What Are You Currently Playing? 6.65: Neighbor of the Beast

Started by Foggle, February 28, 2014, 02:18:41 AM

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Dr. Ensatsu-ken

Played some more of Jedi: Fallen Order. Dathomir fucking sucks. It's clearly an unfinished, buggy mess, which makes me think that the developers had to rush and this world got the short end of the stick. There's one jump that I kept dying on over and over again, and has a YouTube video dedicated specifically to it because the platforming physics are garbage. Likewise you have super buggy enemy AI with some just spawning on a delay and popping up right in front of you. The most hilarious are the archers who randomly stop attacking you and stand completely still for no reason while still voicing out pre-programmed dialogue to threaten you.

Even the parts that are working as intended are pretty frustrating at best. You have these super annoying bug creatures that emit poison projectiles at you and also explode into poison when you kill them making you stay clear of them until they fade away. They are also a bitch to fight because they come in groups and tend to stun-lock you when you get hit (lots of smaller enemies do this). It's a sign of bad game design and feels like the developers wanted to give the game a little Dark Souls flair without realizing that the annoying gimmick enemies are the least appealing aspects of those games (and even then have better and more nuanced design than in this game).

Anyways, this isn't reflective of the whole game, as the bad design here feels mostly isolated to this world (so far), but it is pretty horrendous and almost made me want to stop playing. That said, there are definitely issues with the rest of the game as well. Were this game more refined and had there been a bit more to the gameplay, it could have been a good modern day equivalent to the Jedi Knight series. As it stands, it's an OK Star Wars games with some major flaws.


Tried playing Ultra Street Fighter 4 on stick earlier (my hitbox have to get repaired) and it felt too awkward for me. Confession time, I've never liked playing on a fight stick to begin with. My hands are big so I can't get that comfort around the stick because there's not enough space for my hand, so I have to use an awkward grip just for hand placement and it's uncomfortable. Ever since I got my hands on a Hitbox it just felt natural for me. It's like using a keyboard in a way (I can't do that either) but with bigger buttons. Going back to stick, just no.

Single player games, nothing. Not in the mood to play anything. Kind of done with a lot of them. Only a few standouts at this point.
3S - Ken, Ryu, Dudley Makoto
GGS - Sol Badguy, Slayer, Johnny
GBFVR - Beatrix, Siegfried

Dr. Ensatsu-ken

So, I managed to find a used PS3 for a pretty damn good deal. I just had to order a separate HDMI cable since my TV doesn't have a pin-style hookup which is what the system came with (it should be coming in the mail tomorrow).

With this I have access to more games that aren't available on the PS4, including downloads for some classic PS1 games. I'm definitely finally going to get around to God Hand, plus I have the MGS Legacy Collection which I got with my PS3.

I'm open to other recommendations if anyone has them.


God Hand and the MGS Collection are definitely great choices! Make sure to at least try playing Metal Gear 1 and 2 (the MSX games) which can be found on the main menu of MGS 3, since I think they're still really fun (especially 2). Aside from those, I highly recommend the original Nier (the PS3 version is easier to find than the 360 version), Demon's Souls (which I personally like more than Dark Souls, though less than Bloodborne), Resistance 3 (I didn't much like the first two but I loved this one), and the main series Ratchet & Clank games (the PS2 trilogy collection, Tools of Destruction, Crack in Time, Quest for Booty, and Into the Nexus).

Dr. Ensatsu-ken

I actually got most of the way through the original Metal Gear a few years ago, but ended up stopping due to studying for my NAPLEX at the time. I will go back and play through all of it and the sequel for sure, though.

For some reason I thought Nier was a 360 exclusive (I still have my 360, but would have to get an HDMI cable for it which I don't know if that's available for the old version of the console), but I'd happily get it for the PS3 if that's available. Speaking of Nier, I also noticed that Drakengard 3 is available on PSN. Would you say that it's worth getting or would it be incomprehensible unless I've played the first two games?

And yes, Demon's Souls and the Ratchet series are definitely on my list (as is the Sly series), but I'll be sure to check out Resistance 3 as well! It may be a while before I can get to them, though. I still need to finish God Hand, MG 1 & 2, and MGS 1 & 4. I was also planning to finally get around to the classic RE games after MGS, starting with REmake, followed by RE2 (PS1), RE3 (PS1), and maybe Code Veronica: X.

Also, Fatal Frame 2....can't forget that one. I can finally play it now. Damn, I have so many choices that it's kind of overwhelming. :sweat:

I was wondering, is the Silent Hill game on PSN (for the PS3) that's listed as a PS1 Classic the actual PS1 version of the game, or is it just from that crappy HD remake collection of the game?


The best advice I can give for MG 1 and 2 is to not be afraid to use a walkthrough. I mean, don't play with one open or anything, but if you get a stuck there's a good chance it's a case of not having the manual to look at.

The version of Nier released overseas (with the dad character) was 360 exclusive in Japan but the international PS3 version is exactly the same as that one. They actually did a reprint of it a few years ago so it shouldn't be too difficult to find these days! I love Drakengard 3 but, in all honesty, it's a kusoge. A lot of people said Nier 1 was bad as a game and I personally disagree - the core combat is no great shakes but it's still fun to play because of how varied it gets (as long as you do it on Normal) and the boss fights are genuinely great. It basically feels like if Automata was made for the PS2 and had a story more focused on characters than themes. Drakengard 3 is very poorly put together all around. If you have a broad sense of humor and an affinity for Yoko Taro's other games it might be worth playing, but the design is super basic and it runs at around 15-20 FPS half the time. Also, the final boss fight is borderline impossible unless you're really good at rhythm games. The writing is incredibly funny and creative, it's one of my favorite comedy games for sure and I could go on for days about how much I love its weird-ass narrative, but it's strictly for hardcore fans and masochists, plus you probably wouldn't get much out of the story without playing Drakengard 1 first anyway (2 is unnecessary, though). I'm pretty sure you're right btw, the earliest model 360s don't seem to support HDMI for whatever reason.

Definitely play REmake on the PS4 if you can, but the PS3 giving you access to the original trilogy is great. Code Veronica is honestly better on the last-gen systems than the current-gen ones (the PS3/360 version is an actual remaster while the PS4 version is a straight PS2 port). I hated CV back in the day but I've really come around on it, so it might be worth checking out once you've played the others. Make sure to pick up REmake 2 and RE7 Gold Edition as well!

Oh yeah, you can get the whole Fatal Frame trilogy on PS3! 2 is the scariest and probably the best but I have a real soft spot for 3 and it might be my favorite. If you still have an original Xbox, the first two were actually ported to it, and they're the definitive versions... but they can be rather pricey. Speaking of emulated games available on the PS3 store, Suikoden 2 is 100% worthwhile. Physical copies go for several hundred dollars but it's absolutely worth playing for the price they charge on PSN. I would also recommend the Jak & Daxter trilogy if you can find it for a decent price. They've definitely aged worse than Ratchet and Sly but they still have a special place in my heart, especially the first two (though I've also come around on the third one like I did with CV). Also like CV, the PS3 versions are actual remasters while the PS4 versions are straight ports (and in this case, really fucking bad ones - avoid the PS4 versions at all costs).

Only Silent Hill 2 and 3 were remastered, the first game on PSN is a direct port from the PS1. I actually finally finished the game for the first time last year and it holds up really well. Definitely not as timeless as RE in terms of level design but it's very unique and still scary to this day. Silent Hill 2 was ported to the original Xbox but unless you want to deal with the awful remaster you can only get 3 on the PS2 or PC (and the port doesn't seem to like Windows 10 much).

Dr. Ensatsu-ken

So in addition to God Hand, I've been playing through NGS2 in my spare time. It's, to say the least, a VERY different game than the original XBOX360 version, to the point where I feel like calling it a separate game that just happens to reuse the same assets and cutscenes. That said, I was a purist several years ago and unfairly hated on the game without even trying it. Over the years I have become more open-minded, and also listened to other more reasonable NG fans, so I can say that it's an interesting entry in the franchise. Some changes I'm still certainly not a fan of, while others are for the better, but as it is, it's certainly a worthwhile action game that is well above average for it's genre.

Quote from: Foggle on January 27, 2020, 10:37:20 PMThe best advice I can give for MG 1 and 2 is to not be afraid to use a walkthrough. I mean, don't play with one open or anything, but if you get a stuck there's a good chance it's a case of not having the manual to look at.

I already played through more than half of MG1 on the HD collection, so I'm familiar with how ridiculous some of the puzzles are (who would ever think to punch a wall to look for structural weakness?), and I'll definitely have a guide handy for that and the sequel.

QuoteThe version of Nier released overseas (with the dad character) was 360 exclusive in Japan but the international PS3 version is exactly the same as that one. They actually did a reprint of it a few years ago so it shouldn't be too difficult to find these days! I love Drakengard 3 but, in all honesty, it's a kusoge. A lot of people said Nier 1 was bad as a game and I personally disagree - the core combat is no great shakes but it's still fun to play because of how varied it gets (as long as you do it on Normal) and the boss fights are genuinely great. It basically feels like if Automata was made for the PS2 and had a story more focused on characters than themes. Drakengard 3 is very poorly put together all around. If you have a broad sense of humor and an affinity for Yoko Taro's other games it might be worth playing, but the design is super basic and it runs at around 15-20 FPS half the time. Also, the final boss fight is borderline impossible unless you're really good at rhythm games. The writing is incredibly funny and creative, it's one of my favorite comedy games for sure and I could go on for days about how much I love its weird-ass narrative, but it's strictly for hardcore fans and masochists, plus you probably wouldn't get much out of the story without playing Drakengard 1 first anyway (2 is unnecessary, though). I'm pretty sure you're right btw, the earliest model 360s don't seem to support HDMI for whatever reason.

Yeah, I found it available on Amazon for $35, so I may get a copy for myself, but first I'll check my uses games from the local Gamestop to see if they have it cheaper.

QuoteDefinitely play REmake on the PS4 if you can, but the PS3 giving you access to the original trilogy is great. Code Veronica is honestly better on the last-gen systems than the current-gen ones (the PS3/360 version is an actual remaster while the PS4 version is a straight PS2 port). I hated CV back in the day but I've really come around on it, so it might be worth checking out once you've played the others. Make sure to pick up REmake 2 and RE7 Gold Edition as well!

I actually already own Origins Collection, and have for two years because I got it on sale for really cheap, so I'm good there. I'll be getting to that right after I beat God Hand. Though, I do want to go back and also finish playing Okami, so I'll see what I prefer to do first. I may just go with REmake since it's a shorter game, then finish Okami, then switch back to my next RE game.

QuoteOh yeah, you can get the whole Fatal Frame trilogy on PS3! 2 is the scariest and probably the best but I have a real soft spot for 3 and it might be my favorite. If you still have an original Xbox, the first two were actually ported to it, and they're the definitive versions... but they can be rather pricey. Speaking of emulated games available on the PS3 store, Suikoden 2 is 100% worthwhile. Physical copies go for several hundred dollars but it's absolutely worth playing for the price they charge on PSN. I would also recommend the Jak & Daxter trilogy if you can find it for a decent price. They've definitely aged worse than Ratchet and Sly but they still have a special place in my heart, especially the first two (though I've also come around on the third one like I did with CV). Also like CV, the PS3 versions are actual remasters while the PS4 versions are straight ports (and in this case, really fucking bad ones - avoid the PS4 versions at all costs).

Only Silent Hill 2 and 3 were remastered, the first game on PSN is a direct port from the PS1. I actually finally finished the game for the first time last year and it holds up really well. Definitely not as timeless as RE in terms of level design but it's very unique and still scary to this day. Silent Hill 2 was ported to the original Xbox but unless you want to deal with the awful remaster you can only get 3 on the PS2 or PC (and the port doesn't seem to like Windows 10 much).

Yeah, all of these are on my list of stuff to get to. It just may take me a while to get around to all of them. :sweat:


Sorry, been meaning to post sooner, but so many things came up the week prior before this one and then Kobe Bryant passing messed me up a bit so I didn't feel like doing much of anything.

I think Foggle pretty much nailed everything on that head that could possibly strike an interest to you, but if I may add, personally outside of fighting games (not having to pay for online) I don't think you were really missing out on much (other than what Foggle named) since the majority of the games were also on 360. If you're looking for games from PSN, personally, with those prices I'd say just grab whatever catches your eye. A lot of the JRPG's from the PS1&2 era are really good.

I'm currently playing Dragon Ball Fighterz. Another renewed interest to play, not to mention that there was an Ultra Instinct Goku leak (no trailer though). I'm broke at the moment so I don't have Gogeta or DBS Broly, but I do plan on getting them, especially since I want to make Gogeta the main. Currently going through Base Goku's combos and his 9th trial is giving me a run despite there being an easy-to-do super jump (I need my friggin hitbox). Until I get Gogeta the team I'm working on is Hit, Bardock, Base Goku (probably change Hit or Bardock to Adult Gohan)
3S - Ken, Ryu, Dudley Makoto
GGS - Sol Badguy, Slayer, Johnny
GBFVR - Beatrix, Siegfried


I got Sekiro coming in the mail. You can thank donguri990 for that one. I watched his boss run and my goodness that looked so good. And to see all these folks giving it game of the year, I have to at least try it out. I think I'd be doing myself a disservice passing it up simply because it's from Fromsoft (that Souls-style I just don't really care for) and my love for all things ninja/samurai, I have to try it. I think I also saw that there were a lot more human bosses over huge towering bosses so that might be a plus as well.

Anyway, almost found myself about to go through another funk (simply waiting for the games coming next month) till I said bump, let's just try some games out and see how I feel. So Yakuza 0 will be first up. I tried it once before, didn't click, but I'm willing to give it another go. Devil May Cry 5 will be after it. I can't remember who, I want to say Angry Joe, said something that hit while I wasn't able to really enjoy what little I've played of it. Something along the lines of level design not being all that great and I think that was mainly it, but that should never be a reason to stop playing (considering how shallow that is), but in a sense that is the reason why I wish it would go open or semi open-world but that's neither here nor there.

Dad of War should be able to close it until Nioh 2 (highly doubt it'll go as planned) because the rest of March and April will be stacked and well, my catalog will take another major blow.
3S - Ken, Ryu, Dudley Makoto
GGS - Sol Badguy, Slayer, Johnny
GBFVR - Beatrix, Siegfried

Dr. Ensatsu-ken

I'd actually disagree that DMC5 has weak level design. It feels like anything that isn't trying to make some big open world or some Metroid or Zelda-style interconnected world is labeled as having boring levels these days, but that doesn't really work as a criticism when taking gameplay style into context. With DMC5 embracing it's more combat-focused approach, the more linearly focused levels work far better for it than trying to stick to the more methodical RE-level design of older games (DMC4 is proof of this). The levels themselves are far more focused on pacing the action and giving you well-designed environments and arenas to fight in. They are still detailed enough with some alternate paths and secrets for you to discover on replays.

Now if he's referring to various areas looking kind of bland and uninspired in a purely aesthetic sense, then I somewhat agree with that. For as good as DMC5 looks graphically, I will say that it has the weakest overall art design in the series since the second game.

And I pre-ordered Nioh 2's special edition. I won't lie, I was kind of down on this game when I was first seeing it in action, but playing the Beta really helped to boost my hype levels for it back up by quite a lot.


Has anyone here played Darkest Dungeon before? It seemed kinda cool, and was on sale on Nintendo's eShop, so I decided to go for it. I do think the story is interesting, but man, does it remind me of why I'm not a fan of RPG combat. It gets especially redundant, as it lives up to the title's name by delving you into dungeons, so I'm currently kind of over it.
Life is not about the second chances. It's about a little mouse and his voyage to an exciting new land. That, my friend, is what life is.

Sir, do you have any Warrants?
I got their first CD, but you can't have it, motherfucker!

New blog!


Yeah, a lot of people love Darkest Dungeon and I also thought it would be something I'd enjoy, but it wasn't my thing either. Played maybe a couple hours and got bored.


Yeah, all those games I mentioned that I was gonna begin tackling before Nioh 2; Scratch that. I went straight (back) into Nioh 1 and for the most part, I was scared lol, because I forgot how to play and I believe I'm on the level where I have to fight Umibozu (?). So, I think I'll be dying quite a bit before I remember how I was playing.
3S - Ken, Ryu, Dudley Makoto
GGS - Sol Badguy, Slayer, Johnny
GBFVR - Beatrix, Siegfried

Dr. Ensatsu-ken

Umibozu is most people's least favorite boss in the game, and I can't disagree with him being a pain in the ass to deal with. While you can actually run straight to the boss fight early on in the level, you're better off lighting the three fires around the area as they will prevent minions from spawning in during the fight, as Umibozu is already enough to deal with on his own. During the fight, don't use any of those fires to buff your weapon until after the boss is below half health as he can spawn more minions in during the second phase of the fight if any of them are unlit.

Just stock up on fire buffs (he is weak to fire elemental) and equip a fire-based guardian spirit. It really allows you to deal out much more damage as he tends to tank your regular, unbuffed attacks. Thankfully most bosses in the game aren't as obnoxiously designed as that one, but it was still a really frustrating boss that can easily be dealt with if you could fight him later in the game with much better gear and Onmyo Magic at your disposal.


Quote from: Foggle on February 14, 2020, 03:28:23 PM
Yeah, a lot of people love Darkest Dungeon and I also thought it would be something I'd enjoy, but it wasn't my thing either. Played maybe a couple hours and got bored.
I think part of my problem may be that I suck? I barely make it through most of the dungeons that I go through, but to be fair, I haven't been that interested in strategizing for it, since it's mostly just scrolling and combat.

I also kinda suck at Doom, which I've been playing on and off, but that's much more fun. Also glad to have Eternal preordered, especially now that they added a download of Doom 64 with it at GameStop.
Life is not about the second chances. It's about a little mouse and his voyage to an exciting new land. That, my friend, is what life is.

Sir, do you have any Warrants?
I got their first CD, but you can't have it, motherfucker!

New blog!