Dragon Ball FighterZ

Started by Mustang, November 26, 2017, 01:44:17 PM

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Base Goku trailer

Base Vegeta trailer

I'm not interested in these characters but I have to admit that Goku looks good, or rather fun. I'm not so sure about Vegeta.
3S - Ken, Ryu, Makoto, Dudley, Yang
SF6 - Ken, {Terry}
T8 - Kazuya, Hwaorang, Leroy, Jin

Dr. Ensatsu-ken

I'll have to miss out on this DLC when it initially drops since I'll be away on vacation but I'll come back to it when I get a chance. I'm also not too thrilled about yet another Goku and Vegeta, as I would have preferred a basic palette swap in favor of two completely different characters, but it is what it is I suppose.


Cooler looks interesting, but not my kind of character. I was never into the big, slow moving types. But his moveset definitely looks interesting. I think there was some rumor floating around that he has a golden form as well. If that's true I don't know if I like that.
3S - Ken, Ryu, Makoto, Dudley, Yang
SF6 - Ken, {Terry}
T8 - Kazuya, Hwaorang, Leroy, Jin


Android 17 Breakdown

I'll say this here and now. Along with Cell, 17 (I'm not going to count fusions) is my favorite character in the series. I've been down on this game for quite some time mainly because of how simplistic it feels. The freedom that's in other ArcS games don't feel like it's here. But seeing 17 in motion and that movement, that is what's going to bring me back.

Cell, 17, Zamasu main team for fun (replace Zamasu with SSJ Vegeta/Bardock for being serious)
3S - Ken, Ryu, Makoto, Dudley, Yang
SF6 - Ken, {Terry}
T8 - Kazuya, Hwaorang, Leroy, Jin


People are making their season 2 wish list for DLC characters. I think Jiren is a lock, but I think I'd like to see all of Universe 11 (?) make it in at some point (at the very least, Toppo and the rabbit guy). I can't really think of too many characters that I'd like to see. The only ones I do want is Kefla, Gogeta, and perhaps Super 17. I know for sure I do not want to see Hercule or Videl.

Got my Vegito team narrowed down even further. Vegito, T.Gohan, Cell. That's for when I want to abuse double supers in one combo (perhaps touch of deaths). Vegito, A.Gohan, Bardock is for rushdown. I'm still trying to come up with a 17 team. From what I can see, 17 really shines with horizontal beam assists (SSJ Goku / Black) and perhaps lockdown (K.Buu). Trunks assist might also be good for 17 since it's hard to see through it with 17's mixups. The problem for me is that I don't particularly care much for Trunks in this game. Gotenks might be another one but as a character I hate Gotenks and refuse to play him. Cell is always a safe bet though.
3S - Ken, Ryu, Makoto, Dudley, Yang
SF6 - Ken, {Terry}
T8 - Kazuya, Hwaorang, Leroy, Jin

Dr. Ensatsu-ken

It would be cool if they could find a way to include some classic Dragon Ball characters in the mix, like Master Roshi or Mercenary Tao, but they'd have to get creative with either their move-sets or flight animations since neither of those characters can fly and thus have to have different mechanisms to achieve the same things as the regular characters in the game. Also, while a minor villain, I'd like to see Zarbon as a playable character because on top of having a really memorable design, his transformation would make for an interesting take of this game's spin on a two-style character (something similar to Gen or Zeku from SF 4 and 5, respectively), which I know isn't common for tag-team fighting games, but I think it would add up some nice variety to this one.

I think that Kefla, or at least Caulifla would be a pretty safe bet especially since a lot of people have been asking for more female characters in the game. Jiren would also be a pretty obvious pick, but personally I'm not a fan of Universe 11 so I wouldn't be too keen on the other characters showing up. Most likely, though, we would get more movie original characters.


This Vergeben guy...


If true then this should've been a 1v1 or Dragon Ball was the wrong franchise to turn into a fighter. Out of all the forms, and despite it not being canon, SSJ4 is the one like the most aesthetically. SSJ4 could've been his own character for sure, but Base Goku (along with Vegeta) should've had like "install"-like mechanics. I'm still gonna play, but man, too many clones.

Thinking about it, I don't know if it's as popular, but I think One Piece would've/could've been the better choice. Character variety would be covered. Females covered. More moves per character. Of course the visuals.
3S - Ken, Ryu, Makoto, Dudley, Yang
SF6 - Ken, {Terry}
T8 - Kazuya, Hwaorang, Leroy, Jin


Dragon Ball has plenty of different characters they could do cool things with, but ArcSys seems more interested in adding different forms of Goku than adding diversity. It's due to the popularity of the fusions and different forms for sure, but seriously, it's astonishing you can make multiple teams of Gokus but not a single team with three female characters. And I hope Jiren isn't the only TOP character they add in, because while I like him fine, I would be much more excited to play as Toppo, Kefla, Ribrianne, etc. There's a lot of characters that arc introduced that would make for different and fun playstyles with unique mechanics.

Tbh there's a lot of great Shonen Jump series that ArcSys could make a great fighting game, but I'd really love to see a Sailor Moon or Pretty Cure fighting game from them. A think a serious competitive magical girl-themed fighter would be really cool, and those series have plenty of over the top attacks, different fighting styles between characters, and unique character designs and dynamic aesthetics to make it flashy and fun.

Dr. Ensatsu-ken

Quote from: LumRanmaYasha on October 20, 2018, 09:20:43 PMDragon Ball has plenty of different characters they could do cool things with, but ArcSys seems more interested in adding different forms of Goku than adding diversity. It's due to the popularity of the fusions and different forms for sure, but seriously, it's astonishing you can make multiple teams of Gokus but not a single team with three female characters. And I hope Jiren isn't the only TOP character they add in, because while I like him fine, I would be much more excited to play as Toppo, Kefla, Ribrianne, etc. There's a lot of characters that arc introduced that would make for different and fun playstyles with unique mechanics.

Keep in mind that it's not necessarily ArcSys making the final decisions on who to add to the roster or not. Bandai Namco is the publisher and I'm pretty sure that they have a lot of pull and influence on what characters they want being prioritized for the DLC over others, so they will clearly go with what's more popular over what adds more diversity. Playing any other game from ArcSys it's pretty clear that they are no stranger to widely varied rosters with unique characters, so I wouldn't be surprised if their Dragon Ball roster picks are really more mandated by the publisher. This is especially true when it comes to the female characters in the roster. To be fair, until recently the franchise had a severe lack of female representation among relevant fighters, but that's never been a problem with past games from ArcSys.

QuoteTbh there's a lot of great Shonen Jump series that ArcSys could make a great fighting game, but I'd really love to see a Sailor Moon or Pretty Cure fighting game from them. A think a serious competitive magical girl-themed fighter would be really cool, and those series have plenty of over the top attacks, different fighting styles between characters, and unique character designs and dynamic aesthetics to make it flashy and fun.

I'd still be up for them doing a Shonen Jump All-Star tag-team game in the same style as FighterZ. To be honest, I'd prefer that to the next Jump game that we're getting since the last one was an Arena Fighter and I found it to be horribly imbalanced and overly chaotic to a point of not being all that much fun. Jump Force looks like it'll have a lot of the same problems, and while an Arena Fighter can work (like with Power Stone, Anarchy Reigns, or Pokken Tournament), the lack of a good track record for the developer working on Jump Force doesn't leave me with much confidence that it'll be in the same vein as any of those games. That, and I just love the faster pacing of classic 2D style fighting games.


I'd love for ArcSys to make a Yu Yu Hakusho, Saint Seiya, or even a Bastard!! fighter as a successor to FighterZ, if we keep sticking with SJ IP's, the latter especially since it served as a huge inspiration for Guilty Gear. Given the choice though, I'd rather ArcSys make fighters based on other IP's rather than sticking with Shueisha.


Quote from: Dr. Ensatsu-ken on October 20, 2018, 09:37:49 PM

Keep in mind that it's not necessarily ArcSys making the final decisions on who to add to the roster or not. Bandai Namco is the publisher and I'm pretty sure that they have a lot of pull and influence on what characters they want being prioritized for the DLC over others, so they will clearly go with what's more popular over what adds more diversity. Playing any other game from ArcSys it's pretty clear that they are no stranger to widely varied rosters with unique characters, so I wouldn't be surprised if their Dragon Ball roster picks are really more mandated by the publisher. This is especially true when it comes to the female characters in the roster. To be fair, until recently the franchise had a severe lack of female representation among relevant fighters, but that's never been a problem with past games from ArcSys.

That's fair, I should've more generally attributed the problem to the production committee as a whole instead of just ArcSys. I'm sure Bandai and the other corporate interests behind Dragon Ball are more interested in pushing popular characters that sell lots of merch than the relatively minor ones. Still, would it hurt them to add Caulifla, Kale, or Kefla already? They're plenty popular and should've been one of their first choices for DLC.

And yeah, I'd also vastly prefer a Jump fighting game in the vein of FighterZ rather than the grey and gloomy arena fighter Jump Force is looking to be. Like, the roster's fine and I'm glad they'll be more than one Saint Seiya character in the game (though I'd have preferred Phoenix Ikki over Dragon Shiryu myself), but the gameplay, aesthetic, and overall concept of it are just not appealing at all. At least J-Stars, as messy and frustrating as it could be to play, at least felt like a Shonen Jump game and carried an attitude of fun over the dark and serious thing they're trying to do with Jump Force.


While the last arena fighter I've played was Naruto Ultimate Ninja Storm 4, but I gave up on it immediately after starting the story, but believe it or not I'm actually interested in Jump Force, but only for fun. The idea of a Jump fighting game in the style of Fighterz or Guilty Gear is immaculate though.
3S - Ken, Ryu, Makoto, Dudley, Yang
SF6 - Ken, {Terry}
T8 - Kazuya, Hwaorang, Leroy, Jin


I have not been keeping up with this game. Not through the fault of the game itself, but more or less Street Fighter 5 (and Nioh) has held my attention for a while now, especially with Capcom Cup around the corner.

Anyway, PATCH NOTES for those who're interested.

Apparently Gotenks is the best from the reactions I've seen so far.
3S - Ken, Ryu, Makoto, Dudley, Yang
SF6 - Ken, {Terry}
T8 - Kazuya, Hwaorang, Leroy, Jin



Rather unfortunate turn of events for this game and community. 1st was Evo Japan and now Anime Ascension. Many folks are blaming Toei. I have no idea. Outside of the latest patch I haven't been keeping up. I will say that if it is Toei and I'm ASW, I'll think twice before making anything else licensed by anime companies. I'd even put their latest game (Granblue Fantasy) on hold. Maybe that's going too far, and Toei has a right to do that, but because of them I'd stop doing business with all anime companies.
3S - Ken, Ryu, Makoto, Dudley, Yang
SF6 - Ken, {Terry}
T8 - Kazuya, Hwaorang, Leroy, Jin

Dr. Ensatsu-ken

Dragon Ball FighterZ season 2 trailer just dropped: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1DXxVCMnBFM

HOLY SHIT! The hype of this thing. I'm not a fan of Jiren, but much like Hit and original Broly, this game makes boring-ass characters look extremely fun to play as (I'm a really big fan of Hit in FighterZ, even after he got nerfed). But the real surprise here was Videl. I had secretly been hoping that she would be a playable character in the game, but figured that she'd just be passed up for more recent female characters like Caulifla or Kale, but she's going to be released with Jiren in just a few days! And her fighting style looks super unique and fun, what with all of the Great Saiyaman assist-based attacks.

And while I was expecting them to be included, to see the SSB Gogeta and the DBS version of Broly be announced so soon is also hype as fuck. I know that Mustang has already checked out of this game, but personally I've been into it since it came out (but have played it on and off since I don't always have the opportunity to play), and this trailer just renewed my hype for another year.

I am however rather disappointed to see no new stages announced for this DLC pack. My biggest gripe with the game thus far is the lack in variety of stages.