Games That You Think Other Members On This Board Should Play

Started by Dr. Ensatsu-ken, October 11, 2013, 07:18:49 PM

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Dr. Ensatsu-ken

And, I mean specific recommendations/suggestions based on games that other members of this board haven't played, but which you know would cater to their own personal gaming interests.

Here is what I have:


1. Rocket Knight Adventures - Seriously, just download a ROM of the game if you can't find a copy for the Sega Genesis. Normally I'd say to buy and support the game, but Konami CLEARLY has no intention or interest of giving the game a proper re-release, so as far as I'm concerned, they probably don't give two shits that most people will have to rely on an emulator to play it in this day and age. I certainly wouldn't feel bad about it if the actual company that even released the game in the first place just flat-out doesn't care.

2. Devil May Cry - Because, you need to get into the hack n' slash genre already, and what better way to start than with the game that started the genre itself, which also happens to have been spawned from the Resident Evil series, of all things.


1. Alan Wake - Because you said you liked the Max Payne games, so you should try its spiritual successor.


You're a tough one, since you've played so many games that I'm not sure what you haven't played. I'll attempt to make some suggestions, anyways. If you happen to have already played them, then just move down to the next one on the list.

1. Power Stone 2 - Because you need to find love in at least one fighting/brawling game for its gameplay.

2. Halo: Reach - Play it solo and on Heroic difficulty. Normal is too easy and doesn't represent the game at its best, but if you play it on Heroic difficulty or higher, I think you'd appreciate the sharp enemy AI and the excellent level-design that this game has to offer.

3. Ninja Gaiden: Dragon Sword - Because I can't be the only person in the world to have appreciation for this underrated gem, damn-it!

If you've already played all 3 of those, then my recommendation is go back to Ninja Gaiden Sigma and play it on Very Hard or Master Ninja mode until you get good at it and beat it, and then you'll realize that it feels like a completely new game on those difficulty settings compared to the easier ones. :thumbup:

Desensitized (Spark of Spirit):

1. Sega Soccer Slam - Just so that you know that OutRun 2 isn't the only good arcade-style sports game that Sega has made.

2. Ninja Gaiden: Dragon Sword - Yeah, OK, I don't mean to repeat an entry for another member, but honestly, more people need to play this game. It's not necessarily a great game, but it is a very, very entertaining one, and it is completely unique in design, so it's not a straight-up hack n' slash game like its console counterparts. Seeing as how you can't get into hack n' slash games (and thus will never experience the true awesomeness of NGB or DMC3), this is pretty much the best alternative that I can think of.

3. Ninja Gaiden III: The Ancient Ship of Doom (Japanese version) - Because if you could give DKC3 another chance, than why not this game? I think it actually brings a lot of truly great refinements to the gameplay formula from the first 2 games. If I'm to be honest, I actually kind of prefer this game over the original, now, which to me is the hardest to go back to since you can't use any of the extremely useful features that were added in NG2 and 3, that the first game really could've used.


1. Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic - Because I haven't forgotten that little comment you made on the video game competition board, good ol' buddy of mine. Now I feel that you must be enlightened, dear lad. :>

2. Ninja Gaiden 2/Sigma 2 - Because I heard some rumor that you like hack n' slash games with great combat systems.


1. Garou: Mark of Wolves - I know that you don't care for "older" fighting games, but I think you should make an exception and at least try this one out. I think the art-style is great and makes up for not having any HD graphics, and the combat system is just as technical as many modern fighting games that you see played at tournaments to this very day, yet at the same time is also actually "fun" to play, even if you're not a master at it.


I once remember hearing you say that you didn't play all that many games and wanted recommendations. Well....take your pick:

Max Payne
Max Payne 2: The Fall of Max Payne
Ninja Gaiden Black
Super Mario World 2: Yoshi's Island
....And, pretty much every other recommendation that I've made for everyone else, and all of the games among my top 12 favorites


You're actually harder than Foggle, since I really have no clue what you have and haven't played already.

For starters, finish Ninja Gaiden Black already, and then come back to me and we'll talk. :humhumhum:


Quote from: Ensatsu-ken on October 11, 2013, 07:18:49 PM

1. Alan Wake - Because you said you liked the Max Payne games, so you should try its spiritual successor.
Oh, totally!

Actually, a friend of mine has been wanting me to play Max Payne 3 for a while. He never got to play the first 2 beforehand, and after playing this one, decided to not go back because he felt that they would be too dated for him, but assures me that 3 is killer.
Life is not about the second chances. It's about a little mouse and his voyage to an exciting new land. That, my friend, is what life is.

Sir, do you have any Warrants?
I got their first CD, but you can't have it, motherfucker!

New blog!

Dr. Ensatsu-ken

Quote from: Avaitor on October 11, 2013, 07:25:08 PMActually, a friend of mine has been wanting me to play Max Payne 3 for a while. He never got to play the first 2 beforehand, and after playing this one, decided to not go back because he felt that they would be too dated for him, but assures me that 3 is killer.

I still haven't played MP3 yet, myself. I have to admit, I've always been a bit biased against that game if only because development for it was handed down to Rockstar, who has a very different game design philosophy from Remedy (which is obviously why MP3 will probably feel nothing like the first 2 games, for better or worse). Personally, I think that the first 2 games have aged just fine, but I can also see how your friend would most likely find them dated if he tried them now. Either way, though, I'll give MP3 a shot one of these days, if only because head members of Remedy gave it their own personal approval as a worthy sequel and follow-up to the first 2 titles.

Still, for me the true successor to the MP games will continue to be Alan Wake. It just has that magic to it that makes the gameplay feel so smooth in only the way that a Remedy-developed game could be. It also has a lot more of that tongue-in-cheek style of story-telling with equal parts legitimate drama and cheese-factor that you found in the MP games, which in my book is definitely a good thing. :thumbup:

Dr. Ensatsu-ken

Oh, and also, triple my RKA recommendation to include CX and VL. Both of you guys need to play that game.

Also, need to play Sonic 2 already.

Spark Of Spirit

This is a good idea for a thread, but a bad idea since I'm not sure what anyone has or has not played.  :sweat:

All I know is:


1. Shinobi III: Return Of The Ninja Master - If you like the Ninja Gaiden games, this really a no-brainer.
2. Mega Man Zero series - Whether the GBA originals or the DS compilation, these all stack up with the SNES Mega Man X trilogy as awesome.
3. Ninja Five-O - It's an obscure GBA game that'll probably never be re-released. There's little like it and it's fully original.


1. Rolling Thunder trilogy - No clue if you've ever played them, but you really should. It's methodical and difficult, but it has that '70s spy groove to it.
2. Mega Turrican - It's hard to rec this series, but I find this is the best game to start with. Contra meets Metroid, I mean COME ON.
3. 999 - This is right up your alley, IMO.


1. Wario Land: Shake It! - Seriously. I think I'm the only one on this board who's played it.
2. Hotel Dusk - You dig old noirs? You'll dig this.
3. Giana Sisters DS - This is a great classic style platformer that is a lot of fun to just pick up and play.


1. Ristar - Whether you like Sonic or not, this is worth playing.
2. Rockin' Katz - It's the only platformer Atlus ever made and even though it's really easy it's a lot of fun.


1. Shock Troopers - Branching paths, six different characters, co-op, and overhead action.


1. Silent Bomber - Think Bomberman meets third person action game. HIGHLY underrated.
2. Brave Fencer Musashi - You want an action RPG with style? Here's one.


1. Phoenix Wright everything - This sounds like something you'd like.
2. Henry Hattsworth & The Puzzling Adventure - Shame we'll never get a sequel.


Any 2D Genesis Sonic game and any 2D NES or SNES Mario game
I don't know what you have or haven't played, but those are the basics.


1. Three Dirty Dwarves - I don't have to explain myself.  :P

That's the best I can think of.
"The world will never starve for want of wonders, but for want of wonder." - G.K. Chesterton


Quote from: Ensatsu-ken on October 11, 2013, 07:18:49 PM
1. Power Stone 2 - Because you need to find love in at least one fighting/brawling game for its gameplay.
I would actually consider Anarchy Reigns to be the one fighting/brawling game I love for its gameplay, but I get you. I've played Power Stone, but not the sequel. I thought it was decent, but I'm sure the sequel is a lot better. I'll definitely get around to it before too long. ;)

Quote2. Halo: Reach - Play it solo and on Heroic difficulty. Normal is too easy and doesn't represent the game at its best, but if you play it on Heroic difficulty or higher, I think you'd appreciate the sharp enemy AI and the excellent level-design that this game has to offer.
You say Normal is too easy, but you don't know about how lacking in skill I am at dual-analog aiming. :lol: I really do want to play Reach's campaign though (I've played the online previously), and I'll be sure to get it eventually.

Quote3. Ninja Gaiden: Dragon Sword - Because I can't be the only person in the world to have appreciation for this underrated gem, damn-it!
I keep forgetting that game exists. I promise to pick it up one of these days. :il_hahaha:

Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on October 11, 2013, 07:53:30 PM
1. Rolling Thunder trilogy - No clue if you've ever played them, but you really should. It's methodical and difficult, but it has that '70s spy groove to it.
Sounds cool, will have to check 'em out. ;)

Quote2. Mega Turrican - It's hard to rec this series, but I find this is the best game to start with. Contra meets Metroid, I mean COME ON.
I already played Turrican last time you recommended it. It's great! :)

Quote3. 999 - This is right up your alley, IMO.
You're not the first person to tell me that!

Dr. Ensatsu-ken

Quote from: Foggle on October 11, 2013, 07:55:21 PMI would actually consider Anarchy Reigns to be the one fighting/brawling game I love for its gameplay, but I get you. I've played Power Stone, but not the sequel. I thought it was decent, but I'm sure the sequel is a lot better. I'll definitely get around to it before too long. ;)

True, I forgot about Anarchy Reigns (which I need to play, as well). But yeah, Power Stone 2 is A LOT better than the original (and I mean a massive improvement; as I say this as someone who genuinely enjoyed the first game), but it is definitely best when played with a group of friends, though even the single-player can be very addicting.

QuoteYou say Normal is too easy, but you don't know about how lacking in skill I am at dual-analog aiming. :lol: I really do want to play Reach's campaign though (I've played the online previously), and I'll be sure to get it eventually.

I really think that it's something that you'd get used to if you played the game for a couple of hours. I wish Microsoft would just release the game on the PC so that you could try it with the control scheme of your preference, but even with a controller the game is still very much playable (especially since it was designed with dual-analogue in mind from the get-go). As for the whole skill thing, I'd say it's really no different from something like NG or DMC. The game will initially kick your ass until you learn how the enemies work and what the best strategies are to fight them. Then the game will just click together and every encounter that you make it through will be very rewarding. Also, HR is the time of game where you can entirely skip most fights in a level if you are good at finding the niches scattered through each level that really let you exploit your environment and get past most of your enemies completely unnoticed. ;)

QuoteI keep forgetting that game exists. I promise to pick it up one of these days. :il_hahaha:

So, by promise, you basically mean never. :sly:

No, but seriously, it's a fun game for what it is. It's more shallow than the first 2 console games, but the funny thing is that it still has more gameplay depth and much better design to it than NG3 (and mostly like NGZ, at that).


Quote from: Ensatsu-ken on October 11, 2013, 07:41:33 PM
Oh, and also, triple my RKA recommendation to include CX and VL. Both of you guys need to play that game.

Also, need to play Sonic 2 already.

Rocket Knight Adventures does certainly look up my alley, so I'll definitely check it out as soon as I can.  And yeah, I'll get around to playing Sonic 2. Eventually... :D

Dr. Ensatsu-ken

Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on October 11, 2013, 07:53:30 PMEnsatsu-ken:

1. Shinobi III: Return Of The Ninja Master - If you like the Ninja Gaiden games, this really a no-brainer.
2. Mega Man Zero series - Whether the GBA originals or the DS compilation, these all stack up with the SNES Mega Man X trilogy as awesome.
3. Ninja Five-O - It's an obscure GBA game that'll probably never be re-released. There's little like it and it's fully original.

I've actually played a little bit of Shinobi III before, and it did indeed impress me. I'll buy the game off of Steam, tomorrow. :thumbup:

Of course, since Steam isn't running properly on my computer, I'll just download a different ROM for an emulator after I buy it, because by that point I will have legally bought the game, anyways. As for MMZ and NFO, those will be a bit trickier to get, but one of these days I'll order them online and play them on my (thankfully) still working GBA. ;)

In the meantime, you go get cracking on finding yourself a copy of SSS, buddy! :joy:

Spark Of Spirit

I actually plan on giving NG3 another chance when it comes out on the 3DS VC. I just plan on save-stating every level for infinite continues and dealing with the damage increase.

Soccer Slam is a Sega sports game, which are almost always great, so I will get around to it one day (A re-release would be better!). As for Dragon Sword, I've almost picked it up so many times. I might as well just bite the bullet next time I see it. It's usually under 10 bucks.
"The world will never starve for want of wonders, but for want of wonder." - G.K. Chesterton


Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on October 11, 2013, 07:53:30 PM
1. Wario Land: Shake It! - Seriously. I think I'm the only one on this board who's played it.
I think I played a demo if it before, but I honestly can't recall. I'll keep an eye out for a cheap copy!

Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on October 11, 2013, 07:53:30 PM
2. Hotel Dusk - You dig old noirs? You'll dig this.
3. Giana Sisters DS - This is a great classic style platformer that is a lot of fun to just pick up and play.
No DS. :(
Life is not about the second chances. It's about a little mouse and his voyage to an exciting new land. That, my friend, is what life is.

Sir, do you have any Warrants?
I got their first CD, but you can't have it, motherfucker!

New blog!

Dr. Ensatsu-ken

It's funny. I know that sports games aren't nearly anyone's favorite genre on this board, but I also remember how you and I had a lot of discussion on what makes some sports games appealing in the first place, and it's basically the types that take advantage of actually being a game, instead of just trying to be realistic. For some reason I just felt like SSS would be really up your alley. The character-designs are light-hearted, cartoony, and very colorful, and the gameplay is excellent and can be very competitive, but is simultaneously very simple and fun. And this game's quest mode is highly addicting and the different items you can unlock for each team gives you added incentive to play. Also, the mini-games in this title are especially fun for parties. :thumbup:


Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on October 11, 2013, 07:53:30 PM

1. Three Dirty Dwarves - I don't have to explain myself.  :P

That's the best I can think of.


Spark Of Spirit

It's because it's totally weird and oddball. I think you'd like it.  ;)

Quote from: Ensatsu-ken on October 11, 2013, 08:09:19 PM
Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on October 11, 2013, 07:53:30 PMEnsatsu-ken:

1. Shinobi III: Return Of The Ninja Master - If you like the Ninja Gaiden games, this really a no-brainer.
2. Mega Man Zero series - Whether the GBA originals or the DS compilation, these all stack up with the SNES Mega Man X trilogy as awesome.
3. Ninja Five-O - It's an obscure GBA game that'll probably never be re-released. There's little like it and it's fully original.

I've actually played a little bit of Shinobi III before, and it did indeed impress me. I'll buy the game off of Steam, tomorrow. :thumbup:

Of course, since Steam isn't running properly on my computer, I'll just download a different ROM for an emulator after I buy it, because by that point I will have legally bought the game, anyways. As for MMZ and NFO, those will be a bit trickier to get, but one of these days I'll order them online and play them on my (thankfully) still working GBA. ;)

In the meantime, you go get cracking on finding yourself a copy of SSS, buddy! :joy:
I wouldn't count on finding Ninja Five-O (or it's amazing Euro title NINJA COP) for cheap. I've been trying to find a copy for years. The game is next to impossible to find. I'm really hoping for a re-release on the e-shop eventually. The game is more than worth it, but since Hudson made it and Konami published it, who knows how that will work out?

These prices are normal for it.

Low print runs are so irritating.
"The world will never starve for want of wonders, but for want of wonder." - G.K. Chesterton

Spark Of Spirit

Quote from: Avaitor on October 11, 2013, 08:15:07 PM
Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on October 11, 2013, 07:53:30 PM
1. Wario Land: Shake It! - Seriously. I think I'm the only one on this board who's played it.
I think I played a demo if it before, but I honestly can't recall. I'll keep an eye out for a cheap copy!

Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on October 11, 2013, 07:53:30 PM
2. Hotel Dusk - You dig old noirs? You'll dig this.
3. Giana Sisters DS - This is a great classic style platformer that is a lot of fun to just pick up and play.
No DS. :(
OUCH. Okay, I'll try again.

2. A Boy & His Blob and Batman: The Brave & The Bold - The same entry because they're both WayForward, really cheap, great, and cartoons in game form.
3. The Secret of Monkey Island - I'm not sure how familiar you are with point n clicks, but this is more than worth playing. It should run on any PC, too.
"The world will never starve for want of wonders, but for want of wonder." - G.K. Chesterton