Gearbox Software (Borderlands, Brothers in Arms, Duke Nukem, etc.)

Started by Foggle, June 12, 2011, 08:43:57 PM

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I'm pretty disappointed in Randy Pitchford. I used to have a lot of respect for him but in the wake of this Aliens mess he's been blocking people voicing their complaints over the game over twitter--not trolls, legit complaints from people who feel cheated. Rather than explain the situation he's just been blocking them only allowing people who have nothing but praise to give Aliens his time.


Quote from: Eddy on February 19, 2013, 09:57:37 PM
I'm pretty disappointed in Randy Pitchford. I used to have a lot of respect for him
Agreed 100%.



So... Gearbox embezzled money from Sega to buy the Duke Nukem IP? That makes a lot of sense, actually. They probably assumed DNF would be awesome when they went through with the purchase (I highly doubt they would have bought it had they actually played it), and that they could make serious bank off the Duke name and assumed quality. But as we all know, that plan backfired hard.

And Sega can't sue them for this? As much as I love Borderlands and Brothers In Arms, they really need to. GBX shouldn't be allowed to get away with this.

I also see that Jim Sterling is still throwing a tantrum over the fact that Randy Pitchford blocked him on Twitter.

Dr. Ensatsu-ken

I feel like this is just another one of those business scandals involving the higher-ups of each of these respective parties, while the lower-level employees are going to get screwed over regardless of whether they had any knowledge of what was going on in the background or not. Its a shame, because Gearbox has proven to be a talented developer, but what they just pulled with Sega may very well cost them the loss of all of the respect from gamers that they had worked so hard to earn and build-up in the first place. This is something that just pisses me off about the modern age of gaming (perhaps we should even switch this discussion to the thread we all know it really belongs in). Its becoming more and more about ass-hole business practices than it is about just trying to make great games to get them to sell well.


Quote from: Ensatsu-ken on February 24, 2013, 11:08:43 PM
the lower-level employees are going to get screwed over regardless of whether they had any knowledge of what was going on in the background or not. Its a shame, because Gearbox has proven to be a talented developer, but what they just pulled with Sega may very well cost them the loss of all of the respect from gamers that they had worked so hard to earn and build-up in the first place.
Exactly, this is bullshit. The guys responsible for this mess are most likely the higher-ups at Gearbox and maybe the director of Colonial Marines as well. A bunch of good people are going to lose the trust of thousands of gamers and possibly their jobs because of this.

Spark Of Spirit

Gearbox is in a lot of trouble whether they get sued or not. This is absolutely terrible of them.

Quote from: Foggle on February 24, 2013, 10:21:45 PMI also see that Jim Sterling is still throwing a tantrum over the fact that Randy Pitchford blocked him on Twitter.
Everybody should block him.
"The world will never starve for want of wonders, but for want of wonder." - G.K. Chesterton


It begins.

Also, fuck this guy:
QuoteMan everything apart from the original F.E.A.R was garbage and even that was only above average.

It's only so fondly remembered because shooters have gone so far down hill since then.
Damn comment sections.


Quote from: Ensatsu-ken on February 09, 2013, 04:22:18 PM
So, Aliens: Colonial Marines is just a few days away from release. While I probably won't get a chance to pick up the game until maybe next month, it is easily the game that I most want to play next. And yes, I mean that even more than Metal Gear Rising, despite my love for good hack n' slash games. This is primarily because I'm a HUGE fan of Aliens, and while I haven't played any titles from Gearbox, their really impressive track record leaves me hopeful that this game will be great, and if it really is as great as I hope it will be, then it'll be the perfect entry game for me to start off with in Gearbox's library of software. ;)
You poor bastard.
"Ryu is like the Hank Hill of Street Fighter." -BB_Hoody


Spark Of Spirit

"The world will never starve for want of wonders, but for want of wonder." - G.K. Chesterton




The latest DLC campaign for Borderlands 2 is an absolute blast, It's enjoyable all the way and really encourages you to keep on playing with what you got, one of the ways by doing so is an actual constant usage for Eridium, which up until this point was pretty much useless once you got all black market upgraded earlier, there's also an improved slot machine with much higher quality loot chances, but it consumes eridium instead of cash, and an ending that made my laugh into tears, if anyone came across the ending yet, please don't spoil it to anyone, it needs to be a surprise :D

Only thing I was missing, was seeing Zed, Marcus and Scooter in person, and perhaps as quest givers, that would have made it feel complete to me..!

Also the new dialogue is really great, even some new dialogue for your playable class was added into the campaign, which really adds that extra bit of dimension to who you're playing as, apart from the occasional one-liner they spew out during gameplay..!
A true genius does not need boundaries such as 'common sense'