Opinions On Various Popular Games/Franchises

Started by Dr. Ensatsu-ken, January 14, 2012, 07:18:08 PM

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"Ryu is like the Hank Hill of Street Fighter." -BB_Hoody

Dr. Ensatsu-ken

Ninja Gaiden Black/Sigma does have a interconnected world and Zelda-inspired dungeon like levels. That said, it's primarily action focused, and the puzzle solving is kept rather light.

Darksiders and its sequel are a lot more like Zelda with dungeon style levels, with DS2 having a large overworld that you mainly traverse via horseback (much like in 3D Zelda games). That said, it's more like DS takes a ton of influence from Zelda while having just a bit more combat focus than Zelda does, but on the flip side it's level design is nowhere near as ingenious as any great Zelda game. So, there's not really much influence Zelda can take from a game that itself was mainly influenced by Zelda games.

But, no, you don't need to cut out the adventure element to make a Zelda hack n' slash. The whole point of what would make it awesome is to have both top notch adventure and action elements together. If you were going to make a Zelda game that was only focused on action and not on adventure, you might as well make another game entirely, because that certainly isn't a Zelda game. That's a major reason that I don't care for a Musou style Zelda game. I mean, why bother? You're basically just playing a DW game with Zelda character skins.

Spark Of Spirit

Quote from: gunswordfist on July 21, 2014, 11:09:25 PM
I thought that's what you meant. :bleh:
I legitimately wanted to know. I figured the people on this board would since they play the genre more than I do.
"The world will never starve for want of wonders, but for want of wonder." - G.K. Chesterton

Dr. Ensatsu-ken

The fact that there isn't a hack n, slash game with dungeons and over worlds as good as a Zelda game is why I want that combination so badly in the first place.

Just make it so that the tools you get cleverly function for both combat mechanics and puzzle solving, which is what Zelda already does, but in this case give those tools a deeper integrated array of moves and such.


Quote from: Dr. Ensatsu-ken on July 21, 2014, 11:16:38 PM
That's a major reason that I don't care for a Musou style Zelda game. I mean, why bother? You're basically just playing a DW game with Zelda character skins.

Like I said before, people like the characters and setting. It's the same reason Dynasty Warriors Gundam and Ken's Rage exist.

Dr. Ensatsu-ken

I know, but it just feels so fake to me. Like, even with the skins to make it look like something else, I know I won't feel like I'm playing a Gundam game or a Zelda game. I'll just feel like I'm playing DW with the licensed character skins DLC pack.


Quote from: Dr. Ensatsu-ken on July 21, 2014, 11:16:38 PM
Ninja Gaiden Black/Sigma does have a interconnected world and Zelda-inspired dungeon like levels. That said, it's primarily action focused, and the puzzle solving is kept rather light.

Darksiders and its sequel are a lot more like Zelda with dungeon style levels, with DS2 having a large overworld that you mainly traverse via horseback (much like in 3D Zelda games). That said, it's more like DS takes a ton of influence from Zelda while having just a bit more combat focus than Zelda does, but on the flip side it's level design is nowhere near as ingenious as any great Zelda game. So, there's not really much influence Zelda can take from a game that itself was mainly influenced by Zelda games.

But, no, you don't need to cut out the adventure element to make a Zelda hack n' slash. The whole point of what would make it awesome is to have both top notch adventure and action elements together. If you were going to make a Zelda game that was only focused on action and not on adventure, you might as well make another game entirely, because that certainly isn't a Zelda game. That's a major reason that I don't care for a Musou style Zelda game. I mean, why bother? You're basically just playing a DW game with Zelda character skins.
I didn't know DS2 had horseback riding.

And yeah, that's what I was alluding - Zelda without the adventure being just another DW game.
"Ryu is like the Hank Hill of Street Fighter." -BB_Hoody

Dr. Ensatsu-ken

The first game has horse-back riding as well IIRC.


I just assumed the brothers walked around the whole time.
"Ryu is like the Hank Hill of Street Fighter." -BB_Hoody


Still hoping the next 3D Zelda takes some cues from Darksiders, at least in terms of pacing and combat.

And since I'm bored might as well get this off of my chest:

Every Bioware RPG that isn't KOTOR -
Quote from: Spark of Spirit*Shrug*

Dr. Ensatsu-ken