Kill la Kill

Started by Foggle, October 03, 2013, 03:07:11 PM

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Just when I think this show can't possibly surpass my expectations, it proves me wrong with each episode.

Ryuuko and Satsuki aren't dead (Satsuki was even seen reacting to Ryuuko getting her heart ripped out), but Bakuzan sure is. Not sure what to think on the whole twist of Ryuuko and Satsuki being sisters, I'm sure there's gonna be a catch sooner or later.

And now I realize that my third favorite ship in this show is now incest...I think I'm OK with this.


Trigger sure does know how to exceed my expectations every week.


Quote from: Cartoon X on February 14, 2014, 09:03:55 PM
Is this a serious question? I can't tell.   :sweat:
Kind of. I was just trying to get a discussion going. ;)

Dr. Insomniac

So what happens if it turns out Ragyo was misled, and Isshin implanted his daughter with Life Fibers?


Even with all the rather grim plot developments, this episode was brimming with hillarity too. Jakuzure in particular had some funny moments in this episode, imo. The best part, though, was easily the entire scene where Mrs. Makanshoku just kept staring at Mikisugi's junk. That had me in stitches.  :D

The plot developments were very well laid out and that ending was harsh. Ryuuko turning on Senketsu like that was an surprising moment, but it made a lot of sense now that her whole sense of self has been rocked to the core and she sees herself as a monster now. I wonder how the next episode will build on this development.


Dr. Ensatsu-ken

Why am I not surprised to see Ryuko and Satsuki switch robes for once? I kind of expected that it would happen at some point in this series. It would be a huge waisted opportunity if they didn't. Incidentally, who else thinks that Senketsu actually suits Satsuki quite well?


I love both Ryuko and Satsuki so much.
And I'm glad all of that swapped outfits fanart is now canon.


Great job on the article, EclecticDude  :)

Man was this intense. I have to agree seeing Ryuko being broken like that was heartbreaking and disturbing. However, I look forward to the rematch between Satsuki and Ryuko. I'd expect the ultimate resolution will bring Ryuko back to her senses, but with this show, I'm betting there'll be a catch.

This show sure has a way with cliffhangers. These final 5 weeks are going to be hell.  :sweat:



Welp..... Guess this will be Ryuko going Super Saiyan moment.


Ryuko's on a one-way trip to angstville.

Dr. Insomniac

Luckily, this will be a huge red herring and we'll all have a good laugh about it... right?