'm not saying take away DMC's core mechanic, but I am saying add to it. Personally, I think it's time these type of games start going open world (I'm gonna revisit Nier: Automata). Despite it's story being lackluster due to the fallout, Metal Gear Solid 5's core mechanic is still relatively the same, but I get a lot more to do to enjoy my game. More bang for the buck more or less. To bring Batman Arkham Knight into this (I know you don't care for the style of game), while I won't say it's better than a DMC game I am saying I get more enjoyment (despite that damn Batmobile) although the reward for completing some of the things are shitty (I'll give you that). That's just where I'm at right now with these games (especially if I'm buying them day 1 for $60+).
I was gonna go into other topics, but I'm too tired.
For me, having lots of things to do and a huge map is usually more of a curse than a blessing. Like, Rage 2 has the same incredible moment-to-moment gameplay as Doom 4, but it feels like such a slog to play by comparison. I hate filling out a checklist of things on a map, driving around to the next waypoint and doing it again. I want complex levels with handcrafted exploration, not a barren landscape littered with activities. I absolutely loved Spider-Man but that was a huge exception, and it did sort of wear thin for me near the end (which is why I still haven't touched the DLC). I must reiterate that Nier Automata is only open world insofar as the old Final Fantasy games are open world; it's just a 3D take on the classic JRPG world map, really.
What I'd like to see from games moving forward is mid-sized environments somewhere between old-school stage design and modern open worlds; complex maps that are big enough to spark imagination but small enough to get properly acquainted with. The best example of this design philosophy would be the newest Hitman games, but it can also be found in Deus Ex, Dishonored, Mario Odyssey, Banjo-Kazooie, and others.
Quote from: Foggle on August 20, 2019, 06:42:18 PM
For me, having lots of things to do and a huge map is usually more of a curse than a blessing. Like, Rage 2 has the same incredible moment-to-moment gameplay as Doom 4, but it feels like such a slog to play by comparison. I hate filling out a checklist of things on a map, driving around to the next waypoint and doing it again. I want complex levels with handcrafted exploration, not a barren landscape littered with activities. I absolutely loved Spider-Man but that was a huge exception, and it did sort of wear thin for me near the end (which is why I still haven't touched the DLC). I must reiterate that Nier Automata is only open world insofar as the old Final Fantasy games are open world; it's just a 3D take on the classic JRPG world map, really.
Ohh, didn't think about that one. Spider-man, that one was rough. Loved zipping around the city, but hated chasing birds. That type of BS, nah, I don't need. It also depends on the kind of objectives, if we're sticking with DMC for the moment, I'd keep it strictly combat. I wouldn't even know how to implement it because the idea would be to follow MGS5 lead (sticking with the core game play mechanic), but from there in a DMC game I wouldn't know where to go from there because I wouldn't want to go the route of Nioh or Souls. In my eyes, MGS5 was damn near perfect on how to transition to open world. I don't know what can be added to a DMC game to even get on the same field as MGS5.
Quote from: Mustang on August 20, 2019, 05:38:58 PMThat's fine, but here's my problem (not to mention another problem I have with DMC5). There's not much of a difference or jump from DMC3 to DMC5.
If you're talking about gameplay focus on being combat-oriented above all else, than sure. If you're talking actual mechanics, than this is objectively untrue.
QuoteI know, I know, I was just bitching almost a year back (probably even more recent I think) how I wish we can go back to more games like DMC, but the thing is I need more things to do. To bring Zelda back into this, if Breath of the Wild were to follow the same Ocarina of Time formula I would've checked out because after Majora's Mask I was done with that style (I tried to get through Twilight Princess but I quit midway because I was bored of that style). Now I'm not saying take away DMC's core mechanic, but I am saying add to it. Personally, I think it's time these type of games start going open world (I'm gonna revisit Nier: Automata).
See, while I understand and respect your opinion, this is the exact thing that I've begun to loathe about a lot of modern games. Maybe that's just me, but this "here's more open world and side-quests for the sake of more open world and side-quests" game design is a recipe for boredom. I'd much rather play a game that excels at what it does than adequately do a number of different things that are tedious grinding and busy work disguised as fun. Maybe I'm being overly cynical because this is exactly what I've gotten out of games like the new God of War and the Arkham or Assassin's Creed series, but while BoTW and Nier are examples of ones that do it well, they are the exception to the rule from my experience.
The whole appeal of a game like DMC is to focus less on pointless padding and more on shorter but more infinitely replayable segments. Any given level has literally countless different ways in which they can be approached in terms of how you choose to fight. It only feels repetitive and tedious if the player let's it be that way. This is a very old-school concept of you get back what you put into the game. If a player simply wants to "get through" the game and defeat enemies as basically as possible, then sure, they can do that and the experience won't amount to much. If they want to get crazy experimental, then the game will really show how flexible it is in a way that makes other games feel tame by comparison. Case in point is I've beaten the games four times and still haven't gotten tired of it, and each experience has been completely different from the last. I never used Punchline or Ragtime that much for Nero on my initial playthrough, then all of a sudden I'm performing insane combos and maneuvers that I didn't even know were possible by playing around with those Devil Breakers on the harder difficulties. Like, you can do a fucking Shoryuken with Punchline, and I didn't even know about it, and it's absolutely amazing on bosses. Quite frankly it's kind of hard for me to go back to the melee combat in other games ATM, even in Nioh, which is kind of ludicrous when I type it out like that, but it's true (for me).
You're reasoning for not being into that is perfectly valid, but I don't really believe that tossing those mechanics which are specifically designed for a fast-paced experience into a big open world will really lead to the kind of game that you want. A game like BotW works because it diversifies it's focus in many areas that still play into each other, but the game's mechanics are simplified in comparison to compensate for that more varied focus. It's easy to take for granted, but would become more noticable if you all of a sudden had a shit-ton of complexity dropped on you in one single aspect of the game that's not even it's main focus.
I understand wanting to add more things to spice up the gameplay, but I don't think open world is the way to go, at least as far as character action games are concerned. I think fine-tuning the platforming or adding in competent mini-game segments like DmC and Bayonetta respectively did is more the way to go. Doom Eternal is looking to be a good example of mix-and-matching gameplay elements while keeping combat as the core focus, that's the kind of variety I feel action games should go for, imo.
You know what mini-game type DMC desperately needs? One that basically tricks you into training your Royal Guard skills under the guise of a fun diversion. Seriously, this is the first DMC game in which I've really started to explore that mechanic and it's so fucking amazing it's bonkers.
Like, I legit perfect parried something like 15 of Vergil's summoned swords in a row and it made me feel like I was fucking Daigo (obviously this isn't even ten leagues close to the same skill-level, but still, man). Also, perfectly timing a fully charged Royal Release is the video game equivalent of ecstasy. There is no better analogy. MORE PEOPLE NEED TO EXPERIENCE THIS GODLY FEELING!
Quote from: Dr. Ensatsu-ken on August 20, 2019, 07:43:13 PM
See, while I understand and respect your opinion, this is the exact thing that I've begun to loathe about a lot of modern games. Maybe that's just me, but this "here's more open world and side-quests for the sake of more open world and side-quests" game design is a recipe for boredom. I'd much rather play a game that excels at what it does than adequately do a number of different things that are tedious grinding and busy work disguised as fun. Maybe I'm being overly cynical because this is exactly what I've gotten out of games like the new God of War and the Arkham or Assassin's Creed series, but while BoTW and Nier are examples of ones that do it well, they are the exception to the rule from my experience.
You're reasoning for not being into that is perfectly valid, but I don't really believe that tossing those mechanics which are specifically designed for a fast-paced experience into a big open world will really lead to the kind of game that you want. A game like BotW works because it diversifies it's focus in many areas that still play into each other, but the game's mechanics are simplified in comparison to compensate for that more varied focus. It's easy to take for granted, but would become more noticable if you all of a sudden had a shit-ton of complexity dropped on you in one single aspect of the game that's not even it's main focus.
Now that I have a much more level / clearer head (damn job) I can tackle this better. I'm not disagreeing with you at all on most points, but for
MY sake, I'm bored with just about all games (of course excluding fighting games). Speaking of, for the past month, perhaps 2 months I've been contemplating on getting rid of all my games because I've been so bored with games lately. (I'm basically saying I'm bored with gaming) So when I'm saying something along the lines of wanting DMC to go open world or more Zelda-ish, it's too get me outta my slump. The only reason I haven't given up completely is because I'm trying to hold out for games like Ghost of Tsushima, Nioh 2, and FF7R. I brought up Genshin Impact because it might be that Zelda-ish game I've been wanting all along.
Take it how you will, but the things I used to like, say continuously playing against a CPU to get better against the CPU is something I grew out of (recently found that out playing DMC4, go figure). That's just where I'm at with videogames now. Yep, sucks, but this slump runs deep.
I'll even give you a tidbit of info on where I'm at with fighting games as a whole. If it weren't for the announcement of the new Guilty Gear I would've been done with fighting games after EVO.
That's sad to hear, Mustang. I hope you will find your way out of your slump soon! I've gone through several similar ones before and usually emerge with an appreciation for different genres and styles of games afterwards.
Sorry to hear about your slump. I can understand all too well what it's like to slowly lose a passion for something that you once loved over time. Hopefully you manage to find the game that you're looking for, or find a suitable replacement hobby that brings you some semblance of joy in your daily life. Everyone needs something like that.
I myself haven't been as into gaming quite as much as I used to. Titles like Wolfenstein and Sekiro (and obviously DMC5) have managed to hold my interest, but that's pretty much all that I've really spent any time on this entire year.
However, with my overall decreased interest in gaming aside from a few stand-out titles that I come across every now and then, I have managed to replace it with a relatively newfound passion for comic books/manga and novels. I've especially read a fuck-ton of Marvel and DC stuff over the past 2-3 years and discovered gems like James Robinson's Starman run, Grant Morrison's Doom Patrol, Warren Ellis's Moon Knight (as well as Nextwave) and so on, while also discovering engaging newer manga titles like To Your Eternity and Witch Hat Atelier. Not to mention that I've finally started delving into Berserk which is a classic that I've put off for years. I've also enjoyed some pretty captivating Fantasy novel series like The Kingkiller Chronicle and The First Law series.
Obviously everyone is different, but in my experience the best solution to overcoming a slump in an artform that is just getting stale for you is to take a break from it and explore other mediums of entertainment. Still, I really do hope you can find something that really is for you.
Yeah, I agree with Dr. E-K about experimenting with other forms of media for a while! I'm super into games at the moment after a long period where I didn't play very many. Just finding old titles I've never heard of at a used game store or on a ROM depository is a joy for me right now, even if I never actually buy or play them.
Will do. My partner at work has been telling me to check out some indies as well, so, hopefully some of those will do the trick, and then I gotta get my hands on the Switch again. There have been some games that I want to try out on there as well.
I definitely need to start reading comics.
So I don't know how much of an uproar it's causing, but apparently Yakuza 7 is going the turn-base route. I knew nothing about an April fools trailer but this looks like it might be the real deal. The guys I talk to are upset about it. When I brought up DMC should go open world, I didn't mean going this extreme in changing things up, however, I don't mind it. I don't know if Sega is at a point where they feel they should change things up to bring in new people or to spice things up (or take a huge risk). I am curious about Foggle's opinion though. I don't have a horse in this race on this one, but I am willing to try it out though. I do wish that it was Kiryu instead of this person I don't know (I'm installing previous Yakuza's as we speak)
I'm bummed about them taking the next game in this direction since old-school beat 'em ups are so uncommon these days (especially in 3D), but the change is slowly growing on me. Yakuza combat has always been satisfying due to the cinematic HEAT moves but it's never been anything particularly deep or complex, really. They could probably get the same feeling across with turn-based combat but it might be a little harder. The fighting has always been only one of many components that makes the series special so it's nowhere near as big a betrayal as if something like DMC or Bayonetta went in this direction. The team seems passionate about what they're doing here so I'm willing to give it a try.
I don't particularly care for the new protagonist's design but I'm hoping he'll end up being likable personality-wise. Yakuza 6 was the end of Kiryu's story, so as much as I'll miss him and the classic gameplay, it makes sense to shake things up with this one. Thankfully, even if 7 bombs, we'll still have Judgment to continue the franchise's legacy (which honestly seems more like it should bear the Yakuza 7 name to me).
My old shitpost about Pretentious Arthouse Metal Slug is finally becoming a reality in the AAA space!
Quote from: other humans takes on a significant note of savagery. Stealth kills are an intense affair in which a person struggles as Ellie slams her knife into their neck, gritting her teeth as she strains against their panicked flailing until blood and life pour out of them. Melee fights often end with a blade embedded in the side of an enemy before they sputter and collapse.
Naughty Dog has also increased the brutality of fighting for your life in another, more thematic way: Every human enemy in Part 2 is named, so characters will often call out to each other by name as they discuss tactics or shout orders. Kill someone, and their friends will call out their name in anguish. The same goes for the dogs; it seems you'll hear a lot of pained cries from dog owners as you kill their companions in Part 2. Hearing your enemies react in emotional pain (in addition to physical pain) is a jarring addition that Newman said emphasizes the core thematic thrust of the series--and it's meant to be unsettling.
"A big part of the theme of the game are the parts of your humanity that are lost or potentially stripped away when you pursue justice," Newman said. "The lengths that you go for justice can have a very high human cost to you personally. And one of the ways I'm really excited about that we're kind of bringing that to life is our named enemies. ...Not only does it show how intelligent they are that they're able to coordinate, but by naming them, they become that much more of a real human."
I really hate this and I'm not entirely sure why.
Funny how he mentions enemies having names as a sign of their intelligence as opposed know, their actual AI. The original game has actually been noted for having way dumber enemy AI than what was shown off in E3 previews, to the point where some argued (quite reasonably) that it was deceptive to market it that way when it didn't even come close to representing the final product. The AI actually had to be limited far more than the showcase demos implied in order to properly run on the PS3's hardware, and Naughty Dog clearly knew this yet still touted how advanced their AI would be in interviews.
Somehow I get the feeling that's not a priority for them this time, either. In fact, everything I'm hearing about them hyping up the game is how much more cinematic it is as opposed to any gameplay improvements.
Here's the thing: I truly appreciate developers with an artistic intent to use the medium of gaming to tell layered stories with a level of depth and nuance that can only be achieved through the kind of interactivity that video games offer. However, if someone like Yoko Taro is your gaming equivalent of Grant Morrison, Naughty Dog is the equivalent of that hack writer who can replicate the appearance of something substantial on the barest surface level, but who's work completely misses the mark under actual scrutiny.
I like the stories in games like Nier: Automata, MGS3, Alan Wake, and so on because they take full advantage of being video games to deliver a great experience in all aspects. The Last of Us feels more like a game that's ashamed of the fact that it's a video game.
For the most part I've been just ignoring the overwhelmingly polarizing buzz about TLOU2 since it's release since I frankly don't care about the game or series enough either way to have a strong opinion on it. But I did find this video to be rather cathartic:
It explains in pretty fair and reasonable terms why regardless of it's intentions, TLOU2's themes fall flat in execution (as do a lot of it's contemporaries among AAA titles), and even shows how a 16-year-old game like MGS3 was doing a better job of exploring similar themes with superior gameplay mechanics to boot.
This isn't even to shit on TLOU2 or Naughty Dog. To be frank I find the "anti-woke" crowd campaigning against this game and anyone who worked on it to be far more insufferable than any of it's die-hard fans, and as I said before, I'm personally indifferent to it. But it was still a nice argumentative video essay mixed in with humor to put together a well-reasoned criticism of the game on the whole.
This is going to be all over the place since I'm still not entirely sure how I want to tackle this.
The mistreatment (don't know if that's the word I want to use) when it comes to fighting games (perhaps unintentionally). I mean I suppose you can throw racing games up there as well as character action to a lesser degree.
Is it time for these journalists to change up how fighting games are reviewed? I mean journalists are only judging fighting games based on the story, which none of the hardcore fans care about. Everyone cares for single player content (tournament players cares even less about that), but casuals only care for story or something like Smash Bros. When it comes to the online functionality I'm more inclined to believe that reviewers are going by word of mouth than actually trying it out for themselves. I actually believe most reviewers are like Michael Huber (EZA). He openly admitted to being very intimidated in going head-to-head against someone else online (which is crazy to me because he has no problem playing COD online), and I think that's the case for most journalists.
And then we have all these "best of", "greatest of" lists coming out all the time and you never see any fighting games on any of them except maybe Street Fighter 2 which is a nostalgic pick, or Smash which are casuals picking it. I don't think you'll ever see any Greatest of All Time lists have a fighting game on that list unless that list is tailored for fighting games only, let alone a modern fighting game.
Racing games are even more niche than fighting games imo. I was watching EZA's 2018 GOTY's and Bloodworth was the only one bringing in Forza Horizon 4 and no one else among them plays racing games unless its Mario Kart or F-Zero. So imagine him trying to convince them when the top contenders that year I believe were God of War, Spiderman and Resident Evil 7.
I have more thoughts on the matter but my thoughts are also jumbling up so I'll stop here.
I'm really sick of all of the drama surrounding TLOU2, from both sides. I can't seem to go a day without seeing something online either bitching about how the game is the worst atrocity to come out of the medium in years or a misunderstood masterpiece that is only hated on by insecure man-children.
For me personally I have no stake here. I played the first game and it's not really my cup of tea. I get why a lot of other people love it and that's fine. Just for my side of things I knew that the sequel is something that wouldn't interest me. Keep in mind that I'm the same kind of person who would call The Wonderful 101 among the best video games of the last decade, so take that to mean my tastes skew from the norm, anyways.
On the one side of things you have the people who despise this game so strongly to the point that they will hate on anyone who likes it. I say hate a game all you want, but there's a disturbing hypocrisy in people hating something for pushing an agenda but also forcibly demonizing anyone who takes a liking to it for not following along with their agenda. Kind of ironic how that works out. And the people who act like the corporate championing of this game is some new low for the medium genuinely amuse me considering how much the AAA gaming scene has been hampered by corporate BS for the past decade and a half at the very least. It's most hilarious how people are shocked that it won GOTY at the VGAs, as if that whole ordeal hasn't always been a big commercialized joke to begin with for fans of the medium.
On the other side of things you have the advocate defenders who insist that anyone who doesn't love this game is somehow a horrible human being who supports misogyny and bigotry. It doesn't even matter if people have legitimate issues with the gameplay; the game has to be treated as perfection in their eyes. I think it pretty much speaks for itself how insultingly stupid these people are.
More than anything, though, I'm just annoyed that I can't escape from hearing people bitching about this game one way or another even more than half a year after it initially released. Seriously, can people move onto something else by now?
Well, the discourse is already on Cyberpunk right now, so the hordes will switch from endless discussion of one game to another.
I'm not touching TLOU 2 because I already know the story sucks and Neil Druckmann treated his staff like garbage. But I've heard nothing but good things about both the gameplay and the online features. I'd be okay with just an online version if he didn't get any penny from it. Anyone hating on people who like the game are no better than SJW game journalists that overhyped the story. I consider myself Anti-Woke, but I know for a fact there are losers out there who are genuinely racist or Anti Semitic and skirt around it by claiming the word "racist" doesn't mean anything anymore.
Uhhh, it only doesn't apply when it's observably lobbed at someone who makes an innocent joke or remark or some celeb that says one thing out of line with Woke mobs. Being genuinely racist is not a good thing. I sure hope these losers don't somehow gain enough power to become the new censors like the Religious Right and SJWs before them because I can't help feeling a little concerned.
Neil Druckman comes off as that pretentious college Humanities major that fooled himself into believing he was a good write. In this case he also somehow fooled people in higher up positions to give him millions of dollars to contribute his "genius artistic talent" to the medium of gaming.
As I said I'm more indifferent to TLOU than actively disliking it, but the fact that people hold either game up on a pedestal in the same medium that gave us Silent Hill, Metal Gear Solid, Nier, No More Heroes, Bloodborne, and other games that use the unique aspects of gaming to tell stories in only ways that video games can is frankly insulting.
I honestly think there was truth to game journalists being paid off by some in the game companies. While I personally didn't hate it, look at the contrast between critics and fans about FF 13.
The contrast is because there's a major difference between people who play games because it's part of a franchise they love and people who play games because it's their job and they need to write a review about it for said job. Of course there will be different mindsets that impact the difference between what the reviewers and the fans think.
So I'm sure everyone saw the news that Microsoft bought Activision. That doesn't phase me one bit. I applaud everything Microsoft has been doing for the past couple years now. What bothers me is Sony. What in the world is going on over there at Sony? I mean there's just been garbage after garbage I've been hearing about. Having to go back to make PS4's? WHAT? I understand that this "chip" that all of a sudden EVERYBODY needs now is slowing down the world. Cool. BUT producing PS4's when companies are moving on to next gen? Are you bullshitting me? Perfect example. Final Fantasy 7 Remake Intergrade is exclusively on the PS5 last time I checked. I cannot play that on the PS4 which is why I still haven't even bothered playing FF7 in the 1st place. I was already upset with this enhanced edition with the PSPro, but even more enhanced on a PS5 and I can't even get my hands on one but you want to go back to PS4? :anger:
And then on top of that, Sony losing out "some" Japanese studios. I'm not sure who all they lost, but I do know they let some get closed down. Like, come on, you could've bought them just to keep them at work and produce smaller games.
At this point I'm practically done with Sony. I mean sure I'll always play whatever game I'm interested on whatever console (console war means nothing to me) but even then there's not a lot for me to even begin investing in a sony console. Yeah sure there's Spider-Man, God of War Ragnarok, Wolverine, but what else? Outside of Zelda I do not buy consoles for 1 game.
I don't know if Sony's in trouble or not but they definitely got hit and if I'm Microsoft, you're damn sure I'm turning every single game under Activision/Blizzard into an exclusive since Sony fans kept throwing that in Microsoft's face. Like I said I don't know if they're in trouble, but something's definitely wrong with them. Ego perhaps? Thoughts?
I have quite the rant coming for the fighting game community. I've been in quite a fowl mood for the past, we'll say week. Some of it is for sure bullshit I'm seeing at work (so that could be adding just a hair more fuel), but the majority is from the FGC. I'm going to sound hypocritical because of my last post, but hear me out.
To start this off, the vibes within the FGC is toxic. There's no other way to put it. It's straight up toxic. I'm going to skip to yesterday, just watching some streamer stream Phasmophobia. More or less, I had no idea she was familiar with fighting games let alone Tekken 7. She said she used to play back in the day but stopped because of how toxic the FGC is. This is an outsider talking about how toxic the FGC is and she don't even know half of it. Now my thing is, if she's saying that what are other communities saying about the FGC? In my mind Call of Duty is perhaps the most toxic community that exist, but I don't know that. I don't know what the WoW, LoL, DoTA communities are like. I only know what the FGC is like and it's mentally draining.
Pros/Hardcore players that stream, you'd be surprised how many of them I actually enjoy going to. I used to have a long list of players that I would watch play fighting games and that list has dwindled due to either they're giving off bad vibes or their chat is full of shit. At this very moment I am subbed to 3 people and that's because they have good vibes, their chat is cool, and they actually enjoy playing whatever game they're playing. I saw a V-Tuber just enjoy playing a Hazama mirror match in BBCF and you can hear it in her voice that she was having fun.
While the streamer is having a match or decides to open up a discussion, chat is going on about something irrelevant. I saw a little something today. Streamer decides to promote Phantom Breakers (no idea what it is) and I see in his chat, "does it have panty shots" and you can probably already guess my reaction. Classic forehead slap. I don't have the energy I once had to get in these little back and forths anymore. It's a waste of my time. Thundercat said some silly shit the other day talking about "grassroots".
Grassroots, UltrachenTV is something I still listen to but I've lost a lot of respect for James Chen. I won't go into details about why, but he's one of these old heads that's clamouring grassroots and actually know what it was like back then, at least on the west coast. Midwest/East coast. You don't want that smoke. "Grassroots" is literally bringing the streets to the arcade and I'll say it again. You don't want that smoke. Hell, some of these people complaining now about Punk too arrogant and whatnot is all the more reason why the FGC wouldn't/couldn't handle "grassroots". So for someone like James to say I miss the days of rivalries, I get it, but "trashtalk" can't be kept within the game. That's just not who we are. You get in my face I'ma put you on your ass. That's just what it is.
And then the FGC being so divided the way it is as well. No matter how you slice it, while the FGC accepts Smashers now, it'll never be included. Then you have your Street Fighter crowd, Mortal Kombat crowd, Marvel crowd, Guilty Gear crowd, anime/air-dasher crowd, so on and so forth. Each crowd shits on the other. Get this. Each crowd shits on the old and new. Meaning, lets take Guilty Gear Strive since there's so much noise going on here. Old heads (+R) have no problem with Strive. New blood, no problem with Strive. The hate is coming from those that love Xrd (they're oldies, but not like your old heads) and I understand why they're not feeling Strive, but go back and play Xrd. They don't want to do that which because there's no roll-back netcode. Which brings us to the next problem. Go back to USF4. EVERYONE complained about the netcode but we still played knowing what we were getting ourselves into. There are ways to bypass a lot of online hiccups if you have Parsec. Don't even want to take that option. So what do you do? Sit there and bitch about the new game. Okay I see you. Street Fighter 5 same way. People want to bitch about nothing and can go back and play the old game. It's still there. But no lets shit on the new game. This is all USA btw.
Roll-back netcode has become another problem. People are getting in their own way to enjoy games now. I get it. Dev's are in the hot seat right now because of the pandemic. This idea, though, of no rollback no buy is going to kill the FGC. If I'm a dev, I wouldn't do shit for this ungrateful community. All this community do is complain. No rollback no buy. This character too strong. Nerf. The next character is too strong, NERF. It's like a never ending cycle. People claim they want a "perfectly" balanced game. Do yourself a favor and name 1 perfectly balanced game and see where it's at. There's never been a game with perfect balance. And if you claim you want perfect balance go slap yourself. Understand why people always claim that 3rd Strike is the best. Understand why people claim that Marvel vs Capcom 2 is the best. Understand why Ultimate Marvel vs Capcom 3 is still going strong right now. It's not because of balance. It's because of the BULLSHIT THAT'S IN THE GAME. So yeah people claiming they want balance can go count something.
I love fighting games. But I cannot stand the community right now. There's so much going on right now that I hate (and I still haven't addressed some issues because it's too much going on). If you were to ask me why I still support fighting games I wouldn't be able to give you an answer.
Hmm.. Somebody's gonna have to enlighten me about all this bad workplace complaints I've been hearing about at these videogame companies.
The 2 main things I've been hearing about is sexual misconduct and crunch. Sexual misconduct. Alright cool. You got me on that one. If no one is saying anything about it, yeah, bad company. But "crunch"? What the hell am I missing here? Depending on what industry you're in, I would think just about every company has a "crunch" period where they have to meet deadline. I work in the Auto industry. Our "crunch" time is November-December-ish, depending on how many battery packs we have left to build/get out. Majority of the time we're ahead so no issue. But if there is a time when we have to meet deadline, we, as in the "workers/employees" choose to do so or not. If we have a holiday vacation coming up, we will crank it up a bit, do OT if need be. But we have that kind of relationship with our Supervisor.
If your Supervisor is full of shit. Get out. It's as simple as that. Granted, people got different situations, I get it, but to bitch about companies during "crunch" time, yeah, I need to be enlightened because as far as I'm concerned, you're not doing anything life threatening, and yes we all need breaks. I bring this up because I'm listening to this podcast (Unlocked) and they brought up something about whoever the dev's or Ori is has 2 assholes (yet the company as a whole is catching heat for 2 people. I don't understand) causing something that someone spoke out about. I don't know, but this conversation they were having just triggered me. Whatever's happening at that company could be legit, but I've been hearing Easy Allies, MinnMax, IGN talk about "crunch" so much lately that they are catching my smoke at the moment.
I don't mean to sound unsympathetic or anything like that, it's just when I compare making videogames to making cars/batteries, and crunch time, yeah, that's hard for me.
So, somebody. Let me know what's happening?
March huh.
Since that last post of mine, I've probably given up on Easy Allies. I still listen to Frame Trap, but as a collective, yeah I've cut back. With Ben leaving I just don't have anything in common with the rest of them, but I'll get back to them in a bit. I've listened to more Minnmax, pick up on listening to Kinda Funny Games, and some of the podcasts from IGN.
That being said, Kinda Funny Games seemed like a fun group to get behind so I went back and listened to some of their older episodes of their podcasts. I haven't checked out their X-box version yet. Mostly the playstation focused one and the general topics one. Anyway, Metal Gear Solid 5 was one of the focal points of one episode and Tim Gettys (might be somebody else now that I'm thinking about it) and I think Greg Miller's love for the game (series) is pretty much my thoughts and they had some great things to say. I will tell you that MGS5 is a 10/10 game that has a lackluster story for a MGS game. Bouncing back to Easy Allies for a moment I remember them and just people in general saying something along the same lines but kind of dogging the game. Like the story is the end all be all. Bounce back to now, I'm like the things this group at KFG is saying is legit.
That being said, Dr. Ensatsu-Ken, I owe an apology to you good sir. I found myself going down a similar boat and wanted an open world Devil May Cry. Not everything has to be open world and I recall you being the one saying that (Might've been Dr. Insomiac and Foggle agreeing with you on that as well. Hats off to y'all good people). I think the thing was, at that time I wanted more for the game instead of just trying to enjoy it for what it was. Yes and no, I still want more from Devil May Cry. I can probably give you an essay on how I'm picturing DMC going forward. Coming off of Nioh, God of War and Breath of the Wild going into DMC5 just wasn't fair (finally got around to playing and sticking with it). I got a lot to say about character action vs souls/borne-like too (I got a lot built up from these podcasts since my little break from everything)
So going back to Metal Gear Solid 5. 10/10 gameplay right. IMO, Kojima put us on a playground and said have fun. Obviously things happened between Kojima and Konami. You see it when it comes to the story. Alright, cool. So here's my problem. Why do we replay games again? Sure you have your games that may have a phenomenal story and you want to experience it again, but lets say we then insert games like Super Mario Bros. Hell, let's bring in the Ninja Gaiden's and Devil May Cries. Are we really replaying these games again and again for story (I brought those in for no purpose :sweat: )? For now I just want to keep it strictly for games like Mario and such. I get it, it's your thing. Do you and go off. But when it comes to folks like EA (It may seem like I'm taking shots, but they're the last ones I heard say it, and I really just mean people in general), it almost comes off as if we're dogging the shit out games that have a lackluster or incomplete story (lets say the story is a 6-7/10 and its incomplete) to tear it down to build another one up when at the end of the day it all comes back down to gameplay, no? Need I bring up Last of Us? Do I need to bring up Souls/Borne (I'll give you the world and discovery, but gameplay..... No sir. Over Nioh? Nope). Like I said, I get it. It's all popularity in the end. We have our preferences, and I'm just venting a little here, but man, listening to some of these podcasts and hearing people do rankings. Love the discussions but to hear no pushback irks me. And I think that's kind of why I'm digging Kinda Funny Games at the moment. Yeah, they're clowns but I hear pushback and thoughtful discussions. IGN podcasts are lacking the pushback so they may end up getting dropped. EA, oh man, little bit of this, little bit of that. I wish nothing but the best for them though.
I think that there's room for both types of games. I like Nioh and Elden Ring for what they are, with a lot of the depth coming from your choice of build and weapon and armor stats and perks rather than just the combat (though Nioh excels there as well). That said, I love how games like DMC can focus exclusively on great combat and be nearly unmatched in that regard, and also not have me stop playing every 5 minutes to readjust my character's gear and abilities.
Like, I'm definitely going to play Wo Long, but a part of me laments that this has essentially replaced any real chance of us ever getting a new, proper Ninja Gaiden game.
Right and that's sort of my point. I've been neglecting DMC5 for God knows how long because of wanting something that the game's not even known for to begin with and ignoring what's actually there which is its great combat. It's crazy when you're at work listening to gaming podcasts all day hearing them discussing their favorites or what they consider the "greatest" only to find out that you've (me) been saying the same hypocritical shit that these podcasters are saying when you clearly disagree with them. The joys of reminiscing and finding my old posts :sweat:.
So, I do in fact believe that The Last of Us Part 1 is perhaps the most pointless remake that I have ever seen come out of the industry....ever. The fact that all of these funds and development time were allocated to what is essentially a minor overall enhancement of the already remastered PS4 version as opposed to literally anything else that Naughty Dog could remaster or add new content to is quite frankly absurd to me.
I mean, aside from redoing the graphics from the ground up with full 4K support (which I'm not saying isn't a lot of work, but again, why even bother), the game still only runs at 60 FPS (which remastered already did anyways) despite current hardware being capable of 120 FPS. It also apparently doesn't even really try to fix or improve anything that the original game was criticized for, such as the mostly underwhelming and at times laughably broken enemy AI.
For a developer that likes to tout it's artistic integrity in an increasingly corporate and commercialized landscape within the gaming industry, these guys sure do know how to milk the fuck out of something.
If you only knew how many times my eyes rolled from the day it was announced up to its release, every time Huber brought up Last of Us and tried to convince the audience that it wasn't cash grab. I wholeheartedly agree with you that this remake for Last of Us was pointless.
I was always split on Naughty Dog as a hole, but kind of fell off with Uncharted 4. But even then I'd like to think they made tons of money off their 2 main series alone so they couldn't be hurting for more. So the thought of them remaking Last of Us is just irksome. I probably would've accepted an Uncharted 1 remake or even a Last of Us 3 (I would've rolled my eyes, but I'd accept it) but if I'm being honest I would've prefer to see Naughty Dog try to make an attempt at a new IP.
I would assume they're capable of it but with them going for a cash grab I'm not so sure they have that creativity in them to go for something new.
I heard they added an accessibility options into the game, but even then, making people pay $70 for an accessibility option sounds pretty dumb. I'm for games having accessibility options, but paying $70+ for one doesn't sound all that accessible to me, especially on a console that I can't just go to a store & easily buy. Also, they removed the multiplayer as well, so you're basically paying more for less. The Last of Us Part 1 remaster is even dumber when you can easily just play the remaster from the PS4 era on your PS5. Make a console that has direct backwards compatibility with your previous generation, remake a game that's already been remade for said console cause... WHY NOT?
Dick move, Platinum. (
Wow, that's crazy. I don't know if she's up there with the Jennifer Hale's and Laura Bailey's but only $4000? That's not even a slap. That's more like spitting on someone.
These companies are getting crazy when it comes to voice actors/actresses. I let it slide with David Hayter and Kojima. I saw the interview with TC Carson about not getting contacted for Kratos and that had me questioning things a bit. And now this. Sony already has a big head as does the rest of them, but I don't know. V/A's might need to start striking again or something. 2D games can get away with none voice acting for sure. But those who love those oh so precious stories in games need voice acting for the 3D variety. Probably not all but right now, considering that people (I'll say game journalists for now) just love to have story driven games be the end all be all for GOATY and what not.
Shady stuff indeed.
So I recently watched this vlog by Raeng:
It it something that I have been feeling for a while now, and Mustang and myself even had a short little conversation about it not that long ago. Recently, I have been replaying Ninja Gaiden Black, and it still astounds me how mechanically rich this game is and how much it still holds up today. Modern games like the new God of War or Insomniac's Spider-Man have gotten praised for their combat mechanics yet they have their own set of issues that tend to get glazed over unless you are playing on the harder difficulties (which most game journalists don't do), and they tend to be really shallow and lack layers to their combat other than superficial aspects to their combos (which is not the same thing as having real depth). There is a dying, and nearly lost art, to traditional action games that focused more on a shorter but tighter experience that emphasized improving your skills and encouraging replayability to really master the game, rather than RNG gear stats and character builds replacing many of those aspects. Some would argue that the modern day ARPGs are the natural evolution of traditional action games, but I have to disagree. While the Souls series and other imitators like it have certainly taken influence from those kinds of games, they are entirely their own beast.
I love Nioh, and I really like what I played of Wo-Long, but those are NOT replacements for or successors to the Ninja Gaiden games by any means. At the end of the day, no matter how skilled you are at Nioh (and it does definitely have a lot of skill at play in the game, to be fair), you still need at least a somewhat decent character build relative to the level of the enemies in order to not have to be wailing at something for minutes on end before you can deplete it's health bar. While there are aspects of upgrading your character in the Ninja Gaiden or DMC games, among various others, a no-upgrade run of either of those would still be entirely feasible simply through skill alone (though still very hard in their own right). I do really miss the fast-paced style of action where you master the core and advanced mechanics of a game and go at a break-neck pace through it's levels and challenges and bosses. Regardless of how great Nioh's combat is, or show engaging a game like Dark Souls or Elden Ring can be, I am always stopping every few minutes to peruse my inventory and equip myself with the best items for a given scenario. There is a definite enjoyment and charm to be experienced with that sort of gameplay, but it's a stark contrast with something that is more purely focused on engaging combat and environment traversal, and that's why I'm always hoping in the back of my mind that we can eventually get a Ninja Gaiden 4, or DMC 6, or even some original new IPs in this genre. Unfortunately, I think that gaming culture as a whole has mostly left this style in the dust. At best, games can do decently well by today's standards like with DMC 5 selling 3+ million copies, but to big corporate giants those numbers are below insufficient. Modern games are more about needless bloat and microtransactions or other pay models that can keep making developers money, as opposed to a finite but completely fulfilling package that you get as your final product from the day that the game goes on sale.
Quote from: Dr. Insomniac on October 15, 2022, 01:58:18 PMDick move, Platinum. (
It really sucks to hear this, especially since it's one of the few developers that still makes traditional action games, a genre which I love dearly but has almost all but died out in favor of the Souls-like Action RPGs of today. I'm not going to boycott the game only because I don't think it's the individual developers that have any say in this matter but rather the people of higher up corporate positions that make these kinds of bone-headed decisions. I also don't think that's the way to show these people how ridiculous their treatment of voice actors or various other people in this industry is, as they just tend to drop an IP if it underperforms rather financially rather than (god-forbid) actually pay anyone fair wages. What really needs to be done is people actively need to make their voices heard that this shit is not OK to a point where the company at large cannot ignore how bad it will make their public image look. Or, if we are going to go the boycott route, then it has to be for all of their products going forward, but again, I don't think that this is always the best way as it will hurt the developers as well since companies tend to lay off a lot of lower-level staff first to compensate for losses.
Personally, even though they hold no sort of union to my knowledge being freelance contract workers, I think that acts like this should give these companies a collective bad-reputation with voice actors. Thus, it might be better for any potential VAs to utterly refuse to work with these companies on any projects going forward unless there is a guarantee of, at the very minimum of expectations, fair wages being offered for projects based on experience, talent, and overall value rather than just paying them the lowest amount possible because they can. Companies like this will have to buckle if they literally can't get anyone to do the job unless they actually treat them fairly. Unfortunately, as great as that would be, it's a lost easier said than done (otherwise it already would have been done).
On that note, though, as much of a right as Helena has to being outraged at Platinum and Nintendo, I don't think that she should be directing any of that ire towards Jennifer Hale.
Quote from: Dr. Ensatsu-ken on August 31, 2022, 02:07:35 PM
So, I do in fact believe that The Last of Us Part 1 is perhaps the most pointless remake that I have ever seen come out of the industry....ever. The fact that all of these funds and development time were allocated to what is essentially a minor overall enhancement of the already remastered PS4 version as opposed to literally anything else that Naughty Dog could remaster or add new content to is quite frankly absurd to me.
I mean, aside from redoing the graphics from the ground up with full 4K support (which I'm not saying isn't a lot of work, but again, why even bother), the game still only runs at 60 FPS (which remastered already did anyways) despite current hardware being capable of 120 FPS. It also apparently doesn't even really try to fix or improve anything that the original game was criticized for, such as the mostly underwhelming and at times laughably broken enemy AI.
For a developer that likes to tout it's artistic integrity in an increasingly corporate and commercialized landscape within the gaming industry, these guys sure do know how to milk the fuck out of something.
Quote from: Mustang on September 01, 2022, 11:35:37 PM
If you only knew how many times my eyes rolled from the day it was announced up to its release, every time Huber brought up Last of Us and tried to convince the audience that it wasn't cash grab. I wholeheartedly agree with you that this remake for Last of Us was pointless.
I was always split on Naughty Dog as a hole, but kind of fell off with Uncharted 4. But even then I'd like to think they made tons of money off their 2 main series alone so they couldn't be hurting for more. So the thought of them remaking Last of Us is just irksome. I probably would've accepted an Uncharted 1 remake or even a Last of Us 3 (I would've rolled my eyes, but I'd accept it) but if I'm being honest I would've prefer to see Naughty Dog try to make an attempt at a new IP.
I would assume they're capable of it but with them going for a cash grab I'm not so sure they have that creativity in them to go for something new.
I agree with you guys. As someone who liked both Last of Us games, I couldn't even pretend to be interested in this remake. To me, it feels like they don't know what to do with the series after Part II wrapped up the storyline, but that they know the series is still a money maker. So without any real ideas, they just went back and recycled the first game with not only a remake, but a live action series (or is it a movie? I actually don't know).
It kind of makes me wonder if they will remake Part II in a few years, but then what will they do with The Last of Us?
I have a rant about action games incoming (it's sort of similar to the conversation me and Dr. Ensatsu-ken previously had. Reading your post about Ninja Gaiden triggered it. It's pretty much where I stand on action games at the moment), but my thoughts and words keep going all over the place. Once I get all of it down, ooh boy, it's coming.
But for this Helena situation. Turns out she lied. I'm going to leave it alone, but before I do, my bad Platinum for doubting you. I stayed away from the bulk of it as well cause I wanted all of it to end peacefully, I didn't watch all of her original video, but apparently she got a hate mob sent after Jennifer Hale? I assumed she (Helena) just wanted people to boycott, but that's on me for assuming in the first place. If that's true, uh, Helena deserves the wrath that she's getting or going to get because Jennifer had nothing to do with it.
Quote from: Mustang on October 25, 2022, 01:42:36 PM
I have a rant about action games incoming (it's sort of similar to the conversation me and Dr. Ensatsu-ken previously had. Reading your post about Ninja Gaiden triggered it. It's pretty much where I stand on action games at the moment), but my thoughts and words keep going all over the place. Once I get all of it down, ooh boy, it's coming.
But for this Helena situation. Turns out she lied. I'm going to leave it alone, but before I do, my bad Platinum for doubting you. I stayed away from the bulk of it as well cause I wanted all of it to end peacefully, I didn't watch all of her original video, but apparently she got a hate mob sent after Jennifer Hale? I assumed she (Helena) just wanted people to boycott, but that's on me for assuming in the first place. If that's true, uh, Helena deserves the wrath that she's getting or going to get because Jennifer had nothing to do with it.
I stand by my thoughts on how VA's in general, among many other people in the industry, deserve better treatment. I also pointed put that no matter the reason, it was wrong for her to antagonize Jennifer Hale over this. That said, the new info coming out makes it clear that she wasn't forthcoming with Platinum's exact terms for her and that they weren't as low as she said. It's fair if she still wanted to negotiate for something higher that she feels she deserved, but it's wrong to flat out lie to or mislead fans about the situation to strike back at the company for not giving her what she wanted.
Yeah, my bad for jumping the gun early there.
The red flag for me was the fact that Jennifer Hale was the 1 taking over Bayonetta. I mean, if they wanted to cut costs somewhere, I would figured that they would have chosen someone a bit more cheaper. Turns out Hellena just wanted more money. I'm all for people demanding what they're worth, but Bayonetta isn't really that much of a juggernaut if you think about it. Remember the fact that the only reasons why Bayonetta 2 & 3 are even Nintendo exclusives is because Nintendo is funding it when no one else was & only Bayonetta 1 is on various different consoles. There's a part of me that does imagine that PlatinumGames isn't in the best financial situation. Their last game of Babylon's Fall being a bit of a failure & the fact that they had to use Kickstarter to fund porting/remastering The Wonderful 101 to other consoles to begin with
Now I imagine that it's gonna be harder for VAs to talk about fair wages due to this muddling the issues.
So I've been sitting on my thoughts for the action genre for quite some time now. Truth be told nothing compares to Ninja Gaiden Black. The way combat flows in that game is 2nd to none. If there's anything that I'd actually want for a new NG is ambition. Don't need to be open world or souls-like, but I would like to be able to do more. What I mean by that is akin to Sifu. Roll over tables, throw whatever's in your hands at people. You know, the Jackie Chan experience.
That's pretty much the gist of it. I haven't been listening to my podcasts as of late so I'm pretty far behind on things. Nothing really to get me triggered. What I'm hearing and seeing about Dad of War 2 is about what I expected. I don't think I've heard anyone say that it has the best combat. I think I've been hearing people say that the combat works for this game. So can't get triggered by that.
If anything got me triggered, it's the Game awards panel. Whoever is behind it need to get choked out. Sifu a fighting game? Really? I dig Sifu, and I suppose I get what's trying to be said, but fighting games been around for years and we all know what fighting games consists of. Trying to fit Sifu in with fighting games is the last thing that shouldn't be considered. Game awards once again proves why I never pay attention to it other than for it's trailers.
Quote from: Mustang on November 27, 2022, 09:50:06 PMSo I've been sitting on my thoughts for the action genre for quite some time now. Truth be told nothing compares to Ninja Gaiden Black. The way combat flows in that game is 2nd to none. If there's anything that I'd actually want for a new NG is ambition. Don't need to be open world or souls-like, but I would like to be able to do more. What I mean by that is akin to Sifu. Roll over tables, throw whatever's in your hands at people. You know, the Jackie Chan experience.
Funny you should bring this up, because among other games, I have been replaying Ninja Gaiden Black recently (and I mean specifically Black, not Sigma from the Master Collection), and it's absolutely insane to me just how well the core mechanics of this game hold up. Yes, I won't pretend that it doesn't have plenty of dated aspects to it that may be a barrier to some modern gamers, but it honestly still feels much more precise and all-around smoother to play than even most game AAA action-focused games that come out today. Everything has a rhyme and rhythm to it, and understanding how to get the most effect out of your combat and movement abilities will essentially make a difficult game into one that you can mostly balance in your favor. I'm actually on my third playthrough of this go around of the game, playing on Very Hard mode, and what it has to separate it from other games in the genre is how much more intense it feels. Now all of a sudden you tend to be more cautious with using items and healing since the game rarely gives you any freebies anymore, and you can hold less items in general, so you tend to try and kill enemies to get blue orbs and save your items for tougher encounters. Most enemies can kill you insanely fast, some of which you never would have even encountered on Normal difficulty, and your approach to fights changes drastically from when you first played the game.
To this day, I have yet to play another action game (including this game's own sequels) that has this kind of intense flow to it's combat. Devil May Cry and Bayonetta (currently playing Bayo 3, of course), have superb combat systems with far more combat options that Ninja Gaiden Black, but it is more focused on combos, parries, and enemy pattern recognition than on directly engaging with your enemies in a way that requires precisely executed actions. What I'm saying is that Ninja Gaiden takes less of a combo-heavy approach (though that is still available to you if you have the skills to pull it off), and is more geared towards expecting you to think through encounters and adapt very quickly on the fly.
It's very telling when I seem some of the modern Twitch streamers try to play this game and get turned off because it doesn't play like other games they have played (whether it be Dark Souls or Devil May Cry), and those who don't adapt to learn the game on it's own merits tend to get frustrated with it and quit. I love watching Maximillian Dood, but he's clearly one of those people that just didn't seem to "get" the game when he played it. Other character action game reviewers also seem to not fully grasp the game and only go through one playthrough so they barely scratch the surface of how it's combat actually is supposed to function. I remember Cvit's video, despite being overall positive on the first game, being rather frustrating since he blatantly got key features of the game wrong in his criticisms of it. At the same time, it's hard to blame him or others since the community for this game has severely diminished over time, so a lot of core skills that you should know and be able to execute are not widely spread throughout the community, and the game does have the very legitimate fault of not doing a great job of teaching you it's more advanced mechanics.
Still, I plan on beating this game on Master Ninja difficulty, and I'm still genuinely loving it. It's not perfect, but it's still easily one of my favorite video games of all time, and there truly is nothing else like it. I love Nioh and Nioh 2, and I'm sure that I'll love Wo-Long if the demo is anything to go by (which was great), and I'm keeping an eye out for Rise of the Ronin as well, but to me I can still safely say that none of them hold a candle to how great NGB is.
QuoteThat's pretty much the gist of it. I haven't been listening to my podcasts as of late so I'm pretty far behind on things. Nothing really to get me triggered. What I'm hearing and seeing about Dad of War 2 is about what I expected. I don't think I've heard anyone say that it has the best combat. I think I've been hearing people say that the combat works for this game. So can't get triggered by that.
I'm actually playing God of War: Ragnarok, believe it or not. It's funny, because I do want to give the developers some credit here, as they clearly listened to some criticisms of the first game and improved the combat mechanics to have more of a proper flow to it rather than having you essentially rely on one single power move and a few other guaranteed ways to kills enemies relatively quickly and safely. Seriously, the combat in the first game was fucking awful on anything above the default difficulty because enemies took way too long to kill unless you used a fully charged R2 most of the time, and most regular attacks felt pointless other than to add some useless flash into the mix. Ragnarök actually lets you properly launch and juggle enemies, and there is some room for experimentation and free-form combos. So on a base level, I can actually have some fun. That said, it made me realize that it only brings it back to the same level as the classic God of War games, which was perfectly competent for some mindless fun, but too shallow to hold my interest for more than a single playthrough. And considering that this game is 20+ hours long, I can see myself still getting exhausted with it after about half-way through. I guess we'll see, though.
The funny thing is that I'm also currently playing Evil West, which does seem to take some notable influence from God of War's combat (but at the same time is really it's own thing with it's mix of gunplay), but it feels far smoother and even at the beginning has a much more engaging dynamic with enemy encounters in how you have to mix melee, ranged combat, and evading enemy attacks while still needing to get close and dealing killing blows to heal (which is clearly taken from DOOM). I haven't even gotten that far or unlocked much of anything, but that only goes to show that already on a core level this game is far more engaging to me than God of War is. However, it's telling that this game has mostly only gotten lukewarm reviews since it's presented through a B-movie, graphic-novel style story that clearly isn't trying to be the video game equivalent of an Oscar-bait movie. However, the game will still get called out by journalists on what they perceive to be it's shortcomings (and to be fair, some of these may be valid, as I can't judge until I fully explore it's combat system), but even at a base level it's at least as diverse (if not more so) than God of War is at it's full capacity, yet that game somehow gets away with it and never seems to be called out on it's pretty mediocre combat mechanics. On the contrary I've actually seen an IGN journalist say that they consider it to be one of the top 5 favorite combat systems in gaming, and I'm sorry, I know that everyone is entitled to their personal opinions, but I just couldn't help but laugh at that remark.
So I was watching MinnMax's 2 10's the other day. I'm not an advocate for Horizon. Never played them and probably never will, but I respect them and their developers. I haven't read IGN, Gamespot, or whoever else, but it's mostly these gaming journalists on Youtube these days with these weird takes that rubs me the wrong way. You probably could've said anything about Horizon and I'd probably gloss over it, but the excuse for knocking it is because it only expanded on what the 1st already did? Hello. What sequel didn't do that? You'd be better off just saying it's not Elden Ring or Ragnarok. I hate GotY's exactly because of this type of talk, especially when it comes to groups trying to give a collective list instead of giving your personal favorites. Dr. Ensatsu-ken hit the nail on its head with how journalists treat the B's. I saw who you were talking about with the God of War: Ragnarok's combat btw. I saw the review recently. Talk about an uppercut that I didn't see coming, wow.
Anyway, I bring that up because AAA games in general, I think Ghost of Tsushima was the last AAA game that I actually enjoyed. Going further back was probably Breath of the Wild and Metal Gear Solid 5. I think for the most part AAA games in general don't do anything for me because most of them aren't for me to begin with (hell, I barely know what consists of being an AAA game to begin with other than a large sum of money going into making a game). Take this year and last year. If it wasn't a fighting game most of my time was spent on either a JRPG (that wasn't Final Fantasy) or something even more obscure like a Musou game or DB Xenoverse 2. Hell, even Yugioh have seen more play from me than your average AAA title. Don't get me started on the Twitch side of things. I haven't a single streamer play a single player game, let alone the AAA games. If we combine the 2 years, I've probably watched over a thousand hours of Among Us being played. JackBox, Codenames, Project Winter, Worms, Uno, all these little games have seen more screen time from me.
Looking to next year, while it's going to be a stacked year, for me it's not the AAA's that's gonna make it a stacked year. Outside of Street Fighter 6 and Tekken 8, it's these niche games that's going to kill my pockets.
People are weird. I just finished listening to MinnMax and one of the discussions was about Forspoken. For the most part I've been tuned out since the final delay, but I've seen glimpses of some reviews. So we're complaining about dialogue now? The average Japanese game has bad dialogue so all of a sudden it's worth complaining about now? On the flipside, weird ish about not liking this game means you don't like black women as the leading character... WTF?!!
We're all relatively close in age right? The whole dialogue thing reminds me of DmC and Dante's hair complaint. Let's go back to the PS2, Gamecube, Xbox era. We couldn't have possibly been this dumb in our younger days right? I mean, I remember having some dumb moments when I was 16-19 but to this degree? Not liking certain games means you hate something. This one really takes the cake.
Gamers, honestly, I got nothing lol. I'm bout checked out on gaming communities. I used to like hearing and engaging in conversation about games, but, yeah, not so much these days.
Hmm. Playing catch up on what I've missed from Playstation Access. Come across Rob playing this polarizing game called Hogwarts Legacy. Yep, I've heard all the noise. Pretty sure everyone's been hearing it. I'm going to do everyone a favor and not talk about it though.
Let me start by saying this. I don't have a horse in this fight. I've never seen Harry Potter nor do I know who the creator is. Don't even know what started everything. I just know there's some noise going on about it.
But HOT DAMN this game looks gorgeous. So like I said, I'm watching Rob play and to see what this final product turned out be, damn. The map is huge. It might be up there with Elden Ring and Breath of the Wild (in terms of the world map. Scope and scale, nah). I'm not sure yet so don't quote me on that. Combat looking Forsaken-ish. Not sure how I feel about it. I mean, you're flinging magic with a wand, so, never been my kind of thing, but I get it.
Flying on a broom made me instantly think of a way a Superman or Ironman game can be handled, but we'll save that for another time. I turned it off after about 10 minutes, but man, I was impressed with the little bit I've saw.
I HATE how all this bickering between both sides detracted away from what the devs did with this game. This game looks ambitious as hell (and that's me just looking at about 5-10 minutes of the game). Looking at Rob giving this tour of the game, he seemed genuinely happy about giving the tour of Scotland and in my mind I'm thinking "this is sad" because all of this bullshit noise.
Heh, I see why gaming journalism needs to go. Just in general, I hate seeing people lose jobs, but on the other side of that coin, and I'm just being honest here, with the layoffs they been going through as of late, I "shrug" my shoulders and think to myself, "welcome to our world". I hope they can bounce back for sure, but sometimes it's hard to be sympathetic towards journalism.
I have no problems with Zelda. The accolades are well deserved. I'm a Zelda fan just as much as the next person. Y'all already know where this is going. That good old "gushing" that the media loves to do. So apparently there was a GQ (Really? GQ as in that model shit GQ? ...okay) article that got all the prominent gaming journalists together to come up with a top 100 games of all time list, and Breath of the Wild came out with the top spot. So with Tears of the Kingdom getting 10's almost across the board that's pretty much been the conversation.
"Is Tears of the Kingdom the best game ever already"
Kinda similar to my stance on Elden Ring in a sense. I think my problem isn't towards the people (the fans/consumers). I expect that from us regular folk that work a 9-5. It's hard to explain, but in general, across the board, gaming journalists act a certain way when it comes to Zelda, like it can do no wrong (same with Mario, I'm bias against Mario, but I take nothing away from that franchise. Accolades well deserved). It's one thing with Elden Ring with all the gushing. It's another thing with Zelda. One group got a Zelda day going on. Another group got a Zelda marathon. I got people that LOVES ZELDA. I LOVE ZELDA. At this point I'm not even trying to tell the MEDIA to take their fandom out of it. All I want to know is why don't other games get this same kind of treatment? Elden Ring didn't get an Elden Ring day. God of War, Horizon (absolutely not), so on and so forth don't get marathons.
And you know it's crazy when your audience is starting to point that out. IGN got questions from viewers. Kinda Funny got question from viewers. MinnMax I believe got question from viewers (those are the only ones I go to) all asking what can other games do to get that same treatment (I'm spit-balling).
As great as a year it has been so far for games it's almost like last year. Why even have a GOTY conversation at all? Why not just argue for #2 onward? People have already glossed over the likes of Street Fighter 6, Diablo 4, Final Fantasy 16. Already expecting Spider-Man 2 to be a good game but not to the degree of TotK (Why? Is this one of those, "because it's Zelda" bullshit attitude type of moments?). There was 1 person to actually acknowledge that there may be people that don't like Zelda out there (I know some of those people too. They ain't hard to find in the FGC). None other than Kyle Bosman. Of all people.
I used to ignore all of this, but when you're at work listening to this shit it becomes a chore.
Again, I take nothing away from Zelda. It probably is a 10/10 game. I will get it evetually. I don't know if I'm in a rush to get it now that's for sure. When did the media start thinking they were hot shit?
So, the whole OverWatch 2 thing... In case you didn't hear, Blizzard announced that their plans for the PvE campaign for OverWatch 2 has been cancelled. The 1 thing that probably justified them adding the number "2" to the OverWatch name is now cancelled. This whole thing does make me wonder why they decided to put a 2 in there. Was it to move away from the controversial Lootbox system in favor of the currently more safer option of the Battle Pass? Cause honestly that's what it feels like. You could have easily added the new things from OverWatch 2 into 1, including multiple hero reworks, the new heroes themselves, the new Push game mode, PvP being 5v5 instead of 6v6. All those things could have came in balance patches that most games of this caliber operate on. They also promised updated graphics, but the graphics look the same the to me. Which makes it another point of how useless this "sequel" is.
Also doesn't help that during the time frame of OverWatch 2's announcement and release that OverWatch 1 was pretty much in maintenance mode for 3-4 years with them only doing occasional holiday events (Which mostly consisted of them flipping the switch for having said holiday game modes in the arcade rotation) and releasing skins for said holidays. Now I think I get why they decided to shut down the first Overwatch game servers & make 2 their main hub, cause there's practically no real difference between OW 1&2. This does make me wonder what the hell Blizzard was doing during that time frame? No wonder Jeff Kaplan left.It also sucks that for owners of OverWatch whose benefits from migrating to Overwatch 2 was keeping all skins/cosmetics from before & only getting the first 3 heroes Blizzard made. What's that, you paid money for Overwatch 1, well... you get first three new heroes for free. Want the other ones we're releasing? Hope you're ready to grind for levels or buy our battle pass to get them.
I've been seeing all kinds of weird takes with Final Fantasy 16 as of late. I haven't played it yet, nor have I bought it (the way my back account works... :sly: , jokes aside, budget issues. Not comfortable spending $70 for a game yet) but I've been seeing people complain about FF16 being an action game, leaving out the RPG/fantasy elements of it. I get it, I guess, but at the same time, why not let Square experiment? We complain about games feeling the same, but when one tries to deviate from it, we complain and become scared of change. I mean, we still have Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth (?) coming and I highly doubt it's going to play anything like FF16. I don't even think the same team is even working on FF7, so why not let them experiment from time to time? I mean, we have 16 Final Fantasies for crying out loud. We need all of them to be turn-based?
Hell, if Capcom wants to take DMC in a souls/like direction, I'd be willing to let them try, just to see how it turns out. I'd roll my eyes for sure (because of copying instead of being their own), but I'd definitely let them experiment, especially if the games are becoming stale and need a new direction.
Are we really that afraid of change? Sheesh
Fairly certain everyone has seen that Sony is raising the price on their subscription services, yeah? If not, the gist of it, everything is going up by $20-$30, so basically, just to play online will cost you $80. The extra plan will be $135 and the premium plan is going to be $160. I saw no reason for being a premium member to begin with but NOW, I don't see a reason for PSN at all. $80 just to play online? Whatever happened to just paying $50 back in the PS3 era? This might end playing fighting games on consoles online to be honest (big post coming in the future for fighting game thread). I think everyone has been flocking to PC slowly anyway, but this might push us from console to PC even faster. I've been defending Microsoft, or rather, I've been more understanding of them these days, but at the end of the day, Microsoft, Nintendo, and Sony can all piss off. Cause you already know others are gonna follow anyway. Tears of the Kingdom being the only $70 Switch game, really?
I won't jump the gun and say I'm done gaming, but damn, I will be getting my PC and using my PS5 for only single player games at this point. And with all these games of service bullshit that's supposedly coming, even me playing single player games may take a hit, at least in terms of new games (2024 maybe? 2025 just might). Thoughts?
So how about them layoffs? Layoff's sucks obviously, but if you're in any working industry, you understand that they happen. Nah, my problem is not with the layoffs. Again they suck. I am seeing a trend leading up to them though. I think some of these media outlets have even spoken about it as well. The reviews, or rather how much people tend to rely on them might be the problem. If developers/publishers are relying on these reviews, shame on them, but at the same time these review sites only have 1 (ONE) person reviewing said game (the exception might be Kinda Funny, at least the only one I'm aware of since they usually have whoever is on the panel to weigh in).
I don't know when it started, but seeing companies fold or the layoffs, because of said game flopping, wow. I understand that you took a huge hit and gotta cut cost somewhere. That's business, but like I said, 1 review from each outlet, and word of mouth. It's like gaming as of right now, if your game is not perfect you fold, and I don't like it. Games get 7/10 and the company still fold in the end. 7/10 is good though, right? And then you start wondering if game scores are getting tainted just to keep your buddy business from folding.
My thoughts are jumbled with this, but gaming as a whole, as of right now, I don't like where it's heading, especially when it seem like so many people rely on these gaming media outlets more than ever. I'm not into conspiracy theories, or rather I tend to not pay attention to them, but at the end of the day, call a spade a spade.
Just something that's been on the brain for the past couple of weeks. I got fighting game thoughts on the brain as well. I'm gonna sit on my thoughts about the FGC and these award/direct shows for a bit.
So I've been seeing from all these outlets that they wanted something new from Spider-Man 2. Those who're not in the know about Marvel vs Capcom: Infinite. The gist of it was Marvel pretty much called the shots, Capcom US and Capcom JPN were not seeing eye-to-eye, and it basically died upon release. I bring that up because every single outlet keep asking for something new from Spider-Man, and my thing is what could Insomniac do? Spider-Man is based in New York. Going anywhere outside of New York (outside of the whole Secret Wars angle) you're pretty much asking for trouble. Let's be honest. What you want is Avengers.
I'm almost at the point where despite the amount of money that can be made, it's getting pointless to do games based off of licensed material, especially if you want to do sequels. Doing your own IP, when people ask for something new, you can do that. Trying to do that in games like Spider-Man and Batman, you're pretty much in a lose-lose situation. At least when I bring it up for DMC there's potential there for something, and trying to keep the series alive in this modern era. Spider-man or Batman-likes, you change something up and you end up like Suicide Squad or Gotham Knights.
All this GotY talk irks me lol
The noise around Suicide Squad, jeez. I already had no horse in this race, but man, I think out of all the reviews I actually tried to listen to, Skill up and Kinda Funny Games were the ones to actually tell their opinion on why it's a bad game. The whole thing is kind of similar to how people were up and arms about The Last of Us 2 (minus the attacks on "shilling").
These layoffs, WOW!
Something's definitely not adding up here. Last year alone had quite a year when it comes to the bangers that came out. How is it that you have banger after banger (January - current as well) and you making all this money only to be laying off 2000+ workers (I think overall as of right now might be at or near 10,000)? Why buy all these companies only to close up shop?
My mind is all over the place with this. Spider-man 2 and God of War Ragnarok cost $200 million a piece to make!!! Are you serious!? I support both games. I'm a big fan of the Spider-man games, but REALLY? 200 million just to make the game look good? Gameplay-wise you're not seeing that. Content-wise, you're not seeing that. Hell, Spider-man 2 is about 20-25 hrs skipping the side stuff. You can do open world and not break the bank. All these games striving to be AAA when in reality, most of us lives in that AA-B tier.
Whatever Nintendo is doing, my goodness, Sony and Microsoft need to follow suit. If I'm a developer working for either one I'm taking a buyout to become independent at this point, because it has to be nerve wrecking working at Sony and Microsoft not knowing your job's not secure. Like I said, my mind is all over the place with this.
Alright, I mostly just ignore IGN drama and gaming journalist drama altogether these days. But there's something ironically hilarious about them publishing an article criticizing the idea of an RE5 remake being too politically incorrect in this day and age when that's the exact same shit that came up when the game first came out over a decade ago and almost no actual controversy was raised other than what the game journalists back then tried to convince people was an issue. It's even funnier when you consider that this implies, just like over a decade ago, that it's somehow OK by these writers that we killed a bunch of enemies of rural European ethnicity in RE4 and the game was praised for it, but now that it's set in Africa it's suddenly an issue. And this is RE, I remind you, a series that is not at all subtle about it's villains, in this case the original RE5 has a sugnglass wearing Matrix wannabe in Albert Wesker as the primary antagonist and some cartoonlishly evil white colonizers as the actual villains of that game, with the African enemies being infected by a virus similar to Las Plagas from basically zombies.
To be clear, I'm not keen on RE5 remake myself if only because I'm over the whole remake craze and would rather have new entries instead, but this argument against it for something that's not the least bit controversial if you actually stop to think about it's context is quite frankly ridiculous. Also, didn't IGN also give the original game a pretty positive review? That makes this whole thing even funnier.
I know we all hear the noise surrounding the Game Awards, and I know we're all ignoring it, too. I'm only speaking about it cause I'm only here for the trailers :>
So I already ignore reviews for the most part. Don't get me wrong, I still look at them, but I stopped letting reviews be that stamp of what causes me to buy or not buy a game. That being said, "word of mouth" is something I'm thinking very heavy about ignoring going forward. I like to keep my ears open for games I'm interested in, but it's been hard to do that. I bring this up because of Dragon Age: The Veilguard had a lot of controversy behind it and, while I'm not a big fan of the series I am a fan of Mass Effect. To my understanding, Dragon Age was "woke" before "woke" became a thing and now all of a sudden there's an agenda/movement with this game. I don't buy it. If there is, dammit, whatever.
I gave Capcom a chance when Ono left. EA/Bioware have new faces and maybe they can, maybe they can't fix what the stain that Mass Effect Andromeda has left on the company. I have to give them a chance to at least try. All these people bailing on Veilguard day 1 because of writing and supposedly "bad" combat that looked fine to me (all fair but subjective as well). I think the game was screwed regardless. And then so many people comparing it to Baldur's Gate 3. Really? This notion of it needing to be the best right out the gate is wild to me. Baldur's Gate 3 is too high of a bar for new faces filling in for old shoes. Can these new folks at Bioware make a game that can match the level of success in their own franchises? Let's start there for 1, at least that's where I plan to start. Especially because there next game is Mass Effect and they're supposedly returning to the Normandy. This is a no-no for me. This is a squad you don't mess with. The way I am with this crew is how a lot of people are with FF7's crew. If you're not doing a reboot you leave this squad alone. So me knowing all that, I'll give Bioware the benefit of the doubt and try out Dragon Age: The Veilguard.
Outlets GotY's are starting to come out which spurred this thought on and then there's a guy at my job that says he won't buy anything "woke".
I already stopped trusting most game "journalists" and their reviews myself back in the 7th console generation where I realized that they valued glitzy visuals and the appearance of depth over gameplay mechanics and unique styles in the medium. It's only gotten worse since then, really.
My tastes in general have really strayed from what's popular in the current age. I couldn't care less about most big budget AAA titles that I see people ranting and raving about or bashing to high hell for one controversy or another. I'm constantly turning to older stuff that I missed out on over playing the next big thing. Like, looking at my games library on the XBOX Series X and PS5, I am not lying when I say that 80%+ of my content are games from previous generations. I'm effectively using these consoles as 4K emulators (I suppose I might as well have invested in a gaming PC after all). Don't get me wrong, I'm having an absolute blast playing through classic titles that I never got the chance to experience before, as well as re-living my fondest memories from some of my favorite childhood games. That said, I genuinely doubt I'll even bother with the next generation of consoles other than maybe the successor to the Switch depending on what they have on offer. For all of my grievances with Nintendo as a company, I give them credit that my Switch library has quite a few of their first-party titles and a much better ratio of that to ports of older games than the other two.
And I'm not trying to be a buzzkill by any means. If people like what they have now, I'm genuinely fine with that. I just feel completely indifferent to most of the modern gaming scene. Every now and then there will be something that I really get into like Shadow Generations or the RE4 remake (and even in those cases they are nostalgia-driven games based on classic stuff as well), but most often I find myself gravitating to smaller, more exprimental titles these days.
Yeah, for the most part I play whatever I want to play regardless of new or old. I only use Dragon Age cause it was the trigger. Gaming is pretty much my only hobby. Unfortunately, I haven't gotten into anything else for the time being. And then there's my nephew. He's at that curious stage and wants to try everything. I'm not gonna say no (I'm a cool uncle lol). I'm his gaming buddy. Be it modern or retro, if he wants to play it, we'll play it. Other than that, I'm all for play what you play. I do want to work for myself, so eventually I'll end up becoming a streamer at some point (I got plans in motion)
That being said I do agree with you when it comes to the next generation of games. Unless the price of games and consoles comes down, which I don't see happening, I'm not touching them. If anything I'll just hook my laptop up to my TV and call it a day.
You're right though. I need to really just tune everyone and noise out and keep it at that.