Hack n' Slash games

Started by Dr. Ensatsu-ken, April 11, 2011, 03:54:35 PM

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If this rumour turns out to be true and people still defend Nu-Dante after this...  :srs:


And here's another part of the rumored ending:

QuoteThe game starts out as a prequel, but turns into an alternate universe Star Trek style. Basically, half-angel,hal-demon people have been trying to save the universe by destroying different timelines on their time machine that runs on the tears of children. Classic Dante shows up at the very end, implying that DMC5 will be Dante & Donte teaming up trying to save time and space.


"Ryu is like the Hank Hill of Street Fighter." -BB_Hoody


I'd rather a meeting between Dante and Donte go like this.


Yesterday, I thought I downloaded the demo to DmC but it ended up being a trailer since I don't have Gold and can't get the demo. So I watched the trailer and was actually surprised that Vergil didn't look as bad as I thought he would. I thought he would look all prissy and have a monocle (Hmm, Sparda had a monocle, right? That explains that part of my mental image). He still looks like an average teen drama type of character but at least he doesn't look like emo trash. Also his voice didn't grate my ears at all.
"Ryu is like the Hank Hill of Street Fighter." -BB_Hoody


Just played the DmC demo. Enjoyed it a lot, actually. The writing was as bad as I expected, but the gameplay was quite fun. Probably about on par with 4. Definitely going to pick up the PC version when it comes out, now.



1st, hack n slash games are probably my favorite type of games due to them being able to make me feel good after a stressful day at work.

Before I get into the meat of everything, I gotta talk about that gaming brit. I enjoyed that DMC clip, and his opinion about the series is completely understandable. I may check out more of his videos.

Devil May Cry 1-4
Having said that, DMC is no doubt my favorite series, with 3 being my favorite and 4 following closely behind. From a combat perspective, it's hard for me to go back to playing DMC1 after coming off of 3 and 4. Do I appreciate DMC1, yes, but do I care about it revolutionizing the genre? Heh, you want me to answer that bluntly or nicely?

DMC4, I understand where people are coming from about their complaints with the game, but for me, I enjoyed it. Almost moreso than DMC3. The only reason I don't have it topping 3 is because there's no Vergil. I've seen quite a few complaints about Nero, and while he's no Dante or Vergil I like his character. The latest complaint I've seen of Nero is him having a short supply of weapons. Say he had 3-5 weapons, then people would've been complaining that he's a Dante ripoff. I think Nero is pretty much in a no win situation regardless of how you slice it. Like Raiden (MGS2), Nero suffers from that inevitable consequence of replacing an iconic character. Anyway, the way I see it, Dante the showoff has multiple weapons to finish off folks in style with multiple hits and Nero being the powerhouse, hence the devilbringer. You give Nero anymore weapons than he already has, I can only imagine the complaints of the game feeling too easy. Anyway, because of Nero's moveset and with me being able to easily entertain myself in DMC4 I don't have an issue with Nero. As far as the backtracking goes... 2 things you will never see me complain about in games are repetitiveness and backtracking, but that's just me. I'd say the only way I'd have an issue with backtracking is if I'm just running into the same area full of nothing, if I'm fighting, whatever. Don't get me wrong though, I understand that it comes off as laziness, and I'm not going to even try disputing that.

And then there's DmC. I hate what I'm seeing but I'm not going to jump the gun yet. I won't buy it, but I'll watch walkthrough's of it.

Ninja Gaiden 1-2 and God of War 1-2 (I've yet to play 3)
Truth be told Ninja Gaiden and God of War don't do anything wrong, or rather, their faults do hinder anything, it's just DMC appeals to me more. That's all. Ninja Gaiden's combat is unrivaled. God of War's usage of the camera should be used more. I also like QTE's, but only in games that actually started off using them. NG3 (I think I remember seeing QTE's being introduced) comes off as biting off of GoW and that is what I don't like. And then on top of that I love me some graphics. I love cutscenes, especially if it's chucked full of action (DMC is unrivaled, but GoW takes it for graphics). So yeah, they both bring something to the table that I like.

Darksiders 2
The newest game I've been checking out lately, and while it don't bring anything new to the table it does feels like a breath of fresh air, and I can't explain why. It just feels good.

Warriors Orochi 3
Mindless fun. Nuff said.

Just a little taste of what hack n slashers I play and prefer.


I like Nero too. I just think his gameplay needs to be refined a little. Like making some of his DT moves part of his base moveset or something along those lines.

Quote from: Grave
And then there's DmC. I hate what I'm seeing but I'm not going to jump the gun yet. I won't buy it, but I'll watch walkthrough's of it.

Have you tried out the demo yet? It should give you a taste of what to expect gameplay wise. From what I've played, it's OK, but nothing near the standards of DMC 3/4, or even 1. I will say it's more fun than Ninja Gaiden 3/Razor's Edge, Heavenly Sword, and maybe God of War. The story and dialogue are pretty god-awful though.

Ninja Gaiden 1-2 and God of War 1-2 (I've yet to play 3)
Truth be told Ninja Gaiden and God of War don't do anything wrong, or rather, their faults do hinder anything, it's just DMC appeals to me more. That's all. Ninja Gaiden's combat is unrivaled. God of War's usage of the camera should be used more. I also like QTE's, but only in games that actually started off using them. NG3 (I think I remember seeing QTE's being introduced) comes off as biting off of GoW and that is what I don't like. And then on top of that I love me some graphics. I love cutscenes, especially if it's chucked full of action (DMC is unrivaled, but GoW takes it for graphics). So yeah, they both bring something to the table that I like.

I will say that the gorn in GoW does make for some good catharsis (though in terms of actual Catharsis factor/blowing off steam, I'd say No More Heroes is superior in that regard). QTE's I'm kinda on the fence on.

QuoteDarksiders 2
The newest game I've been checking out lately, and while it don't bring anything new to the table it does feels like a breath of fresh air, and I can't explain why. It just feels good.

I'm honestly enjoying Darksiders II more than I have the recent Zelda entries. Of course, the combat is pretty good too, and some of the combos I've seen players do are pretty sick.

Dr. Ensatsu-ken

Nero's base gameplay mechanics are fine. My issue with him lies in his limited range of weapons. I think that he deserved 2 alternate weapons and guns just like Dante had. I can't help but get tired of using just Red Queen and Blue Rose while playing as him. I love Dante's ability to switch between weapons on the fly, which to me makes his combat feel far more robust and interesting. I don't think it'd be too much to ask that Nero follow suit with that as well. Even if you were to only give him just 1 alternate weapon and gun (to balance out the fact that he also has the Devil Bringer on his side), it'd be better than nothing, IMO.

Also, now that I've completed DMC3 one time through, I can honestly say that its easily my favorite DMC game. I do still feel that Dante's gameplay from DMC4 is the best gameplay that he has ever had, but unfortunately you're only restricted to a limited portion of the game when playing as him. If we got a proper DMC5 and it featured the ability to play through all levels as either Dante or Nero after a single story playthrough (and maybe throw Vergil in there as well, for good measure), and it had Dante's DMC4 gameplay mechanics while adding in the improvements that I suggested for Nero, then it could very well turn out to be the best DMC game ever, and consequently one of the greatest action games of all time. Too bad it seems as though Capcom has no intention of going in that direction.


Quote from: RynnecHave you tried out the demo yet? It should give you a taste of what to expect gameplay wise. From what I've played, it's OK, but nothing near the standards of DMC 3/4, or even 1. I will say it's more fun than Ninja Gaiden 3/Razor's Edge, Heavenly Sword, and maybe God of War. The story and dialogue are pretty god-awful though.
Nah, but I've seen quite a bit of gameplay footage. I'm having mixed feelings at the moment. The combat looks fine, but I don't like the atmosphere much. I'm not one to really complain about music, but what is that stuff? Not saying the music in DMC3/4 is good either (I'm not a fan of metal). And then there's the stages. My goodness, one stage had so much neon colors to the point where I had to look away from the screen.

QuoteI will say that the gorn in GoW does make for some good catharsis (though in terms of actual Catharsis factor/blowing off steam, I'd say No More Heroes is superior in that regard). QTE's I'm kinda on the fence on.
Shenmue's usage of QTE's caused me to like them so much, especially since I play Super Street Fighter 4 a lot, and they're good for testing reactions. I was never a fan of greek mythology, but I do like how it's presented in GoW. I can do away without the platforming in GoW though.

QuoteI'm honestly enjoying Darksiders II more than I have the recent Zelda entries. Of course, the combat is pretty good too, and some of the combos I've seen players do are pretty sick.
Agreed, although, I stopped playing Zelda after Majora's Mask. I tried playing Twilight Princess, and it was during that game that I realized I didn't care for the series anymore. The continuous usage of OoT's style of gameplay can only get you so far with me especially since I like combo's.

Dr. Ensatsu-ken

Well, go ahead and call me old-fashioned, because Ocarina of Time is still my 2nd favorite game ever. Ninja Gaiden Black is my favorite. Though, DMC3 will inevitably find its way into my top 10, if not my top 5, at this point. Its nice to actually finally own the game rather than when I could only play it in limited chunks whenever I went to my friend's house or whenever he had brought his PS2 over. At any rate, I do love deep and intuitive combat in my 3D action games, however, I also love Zelda's heavy emphasis on puzzle solving and adventure elements. Truth be told, I love that just as much as any deep combat system. My ideal video game would be something that had combat as good as Ninja Gaiden or Devil May Cry mixed in with adventure and puzzle-solving as good as Ocarina of Time and other great Zelda games. That would make for the ultimate gaming experience, to me.


Sounds like you'd enjoy Darksiders II then. The combat isn't quite as deep as DMC3 or Ninja Gaiden's, but it's definitely up there, and the combo potential is definitely there. :)

Dr. Ensatsu-ken

I've actually been interested in trying out Darksiders II for a while. I couldn't get into the first game because the combat was too shallow and the adventure elements felt uninspired, but I've seen lots of gameplay videos of Darksiders II and it looks to be a vast improvement over the first game on both ends of the spectrum. If it turns out to be that way, it could easily be one of the better action games that I could play this generation.


I would kill for a DMC game with little to no bactracking. Hmmmm, I need to appreciate Bayonetta more for that. Anyway, less tiny space battles would be appreciated too. It sucks to have to fight a charging and/or teleporting demon in the middle of a small ass room.
"Ryu is like the Hank Hill of Street Fighter." -BB_Hoody