What are you currently playing? 4.0

Started by Dr. Ensatsu-ken, December 27, 2010, 05:53:19 PM

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Quote from: talonmalon333 on February 04, 2012, 11:13:29 AM
Barry might have the worst lines. But I think Richard has the worst voice acting. His scenes are just hilarious. :lol:

"There are terrible demons. Ouch."
"It was... a big snake! And poisonous too!"

"There is serum. Oh no! I forgot to bring it with me."

Jill: I'll go get the serum for you.
Richard (nonchalantly): Thanks.


Quote from: Foggle on February 04, 2012, 03:32:28 PM
Quote from: talonmalon333 on February 04, 2012, 11:13:29 AM
Barry might have the worst lines. But I think Richard has the worst voice acting. His scenes are just hilarious. :lol:

"There are terrible demons. Ouch."
"It was... a big snake! And poisonous too!"

"There is serum. Oh no! I forgot to bring it with me."

Jill: I'll go get the serum for you.
Richard (nonchalantly): Thanks.

*To Chris.*

"It's not just a poisonous snake. It's a MONSTER."

"Rebeccaaa! Be carefuuul!"


I was playing Earthbound like a mad man today. Then I fell asleep on a certain boss...literally. I'll be back and I'm guessing this boss has to be handled like the one from Breath Of Fire II and Sweet Home.

Anyway, I've been playing Noitu Love. It's from the same game that made Legend Of Princess meaning I'm addicted to his games. The music is so damn good in this game. I'm on the 4th stage and will be back once I muster the strength to get all the way back to its boss.
"Ryu is like the Hank Hill of Street Fighter." -BB_Hoody


Noitu Love 2 is pretty sick. Great boss fights and an interesting control scheme.


Picked up The Darkness 2 today despite being low on money. I couldn't help myself... I loved the hell out of the first game back when I was a wee lad of 14 years. Must say that I was not disappointed. Yes, the game is incredibly short (about six hours), but it's by far the most satisfying FPS since F.E.A.R. 1 (Serious Sam 3 aside). I was still as impressed by the fluidity of the game's "quad-wielding" and mesmerized by the artfully disgusting execution moves in the final level as I was in the opening one. The RPG-esque upgrade system also constantly doles out new and fun rewards, while the New Game+ feature is a truly lovely addition. Plus, unlike in the first game, the combat is rarely frustrating and never feels unfair. Add in a very well-executed stealth segment near the end of the game and you have a truly complete package in spite of the relatively short length. I haven't tried co-op mode yet, but I'm sure it's just as excellent as the single-player campaign. I believe it can also be played solo if none of your friends own the game.

The story isn't quite as interesting as that of the first game, but the presentation is ten times better and the ending is quite shocking if a bit predictable. When I say that the presentation of the story is good, I mean "orgasmic." Especially when coupled with the first game, The Darkness 2 contains the most emotionally effective narrative I have ever experienced in a video game. I'm not exaggerating, either; these games actually made me feel something when I played them. It does exactly what overblown JRPGs and "cinematic" titles like Heavy Rain attempt and always fail miserably at, and it does so with finesse and style.

Really, the only complaint I have about this game is that it's over too quickly. The combat is so thrilling that I honestly wouldn't have minded to see some pointless padding levels in there, but that's not the nature of such a focused experience, which is a commendation, I suppose. But the replayability is through the roof. I will absolutely play this game over and over, because it's up there with the best of the genre in my eyes. I only paid $40 for it (love you, Amazon), but I honestly think it's worth the full 60. It's that good.

As a side note, I love the health system. Eating hearts never gets old, and is a great variation on the classic medkit system.
As another side note, the Darkling is freakin' hilarious when he's not farting. I grew to love him by the end of the game.

Dr. Ensatsu-ken

I like the cel-shading style of the game. Of course, cel-shading looks good in just about any game, but it fits with the very comic-book style that this game is trying to emulate from its source material. The voice-acting also seems top-notch, though in a very Max Payne noir sort of way in which all of the gangsters have completely stereotypical accents, but personally I love stuff like that, as hammy as it may sound.

At any rate, I definitely want to buy this game, but while I'm sure its high on replay value I'm not really willing to fork over 60$ for any particular game, at the moment, so like everything else I'm just going to wait until this drops in price. Plus, I won't get a lot of time to play until the summer, anyways, at which point it will have certainly dropped in price by at least a little bit, so it works out better if I hold out on it for a while.


Holy fuck! Just found out that I actually got the game for $30 instead of 40! Amazon gave me 10 bucks back due to "other retailers releasing it before them." That's awesome.

These games definitely resemble Max Payne in a lot of ways. Something worth noting is that they actually have nightmare segments like MP does, though the ones in The Darkness are handled far better.


I beat Giygas on the 2nd try Monday, thus beating the game. Yep, definitely reminded me of how Sweet Home's final boss went down which made it so easy for me to figure out how to beat him. God I love how that game ends.

Then I started Golden Sun. I played this years ago up until I couldn't figure out how to get past that damned cave by Lunpa. Anyway, I like this game and would have started sooner but I was weary of Golden Sun's slow beginning. Going through the pre-psyenergy flashback was not very encouraging. Don't get me wrong, I like the other half of the beginning with Sol Sanctum. Now more than ever since I'm really appreciating how good this game's puzzles are. Besides a few frustrating parts trying to figure out where the fuck I'm supposed to go, it's been good. I'm on the second forest now. Also, this game has been pretty easy. I've been pretty much ignoring my characters' HP until recently because there's been no reason to check on them and so far only weak ass Ivan has died. I don't even know what Game Over looks like in this game.
"Ryu is like the Hank Hill of Street Fighter." -BB_Hoody


Golden Sun is some good shit. My friend's a big fan. I haven't played too much, but I like 'em too.

Have you played the one on the DS? He wants to know if it's worth it.


I have no access whatsoever to a DS. So the 3rd game...and any more that there may be are all on the DS? All I know is 1 and 2 are basically one game split in two.
"Ryu is like the Hank Hill of Street Fighter." -BB_Hoody


I just realized that it's been four years since we've last had a new Advance Wars. I must say, that's quite a shame; these games are a blast.

Playing through the first GBA rendition right now. I think this is still probably my favorite, with Dual Strike on DS being a close second.


That $10 back was actually just a store credit. :srs:

Used it to (basically) get Shank 2 for nothing. It's pretty good, but I actually think I like the first one more so far. The controls are tighter and the new moves are cool, but it's a lot more frustrating than the original IMO.

Spark Of Spirit

Oh, really? That's a shame, the difficulty needed to be smoothed out most from the original. Oh well, I guess I'll wait for a sale.

I was just watching a Giant Bomb quick look on the Jak Collection and the second game still hasn't won me over yet, but the third game looks a bit closer to my tastes. I guess I'll just have to wait and see!
"The world will never starve for want of wonders, but for want of wonder." - G.K. Chesterton


Jak 3 is generally considered the best in the series. I like 'em all, but I think I actually prefer the first two because the third one has too much racing.

Anyway, I take back what I said about Shank 2. I was getting tripped up because it's a bit different from the first. Despite the game being faster-paced/running a lot smoother and having better controls, the playstyle is actually different from the original's. I was getting tripped up because I was trying to play it offensively like I did most of Shank, but Shank 2 is actually more defense-oriented. I'm starting to warm up to it and now think it's actually the better game. I'd say you should pick it up for the full $10 if you like brawlers.

Spark Of Spirit

It's $10 instead of $15? Hmm, I might bite on that. Is there still a separate co-op story mode?
"The world will never starve for want of wonders, but for want of wonder." - G.K. Chesterton