Valve's new gaming rig(s).

Started by Daikun, September 23, 2013, 07:24:54 PM

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Valve has been developing a Linux-based, Steam-powered gaming console for over a year now, and after teasing us with a countdown timer, today is the day of the big unveiling.

They threw us a curve ball, though: They'll be unveiling THREE things this week. :zonk:

The first of them, SteamOS, has been unveiled. The countdown on the teaser has been reset. The second piece of hardware will be unveiled on Wednesday.


Update (9/25): Steam Machines has been unveiled. Join the beta before October 25! (Instructions are on the page.) The final surprise is on Friday.


Update (9/27): Steam Controller has been unveiled. If you join in the Steam Machine beta, you're also eligible for this (although these are just optional for use).