Games That You Think Other Members On This Board Should Play

Started by Dr. Ensatsu-ken, October 11, 2013, 07:18:49 PM

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The Shadow Gentleman

Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on October 11, 2013, 07:53:30 PM
Any 2D Genesis Sonic game and any 2D NES or SNES Mario game
Funny, the next thing I was going to pick up after Bioshock Infiniate was going to one of those collections of classic Sonic games. Thanks for reminding me!


Spark Of Spirit

Quote from: Ensatsu-ken on October 11, 2013, 08:15:43 PM
It's funny. I know that sports games aren't nearly anyone's favorite genre on this board, but I also remember how you and I had a lot of discussion on what makes some sports games appealing in the first place, and it's basically the types that take advantage of actually being a game, instead of just trying to be realistic. For some reason I just felt like SSS would be really up your alley. The character-designs are light-hearted, cartoony, and very colorful, and the gameplay is excellent and can be very competitive, but is simultaneously very simple and fun. And this game's quest mode is highly addicting and the different items you can unlock for each team gives you added incentive to play. Also, the mini-games in this title are especially fun for parties. :thumbup:
Yes, it's why I have a copy of NBA Jam for the Wii. My friend has Sega Superstar Tennis on his 360 and has been eying Soccer Slam so maybe I'll give him a push toward it and get a group together.

But yeah, arcade sports games are fun. They just take the rules of the real game and throw in video game logic which makes them fun.

Like I don't care much for actual racing, but OutRun 2 and its spin offs always make me feel like I'm going on a cross-country journey every time I play. But if it was made realistic it wouldn't be half as fun.
"The world will never starve for want of wonders, but for want of wonder." - G.K. Chesterton


Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on October 11, 2013, 08:20:41 PM
Quote from: Avaitor on October 11, 2013, 08:15:07 PM
Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on October 11, 2013, 07:53:30 PM
1. Wario Land: Shake It! - Seriously. I think I'm the only one on this board who's played it.
I think I played a demo if it before, but I honestly can't recall. I'll keep an eye out for a cheap copy!

Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on October 11, 2013, 07:53:30 PM
2. Hotel Dusk - You dig old noirs? You'll dig this.
3. Giana Sisters DS - This is a great classic style platformer that is a lot of fun to just pick up and play.
No DS. :(
OUCH. Okay, I'll try again.

2. A Boy & His Blob and Batman: The Brave & The Bold - The same entry because they're both WayForward, really cheap, great, and cartoons in game form.
3. The Secret of Monkey Island - I'm not sure how familiar you are with point n clicks, but this is more than worth playing. It should run on any PC, too.
I've done bits of Monkey Island before, and it's the shit! I'd love to play it all the way through.

And yeah, good call with the other two. ;)
Life is not about the second chances. It's about a little mouse and his voyage to an exciting new land. That, my friend, is what life is.

Sir, do you have any Warrants?
I got their first CD, but you can't have it, motherfucker!

New blog!


Quote from: Ensatsu-ken

1. Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic - Because I haven't forgotten that little comment you made on the video game competition board, good ol' buddy of mine. Now I feel that you must be enlightened, dear lad. :>

It's funny. Back at the beginning of  my sophmore year in highschool I was on a KOTOR high after playing through the second game, and wanted to play the first KOTOR so badly. I eventually decided to wait and 'til I got a decent PC so I could use some of the awesome mods for that version. Over the years, my waning interest in KOTOR coupled by some of the story reveals in The Old Republic pretty much killed my interest. But I shouldn't let Bioware and Lucasarts' shitty storytelling decisions prevent me from playing a game that stands on its own merits.

I'll have to finish some of the other RPG's I'm working on first. :sweat:

Quote2. Ninja Gaiden 2/Sigma 2 - Because I heard some rumor that you like hack n' slash games with great combat systems.

That I do. I just wish there was a way I could play the original version of NGII. I'll most likely get Sigma 2 once I'm finished with Killer Is Dead. Even if some of the changes are pretty unforgiveable (seriously, replacing the shit ton of enemies in Chapter 11 with a bunch of dogs? Screw you Hayashi!)

Quote from: Spark of SpiritSilent Bomber - Think Bomberman meets third person action game. HIGHLY underrated.

*Looks up gameplay video*


How hard is it to find, and how much does it tend to go for?

Quote2. Brave Fencer Musashi - You want an action RPG with style? Here's one.

Sounds good. Though, the fact that it's a 90's Squaresoft RPG means that it'll be hard to find, and very expensive to buy. I hope both it and Silent Bomber come to the NA PSN.

Spark Of Spirit

About average. Around $30 for such a rare game isn't too bad. Same with Musashi, really.

The game was incredibly hard to find when I was younger (I wore out my demo), but the price doesn't go that high. Musashi is pretty easy to find, however. No idea why either aren't on PSN here, though.

Another clever one is Trap Gunner which I always thought would make a great downloadable or handheld game. So many great ideas in the PS1/N64 era that were never explored.
"The world will never starve for want of wonders, but for want of wonder." - G.K. Chesterton

Dr. Ensatsu-ken

Quote from: Rynnec on October 11, 2013, 08:59:33 PMIt's funny. Back at the beginning of  my sophmore year in highschool I was on a KOTOR high after playing through the second game, and wanted to play the first KOTOR so badly. I eventually decided to wait and 'til I got a decent PC so I could use some of the awesome mods for that version. Over the years, my waning interest in KOTOR coupled by some of the story reveals in The Old Republic pretty much killed my interest. But I shouldn't let Bioware and Lucasarts' shitty storytelling decisions prevent me from playing a game that stands on its own merits.

I like the sequel, but it had 2 big problems. One of them is that its development was very rushed (it came out less than 2 years after the first game was released), so it severely lacked the polish of the first game, and thus it had plenty more bugs and it also didn't have nearly as well of a fleshed out story or characters (though what was there was still surprisingly good, given the circumstances), and there weren't really any gameplay improvements made to the combat or anything of that nature (though I'm kind of OK with that, since I liked the combat to begin with). The second problem, also no doubt having to do with the game's rushed nature, is that some of your quests were really boring and just dragged the game out to artificially increase its length, and the side-quests in that game really sucked, for the most part. Still, I thought it was a pretty good game for what it was, although it had many flaws. That said, I found that the first game had much tighter and more focused design. The story and characters were great; and I really hope that you haven't had the game's plot twist spoiled for you, because that's easily one of the most memorable parts of any video game OR Star Wars story, IMO. Also the side-quests were actually fun to do and fully realized, including the mini-games, and the game moved along at a slick pace and never felt like it was just dragging things out for the sake of making them longer like in the first game. Overall, the first game just had a much clearer vision it was striving for, which it succeeded at capturing (IMO), whereas the second game was clearly just a cash-in (a GOOD cash-in, overall, but also an inferior product to the original).

I'll have to finish some of the other RPG's I'm working on first. :sweat:

QuoteThat I do. I just wish there was a way I could play the original version of NGII. I'll most likely get Sigma 2 once I'm finished with Killer Is Dead. Even if some of the changes are pretty unforgiveable (seriously, replacing the shit ton of enemies in Chapter 11 with a bunch of dogs? Screw you Hayashi!)

Yeah, it does have a lot of unforgivable changes, but if there are 2 things that it does better, it's that it reduces projectile spam, and also gives the enemies a little bit more health so that you can actually have a much easier time experimenting with different combos and such. Overall, I think both versions of the game are worth playing since they are so different from each other, but it all comes down to which one you prefer. Ninja Gaiden 2 is mostly fun and challenging, but it has some REALLY big flaws that can really frustrate the hell out of you unless you are the type of player who can learn to look past them in favor of the good stuff (it also has a ton of bugs, but most of them are pretty harmless little glitches, and some are even quite fun to exploit). I know that sounds like a lot to have to deal with, but upon actually playing the game, most of it goes by pretty smoothly, and it feels like a very rewarding experience with some truly satisfying combat (the only aspect of the game that is superior to NGB/S, as everything else is more or less a step down from the original). With NGS2, it relieves a lot of the frustrations of the original version of the game, but it completely dumbs down the bottom 2 difficulties and makes them piss-easy. So, on your first run through the game, even if you pick Warrior mode, you'll likely find it a breeze to play through, which is why you would need to play the game again on Path of the Mentor to truly get your money's worth out of it.


Unfortunately, pretty much everyone who's interested in KOTOR has had that plot twist spoiled for them. It's right up there with Aerith's fate in Final Fantasy VII, and Sheik's identity in Ocarina of Time when it comes to plot twists that have lost all their impact.

Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on October 11, 2013, 09:09:29 PM
About average. Around $30 for such a rare game isn't too bad. Same with Musashi, really.

The game was incredibly hard to find when I was younger (I wore out my demo), but the price doesn't go that high. Musashi is pretty easy to find, however. No idea why either aren't on PSN here, though.

Another clever one is Trap Gunner which I always thought would make a great downloadable or handheld game. So many great ideas in the PS1/N64 era that were never explored.

That's good to know.

There are a lot of PS1/N64 era games that aren't on the VC or PSN yet. I guess the ones by dead developers and publishers are understandable, but that doesn't explain the lack of Rival Schools, Musashi, Doom 64 and the like.

Dr. Ensatsu-ken

Quote from: Rynnec on October 11, 2013, 10:13:44 PMUnfortunately, pretty much everyone who's interested in KOTOR has had that plot twist spoiled for them. It's right up there with Aerith's fate in Final Fantasy VII, and Sheik's identity in Ocarina of Time when it comes to plot twists that have lost all their impact.

Damn. You're right. Unfortunately it's something that you had to have experienced at the time to really get the full impact of it. I mean, when you found our your characters true identity and actually DID NOT see it coming, it was truly one of the most shocking revelations in any video game story that I had experienced up to that point. It was such an awesome moment, as well.


Quote from: Ensatsu-ken on October 11, 2013, 07:18:49 PM1. Rocket Knight Adventures - Seriously, just download a ROM of the game if you can't find a copy for the Sega Genesis. Normally I'd say to buy and support the game, but Konami CLEARLY has no intention or interest of giving the game a proper re-release, so as far as I'm concerned, they probably don't give two shits that most people will have to rely on an emulator to play it in this day and age. I certainly wouldn't feel bad about it if the actual company that even released the game in the first place just flat-out doesn't care.

You're definitely right that I need to play this game. It's one that I have wanted to play for a while. But of course, as you mentioned, Konami hasn't given it a re-release. And that's surprising to me. You'd expect this to be one of those games that would be placed in at least one of those recent Genesis Collections, at least considering the fact that they made a sequel to it a few years ago.

So I might just get a ROM. Besides, in my opinion, it hardly qualifies as illegal when they wouldn't be making money off of it otherwise, anyway.

Quote from: Ensatsu-ken on October 11, 2013, 07:18:49 PM2. Devil May Cry - Because, you need to get into the hack n' slash genre already, and what better way to start than with the game that started the genre itself, which also happens to have been spawned from the Resident Evil series, of all things.

I must be the only person on AR that hasn't yet become a fan of the hack n' slash genre. I have a demo of DMC (I got it many years ago packed-in with my copy of RE Code: Veronica for the PS2). I probably should get the actual game. I might also finally just cave in and get NG Sigma, because it doesn't look like I'll ever have any way to play NG Black. :bleh:

Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on October 11, 2013, 07:53:30 PM
1. Ristar - Whether you like Sonic or not, this is worth playing.

There's a good chance I'm misinterpreting what you suggest here. But just to be clear, I do love the classic Sonic games a lot. :P

But yeah. Ristar has always fit right alongside Rocket Knight Adventures as a Genesis platformer I want to play. Though the funny thing is, unlike that game, Ristar has been re-released multiple times. So that won't be an issue. In fact, I almost wonder if I even own it already on my Sonic Mega Collection.

Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on October 11, 2013, 07:53:30 PM
2. Rockin' Katz - It's the only platformer Atlus ever made and even though it's really easy it's a lot of fun.

I actually haven't heard much about this game at all. One of those underrated NES gems? I'll check it out.


Quote from: Ensatsu-ken on October 11, 2013, 07:18:49 PM

1. Garou: Mark of Wolves - I know that you don't care for "older" fighting games, but I think you should make an exception and at least try this one out. I think the art-style is great and makes up for not having any HD graphics, and the combat system is just as technical as many modern fighting games that you see played at tournaments to this very day, yet at the same time is also actually "fun" to play, even if you're not a master at it.

Looking at some combo videos and whatnot. I suppose I see what you're saying, and let me say this, Street Fighter 3rd Strike is old, and I like it almost as much as SSF4. The problem I have with getting some of the older fighters is that I'd be basically downgrading. When I look at Garou, I'm basically seeing the same thing in King of Fighters 13, and KoF13 just looks better with newer mechanics (I think) and a larger roster (and of course a graphic upgrade)

The reason I bring up 3rd Strike is because that game might be the only game that I know in any series that pretty much has it's own mechanic that hasn't been implemented in any of the newer fighters. I mean, it's true that 3S has the same fundamentals that any other SF game out there has, but that parry system puts 3S into another ballpark. The FADC in SF4 is essentially suppose to be somewhat similar, but to me that's basically for combo extending (although it can be used defensively as well).

This is kind of why I am against Capcom at the moment with these so-called remakes. When you buy/play Ultimate Marvel vs Capcom 3, what is the point of going back to the older titles? Other than nostalgia (which, at this point is no legitimate reason with me anymore lol) I see no reason for doing so since the newest game is essentially the same, but with newer mechanics (exception being 3rd Strike). You're not going to find many people playing these older games either.

Dr. Ensatsu-ken

Quote from: Grave on October 12, 2013, 12:48:27 PMLooking at some combo videos and whatnot. I suppose I see what you're saying, and let me say this, Street Fighter 3rd Strike is old, and I like it almost as much as SSF4. The problem I have with getting some of the older fighters is that I'd be basically downgrading. When I look at Garou, I'm basically seeing the same thing in King of Fighters 13, and KoF13 just looks better with newer mechanics (I think) and a larger roster (and of course a graphic upgrade)

Well, I haven't played that much of KOF13, but be warned, it's a lot harder to get into than Garou or any Street Fighter game. The timing required to pull off combos perfectly in that game almost makes SSF4 look lenient, IMO. Perhaps that might be a good thing for you, but for me it's honestly a bit too much for me to actually have fun with.

Personally, I'm sticking with SSF4 as my current "go-to" modern fighting game. I still suck at it, but it's a fun game, regardless.


Quote from: Ensatsu-ken on October 12, 2013, 12:52:48 PM
Quote from: Grave on October 12, 2013, 12:48:27 PMLooking at some combo videos and whatnot. I suppose I see what you're saying, and let me say this, Street Fighter 3rd Strike is old, and I like it almost as much as SSF4. The problem I have with getting some of the older fighters is that I'd be basically downgrading. When I look at Garou, I'm basically seeing the same thing in King of Fighters 13, and KoF13 just looks better with newer mechanics (I think) and a larger roster (and of course a graphic upgrade)

Well, I haven't played that much of KOF13, but be warned, it's a lot harder to get into than Garou or any Street Fighter game. The timing required to pull off combos perfectly in that game almost makes SSF4 look lenient, IMO. Perhaps that might be a good thing for you, but for me it's honestly a bit too much for me to actually have fun with.

Personally, I'm sticking with SSF4 as my current "go-to" modern fighting game. I still suck at it, but it's a fun game, regardless.

Oh yeah, I hear that on the difficulty scale, it's right there with Guilty Gear and BlazBlue. I'd definitely like to learn it someday, but considering the netcode sucks, and then I'm still using the standard DS controller on my PS3 (old habits I tell ya, but I'm getting much better with it) and my thumb takes a beating with SSF4 as is. The motions in KoF13 are insane.

SSF4 and SF3S are my go-to fighters at the moment. Trying to get better at 1 is one thing, but 2 is beyond ridiculous (let alone when Guilty Gear update is released and Xrd comes out my hands will really be full with them)

Dr. Ensatsu-ken

Oh yeah, I forgot something:

Who here on this board has NOT yet played either Jedi Knight II: Jedi Outcast or Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy?

Because, pretty much EVERYONE should play those games, IMO. I think those are among the few games that everyone here would find at least some appeal in. If you like FPS games, you can play most of these games from that perspective (only if you really want to). If you like 3rd person action/adventure games, the games have you covered there as well. It also has a healthy dose of platforming and puzzle solving, and generally has pretty interesting level design, so I'd say these games are definitely worth playing. They are pretty much tied with KOTOR as my personal favorite Star Wars games.

Also, if you like aerial combat games similar to Star Fox (though admittedly a bit slower-paced), then both Starfighter and Jedi Starfighter are definite recommendation of mine, as well.


Jedi Outcast is really good, yeah. I also like Jedi Knight and Dark Forces, though the latter doesn't hold up too well in a lot of aspects.