What Are You Watching?

Started by Spark Of Spirit, January 21, 2011, 11:53:17 AM

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Dr. Insomniac

Lord Dalek

This show was so much of a turn-off that they killed off the main characters in the first 30 seconds,

Dr. Insomniac

As creepy as Happy Sugar Life was, at least it didn't bore me. And even when it was creepy, it was intentional. So I guess it did its job as a first episode.


I watched the first episode recently of an Anime OVA called Tales of Symphonia. This is based off a popular GameCube game of the same name that you might have heard of and might have played, since it was one of the few GameCube RPGs that people actually played (Along with the Pokemon Games, Thousand-Year Door, and Crystal Chronicles, and maybe one or two more).

So far, I am enjoying it. It has a good story so far, even though I can't understand some of it (This also happened to me when I played the GameCube game, which I managed to beat). I know the game was popular, but I am not sure how popular the OVA is. I do enjoy it and I find it to be a very faithful adaptation of a video game. It honestly improves on some things I didn't like about the original. The original had awful lip syncing and they would often recycle character movements. Plus, the in game graphics weren't that impressive. The OVA improves on that by not recycling character movements as frequently, having a beautiful art style (The art style in the OVA appeared a few times in the game), and the lip syncing is so much better. These were things I didn't like about the game and I am glad the OVA improves on it. So far, its enjoyable and I am currently watching the second episode as I write this. If you're wondering, I am watching a fan made dubbed version of the OVA

Dr. Insomniac

So not only is Happy Sugar Life a depraved show where every cast member who isn't the little girl is an irreparable degenerate, its soundtrack is from Bleach.


I watched the first 3 episodes of Karate Master yesterday, and damn is it great!  It further shows Asaki Takamori's fantastic ability to create characters who've seemingly lost everything, but are able to push themselves forward by focusing on a passion (in Joe Yakbuki's case being boxing while Ken Asuka's is Karate).  Osamu Dezaki's directional choices are also quite interesting, as he splices in live-action segments when depicting the events of WWII and karate techniques, which kinda gives it a unique flair in terms of presentation.  I'm definitely interested in watching more!

Dr. Insomniac

Finally watched Rebuild 3.0 after years of putting it off.
+ Visuals are neat
+ Like the idea of WILLE
+ Didn't hate it as much as I thought it would
+ Thought that shogi scene with Fuyutsuki was all right
- The plot wouldn't have happened if anybody at WILLE just told Shinji what happened in the past 14 years. I know they hated him too much, but why didn't Toji's sister tell him since she didn't seem to hate him that much?
- They keep hammering home the "everybody's an asshole to Shinji" angle when we already got that in the past two movies.
- Daft Punk Gendo looks dumb
- Kaworu is Jesus for some reason
- Kaworu and Shinji's relationship feels more like a Mari Okada show than Anno
- Mari doesn't have a reason to be in Rebuild yet. She doesn't even have a character arc. I guess she's like comic relief, but this is a movie all about a post-apocalyptic version of Eva where everyone's meaner than in the show. And the only scene where I laughed at her was when her boobs started jiggling while she was fighting near the end of the movie, but I don't think that was meant to be funny.
- Movie ends fucking abruptly


Quote from: Dr. Insomniac on August 07, 2018, 09:04:09 AM
- The plot wouldn't have happened if anybody at WILLE just told Shinji what happened in the past 14 years. I know they hated him too much, but why didn't Toji's sister tell him since she didn't seem to hate him that much?
This is what I disliked most about the film. The entire plot hinges on the characters being completely stupid. Like, they went to all that trouble to rescue Shinji but won't even bother to spend 5 minutes telling him what's going on? :srs:

Dr. Insomniac

And for some reason, Asuka's dialogue is so off in the dub. She keeps calling Mari "Crone" or "Four eyed crony", and keeps talking about how angry she is, and it sounds so dumb. Even dumber than in the old dub when Tiffany Grant kept adding random German words to her lines. At least that was stupid in a charming way, while this felt like the dub writer trying too hard to stick close to the original Japanese instead of making it sound natural.


Life is not about the second chances. It's about a little mouse and his voyage to an exciting new land. That, my friend, is what life is.

Sir, do you have any Warrants?
I got their first CD, but you can't have it, motherfucker!

New blog!

Dr. Insomniac

Happy Sugar Life was a fun show. All the cutesy aesthetics hiding a Giallo-style mystery.

Lord Dalek

Double Decker was about as entertaining as watching paint dry.

Dr. Ensatsu-ken

I'll be perfectly honest, I didn't watch any anime from last season, and I'm finding it hard to motivate myself to watch anything from this season that isn't a sequel to anything that I already have an investment in (so basically JoJo's and whatever else might be a continuation).

I'm kind of in the mood to go back and watch some classics from the 70's and 80's, some from the 90's as well, but I have almost no desire to watch any new modern shows and any time that I try any I can't seem to get into them, even when the anime community goes gaga over whichever titles are the most popular of their respective season. People were raving about Darling in the Franxx two seasons ago and I literally couldn't even make it through a single episode of it (and this is apparently well before it got to the point where even its fans turned on it). I'm not trying to be some stick in the mud, either. I really want to find some modern anime series that really re-ignite my old passion for the art-form, but not much is working for me as of late, and perhaps my tastes are just too old-fashioned and deviating from the larger interests of the community at large.

Dr. Insomniac

Quote from: Dr. Ensatsu-ken on September 30, 2018, 11:14:06 PM
People were raving about Darling in the Franxx two seasons ago and I literally couldn't even make it through a single episode of it (and this is apparently well before it got to the point where even its fans turned on it).
I knew the show was gonna be so bad it's good garbage by episode two. Even before the point when fans turned on it, there were only about one and a half unironically good episodes. Everything else was either rip offs of prior Gainax/Trigger shows and strange filibusters about pregnancy that sounded more like something from a Chick Tract than anything else. I almost wanted to blog the show because of how stupid it could get, like when the show suddenly halts so one of the main characters can give a speech on why it's important to have children, but that feeling passed after a particularly boring stretch of episodes near the end of the first cour. Seemed like the only reason people raved about the show at all was because they wanted to fuck Zero Two.

And speaking of recent anime, I'm bewildered that I can count at least three shows that came out this year where the main character owned underage slave girls. And nobody else in those respective anime ever questioned this.

Lord Dalek

I love how SSSS.Gridman's previews all boil down to "not made by the FranXX guys! Please watch!"