Things You Like About Games That You Don't Particularly Care For

Started by Dr. Ensatsu-ken, October 01, 2013, 08:52:16 PM

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Dr. Ensatsu-ken

Basically just talk about a few good features that you like in games that you otherwise aren't too big on. Stuff that maybe you wish were implemented in better games, or that some games could have expanded upon to be better than they were.

Here are some of mine:

-Mortal Kombat 9 has a good story

-Asura's Wrath has excellent music, and a pretty good story

-The slide maneuver in Ninja Gaiden 3/Razor's Edge is actually one of the few good additions that the game has (and one of the only actual "additions," at that). It doubles as a dodge function AND can launch enemies into the air for you to combo if you slide right into them, which I think is a legitimate improvement to the combat system from previous games

-That Star Fox-esque section at the beginning of the final level in Halo 4 was actually pretty fun. It'd be nice if they had more sections like that in the game to change up the pace a bit, but with more interesting level design, and somewhat tweaked controls in order to improve the gameplay (since it did feel a bit clunky when applied in this game)

-Having quick button inputs, in Batman: Arkham City, to utilize the most basic functions of certain items without having to fully equip them is a clever gameplay feature that should be implemented in more games

-The VR missions in Metal Gear Solid 2 are actually really fun, and probably the closest I've come to enjoying the gameplay from that game (and from any stealth game, in general)

-While it hasn't aged well, it was kind of cool how the original Zelda was so nonrestrictive with its gameplay, in that you could tackle many of the dungeons in any order that you wanted to

Spark Of Spirit

"The world will never starve for want of wonders, but for want of wonder." - G.K. Chesterton


I've been thinking how I would love it for more action/adventure games to let you have access to multiple dungeons from the start. The only remotely recent game I have played like that was the Prince Of Persia reboot on 360 (no, not the movie game) which I liked and ironically everyone hates.

I also love how the original Zelda just started you out in the middle of the action. Today's action games would make you wait through 10 minutes of cutscenes that try to convince you the hero is cool before you can play  :sly:
"Ryu is like the Hank Hill of Street Fighter." -BB_Hoody

Dr. Ensatsu-ken

The first 2 of the 3D Ninja Gaiden games, and all of the classic Ninja Gaiden games, start you out right in the middle of the action as well. To be specific, Ninja Gaiden/Black gives you a little bit of breathing room to get used to the controls, but you'll still be thrown into your first fight pretty abruptly (and in Ninja Gaiden Sigma, you start getting attacked right away). In Ninja Gaiden 2, you literally start the game right in the middle of a fight.

Oh, BTW, I just realized that DMC3 and 4 fit into those types of games that you were talking about, GSF. You know, the ones that have about 10-minutes of trying to make the hero look bad-ass before actually letting YOU get a chance to actually play the game. :sly:

To be fair, though, DMC3 does start you right in the middle of a fight as soon as the cut-scenes end.


Meh, NG2's beginning cutscene is about as long as DMC3's.

And that reminds me NG1 does have Zelda like level design. Gotta get Black.
"Ryu is like the Hank Hill of Street Fighter." -BB_Hoody


I liked that EarthBound was an RPG set in modern day. Would love to see more RPGs Western or Japanese that show crazy stuff happening around national landmarks, heck you could have the White House be the final level!

.................Man, I wish I was a game designer.  :whuh:


Quote from: Peanutbutter on October 04, 2013, 03:03:22 AM
I liked that EarthBound was an RPG set in modern day. Would love to see more RPGs Western or Japanese that show crazy stuff happening around national landmarks, heck you could have the White House be the final level!

.................Man, I wish I was a game designer.  :whuh:
Just play Streets Of Rage 3.
"Ryu is like the Hank Hill of Street Fighter." -BB_Hoody


DK64 had a good soundtrack, and the humor was solid. Same goes for Tooie for that matter.

Thaaaaat's about it.

Dr. Ensatsu-ken

Quote from: GaryPotter on October 06, 2013, 04:47:52 AM
Radiata Stories is the most underrated RPG on the PS2.

That makes it sound like a game that you like, though, in which case it's more of an unpopular opinion. This thread is more about features and aspects that you like in games that you otherwise do not like on the whole.


Chaos Legion is not necessarily a bad game, just below average. I remember really liking the summon systen - it's just that the main character's attacks aren't that good. I wish Capcom would get the DMC3/4 team to work on it.
"Ryu is like the Hank Hill of Street Fighter." -BB_Hoody


The visuals of Kirby's Epic Yarn. Hated the game, but the look of the game was phenomenal.


Super Paper Mario is probably the funniest game I've ever played. Or... well, right up there anyway.

The gameplay is still hit or miss compared to TTYD, but the writing is spectacular.


I always wondered how much I would have liked the game more if it was done in TTYD style. The writing was right on par, but the gameplay and the worlds never did much for me. Well, SPM's worlds after the third one. The space, prehistoric, and heaven and hell thing didn't really strike a chord with me. Sammer's Kingdom could have been awesome had it been fleshed out a bit more instead of just being battle after battle. I do feel like I would have liked them more if they were presented in full 3D style though.


I think Super Paper Mario is as funny, if not more, than TTYD. I also like the story more. But the subplot of Glitzville > any Paper Mario main plot.

It's just that gameplay that is so unpolished. Every boss: hophophophophophophophopwin. I'd say Castlevania: Symphony of the Night did a better job at combining platforming elements with RPG. I also remember the prehistoric level being a bit bland. Still, the final dungeon in the game, in my opinion, surpasses the ones in the other two games (Bowser's Castle and the Shadow Palace, or whatever it's called). Love the music in that place, too.

Spark Of Spirit

Super Mario Sunshine has a good soundtrack and Fludd is a good idea for a POWER-UP.
"The world will never starve for want of wonders, but for want of wonder." - G.K. Chesterton