
Started by LumRanmaYasha, March 21, 2014, 03:41:54 PM

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'Cause I feeeeeeeelt like it, I decided to make a thread for this series. It certainly deserves one.

The second season will debut in October, and the movie is coming out in December.





The entire series is now on Netflix.

Dr. Ensatsu-ken

I guess that's my cue to finally start watching it.


FUNi is dubbing Psycho-Pass 2. That shouldn't be a surprise. What is: they will be streaming dubbed episodes WHILE THE SHOW IS STILL AIRING IN JAPAN.

You heard me right. It's not a simul-dub, per say, but I guess you could call it a "few-week delay" dub. The first dubbed episode will be added on FUNi's EVS service starting on November 8th, and continuing every saturday after. Definitely cool news, though you need a premium account in order to watch the episodes. Dunno if I will do that just for this, but I definitely find FUNi's new strategy with some of their more popular titles very intriguing. I wouldn't be surprised if full-on simul-dubs happen with some of their other popular acquisitions in the future.


I would have never expected Psycho Pass 2 to get a dub so soon.  I have an EVS account, so I'll definitely check out the dub next week. 

Lord Dalek

As I said on Pruitt-IgoeZone, this is basically Funi's way of saying "Yeah we're not waiting to dub Titan Season 2."