Comic Book Movies

Started by Avaitor, May 06, 2011, 11:30:56 PM

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Dr. Insomniac

Dr. Ensatsu-ken

Captain Marvel trailer is out:

Personally, I found the trailer itself to be kind of underwhelming. I'm not really sold on Larson as Danvers, and the special effects look kind of bad in places for a Marvel movie.

That said, it's not much to go on so I'm not exactly pre-judging the movie, here (Doctor Strange had similarly lackluster marketing but I still enjoyed that movie just fine), and I will say that seeing a younger Fury and Coulson here was neat.

Dr. Ensatsu-ken

So, on that note, what are people's thoughts on James Gunn doing the next Suicide Squad movie?

On the one hand, I'm glad that he's getting to work on another major IP and that his falling out with Disney hasn't wrecked his career. On the other hand, I kind of wish he'd take the helm of a franchise that he could shape from scratch like he did with GotG, since with Suicide Squad he has to follow-up a shitty first movie and he can't just ignore the problems of that film if this is indeed intended to be a sequel to it. This could very well be another case of what happened when Joss Whedon tried to take over Justice League. The core problems with what came before it and what it was already shaping up to be were already too vast for him to really be able to fix it in any meaningful way. Likewise, I'm not sure what Gunn could do to really fix the inherent issues already there with the franchise, unless the sequel just flat-out ignores the first movie and writes out every original character from that movie and replaces them with a completely new team, which I don't think that DC will allow.

Dr. Insomniac

I'd be fine if he turned it into a Secret Six movie with Batista as Bane.

Dr. Ensatsu-ken

Just to spite Disney, they should release this movie on the same day that GotG Vol. 3 comes out (if they ever decide on a release date after the delay).


Bane won't be able to leave unless he wants to get taken to the cleaners by Disney.

Dr. Insomniac

Anybody else think this looks like Magneto moments after smacking Charles' ass really hard?

Dr. Ensatsu-ken

So, I found this video response to the one that MWM made about a month ago:

For those who haven't seen the MWM video, you can just search it on YouTube.

Now, like a lot of people, I'm a big fan of the content put out by MWM, and I generally agree with most of his opinions and analysis of films. However, also like most people, I feel that his Infinity War criticisms were way off-base and while they felt genuine rather than him just trying to be contrarian for the sake of it, I do get the sense that he wildly misinterpreted a lot of the film's messages along with the intent of the creators. This video that I found does a pretty excellent job of explaining why those points are not correct when you take the aspects that he criticizes in context.

Dr. Ensatsu-ken

And yet another manga property will be turned into the latest misguided effort to try and live-action everything up....hooray?

Dr. Insomniac

But we already have Sky High.


I feel with comic books being mined pretty well, Hollywood's really trying to find the next Iron Man in manga, looking for the right series and film to kickstart a whole new trend of successful live-action film adaptations based on popular manga series. And My Hero Academia is one of the best selling comics, if not THE best selling comic in North America right now. The wild success of the film's limited release proves there is a huge audience hungry for it. So if any live-action film adaptation could succeed in being a breakout mainstream hit, MHA is the ideal candidate. And of course, superhero stories are a pretty easy sell to audiences and there's plenty of successful examples of bringing them to life in live-action already, so there's less uncanny valleyness than trying to translate the fantastical world of Dragon Ball into live-action, for instance. So I'm really curious how it'll turn out, if it actually gets made. 


If you need a bit of a break from DC and Marvel, the Dark Horse series Black Hammer is being adapted by Legendary Pictures. Here's the synopsis:

QuoteTen years ago, Black Hammer and six other superheroes had saved Spiral City from the Anti-God, but in the process became trapped in Rockwood, a timeless Twilight Zone-ish town. Shortly after the heroes arrive, Black Hammer dies. In the present, the six heroes live on Black Hammer Farm with very little hope of ever escaping Rockwood.

Dr. Insomniac

I read the first volume of Black Hammer a couple months ago. Liked it well enough.


The trailer has been released for the Christmas cut of Deadpool 2.