Favourite Cartoon Cartoons

Started by Neomysterion X. Prime, December 27, 2010, 06:19:36 PM

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Quote from: Ensatsu-ken on December 29, 2010, 01:57:24 PM
Quote from: Foggle on December 29, 2010, 12:51:37 PM
KND was ass. Not as bad as Robot Jones or Squirrel Boy, but it was pretty fucking terrible.

Oh, really? And for what reason? You see, I see comments about the show like this but no reasons behind it. If that's your opinion that's fine, but really its not ass. You really have nothing on the show that made it terrible. So, really, its basically just one of those shows that people call crap for no reason, unless you care to prove me wrong, which I guarantee you can't do.
For me, this show is like Pokemon; it's a good kids' show, I admit, but it doesn't hold up at all for me now that I'm not 10 anymore and I can completely understand why my dad would roll his eyes whenever he saw me watching it. The writing is absolutely wretched, IMO.

After the first couple of seasons (and in a few episodes of those, as well), nearly every single joke was about poop, piss, boogers, farts, candy, or how much the kids hated adults. I can recall whole episodes about ear wax and eye crust that weren't even funny to me as a little kid... they were just fucking gross. The jokes that weren't absolutely disgusting toilet humor in-line with Terrence & Phillip got old after they were repeated a million times or stretched out for far too long, as was the case with pretty much every even slightly clever instance of writing in the show. Out of all the characters, the only likable ones were Numbuhs One and Five, who were still fairly dull personality-wise, but at least didn't make me want to bash my head against the wall. Numbuh 2 was especially obnoxious, and was on the same level as Gir from Invader Zim (which I can admit is a good show even if I don't like it -- more than I can say about this one). Numbuhs 3 and 4 were cardboard cut-outs of the same exact characters that appear in every goddamn kids' show, and, thus, I could not find them at all interesting. Father was an okay antagonist, I suppose, but his kids were fucking annoying and would have added a welcome rivalry to the plot had they actually done anything of worth that didn't make me reach for the mute button.

I used to watch the show all the damn time when I was younger; I loved it. But even nostalgia can't save it for me when I look back at the episodes and find the writing to be cringe-worthy in nearly every respect.

The acronym titles were pretty cool, though.

Dr. Ensatsu-ken

Quote from: Foggle on December 29, 2010, 04:48:43 PM
For me, this show is like Pokemon; it's a good kids' show, I admit, but it doesn't hold up at all for me now that I'm not 10 anymore and I can completely understand why my dad would roll his eyes whenever he saw me watching it. The writing is absolutely wretched, IMO.

Uh, Not seeing the analogy here. The earlier episodes at least still have entertainment value to them, and I never got the feeling that the show was trying really hard to market toys or trading cards or anything like that. And how is the writing wretched? Maybe in the last couple of seasons which I never really saw it got that bad, but definitely not in the first 4 seasons, which make up a majority of the show. Your dad was rolling his eyes at the show probably because it didn't appeal to adults at all, but it is a kids show. Here's a news flash, there are a ton of other shows that you may think hold up from nostalgia, but I'm sure adults would roll their eyes at that as well, because they don't have good writing either. As for KND, it didn't ever have really good writing, but the same goes for A LOT of other kids shows at the time and even before it. Nothing you said proves it to be any worse than the most average of kids show of that day.

QuoteAfter the first couple of seasons (and in a few episodes of those, as well), nearly every single joke was about poop, piss, boogers, farts, candy, or how much the kids hated adults.

Yeah, HUGE exaggeration. Even in the later seasons when it did start having more toilet humor, it wasn't nearly every joke being about toilet humor, I know that much for sure. Come up with specific examples if you want to prove that point.

QuoteI can recall whole episodes about ear wax and eye crust that weren't even funny to me as a little kid... they were just fucking gross.

Nice try, but here's the problem, first of all I can already tell that you don't remember anything about this episode, you just read an earlier post that mentioned it and even that poster kind of exaggerated that episode since the plot didn't revolve around the eyecrust, it was just a reveal at the very end of the episode. There was no toilet humor about that until the last minute, literally. So yeah, that example also hurts your argument more than helps it. Next time it'd do you some good to get the facts straight on what you're referencing.

QuoteThe jokes that weren't absolutely disgusting toilet humor in-line with Terrence & Phillip got old after they were repeated a million times or stretched out for far too long, as was the case with pretty much every even slightly clever instance of writing in the show.

Once again, I can say that all of this is false for most episode of the first 4 seasons. It was never that heavy on toilet humor until what I assume is the last 2 seasons which is when I stopped watching the show anyways, just because I wasn't interested in CN anymore. And as for the jokes being repeated, give me some examples? This criticism seems completely pulled out of your ass. I know plenty of things to criticize the show for, but it wasn't repetitive jokes. It definitely had some stupid jokes and badly written episodes, but on the whole it was in an even ratio of hit or miss jokes. It was basically fairly average in that regard, but hardly ever standout bad.

QuoteOut of all the characters, the only likable ones were Numbuhs One and Five, who were still fairly dull personality-wise, but at least didn't make me want to bash my head against the wall. Numbuh 2 was especially obnoxious, and was on the same level as Gir from Invader Zim (which I can admit is a good show even if I don't like it -- more than I can say about this one). Numbuhs 3 and 4 were cardboard cut-outs of the same exact characters that appear in every goddamn kids' show, and, thus, I could not find them at all interesting. Father was an okay antagonist, I suppose, but his kids were fucking annoying and would have added a welcome rivalry to the plot had they actually done anything of worth that didn't make me reach for the mute button.

Uh, yeah, nice try again, but its just generic criticisms that you came up with. As someone who remembers enough of the show, the criticisms don't fit. Number 3 was certainly as annoying as fuck, but number 2 was meant to be the tech-geek of the group. He wasn't obnoxious through bad writing, in this case, but because his character was meant to be that way as could be seen by the other characters getting annoyed by him when he acted that way. As a result it came off as more of a humorous thing since he always got what he usually got what was coming to him whenever he started getting too high up with his attitude. Number 4 was your typical "guy of the group who likes to act tough character," but that's hardly a criticism to make the show out to be so much worse than average, as I can find tons of cookie-cutter cliche characters in a ton of shows that did it worse than KND.

QuoteI used to watch the show all the damn time when I was younger; I loved it. But even nostalgia can't save it for me when I look back at the episodes and find the writing to be cringe-worthy in nearly every respect.

Then that's your problem for thinking of things too nostalgically. As a kid I thought it was an average but entertaining show. As an adult its still an average but fairly entertaining show (at least the first 4 seasons). I never had fond nostalgic memories of it, nor did I ever really change my views on it. In your case you probably liked it more than you should have as a kid, but then got disappointed more than you should have when you realized it wasn't that great. I was about 13 when the show was out and my judgment on it hasn't changed since. All you've really done is prove my point that its just one of those shows that people claim stand out in bad ways for no real reason. It also doesn't help that most of your criticisms don't match up with what other people would typically criticize this show for, and if toilet humor is really the worst that can be come up with, shouldn't this show be considered average anyways when compared to shows like Cow and Chicken and the plethora of other cartoons out there that have done WAY worse with this type of humor?

Really, sorry, but your reasoning doesn't work at all.


Quote from: Ensatsu-ken on December 29, 2010, 05:08:16 PM
Uh, Not seeing the analogy here. The earlier episodes at least still have entertainment value to them, and I never got the feeling that the show was trying really hard to market toys or trading cards or anything like that. And how is the writing wretched? Maybe in the last couple of seasons which I never really saw it got that bad, but definitely not in the first 4 seasons, which make up a majority of the show. Your dad was rolling his eyes at the show probably because it didn't appeal to adults at all, but it is a kids show. Here's a news flash, there are a ton of other shows that you may think hold up from nostalgia, but I'm sure adults would roll their eyes at that as well, because they don't have good writing either. As for KND, it didn't ever have really good writing, but the same goes for A LOT of other kids shows at the time and even before it. Nothing you said proves it to be any worse than the most average of kids show of that day.

That's the point. Many Cartoon Cartoons could and did appeal equally to kids and adults: Ed Edd n Eddy, Courage, Johnny Bravo, Dexter's Lab (the early episodes), Samurai Jack, etc. I never said it was like Pokemon in that its intention was to sell toys, but that it's like Pokemon in that the writing does not hold up to me now that I'm no longer a kid.

QuoteYeah, HUGE exaggeration. Even in the later seasons when it did start having more toilet humor, it wasn't nearly every joke being about toilet humor, I know that much for sure. Come up with specific examples if you want to prove that point.

[gunswordfist]I don't really feel like finding specific examples,[/gunswordfist] but -- off the top of my head, at least four years after the fact -- I do distinctly remember an entire episode about a guy who dressed up like a toilet and flushed people down a giant toilet bowl and another episode where Numbuh 2 had the farts bad and nearly every joke was about him farting.

QuoteNice try, but here's the problem, first of all I can already tell that you don't remember anything about this episode, you just read an earlier post that mentioned it and even that poster kind of exaggerated that episode since the plot didn't revolve around the eyecrust, it was just a reveal at the very end of the episode. There was no toilet humor about that until the last minute, literally. So yeah, that example also hurts your argument more than helps it. Next time it'd do you some good to get the facts straight on what you're referencing.

Except the other guy didn't even talk about eye crust in his post, I remembered it on my own.

Considering the plot was about them eating eye crust, even if it wasn't evident until the end of the episode, it was still "about" eye crust being made into food and then consumed.

QuoteOnce again, I can say that all of this is false for most episode of the first 4 seasons. It was never that heavy on toilet humor until what I assume is the last 2 seasons which is when I stopped watching the show anyways, just because I wasn't interested in CN anymore. And as for the jokes being repeated, give me some examples? This criticism seems completely pulled out of your ass. I know plenty of things to criticize the show for, but it wasn't repetitive jokes. It definitely had some stupid jokes and badly written episodes, but on the whole it was in an even ratio of hit or miss jokes. It was basically fairly average in that regard, but hardly ever standout bad.

Many shows have recurring gags; this one practically lived off them. Nearly everything any of the antagonists did (or any character other than the main five) was the exact same thing every time they appeared. And of course I remember the last four seasons (there were 8 ) more than the first four, because they're the ones I saw most recently. They're newer.

QuoteUh, yeah, nice try again, but its just generic criticisms that you came up with. As someone who remembers enough of the show, the criticisms don't fit. Number 3 was certainly as annoying as fuck, but number 2 was meant to be the tech-geek of the group. He wasn't obnoxious through bad writing, in this case, but because his character was meant to be that way as could be seen by the other characters getting annoyed by him when he acted that way. As a result it came off as more of a humorous thing since he always got what he usually got what was coming to him whenever he started getting too high up with his attitude. Number 4 was your typical "guy of the group who likes to act tough character," but that's hardly a criticism to make the show out to be so much worse than average, as I can find tons of cookie-cutter cliche characters in a ton of shows that did it worse than KND.

I never said Numbuh 2 was obnoxious due to bad writing, I compared him to Gir who is obnoxious because he -- also -- was written that way. I didn't like many of the characters, and the ones I did I found kind of boring and lacking personality, that's just an opinionated thing.

QuoteThen that's your problem for thinking of things too nostalgically. As a kid I thought it was an average but entertaining show. As an adult its still an average but fairly entertaining show (at least the first 4 seasons). I never had fond nostalgic memories of it, nor did I ever really change my views on it. In your case you probably liked it more than you should have as a kid, but then got disappointed more than you should have when you realized it wasn't that great. I was about 13 when the show was out and my judgment on it hasn't changed since. All you've really done is prove my point that its just one of those shows that people claim stand out in bad ways for no real reason. It also doesn't help that most of your criticisms don't match up with what other people would typically criticize this show for, and if toilet humor is really the worst that can be come up with, shouldn't this show be considered average anyways when compared to shows like Cow and Chicken and the plethora of other cartoons out there that have done WAY worse with this type of humor?

I liked the I Am Weasel portions of Cow And Chicken (for Weasel only), but I've never liked Cow and Chicken. I don't like toilet humor period, and what I remember about KND is the toilet humor more than anything else.


Quote from: Foggle on December 29, 2010, 04:48:43 PM
it's a good kids' show, I admit, but it doesn't hold up at all for me now that I'm not 10 anymore
This was my issue with the show, it was the first Cartoon Cartoon that really only appealed to kids, and really the first major one after all the other cartoons of the 90s that appealed to kids and adults alike(anything from Ren and Stimpy to Animaniacs to Dexter's Laboratory to Spongebob are examples of cartoons that appeal to both).  I was in high school by the time I first noticed my little brother watching it, and I always thought it was stupid that the kids accused the adults of tyranny because they gave the kids homework or a bedtime or made them eat vegetables.   Maybe it was that I was old enough to realize in those situations that the adults were right, that there were reasons why you are given homework or told to eat veggies instead of candy all the time.  

It just didn't portray childhood the way other shows like Recess did, where sure, there was kid vs. adult situations, but there was also a certain group of kid vs another group of kid.  Recess was more adventurous, had the kids battle a heatwave in order to find the one source of water on the playground, had the kids battle against a leader who was determined enough to leave a legacy even if it meant exploiting the kids of the playground, and even had less popular girls going against a clique of stuck-up little bitches who thought they were better than everyone else.  Even in situations where it was strictly kid vs adult, the kids didn't see characters like Principal Prickly or Mrs Finster as enemies who must be destroyed at all costs, the kids only took objection to certain policies.  It was shown at least a few times that T.J. and company had compassion for Prickly and Finster, and if something the kids did caused the adults to lose their jobs or get in trouble, the kids felt guilty and found ways to correct the situation(similar things also happened on Hey Arnold!, and even The Simpsons).  I never saw that on KND.
It doesn't matter what you say, soon you'll be dead anyway.


Y'know, I never really thought much about that aspect, SNES, but I think that might have also contributed to my disdain for the series. Well said! :thumbup:

Dr. Ensatsu-ken

Quote from: Foggle on December 29, 2010, 05:23:04 PM
That's the point. Many Cartoon Cartoons could and did appeal equally to kids and adults: Ed Edd n Eddy, Courage, Johnny Bravo, Dexter's Lab (the early episodes), Samurai Jack, etc. I never said it was like Pokemon in that its intention was to sell toys, but that it's like Pokemon in that the writing does not hold up to me now that I'm no longer a kid.

You only think that all of that stuff would appeal to most adults. It appeals to you as more of an adult because you grew up with it, just like how like how Looney Tunes would appeal to even a lot of old people since they grew up with it as kids and also have Universal appeal, but I guarantee you that most people who were already adults when the CC's you listed were in their prime would not be able to sit through them without getting bored, because it honestly doesn't appeal that much to people outside of the generation that they were intended for. Its the same reason why plenty of adults I know still have fond memories of stuff like Scooby-Doo, which I persoanlly find to be shit, while never being able to understand why I loved shows like Dexter's Lab and PPG.

Quotebut -- off the top of my head, at least four years after the fact -- I do distinctly remember an entire episode about a guy who dressed up like a toilet and flushed people down a giant toilet bowl and another episode where Numbuh 2 had the farts bad and nearly every joke was about him farting.

The first example is not good because the Toilenator usually didn't even have any single episodes completely dedicated to himself except for one, as far as I can recall, and that one episode ironically didn't even use that much toilet humor, unless you can give me a specific episode name that I can check out to prove that one. The 2nd example is merely only 1 example, and somehow I get the feeling that its from one of the seasons that I didn't even watch.

QuoteExcept the other guy didn't even talk about eye crust in his post, I remembered it on my own.

He still referenced that exact episode.

QuoteConsidering the plot was about them eating eye crust, even if it wasn't evident until the end of the episode, it was still "about" eye crust being made into food and then consumed.

No, it was still just a last-minute twist. The jokes didn't revolve around the eye-crust because it wasn't revealed until the end. The dialogue didn't revolve around eye-crust since it wasn't revealed until the end. So, nice try, but unless the writing was at least hinting at eyecrust or some sort of toilet humor, which it wasn't since the writers weren't even creative enough to have subtle-hinting like that, your point still falls flat.

QuoteMany shows have recurring gags; this one practically lived off them. Nearly everything any of the antagonists did (or any character other than the main five) was the exact same thing every time they appeared. And of course I remember the last four seasons (there were 8 ) more than the first four, because they're the ones I saw most recently. They're newer.

Funny, I only recall 6 seasons ever airing. Perhaps you're splitting up some seasons, otherwise I'm referring to more than just the first 4 seasons, since I did watch at least two-thirds of the show before I stopped. And once again, all you did was state that it had recurring gags. Where are the examples of these recurring gags that the series lived off of that were more horrible than anything else airing at the time?

QuoteI never said Numbuh 2 was obnoxious due to bad writing, I compared him to Gir who is obnoxious because he -- also -- was written that way. I didn't like many of the characters, and the ones I did I found kind of boring and lacking personality, that's just an opinionated thing.

OK, But since you admit its opinion none of it really constitutes to the show being terrible beyond average, as you claimed it was. It just means that it didn't meet with your particular preferences.

QuoteI liked the I Am Weasel portions of Cow And Chicken (for Weasel only), but I've never liked Cow and Chicken. I don't like toilet humor period, and what I remember about KND is the toilet humor more than anything else.

Which is funny because, I honestly don't remember that much toilet humor, and in this case it hasn't been that long since I've seen my fair share of reruns of the show, so I'm curious as to where most of this toilet humor comes from. I'm once again assuming its from the last 2 seasons, and in this case I'm giving you the benefit of the doubt. Anything before that, aside from a few episodes which had way too much toilet humor, is plain exaggeration though.

Dr. Ensatsu-ken

Quote from: SNES Chalmers on December 29, 2010, 05:38:13 PM
This was my issue with the show, it was the first Cartoon Cartoon that really only appealed to kids, and really the first major one after all the other cartoons of the 90s that appealed to kids and adults alike(anything from Ren and Stimpy to Animaniacs to Dexter's Laboratory to Spongebob are examples of cartoons that appeal to both).  I was in high school by the time I first noticed my little brother watching it, and I always thought it was stupid that the kids accused the adults of tyranny because they gave the kids homework or a bedtime or made them eat vegetables.   Maybe it was that I was old enough to realize in those situations that the adults were right, that there were reasons why you are given homework or told to eat veggies instead of candy all the time.

Trust me, you heavily overestimate how many CC's appealed to most adults on a general level. Those who were into cartoons at the time got the appeal. A lot more people who were adults at the time did NOT get the appeal of a lot of CCs. There's a big reason for why they never attained close to as much popularity as stuff like Spongebob, or even stuff like Animaniacs, for that matter.

QuoteIt just didn't portray childhood the way other shows like Recess did, where sure, there was kid vs. adult situations, but there was also a certain group of kid vs another group of kid.  Recess was more adventurous, had the kids battle a heatwave in order to find the one source of water on the playground, had the kids battle against a leader who was determined enough to leave a legacy even if it meant exploiting the kids of the playground, and even had less popular girls going against a clique of stuck-up little bitches who thought they were better than everyone else.  Even in situations where it was strictly kid vs adult, the kids didn't see characters like Principal Prickly or Mrs Finster as enemies who must be destroyed at all costs, the kids only took objection to certain policies.  It was shown at least a few times that T.J. and company had compassion for Prickly and Finster, and if something the kids did caused the adults to lose their jobs or get in trouble, the kids felt guilty and found ways to correct the situation(similar things also happened on Hey Arnold!, and even The Simpsons).  I never saw that on KND.

It wasn't as good as shows like Recess for sure, but all of your complaints are pretty moot, still. It didn't do anything that would really make an adult downright detest it more than any other average kid-show that mostly only appealed to kids.


Quote from: Ensatsu-ken on December 29, 2010, 05:42:41 PM
You only think that all of that stuff would appeal to most adults. It appeals to you as more of an adult because you grew up with it, just like how like how Looney Tunes would appeal to even a lot of old people since they grew up with it as kids and also have Universal appeal, but I guarantee you that most people who were already adults when the CC's you listed were in their prime would not be able to sit through them without getting bored, because it honestly doesn't appeal that much to people outside of the generation that they were intended for. Its the same reason why plenty of adults I know still have fond memories of stuff like Scooby-Doo, which I persoanlly find to be shit, while never being able to understand why I loved shows like Dexter's Lab and PPG.

I know my mom really liked Courage, EEnE, and Johnny Bravo, so I was basing that offa' personal experience kinda'.

QuoteThe first example is not good because the Toilenator usually didn't even have any single episodes completely dedicated to himself except for one, as far as I can recall, and that one episode ironically didn't even use that much toilet humor, unless you can give me a specific episode name that I can check out to prove that one. The 2nd example is merely only 1 example, and somehow I get the feeling that its from one of the seasons that I didn't even watch.

You're probably right. I was going to include in my first post that I didn't really remember the first two seasons all that well, but I forgot to.

QuoteNo, it was still just a last-minute twist. The jokes didn't revolve around the eye-crust because it wasn't revealed until the end. The dialogue didn't revolve around eye-crust since it wasn't revealed until the end. So, nice try, but unless the writing was at least hinting at eyecrust or some sort of toilet humor, which it wasn't since the writers weren't even creative enough to have subtle-hinting like that, your point still falls flat.

I thought it had some subtle hints about it? Maybe not. You're right for the most part, though.

QuoteFunny, I only recall 6 seasons ever airing. Perhaps you're splitting up some seasons, otherwise I'm referring to more than just the first 4 seasons, since I did watch at least two-thirds of the show before I stopped. And once again, all you did was state that it had recurring gags. Where are the examples of these recurring gags that the series lived off of that were more horrible than anything else airing at the time?

No, you're right, there were only 6. Maybe I split up certain seasons in my mind.

Just watch some of the episodes with a larger cast than usual. I don't really feel like arguing my point anymore, because it was more opinion than anything. The show is ass to me, I hate what I remember of it. That doesn't mean other people can't like it, I just remember thinking the writing wasn't very good.

QuoteOK, But since you admit its opinion none of it really constitutes to the show being terrible beyond average, as you claimed it was. It just means that it didn't meet with your particular preferences.

That's been the whole point of my posts.


Quote from: Ensatsu-ken on December 29, 2010, 05:45:58 PM
A lot more people who were adults at the time did NOT get the appeal of a lot of CCs.
Yeah, and these were the same people who grew up with Bugs Bunny, Fred Flintstone, and Scooby Doo(like my parents), and yet they don't see the appeal of even the cartoons they grew up with.  Something happened, there's some sort of generational shift or something, because most people that where born anywhere from the late-70's until the 90s accept cartoons more, whereas older folks tend to look down on them, even the ones they grew up with.
It doesn't matter what you say, soon you'll be dead anyway.

Dr. Ensatsu-ken

Quote from: Foggle on December 29, 2010, 05:51:51 PM
I know my mom really liked Courage, EEnE, and Johnny Bravo, so I was basing that offa' personal experience kinda'.

As did my dad like Johnny Bravo. But my mom hated just about every cartoon that I watched, and a lot of adults I knew told me that I should be growing out of those shows, and didn't approve of what they saw of it. Naturally I dismissed their comments and idiotic because I knew that most of them didn't understand the appeal of those shows. It doesn't mean that they don't appeal to adults, but they only appeal to adults who understood the appeal of such cartoons at the time, or to people like us who grew up with them as kids and understand their appeal beyond just nostalgia.

QuoteI thought it had some subtle hints about it?

Trust me, if that were the case then I'd have to say that you were giving the writers of this show too much credit. ;)

QuoteJust watch some of the episodes with a larger cast than usual. I don't really feel like arguing my point anymore, because it was more opinion than anything. The show is ass to me, I hate what I remember of it. That doesn't mean other people can't like it, I just remember thinking the writing wasn't very good.

Fair enough. I also don't feel like arguing about this show anymore, either. Its not like I was really a fan of it to begin with. I just thought it was fairly entertaining from what I did watch of it, personally.

Dr. Ensatsu-ken

Quote from: SNES Chalmers on December 29, 2010, 05:54:54 PM
Yeah, and these were the same people who grew up with Bugs Bunny, Fred Flintstone, and Scooby Doo(like my parents), and yet they don't see the appeal of even the cartoons they grew up with.  Something happened, there's some sort of generational shift or something, because most people that where born anywhere from the late-70's until the 90s accept cartoons more, whereas older folks tend to look down on them, even the ones they grew up with.

I was referring more to the fact that a lot of adults I knew at the time only saw the CC's for their more vulgar and crude humor (stuff that didn't necessarily ever strike me as vulgar or crude, but for some reason that's what I was told), and didn't get what was so brilliant about the best of them. The few adults that I knew who actually liked cartoons, at the time, such as my Uncle and even my school counselor, were the exceptions to the rule.


Oh yeah, don't get me wrong, I loved it when I was younger, I just don't enjoy it anymore.

SSJ Jake

Quote from: Ensatsu-ken on December 29, 2010, 05:08:16 PM
Nice try, but here's the problem, first of all I can already tell that you don't remember anything about this episode, you just read an earlier post that mentioned it and even that poster kind of exaggerated that episode since the plot didn't revolve around the eyecrust, it was just a reveal at the very end of the episode. There was no toilet humor about that until the last minute, literally. So yeah, that example also hurts your argument more than helps it. Next time it'd do you some good to get the facts straight on what you're referencing.

Well if I'm exaggerating about the episode with eye crust crumbles then clearly I don't remember anything else about the episode. And that's the thing, the show wasn't that memorable at least to me. I can still remember episodes of PPG, Johnny Bravo and even Foster's, but the only episode of KND that I really remember was the pilot. The only other things I do ever recall are the gross out gags sometimes used as plot devices and twists, and that doesn't settle with me. It's more like seeing a shock site for the first time, engraved into your mind. And as I said I know all other Cartoon Cartoons used toilet humor, especially Billy & Mandy, but usually as a sight gag rather than a twist or plot device.



I know a few adults and older teens who liked Cartoon Cartoons myself. My mom would watch Dexter, Powerpuff, Eds, Courage, and Billy & Mandy with me. She probably wouldn't now if I watched them again, but I know she especially liked Courage and could name a few episodes of each show that she liked. My uncle was a big Johnny Bravo fan and he also liked what I showed him of Dexter and EEnE. I remember seeing a bunch of college students sit around in my neighbor's house watching Justice Friends and laughing harder than I did. Even my father, who I rarely had contact with, told me once that he thought that Dexter and JB were good shows. And of course there's people like DarthGonzo.

I think the Cartoon Cartoons had appeal beyond kids or even nostalgia. I watched a lot of cartoons as a kid, but looking at what I watched then now, these are among the funniest. I think if Dexter's Laboratory, Johnny Bravo, The Powerpuff Girls, Ed, Edd, n' Eddy, and Sheep in the Big City were made today in particular, I'd watch them regularly, and I'd watch a few others on an occasional basis.

I'd probably take these over Warner, Disney, or Nick's cartoons. I think only Rocko would stand up to these five in particular.
Life is not about the second chances. It's about a little mouse and his voyage to an exciting new land. That, my friend, is what life is.

Sir, do you have any Warrants?
I got their first CD, but you can't have it, motherfucker!

New blog!


Quote from: Avaitor on December 29, 2010, 06:21:50 PM
I know a few adults and older teens who liked Cartoon Cartoons myself. My mom would watch Dexter, Powerpuff, Eds, Courage, and Billy & Mandy with me. She probably wouldn't now if I watched them again, but I know she especially liked Courage and could name a few episodes of each show that she liked. My uncle was a big Johnny Bravo fan and he also liked what I showed him of Dexter and EEnE. I remember seeing a bunch of college students sit around in my neighbor's house watching Justice Friends and laughing harder than I did. Even my father, who I rarely had contact with, told me once that he thought that Dexter and JB were good shows. And of course there's people like DarthGonzo.
I guess you guys had a very different experience then, because even to this day my parents don't understand how I can watch The Simpsons or King of the Hill, let alone old Nicktoons or the Cartoon Cartoons.  Yeah, my dad watched cartoons as a kid, he talks about watching the Roadrunner cartoons or Rocky and Bullwinkle back in the 60s, but he see no appeal in the cartoons today.

And I was kind of including DG in my one post, since even though he's older than us, he did kind of grow up with the same late 80s and 90s cartoons that we did.
It doesn't matter what you say, soon you'll be dead anyway.