Excel Saga Forum Mission Statement:

Started by Lord Il, January 01, 2014, 04:41:27 PM

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Lord Il

Welcome to all new and old fans alike! :el_hail:
It wouldn't be egotistic to say that we are quite literally your official HQ for everything Excel Saga.

Some history about us:

The original Excel Saga forum was created December 31, 2003 by Poey and El Tigre Numero Uno shortly following the ADV English release of the anime. It was a small but active community. Alas, while having the benefit of free hosting, the downside was not having their own domain in order to better expose the board's existence to other fans - Consequently, this little community was not growing and getting the recognition it needed. excel-excel saw the potential of giving the Excel Saga community their own domain and contacted Poey about the idea. Poey and El Tigre liked the idea. Henceforth, a brand new domain (excelsagaforum.com) and Excel Saga Forum was created January 1, 2005 which exceeded their expectations at that time. It was an incarnation which enjoyed over seven years of service to the fans of this unusual series - both the anime, and even more importantly, the ongoing manga. Halfway through this run, excel-excel (later known as E-E) asked me to help with administrative work as he was busy with other projects. I was honored to do so. Along with Lord Dave's technical help, and some great moderators (you know who you are!), we kept things rolling.

By the end of 2012, following a complication with renewal of our domain, we obtained a .org domain. Foggle, long time member of the Excel Saga Forum as well as webmaster and owner of Animation Revelation, offered to integrate the Excel Saga Forum with AR as a means of expansion to the community. This become reality in August 2013. For a series specific site such as ours to exist at over ten years old, I'm certain many would agree of this being our most viable option.

Eternal thank yous to Foggle! :e_hail: :h_hail: :el_hail: :worship:

Questions? Comments? Suggestions? PM me.

-Lord Il

(If I've left anyone out of the credits, contact me so I can credit you accordingly!)