Ranker’s opinion on Excel Saga manga

Started by Markness, October 06, 2019, 10:20:28 AM

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:e_confused: Really? The manga having a continuous narrative means it's weaker than the anime? The manga actually has character development, a deceptively cerebral plot, and some of the most underrated art you can get in a manga.


There's absolutely no way the author of this list actually read past volume 1. Just par for the course of no one knowing about or respecting our baby. :il_rope:

Also, it's weird to include JoJo's on this list at all, even if it is Phantom Blood, as I've only ever seen diehards talk about how much better they think the manga is, not the other way around.


I pretty much agree with you. The anime is simply popcorn entertainment while the manga is actually very brainy.