Things That Bother You About Gaming

Started by Spark Of Spirit, May 17, 2011, 03:10:13 PM

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Spark Of Spirit

Yeah, I guess that means they want to focus on the 360 and Kinect this year. That means without certainty it will be at E3 2013, there's no way they can afford to give Nintendo a two year head start.

It's already looking like Sony might.  ???
"The world will never starve for want of wonders, but for want of wonder." - G.K. Chesterton

Dr. Ensatsu-ken

Well, being that I do own an XBOX360 I must admit that I'm quite glad to hear this news. At least that's another year they'll spend focused on supporting this console, since I have a feeling that it won't take long for Microsoft to stop supporting XBOX360 users whenever their so-called "Durango" launches (they did the same for the original XBOX shortly after the 360 came out).

Also, this is good news for Nintendo, since now the WiiU will have a solid year (at the very least) of no competition from other next-gen consoles.


Quote from: Ensatsu-ken on March 15, 2012, 05:31:23 PM
You guys can go ahead and throw out all of the theories and discussion we've been having about the next XBOX and how it will compare to the WiiU. Microsoft has been making it abundantly clear that they have no intentions of revealing a new console anytime soon.

While this source seems old, I remember them saying they plan on keeping the 360 around till 2015.

Just to further that point.


Even though I hate Microsoft, to be fair the Xbox was supported until 2010, over four years after the 360 launched.

If the new Xbox really is download-only, then I'm not going anywhere near it.

Dr. Ensatsu-ken

Quote from: GaryPotter on March 15, 2012, 08:17:56 PM
Even though I hate Microsoft, to be fair the Xbox was supported until 2010, over four years after the 360 launched.

They had XBOX Live running up for the original XBOX until 2010, but that's it. In terms of games they had no intention of releasing any new games for the original XBOX once the 360 was out. The XBOX got some crappy third party games here and there for the next year or so after the 360's release, but for the most part the console was pretty much dumped. Compare that to the PS2 which was still getting exclusive games well past the PS3's initial launch.

Of course, it makes sense for a company to put all of their resources into focusing on the success of their new console, but it leaves people still stuck with the last-gen console to just let it collect dust. The problem with this is, a lot of people aren't going to be able to afford a brand new console when it comes out, so it'd be smart for a company to at least give their older console a little bit of a support for up to a year or 2 after the next-gen console's release, especially since most consoles have a weak start to them (and the XBOX360 was no exception to this trend), so it would probably benefit the company more to still keep the user-base of their last-gen console supported for a year or 2 more past its generation's life-cycle.


On this topic, the Wii is supposedly going to still be alive for a while after Wii U's release.


Quote from: GaryPotter on March 15, 2012, 08:19:41 PM
Neither will I if it's got the same kind of Games for Windows bullshit PCs have to put up with.
Ugh, that shit is a blight on humanity. Even Origin is better. I actually crack my legally purchased GFWL (and Origin) games so that I don't have to put up with the intense awfulness.

As soon as publishers start putting that always-on DRM shit on consoles, console gaming will be dead. That stuff is easily cracked on the PC, but good luck playing an Xbox game with that crap attached to it 10 years down the line...

Rosalinas Spare Wand

I don't know how I ended up here, but a couple of guys here are everything wrong with today's DLC model. If your best defense is "As long as nobody knows its there, they'll be ok with it", you might as well just fuck off.

QuoteThe game has a lot more content than SF4 did, and no one (who actually cares about fighting games) complained when that was full price when it came out (and it only had 6 new characters), even though it was also an 'incomplete' game.

This too. The Street Fighter IV we got was a vastly improved version of the arcade version they put out a year before. There was a shitload of modes and characters and the only real DLC was a few tweaks for the options and alternate costumes. Hardly anyone expected a Super version a year later because the game looked that complete. Right here, we're seeing another intentionally unfinished game with the purpose of extending its life by releasing a few more things down the line.


Yeah, I played some SFxT with my friend the other day. The character selection screen alone makes it fairly obvious that the game isn't complete without DLC. And that on-disc content? It's going to be $20.


They may not plan to make a "super" version of SFxT but they sure plan to fuck everyone over with DLC.

Apparently Capcom tried justifying the on-disc DLC saying that it prevents them from having to release compatibility patches. Screw you, Capcom, that's just about the weakest excuse I've ever heard.

Dr. Ensatsu-ken

I remember there was a time when DLC was seen as a convenient way to release expansion packs to support good games. Now its common practice to use it to make you spend more money for games. That is to say that developers will design a full game, and then intentionally cut out content from the main game on the disc that's already done and really part of the full game (or even worse, in this case, keep it on the disc but lock it) and then charge you extra money if you want to play the full game, despite having already payed full price for the game. I can see Capcom getting worse with this to the point of just releasing a glorified demo for $60 and then matching that amount to unlock all of the on-disc DLC. People need to just boycott Capcom games that pull this shit (which seems to be almost all of them, these days) rather than just giving into them and letting them continue with this practice. If they really want to make money and stay afloat as a company, they'll have to cave in quickly if most people just resist buying their games for a while (at least in terms of buying them new).


God, I want a boycott to do something. I only want to put up with those jackasses if they ever get their act together because they have so many good IPs.
"Ryu is like the Hank Hill of Street Fighter." -BB_Hoody


Fuck, at least when Namco rushed out Soul Calibur V, they made up for it by announcing a free update patch that'll make the game more balanced and polished. Capcom purposely released an unfinished game with the intention of  having customers waste even more money on what should have been on the game day 1.

The worst part is that there are people who are defending this shit.  And I cannot fathom why. And I doubt a "Capcom is facing financial issues" will cut it.


If they were giving us the games we actually want, that "financial problems" wouldn't even be an issue.
"Ryu is like the Hank Hill of Street Fighter." -BB_Hoody


It's a shame because they handled DLC so well with Super Street Fighter IV when they added Arcade Edition. But ever since then it's just been going downhill. Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3 was one thing. It was bullshit for them to release it when the original Marvel 3 wasn't even a year old (another game the obviously rushed out) but at least Ultimate feels like a complete package. This Street Fighter x Tekken nonsense is going too far though. Enough is enough. And I can't fathom how anyone would defend Capcom for this.

Companies like Capcom really give DLC a bad reputation. It's hard to believe there are still some developers out there, like Gearbox and Bethesda, that know how to handle DLC correctly.