Animation Revelation Forum

Other Entertainment => Vidja Games => Topic started by: talonmalon333 on April 14, 2012, 10:38:24 PM

Title: Most Visually Appealing Video Games
Post by: talonmalon333 on April 14, 2012, 10:38:24 PM
As we all know, graphics really don't mean much. As long as the game itself is fine, graphics just need to be passable. And really, what matters about graphics is how they are utilized, not how technically good they are (for example, Yoshi's Island's visual style is more appealing than most PS2's mediocre realism).

... Having said that, what do you think are the most visually appealing games? :P

Here's a few of mine.


This moreso than it's sequel. I prefer it's more moody, deep-space look than SMG2's more typical Mario color palette.


Ni No Kuni. This game's clearly made by Studio Ghibli. It's as appealing as you'd expect it to be.


This game, Valkyria Chronicles, is to me some of the best use of cel-shading.

Also, I haven't played it, and I can't find an image of it, but...

I'm not a realistic graphic whore, but that Crysis mod simply looks mind blowing.
Title: Re: Most Visually Appealing Video Games
Post by: Foggle on April 14, 2012, 10:59:43 PM
Valkyria Chronicles is fucking beautiful. Can't believe Sega moved that series to PSP. :-\

Deus Ex: Human Revolution


Alice: Madness Returns



Title: Re: Most Visually Appealing Video Games
Post by: Rynnec on April 14, 2012, 11:14:53 PM


Naruto Ultimate Ninja Storm


Sonic series


Super Smash Bros.


And this is just counting the stuff I've played this gen.
Title: Re: Most Visually Appealing Video Games
Post by: Rosalinas Spare Wand on April 14, 2012, 11:26:23 PM
I've said it one before I'll say it again, Muramasa.

Title: Re: Most Visually Appealing Video Games
Post by: Rynnec on April 14, 2012, 11:36:54 PM
Quote from: Rosalinas Spare Wand on April 14, 2012, 11:26:23 PM
I've said it one before I'll say it again, Muramasa.

Knew I was forgetting a game.
Title: Re: Most Visually Appealing Video Games
Post by: Spark Of Spirit on April 15, 2012, 01:00:32 PM
That Naruto game floors me every time. It looks EXACTLY like the show. That's EXACTLY what I wanted from game graphics as a kid.

So for me:


Wario Land Shake It!

Gorgeous hand-drawn animation and backgrounds. The game looks fantastic in motion, and really makes me wish the New Super Mario Bros. games looked anywhere near as good.

A Boy & His Blob

Again, I don't really have  many fond memories of the original, but this is always how I imagined it would look and sound.


This is one you have to see in motion to appreciate. The poster child game for art style > graphics.


Space Invaders Extreme 2

When I picture Atari and Intellivision era games now, this is how they looked modernized. How I didn't get a seizure through all the pleasant craze, I don't know.

Henry Hatsworth In The Puzzling Adventure

Again, when I think modernized 16-bit games, I think Henry Hatsworth.

Solatorobo: Red The Hunter

This is quite possibly the best looking 3D game on outdated 3D hardware there is. The great use of artstyle outshines any issues with the visuals. This is probably the best looking handheld action RPG there is.

Aliens Infestation

Metroid's inspiration gets its own Metroid game. And it's just as creepy.

Special mention

Batman: The Brave & The Bold

The show

The game

The show

The game

The show

The game

The show

The game

The... uh...

You get the point. It only loses points because of some bad art style uses at point (some 3D backgrounds are used, and that's a letdown), but it technically more than does a great job.