Street Fighter

Started by Mustang, August 25, 2018, 09:21:43 PM

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One may call me salty for not having a ps5 or access to the Beta. Throughout the span of the ps4's lifecycle I've only played 1 demo and that was DNF Duel, so truth be told, even if I did have a ps5 right now and a code I still wouldn't be playing it. Me and demo's don't go together. I only tried DNF Duel just to see what it was like.

Now that the preface is over, if it's not characters I don't want to see anymore. Let me discover that on my own, especially from a beta. I know, I know, I was all over this when it was announced so what happened? Nothing. I'm just at the point where I think I've seen enough to not need or want anymore info and just wait for the release. I've never been into the breakdowns of a video. That analyze frame by frame bullshit is too geek-ish, even for me.

So I did happened to peak in on some streams, yeah, just like I thought, people already trying to break the game and find everything. I get it, that's just the nature of people. My thing is, just play the damn game. This is a Beta, people. Yeah, Street Fighter 6 might be closer to complete than we thought, but at the end of the day it's still a Beta. Don't get your panties twisted because you're losing. You don't even know how to play the game and you're salty because you're getting owned by whichever Drive is like Focus Attack. You really can't even technically lab it. Everything that's being discovered could essentially change before the final product so just play.

Yeah, so just play and stop being cackling school girls. Even trying to lab at this point is dumb. Just play. Answer the basic questions for now. Does it feel sluggish? How responsive is it? How's the netcode? Don't tell me what links into what. Don't tell me Bread n Butter right now.
3S - Ken, Ryu, Makoto, Dudley, Yang
SF6 - Ken, {Terry}
T8 - Kazuya, Hwaorang, Leroy, Jin


Little update on Street Fighter 6. Amongst all this BS talk about tier lists for a BETA and whatnot, there were some good stuff to catch. I think it was the "watcha playing thread" where I might've said something along the lines of avoiding the beta because just about everyone was trying to be a try-hard and win the game instead of seeing what's what or something along those lines.

I've watched Max, Justin Wong and Smug's perspective and a snippet of AutoMattock's (old school 3rd strike and SFxT player. He's also my go-to for labbing and tech) stream. Just about everyone was trying to find TOD's (touch of death) combos and for the most part it looks like it could happen more often than not, but I don't think the smart players are going to burn all their resources trying to kill right off the bat.

Drive Impact is going to be a problem. Drive Impact just might cause people to quit. And I love it. I don't know if it's a busted mechanic or not, but it's definitely going to be a gatekeeper against new people that's for sure. I see ways to counter it, but not many people was going for it so I'm not sure if it'll work or not.

Drive Rush (I think this is the combo extender one) is probably going to be the mechanic that'll allow the swag. Every character has some kind of swag combos when using this. Again, you had people trying to go for TOD's, but I'm more curious about resets and mixups using this.

I've rarely seen people use the parry one. It burns a lot of meter if I recall, but it can be that get out jail moment if used correctly.

I ignored all the create a character BS. Overall though, I like the tidbits I saw. It has the potential to be the best Street Fighter ever. Now if only Capcom can do something with the style of their Marvel vs. games.
3S - Ken, Ryu, Makoto, Dudley, Yang
SF6 - Ken, {Terry}
T8 - Kazuya, Hwaorang, Leroy, Jin



So a little Street Fighter 6 showcase happened earlier. I've stated I've cooled off quite a bit because of some community BS, but it's mostly for not having a character to stand out yet (the downside of being a character loyalist). Definitely gonna buy it, but I don't know if it'll be a day 1 purchase or not. Even the first wave of DLC characters aren't hitting.

That being said, this game is chucked full of content. Like, balls to wall, it looks like there is so much to do just for the single-player side of it alone. I've been heavy on the combo trials and it looks like it's there in full force. Very extensive to boot. Capcom learned that they cannot pull another launch like SF5, and the way they've been hitting with games, I don't see how Capcom isn't crowned king at this point.

Now, I don't want another Marvel vs Capcom (it would be also if we get one) because Marvel seems like they are asses and a pain to deal with, but now if we can get a game that plays like a MvC game but with only Capcom characters and we taking over EVO once again. Jokes aside, I do want that game though.

Oh yeah, there's a demo out now for both PS4 and PS5, but I don't do demos.

Oh yeah. Lemme also say, since the other devs were waiting for SF6 to come out, the standard has been set. You NEED Rollback Netcode on day 1. You NEED a FULL game on day 1. You NEED CONTENT on day 1. No more of this half-assed releases bullshit on day 1.
3S - Ken, Ryu, Makoto, Dudley, Yang
SF6 - Ken, {Terry}
T8 - Kazuya, Hwaorang, Leroy, Jin


Seems to be hitting across the board. Reviews were positive from what I've seen of it. It looks good. I have to a bit before I get the game. I'll probably be hopping in closer to August. Still don't see that character that stands out to me yet so I'll see how Ken is. He looks cool enough.


Ok, I'm sold. And of all people to convince me to get the game. Daigo Umehara. Watching clips of him trying out the game has been golden. Seeing him just enjoy the game puts a smile on my face. What is everyone else doing wrong that he's doing right? Going gaga for ranked. Don't get me wrong, he hops on rank as well, but he's also just trying characters. It's not the cast, but he's doing stuff. Don't seem like that $1 mil is doing anything to him either so that's a plus.

I know everyone is enjoying the game but they make it hard to tell if they are. Always so serious, like chill out. No big tournament for this game just yet. Enjoy it while you can.

Anyway, yea, so far, I've seen bits of everyone now. Ken, Dee Jay, Guile, Cammy and JP all have my interest at the moment. Cammy because everyone seems to be down on her and so far it sounds like she's the most intricate in the cast so far. Ken still looking like the main, but I'm curious to see how the others feel.
3S - Ken, Ryu, Makoto, Dudley, Yang
SF6 - Ken, {Terry}
T8 - Kazuya, Hwaorang, Leroy, Jin