Metal Gear

Started by talonmalon333, January 26, 2015, 11:20:35 PM

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So is this 150+ hour game going to cost just as much as the 1 hour game did at launch?


Nah, Ground Zeroes was $40 at launch. Still way too much, but at least they didn't try to charge full price for it. It's pretty awful that you have to own two games just to have the full MGS5, though. It's like if they sold the Tanker or Virtuous Mission separate from the main portions of the games they were part of. Thankfully, we can all be done with Konami forever after The Phantom Pain.


I was about to say they should just put Ground Zeroes into Phantom Pain, but then I realized that would be mean to the people who already bought Ground Zeroes.

Still, MGS5 is one of my most anticipated games.


Quote from: talonmalon333 on May 13, 2015, 01:13:48 PM
I was about to say they should just put Ground Zeroes into Phantom Pain, but then I realized that would be mean to the people who already bought Ground Zeroes.
They could have just made it skippable for people with complete GZ save files.

Not that Konami would actually want to help people save time or money, of course.


Quote from: Foggle on May 13, 2015, 01:17:27 PM
They could have just made it skippable for people with complete GZ save files.

But they can't allow those who already have Ground Zeroes to skip paying for it. :P

Spark Of Spirit

They could include a download code for it like Insomniac and Sony did for Quest For Booty with Into the Nexus' physical version.

If it's on PSN, anyway. Konami seems to have a stick up their butt about digital versions of their games.
"The world will never starve for want of wonders, but for want of wonder." - G.K. Chesterton


Quote from: talonmalon333 on May 13, 2015, 01:30:05 PM
But they can't allow those who already have Ground Zeroes to skip paying for it. :P
It should have just been part of the full game with GZ also released as a $5 demo (if it had to be paid).

Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on May 13, 2015, 01:30:15 PM
They could include a download code for it like Insomniac and Sony did for Quest For Booty with Into the Nexus' physical version.

If it's on PSN, anyway. Konami seems to have a stick up their butt about digital versions of their games.
If I didn't want some of their legacy games for my Wii U, I'd never buy a digital Konami release.


Spark, what's your thoughts on the games in the series you played? I have somewhat of an idea of what you think, in that you disliked MGS2 but didn't dislike MGS1 or the 2D games, but I don't really know your thoughts on them.

Spark Of Spirit

The last Metal Gear game I played was over a decade ago. It's a bit hard for me to rank them now unless I replayed them, which I don't have much interest in doing.
"The world will never starve for want of wonders, but for want of wonder." - G.K. Chesterton


Quote from: Spark Of Spirit on May 28, 2015, 03:10:52 PM
The last Metal Gear game I played was over a decade ago. It's a bit hard for me to rank them now unless I replayed them, which I don't have much interest in doing.

I didn't mean ranking. I mostly was just curious how you actually felt about the old games.

Spark Of Spirit

I never got to play the MSX games, since I never had an MSX or MGS3:S, so I can't say anything about them. But MGS, Ghost Babel, and ACiD, I really liked. Not much of a fan of the NES games. I never played any main series games after MGS2 or ACiD 2, and the PSP games controls turned me right off playing them. Never got around to Reveangence yet.

If I found a cheap copy of MGS3 for 3DS I'd probably give it a go since it's so regarded, but I'd otherwise have to go out of my way to play other games in the series which, well, I have other games to get to before I play those.
"The world will never starve for want of wonders, but for want of wonder." - G.K. Chesterton


I sometimes wonder if MGS2 could have been great if the story wasn't such a mess. But then I remember that it also comes up short in level design, pacing, soundtrack, boss fights, and characters.


If you ever want to play the MSX games, you should get the MGS HD Collection for PS3/360. It features the Subsistence version of MGS3, which means it includes Metal Gear 1 & 2. I personally think you'd really like MG2 and MGS3, and you might also enjoy MG1 and Peace Walker.

Spark Of Spirit

I have a few HD collections on my wishlist to pick up for PS3, so I'd probably add that one to it. Shame they didn't throw in the ACiD games, I always wanted to play ACiD 2, but it was never for sale here so I never got to play it.

Probably wouldn't go back to MGS2, though.
"The world will never starve for want of wonders, but for want of wonder." - G.K. Chesterton


Just play the Tanker portion of MGS2 and pretend Solid Snake's story ends there. :>

MG2 is perhaps my favorite 8-bit game; it's a true classic IMO. I think you'll like that one a lot, especially since you enjoyed Ghost Babel. The first game hasn't aged as well, but it was still a lot of fun for me.

You might find yourself a little bored with the first couple hours of MGS3, but it does pick up a lot (i.e. it stops being a movie) after that. It's a really great game.