Hated Movies That You Legitimately Like

Started by Dr. Ensatsu-ken, May 18, 2015, 09:07:24 PM

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Quote from: Dr. Ensatsu-ken on May 19, 2015, 08:21:47 PM
I agree with Avaitor, actually. I like 2, but I will never understand how so many people seem to consider it a masterpiece. It was just as silly in tone as the other movies, but had some of the most contrived and cliche writing of the entire trilogy. It also had less heart than the first movie, and the action wasn't nearly as exciting as in the third movie. It had great moments, like Peter's confession to Aunt May and Doc Oc sacrificing himself as a form of redemption in the end, but it also had some really boring parts that kind of dragged.

I also think that 3 has some of the most legitimately funny (and very Raimi-style) lines and moments in any superhero movie. A lot of people seem to overlook that.

"Less heart" is kind of a vague subjective point, isn't it? :P

I liked 2 a lot because I think it had the strongest story and villain, and the second best special effects and action. It also moves at a smooth pace and has a solid ending. As for heart, I think that's something all three movies excelled at.

Dr. Ensatsu-ken

I still stand by my opinion that, despite being somewhat bloated, the first two Hobbit movies are a lot of fun. The third one, however, just felt like overkill. It essentially took less than an hour's worth of story and turned it into a near 3-hour movie.


I liked the first Hobbit movie quite a bit, but I'm not big on the second one, and I hated the third one.

Dr. Ensatsu-ken

I found TDOS to be better than AUJ, personally.

I don't hate the third one, exactly. It had some genuinely great moments. But I also have no desire to re-watch it ever again, unless someone makes a fan-cut version of these movies and edits/cuts/splices them together into two films, as they were originally meant to be.

Spark Of Spirit

If someone ever makes a single movie cut that cuts off all the fat of those three movies, I'll consider rewatching them. They had diminishing returns to me simply because all the extra stuff got so tiring to keep up with.

I also think the action sequences got lamer and more unfitting with each installment. Legolas playing Uncharted in the final battle sequence was pretty much it for me.
"The world will never starve for want of wonders, but for want of wonder." - G.K. Chesterton

Dr. Ensatsu-ken

I thought that the action scenes were generally well done in the first two movies, but I don't know what they were thinking with the third one. Some of those scenes were just beyond idiotic in how cartoony they seemed.


I'm going to be honest and admit that the river barrels scene was my favorite part of TDOS.

Dr. Ensatsu-ken

Quote from: Foggle on May 21, 2015, 08:22:51 PM
I'm going to be honest and admit that the river barrels scene was my favorite part of TDOS.

Mine too! :thumbup:


"Ryu is like the Hank Hill of Street Fighter." -BB_Hoody

Dr. Ensatsu-ken

Top 10 Generally Hated Movies That I Personally Like:

10. Back to the Future Part III- It's nowhere near as tight as the first two, but I've warmed up to this movie over the years, especially since it's a great tribute to classic Westerns.

9. The Mummy (1999)- This is a bit more of a guilty pleasure, but as Roger Ebert said in his review, it's the kind of fun movie that you're ashamed to admit that you like, but still enjoy all the same.

8. Superman Returns- I might just be biased because I like Bryan Singer, but I always appreciated how much heart this movie had, and how it was more of a character movie than a straight-up action setpiece like MOS was.

7. Prometheus- It has a certified fresh rating on RT, yet I mostly only see people complaining about it. Personally, it reminded me a lot if the original Alien, and I actually love the fact that it doesn't try to answer everything for us. Immediately after finishing this movie, I wanted to watch it again to catch any details that I missed. Any movie that intrigues me enough for a second viewing isn't a bad one by any stretch, in my view.

6. Live Free or Die Hard- Is it a great Die Hard movie compared to the original and the third film. No. But it's an incredibly fun, above average action movie, and is certainly more entertaining than other fans of the original trilogy (who give the mediocre 2 a free-pass) give it credit for.

5. Batman Returns- I've already talked about this one before, but it's a really unique and interesting superhero film that kind of stands out in its own over-the-top, creative way.

4. Lethal Weapon 4- This film was hurt by its rushed production schedule, and pales in comparison to the first two, but I honestly liked it more than the third movie, and I just felt like it did still have a lot of heart to it, and gave us an actual intetesting villain with Jet Li, while also ending the entire series in a good spot.

3. Spider-Man 3- I've talked about this way too much already. Venom sucks. I agree witg that much. But the rest of the movie really works for me. I mean, yeah, it gets silly in a very Sam Raimi-esque way, but do the people complaining about that really not notice the fact that the first two movies were just as silly and campy....and on purpose?

2. Last Action Hero- I'll never understand the hate for this one. The concept is genius, and the execution is legitimately fun and hilarious at times. A kid who's a fan of action movies actually finds his way into one, and the movie then proceeds to parody and satirize the lovable action cliches of 80's and 90's cinema? And, it's also directed by a guy who KNOWS how to make great action films (see Predator and Die Hard)? Sounds like my kind of movie, and it is.

1. Ghostbusters II- This one just makes no sense. This movie is great. It has just as much wit and charm as the original, the humor is on-point, the special effects are extremely creative, Vigo is a memorable villain, and there's a dancing toaster somewhere in there as well. It loses some points for lack of originality, but in a modern movie climate where people praise sequels, reboots, and remakes all of the time, it seems rather hypocritical to hold that against this film when it's still so much fun for what it is.

I was also thinking about putting Gremlins 2 on the list, but it turns out that it has gained a pretty solid cult status over the years, so it isn't really all that hated.


I wouldn't call Ghostbuster II great myself but it isn't too far from the quality of the original. Except for Stay Puft Marshmellow Man, Vigo is easily the best villain in the movies and his subordinate is right behind him, imo. Honestly, Vigo was more memorable for me as a kid than Stay Puft due to how genuinely fucking creepy he looks.

I didn't even know hating BttF III was a thing. I got into those movies late. :sweat:

I like The Mummy and The Mummy Returns. I think I went to the theaters to see both. Both are good family fun.

I actually thought everyone liked Lethal Weapon 4. Well I guess that explains why there hasn't been any sequels. 4 helps the franchise stand up as one of the best quadrilogies in movie history.

I haven't seen Live Free Or Die Hard, Prometheus or Superman Returns, I still hate Spider-Man 3 and I haven't watched Batman Returns since I was a little kid (I think it creeped me out).

I forgot if I named 300 yet. I'm sure a rewatch would have it in my top 5 favorite comic book movies.
"Ryu is like the Hank Hill of Street Fighter." -BB_Hoody

Spark Of Spirit

I have constantly seen people tear Live Free apart, but give 2 a pass. I never understood it and I've never gotten anyone to articulate what makes it the worse movie of the two. It isn't a pale rewrite of the original, it has better set pieces, a better villain, and it actually has a place in McClane's character arc (let's face it, 2 is summed up as "Here we go again!" and nothing else) which established the tone for the second Die Hard trilogy of John coming full circle with his family. It's a legitimately good action movie whereas 2 is really not.

Lethal Weapon 4 makes up for 3, in my opinion. It's not quite up there (they never brought Shane Black back after 2, unfortunately) with the first two, but it is a great action movie that really gives the original cast a much better send off than the third movie. This one has a villain that's legitimately threatening (I know Jet Li fans hated that he played a villain, but I thought he was great), actual stakes that are a lot bigger than they first appear, and great action scenes that the series is known for. It has pretty much everything you want out of a Lethal Weapon movie. Never knew why people liked it less than 3 which was basically a standard cop movie.

I'm also going to say that A Good Day to Die Hard wasn't awful. It was just a standard action movie that had too much shaky cam in the chase sequence near the beginning. It isn't as good as 1, 3, or 4, but it is STILL way better than 2. It just wasn't a typical Die Hard movie. I hope the last one is up to par with the better movies. They should get someone like Brad Bird to make sure it is.
"The world will never starve for want of wonders, but for want of wonder." - G.K. Chesterton


Funny enough, Lethal Weapon 4 is probably Jet Li's only good American movie. I do need to rewatch Romeo Must Die.
"Ryu is like the Hank Hill of Street Fighter." -BB_Hoody

Dr. Ensatsu-ken

I remember liking Romeo Must Die when I was younger, but it may have not aged well. I need to give it a re-watch at some point in time.

I've heard that Unleashed is pretty good, though.


Yeah, we talked about Romeo Must Die not too long ago. :D

Unleashed/Danny The Dog is actually a French movie, from what I hear (from the same people that made The Transporter, I believe). And yes, it's good. Go watch it. :)
"Ryu is like the Hank Hill of Street Fighter." -BB_Hoody