Animation Revelation Forum

ETC. => Forum Games / Tournaments => Topic started by: Kiddington on August 15, 2011, 07:38:16 PM

Title: Review This Song, Then Post Another
Post by: Kiddington on August 15, 2011, 07:38:16 PM
Inspired by the exact same thread on a different board I post at, I thought this would be a cool idea here.

Rules are pretty simple; user above you posts a link to a song on Youtube or whatever, and you give it a simple review on a 1 to 10 scale, with a short description on why you scored it as such. Then, you post a different song afterwards and the person below you reviews that song, then they post theirs, and so on and so forth. Sound fun?

I'll start. (
Title: Re: Review This Song, Then Post Another
Post by: Commode on August 15, 2011, 07:44:26 PM
I think we did do this once, or at least tried to.  Maybe not, but I think so...

Anyways, not a bad song, but at the same time not amongst my favorite Pearl Jam songs.  I'd probably give it a 7/10 or so.

Since I was listening to this earlier, I'll go with someone I see Avaitor mention a lot(no, not Demi).
Title: Re: Review This Song, Then Post Another
Post by: Avaitor on August 15, 2011, 08:05:10 PM
Huh, I was thinking you'd go with INXS or something. But yeah, JD's a band I really admire, and I love the beat to this song in particular. 9/10

You guys tend to ignore my metal stuff when I post that, so I'll try this instead. (
Title: Re: Review This Song, Then Post Another
Post by: Kiddington on August 15, 2011, 09:18:18 PM
Hmm... not bad. Not really the kind of stuff I normally listen to, but I kinda like that one. I'll give it a 7/10.

Speaking of INXS... (
Title: Re: Review This Song, Then Post Another
Post by: Avaitor on August 20, 2011, 07:17:06 PM
I didn't want to be the one to score this song, but I like this game and want it to go on. Anyway, Michael Hutchence/10

Super chill music to relax to (
Title: Re: Review This Song, Then Post Another
Post by: Kiddington on August 21, 2011, 04:43:05 AM
That is awesome. How is it possible that I am just now hearing this for the first time today? 9/10

It's a song about... well, you know. (
Title: Re: Review This Song, Then Post Another
Post by: Foggle on August 21, 2011, 04:20:09 PM
Groovy song! Steppenwolf is great, but I don't really listen to them (I should). 9/10

Anybody wanna' give this one ( a spin? ;D
Title: Re: Review This Song, Then Post Another
Post by: Avaitor on August 21, 2011, 05:39:39 PM
THD is one of those bands I like, but never really talk about, even though you love to. I really like reading what you have to say on them, though. I'll give this one an 8/10

Now for something a little heavier. (
Title: Re: Review This Song, Then Post Another
Post by: Rynnec on August 21, 2011, 05:44:16 PM
Quote from: Foggle on August 21, 2011, 04:20:09 PM
Groovy song! Steppenwolf is great, but I don't really listen to them (I should). 9/10

Anybody wanna' give this one ( a spin? ;D

Not a bad song, a bit too slow for my tastes though, it's enjoyable all the same, so I give it 7/10.

Quote from: Avaitor on August 21, 2011, 05:39:39 PM
THD is one of those bands I like, but never really talk about, even though you love to. I really like reading what you have to say on them, though. I'll give this one an 8/10

Now for something a little heavier. (

Also not bad, like the intro, but the fact that it becomes a lot slower around the 1:41 mark and stays that way kinda kills it for me. 6/10

Here's one I heard on one of Cox's music channel's recently (
Title: Re: Review This Song, Then Post Another
Post by: Kiddington on August 21, 2011, 06:05:57 PM
Meh. Essentially, it's whatever Nikki Sixx is doing when he's bored with the Crue, and some other guys thrown in for good measure (a GnR guitarist, and James Michael, who's... been around).

Not bad, but I'm not crazy about it either. 6/10.

Iggy Pop and Sum 41; an interesting combination. (
Title: Re: Review This Song, Then Post Another
Post by: Avaitor on August 26, 2011, 11:31:43 AM
Huh, never would've expected Sum 41 to know who Iggy is. Not that bad, though. 6/10

Now check out Mario doing ballet, while Luigi watches. (
Title: Re: Review This Song, Then Post Another
Post by: Kiddington on November 14, 2011, 12:43:27 AM
7/10. Bumping this due to sheer boredom.

Tell me your HONEST opinion of this song. ( I've always hated it; heard it on the radio yesterday, and remembered once again just how much I hate it. And normally I'm a sucker for 90's one-hit wonders, but man... this is really terrible, IMO.

So... that said, what do YOU think?
Title: Re: Review This Song, Then Post Another
Post by: Avaitor on November 14, 2011, 12:47:49 AM
The original- 5/10

Not at all memorable but harmless.

The He-Man rendition ( 15/10

Speaking of something that an honest opinion would be good for, here ( This is probably my favorite song on the album besides "Skyscraper" and "For the Love of a Daughter", which I find too emotionally draining to listen to on it's own. But what do you think about it, if you're familiar with her or not?
Title: Re: Review This Song, Then Post Another
Post by: Kiddington on November 14, 2011, 01:08:00 AM
mmm... you know, I don't think I've ever actually listened to her stuff before, to be totally honest here (not in full, anyway; I'm sure I've heard some of it in passing, but never really took notice).

6/10. It's OK, but... well, honestly, it's just not my cup of tea. I dunno what to say, I just didn't get into it. I'll give this song credit, though; it doesn't repulse me like some of the music from other former/current Disney stars.

Kay, so, in keeping with my "bad" trend, here's another. ( I've already let it be known that (early) OLP is one of my favorite 90's bands, but their transition into the 00's has been... well, rough, and that's putting it nicely. I still think this entire album is garbage; maybe not so to the point I did before, but it's still very hard for me to listen to, and find any amount of good in it. Adding insult to injury, it also pretty much signified the end for this band; not that they were ever "huge", per say, but they are so irrelevant now, and have been since this album pretty much. Coincidence? Hmm... one wonders...
Title: Re: Review This Song, Then Post Another
Post by: Avaitor on November 14, 2011, 01:22:59 AM
You should've at least heard "Skyscraper" ( by now. I actually have a few problems with the new album, but it's a well-deserved hit and by far one of the best things she's done.

As for OLP, I'd say a 4/10. I like the first verse or so, but it gets progressively less interesting. I remember the song, but not at all at the same time. You know what I mean, and you know that isn't a good thing. But I gave it extra credit because I like the back-up vocals in the chorus.

This one ( is a song that has a special connection to me, in a good and bad way. To someone special I know, this is her favorite song by her favorite band. Along with "There is a Light That Never Comes Out" by them and "Tiny Dancer" and "Your Song" by Elton John, I can't listen to it the same way now.
Title: Re: Review This Song, Then Post Another
Post by: Avaitor on November 19, 2011, 10:21:53 PM
My last song might be too personal to rate, so I'll pick another ( I'm still fanboying on this album, and love the direction they took with this track in particular.
Title: Re: Review This Song, Then Post Another
Post by: Avaitor on April 01, 2012, 11:29:11 PM
Hey guys, can I bump this? I really liked this thread.

And I'm curious about what you think about this cover. ( I think it's way better than either original.
Title: Re: Review This Song, Then Post Another
Post by: Micki! on March 09, 2013, 10:48:02 AM
Well bump, but this seems like a nice thread, I think we should try and keep it going..!

Ariana Grande's Born This Way Express Yourself :

It's not really within my taste, but to give it an unbiased review, I'd say it's a good "club music" kind of music, something I can see work well at a party or with a group of people to add some on-going mood playing in the background. But for the song itself, lyric wise and instrumentally, I think it's as generic as most other tracks out there within this genre... The beat is nice, the instrumental I mean, not that I really care much for the instruments used, because there was clearly more focus in the track to add an instrumental that creates an upbeat mood for the singing, than to make you care for how it was actually played.

The Lyrics are pretty forgettable, and are repeated alot, and to be honest, I think forgettable might not be that correct, since she repeated the same thing over and over so often, that it's hard not to forget, but it's not like i wanted to remember it, it just kind of dug itself into my brain by forcibly being repeated so often... Which again works well for the genre it belongs to, but I definitely don't care much for the message it gives you..! I think there's too much focus on the up-beat instrumental, which basically just carries her singing along with it as a "catchy tune", instead of making you want to listen to her actual singing, and the fact that the lyrics aren't really that interesting in the first place doesn't help that of course...

Her voice is nice though, and to be honest, I think many female vocalists have nice voices out there, but get dragged down by the generic lyrics and instrumentals played, which seems like a waste of talent to me... But this is a nice song that I definitely don't really mind hearing, but I also don't have much deeper thoughts than that, since any other song within this genre would really appeal to me just as much, as long it has the same type of up-beat instrumentals, repeatable lyrics and singing that carries along with it... I do like repetitive lyrics sometimes, but mostly that's in connection with how it's being sung (-that could be emotional or to emphasize something), or in electronic music where it's more part of the ambience that is being created, than being actual lyrics as such..! It also helps in my opinion, not to repeat certain overused words like "baby" and "yeah" in actual lyrics, if you really want people to care for what you have to say...

But at least it has a good beat that is catchy, which I honestly feel is all it really is in the end..!

I'm not a big fan of scale based scoring, but if I had to, I'd probably base the score of music within its genre, and not compared to music in general, so within the genre it belongs to, I think it's a solid 8/10, as it does its job of being a catchy musical tune that gets stuck in your head pretty well...
Keep in mind, that score is based on music within its genre and not music overall, since, if I had to cut in my personal preferences, it would go way below my average "score"

Here you have it, a totally not-trying-to-mock-nor-trying-to-praise-to-heavens opinion, it was probably a bit too long though, I hope that's alright...

Speaking of repetitive lyrics and instrumentals, this may be a good example of what I meant by lyrics being part of an ambience more than they're meant as singing:

You Prefer Cocaine by Vitalic (
I'm curious what people think of electronic music like this, hoping for an interesting review..!
Title: Re: Review This Song, Then Post Another
Post by: Avaitor on March 09, 2013, 05:02:02 PM
Well, that's a more articulate review than I could ever come up with. :D

As for your choice, I have to say that it's not my type of music, but I did dig the opening. When the beat came in it kind of lost me, though. I'd say 6/10.

Now this is more up my alley. (
Title: Re: Review This Song, Then Post Another
Post by: No-Personality on March 11, 2013, 11:23:29 PM
Quote from: Micki! on March 09, 2013, 10:48:02 AMYou Prefer Cocaine by Vitalic (
I'm curious what people think of electronic music like this, hoping for an interesting review..!
I thought it was a little cliched and tacky at the beginning (like a lightweight Klymaxx ( or "Let's Hear it for the Boy"). Maybe it's even more cliched by the time the surrounding slam kicks it (at around 45-seconds) but at least by then, I was moving. Definitely has some punch. It's not my ideal either but it has enough facets to be interesting:


Quote from: Avaitor on March 09, 2013, 05:02:02 PMNow this is more up my alley. (
I Am Not "Iron Man" (:P):


I hate to stereo-type-cast here, but all music that falls into the Cookie Monster vocalist genre is purely silly and not truly music in my opinion. I feel nothing. I think nothing. All I did was make faces, like sucking on a lemon. It feels shallow. Some of the parts are very interesting (4:06-4:36). But, before I even knew this kind of music existed, I was listening to Green Jelly (aka: Green Jello SUX) do it much better ( and in a way that was almost mocking it (as well as most 80's hair metal at the same time). Very aptly. Give me them or L7 ( any day.
Title: Re: Review This Song, Then Post Another
Post by: Avaitor on March 11, 2013, 11:38:32 PM
Quote from: No-Personality on March 11, 2013, 11:23:29 PM
I hate to stereo-type-cast here, but all music that falls into the Cookie Monster vocalist genre is purely silly and not truly music in my opinion.
I dunno man, Chuck would have to disagree with you there. (
Title: Re: Review This Song, Then Post Another
Post by: No-Personality on March 16, 2013, 11:38:39 AM
Don't know Chuck.

My turn (
Title: Re: Review This Song, Then Post Another
Post by: Avaitor on March 22, 2013, 08:08:23 PM
I really like the acoustic riff played throughout. Latin-tinged guitar licks typically aren't among my favorites, but this one caught me hook, line and sinker immediately. The vocal track, however, doesn't do a whole lot for me. it's not as distracting as I'd expect, but on a first listen, this cut the song back for me.

I will say that YouTube was acting up a little for me, though, and it took a while for part of the video to load, which made me wait to play it all. That might affect my ranking a little, but hopefully not too much with a 6.5/10.

Now this act ( is one I've heard a few times before, but this performance really blew me away. I've been trying to become more acquainted with nu jazz ever since.
Title: Re: Review This Song, Then Post Another
Post by: Avaitor on October 27, 2013, 06:17:32 PM
I'm bummed that no one tried to review the performance I linked to, but it happens.

I'm bumping this for the hell of it. This is a song I'm sure you've heard before (, but I wanna hear someone's opinion on it. Do you think it's good? The song, and/or that era of the band in particular? My friend and I talk about it a lot, but we have differing opinions that I'll get into later.