E3 2016

Started by Spark Of Spirit, June 13, 2016, 09:59:26 AM

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Spark Of Spirit

We have one of these threads every year, so why not continue the tradition?

So far we have:

Prey getting rebooted by the Dishonored devs and written by Chris Avellone (H/T to Foggle)
Id announces Quake Champions

Post all news and impressions here!
"The world will never starve for want of wonders, but for want of wonder." - G.K. Chesterton


Thank yiu, Spark.

The Microsoft E3 IGN pre-show starts at 12:00 P.M. ET and I'll be checking that out.
"Ryu is like the Hank Hill of Street Fighter." -BB_Hoody

Dr. Ensatsu-ken

I'm so out of the loop with modern gaming that there are only a few things that I'm interested in seeing which would really excite me:

-More Ni-Oh gameplay footage and a Beta-demo announcement before the final release of the game

-A proper Devil May Cry 5 announcement (highly unlikely, but wishful thinking on my part)

-More Scalebound gameplay footage

-More Nier: Automata gameplay footage

-Resident Evil 2 Remake gameplay footage (hopefully preserving the original play-style of the game, much like REmake did for the original)

-More HD remakes of classic games that I want to play or replay in general (in particular, I would love for Capcom to do and HD collection for Onimusha, FromSoftware to re-release both Otogi games, BioWare to do a collection for KOTOR as well as an HD remaster of Jade Empire, and on the subject of Star Wars, I'd like to see a collection for the Dark Forces/Jedi Knight series; once again, though, most of those are unlikely, and just stuff that I really want to play, personally).

And that's about it for me. Unfortunately, time and budgetary problems just don't afford me the ability to keep up with the modern scene of gaming as much as I used to. That said, I honestly doubt that I'd be interested in that many modern projects anyways. For a few years now, I've found more enjoyment in discovering the greatness of older titles that I missed out on growing up, while I've been disappointed far too many times by a lot of modern games that got me really excited about them only to let me down with sub-par gameplay and laughable story-telling (I think that BioShock: Infinite was the biggest burn for me in this regard, since I was genuinely excited for that one until I actually played it and couldn't even be bothered to finish it).


Microsoft showed some new Scalebound gameplay. Didn't look great tbh. The footage from the last few years was much more interesting for me.

Not much in the way of gameplay footage shown so far at E3 this year. Dishonored 2 looks amazing and Recore looks good I guess. We Happy Few looks great as far as narrative-based games go and Sea of Thieves looks alright. That's about it unless you like sports games and RTS on consoles.

I still don't think BioShock Infinite had bad gameplay. This may be an unpopular opinion (and I honestly have no idea why), but I thought it played a lot better than the original. I replayed the original BS after finishing BSI and I found the combat horribly imbalanced with roughly half its run time comprised of Pipe Dream. I also thought the story was pretty good, especially for a video game. If you disagree, please don't try to tell me while I'm wrong, because nearly everyone ever already has, and I'm not going to be convinced. :P System Shock 2 is still by far the best Shock game, though, and has aged better than even its most recent entry.


I didn't even know Scalebound already had gameplay. I liked what I saw. Recore and Gears 4 looked good. Dead Rising 4 too but not sure I'd feel like getting back into the series. I have no interest in Sea Of Thieves since it's apparently multiplayer only. I want to see much more Cuphead and Bloodstained.
"Ryu is like the Hank Hill of Street Fighter." -BB_Hoody

Dr. Ensatsu-ken

It's not like I think that the first BioShock had amazing gameplay. As far as FPS games go, it's pretty mediocre on the whole. What worked for me about the game was that it allowed you to be rather creative with the ways in which you chose to dispatch enemies aside from just shooting them, and the atmosphere made it fun to explore the environments. BioShock: Infinite limiting the amount of weapons that you could carry didn't really make much sense to me for a game of this nature, and while it was mechanically better than the first game, I honestly found that it was a step back from BS2 (which is the REALLY unpopular opinion here :P) which I found to have a lot more interesting combat options and weapons and abilities in general than either the first game or Infinite.

Scalebound to me looks like the type of game that is more fun to play than to watch. It's not as flashy as Bayonetta or Vanquish, but knowing that Kamiya is a stickler for tight mechanics, I feel like the game's sense of fun will only be truly apparent when I have a controller in my hands. In that way, it's not too dissimilar from the Souls games which look boring as sin to watch but control very smoothly and have tight mechanics when you are actually playing for yourself.


Quote from: Dr. Ensatsu-ken on June 13, 2016, 01:41:12 PM
It's not like I think that the first BioShock had amazing gameplay. As far as FPS games go, it's pretty mediocre on the whole. What worked for me about the game was that it allowed you to be rather creative with the ways in which you chose to dispatch enemies aside from just shooting them, and the atmosphere made it fun to explore the environments. BioShock: Infinite limiting the amount of weapons that you could carry didn't really make much sense to me for a game of this nature, and while it was mechanically better than the first game, I honestly found that it was a step back from BS2 (which is the REALLY unpopular opinion here :P) which I found to have a lot more interesting combat options and weapons and abilities in general than either the first game or Infinite.
Yeah, BioShock 2 definitely has much better gameplay than Infinite. I didn't really care for the writing in that game, but it's the best one mechanically for sure. Limiting weapons in Infinite was garbage, I agree, though there were only two I particularly enjoyed using, so I didn't mind as much. I liked the atmosphere in BSI just as much as the original game, though - it was very different, but basing it on the 1939 World's Fair was a pretty inspired choice IMO. It was very colorful and inventive and I loved that.

QuoteScalebound to me looks like the type of game that is more fun to play than to watch. It's not as flashy as Bayonetta or Vanquish, but knowing that Kamiya is a stickler for tight mechanics, I feel like the game's sense of fun will only be truly apparent when I have a controller in my hands. In that way, it's not too dissimilar from the Souls game which look boring as sin to watch but control very smoothly and have tight mechanics when you are actually playing for yourself.
Oh, I absolutely agree. Everyone keeps saying Scalebound looks like garbage, but I know it will be enjoyable when you can actually play it. Kamiya has never failed us before. I also legitimately liked the previous footage they released. It reminds me of Dragon's Dogma, which is easily my favorite Capcom game since DMC4.

Spark Of Spirit

Halo Wars 2 might be the most random announcement ever. I'm not sure that was something anybody was dying to play. As for the shooters, after seeing DOOM 4, I'm going to be expecting a lot more from the genre from now on.

There's still nothing telling me to run out and buy a new system. This gen has been pretty boring so far.
"The world will never starve for want of wonders, but for want of wonder." - G.K. Chesterton

Dr. Ensatsu-ken

I haven't even played the first Halo Wars aside from a demo (RTS games aren't really my thing). I have zero interest in a sequel, and it doesn't help that I've stopped caring about any new Halo games in general ever since Halo 4 turned the series into a big steaming pile of mediocrity. And what makes things even worse for my lack of interest in the franchise is how even fans of Halo 4 seem to hate Halo 5, so it's pretty safe to assume that this series is rapidly fading out of relevancy.


"Ryu is like the Hank Hill of Street Fighter." -BB_Hoody

Spark Of Spirit

Quote from: gunswordfist on June 13, 2016, 06:28:09 PM
I believe there was an official announcement when the last Far Cry game came out that they're not doing another one.

Ubisoft is awful.
"The world will never starve for want of wonders, but for want of wonder." - G.K. Chesterton


The new Resident Evil is a horror game. And it looks like PT/Silent Hills. I'm not fucking kidding.

Potentially the most shocking announcement of any E3.


Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare looks fucking amazing. No lie. What the hell did I just witness.



Spark Of Spirit

Spider-Man by Insomniac is the best thing shown so far.

Also, for Crash fans: BLARGH

Activision is just awful.

Quote from: Foggle on June 13, 2016, 08:56:05 PM
Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare looks fucking amazing. No lie. What the hell did I just witness.
No idea what you're talking about here, honestly. It's the same game they've been making for years with different set pieces. The only difference is that this takes place in space.
"The world will never starve for want of wonders, but for want of wonder." - G.K. Chesterton