Most Anticipated Video Games

Started by Spark Of Spirit, December 27, 2010, 06:00:40 PM

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I wouldn't say the Wii U is completely obsolete until we get a Smash 4 port. That is what's keeping the Switch from being a 100% buy.


Never Forgetti the Wii U's sacrifice. Nintendo did seem to learn from what happened and why the Wii U failed, commercially at least. I still laugh at the Easter egg that was included in the Welcome amiibo update for New Leaf "Great artists aren't always appreciated in their own time." & "   If you stray from the path, you will find yourself lost. "

Also, after learning that the Mario Tennis game is gonna have a story mode, my interest in that game has increased, especially due to how lackluster the Wii U game was as a bare bones game that felt rushed to replaced Star Fox game that we were supposed to get for that holiday season. I wonder what other games they'll end up porting over. I don't know how they'll handle Kirby and the Rainbow Curse, which was a good game if only suffering from the fact that you had to play on the Game Pad. I say that mostly because of how awesome the game looked on the TV compared to the Game Pad. For now, bring on TWEWY, DK:TF & Kirby.


The Wii U is the only console that can natively play GameCube games at 1080p with the original controller (using a softmod, of course), plus it runs Wii games in proper HD as well, so I'll probably never sell mine. It's a really nice system even if it's lacking in exclusives now that most of them have been ported to the Switch. I'm glad Nintendo has managed to find success again and I'm excited to get a Switch later this year (hopefully).


Granblue Fantasy Project Re:Link is a game I just caught wind of yesterday, and while my track record with Platinum Games is not that great (don't know anything about the anime or previous games), this game might be the one to do it for me. I'm just hoping it comes to the west. I'm also hoping that it's single player. I saw another trailer that look like it could've had multiplayer in there somewhere, and I'm burnt out on seeing MP at the moment. If it's single player this could definitely be right up the alley of what I need.

Dragon Quest 11 - Completely forgot about the game until I heard about the release date (Sept 2018). Been looking forward to this game for some time now. I've also been on a media blackout from this game. Much like Persona 5 this has the potential to get me back into gaming a little heavier. The only other Dragon Quest I've played was DQVIII and while I've never finished I did enjoy what I played of it. Never could finish it because at the time my PS2 was crashing for some unknown reason. Whatever. I'm getting DQ8 vibes from this one and I hope it don't disappoint me.

Kingdom Hearts 3 might come out this year. I won't hold my breath though. I've been impressed with what I saw. Looks like a lot of fun.

Saw a trailer for God Eater 3 and much like Granblue Fantasy, no idea what its about nor do I know about any other games in the series, but the gameplay looks good. I've seen comparisons to Monster Hunter, and if that's the case I'm gonna ignore it. I'll keep an eye out for it though.
Tekken 8 - Steve
Street Fighter 6 - Terry


Just when I was ready to go on a rant about the PS4's library is nothing but indies and remasters I come across Shenmue 1&2 for the PS4 in the works. For now, I'll shut up since I'm content with that leak(?).
Tekken 8 - Steve
Street Fighter 6 - Terry


I finally, finally got my KH3 release date. January 29th, 2019.

I don't think any other info from E3 will excite me more, even if it's still over 6 months away, I can't wait.

Dr. Ensatsu-ken

Watching Microsoft's E3 press conference right god is it boring. A majority of these are just glorified cutscenes of games that we already knew existed without much in the way of actual interesting gameplay footage to go with them.

Out of everything shown so far the only thing that got me interested is Sekiro which sort of feel's like From's answer to Nioh. I mean, Nier: Automata being ported to the XBOX ONE (which is already a year old) looked more exciting than most other trailers that we got). Even Kingdom Hearts 3 had less footage to show off even though other showcasings of it from over a year ago had more gameplay footage to show off.


Tekken 8 - Steve
Street Fighter 6 - Terry

Dr. Ensatsu-ken

Devil May Cry 5 was revealed at the Microsoft press conference?! :huh:

Wait so is that supposed to be Nero with the robotic arm instead of a demonic one? I'm both really confused and excited at the same time!


Calmed down a bit. I definitely heard Johnny Young Bosch there so I'm assuming it is Nero. You also saw his arm get snatched, so that's what I'm assuming at the moment.

E3 is over for me now. I got all I need.
Tekken 8 - Steve
Street Fighter 6 - Terry

Dr. Ensatsu-ken

Quote from: Mustang on June 10, 2018, 04:21:35 PME3 is over for me now. I got all I need.

I feel exactly the same. The moment I saw "Devil May Cry" flash in neon lights on the side of the truck, I absolutely lost my shit. :joy:


A lot of the games were not for me, but I am glad that Microsoft showed more games and less talking. That being said the only games that appealed to me were DMC5, Sekiro, KH3, Halo Infinite (I'm always gonna be interested despite it not being by Bungie) and Tales of Vesperia (assuming its also coming to ps4).

Other than that meh.
Tekken 8 - Steve
Street Fighter 6 - Terry

Dr. Ensatsu-ken

For me it's Devil May Cry 5 and Sekiro. I still need to play everything after the original Kingdom Hearts to get caught up on that series, and I've had the other two Metro games waiting to be played for a while as well, so same thing there.

Interestingly Tales of Vesperia is the only one in the entire franchise that I've played. If it was a sequel I might have been interested, but as a remaster it's not all that enticing to me.

Other than that it was a godawfully dull show. Still, the DMC5 announcement alone made it worth my time.

Dr. Ensatsu-ken

Dr. Ensatsu-ken

Five minutes into Sony's press conference so far and all I really got out if it was: "We don't want to focus too much on the games, but on the experience."

Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you "modern gaming in a nutshell."