Animation Revelation Forum

It's Revelation Time! => Warner Bros. => Topic started by: hobbyfan on January 08, 2013, 08:44:26 PM

Title: After Beware the Batman & Teen Titans Go, what's next for DC animated?
Post by: hobbyfan on January 08, 2013, 08:44:26 PM
Given how Cartoon Network made a public relations mess out of putting the DC Nation block on hiatus a while back, one wonders if DC and/or WB Animation would actually let the suits in charge even keep the block going forward if they screw around with Beware the Batman & Teen Titans Go!, due soon.

That gets me thinking about what would be next in the pipeline. With "Man of Steel" opening later this year, a new Superman cartoon is almost assured. If so, will they stick with CGI, as they're doing with BTB & Green Lantern? Or do they go with traditional line animation? What of the casting? Who would be appropriate to voice Superman this time, even if Tim Daly & George Newbern are still around?

Beyond that.........

A new Justice League cartoon would be nice. They shouldn't have cancelled that series in the first place (Unlimited was an extension of the first JL show, IMPO). This time, they should be more willing to take chances. JLU hinted at Batman & Wonder Woman being a couple, but they didn't go all the way. With WW now Superman's squeeze in the JL comics.........!

Wonder Woman in a solo series is long, long overdue. 'Nuff said.

Try focusing on the other, lesser known teams, like the Sea Devils and Doom Patrol, who've gotten minimal animated exposure over the last 20+ years.

What do you folks think?
Title: Re: After Beware the Batman & Teen Titans Go, what's next for DC animated?
Post by: The Shadow Gentleman on January 09, 2013, 06:20:20 AM
I have always thought Wonder Woman deserved her own series, if for no other reason then most people don't know a whole lot about her.

And give her some pants.
Title: Re: After Beware the Batman & Teen Titans Go, what's next for DC animated?
Post by: Silverstar on January 09, 2013, 08:32:08 AM
With The Man of Steel on the way, a new Superman series is a given, assuming that the movie does well and isn't a big bomb-a-saurus like Superman Returns. As a fan of Big Blue, I hope the new flick makes people Superman-crazy again.

We'll also likely get a new Justice League series after that movie comes out, whenever that is.

Agreed on a Wonder Woman series. Wondy's long overdue. She's the only member of the DC Trinity not to get an animated series. But unfortunately, most writers and producers don't know how to handle Wonder Woman. Female superheroes are tricky, since they have to be able to kick down an iron door and still squeal with delight when a handsome guy smiles at them.

Personally, in addition to the above, I'd personally like to see a Super Best Friends Forever animated series. IF DC/WB was going to turn any of their DC Nation shorts into shows, I'd have much rather gotten an SBFF show than Teen Titans GO!; not a big fan of TT: TAS.
Title: Re: After Beware the Batman & Teen Titans Go, what's next for DC animated?
Post by: Avaitor on January 09, 2013, 12:43:58 PM
Personally, I'd love that Question show Bruce Timm always wanted to do. Although if Timm is smart enough, he'd add some other DC under dogs to frequent the show, since as fun as Question is, his shtick is bound to get old by himself.

I'd also love to see a Showcase-like series, focusing on one-off or multi-part stories with some of their other heroes. Something along the lines of the Atom serials they showed on DC Nation not that long ago. I doubt we'd get either of these, though.
Title: Re: After Beware the Batman & Teen Titans Go, what's next for DC animated?
Post by: Spark Of Spirit on January 09, 2013, 12:48:13 PM
Man, I still want Superman: The Brave & The Bold, but I'd really dig a good Superman series. A Blue Beetle show done by the TSSM staff would be great but since they're mostly doing YJ, I can live without it.

But at this point anything other than Justice League or Batman would be highly welcome.
Title: Re: After Beware the Batman & Teen Titans Go, what's next for DC animated?
Post by: Avaitor on January 09, 2013, 12:52:26 PM
Isn't YJ slowly becoming a Blue Beetle show already, though?
Title: Re: After Beware the Batman & Teen Titans Go, what's next for DC animated?
Post by: Spark Of Spirit on January 09, 2013, 12:57:33 PM
It wouldn't surprise me. TB&TB and YJ really like giving him chances to shine, because he's probably DC's best chance at a breakout character.

You know, if they'd stop rebooting and retconing all the time.
Title: Re: After Beware the Batman & Teen Titans Go, what's next for DC animated?
Post by: Goldstar on January 09, 2013, 04:51:51 PM
Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on January 09, 2013, 12:48:13 PM
Man, I still want Superman: The Brave & The Bold, but I'd really dig a good Superman series. A Blue Beetle show done by the TSSM staff would be great but since they're mostly doing YJ, I can live without it.

But at this point anything other than Justice League or Batman would be highly welcome.

A DC Comics Presents animated series starring Superman would be pretty sweet, although at this point, I'd be happy just to get a good Superman animated series (and a good live action movie starring Supes also, for that matter).

I'd like to see a Wonder Woman animated series, but WW isn't going to get her own series until after she has a hit movie, be it a solo movie or the Justice League live action film. I'm guessing that we'll see the former before the latter.

Also Captain Marvel:TAS. I find it interesting how no one has attempted a CM series since the Filmation live action Saturday morning show SHAZAM! in the 1970s.
Title: Re: After Beware the Batman & Teen Titans Go, what's next for DC animated?
Post by: Dr. Insomniac on January 09, 2013, 04:52:40 PM
It would never happen, but a John Constantine series would interest me.
Title: Re: After Beware the Batman & Teen Titans Go, what's next for DC animated?
Post by: Avaitor on January 09, 2013, 05:06:57 PM
While we're on Vertigo, the only way I could see Sandman be successfully adapted is as an animated series, preferably on HBO, ala Spawn in the 90's.

And if I can go to live-action for a second, they should retool the Y: The Last Man movie in development hell and turn it into a show instead. It would make for the perfect companion piece to Walking Dead on AMC.
Title: Re: After Beware the Batman & Teen Titans Go, what's next for DC animated?
Post by: The Shadow Gentleman on January 09, 2013, 05:20:59 PM
Scrolling through all the Vertigo titles, the ones I could see making good shows would be Sandman, Y: The Last Man, and 100 Bullets. Sandman should probably be first, since its more widely known and would allow for various different styles to be incorperated into a single series.
Title: Re: After Beware the Batman & Teen Titans Go, what's next for DC animated?
Post by: hobbyfan on January 10, 2013, 08:02:19 PM
Quote from: Goldstar on January 09, 2013, 04:51:51 PM
Also Captain Marvel:TAS. I find it interesting how no one has attempted a CM series since the Filmation live action Saturday morning show SHAZAM! in the 1970s.

Actually, CM did return in an animated series, also from Filmation, back in 1981. I believe you might've heard of "The Kid Super Power Hour With Shazam!"? This time, Cap had Jr., Mary, & Uncle Dudley backing him up. Mentor (Les Tremayne in the live-action series) was, IIRC, meant to be an analogue for Dudley, who filled the role in the comics back then.

If they do a CM series, I'd rather they ignore what Geoff Johns has done to Billy Batson in the Justice League comic these days.......
Title: Re: After Beware the Batman & Teen Titans Go, what's next for DC animated?
Post by: gunswordfist on January 14, 2013, 01:37:49 PM
Quote from: Graywulf76 on January 09, 2013, 05:20:59 PM
Scrolling through all the Vertigo titles, the ones I could see making good shows would be Sandman, Y: The Last Man, and 100 Bullets. Sandman should probably be first, since its more widely known and would allow for various different styles to be incorperated into a single series.
YES! 100 Bullets. Beat me to it.

I'd love to see a Flash series
Title: Re: After Beware the Batman & Teen Titans Go, what's next for DC animated?
Post by: Goldstar on January 14, 2013, 02:20:14 PM
Quote from: hobbyfan on January 10, 2013, 08:02:19 PM
Quote from: Goldstar on January 09, 2013, 04:51:51 PM
Also Captain Marvel:TAS. I find it interesting how no one has attempted a CM series since the Filmation live action Saturday morning show SHAZAM! in the 1970s.

Actually, CM did return in an animated series, also from Filmation, back in 1981. I believe you might've heard of "The Kid Super Power Hour With Shazam!"? This time, Cap had Jr., Mary, & Uncle Dudley backing him up. Mentor (Les Tremayne in the live-action series) was, IIRC, meant to be an analogue for Dudley, who filled the role in the comics back then.

If they do a CM series, I'd rather they ignore what Geoff Johns has done to Billy Batson in the Justice League comic these days.......

*slaps head* You're right! I forgot about The Kid Super Power Hour with Shazam! As I recall, the obscure cartoon Hero High (which was originally going to star the Archie gang in capes) was also part of that show. I only ever saw one episode of that because my local NBC affiliate at the time didn't air the show (they aired local programming in it's place). I had to watch it on a local Washington channel with the rabbit ears.
Title: Re: After Beware the Batman & Teen Titans Go, what's next for DC animated?
Post by: Daikun on February 15, 2013, 10:49:25 PM
There will probably be three more Batman incarnations. That's DC's standard default route.
Title: Re: After Beware the Batman & Teen Titans Go, what's next for DC animated?
Post by: hobbyfan on February 21, 2013, 08:45:37 AM
Quote from: Daikun on February 15, 2013, 10:49:25 PM
There will probably be three more Batman incarnations. That's DC's standard default route.

So it would appear. I'd rather they finally got around to doing Wonder Woman, and try to sell it to CW first rather than have CN's idiot savants get their hands on it and screw it up.

Come to think of it, having reruns of JLU on Vortexx would be a nice entry point for possible new series going to CW first after all. Does anyone know what the ratings have been for JLU on Vortexx?
Title: Re: After Beware the Batman & Teen Titans Go, what's next for DC animated?
Post by: Goldstar on February 23, 2013, 08:57:45 AM
How soon we'll ever get a Wonder Woman animated series will most likely depend on how well the Justice League movie does at the box office. There is the live action WW movie, but I haven't heard any new developments about that. I don't even know who's directing it now.

Female capes aren't the easiest to write for, male writers especially. Woman action heroes have to be able to kick down an iron door but still squeal with pleasure when a handsome man compliments them on their looks. They can't be Suzy Homemaker nor Rambroad. Writers have to meet somewhere in the middle for a workable formula.
Title: Re: After Beware the Batman & Teen Titans Go, what's next for DC animated?
Post by: hobbyfan on February 25, 2013, 08:27:41 PM
I try to think of how the live-action Wonder Woman was able to succeed as long as it did (about 3 years in the late 70's). If WB can go back and look at that show, figure out the formula, do some research on the Amazon's history, they'll be able to make a bankable movie because it'd have to be made before a Justice League movie is made, a la Marvel's strategy leading up to Avengers. WW was equal parts superhero adventure and crime drama near the end of the run, and less about any romance between Diana & Steve Trevor. A little more balance might be key.
Title: Re: After Beware the Batman & Teen Titans Go, what's next for DC animated?
Post by: RacattackForce on April 01, 2013, 09:03:13 PM
A new Superman animated series would be nice, considering the last one we had ended back in 2000. It would also be nice if some of the DC Nation shorts were greenlit for full series as well. A Thunder and Lightning or Amethyst, Princess of Gemworld series would be pretty sweet.
Title: Re: After Beware the Batman & Teen Titans Go, what's next for DC animated?
Post by: hobbyfan on April 05, 2013, 01:10:09 PM
Unfortunately, given the mentality of the suits at Cartoon Network, any new DC toon has to be heavy on comedy (which Teen Titans GO! is likely to be), light on action. I would say if WB wants to green-light a Princess of Gemworld series, it's bound to end up on the Hub, which would pair it with girl-centric shows for younger viewers like Littlest Pet Shop and My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic, and as we know, the latter series has a huge fan following. 'Nuff said.
Title: Re: After Beware the Batman & Teen Titans Go, what's next for DC animated?
Post by: Silverstar on April 05, 2013, 04:08:44 PM
Quote from: RacattackForce on April 01, 2013, 09:03:13 PM
A new Superman animated series would be nice, considering the last one we had ended back in 2000. It would also be nice if some of the DC Nation shorts were greenlit for full series as well. A Thunder and Lightning or Amethyst, Princess of Gemworld series would be pretty sweet.

How soon we get a new Superman show depends on how well The Man of Steel does at the box office.

Shows based on Thunder & Lightning or Amethyst seem unlikely under the current regime; neither CN nor WB seem willing to take a chance on any series starring any of the 'lesser' DC characters (i.e., anyone not named Super or Bat) without a hit movie, and they seem even less willing to launch a show starring a female hero, as the prevalent belief among the Suits is that female action figures don't sell very well.

I'd personally like to see Super Best Friends Forever get made into a series, but that too seems unlikely. I envision SBFF being more comedy than action (similar to TTGO!), but again, CN doesn't seem keen on shows starring female Capes. To echo Hobbyfan's post, said show would probably fare better on The Hub, but AFAIK, Cartoon Network typically gets first dibs on new WB animated projects, and I don't know if Lauren Faust would want to work with Hasbro again, given what happened with Friendship is Magic.
Title: Re: After Beware the Batman & Teen Titans Go, what's next for DC animated?
Post by: hobbyfan on April 18, 2013, 09:33:54 PM
Seeing as how I'm not up to speed on a lot of things, what exactly happened with My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic?

Anyway, given the current CN administration's lack of respect toward their audience, and not just the target demo, mind, but all viewers of all ages, IMPO, I don't think they deserve to get first look on any new WBA projects. CW should (for Vortexx), followed by The Hub.
Title: Re: After Beware the Batman & Teen Titans Go, what's next for DC animated?
Post by: Silverstar on April 19, 2013, 07:49:03 AM
Quote from: hobbyfan on April 18, 2013, 09:33:54 PM
Seeing as how I'm not up to speed on a lot of things, what exactly happened with My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic?

Basically, Hasbro got dollar signs in their eyes and began making the show more and more toyetic, gradually moving further and further away from Ms. Faust's original vision of the show, to the point that she's no longer involved with the show, Twilight Sparkle has become an allicorn, we've got bad fan-made episodes about Rainbow Dash crashing dimensional barriers into Townsville and meeting the Powerpuff Girls being made and a fan-wank side show featuring the ponies as humans on the horizon.

QuoteAnyway, given the current CN administration's lack of respect toward their audience, and not just the target demo, mind, but all viewers of all ages, IMPO, I don't think they deserve to get first look on any new WBA projects. CW should (for Vortexx), followed by The Hub.

Would a new WBA show really fare that well on Vortexx? I only ask 'cause I've never seen the block, nor do I know anyone who does. Heck, I couldn't even tell you what channel it airs on.
Title: Re: After Beware the Batman & Teen Titans Go, what's next for DC animated?
Post by: Goldstar on April 19, 2013, 07:59:22 AM
Warner Brothers Animation isn't going to debut a new animated series on Vortexx. The audience for a syndicated weekend block is far too narrow. WBA would want to run it on a major network where it could get wide exposure. Say what you want about Cartoon Network, the channel is a much better vessel for premiere super hero shows than an syndicated weekend block would be.
Title: Re: After Beware the Batman & Teen Titans Go, what's next for DC animated?
Post by: hobbyfan on April 26, 2013, 02:53:01 PM
Quote from: Goldstar on April 19, 2013, 07:59:22 AM
Warner Brothers Animation isn't going to debut a new animated series on Vortexx. The audience for a syndicated weekend block is far too narrow. WBA would want to run it on a major network where it could get wide exposure. Say what you want about Cartoon Network, the channel is a much better vessel for premiere super hero shows than an syndicated weekend block would be.

Vortexx? "Narrow"? I get that the SatAM landscape isn't what it was when we were kids, but don't you think Vortexx would benefit from getting an additional established brand on the schedule which, like WWE, would guarantee new episodes every week? Sonic X has been out of production for several years, for example. If they can x-promote with CN, as WWE has been doing right along, then maybe the mindset's a bit different.
Title: Re: After Beware the Batman & Teen Titans Go, what's next for DC animated?
Post by: hobbyfan on February 27, 2014, 02:42:13 PM
Ok, I'm going to push this up because I've a fresh idea to run past you folks.

I think most of us are in agreement that Teen Titans GO! is a disservice to comics fans, and an insult to its intended target audience. There are the few, the proud, the TTG fans, but the emphasis is on few.

In an effort to address both fans of the Titans and Young Justice, I've cooked up a ginormous brainstorm, which I know WB might be interested in, but Cartoon Network won't even sniff, largely because it is not meant to be a 15-or-30-minute show. What I have in mind is a 1 hour comedy-drama.

Justice League Academy, which would be the working title, would bring back the YJ team, rebooted to retcon the death of Kid Flash out the window. Now, I read that Beast Boy joined YJ in season 2, which I haven't even seen. Unfortunately, according to what I read, they gave him the appearance of a monkey?? That's the influence of the 2003 Titans series for you. Sad to say, BB's been dumbed down considerably in TTG. I'd prefer to use him as he was presented in the comics in the 80's, as a girl-crazy young adult who was working in Hollywood before joining the Titans, and thus has teen idol-level good looks. Aside from BB, I'd bring in Cyborg & Starfire to join the YJ version of Robin.

I wasn't too thrilled with the use of the Wonder Twins on TTG, but let's put them in the Academy, too, back to normal size, BTW. Hmmm. Jayna & Starfire joining Miss Martian. 3 scoops of alien eye candy for the boys.

What do you guys think?
Title: Re: After Beware the Batman & Teen Titans Go, what's next for DC animated?
Post by: Silverstar on February 27, 2014, 04:30:32 PM
Quote from: hobbyfan on February 27, 2014, 02:42:13 PM
Ok, I'm going to push this up because I've a fresh idea to run past you folks.

I think most of us are in agreement that Teen Titans GO! is a disservice to comics fans, and an insult to its intended target audience. There are the few, the proud, the TTG fans, but the emphasis is on few.

In an effort to address both fans of the Titans and Young Justice, I've cooked up a ginormous brainstorm, which I know WB might be interested in, but Cartoon Network won't even sniff, largely because it is not meant to be a 15-or-30-minute show. What I have in mind is a 1 hour comedy-drama.

Justice League Academy, which would be the working title, would bring back the YJ team, rebooted to retcon the death of Kid Flash out the window. Now, I read that Beast Boy joined YJ in season 2, which I haven't even seen. Unfortunately, according to what I read, they gave him the appearance of a monkey?? That's the influence of the 2003 Titans series for you. Sad to say, BB's been dumbed down considerably in TTG. I'd prefer to use him as he was presented in the comics in the 80's, as a girl-crazy young adult who was working in Hollywood before joining the Titans, and thus has teen idol-level good looks. Aside from BB, I'd bring in Cyborg & Starfire to join the YJ version of Robin.

I wasn't too thrilled with the use of the Wonder Twins on TTG, but let's put them in the Academy, too, back to normal size, BTW. Hmmm. Jayna & Starfire joining Miss Martian. 3 scoops of alien eye candy for the boys.

What do you guys think?

Sounds good to me, pity CN would never take it since it's not a "goofy boy comedy", and if they did, they'd treat it like dirt, offer it no support, advertising or encores and then yank it off the air when it fails to earn the desired ratings (surprise, surprise!) and declare it canceled. Maybe Hub Network could get it.
Title: Re: After Beware the Batman & Teen Titans Go, what's next for DC animated?
Post by: hobbyfan on February 27, 2014, 10:27:44 PM
Quote from: Silverstar on February 27, 2014, 04:30:32 PM
Quote from: hobbyfan on February 27, 2014, 02:42:13 PM
Ok, I'm going to push this up because I've a fresh idea to run past you folks.

I think most of us are in agreement that Teen Titans GO! is a disservice to comics fans, and an insult to its intended target audience. There are the few, the proud, the TTG fans, but the emphasis is on few.

In an effort to address both fans of the Titans and Young Justice, I've cooked up a ginormous brainstorm, which I know WB might be interested in, but Cartoon Network won't even sniff, largely because it is not meant to be a 15-or-30-minute show. What I have in mind is a 1 hour comedy-drama.

Justice League Academy, which would be the working title, would bring back the YJ team, rebooted to retcon the death of Kid Flash out the window. Now, I read that Beast Boy joined YJ in season 2, which I haven't even seen. Unfortunately, according to what I read, they gave him the appearance of a monkey?? That's the influence of the 2003 Titans series for you. Sad to say, BB's been dumbed down considerably in TTG. I'd prefer to use him as he was presented in the comics in the 80's, as a girl-crazy young adult who was working in Hollywood before joining the Titans, and thus has teen idol-level good looks. Aside from BB, I'd bring in Cyborg & Starfire to join the YJ version of Robin.

I wasn't too thrilled with the use of the Wonder Twins on TTG, but let's put them in the Academy, too, back to normal size, BTW. Hmmm. Jayna & Starfire joining Miss Martian. 3 scoops of alien eye candy for the boys.

What do you guys think?

Sounds good to me, pity CN would never take it since it's not a "goofy boy comedy", and if they did, they'd treat it like dirt, offer it no support, advertising or encores and then yank it off the air when it fails to earn the desired ratings (surprise, surprise!) and declare it canceled. Maybe Hub Network could get it.

That's what I was thinking. Like you've been saying, they really need to get out of the rut they're in with their attitudes toward their audience.