"Iron Man 3" Talkback (Spoilers)

Started by Avaitor, May 03, 2013, 03:07:16 PM

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I finally got around to seeing it. I actually really enjoyed Iron Man 2. But really, this was a far more deserving sequel to the first movie. The story was just that strong. In fact, there's a part of me that almost wants to say that it's even better than the first one (and I loved the first movie). Iron Man 3 was just really good, and definitely among my top 3 Marvel Cinema Universe movies (alongside Iron Man and The Avengers).


I think that deep down, what Shane Black wants to do next is reboot Lethal Weapon with RDJ & Cheadle as Riggs & Murtaugh. Turning Tony Stark into a not-quite-total head case isn't so bad, but I disagreed with the twist with Mandarin. As an older fan, I felt it didn't make sense, especially considering that in the books, Mandarin was way higher up the villain scale than that candy-ass Killian.

Oh, and the brief bit of Pepper in the armor just gives current readers hope that eventually they'll address more recent happenings (pre-Now) that put her in an armored ID (Rescue). Well, I wouldn't mind. Give me that and a soundtrack by Coldplay, and I'm good.


I believe it was Dr. Insomniac who said The Mandarin was a decoy. I don't think he meant that he was really another white guy though.
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