Animation Revelation Forum

It's Revelation Time! => Cartoon Network => Topic started by: Avaitor on July 01, 2011, 08:32:55 PM

Title: Johnny Bravo
Post by: Avaitor on July 01, 2011, 08:32:55 PM
So yeah, posted a somewhat lengthy description of the show's lifespan on the other thread. Figured I should at least make a thread for the show while I'm at it.

This was one of the best things CN ever did, IMO. Still holds up today, too, some eps aside.
Title: Re: Johnny Bravo
Post by: Eddy on July 01, 2011, 11:04:21 PM
I loved Johnny Bravo in its early seasons, but I started to hate it when they added Carl, Pops, and Little Susie became ugly looking and annoying.

But, man, those early episodes were great. I still love the one where he meets Scooby and the gang.
Title: Re: Johnny Bravo
Post by: Dr. Insomniac on July 01, 2011, 11:06:02 PM
Quote from: Eddy on July 01, 2011, 11:04:21 PM
I loved Johnny Bravo in its early seasons, but I started to hate it when they added Carl, Pops, and Little Susie became ugly looking and annoying.

But, man, those early episodes were great. I still love the one where he meets Scooby and the gang.
Pretty much the opposite for me. Didn't like how the last season reverted back to the style of the early ones though.
Title: Re: Johnny Bravo
Post by: Spark Of Spirit on July 01, 2011, 11:10:01 PM
It's a weird show in the respect, I noticed. For a show that didn't run that long people are really divisive on what they prefer. The only thing I don't remember caring for was the last season, at the time I thought it was good it was over because the last season just didn't compare..
Title: Re: Johnny Bravo
Post by: Avaitor on July 02, 2011, 09:52:16 AM
I really liked the last season when it was on and when I rewatched some of it a couple of years later. But like I said in the other thread, the Hollywood episode does not hold up at all, and I can remember at least one episode from then that directly rips off an ep from the first season.

I still really enjoy the other episodes, but I'm not sure how I'd handle the last season now that I'm a little older.
Title: Re: Johnny Bravo
Post by: gunswordfist on July 02, 2011, 03:50:12 PM
I'll have to see how it holds up myself. I know the Valentine's Day special is the favorite part of the show that I've actually seen
Title: Re: Johnny Bravo
Post by: Dr. Ensatsu-ken on July 04, 2011, 10:54:51 PM
Quote from: Eddy on July 01, 2011, 11:04:21 PM
I loved Johnny Bravo in its early seasons, but I started to hate it when they added Carl, Pops, and Little Susie became ugly looking and annoying.

But, man, those early episodes were great. I still love the one where he meets Scooby and the gang.

Funny, I personally feel that the show improved for the better when they came in; not necessarily BECAUSE of them, but the writing just coincidentally got much better and the show had funnier jokes in general.

Having re-watched the show recently, the first show had a lot of mediocre episodes in retrospect. There were still quite a good amount of memorable episodes and overall I liked the first season, but from having recently re-watched the show the episodes with Pops and Carl and the like definitely hold up better. Susie is annoying, though, I'll admit to that much.

As for the last season, I always hated it. I remember being so excited when I heard that new episodes would be coming out after such a long time....And then my heart broke when my favorite CC ended with a terribly disappointing season.
Title: Re: Johnny Bravo
Post by: Kiddington on July 20, 2011, 08:18:05 PM

As far as the "which era of the show is better" debate goes for me, I'll have to side in favor of everything post-Van Partible (sans the last season, which was horrible... but he was already back for that one anyway). I credit the guy for creating the concept, and I will say the first season was pretty good... but as a whole, I just thought the show was got better after he already left. The "re-tooled" version was a lot funnier than the original, IMO.

...and now, I present; one of my favorite episodes. (
Title: Re: Johnny Bravo
Post by: Mr. Big on July 24, 2011, 05:16:03 PM
Count me in as a fan of Kirk Tingblad/Russell Calabrese's run on "Johnny Bravo".

The first season was funny, but to me, the show took off when it was retooled. And I actually like Pops and Carl, too.
Title: Re: Johnny Bravo
Post by: Foggle on July 24, 2011, 05:53:03 PM
I don't see how you can not like Pops. He's great! :joy:

Welcome to the forum, btw!
Title: Re: Johnny Bravo
Post by: Mr. Big on July 24, 2011, 06:53:18 PM
Funny thing about the retooled JB. I once talked to Russell Calabrese over the phone on animation in general and I brought up "Johnny Bravo". He told me that Seth MacFarlane was actually on-board when season 2 entered production, but left a week later because he "sold a show to a major network".

You can guess what that show was.
Title: Re: Johnny Bravo
Post by: gunswordfist on December 02, 2011, 12:26:33 PM
I was suprised when I saw MacFarlane's name on the show last month.

Anyway, recently, along with Batman Beyond, Johnny Bravo became the only show I try to watch every weekday. Dexter would be there too but his newer episodes keep sneaking up out of nowhere and that effects interest.

Again, I'm sick of JB being a Looney Tune. More bugging women less random adventures in nowhere, please. I don't know which season is which yet but I've seen this problem in multiple seasons which isn't making me find a favorite season any easier. I'll watch more to continue building an opinion but right now, I'm starting to lean towards understanding why Johnny was my least favorite out of the Cartoon Cartoons I actually liked.
Title: Re: Johnny Bravo
Post by: Eddy on August 27, 2012, 11:10:09 PM
Having rewatched some episodes on Boomerang I may have been blinded by nostalgia when I made that post. Retooled Johnny Bravo is still pretty damn funny.

I hate the retooled Little Susie with the pointy head, though.
Title: Re: Johnny Bravo
Post by: Avaitor on August 18, 2013, 03:57:42 PM
Some people look at jerky and say "why?". I look at jerky and say "mmm, jerky!".
Title: Re: Johnny Bravo
Post by: Avaitor on July 30, 2014, 11:47:48 PM
Hey guys, I was working on something elsewhere, and I ended up looking at the show's first season on Amazon, and y'no what- they have a crazy good deal on it right now. (

If I didn't already own it myself, I'd totally hit that offer up. I wish Courage and Dexter's sets were that cheap!
Title: Re: Johnny Bravo
Post by: Spark Of Spirit on July 30, 2014, 11:57:52 PM
Crazy deal!

EE&E season 1 is also 8 bucks.
Title: Re: Johnny Bravo
Post by: Dr. Ensatsu-ken on July 31, 2014, 12:19:42 AM
Title: Re: Johnny Bravo
Post by: LumRanmaYasha on July 31, 2014, 12:28:28 AM
Crap, I already blew my discretionary spending budget for August.  :gonk: Hopefully it'll still be going for that price in September...
Title: Re: Johnny Bravo
Post by: Avaitor on July 31, 2014, 08:22:05 AM
Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on July 30, 2014, 11:57:52 PM
Crazy deal!

EE&E season 1 is also 8 bucks.
Oh, is it? Awesome! I actually didn't look for EEnE.

Since season 2 of Courage is coming, now would be a good time for you guys to start off collecting their other unfinished series. Maybe they can get more sets released, as well!