Comic Book Movies

Started by Avaitor, May 06, 2011, 11:30:56 PM

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Painted Outlaw

All I can think of is that "No, it's the children that are wrong" image macro. Also amused that his supporters don't have much reasoning to them beyond "They're just wrong. Hail Zac!".

Dr. Insomniac

The way he says "Make it clear how much we need to talk about this shit" feels so pompous. As if the people who think Thanos is an interesting character need to be given an intervention and a stern talking to.


And how many terrible anime villains has this hack likely given a pass to???



Quote from: Avaitor on April 29, 2018, 12:29:48 AM
So my initial theory was that everyone who evaporated will survive, and the characters who weren't will die come part two, but I'm not so sure about the latter part. It was definitely deliberate that most of the survivors were the OGs, and we might get something similar to the end of Cadmus in JLU with the next film. Not sure about Rocket's place, though. Although personally, I do think that people were getting a little annoying with attempting to estimate how trigger happy this was going to be. Especially since it feels like some forget that this is a two-parter.

As for Quill screwing up the plan, I can't help but wonder if Strange was aware of this the entire time, and this was him recognizing that this is the only possible scenario.

I did think that the pacing wasn't perfect, but you have to give them credit, they fit a lot of character in. There have been memes about this being the most ambitious crossover in history, but there's more than twice as many characters and a lot more galaxy trotting than the first Avengers. It's really cool to see where we've come since then.
In my opinion, I actually wished the heroes had more down time to connect..but then again I guess they did but through a lot of forced jokes. lol
"Ryu is like the Hank Hill of Street Fighter." -BB_Hoody

Dr. Insomniac

Russos explained which off-screen characters turned to dust. Korg, Shuri, Ned, and Jane Foster's fates couldn't be said though.

Dr. Ensatsu-ken

Interesting that they mentioned Jane Foster's status as being a spoiler since Natalie Portman clearly showed no interest in ever returning to the role and rather than recast her, Ragnarok opted to write her out of the story entirely. I was pretty convinced that whether she was alive or dead by the end of Infinity War, it'd be hardly worth mentioning either way, but apparently her status is important enough to keep the Russo Brothers tight-lipped about it.

I suppose that it's possible that they got Portman to agree to a brief cameo in order to give Thor's character arc some closure in the next movie, or if she died then perhaps hearing about it could have some affect on Thor.


If I recall right, the only reason Portman agreed to do the first Thor was because she wanted to work with Kenneth Branagh. You could tell how bored she was with the role in Dark World.

But maybe she had a change of heart? I recall hearing similar reports about Idris Elba earlier on, but he apparently enjoyed his work on Ragnarok enough that he regretted not having more of (or a better) role.

Also, what about Valkyrie?
Life is not about the second chances. It's about a little mouse and his voyage to an exciting new land. That, my friend, is what life is.

Sir, do you have any Warrants?
I got their first CD, but you can't have it, motherfucker!

New blog!

Dr. Insomniac

Didn't seem like anybody liked working on Dark World. Elba referred to it as torture. Portman wanted to leave. Eccleston said he wanted to slit his throat. Even Hemsworth doesn't seem to hold it in any regard.

Dr. Ensatsu-ken

I remember Hemsworth was genuinely frustrated with how Thor's character was being handled in The Dark World and Age of Ultron, especially after listening to a Kevin Smith podcast tearing it apart. It made him more determined to get the character right with Ragnarok.

Portman did say in a recent interview that she was open to the idea of doing another Thor film, but that could just be her simply refraining from publicly insulting Marvel Studios in any way. I at least wouldn't put it past her to show up for a cameo, because you know: 'dat Marvel money is hard to turn down.

Or the Russos could just be intentionally fucking with our expectations. That's also just as likely.

Dr. Insomniac

If they wanted to troll us, they'd say which of the TV and Netflix characters got dusted.

Dr. Ensatsu-ken

I'm still holding to my theory that Thanos's snap dusted Danny Rand and if it gets undone, it'll miraculously bring him back as a different actor and ret-con the first season of Iron Fist out of existence.

Dr. Ensatsu-ken

This is a really good video comparing The Winter Soldier to Man of Steel and why the former works while the latter fails:


The Dark World was a massive disappointment so l can see why.
"Ryu is like the Hank Hill of Street Fighter." -BB_Hoody


Quote from: Daikun on May 08, 2018, 04:12:21 PM
This will be part of the Deadpool 2 soundtrack.

Is this not the first single she's released in a long while? Wonder what the real story is behind them getting her?

Pretty cool song, movie can't come soon enough!