Donkey Kong series

Started by Spark Of Spirit, July 02, 2013, 04:47:01 PM

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Spark Of Spirit

We played up to world 3.

Amazing game, quite possibly the best in the DKC series. All my niggles with the first game were fixed and the level design starts out excellent and never lets up from stage 1 (unlike DKCR which took a few worlds to really get great). The bosses are better, the enemies are better, the music is excellent, and the multiple partners adds a lot of variety. Several times while playing it I couldn't help but think of it as a proper Donkey Kong Country 4 (whereas DKCR felt more like a DKC Remix of some sort) in that it really feels like the next step forward for the series.

That soundtrack, though.

Listen to Mangrove Cove, Busted Bayou, Canopy Chaos, Windmill Hills, Sawmill Thrill, Alpine Incline (the best DKC2 track David Wise never wrote), Wing Ding (my favorite track), Grassland Groove, Cannon Canyon, and the DKC remixes and tell me this isn't one of the best gaming soundtracks out there. If you can do that I'll have to assume you have no ears or hearing.
"The world will never starve for want of wonders, but for want of wonder." - G.K. Chesterton


Glad it's so good! Personally, I do think of Returns as DKC4. I've been replaying it recently, and I'd say it stacks up very well to the Rare games, if not better in some aspects.

Can't wait to get my hands on Tropical Freeze.

Spark Of Spirit

I like Returns but it didn't feel fresh enough to me as a whole. This one breaks itself off from the other games really quickly with some expansive level design. Returns is still a great game, but this totally outdoes it in every aspect.

Also, I made it to world 4 and there's only been 3 total rocket barrel levels- none of which are as aggravating as Crowded Cavern or Hot Rocket. They're still my least favorite aspect of the game, but since they no longer have one hit kills and have more generous check-pointing and less chaos flying around they're far more tolerable. Then there's the soundtrack.

Do yourself a favor and at least listen to Busted Bayou. David Wise is the man.
"The world will never starve for want of wonders, but for want of wonder." - G.K. Chesterton


I'm up to world 5 right now. Loving this game. DKCR failed to ever really grab me but I'm loving Tropical Freeze. That soundtrack!

I have to say, though. Dixie makes Diddy feel pretty much useless.

Spark Of Spirit

Diddy's jetpack is helpful in certain K levels and most levels with low or spike ceilings, but most of the time I'd rather use Dixie... even over Cranky. She's clearly the best one.

I'm up to world 6 now and I think this might be the best DKC game even over 2. It just does everything so well. I have to say, though, that World 4 was my least favorite world. Too many swimming levels and too many Aquatic Ambiance remixes (Though that one Aquatic Ambiance/Lockjaw Saga mash-up is PERFECT) and too many levels that blend together. It's not bad overall (and certainly not as lame as DKCR's World 3) but considering every other world is near-perfect it was a letdown.
"The world will never starve for want of wonders, but for want of wonder." - G.K. Chesterton


How do you guys think it compares to the other games?

Spark Of Spirit

I finished it.

I think it might be the best DKC game.

It takes all the best elements of all 4 previous games, adds so many new obstacles an gimmicks, a killer David Wise soundtrack, and a difficulty level that feels properly balanced for the first time in the series. It's also the first DKC game I finished since DKC2 that makes me want to replay it right away. Really, it's easily Retro's best game (don't interrupt me, Foggle) and the one easily had the most polish put into it. My only gripes are that world 4 could have used Enguarde to spice things up and a spoiler-related thing that isn't really a big deal in the long run. Since Retro already said that the next DKC game they do will have more animal buddies I'm not too torn up over it.

Also, the grab mechanic is perfect and the jumping has more free movement to that you don't feel helpless when losing your buddy.

All in all, probably the best game this year and the best platformer I've played in a long while, and I've played a lot of great ones in the last few years. If you have a Wii-U and you don't own this then you're really missing out.
"The world will never starve for want of wonders, but for want of wonder." - G.K. Chesterton


I don't have a U so I have no idea when I'll get to play it. Hoping to play it someday. I do think DKC Returns was on par with the original.


Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on February 27, 2014, 06:03:43 PM
Really, it's easily Retro's best game (don't interrupt me, Foggle)
Tbh my favorite Retro game was already tied between MP1 and DKCR, so if it's really that much better than Returns, I'll probably end up agreeing with you. :P I dunno, I just really liked the feel of DKCR, probably even more than the Rare games (though 2 is still better). I prefer Metroid as an overall series, but I won't be surprised if Tropical Freeze has surpassed all of them.

Spark Of Spirit

I think it's very much a popular opinion that this game blows Returns away from every comment I've seen and I would agree with them. In fact, that's probably the easiest way to relate it to the original trilogy- just like DKC2 beats DKC1 in every way, this game beats Returns in every way.

Really, I hope the next game they make is a DKC game to finish the trilogy because they nailed it with this one. (Then Nintendo or whoever can do a 3D one for all I care, I just want another one of these first)

I know a lot of Retro fans are annoyed they're making DKC games, but man, with games like Tropical Freeze it's hard to be disappointed.
"The world will never starve for want of wonders, but for want of wonder." - G.K. Chesterton


Even though I think Metroid Prime is overrated, it's still great and, to me, Retro's best game that I've ever played.


I also want to say the enemy designs are much more charming and engaging than the Tikis in Returns. I could get why people missed the Kremlings in Returns, because they were a lot more fun than the generic Tikis, but I sure do love the enemy designs of Tropical Freeze.

Spark Of Spirit

Yes, the Snowmads and especially the bosses are such a step up from Returns that I do wonder how Retro will top them if they should do another DKC game.
"The world will never starve for want of wonders, but for want of wonder." - G.K. Chesterton


I just did the level "Frosty Fruits" and I didn't know the music was going to be a remix of that DKC2 track. I love this game. :3


Out of boredom and entertainment by them I just watched a DKC3 speedrun.

I forgot how weird the bosses in that game were. Like, I remembered they were there, but just forgot how weird they actually were. Like the giant barrel that shoots out smaller barrels with bugs that you feed to him. Or the weird waterfall with eyes and a mouth. Or the snowman that you fight in an over-the-shoulder snowball fight.