E3 2011 Thread

Started by Dr. Ensatsu-ken, May 12, 2011, 04:49:25 PM

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Dr. Ensatsu-ken

With this year's E3 a little less than a month away, I thought it'd be a good time to start a thread to see what games people are interested in finding out more about when the time comes. As for my, my most anticipated game of E3 this year is Devil's Third, so far, as I really want to learn more about it and see how much the gameplay has moved along since that brief little clip Itagaki released last year. I'm also just really curious to see what the gameplay will look like for NG3, but being that I still have little faith in Hayashi's abilities as a developer to make a great game, I certainly won't be calling NG3 my most anticipated game in any regard unless it earns my anticipation by actually impressing me with its gameplay (which I really hope would happen, but I also highly doubt it).

Aside from that, I really want to learn more about Max Payne 3 and Shadows of the Damned.

I'm also interested to see what other people here are looking forward to learning more about at E3.

Spark Of Spirit

E3 was surprisingly good last year (despite having Microsoft's single worst showing at their conference by leagues) so I'm finally willing to accept it as 'back' after two decidedly mediocre years before it.

What I want to see that will probably be there:
Super Mario 3DS (2D Mario meets Galaxy? YES)
Nintendo Conference (new 3DS games AND a new system? Hot damn)
Sonic Generations gameplay (All Sonic, no crap. Unveil Hydrocity and Lava Reef and I will preorder that shit day one)
Mega Man Legends 3 gameplay
Twisted Metal gameplay (Game's about done, lets see how it has shaped up)
Kirby Wii
More Saturn rereleases coming down the pipeline from Sega
Halo 1 Remake (If only to see how it's done)
Soul Calibur V (Fix this series, Namco)
Many surprise announcements from the conferences (ALWAYS great fun)

No chance of even happening:
StarTropics 3DS (Because it's the only Nintendo IP that needs to come back)
Ace Attorney Investigations 2 (Fuck you, Capcom)
Valkyria Chronicles 3 (If it isn't here, it's not coming, and then I'm done with the series)
Ninja Gaiden 3DS ("We decided to make a 2D style Ninja Gaiden with crazy 3D graphics and tons of awesome platforming and action!" Yeah right, this is Tecmo)
Viewtiful Joe 3DS (even a port of the original with extras... because it's easy money)
Left 4 Dead 3 (This one I don't actually want. Just give us more DLC)
Half Life 3 (Because they'll be hyping DOTA 2 putting HL on the backburner AGAIN)
Deadly Premonition 2
Borderlands 2 (there are so many easy improvements to make here that would be awesome to see. Unfortunately, Gearbox probably isn't working on this right now)
NGP not having inferior console shooters as the main focus of its line up developed by B-teams that nobody except hardcore Sony fans even want
New Double Dragon (How the fuck do you leave this IP dead like this? Inexcusable)

Honestly it's hard to list what I'm excited for because nine times out of ten, the best stuff is the stuff that gets announced there.
"The world will never starve for want of wonders, but for want of wonder." - G.K. Chesterton


Really hoping to see some Max Payne 3, Deus Ex: Human Revolution, and Hitman: Absolution at E3 this year. Maybe Serious Sam 3 and Thief 4, as well. Oh, and Anarchy Reigns, too!


Mass Effect 3 is easily my most anticipated game to see at E3.

Since I haven't been keeping up with games enough to know what to speculate so I'll just list everything I want to see:

Grand Theft Auto IV
Saint's Row The Third
Mass Effect 3
Resident Evil: Operation Racoon City (FUCK....YES!!!)
Rayman Origins
Beyond Good & Evil II
Keiji Inafune's next game
More Sonic Generations levels
Next Prince Of Persia (I guess)
Uncharted 3
Half-Life 3?
Streets Of Rage 4 (yeah right)
Doom 4
Enslaved 2 (yeah, I said it)
Twisted Metal
Next Tomb Raider
Shadowrun remake
Infamous 2
Next Spider-man game
MGS Rising
Moon Driver
Guardian Heroes HD
A fucking American Einhander PSN port
Shadows Of The Damned
Earth Defense Force sequel
new Jak
The Darkness 2

Hmmm, I think I found out about most of these games from the last 3 Game Informers I was sent. Maybe I'm not behind anymore.
"Ryu is like the Hank Hill of Street Fighter." -BB_Hoody


Quote from: Desensitized on May 12, 2011, 05:35:29 PM
E3 was surprisingly good last year (despite having Microsoft's single worst showing at their conference by leagues) so I'm finally willing to accept it as 'back' after two decidedly mediocre years before it.

What I want to see that will probably be there:
Super Mario 3DS (2D Mario meets Galaxy? YES)
Nintendo Conference (new 3DS games AND a new system? Hot damn)
Sonic Generations gameplay (All Sonic, no crap. Unveil Hydrocity and Lava Reef and I will preorder that shit day one)
Mega Man Legends 3 gameplay
Twisted Metal gameplay (Game's about done, lets see how it has shaped up)
Kirby Wii
More Saturn rereleases coming down the pipeline from Sega
Halo 1 Remake (If only to see how it's done)
Soul Calibur V (Fix this series, Namco)
Many surprise announcements from the conferences (ALWAYS great fun)

No chance of even happening:
StarTropics 3DS (Because it's the only Nintendo IP that needs to come back)
Ace Attorney Investigations 2 (Fuck you, Capcom)
Valkyria Chronicles 3 (If it isn't here, it's not coming, and then I'm done with the series)
Ninja Gaiden 3DS ("We decided to make a 2D style Ninja Gaiden with crazy 3D graphics and tons of awesome platforming and action!" Yeah right, this is Tecmo)
Viewtiful Joe 3DS (even a port of the original with extras... because it's easy money)
Left 4 Dead 3 (This one I don't actually want. Just give us more DLC)
Half Life 3 (Because they'll be hyping DOTA 2 putting HL on the backburner AGAIN)
Deadly Premonition 2
Borderlands 2 (there are so many easy improvements to make here that would be awesome to see. Unfortunately, Gearbox probably isn't working on this right now)
NGP not having inferior console shooters as the main focus of its line up developed by B-teams that nobody except hardcore Sony fans even want
New Double Dragon (How the fuck do you leave this IP dead like this? Inexcusable)

Honestly it's hard to list what I'm excited for because nine times out of ten, the best stuff is the stuff that gets announced there.
There's go to be a Halo remake? I'll buy that. And I knew you'd mention Double Dragon.
"Ryu is like the Hank Hill of Street Fighter." -BB_Hoody

Dr. Ensatsu-ken

What's wrong, GSF, no anticipation for the next game in your favorite series, DmC? :>


Quote from: Ensatsu-ken on May 12, 2011, 08:21:47 PM
What's wrong, GSF, no anticipation for the next game in your favorite series, DmC? :>
I totaly wuv Ellen Degeneres Dante!
Your avatar reminds me that I want a new 2D Shinobi. And a new real Castlevania game for XBLA.
"Ryu is like the Hank Hill of Street Fighter." -BB_Hoody

Spark Of Spirit

3D Shinobi by Platinum Games plus a 2D Shinobi by Treasure.

Too obvious. Sega will never do it.  :(
"The world will never starve for want of wonders, but for want of wonder." - G.K. Chesterton


 :'( Don't remind me. I want my Vectorman 3.
"Ryu is like the Hank Hill of Street Fighter." -BB_Hoody

Spark Of Spirit

Tecmo-Koei is working on Cafe launch titles. IMO, a Ninja Gaiden collection (Black and 2 spruced up with the 3 NES games unlockable) would be a smart idea to prepare the player base for 3 coming down the pipe. And with the new found Tecmo/Nintendo relationship, they would be smart to get in on the ground floor here and Team Ninja hinted at having a Cafe project in the pipeline...

So they probably won't do that.

"The world will never starve for want of wonders, but for want of wonder." - G.K. Chesterton

Dr. Ensatsu-ken

Quote from: Desensitized on May 13, 2011, 03:32:17 PM
Tecmo-Koei is working on Cafe launch titles. IMO, a Ninja Gaiden collection (Black and 2 spruced up with the 3 NES games unlockable) would be a smart idea to prepare the player base for 3 coming down the pipe. And with the new found Tecmo/Nintendo relationship, they would be smart to get in on the ground floor here and Team Ninja hinted at having a Cafe project in the pipeline...

So they probably won't do that.


The reason for why that's not possible, though, is that Tecmo apparently almost got into a lot of trouble with Nintendo for emulating the SNES trilogy version of the 2D Ninja Gaiden games in Ninja Gaiden on the XBOX (which was featured as an unlockable that you get from Murai after collecting all 50 Golden Scarabs in the game). Apparently, according to Nintendo, that went against some copyright agreement from ages ago or some crap like that (which forced them to remove those unlockables from Ninja Gaiden Black and replace them with the Ninja Gaiden arcade game), so really if Tecmo were to do a cafe collection thing it couldn't feature the 2D games with the 3D games unless they also ported the 3D games to the Wii somehow (which is completely unlikely), and it wouldn't be practical to do the 2D games by themselves for the Wii since they already released the NES trilogy on the Virtual Console for the Wii. So, in this case, its actually not Tecmo's fault (though, I guess I can't really blame Nintendo for doing that, either).

If Tecmo-Koei were to re-release the 2D NG games with the 3D ones for a collection pack, they'd probably have to end up using the Turbo Graffix ports of the 2D games as those were the most well-received ports of the numerous ones that the NG games received, and they probably wouldn't run into any legal issues with those.

Rosalinas Spare Wand

I hope they announce something that makes me turn on my systems again.

Seriously, the last time I turned on my Wii, I just went to watch old movies on Netflix, and the last time I turned on my PS3 was just to watch a batch of Suite Precure episodes in HD.

Spark Of Spirit

You didn't try Portal 2 or MK?

Not to say I disagree, I've been mostly playing old games for lack of anything good (The year has sucked for games so far), but E3 always has something awesome waiting in the shadows.
"The world will never starve for want of wonders, but for want of wonder." - G.K. Chesterton


Quote from: Desensitized on May 13, 2011, 04:27:39 AM
3D Shinobi by Platinum Games plus a 2D Shinobi by Treasure.

Too obvious. Sega will never do it.  :(
Maybe GSF would be happy enough with a Wii port of Nightshade? :joy:

Rosalinas Spare Wand

Quote from: Desensitized on May 13, 2011, 05:22:02 PM
You didn't try Portal 2 or MK?

I tried both, but in my defense, I haven't been visiting home very much in the last few months, so I haven't really had time to sit down and play some games. Both are definitely on my to pick-up list, I'm just waiting for the semester to end first.