Favorite YouTube Channels

Started by Dr. Ensatsu-ken, July 12, 2016, 09:04:09 PM

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Man, I wish Gilardi never gave up on doing another season of Wacky Game Jokez. That series was amazing, and his concept for the second season actually sounded great. Too bad he didn't think so himself. :(


I watch Youtube for a lot of dance choreography as well. I'm no dancer or anything, but I have a lot of appreciation for the art of it and I've always been amazed by hip hop choreo. I think I'm good in dancing in my chair lol. I'd love to learn some of this stuff.

Josh Williams
Willdabeast Adams

Those are just a couple of choreographers that I watch. Currently on the hunt for more. I'm aware of Tricia Miranda, Antoine Troupe and CJ Salvador as well.

And while they're not choreography I do watch a lot of performances as too.

Jabbawockeez - If you wanna know my style of clothing they wear it all the time
Les Twins - If you're remotely interested in dancing check them out ASAP.

If I'm not watching anything gaming related chances are I'm watching some form of dancing from them.
3S - Ken, Ryu, Makoto, Dudley, Yang
USF4 - Evil Ryu, Ryu, Cody, Dudley
SF5CE - Ken, Akira, Karin, Poison, Laura
SF6 - Ken, Ed, Jaime {Terry}


There's somebody I really need to mention: Game Show Reviewer. His name is exactly what you think it means: He reviews game shows on television.

He's actually been around since 2011, but he went on a looooooooong hiatus after Blip closed its doors. He's finally back after 3 years.


This channel is a bit of a surprise for me. It went completely radio silent throughout 2016, so I thought the show was cancelled (it was part of an MCN once upon a time). Then he recently came back a couple of months ago and now I'm happy. ;D

The Dictionary of Obscure Sorrows

This show takes an extremely obscure word that you've likely never heard of and defines it in an emotional, artistic way. This channel is great if you want to relax, look at pretty visuals, and/or learn about new words.


Terrible Writing Advice - An author gleefully tells you all the worst possible ways to craft a story.

Dr. Insomniac

I've recently been enjoying Super Eyepatch Wolf, like in his case in favor of reading One Piece. He really knew how to make a franchise I have little interest in and make it sound more exciting than all of the other "Why you should read/watch One Piece" thinkpieces I've experienced. Like when he described Doflamingo's backstory, or detailed just how much thought Oda put in even minor details of the manga. Not too sure about his latest video though, where he recommends Hbomberguy. Hbomberguy's a smug cunt, and makes guys like Digibro seem like they're well-mannered and have good taste.

Dr. Ensatsu-ken

Aside from his state of Shonen Jump video, which is full of blatant misinformation, SEW has some pretty good content. His Dragon Ball video is my personal favorite as he's probably the only analytical anime YouTuber who I've ever seen point out Toriyama's insane skill as an artist, whereas most just kind of oversimplify any mention of DB to the negative implications that come with the latter parts of the series in particular. It's understandable, but also rather tiring to see DBZ get utilized as the standard shonen punching bag for critics (especially with stuff like Bleach and Fairy Tail existing).

And yeah, I enjoyed both his introduction to One Piece video as well as his why you should watch it companion piece that you linked to. I do really think that One Piece is worth giving a shot as it does contain some of the greatest story arcs in any long-running shonen manga, with the current arc in particular being another high point.

Overall, he's probably one of the less obnoxious anime YouTubers, along with Gigguk and Mother's Basement (though the latter can tend to make ass-hole comments from time to time, but it's at least infrequent). Mathwiz is also growing on me as of late.

As for Digi....I'll say that he can occasionally make some genuinely good videos, but aside from most of his content consisting of subject matter that flat-out doesn't appeal to me, the guy just comes off as a massively prentious prick. Like he somehow knows better than everyone else. Kind of reminds me of how Hope Chapman (JO) tended to act about a year or two before she quit making videos.

Dr. Insomniac

I'm still a little bitter that JO never finished that Digimon retrospective before fucking off to write ANN articles. Because I haven't been able to find anyone else who's done some well thought out or particularly interesting analyses on all the Digimon shows. I remember once hoping that Digibro would attempt it because I thought half of his name came from the franchise, only to find out he hadn't watched an episode.

Dr. Ensatsu-ken

Quote from: Dr. Insomniac on July 23, 2017, 03:01:42 AM
I'm still a little bitter that JO never finished that Digimon retrospective before fucking off to write ANN articles. Because I haven't been able to find anyone else who's done some well thought out or particularly interesting analyses on all the Digimon shows. I remember once hoping that Digibro would attempt it because I thought half of his name came from the franchise, only to find out he hadn't watched an episode.

I was also upset that she never continued that series. It was one of my favorite retrospectives.

On that note, though, might I highly recommend Mistare Fusion's Dragon Ball Dissection if you haven't already seen it? I'd say that it's arguably the most interesting retrospective series that I've ever seen, most notably how MF uses the original manga as his basis, breaks down Toriyama's evolving writing style and story structure, includes real translated interviews with Toriyama and his editors and integrates them into the context of the specific parts of the series that they apply to (most notably his shift in editors from Torishima to Kondo, the latter of which shifted the ficus far more into the "Z" territory that the series became associated with), and does this all while taking an objective look at the series, keeping personal bias only to the end of his story arc vids in which he ranks them from favorite to least favorite (and he's the only other person in the planet besides me who considers the Red Ribbon Army arc to be the best, so I give him major bonus points).

Here's his Bardock video just for an example of his content: https://youtu.be/ME8HCK4hZG8

Also, here's a video from another YouTuber analyzing what makes his analyses so interesting: https://youtu.be/hl-rxoegQk0

Dr. Insomniac

I just skimmed through the first part of his Red Ribbon videos. Interesting, though it's weird to hear someone in English say "Kuririn" and "Blooma", or Goku with an emphasis on the last syllable.

Dr. Ensatsu-ken

He does mention in the beginning of this series that he wanted to call them by the names that he personally associates with them the most, which technically are the correct romanizations. That said, he's not an uptight weeb about it and says that it's fine to call them by whatever version of their names you prefer. Ironically enough, he's not really much of an anime guy. Aside from Dragon Ball he has talked about Super Sentai, and also has some Final Fantasy and Mario videos on the gaming side of things, but other that his only other contet was for DC material like Batman and Wonderwoman. In general, though he's just a stickler for little details. Like he'll make note of the subtle ways that Toriyama modifies the design of Goku's iconic Gi as the story progresses, as well as certain logic holes that even most fans don't notice.


Welp, I guess Greg still isn't over whatever happened, because Jirard's taking down every video featuring him and re-completing all those games for new videos with the new format.


Dr. Insomniac

Just what did Jirard do to piss off Greg this much?


It does seem like more than just "had massive disagreements on everything" with how far this has gone. As much as I didn't like Greg's style of humor, and as much as I like Jirard's stuff, I would like to hear both sides of the story.


Easy Allies - I've been watching/listening to these guys for about a year and a half now (maybe 2 years). I was not aware of them during the time at Game Trailers until the time they announced that GT was shutting down. They are my go to podcast when I'm at work trying to get time to go by (after Steve Harvey's Radio show goes off). That being said, I don't hate anyone, but Huber and Damiani (sp?) are my least favorites while Ben and Kyle are my favorites.

Edit: I'll just edit this instead of posting something new about them. Ben, Kyle and Brad are my favorites while I can't stand Damiani and although I do respect Huber and Jones I do find them to be on the annoying side these days. Ian on the other hand can be annoying and a treat at the same time and I'm just neutral about Bloodworth.
3S - Ken, Ryu, Makoto, Dudley, Yang
USF4 - Evil Ryu, Ryu, Cody, Dudley
SF5CE - Ken, Akira, Karin, Poison, Laura
SF6 - Ken, Ed, Jaime {Terry}