Video Game length

Started by Mustang, May 05, 2023, 11:16:05 AM

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How long should they be or do you have a preference? I've been about bang for my buck lately. $70 for games now, I'm at the point where I need content. I also got the idea from IGN's article btw. Anyway, if I'm paying that much for games I need it to be at least 50+ hours. If not, then whatever small game that costs $50-$70 better have a helluva replay value, not to mention new game+. I guess at the end of the day I just want to enjoy my time with these games. I don't have a lot of time but I can make time for whatever. Even though I'm not a completionist I'm also not like everyone else that want to rush through these games and move on to the next one. I'll get to next game when I'm good and ready.
3S - Ken, Ryu, Makoto, Dudley, Yang
SF6 - Ken, {Terry}
T8 - Kazuya, Hwaorang, Leroy, Jin