Evil Dead Franchise

Started by talonmalon333, June 01, 2013, 12:04:13 AM

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So recent discussion here put me in the mood to create an Evil Dead thread. Let's discuss the franchise here.

The Evil Dead was a solid horror film and had awesome stop-motion effects. It was just a great indie movie, but Evil Dead II was definitely where things really got started. It was when the series became hilarious. Then there's Army of Darkness, which is one of the funniest movies I've ever seen.

What I'm curious about is the recent movie, simply titled Evil Dead. I think it's interesting because it's not a remake. It barely even seems to qualify as a reboot. From what I gather, in the story, this movie takes place decades after the original Evil Dead film. Also, I've heard that not only is it a movie that surprisingly avoids CGI, but it's actually decent. And on top of that, supposedly Raimi is planning three more films. A sequel to Army of Darkness starting an older Ash (still played by Bruce Campbell), a sequel to the "reboot" Evil Dead film, and a final film that would merge together the two narratives. To me, that's just pretty interesting cause I assumed they were going to ignore the old films and just make a remake of the original film that would be mediocre and then be left with all the other horror remakes that have come and gone.

But anyway, post about all things Evil Dead, people.


That actually sounds good. I was going to rage but I am not.
"Ryu is like the Hank Hill of Street Fighter." -BB_Hoody



Dr. Ensatsu-ken

I hope that being a TV series doesn't limit the gore-factor for this show. Normally I could care less about violence, but that's a huge part of the identity of the first 2 movies, unless they're going for an Army of Darkness vibe, but then I'd have to demand plenty of stop motion effects.


It's airing on a premium station, and the first episode is directed by Sam Raimi himself, so I suspect this series will be just fine. :)