Most Anticipated Video Games

Started by Spark Of Spirit, December 27, 2010, 06:00:40 PM

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Which is crazy because every month or so I keep going into these phases where I'm bored with this generation of games only to be met with 1-3 games that I get interested in only to be met by disappointment and then the rest is remasters.

I'll say this much now. I'm not buying any next gen consoles until I feel like this gen is done and right now it feels like it's just now starting (and folks are already talking PS5 and Xbox whatever)


Just when I thought I was about to check out. Holy hell did Sony show some ish.

Overall so far,

Ghost of Tsushima
Devil May Cry 5
Nioh 2 (I was not expecting this)
Kingdom Hearts 3
Forza (I haven't been into racing games since Gran Turismo 3)
Halo Infinite

I feel like I'm missing a samurai game, but considering my love for samurai's this E3 feels like its for me.


As much as Kojima is my dude I'm not sure if I care much about Death Stranding anymore, not to mention that's it's getting to the point of grossing me out territory.

As I said, I was almost checking out. Sony's conference was pretty poor until the games started rolling, but they need to kill the music stuff. Good God.
Tekken 8 - Steve
Street Fighter 6 - Terry

Spark Of Spirit

Overall it wasn't the best year, but there were a few exciting games like DOOM Eternal and Smash that caught my eye, so at least I'll be playing something.

Quote from: Dr. Ensatsu-ken on June 11, 2018, 08:06:23 PM
Five minutes into Sony's press conference so far and all I really got out if it was: "We don't want to focus too much on the games, but on the experience."

Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you "modern gaming in a nutshell."
My thoughts exactly.
"The world will never starve for want of wonders, but for want of wonder." - G.K. Chesterton

Dr. Ensatsu-ken

Nioh 2 REALLY caught me off guard, partly because Team Ninja had already announced DOA6, and also because I figured that it would be too soon for a sequel. That said, I'm super excited for this, even if I'm just a tad disappointed that this basically means that a new Ninja Gaiden is definitely off the table for the foreseeable future.

It's interesting to see them directly competing with FromSoftware's own Samurai game, though.


Good E3 in terms of announcements, almost all the actual conferences blew ass though. Sony's was downright painful to watch with that endless overly violent Last of Us 2 footage and the random white dude dressed as an ancient Japanese farmer playing a bamboo flute for five minutes. I already clocked 15 hours in that Prey DLC and had a blast. Resident Evil 2 is going to be the BEST though. RE7 was the first post-Mikami masterpiece the series has had and this one's got my mouth watering. Capcom won E3 between that, Devil May Cry 5, and Mega Man 11 IMO. I mean, yeah, we can complain that all of these games should have happened a decade ago, but dammit, they exist now and they're actually trying, which is what matters.

I can't believe Rage 2 looks like a great game and not a glorified tech demo. Spider-Man still has yet to truly impress me but this year's footage was a lot better than last year's and I trust Insomniac will deliver with it. Sekiro looks legit. New AssCreed is the first one I've been interested in since... well, ever. Gears 5 actually seems kind of interesting compared to the last few but I'll probably never play it lol. Sea of Solitude's story reminds me of my favorite horror movie (Kiyoshi Kurosawa's Pulse) so I'm definitely intrigued. New Platinum/Square Enix collaboration is exciting but the trailer told us nothing. Can't wait for Hitman 2.

Death Stranding looks like a load of garbage to me honestly. The cutscenes are cool and everything but that "gameplay footage" was just a character model walking around empty environments ripped straight out of MGS5. Doubt it'll be out until Q4 2020 at the earliest.


Honestly, every time a new thing for Death Stranding comes out, I get less and less interested.


Quote from: Foggle on June 14, 2018, 03:23:00 PM
Death Stranding looks like a load of garbage to me honestly. The cutscenes are cool and everything but that "gameplay footage" was just a character model walking around empty environments ripped straight out of MGS5. Doubt it'll be out until Q4 2020 at the earliest.

Quote from: Nel_AnnetteHonestly, every time a new thing for Death Stranding comes out, I get less and less interested.

Agreed. No secret Kojima is my favorite creator and I support everything the man does but the way I'm taking this game is like it's either make or break for him and I try not to think like that because I know he should be able to make games that're not titled Metal Gear. Seeing the latest trailer has me thinking he should've stuck with Metal Gear if this is what we're gonna be getting.

I also think 2020-2022 is when the game will be coming out. I'm thinking closer to 2021/2022 because of the talk about PS5.
Tekken 8 - Steve
Street Fighter 6 - Terry


I personally like the weirdness, and I think Kojima can do good non-Metal Gear things. P.T. was fantastic, and I'm sure Silent Hills would have been as well. I was hoping this would be a revival of that game but it's looking more like MGS5-2 to me, only this time with an indecipherable story. I just don't know about it...


Yeah, I didn't have a problem either with how the gameplay seemed. Plus it may not be the finished product anyway. Kojima knows what he's doing I think.


Here's a sleeper for me. Doom Eternal

I haven't been into FPS's since Halo Reach. Reason being is either the campaign don't interest me or the focus is on multiplayer. Doom being no different I'm just not interested in the setting (I've never been interested in that demonic look), but it looks very fun and satisfying and that's enough to, you know, keep my an eye on it.
Tekken 8 - Steve
Street Fighter 6 - Terry

Spark Of Spirit

The last DOOM game had an incredible campaign. Easily the best since Reach. I'm really looking forward to Eternal since the gameplay demo somehow managed to make it look even better.
"The world will never starve for want of wonders, but for want of wonder." - G.K. Chesterton


So is this actually a new Doom or is it like a definitive/Goty Edition type? Either way I'm definitely interested. If it's 2 different games I may get the previous one.
Tekken 8 - Steve
Street Fighter 6 - Terry

Spark Of Spirit

This new one is an entirely brand new sequel. I can't wait for it.
"The world will never starve for want of wonders, but for want of wonder." - G.K. Chesterton


Shenmue 3

I'M DONE!!! I'll admit I was worried about the facial expressions the first time. Right now after seeing that trailer I don't care anymore. Any Shenmue fan knows what we all want to see and we got it and I hyped for it. August 27, 2019 can't come fast enough. I'll definitely take a week off next year just to play.

2019 is my year. I'm claiming it now.
Tekken 8 - Steve
Street Fighter 6 - Terry


Looking forward the The Darker Pictures Anthology by the creator of Until Dawn. That game was fun as all heck, with great acting and a decent plot. Incredibly, while the plot was somewhat complicated it never got too convoluted which can be hard to do. Looking at the previews, I think this anthology will deliver a lot more survival horror goodness.


The new previews of DMC5 and REmake2... Capcom owns my soul next year. Lord have mercy.