Started by Spark Of Spirit, January 25, 2011, 04:10:47 PM

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I got FF VIII because they didn't have VII at the store. Seriously.
"Ryu is like the Hank Hill of Street Fighter." -BB_Hoody


Final Fantasy V has arrived on Steam.

(September 24 was yesterday, for those who maybe lose track.)

This is great news, and should have gotten a bit more attention than it seemed to have. Final Fantasy V is a hard game to get a hold of these days, but now it's on a good platform, for a reasonable price, and it's apparently a good version of the game.

Also, for those disappointed that Square never did full remakes of Final Fantasy V and VI... they are disappointed, too. And they hope to remedy that.



Upon learning more, the Steam version of FFV is based on the iOS port, which apparently ruined the graphical style by trying to update it. So it's kind of a shame that we don't have a good re-release of FFV. However, I also found this link:


Square admits that they hope to get the GBA version of FFVI onto Wii U Virtual Console. If that's the case, you can easily imagine FFV for GBA, which people seem to call the best port of the game, getting a Virtual Console release as well. From what I hear, Nintendo seems to be trying to finally get the ball rolling on its Virtual Console releases, and considering that Square likes re-releasing its classics, I can easily imagine this plan coming to be.


I think that, for the classic games, instead of doing full 3D remakes, they should just do remakes more in the style of the original games. You know, like the PSP versions of I, II, and IV. That way, the style and feel of the original game can be retained, while being updated with modern technology. Once you take an old, 16-bit game and recreate it with lavish, 3D graphics... you might as well just be making a new game altogether. I mean, we don't even have a 2D version of III available.

The way VII is being remade is fine. After all, that game was 3D from the beginning.


Agreed. I'd love to see III, V & VI given the same beautiful treatment the others got in their PSP ports.


I mean, whenever I hear people talk about the 3D version of IV, they say it's a very good video game, but not the true IV experience. In contrast, the PSP remake, which is a true update of the original 2D game, gets nothing but love from fans of the original game. Same with I and II's PSP releases.


I'm surprised I never posted here before. I'm also appalled at the amount of blasphemy here about FF8. Joking aside, FF8 will always have a special place in my heart because it was my 1st rpg and the 1st time I ever saw myself in a character from a game. Around that time I was going through something fierce (I don't want to call it depression, but I guess you could call it that. I'd rather say it was more of a "not giving a shit moment"). Also, I got into rpg's pretty late as well. By the time I got into FF8 was roughly 2003-2004-ish. Before all of that I was always playing fighting games or I was outside playing basketball or with my little clique chasing ass (Hell, I didn't get my PS2 until 2005-ish). Anyway, FF8 was what got me into characters in the first place. Be it games, anime, cartoons or whatever. I was always an action first kinda guy. This was also where my love for graphics came from as well. And before I forget, yes, I did like the junction system. It was the drawing of magic that I could do without because it was so time consuming. But once I learned that when you drew 100 of everything, and how to set your GFs up for everyone, it opened the gates to everything else for me. Beating the game at low levels felt so good.

Afterwards came FF7, and boy there's a story from transitioning from 8 to 7, but I'll save that for another day. Then I went to 10 and hated that immediately. Tidus and Blitzball basically ruined that one for me.

Like I said, got my PS2 around 2005-ish, and was introduced to a quite a few beastly titles. Dragon Quest 8, Chrono Trigger and Final Fantasy 4 (I had that Final Fantasy Anthology I think it was that that had both CT and FF4 together).

Fast forward a bit, the decline for JRPG's came when I got my hands on Tales of the Abyss. Great game but towards the end became a long drawn out process that carried over to Tales of Vesperia. Everything I'd ever want that was in a Tales title was there. A grown-up badass as a protagonist. Great story, characters, music, and graphics, but Abyss was too much and by midpoint of Vesperia I was drained.

It goes without saying that I also turned away from Persona 3 and 4 because the dungeons were so damn long and I just didn't want to go through anymore long drawn out dungeons anymore. I forgot when but somewhere in there I tried out Jade Empire. Anyway, after Vesperia was when I decided to try out Mass Effect and I'd say the rest is history. Before getting into Persona 5, Mass Effect 2/3 were the last RPG's I played and enjoyed (and the only WRPGs that were worth my time. I hated everything done by Bethesda, still do).

That said my favorites would be:

Mass Effect 2
Persona 5
Chrono Trigger
Final Fantasy 4
Final Fantasy 8
Dragon Quest 8
Final Fantasy 7 (After 8 it took a long time for me to even attempt to play this. Graphics mattered to me that much)
Mass Effect 3 (despite it's crappy ending)
Mass Effect 1

Speaking of Persona 5, I'm currently doing my 3rd playthrough as we speak. I think I said it before that I'd like to create my own character in a JRPG, especially in a game such as Persona. These preset characters are okay, but their mannerisms leave a lot to be desired. Some of the choices on what to say are not what I really want my character to say at all, and then on top of that, even though they or lets just say Joker is a quiet type, but he rubs his hand through his hair acting aloof or nervous. If these characters are to represent me, then that's not me nor is that what I want. I'd also like to be able to choose a personality trait or something of that nature. I like badasses and cutthroats (Dante and Vergil comes to mind). Let me put their personality in the game in some for or fashion. WRPGs have the create your character but their options are limited and butt ugly where I'd rather stick with the default option (Mass Effect) but JRPGs could do so much because of how wacky their culture is (no offense) with the different styles they could include.

Just a small tangent/rant.
3S - Ken, Ryu, Makoto, Dudley, Yang
SF6 - Ken, {Terry}
T8 - Kazuya, Hwaorang, Leroy, Jin


Super Mario RPG remake hits Nintendo Switch on November 17.