Kill la Kill

Started by Foggle, October 03, 2013, 03:07:11 PM

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Mako dying could be what allows Ryuko to regain her sanity and break free of Ragyo's control. That would be interesting and a definite emotional gut punch to us viewers. I don't really expect her to die, though. It probably is a red herring.

Dr. Ensatsu-ken


Yep, it was a red herring. :)

Great episode this week.


I sit here in front of my computer wonder how the hell Trigger continues to entertain me week after week. Such a hard hitting episode.

Dr. Insomniac


Fight Club Captain Mako Makanshokou is back, bitches!  :swoon:

Man, this episode was also full of lots of great things. Ryuuko getting both blades of her scissors back, Nui breaking her composure (and losing her arms), Satsuki proving to be more down to earth and humble than previously thought, the Elite Four being Satsuki's own little crazy goofballs like Senketsu and Mako are for Ryuuko, Ryuuko trying to call Satsuki "sister," both of them transforming to "Don't Lose Your Way" at the same time, and of course the aforementioned ending...yeah, I loved it all. Such a nice episode with great sentiment. But I'm very excited for next episode. Mako kicking ass is going to be a lovely sight to see.  ;D

Dr. Ensatsu-ken

This series was at my #12 spot. This episode just bumped it up a place. :)

Dr. Insomniac

The Shadow Gentleman

You know, while the first half of this show was enjoyable enough, these past few episodes are what really cemented it as a new favorite of mine. I'll wait until after the last episode to see how I rank it, since at the moment I don't know if I quite like it enough to put it in my top favorites list and I still prefer Gurren Lagann, but I can say with certainty that Kill la Kill is the first original anime I've enjoyed in quite a while.

Dr. Ensatsu-ken

Honestly, I like this series much better than TTGL. I know that I'm in the minority, but I just couldn't get into that series like I did with this one. That's just my opinion, though.


I really like Gurren Lagann, but Kill la Kill has entertained me on a much greater level, personally. I think TTGL got too serious despite still being over the top at one point, and that didn't mess well with me sometimes, but KLK has done it a lot better and has maintained a consistent level of excitement for me. I also am just more excited to watch a new KLK than I was excited to watch a new TTGL, even though I was really into that show too when I started watching it. It just hits all the right notes for me, somehow.

The Shadow Gentleman

I can easily see why people are starting to prefer KLK. It is a spectacular show. For me, it's more of a personal preference then anything.

Also, I first watched TTGL back when I was having some changes in my life and in my attitude for the better, so it really stuck with me.

Dr. Ensatsu-ken

Next week can't come fast enough. The finale is going to be nothing short of epic. I'm sure of it.

The Shadow Gentleman

I finally watched the latest episode.


This is going to be one excruciating week.


I'm conflicted. On one hand, I want the next episode here so I can enjoy it, but after that, I think after an OVA... there won't be anymore Kill La Kill.

Dr. Ensatsu-ken

Overall, I thought it was a good ending. There was a bit too much reliance on power-ups that were just convenient for the plot, but being that this is an anime that I don't watch strictly for plot, it didn't really bother me. This is probably the best anime that I've seen since Madoka Magica.