Most Anticipated Video Games

Started by Spark Of Spirit, December 27, 2010, 06:00:40 PM

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Spark Of Spirit

It isn't listed as such, unfortunately.

Here's a cool trailer that has a bunch of idiots in the comments, but the game looks sweet. Way better than what actually made SoXBLA.
"The world will never starve for want of wonders, but for want of wonder." - G.K. Chesterton


Damn. Classes start on the 29th, and I won't have access to my Xbox or PS3 once that happens. Oh well. :(

Looks quite good, though! The people in the comments are fucking dumb, holy shit.


Yeah, I'm in the same boat as well; I don't have a 3DS or DSi either. Only difference for me is that I've never owned the original brick; I started off on the DS Lite, and have basically stuck with that same model for the past five years.

With the upcoming price drop, though, I'm definitely working towards getting one. Lot to be excited about as well (as far as upcoming titles are concerned), so once that takes effect (and I have money to throw at one), I'll be up to date. Probably by the end of this year, at the very latest.

Quoteyou have ruined blood rayne you fuckers for years i have waited for a new bloodrayne title and you fuckers ruined it everything thhe games were you have changed you fuckers


So according to the WayForward thread, this'll basically be a 2D version of DMC?

I can dig it. 8)


This game looks pretty cool:

Wouldn't have known hadn't QBComics tweeted it earlier.

Spark Of Spirit

BloodRayne Betrayal is suddenly delayed from its 23 August release date on XBLA to 5 Oct, but its now going to be released on 6 Sept as part of their PSN Play promotion.

Thank you, Sony. Fuck off.
"The world will never starve for want of wonders, but for want of wonder." - G.K. Chesterton


Not really a big deal since you have both consoles, is it? Fucking stupid, though, especially the fact that a delay is happening even for the platform with "exclusive rights." :thinkin:

Spark Of Spirit

Not really, but I prefer playing arcade games on the 360. The PS3 is not in my room here, so I don't get to use it a lot.
"The world will never starve for want of wonders, but for want of wonder." - G.K. Chesterton


Excellent Q&A from one of the developers on the new Deus Ex:

QuoteWhat have you learnt making DXHR that you will take into the next game that you develop?
QuoteFrank says:
And we have a winner for one of the best questions I've gotten so far! (seriously)
Ok, let me think...
There may be some rambling in there, so be warned.
Also, I think some of my emotions got mixed up with the answers. Yikes.
Here are two:
1- "Making games is not a democracy and that's a good thing."
It's not something I've discovered on this game, but it's the first time it's been so important to my work.
A lot of people were wondering if we were reading the forums while making the game. Well... yes we were. For a while at least.
We saw the rants about regen health, cover, the fact that we would f**k this up, that we knew nothing, that none of the original members were on the team so the project was doomed, you know... the good stuff to really cheer us on.
We read it all and lived with it for years. It was hard. Especially because we couldn't defend ourselves at that point.
It was also the first time, in 11 years as a designer, that I was faced with so much anger and derision.
But what kept us going was our belief that any good piece of entertainment has to come from somebody; there has to be a soul at the point of origin, somebody with drive and passion willing to inject some of his or herself into the game.
Making it our 'own' was the only way we felt we'd be able to live up to the franchise. There was no point in trying to replicate the first game. We aimed to be faithful to the original game's essence, but not necessarily its mechanics. We kept what we liked and changed what we didn't. Sorry if we angered you, but making these decisions was our job.
Are we sorry we didn't listen to everyone? No, because that would've made a terrible game.
You can't design by committee. You need a leader with a vision.
Ours was JF.
And you may disagree if you want, but I don't believe he's lead us astray.
Far from it.
Good job boss.
2- "It's the people, stupid."
And by this I'm not only referring to the people making the game, I'm also including you, the players.
First, you need the right dev people in the right places. And on this we were fortunate. We had a lot of great people.
Secondly, never forget who you're working for. That's where YOU come in.
In all honesty, the decisions we made, we made them thinking of you; whether it was a popular decision or not.
We did not add regen health, the cover system or 3rd person to piss you guys off.
We did it in an attempt to make the game more enjoyable, more immersive and less frustrating.
I admit that it's hard to see all the trade-offs that go on behind the scenes. Days, weeks and months agonizing about how such and such will be perceived, how it'll work, how much it adds to the overall experience.
And when you're designing a game of this scope, you just cannot cater to everybody's whims or desires. You have to go for what will be relevant to most people.
In the end, we did not design this game for the consoles or the PC. We did not design it for hardcore gamers, nor for casuals. And no, it wasn't designed specifically for DX fans.
We designed it for humans to enjoy.
whatever their classification.
You may call it dumbing down or consolization.
I call it good game design and I'm not ashamed. (yeah me!)
Well, guess I had something to get off my chest...
A+ post. More developers need that bolded philosophy... it shouldn't be about making money off of a specific crowd, it should be about making a good game.

Spark Of Spirit

It's almost like what Miyamoto's been saying since the 80s! I'm glad more people seem to get it.
"The world will never starve for want of wonders, but for want of wonder." - G.K. Chesterton

Dr. Ensatsu-ken

Well, game companies need to make money in order to keep making games, but their design philosophy shouldn't be to just put in whatever game elements there are that seem to make a game popular, but rather it should be to put in and properly blend elements that make a game "good" (based on fan reception and overall opinions on good games) and add in some unique flavor to the game to make it stand apart. Does that mean it'll be a hit? Honestly, the probability will be no, but at the very least it'll sell better than a piece of shit game that just tries to copy what's popular (well, there are sadly exceptions to this, but more often than not the concept works out most of the time).

The thing is, its hard to predict what'll be a hit. I guarantee you that Bungie never expected Halo to become such a big deal until it actually did become insanely popular. However the reason the first game became popular is because they focused on making a good game that people would enjoy rather than a game that they thought would sell millions of copies (which I believe in an interview they honestly didn't expect before releasing the game).

Likewise, other developers who have created other hits probably never really thought the game would become a hit, but instead just focused on what they thought would make the game really good, and in some cases some games just stuck with most people really well, which is all the better. The thing is, other companies that just want to make money will totally miss that and try to act purely like a business and copy what's successful without putting any heart or substance into it, whereas real smart businessmen in the game industry will actually understand that they need to make a good game that people will enjoy above all else. It may not sell better than the big shots but at least it will sell and they will make money if they stick to making a game that a lot of people will enjoy.

Rosalinas Spare Wand

Now THIS is a fighter worth paying full price for. Let's hope the MvC drones actually give it a chance to thrive instead of paying for wastes of space like Phoenix Wright and Hawkeye.

Spark Of Spirit

I preordered that shit and hope I get the soundtrack with it, but yeah this looks really good and way better than the mess XII left. After MK, this will be the second fighter I bought for full price this gen and the first since... Wow, probably the Dreamcast.

I kinda hope SNK lives long enough to make a new Fatal Fury, however. KoF is great and all, but FF's simplicity would lend itself well to a reboot. (Yes, I know about that half assed reboot they tried, I'm talking about one done with as much care as this)
"The world will never starve for want of wonders, but for want of wonder." - G.K. Chesterton


Quote from: Foggle on July 29, 2011, 11:45:54 AM
PC Gamer just reviewed Deus Ex: Human Revolution with a 94/100. The highest score they've ever given was a 95/100... to the original Deus Ex.

Holy..... :SHOCK:
"Ryu is like the Hank Hill of Street Fighter." -BB_Hoody


Quote from: Foggle on July 29, 2011, 09:10:40 PM
From GameSpot's Q&A about Hard Reset:

QuoteIf you want to show some amazing graphics, it's better and easier to develop the game for PCs. Also, in the era of movie-like shooters almost "on rails," with player-environment interaction as limited as possible, we wanted to create a game for old-school PC players, raised on all those forgotten Dooms, Quakes, and Painkillers.
Quotewe decided to show our game when it's ready. When it's literally done. No postponements. We want the players to trust us, and we will do our best to get them good games in the future.
QuoteIt's rather similar to old-school shooters like Doom, where you had to search the level to get a key card, and where you will find secrets--sometimes really challenging ones.
Quotewe don't have regenerating health
QuoteWe've got some really good engine programmers, and I can promise you that even a five-year-old PC will be sufficient to play Hard Reset.
QuoteGS: What can you tell us about the game's multiplayer?

MS: There is none! ... We had to choose whether we wanted to put all our efforts into creating the best single-player experience or add a multiplayer mode just to fill the check box and still get it done worse than in other games focused on multiplayer modes.
QuoteIf you're tired of all the boring shooters on rails where all the encounters are heavily scripted and you can't even move too much, Hard Reset is for you.

FPS of the year, if not the fucking decade. Holy shit.
:SHOCK: I love you, Foggle. I was saying I wanted a game exactly like this in another thread.
"Ryu is like the Hank Hill of Street Fighter." -BB_Hoody